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PARTICIPES – manufacturers of polymer, metal, glass and cardboard packaging, machine-building enterprises, universi es and research ins tutes, adver sing, publishing and commercial rms, exhibi on centers.
MISSION– unite manufacturers and consumers of packaging to solve strategic and urgent problems of development of the packaging industry of Ukraine.
TARGET – through various informa on ac vi es to provide representa ves of the packaging industry with informa onal materials to increase the produc on and export of modern, high-quality packaging.
• holding conferences, symposiums, seminars, discussion panel, business mee ngs;
• providing informa on on equipment, packaging, materials and their manufacturers;
• training, retraining and internship of specialists in the eld of packaging ;
Member of the World Packaging Organiza on (WPO) since 1998
• publica on of special literature, catalogues and magazine «Packaging»;
• conduc ng marke ng, consul ng and analy cal research ;
• interna onal coopera on.
Since 1999, the Club Packagers of Ukraine has been organizing the main packaging events –the competitions UKRAINIAN PACKAGING STAR, UKRAINIAN LABEL and PACKAGING OF THE FUTURE and providing awards the winners
24 compe on 288 companies
2826 entries 463 winners
TARGET – development of innova ons, technologies and packaging design
3_editor in chief
The Packaging Saves in Hard Times of War
4_presentation We Are Already Doing What You Think Is Difficult
6_ Yesterday He Was a Typographer, Today He Is a Warrior
10_war Activities of the Club Packagers During the War V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D., V.M. Kryvoshei, Ph.D.
15_ The Ukrainian Packers Add to the Victory
20_ Life Аfter the 24th
22_ecology Should Waste Be Burnt or Recycled?
25_club Club Packagers at Warsaw Food Tech V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.
26_ “Golden Chestnut” Under Conditions of War R.A. Sirotenko
29_ Ukrainian Competitions for the Best Packaging and Label R.A. Sirotenko
The Packaging Saves in Hard Times of War
On the cover of this issue of the magazine is a military backpack with a very capacious inscription: “All life is packed in one backpack”. For many Ukrainians, those who went to fight against the rusians, those who moved to safer regions of Ukraine, and those who temporarily moved to other countries with their families - life turned into a pile of challenges, the number of which could barely go in such a backpack.
In general, the packaging, being an equal participant in the military life of the country, helps to defeat the rusian enemy. It transports weapons and ammunition to the front lines from our foreign partners, delivers medicines, drugs and medical equipment to military hospitals, stores food and drinks to feed Ukrainian soldiers at the front. Finally, it helps refugees and displaced persons to have basic essential things for life in their new place.
So, as always, the packaging is with us even in such hard times of war. Although sometimes it looks like just a military backpack, which has absorbed our entire current life.
Thank you for your understanding and support
Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
National University of Food Technologies
JSC «Information-analytical center
Founded 1996
The magazine is registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Certificate of registration KB № 16852-5615ПР
Since 1999 the magazine included in the list of scientific professional editions in Ukraine Resolution of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine
№ 515 from 16.05.2016 magazine was confirmed its registration
6 times a year
Subscription index
Ukrpost 40265
Editorial address: 02002, Ukraine, Kyiv, E. Sverstyuk str, 4a tel. +38 067 232 3215 e-mail: upakjour@nbi.com.ua www.upakjour.com.ua, www.packinfo.com.ua
Editorial board:
O.V. Vatrenko, Dr.; O.M.Velichko, Dr.;
S.B. Verbytskyi, Ph.D.; O.M.Gavva, Dr.; Dr.; P.V.Zamotayev, Dr.;
A.Koyun, Dr. (Turkie);
V.M. Kryvoshei, Ph.D.;
O.A. Kucherenko;
I.O. Mikulonok, Dr.;
C. Olsmats, Dr. (Shweeden);
B.O.Palchevskyi, Dr.; A.D. Petukhov, Dr.;
I.I. Regey, Dr.;
O.L. Sokolskyi, Dr.;
S. Stefanov, Dr. (Bulgaria);
S. Tkaczyk, Dr. (Poland);
V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.;
O.Yu. Shevchenko, Dr.;
V.K. Shostya; V.L. Shreder;
M.V. Yakimchuk, Dr.
Editor in Chief
Valerii Kryvoshei , Ph.D.
Technical editor
Oleksandr Gavva , Dr.
Pavlo Zamotayev, Dr.
Veronika Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.
Kateryna Solovei
Information and advertising
Nadiia Kryvoshei , Regina Sirotenko
IAC «Upakovka»
Design concept of the magazine
Author printing
Natalia Kruhliak
The authors and advertisers are responsible for the contents and the accuracy of the information
Reproduction without permission is not allowed
Link to the magazine is required
Originals will not be returned to the authors
Edition is not always agree with the views of the authors
© IAC «Upakovka», 2023
editor in chief packaging special issue Interpack 2023 content www.upakjour.com.ua
We Are Already Doing What You Think Is Difficult
RPE “Aventin” LLC is located in Vyshgorod city, Kyiv region, just 6 km away from Kyiv.
The main areas of the company’s activity are the production of flexible packaging of primary packaging for food products, as well as household and industrial chemicals, consumer goods, toys, cosmetics.
The company has 20 years of production experience, develops and implements innovative solutions in the field of packaging. Currently, the in-house multilayer production of polyethylene film and other raw materials such as polypropylene, PA, EVOH, EVA allows the production of more than 215 types of films, and taking into account the combination with
other flexible materials (OPP, BOPET, BOPA, Alu, PAP), the range of types of packaging materials reaches more than 1,000 items.
The company conducts R&D research and has developed a high-barrier co-extrusion monomaterial which is 100% recyclable and designed to replace laminated films containing aluminum foil for food packaging, such as sauces, ketchup, mustard etc, also for auto window washing liquids and other aggressive liquids. Suitable for production stand – up pouches with a spout. RPE “Aventin” LLC is certified in quality management and food safety of packaging materials according to international standards ISO 9001, FSSC 22000.
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special issue Interpack 2023
The company actively carries out export activities and exports industrial packaging materials, as well as primary packaging for food products to EU countries.
RPE “Aventin” LLC is a full-cycle production enterprise. Under one roof, on one production site, all production equipment is located and all stages of production of packaging materials take place, starting with design work and ending with final post-production operations.
Company has its own 7-layer blown extrusion line, flexo printing machines for applying the appropriate graphic image, laminating machines for laminating the appropriate materials using solvent- less and solvent base technologies, slitters for slitting primary rolls to the formats of the appropriate packaging equipment of customers, a fleet of bag-making machines for forming and production packages of the appropriate type, equipment for the
production of flexible digital photo polymer printing forms, equipment for processing technological waste into secondary raw materials for subsequent use in the production of packaging not intended for contact with food products.
Production, warehouse and operational accounting at the plant is fully automated thanks to the implementation of the integrated hardware and software complex. Production and office premises are “under one roof”, thanks to the electronic network it is possible to receive information online about the type and stage of the production process on each unit of production equipment.
The company has its own laboratory with appropriate laboratory equipment, which allows for quality control at each stage of the production process, as well as before the shipment of finished products to customers. During the full-scale military aggression by the Russian Federation and active hostilities on the territory of Kyiv region, the company temporarily suspended production activities only for the period from February 24 to March 4, 2022, and resumed production activities on March 5. The production and supply of critical packaging for food products was carried out both for the food industries of the Kyiv region and other regions of Ukraine, in particular the Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Lviv, Rivne, and Volyn regions.
Throughout March and almost until the end of April 2022, RPE “Aventin” LLC remained the only working manufacturer of flexible packaging in the territory of Kyiv and the Kyiv region.
RPE “Aventin” LLC invites cooperation and offers a strategic partnership for the supply of packaging materials for food and non-food products.
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Sauces and ketchups
Bakery products Frozen products Snack products Dairy products Beverages Meat, fish, poultry Household chemicals, hygiene products Pets supplies Bags Industrial and
packing Industrial and transport packing Other goods Fruits and vegetables presentation packaging
Yesterday He Was a Typographer, Today He Is a Warrior
It’s hard to remember how many years we have known each other. The profession has united our business interests. I have known my current interlocutor since our meeting in Kyiv when he represented the worldknown company HP in Ukraine. Many times we have met at the exhibitions and conferences, published his articles in the “Packaging” magazine. It has always been interesting to hear his ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of printing on the packaging materials, forecasts for the development of the digital, flexo, roto and offset printing. Then Dmytro Tolstoluzhskyi, it is he who I am talking about, went to work to Poland, and later – to the Netherlands. And our corresponding went into mailing and negotiations by phone. Our current conversation also took place online. But Dmytro and I decided to record it to offer it to you, dear readers. And now you are about to understand why.
Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
– Dmytro, how did you personally feel on February 24, when russia turn its arms against Ukraine?
– Probably it is a little strange, but I was 90 % sure that a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by russia would begin in the last week of February or early March. And I was preparing for it. When the attack took place, I had already had a plan what to do. On February 24, I was on a business trip to Denmark, and I had already known that I would go to Ukraine. On the 25th I returned to the Netherlands, flew to Warsaw on the 26th, went by car to Lviv on the 27th, was already in Lviv on the 28th, was taken to the Armed Forces service, and on March 1 I was already in the military unit. I am working in my first specialty. I used to be a military signaller, a radio engineer. I am currently engaged in doing approximately the same thing, mainly communication and electronics.
That is, a new connection and the latest electronics. In my opinion, it is very important for all of us to help our Motherland right now, because it is a war for the existence of Ukraine. It is possible to ensure and hasten our Victory in the different ways: in the Armed Forces, in business or manufacture, in culture and on the information front – anywhere. You can’t just sit and do nothing. This is evidenced by our historical experience: we know and remember the events of 1918–1921, 1933–1934, 1937, 1939–1945, 1946–1947 and subsequent years. So we have to fight for our independence, for our future here and now.
– You almost started answering my second question. How has your professional life changed since then?
