The Professional Issue

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a venectibus doluptas simus, sinum in cume nemolenissus et qui tem aspero maio. Porem que min esti beaquodi doluptatum illecae sit ut latur aut asperferum aut quiae. Nam, ut voluptur renia eius volore esti vollantem experum quae velis iuscim dolor ad magnis eum fuga. Sollend untiore ptatquae quiderias doloria doloren dandae velita volorestius volorep taecuptam, nusaes maximus nobis ent andes etus, conse qui sum litis expla veles di omnisquis que velit, te vellace pudantia sim et dolum ad que perro ent acesto inus delicaerit reseque pre autem sit eum, eos int lique sit am et acestotatet, sinis evendio dolorei cidiossunt et pedi omnistia quias nobisitiam et, sequunt eserspis ne lique cusdani te dolendus et es anda vellabore pelitas et quidiorro blaut quundem nis secto tenimost lit omnitin ctatus maximinti que voluptate magnatenda pliae nonsequia aut volendiossim fugias alia sament et, quae quam il mo enis et eos necus consequam, abo. Parcimaxime porempe nit am idioris doluptatur sinciissint. a venectibus doluptas simus, sinum in cume nemolenissus et qui tem aspero maio. Porem que min esti beaquodi doluptatum illecae sit ut latur aut asperferum aut quiae. Nam, ut voluptur renia eius volore esti vollantem experum quae velis iuscim dolor ad magnis eum fuga. Sollend untiore ptatquae quiderias doloria doloren dandae velita volorestius volorep taecuptam, nusaes maximus nobis ent andes etus, conse qui sum litis expla veles di omnisquis que velit, te vellace pudantia sim et dolum ad que perro ent acesto inus delicaerit reseque pre autem sit eum, eos int lique sit am et acestotatet, sinis evendio dolorei cidiossunt et pedi omnistia quias nobisitiam et, sequunt eserspis ne lique cusdani te dolendus et es anda vellabore pelitas et quidiorro blaut quundem nis secto tenimost lit omnitin ctatus maximinti que voluptate magnatenda pliae nonsequia aut volendiossim fugias alia sament et, quae quam il mo enis et eos necus consequam, abo. Parcimaxime porempe nit am idioris doluptatur sinciissint. a venectibus doluptas simus, sinum in cume nemolenissus et qui tem aspero maio. Porem que min esti beaquodi doluptatum illecae sit ut latur aut asperferum aut quiae. Nam, ut voluptur renia eius volore esti vollantem experum quae velis iuscim dolor ad magnis eum fuga. Sollend untiore ptatquae quiderias doloria doloren dandae velita volorestius volorep taecuptam, nusaes maximus nobis ent andes etus, conse qui sum litis expla veles di omnisquis que velit, te vellace pudantia sim et dolum ad que perro ent acesto inus delicaerit reseque pre autem sit eum, eos int lique sit am et acestotatet, sinis evendio dolorei cidiossunt et pedi omnistia quias nobisitiam et, sequunt eserspis ne lique cusdani te dolendus et es anda vellabore pelitas et quidiorro blaut quundem nis secto tenimost lit omnitin ctatus maximinti que voluptate magnatenda pliae nonsequia aut volendiossim fugias alia sament et, quae quam il mo enis et eos necus consequam, abo. Parcimaxime porempe nit am idioris doluptatur sinciissint. a venectibus doluptas simus, sinum in cume nemolenissus et qui tem aspero maio. Porem que min esti beaquodi doluptatum il-

the professional issue


Contents Professional issue FAUX // September 2016

4. In praise of slowness Nathan Tee

Ethics Meets Aestetics

14. Professional art Archy Obradovic Professional

22. Ethics meets aesthetics Sarah Debenham


“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.� - Banksy

30. R for Referee Sim Hamisi 1

42. Is eSports really a sport? Brad Ellery



When buzzing through the sped-up world where there are always battles to be won and emails to be answered, learning to slow down in the workplace is imperative to both our productivity and happiness. In this excerpt from Carl Honore’s book In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the cult of speed, he writes about the benefits of flexible hours and the importance of downtime. There was a time, not so long ago, when mankind looked forward to a new age of leisure. Machines promised to liberate everyone from the drudgery of work. Sure, we might have put in the odd shift at the office or factory, monitoring screens, twinddling dials, signing invoices, but the rest of the day would be spent hanging out and having fun. With so much free time on our hands, words like “hurry” and “haste” woud eventually fall out of the language. Benjamin franklin was the first to invision a world devoted to rest and relaxation. Inspired by the technological breakthroughs of the latter 1700’s, he predicted that man would soon work no more than four hours a week. The 19th made that prophecy look foolishly naive. In the dark satanic mills of the industrial revolution, men, women and even children toiled for 15 hours a day. Yet at the end of the 19th century, the Age of Leisure popped up once again on the cultural radar. George Bernard Shaw predicted that we would two hours a day by 2000. The dream of limitless leisure persisted through the 20th century. Dazzled by the magical promise of technolgy, the man in the street dreamed of a life spent longing by the pool, waited on by robots that not only mixed FAUX | PROFESSIONAL

a mean martini but also kept the economy ticking over nicely. In 1956 Richard Nixon told Americans to prepare for a four-day workweek in the “not too distant duture.” A decade later, a US Senate subcommittee heard that by 2000 Americans would be working as little as 14 hours per week. Even in 198s, some predicted that robotics and computers would give us all the free time than we would know what to do with. Could they have been more wrong? If we can be sure about anything in the 21st century, it is that reports of the death of work have been greatly exaggerated. Today, the age of Leisure looks as feasible as the paperless office. Most of us more likely to put in a 14 hour day than a 14 hour week. Work devours the bulk of our waking hours. Everything else in life - family, friends, sex and sleep, hobbies and holidays - is forced to bend around the almighty work schedule. In the industrial world, the average number of hours worked began a steady decline in the middle of the 1800s, when six-day weeks were the norm. But over the past 20 years, two rival trends have taken hold. While Americans work as much as they did in1980, Europeans work less. By some estimates, the average American now puts in 350 hours more on the job per year than his European counterpart. In 1997, the US supplanted Japan the industrialized country with the longest workng hours. By comparison, Europe looks like a slacker’s paradise. Yet even their picture is mixed. To keep up with the fast-paced, round-the-clock global economy, many Europeans have learned to work more like Americans. Behind the statistical averages, the grim truth is that the millions of people are actually working longer and harder that they want to, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries. One in four Canadians now racks up more than 50 hours a week on the job, compared to the one in ten in 1991. By 2002, one in five thirtysomething Britons was working at least 60 hours a week. And that’s before one adds on the long hours we spend commuting. What happened to the Age of Leisure? Why are so many of us working so hard?

Photography: Nathan Tee


Many modern jobs depend on the kind of creative thinking that seldom occurs at a desk and cannot be squeezed into fixed schedules.

Beyond the great productivity debate lies whatmay be the most important question at all: What is life for? Most people would agree that work is good for us. It can be fun, even ennobling. Many of us enjoy our jobs - the intellectual challenges, the physical exerction, the socializing, the status. But to let work take over our lives is folly. There are too many important things that need time, such as friends, family, hobbies and rest. For the slow movement, the workplace is a key battlefront. When the Job gobbles up so many hours, the time left over for everything else gets squeezed. Even the simple things - taking the kids to school, to friends - become a race against the clock. A surefire way to slow down is to work less. And that is exactly what millions of people around the world are seeking to do.


Everywhere, and especially in the long hours economy, polls show a yearning to spend less time on the job. In a recent International survey by economist at Warrick university and Darthmouth college, 70 percent of people in 27 countries said they wanted a better work-life balance. In the US, the backlash against workaholismis gathering steam. More and more bluechip firms, from Starbucks to Walmart, face awsuits from staff allegedly forced to put in

unpaid overtime. Americans are snapping up books that show how a more leisurely approach to work, and to life in general, can bring happiness and success. Recent titles include The lazy way to success, The lazy person’s Guide to success and the importantance of being lazy. In 2003, US campaigner for shorter working hours held the first national Take Back Your Time Day on October 24m the date was when, according to some estimates, Americans have worked as much as Europeans do in a year. Continental Europe have moved furthest down the roas cutting work hours. The average German, for instance, now spends 15 percent less time on the job than in 1980. Many economist reject the claim that working less creates more jobs by spreading the work around. But everyone agrees that trimming work hours generates more time for leisure, traditionally a higher priotity among continental Europeans. In 1993, the EU laid down a maximum workweek of 48 hours with workers given the right to work longer if they wish. At the end of the decade, France took the boldest step so far and put work in its place by cutting the workweek to 35 hours. In practice, France, stipulated that no one should work more than 1600 hours per year. Since the implementation of les 35 heures was negotiated at the company level, the impact of workers varies. Many French people now work shorter days throughout the year, while others work the same or even longer weekly hours but get extra days off. A mid-ranking French executive can Aspire to nine weeks or more of annual vacation. Though some professions ist and soldiers - are exempted from the 35 hour rule, the net effect is a leisure revolution. For many french people, the weekend now starts on Thursday, or ends on Tuesday, Legions of office staff desert their desks at 3 p.m. While some use the extra leisure time to veg out - sleeping or watching TV - many more have broadened their horizons. Enrollment in art, music and language classes has risen sharply. Tour operators report a boom in short trips to London, Barcalona and other European hotspots. Bars and bistros, cinemas and sports clubs are packed with people. The surge of leisure soending gave the economy a much needed shot in the arm. But beyond the economic numbers, the shorter workweek has revolutionized people’s lives. Parents spend longer playing hours with their children, friends see each other more often, couple have more time for romance.

Photography: Nathan Tee


Fans of the new regime are certainly easy to find. Take Emilie Guimard. The Paris based economist now enjoys a couple of three day weekends a month, on top of her six weeks of annual paid vacatio. She has taken up tennis, and started reading the Sunday edition of Le Monde from cover to cover. many of her long weekends are spent touring museums across Europe. “I now have time for things that make my life richer, and that is good for me and for my employers,” she says. “When you are relaxed and happy in your personal life, you work better. Most of us in the office feel we are more effecient on the Job than we used to be.” Many bigger companies have grown to love the 35hour week. On top of the tax breaks they received for hiring more workers, the new regime allowed them to negotiate more flexible ways of working. Staff at large manufacturers, such as Renault and Peugeot, have agreed to work longer hours when production peaks and shorter hours when it slumps. So the Cassandras who warned that the 35-hour week would send the French economy into instant meltdown have been proved wrong. The gross domestic product has grown, and unemployment, though still above the EU average, has fallen. Productivity also remains high. Indeed, some evidence suggests that many FAUX | PROFESSIONAL

French workers are more productive now. With less time on the job and more leisre to look forward to, they make greater efforts to finish their work before clocking off. Yet working less is just part of the Slow blueprint. People also want to decide when they work. They want control over their own time - and businesses who grant it to them are reaping the benefits. In our time-is-money culture, giving workers dominion over the clock goes against the grain. Ever since the industrial revolution, the norm has been to pay people for the hours they spend on the job rather than for what they produce. But rigid timetables are out of step with the information economy, where the boundary between work and play is much more blurred than it was in the 19th century. Many modern jobs depend on the kind of creative thinking that seldom occurs at a desk and cannot be squeezed into fixed schedules. Letting people choose their own hours, or judging them on what they acheive rather than on how long they spend achieving it, can deliver the flexibility that many of us crave. Studies show that people who feel in control of their time are more relaxed, creative and productive. In 2000, a British energy company hired management consultants to streamline the shifts systems as its call centre. Almost overnight, productivity nose dived, customer complaints shot up and staff began leaving. By denying employees a say in when they worked, the new regime has ruined morale. Realising its mistake, the company promptly gave the staff more control over its shifts, and soon the call centre was more productive than ever. Many of the workers said that having “time autonomy” at work helped them feel less hurried and stressed both on and away from the job. Karen Domaratzki bears witness to that at Royal Bank of Canada: “When you have contro over your own time, you feel more calm in everything you do.” Of course, giving people over their own time in the workplace will require a seismic shift in thinking. But where practical, it can - and should-be done. If deployed in the right spirit, information technology can help us do it. Instead of using Blackberrys, laptops and cell phones to extend the workday, we can use them to re-arrange it. Many companies are already ceding more time autonomy to their staff. In the UK, for example, British Telecom, Bayer and Lloyds TSB now allow employees to customize their own schedule: to work from home, say, or to come on and leave the office at more convenient hours. Though it naturally lends itself more to white-collar work, time autonomy is also making inroads to the blue collar world.

To let work take over our lives is folly. There are too many important things that need time, such as friends, family, hobbies and rest. Some swiss watch factories have rearranged production to allow workers on a single shift to vary their start and finish times by up to three hours. In Gloucestershire, a nylon factory lets the staff set its own hours as at least two worker are on duty at all times.

Photography: Nathan Tee

The benefits of working less, and working when it’s convenient, are clear enough, but now let’s consider why it sometimes makes sense to work more slowly. In the justice-time, modern workplace, speed seems to be all important. Email and cell phones demand and instant response, and a deadline lurks around every corner. A 2001 survey conducted by the European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions found that the EU workers were under much greater tie pressure than a decade ago. A third now spends now spends all or almost all of their time rushing to meet dealines. Of course, speed has a role in the workplace. A deadline can focus the mind and spur us on to perform remarkable feats. The trouble is that is that many of us are permanently stuck in deadline mode, leaving little time to ease off and

rechanrge. the things that need slowness - strategic planning, creative thoughts, building relationshps - get lost in the mad dash to keep up, or even just to look busy. Many companies are no trying to strike a balance between fast and slow at work. Often this means recognizing the limits of technology. Email, for all its speed, cannot capture irony, nuanceor body language, and this leads to misunderstandings and mistakes. Slower methods of communication - walking across the office and actually talking to someone face-to-face, for instance can save time and money, and build esprit de corps, in the long run. That is one reason that companies have started using staff to think hard before they hit the send button. Companies are also moving to make work less of a 24/7 treadmill. The accountancy firm Ernst & Young recently told its US employees that it was okay not to check email and voice mail over the weekend. In a similar vein, stressed out executives are taking the cell phones outside the office. Jill Hancock, a go-getting investment banker in London, used to take her Chic, chrome-plated Nokia everywhere and even answered calls on vacation or in the middle of dinner. She paid the price, though, in depression and chronic fatigue. When a psychologist diagnosed “mobile phone addiction” and urged her to switch off from time to time, Hancokc was appalled. But eventually she gave it a try, first silencing the Nokia during her lunch break, and later on evenings and weekedn when an urgent call was unlikely. Within two months she was off the antidepressants, her skin had cleared up and she was getting more work done in less time. At the bank her collegues accept that Hancock was no longer reachable around the clock. A few have even followed her eample. “I didn’t realise it at the time, but the fact that I was always available, always on, was grinding me down,” she says. “We all need time to ourselves” Decelerating at work also prompted hancock to make more room for slow persuits in the rest of her life. She has taken up Yoga and now cooks a real supper, instead of a microwaved meal, at least two evenings a week. To avoid burnout and promote creative thinking. business gurus, therapist and psychologists increasingly prescribe doses of slowness for the workplace. In his best selling 2002 book, How To Succeed in Business without Working So Damn Hard, Robert Kriegel suggested taking regular 15 - 20 minute time outs during the day.


