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FOUNDERS: National University of Food Technologies JSC «Information-analytical center «UPAKOVKA» Founded 1996
The magazine is registered in the Ministry of Justice of CertificateUkraine of registration KB № Ukraine, Kyiv, 4a 044 044
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I’m sure that the person who looked through the last issue of the magazine remembered its cover, which depicted a military backpack with a very capacious inscription: “All life is packed in one backpack.” For many Ukrainians, those who went to fight against the rusians, those who moved to safer regions of Ukraine, and those who temporarily moved to other countries with their families - life turned into a pile of challenges, the number of which could barely go in such a backpack.
3www.upakjour.com.ua editor in chief packaging 4’2022
The Packaging Saves in Hard Times of War
517 2323, +38
Author printing Design Natalia Kruglyak The authors and advertisers are responsible for the contents and the accuracy of the information Reproduction without permission is not allowed Link to the magazine is required Originals will not be returned to the authors Edition is not always agree with the views of the authors
In general, the packaging, being an equal participant in the military life of the country, helps to defeat the rusian enemy. It transports weapons and ammunition to the front lines from our foreign partners, delivers medicines, drugs and medical equipment to military hospitals, stores food and drinks to feed Ukrainian soldiers at the front. Finally, it helps refugees and displaced persons to have basic essential things for life in their new place. So, as always, the packaging is with us even in such hard times of war. Although sometimes it looks like just a military backpack, which has absorbed our entire current life. Thank you for your understanding and support Kryvoshei Valerii, Ph.D. in Chemistry
517 2383 e-mail: www.packinfo.com.uawww.upakjour.com.ua,upakjour@nbi.com.ua
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Editorial board: O.V. Vatrenko, Dr.; O.M.Velichko, Dr.; S.B. Verbitsky, Ph.D.; O.M.Gavva, Dr.; Dr.; P.V.Zamotaev, Dr.; A.Koyun, Dr. (Turkie); V.M. Kryvoshei, Ph.D.; O.A. Kucherenko; I.O. Mikulonok, Dr.; C. Olsmats, Dr. (Shweeden); B.O.Palchevskiy, Dr.; A.D. Petukhov, Dr.; I.I. Regey, Dr.; O.L. Sokolskiy, Dr.; S. Stefanov, Dr. (Bulgaria); S. Tkaczyk, Dr. (Poland); V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.; O.Yu. Shevchenko, Dr.; V.K. Shostya; V.L. Shreder; M.V. Yakimchuk, Dr. Editor in Chief Valerii Kryvoshei , Ph.D. Technical editor Oleksandr Gavva , Dr. Pavel Zamotaev, Dr. CEO Veronika Khalaydzhi, Ph.D. Translator K. Solovey Information and advertising Nadiya Kryvoshei , Regina Sirotenko Preparation IAC «Upakovka» Design concept of the magazine
© IAC «Upakovka», 2022

3_editor in chief The Packaging Saves in Hard Times of War 6_war Yesterday He Was a Typographer, Today He Is a Warrior 10_ The Ukrainian Packers Add to the Victory 12_ Life Аfter the 24th 14_presentation Wipak Group and Its Mission of Sustainable Development 15_ Trust Is the Key to Plast-Box Leadership 20_market Innovations in the Packaging 22_ Marketers Inform... 28_packaging Biodegradable Laminate for Butter Packaging Andrzej Kornacki 30_ Packaging from All Continents 32_ Packaging Development Trends (According to the Results of the WorldStar Award 2021 Competition) 36_ecology Will Banning Plastic Bags Save the Environment? V.M. Kryvoshei, Ph.D. 38_sms 4[149]2022 packaging content www.upakjour.com.ua

EFFICIENT PRODUCTION –DIGITIZATION –CIRCULAR ECONOMY New applications for the circular economy. Resource-saving technologies. User-friendly automations. More transparency using data intelligence. Live show at the booth and EXPO at headquarters. And most importantly: time for personal conversations. MEET US LIVE ON SITE AT K 2022 ... ... AND DIVE DEEP INTO THE WORLD OF W&H AT OUR EXPO IN LENGERICH • Daily Live Machine Show • Talks with Experts • Also at our andby(theFFS-specialistBooth:AVENTUSjointventureHaver&BoeckerW&H) • 10 Running Machines • 24 Live Demonstrations each day • Extrusion, Printing and Converting 20/21 + 24/25 October 2022 Registration at K booth Daily Bus shuttle provided 19 – 26 October 2022 Hall 17, Booth A57 Düsseldorf Fairgrounds

– Probably it is a little strange, but I was 90 % sure that a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by russia would begin in the last week of February or early March. And I was preparing for it. When the attack took place, I had already had a plan what to do. On February 24, I was on a business trip to Denmark, and I had already known that I would go to Ukraine. On the 25th I returned to the Netherlands, flew to Warsaw on the 26th, went by car to Lviv on the 27th, was already in Lviv on the 28th, was taken to the Armed Forces service, and on March 1 I was already in the military unit. I am working in my first specialty. I used to be a military signaller, a radio engineer. I am currently engaged in doing approximately the same thing, mainly communication and electronics. That is, a new connection and the latest electronics. In my opinion, it is very important for all of us to help our Motherland right now, because it is a war for the existence of Ukraine. It is possible to ensure and hasten our Victory in the different ways: in the Armed Forces, in business or manufacture, in culture and on the information front – anywhere. You can’t just sit and do nothing. This is evidenced by our historical experience: we know and remember the events of 1918–1921, 1933–1934, 1937, 1939–1945, 1946–1947 and subsequent years. So we have to fight for our independence, for our future here and now. – You almost started answering my second question. How has your professional life changed since then? – Before the war, it was a great creative business: printing, digital printing. Books, labels and packaging, commercial printing. In my opinion it is a good and promising area. But now it has to wait. I’ll get back to it after the victory. By the way, I am very grateful to the leadership and my colleagues from HP for their understanding and support. They quickly realized what was happening, treated with respect to the necessity of my return to Ukraine, to the Armed Forces, to protect the country from russian aggression. This support has been and is very important to me. My colleagues from HP participated in charity events and marathons, collected money and materials to support Ukraine. And when the world became aware of the cruel, inhuman crimes of russians in Bucha and Irpin, colleagues got in contact with me and said that they understood why I had left so quickly. Such crimes can only be committed by inhumans, they really need to be stopped and defeated as soon as possible, so that fewer innocent Ukrainian people are killed. – How did your family react to your decision to go to the war? – I am fortunate in having a good wife. Inga has the same worldview as me. In the beginning, on February 25-26, of course, she was not at all enthusiastic about my idea. The eldest daughter Anna is grown-up, now she is in England. My youngest daughter, Uliana, is 8 years old. Inga and Uliana are in Warsaw now. Inga is studying there, i.e. she doesn’t work at the moment. So the family is financially depend on me, and my decision to leave was and is very risky. But when Inga realized that I really must go to the AFU and was serious about going to Ukraine she give me full support. She packed my things, blessed me, and I left. It’s hard to remember how many years we have known each other. The profession has united our business interests. I have known my current interlocutor since our meeting in Kyiv when he represented the worldknown company HP in Ukraine. Many times we have met at the exhibitions and conferences, published his articles in the “Packaging” magazine. It has always been interesting to hear his ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of printing on the packaging materials, forecasts for the development of the digital, flexo, roto and offset printing. Then Dmytro Tolstoluzhskyi, it is he who I am talking about, went to work to Poland, and later – to the Netherlands. And our corresponding went into mailing and negotiations by phone. Our current conversation also took place online. But Dmytro and I decided to record it to offer it to you, dear readers. And now you are about to understand why. Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
6 www.packinfo.com.ua
4’2022 packaging war
– Dmytro, how did you personally feel on February 24, when russia turn its arms against Ukraine?
Yesterday He Was a Typographer,TodayHe Is a Warrior

– Dmytro, another professional question. By the way, not only I am interested, but also specialists from Futamura which is the only one in the world that has two cellulose film manufacturing plants. Is it possible to print HP inks on digital presses on materials whose packaging waste is compostable?
– A very good question – and the answer is positive. HP has a document confirming that some HP inks can be used for packaging, whose waste will be used for the composting. But provided that the weight of ink does not exceed 5% of the total weight of this packaging. If this condition is fullled, and I think it’s quite real, then HP inks do not interfere with composting. There is a corresponding TV AUSTRIA and DIN CERTCO certificate for the possibility of using HP Indigo ElectroInks printing inks and war
packaging 4’2022
– Dmytro, I can’t resist a few professional questions. Will the obtaining candidate status for EU membership help Ukrainian companies and typographers in general? – I am convinced that it will help. Firstly, both HP and Ukrainian typographers always support each other. When it was necessary to print brochures, stickers or other printed materials for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the work was done by our Ukrainian printing companies very efficiently, quickly and free of charge. There is no doubt as for the impact of Ukraine’s integration into the EU on the development of printing. The Baltic states can serve as an obvious successful example. Their typographers have already had the modern technologies and equipment and motivated personnel. They are very successful in the large European market. If you look at FINAT information reports on the consumption of self-adhesive materials in Europe, Lithuania is somewhere in the second half of the list. But in terms of the number of these materials per capita, Lithuania ranks first in Europe. It was in Lithuania, where before the active phase of the war, we installed several digital printing presses, including the world’s first newest, fastest HP Indigo 8K press for label manufacture. The country has a number of competitive advantages over “old” Europe because of its good integration into the EU, Lithuanian typographers are successfully working, they are developing their business very well. Similar successful projects are working in Latvia and Estonia. So I am sure that good times await Ukraine. Because I know how professional, capable and zealous Ukrainian typographers and packers are. – How does HP cooperate with Ukrainian companies today? – HP continues to operate in Ukraine through Uniprint company. There is great respect for colleagues from Uniprint. At the beginning of the war there were difficult moments with the supply of materials, there were great risks. HP tried to minimize these risks, but I must say that it was Uniprant that did everything possible to ensure that customers were not affected, so that the materials would continue to be supplied on time. Service support in Uniprant has always been and is at a high level. I am proud of the approach to the work of Maryna Nevhad, Maksym Shelekhovskyi, Mykhailo Bielskyi, Helena Yuhelska and other specialists. They properly defended the interests of Ukrainian clients in order to continue a normal cooperation and supply of materials. HP users also continue to work in difficult conditions of war with russia. I would like to mention Foc Tuba Ltd from Kharkiv. It is the first company in Ukraine that uses HP digital printing presses for the manufacture of labels and packaging materials. We all know what has happened and is happening in and around Kharkiv. However, Foc Tuba Ltd continues to work. Its specialists hear these explosions, but do not stop their manufacture. Great respect to Hennadii Zahoruiko, the company’s chief executive and his team. In my opinion, it is a very responsible and patriotic position.

