Electives 101 Primer

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What’s Inside Message from the SESC Education and Research Councilor


B.S. Business Economics Curriculum


B. S. Economics Curriculum


Business Administration Electives


Geography Electives


Mathematics Electives


Political Science Electives


Psychology Electives


Public Administration Electives


Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management & Industrial Engineering Electives


Statistics Electives


Anthropology Electives


Sociology Electives


Language Electives


Tourism Electives


Philosophy Electives


Economics Electives


Journalism Electives



The new curricula of BS Economics and BS Business Economics state that a BS Econ and BS BE major would have to take 10 and 5 electives, respectively. This means that, if properly planned and allocated, an Econ student could possibly be a minor in at least another field, since a student needs to take five electives under a field or discipline to be considered as a minor. If you still don’t know the rules, a student could only take up to four electives below 100 except for European Languages (eg. Math 53, Polsc 11). Also, make sure to complete the prerequisites first before taking a subject, so that it would be credited. However, the latter rule could be waived as long as he can obtain a consent of instructor (COI) from the professor of that subject. There are the required Econ electives for BS Econ-- Econ 121, 141, 151, and five more non-required Econ subjects (eg. Econ 101 and 131 are not counted because they are required subjects under the curricula). BS BE students are required to take Econ 121, 141, 151, and 2 other non-required Econ subjects, three BE electives, two Management electives, and one Finance elective. Having many electives probably makes us enviable to other students in the University of the Philippines. While some are required to take Psych 101, Polsc 14, and whatnot because those subjects are really included in their curriculum, we have the liberty to choose among the pool of possible electives in this diverse university. Electives are actually beneficial to most students. I know a current MA student who took a handful of Math and Statistics subjects that helped him in his graduate school. One even took many courses from the College of Education that she was qualified to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). There is also a current HR officer of a company who took a lot of Psych electives when she was in college. Another was sure that she would enter law school so she took Creative Writing, Speech, and English classes. Other people choose to take “uno-able” electives so that they could lift their GWA. Electives also make Econ students have some interesting stories to tell. I remember a senior when I was a sophomore student who took every elective that is related to Economics (eg. Geog 105 or Economic Geography, Anthro 133 or Economic Anthropology), a shiftee who took electives that was offered by the department of her former course, and an orgmate who had chopseuy electives or a variety of electives of different fields. Planning your electives is obviously not a requirement. Either you allocate your electives in just one or two fields and attain minor degrees, or take chopseuy Electives and be a jack-of-all-trades. You might want to consider what you want to do after college, or what your interests are. You want to go to law school? Take Political Science, Speech and Public Speaking electives. You want to continue your studies in Economics? Allot some of your free electives to other Econ electives, and lean on taking Math and Statistics electives. Want to lift your GWA with “uno-able” electives? It’s your choice.

Irene Arzadon, SESC Education and Research Councilor


B.S. Business Economics Curriculum (Effective 1st Sem AY 2010-2011)

First Year First Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Philo) GE Subject (Math, Sci and Tech) GE Subject (Econ 11-SSP) GE Subject (Math 17-MST) Physical Education Total units Second Year First Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) Econ 198 (Special Topics in Differential Integral Calculus) Econ 101 (Macroeconomics) Econ 102 (Microeconomics) Stat 101 (Elementary Statistics) Accounting 1 NSTP Physical Education Total Units

Second Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Philo) GE Subject (Math, Sci and Tech) GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) Math 100 (Introduction to Calculus) Physical Education

3 3 3 3 5 (2) 17

Second Semester GE Subject (Soc Sci and Philo) Free Elective (1) Economics Elective (1) Econ 106 (Elements of Math Econ) GE Subject (Math, Sci & Tech) Free Elective (2)

3 3 4 4 3 3 (1.5) (2) 20

Third Year First Semester Economics Elective (2) Econ 131 (Quantitative Economics) Free Elective (2) Management Elective I* Finance Elective** Total Units

3 4 3 3 3 16

Fourth Year First Semester GE Subject (Math, Sci and Tech) Econ 121 / 141 / 151 Econ 199 (Seminar) BE Elective (2) Free Elective (5) Econ 163 Total Units

3 3 3 3 3 3 18

NSTP Physical Education

Second Semester Management Elective II*** Econ 121 / 141 / 151 Free Elective (4) Econ 132 BE Elective (1)

Second Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Philo) Econ 121 / 141 / 151 P.I. 100 (Rizal) BE Elective (3)

3 3 3 3 4 (2) 16

3 3 3 3 3 3 (1.5) (2) 18

3 3 3 3 3 15

3 3 3 3 3 15

Students are required to choose 3 Business Electives from the following: BA 170, BA 151, BA 142, BA 105, BA 190, IE 3, IE 197(a), IE 197(b), IE 197(c), IE 150, IE 141, IE 142, Math 180.1, Math 180.2, Stat 115, HRIM 112, HRIM 108. Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students are required to take six units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components. ROTC and Civic Welfare Training Service are offered by UPD. *BA 101 or IE 31 Industrial Organization and Management ** BA 141 or Econ 122 Financial Economics *** BA 115 or Econ 162 Managerial Economics


B.S. Economics Curriculum First Year First Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Philo) GE Subject (Math, Sci and Tech) GE Subject (Econ 11-SSP) GE Subject (Math 17-MST) Physical Education Total Units

(Effective 1st Sem AY 2010-2011)

Second Year First Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) Econ 198 (Sp. Topics in Differential and Integral Calculus) Econ 101 (Macroeconomics) Econ 102 (Microeconomics) Stat 101 (Elementary Statistics) Acctg. 1 (Intro to Financial Acctg) NSTP(National Service Training Prog) Physical Education Total Units

Second Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Philo) GE Subject (Math, Sci and Tech) GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) Math 100 (Introduction to Calculus) Physical Education

3 3 3 3 5 (2) 17

Second Semester GE Subject (Soc Sci and Philo) GE Subject (Math, Sci & Tech) Free Elective (1) Free Elective (2) Free Elective (3) Econ 106 (Elements of Math. Econ)

3 3 4 4 3 3 (3) (2) 20

Third Year First Semester Free Elective (4) Free Elective (5) Free Elective (6) Econ Elective (1) Economics 121 / 141 / 151 Econ 131 (Quantitative Econ) Total Units

3 3 3 3 3 4 19

Fourth Year First Semester Free Elective (8) Free Elective (9) Economics Elective (4) GE Subject (Math, Sci and Tech) Econ 199 (Seminar) Total Units

3 3 3 3 3 15

NSTP(National Service Training Prog) Physical Education

Second Semester Free Elective (7) Econ Elective (2) Econ Elective (3) Economics 121 / 141 / 151 Economics 121 / 141 / 151

3 3 3 3 4 (2) 16

3 3 3 3 3 3 (1.5) (2) 18

3 3 3 3 3 15

Second Semester GE Subject (Arts and Humanities) GE Subject (Soc Sci and Philo) Free Elective (10) Economics Elective (5) P.I. 100 (Rizal)


3 3 3 3 3 15

Business Administration Electives BA 101 (INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS MANAGEMENT) Principles & practices in business management; an overview of the functional areas of business; an introduction to case problemsolving. Prerequisites: JS (for CBA/BSBE

techniques for controlling, manufacturing, marketing & administrative costs; the tools & techniques for planning & decision-making; financial planning policies & problems; motivation & control in organizations. Prerequisite:

SS. 3 u.

students); JS, COI (for non-CBA/BSBE stu- BA 129 (MANAGEMENT SERVICES) dents). 3 u. The management of consulting firm; preparaBA 102 (PHILIPPINE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT) A survey of sociological, technological, legal, psychological, economic & other external factors which influence business decisionmaking in the Philippines. Prerequisite: SS. 3


BA 105 (OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT) Introduction to the strategic & tactical decisions in manufacturing & service operations. Prerequisites: BA 101, 180.1, 182 or

Econ 131. 3 u.

tion of feasibility studies; marketing, technical & financial aspects; project evaluation.

Prerequisites: BA 115 (non-BAA students)

BA 132 (FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS) Study of the structure, functions & operations of financial institutions, money & capital markets. Prerequisite: Econ 121/COD. 3 u. BA 145 (INVESTMENTS) Principles & practice with special emphasis on the evaluation of project studies, security analysis & the establishment of standards for the selection of industry, issue & security. Prerequisites:

BA 106 (ADVANCED TOPICS IN OPERA- Econ121, SS. 3 u. TIONS MANAGEMENT) Trends and developments in operations management. Prereq- BA 146 (SPECIAL TOPICS IN FINANCE)

uisite: BA 105. 3 u.

Prerequisite: SS. 3 u.

BA 107 (MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY) Effective management of technological advances especially planning & control for the benefit of the firm & society. Prerequisite:

BA 151 (HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATIONS) The concepts & principles of behavior in business organizations.

BA105. 3 u.

Prerequisites: JS (for CBA/BSBE students); JS, COI (for non-CBA/BSBE students). 3 u.

BA 108 (SPECIAL TOPICS IN OPERA- BA 152 (HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGETIONS MANAGEMENT) MENT) Prerequisite: BA 105/COI for non-BA stu- Basic principles & frameworks in the managedents. 3 u. ment of acquisition, development & movement of human resources in organizations. BA 115 (MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING) Uses of accounting information for manageri- BA 160 (BUSINESS LAW) al planning & control. Prerequisites: BA 99.1, Introduction to the Philippine legal system 99.2, Acctg. 1. 3 u. emphasizing business relationships & transactions in contractual agreements; organization BA 126 (CONTROLLERSHIP) & regulation of business enterprises. PrereqThe controllership function; characteristics uisite: JS. 3 u. of management control systems; the tools &


BA 161 (LAW ON BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS) The Constitution, Obligations & Contracts, sales, quasidelicts, damages, lease, all special laws including presidential decrees & administrative regulations pertinent thereto. 3 u.

BA 170 (MARKETING MANAGEMENT) Principles, practices & development of integrated marketing programs. Prereq-

uisite: BA 101. 3 u.