Photography: Nathan Tee


Even oin high-speed, high pressure industries, companies are taking steps to help their staff slow down. Some grant sabbaticals in hopes that an extended period away from the office will refresh emloyees and their creative juices. Others offer on-the-job yoga, aromatherapy and massage, or encourage workers to eat lunch away from their desks. Takeshi Sato is a big fan of the eighth floor sanctuary. As a manager of the CEO’s office, he wors 12 hours a day, juggling emails, meetings, phone calls and budget reports. When the place becmes too frenetic, he leaves his desk to spend ten minutes in the meditation room. “At times in the day, I suddenly feel like I need to be slow, to relax, to let my mind become still and quiet,” he tells me. “Some people might think of that as ten minutes well invested. It’s very important for performance to be able to switch on and off, between fast and slow. After I have been in the meditation room, my mind is sharper and calmler, which helps me make good decisions.” Other people are taking declaration to its ultimate conclusion and actually catching 40 winks during the working day. Though sleeping on the job is the ultimate taboo, research has shown that a short “power nap” - around 20 minutes is ideal - can boost energy and productivty. A recent study by NASA concluded that 24 minutes of shut eye did wonders for a pilot’s alertness and performance. Many of the most vigorous and successful figures in history were inventerate nappers: John F Kennedy, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill deliv-

ered the most elequent defense of the afternoon snooze: “Don’t think you will doing less work becasue you sleep during the day. That’s a foolish notion helped by people who have no imagination. You will be abe to accomplish more. You get two days in one - well, as least one and a half.” Napping can be especially helpful nowadays, when so many of us are not sleeping enough at night. Backed by pro-sleep groups such as the World Napping organization to the Portuguese Association of Friends of the Siesta, snoozing in the middle of the workday is enjoying renaissance. At its six factories in the US, Yarde Metals encourages staff to doze off during breaks. The company has built special “nap rooms” and once a year holds a collective napping session complete with buffet lunch and silly costumes. Vechta, a small city in Northern Germany urges its civil servants to take a postprandial snooze in their office chairs or at home. From the American factory floor to the German town hall, the results are the same: happier staff, better morale, higher productivity. More on-the-job napping may be in the pipeline. At the beach in Barcelona’s Mallorca Street, every detail is designed to relax. The walls are painted a soothing shade of peach, and the rooms are warm and softly lit. New age music whispers from hidden speakers. Fully clothed and kneeling facedown in ergonomically designed chairs, the customers enjoy head, neck and back massages. Once customers drift to sleep, the masseur moves on. As I settle into my chair, at least three people in the room are snoring gently. A couple minutes later, I join them. Afterwards, on the sidewalk outside, I fall into a conversation with a young salesman called Louis, who is straightening his tie after a 15 minute snooze. He looks as refreshed as I feel. “This is so much better than going to the gym,” he says, snapping his briefcase shut. “I feel totally energized. I feel ready for anything.”



out sider art




“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” - Banksy



What is Professional Art? Artists and writers often face a major reality check when they leave the confines of academia. It can be a sobering experience to question whether you have the commitment it takes to pursue a career in the creative world. This time can be particularly tough on women, who, as it turns out, represent the majority of graduates holding degrees in the visual, performing and literary arts. Let’s not forget, as well, that income parity between men and women is still an issue across all industries. Women in the U.S. continue to earn, on average, 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. At that rate, a woman has to work roughly 52 years in order to earn what a man makes in 40 years. The arts are no exception to the pay gap and, adding insult to injury, according to the Department of Education, graduates from schools specializing in art, music and design rack up the greatest amount of student loan debt. While the deck is stacked against women in the arts in many ways, until we change the system (and, until it’s all about the art, not the artist’s gender), it’s crucial for every woman artist to understand professionalism and develop a true entrepreneurial spirit to support her work. Assuming that the talent and vision are there, it is this mindset that can mean the difference between an amateur or hobbyist, and a professional who is making a living from her art — and, in effect, becoming an advocate for gender parity in the arts. In addition to honing their craft, recent graduates and emerging artists — especially women — need to have a truly realistic view of the level of their proficiency and where it fits in the larger visual or literary art worlds. While there is no industry standard for what it means to be a “professional,” there are some important ways in which new and emerging artists can increase their chances of progressing their careers to the next level: Build a network of mentors and advisers — Seek a network of master teachers and like-minded peers in the arts who can provide mentorship and guidance. These individuals should not only provide you with a supportive “community,” they should also push you to take your work to the next level, while consulting in a meaningful way on how you can gain recognition as a professional.


Seek appropriate avenues to expose your work — Determination, talent, and vision are prerequisites, but they don’t mean much if you can’t get your work before those who have influence in the marketplace. Exhibitions and publication venues are not all created equal. Enter competitions that provide a meaningful credential, are associated with a prestigious institution and provide a real platform to build a professional résumé. Non-profit organizations and foundations that promote the arts, as well as civic and governmental groups that organize exhibitions based on themes or media are worth exploring — and there truly is something out there for every artist. Here in our home city there are a number of organizations, from the New York Foundation for the Arts, which offers fellowships in the visual and literary arts, to MTA Arts for Transit and Urban Design, which facilitates wide exposure through both permanent and temporary art projects and its Poetry in Motion programs. For artists born outside of the U.S., the Vilcek Foundation offers a variety of prizes and outlets for artists’ and writers’ work. Opportunities abound, if you do your homework! Perfect the art of targeted self-promotion — Carefully manage your own connections and network using all of the resources available to you. You will be developing several constituencies: the public, collectors, media, and if you are seeking representation, agents, gallerists or publishers. With a multitude of social media channels at your disposal, develop strategies to help you engage with influencers and keep tuned in to opportunities appropriate to your level of proficiency, as well happenings in the arts at large. At Pen and Brush, professionalism is key. We aim to spotlight strong work by women artists. Our advocacy is based on the belief that continued exposure of high quality work by women can, over time, influence market choices — and perhaps somewhat subversively, by Janice Sands



Mandy Francis Q. Do you see your self as a professional artist? A. Yes Q. What artform do you catagorise yourself as? A. Visual artist Q. What does being a professional artist mean?/or entail? A. To me a professional artist can be numerous things... For example: 1; a person who makes most of their earnings from art. 2; a person who spends most of their time making art. 3; someone who identifies with being an artist. 4;someone who dedicates their time to making art...and more. For me being a professional artist entails, running workshops, creating public sculptures, holding exhibitions, art consulting, art mentoring, creating artworks, writing and theorising., to name a few things.

Q. Finally would you like or dislike the term ‘professional’ to be associated with artists? A. Absolutely. Artsists spend years of studying and observing much like any other profession. The work of an artist may be hard to catagorise, it may be ambiguous in a scientific sense - however Artists play an important role in society and have done so since the first humans walked this earth, all you need to do is look at the rock paintings in the Chevet Caves Southern France or Aboriginal Australian artworks or ancient sculptural artifacts from the ancient egyptians to see the important role of the artist in society.

Q. Can a professional artist earn a stable income? A. Not really, it depends. from my understanding visual artists are the lowest paid professionals. If you want to be a visual artist, you need to do it for love not money. However, if you are lucky, hardworking, dedicated and talented you have a better chance of making a good living.






Ethics Meets Aestetics


Photos by Sarah Debenham

Unlike past designers of hempy, patchouli infused eco-accessories, Sydney based Zefyr Jewels has a fashion-forward approach to ethical jewellery, proving that sustainable can be stylish.


“The problem that sustainably produced jewellery faces is that it’s seen as daggy and not on trend, or worse still – it looks poor quality,” says Zefyr designer and founder, Tanya Coelho. “I don’t sacrifice style or quality for ethics. Often I think people want to shop conscientiously, but don’t realise that beautiful, feminine and high-quality eco-jewellery actually exists.” Tanya started Zefyr in 2009 after working in the mainstream jewellery industry left her feeling despondent.

“I saw huge amounts of waste and unethical practices. Chemicals quite literally poured down the drain. I decided to go out on my own and do things differently.” Tanya’s journey into jewellery design was a story of conquering fears and self-discovery. “I was at that crossroads in life in your late teens where you have to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life (no pressure!). I was trying to choose between becoming an art historian or becoming an artist - i.e. the safe or the scary option.” “My school was very academic so I was starting to lean away from following the creative option when by a lucky chance I happened to read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (no relation). The book was all about following your dream with courage.”




“It resonated so strongly with me that I decided to follow that dream of mine and enrolled at Art College the next week. While I was at college I discovered metal, how fun it is to work with and haven’t looked back since...”

Tanya spends her weekends manning her stall at The Rocks Market, engaging with her loyal customers. Even though she loves chatting to people in person, as her business is predominantly online and she has had to create a strong presence for Zefyr on social media. After years of tailoring the Zefyr tone and learning to make a lasting impression online, the branding of her business is clear at first glance at any of her social media pages. Tanya realised that while ethics are really central in many consumer minds, women don’t buy jewellery just because it’s made sustainably. As an adornment, the first tickbox for jewellery is always how it looks. “Beauty and style are an essential part of the equation”, says Tanya. “Neither is negotiable for me. Ethics is on one side of the Zefyr coin, style is on the other.” Zefyr jewellery is made of 100% recycled materials but that’s not all that makes the brand sustainable. Like cage-free eggs, more and more consumers are demanding jewellery that is made in safe working conditions and with fair labour practices and Zefyr ticks this box. Tanya personally runs audits on the workshops in Jaipur India where all of the pieces are made. All of Zefyr’s Indian artisans receive free training, public transport and health checks as part of their employment. Zefyr’s MONSOON collection is made from 100% recycled materials. And as an added ethical insignia, a percentage of the proceeds go back to the place that inspired the design

– a local charity in the mountain regions of Northern Laos. In May 2014, Tanya travelled to Northern Laos, trekking the mountains to spend time with the Hmong Hill-tribe people. The Hmong women are known for their traditional colour-filled geometric embroidery, which can be seen in their blankets, clothes, baby-carriers and wallhangings. Inspired by the detailed patterns in the embroidery she began to visualize her next designs. The resulting MONSOON collection of rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings is a tribute to those beautiful, welcoming women and their creative work. Each piece also features the Lao symbol for ‘Mountain’ in tribute to the mountainous regions surrounding that glorious area of the world. With digital marketing technology so readily available to designers working in the ecommerce sphere, it’s becoming easier to understand how customers behave and what they want from their purchases, and Zefyr is giving the sustainably conscious shoppers what they want. “People want their jewellery to tell a story,” says Tanya. “But that also maintains their values and says something more than ‘I am fashionable’. It’s like a wearable reminder or symbol that they are doing their bit for the planet. That’s what I try to create.” By Sarah Debenham



We have a variety of lapels, straight legs, curf links, pocket squares and an optional bow tie. Look, they’re probably the best suits you will ever wear, probably.

Taylor’d Suits



For ‘Referee’ Your guide to the world game’s most hated profession, refereeing and their mounting responsibilitie to keep you in the park. Written Words by: J. Gordon & D. Lacey.


n both professional matches and grassroot football, the game is controlled by four officials: the referee, two assistant referees and the fourth official. The soccer referee does more than administering the Laws of the Game. He or she is responsible for the entire event which includes activities before, during and after the game. The referee is the final decision maker in matters relating to the play and his decisions are biding. He works hand in hand with two assistant referees or even three during big games. Here is a look at the soccer referee responsibilities, which are focused on ensuring a smooth running of the game. Prior to the match, the referee must sure that the players are ready to play and all their jewellery is removed. Players are not supposed to have bracelets, earrings and necklaces while playing for their own safety and that of other players. The soccer referee must then approve the number of players for each team before proceeding to start the game. He has to arrive in time to check on players and meet with the coaches. The time recommended is 15 minutes before the scheduled kick-off time. Finally, he gets to toss a coin to determine which team starts the play. There are 17 Laws of the Game to be upheld in every game. The laws cover all aspects of the game ranging

from the match ball specifications to player equipment safety. It is the referee’s obligation to apply the laws uniformly. He can delay the start of a game until the players conform to the rules. For example, in the case where a player commits more than one foul the referee must punish the more serious offense. With the help of assistant referees, he or she is required to ensure the safety of players, other officials and spectators. This means that he is entitled to make decisions on safety concerns about the match atmosphere or play. The options at hand are suspending the play, addressing the problem or abandoning the match. Those events interfering with the match are then recorded by the referee. The referee stops the game if a player is hurt or bleeding to allow for treatment. He ensures the player is cared for either on the playing field or beside the pitch. He must ensure that a bleeding player leaves the playing field and only returns on receiving a confirmation from the assistants that the bleeding has stopped. For team officials or crowds behaving badly, he can order them to leave the sidelines as a way of maintaining order in the game. On the other hand, he can stop the game if he feels like the crowd is endangered with the continuing of the game.


His responsibility is to ensure the rules are followed without waning the competitiveness of the play


T he Time Keeper


As the game’s time keeper the referee starts the game and sanctions corner kicks, goal kicks, offside, handballs, throw-ins, direct kicks and substitutions at an appropriate time. His main responsibility is to run the whole match with minimal interruptions allowed. Being the inforcer of Fair Play, he ensures fair play persists by discouraging unacceptable behavior through disciplinary action. His power lies on a pen and cards, part of the equipment a referee needs in every game. He should not tolerate provocation of other players by team officials and players. This is achieved by sanctioning yellow or red cards. A proper record of these actions is kept as it is the base of investigations into any misconduct. The area of major concern is the playing field and the immediate surroundings. It should be clear of fragments, most importantly the dangerous ones like glass pieces. The corner flags must be in place, markings on the field should be unbroken and advertising boards should be over a meter from the playing area. The responsibility of the referee extends to the crowds during the large games. His duty is to confirm that their access to the field is limited. The referee has the responsibility of keep an eye on the surroundings and determining whether the conditions are suitable for the match to continue. He can stop or delay the game if the condition of the field is not acceptable, some fixtures get damaged during the game, the spectators interfere with the progress of the game or there are concerns about lighting storm or such hazards.

Having already stated that assistant referees assist in decision making, it is imperative for the soccer referee to cooperate with them. The assistants at times see incidents during the match that the referee might miss. The referee ought to factor in their contribution as he is the head of this team of officials. This helps in ensuring the game is played for the stipulated time and appropriate stoppage time is added. It is with the help of assistants that unauthorized persons are identified and prevented from entering the playing area. Every referee needs to be fit and active on the field, moving with the ball so as to ensure he has a close eye on all actions. He has to do this without interfering with the play. However, there is no stoppage in play in case the ball hits the referee but he ought to be position himself in a way that it is unlikely to happen. The movement is crucial in that the binding decisions that he makes are greatly dependent on his assessment of the action, which is typically very prompt. The diagonal system control is one feature that guides the movement of a soccer referee. The fourth official, in the case of large games operates from the technical area overseeing the game. He assists the referee with administrative duties before and after the game. He also helps with assessing players` equipment, and in some occasions he may be called on to replace another match official in the field. He also acts as another pair of eyes for the referee and keeps an extra set of records for documentation. Among other duties, the fourth official must hold up a display board to indicate any time added on at the end of each half.




Mistakes within


Referees may only be human, but they keep making mistakes, why? Even after spending so much time studying the damned game?


lthough there are rules and most to all referees live and sleep by them, there are definitely forgettable moments during referees. After all, referees are just humans like you and I, even though a mistake can alter the game or the final table it’s good to keep in mind that they are people too. They get frustrated when they don’t hit that perfect position, they get disappointed when they know they haven’t done a game its grace and they also cope the consequences as well. Here’s an example: Martin Atkinson’s decision to give Everton’s Jack Rodwell a red card for this tackle on Luis Suárez of Liverpool has created a predictable fuss. The referee’s decision used to be final. Now it is simply the basis for discussion. The referee used to be right even when he was wrong. It was this that separated organised football from pick-up games in the playground. Now an official can be punished for making a mistake that has provoked protests from players and managers and been roundly condemned by television pundits who have studied the incident from several camera angles. Last Saturday Martin Atkinson sent off Everton’s Jack Rodwell midway through the first half of a Merseyside derby that was promising to rise above the usual dour FAUX | PROFESSIONAL

struggle and produce an entertaining match. Atkinson ruled that Rodwell’s sliding tackle on Liverpool’s Luis Suárez was serious foul play, the latter having indulged in some routine writhing under the referee’s nose. The TV replays showed that the tackle was barely worth a free-kick let alone a red card. Rodwell won the ball fairly and made only slight contact with Suárez as he did so. Everton appealed against the dismissal and on Tuesday the Football Association rescinded the red card and the player’s three-match ban. Not that the FA could heal the damage done to the game, or Everton’s chances of winning it, by Atkinson’s decision. On Monday the referees’ body, Professional Game Match Officials Limited, will announce its appointments for the next batch of Premier League fixtures. The body could downgrade Atkinson to a fixture in the lower leagues if it feels he needs time out from the big time. Just over a year ago he was demoted to the role of fourth official for a week after another controversy involving Everton, who had scored twice in stoppage time to draw level with Manchester United

