Unveiled Purpose Magazine-Spring 2012

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Spring 2012

Revealing the Keys to Kingdom Living

Other Features Women of Greatness Retreat 2011 ~ Photos Family Conference 2012 ~ Highlights Minister Jennifer Joy “Resurrection Rising” “New” Fashion & Beauty Feature Author Ryan “Jenks” Jenkins

Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com Artists Discover Divine Gift Showcase 2012


From the Editor

Editor-In-Chief Ericka Ward

In this Issue: Retreat Special Highlights 2011 &2012Cadre of Speakers 2011―NEW‖ Fashion & Beauty COVER STORY: Carey Lewis Arban & AMTC Up & Coming Christian ArtistsDiscover Chiropractic-Natural HealingArtistically Speaking Ads -

page 12, 13 pages 4-7 page 8 page 14-17 page 20-24 page 25 page 26, 27 page 3, 10, 11,

Evangelist Ericka Ward EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Woman Behold Thy Son…

Women of Greatness Retreat & Family Conference

John 19:25-27

July 20-22nd—

In this verse of scripture we are given the personal account of John, who is believed to be the ―beloved disciple‖. If we place ourselves in the shoes of John we can imagine the pain, helplessness and grief he felt as he stands at the foot of the cross witnessing the cruel death of his friend and Savior. This disciple ―whom Jesus loved‖ was not alone at the cross… Jesus’ Aunt, Mary Magdalene (whom Jesus had cast out seven demons), and His loving mother Mary, were all at his feet even to the very end. His most dedicated, hopeful family members, and loyal followers & friends stood watching as he suffered… Can you imagine the heart of his mother Mary, knowing the Deity of her son, as any mother at the side of her dying child would… holding on to a glimmer of hope that her child might possibly live… These verses paint a very clear picture and example to us of the selflessness and care that Jesus wants us to have… in the midst of His own suffering… He is moved with compassion and concern for his mother and his friend, He is sensitive to the void that they will have when He is gone. At that moment He puts aside His own, pain, and hurt … As He approached his own death, His care turned toward His mother. I can imagine that in His humanity the love He felt for her was so great that He wanted to ensure that she was well cared for and in good hands. So it is no coincidence that Jesus chose ―this committed disciple‖ ―and loyal friend‖ whom He loved, to assume care and provision for His mother. He leaves them both with the charge to care for one another as mother and son:

Catering With A Flair Banquet Facility Hampton, Virginia

www.womenofgreatness2012.eventbrite.com STAFF Senior Editor /Writer Writer/ Assoc. Editor/Photographer Associate Editor Layout Editor Photographer Admin. Associate Fashion & Beauty Editor

Miriam Stevens Sharon Menzies LemLem Tsegaw Susan Hooks Robert Covington Belinda Washington Jaylynn Turner

See page 12

MARRIOTT CITY CENTER NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA ―The event was powerful and created an awesome inspiration in each of us and shifted us into another place in God!!‖


Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! 27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home. 2 Unveiled Purpose

Message: Let us be like Jesus…selfless, & loving... AMEN

Newport News will never be the same!!

Copies Permitted


―2012 Payment Plan‖ $115—Before May 31st and SAVE $15

24 St Johns Drive Hampton, Virginia 23666

AFTER May 31st $65 DEPOSIT due May 31st & $65 due by July 10th FINAL PAYMENT due by July 10, 2012

After July 10th payment is $140 www.womenofgreatness2012.eventbrite..com

Contact us for more information at: Divine Concept Group—Women’s Retreat 24 St. Johns Drive Hampton, Virginia 23666

Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com



With a calling to the prophetic ministry, Marcia L. Kinslow has a passion to hear the voice of God and to minister to His people. She is part of The Deborah Company which is a prophetic army of women assembled by Prophetess Cindy Jacobs. An Apostolic Network of Women leaders, committed to empowering others to transform nations. Marcia is the leader of the Deborah

CEO at Zamzuu.com/ liveinabundance, CEO/ Founder at Consuming Fire Global Mi ni st ri es, Ma rk et ing D i rector at Live In Abundance Inc Dr. Zipporah R. Brown Has a wide variety of experience in the field of Human Services and Social Work.. She is a Christian Counselor , Praise Dancer , Speaker and Pastor. She have spoken at numerous Prayer Breakfasts, Churches


Unveiled Purpose

Company here in the Virginia Area. Marcia is also certified to teach Ministering Spiritual Gifts Classes 1 – 4, through Bill Hamon Ministry - Christian International Inc. Equipping Saints Ministries is her personal ministry!

coordinated conferences and led praise and worship for Vespers Services and Face to Face Ministries held at the Founders Inn . Anointed to sing solo’s to usher in the presence of God and traveled with Touch of Glory Ministries for a short while.

Marcia’s mission statement is: “To reach the hurting, wounded, broken and lost with the truth and direct them to Jesus Christ that they may have life in the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.” “One God who is Triune and we are body soul & spirit!”

Marcia was ordained April 8, 2006 and has preached, evangelized, prophesied in various churches, ministry conferences and continues to minister as a Prophetic Evangelist. In addition Marcia has appeared on The 700 Club and participated in reenactments for the show. Her testimony has also appeared on CBN.com. “A Mother’s Journey of Faith”

God also uses Marcia in the ministry of Music. She has led worship for the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) chapels, sang solos, ministered in prophetic songs in Churches, Tent Revivals, Spiritual Gifts Classes & Webinars, and conferences in various other states. In the ninety’s she has led praise and worship in her local church for about three years, ushering others into the presence of the true & Living God. Marcia’s ministry experience also includes assisted leadership with the midday intercessory prayer team at CBN, Preaching and ministering prophetically, assisting with coordinating prayer rally’s, conferences for ministries and events for the Tidewater Regional Prayer Network as well as Agape’ International from Memphis TN. Also administrated and and Seminars throughout the nation. She is currently the CEO and Founder of Consuming Fire Global Ministries, Consuming Fire Global Network of Churches and Ministries; where she provides apostolic oversight to several churches. She is currently developing Paga' Connection Global Prayer Network, Women Of Wisdom which is a ministry for Women and finally Total Abandonment Dance and Worship Ministry. Dr. Brown Has Doctorate of Theology, Masters in Theology, Bachelors of Social Work , Associates of Arts in Mental Health and a Certificate as a an Addiction C o u n s e l o r . Dr. Brown have been to many workshops, conferences, and seminars to farther her education In addition Dr. Brown have facilitated and spearhead initiatives in Michigan along with other Ministry Leaders in that State. Skills in the areas of Pastoral Counseling, teaching and speaking on Praise dance , Prayer and the Prophetic. Worked with the Homeless and Mentally Disable Population. Dr. Brown have worked in areas of Career Development and Supported Employment. Consuming Fire Global Ministries (CFGM) is an Apostolic and Prophetic ministry flowing in the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. A church called to teach

Marcia has worked for CBN WorldReach (International) for the past ten years until March 2010. Marcia was married for 26 years, and has 3 adult children, 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson. She has resided in Virginia Beach for over 30 years. Contact Information: 1332 Thamesford Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, 757 321-4776 (h) 757 285-0258 (c) *Prophetess Kinslow is a Ministerial Team Partner with our Annual Conference.

the strategies and wisdom of God; to combat the power of darkness with knowledge and insight from God. CFGM is a church called to increase an individual's intercession, worship and intimacy with the Lord. We are called to build up God's end-time army to fulfill the great commission. We are a local Body that view the burning fire of God as ignition to our soul. It is in the fire that the Holy Spirit imparts a radical passion, purifying holiness, undying love and extravagant devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. The mission of Paga' Global Prayer Connections is to gather mature intercessors to collectively intercede on behalf of others and also pray strategically in various territorial regions to change the spiritual atmosphere in our country, by pulling down Powers, Principalities and Spiritual Wickedness in high places. We teach on prayer and intercession through such events as Prayer Breakfasts and conferences. We are Looking for Generals to be over regions, Prayer Captains in every state in this nation and Prayer team Leaders for each of the cities in your state. If you are interested please contact us: consumingfire2008@live.com 1-888-570-3329X1 www.consumingfireglobalministries P.O. Box 201546 Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120-8109 *Dr. Brown is our 2012 Sunday Keynote Speaker