– Before the war, it was a great creative business: printing, digital printing. Books, labels and packaging, commercial printing. In my opinion it is a good and promising area. But now it has to wait. I’ll get back to it after the victory. By the way, I am very grateful to the leadership and my colleagues from HP for their understanding and support. They quickly realized what was happening, treated with
respect to the necessity of my return to Ukraine, to the Armed Forces, to protect the country from russian aggression. This support has been and is very important to me. My colleagues from HP participated in charity events and marathons, collected money and materials to support Ukraine. And when the world became aware of the cruel, inhuman crimes of russians in Bucha and Irpin, colleagues got in contact with me and said that they understood why I had left so quickly. Such crimes can only be committed by inhumans, they really need to be stopped and defeated as soon as possible, so that fewer innocent Ukrainian people are killed.
– How did your family react to your decision to go to the war?
– I am fortunate in having a good wife. Inga has the same worldview as me. In the beginning, on February 25-26, of course, she was not at all enthusiastic about my idea. The eldest daughter Anna is grown-up, now she is in England. My youngest daughter, Uliana, is 8 years old. Inga and Uliana are in Warsaw now. Inga is studying there, i.e. she doesn’t work at the moment. So the family is financially depend on me, and my decision to leave was and is very risky. But when Inga realized that I really must go to the AFU and was serious about going to Ukraine she give me full support. She packed my things, blessed me, and I left.
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– Dmytro, I can’t resist a few professional questions. Will the obtaining candidate status for EU membership help Ukrainian companies and typographers in general?
– I am convinced that it will help. Firstly, both HP and Ukrainian typographers always support each other. When it was necessary to print brochures, stickers or other printed materials for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the work was done by our Ukrainian printing companies very efficiently, quickly and free of charge. There is no doubt as for the impact of Ukraine’s integration into the EU on the development of printing. The Baltic states can serve as an obvious successful example. Their typographers have already had the modern technologies and equipment and motivated personnel. They are very successful in the large European market. If you look at FINAT information reports on the consumption of self-adhesive materials in Europe, Lithuania is somewhere in the second half of the list. But in terms of the number of these materials per capita, Lithuania ranks first in Europe. It was in Lithuania, where before the active phase of the war, we installed several digital printing presses, including the world’s first newest, fastest HP Indigo 8K press for label manufacture. The country has a number of competitive advantages over “old” Europe because of its good integration into the EU, Lithuanian typographers are
successfully working, they are developing their business very well. Similar successful projects are working in Latvia and Estonia. So I am sure that good times await Ukraine. Because I know how professional, capable and zealous Ukrainian typographers and packers are.
– How does HP cooperate with Ukrainian companies today?
– HP continues to operate in Ukraine through Uniprint company. There is great respect for colleagues from Uniprint. At the beginning of the war there were difficult moments with the supply of materials, there were great risks. HP tried to minimize these risks, but I must say that it was Uniprant that did everything possible to ensure that customers were not affected, so that the materials would continue to be supplied on time. Service support in Uniprant has always been and is
at a high level. I am proud of the approach to the work of Maryna Nevhad, Maksym Shelekhovskyi, Mykhailo Bielskyi, Helena Yuhelska and other specialists. They properly defended the interests of Ukrainian clients in order to continue a normal cooperation and supply of materials. HP users also continue to work in difficult conditions of war with russia. I would like to mention Foc Tuba Ltd from Kharkiv. It is the first company in Ukraine that uses HP digital printing presses for the manufacture of labels and packaging materials. We all know what has happened and is happening in and around Kharkiv. However, Foc Tuba Ltd continues to work. Its specialists hear these explosions, but do not stop their manufacture. Great respect to Hennadii Zahoruiko, the company’s chief executive and his team. In my opinion, it is a very responsible and patriotic position.
– Dmytro, another professional question. By the way, not only I am interested, but also specialists from Futamura which is the only one in the world that has two cellulose film manufacturing plants. Is it possible to print HP inks on digital presses on materials whose packaging waste is compostable?
– A very good question – and the answer is positive. HP has a document confirming that some HP inks can be used for packaging, whose waste will be used for the composting. But provided that the weight of ink does not exceed 5% of the total weight of this packaging. If this condition is fullled, and I think it’s quite real, then HP inks do not interfere with composting. There is a corresponding TV AUSTRIA and DIN CERTCO certificate for the possibility of using HP Indigo ElectroInks printing inks and
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presentation packaging
Michelman primers for the manufacture of labels and flexible packaging which can be composted.
– Can HP inks come into contact with food in the packaging?
– I would be a little bit careful here, though. HP inks in their composition are among the safest materials used in the printing industry. But HP still advises protecting inks with lamination or varnishing if they are used to print food packaging.
– And finally, my favorite question about printing. Who will win the “competition” of digital, flexo, roto and offset printing?
– I think that technology will co-exist, but in one form or another, the digital printing will take on the new and new volumes of the printing market step by step. Just because it’s convenient. For example, now we use not just a phone, but a smartphone, talk on IP-telephony, using a messenger, virtually connected on the Internet, and enjoy excellent communication. Because it’s convenient. We remember the times when it was necessary to go to the postal telegraph office and order talks, wait for the booth number to be called, go to someone for a certain time to call. Theoretically, it can be done now. And practically – it is more convenient to use the modern technologies. And digital printing only confirms it.
– What are your own feelings as a person who is very close to the current trouble? How will this terrible crisis, this war with russia end?
– There are several scenarios. Before the war, I posted my vision on Facebook. At that time, I still had a certain hope that it was possible somehow to influence on russia, that they would not take this
crazy stupid step to a full-scale war. As for the strategy they chose, everything was more or less clear there. The only thing I could not foresee was the brutality of the moscovites. Now the number of variables in the equations describing events is very large, the situation is in a progress, i.e, there are several options. But I am convinced that the main thing is the four months that have passed and proved that Ukraine will gain a victory. In other words, the options differ mainly in the duration of the “hot” phase of the war. It’s hard to say how long this war will take. But the fact that we will win a victory is the truth in my opinion.
– Dmytro, this conversation is unique. It is the only one for all the time when we publish a magazine during the war, with a
person who left the profession to defend his Motherland. We will give it to the front pages of the magazine, and it will be read by many of our readers. I would like to hear your appeal to our readers both in Europe and in Ukraine. – Firstly, I would like to thank all those who now support Ukraine and its struggle. First of all, the Ukrainians who have joined the Armed Forces, the Ukrainians who work, maintain the information front, volunteer, raise children, write books, create paintings and modern graphics and continue to develop the economy. Ukraine has shown itself capable of fighting, surviving, defending and building its future. This fact has already been proved. Secondly, I am grateful to those who support Ukraine all over the world. We need this support, it is very important for the victory of good over evil, democracy over tyranny, Ukraine over muscovy.
I would like to appeal to all my colleagues and readers. We must stop the regime of the kremlin maniac, who sees himself as an emperor. Prevent modern Hitler from extending the war further to the expanses of Europe and the world, so that 2022 does not turn into a new 1938 or 1939. To do this, we need Ukraine to win a war. And for the victory, we have to make all the possible efforts. Someone at the front, someone in the profession. Because today we all have one thing in common: daily work to win a Victory.
– Dmytro, I am sincerely grateful for such a meaningful conversation. All typographers and packers take their hats off to your patriotic decision for leaving the peaceful profession to the military one. We are waiting for you safe and sound. We will fight all together for our Victory over the enemy.
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MANUFACTURER of plastic packaging products QUALITY CERTIFICATE
Activities of the Club Packagers During the War
V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, V.M. Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry, Club Packagers, Kalisz, Poland
As we reported earlier, the Club’s Packagers office staff and the magazine editorial board of “Packaging” now operate in different cities and even in different countries. We continue our information work supporting and helping the Ukrainian packaging companies, do coprojects with our foreign colleagues, speak at conferences and participate in the packaging exhibitions in different European countries. On all these information platforms we talk about the current state of the Ukrainian packaging industry, about the opportunities and needs of the Ukrainian packaging companies in all available ways You can get more details on the Club’s Packagers website www.upakjour.com.ua.
We have already written about a co-project with the “Packaging Europe” magazine. Therefore, we turn to Ukrainian manufacturers, primarily members of the Ukrainian Club Packagers. If you need informational assistance, write to the Club Packagers: club-pack@ukr.net, tel. +38 067 505 5776 (Viber, WhatsApp), +38 067 232 3215 (Viber, WhatsApp). And now – about our activities during last month.
Food Technology Exhibition 2022
At the end of March, the Club Packagers received a proposal from the Netherlands Packaging Center (NVC) to launch a co-project “Support the Ukrainian Club of Packagers”. This project was scheduled to start during the Food Technology exhibition 2022, which opened on April 13, 2022 in Brabanthallen in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Michael Nieuwesteeg, the managing director at NVC Netherlands Packaging Centre, said that together with colleagues from packaging associations around the world, the project will be advertised for seven months at packaging events, exhibitions, conferences, social networks, on the associations websites in different countries, as well as EPIC and WPO.
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For her part, Veronika Khalaydzhi told on behalf of the Club Packagers the participants and visitors of the exhibition about the Club’s activities in peacetime and now, about Ukrainian competitions for the best packaging and label which were organized and conducted under the circumstances by Regina Sirotenko the project manager of the club, about the magazine Packaging, the second issue of which this year has been prepared for publication by the copy editor Iryna Sereda and a designer Natalia Kruglyak, and published by our friends from NVC and Poznan School of Logistics. Of course, it was an opportunity to give the first-hand news about the high-capacity Ukrainian enterprises destroyed by the invaders, such as Vetropack Gostomel Glass Factory, Rubizhne Cardboard and Packaging Plant, Chernihiv manufacturer of plastic packaging Plast-Box, Coca-Cola plant near Kyiv, about enterprises located in the east, north and south of Ukraine, which do not work for a number of reasons, including the lack of raw materials, spare parts for equipment and the lack of workers who went to defend Ukraine. The footage of the destroyed packing companies, Ukrainian cities and towns had a great influence on all meeting attendants, clearly showed what the rashist orcs were bringing. The purpose of our speeches before the packing communities of different countries at such events is to persuade them, and through them the government institution of these countries, not to finance the war in Ukraine, working with russian companies or buying russian goods.
The Conference and Warsaw Pack Exhibition
The VII Warsaw Pack exhibition took place on April 25-26 in Warsaw. More than 200 companies from different countries gathered to show their innovative achievements in packaging. More than 12 thousand visitors for three days got acquainted with the latest developments in six thematic sectors of the exhibition: packaging and labeling; packaging technologies; marking and printing; packaging automation; e-commerce; logistics and product storage.