BA 172 (MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS) BA 162 (LAW ON BUSINESS OR- Planning, managing & evaluating the communication mix––advertising, sales proGANIZATIONS) Agency, single proprietorships, partner- motion, packaging, public relations & ships, corporations, conglomerates. personal selling. Prerequisite: BA l70. 3 joint ventures, multinationals, securities u. act, insolvency law, civil code provisions on orders of preference & concurrence BA 173 (CONSUMER BEHAVIOR) of credits, licensing of foreign corpora- Psychological, economic, anthropological tions & cooperatives, & pertinent laws, & sociological perspectives in underrules & regulations administered by the standing the consumer and in designing Securities & Exchange Commission, marketing programs. Prerequisite: BA Board of Investment, Central Bank, 170. 3 u. Board of Domestic Trade & other government agencies. Prerequisite: BA BA 174 (MARKETING RESEARCH) 161/COD. 3 u. Principles & methods used in the systematic & objective search for & analyBA 166 (THE LAW ON SALES, sis of information relevant to identifiAGENCY & CREDIT TRANSACTIONS) cation & solution of marketing problems. The legal framework governing con- Prerequisites: BA 170, 182. 3 u. tracts of sales, agency, loans, guaranty, pledge & mortgage. Prerequisite: BA 175 (GLOBAL MARKETING) BA161/equiv. 3 u. Principles & practices in the marketing of goods & services across borders in BA 167 (LAWS GOVERNING THE the context of a dynamic international FINANCIAL SYSTEM) business environment. Prerequisites: BA All banking laws including the Central 170, Econ 100.1. 3 u. Bank Act, the General Banking Act & laws governing other specialized finan- BA 176 (DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT) cial institutions, government-owned or Principles & practices in the management of retail & wholesale enterprises; controlled & partly private-owned; inmerchandising, store operations, provestment houses, offshore banking motion, & control. Prerequisites: BA units, FCDUs, guarantee & insurance of 105, 115, 170, 186. 3 u. lending institutions, Central Bank regulations on interest rates. Prerequisites: ,

BA 160.1, 160.2; for non-accounting majors only. 3 u.


BA 177 (PRODUCT MANAGEMENT) Developing & managing brands, products or product lines including development, product launch & product portfolio assessment; maintaining brand equity & leveraging strong brands across line extensions & categories. Prerequisites: BA 115, 170. 3 u.

Principles & methods for analyzing, designing & developing different types of business & management systems. Prerequisite: BA 180.1. 3 u. (2 lec, 1 lab).


Geog 31 Economic Geography of the

BA 190 (STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT) An integrated approach to decision making viewed from a top manageBA 178 (SPECIAL TOPICS IN MARKETING ment perspective; discussion of comMANAGEMENT) prehensive problems of organizations. The coverage varies from time to time Prerequisites: Graduating students, BA depending on relevance of topics & 105,141, 170. 3 u. interest of seminar participants. PreBA 191 (INFORMATION RESOURCE requisite: BA 170. 3 u. MANAGEMENT) BA 180.1 (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Strategic approaches to the integraIN BUSINESS I) tion & management of information, Information & communication tech- with emphasis on top management nology concepts & tools; business pro- involvement, hardware, telecommunicess applications of software packag- cations, & human resources. Prerequies. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing sites: SS, BA 186. 3 u. (2 lec, 1 lab). (SYS). 3u. (2 lec, 1 lab). BA 192 (ENTREPRENEURSHIP) BA 180.2 (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Principles, problems, & practical asIN BUSINESS II) pects of entrepreneurship & intrapreAdvanced applications of information neurship; innovation & new business & communication technology con- formations in startup or corporate setcepts & tools in management decision tings. Prerequisite: JS. 3 u. making & practice; technology evaluation & management issues. Prerequi- BA 198 (SPECIAL TOPICS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) sites: BA 180.1,(SS). 3 u. (2 lec, 1 lab). Special topics in the field of business BA 181 (MANAGEMENT SCIENCE I) administration. 1-3 u. may be taken for Analysis & solution of management credit more than once. problems; deterministic models such as linear & integer programming, trans- BA 199 (BUSINESS PRACTICE) portation, assignment, inventory man- Supervised field work or internship. 1-3 agement, & project management u. Tip: This is usually offered during summodels. Prerequisites: Math 100, Stat mer; CBA usually holds an orientation during second semester regarding this 101. 3 u. (2.5 lec, 0.5 lab). subject. Watch out for announceBA 182 (MANAGEMENT SCIENCE II) ments in order for you to attend this Analysis & solution of management orientation and get a slot for this class. problems; stochastic models; decision theory, Markov processes, queuing, simulation, forecasting, regression, & . other statistical applications. Prerequisite: BA 181. 3 u. (2.5 lec, 0.5 lab)


Geography Electives Philippines Prereq: Geog 31/COI; 3 units. Distribution, variety and significance of natural resources and how the Geog 121 Landform Analysis. physical environment affects their use. Landform evaluation & analysis, map 3 units. reading & photo interpretation, & application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in terrain evaluation. Geog 100. Physical Geography. Systematic study of land forms, cli- Prereq: Geog 1/100/COI. 3 units mate, natural vegetation and soils. 3 units. Geog 131 Geography of the Philippines. The role of human & natural resources Geog 101 Climatology. Climate elements, types and regions. in the economic growth & development Prereq: Geog 1/ of the Philippines. Prereq: Geog 1/100/ 100; 3 units. COI; 3 units Geog 133 Geography of the Tropics. Physical environment & resource potential of the tropics. Problems of human use & occupance. Prereq: Geog 1/100/COI; 3 units

Geog 105 Economic Geography. The major human adjustments to the natural environment which result from the effort to make a living. The leading commercial products of farm, range, forest, mine, sea, factory, trade routes and centers. 3 units.

Geog 135 Rural & Urban Geography. Concepts of rural & urban land use. Prereq: Geog 1/100; 3 units

Geog 109 Quantitative Methods in Geographic Analysis. Elements and application of quantitative techniques in geography. Prereq: Stat

Geog 143 Geography of Asia. The lands and peoples, climate, resources & economic activities of the countries of Southwest Asia; South 101. 3 units. Asia; Southeast Asia; East Asia; Central Asia; & Russian Siberia & Russian Far Geog 111 Resource Management and East, & their interrelations. Prereq: Geog1/100 for geog majors, COI for nonConservation. Planning, management and conservation geog majors; 3 units in the exploitation & development of Geog 145 Geography of the Pacific. natural resources. Prereq: Geog The physical environment, natural & 1/31/100/ COI; 3 units human resources, & economic devel. opment of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Melanesia, Micronesia & Geog 119 Geography of Movement. Causes of movements, concepts and Polynesia. Prereq: Geog 1/100; 3 units measures of distance, deals with the theoretical foundations of spatial interactions and practical applications of the elements of the transportation system. Geog 151 Geography of Europe.


Patterns of landforms, climate, resources & economic activities of the countries of Western Europe, Eastern Europe & Tanscaucasia, & their interrelations. Prereq: Geog 1/100 for geog

today in terms of contrasted environmental conditions. Current political issues & changing adjustments to natural environment. Pre-

req: Geog 1/100, 105/COI; 3 units majors, COI for non-geog majors. 3 units Geog 173 Cultural Geography. Geog 155 Geography of North America. The physical environment, natural resources, & economic development of the countries of North America. Prereq:

The complex interconnection of culture, spaces, places & landscape. Prereq:

COI.; 3 units

Geog 1/100; 3 units

Geog 183 Transport Geography. Study of transport systems and their spatial impacts.

Geog 157 Geography of South America. The physical environment, natural resources, & economic development of the countries of South America. Prereq:

Geog 185 Medical Geography Ecological spatial and social approaches in understanding the geographic aspects of health and health care systems. Pre-

Geog 1/100; 3 units

Geog 159 Geography of Africa. The physical environment, natural resources, & economic development of the countries of South Africa. Prereq: Geog

Prereq: COI; 3 units

req: COI. 3 units

1/100; 3 units

Geog 190 Map & Air Photo interpretation. Elements, principles & techniques of map & air photo interpretation for spatial analysis & planning. Prereq: Geog 10.

Geog 161 Concepts & Principle of Land Use. Utilization & evaluation of land resources & land use allocation, development & causes of land misuse; land management & the application of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) principles to land use change. Prereq: Geog

Geog 192 Field Methods in Geography. Methods & techniques of observing geographic features, recording geographic data, & writing geographic reports. Prereq: At least 9 units of

100/COI; 3 units

Geog 171 Political Geography. The relation between man’s political activities &his natural environment. The political development of type states in the light of their location, size, climate, landforms, & natural resources. The political organization of the world

5 h. (2 lec, 3 lab); 3 units

Geog/COI. 6 wk. (field) ; 6 units

Geog 197 Digital Cartography. Introduction to the concepts, principles, theories and applied components of Digital Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Prereq:

COI; 3 units


Mathematics Electives Math 53. ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS I. Functions and their graphs; limits and continuity; the derivative; derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; inverse functions; antiderivatives and definite integrals; fundamental theorem of calculus; applications of the definite integral.. Prerequisite: Math 17 or equivalent; 5 u. Math 54.ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS II. Integration methods; applications of the definite integral; plane and solid analytic geometry; polar coordinates; vectors; parametric equations. Sequences and series; power series. Prerequisite: Math 53; 5 units.

Math 64. CALCULUS II. The exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions; techniques of integration; vectors and vector valued functions; improper integrals; infinite series; power series; applications. Prerequisite:

Math 63 or equivalent; 5 units.