Evangelist Shavon Sellers

Evangelist Sandra Evans Smith-

Deborah Covington DCG Secretary

Psalmist Carrissa L. Parker Joshua Head

Dr. Morgan Joe

Ivy Peeples Robin Watkins

Please Contact Divine Concept Group For Booking Information

Aletha Russell

Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com


Sandra Evans-Smith, a baptized,

Aletha Russell is from Pittsburgh, PennsylEvangelist, Lady Shavon Sellers, a naborn again, spirit filled believer, heard vania. She has been married for 26 years to tive of Norfolk, Virginia is a mighty woman and accepted God's Call into the GosDaryl Russell, and they have two daughters of God who demonstrates Gods love to othpel Ministry on October 17, 2004. Carady and Ayana Russell. She has been livers. She works diligently with her husband at She is Called by God as an Evangelist, ing in the Virginia area for 20 years. Aletha Dominion Church of God in Christ in Chesadevoting her life to the churched and has been saved for over 23 years. peake, Virginia and Mount Tabor Church of the unchurched.....winning souls for Her accomplishments are certified fitness God in Christ in Smithfield, Virginia. She Christ, Expanding God's Kinginstructor, completed a program in the Human served as a Case Manager for the New Ydom....Praying for the Sick, being a Services field. Her continuing education Capp which assists children with medical and vessel through which God brings the plans: Liberty University majoring in Psybehavioral disabilities for two years until God healing...she has a genuine love for chology with an emphasis in Christian Counprovided the opportunity to pursue full-time God's people and an interest in Young seling. She attended the Potomac School of ministry as an evangelist. Adults, believing that we must train Ministry and obtained credentials in August Evangelist Sellers' commitment to helping them up in the ways and knowledge of 2010. She has been a Youth Sunday school others is evident through her lifestyle of serthe Lord and that we cannot effectiveco-teacher for four years at a former church in vice. She is the Ministry Administrator at ly train them unless we ourselves have the Norfolk Virginia area. Teaching on subDominion in addition to being the President been trained up in the Lord. She is a jects such as HIV/AID.s, Teen Dating, Peer of the Daughter’s of Sarah Women’s MinisMember & Associate Minister of the Pressure and real life subjects that teens face try at both churches to promote unity and Flower Hill Baptist Church, Amelia today. A coordinator of natural health and sisterhood. She also serves as praise and worVirginia. She has been married for 30 healing workshops and seminars and founder ship leader at her church. She hosts prayer years to Rev. Junius Leon Smith Sr., and Editor of a health publication called The and Bible Study meetings, retreats, workthey are blessed with two God fearing Bitter Herb. Aletha traveled to El Salvador as shops and other events to empower women to children and two grandsons. She is a part of a missions team, and was able to sing develop in the love of God. Owner Operator of Divine Home Conin Spanish and minister to the women’s interAbove all her accomplishments, she considnections a Real Estate Investment cessory prayer group. Her ministry focus’ are ers supporting her husband in ministry and Company. She graduated Seminary in worship and arts frontline singer, intercessory raising Godly children her primary purpose. 2005 and has been licensed to preach prayer, HIV/AIDs Ministry and all outreach As a mother of three, she firmly believes that for 11 years, in 2006 she completed a opportunities where she can be of assistance. the best way to raise successful children is to Bachelors in Religious Studies, in be an active role model in demonstrating the 2008 founded New Life Christian Outlove of God. reach Ministries, Facebook Ministry: Deborah L. Covington is the Executive of prayer, exhortation and soul winSecretary of the Divine Concept Group Inc. ning. Evangelist Evans loves to read She is a New Jersey native but, now reside in and sing Gospel music....a woman on Carrissa Lashan Parker is a called out, Virginia by way of the military. She served in fire for the Lord.....allowing the Holy set apart psalmist and minister of the gospel. the United States Air Force for 10 years and Spirit to lead & guide her....walking Her passion is prophetic worship, performing held two jobs. The first job specialty was a TF arts, and the Word. God has chosen her to be by faith and not by -39 Jet Engine Mechanic and her second spesight...continuously letting her light an usher of His Presences to the Body of cialty was a Personnel/Administrative Speshine. Her Christly walk centers on a Christ. She believes that God’s presence is cialist. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Hufew scriptures...Romans Chapter 12, tangible, and because His Presence is tangiman Resources Management, an Associates believing that the mind must first be ble His people will experience tangible salvaDegree in Office Systems Technology, and an renewed with the Word of God so He tion, deliverance and healing. Executive Secretary Certificate she is currentwill be Glorified..... Matthew 22:37Ms. Parker is from Columbus, Ohio ly employed by the United States Army as a 40, believing and walking in love for were she faithfully ministered in song at variData Analyst. She has held several Adminisall accompanied with forgiveness......1 ous conventions, political functions, plays, trative positions which allows her to be a valPeter 1:16, believing we must live and churches throughout the state. In addiuable asset to this Divine Group of Women. Holy and Righteous lives as is our tion, she has ministered nationally and interShe has been married to her kindhearted, unnationally. She is known affectionately as mandate in order to walk in God's selfish , loving husband for 20 years and they the ―little person with the big voice‖ (Ps. image......Matthew 6:33, believing we have two sons which are 11 years apart ages must seek God first & foremost and 29:1-11). 20 and 9 years old. They are her inspiration everything else will follow....James Because of a God-given burden for and the love of her life. She is a faithful 5:16, admonishes us to admit our those called and anointed to minister in the member of "The House of Refuge Worship faults to one another and pray for each performing arts, the Lord called Ms. Parker Center" located in Newport News, Virginia other so that we may we healed. The to Los Angeles, California where she studied under the shepherdship of Pastor Benjamin H. effectual fervent prayers of the rightand worked in the entertainment industry. Jeter and his wife, Co-Pastor Felicia V. Jeter. eous man avails much. And last but Ms. Parker has worked for such well-known She is a member of the Praise and Worship certainly not least....1 John 1:9, believentertainment giants as Universal Studios, Team and a diligent worker for Lord whereving that we are to operate with a heart Fox, Sony/Columbia Tristar. While spying er she is needed. She lives her life by obeying after God and realize that when we out the land and waiting for further instrucGod’s words and the Commandments given tions from the Lord, Ms. Parker was summake mistakes, and we will, God's to all of us to abide by in order to live a prosWord declares, For if we confess our moned to Columbus, Ohio/Maryland, by way perous and humbling life. sins to him, God is faithful and just to of Atlanta, Georgia where she presently reforgive us and to cleanse us from all sides. CAUSES: Bringing Awareness to Inflammaunrighteousness......Amen tory Breast Cancer . 6 Unveiled Purpose ANY OF THESE SPEAKERS CAN BE REACHED BY CONTACTING US VIA E-MAIL

Ivy Peeples, born Ivy Kerima Jones , was born on November 28, 1975 in Brooklyn New York. Were she graduated from the New York City Public School system. She trained in Hip Hop, African, Modern, Lyrical, Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Liturgical. She graduated from the New York City school system where she has Choreographed dances for inner city kids, as well as coordinate different programs for community event s, outrea ch pr ograms and schools. She has been dancing for over 26 years. Ivy is a teacher, entrepreneur and mentor to the inner city youth. Ivy moved to Virginia in 2001 to continue her dance career Founder/CEO of Divine Revelation Eternal Anointed Ministries (DREAM). Married with two beautiful step daughters and formally a leader in the ministry of dance at True Victory Ministries under the direction of Apostle Sharon & Andre Spencer, and of New Generation Fellowship Kingdom Building Ministries under the Pastor Thomas Dudley & Co Pastor Alicia Dudley, Hampton VA. Currently of Beth Yeshua under pastor Nassi Green, in Petersburg, Virginia. She has worked for the city Of Hampton Virginia and the City Of Newport News Virginia Ivy worked for a number of years as an intake Officer for the Probation and Parole/ Therapeutic Counseling Department, also with experience in Customer Service and Business Administrative at Hampton University. Ivy is also pursuing her career to work with Juveniles across the country. She is a graduate of Kaplan University with a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Juvenile Justices, and a minor in Business Administration. Ivy will also continue her dance career as a Dancer/ Choreographer/ and Artistic Director. Ivy is a recipient of the Betances Young Author’s Awards in Hartford Connecticut in 1986. Ivy also loves to Swim, Sing, Travel Write Books, works with the Youth, love to meet New People. A Graduate/Assistant of (TEN), The Eagles Network, and a Graduate of The Eagles International Training Institute with a Ministers License in Dance. E-mail Unveiled Purpose Magazine To submit a story, contact a featured artist, writer or speaker send your e-mail to: unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com Interested in speaking in July 2012? Contact us at: divineconceptgroup@gmail.com