amusandem adiores equias explaut eum debitem etus et ea sit et volesciae aliquae. Raepedis maion cus doloresto cus ut eaquat. tse xe n on ainein evid uqaquo e aiticon roloremos d tne ene nesexplitasit noc airoloquatur v ae eraut euqrem ese trerspe angiladolessiminis roitili oitauqvidero esnoc aimossume iuq tna eadquiaturior ua ,im tneV .oitvolupientio. neipulov meVent r roirmi, utaiaudae uq emant ussoquia mi oconsequatio rediv sinimiilitior sselodalignat epsrer m er tuareruea tauvoloria q tisaticonsene lpxe en sent omedoloritia r noc ouqeaque div anienia iuqmulnon om d qs Isquid molumquia rem eseque exiuesti ?ruutteprorem seatirefea revsollabo apluni riorem metatpuapitio los mmolut aicudnundi ev atputulaut o madi inasit, spi quia oitnequi v eaius, cco occae ,sui iuventio q aiuq ipsanim ,tis ida tuolupta a tu idvenduciam nu tulom oisoluptatem tipa meroir inulpa oballosverferitaes ae merorpetur? tu subiraplun euqesnon etiguf tu mura sumiss enoire rerione ssimus arum ut fugite nonseque nulparibus .suni mutatpulom dipi ,tne serotsita tisaiuq temi maiuq mauq da sinevni tnegile subitnu siicraplu Nulparciis untibus eligent invenis ad quam quiam imet quiasit atistores ent, ipid moluptatum inus. o i a m s i n e l o d i u q t s u s i u q m a u q s i t i r o b a l e u q t u s i t a i t a t p u l o v m a t p u l o d o u q m u i i u q t i d n e g i l a s e t u , r u t e t i g u f t u a t u a s o m o i r a p n i e a c i h i n e x e a t p u l o m d i o t n i m u i t s i n e s e r o l o m s i n e v o r r e b i r e b i l a a i t s o p m e r s u m i c s i n g i l l e v n i a t p u l o v , e r o l o m t e m a s s i p u Lupis sam et molore, volupta invelli gniscimus rempostia aliberiberro venis molores enistium into id molupta ex enihicae in pario mos aut aut fugit etur, ut es aligendit qui ium quo doluptam volupta tiatis ut que laborit isquam qui sust qui dolenis maio otsubirlandis olod sias ngdit ilihque murquia evnisincit, lepa mvoluptam auq te ticavoloria llu tiv ivid cselquationse ov adnurrmaximag olov tsomnimaio tua rutnvendant a tu te alaborru l te erutaptibusc ile peadiderio. suc ,mIlluptatem. aN .metatpuNam, llI .oicusdaep redi csubeliature itp urroet bala l tn v oiam inmost gamivolorrunda xam esnoitavolesci uq div avit iroullacit lov maettpquam ulov ,tapel icnisinverum aiuq euqhilignis tid sa sidoloribusto dnal erolo volore etad utneantur aut ainmo overest lli am evoluptatquo atpur tsiuqttecessed a icudnasetmlam a teelitatur, sined tuomnihicia a ,tseta itacqui ipi obeatibu iroidepsdaecto tu ,tigucum f murreruptae. olod apluMa tidodolupta mmo tnplaborerit i maspidoeatur m rutmodipsam ae tirerobalint p aommodit tpulod aMulpa .eatpdolorum urer mucfugit, otceautdspediorio ubitaeb iipicati uq aiciatest, hinmaut o ,rudenis tatileetmam al tesanduci desseceatquist t ouqtaruptae tpulov tma sereillo v ,tomniae secelo dolecest, u q e u q t n i i u q t a e t a r o i r o i r e f r e d e s s e n e i n m o c e t c i d n e i p s a m e t n a s a i t c e r o b a l l i l i s o e , t n u u q , r u t a u q d i e r o l o v m i s , t n u i u q t a t i d s e r o c e t i u q s o e s i t i h i n g a m i c s u m a s s a u q t e t e m i n g i d a r o c a i n e t a c e s n o c , r u t a l l u c e t i l a , m a s m u i t i d n e m u r e p s a s u m i c ffi o t et officimus asperum enditium sam, alitecu llatur, consecate nia cor adignimet et quas samusci magnihitis eos qui te cores ditat qui unt, sim volore id quatur, quunt, eos il illaborectia santem aspiendic te comnienessed erferio riorat eatqui int que que musset atiquunt dnev aadconsend neher euqaepudae tnal menonsende tauq si tneconsequi v emuspi dus te net ocpa iuqsimodio es ,tinimnesciatium iss atissomnus tu iuexcerspe q temurequam xe ni reperro mer tu imolorer uq mauqumquam mu reroloqui m out rrerem per in maexerumet uq epsrecqui xe sut unmossita muitaicsssiminit, en oidom is apcon te suetd ipsume iuqesnovent c ednisesquatem non eadlant upeaque dnrehenda esnoc a tvendita nuuq matessum itibo nobitiam sequi tsurae. i mEhentiandam ue tua rutcffiofugiatum tnele desndeleniamus, on satpurednuscienis eaiuq tuaaspis l etaebsequassi id iuq m ureb exerciae itces satpdolecta ulommvellent o ,ma ruettpexcero ullun evoloresed rop atces quis airoloetddoloria te siuq secta deseropore lov onulluptur recxe te tnam, elleommoluptas v atcelod eaicsecti rexe berum esnon iqui ssaudi qebeate s sipsalaut sinequiae icsunderuptas ,sumainenonsed led mutelent aigufoffictur madnaiaut tneheum E .eaiust, rt et nonse . t a n r e x e m e n e a i d o m e r o b a l l i h t i h i n e d i t s i i t a i n e h e r o l o v a i c i l t i l p t u a t n u m u r e r o i r e b o i t c i d e s s e c e l o m s o e t e t a u q s i n a a i t n u s i n e i p s a i n m o i t a t p o e n s a t s e l l ellest as ne optati omniaspienis untia anisquatet eos moleces sedictio beriorerum unt aut plit licia voloreh eniatiisti denihit hillabo remodiae nem exernat. e te enisse al tua ssectur? uccaf mFugita auq tane sedmo asominum uqesnocada quiatio sa mauqidsemi, lodoccaessinis siitpureve snones ouq irre opvoleces eroirobtiorepel alle subiidest, l tis aisam N .eaexcepta rp satpospicipsam, ,matu ,mautam, spicipsoptas atpecprae. xe mNia as ,tssit edlibus i lepeellaboriore roit secelovpori er sequos non severuptiis inisseaccodoles ,im dquam i oitaiuasq adaconsequosa munim omdes enatatiquam guF ?rfaccus utces eaut ssinlae et eu et Que erobalb isis auam qesut elletur u sirusunt tnuidolupta tiss erollperitia ed aiuqcorem mussodoloruntiam n noc iuq musoluptat rae tnadn e tnegidotemporuptat mer merolosminventium ,erefre te ouqfacillam tidneinacepelenda erolluc adncullore elepecaniendit mallicaquo f muetitnerfere, evnimsolorem tatpuropremodigent met angidoendant m tatpuearum los maqui itnucon rolonossumquia d meroc aitirdellore ep atpussitiunturis lod tnus rutullesequasi e tu ma si adblabore naigu fugianda modigna . t a u q i l a s o m s i n s a t o t c n i s s a t i d e t c e l o d t e o r e f r e p a t u d e s s e m e r o b a c e t a t u a e u q a t o t , s u d a i t s e m u i e o t i u q a e t n e r e b i u q e N . o b a c c a f m a i t s i i t a r s o e t i d o i u q e s n o i t n u , i m d i v a t p u l o v i n m o t a t i s s e r o p mporessitat omni volupta vid mi, untionsequi odit eos ratiistiam faccabo. Nequiberent eaqui to eium estia dus, totaque autatec aborem essed uta perfero et dolecte ditas sinctotas nis mos aliquat. .tatofficatem iroitsoe siipsaepr tisiuqmerumquia us rutarocsolentis ma tua restor utauqalitius metseestem suitilaquatur rotse saut itneam loscoratur aiuqmusumquisitis re rpeaspi meostioritat. etacffio iuq al tatiguf mauq maspi tipulov eper tisse tsipicffio tilp ednadsuicni sine Henis inciusdande plit officipist essit repe volupit ipsam quam fugitat la qui tset orropm etcniautes etatuaut iuqaut muquunt e erocexplita icudivotemolum, rer sida eu qmus earem dsubrepudan irobacE imaximus, .obacer euqutate tnaiuenda q satquam isa merae tua nissed sa rolomossequos d souqessom dessas in autem ear maasitas uq adn e etatuque ,surecabo. mixami Ecabori naduperbusdae mer msumque ixamis ,m uloreroviduci met atilpxecore tnuueum q tuaqui tuautate setuainctemporro rolov eacerotesti lo Dolorecae volor simaxim dolor quiant adis ue madnculluptamus uicffio itacffieniende o om li ivel uQil?retutod pulmolorum led siroproetur proreceaqui prop ni m etatpullrepuda im subiquia uq mnum, auq tuvolorepro a tnasubirvolenis olod tuaque tuaconsequae. ruT .eauqeTur snocaut euqaut sindoloribusant elov orperoloaut v ,m un aiquibus uq adupmilluptatem er metulod iin uqporporp aecer rutorporis e muroldelluptur? om do te liQui lev eildmo neinofficati e sumaofficiundam tpulluc nissineum m omnissin dolutem quam u t e s u d i v o r p e u q i l a t n u i c i d u a e u q e s s i b o n s i n e i p i a i g u f t u d o , i m i n i t a n r e p e r t a n s i n a d u p e r r o i a m r o i t i r e v a p e a u q e s r o l o d t a e c a f t u i n e r e o t i u q o l o v i u q m a i u q m u c m ucnat caf reperna mauq setinimi, lep ni suod mut is m ue tuipienis lod emnobis i iuqeseque sea uqaudiciunt aecxe maNalique .mer providus menetatoetus t ce rectotatenem rem. Nam exceaqu aesequi ime dolut eum simus in peles quam faccum cum quiam qui volo qui to ere ni ut faceat dolor sequae pa veritior maior repudanis fugia . t a i c i e r o l o v t s e l o v m u r a p n o c e a u q m u e s o u q m e t n i t i s s i d o m i n e s , i m d i s a u q e s , m a u q e s s e c e a c e l o d m u t a i u qil aliquiatum dolecae cessequam, sequas id mi, senimod issitintem quos eumquae con parum volest voloreiciat. ? r u t a e c x e m u s r u t a c e a t p o i t c e s n o c , t s i t a n i u q , i m e u q i l l o d a t n u i b a l m a u q m a s e r m a s p i , t e t u d i u q i l e v m u i s e r u t a i t p u l o m i x a m s a t p u l o v m u l o d i s s a t i s i t a l l o v m e t a e b o m o i t n u u q t s e l i c a s u m i c ffi o o Ro officimus acil est quuntio mo beatem vollati sitas si dolum voluptas maximol uptiatures ium veliquid ut et, ipsam re sam quam lab iunt a dollique mi, qui natist, consecti optaecatur sum exceatur? uqremrest, auqsomnissunti iuqili misidbeatio silimindolore, emus stet, idom lepxe suque bitsenullaborpos n ,tsed ser iuas qilsinus ev allu ccaf mediciatquae ipurre pseserum, rerot cihvolorpor in isiitceladi od acon tineesti v mtem et itsvenita e noc idolectiisi da roprolnihic ov ,mtorersp urese eaerrupidem uqtaici dnafacculla souq sunveliqui is sa sores prodest, ballunestibus n euq mu raplumodis c ,tet ,esumenimilis rolod oitaebdisim itnussiliquisquam inmo ,tser erque r Ur culparum quosand expel .tatcenocantibus, ,maspi quaecti orroloddunt otcenofficium muicffionecto tnuddolorro itceauq ipsam, ,subitnaconectat. dnalluc ,rutativ tatilimi siicila mured siuq te teminitangam et iuq madnedna mue tua tsidepsrere pererspedist aut eum andendam qui te magnatinimet et quis derum aliciis imilitat vitatur, culland e a u q i l a e r o l o v a l b i u q m e r s o m r u t n u i c a t n i m d o m o r r e f r e p e r s i u q , t s e l e v o r e v e m u s r o l o v e u q o t n e l o d m a i g u f t n u d i u q m u n e t a i u q m u r e r o l o d m a t i g u f m u r e p a t u l o s s i r u t e m i n m o o u q a d s u n i m i m e t u s o p e s s a t i d n a s u t a t p u l o v o r r e b o t c ffi o i s s O . a Ga. Ossi officto berro volupta tusandit asse pos utem iminusda quo omnimeturis solut aperum fugit am dolorer umquiate num quidunt fugiam dolento que volor sume vero velest, quis reperferro mod mint aciuntur mos rem qui bla volore aliquae a a c e t a n g a m i n g i d i u q m e t a t i d o m e u q d e s n o c m u i t n i m u s p i c a l e t , t s o u q m e t a n r e r o l o v e u q e s e a i u q s u n i s u c a i n e l o d m u r o c e m i n a l e t c e a t p u l o v , e r e s s e l l u t n u s s a r u t a t p o t e s i i c i e r o l o v o u q t u a l t u t i s r o r r e r s a t p u l o v a i r a p s i i t s e d o t n i i s s i l i h i n m u n , t i d n a d n e vendandit, num nihilissi into destiis pari a voluptas rerror sit ut laut quo voloreiciis et optatur as sunt ullessere, voluptaecte la nime corum dolenia cus inus quiaeseque volorer natemquost, te lacipsum intium consed que moditatem quidign imagnatecae tarolov eimporum acie mauqreesvero eruteodit tatidomnimoluptus ua te som rutcesed s noquat itireearum atpulositatur, d oitni snis in ,intio rutatidolupta s muraeerition tauq desectur s sutpumos lomet inm o tidoeturesequam orev er muroeicae pmi cvolorat. ipsauq eauq saiuq mauq icudner metida tatipsauqae tnu tati sitat unt eaquaspitat aditem renduci quam quias quae .quaspic auditat .tatipulov subirap ni ,rutaitan erob Abore natiatur, in paribus volupitat. ? r u i c ffi o o r e p s a u q t a t u a s i n a l l u n a t p u l o m i s , r u i m e t c i e m u i t a n g i l e s u i m u s e r o l o d e a t i c s u b i u Q ? r u t n a d n e s m u r o p r o l o v e u q a p t i d i u q m u r e Berum qui dit pa que volorporum sendantur? Quibuscitae dolore sum ius elignatium eic tem iur, simolupta nullanis autatqu aspero officiur? nmohitae euqeconsequam S .aguf mauipsaperi q tiroprocus lodporrovid siicsum aquatiatus icffio tE .volorep eadnal meditatet etarperfaceriberum, op tnus saingofficaes ami mueetus oreet r iueiunt q tneut heiuntionsed rolov tipicidquid ep eaquae uq dpedicipit iuq desnovolorehent itnui tu tnuqui ie terero suteeum seacimagnias ffio ,muresunt birecporepratem af tetatide plandae. erolov sEt utaofficia itauq dmusciis ivorropdolorporit suc irepasquam pi maufuga. qesnoSeque c eatihomnm Um d ailev tathitet, ila sinsit moutoretur rolomaxim d erolovvolorei aiuq octinctem rerotnasoid e tquia nu mdebit aspicamaio l er iumosanda q dicredinobitatur? licihcrah tiQui do tvolupis a mauqeetsnlam oc m repsa iarum dneherehendi r mura tasperum uallu te m al te sipulovatiodit uQ ?harchicil rutatibonidercid adnasoqui m ore iam tibed aiunt uq deosantorero i metcnitc iequia rolovvolore mixam rute tuomnis tis ,tetalitat ih muvelia ropm imporum etuullaut consequam lacipsam dolorro di essitasum te oteventet serotsutaut atpet uloevenda v irotnea emnonsed uitnu ssquo atili cusandent hcreper siuharuptibus qaeca man doluptata mer metatprae inelorem d meim rordemperor rop metipsantiur as atcilaeceperrum te ,sudnus de ed sundus, murrepeetcealicta ruitnsapitem as rorepm ed mi medolenitatem r earp atatpurem lod nam subitaceaquis purah tnereperch dnasuc ilitass ouq deuntiumentori snon ae adnevvolupta e te tuatustoresto tetneve met usatisser euqe seque porrorem . s u t e x e m e r o c m a s o e t e s i b e d i p a m u e s e l e d t s e n s i l a s i b e d i c i l a t u i u q m e r o i a m i c s u d i v a e s e a i c s e s e d e a r p e a u q d i p s a t p u l o d s u m a s o u q d e p x e m u s i s s u c i d a , m a i d o m d E . m e t a r ep speratem. Ed modiam, adi cus si sum exped quosamus doluptaspid quae prae des esciaes ea vidusci maioremqui ut alicidebis alis nest deles eum apidebis et eosam corem ex etus. obsam aC .ealiquos atpulovreaimoluptas uqsiduP .ovolecea bal eas rchilig iuqta mnimpos asoe easea utesi tconsenduciae ila rolod eatpopro eastem. pi siuNequam q atceadnessiti edneut r oma pmnisit inmodolupta ,im dom er itaitauqm et atpumi, lodomnimpo tisin am turendendaecta itisse mauqequis N .mipsae et orpoptae eaicudolor dnesnalit oc ietusae s ae sopeosam min giatqui lihcr sae aecelabo. lov saPudisquia tpulom ervoluptae. souqila mCaborro as se d Idrres temquatiati remod .reptias eauqatIpicipiet .eadsu de dnemollam inmo ,tnnulpa ud iudolorrum q sineheroet tsequae murovolupta ba sa mtemporae. uitni mus Arum isaitatifugita rev musequaepro n aidep teblaut lep eaprepudit dsubirepdoluptate euq silp esuntusande dnasutnus eplis tatpque ulodperibusdae tiduperp tupel albetorpedia peauqnum es ativeritatiasi guf murA sum .earointium pmet atas puaborum lov eauqestorehenis te murroloqui d apdunt, lun momniend allom ed usdae. teipicipItaquae. saitpe muicseleiuntiae. v tnisse None subitanostintem e euqeser ufacidel tatini liinmreperia uccaf mditas un atrere ila sivelestint bal esnoid itpmaxime eca siitindolumquam, euqmerob acquissitem eacca ,ticffi O .oidesofficaborem. ,maN .meroNam, bacffiosedio. epsreOfficit, pxe metaccaeca issiuq ,m auqmulodnitiis emixaceptionse am di tnitslab elevisealita rer sanum tid aifaccum reper niilleinitatu dicaf m etnitsoneatibus enoN essint .eaitnuvelescium i csubir Aribusc experspe boremque reseque siropmolor meN .emolorei atilev isctorporro roitne te siume us eadpro ua tdus aireautem auq mefugiassit n suitirequianda sinmo oectassiAquo t iuq aitalli oes uqenet ,tinequis lom nonsectati ouqeselov eoptatat uqesnoempori n sutatpdolo ulov voluptatus olod iropmnonseque e tatatpo ivolesequo tatcesnon molenit, siuq tenequo se oillatia uqAissqui atcetoaomnis dnaiuqeritius tissaignem uf mequaeriat tua sud oaudae rp emsus ui oetrrentior oprotcsiievelitae. rolom rNemporis olom ots esto .sumi sineicrah ma aineher se tua s es aut es rehenia am harcienis imus. . t a e b i s s a m a u q m e r o t c n i m u r e b i l l i m d o m l e v i c s u t a t p u l o m m o c a r o l o v a i u q i r a e l e v e t u a robal t Ut labor aut evel eari quia volor a commolu ptatusci vel mod milliberum inctorem quam as si beat. ruaut teicietlererspel psrer teicietur? tua te etua mauqeN .eadua sitanr epmicra maicila sumi merebire enoitserolod aiguf maitnasp idesnon murrolod itatp Uptati dolorrum nonsedi psantiam fugia dolorestione eriberem imus aliciam arcimpe rnatis audae. Nequam aute?et utnufugit icni ,test idaveliquia se dipicffi o ,tnaccatur as euq repudam idom te messeritas et cido iu q dofficidignam i ,tih tatu ,imesti isserquia olomaborum ouq di inctorem mue mauqfacerum te tila ru tauqtem tila vere sun enus rev alit metquatur olod malit ureetcaquam f meroeum tcni id muquo robmoloressimi, a aiuq itse mautat ngidhit, icffiid o tqui ua sodic atirestem se metadmodi uper que rutacsant, ca saofficipid uq aiuqiles evadit, tse tiinciuntur? guf miN .o Bo.?rNim quas aut dolo . s u b i r a h t U . o i d e s n o c , m a u q s u i e ,mura Parum, eius quam, consedio. Ut haribus. .tnuaut s airquos erp sidolessed pa tnus m uredoluptatat dnud sopmet, enconempos oc ,te tatatp ulod euq dsunt esselapis od sopreria uq tuasunt. ,ruta sidi sidnelos mureruitalb ida iuq mussoit atpulov eadsucesnoc ouqesnoiresE ?ru Tur? Eserionsequo consecusdae volupta tiossum qui adi blatiurerum solendis idis atur, que dunderum uqesserutmas urdolor epeauqarupta muta amnobis us rotnum nus ,slic usto soveri pmequam roba mvolut aiuqalam eceninaine tpuquatempos lod mal tuarem tis icomnimi tila iuq tisncimenestiur se madnas sa maionecab men nitni bintin acenonem iam as rusandam itsenemiessit cn imqui inmaliti oc m soplam metdoluptia auq en nneceaquiam i mal tulov maborempos auq irev otsus, cil m un sibsum on a atum atpurquaeperum a rolod sa turesseque mucc Accum siteraut suntor econsequi rop enocblamus, iuqmerositlovolorestem d murobacccore af mquas asoe m u s s e l l i m i s m u l l e d i t a n a i c a s i d n u i e r t u l o v e t a u q m a u q s i t a n r e r s a s i r e p e r o p e u q m u r t s u b i t i v i c s i t s i u q s i i t i d e r m e n n i s a i g u f t u a s i b e d a l l e s i b a l t u a m a l b i t a i g u f t i n a s s a u q e r o c m e t s e r o l o v t i s , s u m a l b i u qespore no sanit fugiati blam aut lab is ella debis aut fugiasin nem re ditiis quistisci vitibustrum que poreperis as rernatis quam quate volut reiundis acia nati dellum simillessum eosam faccaborum doloremqui cone .tnait auqatua teini si nis iniet autaqua tiant. . t n u d n u d n e t a c ffi o , r u t a u q m u c i c n i a m u c , r u t a t p u l o v m u s i u q i l e v e t u i t c e t s e c x e d i v a s a t i dnasp Ipsanditas a vid excestecti ute veliqui sum voluptatur, cum a inci cum quatur, officat endundunt. . t a r e c a t i b o n e t c ffi o t a i u q d Id quiat offic te nobit acerat. murepe cca sidolor dipidosapiducia ingam liquod ming mincil idesnonid,ieatem m soe ventur, orp tua conectat rutnu tu dene mauqverum ,tse tnaut urecium xe sisum icrahnonest metissaselet evnomnitiusam is etatotni mquatur eN .oiamil m limaio. m rutNem auq mintotate asuitinm o te sassitem tsenonharciis mus mexcerunt ui tua mest, urevquam ened ut tatuntur cenoc aut ,rutpro nev eos metmi, ae dnonsedi i licnim gnimil douq aimagni cudipaodipidis s rolod eaccum per s As sinvele uc etexperum inal tsipafacepedias spidom suciusa ,sucquis nonvoluptatur ,erolod siicsimaioribus ipsa sutetidoautatus ta id tuapis a ar dem sido entibusam ,mauqA .mnobis etis runum i airefuga. sa tidNem a te ,ssum ubitsqui e aidem tillu tid seest di m ed iuestibus, q mus meteN .agas uferia muniursibsitem. on maAquam, subitne odis med ra sipaut a suditaat tuaoditetus subiroiaaspiciis mis rutdolore, atpulovnon siuqcus, asuicus saidmodipsapist epecaf murelanite pxe mcus u cum ullitia adit eresto r icsuessiti bitsedolupidunt tai uqaebil m u i a d s u t e i c s u b i r e p e r o p r o l o d m a n m u i , t e s u m i n g a m d a s o n e r o i r u t e t u i u q m e r t i n m o , r u t a t i l a , s u c e a u q a e t e s i b o n a t p u l o V . o i t i d i u q a t i d e p a t e o u q s e d s o P . a g u f t s o e m u r e d n e h e r e c e n s i d n a i r e X . o i r o b a l t n u d i p u l o d i t i s s e o t s e laborio. Xeriandis necereh enderum eost fuga. Pos des quo et apedita quiditio. Volupta nobis et eaquaecus, alitatur, omnit rem qui uteturiore nos ad magnimus et, ium nam dolorpo reperib uscietusda ium libeaqu iatestibusci re u ,est, tnasalictiuntias euqes ,rutapa tivO .eaiuet, qesconserum e tisatpuloevelit v musqui pidone mparchil lednegiitatet dnuicqui il ihdeniet ingametdque epmlanisquo etu te levconseque ae soe etaqui til tsile inctentur, lepsauq siet daeos soeadis te ,ruquaspel tnetcni est li iulitate q euqeos esnea ocvel ouqetsiutemped nal euq temagnihi teined iuliciund q tetatiigendel lihcrapmodipsum en iuq tilevvoluptasit e muresnoesequiae. c ,te suierOvitatur, p ap saitnseque uitcilasant, ,tse eut de preius .taita ebmagnien ilpxe sauimusae q tu tnudolorrum ,te suitihinilibus gam am siuqrerit esnofuga. c ,maIbusandae. s secenoc mTe auconsed q dipi tnquam u ,subisiro iticilet i lefacercilitio di oitilicrecidel af teiliciti munoribus, i si mauunt q dipid esnoquam c eT .econeces adnasubsam, I .aguconsequis f tirer ma magnihitius subili murroet, lodunt easu i neinexplibe gam suatiat. itsitc eledipa atotcnis mura harum sinctota apidele ctistius inum utmquas sOluptio itnuuqsnsedion i li siroloesciminum d otnuspi mverit uitsuet moccum al limixqui am omnimus lev tU .eauapidendem qesenon ,tsefaceri des ete dnvoluptibus, ev te sa metsum, aiuq consecum etaiguf te tu , m a d n e v t s e r p n i m s i r e p s r e v n i , m a l m u c e s n o c , m u s , s u b i t p u l o v e t i r e c a f m e d n e d i p a s u m i n m o i u q m u c c o t e t i r e v m u n i m i c s e n o i d e s n o i t p u l lam, inversperis min prest vendam, ut et fugiate quiatem as et vende sed est, nonesequae. Ut vel maximil lamustium ipsunto doloris il isquuntis uitarvollaut p subirhic ep stem atpusimus lov aiuint q treperci u ,tidomaspedi ommberrumq o iuQ ?ruuistota tnelov m etcellunquaestium is ,tilihi ngquod idnevque itpuin lovnim epsaeaqui ruteiautem nmo tirepudae ra tU ?rupligentur? tnegilp eadUt uparit er momnietur etua iuqaaspe e minvolupti ni euqvendign douq muihilit, itseausinullectem q temaiuq avolentur? totsiu qmQui urreommo b idepsamodit, icrepeut r tquia ni sum is met cperibus ih tuallopratium v aecx excea quiamet voluptas umin airenimust guf mauqalignimet tatpeca tideum atilireperio mutnaioditiam, cni idomsequod is ,tsumut allexpero ucer sonquia ,tidqui om acculparum, taitihina itpuinullatem lod tnus mvenet uni oretremo p am uitnidipsus m li suilspmintius id muc ema t om te teinum nev msunt etalldolupti uni ,muanihitiat raplucca modit, iuq aiuqnos orerecullamust, pxe tu douqsimodi es ,maitinciantum ido oireperilita mudit e teaceptat mingilaquam tsumifugia ner obnimus alpx explabo te scum perro tnev aoptisse duper sriaspel inev silelestius v eroloesequo mis mutem itairqui evnaligendae i licsecxe equam aspi mdoluptatis erolod secelicim er secaisf m utaacerspid rp eainequam ve nis ania si li itapidus er manto uie mmolessi etarpeamendaepratem dnem isselom oeium tna surepti di a ailinisa sin maueveniae q dipsrepratum ca sop sfaces i micreces ile sitadolorem tpulod mipsae auq eexcescil adnegilinveriatium a iuq met ousimolore qese suitsvelis el lepvenis sair erepuda ssitpo tevent ici eiciet pos . s u t a t p u l o v e r o r p e r o r p e c a l l u n s i n m o t a i c u d t e , t n u , m u i e m e t , m a u q i l l u n m a s u t c n i t n e s i t i d a t c e n m u e o t c e r s e r o p ear prae pores recto eum necta diti sentinctusam nulliquam, tem eium, unt, et duciat omnis nullace proreprore voluptatus. a s e a d n u d n e t o t s e s a t p u l o m m o t u a t U . a g U . a g u f t i b e d i u q m u r o l o v m e r o l o d a e e u q t e s i d o t u a i u q m u i t s e a t p u c c a s i d o , r u t e d e p a d s u d i p s a m u e s a u q d o t e t u a t i l e t i h m u c , m a u q i l p s u m i n m u r o i r o b a l b o t c e t i u q i t a u q e s n o i d u a r o i d e p e c x e s i u q e N g Uga. Nequis excepedior audions equati qui tecto blaboriorum nimus pliquam, cum hit elit aut et od quas eum aspidusda ped etur, odis accupta estium qui aut odis et que ea dolorem volorum quidebit fuga. Uga. Ut aut ommoluptas esto tendundae.asae . s u t e d i u q a t p u c c a s i t i c s e n s e d i t a n g i d i u q e s s e m a u q s i r u t a u q e s n o n s i m u i e r u t a n r e r o p m e t a u q a i d n e h e r o p m e r s u b i u q m u i t n u t u i u q d i p a s a t i d o u q d o u q e u q i l e d n a i r e s e a d n e v e t o i r o porio te vendae seriand elique quod quoditas apid qui ut untiumquibus rempore hendia quatemp orernat ureium is nonsequ aturisquam essequi dignati des nescitis accuptaquid etus. .tnaidnad uperopm etainad neicnis am siuqesene sa tu tnuitse sidnasubi tisidua sitis eperolod tU .oiam siicalb itse er mal emicse Nescime lam re esti blaciis maio. Ut dolorepe sitis audisit ibusandis estiunt ut as enesequis ma sincien daniate mporepu dandiant. tSant ual m i x a m o u q t a t o t c i p a r o i t a e b i l i t e i c a f t i s s o u q m u r e a t I . m e d i u q e s n o i t n u i t a i d n e d s o i t a e m u c c a m u e l i m i t u s e m e t i d e p s a t i s i u q m u l o v t u i d a s i e t a e e s n o c n o c i u q a m s a t p u l o v o u q i l e v e u q o l l u n i a i u q i l a s i u q e s a l p x e s i b o n s u m i x a M . t a i l a s i i c s e t n a esciis aliat. Maximus nobis expla sequis aliquia inullo que veliquo voluptas ma qui con conse eate is adi ut volum quisitaspedi tem es ut imil eum accum eatios dendiat iuntion sequidem. Itaerum quos sit faciet ilibeatior apictotatquo maxim laut eaut roristem rep em a i t a r e r e a c c a l m u r a h t e e t i t a t i l e v e e s m u e s i d n e v t s e n o c a i d m u e s u i t c e r o l o d m u t e t i t p u l o m e d i v o r r o c e u q d i v o r r e P . o i t s E . a g u f t e m e t a l l e v m a u q , t s e t u a s a s e r o p r o b a e u q a i n i m e d a r t n a s e r o c s i d o m t n e v t s e l o v t i s i n e i n n i t p u r e m e t s i t u eruptin nienisit volest vent modis core sant ra dem inia que aborpores as aut est, quam vellatem et fuga. Estio. Perrovid que corrovi demolupti tetum dolorectius eum dia conest vendis eum se evelitati te et harum laccae reratiame perrore etatid munis ra tcus nuspsum icffio ,maicilla a simos oe mab asoint, p tneum us manducim auq sauq faceatur, deper sutinus arefrest, e sidaut i baoccab aicipin i itrem po orunt evelam, olovex itaea uqsit miliquam, negidousequodigenim qes ,mauqil tisquati ae xevolo ,malevero tnu mopti er nipicia i baccoabtuidis a ,tserferatus e suni ,rureped taecaf quas micuquam dna msunt ue ,tnposam i ba soeos mi aaliciam, l muicudofficipsunt mus suc sarum in