– Dmytro, I am sincerely grateful for such a meaningful conversation. All typographers and packers take their hats off to your patriotic decision for leaving the peaceful profession to the military one. We are waiting for you safe and sound. We will fight all together for our Victory over the enemy.
– What are your own feelings as a person who is very close to the current trouble? How will this terrible crisis, this war with russia end?
– I think that technology will co-exist, but in one form or another, the digital printing will take on the new and new volumes of the printing market step by step. Just because it’s convenient. For example, now we use not just a phone, but a smartphone, talk on IP-telephony, using a messenger, virtually connected on the Internet, and enjoy excellent communication. Because it’s convenient. We remember the times when it was necessary to go to the postal telegraph office and order talks, wait for the booth number to be called, go to someone for a certain time to call. Theoretically, it can be done now. And practically – it is more convenient to use the modern technologies. And digital printing only confirms it.
Michelman primers for the manufacture of labels and flexible packaging which can be composted.
– Can HP inks come into contact with food in the packaging?
– I would be a little bit careful here, though. HP inks in their composition are among the safest materials used in the printing industry. But HP still advises protecting inks with lamination or varnishing if they are used to print food packaging.
4’2022 packaging war
8 www.packinfo.com.ua
– And finally, my favorite question about printing. Who will win the “competition” of digital, flexo, roto and offset printing?
– There are several scenarios. Before the war, I posted my vision on Facebook. At that time, I still had a certain hope that it was possible somehow to influence on russia, that they would not take this crazy stupid step to a full-scale war. As for the strategy they chose, everything was more or less clear there. The only thing I could not foresee was the brutality of the moscovites. Now the number of variables in the equations describing events is very large, the situation is in a progress, i.e, there are several options. But I am convinced that the main thing is the four months that have passed and proved that Ukraine will gain a victory. In other words, the options differ mainly in the duration of the “hot” phase of the war. It’s hard to say how long this war will take. But the fact that we will win a victory is the truth in my opinion.
– Dmytro, this conversation is unique. It is the only one for all the time when we publish a magazine during the war, with a person who left the profession to defend his Motherland. We will give it to the front pages of the magazine, and it will be read by many of our readers. I would like to hear your appeal to our readers both in Europe and in Ukraine. – Firstly, I would like to thank all those who now support Ukraine and its struggle. First of all, the Ukrainians who have joined the Armed Forces, the Ukrainians who work, maintain the information front, volunteer, raise children, write books, create paintings and modern graphics and continue to develop the economy. Ukraine has shown itself capable of fighting, surviving, defending and building its future. This fact has already been proved.
Secondly, I am grateful to those who support Ukraine all over the world. We need this support, it is very important for the victory of good over evil, democracy over tyranny, Ukraine over Imuscovy.wouldlike to appeal to all my colleagues and readers. We must stop the regime of the kremlin maniac, who sees himself as an emperor. Prevent modern Hitler from extending the war further to the expanses of Europe and the world, so that 2022 does not turn into a new 1938 or 1939. To do this, we need Ukraine to win a war. And for the victory, we have to make all the possible efforts. Someone at the front, someone in the profession. Because today we all have one thing in common: daily work to win a Victory.

A HIGH-CAPACITY, HIGH-QUALITY NARROW-WEB LABELS AND PACKAGING SOLUTION The HP Indigo WS6800 Digital Press is the leading narrow-web printing solution for mainstream labels and packaging production, delivering breakthrough productivity, versatility, and intelligent automation. The press offers unmatched application flexibility, enabling production of a wide range of pressure-sensitive labels, sleeves, IML, wrap-around labels, flexible packaging and folding cartons. It supports 12 to 450 micron materials, both standard, off-the shelf substrates with in-line priming, as well as pre-treated materials. New inks open opportunities for high-value applications and new markets. "UNIPRINT" LLC 03040 Vasylkivska,Kyiv, 1, office 116 Tel.: +38 (044) 490 34 60 Fax: +38 (044) 490 34 61 www.uniprint.ua

1. We were preparing for the probable military actions mostly only mentally. The relocation of our enterprise is time consuming and financially costly. From February 24 to February 26, 2022, we were not working, but we were in touch with each other. On February 27, the first online meeting of division mangers was held, and on February 28, the top managers came to work and it was decided to continue working following the measures that were dictated by the hostilities in the country at that time. On March 3, 2022, the first car with mineral water packaging left the enterprise. 2. Those who could work remotely started doing it without any efforts. The work routine was changed for the production staff, taking into account the air-raid siren, and all safety measures were taken. We simplified all the management processes to the level of “we solve only vital tasks here and now bearing in mind the bright future.” We have implemented flexible budgeting online, suspended work on long-term investment projects. During this period we observed a demonstration of mutual responsibility and incredible results in the accomplishment of tasks that previously could not get off the ground for a long time.
The Ukrainian Packers Add to the Victory
4. Today, there is a shortage of “cheap” money, especially after the increase in the discount rate of the National Bank of Ukraine and the banks’ review of their policies in the field of risk management.
2. What steps have been taken to rebuild the company’s operations during the war? What products do you produce today and for which customers? What is missing? What kind of help do you need? What do you plan to do in the near future? Magazine Editorial Board
3. The war has made its own terrible adjustments. Some enterprises have been destroyed or isolated, curfew, regular airraid sirens and constant rocket attacks cased the reduction in working hours and productivity, and complicated logistics. All this has increased the production price.
10 www.packinfo.com.ua
5. Before the war and now the vectors of the company’s development are aimed at the diversification of sales market, development of new technologies, recruitment of employees based on the similarity of values, standardization and automation of the business processes, economic, legal and IT security. February 24 has completely changed the lives of the Ukrainians. The many went to the war with the rusians, others joined the Territorial Defense Forces to defend the Ukrainian cities and towns, a volunteer movement was developed, its representatives began to supply everything necessary for the soldiers on the raised funds and help refugees who lost their homes. The Ukrainian packers also joined the general “mobilization”. Without their products, it is impossible to deliver food and drinks, medicines and pharmaceuticals, household products and any equipment or anything else. The editors of the magazine asked the executives of some Ukrainian packaging companies how they worked then, how they added to our overall Victory, asking them the following you personally and your company meet February 24, 2022?
4’2022 packaging war
Juliia Arnautova
The war made its own terrible 1.adjustments До ймовірних військових дій ми
The panic buying among the ordinary citizens has increased in demand for non-perishable items, which are mostly packed in complex barrier packaging. Currently the food manufacturers are concluding the contracts with the foreign companies, and “Monopack” has begun to carry out a prepress of layouts of new “Ukrainian designs” for them. However, the companies that produce strategically important products (drinking water, food, etc.) feel relatively normal. We produce flexible packaging for these kind of products. I would also like to note that we do not conduct any activities with the companies of the aggressor country.

1. At first we felt a shock. We spent almost a month dealing with the organization of work under the new conditions while simultaneously finalizing pre-war orders and sending them to the warehouse where a significant amount of finished products had already been gathered.
Nikita directorHryshchuk,PaperEco World We believe that we will win
5. We are not planning anything new for now. We are trying to expand the export of our packaging. But it is still difficult to do.
On the 24th there was a shock
4. At the moment, we do not have enough assistance in advertising and building the cooperation with international customers to whom we have the opportunity to supply our products. The promotion at the exhibitions and other thematic events would also help to improve the situation.
5. In the near future, we plan to look for new markets for the goods in order to survive and continue working even after we win the war. We believe that everything will be Ukraine! war packaging 4’2022
2. All of our first steps were mostly reduced to the optimization of personnel issues. On the one hand, many specialists left, on the other hand, there were few orders and, as a result, most of the employees were not involved in the manufacture. Both problems were solved.
Olexandr Shoykhet, founder and co-owner Vesna PPC LLC
4. Difficult logistics is the main problem for us today. And I don’t know who and how can help us here. In general, the main assistance for us, the manufacturers of Ukrainian packaging, is the liberalization of the economy. If our President had found such a person like Zaluzhnyi to solve the country’s economic problems, especially in war time, then all the manufacturers would have done better.
3. Currently we continue to produce our branded white office and cream eco-paper, paper bags (sachets and with square bottoms, with handles or without ones) and wrapping paper, and we can also print on them again. We undertake the support of Ukrainian business with packages and branding of paper goods. In addition, we produce closed and open type bags for industrial (dry building mixtures, glue, wallpaper, etc.) and food (cereals, feed, frozen vegetables and fruits) goods. We are slowly resuming the manufacture of notebooks, plywood products, cardboard boxes.
2. The restructuring of the company was difficult, but we were able to adapt to the new realities. We started with a briefing for the staff, a clear plan of actions was determined for each employee under the conditions of air-raid siren and missile strikes. We analyzed and found the safest places for shelter. Later the staff training was conducted so that everyone could replace the mobilized employees or provide the necessary assistance to a colleague. Finally we developed new logistics for sending orders including abroad.
1. On February 24, all of us in the company, perhaps, as the majority Ukrainians, were overtaken by shock, chaos, total lack of understanding of what to do and how to proceed. During the first days, of course, each of the employees decided for himself how to act. However, our entire warehouse remained in Ukraine. At first, we were engaged only in volunteering: we helped both everyone personally on our front and used everything that our company could be useful for. At the same time, we discussed how our business could be optimized under new conditions, and returned to the implementation of previous orders. Finally we managed to return to the usual work routine as much as possible. However, it hurts us to hear about the destruction of the warehouses and industries of our colleagues, in particular those where we took a certain part of the raw materials. But we believe that we will rebuild everything after the victory.
3. I would like to point out an interesting market trend: the alcohol producers began to work more for export and began to require a decent packaging for alcohol bottles. And who makes such a decent packaging here? Of course, Vesna. Thus, we have received the new orders for our products.