Robin J. Watkins is the owner of

Joshua Head is an esteemed professional

Whatever Media a multimedia service provider located in Downtown Hampton, Virginia. Robin possesses a unique mix of education, experience and talents that give her a special ability to handle many small business challenges. Robin holds a B.S. in Music Engineering Technology from Hampton University, an M.A. in Communication (Editing for Cinema/TV) from Regent University, and is currently working on her second Master's degree from Boise State University in Educational Technology. Robin is enthusiastic about working with small to medium enterprises & nonprofits and developing solutions to help them achieve their goals. Her work is envaluable for anyone desiring to set up a successful website and an impactful internet presence. Please visit her website at http:// www.whatevermedia.net or call 757325-9555.

writer, producer, and musician. He is the CEO of HEADSTRATE ENTERTAINMENT, a Christian Music Publishing and Production company based in Hampton, Virginia. The company is taking the music industry by storm and has several music and multimedia projects. Head has been producing music for television and film companies across the country, and has even produced an animated feature with urban characters. Head has toured more than 13 major cities as an accompanist, and performed with the Virginia Symphony. With a master’s degree in music education from Hampton University, his musical talents and educational methods have been utilized through his work with youth and adults in business and musical settings. Head offers leadership training and workshops for organizations that service the urban community. Using music and the arts as a tool for attracting youth, his workshops are invaluable to organizations nationwide. Head has appeared on GOD- TV, an international television network, and his production work has been viewed on BET, TV-ONE, and the Inspirational Channel. The talented musician co-wrote a series of educational books as well as produced recordings for a five-year governmental project, which produced 4.5 million textbooks and other learning materials to be translated and published in six African countries.

Dr. Morgan Joe, Chiropractor.

Dr. Morgan Joes educational experiences are as follows: Cleveland Chiropractic College Kansas City, MO Doctor of Chiropractic – 1995, Norfolk Fire & Paramedical Training School Norfolk, VA, Certificate of Shock /Trauma Technician - 1987, Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA Bachelor of Science, Biology/Psychology – 1985. ―Dr. Joes‖ work experience in the medical and education fields are expansive. He is owner or Cavalier Chiropractic & Principal Treating Doctor, and an instructor & Athletic Trainer/Team Doctor at Norfolk State University, and Medical Director & Associate Professor at Bryant & Stratton College. He has been an instructor at Paul D. Camp Community College. WBA Athletic Trainer 1992 -1995 - Kansas City Mustangs, Inc., Women’s Professional Basketball. Dr. Joe is DCG’s Family Conference ―Hall of Healing‖ Chiropractor. Recognitions and Awards Norfolk Fire and Paramedical School Magna Cum Laude Graduate, Cleveland Chiropractic College–Who’s Who Among American College Students, Kansas City (Chiropractic)–Community Service Award, Cleveland Chiropractic College – College Service Award, Bryant & Stratton College–Instructor of the semester, USS Harry S. Truman- (Distinguished visitor)– community service award.

Cavalier Chiropractic 4740 Baxter Rd Virginia Beach , VA - 23462 757-513-5421

Joshua has partnered with a nationwide team of children’s ministry experts, youth leaders and music teachers to develop www.myyouthchoir.com, a children’s music website designed for music teachers, youth leaders and children who need music resources. These resources are specially developed for children of all ages and include sheet music, CDs, music articles and curricula. The website has already received rave reviews from churches in more than thirty states nationwide. This notable composer and pianist is a member of the national faculty of Gospel Music Workshop of America (GMWA) and teaches songwriting and composition at the annual GMWA conference. He is a clinician at the Hampton University Ministers Conference and Choir Guild, specializing in youth music. Head recently developed a new Children’s Choir Curriculum for Urban Ministries Incorporated (UMI), one of the largest AfricanAmerican owned and operated publishing companies. He arranged songs, produced the music, and wrote all the educational lessons to accompany the curriculum, which is now being used by churches all over the country.

Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com


Beauty in Nature, Beauty in You ~ by Jaylynn Turner

Genesis 1:11-12 (NIT) Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruits with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seeds in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Often times, we are so caught up in trying to define man’s perception of beauty that we simply overlook God’s beauty. Ironically, we can use the natural beauty that He created, such as plants and vegetation, to help improve our natural beauty. One of the best and healthiest ways to improve skin’s texture is by using natural products for facial masks. Natural products include items like oatmeal, green tea, sugar, and eggs, which already exist in most kitchens. The skin is the largest organ in the human body, so it is essential that it is taken care of as it ages. Using all natural products are superb because first of all, users knows what the ingredients are. Secondly, they save on the budget by using products already in the household, and thirdly, natural produce has multiple positive effects for skin. If God saw that it was good, who are we to doubt their capabilities?

© Netris

Age 20-30 Young women in this age group are still fighting off troublesome acne, yet their skin is not as supple as adolescence years. Banana Oatmeal Facial Mask 1 ripe banana (clears pores and balance oily skin) ¼ cup honey (moisturizes) ¾ cup of oatmeal (absorbs excess oil and exfoliates) Mix oatmeal with ½ cup of water. Cook for a couple of min but do not let them get soggy (It needs to be semi-firm to act as a scrub). Mix cook oatmeal with honey. Mash banana with a fork and add to mixture. Spread the mixture of face. Leave for 10-20 minutes and then rinse off.

The fundamental of natural facial mask depends on individual‘s skin. Oily Skin: Opt for mud clay based masks to dry unnecessary oils Dry Skin: Select masks with honeys or oils to hydration Sensitive Skin: Choose masks the contain ginseng or green tea to calm the skin Images: <a href="http://www.stockfreeimages.com/">Stock Free Images</a> & <a href="http://www.dreamstime.com/">Dreamstime Stock Photos</a>


Unveiled Purpose

Fashion & Beauty by Jaylynn

Age 30-40 Middle-age women in this age group need to take critical care of skin. This decade decides whether the skin will remain youthful by doing anti-aging regiments or will begin to show aging characteristics. Avocado Tea Facial Mask 1 avocado (provides Vitamin E) ¼ cup honey (moisturizes) 1 bag of green tea (anti-oxidants) Brew the bag of green tea. Cut the avocado in half and use the center. Mix the honey with the center of the avocado. Open up brewed tea bag and mixed tea leaves with avocado/honey mixture. Leave on for 10-20 minutes. Rinse off.

© Redbaron

Age 50+ Older women in this age group are combating the effects of life. They are trying to improve skin’s collagen, tone and texture, and age spots. Avocado Carrot Cream Facial Mask 1 avocado (rich in Vitamin E) 1 carrot (provides beta-carotene and antioxidants) ½ cup of heavy cream (high in calcium) 1 egg (offers protein)

© Geom

Steam and mash one carrot. Beat one egg. Cut the avocado in half and use the center. Mix cooked carrot, beaten egg, cream and avocado. Leave on 10-20 minutes. Rinse off.

