5_2022 5_2022
ce 19 9 6
pp. 4-11
Smarter, faster, together.
www.upakjour.com.ua content packaging 5[150]2022
4_editor in chief The Magazine “Packaging” Brought Us Together as a Family
26_packaging Packaging from All Continents
6_presentation About the “Packaging” Magazine and Its Future
28_ecology Should Waste Be Burnt or Recycled?
12_war The Ukrainian Packers Add to the Victory
14_market Marketers Inform...
32_ Waste-Free Recycling 35_ Waste Recycling and Carbon Neutrality (Dow’s Revolutionary Steps) О.М. Aleksandrov
20_ Innovations in the Packaging
24_materials Ambersil Lubricants for Food Processing Equipment
39_club Club Packagers at the Taropak Trade Fair V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.
5’2022 packaging editor in chief
The Magazine “Packaging” Brought Us Together as a Family
ce 19 9 6
You keep in your hand the 150th issue of the “Packaging” magazine. It was edited during turbulent wartime, exactly 26 years after the first issue was published on September 28, 1996. In the context of human life, this is youth. And for those of us who create it, this is the story of the development of Ukraine’s information packaging area, which brought us together. This is an opportunity to share professional knowledge about an amazing thing like packaging with thousands of magazine readers.
In 150 issues of the “Packaging” magazine, there are 2,927 articles and information materials, including several hundred posts from 120 specialists 2,927 of 23 countries. This is a powerful, more than thousandth authoring team of both 120 experienced and young professionals, including 76 doctors and 185 candidates of 23 sciences. These are hundreds of articles about the results of scientific research, innovative 76 developments and their implementation in manufacturing from across the world. This is 185 information about the teams of Ukrainian manufacturers of packaging materials, packaging and equipment, essays about professional specialists in the packaging area, who are the creators of the modern history of the packaging industry in Ukraine. And this is more than a hundred publications (books, newspapers, catalogues, collections, etc.) giving information about packaging with an aggregate circulation of 73,500 copies. 73,500
These are 124 packaging conferences where more than 12,000 specialists heard and discussed 1,342 reports.
24 1,436 421 273 903 21
These are 24 competitions for the best packaging and label, the jury of which considered 1,436 samples of packaging, 421 sample labels of 273 Ukrainian companies from 54 cities and 903 developments of young designers from 21 universities. And all these information events were organized and held by specialists of the Information Analysis Center “Upakovka”, which is the founder and publisher of the “Packaging” magazine and whose long-standing slogan is: “Information is our profession”. Today the magazine editorial staff, its authoring team, along with our Ukrainian and international partners has formed a strong packaging family that has united and is expanding a modern Ukrainian information packaging area.
This year the preparation and publication of four current issues of the “Packaging” magazine, together with the 150th edition, came at the time of the aggressive war of the northern neighbor against Ukraine. The editorial board staff relocated to Poland, some of employees relocated to other countries and cities in Ukraine, but continued to work without a break. It was difficult, but our colleagues from Poland, Latvia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Finland, Hungary, South Korea, Japan, as well as packaging organisations such as the European EPIC and the world WPO helped us. During this time, participation in packaging exhibitions and
editor in chief packaging 5’2022
conferences in Warsaw and Cologne, Hertogenbosch and Milan, WPO and EPIC meetings and numerous meetings with European packaging companies helped the editorial board to convey information about the current state of the Ukrainian packaging industry, destroyed and damaged enterprises, the manufacture of packaging products under the conditions of limited feedstock and spare parts supplies, logistical challenges and the lack of a proper number of employees to the European packaging community and the world. All this time, the magazine was filled with interviews with specialists of Ukrainian packaging companies from Dnipro and Vinnytsia, Kharkiv and Kyiv, Kalush and Lviv, other cities and towns about their work in the conditions of war, about the reconstruction of destroyed industries and attempts to resume the packaging manufacture for food and industrial products which is so necessary for the population and its defenders, Ukrainian soldiers. Additionally, we continued to prepare articles and information materials from our numerous writers on various issues of packaging, touching on all aspects of its development – from feedstock, materials and packaging to waste recycling. Despite the unusual working conditions of the editorial board, all issues of the “Packaging” magazine this year were published on time, they are placed in the public domain on the Information Analysis Center “Upakovka” website www.upakjour.com.ua, and information about their release can be found on the pages of the magazine on Facebook and LinkedIn. The 150th issue of “Packaging” magazine is a significant anniversary of our entire packing family, which we congratulate and thank for the active cooperation during the first quarter of the century of the magazine’s existence. Having published the anniversary issue of the “Packaging” magazine the editorial board has already begun working on the next, sixth issue of this year. Our motto: “Don’t stop!”. Only all together, each in his place, each with his profession add to our Victory! Thank you for your understanding and support Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
FOUNDERS: National University of Food Technologies JSC «Information-analytical center «UPAKOVKA» Founded 1996 The magazine is registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Certificate of registration KB № 16852-5615ПР Since 1999 the magazine included in the list of scientific professional editions in Ukraine Resolution of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine № 515 from 16.05.2016 magazine was confirmed its registration 6 times a year Subscription index Ukrpost 40265 Editorial address: 02002, Ukraine, Kyiv, E. Sverstyuk str, 4a tel. +38 067 232 3215 e-mail: upakjour@nbi.com.ua www.upakjour.com.ua, www.packinfo.com.ua
Editorial board: O.V. Vatrenko, Dr.; O.M.Velichko, Dr.; S.B. Verbytskyi, Ph.D.; O.M.Gavva, Dr.; Dr.; P.V.Zamotayev, Dr.; A.Koyun, Dr. (Turkie); V.M. Kryvoshei, Ph.D.; O.A. Kucherenko; I.O. Mikulonok, Dr.; C. Olsmats, Dr. (Shweeden); B.O.Palchevskyi, Dr.; A.D. Petukhov, Dr.; I.I. Regey, Dr.; O.L. Sokolskyi, Dr.; S. Stefanov, Dr. (Bulgaria); S. Tkaczyk, Dr. (Poland); V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.; O.Yu. Shevchenko, Dr.; V.K. Shostya; V.L. Shreder; M.V. Yakimchuk, Dr.