Among the exhibitors there were companies from Ukraine. LLC Lutsk Cardboard and Paper Mill demonstrated a variety of certified quality corrugated cardboard products, and the
Club Packagers was invited to participate in the conference. Valerii Kryvoshei, the chief editor of Packaging, made a report Packaging in Ukraine: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. The conferees paid special attention to the packaging development in Ukraine until February 24 this year, watched with horror slides of the destroyed Ukrainian packaging companies, listened to a story about the work of the Club Packagers (see www.upackjour.com.ua) during the past two months and received information about plans for the future. The conference featured speeches by Maciej Na cz, an analyst at Bank Polska, with a report entitled The packaging industry in 2022 - state, perspectives and impact of war and Andrzej Kornatski, the regional manager of Futamura, with a report on How to make flexible polymer packaging recyclable?
In general, the exhibition made a pleasant impression by participants’ and visitors’ activity, the excellent work of the organizers and certainly the latest achievements of packagers.
Ukrainian Green Packaging Solutions Group introduced specialists to the possibilities of making paper and cardboard products.
The Polish Packaging Chamber participated in the exhibition and Lodz University of Technology organized and held a conference “Innovations in Packaging”. The
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Copyright Pim Ras/VerpakkingsManagement
The Club Packagers at Anuga FoodTech
The Club Packagers, continuing to work actively in the information space, took advantage of the invitation from Packaging Europe and NVC colleagues to present the Club at Anuga FoodTech and take part in the “Sustainable Packaging Summit”conference.
The Anuga FoodTech exhibition in Cologne on April 26-29 this year was visited by more than 50,000 specialists
who got acquainted with the exhibits of 1,656 companies, 65 % of which came to Germany from other countries, including Ukraine. They presented innovative technological developments throughout the product value chain: from production technologies to packaging ones, from packaging materials to digitization and logistics.
It should be noted (and it is important) that the “Sustainable Packaging Summit” conference began with a speech by Veronika Khalaydzhi, who answered numerous questions which were interesting to colleagues from other countries: how the russian invasion affected people working in the Ukrainian packaging companies; what is the impact of the war on the Ukrainian packaging industry; what problems do the Ukrainian packagers face; what support do they need; are there any difficulties in the packaging manufacturing due to problems with the raw material supply?
Representatives of European companies were interested in the development of sustainable packaging in Ukraine, the attitude of our manufacturers to the impact of used packaging on the environment and many other questions,
on which they received comprehensive answers.
The main topic of the conference was packaging, and the discussion between the representatives of Wipak and Stora Enso revealed the main principles of sustainable development of these companies. The representatives of Constanta and Mondi made interesting reports.
During the event organized by NVC, Veronika Khalaydzhi acquainted the audience with the development of the packaging industry during the 30 years
of independence, with packaging and labels patterns, which won 24 Ukrainian competitions “Ukrainian Packing Star” and “Ukrainian Label”, with packaging professionals training in Ukrainian universities.
Together with NVC, the Club continued the “Support the Ukraine Club of Packagers” campaign in Cologne. Despite the assault of russian aggression on Ukraine, the packaging industry continues to promote its products to European markets by all available methods. Thus, a collective stand was organized at the Anuga FoodTech exhibition, where the machine-building company Novy Vik, the manufacturer of sausage casings Belkozin Ukraine and other companies were presented.
WPO meeting at Ipack-Ima in Milan
At the beginning of May, processing and packaging exhibition Ipack-Ima was held in Milan, Italy. It was during this exhibition that the World Packaging Organization WPO held its first “live” events. This is an awarding the winners of the WorldStar 2022 competition and the meeting of the WPO board of directors,
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where one of the issues on the agenda was a voting for the resolution proposed by the European Packaging Institutes Consortium (EPIC) condemning russia’s war against Ukraine. The Packages Club is very grateful to our European colleagues from EPIC for the opportunity for the president of the association to attend these important events for Ukrainian packagers thanks to funding from the Consortium Fund.
On May 4, 2022, WorldStar 2022 award ceremony was held at the Fiera Milano exhibition center. Among 240 participants from 36 countries, two Ukrainian companies won this prestigious competition: LLC ISPE ARIS LTD for a doypack with a transparent window for aggressive ingredients and LLC Inpak for a disposable polymer container with a seal and a watertight lid. Both companies participated in WorldStar
Bergmayr, said: “Now the awards will be given to a country that has already won our competition and will definitely defeat the russian aggressors.” All participants of the ceremony were applauding while receiving awards from the President of the Club Packagers. The next day, the 107th meeting of the WPO Board of Directors took place. The agenda usually consists of key issues: reports from the resident, the secretary general and representatives of the educational working groups, marketing, sustainable development, and the admission of new WPO members. At the 107th meeting, EPIC members, with the participation of the Club Packagers, prepared and put to the vote a resolution on the WPO’s position on russia’s attack on Ukraine. As the organization includes countries that are in a state of confrontation and have claims against each other, the discussion on the resolution turned out to be heated and protracted. For the first time in
25 years, the vote was secret. In the end, the EPIC resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority. Here are its provisions:
1. WPO condemns and opposes russia’s military action in Ukraine. Those WPO members who do not agree must voluntarily terminate their membership in WPO. WPO members who risk security, liberty, or even life by expressing their views openly but agreeing with the resolution are encouraged to contact the WPO secretariat directly to obtain anonymity.
2. WPO will take immediate action to develop and implement a mandatory Code of Conduct according to generally accepted requirements for transparency and business conduct. This Code of Conduct will be submitted to the first meeting of the WPO Council after the meeting in Milan on May 5, 2022 for approval by WPO members.
for the first time and immediately received high recognition for their work. Unfortunately, company representatives were not able to participate and receive prizes personally. Announcing the winners from Ukraine, the host of the ceremony, the secretary general Johannes
3. The WPO immediately (i.e. from 5 May 2022) terminates all kinds of cooperation with (former) WPO members who do not agree with Resolution 1 until further notice. In particular it concerns the organization of the World competition “Packing Star”, the World competition “Start”among students, the development and implementation of educational and training programs, as well as the members of WPO qualitate qua in conferences and exhibitions.
This is another step towards our VICTORY.
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Empty, but Meaningful Stand
During a quarter of a century, PLASTPOL Expo in Kielce has been a meeting place for companies and professionals in the polymer industry in Central and Eastern Europe, a dialogue platform for Polish and global companies working in the plastics processing sector. The exhibition brings together representatives of all business groups: distributors, manufacturers of polymer materials and equipment.
has great damage and losses after the temporary occupation of Irpin by russian invaders. Negotiations were held with everyone about the current situation in the companies and about further cooperation.
Ukrainian flags or #StandWithUkraine stickers were placed on the stands of many companies. An empty stand of ELBI-Wroc aw Sp. z o.o. in the colors of the Ukrainian flag stood in the middle of one of the exhibition halls. The following letter was read at the stand: “Dear customers, we would like to apologize for our choice of the type of stand you saw here in Kielce. We have been participants of the PlastPol fair for 22 years. Here we established business contacts, witnessed how you get stronger. We have always been proud of every moment when we were given the opportunity to support your initiatives
with our products and services. However, everything is different this year. Because 300 kilometers from here, bombs are falling on civilians. Because millions of people have been forced to leave their normal lives, their homes and often their loved ones. We cannot and do not want to be indifferent to these dramatic facts. We have admitted that today it is our duty to help those who, at the risk of their health and lives, are fighting for freedom and dignity. Therefore, we have made a decision that we believe will be understood by all our Partners: we intend to allocate funds that we provided annually for the stand organization, its work and other expenses, usually associated with the slogan on the stand, to HELP THE UKRAINIAN NATION.
This year PLASTPOL Expo exhibition took place on May 24-27, both the representatives of the Club Packagers and the magazine editorial staff of the Packaging can visit. Despite the difficult times, two Ukrainian companies – PlastMax Group and Prodekologia – had their stands at the exhibition. Companies continue to operate in their hometowns, providing employees with a salary paying taxes. The exhibition hosted meetings with Olena Reznikova, the director of the Resinex representative office in Ukraine, Serhiy Shomin, the director of Polystylex company, Serhiy Petrenko, the director of Technocom company, which
At the same time, we assure everyone that we will make every effort to present to you, our loyal customers and those who consider the possibility of cooperation our concepts for solving your technological problems as soon as possible. We will do it with the same dedication and professionalism that we have had for over 20 years.
Elbi-Wroc aw Bogus aw Birnbach”
In response, we wrote: “Dear Mr. Boguslav, we, the Ukrainian packagers, are very grateful to you and your staff for your position and support. Your action reaffirms that business, whatever it may be, cannot be outside politics. And I am sure that with such support and help, we will definitely rebuild Ukrainian destroyed, stolen and burned packaging enterprises after our VICTORY!
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The Ukrainian Packers Add to the Victory
February 24 has completely changed the lives of the Ukrainians. The many went to the war with the russians, others joined the Territorial Defense Forces to defend the Ukrainian cities and towns, a volunteer movement was developed, its representatives began to supply everything necessary for the soldiers on the raised funds and help refugees who lost their homes. The Ukrainian packers also joined the general “mobilization”. Without their products, it is impossible to deliver food and drinks, medicines and pharmaceuticals, household products and any equipment or anything else. The editors of the magazine asked the Anfol and Leonix companies’ executives how they work now, how they added to our overall Victory, asking them the following questions:
1. How did you personally and your company meet February 24, 2022?
2. What steps have been taken to reorganize the methods of work in the company during the war?
3. What products do you produce today and for which customers?
4. What is missing? What kind of help do you need?
5. What are you planning to do in the near future?
from her. I called the company and my relatives to exchange information. He scheduled a meeting for the companies’ executives at eight in the morning. At the same time, I tried to reassure my family.
A week later, a salary was paid to all the employees and the security guards who stayed in their workplaces were also paid in advance for the next term. A warehouse was temporarily working from the time the company was shutdown until the attempts to resume its operation. By personal request disposable dishes and packaging for storing and transporting food were supplied to volunteers, military units, military registration and enlistment offices.
Andrii Tsendelin, JV Anfol Ltd director
Our steps to the Victory
1. On February 24, at about five o’clock in the morning, I was awakened by a phone call from my eldest daughter. I learned about the russian invasion of our land, missile strikes on our cities and villages
It seems to have succeeded until two powerful explosions thundered. The airport was attacked.
