Electives 101 Primer 2013

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B.S. Business Economics Curriculum FIRST YEAR

First Semester GE Subject (Aris and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Tech) GE Subject (Math, Sci, and Tech) GE Subject (Econ 11 – SSP) GE Subject (Math 17 – MST) Physical Education Total Units

3 3 3 3 5 (2) 17

Second Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Tech) GE Subject (Math, Sci, and Tech) GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) Math 100 (Introduction to Calculus) Physical Education Total units

3 3 3 3 4 (2) 16


First Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) Math 102 Econ 101 (Macroeconomics) Econ 102 (Microeconomics) Stat 101 Accounting 1 NSTP Physical Education Total Units

3 3 4 4 3 3 (3.0) (2) 20

Second Semester GE Subject (Soc Sci & Philo) Free Elective (1) Econ Elective (1) GE Subject (Math, Sci, & Tech) Free Elective (2) Econ 106 (Elements of Math Econ) NSTP Physical Education Total Units

3 3 3 3 3 3 (3.0) (2) 18


First Semester Econ Elective (2) Free Elective (3) Management Elective I* Finance Elective ** Econ 131 (Quantitative Economics) Total Units

3 3 3 3 4 16

Second Semester Management Elective II** Econ 121 / 141 / 151 Free Elective (4) Econ 132 BE Elective (1) Total Units

3 3 3 3 3 15


First Semester Econ 163 BA Elective (2) Econ 121 / 141 / 151 GE Subject (Math, Sci, & Tech) Econ 199 (Seminar) Free Elective (5) Total Units

3 3 3 3 3 3 18

Second Semester GE Subject (Arts & Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci & Philo) Econ 121 / 141 / 151 BE Elective (3) P.I. 100

3 3 3 3 3

Total Units


TOTAL UNITS: 135 * BA 101 or IE 31 Industrial Organization and Management ** BA 141 or Econ 122 Financial Economics *** BA 115 or Econ 162 Managerial Economics Students are required to choose 3 Business Electives from the following: BA 170, BA 151, BA 142, BA 105, BA 190, IE 3, IE 197(a), IE 197(b), IE 197(c), IE 150, IE 141, IE 142, Math 180.1, Math 180.2, Stat 115, HRIM 112, HRIM 108. Three (3) free electives in the junior and senior year – higher electives with course number 100 and above – may be taken outside of the Department. They

may also be Economics (Econ) electives: Econ 111/161/171/172/181/191/198, excluding Econ 100.1 and 100.2 Required RGEP courses: 5 GE courses in three domains, or a total of 15 courses. Six units of the GE courses must satisfy the Philippine Studies Requirement. As a requirement for graduation, all students are required to take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training (NSTP) components. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) are offered by UPD.

B.S. Economics Curriculum First Semester GE Subject (Aris and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Tech) GE Subject (Math, Sci, and Tech) GE Subject (Econ 11 – SSP) GE Subject (Math 17 – MST) Physical Education Total Units First Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) Math 102 Econ 101 (Macroeconomics) Econ 102 (Microeconomics) Stat 101 Accounting 1 NSTP Physical Education Total Units First Semester Free Elective (4) Free Elective (5) Free Elective (6) Econ Elective (1) Econ 121/141/151 Econ 131 (Quantitative Economics) Total Units First Semester Free Elective (8) Free Elective (9) Econ Elective (4) GE Subject (Math, Sci, & Tech) Econ 199 (Seminar) Total Units

FIRST YEAR 3 3 3 3 5 (2) 17

Second Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Tech) GE Subject (Math, Sci, and Tech) GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) Math 100 (Introduction to Calculus) Physical Education Total units

3 3 3 3 4 (2) 16

SECOND YEAR 3 3 4 4 3 3 (3.0) (2) 20

Second Semester GE Subject (Soc Sci & Philo) GE Subject (Math, Sci, & Tech) Free Elective (1) Free Elective (2) Free Elective (3) Econ 106 (Elements of Math Econ) NSTP Physical Education Total Units

3 3 3 3 3 3 (3.0) (2) 18

THIRD YEAR 3 3 3 3 3 4 19

Second Semester Free Elective (7) Econ Elective (2) Econ Elective (3) Econ 121/141/151 Econ 121/141/151

3 3 3 3 3

Total Units


FOUR TH YEAR 3 3 3 3 3 18

Second Semester GE Subject (Arts & Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci & Philo) Free Elective (10) Econ Elective (5) P.I. 100 Total Units

3 3 3 3 3 15

TOTAL UNITS: 135 Seven (7) free electives in the junior and senior year – higher electives with course number 100 and above – may be taken outside of the Department. They may also be Economics (Econ) electives: Econ 111/161/171/172/181/191/198, excluding Econ 100.1 and 100.2 Required RGEP courses: 5 GE courses in three domains, or a total of 15 courses. Six units of the GE courses must satisfy the Philippine Studies Requirement. As a requirement for graduation, all students are required to take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training (NSTP) components. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) are offered by UPD.


1. In all lists of electives / classes, JS means THAT READR SHOULD KNOW: JuniorFACTS Standing, and SS means Senior Standing.

2. Econ students are only allowed to have a maximum of 4 low electives as part of their free electives. Low electives are classes with a classcode that is below 100 (Math53, Pol Sci 11, etc). European language classes however is an exception to the rule.

BAElectives BA 101 (INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS MANAGEMENT) Principles & practices in business management; an overview of the functional areas of business; an introduction to case problem-solving. Prerequisites: JS (for CBA/BSBE students); JS, COI (for non-CBA/BSBE students). 3 u. BA 102 (PHILIPPINE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT) A survey of sociological, technological, legal, psychological, economic & other external factors which influence business decision-making in the Philippines. Prerequisite: SS. 3 u. BA 105 (OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT) Introduction to the strategic & tactical decisions in manufacturing & service operations. Prerequisites: BA 101, 180.1, 182 or Econ 131. 3 u. BA 106 (ADVANCED TOPICS IN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT) Trends and developments in operations management. Prerequisite: BA 105. 3 u.

BA 126 (CONTROLLERSHIP) The controllership function; characteristics of management control systems; the tools & techniques for controlling, manufacturing, marketing & administrative costs; the tools & techniques for planning & decision-making; financial planning policies & problems; motivation & control in organizations. P rere q uisite : SS. 3 u. BA 129 (MANAGEMENT SERVICES) The management of consulting firm; preparation of feasibility studies; marketing, technical & financial aspects; project evaluation. P rere q uisites : BA 115 (non-BAA students), BA 117 (BAA students), 105, 170, 142. 3 u. BA 132 (FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS) Study of the structure, functions & operations of financial institutions, money & capital markets. P rere q uisite : Econ 121/COD. 3 u.

BA 107 (MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY) Effective management of technological advances especially planning & control for the benefit of the firm & society. Prerequisite: BA 105. 3 u.

BA 145 (INVESTMENTS) Principles & practice with special emphasis on the evaluation of project studies, security analysis & the establishment of standards for the selection of industry, issue & security. P rere q uisites : Econ 121, SS. 3 u.

BA 108 (SPECIAL TOPICS IN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT) Prerequisite: BA 105/COI for non-BA students. 3 u

BA 146 SPECIAL TOPICS IN FINANCE. P rere q uisite : SS. 3 u.

BA 115 (MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING) Uses of accounting information for managerial planning & control. P rere q uisites : BA 99.1, 99.2, Acctg. 1. 3 u.

B A 1 5 1 ( H U M A N B E H AV I O R I N ORGANIZATIONS) The concepts & principles of behavior in business

BAElectives B A 1 0 1 ( IN T RO D UC T ION T O B U S INE S S M A N A G EMEN T ) Principles & practices in business management; an overview of the functional areas of business; an organizations. introduction to case problem-solving. P rere q uisites : JS (for CBA/BSBE P r e r e qJS,uCOI i s i t(for e snon-CBA/BSBE : JS (for CBA/BSBEstudents). students); JS, students); 3 COI u. (for non-CBA/BSBE students). 3 u.

BA AN E S OBUURSCINE E SS B A 11 50 22 (( H PU HM ILI P PRINE M A N A G E M E N T T) ) ENVIRONMEN Basic principles & frameworks in the management Aofsurvey of sociological, technological, legal, acquisition, development & movement of human psychological, & other external factors which resources in economic organizations. influence decision-making in the Philippines. P rerebusiness q uisites : BA 101, 151; JS, COI (for non-CBA P r e r e qstudents). u i s i t e3: u.SS. 3 u. BA I NAETS ION S L ASW ) B A 11 60 05 (( B OUP SER Introduction to the Philippine legal system M A N A G EMEN T ) emphasizing business relationships & transactions Introduction to the strategic & tactical decisions&in in contractual agreements; organization manufacturing service operations. regulation of&business enterprises. P rere uisite u. 180.1, 182 or Econ r e r e qu i s i t e :s JS. : BA3101, 131. 3 u.

B A 1 6 1 ( L AW O N B U S I N E S S TRANSACTIONS) B A 1 0 6 ( A D V A NCE D T O P IC S IN TheP Constitution, Obligations O ER A T ION S M lease, A N A&all GContracts, EMEN T sales, ) quasidelicts, damages, special laws Trends and presidential developments decrees in operations management. including & administrative regulations pertinent Prerequ i s i t e :thereto. BA 105. 33 u.u. B A 1 6 2 ( L AW O N B U S I N E S S B 7 I Z( M T OF OAR G1A0 N A TAI N OANGS EMEN ) TAgency, EC H NOLO GY) single proprietorships, partnerships, Effective management of technological corporations, conglomerates. jointadvances ventures, multinationals, securities especially planning & controlact, for insolvency the benefit oflaw, the firm civil code provisions on orders of preference & society. & concurrence of credits, licensing of foreign P r e r e q u i&scooperatives, i t e : BA 105. 3&u.pertinent laws, corporations rules & regulations administered by the Securities & Exchange Commission, Board of Investment, B A 1 0Bank, 8 ( SBoard P ECIofADomestic L T O P Trade IC S IN Central & other O P ER A T ION S M A N A G EMEN T) government agencies. r e r e qu i s i t e :: BA BA 105/COI for non-BA P rere uisite 161/COD. 3 u. students.

3 u.


A CCOUN T IN G ) Uses of accounting information for managerial planning & control. P rlegal e r eframework q u i s igoverning t e s : BAcontracts 99.1, 99.2, of Acctg. 1. 3 u. The sales, agency, loans, guaranty, pledge & mortgage. P rere : BA161/equiv. B A 1q2 uisite 6 ( CON T ROLLER3 Su. H I P ) The controllership function; characteristics of BA 1 6 7 ( L control A W S systems; G O V Ethe R Ntools I N G& techniques THE management for F Icontrolling, N A N C I Amanufacturing, L S Y S T E Mmarketing ) & administrative Allcosts; banking laws including the for Central Bank& Act, the tools & techniques planning decisionthemaking; General Banking Act & policies laws governing other financial planning & problems; specialized government-owned or motivation financial & controlinstitutions, in organizations. controlled & partly private-owned; investment houses, P r e r e q u i s i t e : SS. 3 u. offshore banking units, FCDUs, guarantee & insurance of lending institutions, Central Bank regulations on interest rates. B A 1 2 9 ( M A N A G EMEN T S ERVICE S ) P rere q uisites : BA 160.1, for nonThe management of consulting firm;160.2; preparation of feasibility studies; marketing, accounting majors only. 3 u. technical & financial aspects; project evaluation. P r1e7r0e q BA 115 BA ( MuAi Rs Ki tE eT IsN: G M A(non-BAA N A G E students), M E N T )BA 117 (BAApractices students), &105, 170, 142. 3 u. Principles, development of integrated marketing programs. P rere BA 101. u. S T I T U T ION S ) B A 1 3q2uisite ( F IN A: NCI A L 3IN Study of the structure, functions & operations of financial BA 1 7 2 ( money M A R K&Ecapital T I N Gmarkets. institutions, C POrMeMr Ue N I C A T I O S ) 121/COD. 3 u. q u i s i t eN : Econ Planning, managing & evaluating the communication mix––advertising, sales promotion, packaging, public B A 1&4personal 5 ( INVE S T MEN T S ) relations selling. Principles & practice with special emphasis on the P rere q uisite : BA l70. 3 u. evaluation of project studies, security analysis & the establishment BA 1 7 3 ( C of O standards N S U M Efor R the B Eselection H A V I OofRindustry, ) issue & security. Psychological, economic, anthropological & P r e r e qperspectives u i s i t e s in: understanding Econ 121, SS. 3 the u. sociological consumer and in designing marketing programs. P rere : BA A170. B A 1q4 uisite 6 S P ECI L T3Ou. P IC S IN


P r1e7r4e q BA ( MuAi Rs Ki tE eT :I NSS.G3 u.R E S E A R C H ) Principles & methods used in the systematic & objective search of information to IN B A for 1 5&1analysis ( H UM A N B E relevant H A VIOR identification & solution of marketing problems. OR G A NI Z A T ION S ) P rere q uisites : BAof170, 182.in3business u. The concepts & principles behavior

BAElectives organizations. P r e r e q u i s i t e s : JS (for CBA/BSBE students); JS, COI (for non-CBA/BSBE students). 3 u.

The legal framework governing contracts of sales, agency, loans, guaranty, pledge & mortgage. P r e r e q u i s i t e : BA161/equiv. 3 u.

BA 175 (GLOBAL MARKETING) B A 1 5 2 ( H UM A N RE S OURCE Principles & practices in the marketing of goods & A N AofGaEMEN servicesacross borders in theM context dynamic T )

simulation, forecasting, regression, & other statistical B A 1 6 7 ( L A W S G OVERNIN G T H E applications. F IN A NCI A L S Y S T EM ) P rere q uisite : BA 181. 3 u. (2.5 lec, 0.5 lab) All banking laws including the Central Bank Act, the General Banking Act & laws governing other specialized B A 1 8 6 ( S Y S T E M S A N A LY S I S & D E S financial I G N ) institutions, government-owned or controlled & partly private-owned; investment houses, offshore Principles & methods for analyzing, designing & banking units, FCDUs, guarantee & insurance of lending developing different types of business & management institutions, Central Bank regulations on interest rates. systems. P rqe uisite r e q u :i sBAi t180.1. e s : BA 160.1, 160.2; for nonP rere 3 u. (2 lec, 1 lab). accounting majors only. 3 u.

international business environment. Basic principles & frameworks in the management of acquisition, development movement P rere q uisites : BA 170, &Econ 100.1. of3human u. resources in organizations. BP Ar e1r7e6q u( Di sI Si tT eR sI B: U I O 151; N JS, COI (for nonBAT101, MANAGEMENT) CBA students). 3 u. Principles & practices in the management of retail & wholesale enterprises; merchandising, store operations, A 1 6 0 ( B U S INE S S L A W ) promotion, &Bcontrol. P rere q uisites : BA 105, 115, 170,emphasizing 186. 3 u. Introduction to the Philippine legal system business relationships & transactions in contractual B A 1agreements; 8 0 . 1 ( I organization N F O R M A&Tregulation I O N of business T E C H N O L O G Y I N B U S I N E S Senterprises. I) Information & communication technology concepts P r e r e q u i s i t e : JS. 3 u. & tools; business process applications of software packages. 1 6 1 : ( LSophomore A W ONstanding B U S (SYS). INE S3Su. P rereBqAuisite T R A N S A C T ION S ) (2 lec, 1 lab). The Constitution, Obligations & Contracts, sales, B A quasidelicts, 1 8 0 . 2 damages, ( I N F Olease, R M all A Tspecial I O Nlaws including T E C H presidential N O L O Gdecrees Y I N& Badministrative U S I N E S Sregulations II) Advanced applications of information & pertinent thereto. 3 u. communication technology concepts & tools in management decision making & practice; technology evaluation issues. B A& management 1 6 2 ( L AW ON B U S INE S S OR180.1, G A NI ION P rere q uisites : BA (SS).Z 3A u.T (2 lec, S1 ) lab). Agency, single proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, conglomerates. joint ventures, multinationals, securities BA 1 1 ( M A law, N Acivil G Ecode M Eprovisions N T S ConI Eorders N C Eof act,8insolvency I ) preference & concurrence of credits, licensing of foreign Analysis & solution of management problems; corporations & cooperatives, & pertinent laws, rules & deterministic models such as linear & integer regulations administered by the Securities & Exchange programming, transportation, assignment, inventory Commission, Board of Investment, Central Bank, Board of management, & project management models. Trade & other P rere q Domestic uisites : Math 100,government Stat 101. agencies. 3 u. (2.5 lec, 0.5 lab). P r e r e q u i s i t e : BA 161/COD. 3 u.

B A 1 8 2 ( M ABNA A1G6E6M (ETNHT E S LCAI EWN C E ON II) S A LE S , A G ENC Y & CRE D I T Analysis & solution of management problems; stochastic T R Aprocesses, N S A C Tqueuing, ION S ) models; decision theory, Markov

BA 190 (STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT) B Ato1decision 7 0 ( Mmaking A R Kviewed E T IN G An integrated approach M A Ndiscussion A G EMEN from a top management perspective; of T ) comprehensive problems of organizations. Principles, practices & development of integrated P rere q uisites : Graduating students, 105, marketingBAprograms. 141, 170. 3 u. P r e r e q u i s i t e : BA 101. 3 u. BA 191 (INFORMATION RESOURCE B A 1 7 2 ( M A R K E T IN G MANAGEMENT) COMMUNIC A T ION S ) Strategic approaches to the integration & Planning, & evaluating the communication management ofmanaging information, with emphasis mix––advertising, sales promotion, packaging, public on top management involvement, hardware, telecommunications, & human relations resources.& personal selling. P r: SS, e rBA e q186. u i s3 iu.t(2 e :lec, BA1l70. P rere q uisites lab).3 u. B AB A 1 9127 (3E N( CON T R E P RS EUMER NEURSB H IEPH ) A VIOR ) Principles, problems, & practical aspects of& sociological Psychological, economic, anthropological entrepreneurship & intrapreneurship; & new perspectives in understandinginnovation the consumer and in business formations in start-up or corporate settings. designing marketing programs. P rere q uisiteP: rJS.e3ru.e q u i s i t e : BA 170. 3 u. BA EC PIC I NS E A RC H ) B A1 9187 4( S(PM A IRA KL ETTOIN G SRE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) Principles & methods used in the systematic & objective Special topics in the field of business administration. 1-3 search & analysis of information u. may be taken forfor credit more than once. relevant to identification & solution of marketing problems. B A 1 9 9 ( PB rU eS r I NeEqS uS i Ps Ri tA eCsT:I CBAE 170, ) 182. 3 u. Supervised field work or internship. 1-3 u..

GEOGElectives G EO G 3 1 . E c o n o m i c G e o g r aphy o f th e P h i l i pp i n e s . Distribution, variety and significance of natural resources and environment affects their use. 3 G Ehow O Gthe3physical 1 . E conomic units G eography of the P hilippines .

Distribution, variety and significance of natural resources and how the physical environment G EO Gtheir 1 0 use. 0 . P3hys affects units i c a l G e o g r aphy. Systematic study of land forms, climate, natural vegetation e r e q : Consent of Instructor. G E O G and 1 0soils. 0 . PP rhysical 3Gunits eography.

Systematic study of land forms, climate, natural vegetation ql: o Consent G EO G 1 and 0 1 .soils. C lPi rere m at o gy . of Instructor. 3 units

Climate elements, types and regions. P r e r e q : Geog 100. 3 units

G E O G 1 0 1 . C limatology. Climate elements, types and regions. P rere q : Geog 100.1 30 5units G EO G . Economic G e o g r aphy . G E major O G human 1 0 5adjustments . E conomic The to the natural environment G eography. which result from the effort to make a living. The leading The major products human adjustments the mine, natural commercial of farm, range,to forest, sea, environment which result from the effort to make factory, trade routes and centers. The course aims (1) to a living. The leading commercial products of farm, give the students a comprehensive survey of the principal range, forest, mine, sea, factory, trade routes and industries of the world in their(1) environmental (2) centers. The course aims to give thesetting; students to establish by concrete illustrations principles set a comprehensive survey of the the principal industries of thein world in their environmental (2) to forth Geography 1; and (3) to constructsetting; a framework establish by concrete illustrations the principles of geographic adjustments throughout the world. set 1; and (3) to construct a P r forth e r einqGeography : Consent of Instructor. 3 units framework of geographic adjustments throughout the world. P rere q : Consent of Instructor. 3 units G EO G 1 0 9 . Q u a n t i tat i v e M EeO th G e o g r aph i c G G o1ds 09.i n Quantitative An a l ys i s in . G eographic M ethods A nalysis . Elements and applications of quantitative techniques in Elements and of quantitative geography. P r eapplications r e q : Stat 101. 3 units techniques in geography. P rere q : Stat 101. 3 units G EO G 1 1 1 . R e s o u r c e Ma t and G E OnGag1 e1 m 1 . e Rnesource Co n s e r v at i o and n. M anagement C onservation . Planning, management and conservation in the Planning, management conservation exploitation & developmentand of natural resources. in the exploitation & development of natural resources.

P r e r e q : Geog 105/Consent of Instructor. 3 units

G EO G 1 1 9 . G e o g r aphy o f M o vq e :mGeog e n t105/Consent . P rere of Instructor. 3 units Causes of movements, concepts and measures of distance P r e r e q : of Geog 105/ G&E transport O G 1 1development. 9 . G eography MConsent ovement . 3 units of Instructor. Causes of movements, concepts and measures of distance & transport development. P rere q : G EO105/Consent G 1 2 1 . La df o r3munits A n a lys i s . Geog ofnInstructor. Landform evaluation & analysis, map reading & photo of Geographic Information Ginterpretation, E O G 1 2 1&. applications L andform A nalysis . System (GIS) in terrain&evaluation. Prereq: Geog 100/ Landform evaluation analysis, map reading & Geol 11 & 11.1 for geog majors, ConsentofofGeographic Instructor for photo interpretation, & applications Information non-majors.System 4 units(GIS) in terrain evaluation. Prereq: Geog 100/Geol 11 & 11.1 for geog majors, Consent of Instructor for non-majors. 4 units G EO G 1 3 1 . G e o g r aphy o f th e s. G PE h O iGl i1pp 3 1i . nGe eography of the P hilippines The role of human. & natural resources in the economic growth of theresources Philippines.in3the units The role & of development human & natural economic growth & development of the Philippines. 3 units G EO G 1 3 3 . G e o g r aphy o f th e Tropics. G E O G 1 3 3 . G eography of the T ropics . Physical environment & resource potential of the tropics. Problems of human use occupance. 3 units of the Physical environment && resource potential tropics. Problems of human use & occupance. 3 units G EO G 1 3 5 . R u r a l & U r ba n GG EO G g1r3aphy 5 . R ural & U rban eo . G eography. Concepts of rural & urban land use. 3 units Concepts of rural & urban land use. 3 units EO e o g r aphyof o fA Asia s i .a . GG EO G G114433. . GGeography The peoples,climate, climate, resources & Thelands landsand and peoples, resources & economic economic activities of theofcountries Southwest activities of the countries SouthwestofAsia; South Asia; Asia; South Asia; Asia;East Southeast Asia; East&Asia; Central Southeast Asia; Central Russian Siberia Asia; & Russian Siberia & RussianAsia; Far East, & their & Russian Far East, & their interrelations. 3 units interrelations. 3 units EO 1 54 .5 G . G e o g r aphy f th e GG EO G G1 4 eography of othe P acific P a c i f i. c .

GEOGElectives The physical environment, natural & human resources, & economic development of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Melanesia, Micronesia & Polynesia. 3 units

conditions. Current political issues & changing adjustments to natural environment. 3 units

The physical environment, natural & human resources, & economic Zealand, G EOdevelopment G 1 5 1 . of G eAustralia, o g r New aphy of New Guinea, Melanesia, Micronesia & Polynesia. E u r o p3 units e.

G EO G 1Current 73. Cu lt u rissues a l G&e changing o g r aphy. conditions. political adjustments to natural environment. 3 units places & The complex interconnection of culture, spaces,

Patterns of landforms, climate, resources & economic G E Oactivities G 1 5 1of. the G countries eography E urope of Westernof Europe, Eastern . Europe & Tanscaucasia, & their interrelations. 3 units Patterns of landforms, climate, resources & economic activities of the countries of Western Europe, Eastern Europe & Tanscaucasia, & their interrelations. 3 units

G E O G 1 7 3 . C ultural G eography. G EO G 1 8 3 . T r a n sp o r t e o g spaces, r aphy . The complex interconnection ofGculture, places Study & landscape. P rere q : Consent of of transport systems and their spatial impacts. Instructor. 3 units

G EO G 1 5 5 . G e o g r aphy o f N o r th America.

G E O G 1 5 5 . G eography of N orth physical .environment, natural resources, & economic AThe merica of the countries of resources, North America. Thedevelopment physical environment, natural & 3 units economic development of the countries of North America. 3 units

G EO G 1 5 7 . G e o g r aphy o f S o u th America.

G E O G 1 5 7 . G eography of S outh physical .environment, natural resources, & economic AThe merica development of the countries of resources, South America. The physical environment, natural & 3 units economic development of the countries of South America. 3 units

G EO G 1 5 9 . G e o g r aphy o f Africa.

G E O G 1 5 9 . G eography of A frica . The physical environment, natural resources, & economic The physicaldevelopment environment,ofnatural resources, & 3 units the countries of Africa. economic development of the countries of Africa. 3 units

G EO G 1 6 1 . C o n c e pts & P r c oncepts i p l e o f La d Us e . G E O G 1 6 1i n . C & Pnrinciple

of Utilization L and U&se . evaluation of land resources & land use Utilization & evaluation of & land resources land use allocation, development causes of land&misuse; land allocation, development & causes of land misuse; management & the application of Environmental Impact land management & the application of Environmental Assessment (EIA)(EIA) principles to land change. 3 units Impact Assessment principles touse land use change. 3 units

G EO G 1 7 1 . P o l i t i c a l G e o g r aphy. G E O The G 1relation 7 1 . between P olitical G eography. man’s political activities &his The relation between man’sThe political activities &his of natural environment. political development natural environment. political type states in theThe light of theirdevelopment location, size, climate, of type states in the light of their location, size, landforms, & natural The political climate, landforms, & resources. natural resources. The organization political of the world today in terms of contrasted environmental organization of the world today in terms of contrasted

landscape. P r e r e q : Consent of Instructor. 3 units

P r e r e q : Consent of Instructor. 3 units

G E O G 1 8 3 . T ransport GGeography. EO G 1 8 5 . M e d i c a l G e o g r aphy. Study of transport systems and their spatial Ecological spatial and approaches in understanding impacts. P rere q : social Consent of Instructor. 3 units

the geographic aspects of health and health care systems. P r e r e q : Consent of Instructor. 3 units

G E O G 1 8 5 . M edical G eography. G EO Gspatial 1 9 0and . Map & A i r P hino t o Ecological social approaches understanding the geographic of health i n t e raspects p r e tat ion. and health care systems. P rere q : Consent of Instructor. 3 Elements, units principles & techniques of map & air

photo interpretation for spatial analysis & planning. P r e r e q : Consent of Instructor 5 h. (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 G E O G 1 9 0 . M ap & A ir P hoto units interpretation .