Math 65. CALCULUS III. Calculus of several variables and Fourier series. Prerequisite: Math 64; . 3 units

Math 109. FUNDAMENTALCONCEPTS OF MATHEMATICS. Algebra of sets and logic; methods of proof; functions and relations; logical nature and structure of mathematics; introduction to number-theory; algebra arid geometry of complex numbers. 3 Math 55. ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS units. Prerequisite: 2nd year standing III. Functions of several variables, continuity; partial derivatives; derivatives of Math 110.1. ABSTRACT ALGEBRA I. functions of several variables; linear Algebraic relations; groups; pemiutation approximation; quadric surfaces; multi- groups; groups of symmetries; group ple integrals; applications of multiple action; rings; integral domain; fields. integrals; vector fields; potential func- Prerequisite: Math 109; 3 units. tions; Stokes and the divergence theorem. Prerequisite: Math 54; 3 units Math 110.2. ABSTRACT ALGEBRA II. Fields; vector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; characteristic values; Math 60. PRECALCULUS. Algebraic operations, functions, analyt- diagonalization; inner product; quadratic ic, geometry, trigonometry, matrices. forms. Prerequisite: Math 110.1; 3 units.

Prerequisite: none; 5 units.

Math 63. CALCULUS I. Functions of a single variable; limits, continuity; the derivative and the Riemann integral; derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions; applications; polar coordinates; conic sections. Prereq: Passing

Math 110.3. ABSTRACT ALGEBRA III. Fields of quotients of integral domains; polynomial rings; field extensions; Galois theory; other systems. Prerequisite: Math 110.1; 3 units.

APE in Math 17 or equivalent; 5 units


Math 114. LINEAR ALGEBRA. Vector spaces; linear transformations; ma- Math 123.2. ADVANCE CALCULUS II. trices; eigenvalues; canonical forms; orthog- Topology of Rn; continuity and derivative; onality; applications. Prerequisite: Math 54 Taylor’s formula; implicit and inverse funcor equivalent.; 3 units tion theorems; analytic geometry of curves and surfaces; Serret-Frenet formula; multiMath 117. ELEMENTARY THEORY OF ple integration; improper integrals; transNUMBERS. formation; metric and normed spaces. PreProperties of integers; divisibility; unique requisite: Math 123.1; 3 units. factorization theorem; solutions of congruences; residue systems; primitive Math 126. REAL ANALYSIS. roots and the quadratic reciprocity law; Properties of real numbers; integrals of solutions of Diophantine equations. Prerequi- step functions; Lecesque integral; conversite: Math 19 gence theorems; measurable functions; or equivalent; 3 units measurable sets; introduction to the HahnBanach theorem, Riesz representation theoMath 121.1. ELEMENTARY DIFFEREN- rem, fixed-point theorems.. Prerequisite: TIAL EQUATIONS I. 123.1; 3 units Ordinary differential equations of order one; linear differential equations; Math 128. COMPLEX ANALYSIS. differential operators; Laplace Transform; Analytic functions; complex integration; nonlinear equations; series solutions about Cauchy’s integral formula and consequences; an ordinary point. 3 units. Prerequisite: Math power series; residue; conformal mapping. 54 or equivalent Prerequisite: Math 123.1 & 109, or equivaMath 121.2 ELEMENTARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS II. Linear equations of the second order; Riccati equations; solutions in series; hypergeometric equations; some classical equations; Fourier series; partial differential equations. 3 units. Prerequisite: Math 121.1 Math 122. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Modeling systems; solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODE’s) of order one and systems of ODE’s Laplace transform; solutions of the classical partial differential equations; numerical methods. 3 units. Prerequisite: Math 65 or equivalent

lent; 3 units.

Math 131 ELEMENTARY SET THEORY. Axioms of Set Theory; relations and functions; natural numbers; cardinal numbers and the Axioms of Choice; ordering and ordinals. Prerequisite: Math 110.1; 3


Math 140. INTRODUCTION TO MODERN GEOMETRIES. Development of modern geometries; finite geometries; geometric transformations; projective geometry; nonEuclidean geometries. 3 units. Prerequisite: Math 109 or equivalent

Math 142. ELEMENTARY TOPOLOGY. Topologies and topological spaces; Math 123.1. ADVANCE CALCULUS I. functions and homeomorphisms; contiThe real number system; point set topology nuity; metric spaces; compactness and sequence of real numbers; limits and contiPrerequisite: Math nuity; metric spaces; the derivative; the connectedness. Riemann integral; series of real numbers; 123.1, 131, consent of instructor; 3 sequence and series of functions; uniform units. convergence; power series. Prerequisite:

Math 65 or equivalent; 3 units.


Math 146. INTRODUCTION TO DIFFERENTIALGEOMETRY. Elementary topology; calculus of several variables, curves and surfaces; Strokes and Gauss theorem; differential forms. Prerequisite: Math 140; 3

Math 164. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. Mathematical theory of life contingencies involving single life functions; mortality; life annuities and insurances; reserves; the expense factor; population theory. Prerequisite: Math 150.1 & 162 or equivalent; 3 units


Math 165.* FINITE DIFFERENCES. Linear operators of the finite calculus; polyMath 147. INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA- nomials interpolation in terms of advancing differences, divided differences, central IC GEOMETRY. differences; Projective spaces; algebraic varieties; algesummation; approximate integration. 3 units. braic and elliptic curves. Prerequisite: Math Prerequisite: Math 19, Math 55 or equivalent

110.1 and Math 140; 3 units

Math 171. INTRODUCTION TO NUMERICAL Math 148. INTRODUCTION TO PROJEC- ANALYSIS. Error analysis; solution of a single non-linear TIVE GEOMETRY. Projective planes and spaces. 3 units. Prereq- equation; solution of systems of equations; solution of ordinary differential uisite: Math 110.1 & Math 140; 3 units equations; series. 3 units. Prerequisite: Math 122/equivalent, Math 110.2/equivalent Math 150.1. MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS 1. Math 180.1. OP ERATIONS RESEARCH I. Combinatorial probability; probability of dis- Review of classical optimization theory; tributions; joint and conditional distributions; introduction to linear programming; quadrandom variables; distributions of functions ratic programming, non-linear programming of random variables; mathematical expecta- and dynamic programming; networks (Path, tion; moment-generating functions; sampling PERT/CPM) and inventory problems. 3 units. distributions. Prerequisite: Math 65, 101/ Prerequisite: Math 115, 150.1/equivalent, equivalent; 3 units consent of instructor Math 150.2. MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS II. Limiting distributions; estimation of parameters; tests of hypothesis; regression and correlation; analysis of variances; applications. Prerequisite: Math 150.1; 3 units.

Math 180.2. OPERATIONS RESEARCH II. Review of probability theory; Stochastic models; Markov chains; introduction to quesing theory; introduction to simulation; games, replacement and reliability theory. Prerequisite: Math 180.1/consent of instructor; 3 units

Math 157. DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES. Fundamentals of set theory; algebraic relations;combinatorial algorithms; algebraic strucctures and their applications in computer science. 3 units. Prerequisite: Math 114 Math 162 THEORY OF INTEREST. Simple interest; compound interest; continuous interest; annuities; amortization schedules and sinking funds; bonds and other securities; special topics. Prerequisite: consent of instructor; 3 units

Math 181. LINEAR AND INTEGER PROGRAMMING. Linear programming and integer programming with emphasis on formulation techniques and computer software usage for model validation and solution. Prerequisite: Math 180.1/


Political Science Electives Political Science 11 - INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE. Concepts, theories, and principles of political science; types of political systems; development of political institutions and processes. 3


Political Science 14 – PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. Development, organization and operation of the Philippine political system, with emphasis on the present. 3 units

Political Science 160 - SOCIETY, POLITICS, AND GOVERNMENT. Society as the matrix of politics; political power and leadership; patterns of decision-making; political modernization and development. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 or consent of instructor; 3 units

Political Science 161 - POLITICAL PARTIES AND INTEREST GROUPS. The types and structures of political parties and interest groups their function in the political system; their strategy and tactics, particuPolitical Science 141 - READINGS IN PHIL- larly in aggregating and articulating interests IPPINE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. and controlling governmental power and public Directed readings in the classics of Philippine policy. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14. government and politics. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 150 or Junior standing; 3 units Political Science 162 - POLITICS OF CHANGE. Political Science 150 – PHILIPPINE NA- Problems of social, economic and political TIONAL AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION. change in Africa, Asia and Latin America. PrePrinciples, practices and problems of public requisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14; 3 units administration; historical, behavioral and institutional analysis and evaluation of the national Political Science 163 – POLITICAL BEHAVand local bureaucracy and administration in the IOR; PROCESSES AND MOVEMENTS. Belief Philippines. systems; nature and development of political Prerequisite.Pol. Sc. 11 and 14 processes and movements. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 160 or consent of instructor. Political Science 151 - THE PHILIPPINE EXECUTIVE. Political Science 164 - IDEOLOGY AND The national executive in the Philippines; its POLITICS. nature and development. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14; 3 units

Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14; 3 units

Political Science 152 – PHILIPPINE LEGISLATIVE SYSTEM. Structure and functions of the legislative system in the Philippines; legislative behavior and legislative process; stature and bill drafting; executive and judicial lawmaking. Prerequi-

site: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14; 3 units

Political Science 167 - SPECIAL TOPICS IN POLITICAL DYNAMICS. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 160; 3 units Political Science 143 - READINGS IN COMPARATIVE POLITICS. Directed reading in the classics and contemporary theories of comparative politics and government. Prerequisite: Senior standing; 3 units

Political Science 153 - THE PHILIPPINE JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Role of courts and other Political Science 170 - INTRODUCTION TO law enforcement agencies in the administration COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT AND POLIof justice. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14; 3 TICS. An introduction to comparative political units processes in the developed and developing states. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14; 3 units Political Science 157 - SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 150; 3 units


Political Science 171 – AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. Theory and dynamics of the government and politics of the United States. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14; 3 units Political Science 172 - GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF SELECTED EUROPEAN STATES. Political Systems of the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, and Russia. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14 or consent of instructor. Political Science 176 - GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF EAST ASIA. Political systems of Japan, People’s Republic of China, North Korea, Republic of China and the Republic of South Korea. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 170.

Political Science 182 - FOREIGN POLICY OF MAJOR POWERS. Development of the foreign policy of major powers, e.g., the United States, Russia, China, Japan and others. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 180. Political Science 183 – INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Development, structures, functions, and problems of international organizations. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 180. Political Science 184 - DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR PRACTICE. Development, organization, functions, and problems of diplomatic and consular practice with emphasis on the Philippines. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 180.

