2017 UofSC Student Government Candidates

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Ballot Prep 2017 SG Elections ECOM

EXECUTIVE OFFICE CANDIDATES Student Body President (3 candidates)

Jackson Davis (Prefers Stone Davis) jsdavis@email.sc.edu •

As Student Body President I will strive to protect student’s rights on campus and off. If I am elected I will improve parking conditions on campus, cut unnecessary spending in the student government budget to improve the use of student fees, and further integrate the University of South Carolina with the Columbia community. Furthermore, I will work towards these changes in a transparent manner as my main goal is to uphold the standard laid out by the Student Government Constitution and the Carolinian Creed. It will be my mission to ensure that all Gamecock student’s issues are represented and heard.

Ross Lordo rlordo@email.sc.edu •

As your current Student Body VP and now Presidential Candidate on the Momentum ticket, I am thrilled to witness the full impact one vision, one mission, one ticket can have on Student Government and our student body. Our ticket’s platform is committed to building on newfound traditions like Cockstock, while conserving treasured events like Spurs & Struts and the Step Show. In addition to implementing innovative ideas like digital Carolina Cards and student Wi-Fi in our athletic facilities, we will begin advocating immediately for construction of a new state-of-the-art student union. Together, let’s use our Momentum to move Carolina forward!

Tyler Dillard (Prefers Ty Dillard) tad@email.sc.edu •

Through my experiences as everyone's favorite mascot, Cocky, serving as a Resident Mentor, and hall government, I have developed a passion for and deep appreciation and understanding of the University of South Carolina.  As Student Body President I will strive to enhance every aspect of the "Carolinian Experience.” By putting you, my fellow Gamecocks first, I will function as an advocate for every Carolinian. I will fight for enhanced celebration of diversity, improved campus parking, better meal plans, improved campus life for the LGBTQ community, better organization funding, better advising, and I will never stop looking for new ways to improve USC

EXECUTIVE OFFICE CANDIDATES Student Body Vice President (2 candidates)

Dani Goodreau goodread@email.sc.edu •

As the current Secretary of Veteran Affairs and Student Body VP candidate, I believe in our Momentum team. We will unify the executive and legislative branch to serve the student body with open understanding and compassion for students of all corners of campus. I will bring accountability and transparency of delegates representing your respective college and special committees. Our senators will be held accountable through a monthly town hall to open dialogue between our delegates and constituents. Together, let’s use our Momentum to bring our senate back to the heart of selfless service for the betterment of our student body.

John Selesky (Prefers Jay Selesky) jselesky@email.sc.edu •

I’m Jay Selesky, and I would love to serve as your Vice President! Together, we will establish four year fixed tuition plans. We will make gamedays even better by putting phone chargers below the lower deck, adding a great DJ, and getting a USC sponsored tailgate. We will automatically record lectures so you can rewatch them any time. We will create Gamecocks Week, where each day is a celebration of who we are. We will work so that all students are respected. We will do all of this and much more. All you have to do is Vote for Jay!

EXECUTIVE OFFICE CANDIDATES Student Body Treasurer (1 candidate)

James Francis(Prefers Merritt Francis) francij@email.sc.edu •

After transferring to the University of South Carolina and joining Student Government, I was taught the effectiveness of community and teamwork. The Momentum campaign focuses on improving the student experience by voicing the students' concerns to our administration. During our term, I want all organizations to utilize the treasurer’s office and for the student activity funds to benefit as many people as possible. To improve transparency and accountability, I want to publish a public running file that shows students who has requested money, how much requested, and how much given. Let’s use our Momentum to carry us forward.

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES College of Arts and Sciences District (20 candidates)

Zeeshan Ayub- zayub@email.sc.edu • Hello! My name is Zeeshan. I am originally from Kansas City, MO. I am currently a junior majoring in biology. I can’t wait to get active in the community and start working for you!

Kevin Boyd- kboyd@email.sc.edu • As a senator, my goal will be to ensure that students are being represented over the financial interests of the administrators. I will bring pro-student change to the Senate. My legislations will involve reforms that allow students to use their meal swipes without constraint of time, authorize refunds at the end of the semester for unused Carolina Cash, and work to fix the Arts and Sciences budget crisis. Together, let’s take our college back!