Elements, principles & techniques of map & air photo & ds planning. G EOinterpretation G 1 9 2 . Ffor i espatial l d Manalysis e th o of P rere q : Consent of Instructor 3 . G e5oh.g(2rlec, aphy lab) 3 units

Methods & techniques of observing geographic features, recording geographic data, & writing geographic G E O G 1 9 2 . F ield M ethods of reports. P r e r e q : At least 9 units of Geog/Consent of G eography. Instructor. 6 wk. (field) 6 units

Methods & techniques of observing geographic features, recording geographic data, & writing geographic P rere q : rAtt least units of G EO G 1 9reports. 7. Dig i ta l Ca o g r9aphy. Geog/Consent of Instructor. 6 wk. (field) 6 units

Introduction to the concepts, principles, theories and applied components of Digital Cartography and G E O G 1 9 7 . D igital Geographic Information Systems (GIS). P r e r e q : C artography. Consent of Instructor. 3 units

Introduction to the concepts, principles, theories and applied components of Digital Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). P rere q : Consent of Instructor. 3 units

MATHElectives Math 5 3 . E l e m e n ta r y A n a l ys i s I

Math 6 5 . Ca l c u l u s III

Functions and their graphs; limits and continuity; the derivative; derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; inverse functions; antiderivatives and M athintegrals; 5 3 . Efundamental lementary nalysis I definite theorem ofAcalculus; applications Functions and their graphs; limits and continuity; the of the definite integral. derivative; of algebraic Prerequisite: derivatives Math 17 or equivalent Credit: and 5 u. trigonometric

Calculus of several variables and Fourier series. Prerequisite: Math 64 Credit: 3 u.

functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; inverse functions; antiderivatives and definite integrals; fundamental Math 5 4 .theorem E l e mof e ncalculus; ta r y applications A n a l ys i sof the II definite integral. Integration methods; of the definite Prerequisite: Math applications 17 or equivalent Credit:integral; 5 u. plane and solid analytic geometry; polar coordinates; vectors;

parametric Sequences and series; series. I I M ath 5equations. 4 . E lementary A power nalysis Prerequisite: Math 53 Credit: 5 u. Integration methods; applications of the definite integral; plane and solid analytic geometry; polar coordinates; vectors; parametric equations. Sequences Math 5 5power . E l eseries. m e n ta r y A n a l ys i s III and series; Prerequisite: Math 53 Credit:variables, 5 u. continuity; partial Functions of several derivatives; derivatives of functions of several variables; linear

approximation; surfaces; multiple integrals; applications M ath 5 5 .quadric E lementary A nalysis III of multiple integrals; vector fields; potential functions; Functions of several variables, continuity; partialStokes and the divergence theorem.of functions of several variables; derivatives; derivatives linear approximation; Prerequisite: Math 54 quadric surfaces; multiple integrals; applications of multiple integrals; vector fields; Credit: 3 u. functions; Stokes and the divergence theorem. potential Prerequisite: Math 54 Credit: 3 u. Math 6 0 . P r e c a l c u l u s

M ath 6 0 . P recalculus Algebraic operations, functions, analytic, geometry, trigonometry, Algebraic matrices. operations, functions, analytic, geometry, trigonometry, matrices. Prerequisite: none Credit: 5 u. 5 u. Prerequisite: none Credit: Math lculus I I M ath 6 33.. Ca C alculus Functions of a single variable; continuity; the Functions of a single variable; limits,limits, continuity; the derivative derivative and integral; the Riemann integral; derivatives of and the Riemann derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric algebraic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric and inverse applications; trigonometric functions; applications; polar functions; polar coordinates; conic coordinates; conic sections. sections. Prerequisite: Passing APEAPE in Math 17 or 17 equivalent Prerequisite: Passing in Math or equivalent Credit: Credit: 5 5u. u.

M ath 6 4 . C alculus I I Math 6 4 . Ca l c u l u s II The exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions; The exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic techniques of integration; vectors andfunctions; vector-valued techniques of integration; vectors infinite and vector-valued functions; functions; improper integrals; series; power series; applications. improper integrals; infinite series; power series; applications. Prerequisite: Math or equivalent 5 u. Prerequisite: Math 63 63 or equivalent Credit: Credit: 5 u.

M ath 6 5 . C alculus I I I Mathof1 several 0 9 . F uvariables n da m eand n taFourier l C oseries. n c e pts Of Calculus Math e m at i c s Prerequisite: Math 64 Credit: 3 u.

Algebra of sets and logic; methods of proof; functions and and structure of mathematics; Mrelations; ath 1logical 0 9 . nature F undamental C oncepts to number-theory; algebra arid geometry of Ointroduction f M athematics complex numbers. Algebra of sets and logic; methods of proof; functions Prerequisite: year standing 3 u. and relations;2nd logical nature Credit: and structure of

mathematics; introduction to number-theory; algebra arid geometry numbers. Math 1 1 0of. 1complex . A bst rac t Algebra I Prerequisite: 2nd year standing Credit: 3 u. Algebraic relations; groups; pemiutation groups; groups of symmetries; group action; rings; integral domain; fields. MPrerequisite: ath 1 1 Math 0 . 1 109 . A bstract A lgebra I Credit: 3 u.

Algebraic relations; groups; pemiutation groups; groups of symmetries; group action; rings; integral domain; fields. Math 1 1 0 . 2 . A bst r a c t A l g e b r a II Prerequisite: Math 109 Credit: 3 u. Fields; vector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; product; quadratic Mcharacteristic ath 1 1 0values; . 2 . diagonalization; A bstractinner A lgebra II forms. Fields; vector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; Prerequisite: Math 110.1 Credit: 3 u.

characteristic values; diagonalization; inner product; quadratic forms. Math 1Math 1 0 . 3110.1 . A bst r a3 c u. t A l g e b r a III Prerequisite: Credit:

Fields of quotients of integral domains; polynomial rings; field

Mextensions; ath 1 1Galois 0 . 3 theory; . A bstract other systems. A lgebra I I I Prerequisite: Math 110.1 Credit: u. Fields of quotients of integral 3domains; polynomial rings; field extensions; Galois theory; other systems. Prerequisite: Math 1Math 1 4 . 110.1 L i n e Credit: a r A l3gu.e b r a Vector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; eigenvalues;

Mcanonical ath 1forms; 1 4 . orthogonality; L inear applications. A lgebra Vector spaces; linear Prerequisite: Math 54 ortransformations; equivalent Credit:matrices; 3 u. eigenvalues; canonical forms; orthogonality; applications. Math 1 Math 1 7 * 54 . Eorl equivalent e m e n ta rCredit: y T h3e u.o r y Of Prerequisite: Numbers

unique factorization theorem; MProperties ath 1 of 1 7integers; * . divisibility; E lementary T heory Osolutions f N umbers of congruences; residue systems; primitive roots and the quadratic reciprocity law; solutions Diophantine Properties of integers; divisibility; uniqueoffactorization equations. theorem; solutions of congruences; residue systems; primitive rootsMath and19the quadraticCredit: reciprocity Prerequisite: or equivalent 3 u. law; solutions of Diophantine equations. Prerequisite: Math 19 or equivalent Credit: 3 u.

MATHElectives Math 1 2 1 . 1 . E l e m e n ta r y D i ff e r e n t i a l E q u at i o n s I

Math 1 2 8 . C o m p l e x A n a l ys i s

Ordinary differential equations of order one; linear differential equations; differential operators; Laplace Transform; nonlinear M ath 1 2 equations; 1 . 1 . E lementary D ifferential series solutions about an ordinary point. E q uations I Prerequisite: Math 54 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. Ordinary differential equations of order one; linear differential equations; differential operators; Laplace Transform; nonlinear equations; anrordinary Math 1 2series 1 . 2 solutions * E l e mabout e n ta y D i ffpoint. erential Eq3 u u.at i o n s II Prerequisite: Math 54 or equivalent Credit:

Analytic functions; complex integration; Cauchy’s integral formula and consequences; powerseries; residue; conformal M ath 1 2 8 . C omple x A nalysis mapping. Analytic functions; complex integration; Prerequisite: Math 123.1 & 109, orCauchy’s equivalentintegral Credit: 3 u.

Linear equations of the second order; Riccati equations; M ath 1 2in1 series; . 2 * hypergeometric E lementary D ifferential solutions equations; some classical E q uations I I equations; Fourier series; partial differential equations. Linear equations the Credit: second Prerequisite: Math of 121.1 3 u.order; Riccati equations; solutions in series; hypergeometric equations; some classical equations; Fourier series; partial differential equations. Math 1 2 2Math . D i121.1 ff e rCredit: e n t i 3a u.l E q u at i o n s A n d Prerequisite: A pp l i c at i o n s

M ath cardinal 1 3 1 numbers * E lementary et T heory and the Axioms ofS Choice; ordering and Axioms of Set Theory; relations and functions; naturalordinals. numbers; cardinal numbers and the Axioms of Choice; Prerequisite: 110.1 Credit: 3 u. ordering and Math ordinals. Prerequisite: Math 110.1 Credit: 3 u.

M ath 1 2 systms; 2 . D ifferential q uations Modeling solutions of ordinaryE differential equations A nd A pplications (ODE’s) of order one and systems of ODE’s Laplace transform; of the classical partialdifferential differentialequations equations; Modelingsolutions systms; solutions of ordinary (ODE’s) of order one and systems of ODE’snumerical Laplacemethods. transform; solutions of the classical partial differential equations; Prerequisite: Math 65 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. numerical methods. Prerequisite: Math 65 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. Math 1 2 3 . 1 . A d v a n c e Ca l c u l u s I M ath 1 2number 3 . 1 . system; A dvance alculus The real point setCtopology sequenceI of real limitssystem; and continuity; spaces; the derivative; Thenumbers; real number point set metric topology sequence of real the Riemann series of real numbers; and numbers; limits andintegral; continuity; metric spaces; thesequence derivative; the Riemann integral; series of real numbers; sequence series of functions; uniform convergence; power and series. series of functions; uniform convergence; Prerequisite: Math 65 or equivalent Credit: 3power u. series. Prerequisite: Math 65 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. Math 1 2 3 . 2 . A d v a n c e Ca l c u l u s II M ath 1 2 3 . 2 . A dvance C alculus I I Topology Rn; continuity derivative; Taylor’s formula; Topology of Rn;ofcontinuity andand derivative; Taylor’s formula; implicit inverse function theorems; analytic geometryofof implicit and and inverse function theorems; analytic geometry curves and curves andsurfaces; surfaces;Serret-Frenet Serret-Frenetformula; formula;multiple multipleintegration; integration; improper improper integrals; integrals; transformation; metric and normed transformation; metric and normed spaces. spaces. Prerequisite: Math 123.1 Credit: 3 u. Math 123.1 Credit: 3 u. Prerequisite: M ath 1 2 6 * R eal A nalysis Math 1 2 6 * R e a l A n a l ys i s Properties of real numbers; integrals of step functions; Properties of real numbers; integralstheorems; of step functions; Lecesque Lecesque integral; convergence measurable convergence theorems; to measurable functions; functions;integral; measurable sets; introduction the Hahn-Banach measurable sets; introduction to the fixed-point Hahn-Banachtheorems. theorem, theorem, Riesz representation theorem, fixed-point theorems. Prerequisite: Riesz Mathrepresentation 123.1 Credit:theorem, 3 u. Prerequisite: Math 123.1 Credit: 3 u.

formula and consequences; powerseries; residue; conformal mapping. Prerequisite: 3 u. Math 1Math 3 1 *123.1 E l e&m109, e n or taequivalent r y S e t Credit: Theo ry

Axioms of Set Theory; relations and functions; natural numbers;

Math 1 4 0 . I n t r o d u c t i o n T o M o d e r n eom s M Gath 1 e4 t0 r. iI entroduction To M odern G eometries Development of modern geometries; finite geometries; Development of modern geometries; finite geometries; geometric transformations; projective geometry; non-Euclidean geometric transformations; projective geometry; nongeometries. Euclidean geometries. Prerequisite: Math 109 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. Prerequisite: Math 109 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. Math 1 4 2 * E l e m e n ta r y T o p o l o gy

M ath 1 4 2 * E lementary and topological spaces; functions and T opologyTopologies homeomorphisms; continuity;spaces; metric spaces; compactness and Topologies and topological functions and connectedness. homeomorphisms; continuity; metric spaces; compactness and connectedness. Prerequisite: Math 123.1, 131, consent of instructor Credit: 3 Prerequisite: Math 123.1, 131, consent of instructor Credit: u. 3 u.

. M odern Geometry M Math ath 1 4154 .5 M odern G eometry Fundamentals of geometry; finite geometry; geometric Fundamentals of geometry; finite geometric transformation; synthetic andgeometry; analytic projective geometry. transformation; synthetic and analytic projective Prerequisite: Math 110.2 or equivalentgeometry. Credit: 3 u. Prerequisite: Math 110.2 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. 4 6 * * I n t r o d u cT o tion To M ath 1Math 4 6 * * 1I ntroduction erential Geometry D ifferential DGi ff eometry Elementary topology; calculus variables,curves curves Elementary topology; calculusofofseveral several variables, and and surfaces; Strokes andand Gauss theorem; surfaces; Strokes Gauss theorem;differential differentialforms. forms. Prerequisite: Math 140 Credit:Prerequisite: 3 u. Math 140 Credit: 3 u.

M ath 1 4 7 * * I ntroduction T o MathG 1eometry 47 ** Introduction To A lgebraic A l gvarieties; e b r a algebraic i c G e o and metry Projective spaces; algebraic elliptic curves. Projective spaces; algebraic varieties; algebraic and elliptic


MATHElectives Prerequisite: Math 110.1 and Math 140 Credit: 3 u. Math 1 4 8 * * I n t r o d u c t i o n T o Projective Geometry

Prerequisite: Math Projective planes and 110.1 spaces. and Math 140 Credit: 3 u. Prerequisite: Math 110.1 & Math 140 Credit: 3 u.

M ath 1 4 8 * * I ntroduction T o P rojective G eometry Math 1 5planes 0 . 1 . Math e m at i c a l S tat i st i c s I Projective and spaces. Prerequisite: Math 110.1 & Mathof140 Credit: 3joint u. Combinatorial probability; probability distributions; and conditional distributions; random variables; distributions

of functions mathematical expectation; M ath 1of5random 0 . 1 . variables; M athematical Smoment-generating tatistics functions; I sampling distributions. Combinatorial probability Prerequisite: Mathprobability; 65, 101/equivalent Credit: 3ofu.distributions; joint and conditional distributions; random variables; distributions of functions of random variables; Math 1 5 0 . 2expectation; * Math e m at i c a l S tat i st i c s mathematical moment-generating functions; sampling distributions. II Prerequisite: Math 65, 101/equivalent Credit: 3 u. Limiting distributions; estimation of parameters; tests of hypothesis; regression and correlation; analysis of variances; M ath 1 5 0 . 2 * M athematical Sapplications. tatistics I I Prerequisite: Math 150.1 Credit: 3 u.

Limiting distributions; estimation of parameters; tests of hypothesis; regression and correlation; analysis of variances; Math 1 applications. 5 7 . D i s c r e t e Math e m at i c a l Prerequisite: S t r u c t uMath r e s 150.1 Credit: 3 u. Fundamentals algebraic relations;combinatorial M ath 1 5of7set . Dtheory; iscrete M athematical algebraic strucctures and their applications in Salgorithms; tructures computer science. Fundamentals of set theory; algebraic Prerequisite: Math 114 Credit: 3 u. relations;combinatorial algorithms; algebraic strucctures and their applications in computer science. Prerequisite: Math 114 Credit: 3 u. Math 1 6 2 * T h e o r y Of I n t e r e st

Simple interest; continuous interest; M athinterest; 1 6 2compound * T heory O f I nterest annuities; amortization schedules and sinking funds; and Simple interest; compound interest; continuousbonds interest; other securities; special topics. annuities; amortization schedules and sinking funds; bonds andconsent other securities; Prerequisite: of instructorspecial Credit: 3topics. u. Prerequisite: consent of instructor Credit: 3 u. Math 1 6 4 * L i f e C o n t i n g e n c i e s

M ath 1 6 4 * L ife C ontingencies Mathematical theory of lifeofcontingencies involvinginvolving single life Mathematical theory life contingencies functions; annuities life andannuities insurances;and reserves; the single lifemortality; functions;lifemortality; expense factor; population insurances; reserves; thetheory. expense factor; population theory. Prerequisite: Math 150.1 & 162 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. Prerequisite: Math 150.1 & 162 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. Math 1 6 5 * F i n i t e D i ff e r e n c e s

M ath 1 6 5 * F inite D ifferences

Linear operators of the finite calculus; polynomials interpolation in terms of advancing differences, divided differences, central differences; summation; approximate integration. Prerequisite: Math 19, Math 55 or equivalent Credit: 3 u.

M ath 6 5 . C alculus I I I Mathof1 7several 1 I n t variables r o d u c and t i o Fourier n T o Nseries. umerical Calculus A n a l ysMath i s 64 Credit: 3 u. Prerequisite: Error analysis; solution of a single non-linear equation; solution

Mofath 1 0of 9equations; . F undamental C oncepts systems solution of ordinary differential Oequations; f M athematics series Prerequisite: Math 122/equivalent, Math of 110.2/equivalent Algebra of sets and logic; methods proof; functions and relations; Credit: 3 u. logical nature and structure of mathematics; introduction to number-theory; algebra arid geometry of complex numbers. Prerequisite: 2nd year standing Credit: 3 u. Math 1 8 0 . 1

Op e r at i o n s R e s e a r c h I

optimization theory; introduction M ath 1 1Re0 of . 1classical . A bstract A lgebra I to linear programming; quadratic programming, non-linear Algebraic relations; groups; pemiutation groups; groups dynamic programming; networks (Path, PERT/ ofprogramming symmetries; and group action; rings; integral domain; fields. CPM) and inventory problems. Prerequisite: Math 109 Credit: 3 u. Prerequisite: Math 115, 150.1/equivalent, consent of instructor Credit: 3 u.

M ath 1 1 0 . 2 . A bstract A lgebra I I Fields; vector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; Math 1 8 0 . 2 Op e r at i o n s R e s e a r c h II characteristic values; diagonalization; inner product; quadratic forms. Re of probability theory; Stochastic models; Markov chains; introduction to quesing Prerequisite: Math 110.1 Credit: 3 u.theory; introduction to simulation; games, replacement and reliability theory. of instructor Credit: 3 u. I I I MPrerequisite: ath 1 1 Math 0 . 3 180.1/consent . A bstract A lgebra

Fields of quotients of integral domains; polynomial rings; Math 1 8 1 Galois theory; L i n eother a r Asystems. nd Integer field extensions; P r o g r aMath m m110.1 i n g Credit: 3 u. Prerequisite: Linear programming and integer programming with emphasis

formulation and computer software usage for Mon ath 1 1 4 techniques . L inear A lgebra model validation and solution. Vector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; Prerequisite: 180.1/consent of instructor eigenvalues; canonicalMath forms; orthogonality; Credit: 3 u. applications. Prerequisite: Math 54 or equivalent Credit: 3 u. Math 1 9 7

Special Topics

M ath 1 1 7consent * . ofE instructor lementary Prerequisite: Credit: 3 u.T heory O f N umbers Properties of integers; divisibility; unique factorization theorem; solutions of congruences; residue systems; primitive roots and the quadratic reciprocity law; solutions of Diophantine equations. Prerequisite: Math 19 or equivalent Credit: 3 u.


administration of justice. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14.

Political Science 11 -

Political Science 157 administration P rere Sc. S P ECI A Lof Tjustice. O P IC S INqPuisite H ILI P: Pol. P INE 11 and 14. G OVERNMEN T A N D P OLI T IC S . P r e r e q1u5 i7s i-t e : Pol. Sc. 150 P olitical S cience SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHILIPPINE P TOLI G AORE V EA R NIIM -E N A NTDICPAOLL IDT IYCNS A . MIC S P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 150 Political Science 160 A R E A I I -S OCIE P O L I TTI CY A D Y NTAIC M ISC, SA N D , LP OLI G OVERNMEN T . Society as the matrix of politics; P olitical S cience 1 6 0patterns - of decisionpolitical power and leadership; S O C I E making; T Y, P political O L I T I modernization C S , A N D and development. G O V E R N M E N T . Society as the matrix of P r e rpolitical e q u i power s i t e and : Pol. Sc. 11 or consent of instructor. politics; leadership; patterns of decision-making; political modernization and P oPlrere i t i cqauisite l S c i :ePol. nc 61 development. Sc.e111 or consent instructor. P OLIof T IC A L PA R T IE S A N D IN T ERE S T G ROU P S . The types and structures of political P olitical cience 1 6 1their - function in the partiesSand interest groups P O L political I T I C A system; L P A Rtheir T I Estrategy S A Nand D tactics, I N T Eparticularly REST G R O U P S . The types and structures of political in aggregating parties and interest groups and theirarticulating function ininterests the and controlling and particularly public policy. political system; theirgovernmental strategy andpower tactics, in aggregatingPand r e articulating r e q u i s iinterests t e : Pol.and Sc. 11 and 14. controlling governmental power and public policy. P rere qPuisite 14.c e 1 6 2 o l i t :i Pol. c aSc. l 11 S cand ien P OLI T IC S O F C H A N G E . Problemsofsocial, P olitical S cience 1 6 2 Africa, Asiaofand Latin P O Leconomic I T I C S and O Fpolitical C H Achange N G E in . Problems social, America. r e r e change q u i s i int Africa, e : Pol. Sc. 11 and and 14. economic andPpolitical Asia Latin America. P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14. Political Science 163 P OLI T IC A L B E H A VIOR , P ROCE S S E S P olitical S cienceT S1. 6Belief 3 - systems; nature A N D MOVEMEN P O and L I Tdevelopment I C A L B E ofH political A V I O Rprocesses , P R Oand C Emovements. SSES A N D M O V E M E N T S . Belief systems; nature and P r e of r epolitical q u i s processes i t e : Pol. Sc. 160movements. or consent of development and P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 160 or consent instructor. of instructor. Political Science 164 P olitical S cience 1 6D4 P- OLI T IC S . I D EOLO GY AN I D E O L O G YP rA eNrDe q PO . Sc. 11 and 14 u iL sI Ti tI Ce S: Pol. P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14 Political Science 167 P olitical S P TE IC C I AALL S P ECI A L STcience O P IC S 1IN6 7P -OLI TOPICS IN POLITICAL DYNAMICS. r eSc. r e160. q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc. 160. DYNA S . : PPol. P rere q MIC uisite

AIN R E TA RO I - DP UC H I L ITP ION P I N E TGOO VPEOLI R N MT EIC N TA L ANS D CIENCE P O L I T I C .S Concepts, theories, and principles of political science; types of political systems; development P olitical S cience 1 1 - and processes. of political institutions INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCP E . oConcepts, theories, principles litica l S cand ien ce 14 of political of political systems;T A N D PH ILI P science; P INE types G OVERNMEN development institutions and processes.and organization P OLIofTpolitical IC S . Development,

operation of the Philippine political system, with P olitical S cience 1 4 - P H I L I P P I N E G O V E R N M E N T A N D Pemphasis O L I T I ConS the . present. Development, organization and operation of the o l i tsystem, i c a lwithSemphasis c i e n conethe1 present. 41 PhilippinePpolitical

RE A D IN G S IN P H ILI P P INE G OVERNMEN T A N D 1P 4OLI S .DDirected P olitical S cience 1 -T RICE A INGS government and I N readings P H I L I PinP the I N Eclassics G O of V EPhilippine RNMEN T u i s i t ereadings : Pol. Sc. in150 A Npolitics. D P OP LrI Te IrCeSq. Directed theor Junior classics of Philippine government and politics. standing P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 150 or Junior standing

Political Science 150 -

H ILI P P INES cience N AT ION 1A5L0A -N D LOC A L PP olitical PAHDI LMINI I P P I NSE TNRAATTI O N A L. Principles, A N D Lpractices O C A Land ION A Dproblems M I N I SofT public R A T I administration; O N . Principles, practices and historical, behavioral problems of publicanalysis administration; historical, behavioral and institutional and evaluation of the national and institutional analysis and evaluation of the national and local bureaucracy and administration in the andPhilippines. local bureaucracy and administration theand 14 P r e r e q u i s i t e . Pol. Sc.in11 Philippines. P rere q uisite . Pol. Sc. 11 and 14 Political Science 151 - THE

P olitical S cience 1 5 1 - T H E P H ILI P P INE EXECU T IVE . The national P H I L I P P I N E E X E C U T I V E . The national executive ininthe the Philippines; Philippines; its itsnature nature and and development. executive development. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14. P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14.

P o l iStcience i c a l S 1c5i 2e n- c e 1 5 2 P olitical P H ILI P P INE LE P H I L I P P I N E L E G IGS LI SA LT AT I V EIVE S Y SSTYESMT. EM . Structure and functions of the legislative system Structure and functions of the legislative system in in the Philippines; legislative behavior and legislative the Philippines; legislative behavior and legislative process; andjudicial judicial process;stature statureand andbill billdrafting; drafting;executive executive and lawmaking. P rere 14.14. lawmaking. P r e rqeuisite q u i s i: tPol. e :Sc. Pol.11 Sc.and 11 and PPolitical o l i t i c aS lcience S c i e n1c5e3 1- 5T3H E- T H E PP HHI ILI L I P P IPNINE E J UJU DIC AL A SY Role. of DI ICI L SSTYESMT. EM Role courtsofand other enforcement agencies in thein the courts andlaw other law enforcement agencies

POLSCIElectives A RE A III - COM P A R A T IVE G OVERNMEN T A N D P OLI T IC S Political Science 143 A R EAAD IN I I I G- SC IN O MCOM P A R APT AI VREA T IVE RE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS P OLI T IC S . Directed reading in the classics and contemporary theories of comparative1politics P olitical S cience 4 3 - and government. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Senior R E A D I N G S I N C O M P A R A T I Vstanding. E P O L I T I C S . Directed reading in the classics and contemporary P o l i t i c atheories l S cofi ecomparative n c e 1 7politics 0 - and government. rere q uisite : Senior IN T RO D PUC T ION T O COM PAstanding. R AT IVE G OVERNMEN T A N D P OLI T IC S . An P olitical S cience 1processes 70 introduction I N T R O DtoU comparative C T I O N political T O C O M P AinRthe ATIVE developed states. te: G O V E Rand N developing MENT A N DP rP eOrLeI TqI uCiSs. i An Pol. Sc. 11 andto14.comparative political processes introduction in the developed and developing states. PP rere o l i tqi uisite c a l S: Pol. c i Sc. e n11c and e 114. 71 -

A MERIC A N G OVERNMEN T A N D PP olitical cience 1 7of1the-government and dynamics OLI T IC S . STheory A M E R I C A N G O V E R N M and politics of the United States. P r eErNeTq A uN i sDi t e : P O L I T I C S . Theory and dynamics of the

Pol. Sc. 11 andand 14. politics of the United States. government P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14.

Political Science 172 OVERNMEN T A N D P1OLI PGolitical S cience 7 2 T- IC S O F G O V E RTNEMDE N T A NPDE PAO C TS EO S ELEC EURO N L SI TTI A S .F S E L E CSystems T E D ofEthe U RUnited O P EKingdom, A N S France, T A T EItaly, S. Political

Political Systems of the Italy, Germany, and Russia. P rUnited e r e qKingdom, u i s i tFrance, e : Pol. Sc. 11 Germany, and Russia. P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14 or consent of instructor. and 14 or consent of instructor.

o l i t i c a l S Science c i e n c e1 17 76 6- PP olitical G OVERNMEN OLI ICSS O O FF G O V E R N M E N TT AANNDD PPO L I TTI C E AA SS TT AASSI IAA. .Political Politicalsystems systemsofofJapan, Japan,People’s People’s

RepublicofofChina, China, North Korea, Republic of China and Republic North Korea, Republic of China and the the Republic of South Pol. Republic of South Korea.Korea. P r e rP erere q u iqs uisite i t e : Pol.: Sc. Sc. 170. 170.