E-mail Jaylynn with your comments or questions at fashion&beauty_unveiledpurpose@gmail.com Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com


Unveiled Purpose Magazine... View for FREE visit www.issuu.com/unveiledpurposemagazine PURCHASE YOUR COPY Visit www.divineconceptgroup.com Shopping cart $7 cover price/print issue Purchase helps support our mission

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Unveiled Purpose

Unveiled Purpose™ Magazine Mission

The magazine's mission is to provide opportunities for individuals to minister and share their gift with others in a positive, CHRISTIAN lifestyle publication, our focus is creating a publishing opportunity for new and established talent while providing resources, inspiration and information that fosters the fulfillment of Divine purpose for women, men, families, and youth throughout the country and eventually Internationally.

Editorial Focus and Target Market The publication provides encouragement through the testimonies and stories of others. Unveiled Purpose™ fosters fulfillment of the readers Divine Purpose with a positive lifestyle focus for a target market of about 10 million CHRISTIAN readers. This market believes in spirituality and a wholesome lifestyle for themselves and their families.

Circulation Initial Distribution was via the Women of Greatness Retreat and Conference, future plans include distribution nationally from a combination of subscriptions, bookstore sales and direct distribution to churches throughout the country with whom there is a exclusive relationship in reference to the publication. Total readership goal by 2015 is 10 thousand plus per issue. Circulation will also include an online presence on our website and other partner sites.

General Advertising Rates-per issue 2011-2012 Frequency per year---










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Digital requirements: All advertisements may be supplied in digital or camera-ready format -- digital preferred. Acceptable media: CD, DVD, e-mail (preferred, if file is small enough). Disks will not be returned unless requested. Files preferred: Publisher, Word, PDF, JPG – (all others please inquire Advertisement Layout Options for acceptability). Provide hard copy proof at 100%. Minimum resolution: 1200 dpi for all lineart & logos; all other images 300 dpi. Method of printing: Digital Laser Also view at www.issuu.com/ unveiledpurposemagazine Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com 11


Divine Gift Showcase 2012 TICKETS ON SALE NOW!! $7 Advance, $10 at the door Visit www.womenofgreatness2012.eventbrite.com July 20th, 2012– 8pm-12mn PROCEEDS Benefit DCG & Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation

Women of Greatness Retreat & Conference 2011


Unveiled Purpose

Women of Greatness Retreat & Family Conference 2012 ―Our purpose is to sponsor Christcentered programs and interactions which enhance personal development, provide resources, and connect women (youth & families) with the people & resources that can help them fulfill their God given purpose. Our services include but are not limited to conferences, seminars, events, scholarship funding and outreach programs, as well as support and funding assistance to other nonprofit organizations with a similar mission. It is our goal to foster and encourage racial and denominational diversity, unity and fellowship within our programming, and to promote growth of women through service to other women, families, youth and the community.‖

Divine Concept Group is pleased to announce that our Fourth Annual Conference has been expanded to include your family members!! Every year family members, husbands, sons and daughters have joined us for the awesome experience we have grown accustomed to each year, being that God is the originator of the family we know that the move of the spirit and edification will be even greater this year. In line with our mission to help other non-profit organizations we will be holding this years conference at the Catering with a Flair Banquet Facility in Hampton, Virginia. This venue is managed by one of our partnering charities Survivors not Victims of Sexual Abuse (SNV). Come & join us this year July 20th through 22nd. Three days and two nights of inspiring and anointed speakers, gifted talent and much needed relaxation!!So Ladies come alone or bring your family either way it will still be the get-a-way you will not soon forget! Join us for the fellowship, fun, and free-time!! THEME: "SOLD OUT!" REGISTRATION $130 per person ($115 BEFORE May 31st )

WARNING!: About the Conference: It is important that you know that we have prayer groups interceding for this event with expectation of a move of God like never before. To attend this event means that you are ready to experience God in His fullness and in a tangible and powerful way. Attending this event means either you are ―SOLD OUT‖ for God or you want to be. This is what you can expect-We are believing God for an extraordinary move of His Spirit and an outpouring of His anointing over all in attendance. Just know that God will be moving in a powerful, unusual and Most memorable way. You will be moved into places you have never been in the Kingdom!!! We are praying weekly for every heart to be open & ready to receive!!! This is a monumental meeting: saving, equipping and empowering - so much so, that it will send the enemy and his demons running scared from their assignments!!! Come prayed up and ready to receive, this experience is for the saved & the unsaved. The conference features new and former speakers & facilitators, 3 buffet meals, diverse vendors, inspiring classes / interactive workshops including special groups & activities for youth ages 13 and up (younger girls/boys at your discretion).

Free Business Symposium July 20th- Friday am 8a-12p Open to the public- with information to help promote and advance you in your 'for profit' and / or 'non-profit' business endeavors.

The Divine Gift S ho wcas e July 20th– Friday pm 8pm –12mn A concert featuring talent from across the U.S. A networking and performance event. Talented individuals will be performing they will have a table for autographs, CD’s and promotional materials, etc. The event has a dual purpose: 1) To help participants to share, promote, and market their talent. Media, Arts & Industry professionals will be in attendance as a resource of information also there will be valuable give-a-ways to help selected participants in the showcase to advance their ministry. 2) The event is a joint fundraising event for DCG and the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation. Tickets are $10 at the door and $7 in Advance for the general public. Visit the event website for tickets www.womenofgreatness2012.eventbrit e.com or contact DCG directly for purchasing information.

"The Hall of Healing" Spa Experience – July 21st Saturday from 12n-9p Rejuvenating pampering services of massage, manicures, pedicures & facials and chiropractic services at very reasonable rates especially for our conference attendees. Open to the public from 12n-430pm

Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com


By Ericka Ward*

Carey Lewis Arban is the “Chief Serving Officer” of AMTC. She received the torch to bring excellence into the entertainment industry from her supermodel mother, Millie Lewis. Yet Carey’s biggest accomplishment has not been leading AMTC for 30 years, but learning to follow God. She looks upon the work AMTC has accomplished with amazement- and the mission ahead with excitement. Carey is most grateful to God for guiding AMTC even before she knew He was there. She became a late-in-life committed Christian in 2006. “I was transformed from a burned-out CEO to a 56-year-old girl on a mission and she runs with the eagerness of a child to help find, prepare, and launch not just stars of film and fashion, but stars who are ambassadors of hope and role models for generations to come. “I am thankful to know my purpose and watch God’s plan unfold.”

Carey Arban & Ericka Ward


Unveiled Purpose

Anyone who has had the distinct privilege to meet and converse with Carey Arban, knows that she is a very beautiful, distinguished, yet humble person. I was honored with that privilege last year when AMTC came to Virginia Beach, Virginia for auditions. AMTC is a world renowned Talent agency and as of January 1, 2012 AMTC became a 501c3 ministry. ABOUT AMTC: In the early 80’s Carey had a vision for her mothers business: the Millie Lewis Schools & Talent Agencies. She had envisioned expanding the agency to have their own convention, and in 1982 ―The Millie Lewis Convention‖ became a reality. The idea of creating the opportunity for talented individuals to converge in one location to be seen by numerous agents became and remains a reality and rewarding experience for all involved. The agency has gone through many transitions through expansion and growth of this far reaching vision. In 1987 it became the Mid-South Models Convention (MSMC). Going national in 1992 the convention became AMTC: the American Modeling & Talent Convention. Though Models were the early focus of the event, other talented individuals attended from singers and actors to comedians. As AMTC’s mission transitioned the name transitioned as well to the Actors, Models, & Talent Competition. At the age of 51 CEO Carey Lewis was burned out, she made some vital life decisions and a major shift occurred when she turned her life and her company over to God. She became a committed Christian and the mission of the company made the ultimate and final transition to become Actors, Models & Talent for Christ. Carey shared with me that making the transition from a secular company

to a Christian company had its challenges but God proved that she was truly being led by him. She made it no secret to her current contacts and agents that AMTC was changing it’s focus to support and promote Christian talent., and that the agency itself will support and promote Christian values. There were those who were skeptical, could AMTC stem the tide of this risky undertaking from the secular to the divine? Carey learned that putting God first was the best decision she ever made. Her regular agents, industry VIPs, and managers remained interested in AMTC and continued to book and support the talented ones who ―Shine‖ through the tutelage of Carey and her staff. Carey is a friendly, gracious person, who can be seen making time for everyone and making each person feel special and important. She has a gift for nurturing people, it exudes from her like a mantle of love. I was given the awesome opportunity to sit in on several auditions, and what struck me the most—was something very different from most auditioning events. AMTC, under the direction of Carey, makes a point of planting a nurturing seed with each person who participates whether they are selected or not. Call it constructive criticism, guidance, or simply advice… well AMTC makes the effort to ―give back‖ appropriate feedback to each person who takes the time to audition. Carey shared with me how important it is to build others and help them find their way, even if that means a gentle guidance toward an area that they may be more suited for. AMTC is a University ―of sorts‖ where those who are selected have the opportunity to learn, grow and develop, while pursuing their dreams in the field of the arts.