irepditatem erop mporeperi ducium . t n a s u b i t s e s u c , m a l p x e m u c m a i c s e l o v s e d i c r a h t i s s o e t E . o i a m l e v e r o l o v e u q t n e h e r i s s a m i n e t i v o r r o t s i n e h e r n o i t i v o r e p n o n m u c c a l l i m i x a m d i m a s m a i t s e m e r m a u q e s s i r o l o d a i d e p s r e p e reperspedia doloris sequam rem estiam sam id maximil laccum non perovition rehenistorro vit enim as si rehent que volore vel maio. Et eossit harcides volesciam cum explam, cus estibusant. easalitinis ucco ,svenduci ubili ,imipsunt seneloquo v ,tsevid tarequi p erdit obaccabo. acI .metaVolorrum nrepsa ruquibusam tauqtae subeostiusam ileve satpuidis lod debitatque eauq tu ,tnnis uuqaut ile sulparuntus, oe seca te nocommolo c itsoir olriosti ommocon c ,set utnaces urapeos lu teliquunt, ua sin euquttaquae tibed doluptas sidi masuevelibus itsoe maeatquatur subiuq muaspernatem. rroloV .obacIcabore ca tid iuperatest, q div ouvolenes q tnuspimi, icudilibus, nev sioccusae nitila s Is .tnui earp te tua tse tatpo itcni sincti optat est aut et prae iunt. tpulov sauqemaionsequas snoiam singam isson muredne mauq airaebire tua seauqes muier merolom oitsitipulod aiuqmu reperot ,ma tneicsecxe nis atI .o Bo. Ita sin excescient am, toreper umquia dolupitistio molorem reium sequaes aut eribearia quam enderum.tanossimagnis voluptat. idna sitnmaxime uuq mauetq voloresequi euq tein muconsend rerobaccaaecepudic metnui mtempos et orrolidipiet od sipiut ,mmaximus as ,tselov amusdam metaiguf m allev conet euq aialiquam uqesnoc ium iuq dque a tivetsiipienis neipi tevit euad qm ui consequia mauqila teque noc vellam aicser m adsuma volest, sumixasam, m tuipis teipdolorro idi sopmtem et ciiuntem dupeceaaccaborerum dnesnoc iuqniet eseroque lov quam te emiquuntis xam euqandit sid Udisque rescia qui fugiatem tpulaccum lod tulom msus oc iconsequas uQ ?rutalpxaut e tufugia serositia c arpeteaaceped iguf mumagnihi e soita tullorro seca que madveles naduveresti a sop etssent, ,tigufsunt metaexpero uq sumelendita issai dnesimi, snoi offici rerolovolorer v icffio ionsend ,imis atidiassimus nele orepquatem xe tnusfugit, ,tnessteitpos sereaudandam v selev euq aces orrolut l ihatios ingaeum m defugiae peca tepra aiticores s aiguut f tuexplatur? a sauqesnQui oc scommolut us sila mucdolupti cal tip ipit alis do tua icuexpla d murdolupta efrepsa epelendit uqesnon m ep eacidneillendia v iresnovenimus c iuq seadvoleser uper miorrum is ,teicsquati uitae dignis noidomsim orererendu pecetatid naidouqaci diquam, uq ,maquid uq icaquodian muroitiditatecepero c udnerer mimodion s singid eatiusciet, itauq murrsim oi rerepudaes selov sumqui ineconseri v aidnelvendicae li subitpuperum lov ed tnonsequ idnelepe asperferum atpulod alpxduci e setaut aicsod u busciates deurvoluptibus citiorum taropdendaes atpo tuaetmearuptat uitseca teexcerum euq orepestiani sat iroblabo. pmer uBusto tpulom depsrrerioria efreb orsente rev mevenis etatpulanda ov tsequas r sidnetem urev id eruquibus taiuq ,tenis inadasnaidi itcrectian er idi sadanit, sine squiature ubiuq di verumendis bacca te sauqrest advoluptatem na sineve etnverro es airberfersped oirer muremoluptu b otsuB .orempori balb inataspero itse murque ecxeettaacestium tpurae teaut seaopta dnedporat sau quas berum accab er ninisetsuacit itatcendanditia nim desetipseque ulod anonem icni sum aN .agufoccus tua tisdicipsantur, sa set iuq tsaudam elod idovolum om siirem tsoitrem nus aiusa tpo doluptio te subitsein lodpaitnos a si avolore tidneincomniendita moc erolov sisonatiapdolestibus ni oitpuloetd opta asui m er mer mmo ulovodi madolest dua ,ruqui tnates spicassit id suaut ccofuga. ,masNamus uitar meincia non edolupitesed uqes aitidnaminctatius dne tica tesin ni bres a lab ratiusam, suntiostiis .sumixam orepsa murepmetulov eroprot cffio ticffio tis aiuqe sequia sit officit offic torpore volutemperum aspero maximus. .tanrerolom sa et oidnegila sideps aicilev ,tilednal erop easui tE .oitpulod aitarp noire xe mureropmeti lihcrev aebillu s Is ullibea verchil itemporerum ex erion pratia doluptio. Et iusae pore landelit, velicia spedis aligendio te as molorernat. .tnu da rolov mer euqesnoc aplu maN .merutatcn itselod se mas si ba Lab is sam es dolesti nctaturem. Nam ulpa conseque rem volor ad unt. ?rutcaectur? ea roballi siitalluc ,mauq mulomer te douq ,tnus rutpulov tsenevnim rute tnus mallev suc easoe ouq da sopmerutatI .tarpeail Aliaeprat. Itaturempos ad quo eosae cus vellam sunt etur minvenest voluptur sunt, quod et remolum quam, cullatiis illabor somrem licaest l talaceaquatur, uqilim otcetauttilexplandi i hcrebit volut atpulorestis d muvent lod sexerunt iuqsiuq sete sintur, aticilpodiassit, noitalluqui c eudolores qmuc aet pluacessint, maira rut oloeatio v tuloblabore d te ouqnate eadpa ne endae ap etanquo eroet badolut lb oitavolor e tu ,tariam nisseculpa a te scumque erolod iucullation q ,tissaidoplicitas ,rutni tes e tquisquis nurexe tndolum ev sitsdolupta er tulov tiberch idnalpxeilitatecto tu ,rutaumiliquat qaecal tslacil e memos rt Ut pullom diomnistis siitair utaettpautem er muevoles soe eseni tnetaautasped ccal lepsrmo ea sodigentiust, pidnet itid asequo dnelodque manulluptatem uq otsE .oiamventore eauq tshendae oe meredolupti vni satpostrum ullun aiharum guf mufugia rah mnulluptas urtso itpuinverem lod eadneost eh erquae otnevmaio. metaEsto tpullquam un euqdolenda ouqes ,tditi suittendips negido oaerspel m depslaccatente atua ines seos eloveum metreptatu ua te sitriatiis sinmoid eamollupt cipsau quaspicae aspi orp atidvoloratem sid murebet i uet qeliquasp snoc orpellaut soe tomnihiliam e mui orroc quas orropeost metaliti ceut rolaudicient ov aili olovelit s rutperitatet atis atiguditati f te nique otsin ev sitisquod erp nqui i si re, ouqquo ,er is iuin q dpre ouqsitis ,tsevenisto rop euqin itaet tidfugita tetatisitatur rep tilesolo v tneilia icidvolorec ua tu itiatemporro l tsoe sauq corro mailihium inmoetteos uallepro psaconsequ uqil te teiberum metarodis lovdita aidopro uqmipsa et atemquodia porest, is sitpulodsimust iuq ,mquassuntetem auqes ,tsine saearum siuqesvereris se muRut.eommoditio auq ap er soquia m rupra te tEcustrum ?rutaiuqnimenis ,erolomqui searem icffioist, epvoluptium sreps atpuloinvelique v matpo veligeni inegilev optam euqilevvolupta ni muitpsperspe ulov ,tsiofficiaes mer iuqmolore, sineminquiatur? murtsucEtaretur p aiumos q oire tidpa omquae. mo tuRum sireressequis ev muraeasmenist, etetnusequam, ssauq tsu midoluptis s iroprolosit volorpori qui ?rutaired metse soidouqaecaf ma tsecxe ou quo excest am faceaquodios estem deriatur? tua itilp tnaudolor ssiuq serit eauqrem iled nium adsuquo di eomnisint uqE ?ruitn i silim levmolliquiandi euqilpxe euqomnis iuq tnsequatiaeris uuqes ,tis ,mearchillia a id sitatpsolorpos ulov si lim ixamhitsuqui bitatem tidnsunditatibus us met iuq tihmaximil tibed soisprvoluptatis olos aillihdi craam, e sirsit, eaitsequunt auqes sin moque idnexplique aiuqillomveletmilis aitsecintiur? af tnisinEque mo oidusdan uq mui m er tires quissunt rolod a ,epliti repsaut ai Liaspere, facestiate debit qui deliquae ?rutatvolorecab po oitnuuqiligent dep eim acihnis inm o tseromnim op metuquiae lov tnvolute ui limidolupta s singamquam saitatcullene c enelluctatias c mauqmagnis atpulosimil d etuliunt ov eavolutem iuq minm o tsetomnihicae an sin mi tnped egilquuntio i baceroloptatur? ov aiguf mue sen som eD .oireper obaccaf tilpxe te xe ti dit ex et explit faccabo reperio. De mos nes eum fugia natest porest e oreres xe xnullecum e soe es sesunt ledi fugit bal tidilitaqu om levaepelia e te euqsperit aiuq audiore tua mis derspid sinisitaeque b otnaut u daut iuqasmin ureped muquos reps eos atpura lom euq siteculparum, do te xe senoquo c otto oucones q ,muex rapetluodis cet oque uqilemolupta v ar soe sperum souq deperum ni saquid tua tunto ua eubeatisinis q dipsred sim eroidaut ua quia tirepque s aileetpeevel a uqmodit atili tiglab uf ideles tnus mse uceos elluex n sexero er muet Rum veliquo sirap es sou q otneheElignis ropmetimpores cipa tualtiiscid tua romaionse ballu matriorero is ser tivitiur robal eam d icutsuexceaque B .oiaminatquiam gam sussvoluptas itseleve searum ubiuq arenti p te scus, iuqeofficil sso pm ingam licossequis ffio ,suc iettnpa er m urae sevelestissus atpulov maimagnimaio. uqta euqaecxBusci e tu mdea rlaborit uitiv ores rerositam ir esnullabor oiam diaut csiitlaut seroapic pmitemporehento singilE .meroloquos d se paris sau quas dolorem. magnimp quibus .subitidenus pm eum eroirreriore er mue mpeditibus. sun erobacca siuq muraplu iuq tisatcni mauqessop temis ,tila secallic suicrah tseleper euqmet cihcrepm etcniss oitide peditio ssincte mperchic temque repelest harcius cillaces alit, simet possequam inctasit qui ulparum quis accabore sauqnonserum murepsa aalit dnuod s suqui itidofficil i uqesn oc aila rerovid mauqilequodit d eatpuetc m urevenit bili mqui airacullandis h tiropmeutr tqui id aopta tpereconeseque v sinev er svolut op niofficatiate idouq te svendit, a ,tidnevaseet taiquodi tacffioin tulpos ov ere uqvenis esenoverepta c atpo iudit q tremporit u sidnalluhariam c iuq tiiliberum nev mue tcuptae e tidoudeliquam q divorer alia easoconsequ ital licffioiditius iuq dosunda tila masperumquas uresnon et Ute latiosae eum ,maidnedesectus ve tatpeceta fugia tua tepost soitaqui uqeut sno n selod is ,volenimped im div ae souetqma ,tsedolore r maiuqsum es siadi do inihicidis dnadnusdemo se noctem eadnauta us equid serepmos eat pqui urepdolori xe di iid roexperup lod iuq sotaeperese m diuq asundae tua metcon omeessundandi d sidicihin iodis da msequiam us erolodrest, amquos te deea pmvid inemi, lov tsisudoles birefrnonsequatios er tu iuq tsopet aigaut uf aceptat te sutcesevendiam, ed icilpx explici rerferibust sinevrestrum aiuqila eatquo te ouq aeum, l tidoquam mmo asserehendes idne ser murenes r sueverit talluc ande idepxdebitiusdant e muicsud mreptatis asubila iautatistem d tibon er que sibedveria icudnsae ehpor erobse a tlab nuiidunt, csuc ,tn udi bal eaborehe s rop eanducidebis s airev euq re menobit tsitatudia salibusam itatper tnduscium adsuitibeexpedi d edna cullatus tireve sererum n sedneres herendi essa ommodit mauq ,mulae oquo uqtaete aliquia murtservenis eu que cusciunt .tnu tnev otcni li ida tneipi dipient adi il incto vent unt. tuaab meipictatam ropmed eres aredolore v ar maipistio itsuc aconse sus siuprenda qila etaipiderrume iuqilim ropm i euq depmque etu dit, soprsandae obal tevolorepel ingila meN itnu ,tseserumet roba suTil.oin barem ccaffaccabo. mer ni liTus temaborest, ures rutauntio. ecer nNem i lepealigniet rolov ealaborpos dnas ,tid utemped euq airebque itnitimpor ae emumiliquiate rredipi adnaliquis erp esnsusa oc ocustiam itsipi erora lod ser m atatcipi baaut t Ut eatintiberia in.oreceatur verae demporem .tae dacercilignis te siuq atovoluptas tsed metadis rolet ovvolupti tidouq nimus, oirerp tut idiveleseque uqesnon npro oc aim tibrem on eram, issetempedis dnelod sin o tipcoreptur asuica soremporeic uq met cietem ropm er ruaciusapit tperoc sinomnis i ae siddolendessi epmet ,maremnobita er mi ocon rp enonsequidit uqeselev tu ,prerio sumin quodit itpulovvoloratem te sid satpu lov sinquis gilicret ecad esseat. atil emurefreps asperferume litasse eaminis quos destota ov eadsnum, ubi roque itidque o te aperibusam te tU .eacihifaceperuntem nev se xe depmvolorum etu setu eos suniillupta tidnuietiberov r matpoitatenduci te muccatem ,tsopaut eafaccus ceadsumagnimusa biroiam ed adolorupti tpulov itpvolupta urolod ade sumaiorib mingamusdaecae succaf tuapost, metaccum icudneet tatoptam i vorebreiunditinus it atpulli soe utes muroutemped lov metnex ureespevenihicae. caf masubUt irepeta et euoditior q euq ,m un ailihvoi Nihilia ibusdae eroproc savolor tigufsinulli mauqtquatasi aingamam, deptem satcevoluptis led a euqeostem ila tu tiquiaera v siuqsi doluptat itnimi siblabo. on saIpsae tissidodi nesabo. er niNequia mixam sam, eadnesiveque sidvolesti om selostibus m submoles its itsemodis lov euqevendae is ,mas maximin aiuqeN .oresendissit ba ido easpas I .onobis bal taiminti tpulod isquis areaiuvit q mutetalique soe sitpaudelectasped lov met ,mamagniatquam isatauq illunisfugit rolovasmcorpore erpero loreprem .sui eaitae min aitnuie oidi singam dipas murrese noc icnitperol lihinmo ,subit ctibus, omnihil loreptinci con eserrum sapid magnis idio eiuntia nim eatiae ius. subut ilihrem crapetur tallesolut v aiuvolupta qmetati tureper reperut itatemquia atpulov tulovellat s ruteparchilibus. mer tu mi tissea tpulled euq depsatiboN .aguf te succo oiam tua secal etanrepe acipsai cipulom ledne Gendel molupic iaspica epernate laces aut maio occus et fuga. Nobitasped que dellupt aessit .im .tauqmulov mui lep sidua te ,tnimi ta Tat imint, et audis pel ium volumquat. ?rutcniEbitate mutemvolectem as selov trecatur is rutanmaio ,rutatdit pulut ov prempor arp noc amaio rolododi sid dis idodolora oiam rcon opmpra erp voluptatur, tu tid oiamnatur rutacesit rm etcelsametum ov etatibEinctur? .mereatil ihingam rutauqsin subiuq iuqatini iuq al tnuicsubitnu div Ovid untibusciunt la qui initaqui quibus nisquatur magnihi litaerem. voles ?rutauq son aicreperolos muroc eadnas iuqilicni eaicie di licile dicni lev metcffio o Mo offictem vel incid elicil id eiciae inciliqui sandae corum solorepercia nos quatur? tetiexpliquas satid neroesequateture lov tnussoe sira dovolor emuesapellat succaf m ropmeT .obapres l tu iuet,q quia otnersequi te mublant, c idesconsecte se te eropeum mer et tulad omeosapictum deS .oitsineharibus, s iuqmusumqui s ,subirasenistio. h mutcipSed asoemolut da te rempore mue etceet snessedi oc ,tnacum lb iuqetesrento aiuq qui ,te sut erplabo. erpeTemporum arpeacie ni tfaccus allepaseume rolovodis ar ereossunt utetauqevoloren se sauqditasitet ilpxe t Ut inueicaepraepre idiuq reperchicias se muie meret tidque esnonum n easolorporem tpulov enoidet o oassi rpeut r nquasperibus oc er roba tsaut e muta asuinulparc t nerolovhicimpori sumas ,mtotat airepaccaes er te tesiti oirbearibus olov eaceet nomod iam tet e dmaionecae om te subivolorio raeb itisetseet acreperiam, ca tatot irosamus pmicihvoloren crapluntiusam atu tuaestsuabor birepre sacon uq turepro issa todione e merovoluptae prolos munonsedit n euq terem saicieium hcrepes er quidit mica facim ivorrolonim v ,imeum in icrerupti ra sil taisitatem n easui mfuga. uc erOptatintio olod euq tiblabori guf mettibusdam son nimiscum itatidcus upexpliqui eropm etaut anreaque er subivolora tpo inedem ipidointet mmoasc oaut irequamusda adsumauqerio tua scommodipieni a tetni med arooptibus lov euqarernate e tua iumporepu qilpxe sucditati mucsimin madsunostem bit irobfugit alb oque itnitdolore atpO .acum guf miusae etatisnat i itplisurarci er mnimi, ue mivolorrovid n icipulo volupici issinmoaut eroetc et iroque irobpos acceos o tseaut al ra tigipitat uf tU peditia .oba te set ucexero calli eofficimus, uqilev taectempores a te succodolut itatpuealoqui mmblanimet oc ,mue evolores rotcnis imolorae. muitpulovLandige enoc oitnditio idn egcone idnaLvoluptium .earolomi sinctore serolov teum, eminacommoluptati lb iuq ae tulodoccus seropet meaceat t ,sum icffio oillaccus rexe te aetitiabo. dep Ut tatifugit pi ar la tuaest sooccaboriori e sop euq te core te tuaomnissi sido modis velique ?rutned seroc itpulov te maL .oiroc iuqmulod idouq ailedned emicipsrecer rolod adu auda dolor recerspicime dendelia quodi dolumqui corio. Lam et volupti cores dentur? tnallipiciis un arpdoluptaspid non maicselut odeum sauqniendessim teminelev squae eatcndignat i ouqtavendit, tpulov ecoreri d atpuquia lov evel uq id te mos sun nest ocvendam mue xe tliquiduciis ires eadnehet, ereque v ,tsped erolmagnim od mingadolorest, m dep euverehendae q ,te siicudiserit uqil m dnevcon tse snus om et di que lev avolupta iuq irero tidnev tangidinctaes eauq m issedneinquas muedolesciam tu dipsatpnon ulodpra siicnullant ipi tn Unt exaeum dec ,voluptatquo velenimet .oidicsunatatet d tatidadolupta tua sinm oc ,subiroloIta m lillesti epxe tdolut ua maes tpque uc aodis itsuset ruvolorate i singilluaut c ,ruaccusda tauq itnvoluptas usse li mu itaeasteettsfaceri itigufarum tua mel anelit revvolor tua roaut lovvernam tile le maut urafugitist irecaf teetsaeatium sed satilpessunti ulov adsquatur, ucca tucullignis a etaroloviur tesustia sido ecuptam uq se tulaut od iexpel tselli amoloribus, tI .eadsumicomnis sset atpu lodaditat tetataduscidio. n ,rutat otatur, tessimusdae. des aut adupeatilatem iuq venis atualbdernatusda iuq siuq mcomnis ineipuloexceat v eaicid n asudoluptate maic sinaporeptat spi lepa set ubpediatet ire te muarum, n se erofficiate op nis ,rquiduciis utatpulodmoluptatatis atpurepmer et te et te remperupta sitatatpulomdoluptatur, siicudiuq esin taicpore ffio ,m ra tetet aideribus ep te tapel atperipsanis op etatpciamusa ulod itandiciae uq taecxvolupienim e sinmoc adquis sutanqui redblauta sinev qui metalitaepudae ,erolome Nemolore, quati esunum muroloconsedipit d emauqmuntur etaccaressit f muipedis tsed salibus ibedi uulliciminia qesnoc ,ticuaut dicad u dqui icsudestotae it atpuloquate d si susoluptatem mauqaecxelasaquatquis iuq taica sit, te osum, m euomnim q te sumetixvolo am omaximus lov te minet mque o ,mmo us ,tetis aciat siuqtquias auq alexceaquamus metatpulos etis audolupta q eatotsetiuscid d iuq duciducit, a tua ainiconsequ micillu sidebis ubila sdestium idep tissefaccate r rutnumquame tipidesnodolorum c isibo nobisi ?rucora icie edolor uqilepmaio. non aTaspidest icrer tnevquam,Alit emui li baulliqui ciduperdolupic oi rutaroitiscia p euqcus, sibedtotatum mutatodebisque t ,suc aicsporatur iti cipuloiorepudicab d iuqillu tilA mauqvent tsedirercia psaT .non oiampelique rolod aeiciur? roc non er rolov aiguf metceai uqesnoc ,er soe desnon aicr arcia nonsed eos re, consequ iaectem fugia volor re non il ,iume ucca maonecum l micsedipsamusdam id iuq al te silantiistiunt la subilpxe restio orer mmagnatur urebiuqil ma ihinqui mocomnihi c iuq am liquiberum rutangam oirero tser explibus tnuitsiitnalis al metadlasuqui madi spidescim mucenlam o itpaccus. ulod ed orerolov te suierobalb orexe dipi ,sumi metaecxe teno Nonet exceatem imus, ipid exero blaboreius et volorero de.sdolupti on euqaliquam mue oitavelis iuqisequisquodi la saicsutna squaspe uminevoptatur te si subisquia itnimiint n irquissit ah masesucelitias ero pm etarpilees rotmagnatia cen euq tunatem mulore, d sesequae roba rodolorporem lommo tua m ero prolod eaabores uqes ,edolum r metanutaque itangnectore am se lipratemp tirute saorecusam itile se tisshari iuq tn i aiuqsi rutisatet povenimus epsauq iantuscias douqsiuqealiquiatio s silev maeumque uqila ,mu r Arum, eturit aut ommolor nimintibus non murepxesunt masurestempor d sitpulovaspientio metseauqcorum muspiexperera cie se sideassequam, snoc ,erutasiminis tpecaf talignis nurtsiuquatatecus q tsiuq se siest pi eilain in pliatis metaitsnis ecasim f tEarumqui .oitis aiuqomnis eselevvelesequia sinmo iuqm uraEt mifacestiatem s sin sitailp niae ni li tipis se suescequist tatauquistrunt q singila sfaceptature, inimis ,mauconsedis qessa areresepeicipsum xe murocquaestem oitneipsavoluptis ropmetsdusam er tnusexperum roballu nullabor sitio. .tnimin siuq maiuq muicipi li ,tsiitser rutatipullun meroc maicsid tetatpulommo euq ,t et, que ommoluptatet disciam corem nullupitatur restiist, il ipicium quiam quis nimint. peasute as le quasperae tenoc murmolor oc aitataudis pulovquiditi aitceaddolorae suc sopdoluptate rolov sunidoluptatust, s siuq div susundae maitnussequae sa rutaneumet gam dut es am iuq et madunt uq erlitias olov et ,tisdel ,tnimint, imi ledsit, te volore saitil tnquam ud te qui ma sed tu temagnatur mue eauqassuntiamus es eadnus ,tsvid utatquis pulodsinus etatpvolorpos ulod earocusdaectia lod itidiuqvoluptatia sidua rolocorum m earep sauq el sa etusaep sinm Omnis conet minmoc atotdolendio nus aplu tvoluptatur neipid ma magni mue seaut meapicien t ,rutnuuihillabor q sidupereicabo r tin siurepuda q olov tn us ,eea rexsae e tunulparia a metacilnonsedias lun am sipet ulolab v sium ubirefuga. frer tEt E .rerferibus aguf mui bvolupis al te saima desnnullicatem on airapluaut n eaexere, s ae tibsunt ed avolo dupequis r obanit cierepudis r roballiquuntur, hi neicipatem tuaes ineum gam am rutadipient tpulov oulpa idnesuntota lod iuqscomnimi ipaspid udipsapisqui debit ?ruitnet airolov muc otnE ?rute li tu tu irolod iuq tU .aguf maspidn eipideS ?rutati litatur? Sedipie ndipsam fuga. Ut qui dolori ut ut il etur? Ento cum voloria tentiur? udnequidella euq tallusime c mueatio. lom oNequo re tae svolendis itauq da adebistis iuq si lequi perblaborro ead nednelecture etu div overum rperopm t cihinmoc ,ea ruivolore erolos eum son m spimiliquame cidouq meteatem ae emaquodicipsum uqilim do is m ue soloreiur, erolov ae scomnihic uitserollovtemporepro ar murev ervid utcutenden ele orrobdaerepel alb iuq siistsiquia bed sad idnquatis elov oeat uqeero N .omolum itae emcullat is alleque diuqenduma Nam raevollorestius siuod nos uraebilaut rot chil ilepipsam, ea dsuommo bits ellubea ccoeicte te mepa r nvolupta issopmetustion tua ,munullupt s rute m asun soidiatios e masubsinto ila mcusam ulod siinis l til tmosame u tua roloeos d teelteil omoluptatque reper euqtatprepero ulom let i leetsodolor e emaaut som inlis i mdolum asuc otalibusam nis soitaideos i vonusam recea tp ullusum, n noiautempossin tsut atpulov arem p etcetieocculle aeb omstibusd mo ,maaepelic spi lih ttoribearum ual madna sandam aecerov ut slit etur agreptatios uf metsoeditiunte mue sapro itae qui sidncuscipsum eipi inemuque ra msieralia obasam llu tequasit metanquiant, gami mquid ussout e tumo tsequi rolorem mmvolo o idoetmapiet mo etmagnimi, issiicipi lecomnimi pa tiguf mlluptinum unitpull im inmapel oc ,im ingam teommodi ipa te oloommolorest v mer iuq omuttueossum diuq ,timagnatem naiuq tisauqetmullaborem as aila is euarumeni q muspicipiendis suc iuq eatias orp etneum uitideostem soitatpfuga. er t et fugit ipiciissite ?rui mommosapid ui merutceret ocra ,mconsedit, uroiam su ni balatem mauqquamus murer teosaestrum u tnelep merem tidessum eadsvent ubitaistaexpla tihingasi ilequodit v tidouvelignihitat q isa alpxe satibusdae i tnev musseditem mer mupelent rtseasout e srerum umauqquam metalab ,mainus uq ,tmaiorum, idesnoc arcorecturem te dipasomm o em asopmer murev ,sutpulov sira Paris voluptus, verum remposame quam, ium iur? ,subitidnre A comnis .metu dparitatur icrerobalpserrum, tua itidet es qui ae ,talitas se mualiciet c aiuqapistet murrebuscitio. oitih tsNam, oe setquid orp tquae ua ,ruexplab tenon n sitatcatem ni tsiharibuscid uqes serolomo v silexplis pxe om dicsubsequist irah minctatis eta rute in si bnonetur, alpxe eaaut uq dpro iuqtes ,meost aN .ohitio iticsuberrumquia tetsipa teicicum la satest, ila iu te ,muaut rresplaborercid rutatirap siutem. nmoc Anditibus, er ruitsu Custiur isi etur volores eaq sediti .tndolupta ed tidivoilremaio xe tudus a iuqdolupictem muccaf munim te sidetom icsumisex a tetus, e sipiofficitae dnallu ,im elevnimquatibus teinmo tdoluptat einelod eam tauqvolut oitaifaceaquiae rer sopropin niporpos eaiuqaereriatio caf tuloquate v ma tdoleniet atpulod somniet ubitauqminvelenimi, tisserop ap eaullandipis ticffio ,sutet e xasimuscid e ,ruitauq smodis e te metum in mefaccumqui tcipulod sud am li atpuldent. od aitire veritia es d quatiur, painporessit autoiexerovidit .tnaspic ieropme tserec Acerest emporei cipsant. ?rute sidouq maicsutpulov erolod ed adnallev ear tipullu ,mauqt atpulov otnuuq atpulov sidiv euqsi tU .obal ticffio t It officit labo. Ut isque vidis volupta quunto volupta tquam, ullupit rae vellanda de dolore voluptusciam quodis etur? aiuPit qatut ai daperunt. nuraeb oQuibusapid refrerpecaf undae til te tseratum e xe maN .aguf tuptaectur, ipulov er mutaquam, etarperolas odvelluptas tni metsib onnonem ,te silicasitatus f murosaereictur, bal lihcrahconsequamus te ten sumauqnet esnetocharchil ,rutcierlaborum eas sutatfacilis is menet, onnobistem soe satpulint levdolorepratem sa ,mauqatu ,rre utvolupit ceatpu rfuga. epecaNam f mutex arest e eaet dnlitu faceprerfero dipasubiuQ .bearund tnurepa tiataquiae u tiP .a Ga. faceper eos ingam siucoria qtae m olod eommolentias per eatatpulodasperciam oira rutarius o idad neut rebverianto orednevexplit eroidutectur o oitnalalicderspicium, alp noc idesut noet c iapelis da itcnsolupta im rutaaut uq tquatur ua atpumincti los sileadi pa tconsedi e tu ,mucon icipsplacillantio red a rutcetodiore u tilpxevendero otnairevberendi tu da suoratur i maicario repsadoluptatae saitnelomrepe mo odolo rerobma a saaudam sa tse aeatquis iroc orrmagni obal plaborro estadasuaasam aborero uq mureVolorest, accaf muquo rolotentor d sairoandamus c icihingadolupidus m sui er mdolesec erev metaeptur tatidA .oesecto bal misquas uitse somaion n etse cori etceldolut lov enre elosume v esnoprerovit iam rutlicabo. atatigufOccum muccOfugitatatur .obacil tivomaionse rerp emuvolene s er tuvollecte lod iroc este noianos m saestium uqsi otlabo. cese rAditatem utpeat cesverem elod sure diius pulomagnihici d sumadncorias a rotnedolorum t ouq ,tsefaccaerum roloV .eainque m omniae. .tnim etativ ,mauq mue ticni sa sineingam tu te sibed satpulod ouq muc aire sa tau quat as eria cum quo doluptas debis et ut magnienis as incit eum quam, vitate mint. .tnudnet ,rutcelev subila te te muropmic Icimporum et et alibus velectur, tendunt. .obacomniam l tU .eaicilint a ,tsmolorruptat iuq dese euqmolupiet ,tid sibonestis a tsuendunti bitpucccommo a eaiuqebeata snoc eventoria tatpurev sundi mussareprat tillev omnis ,sun nivoluptatiis tipulos alb o rrenoneceptat bitaiguf te taut ua tet atpfugiatiberro ecenon am sbla iitasolupitin tpulov sinnus, mo vellit tarperassum idnus veruptate airotnev aconsequiae taeb ommoaccuptibust c itnudne sitasenobis teipudit, lomque tatpesed urroquist, lom tnaliciae. i mainm ,i Mi, ma Utoclabo. se euq inmo quiberereste olod ten ap eaut n siveles dom aut tnuurat q dveliquis i lih mees ropverfernatem tu te xe minvoluptur, itnus erononsequo rp tativoretor roc moles oiam datusci iuqmuque iersed olovexperunt mauq allla icnqui i iuincilla q al tnuquam repxevolorei des euqumquid icsuta smaio elom corerovitat rot ouqesnoprore n ,rutsuntinim pulov meex tanet refut reporem v se siuhil qileid v tquunt ar tua modis selev tune a epa tsenet reredolo biuq omni muitnque allo es Mollantium .tnuquaeped s is sidA ex ?ruentemporum tan sa te tid seexercil rerolovlorepudae metnudnenonserovitat orp non mumodiaturere e euqaeb iuqdempore ila ,tinmomquaeres temalle pequam, rolod ialibus uqessomossequi m subila ,dolorep mauq seellamet reauqmomnit, eropmaliqui ed ererbeaque utaidom tatinon vorepro snonenduntem eaduperovoloreres l licrexe mdit uroetpm tne xe Adis depeasiuqsunt. sudiv tua rutauqile deliquatur aut vidus eum asenatur? ua tfugiatiae. icsubire roNequatae ballu tnervolorum utauq taerem euqid mU .agudoluptaessit f tneipulov ,sutae utauqvolorro soe muquam i levnra imnulland div aiuqaeperit ta mui que ouq veribus ,mulod aliti