Political Science 185 – PUBLIC INTERNAPolitical Science 177 - SPECIAL TOPICS IN TIONAL LAW. Nature, development, sources, COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT AND POLI- principles and problems of international law and TICS. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 170. its role in the development of a world community; selected Political Science 178 - GOVERNMENT AND cases. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 180. POLITICS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. Political systems of Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Political Science 186 – PRIVATE INTERNAVietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. TIONAL LAW. Selected cases involving citiPrerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14 or consent of zens or juridical entities of different instructor. states. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 180. Political Science 179 - GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF SOUTH ASIA. Political systems of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Nepal. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14 or consent of instructor.

Political Science 187 - SPECIAL TOPICS IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 180.

Political Science 180 - INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. An introduction to the study of international cooperation and conflict and the analysis of regional, functional and universal regimes and institutions sustaining these processes. Prereq: Pol.Sc. 11 & 14

Political Science 110 – POLITICAL ANALYSIS. Introduction to Political Analysis. Introduction to various qualitative research issues, methods and styles for understanding and explaining political phenomena. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 11 and 14.

Political Science 188 – INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY: THEORIES AND Political Science 144 - READINGS IN INTER- ISSUES. An introduction to the theoretical and NATIONAL RELATIONS. Directed readings in analytical dimensions of change in the field of the classics of international relations. Prerequi- international political economy. Prerequisite: site: Senior standing. Pol. Sc. 180.

Political Science 145 - READINGS IN POLITPolitical Science 181 – PHILIPPINE FOREIGN ICAL THEORY. Directed readings in the clasPOLICY. The nature and development of Philip- sics of political theory. Prerequisite: Senior pine foreign policy and the foreign policy pro- standing. cess. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 180.


Political Science 192 - ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL POLTICAL THOUGHT. Political thought from Plato to the Medieval thinkers. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Political Science 193 - MODERN POLITICAL THEORY. Political thought from Machiavelli to the contemporary political thinkers.

Prerequisite: Senior standing.

Political Science 194 – AMERICAN POLITICAL THOUGHT. Political and social ideas of leading American thinkers from the colonial period to the present and their influence upon American democracy. Prerequisite: Pol. Sc. 171 or consent of instructor. Political Science 195 - ASIAN POLITICAL THOUGHT. Main currents of Asian political thought. Prerequisite: Senior standing or

consent of instructor.

Political Science 196 – PHILIPPINE POLITICAL THOUGHT. Main currents of Philippine political thought. Prerequisite:

Senior standing or consent of instructor.


Prerequisite: Senior standing.

Social Science 104 - HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN LAW. Seminar on the evolution and development of the theory, principles and practice of international human rights and humanitarian law.

Prerequisite: None.


Psychology Electives Psychology 101: GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY The empirical and conceptual foundations of psychology in its main fields. Primarily for students who desire an intensive preparation for the more advanced courses in psychology. For majors and upper-classmen of other departments. 3 units

Psychology 150: PERSONALITY Systematic approaches to the understanding of personality formation and dynamics.

sophomore standing; 3 units

Prerequisite: Senior standing, Psych 101; 3 units

Prerequisite: Psych 101; 3 units

Psychology 155: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Introduction to abnormal psychology; major schools of psychology, namely: Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Humanism, Psychology 108: FILIPINO Transcultural, Transpersonal and Filipino PSYCHOLOGY. A study of the meaning of Filipino Psychol- Psychology, in both theory and therapy. ogy and its philosophy as a science; the Prerequisites: Psych 101 and 150; 3 units indigenous perspective in research methodology and the Psychology 171: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY use of Filipino Psychology. Prerequisite: A systematic study of the behavior of Psych 101, 3 Units normal children with emphasis on socialization and personality, particularly in the Psychology 140: PRINCIPLES OF Filipino setting. LEARNING Prerequisite: Senior standing; 3 units A study of elementary principles of behavior derived from experimental studies Psychology 180: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY in the laboratory and fundamental posi- Investigation of group behavior, emotions, tions and consequent empirical findings motivation and personality dynamics in about human and animal learning process- social learning and perception in small es. Prerequisites: Psych 101 and at least groups and in cultural contexts.

Psychology 145: PSYCHOLOGY OF LANGUAGE Pag-aaral ng sikolohiya sa pamamagitan ng masusing pagtingin sa wika; pagsusuri sa mga paraan kung paanong sinasalamin ng literatura at ng mga kaasalang berbal at di-berbal ang lipunan at pagkatao; pag-aaral ng akwisisyon, pagkatuto at pagsulong ng wika. 3 hours a week (lect); 3 units Prerequisite: Psych 101 Psychology 148: COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY

Prerequisite: Psychology 101; 3 units


Public Administration Electives PA 11 - INTRO TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Understanding of the language and basic concepts of public administration and its development as a field of study. 3 units PA 108 - PHILIPPINE ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT AND INSTITUTIONS. Theories and ideas underlying the Philippine administrative system; the general structure of the Philippine bureaucracy; its principal operating features, including the personnel system, the financial system, the processes of policy-making, national-local relations, and major problem areas. Prerequisite: PA 11, or

consent of instructor 3 units

PA 132 - PUBLIC ACCOUNTING AND BUDGETING. Budgeting and accounting for the government service. Prerequisite: PA 131,3 units PA 141 - PUBLIC POLICY AND PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION. Public policy formulation and implementation; administration and evaluation of public programs. Prerequisite: PA 11, 3 units PA 142 - TOOLS FOR POLICY ANALYSIS. Principles, concepts and techniques for systematic analysis and decision - making in public policy and management. Prerequisite: PA 141, 3


PA 111 - MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS Understanding the major theories and practices of organization and management, and their relevance to the Philippines. Prerequi-

PA 143 - PROGRAM AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT Concepts, methods and processes in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs and projects. Prerequisite: PA 141, 3

PA 113 - OFFICE AND SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT. The management of a government office, with emphasis on records and property management, systems improvement, modern office equipment, and the design and implementation of a management information system. Prereq-

PA 146 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. An examination of basic principles of law with which the administrator should be familiar; judicial enforcement of administrative decisions, and legal remedies against administrative action. Prerequisite: PA 11, Pol.Sc. 11, 3

site: PA 11 3 units

uisite: PA 111 or consent of instructor: 3 units

PA 121 -PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION. Survey of developments and current trends in personnel management. An introduction to basic personnel techniques, such as position classification and selection. Prerequisite: PA



PA 151 - LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION. The administrative organizations and operations of local governments; the structure and processes of regional administration.

Prerequisite: PA 11; 3 units.

11; 3 units

PA 160 - POLITICS AND ADMINISTRATION. PA 131 - PUBLIC FISCAL Consideration of political goals of the nation, ADMINISTRATION. including nation building, legitimacy and other The organization and procedure of efficient issues of political development, the role of the fiscal management including tax administra- bureaucracy in their attainment, reciprocal tion, expenditure control, auditing, purchasing, influence of politics and administration. Preand debt administration. Prerequisite: PA 11 3 requisite: PA 108, Pol.Sc. 11, 3 units



PA 161 - ETHICS AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE. Ethical questions and behavior in the public service and the issue of administrative accountability. 3 units.

forms of governmental intervention in the economy; and the role of public administration in the implementation of economic policies. Prerequisite: PA 11 and Econ 11 Credit: 3 units

PA 191 - SPECIAL TOPICS IN PUBLIC PA 172 - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND ADMINISTRATION. THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Consideration of Prerequisite: PA 111, 121 or 131 the economic role of government; principal

Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management Electives HRIM 108 Franchise Management in Ho- HRIM 112 Business Management in Hotels, tels, Restaurants & Related Institutions. Restaurants & Related Institutions. PrinciPrereq: SS. 3 units ples & techniques of

Industrial Engineering Electives IE 3 Introduction to Industrial Engineering. Systems concepts, the industrial organization & its functions, overview of industrial engineering tools. Prereq: JS. 3 u.

IE 138 Manufacturing Management. Organizational & financial aspects of manufacturing. Manufacturing management principles. Prereq: SS, COI. 3 u.

IE 31 Industrial Organization & Management. Basic features governing the organization, administration, & financing of industries. Relations between labor & management. Prereq: JS. 3 u.

IE 141 Operations Research I. Operations research methodology; optimization models for linear systems; linear programming; duality & sensitivity analysis; transportation, assignment, & network models. Prereq: ES 21/COI. 3 u.

IE 136 Manufacturing Systems. Primary activities of a manufacturing firm. Manufacturing practices. Prereq: SS, COI. 3 u.

IE 142 Operations Research II. Matrix approach to linear programming; integer programming; dynamic programming; goal programming; game theory. Prereq: ES 26, IE 141, COI. 3 u.

IE 137 Quality Systems in Manufacturing. Concepts of quality. World-class quality programs & standard. Performance measurement & competitive priorities. Benchmarking. Coreq: IE 136. 3 u.

IE 150 Systems Evaluation. Criteria for evaluation of systems. Technological, economic & human factors. Prereq: Acctg 1, Econ 100.1. 3 u. IE 197 Special Topics. 3 u.


Statistics Electives Stat 114. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS. Statistics; statistical measurement; statistical notations; collection, organization and presentation of data; measures of central tendency, location, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis; letter values, box plots and stem-and leaf display; measures of association and relationship; rates, ratios, and proportions; construction of index numbers and indicators.

Stat 125. APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE & SOFTWARE PACKAGES. Use of statistical software packages (e.g., SAS, SPSS) for database management & basic statistical analysis. Prereq: Stat 115/ 101/ equiv, Stat 124/equiv. 3 u.