12 www.packinfo.com.ua
– Volodymyr, tell us about that disturbing morning of the 24th.
– Volodymyr, how did you manage to get the company operations back on track?
– On February 24 I was not awakened by the explosions: I just was used to waking up very early. My phone is always in a loud mode. I started reading the news out of habit. The first one was so horrible: the war had begun! My family and I heard the air siren later. We packed basic essentials and went to work. Yes, we had prepared: clothes, medicines, documents, phones, laptops. Moreover, at the beginning of the year, as always, we conducted a staff briefing in case of emergencies. However, no one was mentally prepared for such hard news. Everyone in my circle of acquaintance had no idea that our “brother” would start such a full-scale war.
Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
4’2022 packaging
– In May we reconsidered the staff structure, optimized the number of personnel in accordance with the production and consumption requests. At first we had to reduce the changes from two to one. There were problems with the supply of raw materials to us as well as the supply of end products to the customer, caused by the transport collapse in the country. In May, there were problems with fuel supplies. It has become difficult to find the drivers who can legally cross the border. All this concerns both domestic deliveries and export and import transportations. At present we have solved the problem and we are working in accordance with the agreed plan, we have fully resumed production in two shifts. We have enough materials, equipment, staff. The demand war 28 years in the packaging market of Ukraine. Not every company can boast of such a period of participation in the development of the Ukrainian packaging industry. And 24/7 and even more as the general director of Univest Marketing Company LLC Volodymyr Kudriashov says. The company is a bright representative of the paper packaging sector for food products. Its products have always been distinguished by innovative materials and design. It has won Ukrainian and international competitions for the best packaging a number of times. Ten awards of the “Ukrainian packing star” and three awards of the international “WorldStar Award” show the technical level of the company’s staff, its attempts to be always the best.
Life Аfter the 24th
– The department managers and I responded very quickly and consistently to such force majeure. First of all we took care of the safety of employees. People’s lives and health are the most valuable. Already in March, most of the employees went on leave, but many of them continued to work online. Some moved to other cities and countries along with their families. Those specialists who found themselves in the temporarily occupied territories could not work full time even remotely. There was no electricity and the Internet in their houses. Many people had not enough food to eat, and some people no longer had a place to live. A lot of people were in bomb shelters all the time. There have been times when we have completely lost touch with our colleagues for whole weeks. Among the employees of the company there were men who went to defend the country in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Territorial Defense Forces. Unfortunately, today there are also casualties among them.
However, on February 24 the lives of all of us in Ukraine were divided by before and after. And not only our personal life but the manufacturing packaging companies had the same experience. Our conversation with Volodymyr Kudriashov took place online. And although the distance between us exceeded 2 thousand km., I felt how disturbed he was telling about what happened in the company after the 24th.
– You said you went to work. What’s up?

Now every action in the interests of the company is the support of the economic front of the whole of Ukraine. Our priorities are unchanged: Employees, Safety, Quality, Timing and Expenses.
The main thing is that peace comes! Together we will definitely win! We believe in our AFU! Glory to Ukraine!
– What else did the war leave its mark on?
– And now, Volodymyr, tell us about the plans for the future. – Univest is a manufacturer of paper packaging for the food industry. We are constantly developing, changing and growing. This year it has been planned to increase the export of products, produce new types of packaging, in particular plates, soup bowls, boxes, glasses, paper bags. Our business is flexible. Our products are needed every day. We have changed in accordance with the realities and despite all, I hope, temporary problems. We fulfill all our commitments to our Univestcustomers.adheresto the principles of thrifty production and the program “Reboot 2.0”. During the war, we focused only on Lean’s fastest and most important tools. We temporarily stopped the transformation project according to the Adizes Methodology, canceled internal audits and project work on reviewing and approving the strategy for the next five years. But we have already gone through the shock of war and mobilized all the strengths for our victory and life in a new capacity, working each in his place. The demographic changes, economic transformations, changes in international relations have taken place in Ukraine. According to the marketers such a period will have certain socio-economic consequences for the Ukrainian industry. Therefore, we have a clear short-term work plan, which depends only on our efforts, as well as long-term, which, unfortunately, can be negatively affected by external factors. We plan effective co-operation with European countries, focusing on a much wider sales territory. To do this, we need to study the legislation, logistics rules and the usage of materials, prices, a healthy competitive environment of countries with which we hope to cooperate, adapt our offers, visualization and advertising. After four months of armed hostilities, our country has moved to a new stage of war – long-term. We clearly understand the steps that must be taken to ensure that the company survives in conditions of uncertainty, limited resources, and constant changes for the business.
– I am delighted with the titanic work that you, Volodymyr, and the entire staff of the company had to carry out. I congratulate all the employees of Univest on the achievements and wish them new successes in the implementation of their tasks. Such work of the company in the packaging market definitely brings the country closer to the Victory!
www.upakjour.com.ua for our products has grown unevenly due to the wide range of products. But in general a positive dynamics of production were marked in May. On average at least 15 pieces of equipment are launched during the day shift that is more than 80 workers are involved in manufacturing processes. Due to the increase in output of production our colleagues who have been registered in the Employment Center or on leave since March started to return to work in the company. In order to maintain the principles of safe production, we resumed the service of overalls and did not stop undergoing the periodic medical examination of employees.
– We refused to cooperate with customer companies from Belarus, which supported the aggressor –russia. We had to suspend the deliveries of disposable paper utensils to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. We have revised prices and terms of doing business with all our customers. We negotiated with the suppliers for the delay in payment for raw materials and materials. All this supported the business, which began to generate the profit required for the company’s growth, workers’ sufficiency and in general the whole economy of the country. In addition, we support employees by providing humanitarian assistance to their families, including families whose members are now in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Territorial Defense Forces defending Ukraine. We help those who are on maternity leave, the low-income families, those who have temporarily displaced persons in their places. There are a total of 80 such families.

– How can the packaging value chain accelerate recyclability and recycling infrastructure?
– What predictions for the future of recycled packaging Wipak has in scope?
– We want to be the facilitators in contributing to a circular future producing sustainable products that allow our customer’s customers, the end-consumers, to make sustainable decisions all the way from the store shelf to the collection point at the end life of the packaging. Therefore, we make sure all our recyclable solutions are in alignment with recognised “Design for Recycling” guidelines, such as the ones proposed by CEFLEX. Sharing a common sense along the value chain is essential to make the change happen, that’s what CEFLEX stands for, the collaboration and approach in working towards a common goal.
– We are proactively embracing sustainability issues as consumer demands and regulatory requirements multiply. A common target and approach are needed to increase recycling and to improve and innovate recycling infrastructure, or even develop it where it doesn’t exist yet. Apart from downgauging and recyclability, we all need to think in solutions designed for purpose. Not overengineering, but keeping packaging balanced for the application and product safety that is needed for a certain packaged good. Our GreenChoice sustainable products are designed with circular economy as a guiding principle. Our mission is to make packaging more circular and for this we keep on striving for valuable collaborations with customer and partners, gathering the right knowledge and develop solutions together.
Wipak Group and Its Mission of Sustainable Development www.wipak.com
14 www.packinfo.com.ua
– What is the importance of recyclability to Wipak and its sustainability mission?
– How does collaborating with organisations like CEFLEX help on this journey?
– Recycling is a shared challenge for producers and consumers, but we find it our responsibility to help in making responsible choices and the transition to recyclable packaging easy as possible for producers and packers. Designing packaging for recycling enables it to be sorted and recycled properly as the valuable material it is, staying within the value chain as part of a circular economy.
– What technical challenges need to be addressed and what is Wipak’s R&D process?
– Recyclability is one of the biggest challenges of our era. Currently, the materials that are eligible for recycling in most countries need to fit the current infrastructure based on mechanical recycling. One of the challenges it that different infrastructure and preferences apply for different countries, even within Europe. The need for more recyclable solutions asks less complex film structures but at the same, not compromising on product safety, shelf-life and machinability. Especially the last one is a major topic to our R&D. Packaging lines differ a lot and request a lot from the thin flexible films we produce. Keeping mechanical properties at a well-known level, without using common materials to enhance stiffness, which would make the film structure complex, is one of the key elements. For example, vacuum packaging, typically made from multilayers containing PA and PE, having a high mechanical strength and puncture resistance. With our latest PE- or PP-based thermoformable films from our NFO ECO and SC ECO range, we can maintain performance of the film and efficiency on the packaging lines of our customers. Wipak’s recyclable portfoliooffers solutions designed accordingly to recycling guidelines, with excellent performance and the smallest amount of material needed, next to it facilitating sustainable choices for the end consumer, reducing waste while recovering material via recycling.
– Wipak is key player in the cross-value chain initiative HolyGrail 2.0! Under the auspices of AIM. The objective of the Digital Watermarks Initiative HolyGrail 2.0 is to prove the viability of digital watermarking technologies for accurate sorting and the business case on a large scale. In the nearest future, digital watermarks will help consumers better sort their waste at home – providing all the information they need at their fingertips. When the digitally watermarked packaging is collected and sent to sorting for recycling, the system using a standard high-resolution camera will be able to detect and decode the watermark. Depending on the attributes communicated by the watermark, the packaging will then be automatically directed to the right sorting stream, allowing a more homogeneous stream and higher-quality recycled materials to get back into the value chain. The better the quality of recycled materials, which will be supported by new recycling technologies and cleaning steps as well, the higher the chance to really close the loop and recycle packaging back into packaging. presentation We met at Anuga FoodTech this year in Cologne at the Sustainable Packaging Summit. At the same time, there was a idea to tell the readers of the magazine about the Wipak Group and its steps towards sustainable development in the manufacturing flexible packaging materials suitable for secondary processing. And that time has come. My interlocutor is Susan Janssen, Wipak Sustainability & Sustainable Products Manager. Veronika Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.
4’2022 packaging

– What types of polymer packaging does the company produce today and for what kinds of market?
– Now it is difficult to imagine the development of any sector of the economy without polymer materials. They not only effectively protects food, but also are waterproof, hygienic and safe. The polymer packaging significantly increases the shelf life of foods and enables their delivery to the remotest parts of the world. Currently, the parent company Plast-Box S.A. produces buckets of various shapes and volumes. The main assortment of production are round buckets with a volume from 0.55 to 33 liters, of different colors, with different handles and unique decorations. The diversity of the assortment offered by the company allows each customer to find the best packaging for his goods. The customer delivers his own design, which is implemented by
– Our history dates back to 1983. Since the beginning of its operation the PlastBox company has been involved in the production of polymer packaging. For almost 40 years of its existence, the family business has created a group of companies. The Polish parent plant Plast-Box S.A. is based in Slupsk and specializes in the production of buckets for chemical and food industries. Another plant, Stark Partner, is located in Urszulin near Warsaw and produces small volume packaging, mainly for dairy products and ice cream. Both Polish plants have a BRC certificate, which is another reason for our pride. The group employs over 300 people who manufacture and supply polymer packaging to most European countries.
As a result of russian aggression, PlastBox Ukraine plant, unfortunately, has been destroyed, and the operations of the group’s sales representative office in Vitebsk, Belarus has been ceased by the management.
In the third week of the war with russia, the Plast Box Ukraine plant in Chernihiv was completely destroyed, so we couldn’t help but meet with its parent company here in Poland. So we set off to the north, where 20 km from the Baltic Sea coast, the company Plast-Box S.A. which is a well-known manufacturer of polymer packaging for many industries in many countries of the world is situated in the city of Slupsk.
I remembered the startup of the Plast-Box Ukraine plant in Chernihiv in 2011, as well as a visit to the enterprise in 2015, when I interviewed Tetyana Budonna, the company’s executive director. By the way, this time we took gifts to Slupsk the copies of the materials and the cover of the first issue of “Packaging” 2015. The meeting began with the gifts giving to Artur R. Skonieczny, the commercial director of the Plast-Box group, who was pleasantly surprised to remember the times when the plant with the latest equipment was launched in Chernihiv. Our conversation with Artur touched upon many issues – from the general condition of polymer packaging to the production of specific products in the Plast-Box. The questions about the future of the plant in Chernihiv were not put aside. We started with a history. Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
– Artur, a few words about the history of the company and its current structure.
Trust Is the Key to Plast-Box Leadership
presentation packaging 4’2022
The Company Plast-Box S.A. in Slupsk