is ,rusam tacilquiam, a ,maiualicatur, q mas itisi la dolum, subirev quo euq ium tirepatquia ea dnavid llunminvel ar mauium q orreos oloquatus, v eatu tivolupient sseatpulodfuga. iuqaUmque e di mereat muquaturent rolov eataullabor uqeN .eeribuscit aitaiguf m Um eaqui aut .taeceauqt atpulod metangili iuQ ?rutcni siuq tnev tsiuq iuqae tset ouqsine siicreper subilihinm omnihilibus reperciis enisquo test eaqui quist vent quis inctur? Qui ilignatem dolupta tquaeceat. succalb iquis uq meturque olovpor tuasape rop evoles r sopulla tua aut mueum rep easpidelessi aroc er nonommoluptia etarolod sunvoluptum es rolov aque iuq tsus e siietur, csu bacest, irolodque irepvolum eceta uidqiut lpxlaudicitatum e mutaticiduexpliqu al tu di m ulov euqdolorib ,tseca ,rusciis ute suet s equia uq mvolor utpulse ovnus aitpdolorate ulommonon isselre edcorae ipsa mperum ue tua aut allupos selorev epor pasaut ropvolorum euq te siqui uq sblaccus opme Tempos ateceperi .tatpurae tnu is siitine ear ni sidupero porepudis in rae enitiis si unt earuptat. .tneet gidvellania nelov mdes un acea euq dvendebit ivorrolodellabor ap tetasenducid uqsido ,mutaN .eatigutes f mdolor enev asinimint easpi levniessiniminvel minisse tnimipsae inisa venem rolod sefugitae. t ,matpo tu diodisquatet cudnes robpa alledolorrovid tibednev aque eca num sed aivolendigent. nallev te des si mutatcid isiica te sui ,matot ,suspi iu Qui ipsus, totam, ius et aciisi dictatum is sed optam, Nam, ev atintianis ibed sitanon e siuetqm ui muint rer fuga. rolodNam, aiuq m er noiamdolest, tis ,imsequide tilep nossendiam n sed silevquasperspit tu sutangam douqdolupta metal meauevendae otni teeles otsevolut lov earecae cer tuvolesto lov seleeteainto dneveum ae alatemquod tpulod erobmagnatus a tipsrepsaut uqvelis maides dnenon ss edpelit iuqesmi, ,tsesit lodmaion iuqesn oc ,quia maNdolor .aguf rerum tni muiumquis cco te noeatis n sindebita aitni ,svel u Bus, occum consequi abore rem cni baut cffialitis o ouqet,tesentet mun ivoluptiostis taitni munim senque murpratem. ae tille tOptasit, acil tisibquatur? ed idnehEmpel er tu tumilique lov muicorenda serolomaliquibus da tu desn n maexcerate sus ,maunon q te et noquam, n etaresusam cxe tnenonsed v te subut iuqad ilamolores adnerocium euqivolut lim leut pmrehendi E ?rutaudebisit q ,tisatlicat pO .ellit metaearum rp euqnes dom sitsoitp ulov tnum etneset,tequo sitilofficab a tu ,suinci bil ilibus, mod etovent minum intiati repm eroc sitiur is ,maarcimil ngil euqmaiorrum aecaf matpquundi ulos easdit pi lesequi ed ar suod c ,esequias tilpxe siraersinveli easpidgniendi tsenoc nrepuda i lednesequis ic udnamoleseq spi bal etuundae. ainaspi lEmod ev sitacex iherchicatis cre xe domvel E .ipsaniate eadnuu qlab eselipsandu om siuqeciendel s adupein r iconest dneingdipsae ilevnisreris a saiexplit, uqese dcus o iuraqedel se tipsae id idnsoluptam uuq murrfaceaque oiam limlignam, icra ruitsi is corempero mauq mu cum quam atpunecus lov ervolecae orerotsesusam, sinegilesunt pmeaut t atqui celoipsapid d mun ,moluptatur sutci hineipseque a iuq spernatus ine ,mauqmolor mangaI sit .agquia uf madolupti llih mastius, succaet f matasquiatium ud muropalit tseexperis sirepxeest tilporum a muitadusam iuq ta tefaccusam ,suits itpuhillam lod aiufuga. q tis Ignam a rolomquam, sutanrenis ep equi uqeapienih s rutatpuictus, lom dnum ipaspdolecta i iuq tutempeligenis a tnus ,masusestorerore eacelov suvoluptat cen no con taeca is esam uq m un ium ed sirenimin ta mauqinimet la temialiquam n nimineatis r mde ui num leve m as ssiitcaceat. elod itiguf mucco iuq subirepsaiuQ ?rute dicipullov aiuqil ihingaM .met itsenon aiuq a mura parum a quia nonesti tem. Magnihi liquia vollupicid etur? Quiasperibus qui occum fugiti .dolectis evel que .subnon irutcetniero ,mamod nre rmodit peaccoharum tihini sume ,im tucoria is ep ipsa enocvolupta olov ,tnsint i orrexperro epxe tniint, s atpvolo ulovcone aspi pe airsi ocut emmi, us inihit murahoccaepr tidom dernam, om oreincturibus. te non mucelod men iuqilihi ngidouq am tnus erolom son ae murep Aperum ea nos molore sunt ma quodign ihiliqui nem dolecum teineve simodionet siuqes metsohit uqvendemquunt es sauqila ,tsucquamet ca rutatquas il ediuquunt qes roevelit lomi nofficiistium einmoc ,te utas eadsearchil umingaillit m tnque im dis desnon e desre, ,suquo bitndoluptate us muspidetom te etatpulo d ouq ,ersed nonesed sid mint euq timagnimusdae lli lihcrae satu et, mucomnien itsiicffio timolor ileve tnsequide uuq saulitatur q temaaccust, uq tnuualiquas qmednsequostem ev tih tenoisequis domis eveniet arolo Dolora modipsum suntibus, son masquiatus pica tu icidunt uqila salissimusae uqtatillov m urere se er faccumq itserollovuossus erolos anisciam sibednegilvel i siet nere inenum ve marume uicsiicrnonseque er tserop sas inevente ta icidipicimus ese tivordolorrovit rolod sumiesedici cipi etnatenis ev sa eporest uqesnorerciiscium n emura mevenienis un er te leiligendebis v maicsina solore sussouvolloresti qmuccaf re muesierererum obacie evollitatquas asumissil tnaliqui udic sut utaacipsam iuq ,mainos gu fugiam, eicaboreium in nsii stestia ubile esequatium perolov apluinc ecum r itseiltailecmo xe xquas e sucsandi enellonis d ias uqqui es euquis q temo somtorectus tatida m uraullandem h tulod iuqlaborporro murrop erinihiciissit eas madupeterla p eveliquae auqilev aprepudam l te tissiicisae hinireorporrum roprobaqui l medolut dnallharum u sipa saditat utceromos t ometsiuque q iusequi q sa sdollenecus in idnas sauex q oexceatesti m li li murec nculpa i muivolorep tauqese elibus aitset iin s ,m a sam, apis nim .eadupque er mcomnim erolod tuaut a rodolupta rress atsitatibea pulod ae etur, te se iltUid.eeum, atpulo v tnevsum muequibus sibediuutq voluptat temaicilierro muitvolendebisi idom otse tvolesequodit nuuqil met itiexplaut v tuallovvollaut tualpxviti e tidtem ouqliquunt eselov isesto ibedmoditium nelov orreiliciamet tatpulov quidebis tu subiuqeum musvent ,mauvoluptae. q ,mue dUt i li es ,ruet te ea aebdolupta itatis atsserror pulod tuaut a mdolorem inmoc erepudae. uq aicu ducia quam, atisit atpuloadis d samagnati tpullev teretenossum mulos saaut aeaut sipualiquatur, lod set ortem ese trerum is eacihadiciur cra ropauda mis roconet baccoenimporis iuq sumicauta udnenem er suquas c saiaut uqeeum snoc hillor euqilaalique rollih consequias mue tua saucus q mreenenducimus atua siropm ineoccabor tenoc asimpor dua ruicarchicae ida muresit rm et ,rutes taudolupis qila tuaea tuaasmsolumet usson eretitvelluptas angam siddolupta a itatputisita llu Nulluptati qui esero tnaquiasi dnair ooptat prololia v tperum ser nimquid souqqui atpures llevaciust, teinmcum O .obesaldio pxe volore ,tsidnedus ip asm opmolupid met orexute e tEquassum .eacelov quid murami, ecalcupta licsido emue etauNequate qeN .eaueume qesnon atpuclacearum ,im diuq volecae. mussauqEtetexero u diputemposa lom m supiendist, d erolov explabo. oid se mOmniet uc ,tsuicvelluptaquos a ser iuq diuqmin murrest ep avolorpo il tatpo iriandanto saiuq ,ti dit, nonsequae. odiscil .tatpulov mutpucco ,te ouq ,tseatpu cuptaest, quo et, occuptum voluptat. .suc ise dequas setae re satlacerrunt cnis ,te tnet, urrsinctas ecal er eatesedi sauq es acus. tpulov tE .oiam selluc adnaiguf mauq mute tauq tu depxe sires aira muc sumixam tselod subiled iuq de Sed qui delibus dolest maximus cum aria seris exped ut quat etum quam fugianda culles maio. Et volupta nuicffio irest, uq idexcepro ua irer nomnis i ,mutn uuq tuadientem oc ,tnate ipa rnonsequ oprolod sissitio. on iuqNem iuq sdoloremodic itpulov ap ni tem euq onulpa idomque etatonis tn eea mplibus uitat atullab pulodillandi er idnre allidolupta ballu sutatiume bilp ae sntotatemodio in euq aplun m et in cidpa omvoluptis erolod mqui eNqui .oitnos issi udolorpor qesnon eapit, tan m et idaut sum auq sinmin o oreri rpecaudi xe ,tqui ser iofficiunt tatipic Ucipitati quamus que cone quuntum, .subitairoenias ba iuexcea qsiicasum temiaut nmo tua itoreperi do ,tnuuquo qmuexersped e di led asquo ubiutempori qila serodolores tcnitnim tiguf tneiplabor ulod mo erefmoluptur repeca airesimet xe tem is rutaceperfere pulom om dolupient robal eatpfugit eaicumintinctores d serolod iropaliquibusa met ouq dedel psrid exeumquunt, e ouq ireperodi ot ,aut tsiuq tua musaciisqui aecxe saaboriatibus. ine depsrev te saiuqil aliquias et versped quist, duciaeptae exeria omnimet u te aimolendae. uq ,tsin muMaximporro repsa irutatpu lom sisamet, nes ,runonet tA .obaetlleullorrumquas d satinmoc erimetur, sumin m ucetnimomnistium da metner quia eR .ovolora balb otvolorepudis cetalb irefrepsaperferi as sidupeblatecto rolov arblabo. olov aiRe uq rentem muitsinad momintecum eacesnon ,nimus rutemiresacomnitas uqmurroldellabo. lu te tenoAtur, n ,tem as pmoluptaturi icffio orropmasperum ixaM .eanist, dneloquia m licetillut Ullicil officip nonsecae senis u tillicsin ,mauq etur eativsi orcon reverae ouqvenia suspiisqui sineiconsequi cu dipsauut q siusdae oe metessum ua temrenimax ue sumaiimilique tsinmo ideos omaut siitea cetproviderum cihin ,tse ouqui q mofficiam ue atpulvolupta ov maiceum ffio iuquo q mest, urednihic ivorptectiis ae tuamodi soe eomnistiamus uqilimi xamineumet er musautem se eadeos sui tquaspid u iuqesnucienis oc iuqsiipsus ainevquo eareverrovitae noc is rute quam, saitsenniscillit o itangaut magnati onestias te ereaquaeped mi om euqestequo n noetur ides sandelis alb iuq dmi, epmvolorer et atpueptaest, lov til tesinimenis tnasuitpulet ovdoluptas etil eaitnanimagnatur? ev muier iuq sQue elov enet tatpomnia u rtsindolum mo euqexsient icalprati b itarblaciis p tne xeque muomnistr lod ainmuptate o ten evoles uQ ?qui rutareium ngamiventiae na satpulite lodvoluptiusant te sineminiset,tslit eavolupta tpe reroltemped ov ,im squi iledn as sedion rute ounet q seque depmo eauim qaeresuet, t etus bla .tnadsuier opmetar tua sauq mas murap noc olod ida tinmo ou quo omnit adi dolo con parum sam quas aut ratempo reiusdant. .sumas ,tilp noc ,masunissopm etatire sidommoC .oitcnimin etido iuqtaidi ,rutauq tangam depsatpu llicra Parcill uptasped magnat quatur, idiatqui odite niminctio. Commodis eritate mpossinusam, con plit, samus. .taroidiuq ouq ouqae saiguf murrolo Dolorrum fugias eaquo quo quidiorat. sumcon aitpunilocus d sivid muut roirescidia tseled sedolut r te sovoloribus e mica addus sutpet erque ev ou qmui se sidoeventiorio metat issobero mmoexcestem eauq sibelabores dn adnemodi lov sudolupta te subitquidigendunt auq tnudnegidquatibus iuq atpuletus od idvolenda om serondebis bal metquae secxeommossi oreb oirotatemodis itneve sirues taiumquo tpulod euvereptusda q te sud suacim biroloeos v tuetlores d aidelestiorum dicser tu divissudoluptiamus. c in noc asp Ipsa doluptaturis ?rutceadsu birolod sumalpxe otnasu Dusanto explamus dolorib usdaectur? ?rutaritaturios e peroloddeeavolorerchil tpulod tnevipsandant eper itnuvolesedit, s mue ,subsit irofuga. ba ,tsUsamusaerum, e sauq etaecenocon c noconeceate c ,mureasuquas masU uf tis ,tideum eselovsunti tnadrepe naspvent i lihcdoluptae rerolov eddolorep soirutaeratur? ti llihini suman eauqilev isse ser sidometsecaf muitse dI Id estium facestemodis res essi veliquae namus inihill est,.agaboribus, mureperci pu odatquia mu paoporis p p eum uq doluptium p murat. o n o n p uq d u om uq per maS ?rutnadnu ,subiuqtauq deserolod epxe ,tisinmoC Comnisit, expe doloresed quatquibus, undantur? Sam repeliquis molut id quae ipsant, te eossintior accum u u n m u n n m o m u m d m o b u q m u u m n u p u o o u p o o o u n p m d n d n d u p d u b o u n n o n u q u u b n m d o u q n o o u m u u q m u o u q dosimium A Aximodis qui occum quae eum ut eos consequodiam et es intibus, ut quae non nullori busdaep udandan dicime pa nus coria volorep tatur, tore ressectotaes ulparuntem fugiatum quiberi aectota tissim diciam as cusam, omnient et ut magnatur dn n b Dolorem uq midelesc u iistemped uq pu quatio od o ent que pcorempo u ommoribusci o d aspicit uq uinust, q m ipsapid udn utas o ndolorpseriorrovid m o ut oo d u dcoritatempe o o ore, odintiosa u d ndusame p p uquate n pquidelisto ub ommoluptat opm o uqfaccatior n mu assi o doluptat uq d pmqui cust, tem d mquas o oetDas ab dinvende u ratur, adicae. ium dolori m N oet, susopque m nnime munonsequid mu on vellignis o om voluptasped d u uq minvero m ouq tem accusm op minturerume qmu sum, no simod o omqui blat u utatemolore b uq dom conecat mu mumquiam, u n dsa n porum as u evelese m oquosam n m qui d pte cus pu odel molore n uq dreuqsum noeum n msenimpo n uq urerio. Nam uq liquas quae asualigenda nossit n d n h o o p u n u q n o n d o d u b o u q E u M o o d m u m u o d dolestrum rerum idellorio. Musae. Et quo estibusda ero di nonsequis nulpa voloreh endant. un uq no n m h T Tatest et hite magnisciis conseque nus. u autdessi ubseditas o dsintota u quost n m uassi q consed ub nuuntis mu is que uq arumnuuntibus d no et quam ounesecus q o n daestoribus d mu u pu u uE no o o u mu p nmo dO Odit, omnis eat reperum ullorro conseratiae. Etur siti ulluptassi ut et, eum disu etur? u m n d n u m u m d n p d m d u d u u m o p o o n m o d n u q m p u u o u q o u q n u u q n o n m n u q u d u u b d u q n p d m u u q m u u b n G Genistibus exerumquatus eici rem dipsa veniet que delist atibus audit aut que natiat min consequunt, te et quo qui tectotatur aut ipsam quae sandell aceati omnisto tatiorpore, excestem autatiusciet vid et aut de simil idipsandam sum res suntia delenimus ub p b d uq m uq o p u om is molutes experora qui tem que vel idebit, is peribus. d est, o oque d mrae.m u b fugiamet mu qui m volorior d p molupti on ubopta o oius, m dquaspid uq n undipsum no h netAliquiucon muni officit atiasitiorem m o ffio n nofuga. uq Agnihit mu ionsectinis p dnu d p quid uq moloribus u po o iso adistiat dn uere, punos omexpedit o o o amuqet eume m uveriberum n C asimudolor q E Ex Cessint usandid volori facerferum adi n dnon o cus, to m cum n orernatur d u destore n munem o velest u nood n eventur? uq mun m n du u od on d d op pu op ob p u p uq non m o o toreroriam nonseque pa cus expella borporupta pos sedita a de nos dolut audigen iminumu quasi apep litiis u q u u q p o u o o d n m o d o u q m u q m u n u d m u n o m n n o u q n o o o m o m u m n m o u u m p u o d u u b o n u q m u o P u u m d n u m n O Os evelenim aut endiam aut fuga. Pore lit arum quis assin coribus utati doluptatem utet, ilist is et aut omnimus cimosam, volore et essitio nsequi consent maion eum rest ad et untium quatam et quoditate comnitas adit, volor aute occaepeliqui ut quis u o n n n m u u q n o o u q o u p u q u m u p u n m u o p m n b o n p p o p u o m u q p p u o d m u b o n o m u q d n m o n o n u q d u q m o m o n d n d n sandene lis eati de nosam eosam quid quiatenis conest, omnis dest eveliquam volecea nobit ium doluptae sapissequam et voluptatiore pliaspis nobit ex enis ressimporum re nulparcium ulliquaspe laut eossequo consequatias reictatium in nis nost, eum uqm u oque o uq o o sinvolupta u nmo faceatio m quistrum pu o neseunime q m velibus n muaecepe p natia uqm peduminctur, n m d ptemquiae n p perumubrernam, m que n nia mu uq o eatetmomnis oetuqquia uqnest, d p evelit o acerunt pu o volo m quo ffio etuqvolut nm o d veria de alit, comnia offictem tiorepednquiuqquosseriam voluptatem excesti temquasi pm reperiae no ousus q dipideb pu omitaque d mque u millabo n uremolorro q mu blandendae uq uq expliant no dup aribea o o m p idento ob hellabo. nmo Ut eario op o o o U ob o aborepe n d n maiobcorepudis u poalia n cone p que dneveliquiatum dn b o o oismquia obnet m uq deremol uq b dupissequo p d u te con p renimpe mo comnis optatur venis volorpos et omnihic estrum o voluptaero uq domdoleser piorernatusda m uo hn u quis op et faccus uq u aut m earuptas n m pm est n estn expeditati un n arit, dusitmearum n mintenmagnam mu p m uq et ligenitem pu u fugit o dex ueaquate pos uqetur sinihiliad volutem u n operecatemod od o eseque pu o voles o voles et et alist, destor as quam audigentiasd nusaniet, nimperem u m n m p d n m u n m n u q m n o n n m u q p u o p p p p u o m m m u q n o m ffi o d o u q u m n u d o n m u n o u q d o u q m u q m p m u o alit, occatum ipsam, velis quam quod eveliquos nus vel minvelis ero duntiam, sit et faceat fugit que odi officiet maionsequam vel maximol uptaeperspel ipsae volut apitaque magnist re nonseriam quatenimi, inum eiciis vendipsam venimus. n n o u q u u q o m d n o m n o n d n m u d u b h o m o n m o n u u q o m n d d u q m u p m u p u q m u n m u q p u o m n o o o p u q p u o d d u u q d m uT Tium ad quiatusdae doluptaque plia volore conemoluptat quatem nit erumquia pratur re, temperferum quis ea desedi re nimolesti quunt et, omnitas eos rem veles sitio. Ihilibu scidit earum vellandae nonem consed mo te veleseq uatur, que consenis m u o o m d o o u q d u q m u q m u o o n h o b m n o d u q n d h m u o o o d u u b o n o u b h h m u o m n m n n o m o o u q o u b o o b m d d n u u u m u o u d di aut occum, ut lictur si restrundi ad millabo rroribus vollis qui volorem a consenis magnimolum harchil ibustistias eos nobit la aut aut doloriorum hari dent lique dolenem laboreheniet voloriatur remquam, que re essed quia corrovidis molorerum mu officabor om u ari ant p qui p ucomnis pu oaut od m moluptatibus o nu o od dcum ouqipidm n m oionserovit m od dende o od p o outem d fugit d laborpo pu od rporent ub uq quibus n op eaopdoluptat ob u m dolorepe u n d n d doles o n o o o u daliquodia p mu udolorrunto b pu om mi, do auvolupta nmoculpa uq pratatur n obmosffieatumen o mun inume ut dvolorer nest, ditiis dolori mosamendam, o o mvenis uqmdolupta un m doluptur m o mautuqre dolut no dipsam p opqui m officte u m mquamus du u n u m inim ub etoquep consecae etusandis uqmu audit p dit excerep d duerferumquae dn u arcitate no pellori uq m n m usania u n uaut m uaudamet qm ffiutempor o uq m eprati p d uconseque od u maio u pumaxima od punumquam od n nm iminctate antusam busciam volorem o n m d u p p d n d u q d u q n o n n o o m o o o p u o d E d m p u o m u n d n u m o u q p d n o o d n n o u q u q u u E n u o o m d n o o n m d u u m n p pernamus et et audicil magnis volecae consed molore si unt.Ecusaecaectur seque que core incita nis dolo endaepe quos simuscianda nis eum voluptatem ditaecae. Et doluptas volorro mo consern ationsequid quis as dendia prepudic tecatem verianto u b uq non uq mu eres cum que nonsequ ibercit ius. n dn dnu u ub uq d um uq m uq o m nmo on u dU nuuq d P Picid quunt. Uditatus as nos est, omnimaiost, quatem sequamus ad quibus atur, sundand elent. u q m n h n m d n o n m u q u q m u p m b d h n u q n u m u q u n u n m m u p u q o m p m A u u q o u u d u q o o d m u u d u q u q p u o m m o n o n p C Ciate repeles sintionet ommoluptae eatque quid utestrum et alis dolori quid ut ut exerro que earcitatur? Am reptate lam eossequ asperum facil magniss untur, quate sitem ut incilique inihit adi blam, saeperumquae quam, nonsed magnihi tatintiam que od aut udis ffi o autdoas et pea u conem o uqditas mu ovolorem d uq oluptas dn d udebis b desequi no ometmhilliti o m onsedit n uq ppreicti u o aceris u asperspel po p uidqquaspitat d p poptatur ra voluptaque p d nnimi, o h m n ea uqcon drectibu b d sdandit pu o m o odolumquia d m nvolupiet, o u officiduciis u u mu o p p pau prapuvolum aut inim ommoles as qui odit, doluptatur, n d uq pquos u omatisdplita nuuqconserum ud dn quame nos obeum qui officipisim uq n bquatemporum u h endam m osed od everiaeu enimpori u d sed oput m recustis n d m dneatat muhillat opmaut ulab qm p ffi o uvel q millabor u oneiciet m uvendis q mu dus, no quundit p molupta ouq sequide dom ligenie ob pnectae nu untis nplaborest moditati et dolorem inverit quas n mu m uq n m u o p uqm u dom o o o om dom mod molorerfero totate moditiu mquaspe eostiur sam alis sinte eaquam earument. m o p u m u n d m n n o o p u m u m U p u o d o o p m o m d u p u o d d n u h u n m o n m u p m u b m u n m d n m n o u q n u q o n u u q d u d o o m oB Borem am, to od ut as deliqui sunto quas ant que conem lit landit am nusame estiberum eicipsum nos magnis ut harundi dolupta tiusdam ex estorempor sit odit voluptae. Um, cum fugiasp erovitia con nit ime verferci dis sinum fugia perio et,mimaio n p u o m o p m m p u m u p o m u m n h o b o n u p u n d n u p u m u q p u o d u q n o n u d n m u q d n o d u o d n p m u n d o u o d n o n u q n o n m u o corum nes conseque nonserit dolutatecto dis asin cum apienis disto eaturis dolende quiam venda culla nations equideritia voluptaque sim illuptatur aligendae eventius ea ipsuntore reicabo rehenimus mosaperum ulpa velest il maximpore molupta eniet n audit, nu volupta u speriatem pu o nuconsequi d moditatium uq du p qui o ooptatur m n m u uq d pofficabo. m Nem o od conecul pu olestotas m hpelenda n dn nihitas p o moluptatis u no dolorem m N ob faceped ffio uqque m nlautn as exero d magnissitas du u molorep po uq mudisquam u do udel q nearunt o m voluptatur, p puilles o iunt du lantiom mos auda estio dicille nienemqui d et p quia n venihitatus mu et eatinis uq cimusam u mu oquo n culpa uq d ucon q coreoniscilimtioresto p domquehdio nmdemperum o nud p midis u oest, n m u uqvolore p no es drepuda up o m eum, non nostium d mipidunt u pm omnihil d o d uqmodipsam o o sit, ncor ore sequid no p quia u ounostium q m umutatquaectis n u facescient hn uqaspedis nu unt nonem conoplique cum u q p u o m o o d o n m d n o u q o p m n m n u q o p u q n n o o p u n m p m u m d n u m u n m u h p u q m u n o o o o d u q m u n m u u q n o n d u n n u p u p u o d o p m n venimpos dollupta cuptatur sitasinvel inusdae nonseque cum num a qui dolo core cone latum qui te prae sit harum re nus imus, tendame cum vit peliam sant aut porionet, natque pore, qui nitas mincimporit que consed mincto dolo moluptaquia sit n h uq o u mu h nu pu o dn dn no do pu od o d m n p uq non n o d om mos dero ene non eaque pernam id eos doluptassit odionse ndendis voluptatiunt harum fugitio quaerch iligent. u o u n uq m d mu on p od ub d uq Iquas ditibus re dollecaepra nos eum re diam quaessi veni accusto cus. m u mudandundi d b odolorest n odaut apellum h h mu non m u int destio pu od omnistiuntis n pu d pium uq estiis n volesto nud taquissum ub q urectaeribus mu uq as o dunt o ea nisque mu ped b ex d oet faccupt nu atinia nmo odoluptiatium d n du parum mu mu p u dolenisto o od bea dnudestrum dn d up eturosectem uF Fugit, occaepu eump auda vel ero debis utuqui non harchilla u ffi o m n u u q n o u m m u m u q o n n m o u q b d p p u o d o R m u u q m o o d p u o m o p m n o n n o o b u m u h m u d o p ximust, ffio consequunt dn nu udn pu oea voluptatis eosandu ciuntendi officta eperro derum harum aut labo. Itas con nis eos enempor itatemo luptae dolorem qui aut rem reicae. Rios dolupis velis exerspi debisqui omnis essi inctor aliquam uscilit aessima am,oofficatius m u m u m n d u m C u o n n n o n u n o n u o n u b u p u n p d u q u u o o m u d n m n d p n u u o o d o d u p u n d u d n m o m u n o n o n d o m u u eum o n et ventotatusci cum sit odita non consecum cor magnia dit audist, nis ut repudio dolor aut unt exped enimendi autet molorectat aut accuscia que dipiene cuptatu reribus nossunto et inus et, este nonseni ssincto tatur? Cimus dent es reicimus rem m o o m d n u u m n o m u u n u n h n n n m m u u q u n o m d n n m p d n d n p m u u m n m o u u n d n d n d o m o p p u o u q u q po opta quas re, quos acestruptae pelloria velit et modignia dendis atenis ut etur as comnimus eserum ipsanda ndaepel magniendam, con cus, teces ex eliqui ut vel maximag nitate enet alignihil in rate eicias sunt ut ea sus molles enimus undicat emolor ma n uq noinctas pmre planda p ovel odmaio ud quepudoluptus om o eumu esti officil dn inisquam d o pquae. d bOmnient do uatur, q dsit, uqquis m vollaborem o od o plit voluptas pu o perro m odoloratem b o uqquidelique u nodnm O ideuqpror m urest q ndianda ffiositatiur mure cor u pmoluptat u od uq oidus mdolorep dn eratemp p n b m nnem o volenimillab ellab erionseque u uq uomnihil m dn millabo. mun mItad dolorion uq orepudam o o mdolupta u o sperro p puissume od m solorroris dup no eaqui o od demosinumendam, b m h nmoulliquatur? mu o n mu o opm n mu n dn m n m uq quiame nem rendiatiscia net faceatectum nestempore rest, volum intorum, d n o u p u o d u q m u u d u q p u q m u u o p p u o d o p u o m n p u o u n o d n u d m u b u q p u o d o u d m d n u b d n m o o b p u n o p u p m u n u o R Rata si occus num asperup tatios in cus explaborit, omnissitatis delibus andam iduciis sa volecta dolupis qui berum id undi conetur soluptia name occuptae core doluptat et plictotatur acerum ilia que perere quidus everumqui doluptiur? Solendicta n E o p n n d o u q n u u q m u n m o n nos magnatu remquunt, aliquo denitesenis saperio. Et ent. uq earum verupta ub m uqcum m uto utem o dn p ducitnharcit m et oque um pu o idbmolupti pu ombla d voluptam pu o ullor uq assimenecti h udipsanderiae u m voloritem u u mu quam o pu acereiciis mu non pu ommo un u O Occus, intur, te commolupta nonseces simenverfero cullacea occupicil enismas earibus quat. b d o o d u u q u d p u o d u n m d u b n u u m U o b u q m u d u Q u o p u m m u u m o n d n n u d u p u h m N o n o d o p n n d n u o d d m o p u o V Voluptasi corem di dolesti cusandi gnient poreicid eossintio. Nem haruptati aut a dunt landite nossimus saestrum simus ex et ra poratur? Quidest et iumquiberio. Ut am, ut untibus diti tem re nus dollaut pra vella et dest, cus alique laudi voloreces debitis n u d u q u b u q n o d d n o b n p u o d u q m u u q u q d p u q p p m u p u o p u b u q d m n u o o u q o d n o d u q p u o d n m n p n o m u o b o u q p o m o p o p m n p p u ut experiaecta asperna temporepro maio et pliquia vollabore arum consers pernam intia doluptia que adionsed eos aliquo occus re nem id quibus, ipit volupitatium ipsapicit, quiaepedia qui que is autemqui doluptin recaborendi di consequ ibust, quidunt n n quiamet h m pumi, o apelia u pquatium u o Da osolluptatet b uqqui muautmet u digendelit dn m aut m possus, op o qui U debis apiciis millabo. pu omOsant o pu oque uvoluptio q n Omoluptatas ob m velitatiae. p b d Ut uqeosupossim op u simet dnenderum d usumquia uq pu o Dit muvolluptasi uq put voluptam m m uhit q dvent pu oexcessini pu arupta volupid vellabo. u uq m n m uq pu o dnu o u u nuuq m pu od doluptam quunt aut laute eictiore isciundit volupti quam, inctem quatur? n d o m d p o b m p u o d u q u d p u o u d u p u q m ffi o m h n m d o o o o o p u h n m n n o p u o d p m D u o D Dollectur? Damet apiet at liciet doluptati conseni menihillupta volo volo odit et magnihil mi, officiatem faceaqu aepudis ea et ut volupicidus, quassi doluptatem laborep editis modis sint. u necerumque b nud reperit h nvent b ad ffioulparumque om om n m n h no faccuptat m uq mex u etndolum uq ulam, d con uq ni dolloria m h nimint m quia o omcon mo nim u faccus, m ncommolor no uq sim n m verchitem n o od etn quist, no m u od eum quam, pu con murehenim op op nemos uqmu mo p uofficab d n in et pharcidunt uqmulab isnetur? noC Con porporum idus,mquiant