At the meeting, they said that it was necessary to collect reliable information about what exactly happened, what consequences to expect. The only thing that was clear: the war has begun. We agreed that it is necessary to conserve equipment immediately and let the employees off work as soon as possible. It was also clear that in such a situation everyone should act on their own.
2. In early March, when our troops drove the enemy away from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv and other cities, when the situation in the north and east of the country began to stabilize, we realized that it was already possible to start working in our region. We went to work on March 6. The financial situation of the company was terrible. There were a lot of debts and debtors who had not started working yet or just started and had been in arrears so far. Many debtor enterprises in such settlements as Volnovakha, Bucha and others were mined, partially or completely destroyed. Moreover our miracle banks have completely stopped lending even under existing agreements.
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We had to solve the problem with many unknowns in a comprehensive way: to establish relationships with “old” suppliers and customers, to look for new partners and sources of financing. The main thing in this situation was to retain the enterprise’s specialists. After starting work, almost the entire male staff of the enterprise received subpoenas. It was necessary to intervene and the leadership of the region left some of the specialists to work with deferred dates of conscription. The gradual launch of the enterprise’s capacities was quite hard. There was a shortage of working capital we worked for some time without being paid and in accordance with our personal schedule, with a minimum number of people – for ourselves and for those who joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Currently the enterprise has almost reached the necessary production capacity for normal functioning, but there are still a lot of unresolved problems.
3. The range of products that the company manufactures today has not changed much. The volume of orders for a particular product has changed. For example, packaging for sweets is ordered significantly less compared to packaging for cookies during to the same period last year.
4. Today, we are short of normal financing by banks and an expanded list of critical imports that is permitted. The procedure for purchasing imported spare parts for equipment abroad sometimes reached the point of absurdity. Finally, we need moderate cooperation between military registration and enlistment offices and the heads of enterprises, because it has long been known that the army will win the battle, and the economy will win the war.
5. Plans and our time are incompatible things. Regardless, it is necessary to improve the financial position of the company by paying all taxes on time. To take care of the enterprise employees, family, relatives and close friends as well as the military who left us for the war against russia and we now have 18 of them. In that way we help Ukraine win this terrible war as soon as possible.
Igor Karpenko, Leonix LLC director
Our plans are only forward
1. In the beginning, there was shock, rejection of reality, inability to realize that this could happen... It lasted about a week but after mastering the feelings, our team returned to work. Of course, it was hard at first. It was necessary to collect information about the customers who had already begun to work, to organize a working process “under the sirens”, to gather information about customers’ packaging needs. Many projects were closed during the war and only those types of packaging products which were urgently needed in the market remained. Also, many customers who are located closer to the east have ceased their activities.
2. In fact, nothing has changed in the company, since the pandemic period everyone was taught to work remotely. If you have a phone and the Internet, work. Of course, business meetings are out of the question in this situation.
3. Today we supply both film and polymer thermoformed trays for meat, fish, dairy and other products. Among our main clients are MHP, Kyivkhlib, Lutsk Agricultural Company, Globynsky Meat Processing Plant, Universal Fish Company, Poultry Complex “Dniprovsky” and many others.
4. Logistics is the major challenge for our company now. Due to the large number of vehicles used to transport humanitarian aid, there is a shortage of road transport for business needs. Accordingly, prices for the transportation of products have increased significantly, and it is not always possible to find the right transport.
5. Forward and only forward. It should not stop, because the economic crisis is no less terrible than the war. We will work for the benefit of Ukraine, strengthen partnerships with clients to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine win this war.
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4. Difficult logistics is the main problem for us today. And I don’t know who and how can help us here. In general, the main assistance for us, the manufacturers of Ukrainian packaging, is the liberalization of the economy. If our President had found such a person like Zaluzhnyi to solve the country’s economic problems, especially in war time, then all the manufacturers would have done better.
5. We are not planning anything new for now. We are trying to expand the export of our packaging. But it is still difficult to do.
Olexandr Shoykhet, founder and co-owner Vesna PPC LLC
On the 24th there was a shock
1. At first we felt a shock. We spent almost a month dealing with the organization of work under the new conditions while simultaneously finalizing pre-war orders and sending them to the warehouse where a significant amount of finished products had already been gathered.
2. All of our first steps were mostly reduced to the optimization of personnel issues. On the one hand, many specialists left, on the other hand, there were few orders and, as a result, most of the employees were not involved in the manufacture. Both problems were solved.
3. I would like to point out an interesting market trend: the alcohol producers began to work more for export and began to require a decent packaging for alcohol bottles. And who makes such a decent packaging here? Of course, Vesna. Thus, we have received the new orders for our products.
We believe that we will win
1. On February 24, all of us in the company, perhaps, as the majority Ukrainians, were overtaken by shock, chaos, total lack of understanding of what to do and how to proceed. During the first days, of course, each of the employees decided for himself how to act. However, our entire warehouse remained in Ukraine. At first, we were engaged only in volunteering: we helped both everyone personally on our front and used everything that our company could be useful for. At the same time, we discussed how our business could be optimized under new conditions, and returned to the implementation of previous orders. Finally we managed to return to the usual work routine as much as possible. However, it hurts us to hear about the destruction of the warehouses and industries of our colleagues, in
particular those where we took a certain part of the raw materials. But we believe that we will rebuild everything after the victory.
2. The restructuring of the company was difficult, but we were able to adapt to the new realities. We started with a briefing for the staff, a clear plan of actions was determined for each employee under the conditions of air-raid siren and missile strikes. We analyzed and found the safest places for shelter. Later the staff training was conducted so that everyone could replace the mobilized employees or provide the necessary assistance to a colleague. Finally we developed new logistics for sending orders including abroad.
3. Currently we continue to produce our branded white office and cream eco-paper, paper bags (sachets and with square bottoms, with handles or without ones) and wrapping paper, and we can also print on them again. We undertake the support of Ukrainian business with packages and branding of paper goods. In addition, we produce closed and open type bags for industrial (dry building mixtures, glue, wallpaper, etc.) and food (cereals, feed, frozen vegetables and fruits) goods. We are slowly resuming the manufacture of notebooks, plywood products, cardboard boxes.
4. At the moment, we do not have enough assistance in advertising and building the cooperation with international customers to whom we have the opportunity to supply our products. The promotion at the exhibitions and other thematic events would also help to improve the situation.
5. In the near future, we plan to look for new markets for the goods in order to survive and continue working even after we win the war. We believe that everything will be Ukraine!
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Nikita Hryshchuk, director Paper Eco World
special issue Interpack 2023
Yevhen Tytarenko, general director company Aris
The Actions in Accordance with the Emergency Situation
1. On February 24, the company was overloaded with orders for the next month and operated around the clock. An annual plan was drawn up, the budget and the development plan were approved. Shortly before that, we had received a new printing equipment and planned to install it. Both HACCP certification and ISO 9001 were planned to be confirmed at the beginning of March. We were preparing for the construction season intending to complete the building of our factory.
At the same time, there was a feeling of anxiety and approaching of some events... We even declared how to act in case of a state of emergency or a war. Personally I supposed the conduct of russia’s aggression against Donetsk and Luhansk, but not against Kyiv, Sumy or Kharkiv. Everything became obvious at five in the morning on February 24. We woke up from powerful explosions. The question “What happened?” didn’t come up... At about seven in the morning I phoned the department managers and announced a non-working day then gathered the managers at the company at nine. It was decided to stop the company’s operations, turn off the energy sources and temporarily close down the production. At that time russian troops were at a distance of 5-7 km from us.
2. The next few days I was in a state of stupor. A person by nature has three strategies of behavior in a state of emergency: beat, run or freeze. Some people left the city in the first days of the war, because on February 24-25 the battles took place on the outskirts of Kharkiv and even in its central part. We closely followed the events in the news. Usually the screen time of using my smartphone fluctuated in the limit of 4050 minutes a day, and in the first days of the war it reached the unthinkable 8!!! hours. The realization that the war may last long came on the fourth or fifth day. I turned to the staff explaining the issues of further actions as to the company’s operations, evacuation, financial
assistance, participation in volunteer programs. Cash flow almost stopped, and what we received was used to pay salaries to the employees. There was a feeling that life had shrunk to the size of a news feed, nothing else existed at the time. Air raids were annoying…
3. At the beginning of March, there was an urgency to pack the MREs. Only we and an Israel company produced packages for this. We had the material ready, so we needed to find desperate people who were actually ready to work under fire. We got to the factory through three or four checkpoints under the question of fighters: “Where are you going?”. The order was fulfilled, but there was no transport to take it out. Nobody dared to go to Dergachi. I took it out by small “Fiat” several times a day. At the beginning of the war, we had a large enough quantity of finished products and materials in the warehouse, so we decided to dispatch everything possible. Finally, transport was found (for a lot of money), and we began to export products to a safer place. Flexores company in Lviv turned out to be such a place, I am grateful to our colleagues very much. Unfortunately, in mid-April, our factory came under enemy artillery fire. Lamination and package making shops were damaged. Thank God, there were no people at the factory at the shelling time.
4. We are currently trying to work with colleagues who are in safer places, placing orders at their facilities. Some people understand the situation, being approachable, some people use it as a competitive advantage… We get a lot of support from our foreign partners. These are the words of support, the offers of financial assistance, and the invitations for the family during the war. In view of the situation in Dergachi, we have rented premises in a quieter (I can’t say –safer) part of the city, trying to move some equipment and materials here and resume production.
5. We help our army and believe that the enemy will be forced back from Kharkiv in the near future and we will return to our factory. We have a lot of work ahead.
18 www.packinfo.com.ua
Life Аfter the 24th
28 years in the packaging market of Ukraine. Not every company can boast of such a period of participation in the development of the Ukrainian packaging industry. And 24/7 and even more as the general director of Univest Marketing Company LLC Volodymyr Kudriashov says. The company is a bright representative of the paper packaging sector for food products. Its products have always been distinguished by innovative materials and design. It has won Ukrainian and international competitions for the best packaging a number of times. Ten awards of the “Ukrainian packing star” and three awards of the international “WorldStar Award” show the technical level of the company’s staff, its attempts to be always the best.