16 www.packinfo.com.ua 4’2022 packaging presentation manufacturer using the offset printing or IML label, which is attached to the packaging directly in the production process. From Slupsk the packaging is delivered to the companies which produce paints, plaster, glues, fertilizers, cleaning products, as well as the food producers (dairy, fish, fruits and vegetables, feed) both in Poland and in many European countries. Our regular customers are from the UK, France, Germany and Austria. It should be mention that since March 1, 2022, the sales to the companies from Ukraine and Moldova have significantly increased, which is the result of the destruction of the Ukrainian plant.
major customers of Stark Partner are in Poland, but it also supplies packaging to Ukraine, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the Baltic countries. – Why is the company ahead of the competitors and provide market leadership? – Every element in the production and sales is important to achieve the success on the market. The highest quality raw materials and components, the most modern and highly efficient machines, the proven procurement partners and an experienced staff cannot be overestimated. Without them, there would be a much lower level of confidence in our products and ourselves. Trust is the key; there is no chance of developing the company without it. First of all the quality of our products is important for us. No wonder we emphasize that quality does not accept S.A. Products
Stark Partner plant is an experienced polymer packaging manufacturer for renowned companies in the dairy industry and ice cream producers. The
Stark Partner Products Injection MachineOutput of Finished Products Plast-Box

– It gave us a shock. We are monitoring the political situation and signals from Kremlin on an ongoing basis until February 24, 2022, but we believed until the end that there would be no open conflict. We regret being wrong in this case. It is still hard to believe and accept what is happening beyond the eastern border of Poland. Russia’s attack on Ukraine has largely affected us, both psychologically and in business. It was difficult for us to accept the fact that there is the war in Europe in the 21st century. We don’t know if we will ever be able to
– Plast-Box runs business operations taking into account ethical, social and environmental responsibility. The company’s development strategy is based on a balance between the desire to succeed economically and the desire to have positive relationships with employees, contractors and partners, care about the local communities in which we operate and the environment around us. We keep within the applicable environmental laws and care about protecting the world by taking action and applying solutions aimed at minimizing the impact of our services on the natural environment. The important benchmark in our work is the expectations of our neighbors and business operations in such a way that our relationship to the environment is as harmonious as possible. We have eliminated noise emission by building transmission lines for raw materials leading from silos to production workshops. We buy only modern and energy-saving machines, thanks to which the energy balance of our enterprises is constantly improving. Transportation is arranged in such a way to minimize unloading and reduce the number of loadings, and therefore to reduce the release of CO2 to the atmosphere. These are just a few key examples.
– How has russia’s aggression against Ukraine affected the Plast-Box operations?
any compromises. We invest heavily in the latest technologies. Our teams are created to implement the equal development projects, pay special attention to the fact that all investments are directed only to the modern equipment, the best materials and highly effective moulds. They not only ensure high production efficiency, but also affect the development of the closed-loop model. We care about the environment with a sense of responsibility, because we know that we must protect and take care of nature for future generations. The key to success in today’s market is a modern and flexible organisation with innovation imprinted in its DNA. We are such a company. At the same time, we believe that we stand out on the market by the level of services provided. There are no issues or concerns raised by customers that would be neglected or ignored. We operate in a dynamic environment and meet the customers’ needs in a dynamic way. We focus on loyalty and open communication in our marketplace relationships. We are not offended by critical comments, because they contribute to our improvement.
– Artur, what place do the innovative developments occupy in all spheres of the company operations? – Every next investment in a company is an innovation. They are a part of the philosophy of our group. We believe in the principle that those who do not develop they stand still and then withdraw. The development is especially important in our industry. Only new technologies are able to provide the economic production and protect the natural environment at the same time. This aspect of our business is especially close to us. The company has many examples of innovation, ranging from a regular increase in the number of places in the moulds and a decrease of packaging weight, automation of production processes, ending with electric and hybrid injection machines of the latest generation with the usage of robots or photovoltaic installations, the limitation of electricity consumption.
– The company is located in the city center. How is the city’s ecology protected?
Technological Operations of Production and Design of Plastic Packaging at Plast-Box S.A.

– It is with a heavy heart we share that our plant in Chernihiv became the target of russian bombs in the third week of the war. It was a huge blow for us, many people dedicated 18 years of their life to work in the company to build and develop our plant in Ukraine. The production workshop, offices and warehouses have burned to the ground. A senseless barbarism... We are trying to save some casting moulds, which we transport to Slupsk and renew. So there is a possibility that some of them will be used again, but in terms of losses, this is a small percentage of the stored property. Some of the external warehouses have been preserved, and we sell them to our Ukrainian partners. Most of our employees, who remained in the city or returned to it after the expulsion of the russian army, got a job and in these hard times try to live a normal life. Their work is a source of inspiration for us in Poland and evidence of belonging to our group. We appreciate it a lot. Their actions will not be useless, they will become the foundation for rebuilding the plant in Ukraine.
4’2022 packaging presentation
The Production Workshop of Plast-Box Ukraine before the War The Plast-Box Ukraine Factory, Destroyed by the russians
– Artur, what assistance does the company provide to Ukrainians here in Poland?
18 www.packinfo.com.ua trust our partners from russia or Belarus again. It became natural for us that we suspended the operation of our office in Belarus, immediately terminated all commercial relations with companies from the aggressor countries and the implementation of projects of our local clients that were intended for these markets. Supply chains have faltered: the majority of Ukrainian drivers who went to defend their Homeland have withdrawn from the market, and it has led to significant restrictions in the number of cars and an increase in the cost of loads. But we are optimistic. We believe in people. There is always another day after night, so this war will end and the victory will be on the side of good that is Ukraine.
– What can be said today about the future of the plant in Chernihiv?
– On the first day of the war, we followed all those who decided to flee Chernihiv with their families and evacuate to Poland. We took them all the way to our country and provided an official support when needed. Those who arrived in Poland, we helped find the apartments and financed their rent until they found a job. We also supported them in purchasing food, clothing and other basic essentials. We still support them financially. Some of our employees from Ukraine have found work in our companies. Today they are very active with their clients in Ukraine and Moldova, we have already made many deliveries from Poland, which help us to fill the gaps that arise due to the restrictions on supplies to other regions. In the first days of the war in Ukraine, a special group was created on the territory of the enterprise, the purpose of which was to provide all support not only to our Ukrainian migrant workers who fled from aggression to Poland, but also to all refugees, as well as our colleagues from Ukraine, who had previously worked in factories, and their families remained on the territory of Ukraine. We dealt with counselling, helped in medical issues, studying children, and made all the official decisions. We organized financial and material meetings, as well as transportation of special humanitarian aid. We decided to take care of everyone and integrate them as soon as possible so that they feel homey. Every day, observing the work of our joint Polish-Ukrainian teams, we believe that it was largely successful. The war has revealed much more our kindness, so we continue to believe in people. – At the end of a few words about the future of Plast-Box. – Times are tough, but we already have plans for the next several years. We are confident that our energy, creativity and hard work lead us to a bright future. We will continue to develop. We complete the final concepts for the development of our Polish plants. We need to increase capacity and expand our portfolio to serve all our customers better, both in the west and east of Europe, until the plant in Ukraine is rebuild. I’m sure we’ll do it. We have already seen how it can be done, and we are working on a strategy. We can’t imagine our group in a few years without our Ukrainian company, our Ukrainian woman. If only the war could come to the end. I hope as soon as possible. Glory to Ukraine! – Artur, I am very grateful for our meeting and our conversation. Your frankness, professionalism, patriotism inspire confidence not only in the best future of the company for years, but also in our Victory in the war with russia. I am sure that the company’s plant in Chernihiv will not only be rebuilt, but will also have the latest technologies and equipment. And we will be able to write in “Packaging” about its restoration and achievements. I wish the entire Plast-Box team new successes in the world packaging markets.

A comprehensive the food and chemical markets e-mail:www.zapyty@ua.plast-box.pl plast-box.com dairy products and ice cream, and vegetable preserves, 2018 MANUFACTURER of plastic packaging products

Japan Company Toyo-Morton, Ltd. has updated its laminating adhesives portfolio with food-safe products that are free of epoxy silanes and organic tin compounds. The renewed lineup includes both the solvent-based TOMOFLEX™ and the solvent-free ECOAD™ series of laminating adhesives that are suitable for a wide range of multilayer flexible packaging applications, such as dry food, liquid pouch and high-performance retort. Under the TOMOFLEX™ solvent-based series, the TM-2470 is specially formulated for liquid pouch applications like soups, frozen foods, pickled foods and noodles. The TM-3040 is suitable for contents such as the dry food packaging of snack foods, candies and pet foods. For high-performance retort applications, the TM-2300 aliphatic system is suitable for high-temperature retort pouch laminating structures according to U.S. FDA 177.1390, the EA-N6008 for liquid pouches and the EA-N6001 for dry food applications. In addition to enhanced food safety, ECOAD systems enable converters to increase their productivity through high-speed lamination on metalized film structures. All products in the lineup conform to global food contact regulations for adhesives, such as the EU No. 10/2011, U.S. FDA 175.105, China GB 9685-2016 and Japan’s Notification No. 196.
Innovative Tubes
Packaging for Ice Cream From Renewable PP
The collaboration between Borealis, Froneri and Paccor has led to the innovative development of monomaterial packaging made of certified renewable polypropylene. It is made from second-generation biomass, waste and residues that do not compete with the human food chain. The share of renewable raw materials is confirmed by mass balancing in accordance with ISCC Plus, which allows the material to be traced from production to end use. Aino ice cream packaging is made on injection machines using an integrated in-mold process, making it 100 % recyclable. In addition, the renewable material can be easily used in the existing production and packaging lines of the partner companies without any modifications and with the highest efficiency.
The Emballator company introduced the Small Dose series to the market, which includes models of various tubes: Twist off Recap, Twist off Reseal, Twist off Reclose, Twist off Reclose Aluminum and Capped Aluminum. Tubes are made of monomaterial polyethylene, recycled aluminum and aluminum with an emphasis on environmental friendliness. They are intended for small doses of medical and pharmaceutical preparations. Small Dose is manufactured using green electricity. All of them are made of monomaterials, which facilitates their processing. Twist off Recap is the flagship product in the Small Dose range. This is a new tube with an integrated cap solution that reduces the material content by 10 %, and the optimized production process minimizes the carbon footprint. All products are produced in a manufacturing process that complies with ISO 9001:2015, 15378:2017 and ISO 14001 standards.
4’2022 packaging market innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation
Smurfit Kappa Water-Resistant Paper
Smurfit Kappa has developed an innovative and sustainable water-resistant paper. AquaStop™. The AquaStop™ paper is water-resistant thanks to a special coating which is added to it during the manufacturing process. Unlike many other coatings, packaging from AquaStop™ paper can be recycled in the same way as standard paper-based packaging. As it is designed to withstand exposure to water without being damaged, it is suitable for eCommerce packaging and packaging for products such as flowers, detergent and fruit and vegetables where temporary protection against water is needed.
Innovative Adhesives for Lamination