Aaliyah Harrell-harrella@email.sc.edu • As a transfer student, I offer a unique perspective with new ideas. Even though I haven’t been here long, I already feel that we’re one big family. As your senator, I won’t stop until everyone calls this campus home. I’ll push for inclusion and representation, no matter your identity or background. This is about you, not me. I’ll serve you tirelessly. I want to serve the school that welcomed me with open arms. Thank you.

Parker Hall- pmhall@email.sc.edu • "Regardless of the issue, my views will represent those of the student body. As an elected representative, I will seek feedback from my peers and use that to influence my vote on any issue that is addressed in the Student Senate. Through constant communication, honesty and trustworthiness, I will ensure that I am truly a man of the people."

Robert Copenhavercopenhar@email.sc.edu • As a hopeful, future student body representative on the momentum ticket, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to witness what one Carolina can accomplish as we unit as one student body! Our tickets platform is committed to innovating new traditions and carrying on former ones such as cock stock and many more. Furthermore, momentum Is vested to the student body and optimistic of what we can accomplish together!

Nakia Hooks- (prefers Nick Hooks) nhooks@email.sc.edu • I am driven by my passion to afford opportunities to students that help them get ahead and stay ahead at the University of South Carolina. We thrive when dedicated students work hard at the small issues that make a huge difference in the lives of university students. I'll work for initiatives that directly impact you and be an advocate for the student's perspective in the student government senate. I’ll work for you.

Yash Verma- yverma@email.sc.edu •

I am currently on Freshmen council where I represent the freshmen class. As a member of Freshmen council, I assisted with International Education Week, Diversity Week, and the Palmetto Warriors 5k. If elected senator, I will continue to work just as hard and implement ways to make the largest college feel smaller. I believe in the Momentum ticket. One vision, one mission, one student body. Together, let’s use our Momentum to move Carolina forward!

Aaron Kirby- ajkirby@email.sc.edu •

I want to protect the students of Arts and Sciences. I want to protect their majors and the funding that goes into them. I want to protect the organizations that these students run and are apart of. I want to protect their opportunities for studying abroad and taking on professional internships. I want to protect a healthy budget to fund opportunities and put our majors, and students on the map. As a political science major I can see the importance of funding for majors within my school of study. If elected I will protect your interests.

Azalfa Lateef- aulateef@email.sc.edu • As a senator candidate on the Momentum ticket, I am very keen on conserving old traditions, but also creating new strong traditions that will carry on for years. As a candidate for Arts and Science, I want opportunities such as research and internships to be more accessible and to be found in an easier manner. I would also like to boost student involvement in activities all around campus. I want the best for my college!

Regan Butler- rebutler@email.sc.edu • Hello, my name is Regan Butler, and I am a 2nd year Experimental Psychology major. I am currently serving my second term on the Carolina Judicial Council, and working on educational research. If elected to represent the College of Arts and Sciences, I will strive to serve my fellow students. I have loved my experiences within the College of Arts and sciences, and I hope to have the honor of representing them as a Senator.

Harsahib Dev- (Prefers Sahib Dev) dev@email.sc.edu • Unity and progress are the core values that I strive to live by and want to implement here at the University of South Carolina, I want to bring help bring the student body under a strong and transparent leadership; one where the students can have their voice heard and have it matter. We need to pave the way for a Carolina that is always pushing to be bigger, better, and bolder!

Almeera Lateefalateef@email.sc.edu • As a current freshman part of Freshman Council and a senate candidate on the Momentum ticket, our goal is to increase the presence of Student Government on our campus. My goal as senator is to bring change to our senate by bringing up and actively trying to pass legislature that will have a direct impact on the student body. Together, let’s make Carolina a better home!

Eugene Suydamesuydam@email.sc.edu • The University of South Carolina has many great opportunities and I am thrilled to work with my fellow students to help improve our student government. I want to continue successful programs like Cockstock and It's On Us, while rolling out new initiatives that increase student's opportunities on campus and in the job field.