However, on February 24 the lives of all of us in Ukraine were divided by before and after. And not only our personal life but the manufacturing packaging companies had the same experience. Our conversation with Volodymyr Kudriashov took place online. And although the distance between us exceeded 2 thousand km., I felt how disturbed he was telling about what happened in the company after the 24th.
Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
– Volodymyr, tell us about that disturbing morning of the 24th.
– On February 24 I was not awakened by the explosions: I just was used to waking up very early. My phone is always in a loud mode. I started reading the news out of habit. The first one was so horrible: the war had begun!
My family and I heard the air siren later. We packed basic essentials and went to work. Yes, we had prepared: clothes, medicines, documents, phones, laptops. Moreover, at the beginning of the year, as always, we conducted a staff briefing in case of emergencies. However, no one was mentally prepared for such hard news. Everyone in my circle of acquaintance had no idea that our “brother” would start such a full-scale war.
– You said you went to work. What’s up?
– The department managers and I responded very quickly and consistently to such force majeure. First of all we took care of the safety of employees. People’s lives and health are the most valuable. Already in March, most of the employees went on leave, but many of them continued to work online. Some moved to other cities and countries along with their families. Those specialists who found themselves in the temporarily occupied territories could not work full time even remotely. There was no
electricity and the Internet in their houses. Many people had not enough food to eat, and some people no longer had a place to live. A lot of people were in bomb shelters all the time. There have been times when we have completely lost touch with our colleagues for whole weeks. Among the employees of the company there were men who went to defend the country in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Territorial Defense Forces. Unfortunately, today there are also casualties among them.
– Volodymyr, how did you manage to get the company operations back on track?
– In May we reconsidered the staff structure, optimized the number
of personnel in accordance with the production and consumption requests. At first we had to reduce the changes from two to one. There were problems with the supply of raw materials to us as well as the supply of end products to the customer, caused by the transport collapse in the country. In May, there were problems with fuel supplies. It has become difficult to find the drivers who can legally cross the border. All this concerns both domestic deliveries and export and import transportations. At present we have solved the problem and we are working in accordance with the agreed plan, we have fully resumed production in two shifts. We have enough materials, equipment, staff. The demand
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for our products has grown unevenly due to the wide range of products. But in general a positive dynamics of production were marked in May. On average at least 15 pieces of equipment are launched during the day shift that is more than 80 workers are involved in manufacturing processes. Due to the increase in output of production our colleagues who have been registered in the Employment Center or on leave since March started to return to work in the company. In order to maintain the principles of safe production, we resumed the service of overalls and did not stop undergoing the periodic medical examination of employees.
– What else did the war leave its mark on?
– We refused to cooperate with customer companies from Belarus, which supported the aggressor –russia. We had to suspend the deliveries of disposable paper utensils to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. We have revised prices and terms of doing business with all our customers. We negotiated with the suppliers for the delay in payment for raw materials and materials. All this supported the business, which began to generate the profit required for the company’s growth, workers’ sufficiency and in general the whole economy of the country. In addition, we support employees by providing humanitarian assistance to their families, including families whose members are now in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Territorial Defense Forces defending Ukraine. We help those who are on maternity leave, the low-income families, those who have temporarily displaced persons in their places. There are a total of 80 such families.
– And now, Volodymyr, tell us about the plans for the future.
– Univest is a manufacturer of paper packaging for the food industry. We are constantly developing, changing and growing. This year it has been planned to increase the export of products, produce new types of packaging, in particular
plates, soup bowls, boxes, glasses, paper bags. Our business is flexible. Our products are needed every day. We have changed in accordance with the realities and despite all, I hope, temporary problems. We fulfill all our commitments to our customers.
Univest adheres to the principles of thrifty production and the program “Reboot 2.0”. During the war, we focused only on Lean’s fastest and most important tools. We temporarily stopped the transformation project according to the Adizes Methodology, canceled internal audits and project work on reviewing and approving the strategy for the next five years. But we have already gone through the shock of war and mobilized all the strengths for our victory and life in a new capacity, working each in his place. The demographic changes, economic transformations, changes in international relations have taken place in Ukraine. According to the marketers such a period will have certain socio-economic consequences for the Ukrainian industry. Therefore, we have a clear short-term work plan, which depends only on our efforts, as well as long-term, which, unfortunately, can be negatively affected
by external factors. We plan effective co-operation with European countries, focusing on a much wider sales territory. To do this, we need to study the legislation, logistics rules and the usage of materials, prices, a healthy competitive environment of countries with which we hope to cooperate, adapt our offers, visualization and advertising.
After four months of armed hostilities, our country has moved to a new stage of war – long-term. We clearly understand the steps that must be taken to ensure that the company survives in conditions of uncertainty, limited resources, and constant changes for the business. Now every action in the interests of the company is the support of the economic front of the whole of Ukraine. Our priorities are unchanged: Employees, Safety, Quality, Timing and Expenses. The main thing is that peace comes! Together we will definitely win! We believe in our AFU! Glory to Ukraine!
– I am delighted with the titanic work that you, Volodymyr, and the entire staff of the company had to carry out. I congratulate all the employees of Univest on the achievements and wish them new successes in the implementation of their tasks. Such work of the company in the packaging market definitely brings the country closer to the Victory!
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Should Waste Be Burnt or Recycled?
My introduction to the PreZero Zielona Energia incineration plant in Poznan gave me the idea to discuss on the pages of the magazine once again the ways used today by European countries to deal with the problem of packaging waste management. Which path will Ukraine take? Taking into account that the Law “On Waste Management” has finally been adopted in Ukraine, the next step is the adoption of the Law “On Packaging and Packaging Waste”. And Ukraine also has the opportunity to become a member of the European Union, which countries have long found effective methods to deal with this problem. All this requires active action in Ukraine. I invited Volodymyr Slabyi, Chairman of the Executive Committee of UKRPEC, one of the informed specialists on these issues to discuss the topic of how to solve the problem of packaging waste in our country.
Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
surprised to see large round containers with the words “Mixed waste” beginning to appear in Kyiv, and residents threw everything there. After that, they can only be sent for disposal or incineration.
– And when did you first face the problem of packaging waste?
– At first, perhaps, an unusual question for you, Volodymyr. What is your personal attitude towards packaging waste as a consumer and as a professional?
– I think this is a philosophical question... I think about them comprehensively. I am aware of the threats that packaging waste poses to consumers and the environment. On the other hand, I know what has to be done to reduce their environmental impact. As a consumer, I do not see where to put the wastes separated at home by type of packaging, but as a professional, I know how to organize their separate collection for further recovery. I am
– In 1999, when the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the wellknown resolutions on the payment of a kind of tax on the total volume of transported products in packaging, followed by a tax on the volume of that packaging. Then a coalition of UKRPEC was formed to resolve the packaging waste problem as it was in European countries so that separate collection and recovery waste systems could be implemented here in Ukraine. And I started working as a leader there. Since then, I have been dealing with these issues.
– What methods of packaging waste management are a priority for you?
– For me, separate waste collection comes first, followed by sorting and waste transfer to recovery enterprises. Such a priority exists in many countries, and by the way, the pilot project in Vyshhorod
“works” on its basis. Currently, there is a definite hierarchy of packaging waste management. First, there are preventive measures to reduce the amount of waste through the development of new packaging materials and packaging. This is exactly the level that is motivated and supported in the EU. Next – reuse, recycling, and recovery. There is a whole complex here: to collect packaging waste, sort it, reuse it, recycle it for raw materials, compost it, burn it or bury it. In Europe, all of these areas are monitored accordingly or certain normative indicators in percentage and deadlines for their implementation are set.
– Is it possible to apply such approaches here in Ukraine?
– This hierarchy was first enshrined within the framework of Law of Ukraine “On Waste Management”, recently adopted. Now we must work to reuse packaging waste for the benefit of society rather than send it to incineration or landfills. Separate waste collection, as well as the implementation of extended producer responsibility system are required for this purpose. It is also necessary to adopt the Law “On Packaging and Packaging Waste”, which lays out all the conditions for the functioning of such a system. I am an optimistic person and believe that such a long-awaited law will be adopted shortly.
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– I ask you, Volodymyr, as a specialist: what packaging, in your opinion, may be refused? Does all the packaging have the right to life?
- There is no need to refuse. And that’s not just my opinion. Today, all companies in Europe are tasked to ensure that after 2025 all packaging placed on the EU market will be recyclable, and by 2030, under the targets set by EU legislation, at least 70 % of all packaging waste must be recycled. The rate is high enough, but life requires exactly such an approach. On the Ukrainian market, there is packaging waste difficult to recycle. Doypack bags for ketchup, for example, are made of multilayered polymeric materials, a waste recycling technology which does not yet exist in Ukraine. These targets can be achieved in a variety of ways, including the development of recycling technologies and equipment or the replacement of packaging materials. And such developments have already existed. For example, polymeric monomaterials with the same barrier and other qualities can replace current packaging materials. There are additional scientific developments.
– Let’s be realistic. Packaging waste that always remains after sorting can only be burnt to generate thermal energy and electricity. There are currently 492 such plants in Europe. In Ukraine, there were
four incineration plants. Now there is only one left. Why did you think it happen?
– There are different reasons. In those regions (Kamianske, Lozova) where they are located, the concentration of hazardous substances in the air was sufficiently high. These plants also added harmful emissions. As a result, the residents, ecologists, and local authorities were against their existence. In addition, the incineration technologies were outdated. They caused more harm than they helped remove waste.
The incineration plant in Kyiv has an annual capacity of 250,000 tonnes. In recent years, the plant has changed owners
several times. Each of them announced its renovation to improve environmental performance but did nothing. As a result, we have an incineration plant in the capital that pollutes the air, especially for residents of nearby houses, where the windows are closed almost all the time because there is nothing to breathe.
In Europe, such incineration plants use special technologies and equipment that provide the necessary cleaning of emissions from harmful substances. All the residues from the incineration of waste (metals, crushed stone of various fractions, dust) are separated and strictly monitored in compliance with environmental standards. All of this keeps such plants constantly improving.
– So what should be done with the “tails” that remain after sorting the packaging waste?