If we take into account the packaging industry, the European Commission is taking direct aim at reducing the volume of single-use packaging. All types of taxes, incentives and other tactics will be employed to substantially reduce its production. This means a complete change to the packaging industry as we have known it for the past half-century. It’s not about “better” packaging, “greener” substrates, lower carbon formats. It is about rewriting all the rules and moving towards the packagingfree products, reusable packaging or packaging that reduces Whatwaste. does this mean in practice? The current packaging industry is about to experience disruption in an unimaginable way. Instead of 20 units of single-use packaging, a supplier may be forced to sell just one unit of reusable packaging. To ensure that all packaging in the EU market is reusable or recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030, the Commission will revise Directive 94/62/EC 27 to strengthen the mandatory required packaging requirements to be allowed in the EU market.
The decline in Europe (EU27 plus the UK, Switzerland and Norway) was even more obvious: the production here fell by 5% to 55 million tonnes in 2020. Plastic consumption in Europe even fell by 6% to nearly 49 million tonnes. As a result, Europe as the location of the plastics industry continues to lag behind in global statistics observed over the years. In 2020 Europe’s share was only 15% of world production, although at the turn of the millennium it was still almost 30%. On the other hand, China was able to expand its leading positions, its share was 34% in 2020 (after 30% in 2019).
Published on 30th March 2022 The Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) 2.0 is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal. It is designed to strengthen the economy, protect the environment and eliminate waste. It recognizes the need to increase high-quality recycling and move away from landfilling waste and primarily aims to enhance circularity in all industrial value chains. The new action plan aims to prevent the waste generation and reduce the amount of resources which are used. It introduces legislative measures targeting areas where action at the EU level brings real added value.
The key in CEAP is “Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Without Packaging – Reduce number of Polymers”. It would seem that there is nothing new but until now it’s been a hierarchy of preferred solutions. Now it’s mandatory. It’s the government that decides, not the manufacturer. The EU Strategy for polymers in the circular economy has set in motion a comprehensive set of initiatives that respond to a challenge of serious public concern. However, as consumption of polymers is expected to double in the next 20 years, the Commission will take further targeted measures to address the sustainability challenges posed by this ubiquitous material and will continue to promote a concerted approach to tackle polymer pollution at global level. This time the packaging industry where many packaging formats are based on historical norms from previous centuries must make a huge leap into the future and the same time a huge leap into the unknown. In 2010, plastics production in Europe was 57 million tonnes, or about 21% of world production. As the latest publication “Plastics the Facts 2021” of the Plastics Europe manufacturers association shows this share has decreased to 15% in 10 years. For the first time since the financial crisis of 2008, global plastics production fell slightly to 367 million tons in 2020 (in 2019 –368 million tonnes). The main reason for this was the spread of the coronavirus with its known impacts.
Plastics Europe cites bottlenecks in the supply chain and sharp rising energy prices as the factors that have the greatest impact on plastic production in Europe. Another factor is probably the decline in demand in Europe: it fell by 3% to 49.1 million tonnes. Despite the decline in production, European plastics manufacturers (EU27) reached an export surplus of € 9.3 billion in 2020. The most important trading partners for the EU27 countries remain the United States, Great Britain and China. In terms of export statistics, the UK ranks first (15%), ahead of China (12.7%), Turkey (12.3%) and the United States (10%). Plastics Europe
Marketers Inform... Graphics:
PLASTICSWORLDPRODUCTION PLASTICSEUROPIANPRODUCTION These figures do not include the production of recycled plastics 2016 Mt 380 360 340 320 300 335 349 359 368 367 60 64,4 61,857,9 55 Mt 70 60 50 40 30 2017201820192020 20162017201820192020 These figures do not include the production of recycled plastics 4’2022 packaging market
22 www.packinfo.com.ua
The EU Circular Economy Action Plan

A new report from AMI Consulting “Polypropylene Markets. Europe 2022”, published in March 2022 analyses the European PP market and examines the most recent industry dynamics. It is the result of an extensive research programme that provides a detailed independent assessment of the industry. The report reviews and updates the volumes of production of PP and the growth of demand for this material in European countries.
According to Plastics Europe, the importance of plastics in the future will increase because they are key materials in innovation and in reducing energy demand while reducing green gas emissions. Regarding end-of-life management, the industry increased its efforts to strengthen the circular economy of plastics, the polymer post-consumer waste recycling rate increased. In 2020, almost 10.2 million tonnes of postconsumer polymer waste were collected and sent to recycling facilities inside and outside Europe. In 2021, plastic producers announced significant investments in chemical recycling technologies increasing the amount from € 2.6 billion in 2025 to € 7.2 billion in 2030.
Polypropylene Market in Europe
The cost of polymers, aluminium foil, paper and other materials used in flexible packaging reached record levels in the first quarter of 2022. Continued pressure from rising energy costs, as well as other external factors, means the dramatic increases seen in the last half of 2021 have now been exceeded. According to Wood Mackenzie and ICIS, the cost of 20 micron BOPP film shot up 45% during January to March 2022 and has now doubled in price since the first quarter of 2021. market packaging 4’2022
The masterbatch market outpaces the growth of other markets for polymer additives. This is due to the growing demand for more advanced product formulations. Most innovative products are still produced in more developed countries, but other countries are rapidly catching up. The fastest growth for all types of masterbatches will be present in China and the Indian region. China is the largest supplier of masterbatches in the world, with the vast majority of its products consumed by its own manufacturing sector. There is an ongoing pressure from the legislation to produce the products more environmentally friendly and easier to recycle. As a result, masterbatch manufacturers have to develop new products and adapt their existing product formulations in a relatively short time. Therefore, many key players are now focused on how best to implement an approach to modern product requirements.
The key theme for the last two years has been COVID-19 with some positive impacts on sectors like hygiene and packaging and some negative impacts on sectors including automotive.
The total volume of PP (including compounds but excluding recyclate) in the European market was 10 million. AMI believe the key theme of the next five years to be sustainability. Single use polymer legislation could impact the rigid and flexible packaging markets, with consumers looking to turn away from polymer packaging. However, there are limited alternatives. Instead, packaging will be tried to simplify by using monomaterials to increase their recyclability. Recycling of waste products from PP should increase, the impact will be relatively limited on PP over the next five years –effectively depressing demand only 0.7% per year. The main reason for this low impact (much less than industry anticipate) is availability of recyclate. Most consumers interviewed were trying to have the technical potential to put recyclate in their product from fibres to food-grade packaging. Challenges in development of PP market include the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, new environmental standards, polymer shortages, logistics challenges and changes to retail channels. Finally, the war in Ukraine is adding further complications to logistics and cost pressure. It is important to look at individual markets whether geographical, by application, technology, or grade in order to monitor the growth of the European PE market. The Global Masterbatch Market In AMI Consulting’s 2022 report “Thermoplastic Masterbatch Global Market” provides a comprehensive analysis of the current status and future prospects of the global masterbatch market. Masterbatches market continues to be extremely dynamic. It grew even during the COVID-19 pandemic in all major regions of the world and outstripped the demand for polymers. It is now a market worth more than US$ 30 billion. The sector is expected to strengthen over the next five years with an average annual growth rate of over 5%. Unsurprisingly, the fastest growth will be present in new global regions, while more moderate growth rates will be in established markets in Europe, North America and Northeast Asia. In volume terms the global masterbatch market is fairly evenly split between the four main types of black, white, colour and additive. In value terms, however, colour masterbatch dominates the market.
Dynamics of Increase in the Prices for Flexible Packaging

PET Packaging on the Way to the Circular Economy
Additionally, by 2025, as the report identifies, it is expected that 19 EU Member States will have deposit return schemes in place for PET bottles, which along with the increased recycling capacities shows a strong move of the PET sector towards the circular economy. Today seven EU Member States with established DRS achieve sorted for recycling rates of 83% or higher. This implies that with the EU Single Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) and collection rate targets, the collection figures, as well as quality, are likely to increase substantially in the lead up to 2025.
According to the research of Plastics Recyclers Europe, Petcore Europe, Natural Mineral Waters Europe and the European trade organization Unesda Soft Drinks Europe, an installed capacity of PET recycling increased by up to 21% to 2.8 million tonnes in OnEU27+3.therecycled figures, 1.7mt of flakes was estimated to be produced in 2020. There is a steady growth within trays and sheets application, which with a 32% share remain the largest outlet for rPET in packaging. They are followed by food contact bottles with a 29% share. It is expected that the share of recycled rPET in PET beverage bottle production will continue to grow rapidly. The remainder of recycled PET is used in fibers (24%), strapping (8%) and in injection moulding (1%), followed by other applications (2%).
To conclude, the report confirms the “ReShaping Plastics” findings that the close co-operation with value chain partners and a new policy framework that better incentivise investments and innovation to accelerate progress towards the circular Theeconomy.fullreport “Circular Economy for Polymers — Europe Overview” is available online for viewing and downloading in PDF format.
The report shows that the future progress should be made even faster. The polymer industry supports rapid system changes, for example through significant investments in new technologies. For example, European polymer manufacturers plan to invest approximately 7.2 billion euros by 2030, in chemical recycling as a complement to mechanical processing. In addition, the report highlights the data gap between figures on plastic consumption and waste collection. This can be explained, among other things, by the durable plastic products that are still in use. Plastics Europe and its members work closely with the value chain to investigate additional causes and analyze waste flows even more accurately.
24 www.packinfo.com.ua 4’2022 packaging market Thin aluminium foil also jumped by 67% in the same three months and is now 75% higher than the end of 2020. PET film (12 micron) added 47% in the same period to stand 50% higher than just over a year ago, while BOPA film (15 micron) added 33% LDPE(figure).andHDPE prices are still well above the price levels seen at the end of 2020, being 75% and 54% more. Both are still well above the price levels seen at the end of 2020. David Buckby, Senior Analyst at Wood Mackenzie said: “The prices around the world continued to rise driven primarily, in many cases, by energy surcharges. Limited availability of materials also propped up prices, made worse by ongoing global logistics challenges. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine added further uncertainty to an already highly clouded outlook.” Flexible Packaging Europe believes that the demand for all flexible materials will remain positive. A slight slowdown in the pace of its growth, which may take some pressure off already stretched supply shortages of raw materials and ancillary products, such as adhesives and inks. Logistics and utilities pricing increases will continue to have a large effect on conversion costs. The Circular Economy for Polymers Plastics Europe manufacturers association has published the second edition of “The Circular Economy for Plastics – A European Overview” report. The new report provides a detailed analysis of the polymers material flow in Europe, including production, conversion, consumption, waste management and recycling, as well as the usage of recycled polymers in Europe in The2020.results are a valuable database for advancing the circular and climate-neutral polymer industry. The report demonstrates the Europe’s status quo on polymers’ life cycle and the current situation regarding the level of their recycling. Acknowledging the exceptional conditions of 2020 due to the keyword “Corona”, the production of post-consumer recycled polymers increased by 12%, compared to 2018. Their use in new products grew by 15%, reaching 4.6 million tonnes. The report indicates that the quantity of post-consumer polymer waste sent to recycling facilities also increased by up to 8% compared to 2018 figures, reaching a recycling rate of 35%. However, across Europe, 65% of post-consumer polymer waste was still sent to landfill or used for energy recovery. According to he report that an European recycling rate of polymer packaging is 46% compared to 42% in 2018. The data on the usage of recycled polymeric materials is equally encouraging. It increased by 43% from 2018 to 2020.

