Meet your senate candidates 2018

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Student Body Elections 2018

Meet your Senate Candidates

Senate District 1 College of Arts and Sciences (12 seats available)

District 1: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

A.J. Abate As Gamecocks we are called to do more. My priority is to expand resources for students battling addictions because these students can’t endure this struggle alone. Another focus is to build a welcoming campus open to engaging new ideas while respecting our fellow students. I believe it is important to accommodate our veterans and support the proposal for advanced registration and will promote a new program for priority seating for our veterans at athletic events.

Daniel Biggins Hi! I’m Daniel Biggins and I will be running for senate in the College of Arts and Sciences. I’m a strong believer in open and honest discourse between student government and the student population. I do not believe that the current student government has served the students of this university ethically, and I will fight strongly for more openness between SG and our students so they get the policies they voted for.

Kevin Boyd I have diligently served the USC Student Senate as the Chairman of Student Services for the past year. However, there are still many problems plaguing our University and its student body that I will confront if reelected. I will push for a more representative Senate, Carolina Cash Credit, a student government newsletter, and an inclusive campus environment. Our student-based democracy can only survive with your votes!

Cary Corcoran My name is Cary Corcoran, I am a Political Science and Global Studies major. As a senator, I will work closely to foster a relationship between Student Government and other campus organizations. I plan on holding a monthly town hall where you can come and voice your opinions, ideas and concerns so that I may best serve you and help cultivate a bond that allows students greater access to opportunities on campus through SGA.

Tyler DiPalma Hello, my name is Tyler DiPalma and I am a Freshman studying Political Science with a minor in Spanish. USC should be a safe, fun, and friendly environment which is exactly what I will fight for and protect. My goal as a Senator for the Arts and Science College is to represent you and what our student body needs whether it be parking, funding, or outreach for jobs and education resources.

Adger Drummond II It is my promise to put forth my best effort in creating a more inclusive and safe campus. It is also my promise to address issues that directly affect student; such as financial burdens and an easier parking system. A vote for me is a vote for YOUR voice.

Marshall Ellerbe My platform for this senatorial election is student aid reform. I believe that the school’s student aid needs to be reformed because students are already in a substantial amount of debt which keeps their focus away from their education and keeps them from being able to afford basic necessities. Therefore, I believe that the school should enact programs that provide students in need with discounted or free necessities.

Khrystal Ellis As a junior student here at the University of South Carolina pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Biology, I understand the difficulty of being a STEM major. A small voice in a sea of students can be overwhelming. My objective as a Senate officer would be to strive for excellence and full commitment to my fellow peers, bringing about necessary adjustments and leading our college onto a bigger and brighter course for success.

ShonteĂŠ Gathers My name is ShonteĂŠ Gathers and my major is Criminal Justice. If I attained a position in Senate, I will try to not only be the voice for the members of my college, but for the student body as a whole. My goal is to be the tape that adheres the voice of the student body to that of the student government. My main motivation is to see the University rise as one, nothing less.

Patrick Greene As Senior Senator to RHA from Preston College, I worked diligently to provide stability and guidance to a faltering organization. As a Senator from the College of Arts and Sciences, I strive to advocate on behalf of students, create a more transparent Student Government, and enact tangible change for the student body. My top priorities will be the health and safety of students and promoting a campus built on mutual respect. Let’s move Forward Together!

Casey Hamlin While this year proved that the power of the student voice is on the rise, there are too many students whose voices are being left out. If re-elected, I will shine a light on programs that assist students battling the devastating disease of addiction, defend those from beyond South Carolina from the ridiculous attacks against them by outof-touch politicians in the Statehouse, and will continue to make Student Government more accessible to you, the students.

Jereme Hines Hi Carolina, I’m Jereme Hines. I’ve had the privilege of serving on our Student Senate, and I hope to serve again with your help. As a senator, I have spent much of my time focused on fostering the relationships Student Senate needs to effectively assist you, the students. If re-elected, I will continue the job I was appointed to do: to serve the interests of the diverse student body of the University of South Carolina.

Almeera Lateef As a current senator hoping to be re-elected, my goal as senator is to keep bringing change to our senate by actively trying to pass legislature that will have a direct impact on the student body. Together, let’s make Carolina a better home!