Stat 131. PARAMETRIC STATISTICAL INFERENCE. Population and sample; statistics and sampling Stat 115. BASIC STATISTICAL METH- distributions; point and interval estimation; ODS. statistical hypothesis testing; applications of Computer assisted statistical analysis on the z, t, c 2, and F tests. Prereq: Stat 122, Math following: tests for means; tests for propor- 55. 4 u (3 lec, 1 lab). tions; tests for independence; simple linear regression; Analysis of variance; forecasting Stat 132. NONPARAMETRIC STATISTIusing classical techniques. Prereq: Stat CAL INFERENCE. 114/101/equiv. 3 u. Levels of measurement; goodness of fit tests; sign and signed rank tests; distribution tests; Stat 117. MATHEMATICS FOR STATIS- association tests; tests for independence. TICS. Prereq: Stat 131. 3 u. Principles of logic; methods of proof; fields, sigma fields, and sequences of sets; the real Stat 133. BAYESIAN STATISTICAL INnumber system; sequences & series; combina- FERENCE. torial analysis. Prereq: Math 17/equiv.3 u. Elements of Bayesian probability; assessment of prior likelihood and posterior distributions; Stat 121. PROBABILITY THEORY I. decision theory; Bayesian inference. Prereq: Elements of probability; random variables; Stat 131. 3 u. discrete and continuous random variables; probability distributions; special distributions; Stat 135. MATRIX THEORY FOR STATISmathematical expectations; functions of a TICS. random variable. Matrix operations; properties of matrices; Prereq: Math 53, Stat 117/equiv; Coreq: special matrices; matrix calculus; determiMath54. 3 u. nants; eigen values and eigenvectors; applications to statistics. Prereq: Math 53. 3 u. Stat 122. PROBABILITY THEORY II. Joint, marginal and conditional distributions; Stat 136. INTRODUCTION TO REGRESindependence of several random variables; SION ANALYSIS. distributions and expectations of functions of Linear regression model; model selection; random variables; characterization of F, t, and regression diagnostics; use of dummy variachisquare distributions; limit theorems. Pre- bles; remedial measures. Prereq: Stat 131, req: Stat 121. 3 u. Stat 135; Coreq: Stat 125. 3 u.

Coreq: Math 17/equiv. 3 u.

Stat 124. INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING. Introduction to microcomputer and operating systems; principles of programming; programming using a high-level computer language (e.g.,PASCAL). Prereq: Stat 114/101/equiv. 3 u.


Stat 138. INTRODUCTION TO SAMPLING DESIGNS. Probability and non-probability sampling; simple random, systematic, cluster, stratified and multi-stage sampling designs; applications. Prereq: Stat 131. 3 u. Stat 143. SURVEY OPERATIONS. Research process; techniques of data collection; principles of questionnaire design; data coding and encoding; data quality control; presentation of research findings. Prereq: courses on technical writing & oral communication, Senior standing. 3u.

mental designs; Stat 136. 3 u.



Stat 149. INTRODUCTION TO CATEGORICAL DATA ANALYSIS. Categorical data; cross-classification tables; analysis using loglinear, logistic and logit models. Prereq: Stat 136. 3 u.

Stat 191. SPECIAL TOPICS IN BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL STATISTICS. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Stat 192. SPECIAL TOPICS IN BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS. Stat 145. INTRODUCTION TO TIME Prereq: COI. 3 u. SERIES ANALYSIS & FORECASTING. Classical methods; ARIMA models; Box- Stat 193. SPECIAL TOPICS IN INJenkins method; intervention analysis. DUSTRIAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE Prereq: Stat 136. 3 u. STATISTICS. Prereq: COI. 3 u. Stat 146. INTRODUCTION TO EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS. Stat 194. SPECIAL TOPICS IN Displaying and summarizing batches; re- SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL expressing .data; median polish; robust STATISTICS. and resistant measures; fitting re- Prereq: COI. 3 u. sistant lines. Coreq: Stat 136. 3 u. Stat 197. SPECIAL TOPICS IN Stat 147. INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS. Prereq: COI. 3 u. MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS. Multivariate normal distribution; inference on mean vector and dispersion matrices; principal component analysis; canonical correlation analysis; discriminant analysis; factor analysis; cluster analysis; other multivariate techniques; applications. Prereq: Stat 136. 3 u. Stat 148. INTRODUCTION TO EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS. Principles of experimentation; completely randomized design; randomized complete block design; Latin-square design; factorial experiments; other experi-


Anthropology Electives Anthropology 101 Physical Anthropology. Anthropology 119 Introduction to Human population biology in the conceptual Museology. framework of evolutionary processes Principles, methods and application Prereq Antro 1, 111 Anthropology 103 Primatology Survey of the primate background of human Anthropology 120 Special Problems in evolution Prereq Anthro 101/COI Museology. Issues, development and problems in museum Anthropology 104 Human Evolution. work Fossil and cultural evidence of human evolution Prerq Anthro 101; Bio 102/COI Anthropology 123 Peoples of the Philippines. Ethnography and cultural ecology Anthropology 107 Contemporary Human Populations. Anthropology 124 Peoples of Southeast Asia Phenotypic and genotypic differences among and Oceania. present day human populations and their his- Ethnology and cultural ecology of the area tory and present distribution basis of racial classifications Prereq Anthro 101; a course in Anthropology 126 Social and Economic Life genetics/COI of Philippine Mountain Peoples. Social and cultural life of the Negritos, the Mindanao Anthropology 109 Foundations of Physical pagans and the terrace building peoples of the Anthropology Mountain Province The historical development, theories, concepts and methods of contemporary physical anthro- Anthropology 132 Introduction to Ecological pology. Prerq; Anthro 101/COI Anthropology. Relation between cultural behavior and enviAnthropology 111 Introduction to ronmental phenomena Archaeology. The beginnings of culture up to the advent of Anthropology 133 Economic Anthropology writing Prereq Anthro 1 Economic behavior of pre-industrial peoples and peasant economies Anthropology 112 World Cultural History. Survey of the rise of urban society and an- Anthropology 141 Introduction to Political cient cities as revealed through archaeology. Anthropology Prereq Anthro 101/COI Problems of sanction and law, societal control and government of pre-industrial societies Anthropology 114 Archaeology of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Beginnings and growth of Anthropology 151 Comparative Religion prehistoric cultures and the peopling of the Studies of religious concepts and practices of Pacific Island world pre-literate peoples Anthropology 115 Philippine Archaeology Anthropology 161 Introduction to Folklore. Prehistory of the Philippines as revealed by Oral and traditional literature of the Filipino archaeology people and its significance Anthropology 118 Prehistory of the Philip- Anthropology 164 Folklore of the Southeast pines Asia and Oceania Theories and problems of the peopling of the Oral and traditional literature of these areas Philippines and its bearing on the problems of Oceanic ethnology


Anthropology 165 Philippine Folklore Anthropology 187 Sex and Culture Oral and traditional literature of the Comparative survey of sex phenomena in Filipino people and its significance their cultural context Anthropology 167 Medical Anthropology Overview of traditional and western healthcare systems Prereq JS/CPOI

Anthropology 192 Introduction to Anthropological Theory Development of anthropological thought Prereq Anthro 1

Anthropology 170 Language and Anthropology 195 Field Methods in Culture Archaeology Relation between language and culture Field training and application Prereq Prereq Lingg 110/equiv Anthro 111 Anthropology 172 Traditional and Anthropology 196 Field Methods in Peasant Communities Social Anthropology Their character and transformation Prereq Anthro 181 Anthropology 173 Introduction to Ur- Anthropology 197 Laboratory and Filed ban Anthropology Technique in Physical Anthropology Problems of urban society Research Prereq Anthro 111 Anthropology 179 Culture Change and Anthropology 198 Special Topics Applied Anthropology processes of unplanned and planned cultural changes Prereq Anthro 1, Socio 11/101/COI Anthropology 181 Social Anthropology Concepts, theories and present day implications Anthropology 182 Culture and Personality Role of culture in personality development Anthropology 185 Introduction to Philippine Culture Concepts and problems


Sociology Electives Socio 101 General Sociology Socio 128 Social Stratification. Theoretical concerns of the fields of sociolo- Theories and researches gy and the various expressions of persistent issues in Philippine society Socio 129 Race and Ethnic Relations. The nature and problems of racial and ethnic Socio 110 Social Organization contacts; Study of intersocietal majorityAnalysis of the main forms of social organiza- minority relations, group conflicts, prejudice tion in simple and complex societies; principles and cooperation of the integration and disintegration of social groups Socio 132 Sociology of deviant behavior. Analysis of departures from model and socieSocio 113 The Family tal patterns ad the relevant group processes Theories and researches on the family as a including mechanisms of social control social institution Socio 135 Collective Behavior. Socio 114 The Philippine Social System. Studies in mass behavior, social movements Analysis of the social structure of the Philip- and political action pine society Socio 140 Socialization and Group Socio 118 Sociology of the Economy. Interaction. Analysis of the dynamic relationships between Analysis of socialization as a process, social the economic base and the larger society interaction in and between groups, and aspects of collective behavior Socio 119 Industrial Sociology Formal and informal organization in the indus- Socio 142 Sociology of Mass Communication. trial setting; analysis of the work groups and Processes of opinion formation and change in their relations to the community and the relation to personality and social structure; larger society analysis of flow of public communications through society and impact of mass communiSocio 122 Rural Sociology cation on particular audiences Comparative studies of rural life Socio 153 Sociology of Development. Socio 123 Urban Sociology The nature and problems of the process of Comparative studies of urban communities; development. nature and consequences of urbanization Socio 160 Society and Population. Socio 124 Sociology of Education Description and analysis of population aggreTheories and researches on the social organi- gates; world population growth, man environzation of the school and relationships between ment and technology. education and the larger society Socio 165 Human Ecology. Socio 125 Sociology of Religion. Principles and methods of ecology applied to Analysis of the forms of religious beliefs and the study of the interaction of mancommitments; examination of religious phe- environment and technology nomena as products of society Socio 127 Political Sociology. Analysis of the interaction of the social structure and politics sources of power, authority, legitimacy and social change


Socio 167 Sociology of the Environment. Analysis of the complex interaction between society and the environment by examining key environmental problems in relation to social structures Prereq JS, Nat Sci 2 Socio 171 Sociological Theory. The major classical writers and their works. Prereq Socio 101/COI for nonmajors