P olitical S cience 1 7 7 l PSI cC iSe n 1 7M7P A- R A T I V E SP PoElCi tI Ai Lc aT O I Nc eC O S POECI LM T OE N P IC IND COM G V E RA N T SA N P O LPA I T I RCAT S . IVE PGrere q uisite : Pol. OVERNMEN T Sc. A N170. D P OLI T IC S . P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc. 170.

P olitical S cience 1 7 8 G O lViEtRi N Po cM a lE NSTc A i eNnDc Pe O1L7I T8 I C- S O F SGO U T H E A S T A S systems OVERNMEN T IAAN. Political D P OLI T ICofS O F Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, systems of:Burma, S OU T Hand E AIndonesia. S T A S IPArere . Political Singapore q uisite Pol. Sc.

Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore 11 and 14 and Indonesia. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14

or consent of instructor.

Political Science 179 G OVERNMEN T A N D P OLI T IC S O F orSconsent of instructor. OU T H A S I A . Political systems of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan P olitical S cience 1 7 9 - and Nepal. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc. G O V E R N M E N T A N D P 11 O and L I T14 I CorS consent O F of SO U T H A S I A . Political systems of India, Pakistan, instructor. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Nepal. P rere : Pol. Sc. 11Aand 14 orAconsent A RE Aq uisite IV - IN T ERN T ION L ofREL instructor. A T ION S AP R EoAl iI Vt i -c a I NlT ESRcNi Ae TnI O c eN A1L4 4 RELATIONS RE A D IN G S IN IN T ERN A T ION A L REL A T IONS cience S . Directed readings P olitical 1 4 4 -in the classics of i sNi tAeL : Senior R Einternational A D I N G Srelations. I N I NP TrEeRrNe AqTuI O R Estanding. L A T I O N S . Directed readings in the classics of international relations. P rere q uisite : Senior standing. Political Science 180 IN T RO D UC T ION T O IN T ERN AT ION A L P olitical 1 8 0to-the study of REL A T IONS cience S . An introduction INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL and conflict analysis of R Einternational L A T I O Ncooperation S . An introduction toand thethe study regional, functional and universal regimes and institutions of international cooperation and conflict and thesustaining analysisthese of regional, processes.functional P r e r e and q u universal i s i t e : Pol.Sc. regimes 11 and and 14. institutions sustaining these processes. P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 11 and 14. Political Science 181 P olitical S cience 1 8 1 P -OLIC Y. The P HP IHL IILI PPP I NPEINE F O FR EOREI I G N GP N O L I C Y. The natureand and development development ofof Philippine foreign policy and nature Philippine foreign policy thethe foreign policypolicy process. P r e rPerere q u i sqi tuisite e : Pol. Sc.: and foreign process. Pol. Sc. 180. 180. P olitical 1 8e 21 -8 2 P o l i t i c aSlcience Scienc FO R E I G NG N P OPL OLIC I C Y OYF OMFA JM OA R JOR F OREI PO W E R S . Development of the foreign policyofof of the foreign P Opowers, W ER Se.g., . Development major the United States, Russia,policy China, majorand powers, e.g., Ptherere UnitedqStates, Russia, China, Japan others. uisite : Pol. Sc.Japan 180. and others. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc. 180. P olitical S cience 1 8 3 I NPToE lR N i tAi TcI O a lN ASLc O i eRnGcAeN I1Z8A3T I O - NS. Development, structures, of S . IN T ERN AT ION Afunctions, L OR G Aand NIproblems Z AT ION international P rere uisite Development,organizations. structures, functions, and q problems of : Pol. Sc.international 180. organizations. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc. 180. P olitical S cience 1 8 4 DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR Political Science 184 D I P LOM A T IC A N D CON S UL A R

POLSCIElectives P R A C T ICE . Development, organization, functions,

and problems of diplomatic and consular practice with emphasis on the Philippines. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. P R A C T I C E . Development, organization, Sc. 180.

functions, and problems of diplomatic and P o l i tpractice i c a l Swith c i emphasis e n c e 1on8 the 5 - Philippines. P U B LIC consular T ERN A T ION: Pol. A L Sc. L A180. W . Nature,development, PINrere q uisite sources, principles and problems of international law P olitical S cience - community; and its role in the development1of8a5world P U Bselected LIC IN T E R N A T I O N A L L . Sc. 180. cases. P r e r e q u i s i t A eW : Pol. Nature, development, sources, principles and problemsPofointernational l i t i c a llawS and c i eitsnrole c ein 1the8 6 development of a world community; selected P RIV A T E IN T ERN A T ION A L L cases. AW. P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 180. Selected cases involving citizens or juridical entities of different states. P r e r e q u1i8s6i t -e :PPol. P olitical S cience R I Sc. V A180. TE I N T E R N A T I O N A L L A W . Selected cases P o lori tjuridical i c a lentities S c iof en c e 1states. 87 involving citizens different - S: Pol. P ECI A L T O P IC S IN P rere q uisite Sc. 180. IN T ERN A T ION A L REL A T ION S . P olitical S cience P ESc.C180. IAL P r e r e q u1i8s7i t -e :SPol. TOPICS IN INTERNATIONAL R E L A T IPOoNlSi . tPi rere c a l qS uisite c i e n c: Pol. e 1Sc.8 180. 8 IN T ERN A T ION A L P OLI T IC A L PECONOM oliticalY : STcience 8N 8 D- I S S UE S . H EORIE S1 A INTERN A T I O N A L P O L I T I C A Land analytical An introduction to the theoretical ECONOMY: THEORIES AND ISSUES. dimensions of change in the field of international political An introduction to the theoretical and analytical P r ein rthe e qfield u i of s iinternational t e : Pol. Sc. 180. dimensionseconomy. of change political economy. P rere q uisite : Pol. Sc. 180. A RE A V - P OLI T IC A L T H EOR Y A N D A R E A V - P O L I T I C ME A L TT HHEOODROLO Y A NGDY METHODOLOGY Political Science 110 P Political OLI T IC ASLcience A N A L Y 1S 1I S0 . -Frameworks of PO L I T I C A L A N L Y S I S . for Frameworks of and political analysis and Aapproaches understanding political analysis and approaches for understanding explaining political phenomena. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and explaining political phenomena. Prerequisite: Pol. and 14. Sc. 11 and 14.

P o l i St cience i c a l S c1i 4e 5n c- e 1 4 5 P olitical RE A D IN G S IN OLI ICAAL LTTHHE EOR R E A D I N G S I N PPO L I TTI C O R Y.Y. Directed readings in the classics of political theory. Directed readings in the classics of political theory. P rere q uisite P r e r: Senior e q u istanding. s i t e : Senior standing. P olitical P o l i St cience i c a l S c1i 9e 2n c- e 1 9 2 A C I E N TT AA N ND D ME M EDDIEVA I E V A LL PPOLT O L TIC I CAALL AN NCIEN T H TOHUOU G H TG. H Political thought from Plato to to the T . Political thought from Platothe

Medieval thinkers.P r e r e q u i s i t e : Senior standing.

Political Science 193 MO D ERN P OLI T IC A L T H EOR Y. Political Medieval P rere toqthe uisite : Senior thoughtthinkers. from Machiavelli contemporary political standing.

thinkers. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Senior standing.

P olitical S cience 1 9 3 i tLiI c M O D E RPNo PlO T IaClA LS cT iHeEnOcReY. 1 9 4 A MERIC A Nfrom P OLI T IC A LtoT H OU G H T . Political thought Machiavelli the contemporary political Political and social ideas ofthinkers. leading American thinkers P rere uisite : Senior standing. from theq colonial period to the present and their influence

upon American democracy. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Pol. Sc.

P olitical S cience 1 9 4 A M E R I C A N P O L I T I C171 A Lor consent T H O UofGinstructor. H T. Political and social ideas of leading American P o lfrom i t i the c acolonial l S c i eperiod n c e to1 the 9 5 present - ASIAN thinkers P OLI T IC A L upon T H OU G H Tdemocracy. . Main currents of and their influence American P rere q uisite : Pol. 171 Asian political thought. P rSc.e r e qoru consent i s i t e : of Senior instructor. standing or consent of instructor. P olitical S cience - eA S1I 9A6N c Ua G l HSTc.1Main i9e5n currents c P O L I T I CP AoLl iTtHiO H ILIpolitical P P INEthought. P OLIPTrere IC A LqT uisite H OU G :H T . ofPAsian Main of of Philippine political thought. Senior standing orcurrents consent instructor. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Senior standing or consent of

P olitical S cience 1 9 6 - instructor. P H I L I P P I N E P O L I T I C A L T H O U G H T. Main currents P oofl Philippine i t i c a lpolitical S c i e thought. nce 197 P rere q uisite : Senior standing or consent S P ECI A L T O P IC S IN P OLI T IC A L of instructor. T H OU G H T A N D ME T H O D OLO G Y . e r e q u i s1i t9 e7 : Senior standing. P olitical PSrcience SPECIAL TOPICS IN POLITICAL o Uc Gi aH lT SA cN iDe nMcE eT H1O0 D4 O- L H T HSO OUM G Y. A N P rere : Senior RI G H q T Suisite AND H UM Astanding. NI TA RI A N L A W. Seminar on the evolution and development of the theory,

S ocial S cience 1 0 4 - H Uhuman MAN R I G Hprinciples T S A Nand D practice H U M AofNinternational I T A R I A N L A rights W. and humanitarian law. P r eand req u i s i t e : None. This Seminar on the evolution development cannot be credited Political Science elective. of thecourse theory, principles andforpractice of international human rights and humanitarian law. P rere q uisite : None. This course cannot be credited for Political Science elective.

PSYCHElectives P sy c h o l o gy 1 0 1 : G ENER A L P S Y C H OLO G Y The empirical and conceptual foundations of psychology P sychology 1 0for 1 :students G E N Ewho R Adesire L in its main fields. Primarily an P S Y C Hpreparation O L O G Yfor the more advanced courses intensive in and upper-classmen Thepsychology. empirical For andmajors conceptual foundations of ofother departments. psychology in its main fields. Primarily for students who desire an intensive preparation for the more advanced 3courses hours ainweek (lect); 3 units credit and upper-classmen psychology. For majors of other departments.

P sy c h o l o gy 1 0 8 : F ILI P INO 3 (lect); P hours S Y CaHweek OLO G Y3 units credit

sychology 1 0Filipino 8 : F IPsychology L I P I N O and its AP study of the meaning of Pphilosophy S Y C H OasLaOscience; G Y the indigenous perspective in research methodology andofthe use ofPsychology Filipino Psychology. A study of the meaning Filipino and its philosophy as a science; the indigenous perspective 3in hours a week (lect); 3 unitsand credit research methodology the use of Filipino Psychology. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Psychology 101 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit

P syc h o lo gy 1 1 0 : P S YC H OLO G IC A L

PS rere T A T IqS uisite T IC S : Psychology 101

P sychology 1 0design, : P S analysis Y C H Oand LOGICAL Statistical techniques in1the STATISTICS interpretation of psychological studies. Statistical techniques in the design, analysis and 7interpretation hours a week of (4 psychological lect; 3 lab); 5 units credit studies. 7 hours week 5 units101 credit Pr e r ae q u i (4 s ilect; t e s3 :lab); Psychology & Math 11 or 17 P rere q uisites : Psychology 101 & Math 11 or 17 P sy c h o l o gy 1 1 5 : EX P ERIMEN TA L

S Y C H OLO G Y1 1 5 : E X P E R I M E N T A L PP sychology PSYCHOLOGY A method course to familiarize students with the methods scienceto in familiarize the treatment and invetigation A methodofcourse students with the of methods of science in the treatment and invetigation human problems; principles of experimental inference; of human problems; principles experimental experimental design in behaviorofresearch and theinference; ethics experimental design in behavior research and the involved in laboratory research. ethics involved in laboratory research. 99 hours 5 units credit hours aaweek week(3(3lect; lect;6 lab); 6 lab); 5 units credit r e r eqquisite u i s i t : ePsychology : Psychology110 110 P rere PP sychology E L DD MME ETT HH OO D DI N sy c h o l o gy 111188: : FFIIEL PIN S Y PCSH YOCL O Y GY HG OLO

The principles and practice of psychological research in natural environment, including systematic observation, unobtrusive measures, interviewing and field experiments. 9 hours a week (3 lect; 6 lab);of5psychological units credit research The principles and practice in natural environment, including systematic observation, unobtrusive measures, and field experiments. Prereq u i s i tinterviewing e : Psychology 110 9P hours lect; 6 lab); credit P T ION syacweek h o (3 lo gy 1 3 5 :units P ERCE P rere q uisite : Psychology 110 sensory processess; Principles of perception and the major research and measurement. P sychology 135: PERCEPTION 9 hours aofweek (3 lect, 6and lab);the 5 units credit Principles perception major sensory processess; research and measurement. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Psychology 110 9 hours a week (3 lect, 6 lab); 5 units credit

P sy c h o l o gy 1 3 9 : E T H OLO G Y

P rere q uisite : Psychology 110 The comparative study of animal behavior as emitted in P sychology 1 3 9 : E T H O L O G Y their natural habitat. The comparative study of animal behavior as emitted in 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit their natural habitat. rea r eweek q u(lect); i s i t3eunits : Psych 101 and 118 or written 3P hours credit consent of instructor P rere q uisite : Psych 101 and 118 or written consent P sy cofhinstructor o l o gy 1 4 0 : P RINCI P LE S O F


P sychology 1 4 0 : P R I N C I P L E S O F LEARNING A study of elementary principles of behavior derived from studies in the laboratory and fundamental A experimental study of elementary principles of behavior derived from experimental studies inempirical the laboratory positions and consequent findingsand about human fundamental positionsprocesses. and consequent empirical and animal learning findings about human and animal learning processes. 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit P r e rqe uisites q u i s i t: ePsychology s : Psychology andatatleast least P rere 101101 and sophomore standing sophomore standing

P sy c h o l o gy S YH C OLO P sychology 1 4 15 4: 5P :S P YC OH LO GY G O YF L AONFG LU A G N EG U A G E Pag-aaral sa pamamagitan pamamagitanngng masusing Pag-aaral ng ng sikolohiya sikolohiya sa masusing pagtingin paraankung kung pagtinginsasawika; wika;pagsusuri pagsusuri sa sa mga mga paraan paanong sinasalamin ng literatura at ng mga paanong sinasalamin ng literatura at lipunan ng mga kaasalang kaasalang berbal at di-berbal ang at berbal at di-berbal ang lipunan at pagkatao; pag-aaral pagkatao; pag-aaral ng akwisisyon, pagkatuto at ng pagsulong wika. at pagsulong ng wika. akwisisyon,ngpagkatuto

PSYCHElectives 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit

6 hours a week (3 lect; 3 lab); 4 units credit

P r e r e q u i s i t e : Psychology 101

P r e r e q u i s i t e : Psychology 115

sy ac week h o l(lect); o gy 1 4credit 8 : CO G NI T IVE 3 Phours 3 units

P sy c h o l o gy 1 7 1 : C H IL D 6 hours a week (3 lect; 3 lab); P4 Sunits Y Ccredit H OLO G Y

P rere q uisite : Psychology 101 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit P sychology 1 4 8 : C O G N I T I V E P S Y C H O L OPGrYe r e q u i s i t e : Psychology 101

P rere q uisite : Psychology 115

3 (lect); P hours sy cahweek olo gy31units 5 0credit : P ER S ON A LI T Y

A systematic study of 3the behavior of normal hours a week (lect); 3 units credit children with emphasis on socialization and personality, particularly in the Filipino setting. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Senior standing


P rere qSystematic uisite :approaches Psychologyto101 the understanding of

P sychology personality 1 5 0 : P formation E R S O Nand A Ldynamics. ITY 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units Systematic approaches to the understanding of credit personality formation and dynamics. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Psych 101 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit

P sy c h o l o gy 1 5 5 : A B NORM A L

P rere q uisite : Psych 101P S Y C H OLO G Y P sychology 1 5 5 : psychology; ABNORM A L schools Introduction to abnormal major PSYCHOLOGY of psychology, namely: Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Humanism, Transcultural, Transpersonal Filipino Introduction to abnormal psychology; majorand schools of psychology, namely: Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Psychology, in both theory and therapy. Humanism, Transcultural, Transpersonal and Filipino Psychology, in both theory and therapy. 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit

A systematic study of the behavior of normal children with

P sychology 1 7 and 1 : personality, C H I L D particularly in emphasis on socialization PSYCHOLOGY the Filipino setting.

3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit P sy c h o l o gy 1 8 0 : S OCI A L P S Y C H OLO G Y P rere q uisite : Senior standing P sychology 1 8 0 : emotions, S O C I Amotivation L Investigation of group behavior, and P Spersonality Y C H O Ldynamics O G Y in social learning and perception in

small groups and in cultural contexts. Investigation of group behavior, emotions, motivation and personality dynamics in social 3 hours a weekgroups (lect); 3and unitsincredit learning and perception in small cultural contexts. P r e r e q u i s i t e : Senior standing

3 hours a week (lect); 3 units credit P sy c h o l o gy 1 9 1 : RE A D IN G S IN P rere q uisite : Senior standing P S Y C H OLO G Y

3 hours (lect); P raeweek req u i s3i units t e scredit : Psychology 101 and 150

P sychology 21hours 9 1 :a week R E A(lect); D I N2 G S credit IN units PSYCHOLOGY

P rere q uisites : Psychology 101 and 150

P r ear week e q u(lect); isit2 e :units Senior standing and consent of 2 hours credit

P sy c h o l o gy 1 6 0 : P H Y S IOLO G IC A L P sychology 1 6 0 : PPHSY YS C I OHL OLO O G I CGAYL

PSYCHOLOGY Basic principles of physiological psychology which deal Basic principles of the physiological deal with biology andpsychology phisiology ofwhich behavior. with the biology and phisiology of behavior. 6 hours a week (3 lect; 3 lab); 4 units credit 6 hours a week (3 lect; 3 lab); 4 units credit r e r eqquisites u i s i t e: Psychology s : Psychology 115,Bio Bio11, 11, Chem Chem PPrere 115, 16 and senior standing 16 and senior standing


P rere q uisite : Senior standing and consent of instructor. May be repeated for not more than 2 additonal credit


May be repeated for not more than 2 additonal credit P syunits c h o l o gy 1 9 9 : RE S E A RC H IN P sychology 1 9 9 : P R ES SYECAHROLO C H IG NY PSYCHOLOGY

2 hours a week (lect); 2 units credit

2 hours a week (lect); 2 units credit

P r e r e q u i s i t e : Senior standing and consent of

oCl HoOgy 1 I6C2A: L P sychology 1P 6sy 2 : cPhS Y LOG P SE Y G TIC A L ME A S UREMEN T M AC S UHROLO EMEN

P rere q uisite : Senior standing and consent instructor of instructor

Orientation into thetherudiments ofofpsychological Orientation into rudiments psychological testing and validity, andevaluation evaluationwith withemphasis emphasison on reliability reliability and and validity, and test development and test development.

May be repeated for not more than 2 additional units credit units

May be repeated for not more than 2 additional credit

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONElectives P A 1 1 - IN T RO T O P U B LIC A D MINI S T R A T ION . PA 1 1 - I N T R O TO P U B L I C Understanding A D M I N I S TofRthe A Tlanguage I O N . and basic concepts of

public administration and its development as a field of study. C r e d i t of : 3 the units.language and basic Understanding

concepts of public administration and its development as a field of study. C redit : 3 units. P A 1 0 8 - P H ILI P P INE A D MINI S T R A T IVE T H OU G H T A N D PA 1 0 8 - P H I L I P P I N E IN A DSMTI INTI U S TTRION A T I VS E T H O U G H T A N D INSTITUTIONS Theories and ideas underlying the Philippine Theories andsystem; ideas the underlying the Philippine administrative general structure of the administrative system;itsthe general structure of the Philippine bureaucracy; principal operating features, Philippine bureaucracy; its principal operating including the personnelthe system, the financial features, thestructure, including thestructure, personnel system, the processes of policy-making, national-local system, the financial system, the processes of relations and major problems areas.relations and major policy-making, national-local

problems areas.

P r e r e q u i s i t e s : PA 111. C r e d i t : 3 units.

P A 1q2 uisites 1 - P U B: PA LIC S ONNEL P rere 111.PCER redit : 3 units. A D MINI S T R A T ION

PA 1 2 1 - P U B L I C P E R S O N N E L A Survey D M I NofI Sdevelopments T R A T I O Nand current trends in personnel

management. An introduction to basic personnel techniques, such as position andinselection. Survey of developments andclassification current trends personnel management. An introduction to basic personnel techniques, such as position classification and selection. P r e r e q : PA 11; C r : 3 units. P rere q : PA 11; C r : 3 units.

P A 1 3 1 - P U B LIC F I S C A L


The organization and procedure of efficient fiscal The organization and procedure of efficient fiscal management including tax administration, expenditure management including tax administration, expenditure control, auditing, purchasing and debt administration. control, auditing, purchasing and debt administration.

C r e d i t : 3 units. P r e r e q : PA 11,or consent of C redit : 3 units. P rere q : PA 11,or consent instructor.

of instructor.

P r e r e q : PA 11; C r e d i t : 3 units. P rere q : PA 11; C redit : 3 units.



Understanding major theories and practices Understanding thethe major theories and practices of of organization and management, and theirto the organization and management, and their relevance relevance to the Philippines.

Budgeting thegovernment government service. Budgetingand and accounting accounting forforthe service.


P rere q uisite : PA 131; C redit : 3 units. P r e r e q u i s i t e : PA 131; C r e d i t : 3 units.

P rere q : PA 11; C r : 3 units.


P r e r e q : PA 11; C r : 3 units.

PA 1 1 3 - O F F I C E A N D S Y S T E M S M P AA N1 A1 G 3 E-MOE FNFT ICE A N D S Y S T EM S M A N A G EMEN T The management of a government office, with emphasis on records and property management, The management of a government office, with emphasis systems improvement, modern office equipment, and the design and management, implementation of a on records and property systems management information system. and the design improvement, modern office equipment, and implementation of a management information system.

P RO G R A M A D MINI S T R A T ION Public policy formulation and implementation; administration and evaluation of public programs. Public policy formulation and implementation; administration and evaluation of public programs. P rere q : PA 11; C redit : 3 units. P r e r e q : PA 11; C r e d i t : 3 units. PA 1 4 2 - TO O L S F O R P O L I C Y

P A 1 4 2 - T OOL S F OR P OLIC Y

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONElectives A N A LY S I S . A N A LPrinciples, Y S I S . concepts and techniques for systematic

analysis and decision - making in public policy and management.

Principles, concepts and techniques for systematic analysis and decision - making in public policy and P rmanagement. e r e q u i s i t e : PA 141; c r e d i t : 3 units. PP A rere : 3 units.T 1 4 3q- uisite P RO G: RPAA 141; M Acredit N D P ROJEC D EVELO P MEN T A N D M A N A G EMEN T PA 1 4 3 - P R O G R A M A N D PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND M A N A G Concepts, E M E N methods T and processes in planning,

implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs and projects. Concepts, methods and processes in planning,

implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs and projects. P r e r e q u i s i t e : PA 141 (C r e d i t : 3 units)

P rere q uisite : PA 141 (C redit : 3 units) P A 1 4 6 - A D MINI S T R A T IVE L A W . PA 1 4 6 - A D M I N I S T R AT I V E L AW. An examination of basic principles of law with which the administrator should be familiar; judicial enforcement An examination of basic principles of law with of administrative decisions and legal remedies against which the administrator should be familiar; judicial enforcement of administrative decisions andaction. legal administrative

remedies against administrative action.

P r e r e q : PA 11, Pol. Sc. 11; C r e d i t : 3 units.

P rere q : PA 11, Pol. Sc. 11; C redit : 3 units. PPAA 1 15 51 1 - - L LOC O C AAL LGGOOVERNMEN VERNMENT T AND R EG G ION I O NAALL AADDMINI M I N I SS TT R AT A T IION ON D RE

The organizations operations Theadministrative administrative organizations andand operations of local of local governments; the structure and processes governments; the structure and processes of regional of regional administration. administration.

P rere q : PA 11; C r : 3 units.

P r e r e q : PA 11; C r : 3 units.

PA 1 6 0 - P O L I T I C S A N D A D M I N I S PT A R A1T 6I O 0 N- . P OLI T IC S A N D A D MINI S T R A T ION .

Consideration of political goals of the nation, including nation building, legitimacy and other issues of political development, the role of the bureaucracy in their attainment, reciprocal politics and Consideration of political goalsinfluence of the of nation, administration. including nation building, legitimacy and other

issues of political development, the role of the bureaucracy in their attainment, reciprocal P r e r eofqpolitics u i s i tand e s :administration. PA 108, Pol. Sc. 11. C r e d i t : influence

3 units.

P rere q uisites : PA 108, Pol. Sc. 11. C redit : 3 units.P A 1 6 1 - E T H IC S A N D A CCOUN T A B ILI T Y IN T H E P U B LIC S ERVICE PA 1 6 1 - E T H I C S A N D ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE

Ethical questions and behavior in the public service and the issue of administrative accountability.

Ethical questions and behavior in the public service and the issue of administrative C r e d i t : 3 units. accountability. CPA redit 1 7 2: 3- units. P U B LIC A D MINI S T R AT ION A N D T H E ECONOMIC S Y S T EM PA 1 7 2 - P U B L I C A D M I NConsideration I S T R A T I ofOthe N economic A N D role T H Eof government; ECONOMIC SYSTEM

principal forms of governmental intervention in the economy; and the role of public administration in the Consideration of theimplementation economic role of of economic policies.

government; principal forms of governmental intervention in the economy; and the role of public P r e r e q uini sthe i timplementation e s : PA 11 and Econof11.economic Credit: administration 3 units. policies. P rere 11 A and P Aq 1uisites 9 1 - S :PPA ECI L Econ T O P11. IC S IN C reditP: U 3 units. B LIC A D MINI S T R A T ION . PA 1 9 1 - S P E C I A L TO P I C S I N P U B L I C PArDeMr eI NqI uS Ti sRiAt TeIsO: PA N 111, . 121 or 131. P rere q uisites : PA 111, 121 or 131

STATElectives S tat 1 1 4 . D E S CRI P T IVE S T A T I S T IC S . Statistics; statistical measurement;

statistical notations; collection, organization and presentation S tat 1 1 of 4 .data; D Emeasures S C R I PofT central I V E Stendency, TATISTICS. Statistics;dispersion, statisticalskewness, measurement; notations; location, kurtosis;statistical letter values, collection, presentation boxplots andorganization stem-and-leafand display; measures of data; measures of central tendency, location, dispersion, of association and relationship; rates, ratios, and skewness, kurtosis; letter values, boxplots and proportions; construction of index numbers and indicators. stem-and-leaf display; measures of association C o r e q : Math 17/equiv. 3 u. and relationship; rates, ratios, and proportions;

construction of index numbers and indicators. C ore q : Math 17/equiv. 3 u. S tat 1 1 5 . B A S IC S T A T I S T IC A L ME T H O D S . Computer assisted statistical analysis S tat 1 1 5 . tests B A SforI Cmeans; S T Atests T I SforT Iproportions; CAL on the following: M E T H O D S . Computer assisted statistical analysis tests forfollowing: independence; lineartests regression; Analysis on the testssimple for means; for proportions; of variance; forecasting using classical techniques. tests for independence; simple linear regression; P r e r eofqvariance; : Stat 114/101/equiv. Analysis forecasting3 u. using classical techniques. P rere q : Stat 114/101/equiv. 3 u.