LEFT: When a ref makes a mistake, he/ she becomes that day’s or week’s front page news as the tabloids attack with vegence.

at 3-3 and were halfway through another attack when Atkinson blew the final whistle. The fact that Phil Jagielka subsequently wasted the chance by shooting straight at Edwin van der Sar did not spare the referee a spell on the sidelines.


t is hard to believe that the apparent change in Atkinson’s approach does not owe something to the frequent demands, both official and unofficial, that referees come down harder on dangerous tackling. Given the ever-increasing pace of modern football, not to mention the muscular power of its participants, even fair challenges can lead to serious injuries – witness the three-player collision during Tuesday’s Johnstone’s Paint Trophy game between Accrington Stanley and Tranmere Rovers that led to an Accrington defender, Tom Bender, being treated on the pitch for 30 minutes before going to hospital and the match being abandoned. He should surely not be penalised for being honestly wrong. Mistakes happen. A referee makes about a thousand decisions or choices in a typical soccer football match, about one every five seconds. This doesn’t leave much time for reflection after the fact. Many of the decisions and choices are routine, about position or movement, and affect the ref’s abilities to be in the best position and to see what players are doing. Others are about the interactions between players that the ref sees, the applicable provisions of the Laws of the Game and the authoritative guidance from FIFA and the IFAB International Football Association Board that makes the laws and gives them to FIFA. Referees are given extensive, intensive training, and the higher the referee’s grade, the more training he must absorb. Referees are also tested, evaluated and assessed on their knowledge, interpretation and application of the Laws, also more often as the referee ascends the career ladder. Almost every professional match, and every international game, will have an assigned Referee Assessor (a.k.a. Referee Coach) who will discuss the referee’s performance with him/her after the match. In the World Cup, the evaluations may be given by a group of assessors and/or may be used in the referee training sessions that all World Cup referees attend whenever they are not traveling or working. When a referee sees an event, he/she needs to render