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The highest number of FCCoC were reported in printing inks (238 substances). Polymers, paper and corrugated cardboard also contain FCCoC. 30 of the defined substances FCCoCs are monomers (acrylamide, styrene, etc.). It was found that 22 of these monomers were detected to migrate into food that is then ingested by humans. Notably, almost all of the monomers that showed evidence of migration in the research are considered carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic.
The group of enterprises declaring label production was dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises. Small enterprises with 10 to 49 employees accounted for 36%, and medium-sized enterprises (50–249 employees) accounted for as many as 38% of the total number of companies. There were also microenterprises employing fewer than 10 employees accounted for 19% and only 7% included large enterprises with more than 250 employees. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on label producing companies. The decline in production in some cases was significant, although only 27% of the enterprises indicated its decline. On the other hand, similarly to the entire printing sector, a significant part of the production capacity remains undeveloped. Only 48% of the enterprises use more than half of their production capacity. The enterprises are mostly optimistic, however. The entrepreneurs anticipate increased capacity utilization, production growth and employment retention in the future. Investment plans offer a positive outlook. Companies plan to purchase new machinery and equipment, develop new technologies, including information ones. Environmental protection has a great importance among the investment priorities. Entrepreneurs (as well as in a whole sector) are ever more frequently indicating their interest in tax optimisation. The forecasts presented above will be verified by global changes of the world economy before the war. The Usage of Recycled Polymers In addition to the problems with the recycling of polymer packaging, one of the most important topics in the discussion about the circular economy is the question of how and up to what quantity the proportion of recyclates in polymer packaging can be increased. On behalf of the German Polymer Packaging Association, the Packaging Market Research Society analyzed the overall potential for the use of recycled materials in polymer packaging. According to this study, the use of recycled polymers in packaging in Germany could be increased from the 475,000 tonnes today to about 960,000 tonnes per year, which corresponds to about 22% of the total production volume. However, the technical application potential of recyclates varies greatly depending on the type of packaging, although PET bottles can already be made entirely from recyclates today.
The authors of the research believe that some challenges remain. For instance, to meet the 90% collection rate and the mandatory recycled content targets, Europe will require an expansion in recycling capacity of at least one third by 2029. Moreover, further innovations are needed. This will require further harmonisation and implementation of best practices for collection, sorting and design for recycling to facilitate more rPET being used within its own application cycles. Label Production in Poland Label production is an important item in the order portfolio of Polish printing companies. The latest trend survey, conducted in autumn 2021 and published on behalf of Weslaw Cetera in Swiat Druku magazine, was attended by 164 companies, 86 of which named production of labels as one of their business areas.
Dangerous Substances in the Package. What to Do?
There are high legal and technical barriers for other types of Atpackaging.thesame time, the German Association of Polymer Packaging has already announced the use of 1 million tonnes of recycled polymers by 2025.
Scientists at Food Packaging Forum, ETH Zurich and Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology investigated the effects of chemicals present in food contact materials like packaging and compiled the List of Food Contact Chemicals of Concern (FCCoC) that the researchers believe could potentially pose a threat to the health of humans and the environment. Food Contact Chemicals of Concern (FCCoC). The research complied data from the Food Contact Chemicals database, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The study identifies 388 food contact chemicals of concern that could be used in food contact materials. Among them 352 substances that are known to be carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic. They can cause cancer, alter DNA, and be harmful to the reproductive system. In addition, there are 22 endocrine-disrupting chemicals which interfere with the regulation of hormones. The researchers also identified 32 chemicals that apparently present bioaccumulationrelated hazards, meaning that they can build up in the environment as, in many cases, their strong chemical bonds do not readily break down.

tons 0
The researchers concluded that substances on the FCCoC list should be immediately prohibited for use in food contact materials. And this requires strengthening the requirements of EU legislation and monitoring its implementation.
between 1996
In total, European polymer recycling sector includes 650 companies, 20,000 employees who processed 9.6 million tonnes of polymer waste in 2020, and their turnover amounted to € 7.7 billion. Recycling capacity has increased by up to 13% in 2020 compared to 2019 (Fig. 1). In accordance with the structure (Fig. 2), PETE (29%), PE and PP films (28%), rigid PE and PP (22%) retain the biggest share of recycled waste representing nearly 80% of all Thewaste.highest increase in recycling was observed for rigid PE and PP (more than 23%). Italy and Germany were the leading countries in these waste streams. They represented more than one third of the capacity. PE and PP films recycling has increased by nearly 10%. This material was once considered difficult to recycle, but fast-paced technological developments in collection, sorting and recycling, made it possible to recycle polymer films. Germany (21%), Spain (16%), Italy (11%) and France (11%) are countries with highest capacities for polymer films recycling. The greatest capacities for recycling of polymer waste have Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and France. According to the forecast, polymer recycling activities could triple by 2030. million tons 2,5 million tons million tons million tons 6,6 million million tons million 1. waste recycling EU27+3 and 2020. 9,6 million 0,511,522,53 waste polymer their types EU27+3, 3. waste polymer products different EU27+3 countries their million
29% 28% 22% 10% 5,5% 4,5% 1% FilmsPETF from PE and RigidPPPE and PP MixturesPVC of Polymers Technical Polymers PS
4’2022 packaging market 0 2 4 6 8 10 1996 2
Recycling of Polymer Waste in Europe
26 www.packinfo.com.ua
rates for polymer materials in
% Fig.
PEfromFilmsPETFPEandPPRigidandPPPVCOthers OthersandGreatFranceSpainItalyGermanyBritainIreland Fig. 2. Structure of recycled
The European organization of polymer processors Plastics Recyclers Europe has prepared a report on the recycling of waste products from various polymers in EU27+3 (EU member countries, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom).
tons 8,5
products by
The capacity of the polymer waste recycling market in Europe increased by 13% compared to 2019. Despite the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, market demand and legislative support have enabled the growth in the European sector which remains in constant development.
tons 201220142017201820192020 Fig.

Metallized Nature Flex/Glue/Greaseproof Paper
Requirements set to the packaging material: •no negative effect upon taste and flavour;
•proper protection of the product against light; •high barrier to oxygen penetration inside the package; •high hygienic quality; •good mechanical properties; •breaking •applicabilitystrength;onpackaging lines.
•sufficient resistance to moisture and temperature changes; •resistance to fats; •resistance to foreign aromas permeation;
Genuine butter containing minimum 82 % of cow milk fat can be packed in the laminate (primer / Al / glue / greaseproof paper usually 72–76 g/m2) composed of •Al (aluminium foil) – external layer destined for printing; •greaseproof paper – internal layer in direct contact with •joiningbutter; layer being one of the following: – glue; – wax; – polyethylene LDPE. packaging packaging Butter is fat separated from cow milk, and its principal ingredients are: fat 82 %, water 16 %, minerals, lactose, vitamin A, carotenoids and vitamins D and E. However, there are products which are sold as butter or fatty spread but contain considerable quantities of plant oils. Knowledge about actual butter composition is crucial for proper selection of butter packaging material.
Andrzej Kornacki, Futamura
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Biodegradable Laminate for Butter Packaging
Chemically, butter is a mixture of esters, glycerine and fatty acids. When exposed to light and fresh air it quickly undergoes a process known as rancidification. This process is particularly accelerated by high temperature, and it is accompanied by emission of unpleasant smell and gradual change of butter colour to dark yellow. In order to slow down rancidification (and so prolong the butter shelf life) the butter is being stored in low temperature, sometimes deep frozen, preserved with the use of salt or immersed in water with no air access.
Considering the above, it becomes obvious that butter should be protected against UV rays (light) and oxygen. Also, it should be stored in low temperatures.
Final organoleptic characteristics of butter are generated by many factors. Considerable amount of the latter result from the quality of the raw material, and some are defined by technological parameters of the production process, conditions of storage and distribution of the ready product, and also characteristics of the material used for butter packaging.

In order to check the quality of butter wrapped in such a biodegradable material, laboratory analysis was run after 21 days of storage – this period being the product final consumption date. For the sake of comparison, the same butter packed in standard material (Al / LDPE / greaseproof paper) and in the biodegradable laminate (met. NatureFlex / glue / greaseproof paper) was analysed. The analytic reports for both kinds of package read: “The analysed product features good sensory and physicochemical properties, which points to its commercial usability”. Any printing house can make such a biolaminate. No modifications of packaging machines are required – it is enough to substitute one reel for another on the machine. So, it can be expected that soon butter producers will get interested in this solution which fully conforms to principles of Circular Economy coming slowly into force.
cellulose films are produced from cellulose obtained from the wood pulp. Being derived from a biopolymer – cellulose – they undergo biodegradation within 5–6 weeks, and it is possible to compost them after they have been used as packages. They have very good inherent barrier properties with respect to oxygen permeation, and the barrier against moisture can be widely adjusted by coating the films with various lacquers. Also, these films feature good resistance to fats and chemical agents, printability using various techniques, possibility of metallization, heat sealability, excellent twist and deadfold as well as ability to be laminated to other materials.
packaging packaging 4’2022
Metallized Nature Flex/Glue/Greaseproof Paper
However, it happens that some of the manufacturers add oil to butter during the production process. In such cases the internal layer of the laminate, the one in direct contact with the butter, is made of paper extrusion coated with LDPE (PE being the barrier layer preventing grease permeation to paper): primer / Al / glue / paper / LDPE. Apart from the above laminates, also other packaging materials can be met on the market such as, for instance, only the greaseproof paper. Such multimaterial packages make waste utilization difficult. They can be only left at landfills or burnt at waste incineration plants. Efforts aiming at replacing these packages with biodegradable alternatives resulted in making of a laminate composed of greaseproof paper constituting the internal layer directly touching the butter and metallized, compostable cellulose film NatureFlex being the external layer: print / met. NatureFlex / glue / greaseproof paper (ca 83 NatureFlexg/m2).
The 100% biodegradable laminate composed of paper and cellulose film performs well on butter packaging lines giving proper and durable deadfold. The following characteristics of this material are worth mentioning: •all materials used for its production are biodegradable; •it performs well on packaging lines; •ensures proper deadfold; •greaseproof paper constituting the inner layer provides sufficient barrier to fat permeation; •metallized cellulose film – NatureFlex – constituting the outer layer ensures sufficient barrier to light (UV rays) and oxygen, and it can be printed without any problem.