S tat 1 1 7 . M A T H EM A T IC S F OR SS tat . MS A. TPrinciples H E M AofT Ilogic; C S methods F O R of T A T I1S1T7IC S T A Tfields, I S T sigma I C S . fields, Principles of logic; of methods proof; and sequences sets; the of proof; fields, sigma fields, and sequences of real number system; sequences & series; combinatorial sets; the real number system; sequences & series; analysis. P r e ranalysis. e q : Math 17/equiv. u. combinatorial P rere q 3: Math 17/equiv. 3 u. S tat 1 2 1 . P RO B A B ILI T Y T H EOR Y I .

S tat 1of2probability; 1 . P R Orandom B A B I variables; L I T Y T discrete H E O Rand Y I. Elements Elements ofrandom probability; random variables; discrete continuous variables; probability distributions; and continuous random variables; probability special distributions; distributions; specialmathematical distributions;expectations; mathematical functions of a random variable. r e r e variable. q : Math 53, Stat expectations; functions of aPrandom P rere qCoreq: : Math 53,54. Stat 117/equiv; Math 3 u.117/equiv; Coreq: Math 54. 3 u.

S tat 1 2 2 . P RO B A B ILI T Y T H EOR Y SIItat 2 2 . P and R Oconditional B A B I L I Tdistributions; Y THEORY . Joint,1marginal I I . Joint, marginal and conditional distributions; independence of several random variables; distributions independence of several random variables; and expectations of functions of random variables; distributions and expectations of functions of random characterization of F, t, and chisquare limit variables; characterization of F, t, distributions; and chisquare distributions; P rere theorems. P r limit e r theorems. e q : Stat 121. 3 u. q : Stat 121. 3 u. SS tat D UDCUC T I OT N TOTO tat 112244. . I NINT RT O RO ION PP RRO O GGRRAAMMMIN M I N G .GIntroduction to . Introductiontomicrocomputer microcomputer and operating systems; principles and operating systems; principles programming; of programming; programming of using a high-level programming using a high-level computer languageq(e.g., computer language (e.g., PASCAL). P rere : Stat 114/101/equiv. PASCAL). P r e r e3qu.: Stat 114/101/equiv. 3 u.

S tat 1 2 5 . A P P LIC A T ION S S O F T W A RE & S O F T W A RE P A C K A G E S . Use of statistical software packages (e.g., S tatSAS, 1 SPSS) 2 5 . for A Pdatabase P L I C management A T I O N S & basic statistical SO F T W Aanalysis. R E &P rSeOrFeTqW: Stat A R 115/ E 101/equiv, Stat P A124/equiv. C K A G3Eu.S . Use of statistical software packages (e.g., SAS, SPSS) for database management & basic statistical analysis. S tat q1: 3Stat 1 . 115/ P A R101/equiv, A ME T RIC P rere Stat 124/equiv. 3 Su. T A T I S T IC A L IN F ERENCE . Population and sample; statistics and sampling distributions;

point and S tat 1 3interval 1 . Pestimation; A R A M E statistical T R I C hypothesis S Ttesting; A T I Sinference T I C A Lbased I N on F Ethe R Enormal N C Edistribution . Population and and sample; of statistics andF distribution. sampling distributions; applications z, t, x 2, and Prereq: point andMath interval statistical hypothesis Stat 122, 55. 4estimation; u (3 lec, 1 lab). testing; inference based on the normal distribution and applications of z, t, x 2, and F distribution. P rere Math u (3 Tlec, 1 lab). S tat q1: 3Stat 2 . 122, NON P A55. R A4 ME RIC S T A T I S T IC A L IN F ERENCE . Levels of measurement; fit Rtests; S tat 1 3 2 .goodness N O N ofP A A Msign E T and R I Csigned S Trank A Ttests; I S T distribution I C A L I Ntests; F E Rassociation E N C E .tests; Levels testsoffor measurement; fit tests; sign125. and3 u. independence.goodness P r e r e qof: Stat 131, Stat signed rank tests; distribution tests; association tests; tests for independence. P rere q : Stat 131, Stat 1125. S tat 3 3 . 3Bu.A Y E S I A N S T A T I S T IC A L IN F ERENCE . Elements of Bayesian probability inference; S tat 1 3assessment 3 . B A YofEprior S I Alikelihood N S T Aand T I Sposterior TICAL I Ndistributions; F E R E N CBayesian E . Elements of Bayesian probability estimation and hypothesis inference; assessment of priorand likelihood andBayesian testing; predictive distribution asymptotics; posterior distributions; Bayesian estimation and use Hierarchical Models; introduction to Empirical Bayes; hypothesis testing; predictive distribution and of statistical software. r e r e q : Stat 131, Stat 124. asymptotics; BayesianPHierarchical Models; 3 u. introduction to Empirical Bayes; use of statistical software. P rere q : Stat 131, Stat 124. 3 u. S tat 1 3 5 . M A T RIX T H EOR Y F OR S tat R I X operations; T H E O R properties Y F O R of S T A T1I3S5T. ICMSA.TMatrix S Tmatrices; A T I S Tspecial I C S .matrices; Matrix operations; properties matrix calculus; determinants; ofeigenvalues matrices; special matrices;linear matrixsystems; calculus; and eigenvectors; vector determinants; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; spaces; use of software applications. e r e q : Math linear systems; vector spaces; use Pofrsoftware 53, Stat 125. 3Pu.rere q : Math 53, Stat 125. 3 u. applications.

S tat T RTORO D UDCUC T I OT N T OT O S tat1 31 63 .6 I. NIN ION R ERE GG R ERE S SSI SOION N A AN NA A L YL SY ISSI. SLinear . Linearregression regression model; modelregression selection; regression model; model selection; diagnostics; use of diagnostics; use of dummy variables; remedial dummy variables; remedial measures. P r e r e q measures. P rere q : Stat 131, Stat 135. 3 :u.Stat 131, Stat 135. 3 u.

STATElectives S tat 1 3 8 . IN T RO D UC T ION T O S A M P LIN G D E S I G N S . Probabilityand non-

probability sampling; simple random, systematic, cluster, stratified and multi-stage sampling S tat 1 3 8 . I Nsampling T R O Ddesigns; UCTIO N TO Swith A Mprobability P L I N G proportional D E S I G NtoS .size; Probability and applications non-probability sampling; P r e r esimple q : Statrandom, 131, Statsystematic, 125. 3 u.

cluster, stratified and multi-stage sampling designs; sampling with probability proportional to size; applications 125. S3. u. S tat 1 4 3 . PS rere URVEqY: Stat O P131, ER AStat T ION Research process; techniques of data collection; design; S principles tat 1 4of3questionnaire . SURVEY O Pdata E R Acoding T I Oand NS. Research process; techniques of dataofcollection; encoding; data quality control; presentation research principles design;writing data coding findings. P r e r eofqquestionnaire : courses on technical & oral and encoding; data quality control; presentation communication, Senior standing. 3u.of research findings. P rere q : courses on technical writing & oral communication, Senior standing. 3u. S tat 1 4 5 . IN T RO D UC T ION T O T IME SSERIE S D&UFCOREC T IN tat S1 4A5N. AI LY N TSR IO T I O NA TSO T IGM. E Classical methods; ARIMA models; Box-Jenkins method; S E R I E S A N A LY S I S & F O R E C A S T I N G. Classical methods; ARIMA models; Box-Jenkins intervention analysis; GARCH Models; regression with method; interventionPanalysis; GARCH Models; time series date; applications. rereq : Stat 136. 3 u. regression with time series date; applications. P rere q : Stat 136. 3 u. S tat 1 4 6 . IN T RO D UC T ION T O EX P LOR A T 1OR Y SNI ST .O S tat 4 6Y. IDNAT TR A O DAUNCATLI O Displaying and summarizing batches; re-expressing E X P L O R A T O R Y D A T A A N A L Y.data; SIS. Displaying and robust summarizing batches; re-expressing median polish; and resistant measures; fitting .data; medianresistant polish; robust lines. Cand o r resistant e q : Statmeasures; 136. 3 u. fitting resistant lines. C ore q : Stat 136. 3 u.


data; cross-classification tables; analysis using loglinear, logistic and logit models. P r e r e q : Stat 136. 3 u.

C A T E G O R I C A L D A T A ANALYSIS. Categorical S tat 1 9data; 1 . cross-classification S P ECI A L T O Ptables; IC S analysis using loglinear, andME logitD models. IN B IOLO G IC APLlogistic A N D IC A u.L rere q : Stat 136. 3 S T A T I S T IC S . P r e r e q : COI. 3 u. S tat 1 9 1 . S P E C I A L T O P I C S S tat 1 GIN I N B1I 9O1L.O I CTARO L ADNUC D TMION E D I CTAOL r e qq : Stat B IO S T SATTAI TS ITS IC S .SP. rP erere TIC : 125. COI.Coreq: 3 u.

Stat 148

S tat 1 9 1 . 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N T O B I O1 S9 T2 A. 1T SI STAT T I CISS. TPIC rere S tat S INqM: Stat A R K125. ET Coreq: 147.148 3 u. RE S E A RC H . C o r e q : StatStat S tat 1 9 2 . 1 S T A T I S T I C S I N LINE AR MS Atat R K E 1T 9R2E. S2 E AA D R CV HA .NCE C ore q : Stat 136. 33 u. u. MO D EL S . P r e r e q : Stat 147. tat 119923. .2 SA PD ECI SS tat V A NACLE TLOI NP EICA SR IN IN M DU A N Dq P H Y136. S IC 3 A u.L O SDTE RI L SA . PL rere : Stat S CIENCE S T A T I S T IC S . P r e r e q :COI.3u. S tat 1 9 3 . S P E C I A L T O P I C S I N 1I N R ITARO L A SNTDA TP H I CAA LL S tat 9 3D .U1S TIN I SYTSIC SQU CIA EN T A T TI SROL T I C S. . PPrrere : COI. e r e qq:Stat LICTEY SCON 3125, u. Stat 131

S tat 1 4 7 . IN T RO D UC T ION T O S tat 1 4 7 . I N T R O D U C T I O N T O Multivariate MUL M UTLIV TIA V ARIR A I ATTEE AANNAALL YY SS II SS . . Multivariate normal distribution; inference on mean vector and normal distribution; inference on mean vector and dispersion matrices;principal principalcomponent component analysis; dispersion matrices; analysis; canonical analysis; discriminant discriminantanalysis; analysis; canonicalcorrelation correlation analysis; factor analysis; other othermultivariate multivariate factoranalysis; analysis; cluster cluster analysis; techniques; applications. P rere q : Stat 136. 3 u. techniques; applications. P r e r e q : Stat 136. 3 u.

S tat 1 9 3 . 1 I N T R O S T A T I S T I C A L tat O P ICqS: Stat IN QS U A L I T1Y9 4C. O SNPT ECI R O LA. L PTrere S OCI A L A N D P S Y C H OLO IC131 AL 125, G Stat S T A T I S T IC S . P r e r e q : COI. 3 u. S tat 1 9 4 . S P E C I A L T O P I C S I N S O C I ASLtat A N D1 9P6S. Y1 C HAO I C ADL D LVOA G NCE S T A T I S T I C S . P rere q : COI. S T AT I S T IC A L COM P U T IN G .P r e r e3qu.:

S tat 1 4 8 . I N T R O D U C T I O N T O SE tat 4 E8 N. TIN T Oof X P E R1I M A LT RO D E SDI GUC N ST. ION Principles EX Pexperimentation; ERIMEN T Acompletely L D E S Irandomized G N S . Principles design; randomized complete block design; Latin-square of experimentation; completely randomized design; design; complete factorialblock experiments; other experimental randomized design; Latin-square design; designs; P rere q : Stat designs; 136. 3 u. factorialapplications. experiments; other experimental applications. P r e r e q : Stat 136. 3 u. S tat 1 4 9 . I N T R O D U C T I O N T O

S tat 1 9 6 . 1 A D V A N C E D STATISTICAL COMPUTING. S tat 1 9 7 . S PPECI A LqT: Stat O P 136. IC S 3IN rere u. S T A T I S T IC S . P r e r e q : COI. 3 u.

S tat 1 4 9 . IN T RO D UC T ION T O

Stat 136. 3 u.

S tat 1 9 7 . S P E C I A L T O P I C S I N S T A T I S T I C S . P rere q : COI. 3 u.

ANTHROPOLOGYElectives A n th r o p o l o gy 1 0 1 P hys i c a l A n th r o p o l o gy .

A n th r o p o l o gy 1 1 5 P h i l i pp i n e A r c ha e o l o gy

Human population biology in the conceptual framework of evolutionary processes A nthropology 1 0 1 P hysical

Prehistory of the Philippines as revealed by archaeology

A A nthropology. n th r o p o lo gy 1 0 3 P r i m ato lo gy Human in the conceptual Survey ofpopulation the primate biology background of human evolution framework of evolutionary processes P r e r e q Anthro 101/COI A nthropology 1 0 3 PArimatology n th r o p o l o gy 1 0 4 H u m a n E v o lofuthe t iprimate o n . background of human Survey evolution P rere q Anthro 101/COI Fossil and cultural evidence of human evolution Pr e r e q Anthro 101; Bio 1102/COI A nthropology 0 4 H uman E volution . A n th r o p o l o gy 1 0 7 Fossil C o nand t ecultural m p oevidence r a r y of H human u m aevolution n P rere q Anthro 101; Bio 102/COI P o p u l at i o n s . A nthropology 1 0 7 among present Phenotypic and genotypic differences C ontemporary H uman day human populations .and their history and present P opulations distribution basis of racial classifications P r e r e q Phenotypic genotypic differences among Anthro 101; aand course in genetics/COI present day human populations and their history and present racial classifications A n th r o pdistribution o lo gy basis 109 of Fo u n dat ions P rere q Anthro 101; a course in genetics/COI o f P hys i c a l A n th r o p o l o gy A nthropology 1 0 9 concepts and The historical development, theories, Fmethods oundations of P hysical of contemporary physical anthropology. A nthropology P r e r e q ; Anthro 101/COI The historical development, theories, concepts and methods contemporary A n th of ro p o l o gyphysical 1 1 1 anthropology. PI nrere q ; Anthro 101/COI t r o d u c t i o n t o A r c ha e o l o gy. A nthropology 1 the 1 1advent of writing The beginnings of culture up to IPrereq ntroduction to A rchaeology. Anthro 1 The up 1to1the writing A nbeginnings th r o p of o culture l o gy 2 advent W o r of ld Prereq C u l tAnthro u r a1l H i st o r y . A nthropology 1 1 2 W orld Survey of the rise of urban society and ancient cities as C ultural H istory. revealed through archaeology. P r e r e q Anthro 101/ Survey of the rise of urban society and ancient COI cities as revealed through archaeology. P rere q Anthro 101/COI A n th r o p o l o gy 1 1 4 A nthropology r c ha e o l o gy o A 1 1f4 S o u th e ast A rchaeology s i a a n d O c e of a n iSaoutheast . A A sia and O ceania . Beginnings and growth of prehistoric cultures and the Beginnings and growth of world prehistoric cultures and the peopling of the Pacific Island peopling of the Pacific Island world

A n th r o p o l o gy P r e h i st o r y A nthropology 1 1151 P8hilippine Ao rchaeology f th e P h i l i pp i n e s Prehistory Philippines aspeopling revealedofby Theoriesof andtheproblems of the the Philippines archaeology A n th r o p o l o gy 9 A nthropology 1 1 8 1P1rehistory I n the t r oPdhilippines u c t i o n t o M u s e o l o gy. of Principles, andofapplication Prereq Theories andmethods problems the peopling of Anthro the 1, 111 Philippines A n th r o p o l o gy 1 2 0 S p e c i a l A nthropology 9 s e o l o gy . P r o b l e m s i n 1M1 u I ntroduction to M useology. Issues, development andapplication problems in Prereq museumAnthro work 1, Principles, methods and 111 A n th r o p o l o gy 1 2 3 P e o p l e s o f e P h i l i pp i n1 e2 s0 . S pecial A th nthropology P roblems in M useology. Ethnography and cultural ecology Issues, development and problems in museum work A n th r o p o l o gy 1 2 4 P e o p l e s o f AS nthropology o u th e ast A s1i 2a3aPneoples d O c e aof nia. the P hilippines . Ethnology and cultural ecology of the area Ethnography and cultural ecology A n th r o p o l o gy S o c i a lof and A nthropology 1 2 14 2P6eoples S outheast . ine E c o n o m i Ac sia L i fand e o fO Pceania h i l i pp Moun tacultural i n Pecology e o p lofethe s . area Ethnology and and cultural life of the the Mindanao A Social nthropology 1 2Negritos, 6 S ocial and E conomic L ifebuilding of Ppeoples hilippine pagans and the terrace of the Mountain M Province ountain P eoples . Social and cultural life of the Negritos, the Mindanao A n th o pterrace o l obuilding gy 1peoples 32 pagans andrthe of the I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Ecological Mountain Province A n th r o p o l o gy A nthropology 1 3 2. I ntroduction to E cological Relation between cultural behavior and environmental A phenomena nthropology. Relation between cultural behavior and environmental A n th r o p o l o gy 1 3 3 E c o n o m i c phenomena A n th r o p o l o gy A nthropology 1 3 3 E conomic A Economic nthropology behavior of pre-industrial peoples and peasant economies Economic behavior of pre-industrial peoples and peasant economies A n th r o p o l o gy 1 4 1 A nthropology I n t r o d u c t i o 1n4 1t o P o l i t i c a l I ntroduction A n th r o p o l oto gyP olitical A nthropology Problemsofofsanction sanctionand and law, Problems law, societal societalcontrol controland and government of pre-industrial societies government of pre-industrial societies

ANTHROPOLOGYElectives A n th r o p o lo gy 1 5 1 C o m pa r at i v e Religion

A n th r o p o l o gy C o n c e pts

Studies of religious concepts and practices of pre-literate peoples A nthropology 1 5 1

A n th r o p o l o gy 1 8 2 C u l t u r e a n dC oncepts P e r s o n a l i ty A nthropology theories and present implications Role of day culture in personality development A nthropology A n th1r8o2p C o ulture l o gy 1 8 5 and P ersonality Introduction to Role of culture inPhilippine personality development Culture Concepts and problems A nthropology 1 8 5 A n th r o p o l o to gy 1 8 7 S e x a n d I ntroduction C u lt u r e Philippine Culture Concepts and problems Comparative survey of sex phenomena in their cultural A nthropology 1 8 7 S e x and context C ulture An o p o l o ingy Comparative survey ofth sex r phenomena their1 9 2 Introduction to cultural context A n th r o p o l o1g9 i2c a l T h e o r y A nthropology I ntroduction to Development of anthropological thought P r e r e q A nthropological T heory Anthro 1 Development of anthropological thought th r o1 p o l o gy 1 9 5 F i e l d P rereAqn Anthro M e th o ds i n A r c ha e o l o gy A nthropology 1 9 5 F ield Field trainingin and application P r e r e q Anthro 111 M ethods A rchaeology Field training andrapplication P rere A n th o p o l o gy 1 9 6q FAnthro ield 111 M e th o ds i n S o c i a l A nthropology A1n9th 6 r o p o l o gy F ield M ethods in SPocial r e r e q Anthro 181 A nthropology A n thqr o p o l181 o gy 1 9 7 Lab o r at o r y P rere Anthro a n d F i l e T e c h n i q u e i n P hys i c a l A nthropology 7 Research A n th r o p o l1o9gy L aboratory and F ile P r e r e q Anthro 111 T echni q ue in P hysical A nthropology R esearch A n th r o p o l o gy 1 9 8 S p e c i a l P rere q Anthro 111 Topics

C omparative R eligion A n th r o p o l o gy 1 6 1 I n t roforeligious d u c tconcepts i o n tand o Fpractices olklo e. Studies of r preliterate peoples Oral and traditional literature of the Filipino people and A nthropology 1 6 1 its significance I ntroduction to F olklore . A n th r o p o l o gy 1 6 4 F o l k l o r e Oral of theAFilipino o fand thtraditional e S o uliterature th e ast s i a people and and its significance Oceania A nthropology 1 6 4 F olklore Oral and traditional literature theseand areas and its of the S outheast A of sia bearing on the problems of Oceanic ethnology O ceania Oral andrtraditional A n th o p o l oliterature gy 1 6of5these P h iareas l i ppand i n its e bearing on the problems of Oceanic F oethnology lklore A Oral nthropology 1 6of5thePFilipino hilippine and traditional literature people and F olklore its significance Oral and traditional literature of the Filipino people A nitsth r o p o l o gy 1 6 7 M e d i c a l and significance A n th r o p o l o gy A nthropology 1 6 7 M edical Overview of traditional and western healthcare systems A nthropology P r ehealthcare r e q JS/CPOI Overview of traditional and western systems P rere q JS/CPOI A n th r o p o l o gy 1 7 0 La n g u ag e C u lt u r e A nthropology 1 7a 0n d L anguage and C ulture Relation between language and culture P r e r e q Lingg Relation between language and culture P 110/equiv rere q Lingg 110/equiv A n th r o p o l o gy 1 7 2 T r ad i t i o n a l A nthropology 2m T raditional a n d P e asa n t 1C7 o munities and P easant C ommunities character and transformation. Their character and Their transformation. A n th r A nthropology 1 7o3p o l o gy 1 7 3 I n t r o d u cto t i oUnrban t o U r ba n I ntroduction Anthropology Anthropology Problems of urban society Problems of urban society AAnthropology 1 7197 C n th r o p o l o gy 9 ulture C u lt u r e C hange and A pplied Cha n g e a n d A pp l i e d A nthropology A n th r o p o l o gy processes of unplanned and planned cul-tural processes of unplanned and planned changes changes P rere q Anthro 1, Sociocul-tural 11/101/COI P r e r e q Anthro 1, Socio 11/101/COI A nthropology 1 8 1 S ocial A n th r o p o l o gy 1 8 1 S o c i a l

theories and present day implications

A nthropology 1 9 8 S pecial T opics

SOCIOLOGYElectives S o c i o 1 0 1 G e n e r a l S o c i o l o gy

larger society

Theoretical concerns of the fields of sociology and the various expressions of persistent issues in Philippine S ocio 1 0 1 G eneral S ociology society

S o c i o 1 2 5 S o c i o l o gy o f Religion. larger society

Theoretical ofithe sociology S o c i o 1concerns 10 Soc a lfields O r of ga n i zatand ion the various expressions of persistent issues in Philippine society of the main forms of social organization Analysis in simple and1 complex societies; principles of the S ocio 1 0 S ocial O rganization integration and disintegration of social groups Analysis of the main forms of social organization So cio 1 3 T hsocieties; e Fa m i l y of the in simple and1complex principles integration and disintegration of social groups Theories and researches on the family as a social S ocio 1 1 3 T he F amily institution

Analysis of lreligious S o c iofothe 1 2forms 7 Po i t i c abeliefs l S oand c i o l o gy. commitments; examination of religious phenomena as products society Analysis of of the interaction of the social structure and politics sources authority, legitimacy and social S ocio 1 2 7of power, P olitical change S ociology.

Theories and1researches as ai n social Socio 1 4 T h eon Ptheh family i l i pp e institution

S o c i a l S yst e m .

S ocio 1 1 4 T he P hilippine S ocial Analysis of the S ystem . social structure of the Philippine society

S o c i of o the 1 1social 8 Sstructure o c i oofl the o gy o f society th e Analysis Philippine E c o n o m y.

S ocio 1 1 8 S ociology of the E conomy. Analysis of the dynamic relationships between the economic base and the larger society Analysis of the dynamic relationships between the economic S o c i obase 1 1 and 9 I the n dlarger u stsociety rial

o c i o l1 o SS ocio 1 9gy I ndustrial S ociology

Formal and informal Formal and informal organization organizationininthe theindustrial industrialsetting; setting; ofthe thework workgroups groupsand and their relations analysis of their relations to to thethe community and andthe thelarger largersociety society community SS ocio o c i o 112222 R Rural u r aSlociology S o c i o l o gy Comparative studies of rural life Comparative studies of rural life S ocio 1 2 3 U rban S ociology

S o c i o 1 2 3 U r ba n S o c i o l o gy

Comparative studies of urban communities; nature and Comparative studies of urban communities; nature and consequences of urbanization consequences of urbanization S ocio 1 2 4 S ociology of ES ducation o c i o 1 2 4 S o c i o l o gy o f

Ed u c at i o n

Theories and researches on the social organi-zation of the school relationships educationofand Theories andand researches on thebetween social organi-zation the the school and relationships between education and the

Analysis of the forms of religious beliefs and commitments; of religious phenomena as S ocio 1 2 examination 5 S ociology of R eligion . products of society

S o c of i othe1interaction 2 8 S o cofi the a lsocial structure and Analysis S t r sources at i f iofcpower, at i oauthority, n. politics legitimacy and social change Theories and researches S ocio 1 2 8 S ocial S tratification S o c i o 1 2 9 Ra. c e a n d Eth n i c R e l at i o n s . Theories and researches The nature1and contacts; S ocio 2 9problems R aceof racial andandEethnic thnic Study of intersocietal majority-minority relations, group R elations . conflicts, prejudice and cooperation The nature and problems of racial and ethnic contacts; S o c i Study o 1 3of2intersocietal S o c i o majority-minority l o gy o f relations, D e v igroup a n tconflicts, b e haprejudice v i o r .and cooperation S ocio 3 2 S ociology of patterns Analysis of 1departures from model and societal D eviant behavior . and the relevant group processes including mechanisms of socialofcontrol Analysis departures from model and societal patterns and the relevant group processes including S o c i o of1social 3 5 Ccontrol ollective mechanisms B e ha v i o r . S ocio 1 3 5 C ollective B ehavior . Studies in mass behavior, social movements and political Studies action in mass behavior, social movements and political action S o c i o1 14 40 0SSocialization o c i a l i zat i o and n and S ocio r o u pI nteraction I n t e r a c t i. o n . GG roup Analysisofofsocialization socialization as social interaction in Analysis asaaprocess, process, social interaction in and between groups, and aspects of and between groups, and aspects of collective behavior collective behavior S o c i o 1 4 2 S o c i o l o gy o f Mass S ocio of M ass C o m m1u4n2 i Scociology at i o n . C ommunication .