– Of course, we must decide whether to burn or bury them. Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand. Waste incineration is permitted under European legislation, however, each type of waste has its own incineration rates. If it is polymer waste, then it will be one technology for which environmentally friendly incineration plants have been developed. The same is true for other wastes. We need a kind of specialization, a different way than we got accustomed to burning all the waste in a row.
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Packaging waste sorting line
The adopted framework law includes two articles on waste incineration. While this law was being prepared, the ecologists and those interested in building such plants were having a fierce dispute. Imagine that the major subject of discussion was the combustion temperature. It is necessary to keep the combustion temperature in the range of 1100–1200 °C for more or less normal operation of the incineration plant. Ecologists insist on it. Officials proposed to state the temperature index in the range of 850 °C in the law because the cost of the plant was the most important factor for them. At such a temperature index, technology and equipment are less expensive. The technology, which involves the incineration of waste in the range of 1100–1200 °C, is more expensive but environmentally friendly. Some hazardous substances are burned and do not enter the environment. But this issue was evaded by the law and the combustion temperature was not set. Unfortunately, the adopted law has a few more flaws. For example, the possibility of imposing all the costs of building incineration plants on the population (including these costs in tariffs) and the introduction of the concept of “mixed waste” caused significant difficulties in organizing the separate collection of packaging waste.
– Volodymyr, have you considered the possibility of building waste sorting or incineration plants within the framework of
measures for the reconstruction of Ukraine after the victory?
– Good question. Indeed, we have sent proposals from businesses to solve the problem of waste management, including packaging waste, within the section “Environmental Safety” of Ukraine’s Post-War Recovery Plan. There are also about 36 incineration plants that need to be built, the purchase of a large number of machines for transporting waste, containers, and other equipment. There have already been some discussions, including the presentation in Europe, but no practical actions have been taken so far.
It’s difficult to predict anything today. Many enterprises have been destroyed, while others have suspended their operation. It is even difficult to determine exactly how much packaging is currently available on the market: some enterprises have stopped operating, while others do not operate at a certain capacity. Before the war, we first determined how much and what type of packaging is used in Ukraine, as well as how much is imported and exported. But it was an expert analysis which we performed using the research results and with the assistance of the European Commission. Therefore, we know what we had before the war. After the victory, we must thoroughly study and determine the amount of packaging that we use, how much we require, and where we can obtain it. On this basis, plans for the recovery of the Ukrainian packaging industry and decisions on what to do
with packaging waste can be developed simultaneously.
– A pilot project for separate collection of packaging waste based on extended producer responsibility was launched in Vyshhorod four years ago. Can it become a prototype for the all-Ukrainian packaging waste management system?
– That’s what we started it for. As a result, in 2018–2021, 1,869 tonnes of packaging waste were separately collected and sent for sorting as part of this project. The pilot in Vyshhorod is a project for a small certain city. We are currently completing the creation of the Extended Producer Responsibility Organization, which was founded by 11 large companies that manufacture products in the packaging industry. After that, we can talk about the first sprouts of the European packaging waste management system here in Ukraine.
– Volodymyr, thank you for this informative conversation on such an important topic for our country as packaging waste management. I am sure that, eventually, in Ukraine, packaging waste, which is such an important raw material for many enterprises, will be separately collected, sorted, reused, processed, composted, and some burnt, but using modern technologies and equipment following methods that have long demonstrated their effectiveness. Especially those that are based on extended producer responsibility of the manufacturer. I wish you and everyone around you the best of luck on this path.
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Waste incineration plant (photo from open sources)
Club Packagers at Warsaw Food Tech
From November 29 to December 1, 2022, the international food technology exhibition Warsaw Food Tech 2022 was held in Warsaw, in which the Club Packagers of Ukraine took part at the invitation of the Polish Chamber of Packaging. The exhibition brought together 43 companies that manufacture equipment for food industry enterprises.
Warsaw Food Tech 2022
Everyone knows what an important place food products occupy in a person’s life. Their production involves the use of various equipment – both for the processing of agricultural products and for the production of food and beverages. There are various mixing and dosing devices, equipment for food processing and production. Special attention was given to companies that develop and manufacture robotic complex units and lines. The conference “Automation of production processes as an important element of optimizing the cost of food products” was devoted to these problems at the exhibition. Representatives of the companies Hert, Mysak Group, Vemag Polska and others shared their developments.
Packaging conference
On November 30, the conference “Food Packaging” was held at the exhibition, organized by the Polish Chamber of Packaging. Maciej Na cz from Santander Bank opened the conference with a meaningful report on the state and development of packaging markets for food products, who outlined the main directions of implementing innovative projects in packaging processes for food industry enterprises. The Club Packagers of Ukraine presented the report “What kind of packaging do we need” at the conference, which was delivered by Valerii Kryvoshei, editor-in-chief of the “Packaging” magazine. The main idea of his speech was that any packaging has the right to life if it protects products from damage and loss and is safe for people, products and the environment. Regarding the pollution of the environment by packaging waste,
it was stated that it is not the packaging that pollutes, but the person who throws away the packaging waste, neglecting the relevant rules for handling it. Andrzej Kornacki from Futamura, Krzysztof Niczyporuk from Druk Serwis 24 and Konrad Nowakowski from the PIOIRO association also gave interesting presentations at the conference.
The highlight of Food Tech Surprisingly, an unexpected event on the first day of the exhibition at its opening was the award ceremony of the “Packaging” magazine in connection with the release of the 150th issue. First, Andrzej Kornacki, on behalf of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, spoke about the work of IAC “Upakovka” and the Club Packagers in the last nine months during the “rashist” invasion. About conferences, contests, support of Ukrainian packaging companies and, of course, about the preparation and release of five issues of the “Packaging” magazine, one of which became the 150th. Then Iva Werbynska from the Czech Republic, representing the European (EPIC) and the world (WPO) packaging associations, spoke. On behalf of the leaders of these associations and to mark the release of the 150th issue of the “Packaging” magazine, Iva Werbynska presented Veronika Khalaydzhi and Valerii Kryvoshei from WPO and EPIC with a Certificate of appreciation for Ukraine with thanks for many years of fruitful informational work. These certificates are a sign of the purposeful work of the thousands of authors, editorial board and members of the editorial board. They inspire us to new achievements, contributing to the overall Victory of Ukraine.
25 www.upakjour.com.ua
appreciation November, 2022
V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D., IAC “Upakovka”, Kyiv
WPO recognizes and
your 26 years of activities and 150th edition of the magazine Upakovka club packaging
Club Packagers of Ukraine
“Golden Chestnut” Under Conditions of War
R.A. Sirotenko, Club Packagers, Kyiv
The war, which russia began on February 24, 2022, affected the whole of Ukraine. It mobilized the Armed Forces of Ukraine and defense forces to fight the enemy and formed a huge volunteer movement to help our soldiers. After being damaged the industrial enterprises resume their production supplying food, beverages and essential goods to the military and the civilian population, hospitals treat wounded survivors, schools and universities educate young people. The Club Packagers continued its informational activities. For the second half of the year, the Club has planned a contest of scientific student works “Golden Chestnut” and a conference with the speeches of its winners, which have held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine since 2000 in order to promote the participation of students in solving urgent packaging industry issues, the introduction of their developments in production, search for inventive future creators of packaging and packaging technology.
Competition 2022
Despite the challenges in organising the learning process in Ukrainian higher education institutions due to the war, students from 12 institutions located in six Ukrainian cities participated in the contest of scientific student works “Golden Chestnut 2022”. They submitted 24 student scientific works on current issues of the packaging industry in five nominations to the competition. All of them were carefully considered (for known reasons – online) by the competition committee consisting of Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. (chairman), Eugeny Bondar (GORACIO Branding
Agency), Vladyslav Kolesnik (Univest Marketing Company LLC), Regina Sirotenko (Club Packagers), Volodymyr Slabyi (Ukrainian Ecological Packaging Coalition), Oleksandr Sokolskyi, Dr. (National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”) and Veronika Khalaydzhi, Ph.D. (IAC “Upakovka”). After discussion of scientific works, the contest committee determined the winners. Mariia Yurko, a student of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts, took the first place in the nomination “Packaging Design and Design”, for the competitive work “Sugarmons”
(supervisor: Olha Hanotska, Ph.D.). The second place was taken by Diana Vyshnevska, a student of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, for the competitive work “Packaging for a Natural Energy Drink Miffi” (supervisor: Oksana Chuieva, Ph.D.).
A student of Khmelnytskyi National University, Olesia Paitel was awarded the third place for the competitive work “Tea Ceremony” (supervisor: Anatolii Karmalita, Dr.).
In the nomination “Technologies and equipment for the manufacture of packaging materials and packaging” the first place was taken by Yulia Borysenko,
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine (Kharkiv)
National Aerospace University named after M.Ye. Zhukovsky
‘Kharkiv Aviation Institute’
National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv)
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts
Khmelnytskyi National University
Ukrainian Academy of Printing (Lviv)
Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Sumy National Agrarian University
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Київ Львів Харків Вінниця
special issue Interpack 2023
Figure. Universities of Ukraine, whose students participated in the “Golden Chestnut 2022”contest
a student of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, and Anna Avtujevych, a student of the National Aerospace University named after M.Ye. Zhukovsky ‘Kharkiv Aviation Institute’, for the competitive work “PETbottle Model” (supervisor: Volodymyr Koloskov, Ph.D., Hanna Koloskova, Ph.D.). A student of the National University of Food Technologies Olha Stepanova took the second place for the competitive work “Development of design and technology of manufacturing cardboard consumer packaging for cups with yogurt” (supervisor: Nataliya Kulyk, Ph.D.).
In the nomination “Packaging Technologies and Packaging Equipment” the first place was taken by Davyd Bahdasarian, Taras Butyk and Serhii Shevchenko, the students of the National University of Food Technologies, for the competitive work “Applied Aspects of Quantification of Mechatronic Dosing and
Filling Systems of Packaging Machines” (supervisor: Liudmyla KryvopliasVolodina, Dr.). The second place was taken by Yaroslav Voitiuk and Yelyzaveta Melanich, the students of the National University of Food Technologies, for the competitive work “Creation and research of a mechatronic module for dosing liquid food products with a pneumatic hose seal” (supervisor: Mykola Iakymchuk, Dr.).