AMTC grooms each aspiring talent through the process of growth and preparation in the areas of presentation, and marketability. They are trained by industry professionals, gaining valuable skills to equip them to thrive in the entertainment industry. What sets AMTC apart is the spiritual inspiration and support that is provided just as generously, to equip talented individuals to ―Shine‖ unashamedly and without compromise for Christ. Parental involvement is also encouraged and expected.

Photos at AMTC Auditions in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Hopeful talent ages 4-84 can find an awesome opportunity to fulfill their dreams with AMTC’s help. Auditions occur in select cities across the nation, to include eauditions for those who are eligible. Announcements of AMTC’s visit to a city near you can be heard on your local radio station, or visit www.amtcworld.com for more information.

Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com


More Photos From AMTC Auditions, Virginia Beach, Virginia

VIEW Interviews with Carey by visiting the following links: 700 Club http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/mp4/MIA86v3_WS Christian Post http://www.christianpost.com/news/company-mans-hollywood-with-christian-actors-models-48326/ 16

Unveiled Purpose

‗Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people‘ -Isaiah 60:1-2 Auditions are taking place in cities across the nation to find talented individuals who can benefit from the support and value that AMTC has brought to the lives of AMTC grads, there are over 1200 testimonials of success gained through the experience of working with AMTC’s staff and talent development professionals. The culmination of all the prayers and preparation is ―Shine‖. ―Shine‖ is a biannual talent showcase event. Hundreds of talented Christian performers converge on the city of Orlando, Florida, where 50 –100 noted industry professionals in film, modeling and the music industry search for the next big stars. The event involves six days of training, performing, fellowship and the experience of one-on-one

meetings with agents and casting directors at the Gaylord Palms Resort. AMTC creates the platform for fulfillment of the great commission in many dark places. Thanks to AMTC, Christian artists have a greater opportunity to change the face of Hollywood and to positively influence circles behind the scenes for Christ. Let’s pray for our sisters and brothers who are fulfilling their calling while doing what they love! Pray their strength and courage to take a stand for Christ throughout their careers, without bending or compromise. Pray the favor of God over their lives, careers and career choices. ―SHINE AMTC, SHINE!!‖ The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined. ~Isaiah 9:2 KJV Let us uphold AMTC in prayer and each one of its distinguished graduates who are blessed with a great

*select content for this feature courtesy of the www.amtcworld.com website

opportunity to make a difference in front of and behind the cameras, lights and stage. As they take their rightful places of influence through the use of their God given gifts and talents in the arts and entertainment arenas. For audition information visit www.AMTCaudition.com. Actors, models and talent for Christ walk in love, sing in truth, dance in joy, and example excellence. They come prepared for the roles they will play. They are cool, talented, and diverse. They are children, teens, and adults called to be His talent ambassadors on stages across the earth. ~Carey Lewis, AMTC CSO ―Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. -Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. -Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven‖. ~Matthew 5:14-16 KJV

Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com



Resurrection Rising! Arise! Arise ! Be Alive! Get Up! Arise from your slumber! Arise from your sleep! Our KING is alive, so arise!

Jennifer Joy, a fourth generation native Oregonian, is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Holy Spirit has directed her steps in Christian Ministry including Worship Instrument Creation, Intercessory Prayer Meetings, Women's Ministry, Prophetic Intercessory Worship Dance, Prophetic Glory Ring Workshops, Family Flag Workshops, Conference and Retreat Speaker, Children's Ministry, Preaching, Prayer Walks, Developing International Prayer Shields, Bible Studies and Writing Poetry and Books according to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ! Jennifer graduated with honors from Northwest Christian College, Eugene, OR with a BS of Psychology 1994 and with a M.Div. 2010 from Marylhurst University, Marylhurst, OR. She is the founder and president of HIS Glory Reigns Ministries which began in 1995. HGRM is a Protestant Christian Faith, Biblically based, international, cross cultural, trans-denominational, non-profit ministry. The Ministry Purpose is to encourage all believers to enter into a deeper, more intimate relationship with GOD the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit through authentic worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24). Please visit the website: www.hisgloryreigns.com for more in18 Unveiled Purpose formation.

Resurrection Rising! Be Alive! Arise! Be alive! Arise! Time to awaken and rise up! Time to spring forth and make up! Our KING is victorious! Arise! Resurrection Rising! Arise! Arise! Be Alive! Stand Up! Out of despair and apathy arise! Out of disease and depression arise! Our powerful KING is alive! Resurrection Rising! Be Alive! Arise! Be Alive! Stir Up! Succeed! Be Strong! Remain! Decree! Lift Up! Endure! Our KING is not dead, HE is alive! Resurrection Rising! Be Alive! Arise! Be Alive! Proclaim! Obscurity and death disappear! Ruins and Calamity are no more! Our KING is alive, faithful and true! Resurrection Rising! Be Alive! Arise! Be Alive! Revive! Tribes and Troops be quickened! Companies and Multitudes take a stand! The KING’s word is accomplished! Resurrection Rising! Be Alive! Arise! Be Alive! Confirm! HIS love and promises are true !

HIS light never extinguishes! Our KING JESUS is coming soon! Arise ~ Hebrew: abide, accomplish, be clearer, confirm, continue, decrees, endure, get up, make good, help, hold, lift up (again), make new, ordain, perform, pitch, raise (up), remain, rise (up) (again, against), rear (up), rouse up, set (up), stablish, (make to) stand (up), stirrup, strengthen, succeed (as, make), sure (-ly), (be) up (hold, -rising). (6965 - Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance) Greek: To waken, rouse (from sleep, from sitting or lying, from disease, from death, from obscurity, inactivity, ruins, non-existence): - awake, lift (up) raise (again, up), rear up, (a-) rise (again, up) stand, take up. (1453 - Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance) English: To get up, as from sleeping or sitting; rise, to move upward, ascend, to come into being, originate, to result or spring (from something). (Webster’s New World Dictionary) The majority of individuals associated with word Arise are among the Hebrews 11 – Hall of Faith, prophets, kings, priests, disciples, apostles and of course, JESUS CHRIST. Each Arise was generally a command from the LORD GOD to move, to overcome, to prevail, to pray, to walk, to succeed, to heal…in other words…TO BE IMMEDIATELY OBEDIENT to the LORD! Scripture References for Arise: Genesis 13:17 – Abraham; 1 Kings 1:3, 17:9 – Elijah; 2 Kings 8:1 – Elisha; Proverbs 6:9 – Solomon; Song of Songs 2:13 - The Shulammite; Isaiah 21:5, 60:1-2 – Isaiah; Jeremiah 1:7 – Jeremiah; Ezekiel 3:22 – Ezekiel; Judges 5:12 – Deborah; Judges 7:15 – Gideon; 1 Samuel 16:12 – Samuel; 1 Samuel 23:4, I Chronicles 22:19 – David; Jonah 1:2 – Jonah; Ezra 10:4 – Ezra; Malachi 4:2 – Malachi; Matthew 2:13 – Joseph; Matthew 9:6, Mark 5:41 – Jesus; 2 Peter 1:19 – Peter; Acts 22:6, Ephesians 5:14 – Paul.