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Beauty packaging manufacturer and provider Quadpack and manufacturer of beauty dispensing solutions Aptar Beauty + Home have jointly developed a refillable packaging for the Iconic Woodacity® Lipstick. Packaging made of 100 % certified ash wood from sustainably managed forests. The patented “Solo Twist” system features an oval-shaped interior which ensures that the cap auto-locks on a quarter turn. The lipstick is refillable with ease: consumers simply pull out the used mechanism and snap in the new one. They can also keep various colours and insert the one they want to use today, further reducing the pack’s impact. Grow&Go for Farm-to-Shelf Products Mondi has developed a range of fit-for-purpose packaging solutions, Grow&Go, to transport fresh produce from farm-to-shelf-to-home safely and Grow&Goefficiently.canbeused for farm-to-shelf delivery in a range of sizes, from consumer-friendly trays and carry-packs to palletready bulk shipping boxes. Grow&Go line of products offers logistic benefits, beginning with the shipping space savings provided by palletised flat corrugated Onepackaging.ofseveral Grow&Go solutions is CoralTray, which provides hassle-free handling, protection, ventilation, and visibility for up to a pound of fruit.
4’2022 packaging packaging
Packaging from All Continents
Refillable Lipstick Packaging
The Lightest Bottle Bakic developed a more environmentally friendly and more sustainable packaging that answers consumer needs. The Smooth 250 ml bottle is one of the first truly lightweight bottles on the market without compromising on functionality. The innovation comes through a specific combination of bionic design and extrusion-technique thorough which it was achieved material savings of approximately 50 % compared to conventional bottles of this size. This is a truly sustainable solution, as the bottle and cap are 100 % recyclable. The screw cap allows the cap and bottle to be easily separated and disposed of.

•Most sustainable solution on the market today – fully
Packaging design company Futupack, packaging manufacturer Pyroll and design team Mets Board developed a simple, smart and cost-effective packaging design for golf balls for Finnish company Golf Coat Ltd. “Our new packaging provides a habitat. This is good for nature and also brings circular economy thinking to the game of golf, it is also good for the image of the sport as a whole.
•Spray cap can be separated from aerosol container before
New Packaging for Kata Food US-based plastic packaging products maker Berry Global has helped Italian food company Kata Food to transform its range of products. Berry has used its square SuperCube pail design for a different packaging shape and artwork decoration which led to optimised logistics and better shelf appearance. The new square shape offers space benefits in addition to the improved shelf presence. The ease of stocking the square containers is also advantageous to distributors and retailers. As a result, superstores and hypermarkets are placing larger orders that minimise the need for transportation fuel.
After golf balls are used, the Mets Board Pro FBB Bright cardboard packaging turns into an “insect hotel”. This is a good example of how we can support biodiversity in the city as well. You can help pollinating insects by placing an insect hotel on your balcony or in your yard, for example, in a sheltered and sunny place.
A Golf Ball Packaging That Converts Into an Insect Hotel
Aerosol Spray Cap of a New Generation Focusing on sustainability as well as functionality, Weener Plastics (WP) has developed a revolutionary spray system for aerosol spray caps with an insert: the Ultimate Spray System has several advantages:
•Mono-materialrecyclable solution: aerosol spray cap and insert made of PP or recycled PP/PCR
packaging packaging 4’2022
•Highlydisposalversatile, excellent spray performance.

Prerequisites for packaging trends
Packaging Development Trends (According to the Results of the WorldStar Award 2021 Competition)
Every year, the World Packaging Organization (WPO) holds the competitions for the best packaging – the WorldStar Award. 345 packaging samples from companies from 35 countries took part in the 53rd contest. The jury meeting was scheduled to take place in early November 2020 in the capital of the South African Republic. But... COVID-19 intervened and the jury members worked online. Under these conditions, they identified 194 winners. Among them are two packages from Ukraine: a cup for hot drinks “To go” from Univest Marketing and a bottle “Vogniar” from Pack Group (“Packaging”, 2021, No. 1, p. 61).
According to the results of the competition, experts and specialists of the packaging industry determine and express their views on the trends in the development of packaging materials and packaging, technologies and equipment for packaging various products. This year, they were summarized and presented in a special WPO report by Liliam Benzie from the department of Press & Communication and we would try to give its main provisions. We cannot but agree that in the last five years, humanity has faced new challenges which have a significant impact on a person’s vital activity, his everyday life, family relations, education, etc. Among them are their needs for food, health, and safety. Without defining the global and local challenges, it is difficult (if at all possible) both to determine the future changes in the life of mankind and to forecast the development trends, for example, of consumer markets, including the packaging one, the products of which accompany a consumer almost every day. Anyone who is a consumer of food, drinks, pharmaceuticals and other goods, according to Euromonitor, now has to deal with a turbulent and rebellious world in which people are actively speaking out against politicians. In the world where upheavals and disturbances are often associated with territorial encroachments, displacing the priority requirements for a secure life. But no one canceled a person’s desire to use past experience, in particular, the desire for convenience, but already in new working conditions (at home), and even with an uncertain, sometimes a flexible work schedule and open areas that allow the consumers to avoid various restrictions. Without taking into account the “fijital” reality (the collision of the physical and digital worlds), which is approaching very Thesequickly.and other changes are used by manufacturers and brand owners to develop the innovative solutions in the field of product packaging. Among them are the technological methods of checking and tracking products (QRcodes and other media on the packaging), which generate a sense of control among consumers and provide them with the information about the products. Most brand owners add the functional benefits to their products, which can lead to a huge list of additional ingredients. A simple packaging will help convey the authenticity of such products to soften this Personalizedeffect. products that are composed of the data obtained from the consumers and personalized features will provide the consumers with more information. At the same time, financial uncertainty is driving innovation in banking, the emergence of apps that provide the consumers with simpler and more affordable ways to control their money. The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic should be added to the product packaging of consumers’ living conditions. E-commerce focuses on the usage of flexible polymer packaging, corrugated packaging and reusable labels. Packaging is becoming more environmentally friendly and meets more sustainable consumer requirements. In these conditions, aesthetics remains important in the packaging, but the design becomes more minimalistic. Digital printing is more popular, especially in premium packages, due to the ability to refine Recyclinginformation.ofmaterials, which confirms the environmental friendliness of packaging, is becoming an important trend, and companies are trying to use packaging materials that are suitable for 100% recycling. From the WorldStar Award to the packaging trends The WorldStar Award competition is held in 11 categories: from food packaging, which, by the way, makes up 70–75% of all packaging in different regions of the world, to transport packaging. This year, it has revealed that brand owners are increasingly using packaging as a key factor in a brand development. After all, the packaging can be the “moment of truth” with clear and simple messages from brands to consumers. In addition, products become more personalized using the data obtained from the consumer, giving him more control over what he buys.
4’2022 packaging packaging
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www.upakjour.com.ua Food products. Responding to the demands of time and consumers, packaging developers for this group of products and its manufacturers are trying to use environmentally friendly materials (especially compostable), premium packages for tasty food, smart packaging that monitors and controls the expiration date of products, monomaterial packaging with light systems opening and closing it again. At the same time, the main task for packaging remains the food preservation from spoilage and their safety.
Beverage packaging. Today, these are bottles of the original shape made of materials that have better barrier properties, are convenient in every sense, deconstructive and asymmetrical (with adherence to minimalism). The usage of recyclable materials is important. One of the new trends is more compact placement of bottles with drinks in a gift packaging, as well as an efficient packaging of drinks according to the “from store to individual consumption” scheme.
packaging packaging 4’2022

4’2022 packaging packaging
Pharmaceutical products, the packaging and delivery of which to the consumer are of particular importance in the conditions of COVID-19, require the new approaches to the development of packaging. It should take up less space, be reusable (if possible), have the child protection systems and the security elements to prevent counterfeiting, be easily opened by the elderly.
34 www.packinfo.com.ua
Household chemicals are packed in packaging with wide functionality, made, as a rule, from monomaterials to ensure the recycling. Recent developments demonstrate the concept of 2-in-1 or the usage of various capsules and ampoules.

packaging packaging 4’2022
Packaging materials for the modern packaging are the most important element. The modern trends for them are biodegradable, antibacterial and antiviral materials with improved barrier properties. These are heat-resistant barrier monofilms capable of accepting the digital printing. In general, the modern packaging for any product, in addition to its main functions, known to everyone, should be safe, economical, with new functional capabilities, be relevant to use the digital information technologies, caution and warning the consumers about the products and with the provision of effective logistics throughout the supply chain.

Bags Save the Environment? V.M.
thousand tons Will
The way out of this situation is the creation of a packaging waste management system tested in many countries based on the separate collection and further sorting of solid waste and the economic mechanism of the operation of such a system through the extended responsibility of the producer (RBB) for the packaging waste that At the end of last year, the Law of Ukraine “On restriction of the circulation of polyethylene bags in the territory of Ukraine” entered into force. Ultra-light, lightweight up to 55 μm thickness and oxodegradable plastic bags, which, according to the authors of the law, create serious problems for the environment, have come under restrictions. The population has already felt the effect of the Law, and the mass media are trying to find out what the implementation of its provisions will bring. during its preparation, the state did not listen to either experts or business. Even now they are not heard. waste paper (a), waste (b) scrap (c) Ukraine, Banning Plastic Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry, IAC “Packaging”, Kyiv
and glass
159,3 329,4 336,9 271,8 346,4 392,3 290,6 311,2 327,1 0 200 400 600 200820142015201620172018201920202021а)б) 2,7 6,5 16,1 68,4 38,6 53,4 63,7 60,1 39,5 0 20 40 60 80 200820142015201620172018201920202021 в) 30,7 25,2 54,754,6 19,5 32,5 31,6 47,3 18,8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 200820142015201620172018201920202021 Figure. Import of
At a time when landfills in Ukraine are annually replenished with secondary raw materials, which are very necessary for industry, more than 100 enterprises (according to Ukrvtorma), which are engaged in processing them, are loaded at 60-65%. We are talking about cardboard and paper factories, glass factories, enterprises processing polymer packaging waste. In order to load them, the business is forced to buy recycled materials abroad (figure). In 2021, Ukraine imported 327.1 thousand tons of waste paper, 60.1 thousand tons of secondary polymers, and 31.6 thousand tons of broken glass. Ukraine not only pollutes the environment, but also deprives enterprises of secondary raw materials, burying packaging waste in landfills. And this despite the fact that the country does not have its own capacity for the production of primary polymers, cellulose, aluminum foil, and high-quality tin.
36 www.packinfo.com.ua 4’2022 packaging ecology Let’s try to understand to what extent it was relevant in Ukraine from the point of view of reducing the impact of packaging waste on the environment (packages are a component of it), the adoption of this Law, and not other draft laws (about them below), which have not been considered in the Verkhovna Rada for Today,months.according to various experts (there are no state statistics on this issue), the total amount of all types of packaging that is used in Ukraine and then becomes waste is 2400–2500 thousand tons per year. Of them, packaging made of paper, cardboard and corrugated cardboard – 700–720 thousand tons, glass – 1100–1120 thousand tons, polymers – 400-450 thousand tons, metal – 100–110 thousand tons, other materials – 100 thousand tons. In the Explanatory Note to the draft Law of Ukraine “On limiting the volume of plastic bags on the territory of Ukraine” we read: “According to statistical data, more than 800,000 tons of single-use plastic bags are used annually in the member states of the European Union. Every year, every Ukrainian uses about 500 plastic bags, while in the EU this figure is closer to 90 bags on average.” Considering the population in Ukraine and the EU countries, let’s do some calculations and get that, according to the experts who prepared that Note, 408 thousand tons of plastic bags are used in Ukraine. And now let’s compare them with the data of experts, according to which all polymer packaging in Ukraine is 400–450 thousand tons. According to their data, rigid polymer packaging (bottles made of PE and PETF, thermoformed packaging made of PS and PP, buckets, barrels, canisters, PE boxes) together are 250–270 thousand tons, soft polymer packaging (hermetic packages of various types made of various polymer materials, including multilayer, bags, big-bags made of polypropylene fabric, heat-shrinkable and stretch film and bags prohibited by the Law) – 150–170 thousand tons. All polymer bags in Ukraine are 20–25 thousand tons, or 30–35 bags per inhabitant. But it’s not even about these calculations. According to state statistics, approximately 11.5–12 million tons of solid household waste are generated annually in Ukraine, of which 94% are buried in landfills and unauthorized landfills. Among them was almost all used packaging. And now let’s count again: all polymer bags, including prohibited ones, make up 5% of all polymer packaging, 1% of all types of packaging and 0,2% of all solid household waste.