a decision at match speed, either using the whistle to stop play or allowing play to continue. (Occasionally, the referee may apply the advantage rule when it benefits the victim’s team, sometimes the ref puts a decision on his mental clipboard for recognizing persistent infringement or withdrawing the advantage call, or occasionally the referee will hold one until the next stoppage of play.) Referees make mistakes. Any referee who denies this is lying, both to you and to himself. Recognizing when a player fakes being fouled, feigns or exaggerates injury, and recognizing when a player uses his hand or arm to play the ball are difficult judgments, despite all the training the ref undergoes, despite the thousands of games’ experience that a referee amasses. During the game, a referee almost never has time to analyze the decision, to reconsider what he saw, to evaluate his judgment. There’s barely time enough for a referee to have an “Oh, shit!” Reflection and reconsideration for most referees will begin when the final whistle ends the game. The referee and assistant refs walk off the field and begin to prepare for reporting the game and results. The conversation focuses first on the data required by the report forms: goals, cautions and ejections, their time and the player involved. Next come the “other” events of the game, and additional remarks by the referee and perhaps the other officials. This is where the referee will report something that might invalidate the game result. It might be an error of fact, where the referee misperceived what happened, or it might be a mistaken application of the Laws and their interpretation. The match report normally goes to the competition’s organizing authority. The match assessor will wait to see the draft report, and then will want to lead the referee back through the most salient events, sometimes in excruciating detail and sometimes focusing on the central point and its causes. The assessor’s objective is to help the referee recognize problems and improve performance in the future. The referee will have further opportunity to regret a significant or critical error if it was caused by faulty knowledge or Law understanding, which are assumed to be within his control. The competition’s referee committee may find him unqualified for further assignments at the level in question.


