Meet your executive candidates

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Student Body Elections 2018

Meet your Executive Candidates

Student Body Treasurer

Wilfredo “Fredo” Anderson Hello, I’m Wilfredo Anderson, and I’d love to serve as your Student Body Treasurer! As a Finance and Marketing major, I envision a Treasurer’s office that truly reaches out to the student body. The allocation of student activity budget funds plays a critical role in student life. I think the past elected treasurers have implemented great systems to allocate those funds. I plan to continue right where they left off and ensure that the funds are distributed wisely and fairly. Lastly, I want to get the student body excited about what student government has to offer. Let’s get it!

Emerson Odagis As the current chair of the Senate Finance Committee and a Student Body Treasurer candidate, I have managed a budget of nearly $185,000.00 and have allocated to more than 70 different student organizations. I will continue to be a firm advocate for tangible initiatives, such as a review system for offcampus housing, a textbook fair to buy and sell used textbooks, and improved campus safety through revitalized initiatives like Walk Home Cocky. With this unique combination of a financial background and visions for the future, I would greatly appreciate your support, for a stronger Carolina. Vote Emerson Odagis for Treasurer.

Eugene Suydam This movement’s focus is about you, the student. The student has been overlooked for too long. It’s time that someone worked with the student’s best interest in mind. Let’s enrich the student experience by using the leftover funds in the student affairs budget. Let’s empower the student body by communicating and engaging with you to accomplish your goals. Let’s expand student initiatives by increasing the amount of money accessible for your student organizations. This movement is about you. Empowering the student body, expanding student initiatives, and enriching the student experience. This is Change to Count On.

Speaker of the Student Senate

Patrick Ellis As current Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I have endeavored to improve the efficiency of Student Government operations. As your Speaker, I will be a tireless advocate for the Student Body. I will institute reforms to make parking options more readily available and flexible for students. I will promote a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect. I will make the holistic health of our students a priority. Together, we can ensure that every student voice is heard at the highest level. Together, we will move the University of South Carolina forward.

Aaron Greenberg Hi, my name is Aaron Greenberg and I’m running to be the University’s First Speaker of the Senate. Through my senate experience as Chairman of the Athletics Committee and a full term member of the Rules Committee, I see senate as a body that can be more productive and more proactive. A body that should cater to the whole University. With practice and training, Senate can be sustainable. With original ideas, initiatives and goals, and a transcendental drive to create a new atmosphere, the legislative branch of our student government can be more successful than it ever has been.

Student Body Vice President

Madi Carzon Our goal as Unite, is for every student to feel like they have a place and a voice on campus. We hope to make student government more accessible, so that every Gamecock can not only be a part of the governing process, but will also be able to identify a way that USC Student Government improved their experience at Carolina. We want to Unite all aspects of student life and hope to create a more cohesive culture amongst all of the student body.

Chase Cole As a Dance Marathon VP, I know how to manage and lead a large, effective organization. Being an outsider to student government gives me a fresh perspective to make students’ everyday lives easier. Our Ignite platform will do just that. Igniting the Future by continuing to advocate for a New Student Union, Igniting the Present by making Executive Officers more approachable and holding Fireside Chats with Firehouse subs or Groucho’s on Greene, and Igniting Tradition by continuing events like Cockstock, It’s on Us, and the UMttr Mental Health Initiative. For more information about the platform and candidates, visit!

Mills Hayes Through my experience leading Student Gamecock Television and being a member of Greek life, I have learned what it means to be a Gamecock. I believe strongly in the potential for growth in connecting all parts of the Carolina community. This idea of bringing connectivity to USC is all portrayed in the Surge Campaign. Surge consists of a diverse group of students dedicated to energizing Carolina and empowering the student voice. Surge plans to focus on concerns including parking and mental health, while introducing innovative ideas such as Midnight Madness and football guest ticketing to improve the USC student's experience.

Nick Hooks Hey Carolina! I believe we can give every student a transformational experience at our university. I’ll use my diverse background within and outside of SG to foster strong bonds with the student body. We’ll revitalize It’s On Us efforts, new student union developments, and our Cockstock Homecoming Concert. Additionally, we’ll host a mental health summit, advocate for minority groups on campus, establish an SG Greek committee, and ensure student organizations have elevated voices within administration. As the only VP candidate with SG experience, I’m prepared to wholeheartedly serve our university, and I’d be so gracious to have your vote.

Student Body President

Thomas DiBona Our goal as Unite, is for every student to feel like they have a place and a voice on campus. We hope to make student government more accessible, so that every Gamecock can not only be a part of the governing process, but will also be able to identify a way that USC Student Government improved their experience at Carolina. We want to Unite all aspects of student life and hope to create a more cohesive culture amongst all of the student body.

West Russell The goal of my campaign is simple: to increase USC student unity through restructuring the way our Student Organizations interact and receive attention from our university, as well as finally grant alleviations to the most common of student complaints, namely those revolving around campus parking and dining. By initiating a campus newsletter which provides transparent and accurate information on all group activities, USC can prosper as a more unified body. This, in conjecture with keeping interactions between Student Government and the University public, we will secure accountability of the college, and give USC students the service they deserve.

Kathryn Stoudemire Ignite was formed around reigniting the passion in Student Government by getting a diverse group of people involved, presenting fresh ideas and ensuring that the student voice is at the forefront of any new initiative. We will Ignite the Future by advocating for Pedestrian Bridges so that you never miss class because of a train, Ignite the Present by getting students points for away athletic events, and Ignite Tradition by implementing “Hey Day� to help create a unified campus. For more information about the platform and candidates, visit!

Taylor Wright As a 2nd generation Gamecock, I’ve always had a love for this University. Now that I’m here, I’m dedicated to making Carolina as strong and inclusive as possible as your Student Body President. To accomplish this, we created the Surge Campaign. Surge consists of a diverse group of students dedicated to energizing Carolina and empowering the student voice. The foundation of this mission lies in our platform. Ranging from everyday concerns, such as parking and mental health, to exciting new ideas, including Midnight Madness and football guest ticketing, our platform works to improve every students’ experience here at USC.

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