Lee Ellis - (prefers Patrick Ellis) lpellis@email.sc.edu •

Guarantee students access to consistent and reliable Wi-Fi, implement strategies to lower the cost of and increase availability of on-campus parking options, reform the meal plan options to make them more cost-efficient and flexible, remove restrictions that determine what student organizations may use funding for, institute a financial literacy education program and prevent tuition increases for students in the College of Arts and Sciences for development not directly beneficial to these students.

Taylor Brown- tlb2@email.sc.edu • My name is Taylor Brown and I am excited to be running for Student Government Senate for District 1 on the Momentum ticket. I look forward to seeing the change a group of people can make when they work together to push the school further then it has been before. Together, as a student body, let's use our Momentum to move Carolina forward.

Bennett Lunn- blunn@email.sc.edu •

Advocacy: • Listening to the insightful views of College of Arts and Sciences students • Addressing these views candidly and promoting those which can do the most good Safety: • Work to have the many out of order Campus call boxes properly maintained • Organizing social events for appreciation of minority groups, particularly those being impacted by our country’s current political climate • Informing students about and then enhancing the Walk Home Cocky program • Establish anonymous call center for distressed students Transparency: • Improve transparency within student government by ensuring that students are made aware of leadership opportunities • Promoting student involvement in SG bodies

Casey Hamlincohamlin@email.sc.edu • "When I became your Senator, I pledged that I would provide two things: honesty and results. That means no bull from me, no days off for me and no more playing games in the Senate chamber. If reelected, I will continue to reengage our Senate with the students that sent us there, continue fighting to ensure a safer campus for our students and continue speaking out when my colleagues don’t put your interests first."

Dylan Jones- dj7@email.sc.edu •

Hello, I'm Dylan and I'm a freshman Global Studies major. I've had the opportunity to serve on the Residence Hall Association senate for the last semester. In my time, I have helped in passing legislation which promotes sociability and sustainability among our student population. I currently have a new initiative in the works for an international food and culture festival, and would greatly appreciate your support in this election process so that I can continue to offer my experience to promote progress within USC's community.

Jasmine Lancaster- jsl@email.sc.edu •

My name is Jasmine Lancaster; I am studying Biology with a focus on Environmental Studies. I have learned the importance of leadership and communication through my internships in sales. Through my diverse network and background, I am able to take on an open minded perspective. As a senator, I will execute my duties with enthusiasm and cultivate a bond that allows students greater access to opportunities on campus through SGA.

James Teal- jteal@email.sc.edu • My name is James Teal and I am a Sophomore Political Science on the Pre-Law track. I served in the 108th Student Body Senate, rising to Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Rules Committee. I have a passion for politics and wish to see continued growth in Student Government. I believe my Student Government experience can help me to better address issues and bring initiatives to better the student body.

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES HRSM College District (6 candidates)

Nicholas Bragorgos Jr. nickb@email.sc.edu

Aaron Greenberg aaronag@email.sc.edu • I've been raised with a family first mentality. From parents to siblings; cousins to grandparents, my family has and always will be my everything. What I've realized since coming to Carolina is that I have a new family, a cocky family. From my SPTE major to my Retail minor HRSM is a huge part of that family, if given the opportunity I will better the experience for my new family, in any way I can.

Madison Blevins blevins@email.sc.edu • My name is Madison Blevins and I am a Sport and Entertainment Management major. As a senator, I plan on enabling all students to feel like they have a voice in making Carolina the best it can be. With my experience on the Athletic Committee of Freshman Council and the Momentum campaign, I'm prepared to work hard to help initiate new ideas to better our school and community, with student life being the main focus.

Carey Winters cwinters@email.sc.edu • My name is Carey Winters and I'm a junior Hospitality Management major. I hope to be elected as one of your College of HRSM senators. If elected, I will work together with other senators to continue to improve the HRSM program and make a positive impact on the college for both students and faculty. By continuing to improve the HRSM community, our positive influence will reach the university as a whole.