Alive ~ Hebrew: To live, revive – keep (leave, make) alive, give (promise) life, (let, suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken, recover, repair, restore, revive, surely, be whole, God save (alive, life, lives). (2421 -Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance) Hebrew: Alive, company, congregation, life (time), live (-ly), living (creature, thing) maintenance and merry, multitude, quick, raw, running, springing, troop. (2416 – Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance) Greek: To live, life (time), (a) live (-ly), quick. (2198 – Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance) Greek: To recover life, -(be a-) live again, revive. (326 – Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance) English: Having life; living, in existence, operation, unextinguished, lively, alert. (Webster’s New World Dictionary) Scripture References for Alive: Deuteronomy 4:4, Deuteronomy 5:3, Deuteronomy 6:24, Acts 9:41, Luke 15:24, Luke 24:23, Revelation 1:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and Acts 1:3. Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com


Rooted deep was established in 2011 by Jeff Rybak and Leah Rybak in response to a calling that God had placed on each of their lives at a very young age. Jeff's hard rock roots began in upstate New York where he eventually met the Lord at the age of 25. Over the years Jeff was a lead vocalist and guitarist in many local rock bands. After his encounter with the Lord, he moved into leading worship. Jeff met Leah in church in 2000 where they ministered together on the worship team. Later they were married in 2005. Jeff's musical influences bring an edge to Rooted Deep to complement the sweet soulful quality of Leah's voice. Leah grew up in the Tidewater area of southeast Virginia in a Christian family. Growing up in church she was filled with the Holy Spirit at an early age. She performed specials in local churches as a teenager. In her early 20's she began leading worship. Over the years, Leah has sung in many choirs and 20

Unveiled Purpose

special groups. Her voice has evolved into an eclectic styling that crosses traditional ethnic and generational boundaries. Now Jeff and Leah both lead worship on the praise team at New Life Providence in Virginia Beach, VA. Together they feel called to lead every generation in praise and worship to our Father in heaven and to give thanks to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit they pray that their music touches every heart causing each to turn to their true kingdom purpose; that every knee shall bow, that every tongue confess, that every nation cry out with the power of His name, the name of Jesus. View their new single ―Give Him Praise‖ on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoe3MY-m4G0

Rooted Deep Chance Music Group Label Projected release date: April, 2012

www.rooteddeepmusic.com www.facebook.com/rooteddeep

sweet spirit of giving and charismatic down-to-earth personality that could lift the heaviest soul. After a six year evangelistic mission assignment, Sistah Peaches has now returned to the Christian music industry as a psalmist with a powerful healing and deliverance ministry that is sure to set the captives free.

Beatrice ―Sistah Peaches‖ Haywood is a psalmist, producer, director, workshop speaker and business woman. Raised in the suburbs of Maryland, Sistah Peaches has ventured out to become a Renaissance woman, and has crafted the art of innovation and creativity through her music ministry. She has directed, sung and recorded with various gospel choirs and groups over the years, and has relocated to the Charlotte, North Carolina to further her business consulting, musical endeavors and evangelistic ministries. As a soloist, she has performed in concerts before multitudes of people throughout the Eastern Shores and West Coast. With her strong anointed vibrant voice, Sistah Peaches has captivated the souls of her listeners. Anyone who knows her or comes in close contact with her, experiences Peaches’

As a songwriter and vocalist, Sistah Peaches has a creative passion to produce jingles and media theme songs for corporations with national air play/time. She has also demonstrated that passion in her endeavors to come forth with the release of her first CD in 2004. Sistah Peaches’ CD entitled, ―A Reflection of Him,‖ is receiving national air-play in many market areas throughout the country due to its diversity in musical styling. Sistah Peaches is now in the midst of releasing her sophomore CD project entitled, ―For Him‖ with the powerful single, ―God You Have Me in the Palm of Your Hand‖ to hit the airways April 2012. As a workshop speaker, she has spoken to various organizations and congregations in the areas of Youth Outreach Awareness as well as Effective Praise and Worship. She is also an advocate of Women and Children of Abuse through local outreach programs and non-profit organizations. Today, Peaches has broaden her scope of excellence in ministry by utilizing her previous and present business consulting experience to ―remind‖ the church on how to effectively manage and grow their church. She has come forth with a church administration manual and seminar package to meet the basic

needs of the Church to gain a solid foundation for a healthier and more prosperous church. In 2009, Sistah Peaches authored her first book, ―Sexual Escapades B4 Music Ministry.‖ This book is so nontraditional in its approach to the reader that the reader literally will be consumed with the conversational and real life sharing that Sistah Peaches offers. She adds an element of mentorship as she explains and breaks down the terms like integrity, character, motivation and determination while revealing her personal testimony on her music industry experience as an artist. In June 2010, Sistah Peaches launched I-Am-Radio.com, a 24-hour Christian Internet Radio Station with cutting-edge spiritual principles to reach the world. Its multi-cultural programming format is to allow its listeners to experience the world through music, talk shows and biblical wordbased messages that will educate, enhance and employ their minds as well as their spirits. Her desire for people to be holistic has caused her to become unwavering in her efforts to break denominational barriers, spiritual curses, and self-indulged walls that have kept people in bondage for far too long.

Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com


Up & Coming Christian Artists

GREATER JOY “Many are asking, 'Who can show us any good?' Let the light of Your face shine upon us, O Lord. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.” Psalm 4: 6-7 Greater Joy has been ministering together since 2002, We strive to bring music into the lives of people who seek hope. Our calling is to bring a message of encouragement through uplifting music and powerful lyrics. Our members, Keith Welch, Cathy Welch, and Carolyn Sexton seek to embody Isaiah 61:1 – “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners.”


Unveiled Purpose

Carolyn Sexton, Cathy Welch, and Keith Welch.

Step Out on Purpose By Cathy Welch “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10 (NLT) I believe God puts a desire in our heart for a reason. But how do we know it's from Him? Max Lucado wrote this in his book, Cure for the Common Life: “The Author of the human drama entrusted your part to you alone. Live your life, or it won't be lived.”

Cathy Welch of Greater Joy

Our Lord places your purpose in plain sight. God's purpose for your life is always in agreement with His Word. If it is something that lines up with the teachings of Jesus, you can bet it is the direction He wants you to take, whether it makes sense to you or not. God's perspective is not limited by time or space or your current circumstances. Be obedient. Take the next step, then watch for the new light to lead you. Oh, how Satan likes to distract us with things to keep us from following God. And not all of them are bad things. Only you can know if something that appears good is the best He has for you. If you are open to serving and loving without restraint, you will be called upon to give until it hurts. The problem is, it is yourself you are hurting. Keep your eyes, ears, and especially your spirit open to choose the best over the good written for you. “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” Proverbs 20:5 (NIV) Each day, take time to read your Bible, thank God for what He has done in your life, and ask Him to show you the next step He wants you to take. Then do the most important things. Be still, know that He Is God, and listen to Him. You are placed here at this particular time for a specific purpose. In Exodus 9:16, God tells Moses, “I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth” (NIV). You are the only one who can be His hands and feet to accomplish the purpose He wrote for you. Follow Him closely or His full plan for you will not come to fruition. He needs you to carry out His purpose. You are that significant. What purpose does God still have for you? What remains unfinished for you? Ask Him and listen to His answer. Then step out! Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com


Hye~Yun Chung Bennett Hye-Yun Chung Bennett made her Carnegie Recital Hall debut in 1979, earning rave reviews in the New York Times: "Absorbing from start to finish, assertive and incisive, and she showed that she has the facility and poise to handle a demanding program." A recipient of numerous honors, awards and scholarships, Hye-Yun Chung Bennett was an award winner at the Fifth International Harp Competition in Jerusalem, Israel in 1973. Ms. Bennett received B. M. degree from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea and received a Master's degree from California State University at Los Angeles and completed the Professional Study Plan at the Juilliard School and also studied at Columbia University as scholarship recipient in New York City in piano pedagogy by Robert Pace. She has given recitals in Europe, Japan, US, and Korea. Ms. Chung was on the Young Artists' roster under the auspices of the American Harp Society Young Artist program which enabled her to performed solo recitals in major cities throughout the U.S. She also represented the Young Audiences of Virginia as a solo artist performing throughout Hampton Road for K-12 schools. Hye-Yun Chung Bennett was Assistant Professor of harp and piano at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. She was also a faculty member of the Brevard Music Center for the Summer Music Festival in Brevard, North Carolina. She has taught at the International Summer Music Camp in Seoul, Korea and Blue Lake Find Arts Camp in Michigan. She served as a judge for the National Harp Competitions in Los Angeles, California, St. Paul, Minnesota and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hye-Yun Chung has also been an adjudicator for piano competitions. In July 2008, Ms. Bennett judged the Young Artist's Harp Competition in Rabun Gap, GA.