Azalfa Lateef As a senator candidate, I am very keen on conserving old traditions, but also creating new strong traditions that will carry on for years. As a candidate for Arts and Science, I want opportunities such as research and internships to be more accessible and to be found in an easier manner. I would also like to boost student involvement in activities all around campus. I want the best for my college!

Mason Luff As your senator, I will facilitate tangible change to improve the well-being of every Carolinian. Familiar with Student Government through Freshman Council membership, I will institute a campus involvement stipend program providing financial support to those Gamecocks who anchor our student organizations instead of holding part-time jobs. I will advocate for students by demanding that University policy reflects State law when it comes to alcohol and drug amnesty. We will move Carolina forward together.

Jaward McClam My mission is to be completely committed to the concerns and issues of our student body and serve as a representative of the college of arts and sciences. Our goal is to give the students change they can feel in all aspects of their undergraduate experience.

Nicholas McIntyre A senate should be composed of a representative group of individuals who embody the collective values held by the community. As a secondgeneration Chilean, I hope to be a representative for all people from different backgrounds, and I believe that this attribute brings a unique perspective to this election. As a student senator, I intend to draw attention to real issues that concern students and make USC a closer and safer community for everyone.

Nhi “Nicole” Nguyen As a Political Science major and a 2021 class member, I’m asking for your vote as a student senator. My fellow candidates state how much they want your voices and ideas. As Tim Ferriss urged ‚What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do." For USC student government, this is about acknowledging our thoughts and opinions. I want to be your voice's golden ticket to USC's candy factory, student government.

Jacob Smith I, Jacob Smith, look forward to representing the students of the College of Arts and Science in the student body senate. As a new voice in the senate I can bring new ideas to improve not just the College of Arts and Science but the University of South Carolina. I will also be able to offer unique solutions to existing, and unsolved, problems the university currently has. I look forward to serving you in 2018-2019.

Hari Tetala Let me tell you a story. I always knew I wanted to be a Senator in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of South Carolina, ever since I was a little girl. Now, I'm a big grown-up and finally have that opportunity! Please vote for me and make my childhood life goal come to fruition, and I promise that the fruits of my labor will turn your college nightmares into happy daydreams.

Senate District 2 College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management (4 seats available)

District 2: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Senate District 3 College of Social Work (2 seats available)

District 3: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Senate District 4 Darla Moore School of Business (8 seats available)

District 4: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Robert Cathcart As a student of the Darla Moore School of Business, I will work to advance the business community while lifting up the university as a whole. I will endeavor to ensure the diverse voices of our student body are heard. I will work tirelessly with our state and local governments to promote our University. It only takes one small step to create a catalyst for change, but I am willing to take a leap.

Alexis Dunnington I am a freshman in the Darla Moore School of Business and I am involved in Greek Life as a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. I am running for senate because I would like to get more involved on campus and learn more about this school in the process. I am incredibly excited for the opportunity to help better this school in every aspect for present and future generations of students.

Peyton Deaver My name’s Peyton and I’m running for a position in the upcoming Senate for the Darla Moore School of Business. As a senator, I want to do one thing: be a voice for you. Through accessible office hours, I will be that bridge when you have an idea, a passion, or an interest that you want the rest of the school to experience. Truly, a vote for me is a vote for you!

Stephen Hardwick My name is Spencer Hardwick, and I am a junior within the Darla Moore School of Business, majoring in Marketing and Management and also a member of the Honors College here at USC. My goal as your Senator will be to actively represent the interests of any and all students within Darla Moore. As one of the top schools at the University, we deserve a crucial say in the decisions made in Student Government.

Kieran Farrell Hello, my name is Kieran Farrell, and freshman International Business major in the Honors College. As a senator I plan to: implement improved dining options, particularly negotiating more off-campus locations to accept Carolina Cash, collaborate with school officials to lower the headache of finding parking, work with the financial aid and work study program to help students find positions on campus.

Connor Fraundorf I am a Finance and International Business Major in the Honors College and I would like to ask for your vote for student senate. Drawing upon experience representing my peers in the Freshman Council branch of Student Government, I vow to fairly and effectively represent all of you, the students of our great school. I have many exciting ideas and I look forward to improving every single student’s experience this year.