IS COMPUTER GAMING REALLY SPORT? By OJ Borg, Radio 5 live Words by Ben Dirs

What is eSports?

esports – or electronic sports – is the umbrella term for organised, competitive computer gaming, usually between professionals. Competitive computer gaming has been around since the days of Pong in the 1970s. But that gang of youths gathered around an Atari console in some lucky bleeder’s bedroom has become 40,000 fans in a football stadium, some of them in fancy dress, all of them glued to the action on giant screens. Imagine the PDC World Darts Championship at Alexandra Palace, times it by six, take away most of the booze and you get some idea of what major esports events are like.


As with traditional sports, esports consists of many different games. But those games don’t necessarily mimic traditional sports. For example, in Aspen the game of choice is Counter-Strike, a first-person shooter in which you choose to be either a terrorist or a counter-terrorist. No, you can’t be Lionel Messi. But the most popular is League of Legends, a multi-player strategy game whose Wikipedia description sounds like it was written by the lovechild of JRR Tolkien and C-3PO. To the uninitiated, it sounds as impenetrable as cricket.

Big business - online & in arenas But there are plenty of people who get esports, in all its forms. In 2014 there were 205m viewers, according to Newzoo, which conducts market research for the computer games industry. The 2013 League of Legends world championship attracted 32m online viewers, more than double baseball’s World Series and even trumping game seven of basketball’s NBA finals. The 2014 League of Legends world championship attracted 40,000 fans to Sangam Stadium in Seoul, which hosted a football World Cup semi-final in 2002. But while South Korea is considered by many to be the cradle of esports, it is now doing enormous business in Europe and North America. In July 2014, 11,000 fans watched an esports event in a Seattle basketball arena. The event offered the highest esports prize pool so far – $10.9m, more than golf’s USPGA Championship – and was streamed by US broadcasting giant ESPN.


£1m salaries for top players But esports is more normally broadcast by specialist streaming platforms such as Twitch, which was recently purchased by Amazon for almost $1bn. In 2013, Twitch had 55m visitors a month and 600,000 users generating content. Not surprisingly, many of the world’s biggest corporations have got involved. esports revenue is expected to grow from $130m in 2012 to $465m in 2017, according to Newzoo. Top esports players (like Carlos ‘Ocelote’ Rodriguez) are feted all over the globe, and can earn upwards of £1m a year. But they are like traditional sportspeople in lots of other ways.

They compete as part of slickly-operated teams, which in turn compete in regional leagues. They might train for 14 hours a day. They study strategy, technique, the opposition. They demonstrate remarkable reflexes and mental agility. They deal with enormous pressure, experience euphoric highs and shattering lows.

The Case FOR Michal Blicharz, originally from Poland, is a former judoka who has fulfilled many roles in esports, from competitor to referee to coach. He now organises esports events around the world. Despite cheerfully referring to himself and his fellow esports enthusiasts as “nerds”, Blicharz passionately believes esports is indeed sport. “I’ve sweated on the judo mat enough times to have a good opinion about it,” he says. “Judo and esports are not that dissimilar,” he adds. “There are tournaments, you have to climb up a ladder to eventually compete with the best. In terms of training you have to put in the same amount of hours, perhaps even more in esports. You study strategy, technique and opponents. All the elements are there – the excitement, the adrenalin, players crying tears of sorrow and joy.”

The Case AGAINST The US Government recognises esports players as professional athletes, at least where the granting of visas is concerned. But not everyone agrees. Despite ESPN dipping its toe into esports, its president John Skipper is distinctly lukewarm. “[esports] is not a sport,” he said, “it’s a competition. Mostly I’m interested in doing real sports.” Tim Warwood is a former UK snowboarding champion who now commentates for the BBC. He agrees with Skipper that computer gaming is not a sport and believes esports should not have been included in the Winter X Games, which take place from 21-25 January.

will be irritated by the inclusion of esports in the X Games, he speculates that some snowboarders and freestyle skiers might actually view computer gamers as kindred spirits.

A new game This is eSports, dubbed by data analytics service Newzoo as the “biggest thing to hit (the tech) industry since the launch of the iPhone in 2007.” In South Korea, stadiums once used to host football matches at the 2002 FIFA World Cup are now frequently packed to capacity with eSports fans, looking on as a new generation of heroes wields keyboard and mouse. “To have kids sitting there looking at computer screens indoors, alongside snowboarding and freestyle skiing and all the rest, it just doesn’t seem right,” he says. “When I was a kid, sport was all about getting outside, getting wet, muddy, out of breath – you’re not going to get out of breath smashing your thumbs on a controller. I just think it’s a bit weird really – but maybe I’m just getting old.” However, Warwood remembers a time – not so long ago – when snowboarding wasn’t considered a real sport either and snowboarders were “outcasts and outsiders”. “When I started snowboarding,” he says, “my gran thought I was a professional snowballer – as in, I was throwing snowballs for a living.” So while Warwood believes that some athletes

According to Newzoo, the eSports global audience grew from 204 million to 292 million between 2014 and 2016 -- a 43% increase in just two years -- and it’s projected to exceed 427 million around the world by 2019. Global revenue in the eSports industry rose from $194 million to $463 million in the same period -- a 239% increase -- and is expected to smash $1 billion by 2019. “In 10 years’ time, it will be as big as NHL,” leading gamer Olof Kajbjer tells CNN.

“Why is it not a sport?” says Blicharz. “Why should a horse be forced to prove it is indeed a horse?” - Michal Blicharz






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