In 1996, Klavier International Records Co. produced a CD album, ―Musical Colors,‖ featuring Hye-Yun Chung Bennett on the harp with Wayne Hedrick on the flute. She made her debut solo harp album of ―French Impressionist Harp Music‖ on a recording by Centaur Record Company. Prior to this, the Musical Heritage Society produced several recordings of her performances with the New York Harp Ensemble. She was principal harpist and appeared as a soloist with many different symphony orchestras in the US and Korea. Ms. Chung premiered 'Sori for Harp,' which was written and dedicated to her by Dr. Byong Kon Kim in Israel. In 1987, she also premiered 'Genteel Dialogue' by Dr. Dinos Constantinides of LSU at Carnegie Recital Hall, earning favorable reviews by the New York Times. She played under the direction of Aaron Copeland performing his composition at the Carnegie Hall in 1979. Hye-Yun Chung Bennett performed a recital as a guest artist at the sixth World Harp Congress in Seattle in 1996. She was a soloist for the North Carolina Bach Festival in Raleigh. Ms. Bennett was a solo residence artist for the Young Audiences of Virginia for K through 12th grader. Currently, Ms. Bennett is an adjunct professor teaching harp and piano at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. She teaches piano at Virginia Beach Music Academy started in 2007. Since 2001, Hye-Yun Bennett is the pianist at the Calvary Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Virginia. 24 UnveiledChung Purpose

Health Matters

Dr. Travis Rafdal Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts which is based upon the understanding that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system and the belief that the body is self-sustaining and self-healing. "Chiropractic" comes from the Greek word Chiropraktikos, meaning "effective treatment by hand." The body is in essence completely controlled by the brain through its connection via the spinal cord and the vast networks of nerves that make up the body. When this system is not functioning at its peak, the overall performance of the human body is lacking. Chiropractic stresses the idea that the cause of many disease processes begins with the body's inability to adapt to its environment. Accidents, falls, stress, tension, overexertion, and countless other factors can result in a displacements or misalignments of the spinal column, causing irritation to spinal nerve roots. These misalignments and irritations termed subluxations are often what cause malfunctions in the human body. Chiropractic believes that reducing or eliminating this irritation to spinal nerves can cause your body to operate more

DISCOVER CHIROPRACTIC efficiently and more comfortably. Chiropractic also places an emphasis on nutritional and exercise programs, wellness and lifestyle modifications for promoting physical and mental health. Chiropractors address subluxations not by the use of drugs and chemicals, but by locating and adjusting an area of the body which is functioning improperly. Doctors of chiropractic will perform a consultation, case history, physical examination, and x-ray examination as any other doctor. In addition, they provide a chiropractic structural examination paying particular attention to the spine. The examination of the spine and nervous system to evaluate structure and function is what makes chiropractic different from other health care providers. The nervous system is a key ingredient to your optimal health and healing. It controls the function of virtually every cell, tissue, organ, and body system. If the nervous system is compromised pain and dysfunction can result not only in the spine but other parts of the body as well. As time goes by and a subluxation remains untreated, the spine and surrounding features such as discs can begin to degenerate. This degeneration is irreversible and will continue to get worse as time passes. Far too many people still believe that chiropractic care isn't necessary unless they're suffering excruciating headache or low back pain. The best way to treat many conditions is to prevent them before they even start. Fortunately millions of people of all ages choose to receive regular adjustments to have a natural, healthy lifestyle. Regular chiropractic visits can help to prevent physical problems and injuries from occurring. Other potential benefits of regular chiropractic visits are increased flexibility and mobility, higher level of energy, improved posture, more effective immune system, better circulation, and an overall better feeling of well-being. I hope that I have given you some valuable information in this short article and I would urge you to take a step towards good health by getting your spine and nervous system checked by your local chiropractor.

Dr. Travis Rafdal is a chiropractic physician who has been in private practice for 13 years and currently practices in Virginia. He is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. He attributes much of his success to his wife of 10 years Abigail and his faithUnveiled in the Lord Jesus Christ. Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com 25


Unveiled Purpose

Ryan “Jenks” Jenkins Ryan ―Jenks‖ Jenkins was born and raised in Norfolk, VA and graduated from Old Dominion University with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering Technology. Ryan’s colorful experiences in life have encouraged him to write about his journey as the poet ―Jenks‖. As a poet, motivational speaker and author of Life is a Motivational Speech, Jenks’ passion is empowering others. In 2005, Jenks created an inspirational open-mic called ―Poetic Souls Inc‖which evolved into a non-profit organization. For more information on Poetic Souls Inc., visit www.PoeticSoulsInc.com. Using entertaining skits and life speaking poetry, Jenks teaches about changing your circles, going after your goals and embracing the unique identity God created you to have. He believes if you can help change a person’s perception, they will be motivated to change their position. For more information visit the website or contact Jenks at PFAS7@cox.net or (757) 318-1241. Blog: www.lifeisamotivationalspeech.blogspot.com.

A Word Good day Achievers of God and welcome to ―A Word.‖ The word for today is about Learning How to Walk again. This is for the married and those wanting to be married. I hope you enjoy it. God bless and keep on praying!! Challenge I challenge everyone to thank God for a painful situation from your past. (Most of the time, those painful situations lead to a victory later. Some of you have been left by husbands, wives or just abandoned by family members. But their leaving gave you an opportunity to find a fiancée (not girlfriend), better husband (real man) or a true family that loves you for who you are. Them leaving was the best thing to happen!! They were blocking your blessings!! Praise God for victory!!!) "You can change if you have the desire to change." (Sometimes we tend to think people can't change. People can change if they (not we) desire to change. Think about this, if God can change you then why can't He change someone else. You used to do what they did or even worse. Everyone can change because one day "every knee will bow and confess that Jesus is Lord.‖)

Learning How to Walk Some say we have two birthdays, the day you were born and the day you got saved, But I think one is missing, the one when you said “I do” to your lifelong mate. This is the birth of two people working together to become of one mind, But some births are stillborn, dead before their time. ~ When a baby learns to walk, he has to first achieve a steadiness so he can be balanced, Kind of like a married man with a single man’s mentality, leaving the whole marriage unbalanced. The right leg and left leg have to shift and work together to equal out the weight, So it is in marriage, the husband and wife have to agree to even out the body’s weight. ~ Once an agreement is reached, the baby can now stand, Not quite ready for movement, but it can at least feel out its surroundings with his hands. Now ready for that first step, it will come with plenty of falls, But some marriages don’t even work on the balance, so they don’t get up at all. ~ Lying on the floor, equivalent to a marital divorce, But for others, they took a chance at walking to make this thing called marriage work. Trial by trial and step by step, the walk gets a little easier to manage, Now the things you use to complain about years earlier don’t even have a place in your marriage. ~ So if marriage is in your future, don’t let Hollywood tell you how to choose your mate, You have to find someone who will balance with you when it comes to carrying the weight. Write down your weaknesses, because these will be the strengths of your partner that are many times overlooked and missed, I’m just sharing some wisdom before you learn how to walk and have a messy diaper after your covenant kiss. Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com 27 (God bless andUnveiled Speak Life.)