Socio 181 Quantitative Methods of Sociological Research Survey and application of quantitative techniques of data gathering and analysis in sociological research Prereq Socio 101 Socio 182 –Qualitative methods of Sociological Research Survey and application of the qualitative methods of data gathering and analysis in sociological research Prereq Socio 101.COI

Socio 172 Sociological Theory II The works of major contemporary sociologists. Prereq Socio 171/COI

Socio 183 Principles and methods of Survey Research. Questionaire construction, research Socio 178 Special Topics in Sociologi- design, data analysis and interpretation cal Theory Prereq Socio 171, 172 Prereq Socio 180, 181 Socio 179 Readings in Sociology Prereq JS

Socio 188 Special topics in Research Methodology Prereq Socio 179

Socio 180 Social Statistics. Socio 197 Special Topics in Sociology Introduction to statistical techniques, Developments, issues, trends and proprinciples, methods and the application spects in sociology of computer knowledge to the analysis of quantitative data in sociological research Prereq Math 11


Language Electives FRENCH 10 Elementary Course Functional Grammar with extensive oral prac100 French Culture & Civilization tice in French. 3 u Readings in the historic development of civilization in France. 11 Elementary Course Prereq18 u. of French COI 3 u Continuation of French 10. 3 u 101 Contemporary French Culture 12 Intermediate Course Continuation of French 100. Prereq French Second part–grammar & composition – sight 100. 3 u translation & conversation. Prereq French 11. 3 u 110 Survey of French Literature Prereq French 100/COI 3 u 13 Intermediate Course Continuation of French 12. 3 u 120 Representative French Authors The history of French literature from the 14 Advanced Language Course I Middle Ages to the 19th century; the differPrereq French 13 3 u ent literary movements and major writers of each epoch. Excerpts of the works or com15 Advanced Language Course II plete works of the most important of these Continuation of French 14 3 u writers are given with the class work or as outside reading material. Prereq. French 110/ 30 Advanced Spoken French I COI 3 u Prereq French 15 3 u 140 Technical French 31 Advanced Spoken French II (Specific Area) Prereq French 15/COI. 3 u. Continuation of French 30. Prereq French 30. may be repeated for another 3 u 3u 150 Masterpieces of French Literature 40 Advanced Grammar Prereq French 110/COI 3 u Advanced principles of grammar along with practice in their application. Prereq French 15 160 Contemporary French Literature 3u Prereq French 110/COI 3 u 45 Introduction to French Phonetics and 197 Special Topics Phonology Prereq French 110/COI Prereq French 40. 3 u 3units 60 Composition Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. Prereq. French 40. 3 u 80 French Stylistics Introduction to French stylistics using literary texts. Prereq 18 u. of French 3 u


Language Electives GERMAN 10 Elementary Course Functional Grammar with extensive oral prac100 German Culture & Civilization tice in French. 3 u Readings in the historic development of civilization in Germany. 11 Elementary Course Prereq18 u. of German COI 3 u Continuation of German 10. 3 u 101 Contemporary German Culture 12 Intermediate Course Continuation of German 100. Prereq German Second part–grammar & composition – sight 100. 3 u translation & conversation. Prereq German 11. 3 u 110 Survey of German Literature Prereq German 100/COI 3 u 13 Intermediate Course Continuation of German 12. 3 u 120 Representative German Authors Designed to introduce students to the lives & 14 Advanced Language Course I works of the more important authors & to give Prereq German 13 3 u an insight into the different epochs of German literature 15 Advanced Language Course II Prereq. German 110/COI 3 u Continuation of German 14 3 u 140 Technical German (Specific Area) Prereq German 15/COI. 3 u. may be repeated for another 3 u

30 Advanced Spoken German I Prereq German 15 3 u

31 Advanced Spoken German II 150 Masterpieces of German Literature Continuation of German 30. Prereq German 30. The great authors of Germany, with special 3u attention to prosody vocabulary & syntax & literary merits of each work 40 Advanced Grammar Prereq German 110/COI 3 u Advanced principles of grammar along with practice in their application. Prereq German 15 160 Contemporary German Literature 3u Prereq German 110/COI 3 u 45 Introduction to German Phonetics and 197 Special Topics Phonology Prereq German 110/COI Prereq German 40. 3 u 3units 60 Composition Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. Prereq. German 40. 3 u 80 German Stylistics Introduction to German stylistics using literary texts. Prereq 18 u. of German 3 u


Language Electives ITALIAN 100 Italian Culture & Civilization 10 Elementary Course Readings in the historic development of civiliFunctional Grammar with extensive oral praczation in Italy. tice in Italian. 3 u Prereq18 u. of Italian COI 3 u 11 Elementary Course Continuation of Italian 10. 3 u

101 Contemporary Italian Culture and Civilization Continuation of Italian 100. Prereq Italian 100. 3u

12 Intermediate Course Second part–grammar & composition – sight translation & conversation. Prereq 110 Survey of Italian Culture and Italian 11. 3 u Civilization Prereq Italian 100/COI 3 u 13 Intermediate Course Continuation of Italian 12. 3 u 120 Representative Italian Authors Prereq. Italian 110/COI 3 u 14 Advanced Language Course I Prereq Italian 13 3 u 140 Technical Italian (Specific Area) Prereq Italian 15/COI. 3 u. 15 Advanced Language Course II Continuation of Italian 14 3 u 150 Masterpieces of Italian Literature Prereq Italian 110/COI 3 u 30 Advanced Spoken Italian I Prereq Italian 15 3 u 160 Contemporary Italian Literature Prereq Italian 110/COI 3 u 31 Advanced Spoken Italian II Continuation of Italian 30. Prereq Italian 30. 3 197 Special Topics u Prereq Italian 110/COI 3units 40 Advanced Grammar Advanced principles of grammar along with practice in their application. Prereq Italian 15 LATIN 3u 45 Introduction to Italian Phonetics and 10 Elementary Latin Phonology 3u. Prereq Italian 40. 3 u 11 Intermediate Latin 60 Composition Continuation of Latin 10. 3u. Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. Prereq. Italian 40. 3 u 80 Italian Stylistics Introduction to Italian stylistics using literary texts. Prereq 18 u. of Italian 3 u


Language Electives PORTUGUESE


10 Elementary Course 10 Elementary Course Functional Grammar with extensive oral prac- Pronunciation, grammar, easy readings with tice in Portuguese. 3 u practice in speaking & writing Russian 3 u 11 Elementary Course Continuation of Portuguese 10. 3 u

11 Elementary Course Continuation of Russian 10. 3 u

12 Intermediate Course 12 Intermediate Course Second part–grammar & composition – sight Second part–grammar & composition – sight translation & conversation. Prereq translation & conversation. Prereq Portuguese 11. 3 u Russian 11. 3 u 13 Intermediate Course Continuation of Portuguese 12. 3 u

13 Intermediate Course Continuation of Russian 12. 3 u

14 Advanced Language Course I Prereq Portuguese 13 3 u

14 Advanced Language Course I Prereq Russian 13 3 u

15 Advanced Language Course II Continuation of Portuguese 14 3 u

15 Advanced Language Course II Continuation of Russian 14 3 u

30 Advanced Spoken Portuguese I Prereq Portuguese 15 3 u

30 Advanced Spoken Russian I Prereq Russian 15 3 u

31 Advanced Spoken Portuguese II 31 Advanced Spoken Russian II Continuation of Portuguese 30. Prereq Portu- Continuation of Russian 30. Prereq Russian 30. guese 30. 3 u 3u 40 Advanced Grammar Advanced principles of grammar along with practice in their application. Prereq Portuguese 15 3 u

40 Advanced Grammar Advanced principles of grammar along with practice in their application. Prereq Russian 15 3u

60 Composition 60 Composition Mechanics of composition and of its different Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. Prereq. Portuguese 40. 3 u genres. Prereq. Russian 40. 3 u


Language Electives SPANISH 10 Elementary Course This course provides intensive practice in conversational Spanish on an elementary level. The work consists of the oral aspects of language study; pronunciation, vocabulary, building, reading aloud, comprehension of the spoken language and conversation. Functional grammar is given to the students to serve as a guide in the formation of correct speech habits . 3 u

expression in the language by means of oral or written reports on material assigned to be read. Prereq Spanish 15 3 u 45 Introduction to Spanish Phonetics and Phonology Prereq Spanish 40. 3 u 60 Composition Mechanics of composition and of its different genres. Prereq. Spanish 40. 3 u 80 Spanish Stylistics Introduction to Spanish stylistics using literary texts. Prereq 18 u. of Spanish 3 u

11 Elementary Course A continuation of Spanish I. The essentials of grammar with special emphasis on idioms are 100 Spanish Culture & Civilization treated in this course. Emphasis is placed on Readings in the historic development of civiliintonation, pronunciation, vocabulary building & zation in Spain conversation 3 u Prereq18 u. of Spanish COI 3 u 12 Intermediate Course Prereq Spanish 11. 3 u

101 Contemporary Spanish Culture Continuation of Spanish 100. Prereq Spanish 100. 3 u

13 Intermediate Course Oral and written communication exercises 105 Latin American Culture & Civilization emphasizing the subjunctive mood and reading Readings in the historic development of civiliof selected texts. Continuation of Spanish 12 . zation in Latin America. Prereq Span 100/COI 3u 14 Advanced Language Course I Prereq Spanish 13 3 u 15 Advanced Language Course II Continuation of Spanish 14 3 u

106 Contemporary Latin American & Civilization Prerq Span 105/COI


110 Survey of Spanish Literature Prereq Spanish 100/COI 3 u

120 Representative Spanish Authors 20 Readings in Spanish The history of Spanish literature from the . Selected Writings by Filipinos in their original Prereq. Spanish 110/COI 3 u Spanish versions. Prereq 9 u. of Span 30 Advanced Spoken Spanish I Prereq Spanish 15 3 u

140 Technical Spanish (Specific Area) Prereq Spanish 15/COI. 3 u.

150 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature 31 Advanced Spoken Spanish II Prereq Spanish 110/COI 3 u Continuation of Spanish 30. Prereq Spanish 30. 3 u 160 Contemporary Spanish Literature Prereq Spanish 110/COI 3 u 40 Advanced Grammar Advanced Principles of grammar along with 197 Special Topics practice in their application. Emphasis on selfPrereq Spanish 110/COI