The third place was awarded to Yurii Mykhailiv, a student of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing, for the competitive work “Packaging Technologies and Packaging Equipment” (supervisor: Serhii Ternytskyi, Ph.D.)
Anastasiia Slobodianiuk, a student of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, won in the nomination “Waste Recycling Technologies and Ecology” with the competitive work “Prospect for the development of the packaging processing process in Ukraine” (supervisor: Yana Palamarenko, Ph.D.).
Student Conference – 2022
I am writing this article immediately after the completion of the scientific-practical student conference following the results of the “Golden Chestnut 2022” contest, which took place on November 15, 2022. Like last year, but now because of the russian invasion, the organizers held it online. The conference was attended by more than 50 students, teachers and specialists of the packaging industry. And I am just delighted with everything that happened this morning, and first of all our students - the winners of the contest, who not only performed wonderful and useful scientific works, but also meaningfully and successfully reported on their results. The conference was opened with an introductory speech by Veronika Khalaydzhi, Ph.D., President of the Club Packagers, who also became its moderator. The conference participants were greeted by representatives of conference partners Elena Turzhanska,
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director of the representative office of Windm ller & H lscher in Ukraine, Tetyana Vlasova, Director of Marketing Department of Univest Marketing Company LLC, and Olexander Dyshlevyy, Key Account Manager of Dow Europe GmbH.
The reports of the winners of the competitions were informative, and bright presentations helped to reveal the essence and show the possibility of practical application. All reports touched upon the issues of solving problems of packaging materials development, packaging design, technologies and packaging equipment as well as the problems of recycling packaging waste in Ukraine. Their importance and significance was demonstrated by a large number of questions from those present and heated discussions. Even more: the conference participants stated that this year’s scientific works are of practical
importance as never before and some of them can already be considered for implementation at the enterprises of the industry. As, for example, the development of cardboard packaging by Olha Stepanova that interested Tetyana Vlasova from Univest Marketing Company LLC. At the end of the event, the organizers reported that all the winners of the contest “Golden Chestnut” were awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and medals “Winner of the “Golden Chestnut 2022” contest, and their leaders with certificates of the Club Packagers. Each speaker at the conference will receive a collection of abstracts, which can also be found on the website www.upakjour.com.ua. The partners of the conference: Dow Europe GmbH, Windm ller & H lscher and Univest Marketing Company LLC also received the organizes’ gratitude.
By the way, the honorary president of the Club Packagers, editor-in-chief of the “Packaging” magazine Valerii Kryvoshei in his closing speech invited Diana Vyshnevska, Yurii Mykhailiv, Davyd Bahdasarian and Yaroslav Voitiuk to print the results of their research on the pages of the first issue of the “Packaging” magazine 2023. In conclusion, Valerii Kryvoshei thanked the participants of the conference, members of the jury, its partners and organizers, wished success and assured everyone that today the powerful work of every Ukrainian in his workplace adds to the overall victory in the war against rashists. On behalf of the organizers, he invited all those present to participate in information events of the Club Packagers, in particular in the competition of scientific student works “Golden Chestnut 2023”.
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Elena Turzhanska, director of the representative office of Windm ller & H lscher in Ukraine
Tetyana Vlasova, Director of Marketing Department of Univest Marketing Company LLC
special issue Interpack 2023
Olexander Dyshlevyy, Key Account Manager of Dow Europe GmbH
Ukrainian Competitions for the Best Packaging and Label
R.A. Sirotenko, Club Packagers, Kyiv
Every spring in Ukraine there are competitions for the best packaging and label “Ukrainian packing star 2022”, “Ukrainian label 2022” and “Packaging of the future 2022”. This year I took part in their organization for the third time, although in general they were already 24. We started work, as always, after the New Year holidays. We have already received filling form for participation, samples, their descriptions-explanations. But on February 24, russia launched a full-scale war against Ukraine. First thought: why? Second: what to do? A few days later, I learned that my colleagues had left. Who is abroad, who is in safer places in Ukraine. And on March 17, according to our plans, the jury had to choose the winners. It was here that I received a message that the competitions will take place and we need to work on their organization.
Preparation of Competitions in Wartime
The war stopped peaceful life. Only nine companies applied by February 24, and others were considering it. It’s hard to remember, but some companies that sent their entries to participate in the competition were destroyed or stopped a few weeks later. We understood how important it was at this time not to stop, but to do our job and thus add to our common victory over the enemy. We started communicating with companies: who to persuade, who – just to invite. The results were different. Some immediately agreed and sent the necessary materials,
some hesitated, some – refused for various reasons. But we confidently went to our goal: to organize and hold competitions no worse than in peacetime. The Club Packagers and the Kyiv International Contract Fair, as organizers of the competitions, decided to postpone the competition jury meeting to mid of April. Windm ller & H lscher, Heidelberg Printing Machines Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Packaging and Environmental Coalition supported the competitions. The packaging associations of Poland and Latvia joined us and helped. As a result, 21 companies and 7 universities and academies from 11 cities from all over
29 www.upakjour.com.ua
2022 XXIV
Valerii Kryvoshei
Veronika Khalaydzhi
Iveta Krauja
Regina Sirotenko
Stanislaw Tkaczyk
Volodymyr Slabiy
Nataliya Kulyk
club packaging
Olena Turzhanska
Ukraine took part in the competitions. They sent 54 samples of packing and 15 samples of label.
Jury Meeting
The jury decided to hold the meeting on April 21, 2022 online. This was the second such attempt in our practice. For the first time in this mode, the jury worked in 2019 due to a flash of covid. This year we were helped to organize the work of the jury by the Polish Packaging Chamber, its leaders prof. Stanislav Tkachyk, Andrzej Kornatsky and personally the specialist of the Chamber Mazhenna Kobylazh. This time the organizers of the competitions decided to invite to the jury both those specialists who have repeatedly participated in it, and specialists from other countries. Thus, the winners of the competitions in 2022 were determined by an international jury. It included
Natalia Kulyk, Ph.D., Docent of NUHT, Volodymyr Slaby, UKRPEK Chairman, Olena Turzhanska, Windm ller & H lscher Representative in Ukraine, Iveta Krauja, Head of the Latvian Packaging Association, prof. Stanislaw Tkaczyk, President of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, and Veronika Halajdzhi, Ph.D., Director of IAC “Packaging”. It was headed by Valery Kryvoshei, Ph.D., editor-in-chief of the magazine Packaging, who was the chairman of the jury of all previous competitions. Online mode is not the best option for such events, but there was no other option. The organizers relied on the high professional level and practical experience of the jury members. In addition, they all understood the current trends in the development of packaging in the world, it was not difficult for them to determine the winners, paying attention
to the safety, convenience, economy and efficiency of packaging, its materials and design, recycling and disposal. And so it happened. Most samples received close to each other estimates.
Winners of 2022 Competitions
In the end, the jury determined the winners of the competitions. Two awards each in the competition “Ukrainian packing star 2022” received:
•GORACIO Branding Agency TM (headed by Yevhen Bondar) – for a tea box for Liktravy® LLC and a bottle with a dispenser for liquid soap ;
•Integra-Group (headed by Serhiy Guryev) – for Royal and Skarbnytsia souvenir boxes;
•Pack Group (headed by Oleksandr Voronovsky) – for a Fom and Frost bottle;
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•Abris Print LLC, PRO100BOX packaging production division (headed by Serhiy Abdurashidov) –for packaging for perfumed water for women Breezare pour toujours, 50 ml and for packaging a set of 11 tricks Mental Box
For the first time, the awards of the Ukrainian Packing Star competition were given to the following companies:
•ATTOLIS LLC (headed by Albert Nikolenko) – for branded packaging for avocados ;
•Leonix LLC (headed by Igor Karpenko) – for rPET packaging containing ;
•Pebegs LLC (headed by Oleksandr Lukaschuk) – for a series of paper bags ;
•Creative design agency PUSHKA.AGENCY (headed by Tetyana Kasyanenko) – for a series of packaging for Hariss On coffee ;
•Segezha Oriana Ukraina PJSC (headed by Olga Gryshchuk) – for a multilayer paper bag with a handle ;
•Khomenko Maria Oleksandrivna, designer – for packing for pasta “Soy noodles” TM “One hundred poods”
Among the winners are companies that have repeatedly won competitions in previous years:
•Vetropack Gostomel Glass Factory (headed by Pavlo Prinko) – for a bottle for carbonated wine drinks Gem ;
•Univest Marketing Company LLC (headed by Volodymyr Kudryashov) –for a Merry Christmas hot drinks paper cup, 350 ml ;
•Verallia Ukraine (headed by Daniel Saksik) – for a series of bottles for craft vodka NIKITA CORN VODKA ;
•Premier Group LLC (headed by Igor Pishchev) – for a series of Dark Chocolate packages (70 %, 85 %) ;
•Polymercenter LLC (headed by Pavlo Bondarenko) – for a polymer box with an isothermal container (thermobox № 6433) ;
•Cascade LLC (headed by Alla Rudenko) – for packaging for Santa Claus gifts ;
•Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Combine (headed by Dmytro Rymashevsky) –for self-assembled corrugated tray and “booties” made of corrugated cardboard for berries, fruit and vegetables
In the competition “Ukrainian Label 2022” two awards were received by Technologies of Modern Design (headed by Vitaly Babayev) – for labels for wine
Blanc de Blancs Extra Brut TM Prince Trubetskoi Winery and for wine
31 www.upakjour.com.ua
TM Gevelli from Lionidzis Zvari
The winner was also the branding agency JDesign (headed by Julian Fesenko) for a series of labels for craft beer TM Pinta .
This year, the organizers decided to determine the winners of the competition “Packaging of the Future” separately in the categories “Packaging” and “Label”. Winners of the nomination “Label” are:
First place – Maria Polyukhovych from National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture (head by Vitaliy Shostya) for a series of packages for kitchen items TM Assistant (nutcracker, grater, garlic press) ;
Second place – Anna Romashko from Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (head by Mykola Khramtsov) for packaging for the Brenton children’s chocolate series ;
Third place – Lilia Grafska from Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (head by Olga Ganotska) for the design of LIFE cosmetics packaging
Winners of the nomination “Label” are:
First place – Dayana Sarafanova from Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (head by Yevhenia Burchak) for a series of labels for hygiene products (shampoo, gel, cream) ;
Second place – Maria Polyukhovych from National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture (head by Vitaliy Shostya) for a series of labels for oil TM “Power of the Sun” (flax, hemp, pumpkin) ;
Third place – Malika Umarova from National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (head by Vitaliy Shostya) for a series of labels for sardines TM “Sea Feast” .