SOCIOLOGYElectives Processes of opinion formation and change in relation to personality and social structure; analysis of flow of public communications through society and impact of mass communication on particular audiences

Processes of opinion formation and change in relationStoopersonality analysis c i o 1 5and 3 Ssocial o c istructure; o l o gy of of flow of public communications D e v ethrough l o p society m e n t. and impact of mass communication on particular audiences The nature and problems of the process of development. S ocio 1 5 3 S ociology of S o c i o .1 6 0 S o c i e ty a n d D evelopment P o p u l at i o n . The nature and problems of the process of development. Description and analysis of population aggregates; world population man environment S ocio 1 6growth, 0 S ociety andand technology. P opulation . S o c i o 1 6 5 H u m a n E c o l o gy . Description and analysis of population aggregates; world population growth, man environment Principles and methods of ecology applied to theand study of technology. the interaction of man-environment and technology. S ocio 1 6 5 H uman E cology. S o c i o 1 6 7 S o c i o l o gy o f th e Principles and methods of ecology thet . E n v i rapplied o n m to en study of the interaction of man-environment and technology. Analysis of the complex interaction between society and the environment by examining key of environmental S ocio 1 6 7 S ociology the E nvironment . in relation to social structures problems Analysis of the complex interaction society P r e rbetween e q JS, Nat Sci 2 and the environment by examining key environmental problems in relation to social structures Socio 171 Sociological T h e o r y. P rere q JS, Nat Sci 2 S ocio 1 7 1 Swriters ociological The major classical and their works. Prereq Socio T heory. 101/COI for non-majors The major classical writers and their works. Prereq S o c i101/COI o 1 7 2 Sforonon-majors c i o lo g i c a l T h e o ry Socio II S ocio 1 7 2 S ociological TThe heory I I contemporary sociologists. P r e r e q works of major Socio 171/COI The works of major contemporary sociologists. P rere q Socio 171/COI Socio 178 Special Topics in S ocio 1S7o8c Si pecial opics o l o g i cT a l T h ein ory S ociological T heory P r e r e q Socio 171, 172 P rere q Socio 171, 172 1 7 9 R e ad S ocio S1o7 c 9 i Roeadings in i n gs i n S o c i o l o gy S ociology

P r e r e q JS

S o c i o 1 8 0 S o c i a l S tat i st i c s . Introduction P rere q JSto statistical techniques, principles, methods

and the application of computer knowledge to the

S ocio 1 8of0quantitative S ocial . analysis data Sintatistics sociological research

P r e r e q Math 11

Introduction to statistical techniques, principles, methods and application computer S o the cio 1 8 1 Q of ua n t i tat i v e knowledge to the analysis of quantitative data in l M e th o ds o f S o c i o l o11 g ica sociological research P rere q Math Research S ocio 1 8 1 Quantitative Survey andof application of quantitative techniques of M ethods S ociological R esearch data gathering and analysis in sociological research

P r e r e q Socio 101

Survey and application of quantitative techniques of data gathering S o c i oand1 analysis 8 2 – Qinusociological a l i tat i v e research P rere q Socio m e th o ds o f S101 ociological Research S ocio 1 8 2 – Qualitative methods of S ociological Survey and application of the qualitative methods of R esearch

data gathering and analysis in sociological research

Survey and application of the methods P r qualitative e r e q Socio 101.COI of data gathering and analysis in sociological research S oP crere i o 1q8 Socio 3 P r101.COI inciples and m e th o ds o f S u r v e y R e s e a r c h . S ocio 1 8 3 P rinciples and methods of S urvey R esearch . Questionaire construction, research design, data analysis andconstruction, interpretation Presearch rereq Socio 180, Questionaire design, data181 analysis and interpretation P rere q Socio 180, Socio 188 Special topics in 181 R e s e a r c h M e th o d o l o gy S ocio 1 8 8 S pecial topics in R esearch M ethodology P r e r e q Socio 179

P rere Socq i o Socio 1 9 7179 Special Topics in S o c i o l o gy S ocio 1 9 7 S pecial T opics in S ociology Developments, issues, trends and prospects in sociology Developments, issues, trends and prospects in sociology

PHILOSOPHYElectives P h i l o s o phy 1 0 0 : M AT H EM AT IC A L LO G IC I . hilosophy 1 0 0 : Mand A T first HEM A T predicate ICAL AP formalization of propositional order L O Gextension I C I . of first order predicate logic and proofs of logic; some properties of these systems. 3 hours a week (class); A formalization credit: 3 units. of propositional and first order predicate logic; extension of first order predicate logic and proofs of some properties of these systems. 3 hours Ph i lo s o phy 2 : M AT H EM AT IC A L a week (class); credit: 130units.


P hilosophy 1 0 2 : M A T H E M A T I C A L L O Gorder I C recursive II. First arithmetic; arithmetization of syntax and Godel’s incompleteness theorem. 3 hours a week First order recursive (class); credit: 3 units.arithmetic; arithmetization of syntax and Godel’s incompleteness theorem. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3 units.

P h i l o s o phy 1 0 4 : M o da l L o g i c .

P hilosophy 1 0 4 : M odal L ogic . Concepts of possibility and necessity within formal and axiomatized in modal propositional Concepts oflanguage possibility and necessity withincalculi. formal3and hours a week (class); credit: 3 units. axiomatized language in modal propositional calculi. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3 units.

P h i l o s o phy 1 1 0 : A NCIEN T

PP hilosophy H ILO S O P H 1Y1. 0 : A N C I E N T P H I L O S O P H Y.

Major philosophical ideas from the pre- Socratics to the Major philosophical from the preSocratics neo-Platonists. 3 hoursideas a week (class); credit: 3 units. to the neo-Platonists. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3 units.

h i l o s o phy 1 :E DME AL PP hilosophy 1 11 1 :1 M I E VDAIEV L SO PP HHI LILO OSO P HPY.H Y . Major from Augustine to William of of Major philosophical philosophicalideas ideas from Augustine to William Ockham.33hours hoursa aweek week (class); credit: 3 units. Ockham. (class); credit: 3 units. PP hilosophy 1 11 2 :1 M D E RD N ERN h i l o s o phy 2 :OMO PP HHI LILO OSO P HPY.H Y . SO Major philosophical philosophicalideas ideas from rationalists to the Major from thethe rationalists to the German and British idealists. 3 hours a week (class); German British idealists. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3and units. credit: 3 units. P hilosophy 1 1 3 : C O N ttv

P h i l o s o phy 1 1 3 : CONtt v

Major philosophical ideas from the logical positivists to Major philosophical ideas from the logical positivists to

the present. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3 units.

P h i l o s o phy 1 1 4 : H ENOMENOLO Y A Ncredit: D 3 units. theP present. 3 hours a weekG(class); EXI S T EN T I A LI S M . P hilosophy 1 1 4 : movement P The H E phenomenological NOMENOLO G Y A in N contemporary D with controversies in E XGerman I S T Eand N TFrench-philosophies IALISM.

philosophy of language. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3

units. The phenomenological movement in contemporary German and French-philosophies with in philosophy of language. P hcontroversies i l o s o phy 1 9 6 : Mga P aksa3 sa hours credit: P i laoweek s o (class); p i ya n g P3i units. lipino.

P 3hilosophy 9 6 : 3Munits. ga P aksa sa hours a week (class);1credit: P ilosopiyang P ilipino . P h i l o s o phy 1 9 7 : P H ILO S O P H IC 3 Phours RO aB week LEM(class); S . credit: 3 units. P An hilosophy 1 9basic 7 : problems P H I L OinSthe O various PHIC in-depth study of the P areas R O BofLPhilosophy. E M S . 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3 units. AnPin-depth of the1basic h i l o sstudy o phy 9 8 : problems S P ECI in A the L various areas of Philosophy. 3 hours a week (class); P RO B LEM S . credit: 3 units. Prerequisite: Senior standing. 3 hours a week (class);

P credit: hilosophy 198: SPECIAL 3 units. May be repeated for additional three (3) PROBLEMS. units.

Prerequisite: Senior standing. 3 hours a week P h i credit: l o s o3 phy 1 9be 9 : repeated S ENIOR (class); units. May for RE S E Athree RC H(3). units. additional course is designed1 to train P This hilosophy 99 : Sstudents E N I OtoRdo research R in E Sany E Amajor R Careas H . in philosophy. Prerequisite: Senior standing. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3 units.

This course is designed to train students to do research in any major areas in philosophy. Prerequisite: Senior standing. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3 units.

JOURNALISMElectives J 1 8 N e ws i n th e N e w C e n t u r y . Reading & understanding the news towards developing a critical public voice. 3u.

J 1 8 N ews J 1 0in 0 the H i stNoew ry C o entury. f th e P r e ss . Reading & understanding the news towards developing a Development of the news media, including Asia & the critical public voice. 3u. Philippines. 3 u. J 1 0 0 H istory of the P ress . J 1 0 1 I n t rofothe du c t media, i o n tincluding o Jour n a&lthe ism. Development news Asia Philippines. 3 u. and standards of journalism; types of news; Functions, principles reportorial P r e r e q u i s i t to e : any course on English J 1 0 1 skills. I ntroduction J ournalism . and any course on Philippine History. 3 u. grammar Functions, principlesJ and of journalism; 1 0 2standards N e ws R e p o r types t i n gof. news; reportorial skills. P rere q uisite : any course on English grammar and course 3 3u. Covering and writing theany news. P r eon r ePhilippine q u i s i tHistory. e : J101. u. J102 N ews R eporting . J 1 and 0 3 writing I n tthe e rnews. p r e Ptat i v eq W r i t i n: J101. g. Covering rere uisite 3 u. News analysis and commentary, including columns and J103 I nterpretative Wuriting editorials. P r e r e q i s i t e :. J102. 3 u. News analysis and commentary, including columns and J 1 0 5P rere I n vq e st i gat: J102. i v e 3R u. eporting. editorials. uisite and techniques of investigative journalism. J 1 0 5 Principles I nvestigative R eporting . P r e r e q u i s i t e : J102. 3 u. Principles and techniques of investigative journalism. P rere q uisite J 1 0 7 : J102. B u s3i u. n e ss R e p o r t i n g . J107 B usiness R eporting . and industry. Covering developments in business Covering developments in u business industry. Prereq i s i t eand : J102, Econ 100.1. 3 u. P rere q uisite : J102, Econ 100.1. 3 u. J109 Writing for Popular J109 W riting for P opular Audiences. A udiences . Principles of popularizing technical and scientific Principlesand andtechniques techniques of popularizing technical and materials for general audiences and publication in the mass scientific materials for general audiences and publication in the mass media.media. P rere 3 u. 3 u. P rq e ruisite e q u i s: JS/COI. i t e : JS/COI. J110 J ournalism E thics . J 1 1 0 J o u r n a l i s m Eth i c s . Analysis ofAnalysis ethical ofissues and problems in journalism. ethical issues and problems in journalism. P rere q uisite : J102. 3 u. P r e r e q u i s i t e : J102. 3 u. J111 F eature W riting . J 1 1 1 F e at u r e W r i t i n g . Principles and techniques of writing feature articles for newspapers and magazines. P rere q feature uisite : anyfor Principles and techniques of writing articles course on literature and the newspapers and magazines. P r humanities. e r e q u i s3 iu.t e : any course literature and the humanities. 3 u. J 1 1 2 R eportingonon the E nvironment . J 1 1 2 R e p o r t i n g o n th e E n v i r o n m e n t . Principles and techniques of writing news and feature Principles andthe techniques of writing news and feature articles articles about environment. P rere q uisite : J102. 3u. about the environment. P r e r e q u i s i t e : J102. 3u. JJ11 11 66 CCoomputer ssisted m p u t e r - -AAss i st e d RReeporting porting. .

Principles and techniques in using database management software and the Internet in newsreporting. P r e r e q u i s i t e : J102. 3u. J 1 1 7 Oinnusing l i n database e Journalism. Principles and techniques management software and the Internet in newsreporting. News reporting and production for the Internet & the World P rere q uisite Wide: J102. Web. P3u. r e r e q u i s i t e : J102. 3 u. J 1 1 7 O nline J ournalism J 1 2 1 T h e N. e ws r o o m . News reporting and production for the Internet & the Copyediting, headline writing, simple layouting; evaluating the World Wide Web. P rere q uisite : J102. 3 u. news, and planning news coverage. P r e r e q u i s i t e : J110. J121 T he N ewsroom . 3 u. Copyediting, headline writing, simple layouting; J 1 2 2 P u b l i c at i o n D e s i g n a n d Lay o u t. evaluating the news, and planning news coverage. Computer in designing magazines, brochures, P rere qusage uisite : J110. newspapers, 3 u. newsletters, and websites. P r e r e q u i s i t e : J121. 3 u. J122 P ublication D esign and J123 Photojournalism. L ayout . Computer usage in designing newspapers, Basic principles of photographic coverage of news events. magazines,P rbrochures, and e r e q unewsletters, i s i t e : J102, COIwebsites. for non-majors. 3 u. P rere q uisite : J121. 3 u. J 1 3 3 A l t e r n at i v e J o u r n a l i s m . J123 P hotojournalism . Reporting for and about special audiences and development Basic principles of photographic issues. P r e r coverage e q u i s i tofe news : J102. 3 u. events. P rere q uisite : J102, COI for non-majors. J 1 3 6 C o m m u n i ty P r e ss . 3 u. J 1 3History, 3 A lternative . development and presentJ ournalism conditions of the community press in the Philippines, with practical application of journalism Reporting for and about special audiences and principles and techniques. P rq e ruisite e q u i s: J102. i t e : J102. development issues. P rere 3 u. 3 u. J 1 5P1ress A d. v e r t i s i n g . J136 C ommunity History, principles, management, and conditions application ofofadvertising History, development and present the P r e r ewith q upractical i s i t e : J102. 3 u. community press inprocesses. the Philippines, application of journalism principles and techniques. J 1 5 2 P u b l i c I n f o r m at i o n & P u b l i c P rere q uisite : J102. 3 u. R e l at i o n s . J151 A dvertising . Principles, ethics, processes, tools, techniques, and the History, principles, application of practice ofmanagement, public relations,and including public information. advertising processes. PP rere uisite r e r eq qu i s i t e :: J102. J102, SS.3 3u.u. J 1 5 2 J P1 ublic &rting. 9 5 S p Ienformation cialized Repo P ublic R elations . Writing for special newspaper & magazine sections, theory & Principles, ethics, processes, tools, techniques, and the practice. 3 u. practice of public relations, including public information. P rere q uisite : J102, SS. 3 u. J195 S pecialized R eporting . Writing for special newspaper & magazine sections, theory & practice. 3 u.

IEElectives IE 3 I n t r o d u c t i o n t o I n d u st r i a l E n g i n e e r i n g .

Systems concepts, the industrial organization & its functions, overview of industrial engineering tools. Prereq: JS. 3 u. I n d u st r i a l O rto ga Inndustrial i zat i o n & EMa n ag e m e n. t . IIE E 33 1I ntroduction ngineering Basic features governing the organization, administration, & financing of industries. Relations betweentools. laborPrereq: & management. Systems concepts, the industrial organization & its functions, overview of industrial engineering JS. 3 u. Prereq: JS. 3 u. I E 3 1 I ndustrial O rganization & M anagement . IE 1 3features 6 Magoverning n u fa c the t uorganization, r i n g S yst ems. Basic administration, & financing of industries. Relations between labor & management. Prereq: JS. 3 u. Primary activities of a manufacturing firm. Manufacturing practices. Prereq: SS, COI. 3 u. IIE E 11 3 M uanufacturing 3 76 Q a l i ty S yst e m sS ystems i n Ma n. u fa c t u r i n g . Primary activities of a manufacturing firm. Manufacturing practices. Prereq: SS, COI. 3 u. Concepts of quality. World-class quality programs & standard. Performance measurement & competitive priorities. IBenchmarking. E 1 3 7 Quality S ystems in M anufacturing . Coreq: IE 136. 3 u. Concepts of quality. World-class quality programs & standard. Performance measurement & competitive priorities. IE 1 3 8 MaCoreq: n u faIEc136. t u 3r u. i n g Ma n ag e m e n t . Benchmarking. & financial aspects of manufacturing. Manufacturing management principles. Prereq: SS, COI. 3 u. IOrganizational E 1 3 8 M anufacturing M anagement . IE 1 4 1 Op e&rfinancial at i o naspects s R e sofemanufacturing. a r c h I . Manufacturing management principles. Prereq: SS, COI. 3 u. Organizational I E 1 4 1 research O perations esearchmodels I . for linear systems; linear programming; duality & sensitivity analysis; Operations methodology;Roptimization transportation, assignment, & network optimization models. Prereq: ES 21/COI. 3 u. systems; linear programming; duality & sensitivity Operations research methodology; models for linear analysis; transportation, assignment, & network models. Prereq: ES 21/COI. 3 u. IE 1 4 2 Op e r at i o n s R e s e a r c h II . I E 1 4 2 O perations R esearch I I . Matrix approach to linear programming; integer programming; dynamic programming; goal programming; game theory. Matrix to COI. linear Prereq:approach ES 26, IE 141, 3 u.programming; integer programming; dynamic programming; goal programming; game theory. Prereq: ES 26, IE 141, COI. 3 u. 5 00 SS yst e m s EE valuation v a l u at i o n. . IIE E 11 5 ystems Criteria for evaluation of systems. Technological, economic & human factors. Prereq: Acctg 1, Econ 100.1. 3 u. IE 1 9 7 S p e c i a l T o p i c s . 3 u.

HRIMElectives H R I M 1 0 8 F ranchise M anagement in H otels , R estaurants & RIM 1 0 8 I Fnstitutions r a n c h i s e Ma. nPrereq: ag e m t i n H o t e l s , R e sta u r a n ts & R e l at e d RH elated SS.e 3n units I n st i t u t i o n s . Prereq: SS. 3 units H R I M 1 1 2 B usiness M anagement in H otels , R estaurants & RIM 1 1 2 I Bnstitutions u s i n e ss Ma n ag e m e n t i n H o t e l s , R e sta u r a n ts & R e l at e d RH elated I n st i t u t i o n s

educElectives 1 0 1 P h i l i pp i n e Ed u c at i o n a l S yst e m 1 0 1 P hilippine E ducational History, organization, programs, & professional ethis. 3 u. S ystem

Use of computers in education. Basic concents, principles & applications of programming. 7h. (1 lec, 6 lab) 3u.

Ed u c at i o n a l A d m i n i st r at i o n

Use of computers in education. Basic concents,( E D A D ) principles & applications of programming. 7h. (1 lec, 6 lab) 3u.

Objectives, functions, principles, & practices of 1 8 0 leaning Stud e n t systems. T e a c3u. hing non-conventional delivery

1 0 1 T h e C o n st i t u t i o n & Laws & P o l i c i e s Ai n Ed u c at i o n . 3 u . E ducational dministration (EDAD) A r t Ed u c at i o n ( E D A R T ) 1 0 1 T he C onstitution & L aws & P olicies in E ducation . 3 u . 1 0 2 A r t Ed u c at i o n A rt E ducation ( E D A R T )

1 8 0 S tudent T eaching Teaching internship in the laboroty school &/or

1 0 2 A rt E ducation

Teaching in the in schoolinternship activities. 8u; maylaboroty be taken inschool 1 sem, &/ for 8u. or 2 or cooperating school including observations sem, for 4u.&each. participation in school activities. 8u; may be taken in 1 sem, for 8u. or 2 sem, for 4u. each. 181 Senior Seminar 1 8 1 S enior S eminar

Historical & issues 1 0 6development, A r t Edtrends, u c at i o nin art & &Hartu m a n education. 3u. Development

Synthesis & integration of leaning in the BEEd & BSE

Theories about growth & development of learners in & through & art 3u.c at i o n i n B as i c 1 1art 5 A r teducation. Produ

0 1 A l t e rprograms, n at i v&eprofessional Learning History,1organization, ethis. 3 u. D e l i v e r y S yst e m s 1 0 1 AObjectives, lternative L earning functions, principles, & practices of nonD elivery S ystems

conventional leaning delivery systems. 3u.

cooperating school including observations & participation

Synthesis & integration of leaning in thewith BEEd programs. 2u.; may be taken concurrently EDUC 180; & BSE programs. 2u.; may be taken concurrently students taking the 1-yr. (2 sem.) internship course should with EDUC 180; students taking the 1-yr. (2 sem.) EDUC 181 during 181 the latter sem. internship course enroll shouldin enroll in EDUC during the latter sem. 1 8 3 T e a c h i n g I n t e r n sh i p i n 1 8 3 T eaching E l e m eI nternship n ta r y S c hin ools E lementary S chools

Historical development, trends, & issues in art & art education. 3u.

1 0 6 A rt E ducation & H uman Theories about growth & development of learners in & D evelopment

through art & art education. 3u.

Ed u c at i o n 1 1 5 A rt P roducation in B asic E ducation

Exploration & applications of various media, materials, tools, techiniques, & processes in creating visual arts, in Exploration & applications of various media, materials, education. tools, techiniques, & processes in creatingbasic visual arts, in 3u. basic education. 3u.

Supervised intensiveoff-campus off-campus teaching. Prereq: Supervised intensive teaching. EDUC 181. 5u. P rere q : EDUC 181. 5u.

1 2 5 A r t A pp r e c i at i o n i n B as i c 1 2 5 A rt A ppreciationEd inu Bcasic at i o n E ducation

1 8 6 1 A8 pproaches 6 A pp r o a c hto e s Vtalues o Va l u e s E ducation Ed u c at i o n

Content & approaches in aesthetic, art criticism & art Content & approaches in aesthetic, art criticism & art history arpplied to basic education. history arpplied to basic education.

Teaching strategies in values education in the Teaching strategies in values education the elementary elementary and secondary schools. Pinrere q: and secondary schools. P r e r e q : JS. 3u. JS. 3u.

C u r r i c u l uDmesign D e s i gin n i Anrt Art 1 3 51 3C5urriculum E ducation Ed u c at i o n

1 9109 0CComputers o m p u t e r sini nE ducation Ed u c at i o n

ApproachesApproaches & strategies planningin curriculum & & in strategies planning curriculum & instruction in art education. 3u. instruction in art education. 3u.

educElectives 165 Field Experiences in Art Ed u c at i o n


1 6 5 F ield E x periences in A rt of & participation in various school & nonE Observation ducation

v eNlo E D 1U0C0ADT eI O A Lp FmOeUnNta D lA P T IsOuNc Sh o lo gy (EDFD)

102 / COI. 3u. of & participation in various school & Observation non-school settings for art education. P rere q : EDART 102 / COI. 3u. 1 7 5 T e a c h i n g o f C r e at i v e A r ts i n th e E l e m e n ta r y S c h o o l . 1 7 5 T eaching of C reative A rts in the E lementary S Integrative choolteaching . of the visual & perforing arts in the

Factors affecthing the growth, development & behavior 1 0 of0 the D evelopmental individual from childhood to adulthood & their P suchology implications for education & guidance. P r e r e q : Psych 101, COI. 3u. Factors affecthing the growth, development & behavior of the individual from childhood to adulthood 1 1 3 L&etheir a rimplications n i n g S for tyeducation les o& f guidance. Ch i lPdrere r e nq : Psych 101, COI. 3u.

school settings for art education. P r e r e q : EDART

elementary school. 3u.

Integrative teaching of the visual & perforing arts in the elementary school. 3u. 1 7 9 T e a c h i n g A r t i n th e S e c o n da r y S c h o o l . 1 7 9 T eaching A rt in the S econdary S chool . P r e r e q : EDFD 116. 3u.

P rere q : EDFD 116. 3u. COUN S ELOR E D UC A T ION ( E D CO ) COUNSELOR EDUCATION (EDCO) 1 0 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n t o G u i da n c e 1 0 1 I ntroduction to G uidance

Philosophy, principles, & techiniques of guidance & organizationprinciples, of guidance&programs. 3u. of guidance & Philosophy, techiniques

organization of guidance programs. 3u.

1 0 2 H o m e r o o m G u i da n c e 1 0 2 H omeroom G uidance Scope, concepts, principles & practices in homeroom Scope, concepts, principles & practices in guidance. P r e r e q : EDCO 101 / COI. 3u. 101 / homeroom guidance. P rere q : EDCO COI. 3u. CURRICULUM S T U D IE S ( E D C S ) CURRICULUM STUDIES (EDCS)

1 0 1 P r i n c i p l e s & P r o c e ss e s o f 1 C0 u 1 rPrrinciples i c u l u m D&e vP erocesses lopment of C urriculum D evelopment Principles && processes processes ofof curriculum development in Principles curriculum development & secondary education – planning, design, inelementary elementary & secondary education – planning, design, implementation, & evaluation. 3u. implementation, & evaluation. 3u.

1 1 3 L earning S tyles of Perceptual development & learning styles of children. 3u. C hildren

1 1 6 Ed u c at i o&nlearning a l P sy ch l o gy Perceptual development styles of o children. 3u. Process of education on the basis of pertinent 1 1 pyschological 6 E ducational sychology principles. MajorP topics in psychology

emphasizing motivation, learning, individual differences, Process of education on the basis of pertinent & personality with application to educational situations. pyschological principles. Major topics in psychology 3u emphasizing motivation, learning, individual differences, & personality with application to educational situations. 1 2 0 Ed u c at3u i o n a l T h o u ght & Practice 1 2 0 E ducational T hought & P ractice Development of major educational theories & ideas; their implicationsofformajor Philippine education.theories 3u. Development educational & ideas; their implications for Philippine education. 3u. 1 2 1 I n t r o d u c at i o n t o S o c i o 1 2 c1 uI ntroducation to i Soocio l t u r a l F o u n dat n cultural F oundation The socio-cultural factors that affect growth & The socio-cultural factors that affect growth & developmentfocusing focusingon on the the socialization & development socializationprocesses processes development of attitudes & values. 3u. & development of attitudes & values. 3u.

H EH A LETAHL T E DHU ECDA TUC I OANT ION 1 0 10 0 F0undamentals of F u n da m e n ta l sH ealthful of L iving H e a l thf u l L i v i n g

educElectives Concepts, principles, & ways of healthful living & their application. 3u.

Health care & guidance of mother & child, including the family, P r e r e q : EDH 100 / COI. 3u.

Concepts, principles, & ways of healthful living & 0 1 T e a c3u.h i n g o f S c i e n c e & their 1application. H e a lth i n E l e m e n ta r y S c h o o l s 1 0 1 T eaching of S cience & HTeaching ealth in E lementary methodologies & current trends in integrated S chools science & health education. 3u.

Health & eguidance & child, 1 5 care 0 Th T e a cof h mother ing o f H e a l th including the family, P rere q : EDH / COI. Ed 100 u c at ion 3u.

Teaching methodologies & current trends in 1 1 0 science A pp l i&ehealth d M education. icrobio integrated 3u.l o gy & Ep i d e m i o l o gy i n H e a l th Ed u c at i o n 1 1 0 A pplied M icrobiology & E pidemiology in H ealth E ducation Microorganisms & parasites; disease prevention &

control. & 3u. Microorganisms & parasites; disease prevention

control. 3u. 1 1 5 S c h o o l H e a lth Ed u c at i o n 1 1 5 S chool H ealth E ducation

Principles & techniques in the school health education

materials, subjectof matter, problems, current 1 5 0 Objectives, T he T eaching H ealth trends & methods of teaching health education. E ducation

P r e r e q : EDFD 116. 3u.

Objectives, materials, subject matter, problems, 1 6&0methods H e a lofthf u l health Schoolcurrent trends teaching Co m m u116. n i 3u. ty L i v i n g education. P rere q : EDFD 1 6 0 Basic H ealthful S chool principles & approaches in environmental health C ommunity iving education & primaryL health care P r e r e q : . EDH 100

/ COI. 3u.

Basic principles & approaches in environmental health education & primary health care 170 q S c: .hEDH o o100 l H e/ COI. a lth P rere 3u.S u p e r v i s i o n

Principles & techniques in the school health program (with emphasis on the teacher’s education program (with emphasis on therole) for the school child. (For BEEd students & for other non-health teacher’s role) for the school child. (For BEEd majors). P r e r e majors). q : EDH 100 / COI. 3u. students & for other non-health P rere q : EDH 100 / COI. 3u. 1 2 0 N u t r i t i o n i n H e a l th 1 2 0 N utrition in H ealth Ed u c at i o n E ducation

of supervision in school health programs with 1 7 0Principles S chool H ealth emphasis on teacher’s role in school health services. S upervision

& nutrition for normal & special healthneeds. needs. Food &Food nutrition for normal & special health P rere q : EDH 100 P/ rCOI. e r 3u. e q : EDH 100 / COI. 3u.

1 7 1 C ommunity O rganization Principles, techniques, processes & practicum in for organizing H ealth E ducation a community for health development. 3h. (1

112255 SSafety ducation af e tyEEd u c at i o n&& FFirst i r st A id . Aid. Principles, techniques & approaches in safety Principles,with techniques & approaches safety education education emphasis on basic in skills in first aid & emergency care for sick.aid3u. with emphasis onthe basicinjured skills in&first & emergency

Principles, techniques, processes & practicum in organizing a community for health development. 1 73u.3 S e x Ed u c at i o n 3h. (1 lec, 2 fieldwork)

care for the injured & sick. 3u.