he uses to promote its products to the markets. In European countries, such systems have existed for more than 20 years – since the adoption of Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste and Directive 2004/12/EC, which supplements the former. Such systems have given certain results: the total recycling of packaging waste in EU countries ranges from 50–55 % in Iceland, Croatia and Hungary to 75–85 % in the Czech Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium. In Ukraine, the main obstacle to following the proven European path is outdated legislation. For years, the Verkhovna Rada has not considered the prepared draft laws “Waste” and “Packaging and packaging waste”. They are based on the principles of RBB. Without waiting for their acceptance, the business launched a pilot project in Vyshgorod, Kyiv region in 2017 – a kind of prototype of the RBB organization in miniature. And last year, in accordance with the Memorandum on cooperation between UKRPEK and the American Chamber of Commerce, it was planned to establish the organization RBB, with the aim of pushing the Verkhovna Rada to adopt these laws. What does Ukraine offer the population instead of plastic bags prohibited by law? Most supermarkets already actively use paper bags. Unfortunately, they not only cost 2-3 times more than polymer ones, but also lose to them in terms of functional properties. They have less strength, do not withstand moisture. In addition, their production requires 5 times more energy and 30 times more water. They are 8 times heavier, they produce 80% more garbage than plastic bags. An alternative to the prohibited bags, as specified in the Law, can be biodegradable polymer bags, which are also already appearing on the market. Here you need to make a reference to Artem Myrhorodskyi, the head of the GreenAge company. After studying numerous reports on the use of biodegradable polymers and conducting their own research, his team came to the following conclusions. The raw material for the production of such materials is grown with a high content of pesticides, significant water consumption and soil use. A significant amount of resources are spent on this. When disposing of products made of biodegradable polymers, including bags, they must be separated into a separate stream and special conditions for their composting should be created, which do not exist in Ukraine today. It is difficult to sort such products, because it is impossible to distinguish them by eye from others made of polymer films, especially at a flow sorting station. In addition, if the waste of such products ends up in landfills, then its use no longer makes sense. Moreover, such bags are even more expensive than ordinary polymer ones. So, in my expert opinion, the Law of Ukraine “On Limiting the Circulation of Plastic Bags in the Territory of Ukraine” adopted by the Verkhovna Rada will not bring us one step closer to saving valuable polymer waste and will not stop littering the environment with used packaging waste. Only the adoption of the necessary legislative acts will pave the way for the creation of an effective system for handling used packaging and will put an end to this long-standing problem.
ecology packaging 4’2022 — your partner in environmentallabeling we create labels for a smart future without the use of fossil minerals

Sem Ecopack began evacuation from the second week of the war on its own. It was difficult, as there was no transport, but in the end they submitted an application to the state program “Relocation”. Ukrzaliznytsia and Ukrposhta organized free transportation of the company’s production equipment in 12 wagons and several trucks. “Ten specialists moved to the Lviv region together with the equipment. More was planned, but many people are not ready to leave their homes. It is also difficult to find housing in the west. That’s why we hire local people,” general director Serhiy Rudkovskyi says. And he adds: “I am delighted with how well our civil servants reacted to the situation. We feel care, which, to be honest, is very unusual.”
4’2022 packaging sms
In this difficult time, the Tatrafan brand restored its work. The employees of the enterprise in Lutsk are working to provide Ukrainians with the most necessary products. Packaging for groceries (cereals, pasta), bread and milk has already gone to the manufacturers of the corresponding Theproducts.company also constantly financially supports our defenders, directing funds to important needs, believing that together we will definitely win.
Ukraine Is Love Forever!
38 www.packinfo.com.ua
We choose “Ukrainian”, we support Ukraine, we believe in the Armed Forces!
Fans of PyryatynTM and SlaviaTM products will now have a double love for Ukraine. After all, “Ukrainian” cheese has appeared in the assortment line of these brands, – the Milk Alliance Group of Enterprises reports on its Facebook page.
At the same time, work there stopped back in February, and workers were helped to evacuate. The plant was damaged as a result of hostilities: the roof of the administrative building and several fermentation tanks were partially damaged. Since the loss of control over production, the team relocated part of the production processes to another plant of the company in the Poltava region. Thanks to this, the company resumed production of such products as “Activia”, “Danone” and “Rastishka”.
Look for the “Fainy” loaf from Teremno Khlib on the shelves of stores with the appropriate labeling and remember that together we are a force.
Packaging From the Film Manufacturer in Lutsk
The cheese is made from natural cow’s milk and has a delicate, cheesy taste and a slightly salty aftertaste. “Ukrainian Classic” hard cheese will perfectly complement your favorite sandwich, meat and vegetable dishes. And processed cheese “Ukrainian” has a light milky taste, a delicate and plastic consistency. So, while you’re in the store, be sure to turn to the cheese shelf and try these new products.
Danone Partially Moved Production to Poltava Region
One of the two plants of the Danone company in Ukraine is located in Kherson, temporarily occupied by the russians.
The Bulgarian company Plasthim-T provided Tatrafan by the film free of charge, from which more than 270,000 packages have already been made. All of them were donated to Teremno Khlib PrJSC for the packaging of “Fainy” loaf. In this way, Tatrafan supports the local producer and helps him provide Ukrainians with essential goods. This amount of packaging provides a month’s work for Volyn bakers.
Sem Ecopack company produces packaging for various products for the Ukrainian and European markets. Until February 24, all production facilities of Sem Ecopack were located in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The company’s move to the Lviv region, where even before the war they bought premises in which reconstruction was carried out, full-scale war hastened. They wanted to launch one line, but now they moved two lines from Dnipropetrovsk region, leaving one there.
Milk Alliance Group of Enterprises Relocation to the West of Ukraine
Sem Ecopack

Liga Zakon The Production of “Chernigivske” Beer Was Moved to Belgium
Beer is produced in cans with a heart in the colors of the Ukrainian flag and the inscription: “Everyone can help in humanitarian efforts for Ukraine”. Planet Plastic Is Being Restored
You can buy products and get advice, as before, at the address: The Hero City of Irpin, Pokrovska str., 1, tel. +38 044 229 00 00. Let’s stay in line and work for a common Victory! Planet Plastic team sms packaging 4’2022
The Verkhovna Rada registered draft law No. 7497 on marking of goods by applying a QR code. The initiators of the draft law propose to establish at the legislative level the possibility of labeling by marking goods with a QR code, which ensures receiving information in electronic form. In particular, it is proposed to change Art. 15 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” in the part of bringing information by the manufacturer to the attention of consumers: in the accompanying documentation attached to the goods; on the label; in the marking, which can be in the form of a QR code, which allow consumers to read it and receive all or part of the information about the relevant products electronically from the manufacturer’s website; in another way (in an accessible visual form), defined by the relevant legal acts. The marking of the QR code must be clear and placed in a place where it cannot be erased, disappear due to the operation of the machine, equipment, wear, etc., or impair the strength of the corresponding products. It is predicted that the adoption of the draft law will make it possible to simplify the conditions of doing business through digitization and conveying information about goods to consumers and users.
“Chernigivske” beer appeared in Belgian supermarkets, bars and restaurants already in mid-May. This brand of beer can also be found on store shelves in Great Britain. Thanks to the sales of “Chernigivske”, the company intends to transfer at least €5 million to Ukrainian humanitarian Theorganizations.initiative to move production belongs to the Ukrainian management of the company, which was forced to temporarily leave Ukraine to escape russian shelling and bombing.
Economic Pravda Marking of Goods Using a QR Code
Currently, the company does not know for sure about active attempts by the occupation authorities to restore production, but they have such a scenario in mind. They emphasize that if suddenly the plant is partially put into operation by the actions of the temporary occupation administration, the Danone company in Ukraine will not be able to bear responsibility for the processes that will be provided there. By the way, the occupiers have already asked whether Danone is going to restore production at this plant. And they received a clear answer: the company does not plan to restore production under conditions of war and occupation of the city. Before the war, about 400 people worked at the Kherson plant. It also provided orders to related businesses, which stimulated an additional 1,500 jobs in the region. The plant specialized in the production of modern dairy products and produced products under the brands “Activia”, “Danone”, “Rastishka”, “Actual”, “Danissimo” and others.
AB InBev has moved the production of “Chernigivske” beer to Leuven, Flanders, as a result of russian aggression, reports on the Economic Pravda website. “Belgian beer giant AB InBev will soon introduce the popular Ukrainian “Chernigivske” beer on the Belgian market. All profits from sales of this beer will go to charity. This company’s businesses in Ukraine are currently closed due to the russian invasion. So this international alcoholic beverage company is moving production to the city of Leuven, Flanders,” – the statement said.
The Ukrainian producer of plastic for agriculture, construction and food industries Planet Plastic published the following letter on its Facebook page: “Friends, it is very painful for us, but it will not break us! As a result of the military actions of the russian occupiers in Irpen, our territory, offices and production facilities were destroyed. Warehouses and stocks were completely destroyed. But despite huge losses and an incredible number of risks, a decision was made – to restore production as soon as possible! Today, Planet Plastic once again supplies the country with much-needed high-quality products for grain storage and manufactures greenhouse films.