Cooper Keener ctkeener@email.sc.edu • As a student here at USC, I look around and see the amazing things around me on this campus. The reality is that these astonishing new buildings and opportunities come from the alumni. I will work closely with the alumni of our HSRM school specifically, and use my close relationship with the Student Body Government to be able to make the HSRM school and the rest of USC incomparable, and a place of limitless success

Casey Magersupp magersuc@email.sc.edu • This past year I was very excited to be a part of the Freshman Council Athletics Committee where I was able to combine my passion for Student Government and HRSM. Our main focus this year was to promote our guest ticketing initiative in response to interest from the HRSM community. It is my hope to continue representing our fantastic program as well as promoting the goals of the Momentum campaign as your senator! #gococks

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES Social Work College District (No Candidates, 2 unfilled seats)

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES Business College District (17 candidates)

Claire Roper cmroper@email.sc.edu • As a candidate on the Momentum ticket, I believe that I can continue the success already implemented by the current student government, but also form new ideas that will make advances within the senate. As a senator, I’ll be a voice for students in the Darla Moore school of Business and I can bring attention to changes that should take place, such as issues with advisement. Together, let’s use our Momentum to move Carolina forward!

Robert Trask rtrask@email.sc.edu • I am running this year to better the Business School in its entirety. I am currently on senate and am also a chairman of a committee. I have a years worth of knowledge when it comes to Senate and am very affluent on how it operates. Vote for me to ensure a knowledgeable individual represents you.

Benjamin Jenkins brj2@email.sc.edu •

I am a current member of Freshman Council, a Student Government Representative on the Russell House Advisory Board, and now a Moore School Senate Candidate on the Momentum Ticket. With my experience, I am determined to give you, the students, a college experience you will never forget. With my election to senate, I will fight for new student initiatives that enhance your time on campus, while building on traditions that we love and cherish. #WinWithBen

Davis Paone dpaone@email.sc.edu • As a student of the Darla Moore School of Business, I plan to represent the student body by working to make the school an enjoyable place to learn. I want to improve student life by planning fun and entertaining events. I am also open to hearing from my fellow students and listening to their concerns and ideas for making the University of South Carolina better.

Samuel Sisney (Prefers Sam Sisney) ssisney@email.sc.edu • My name is Sam Sisney, and I am excited about the opportunity to help improve our home here at USC. As a current member of Student Government on Freshman Council, I have the knowledge and experience to succeed in serving as a Senator for the Moore School of Business. I will do my best to represent the needs of our diverse and dynamic student body in the Moore School as well as the entire university.

Evan Dodge edodge@email.sc.edu •

My name is Evan – I have served as both Vice-Chair/Chairman on the Finance committee and Chairman of the Business Delegation for DMSB. While proudly serving, I played a large role in reducing the amount of time StuGov takes to allocate funds to student’s organizations; meaning money is now put in the right hands faster with less unnecessary bureaucracy. I hope to continue my work as an experienced senate member fighting for Business Students at USC.

Kyle Roop kroop@email.sc.edu • I, Kyle Roop, am running for Darla Moore Senator on a platform to connect business majors with similar passions and goals. I plan to do so by putting together events, allowing students access to endless networking possibilities. As an at-large Senator this semester, I am working with the Student Services Committee to link students on a university scale. If elected as a Darla Moore Senator, I will do everything in my power to represent you.

Johnathan Xiong jx1@email.sc.edu • My name is Johnathan Xiong and I am running for my second term as a Student Senator. I hope to better serve the undergraduate student body as an experienced member of the Senate Finance Committee. This committee is one that needs senior leadership in order to succeed and it is unquestionable that I will bring my experiential knowledge to the next cohort of leaders.

Chirag Jain chiragj321@gmail.com •

Vote Chirag Jain for a more transparent Student Government, new initiatives for business professional development, and more networking opportunities with upperclassmen, professors, and job recruiters. Chirag Jain has already attended both Senate and Cabinet sessions as a Freshman Council member. Working in the Student Services Committee, he has had the opportunity to interact with many SG members and staff to implement projects on campus. Vote Experience: Vote Chirag Jain!