1 3 0 C onsumer H ealth E ducation 1 3 0 C o n s u m e r H e a l th Ed health u c at i o n Problems of the consumer regarding information, products & services; principles & approaches education. P rere q : EDH Problems ofto thedrug consumer regarding health information, 100 / products COI. 3u.& services; principles & approaches to drug

education. P&r eCr hild e q : EDH 100 / COI. 3u. 1 4 0 M aternal H ealth

1 4 0 Mat e r n a l & Ch i l d H e a l th

P r e r e q : EDH 100 / COI. 3u.

Principles of supervision in school health programs 71 Com u n i tyrole O rin ga n i health zat i o n with1emphasis onmteacher’s school services. P rere f o rq :H EDH e a l100 th/ COI. Ed u3u.c at i o n

lec, 2 fieldwork) 3u.

approaches & teaching materials for 1 7 3 Principles, S e x Easpects, ducation

sex education. P r e r e q : EDH 100, 140 / COI. 3u.

Principles, aspects, approaches & teaching materials 1 7 4for Psexo education. p u l at i Porere n Edqu: cEDH at i o n 100, 140 / COI. 3u. IntroductionE to population education 3u. 1 7 4 P opulation ducation

Introduction to population education 3u.

educElectives La n g u ag e T e a c h i n g ( E D L ) 1 0 1 A pp l i e d L i n g u i st i c s f o r LT anguage T eaching ) es. eaching in th e Ea r ly( EGDrL ad

Operational knowledge of the phonological, structural, & 1 0 1 A patterns pplied L inguistics for discoursal of English and Filipino for pedagogical T eaching E arly purposes. P r e r ein q : the EDLR 101/COI. 3 u. G rades .

Operational knowledge of the phonological, structural, & discoursal patterns of English and Filipino rere 1 0 5 Tfor h epedagogical D e v e l o purposes. p m e n tPo f O rqa: l EDLR La n101/COI. g u ag e3.u.Theory & research on language

acquisition. 3 u.

1 0 5 T he D evelopment of O ral L anguage . Theory & research on language 1 1 1 P h o3nu.o l o gy & G r a m m a r o f acquisition. E n g l i sh . Phonological & Structural patterns of English teaching English in basic 3 u. 1 1 1 for P honology & education. G rammar of E nglish . Phonological & Structural patterns English for teaching English in basic 1 1 2 Paofl ata education. 3 u. n u n ga n at B a l a r i l a n g F i l i p i n o pa r a sa m ga G u r o n g F i l i p i n o . Pagsusuri ng mga mahalagang 1 1 2 P alatanungan at B alarila aspekto balarilang Filipino ng F ng ilipino parana kinabibilangan sa mga ng mga tunog, gamit (uses of rhetorical functions), G uro ng F ilipino . Pagsusuri ng pagpapangalan, pagpapanuri, pagtuturing, atbp. 3 u. mga mahalagang aspekto ng balarilang Filipino na kinabibilangan ng mga tunog, gamit (uses of rhetorical functions), pagpapangalan, 1 1 2 C o m mpagtuturing, u n i c atatbp. i v e 3Gu.r a m m a r pagpapanuri, f o r T e a c h e r s o f E n g l i sh i n structures B 1as c ommunicative Ed u c at i o n . Grammatical 1 2 iC G rammar of English considering meanings, contexts & use. for T eachers of E nglish Prereq: in EDL 111. 3 u.E ducation . Grammatical B asic structures of English considering meanings, contexts & use. Prereq: EDL 111. 3 u. 1 2 1 T h e T e a c h i n g o f E n g l i sh Objectives, as c o Tneaching d La n g uof ag eE .nglish 1 2 1S Te he subject matter, materials, trends, problems & methods of as S econd L anguage . Objectives, teaching u. subject English. matter, 3materials, trends, problems & methods of teaching English. 3 u. 122 The Teaching of Filipino. 1 2 2 T he T eaching F ilipino Objectives, materials, subject matter,of problems, current . Objectives, materials, subject matter, problems, trends, methods&ofmethods teaching of Filipino. 3 u. Filipino. 3 u. current&trends, teaching 1 2 5 E nglish n g l i sh for f o r T Teachers e a c h e r. s . Management of classroom interaction; of Management of classroom interaction; patternspatterns of discourseincluding including forms & patterns employed in discourse forms & patterns employed in

developing concepts & processes, academic reading & writing. 3 u.

developing concepts 128 Tea c h i n &g processes, o f S p eacademic e c h . Principles reading & writing. 3 u. & methods of teaching speech in the elementary school. P r e r e q : SS in speech/COI. 3 u. 1 2 8 T eaching of S peech . Principles & methods of teaching speech in the elementary 1 4 1 P La n gqu: SS aginespeech/COI. T e st 3 u. school. rere D e v e l o p m e n t . Principles of language test & their application 1 construction 4 1 L anguage T estin the preparation of language tests.. PPrinciples r e r e qof: EDL 101/COI.test 3 u. D sample evelopment language construction & their application in the preparation of sample language tests. P rere q : EDL 101/COI. 3 La u. n g u ag e & R e ad i n g ( E D LR ) L anguage & Language R eading ( E D Theories LR) & 101 Foundations of and Reading. principles of language acquisition & the reading process. 101 3 u.Foundations of Language and Reading. Theories & principles of language acquisition & the reading process. 3 u. P r o f e ss i o n a l Ed u c at i o n ( E D P ) P rofessional E ducation ( E D P ) 1 2 8 M u s i c Ed u c at i o n i n th e l eMmusic e n taE rducation y S c h o o in l . The 1E 28 thereading, writing, & singing of Ssimple music. 3. u.The reading, E lementary chool writing, & singing of simple music. 3 u.

1 2 9 M u s i c M e th o ds i n H i gh 1S 29 ethods in music H ighthe high Methods teaching c hMousic o. lMethods . M S chool ofofteaching music in in the high schoolwith withemphasis emphasis on on the of vocal & school thevarious variousaspects aspects of vocal general music classclass & other & instrumental instrumental programs, programs,thethe general music & other specialized offerings. q : 116. EDFD specialized offerings. P r e rPerere q : EDFD 3 u.116. 3 u. R e ad i n g Ed u c at i o n ( E D R ) R eading E ducation ( E D R ) h eR Reading e ad i n gP rocess P r o c e ss . Theories 11 00 1 1TThe . Theories basicprinciples principles of in in thethe secondary && basic of reading readinginstruction instruction secondary level. 3u. level. 3u. 11 11 0 0T Teaching e a c h i n gofo fR eading R e ad i n and g and L iterature . Objectives, subject matter, Objectives, subject matter, materials, L i t e r at u r e . materials, current trends, problems and methods of current trends, problems and methods of teaching reading teaching reading and literature. P rere q : EDR and literature. 101/COI. 3 u. P r e r e q : EDR 101/COI. 3 u.

educElectives 1 2 0 S e l e c t i o n & A n a l ys i s o f I n st r u c t i o n a l Mat e r i a l s in Reading. Approaches in the selection & analysis of

instructional materials&for the teaching of reading Concepts, principles, ways of healthful living in& the their application. 3u.schools. P r e r e q : EDR 101. 3 u. elementary

1 0 1 T eaching of S cience &1 H 2 1ealth Ch i l dinr eEnlementary ’ s L i t e r at u r e . Survey S chools & evaluation of literature for children in the elementary

grades based on criteria for selection of materials.

Teaching methodologies & current trends in Includesscience materials&inhealth book form, magazines,3u. recordings, integrated education. radio & television programs

1 1 0 A pplied M icrobiology & E pidemiology in H ealth 1 5 1 R e ad i n g D i ag n o s i s & E ducation R e m e d i at i o n . Basic Principles & techniques of classroom diagnosis & remediation of reading difficulties. Microorganisms & parasites; disease prevention & control. 3u. P r e r e q : EDL 141. 3 u. 1 1 5 S chool H ealth E ducation 169 Theory & Practice in Principles & itechniques Teach n g B e gini nthe n school i n g Rhealth e ad i n g . education program (withReading. emphasis on the& materials Techniques Beginning Techniques teacher’sinrole) for the schoolreading child.with (Forobservation BEEd teaching beginning & students & for other non-health majors). apprenticeship. P r e r e q : EDLR 101 3 u. P rere q : EDH 100 / COI. 3u. 1 2 0 SNp utrition inc at H ealth e c i a l Ed u ion (EDSP) E ducation Food &c special needs. 1 0 1& Snutrition p e c ifor a lnormal Ed u at i ohealth n . Historical P rere q : EDH 100 / COI. 3u. development; programs & services in special education.

1 2 5 S afety E ducation & F irst3 u. A id . 1 1 0 R e hab i l i tat i o n f o r th e Principles, techniques approaches safety A typ i cemphasis a l A& d o lbasic e s cskills einnin tfirst . Special education with on aid & relation to psychosocial, emergencyeducation care forinthe injured & sick. 3u. medical & vocational rehabilitation. 3 u.

1 3 0 C onsumer H ealth E ducation 1 1 4 P r o g r a m M o d i f i c at i o n f o r Learn r sconsumer w i th regarding S p e c i ahealth l N e e ds . Problems of ethe observations, analysis & development of information,Survey, products & services; principles & approaches drug education. P rere q : EDH institution to based & alternative programs & services for 100 / COI. 3u. special learners. 3 u. 1 4 0 M aternal & C hild H ealth 121 Creativity. Theory & practice; identification &

development of creativity among special learners. 3 u.

1 2 2 M o n t e ss o r i & Oth e r pp r a c h e of s mother i n Ch i l dh o o d HealthAcare &o guidance & child, including the family, P rere q : methods EDH 100& /techniques COI. Education. Philosophy, principles, 3u. of the Montessori & other approaches. 3 u. 1 5 0 T he T eaching of H ealth E ducation 1 2 3 Ea r l y I n t e r v e n t i o n f o r E x c e pt i o n a l Ch i l d r e n . Programsand Objectives, materials, subject matter, problems,children services early intervention for exceptional current trends &inmethods of teaching health with focus on family education. P rere q : involvement EDFD 116.and 3u.multidisciplinary

approaches. P r e r e q : EDSP 101, HE 100/COI. 3 u.

1 6 0 H ealthful S chool C ommunity L iving 1 2 4 D i ag n o st i c - P r e s c r i pt i v e T eprinciples aching i n S p e c i ainlenvironmental Ed u c at i o n . Basic & approaches health education & primary health care & instructional Psychoeducational assessment P rere q : . EDHin100 / COI. 3u. P r e r e q : EDSP programming special education.

101/COI. 3 u.

1 7 0 S chool H ealth S upervision 1 2 6 M e th o ds & Mat e r i a l s Principles ofisupervision n T e a cinhschool i n g health th e programs G i ft e d with emphasis on teacher’s rolewin ischool & Ch ildren th Mhealth e n ta l services. PRrere : EDHi 100 e ta q r dat o n / &COI. B e3u.ha v i o r e rrganization e q : EDSP 101/COI. 3 u. b l e m s . P rO 1 7 1P rCoommunity for H ealth E ducation 1 2techniques, 7 M e thprocesses o ds && practicum Mat e r ini a l s Principles, i n T e a c h i n g Ch i l d r e n organizing a community for health development. th S e n 3h. (1 lec,w2i fieldwork) 3u.s o r y & P hys i c a l D i sab i l i t i e s . P r e r e q : 101/COI. 3 u. 1 7 3 S e x E ducation 1 2 8 Caspects, u r r i capproaches ular Pro isions for Principles, & vteaching G i ftfore sex d Aeducation. d o l e sPcrere e n ts Those materials q :& EDH i th/ COI. M e3u. n ta l R e ta r dat i o n & 100,w140 B e ha v i o r P r o b l e m s . P r e r e q : EDSP 101/COI. 3 u. 1 7 4 P opulation E ducation Introduction 1 2 9 C uto r rpopulation i c u l a reducation P r o v i s3u. ions for A d o l e s c e n ts w i th S e n s o r y & P hys i c a l D i sab i l i t i e s . P r e r e q :

EDSP 101/COI. 3 u.

1 3 0 L e a r n i n g D i sab i l i t i e s .

educElectives Theories, principles & instructional approaches. 3 u.

141 Field Experiences in S p e c i a l Ed u c at i o n . Observation of & Theories, principles & instructional approaches. 3 u. participation in school & non-school based special education programs. P r e r e q : EDSP 101, 114/COI. 1 4 1 F ield E x periences in 3S u. pecial E ducation . Observation of &

participation in school & non-school based special education programs. 101, Ed u3 cu. at i o n a Pl rere T e cq h : nEDSP olo gy114/ COI. ( E D T EC H )

E ducational T echnology 1 ( E0D1T EI n C Hst ) ructional Media R e s o u r c e s . Production & use of different types 1 0media 1 I nstructional M edia3 u. of resources for classroom instruction. R esources . Production & use of different types of media resources for classroom instruction. 3 S o c i a l S t u d i e s Ed u c at i o n u. (EDSSE) S ocial S tudies E ducation ( E0D5SSSo E )c i a l S t u d i e s Ed u c at i o n . 1 Content & methods drawn from the social sciences for 1 0 5 S ocial S tudies E ducation . elementary&&methods secondarydrawn socialfrom studies. u. Content the3social sciences

for elementary & secondary social studies. 3 u. 120 Contemporary Concerns 1 C oncerns i n2 0S oCcontemporary i a l S t u d i e s Ed u c at i o n . in ocial tudies E ducation . IssuesS & challengesSfacing contemporary society: Issues & challenges facing contemporary society: implications totosocial studies education. 3 u. 3 u. implications social studies education. 1 6 1 TT he h e TTeaching e a c h i n gofo Sf ocial Social SS tudies methods of content, methods of teaching, t u d i e .s Objectives, . Objectives,content, teaching, current trends, & problems of teaching current studies. trends, &Pproblems social3studies. social rere qof: teaching EDFD 116. u. P r e r e q : EDFD 116. 3 u. T eaching in the E arly G rades (TEeDaTcE h G i) n g i n th e Ea r l y G r ad e s (EDTEG) 1 0 1 T eaching in the E arly G rades ( K - 2 ) . Objectives, scope, principles, 1 0 1 T e&atrends c h iinnteaching g i n th e children Ea r l(K-2). y problems young 3 G u.r ad e s ( K - 2 ) . Objectives, scope, principles, problems & trends in teaching young children (K-2). 3 u. 1 0 2 P lay & O ther P hysical A ctivities in the L earning 0 2 P l ay. The & importance Oth e r ofP play hysin ithe cal P1 rocess A c t i v i t i e s i n th e L e a r n i n g learning P r o c e ss . The importance of play in the learning

process. Play activities in relation to teaching in the early grades. 3 u.

Science Teaching (EDSC) process. Play activities in relation to teaching in the early grades. 3 u. 101 The Teaching of Science. Objectives, materials, problems, current S cience T eaching ( E Dtrends, S C )& methods of teaching science. P R e r e q : EDFD 116/ 1 COI. 0 1 3 Tu. he T eaching of S cience .

Objectives, materials, problems, current trends, & methods science. P R ere q : EDFD 1 0 6 Bof3eteaching 116/COI. u.g i n n i n g N u m b e r & S c i e n c e C o n c e pts i n Y o u n g Ch i l d r e n . Development and acquisition of 1 concepts 0 6 B eginning N umber & the of numbers, space, time & reasoning; S cience C oncepts in Y oung of scientific thinking process skills in of Cbeginning hildren . Development and &acquisition children. 3ofu. numbers, space, time & reasoning; the concepts beginning of scientific thinking process & skills in children. 3 u. 121 The Teaching of Math e m at i c s . Objectives, materials, 1 2 1 T he T eaching of subject matter, current .trends, & methods of teaching M athematics Objectives, materials, mathematics. r e r e trends, q : EDFD subject matter,P current & 116/COI. methods3 u. of teaching mathematics. P rere q : EDFD 116/ COI. 3 u. 1 2 5 G e o m e t r y f o r E l e m e n ta r y S c h o o l T e a c h e r s . Demonstrative 1 geometry; 2 5 G eometry for relationships; E lementary common shapes & their areas & S chool T eachers . Demonstrative perimeters of polygonal regions. 3 u. geometry; common shapes & their relationships; areas & perimeters of polygonal regions. 3 u. 1 2 6 F u n da m e n ta l Math e m at i c s 1C 26 Mo athematics o nF undamental c e pts & M e th ds f o r CEoncepts & M ethods l e m e n ta r y S c h o o l S cfor i e n c e . The E lementary S numeration choolsystems S cience . teaching of numbers & arithmetic The teaching of numbers & numeration systems operationsoperations with natural with and rational divisibility, arithmetic naturalnumbers, and rational ratio, proportion & percentage; informal &geometry & numbers, divisibility, ratio, proportion percentage; informal geometry measurement. 3 u. & measurement. 3 u. 1 13 32 2L Lab aboratory ork o r at o r yW W o r kini n th e the T eaching of E lementary Teachin g o f E l. eModern m e n ta r yin S chool S cience trends Modern trends S c h o o l S c i e n c e . laboratory & demonstration techniques & useinof laboratory & demonstration techniques of improvised apparatus. Prereq: Major&inuse Science/ COI. 7h (1 lec, 6 lab)Prereq: 3 u. Major in Science/COI. 7h (1 improvised apparatus. lec, 6 lab) 3 u.

educElectives 1 5 2 Lab o r at o r y W o r k i n th e T e a c h i n g o f H i gh S c h o o l B i o l o gy . Modern trends in laboratory and

demonstration techniques & use of improvised apparatus.

1 5P 2r eLraboratory W ork e q : Major in science/COI. 7h. (1in lec, 6the lab). 3 u. T eaching of H igh S chool B iology. Modern trends in laboratory and 1 6 2 Lab o r at o r&yuse W of o improvised r k i n th e demonstration techniques T e a Pc rere h i n gq :o Major f H iingh S c h o o7h.l apparatus. science/COI. Ch e m i3st (1 lec, 6 lab). u. r y . Modern trends in laboratory &

demonstration techniques & use of improvised apparatus e q : Major in science/COI. 7h. (1in lec, 6the lab) 3 u. 1 6P2r eL raboratory W ork

T eaching of H igh S chool C1hemistry. 7 2 Lab o r Modern at o r trends y W oin rlaboratory k i n th e & demonstration techniques & use of improvised Teachin g od H i gh School apparatus P rere science/COI. Modernintrends in laboratory7h. & P hys i cq s .: Major (1demonstration lec, 6 lab) 3techniques u. & use of improvised apparatus.

P r e r e q : Major in science/COI. 7h. (1 lec, 6 lab). 3 u.

1 7 2 L aboratory W ork in the T eaching od H igh S chool u c at. i Modern o n a l trends R e s ein alaboratory r c h ( E &D RE ) P Ed hysics demonstration techniques & use of improvised 1 0 1 I n Pt rere r o dq uc tory R e s e a r c7h. h apparatus. : Major in science/COI. e th o d3ou. l o gy i n Ed u c at i o n . (1Mlec, 6 lab).

Introduction to research & statistics in education. P r e r e q : Psych E ducational R esearch ( E D 101. R E )3 u.

T e sts & M e asRuesearch r e m e n ts . 1 0114 I6ntroductory Principles, functions in & types of tests & scales, their M ethodology E ducation . construction, administration & interpretation. Introduction to research & statistics in education.3 u. P rere q : Psych 101. 3 u. 1 4 6 T ests & M easurements . Principles, functions & types of tests & scales, their construction, administration & interpretation. 3 u.

tourism Electives T - 1 0 2 W ORL D T OURI S M . Thegeography, history, attractions, facilities, travel formalities, conditions, communications, & gastronomy of important (actual & potential) tourism-oriented countries in the world. T - 1 0 2 W O R L D T O U R I S M . The T - 1 1 0 T OURI S M P RINCI P LEtravel S . Thestudy geography, history, attractions, facilities, and application of the basic components of tourism, the formalities, conditions, communications, & gastronomy factors determining priorities in touristtourism-oriented development, of important (actual & potential) the philosophy andworld. promotion of tourism, and the countries in the social, cultural and economic T - 1 1 0 T O U R I S M P significance R I N C I P LofEtourism. S . The Includes theapplication importance ofoftravel counseling, publicity study and the basic components media, research and statistics, immigration and customs of tourism, the factors determining priorities in tourist development, thedevelopment philosophy and promotion of procedures and the of tourism at regional, tourism, and the social, cultural national and international levels. and economic

significance tourism.S Includes the importance of T T - 1 1 1 T of OURI M D EVELO P MEN travel counseling, publicity media, research and CON T ROL . Quantitative & qualitative approaches statistics, immigration and customs procedures and to development planning in the tourism sector. the development of tourism at regional, national and P r e r e q : levels. Tour 122, Econ 100.1, 100.2, 3 u. international A EPLPOLIC S TT --111112 COM T O U RPI SUMT ER DEV P MA E TN ION T to computers, its INO TN OURI M . Introduction C T R O L . S Quantitative & qualitative basic components, various uses & planning applications approaches to development in in thethetourism management & operation of 122, airlines, travel agencies, sector. P rere q : Tour Econ 100.1, 100.2, hotels 3 u. & resorts & other tourism establishments. TP -r1e1r2e q C :OT-110, M P U175, T E181. R A3 Pu.P L I C A T I O N S ITN- 1T1O3U TR IOURI S M . Introduction its S M & P to H computers, ILI P P INE basic various of uses applications in the the&cultural geography CUL components, T URE . Integration management & operation of airlines, travel agencies, of the Philippines in the context of tourism planning & hotels & resorts establishments. development. P r&e other r e q tourism : Tour 110. 3 u. P rere q : T-110, 175, 181. 3 u. T - 1 1 4 D OME S T IC T OURI S M . The T- 1 1 3 TO U R I S M & P H I L I P P I N E importance of domestic travel in developing tourism. C U L T U R E . Integration of the cultural geography Various strategies &intactics to develop domesticplanning in of the Philippines the context of tourism & tourism. P r e rPerere q : Tour 151.110. 3 u. 3 u. development. q :122, Tour TT --11 11 45 EN D OTMRE E SPTRENEUR I C T O U RSI SHMI P. & TheNE W EN T ER PofRIdomestic S E D EVELO P MEN Ttourism. IN importance travel in developing examination of opportunities, T OURI S M . The Various strategies & tactics to develop domestic in preparation of business & analysis tourism. P rere q : plans Tour 122, 151. of 3 probu. lems T - 1 involved 1 5 E NinTthe R Eplanning PREN& E Uestablishment R S H I P & ofN E W tourism-oriented E N T E R P R I S enterprises. E D E V E Identification, L O P M E N selection T IN & implementation a tourism related of to opportunities, business of their T O U R I S M . ofThe examination preparation & analysis of probchoice. P r e rofebusiness q : SS &plans Tour 136. 3 u. lems involved in the planning & establishment of T T - 1 1 6 L A N D RE S OURCE & RE S OR tourism-oriented enterprises. Identification, selection A RE A D EVELO P MEN T . Analysis of the & implementation of adeveloping tourism related to business techniques in planning, & marketing land of their choice. P rere q : SS & Tour 136. 3 u. resources keeping in mind the economic, legal & physical

factors in the use, transfer, development & administration of lands for purposes of tourism. The emphasis is on the feasibility & planning of destination resort properties, & the development of recreational facilities as well as the T -overall 1 1 6 hotel L A Nphysical D R E structure. S O U R CP Er e&r Re EqS: O R T111. Tour A 3R u. E A D E V E L O P M E N T . Analysis of the techniques in planning, developing & marketing land T - 1 1 7keeping ECOinT mind OURI S M . Sustainable utilization resources the economic, legal & physical factorsenvironment in the use, transfer, development & of the natural as a component of tourism administration lands for purposes of tourism. The development;ofdevelopment and operation of ecotourism emphasis on programs. the feasibility of3destination productsisand P r e& rplanning e q : SS. u. resort properties, & the development of recreational T - 1 2as0well P RINCI P LEhotel S O F facilities as the overall physical structure. OR Gq A :NI A T ION P rere TourZ 111. 3 u. & B E H A VIOR . management T -Principles 1 1 7 E and C Otechniques T O U R I SofMorganization, . Sustainable utilization of&the natural environment a component organizational behavior as in tourism planningofbodies & tourism development; development and4 u. operation of enterprises. (Equivalent: BA 101& 104) ecotourism products and programs. P rere q : SS. 3 u. T - 1 2 1 H UM A N RE S OURCE S to the fundamental T -M 1 2A0N PARGI NEMEN C I P L E TS . Introduction OF human the areas Oprinciples R G A N I of ZA T I O resources N & B Emanagement H A V I O R . inPrinciples of acquisition, maintenance, and utilization and techniquesdevelopment, of organization, management & organizational behavior in tourismestablishments. planning bodies & of labor force in tourism-oriented Special enterprises. (Equivalent: BA 101& 104) 4 u. issues relating to the management of human resources T -shall 1 2 1alsoHbe UM A N R EPSrOe U discussed. r Re C q E: STour 120, 3 u. M A N A G E M E N T . Introduction to the fundamental T - 1 2 2of human T OURI S M management M A N A G EMEN T. principles resources in the Comparative analysisdevelopment, of different approaches & options areas of acquisition, maintenance, and utilization of labor in tourism-oriented in the management of aforce destination’s industry, specifically establishments. issues relating todirection the in the aspects Special of planning, organization, & management of human resources shall also be control. Includes a comprehensive study of the structure/ discussed. P rere q : Tour 120, 3 u. of Rthe T -organization 122 TOU I Snational M M A tourism N A G Eorganizations M E N T . in various countries. P r e r e q : Tour 110 & 120. Comparative analysis of different approaches & 3 u. options in the management of a destination’s industry, specifically in the aspects of planning, organization, T - 1 2 &6 control. MICEIncludes M A Na Acomprehensive G EMEN Tstudy . A study direction of Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions & Exhibitions of the structure/organization of the national tourism (MICE) industry as a vitalcountries. component of tourism an organizations in various P rere q : &Tour 110 & 120. 3 to u. the various functions, techniques, methods introduction & approaches in the planning & organizing meetings, T -conventions 1 2 6 M I C& Eexhibitions; MANAG E M E NonT incentive . A studytravel of overview Meetings, Incentive Exhibitions & its features. P r eTravel, r e qConventions : Tour 110 &&151. 3 u. (MICE) industry as a vital component of tourism & - 1 3 1 M AtoN the A Gvarious EMEN T A CCOUN T IN G anTintroduction functions, techniques, F OR &T approaches OURI S MinEN ER P RI S E S . Usesof methods the T planning & organizing meetings, exhibitions; economicconventions & accounting& concepts for overview managerialonplanning incentive & its features. rere&qenterprises. : Tour 110 & & controltravel in tourism planningPbodies 151. 3 u. (Equivalent: Mgt/BA 115) Prereq: Acctg 1, Econ 100.2. 3 u.