Language Electives ARABIK (ARABIC) Arabik 10 Elementaring Arabik I Arabik 11 Elementaring Arabik II Kontinwasyon ng Arabik 10. Prerek Arabik 10 Arabik 12 Intermidyet Arabik I Arabik 11 Arabik 13 Intermidyet Arabik II Kontinwasyon ng Arabik 12 Prerek Arabik 12 Arabik 100 Advans na Arabik I Prerek Arabik 13 Arabik 101 Advans na Arabik II Kontinwasyon ng Arabik 100 Preprek Arabik 100 Arabik 110 Mga Babasahin sa Arabik. Mga piling babasahin sa Arabik sa iba’t ibang disiplina para idevelop ang komprehensyon sa pagbabasa. Prerek Arabik 101 Arabik 111 Advans na komposisyon sa Arabik. Pagsasanay sa iba’t ibang porma ng komposisyon sa Arabik. Prerek Arabik 101

BAHASA INDONESIA/ MALAYSIA Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 10 Elementaring Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia I Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 11 Elementaring Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II Kontinwasyon ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 10. Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 10

Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II Kontinwasyon ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 12 Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 12 Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 100 Advans na Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia I Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 13 Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 101 Advans na Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II Kontinwasyon ng Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 100 Preprek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 100 Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 110 Mga Babasahin sa Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia. Mga piling babasahin sa Bahasa Indonesia/ Malaysia sa iba’t ibang disiplina para idevelop ang komprehensyon sa pagbabasa. Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 101 Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 111 Advans na komposisyon sa Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia. Pagsasanay sa iba’t ibang porma ng komposisyon sa Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia. Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 101

MYANMAR Myanmar 10 Elementaring Myanmar I Myanmar 11 Elementaring Myanmar II Kontinwasyon ng Myanmar 10. Prerek Myanmar 10 Myanmar 12 Intermidyet Myanmar I Prerek Myanmar 11 Myanmar 13 Intermidyet Myanmar II Kontinwasyon ng Myanmar 12 Prerek Myanmar 12

Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 12 Intermidyet Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia II Prerek Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 11 Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia 13 Intermidyet

Koryano 10 Elementaring Koryano I 31

Language Electives HAPON Hapon 10 Elementaring Hapon I Hapon 11 Elementaring Hapon II Kontinwasyon ng Hapon 10. Prerek Hapon 10 Hapon 12 Intermidyet Hapon I Prerek Hapon 11 Hapon 13 Intermidyet Hapon II Kontinwasyon ng Hapon 12 Prerek Hapon 12 Hapon 20 Pagbasa sa Hapon Prerek Hapon 11 Hapon 100 Advans na Hapon I Prerek Hapon 13 Hapon 101 Advans na Hapon II Kontinwasyon ng Hapon 100 Preprek Hapon 100 Hapon 110 Mga Babasahin sa Hapon. Mga piling babasahin sa Hapon sa iba’t ibang disiplina para idevelop ang komprehensyon sa pagbabasa. Prerek Hapon 101 Hapon 111 Advans na komposisyon sa Hapon. Pagsasanay sa iba’t ibang porma ng komposisyon sa Hapon. Prerek Hapon 101 Hapon 112 Advans na Kanji Prerek Hapon 100 Hapon 113 Pagsalin sa Hapon Prerek Hapon 101 Hapon 121 Pagbasa ng Dyaryong Hapon. Prerek Hapon 101

Hapon 123 Advams na Pagbasa II Pagbasa ng mga tekstong Hapon tungkol sa instutusyong pulitikal at sosyal. Prerek Hapon 101 Hapon 124 Sayantifik at Teknikal na Hapon Prerek Hapon 101 Hapon 141 Kasaysayan at Teknikal na Hapon Prerek Hapon 101 Hapon 142 Semantiks na Hapon Prerek Hapon 101

INTSIK Intsik 10 Elementaring Intsik I Intsik 11 Elementaring Intsik II Kontinwasyon ng Intsik 10. Prerek Intsik 10 Intsik 12 Intermidyet Intsik I Intsik 11 Intsik 13 Intermidyet Intsik II Kontinwasyon ng Intsik 12 Prerek Intsik 12 Intsik 100 Advans na Intsik I Prerek Intsik 13 Intsik 101 Advans na Intsik II Kontinwasyon ng Intsik 100 Preprek Intsik 100 Intsik 110 Mga Babasahin sa Intsik. Mga piling babasahin sa Intsik sa iba’t ibang disiplina para idevelop ang komprehensyon sa pagbabasa. Prerek Intsik 101 Intsik 111 Advans na komposisyon sa Intsik. Pagsasanay sa iba’t ibang porma ng komposisyon sa Intsik. Prerek Intsik 101

Hapon 122 Advams na Pagbasa I Pagbasa ng mga tekstong Hapon tungkol sa kultura. Prerek Hapon 101 . disiplina para idevelop ang komprehensyon sa


Tourism Electives T-102 WORLD TOURISM. The geography, history, attractions, facilities, travel formalities, conditions, communications, & gastronomy of important (actual & potential) tourismoriented countries in the world. T-110 TOURISM PRINCIPLES. The study and application of the basic components of tourism, the factors determining priorities in tourist development, the philosophy and promotion of tourism, and the social, cultural and economic significance of tourism. Includes the importance of travel counseling, publicity media, research and statistics, immigration and customs procedures and the development of tourism at regional, national and international levels. T-111 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CONTROL. Quantitative & qualitative approaches to development planning in the tourism sector.

Prereq: Tour 122, Econ 100.1, 100.2, 3 u.

T-112 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN TOURISM. Introduction to computers, its basic components, various uses & applications in the management & operation of airlines, travel agencies, hotels & resorts & other tourism establishments. Prereq: T-110, 175,

181. 3 u.

T-113 TOURISM & PHILIPPINE CULTURE. Integration of the cultural geography of the Philippines in the context of tourism planning & development. Prereq: Tour 110. 3 u. T-114 DOMESTIC TOURISM. The importance of domestic travel in developing tourism. Various strategies & tactics to develop domestic in tourism. Prereq: Tour 122, 151.

3 u.

T-115 ENTREPRENEURSHIP & NEW ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT IN TOURISM. The examination of opportunities, preparation of business plans & analysis of problems involved in the planning & establishment

of tourism-oriented enterprises. Identification, selection & implementation of a tourism related to business of their choice. Prereq: SS

& Tour 136. 3 u.

T-116 LAND RESOURCE & RESORT AREA DEVELOPMENT. Analysis of the techniques in planning, developing & marketing land resources keeping in mind the economic, legal & physical factors in the use, transfer, development & administration of lands for purposes of tourism. The emphasis is on the feasibility & planning of destination resort properties, & the development of recreational facilities as well as the overall hotel physical structure.

Prereq: Tour 111. 3 u.

T-117 ECOTOURISM. Sustainable utilization of the natural environment as a component of tourism development; development and operation of ecotourism products and programs.

Prereq: SS. 3 u.

T-120 PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION & BEHAVIOR. Principles and techniques of organization, management & organizational behavior in tourism planning bodies & enterprises. (Equivalent: BA 101& 104) 4 u. T-121 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. Introduction to the fundamental principles of human resources management in the areas of acquisition, development, maintenance, and utilization of labor force in tourism -oriented establishments. Special issues relating to the management of human resources shall also be discussed. Prereq: Tour 120, 3 u. T-122 TOURISM MANAGEMENT. Comparative analysis of different approaches & options in the management of a destination’s industry, specifically in the aspects of planning, organization, direction & control. Includes a comprehensive study of the structure/organization of the national tourism organizations in various countries. Prereq:

Tour 110 & 120. 3 u.


Tourism Electives T-126 MICE MANAGEMENT. A study of Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions & Exhibitions (MICE) industry as a vital component of tourism & an introduction to the various functions, techniques, methods & approaches in the planning & organizing meetings, conventions & exhibitions; overview on incentive travel & its features. Prereq: Tour

110 & 151. 3 u.

T-131 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING FOR TOURISM ENTERPRISES. Uses of economic & accounting concepts for managerial planning & control in tourism planning bodies & enterprises. (Equivalent: Mgt/BA 115) Prereq: Ac-

ctg 1, Econ 100.2. 3 u.

T-136 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM ENTERPRISES. Principles of financial management for short- & long-range planning. (Equivalent: Mgt 141/BA 141, 142).

Prereq: Tour 131. 3 u.

T-144 TOURISM LAWS I. An introductory course in basic law emphasizing laws relevant to the tourism industry which includes: constitutional principles, principles of obligations and contracts, & the laws on common carriers.

T-153 TOURISM PROMOTION. The fundamental principles of publicity, advertising & sales promotion with emphasis on the various approaches, methods & problems when these promotional tools are used in tourism. Prereq:

Tour 151. 3 u.

T-161 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT. The development of major transportation systems & their marketing function as an integral part of the process of physical distribution. It considers the geographical, technical, legal & political factors as they affect land, sea & air travel & transport systems. Transportation’s impact on areas served. Analysis of models of passenger transportation, including rates & services in urban, local, intraprovinces & interprovinces & international operations. Prereq: Tour 110. 3 u. T-166 LAND TRAVEL MANAGEMENT. The breadth & challenge of strategic problems current & future- which confront railway & bus company executives. The course aims to cultivate an awareness of the environment in which the bus & the railway industries must function, both today & in the future. Prereq:

Tour 161. 3 u.

Prereq: Tour 110. 3 u.

T-145 TOURISM LAWS II. A continuation of Tourism 144 (Tourism Laws I) for more extensive legal background as part of professional training for management. Emphasis is given to the laws pertaining to partnerships and corporations, specific rights & liabilities of innkeepers & other persons engaged in the ownership & operations of tourism establishments, & legal aspects of labor relations.

Prereq: Tour 144, 3 u.