Nicholas Pollak npollak@email.sc.edu •

Representing you, as your DMSB senator, I embrace the Momentum ideals of continuing tradition, cultivating emerging programs, and advocating future reform. I stand in firm opposition to unjust tuition hikes while safeguarding the present SG initiatives enjoyed universally, including Cockstock and Walk Home Cocky. Protecting the rights and health of everyone, I aim to clarify vague transparency laws by implementing an effective medical amnesty policy that will mitigate the repercussions of substance/alcohol related incidents.

Lauren Flintom lflintom@email.sc.edu •

I currently serve on the Finance Committee as a member of the 108th Senate, where I have cosponsored legislation to allocate $115,000 to student organizations. I have supported events like Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, and Awards Day. I will continue to advocate for initiatives that sponsor Wi-Fi in the student section of athletic facilities, a modernized Student Union, and more drop-in advising hours. Together, let’s use our Momentum to move Darla Moore forward.

Maxwell Nelson maxwelln@email.sc.edu •

Representing you, as your DMSB Senator, I will champion the Momentum goals of Continue, Cultivate, and Advocate by continuing successful programs like “It’s On Us” or Cockstock, as well as cultivating new programs for the upcoming term like a syllabus database and public course evaluations. Alongside the Student Government team, I commit to advocate quality affordable education, and lay the groundwork to reform campuswide drug policy and medical amnesty to ensure safety of every student.

Jordan Harrington jordangh@email.sc.edu • I, Jordan Harrington, want to be an active part of student government to help make student focused and positive changes at the University of South Carolina. I plan to be a voice representing us, the students at USC, so that WE can be heard and see change.

Sophie Davish sdavish@email.sc.edu • Hi my name is Sophie Davish and I am running for one of the senate seats for the business school. I am unbelievably passionate about out amazing institution and I hope that I can contribute to make it even better. I have already been involved in the freshman council and understand how senate and all of student government works. A vote for me is a vote for a passionate leader with past experience. Sophie for Senate!!

Emerson Odagis eodagis@email.sc.edu •

As a current Student Body Senator and now Senate candidate, I have conducted more than 25 interviews for the Powers and Responsibilities committee, allocated $21,750 to student organizations through the Finance Committee, and sponsored 12 pieces of legislation. I will continue to provide a firm voice to important policies affecting our special populations, such as student veteran and mental health initiatives. Together let’s use our Momentum to strengthen our passion for Carolina.

Andrew Schindler andrewgs@email.sc.edu • Andrew Schindler is a junior at the Darla Moore School of Business majoring in International Business and Finance and minoring in French. After a year studying in Denmark and interning with the South Carolina delegation on Capitol Hill, he wants to make his mark on Carolina by representing the Moore School in the Senate. He will continue to ensure that every day is a great day to be a Gamecock. Vote Schindler for Senate!

Samuel Payseur spayseur@email.sc.edu •

As your Senator I plan on working towards implementing initiatives including: improving and expanding student Wi-Fi access at our athletic venues, working towards a e-newsletter to keep students involved about student government both school wide and business school specific, and finally creating a syllabus bank so students can have a better idea of course materials and schedules before they register. I look forward to working with all of you to keep improving our Moore school.

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES Education College District (1 candidate, 2 unfilled seats)

Caleb Willis calebwillis2016@gmail.com •

My name is Caleb Jefferson Willis. I am a sophomore Middle Level Education major. After much consideration and outstanding support from my fellow students at the University, I have decided to run for Senator of the College of Education. As an elected official, I will serve the College of Education as well as the University of South Carolina's student body as a whole. In everything I do, I shall uphold the core values of Education and move our University forward in a positive direction.

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES Engineering College District (6 candidates)

Brian Youngbloodbry@email.sc.edu •

As a Senator for the College of Engineering and Computing, I hope to improve relationships with our partnering companies and to develop new partnerships with local, national, and international companies. I hope to improve the utility of the career fairs and promote internships, coops, and part-time jobs with companies. I also hope to improve the clubs and organizations within the college by promoting variety and working to increase the amount of funding that they receive from the university. The partnerships will benefit the clubs and organizations by connecting them to corporate sponsors and by bringing in speakers.