T - 1 3 6 F IN A NCI A L M A N A G EMEN T IN

tourism Electives T OURI S M EN T ER P RI S E S . Principles of

financial management for short- & long-range planning. (Equivalent: Mgt 141/BA 141, 142). P r e r e q : Tour 131. 3 u. T- 1 3 1 M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G - 1R4 T4OTUOURI FT O R I S M SEMN TL EARWP RS I SI .EAn S .introductory Uses of course&inaccounting basic law emphasizing to the economic conceptslaws for relevant managerial planning & control in tourism bodies & tourism industry which includes:planning constitutional principles, enterprises. (Equivalent: Mgt/BA 115) Prereq: Acctg principles of obligations and contracts, & the laws on 1, Econ 100.2. 3 u. common carriers. P r e r e q : Tour 110. 3 u. T- 1 3 6 F I N A N C I A L M A N A G E M E N T continuation ITN- 1T4O5UTROURI I S M ESNM T ELRAP W R I SS EIIS .. APrinciples of Tourism 144 (Tourism more extensive of financial management for Laws short-I) &forlong-range planning. Mgt 141, 142). legal(Equivalent: background as part141/BA of professional training for Pmanagement. rere q : Tour 131. 3 u. Emphasis is given to the laws pertaining to Tpartnerships - 1 4 4 T Oand U Rcorporations, I S M L AW S I . rights An introductory specific & liabilities course in basic law emphasizing laws to of innkeepers & other persons engaged inrelevant the ownership the tourism industry which includes: constitutional & operations of tourism establishments, legal aspects principles, principles of obligations and& contracts, & labor relations. r e qq : Tour 144,110. 3 u. the laws onofcommon carriers.P rP erere : Tour

3 T -u.1 5 1 M A R K E T IN G M A N A G EMEN T T -IN 1 4 T5 OURI T O U RSI M S M. The L AW S I I . A&continuation importance relevance of of Tourism 144 (Tourism Laws I) for more extensive marketing in a variety of tourism-oriented institutions. legal background as part of professional training Emphasis is placed on policies, strategies tactics in for management. Emphasis is given to the & laws promotingtotourism and other products & servicesspecific of the pertaining partnerships and corporations, coun-try.P r e r e &qother : Tourpersons 110, 120. 3 u. rights & liabilities of innkeepers engaged the ownership operations of tourism T - 1 5 3 TinOURI S M P&ROMO T ION . The establishments, & legal aspects of labor relations. fundamental principles of publicity, advertising & sales P rere q : Tour 144, 3 u. promotion with emphasis on the various approaches, T- 1 5 1 M A R K E T I N G M A N A G E M E N T when these promotional tools are I Nmethods TO U& R Iproblems S M . The importance & relevance of in tourism. P r e r e q : Tour 151. 3 u. marketing inused a variety of tourism-oriented institutions. Emphasis is Tplaced - 1 6 1onTpolicies, R A N Sstrategies P OR T A& Ttactics IONin promoting tourism and other products & services of development A N A Grere EMEN . The110, theMcoun-try.P q : TTour 120. 3 u.of major transportation systems & their marketing function as T - 1 5 3 T O U R I S M P R O M O T I O N . The an integral part of the process of physical distribution. It fundamental principles of publicity, advertising considers the geographical, technical, legal & political & sales promotion with emphasis on the various approaches, methods & problems factors as they affect land, sea & airwhen travelthese & transport promotional tools are used in on tourism. rere q: systems. Transportation’s impact areas Pserved. Analysis Tour 151. 3 u. of models of passenger transportation, including rates & Tservices - 1 6 1 inTurban, R A Nlocal, SPO RTATION intraprovinces & interprovinces & M A N A G E M E N T . The development of major international operations. P r e r e q : function Tour 110. 3 u. transportation systems & their marketing 1 6 process 6 L A NofDphysical T R A VEL as an integral partTof- the distribution. geographical, technical, breadth & challenge of M A N A GIt considers EMEN Tthe . The legal strategic & political factorscurrent as they affect which land, sea & air problems & futureconfront travel & transport systems. Transportation’s impact on railway & bus company executives. The course aims to areas served. cultivate an awareness of the environment in which the

bus & the railway industries must function, both today & in the future. P r e r e q : Tour 161. 3 u.

T - 1 6 7 S E A T R A VEL M A N A G EMEN T .

The breadth & challenge of current & future strategic Analysis of models of passenger transportation, problems which confront shipping & port executives. The including rates & services in urban, local, intraprovinces course aims to cultivate an awareness of thePenvironment & interprovinces & international operations. rere q : in which the sea travel industry must function, both today Tour 110. 3 u. & in the future. P r e r e q : Tour 161. T- 1 6 6 L A N D T R AV E L M A N A G E M E N T . 3 u. The breadth & challenge of strategic problems current T - 1 6 8 A IR T R A VEL M A N A G EMEN T . & futurewhich & confront railway & bus problems companycurrent & The breadth challenge of strategic executives. The course aims to cultivate an awareness - which confront & airport executives. The of thefuture environment in whichairline the bus & the railway course aims cultivateboth an awareness the future. environment industries must to function, today & inofthe in whichqthe airline & airport P rere : Tour 161. 3 u. industry must function, both T - today 1 6 7 &SinE the A future. T R A Vmanagers. EL MAP N rA eGrE eMqE :N Tour T . 161. The breadth & challenge of current & future strategic3 u. problems which confront shipping & port executives. Tourism The course aims to cultivate an awareness of theElectives 35 environment in which the sea travel industry must function, P rere Tour Y T - 1 7both 5 Ttoday OUR& in&theTfuture. R A VEL Aq G :ENC 161. 3 u.N A G EMEN T . The application of management MA T - 1 6 8principles A I R TinR travel A V E Lagency MAN A G E M E& N operation, T . The organization breadth & challenge of strategic problems current development operation of tours & problems connected & future - which &confront airline & airport executives. therewith, rela-tions, IATA & ATC The course aims tohuman cultivate an awareness of regulations, the environment the airline & airport industry tariffsin&which schedules & finances & linkages with other must function, both today & managers. tourism establishments. P rin ethe r efuture. q : Tour 102,110,114. P rere q : Tour 161. 3 u. 5 u. Tourism Electives T - 1 8 1 IN T RO D UC T ION T O H O T EL 35 & RE S T A UR A N T M A N A G EMEN T The T- 1 7 5 TO U R & T R AV E L A G E N C Y hotels and restaurants, trends, types M A N Adevelopment G E M E N Tof . The application of management of operation & comparative practices in the hotel & principles in travel agency organization & operation, restaurant industry. Field trips are required. P r development & operation of tours & problems e r e q : connected therewith, human rela-tions, IATA & ATC Tour 110 3 u. regulations, tariffs & schedules & finances & linkages T - 1 8 2 RE S OR T A N D CLU B with other tourism establishments. P rere q : Tour M A N A G 5EMEN T . The management & operations 102,110,114. u. of clubs & resort hotels, the T- 1 8 1 I N T R O D U C T I & O their N Tservices-including O HOTEL e q : Tour & Rtechnical E S T A U&R administrative A N T M A N aspects. A G E MPE rNeT rThe development of hotels and restaurants, trends, types 181. 3 u. of operation & comparative practices in the hotel & restaurant industry. Field trips are required. P rere q : Tour 110 3 u. T- 1 8 2 R E S O R T A N D C LU B M A N A G E M E N T . The management & operations of clubs & resort hotels, & their services-including the technical & administrative aspects. P rere q : Tour 181. 3 u.

tourism Electives F RENC H 1 0 E l e m e n ta r y C o u r s e FF RRENC E N C HH Functional Grammar with extensive oral prac-tice in French. 3 u

10 0 EE lementary 1 1 l e m e n ta r yC ourse Course Functional Grammar with extensive prac-tice in Functional with oraloral prac-tice in French. Continuation of French 10.extensive 3u French. 3 uGrammar 3 u2 I n t e r m e d i at e C o u r s e 1 1 1 E lementary C ourse 1 1 E l e m e n ta r y C o u r s e Second part–grammar & composition Continuation of French 10. 3 u – sight translation Continuation of French 10. 3 u C ourse & conversation. Prereq 1 2 I ntermediate 1 2 In t3 eu r m e d i&at e C o u–rsight se French 11.part–grammar Second composition translation & conversation. Prereq Second part–grammar & composition – sight & 1 3 In termed i at e C o u r translation se French 11. 3Prereq u conversation. Continuation of French 12. 3 u 1 3 I ntermediate French 11.v3au n c e d La nCgourse 1 4 Ad u ag e C o u r s e Continuation 1 e d i 12. at3eu C o u r s e I 3 I n t e rofmFrench 1 4 A dvanced L anguage C ourse Continuation Prereq Frenchof13French 3 u 12. 3 u I dvvaan13 nc ce3d eu dLaLa u ag 1 54 AAdFrench n gnugag e C eo u r s e Prereq Course I II 1 5 A dvanced L anguage C ourse Prereq Frenchof13French 3 u 14 3 u Continuation II Continuation ofnc French 1 05 AAddvvaan ceedd S14La u ag 3 p 3ounk g en French I C 0o u r s e II 3 A dvanced S poken F rench I Prereq French 15 3 u Continuation Prereq French 15 u14S3pu o k e n F r e n c h II 3 1 Ad v aofnFrench c 3e d 3 10 A F rench A dvanced d v a n c e dS poken Spoken F r e n cI Ih Continuation of French 30. Prereq French 30. 3 u IContinuation of French 30. Prereq French 30. 3 u 40 A d va n c e d G r a m ma r Prereq 15 3 u 4 0 AFrench dvanced G rammar Advanced principles of grammar along with practice in 3 1 A d vprinciples anced S p o k along e n Fwith r epractice nch Advanced of grammar their application. Prereq FrenchFrench 15 3 u 15 3 u in application. Prereq II their 4 5 II ntroduction n t rofoFrench duc t i o nFrench t oF 30. F 3rue n c h 4 5 rench Continuation 30. Prereq to h o n e t i c sand a n dP honology P h o n o l o gy PP honetics 40 A d va n c e d G r a m ma r PrereqFrench French40.40. Prereq 3 u3 u Advancedomposition principles of grammar along with practice in their 60 Co mposition application. Prereq French 15 3 u Mechanicsofof composition and of its different genres. Mechanics 4 5 I nFrench t rcomposition o40. du c tand i oofnits different t o F rgenres. ench Prereq. 3 u Prereq. French P 0h o n e t40. i c3suS tylistics a n d P h o n o l o gy 8 F rench 8 0 F r e n c h S ty l i st i c s Prereq French to 40.French 3 u stylistics using liter-ary texts. Introduction Introduction Prereq u.toof French u nusing liter-ary texts. 6 0 C 18 om pFrench o s istylistics t 3i o Prereq 18 u. of French 3 u

1 0 0 F r e n c h C u lt u r e & C i v i l i zat i o n Readings in the historic development of civili-zation in France. factors 1 0 0 Finrench the use, transfer, C ulture development & & administration ofPrereq18 lands foru.purposes of tourism. The emphasis is on the C ivilization of French COI 3 u feasibility & planning of destination resort properties, & Readings the historic in the1 development as ash the 0 1 Cin o n toferecreational mdevelopment p o r afacilities r yof Fcivili-zation r ewell nc France. overall hotel physical structure. P rere q : Tour 111. C u lt u r e 3 u. Prereq18 u. of French COI 3 u Continuation of TFrench French 100. 3 u T1 -0 111 7C ontemporary ECO O U R100. I S MPrereq . Sustainable F renchutilization of the natural environment as a component 1ulture 1 0development; S u r v e ydevelopment o f F r eand n coperation hof C tourism of L i t e r products at u r and e 100. ecotourism programs. P rere q : 3SS. Continuation of French Prereq French 100. u 3 u. Prereq French 100/COI 3 u 1 1 0 S urvey of F rench L iterature T- 1 2 0 P R I N C I P L E S O F 1R 2G0AFrench nutat i vV eI O FR .r Principles ench Prereq O NRI eZ p A100/COI TrI eOsNe 3& BEHA A u th o r s and techniques of organization, management 1 2 0 R epresentative F rench & organizational behavior in tourism planning bodies & A The uthors history(Equivalent: of French literature from the4Middle enterprises. BA 101& 104) u. Ages to theliterature literary andto ofU French Middle Ages TThe -the 1history 219th 1 Hcentury; MAN Rdiffer-ent E S O Ufrom R Cthe E Smovements the century; theT . differ-ent literary movements each epoch. Excerpts thefundamental works orand Mmajor A19th N Awriters G E Mof EN Introduction toofthe major writers of each epoch. ofofthe or principles ofworks human management inworks the com-plete ofresources the most Excerpts important these writers com-plete works of the most important of these writers areas of acquisition, development, maintenance, aregiven givenwith withthe theclass classwork work oras as outside outside reading are reading and utilization of labor force or in tourism-oriented material.Prereq. Prereq. French110/COI 110/COI 33u u to the material. French establishments. Special issues relating management of h human 1 04 0T echnical Tec n i cresources a l F rshall e nalso c hbe 1 4 F rench discussed. P rere q : Tour 120, 3 u. Prereq French 15/COI. u.Nmay be 15/COI. T(Specific -(Specific 1 2 2 Area) TArea) O UPrereq R I S MFrench MAN A G E3Mu.3Emay Tbe . repeated repeated for3another 3ofudifferent approaches & Comparative analysis for another u options inasterpieces the management of of a destination’s industry, 15 rench 1 05 0M Mast e r p iofe planning, c e s Fo f French specifically in the aspects organization, L iterature L i t e &r control. at u rIncludes e direction a comprehensive study Prereq French 110/COI 3 u of the national tourism of the structure/organization Prereq French 110/COI 3 u organizations in various countries. FPrench rere q : Tour 1 6 0 C ontemporary 110 & 120. 3 u. 1 6 0 C o n t e m p o r a r y French L iterature L i t e r at u r e Prereq T - 1 2 6French M I C110/COI E M A N3AuG E M E N T . A study of Prereq 110/COI 3 u Conventions & Exhibitions Meetings, Incentive Travel, 1 9 7 S French pecial T opics (MICE) industry as a vital 1 9 7French S p e110/COI c i a l 3component Tunits o p i c sof tourism & Prereq an introduction to the various functions, techniques, methods & approaches the planning & organizing Prereq French 110/COI 3inunits meetings, conventions & exhibitions; overview on G E R M Atravel N & its features. P rere q : Tour 110 & incentive 151. 3 u. G ERM A N T1 -01 3E 1lementary M A N A G E M ECNourse T ACCOUNTING F O R T O U R I S M E N T E R P R I S E S . Uses of Functional with prac-tice economic concepts forumanagerial 1 0 E3 &ul&Grammar eaccounting men taextensive r yplanning C ooral r s e & in planning control in tourism bodies French. enterprises. (Equivalent: Mgt/BA 115) Prereq: Acctg Functional Grammar with oral prac-tice in 1, 1 1 E100.2. lementary Cextensive ourse Econ French. 3 u 3 u. T- 1 3 6 F I N A N C I A L M A N A G E M E N T I N

1 1 E l e m e n ta r y C o u r s e

language Electives Continuation of German 10. 3 u

Continuation of German 100. Prereq German 100. 3 u

1 2 I n t e r m e d i at e C o u r s e

110 Survey of German L i t e r at u r e

Second part–grammar & composition – sight translation Continuation of German 10. 3 u & conversation. Prereq

1 2 I ntermediate C ourse German 11. 3 u Second part–grammar 1 3 I n t e r&mcomposition e d i at e– sight Course translation & conversation. Prereq Continuation of German 12. 3 u German 11. 3 u 14 Advanced Language Course I 1 3 I ntermediate C ourse Continuation of German 12. 3 u Prereq German 13 3 u A d v a nLanguage c e d LaCourse n g uIag e C o u r s e 141 5 Advanced II Prereq German 13 3 u Continuation of German 14 3 u 1 5 A dvanced L anguage C ourse I I3 0 A d v a n c e d S p o k e n G e r m a n I Continuation of German 14 3 u Prereq German 15 3 u 3 301 AAdvanced d v a n c e dSSpoken p o k e nGGerman e r m a nI II Prereq German 15 3 u Continuation of German 30. Prereq German 30. 3 u 3 1 A dvanced S poken G erman I I 40 A d va n c e d G r a m ma r Continuation of German 30. Prereq German 30. 3 u principles G of rammar grammar along with practice in 4 0 Advanced A dvanced their application. Prereq German 15 3 u Advanced principles of grammar along with practice 5 Iapplication. ntrodu c t iGerman o n t 15 o 3Gue r m a n in4their Prereq P h o n e t i c s a n d P h n o l o gy 4 5 I ntroduction to Go erman P honetics and P honology Prereq German 40. 3 u Prereq German 40. 3 u 6 0 C o m p o s i t i o n 6 0 CMechanics omposition of composition and of its different genres. Mechanics of composition and ofPrereq. its different Germangenres. 40. 3 u Prereq. German 40. 3 u 8 0 G e r m a n S ty l i st i c s 8 0 G erman S tylistics Introduction to German stylistics liter-ary texts. Introduction to German stylistics usingusing liter-ary texts. Prereq 18 u. of German 3 u Prereq 18 u. of German 3 u 1 0 0 GCeulture rman C 1 0 0 G erman & u lt u r e & C ivilization C i v i l i zat i o n Readings in the historic development Readings in the historic developmentof of civili-zation civili-zation in in Germany. Germany. Prereq18 u. of German COI 3 u Prereq18 u. of German COI 3 u 1 0 1 C ontemporary G erman 101 Contemporary German C ulture C u lt u r e

PrereqGerman German100. 100/COI Continuation of German 100. Prereq 3 u3u R e p rof e sG e erman n tat i vLeiterature German 1 1 01 2S 0 urvey A u th o r s Prereq German 100/COI 3 u to introduce students to the lives & works of 1 2 0 Designed R epresentative G erman A uthors the more important authors & to give an insight into the Ger-man literature Designed to introducedifferent studentsepochs to theoflives & works of the more important authors & to Prereq. give anGerman insight110/COI into the3 u different epochs of Ger-man literature 4 0 T e 3c uh n i c a l G e r m a n Prereq. German1110/COI (Specific Area) GPrereq German 15/COI. 3 u. may be 1 4 0 T echnical erman repeated another (Specific Area) Prereq German 15/COI. 3 u.for may be 3 u repeated for another 3 u 1 5 0 Mast e r p i e c e s o f G e r m a n i t e r at u r e 1 5 0 M asterpieces of GLerman L iterature The great authors of Germany, with special attention to The great authors of Germany, with & special prosody vocabulary & syntax literaryattention merits ofto each prosody vocabulary & syntax & literary merits of eachwork work Prereq German 110/COI 3 u Prereq German 110/COI 3 u 0 C o n t e m p o rGaerman ry German 1 6 0 1 C6 ontemporary L i t e r at u r e L iterature Prereq German 110/COI 3 u Prereq German 110/COI 3 u 1 9 7 S pecial T 1 opics 97 Special Topics Prereq German 110/COI Prereq German 110/COI 3units 3units ITALIAN


1 0 E lementary C ourse 1 0 Ewith l eextensive m e n ta y C o inu r s e Functional Grammar oral rprac-tice Italian. 3 u Functional Grammar with extensive oral prac-tice in 1 1 E lementary C ourse Italian. 3 u Continuation of1 Italian 10. 3 u 1 E l e m e n ta r y C o u r s e 1 2 I ntermediate C ourse Continuation of Italian 10. 3 u Second part–grammar & composition – sight translation 1 2 Prereq I n t e r m e d i at e C o u r s e & conversation. Second part–grammar & composition – sight translation & conversation. Prereq

language Electives Italian 11. 3 u

1 3 I n t e r m e d i at e C o u r s e Continuation of Italian 12. 3 u

Italian 11. 3 u 11 43 AI ntermediate d v a n c e d La nCgourse u ag e C o u r s e I Continuation of Italian 12. 3 u Prereq Italian 13 3 u 1 4 A dvanced L anguage C ourse 1I 5 A d v a n c e d La n g u ag e C o u r s e II Prereq Italian 13 3 u Continuation of Italian 14L3anguage u 1 5 A dvanced C ourse I3I 0 A d v a n c e d S p o k e n Ita l i a n I Continuation of Italian 14 3 u Prereq Italian 15 3 u 3 0 A dvanced S poken I talian I 3 1 A d v a n c e d S p o k e n Ita l i a n II Prereq Italian 15 3 u Continuation of Italian 30. Prereq Italian 30. 3 u 3 1 A dvanced S poken I talian I I 4Continuation 0 A d v aofnItalian c e d30.G Prereq r a mItalian m a r30. 3 u Advanced principles of grammar along with practice in 4 0 A dvanced G rammar their application. Prereq Italian 15 3 u Advanced principles of grammar along with practice 4in 5theirI napplication. t r o d uPrereq ctio n t15 o 3Ita Italian u lian P h o n e t i c s a n d P h o n o l o gy 4 5 I ntroduction to I talian PPrereq honetics and P honology Italian 40. 3 u Prereq 6 0 C Italian o m p40. o s3 iut i o n 6 0 C omposition Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. Mechanics and of its different genres. Prereq. Italianof40.composition 3u Prereq. Italian 40. 3 u 8 0 Ita l i a n S ty l i st i c s 8 0 I talian S tylistics Introduction stylistics using literary texts. Prereq IntroductiontotoItalian Italian stylistics using literary texts. 18 u. of Italian 3 uItalian 3 u Prereq 18 u. of 11 00 00 IIta l i a nC C u l t u r&e & talian ulture C iivilization v i l i zat i o n Readingsininthethehistoric historic development of civili-zation Readings development of civili-zation in in Italy. Italy. Prereq18 u. of Italian COI 3 u Prereq18 u. of Italian COI 3 u 1 0 1 C ontemporary I talian 1C 0ulture 1 C o n and t e m pCoivilization r a r y Ita l i a n C u l t u r e a n d C v i l i zat o n3 u Continuation of Italian 100.i Prereq Italiani100. Continuation of Italianof 100. Prereq Italian 100. 3u 1 1 0 S urvey I talian C ulture

1and 1 0 SCuivilization r v e y o f Ita l i a n C u lt u r e a n d Italian C i v 100/COI i l i zat3i uo n Prereq Prereq Italian 100/COI 3 u

1 2 0 R e p r e s e n tat i v e Ita l i a n A u th o r s Prereq. Italian 110/COI 3 u 1 2 0 R epresentative I talian 4 0 T e c h n i c a l Ita l i a n A 1uthors (Specific Area)110/COI Prereq Italian Prereq. Italian 3 u15/COI. 3 u. 1 14 5 0 0T echnical Mast e r p i I etalian c e s o f Ita l i a n L i t e rArea) at u r e Italian 15/COI. 3 u. (Specific Prereq 110/COI 3 u 1 Prereq 5 0 MItalian asterpieces of I talian L iterature 1 6 0 C o n t e m p o r a r y Ita l i a n Prereq L i t eItalian r at110/COI ure 3u 1 Prereq 6 0 CItalian ontemporary I talian 110/COI 3 u L iterature 197 Special Topics Prereq Italian 110/COI 3 u 110/COIT opics 1 Prereq 9 7 SItalian pecial 3unitsItalian 110/COI Prereq 3units L A T IN LATIN

1 0 E l e m e n ta r y Lat i n 1 3u. 0 E lementary L atin 3u. 1 1 I n t e r m e d i at e Lat i n 1 1 I ntermediate L atin Continuation of Latin 10. 3u. Continuation of Latin 10. 3u. P OR PO R T UTGUUGE UE SE SE E l e m e n ta rCyourse Course 1 10 0E lementary Functional oralprac-tice prac-tice FunctionalGrammar Grammar with extensive extensive oral in in Portuguese. Portuguese.33 uu 1 11 1E lementary E l e m e n ta rCyourse Course Continuation of Portuguese 10. 3u Continuation of Portuguese 10. 3 u 1 2 I ntermediate C ourse 1 2 I n t e r m e d i at e C o u r s e Second part–grammar & composition – sight Second part–grammar & composition translation & conversation. Prereq – sight translation & conversation. Prereq Portuguese 11. 3 u 11. 3 u 1 Portuguese 3 I ntermediate C ourse 1 3 I n t e r m e d i at e C o u r s e

language Electives Continuation of Portuguese 12. 3 u

Prereq Russian 13 3 u

1 4 A d v a n c e d La n g u ag e C o u r s e I Continuation of Portuguese 12. 3 u Prereq Portuguese 13 3 u 1145 AAdvanced L anguage d v a In c e d La n g u ag e C o u r s e C ourse II Prereq Portuguese 13 3 u Continuation of Portuguese 14 3 u 1 5 A dvanced L anguage C ourse I I3 0 A d v a n c e d S p o k e n Continuation of Portuguese P14o 3r ut u g u e s e I Prereq Portuguese 15 3 u 3 0 A dvanced S poken P ortuguese 3 1 AI d v a n c e d S p o k e n Prereq Portuguese 15 3 u P o r t u g u e s e II 3 1 Continuation A dvanced S poken of Portuguese 30. Prereq Portu-guese 30. P ortuguese I I 3u Continuation of Portuguese 30. Prereq Portu40 A d va n c e d G r a m ma r guese 30. 3 u principles ofGgrammar along with practice in 4 0 Advanced A dvanced rammar their application. Prereq Portu-guese 15 3 u Advanced principles of grammar along with 6 0 CPrereq o m pPortu-guese osition practice in their application. 15 3 u Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. 6 0 C omposition Prereq. Portuguese 40. 3 u Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. Prereq. Portuguese 40. 3 u RU S S I A N

1 5 A d v a n c e d La n g u ag e C o u r s e II Prereq Russian 13 3 u Continuation of Russian 14 3 u 1 5 A dvanced L anguage C ourse I I 3 0 A d v a n c e d S p o k e n R u ss i a n I Prereq Russian 15 3 u Continuation of Russian 14 3 u 3 03 A1 dvanced R ussian A d v a n c e Sdpoken Spoken R u ss i a In II Prereq Russian 15 3 u of Russian 30. Prereq Russian 30. 3 u Continuation 3 1 A dvanced 4 0 A dSvpoken a n c e dR ussian G r a m mI Ia r Continuation of Russian 30. Prereq Russian 30. 3 u Advanced principles of grammar along with practice in 4 0 A dvancedtheirGapplication. rammar Prereq Russian 15 3 u Advanced principles of grammar along with practice 0 C o15m3p uo s i t i o n in their application. Prereq6Russian Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. 6 0 C omposition Russian 40. 3 u Mechanics of composition and of itsPrereq. different genres. Prereq. Russian 40. 3 u

RUSSIAN 1 0 E l e m e n ta r y C o u r s e 1 0 Pronunciation, E lementary ourse grammar,C easy readings with practice in speaking & writing Russian 3 u Pronunciation, grammar, easy readings with practice in speaking & writing Russian 3 u 1 1 E l e m e n ta r y C o u r s e 1 1 E lementary Continuation C ourse of Russian 10. 3 u Continuation of Russian 10. 3 u 1 2 I n t e r m e d i at e C o u r s e 1 2 I ntermediate C ourse Second part–grammar & composition – sight translation Second part–grammar & composition – sight & conversation. Prereq translation & conversation. Prereq Russian 11. 3 u Russian 11. 3 u 1 3 I n t e r m eC d ourse i at e C o u r s e 1 3 I ntermediate Continuation of Russian 12. 3u Continuation of Russian 12. 3 u 1144 AAdvanced L anguage d v a n c e d La n g u ag e C o u r s e C ourse I I