Devin Remley It is time for Student Government to work for the students again. If elected, I vow to listen to you and work for you to make USC the best university it can possibly be. By initiating campus beautification efforts, encouraging greater student input, and working for the Darla Moore School of Business, I hope to help lead USC into a bright future. And with your vote, we can begin that process together.

Boldt Richardson My name is Boldt Richardson, and I am incredibly excited to run for Senate and to represent The Darla Moore Scool of Business. I hit the ground running last fall when it comes to involvement on campus. Currently, I serve as President of Columbia Hall and have held leadership roles within my fraternity, all while developing and maintaining meaningful relationships. I hope to continue serving others and advocating for the needs of my fellow Carolinians.

Danny Rodrigues As a Rhode Island native, recognized Newman Civic Fellow, and former Vice President of the Student Senate at Bristol Community College, I took great pride in voicing the concerns of our student body while working with faculty members to spur student engagement. Having directed six theatrical productions in the last seven years, I’m confident that I can bring a fresh and creative perspective to the table, and am honored to have your support!

Amanda Semmelmeier As a Finance and International Business Major of the Honors College, I am excited to be a candidate of the Student Senate. As a Senator, I would love to bring my background of budgeting from my internship at the State Treasurer’s Office to the Finance Committee. I want to make an impact on our school and contribute my skills to the Senate, while also supporting the Surge Forward campaign in their goals to advance USC.

Sam Sisney My name is Sam Sisney, and I am excited about the opportunity to continue serving as a Senator for the Darla Moore School of Business. As a current senator, I have gained the knowledge and experience needed to succeed in representing the needs of our students. I have particularly enjoyed working with the Finance Committee to ensure efficient allocation of the Student Activity fund, and I hope to continue doing so in the next term.

Joe Sternberg As a representative of the Darla Moore School of Business, I would make it my imperative to improve networks and, in turn, increase career opportunities for the members of our college. I believe that we have some of the best and brightest students and it is important that we market that well to future employers. Through improved alumni connections and professor relationships, I believe we can move both our college and Carolina forward.

Megan Thackray Hello everyone, I am currently a freshman International Business student here at USC. My mission behind running for a Darla Moore School of Business seat in the student senate is to provide a stronger voice for business majors in student government. I will formulate visible changes within campus, particularly regarding inclusion and collaboration between student communities. I also plan to create and execute initiatives to make USC a campus that promotes diversity, involvement and success.

William White As an active and engaged member across many student organizations, I intend to use my experiences and perspectives to directly enhance student organizations, and in particular, improve their funding. Combined with my background on the senate finance committee and independently founding a sports club at USC, my understanding of student organization funding is second to none. Student organizations are an integral part of college and I will make it my personal priority to enhance them.

Senate District 5 College of Education (3 seats available)

District 5: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Senate District 6 College of Engineering and Computing (5 seats available)

District 6: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Taylor Bauman My name is Taylor Bauman, I am a biomedical engineering major, and I served on Freshman Council of Student Government this past year. If elected, my main priority will be to represent the best interests of the students and to be a voice for the members of the CEC. I aim to increase relations between the CEC and the rest of campus and to improve the lives of students in any way that I can.

Colton Corley Hello! My name is Colton Corley and I’m running for the office of Senator for the Engineering college. My goal for the year is to represent the Engineering student body to the best of my ability, and I hope to be a strong voice for the Engineering students in decisions made for the student body. I can’t wait to see where the year takes us!

Sierra Stewart As a part of Student Government’s Freshman Council this year, I serve on the Athletics Committee. I am a Computer Information Systems major. If elected for Senate, I would like to be a liaison between the College of Engineering and Computing and Student Government. I want to be your voice of what you want to see changed or done at University of South Carolina, while creating a community of inclusion here.

Jasrial Thompson As a senator, I want to continue to advocate and incorporate more enhancements for our engineering students. I look forward to supporting the voices, ideas, and concerns; while looking for new ways to nurture results. This previous year in 2017, it has been a huge success involving food services within the engineering buildings. I want to push for more ways to enhance the lives and convenience for our hard working students.