Special Awards of the Competition
As in previous years, the competition partners established special prizes: “Ukrainian EcoStar” from UKRPEC, “Ukrainian Creative Star”, a prize from the IAC “Packaging”, a prize of audience sympathy, a prize from the Latvian Packaging Association.
The competition jury identified three packages: a package containing rPET (Leonix LLC) ; bottle Fom (Pack Group) ; self-assembled corrugated trays and “booties” made of corrugated cardboard for berries, fruits and vegetables (Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Combine) , which became candidates for the special prize “Ukrainian EcoStar”. The winner of this prize was chosen by the Ukrainian Packaging and Ecological Coalition. It was a package containing rPET Leonix
The special prize “Ukrainian Creative Star” was awarded to the packaging for gift vodka sets “4 seasons” of VESNA PPС LLC (headed by Mykola Chornyi)
Special awards from the Latvian Packaging Association – participation in the competition
The best packaging of
Latvia – were given to the packaging Snowman produced by Cascade (headed by Alla Rudenko) and branded packaging for avocados produced by ATTOLIS LLC (headed by Albert Nikolenko).
A special award from the IAC “Packaging” was given to a PET bank for food products produced by Demetra Odis LTD (headed by Maria Kurlya). All samples that took part in the competition were posted on the Club Packagers’ page (https://www.facebook.com/ ClubPackagersOfUkraine) on Facebook. The prize of audience sympathy was received by the label for wine Blanc de Blancs Extra Brut TM Prince Trubetskoi Winery by Technologic of modern design , which received 143 votes from the audience.
On the
n d ge m/ e) ze as e t
Конкурс завершився. The competitions are over. The winners were determined. The organizers have prepared awards for them, but do not yet know when they will be able to present them. However, today we congratulate all participants of the competitions for the best packaging and label in 2022 and wish success in the further development of the Ukrainian packaging industry.
32 www.packinfo.com.ua
Elopak Restore Work in Ukraine
In Ukraine, Elopak has an office in Kyiv and a Roll Fed cardboard box factory in Fastiv, which employs 151 people. The Fastiv plant was temporarily closed on February 24, 2022. In April, the company restored small-scale production in Fastiv to supply products to customers in Ukraine to support the supply of essential goods. This was in response to requests from local and central authorities. The decision was made by Elopak’s management in Ukraine and it has the full support of top management in Norway.
The catalog is posted on all Internet resources, sent to companies – manufacturers of packaging, food, dairy, confectionery, groceries and pharmaceuticals. The catalog was also sent to our partners: the Polish Packaging Chamber and the Latvian Packaging Association for distribution among food and non-food producers in Poland and Latvia.
Club Packagers
Humanitarian Aid from the Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill
In April 2022, the Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill decided to create a budget fund for charitable assistance in the amount of half a million hryvnias per month. The assistance will be provided through the Kartonnyk Charitable Foundation, which has been operating at the company since 1994.
Before reopening plant operation, a comprehensive risk assessment was conducted. The priority was the personal safety of employees in Ukraine. The management ensured compliance with all safety requirements, labor legislation. The workers received a clear evacuation plan and appropriate emergency shelter. Following the reopening, Elopak continues to assess the risks of operations on an ongoing basis.
The head of the Fastiv factory, Kostiantyn Havryliuk, explained: “We strongly support the decision to resume production. Many of us have been working at Elopak for a long time, and we want to continue our work. It was a difficult time to restore production, and we had to work hard to resume work.” Anya Yavorska, Elopak Ukraine Market Manager, added: “Elopak products are supported the food industry, and my team and I are aware of the importance of our mission in delivering these products to all Ukrainians, especially those in the most difficult areas where people are starving.”
Catalog of Competitions
Following the results of competitions for the best packaging and label “Ukrainian Packing Star 2022”, “Ukrainian Label 2022” and competition for students –young designers, our pride and hope for the future “Packaging of the Future 2022”, the Club Packagers has prepared a Catalog of packaging and labels, in which Club placed samples of all participants with awards of the best works – winners of competitions.
“The company, as a leader in the industry, has not stood aside since the beginning of war. We actively help all those who asked for help, and we initiate it in those areas where we have opportunities. In particular, we provided packaging, helped with the logistics of humanitarian goods, provided our products and medical supplies to hospitals in Kyiv and Obukhiv, and finally baked and distributed bread to people when there were logistical problems in the first days of the war,” Chairman of the Kyiv CPM Igor Oleschuk says. “But we have decided to organize help to a new level, and now we will provide it systematically, through our charity fund.”
“The Kartonnyk Charitable Foundation has been operating at the plant for many years and has been deciding on compensation for staff treatment and financial assistance in difficult situations and force majeure,” Oleksandr Remenyuk, chairman of the foundation’s board, said. “Since 2008, the company has been operating corporate health insurance at the expense of the plant, so the medical compensation has ceased to be our task, and the fund has focused on providing targeted charitable assistance to third parties and organizations. And now we can pay full attention to where it is needed: medical facilities that help the wounded, volunteers, all those affected by the war.”
Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill
Danone Partially Moved Production to Poltava Region
One of the two plants of the Danone company in Ukraine is located in Kherson, temporarily occupied by the russians. At the same time, work there stopped back in February, and workers were helped to evacuate. The plant was damaged as a result of hostilities: the roof of the administrative building and several fermentation tanks were partially damaged.
33 www.upakjour.com.ua sms packaging
Since the loss of control over production, the team relocated part of the production processes to another plant of the company in the Poltava region. Thanks to this, the company resumed production of such products as “Activia”, “Danone” and “Rastishka”.
Currently, the company does not know for sure about active attempts by the occupation authorities to restore production, but they have such a scenario in mind. They emphasize that if suddenly the plant is partially put into operation by the actions of the temporary occupation administration, the Danone company in Ukraine will not be able to bear responsibility for the processes that will be provided there. By the way, the occupiers have already asked whether Danone is going to restore production at this plant. And they received a clear answer: the company does not plan to restore production under conditions of war and occupation of the city.
Before the war, about 400 people worked at the Kherson plant. It also provided orders to related businesses, which stimulated an additional 1,500 jobs in the region. The plant specialized in the production of modern dairy products and produced products under the brands “Activia”, “Danone”, “Rastishka”, “Actual”, “Danissimo” and others.
Economic Pravda
Ukraine Is Love Forever!
Fans of PyryatynTM and SlaviaTM products will now have a double love for Ukraine. After all, “Ukrainian” cheese has appeared in the assortment line of these brands, – the Milk Alliance Group of Enterprises reports on its Facebook page.
The cheese is made from natural cow’s milk and has a delicate, cheesy taste and a slightly salty aftertaste. “Ukrainian Classic” hard cheese will perfectly complement your favorite sandwich, meat and vegetable dishes. And processed cheese “Ukrainian” has a light milky taste, a delicate and plastic consistency. So, while you’re in the store, be sure to turn to the cheese shelf and try these new products.
We choose “Ukrainian”, we support Ukraine, we believe in the Armed Forces!
Milk Alliance Group of Enterprises
Relocation to the West of Ukraine
Sem Ecopack company produces packaging for various products for the Ukrainian and European markets. Until February 24, all production facilities of Sem Ecopack were located in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The company’s move to the Lviv region, where even before the war they bought premises in which reconstruction was carried out, full-scale war hastened. They wanted to launch one line, but now they moved two lines from Dnipropetrovsk region, leaving one there.
Sem Ecopack began evacuation from the second week of the war on its own. It was difficult, as there was no transport, but in the end they submitted an application to the state program “Relocation”. Ukrzaliznytsia and Ukrposhta organized free transportation of the company’s production equipment in 12 wagons and several trucks.
“Ten specialists moved to the Lviv region together with the equipment. More was planned, but many people are not ready to leave their homes. It is also difficult to find housing in the west. That’s why we hire local people,” general director Serhiy Rudkovskyi says. And he adds: “I am delighted with how well our civil servants reacted to the situation. We feel care, which, to be honest, is very unusual.”
Sem Ecopack
Planet Plastic Is Being Restored
The Ukrainian producer of plastic for agriculture, construction and food industries Planet Plastic published the following letter on its Facebook page:
“Friends, it is very painful for us, but it will not break us! As a result of the military actions of the russian occupiers in Irpen, our territory, offices and production facilities were destroyed. Warehouses and stocks were completely destroyed. But despite huge losses and an incredible number of risks, a decision was made – to restore production as soon as possible!
Today, Planet Plastic once again supplies the country with much-needed high-quality products for grain storage and manufactures greenhouse films.
You can buy products and get advice, as before, at the address: The Hero City of Irpin, Pokrovska str., 1, tel. +38 044 229 00 00. Let’s stay in line and work for a common Victory!
Planet Plastic team
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special issue Interpack 2023
Inspiration and Innovation for our Customers
25+ years of market experience
Technocom Group and Poly-IQ GmbH partnership
We offer black, white, color, additive, calcium carbonate and mix concentrates for:
blow & cast films
sheets, pipes, profiles
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Technocom Group and our long-term distribution partner Poly-IQ GmbH have been using virgin polymers as well as recyclates for the production and sales of masterbatches, aid additives, and compounds for many years. Our common goal is to bring more recyclability and sustainability to our world to enable the circular economy worldwide.
Following a 5-years strategy plan, Technocom Group successfully launched in March 2023 a new production facility in Sentjur, Slovenia targeting supply Customers from Germany, Italy, the Balkans, and other parts of Europe with high-end color concentrates and additives. Innovative products such as electrically conductive plastics, biodegradable compounds and halogen-free flame retardant compounds will be part of the product portfolio.
Western Europe / Balkan countries
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Lesna ulica 4
3230, Sentjur, Slovenia
Tel.: (+386) 3 425 59 85
Eastern and Central Europe / Asia Technocom LLC
Business Center "Pochaina-Centre", office 607, 04073, Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 (044) 392 02 50 (multichannel) office@technocom-masterbatches.com www.technocom-llc.com
Factory and traiding office: irpin@technocommasterbatches.com