1 0 E l e m e n ta r y C o u r s e 1 0 E lementary C ourse This course provides intensive practiceinin conversational This course provides intensive practice Spanish on an elementary The work level. consists of the conversational Spanish on anlevel. elementary of of language study; pronunciation, vocabulary, The oral workaspects consists the oral aspects of language study; pronunciation, vocabulary, building, reading building, reading aloud, comprehension of the spoken aloud,language comprehension of the spoken language and conversation. Functional grammar is given and conversation. Functional grammar is given to to the students to serve as a guide in the formation the students to serve as a guide in the formation of of correct speech habits . 3 u correct speech habits . 3 u 11 Elem e n ta r y C o u r s e 1 1 E lementary C ourse A continuation of Spanish I. TheI. The essentials of of grammar A continuation of Spanish essentials grammar with emphasisononidioms idioms treated withspecial special emphasis areare treated in this in this course. Emphasis is placed on intonation, course. Emphasis is placed on intonation, pronunciation, pronunciation, vocabulary building & conversation vocabulary building & conversation 3 u 3u 1 2 I n t e r mCeourse d i at e C o u r s e 1 2 I ntermediate Prereq Spanish 11. 3 u Prereq Spanish 11. 3 u 1 3 I ntermediate C ourse 1 3 I n t e r m e d i at e C o u r s e Oral and written communication exercises Oral andthe written communication exercises emphasizing emphasizing subjunctive mood and reading of the subjunctive mood and reading of selected selected texts. Continuation of Spanish 12 . 3 u texts. Continuation of Spanish 12 . 3 u

language Electives 1 4 A d v a n c e d La n g u ag e C o u r s e I Prereq Spanish 13 3 u

11 54 AAddvanced v a n c e d La n g u ag e CCoourse urse L anguage I II Prereq Spanish 13 3 u14 3 u Continuation of Spanish C ourse 21I I 50 AR dvanced e ad i n gs Lianguage n S pa n i sh Selected Writings Filipinos14in3their Continuation of by Spanish u original Spanish versions. Prereq 9 u. of Span 2 0 R eadings in S panish 3Selected 0 A d vWritings a n c ebydFilipinos S p o kin etheir n Soriginal pa n Spanish i sh I versions. Prereq 9 u. of Span Prereq Spanish 15 3 u panish I 33 10 AAddvanced v a n c e d SS ppoken o k e n SSpa n i sh II Prereq Spanish 15 3 u Continuation of Spanish 30. Prereq Spanish 30. 3 u 3 1 A dvanced S poken S panish I I 4Continuation 0 A d v aofnSpanish c e d 30. G rPrereq a m mSpanish a r 30. 3 u Advanced Principles of grammar along with practice in 4 0 A dvanced G rammar their application. Emphasis on self-expression in the Advanced Principles of grammar along with practice language by means of Emphasis oral or written reports on material in their application. on self-expression in assigned to be read. Prereq Spanish 15 3u the language by means of oral or written reports on to cbet read. 3u 4material 5 I n assigned trodu i o nPrereq t o SSpanish pa n 15 i sh 4 5h o I ntroduction P n e t i c s a n d Pto h oSnpanish o l o gy P honetics and P honology Prereq Spanish 40. 3 u Prereq Spanish 40. 3 u 66 00 C Co mposition omposition Mechanics composition and and of its of different genres.genres. Mechanicsof of composition its different Prereq. Spanish 40. 3 u Prereq. Spanish 40. 3 u 8 0 S panish pa n i shS tylistics S ty l i st i c s Introduction to Spanish stylistics using literary texts. Introduction to Spanish stylistics using literary texts. Prereq 18 u. of Spanish 3 u Prereq 18 u. of Spanish 3 u 1 0 0 S panish C ulture & 1C 0ivilization 0 S pa n i sh C u l t u r e & C i v i l i zat i o n Readings in the historic development of civilization Readings in Spain in the historic development of civilization in Spain Prereq 18 u. of Spanish COI 3 u Prereq of Spanish COI 3 u 1 0 1 18 C u.ontemporary S panish 1C 0ulture 1 C o n t e m p o r a r y S pa n i sh Continuation C u l t u r eof Spanish 100. Prereq Spanish 100. 3u Continuation of Spanish 100. Prereq Spanish 100. 3 u 1 0 5 L atin A merican C ulture & 1 0 5 Lat i n A m e r i c a n C u l t u r e &

C i v i l i zat i o n Readings in the historic development of civilization in Latin America. Prereq Span 100/COI

0 6 C o n t e m p o r a r y Lat i n C1ivilization A m e rini cthea historic n C udevelopment l t u r e & of civilization Readings i v iAmerica. l i zatPrereq i o n Span 100/COI in CLatin 105/COI 1 Prereq 0 6 CSpan ontemporary L atin A 1merican C ulture & 1 0 S u r v e y o f S pa n i sh CLivilization i t e r at u r e Prereq Span 105/COI Prereq Spanish 100/COI 3 u 1 1 0 S urvey of S panish 1 2 0 R e p r e s e n tat i v e S pa n i sh L iterature A u th o r s Prereq Spanish 100/COI 3 u of Spanish literature fromSthe . Prereq. Spanish 1 The 2 0 history R epresentative panish 110/COI 3 u A uthors 1 4history 0 T eofcSpanish h n i c literature a l S pa n the i sh. Prereq. The from Spanish 110/COI 3 u (Specific Area) Prereq Spanish 15/COI. 3 u. 1 4 0 T echnical S panish 1 5 0 Mast e r p i e c e s o f S pa n i sh (Specific L i t e rArea) at uPrereq r e Spanish 15/COI. 3 u. 1 Prereq 5 0 MSpanish asterpieces of S panish 110/COI 3 u L iterature 1 6 0 Spanish C o n 110/COI t e m p o3rua r y S pa n i sh Prereq L i t e r at u r e 1 6 0 C ontemporary S panish Prereq Spanish 110/COI 3 u L iterature Prereq 1 9 7 Spanish S p e c110/COI i a l T o3 pu i c s 1 Prereq 9 7 SSpanish pecial T opics 110/COI Prereq Spanish 110/COI A R A B I K ( A R A B IC ) ARABIK (ARABIC) A r ab i k 1 0 E l e m e n ta r i n g A r ab i k A Irabik 1 0 E lementaring A rabik I r ab i k1111 EE lementaring l e m e n ta r i n g A ab i k AA rabik A rrabik II II Kontin-wasyon ng Prerek Arabik 10 10 Kontin-wasyon ngArabik Arabik10.10. Prerek Arabik r ab i k1 12 2 I Intermidyet n t e r m i dy e tAArabik r ab i kI I AA rabik Prerek 11 PrerekArabik Arabik 11 AA rabik 1 r ab i k 31 3I ntermidyet I n t e r m i dy e tA rabik A r ab i IkI II

language Electives Kontin-wasyon ng Arabik 12. Prerek Arabik 12

A r ab i k 1 0 0 A d v a n s n a A r ab i k I Prerek Arabik 13 Kontin-wasyon Arabik A r ab i k 1ng0Arabik 1 A d12. v aPrerek ns n a A12 r ab i k II A rabik Kontin-wasyon 1 0 0 A dvans na100.A Prerek rabik I 100 ng Arabik Arabik Prerek Arabik 13 A r ab i k 1 1 0 Mga B abasah i n sa A r ab A rabik 1 0 1 A dvans na A rabik II ik Kontin-wasyon Arabik 100. PrereksaArabik 100disiplina Mga pilingng babasahin sa Arabik iba’t ibang para idevelop sa pagbabasa. A rabik 1 1 0 ang M komprehensyon ga B abasahin sa Prerek A rabik Arabik 101 Mga piling babasahin sa Arabik sa iba’t ibang A r ab i k 1 1 1 A d v a n s n a disiplina para idevelop kom p o s iang sykomprehensyon o n sa A rsaab i k . pagbabasa. Prerek Arabik 101 Pagsasanay iba’t ibang porma A rabik 1 1 1 sa A dvans na ng komposisyon sa Arabik. Prerek Arabik 101 komposisyon sa A rabik . Pagsasanay sa iba’t ibang porma ng komposisyon sa Arabik. 101 B A HPrerek A S AArabik IN D ONE S I A / M A L A Y S I A B A H A S A I N D O N E S I A / M A L AY S I A

B ahasa I n d o n e s i a / Ma l ays i a 1 0 E l e m e n ta r i n g B ahasa B ahasa I ndonesia 1 0i a I I n d o n e s /i Maalaysia / Ma l ays E lementaring B ahasa I ndonesia / ahasa I I n d o n e s i a / Ma l ays i a MBalaysia 1 1 E l e m e n ta r i n g B ahasa B ahasa II ndonesia n d o n e s i /aM/alaysia Ma l ays1 i1a II

E lementaring B ahasa I ndonesia / M alaysia I I ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 10. Prerek Kontinwasyon Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia Kontinwasyon ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 10. 10 Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 10 B ahasa I n d o n e s i a / Ma l ays i a 1 2 n t e r mI indonesia dy e t B ahasa I n d o n1e2s i a / B Iahasa / M alaysia I ntermidyet B ahasa I Ma ndonesia l ays i a/ II M alaysia I I Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 11 Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 11 B ahasa I n d o n e s i a / Ma l ays i a 1 3 B Iahasa / M alaysia n t e r mI indonesia dy e t B ahasa I n d o n1e3s i a / I ntermidyet B ahasa I ndonesia / Ma l ays i a II M alaysia I I Kontinwasyon ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia12 12 Prerek Prerek Kontinwasyon ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia Bahasa Indonesia/MalaysiaBahasa 12 Indonesia/Malaysia 12 BB ahasa ahasaI ndonesia I n d o n e s i/aM/alaysia Ma l ays i1a0100 0 AA dvans B ahasa I ndonesia d v a n na s na B ahasa I n d o n e/s i a / M alaysia I Ma l ays i a I Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 13 Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 13

B ahasa I n d o n e s i a / Ma l ays i a 1 0 1 A d v a n s n a B ahasa I n d o n e s i a / Ma l ays i a II Kontinwasyon ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 100 Preprek B ahasa I ndonesia / M alaysia 1 0 1 Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia A dvans na B ahasa I ndonesia / 100 M alaysia I I B ahasa I n d o n e s i a / Ma l ays i a 1 1 0 Mga B abasah i n sa B ahasa Kontinwasyon ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 100 I n d o n e s i a / 100 Ma l ays i a . Preprek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia

B ahasa I ndonesia / M alaysia Mga piling babasahin sa Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia sa 110 ga disiplina B abasahin sa ng B ahasa iba’tMibang para sa paghubog komprehensyon I ndonesia / M alaysia . sa pagbabasa. Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 101 Mga piling babasahin sa Bahasa Indonesia/ B ahasa Indo n e s para i a / Ma l ays i a Malaysia sa iba’t ibang disiplina sa paghubog 1 1 1 A d v a n s n a k o m p o s i sy o n sa ng komprehensyon sa pagbabasa. Prerek Bahasa B ahasa I n101 d o n e s i a / Ma l ays i a . Indonesia/Malaysia Pagsasanay sa iba’t ibang/ M porma ng kompo-sisyon sa B ahasa I ndonesia alaysia Indonesia/Malaysia. Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/ 1 1 1 ABahasa dvans na komposisyon Malaysia. 101 sa B ahasa I ndonesia / M alaysia Pagsasanay sa iba’t ibang porma ng kompo-sisyon sa Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia. Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 101 M Y A NM A R M Y A Mya N M A Rn m a r 1 0 E l e m e n ta r i n g Mya n m a r I M yanmar 1 0a r E lementaring Mya n m 1 1 E l e m e n ta r i n g M yanmar I Mya n m a r II M yanmar 1 1 E lementaring Kontinwasyon ng Myanmar 10. Prerek Myanmar 10 M yanmar II Mya m a r 10. 1 2Prerek I n tMyanmar e r m i dy Kontinwasyon ngnMyanmar 10 e t Mya n m a r I M yanmar 1 2 I ntermidyet Prerek Myanmar 11 M yanmar I Prerek Myanmar Mya 11 n m a r 1 3 I n t e r m i dy e t Mya n m a r II M yanmar 1 3 I ntermidyet M yanmar I I Kontinwasyon ng Myanmar 12 Prerek Myanmar 12 Kontinwasyon ng Myanmar 12 Prerek Myanmar 12

H A P ON HAPON H ap o n 1 0 E l e m e n ta r i n g H ap o n H apon 1 0 E lementaring H apon I I H apon 1 1 E lementaring H apon I I H ap o n 1 1 E l e m e n ta r i n g H ap o n II Kontinwasyon ng Hapon 10. Prerek Hapon 10 Kontinwasyon ng Hapon 10. Prerek Hapon 10

language Electives H ap o n 1 2 I n t e r m i dy e t H ap o n I

T e k n i ka l n a H ap o n

Prerek Hapon 11

Prerek Hapon 101

H ap o n 1 3 I n t e r m i dy e t H ap o n II H apon 1 2 I ntermidyet H apon I Kontinwasyon ng Hapon 12 Prerek Hapon 12 Prerek Hapon 11 H ap o n 2 0 P agbasa sa H ap o n H apon 1 3 I ntermidyet H apon Prerek Hapon 11 II Kontinwasyon H ap o n 1 0ng0 Hapon A d v a12n Prerek s n aHapon H ap 12 on I H apon 2 0 P agbasa sa H apon Prerek Hapon 13 Prerek Hapon H ap o n 1 011 1 A d v a n s n a H ap o n II H apon 1 0 0 A dvans na H apon I Kontinwasy-on ng Hapon 100 Preprek Hapon 100 Prerek Hapon 13 H ap o n 1 1 0 Mga B abasah i n sa H apon 1 0 1 A dvans na H apon IHI ap o n . Mga piling babasahin sa Hapon100 sa iba’t ibang disiplina Kontinwasy-on ng Hapon Preprek Hapon 100 para paghubog ng komprehensyon sa pagbabasa. Prerek H apon 1 1 0 M ga B abasahin sa Hapon 101 . H apon H appiling o n babasahin 1 1 1 A dsav a ns n Mga Hapon saaiba’t ibang k o m ppara o s i paghubog sy o n sa H ap o n . sa disiplina ng komprehensyon pagbabasa. Prerek Hapon 101 Pagsasanay sa iba’t ibang porma ng komposisyon sa H apon 1 1 101 A dvans na Hapon. Prerek 1 Hapon komposisyon sa H apon . H ap o n 1sa1 iba’t 2 Aibang d v a porma n s nng a komposisyon Kanji Pagsasanay sa Hapon. Prerek HaponPrerek 100 Hapon 101 H apon dvans H ap o n 11 11 32 PAagsa l i nna sa KHanji ap o n Prerek Hapon 100 Prerek Hapon 101 H apon 1 1 3 P agsalin sa H apon H ap o n 1 2 1 P agbasa n g Prerek D ya rHapon y o n101 g H ap o n . H apon 1 2 1 P agbasa ng Prerek Hapon 101 H apon . D yaryong H ap Hapon o n 1 101 22 A d va m\n s n a Prerek P agbasa H apon 1 2 2I A dvam \ ns na P agbasa I Pagbasa ng mga tekstong Hapon tungkol sa kultura. Prerek Hapon 101 Pagbasa ng mga tekstong Hapon tungkol sa kultura. H ap oPrerek n 1 2Hapon 3 A d101 v a n s n a Pagbasa H IIapon 1 2 3 A dvans na P agbasa I I Pagbasa ng mga tekstong Hapon tungkol sa institusyong Pagbasa ng mga tekstong Hapon tungkol sa pulitikal at sosyal. PrerekatHapon 101Prerek Hapon 101 institusyong pulitikal sosyal. H apon ap o n 112244 SSayantifik aya n t i f i katat H

H ap o n 1 4 1 K asaysaya n at T eknikal T e k n i ka na l n Haapon H ap o n Prerek 101 PrerekHapon Hapon 101 HH apon 1 4 ap o n 1 412 SK easaysayan m a n t i ks n aat H ap o n T eknikal na H apon PrerekHapon Hapon 101 Prerek 101 H apon 1 4 2 S emantiks na H apon Prerek Hapon 101 IN T S I K I NI n T Sts I Ki k 1 0 E l e m e n ta r i n g I n ts i k I I n ts i k 1 1 E l e m e n ta r i n g I n ts i k II Kontinwasyon ng Intsik 10. Prerek Intsik 10 I ntsik 1 0 E lementaring I ntsik I I n ts i k1 11 2E Ilementaring n t e r m i dy e t II n ts i k I I ntsik ntsik I I Prerek Kontinwasyon ng Intsik 10. Prerek Intsik 10 Intsik 11 I ntsik I n ts i k1 12 3I ntermidyet I n t e r m i dy e tI ntsik I n ts i kI II Prerek Intsik 11 ng Intsik 12 Prerek Intsik 12 Kontinwasyon I ntsik I n ts i k1 31 0I ntermidyet 0 A d v a n s n aI ntsik I n ts i IkI I Kontinwasyon ng Intsik 12 Prerek Intsik 12 Prerek Intsik 13 I ntsik 1 0 0 A dvans na I ntsik I I n tsIntsik i k 13 1 0 1 A d v a n s n a I n ts i k II Prerek Kontinwasyon 100 Prerekna Intsik I100 I ntsik 1 0ng 1 Intsik A dvans ntsik I I I n ts i k 1ng 1 0Intsik Mga B abasah Kontinwasyon 100 Prerek Intsik 100i n sa I n ts i k1 1 0 M ga B abasahin sa I ntsik I ntsik Mga piling babasahin sa Intsik sa iba’t ibang disiplina para sa paghubog ng komprehensyon pagbabasa. Mga piling babasahin sa Intsik sasaiba’t ibang disiplina para101 sa paghubog ng komprehensyon sa Prerek Intsik pagbabasa. Prerek Intsik 101 I n ts i k 1 1 1 A d v a n s n a I ntsik A dvans k o m p 1o1s1i sy o n sa na I n ts i k . komposisyon sa I ntsik . Pagsasanay sasaiba’t ibang porma ng komposisy-on sa Pagsasanay iba’t ibang porma ng komposisyPrerekPrerek Intsik 101 onIntsik. sa Intsik. Intsik 101

econElectives 100.1 Introduction to Ma c r o e c o n o m i c T h e o r y & P o l i c y . Basic concepts in macroeconomics & their

applications. Prereq:to Math 11/COI. 3 u. 100.1 I ntroduction M acroeconomic T heory & P olicy. Basic concepts in macroeconomics & their 1 0 0Prereq: . 2 Math I n 11/COI. t r o d3uu.c t i o n t o applications.

Microeconomic Theory & P o l i c y . Basic concepts in microeconomics & their

100.2 I ntroduction applications. Prereq:to Math 11/COI. 3 u. M icroeconomic T heory & P olicy. Basic concepts in microeconomics & their applications. Prereq: Math c 11/COI. 1 0 1 Ma r o e 3c u.o n o m i c s . National income accounting; consumption & investment income & employment determination; 101 Mdecisions; acroeconomics . National income accounting; & investment monetary & fiscalconsumption policies; international policy; growth. decisions; income & employment Prereq: determination; Econ 11/COI. 4 u. monetary & fiscal policies; international policy; growth. Prereq: Econ 11/COI. 4 u.


M i c r o e c o n o m i c s .


E l e m e n ts o f

& supply; price determination in competitive 1 0 2 Demand M icroeconomics . Demand & income distribution; generalmarkets; equilibrium & supply; markets; price determination in competitive welfare. Prereq:&Econ 11/COI. 4 u. income distribution; general equilibrium welfare. Prereq: Econ 11/COI. 4 u. 1 0 6Math E lements e m at i cof a lM Eathematical conomics. E conomics . Mathematical approaches Mathematical approaches to elementary economictotheory. elementary economic theory. Prereq: Econ 101, 102, Econ 101, 102, Math 100/COI. 3 u. Math 100/COI. 3Prereq: u.

Eof c oSnocialism omics o 1 10 0 8 8 E conomics . f Theoriesforof developed the transition to c itransition alism TheoriesSofothe to .socialism & underdeveloped countries;&delineation of property socialism for developed underdeveloped countries; rights; central planning, markets coordination the delineation of property rights;&central planning,inmarkets historical&practice of centrally planned economies. coordination in the historical practice of centrally Prereq: Econ 101, 102/COI. 3 u. planned economies. Prereq: Econ 101, 102/COI. 3 u. 109 H istory of E conomic 0 9 . Evolution of basic economic H i st o ideas ry o T1 hought &f of basic E csocial ono m i c T hcontext. o u ght . Evolution their & intellectual Prereq: Econ 101, 102/COI. 3 u. ideas & their social & intellectual context. economic Prereq: Econ 101, 102/COI. 3 u. 111 G eneral E conomic H istory. Economic &G theeevolution 1 1 1 change n e r a lof Eeconomic conomic institutions in selected countries. Prereq: Econ H i st o r y . Economic change & the evolution of economic institutions in selected countries. Prereq: Econ

101, 102/COI. 3 u.

1 1 2 a A s i a n E c o n o m i c H i st o r y. History of3 economic change & development in China, 101, 102/COI. u. Japan, & other Asian countries. 3 u. 1 1 2 a A sian E conomic H istory. History of 1 1economic 5 a P hchange i l i pp&i development n e E c o nino m i c China, Japan, & other Asian countries. 3 u.Philippines from H i st o r y . Economic change in the colonial times to the present. 3 u. 1 1 5 a P hilippine E conomic H istory. Economic change in the Philippines 1 6 a Ttimes h e to E cthe o present. n o m i3eu.s o f A s i a . A from1colonial survey of economic development in the countries of the region. 3 u. 1 1 6 a T he E conomies of A sia . A survey of economic development in the countries of the 1region. 2 1 a3Mu. o n e y & B a n k i n g . Nature&role of money; banks & other financial intermediaries; central 1 2 1 abanking M oney & regulations; B anking . Nature & banking open economy issues; & role of money; banks & other efficient-markets theory;financial development finance. 3 u. intermediaries; central banking & banking regulations; open economy issues; efficient-markets theory; development finance. 3 u. 1 3 1 Q u a n t i tat i v e E c o n o m i c s . Representation of economic in terms of elementary mathematical & 1 3 1 phenomena Quantitative E conomics . Representation economic statistical models. Prereq: Econ 101,of102, Math 100, Stat phenomena in terms of elementary mathematical & 4 u. 101/COI. statistical models. Prereq: Econ 101, 102, Math 100, Stat 101/COI. 4 u. 1 4 1 I n t e r n at i o n a l i c s . International trade & finance; 1 4 1 E c o n o m I nternational commercial policy & the macroeconomics of an open E conomics . International trade & finance; Prereq: Econof101, commercial policy & theeconomy. macroeconomics an102. 3 u. open economy. Prereq: Econ 101, 102. 3 u.

1 5 1 a P u b l i c E c o n o m i c s . Market 1 5 1 a P ublic E conomics . Market failure; collective choice; theory of government failure; collective choice; theory of government expenditures & taxation. 3 u. expenditures & taxation. 3 u. 3 a P r oEjvaluation e c t E v a l .u at i o n . 1 5 3 a 1P5roject Discounted cash-flow analysis; social opportunity cost Discounted cash-flow analysis; social opportunity cost pricing; public-sector projects pricing;applications applications totopublic-sector projects with case with case studies; post-evaluation techniques. 3 u. 3 u. studies; post-evaluation techniques. 1 6116a1 a I ndustrial I n d u st r i aOl rganization O r ga n i zat i o. n .

econElectives Analysis of firms & markets; pricing, product, & investment decisions in theory & in practice; policies on competition & on protection; business & its environment. 3 u. Analysis of firms & markets; pricing, product, & investment decisions in theory & in practice; policies on7competition & its 1 1 a E c o&non o protection; m i c s obusiness f environment. 3 u. A g r i c u l t u r e . Agriculture in strategies for economic development; economics of rural institutions; 1 7 1 a ofEagricultural conomics analysis policy. 3 u.of A griculture . Agriculture in strategies for economic development; economics of rural institutions; 1 7 2 a Ranalysis e s o uofragricultural c e & policy. 3 u.

E n v i r o n m e n ta l E c o n o m i c s .

Introduction to the analysis of&problems & management 1 7 2 a R esource E nvironmental of natural resources; environmental & policies. E conomics . Introductionproblems to the analysis 3ofuproblems & management of natural resources; environmental problems & policies. 3 u

1 8 1 a Lab o r E c o n o m i c s .

1 8 1 a L abor conomics . Determinants Determinants of wage Elevels & wage structure; of wage levels & wage structure; employment; employment; nonwage aspects of employment; aspects of nonwage aspects of employment; aspects of human human capitalcapital theory.theory. 3 u. 3 u.

1 e a l thE conomics E c o n o m i c. Demand s . Demand 1 88 66 aa HHealth for & supply of of health health for & supply healthcare; care;role roleof of government government ininhealth care;organization organization financing of health services; care; && financing of health carecare services; problemsassociated associated delivery system. problems withwith delivery system. 3 u. 3 u. 1 99 00 ..11aa I International , e, 1 at i o n aTlrade T r ad P aymentsn, t&e rD n evelopment P ay m e nBasic ts , concepts & D e v&eissues l o pinm e n ttrade P olicy. foreign Basic concepts & issues in foreign trade P o l i c y . & external payments affecting developing countries;

analysis ofpayments policies & their effects. 3 u. countries; & external affecting developing analysis of policies & their effects. 3 u.

1 9 0 . 2 a M onetary, F iscal & D9 evelopment olicy. 1 0 . 2 a M o n e Pta r y , F Basic i s c concepts al & & issues in money, credit, taxation, & public spending Basic concepts& & D e v e l o p m e n t P o l i c y. in the context of development; analysis of policies issues in money, their effects. 3 u.credit, taxation, & public spending in the context of development; analysis of policies & their effects. 3 u. 1 9 1 a D evelopment E conomics . Theories & problems of economic development; survey in o low1 9 1 aofDthe e vdevelopment e l o p m eexperience nt Econ m&i chighs. income Theories & problems of economic development; survey of the development experience in low- & high-income

countries. 3 u.

1 9 5 a R e ad i n g C o u r s e i n E c o n3ou.m i c s . Individual work on special topics countries. not included in the announced course offerings. Prereq: Econ 101, 102. 3 u.; may be taken twice.

1 9 5 a R eading C ourse in E conomics . Individual work on special topics 1 9 6not a included U r ba nin the & announced R e g i o n course al offerings. Prereq: Econ 101, 102. 3 u.; may be Introduction to location theory; E c o n o m i c s . taken twice. the urban economy; regional income theory; regional interdependence. 3 u.

1 9 6 a U rban & R egional E conomics . Introduction to location theory; 1 9 8 the a Surban p e ceconomy; i a l T oregional p i c s income in theory; 3 u.2 or more times E c oregional n o m iinterdependence. c s . 3 u.; may be taken provided the topics are different.

1 9 8 a S pecial T opics in E conomics . 3 u.; may be taken 2 or more 1 9 provided 9 the topics S e m iare n adifferent. r . Prereq: SS, Econ times 131/COI. 3 u.

1 9 9 S eminar . Prereq: SS, Econ 131/COI. 3 u.

TRIVIA! Top 5 most demanded electives: 1. Psychology 101 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY: The empirical and conceptual foundations of psychology in its main fields. Primarily for students who desire an intensive preparation for the more advanced courses in psychology. For majors and upper-classmen of other departments. 2. BA 101 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: Principles & practices in business management; an overview of the functional areas of business; an introduction to case problem-solving. 3. Political Science 11 INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE. Concepts, theories, and principles of political science; types of political systems; development of political institutions and processes. 4. Spanish 10 Elementary Course: This course provides intensive practice in conversational Spanish on an elementary level. The work consists of the oral aspects of language study; pronunciation, vocabulary, building, reading aloud, comprehension of the spoken language and conversation. Functional grammar is given to the students to serve as a guide in the formation of correct speech habits . 5. PA 11 INTRO TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Understanding of the language and basic concepts of public administration and its development as a field of study. College in the University which harbors the most number of Econ students electives-wise


2. CAL

3. CBA

Recommended electives: PA 11 INTRO TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Understanding of the language and basic concepts of public administration and its development as a field of study. Psychology 101 INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE. Concepts, theories, and principles of political science; types of political systems; development of political institutions and processes. *This information was taken from a survey conducted by the SESC

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