Senate District 7 College of Mass Communication and Information Studies (3 seats available)

District 7: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Alyssa Butterson Alyssa Butterson is active in the 109th Senate, and aspires to serve in the 110th Senate. Progressing forward she would like to initiate a more efficient way to reserve and checkout equipment for students, and arrange bi-weekly alumni or special guest speakers to engage and connect with current journalism students. Alyssa’s overall goal is to be a voice for her Journalism School collegues and to create as many platforms for success as possible.

Nicole Dennis I strive to make diversity a core institutional value by offering support to people from diverse backgrounds while promoting the need for understanding and respect. Work to improve the climate of the school through community outreach, academic and athletic spirit, and dedication to prosperity as an institution. Adequate leadership and shared responsibility through the School of Journalism and Mass Communication is essential for the growth of the University.

Katheryn Hartley

Emma Haydamack Hi Gamecocks! I’m Emma Haydamack and I am excited to be running for Senate! Currently, I am involved with Pillars for Carolina, Resident Hall Association and Greek life here on campus. By being a part of Student Government and more specifically a Senator, I will work hard to represent you and the many programs that make USC great in the coming year! Go Cocks!

Paul Philpot As a member of the Freshman Council, I currently serve on the First Year Involvement Committee. As a senator for the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, I will focus on student media by advocating for legislation that will encourage the University to involve Student Media all around campus. This will include initiatives like playing WUSC in the Russell House as well as the “Carolina News” and SGTV broadcasts. Let’s move Carolina forward together.

Lindsey Thorpe My name is Lindsey Thorpe and I am a Junior representing the Surge Forward campaign! I have been highly involved here at USC in SGTV, Greek Life, and the Peer Leader Program. My experiences have prepared and motivated me to serve as a senator. I am excited to represent my college and push the initiatives of the Surge Forward Campaign as we strive to ensure all students have a positive and memorable experience at Carolina.

Senate District 8 School of Law (2 seats available)

District 8: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Senate District 9 College of Nursing (3 seats available)

District 9: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Senate District 10 College of Pharmacy (2 seats available)

District 10: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Kacey Elman Hi my name is Kacey Elman, Candidate for USC Senate. I am the best choice for Pharmacy's senate seat because I have the desire as well as the ability to involve myself as a liaison between the university and the College of Pharmacy. Not only am I confident in my ability to serve these two parties, but also in my ability to serve you, my fellow Gamecocks.

Olivia Hill Hello! My name is Olivia Hill and I am a P1 from Greenville, South Carolina. I am passionate about our College of Pharmacy, and I am centered around the relationships that I have formed here. I work well with others and have a positive attitude. I am confident that I would be an excellent representation of our College, and I would be honored to hold one of our Senate seat positions. Thank you!

Gabrielle Pierce Hi everyone! My name is Gabrielle Pierce, and I am a P2 in pharmacy school. I would love the opportunity to serve as your Senator next year so that I can ensure that the opinions and perspectives of the pharmacy school student body are both heard and acted upon in the larger SGA. Thank you so much for considering me!

Senate District 11 Arnold School of Public Health (4 seats available)

District 11: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

Kara Fawcett I’m excited to be a candidate for the Student Senate as a Pre-Med student working towards an Exercise Science major with a Biology minor. I’ve dedicated my time to better the lives of those in our community and would plan to do as such as a Senate representative using the skills I’ve learned. This is a wonderful opportunity to make an impact and I look forward to supporting the Surge Forward campaign on this journey.

Nafisa Rahimberganova I am a Public Health B.S (Pre-med) major in the Honors College and I am asking for your vote as a student senator! I will make all of your voices heard and speak well on your behalf. I have many new ideas and ways we can improve Student Government. I am committed to the improvement of every single student’s experience here at USC. So let’s go vote and elect Nafisa to Student Senate!

Raphael Ofendo Reyes I am running for a happier, healthier, Carolina. Let’s make a change together.

Senate District 12 School of Music (2 seats available)

District 12: Write-In Candidates Welcome! Email or visit the Student Government Office (Russell House 227) for more information on declaring write-in candidacy. Write-in declarations due Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m.

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