T-151 MARKETING MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM. The importance & relevance of marketing in a variety of tourism-oriented institutions. Emphasis is placed on policies, strategies & tactics in promoting tourism and other products & services of the country.Prereq: Tour 110, 120. 3 u.

T-167 SEA TRAVEL MANAGEMENT. The breadth & challenge of current & future strategic problems which confront shipping & port executives. The course aims to cultivate an awareness of the environment in which the sea travel industry must function, both today & in the future. Prereq: Tour 161. 3 u. T-168 AIR TRAVEL MANAGEMENT. The breadth & challenge of strategic problems current & future - which confront airline & airport executives. The course aims to cultivate an awareness of the environment in which the airline & airport industry must function, both today & in the future. managers. Pre-

req: Tour 161. 3 u.


Tourism/Philosophy Electives T-175 TOUR & TRAVEL AGENCY MANAGEMENT. The application of management principles in travel agency organization & operation, development & operation of tours & problems connected therewith, human relations, IATA & ATC regulations, tariffs & schedules & finances & linkages with other tourism establishments. Prereq: Tour

102,110,114. 5 u.

T-181 INTRODUCTION TO HOTEL &RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT The development of hotels and restaurants, trends, types of operation & comparative practices in the hotel & restaurant industry. Field trips are required. Prereq: Tour 110 3 u. T-182 RESORT AND CLUB MANAGEMENT.The management & operations of clubs & resort hotels, & their services-including the technical & administrative aspects. Prereq:

Tour 181. 3 u.

PHILOSOPHY Philosophy 12: INTERMEDIATE LOGIC. Basic formal techniques in analytical philosophy. 3units Philosophy 100: MATHEMATICAL LOGIC I. A formalization of propositional and first order predicate logic; extension of first order predicate logic and proofs of some properties of these systems. 3 units. Philosophy 102: MATHEMATICAL LOGIC II.First order recursive arithmetic; arithmetization of syntax and Godel’s incompleteness theorem. 3 units. Philosophy 104: Modal Logic. Concepts of possibility and necessity within formal and axiomatized language in modal propositional calculi. 3 units. Philosophy 110: ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY.

Major philosophical ideas from the preSocratics to the neo-Platonists. 3 units. Philosophy 111: MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY. Major philosophical ideas from Augustine to William of Ockham. 3 units. Philosophy 112: MODERN PHILOSOPHY. Major philosophical ideas from the rationalists to the German and British idealists. 3 units. Philosophy 113: CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY. Major philosophical ideas from the logical positivists to the present. 3 units. Philosophy 114: PHENOMENOLOGY AND EXISTENTIALISM. The phenomenological movement in contemporary German and French philosophies with emphasis on the writing of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and MerleauPonty.3 units. Philosophy 120: PHILOSOPHICAL REASONING. Methods and techniques of reasoning as applied to philosophical problems. 3 units. Philosophy 125: INDIAN PHILOSOPHY. Indian Philosophy from the Verdic samhitas to the Hindu darsinas. 3 units. Philosophy 126: CHINESE PHILOSOPHY Philosophies of China from Confucius to Hu Shih. 3 units. Philosophy 130: METAPHYSICS.Nature of metaphysical inquiry, various categories of reality and world views. 3 units. Philosophy 150: EPISTEMOLOGY.Problems regarding the sources, nature and validation of knowledge. 3 units. Philosophy 160: PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE.Nature of scientific inquiry, problems of demarcation, explanation, prediction, con-


Philosophy/ Economics Electives -cept of formation and validation. 3 units. Philosophy 171: ETHICS.Problems and theories of moral values. 3 units.


Philosophy 172: PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. Nature of religious experience, language and knowledge. 3 units.

Econ 108 (Economics ofSocialism)Theories of the transition to socialism for developed and underdeveloped countries; delineation of property rights; central planning, markets and coordination in the historical practice of centrally planned economies. Credit: 3 units

Philosophy 173: PRACTICAL ETHICS. Moral issues in practical situations and the application of ethical theories. 3 units.

Econ 109 (History of EconomicThought) Evolution of basic economic ideas and their social and intellectual context. Credit: 3 units

Philosophy 174: BIOMEDICAL ETHICS. Moral issues in medicine and the biological sciences.3 units.

Econ 111 (General Economic History Economic change and the evolution of economic institutions in selected countries. Credit: 3u

Philosophy 175: PHILOSOPHY OF LAW. Theories about the nature of law and legal reasoning, as well as issues on the relationship between law, morality and society. 3 units.

Econ 112 (Asian Economic History) History of economic change and development in China, Japan and other Asian countries. Credit: 3u

Philosophy 176: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. Problems and theories concerning man, society and the state. 3 hours a week (class); credit: 3 units. Philosophy 181: AESTHETICS.Theories of aesthetics experience and values. 3 units. Philosophy 195: PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE.A survey of the major controversies in philosophy of language. 3 units. Philosophy 196: Mga Paksa sa Pilosopiyang Pilipino.3 units.

Econ 115 (Philippine Economic History) Economic change in the Philippines from colonial times to the present. Credit: 3 units Econ 116 (The Economies of Asia A survey of economic development in the countries of the region. Credit: 3 units Econ 121 (Monetary Economics Nature and role of money; banks and other financial intermediaries; central banking and banking regulations; open economy issues; efficient-markets theory; development finance. Credit: 3 units Econ 122 (Financial Economics) Additional Prerequisite: E121 Credit: 3 units

Philosophy 197: PHILOSOPHIC PROBLEMS. An in-depth study of the basic problems in the Econ 132: Business Forecasting Additional Prerequisite: Econ 131 Credit: 3 units various areas of Philosophy. 3 units. Econ 141 (International Economics InternaPhilosophy 198: SPECIAL PROBLEMS. Pretional trade and finance, commercial policy, requisite: Senior standing. 3 unitsfunction, both today & in the future. Prereq: Tour 161. 3 and the macroeconomics of an open economy. Credit: 3 units u.


Economics Electives Econ 151 (Public Economics) Market failure; collective choice; theory of government expenditures and taxation Credit: 3 units

of the development experience in low - income and high - income countries. Credit: 3 units Econ 195 (Reading Course in Economics) Individual work on special topics not included in the announced course offerings. Credit: 3 units

Econ 153 (Project Evaluation) Discounted cash- flow analysis; social opportunity cost pricing; applications to public-sector projects with case studies; post-evaluation techniques. Credit: 3 units

Econ 196 (Urban and Regional Economics) Introduction to location theory; the urban economy; regional income theory; regional inter-dependence. Credit: 3 units

Econ 161 (Industrial Organization) Analysis of firms and markets, pricing product, and investment decisions in theory and in practice; policies on competition and on protection; business and its environment.Credit: 3 units

Econ 198 (Special Topics in Economics) Credit: 3 units

Econ 162 (Managerial Economics) Credit: 3 units Econ 163 (The Law and Economics of Business Transactions) Credit: 3 units Econ 171 (Agricultural Economics) Agriculture in strategies for economic development; economics of rural institutions; analysis of agricultural policy. Credit: 3 units Econ 172 (Resource and Environmental Economics) Introduction to the analysis of problems and management of natural resources; environmental problems and policies. Credit: 3 units Econ 181 (Labor Economics) Determinants of wage levels and wage structure; employment; nonwage aspects of employment; aspects of human capital theory. Credit: 3 units Econ 186 (Health Economics) Demand for and supply of health care; role of government in health care; organization and financing of health care services; problems associated with alternative delivery systems. Credit: 3 units Econ 191 (Development Economics) Theories and problems of economic development; survey


Journalism Electives J18 News in the New Century. Reading & and techniques in using database management understanding the news towards developing a software and the Internet in newsreporting. critical public voice. 3u. Prerequisite: J102. 3u. J100 History of the Press. Development of J117 Online Journalism. News reporting and the news media, including Asia & the Philip- production for the Internet & the World pines. 3 u. Wide Web. Prerequisite: J102. 3 u. J101 Introduction to Journalism. Func- J121 The Newsroom. Copyediting, headtions, principles and standards of journalism; line writing, simple layouting; evaluating the types of news; reportorial skills. Prerequisite: news, and planning news coverage. Prerequiany course on English grammar and any course site: J110. 3 u. on Philippine History. 3 u. J122 Publication Design and Layout. J102 News Reporting. Covering and writing Computer usage in designing newspapers, magthe news. Prerequisite: J101. 3 u. azines, brochures, newsletters, and websites. J103 Interpretative Writing. News analysis Prerequisite: J121. 3 u. and commentary, including columns and editorials. Prerequisite: J102. 3 u. J123 Photojournalism. Basic principles of photographic coverage of news events. PreJ105 Investigative Reporting. Principles requisite: J102, COI for non-majors. 3 u. and techniques of investigative journalism. Prerequisite: J102. 3 u. J133 Alternative Journalism. Reporting for and about special audiences and developJ107 Business Reporting. Covering develop- ment issues. Prerequisite: J102. 3 u. ments in business and industry. Prerequisite: J102, Econ 100.1. 3 u. J136 Community Press. History, development and present conditions of the community J109 Writing for Popular Audienc- press in the Philippines, with practical applicaes. Principles and techniques of popularizing tion of journalism principles and techniques. technical and scientific materials for general Prerequisite: J102. 3 u. audiences and publication in the mass media. Prerequisite: JS/COI. 3 u. J151 Advertising. History, principles, management, and application of advertising J110 Journalism Ethics. Analysis of ethical processes. Prerequisite: J102. 3 u. issues and problems in journalism. Prerequisite: J102. 3 u. J152 Public Information & Public Relations. Principles, ethics, processes, tools, J111 Feature Writing. Principles and tech- techniques, and the practice of public relaniques of writing feature articles for newspa- tions, including public information. Prerequipers and magazines. Prerequisite: any course site: J102, SS. 3 u. on literature and the humanities. 3 u. J195 Specialized Reporting. Writing for J112 Reporting on the Environment. Princi- special newspaper & magazine sections, theory ples and techniques of writing news and fea- & practice. 3 u. ture articles about the environment. Prerequisite: J102. 3u. J116 Computer-Assisted Reporting. Principles




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