Colin John johncw@email.sc.edu • I’m Colin John and it would be an honor to serve as a Senator in the College of Engineering and Computing. We currently attend the greatest university on the planet, but that does not mean it is without fault. As your representative, I will push for a better community experience among freshman, less parking tickets, more tuition transparency, among many other things. All of these things will be accomplished, together, if you vote for John!

Lars Kolvereid larsk@email.sc.edu

Gerald Ardis Jr leeardis97@gmail.com •

Hello, my name is Gerald "Lee" Ardis. I am a freshman mechanical engineering major from St. George, SC. I am excited to be running for the College of Engineering and Computing Senator position and will make sure that the voice of my fellow students is heard. If elected, I will take the advice of many of my classmates to help the College of Engineering and Computing offer the best possible experience for current and future students. For other initiatives that I support, visit momentumforcarolina.com

Jasrial Thompson jasrial@email.sc.edu • The mission of impossible is an understatement for greater. The Department of Engineering and Computing has outstanding gifted students who's voices need to be heard. Help me share your thoughts and concerns to the entire Student Body. As we strive for success, let's make a difference! Your vote counts! Lets vote Jasrial Thompson Senate for the Department of Computing and Engineering

Joseph Bass jbass@email.sc.edu • I’m Joseph Bass, and I'm a sophomore Engineering Senator. In my first term I helped increase awareness about the CEC program, increased food-truck hours and menu, advocated for budget information and I have many more goals this year to make the CEC as great as it can be. Our first year has been very successful together and I hope to serve you again this year. Thank you!

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES School of Journalism and Mass Communications District (3 candidates)

Brooke Rakowski rakowski@email.sc.edu • As a second year broadcast journalism student and the 2016-2017 delegation chair of the SMJC, in which I have had the opportunity of serving my fellow peers. If elected, I will compile a list of student contacts and create a directory of student services for student organizations to use for events on campus. Secondly, I will petition to see more media and communications jobs represented at the career fairs.

Tara Borden tborden@email.sc.edu • If given the opportunity to serve on Student Senate, it would be my goal to create a more fluent and inclusive voice for students regarding the opportunities and responsibilities we encounter at the University of South Carolina. By creating better venues for students to share their opinions we can make more beneficial changes where necessary and continue to strengthen our positive achievements . .

Alyssa Butterson butterso@email.sc.edu •

Hello Gamecocks! My name is Alyssa Butterson. I’m running for a Senate Seat in College of Journalism. My goal is to make a positive difference in the college throughout the University. I assure you that I will bring your ideas and thoughts to Student Government. I plan to collaborate and work alongside the other Senate members to provide guidance in growing the College of Journalism to is full potential. I would appreciate your consideration. Go Gamecocks!

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES College of Law District (1 candidate, 1 seat unfilled)

Edward Waelde johnwaelde@yahoo.com • I will be a zealous advocate for my constituents.

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES College of Nursing District (3 candidates)

Sean Crowley scrowley@email.sc.edu • My name is Sean Crowley, and I am a sophomore nursing student going into upper division in the fall. My goals and actions will adhere to the seven traits of the College of Nursing: leadership, professionalism, respect, integrity, care, excellence, and innovation. On the University level, I will keep the best interest of every individual student in mind in order to make our college experience here at USC the best it can be.

Nhon Nguyen nanguyen@email.sc.edu •

I’m a freshman honors student, Gamecock Pantry Volunteer, MLK Site Leader, and Impact Weekly Leader. I'm running for the Nursing Senate seat, because I want to increase my involvement at USC. Since I am also part of the Student Nurses Association's executive board, I have a direct connection that can benefit the needs of Nursing students. I hope to promote and work on both student government and College of Nursing initiatives. I don't have a specific platform other than being a bridge between Student Government, College of Nursing, and Student Nurses Association. I want to accurately represent every Nursing student.