SALT IS NOT BAD FOR US - OUR BODIES NEED IT by Barbara Walston Most of us have heard that excessive salt leads to many physical problems which include heart disease, hypertension, and blood problems. According to the tenth edition of Healthy Healing, by Linda Rector Page, N. D., Ph. D, it constricts our circulation, causes our kidneys to retain too much body fluid, causes migraines, hyperactivity, aggressive behavior, and poor gland health. In a recent article by Dr Joseph Mercola, The Hidden Poison Lurking On Your Kitchen Table, he warns that most common table salt is not only absolutely useless, but can potentially act as a destructive poison, upsetting our fluid balance, constantly overburdening our elimination systems and impairing our health. For every gram of sodium chloride our body cannot get rid of, it must use twenty-three times the amount of cell water to neutralize the salt. This leads to excess fluid in our tissues which can contribute to rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and kidney and gall bladder stones. Additionally, dangerous preservatives, like aluminum hydroxide, are added that are not required to be listed on the container. We have been greatly misled by the media and the medical system to believe that we will be better off by avoiding salt. But today’s common table salt is a poison that is vastly different from natural salt. Even if we are using sea salt, we must be careful that the sea salt we are using has not had extensive processing, refining and heating that has destroyed nutrients. It should also be free from additives, preservatives, and chemicals but still contain the trace minerals that were in the sea water. 28

Unveiled Purpose

The rest of this article will focus on priceless information obtained from the writings of Dr. Jacques de Langre, author of "Sea Salt’s Hidden Powers" and "Sea Salt, the Vital Spark for Life." He has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Brussels and has studied the health benefits of salt for over 35 years. He believes that Celtic sea salt is extremely good for the body and has the opposite effect of refined table salt. All salt is not the same. In fact, while American doctors take their heart patients off of salt, in France, they give heart patients good salt. A big problem here is that 99% of the world’s research is done on commercial table salt with the erroneous assumption that all salt is the same.

it can no longer contract normally. The valves can tire, begin to lacerate, and break up in shreds. The heart must be fed by a saline solution from the blood and the lymph.

A healthy person has salty tears, blood and sweat. Salt contains 84 of the 103 known elements that act as a buffer to protect us from pure sodium chloride. Once the sodium has been used, it is eliminated quickly and completely from the kidneys. Processed table salt has been stripped of its minerals which end up being sold back to us via health food stores and other companies that provide it for us in ―fortified‖ foods and supplements. Not only can a totally salt free diet speed up aging but it can also be fatal. The chemical requirements of the human body demand that the salt concentration in the blood be kept constant.

Dr. De Langre relates that he has received claims from people whose doctors thought they had reduced their salt intake because their blood pressure was lower. But instead of reducing their salt intake, they had switched to Celtic sea salt. In fact, he has received around two thousand similar reports.

Usually, high blood pressure is not measurably lowered by restricting salt intake, but in some people it can actually cause high blood pressure. The contractibility of the heart muscle is negatively affected by a salt deficiency which can damage the heart valves so that

Although some vegetarians feel that they get enough natural salt from celery and other foods that contain salt in a natural form, does that mean that our bodies are getting enough salt to remain healthy? And what about foods that would taste better with some added salt? Our green leafy vegetables provide us with so much potassium that we risk having digestive problems if we don’t have the sodium present to neutralize the potassium.

Regular salt inhibits and weakens our taste buds so much that we often dump on more than we should in order to get some taste out of our food. Using Celtic sea salt enables us to get more nutrition from our foods which means that we don’t need to eat as much. You can get up to seven times the nutrition out of vegetables when using Celtic salt. Vegetables cannot be fully digested without being salted. Its best to salt food at the end of the cooking process so that the nutrients won’t be destroyed by the heat.

Photo © Jasenka | <a href="http://www.stockfreeimages.com/">Stock Free Images</a> & <a href="http://www.dreamstime.com/">Drea mstime Stock Photos</a>

Although some people may initially have adverse reactions from Celtic salt, this is a normal reaction for people who are very toxic. Rashes and sores breaking out under the arm pits are the results of a kidney cleansing. Acting as a scavenger, the salt purges the body of toxins from some hidden areas. These toxins come out into the circulatory and lymph system and particularly the kidney area. The only people who must watch salt intake are those having a high degree of renin in their blood stream. De Langre relates, quoting his college professor, ―The difference between a violent, aberrant mental patient and you people sitting here is two cents worth of lithium‖. Although bipolar patients are often prescribed lithium, the side effects of this medication can be nasty. Unlike supplementing with medicinal lithium, the lithium in Celtic sea salt is absorbed naturally in quantities needed by the body. Its untreated, unprocessed, and in its natural form. When looking for natural sea salt, make sure it is moist and clumps together. If it is very dry and has no signs of moisture, it has been refined. You will know that the magnesium has been removed because magnesium is the nutrient that holds in the moisture. Although some people may be turned off at the thought of eating bath salt, there are those who don’t mind that it hasn’t been washed as thoroughly and use it because it is cheaper and edible. We carry both the finely ground and coarsely ground celtic sea salt. For information on purchasing you may call the Walstons at 1-702837- 3518 or ema il u s at besw1@aol.com


The Silver Package - $1,000 contribution

The receipt of your funding may be recognized in a variety of ways. The following indicative packages have been designed to establish a benchmark and ensure parity between our various sponsors. Comparable recognition will also be arranged on an individual bases for ―in kind donations‖.

Main stage signage with medium scale image of company logo displayed at the Divine Gift Showcase and daily at the Women Of Greatness Retreat & Conference.

The Platinum Package $5,000 contribution Main stage signage with large scale image of company logo displayed at the Divine Gift Showcase and daily at the Women Of Greatness Retreat & Conference. Sponsor acknowledgement in any media releases and advertisements of the event. Signage opportunity at DCG hosted events. The Organization will display one banner that is provided by the sponsor at other sponsored events for the year. Complimentary vendor space (one table) at the event to provide product samples or brochures for distribution as well as an opportunity for preferred vendor status at other DCG events. Opportunity to increase marketing database by collecting names at DCG hosted events, for example by holding a raffle. The raffle prize(s) and the logistics of running the raffle are the responsibility of the sponsor. Full-page color advertisement for your business in the conference July Special Edition of our Official Publication ―Unveiled Purpose‖ Magazine. An opportunity to market directly to DCG members and event attendees three to four times within the year in ―Unveiled Purpose‖ Magazine. Display of company logo on all official DCG electronic mail for 1 year.

50% discounted vendor space (one table) at the event to provide product samples or brochures for distribution as well as an opportunity for preferred vendor status at other DCG events. Opportunity to increase marketing database by collecting names at DCG hosted events, for example by holding a raffle. The raffle prize(s) and the logistics of running the raffle are the responsibility of the sponsor. Half page color advertisement for your business in the conference July Special Edition of our Official Publication ―Unveiled Purpose‖ Magazine. An opportunity to market directly to DCG members and event attendees twice within the year via our Official Publication – ―Unveiled Purpose‖ Magazine. One year "click through" advertisement on our website, and a logo featured in the Sponsorship section of the site at www.divineconceptgroup.com

The Bronze Package - $500 contribution One year "click through" advertisement on our website, and a logo featured in the Sponsorship section of the site at www.divineconceptgroup.com An opportunity to market directly to DCG members and event attendees via the conference Special Edition of our Official Publication – ―Unveiled Purpose‖ Magazine. Complimentary listing for your business with logo in the conference July Special Edition of our Official Publication ―Unveiled Purpose‖ Magazine. TALK TO US

We would be delighted to discuss sponsorship opportunities with you in person. We understand that you need to be confident that you will receive a good return on your sponsorship contribution. DCG is determined to work with sponsors to make sure they get the maximum benefit from the sponsorship.

One year "click through" advertisement on our website, and a logo featured in the Sponsorship section Unveiled Purpose Magazine / Spring 2012/ www.unveiledpurposemagazine@gmail.com of the site at www.divineconceptgroup.com


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