Lindsay Putkowski lindsayp@email.sc.edu • After almost three years of attending USC, Columbia has become my home away from home. I have decided to run for a position on student senate representing the College of Nursing to be able to stand for the diverse population of students within the college. I would be honored to stand for the current and future cohorts in the program and to improve the training and equipment we have to better prepare us for the clinical setting

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES College of Pharmacy District (2 Candidates)

Shashank (Sam) Kommaraju kommaraj@email.sc.edu • I am honored to be running for the South Carolina College of Pharmacy Senate position. As a member I will work hard to see where and how the university's resources are being allocated and used towards the College of Pharmacy. I will strive to better the school, community and the pharmacy school to its highest level.

Janie Ferren


STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES College of Pre-Pharmacy District (2 candidates)

Myles Keener mrkeener@email.sc.edu

John Hungerpiller- (Prefers Colin Hungerpiller) hungerpj@email.sc.edu •

I currently serve as the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to represent all of you. I've advocated for new programs and helped lead the most productive Senate in our University's history. I believe the Momentum ticket will unite our Student Government, give the Student Body a fresh and powerful voice, and lead to new initiatives to strengthen our Carolinian Community. Forever to Thee Carolina, we have no limits.

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES College of Public Health District (9 candidates)

Shreya Mehta shreyam@email.sc.edu • As Senator, I would have the opportunity to represent our college and devote time to issues that challenge college students, such as physical and mental health. College is a unique experience, and every student should enjoy their time at USC. This is possible with healthy food options, low stress levels, and a supportive community. As senator, I would work towards creating and maintaining these three goals. Let’s improve Carolina together. GO COCKS!!!

Jenissa Lohnesjlohnes@email.sc.edu • If privileged with the opportunity to be a senator of the College of Public Heath I will portray the values of the Arnold school and seek the policies that will uphold them. I will strive diligently to ensure that the health and safety of our students is forefront in all legislation. If reappointed, I am excited and motivated to continue my work in making sure that every voice is heard and represented fairly.

Garrett Allen gnallen@email.sc.edu •

I will be a dedicated advocate for students by holding university administration and student government accountable for representing our best interests. I will focus on enhancing the student experience by increasing awareness of university resources and supporting more late night on-campus events. I will support campus-wide inclusivity by representing the interests of both minority and majority students. I will promote health & wellness by advocating for free STD testing services at the new health center.

Ryan Anderson rma1@email.sc.edu • I plan to work on health issues on our campus. My primary goal will be to increase flu vaccination rates by providing loyalty points to students who get their vaccination. I will also work toward improving mental health as well as creating a safer environment for all Carolinians.

Anna Bishop annamb@email.sc.edu • As your senate representative, I plan to bring a focus back to the health of students. By advocating for programs that can raise awareness and discussion about mental health and proper nutrition, I hope to bring back the balance of body, mind, and spirit that contributes to the success of each student here at The University of South Carolina.

Garrison Burkhalter (Prefers Gage Burkhalter) ggb@email.sc.edu • As a new student at USC I could see how traditions are very treasured. Seeing new traditions with Cockstock being so successful, and also seeing the uproar of the student body when wellestablished traditions were threatened made me realize that the student body loves its traditions and as a part of your senate we would fight to keep old traditions while bringing in fresh new ones like Cockstock to use our momentum to become perfect.

Mary Weigert (Prefers Mackenzie Weigert) mweigert@email.sc.edu • I'll work hard for you in things that matter. I'll work on improvements to LIFE at USC: Living, Inclusion, Fitness and Education .

Rachel Fridh rfridh@email.sc.edu • My name is Rachel Fridh, and I'm a freshman Public Health B.A. from Summerville, SC. If I am elected as a Senator, I will expand the opportunities for Public Health students to connect with professionals to gain real-world experience before graduating from USC. In addition, I will aim to improve the advising process, so that students can give feedback about their advisor to ensure the students get the highest level of assistance. Go cocks!

Shane Bello sbello@email.sc.edu • Our time at the University of South Carolina as Undergraduates is short which is why if elected, I will hit the ground running. I will continue to advocate for a course evaluation publication system as a more reliable alternative to Rate My Professor. I will also work to foster a campus that incorporates public health concepts in every facet of student life. Together, let’s use our Momentum to move Carolina forward!

STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES College of Music (No candidates, 2 seats unfilled)

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