Preparation IAC «Upakovka» Design concept of the magazine Author printing Design Natalia Kruhliak
Editor in Chief Valerii Kryvoshei , Ph.D. Technical editor Oleksandr Gavva , Dr. Pavlo Zamotayev, Dr.
The authors and advertisers are responsible for the contents and the accuracy of the information
CEO Veronika Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.
Reproduction without permission is not allowed Link to the magazine is required
Translator Kateryna Solovei
Originals will not be returned to the authors Edition is not always agree with the views of the authors
Information and advertising Nadiia Kryvoshei , Regina Sirotenko
© IAC «Upakovka», 2022
5’2022 packaging presentation
ce 19 9 6
About the “Packaging” Magazine and Its Future
This idea occurred to me when I was working on an editorial. Why not give an opportunity to say a few words about the magazine and its future to those whom it brought together as a family: members of the editorial board and the editorial staff, authors and partners, those who for a quarter of a century prepared articles, provided advertising materials, maintained the financial condition of the magazine, took part in numerous informational events on packaging issues, wrote books on packaging topics, edited those books and the magazine, those who designed the magazine’s pages and prepared the magazine for printing? The only thing that stopped was the difficulty of choosing who to contact, because there are more than a thousand of them, and the possible volume of such material. I decided to turn to those closest to me (I ask everyone else who connected with the magazine don’t take it unkindly) and offered them two questions: 1. What does “Packaging” magazine mean for you? 2. What do you think of its prospects? At the same time, I asked to write short answers knowing from my own experience that it is always more difficult to write briefly than write in detail. Answers are placed in the order they were received by mail. So that nobody is offended because we are all really one packaging family brought together by the “Packaging” magazine. Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
Natalia Kruhliak, Designer 1. I’m proud of my work with the “Packaging” magazine. I am pleased with the end result and the fact that I made a significant contribution to it. 2. We are very dependent on planet’s large-scale processes so thoughts about the future are also global. I see the magazine as a high-quality publication with advertising for well-known companies, positive feedback on the relevance of the material, competent content and good design... This is the way we are acting and I believe that we will be able to continue in this manner in the future.
Regina Sirotenko, Oksana Chuieva, Ph.D. in Art Criticism, Associate Professor of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts 1. The “Packaging” magazine is a significant part of my life, and not only professionally. Many years of effective co-operation with the magazine keep me, my family and friends in the fold, people who are interested both in their specialty and views on life and the world around them. 2. I see the future of the magazine only in “expanding borders”, in even greater cooperation with the international community, in exchanging ideas and innovations in the packaging industry, in covering educational programs and in various interesting events!
Club Packagers of Ukraine Project Manager 1. I have known the “Packaging” magazine for more than 20 years. I have always had great respect for dedicated professionals. “Packaging” is not just a magazine, it is the history of creation, development and, in general, the life of an entire industry. This is a tutorial for a packer. 2. The magazine is a history of packaging. That is why the magazine was, is and will be. The new technologies and the development of IT services make it possible to expand the boundaries of its distribution and attract a larger audience of specialists.
presentation packaging 5’2022 Karl Olsmats, Professor of Dalecarlia University, member of the editorial board of the magazine, Sweden 1. It is an immense source of knowledge, and it is very important for the Ukrainian industry, both packaging and its users. It is also a symbol for peace and collaboration across the World, the Ukrainian resistance and its strong international support. One key function of physical packaging is to communicate and this is a key function also for the magazine. This includes to share and distribute knowledge between suppliers, experts and users both domestically and internationally to facilitate development of highly functional, lean and sustainable packaging solutions based on resource efficient, environmentally adapted technologies. 2. In the short term physical packaging has a key role for the efficient operations of the society, military and defence of the country, providing functionality to protect and preserve contents, may it be food, ammunition or other numerous other goods needed in society. Looking ahead, the role of the magazine will be even more important when peace returns, hopefully very soon, and the country is re-built after the aggressions that has meant so much suffering and made so much damage. To mention a few examples; construction industry operations will benefit tremendously from adequate packaging and logistics solutions, and new or modified packaging lines will be part of necessary industry restoration and upgrade. Here, the Packaging magazine is one key channel to enable access to relevant knowledge. Good packaging will also be a key resource to enable trade, and enhance quality of everyday life for the Ukrainians.
Veronika Khalaydzhi, Ph.D., Director of IAC “Upakovka”, member of the magazine editorial board
Iryna Sereda, Literary Editor 1. For me, the “Packaging” magazine is a new stage in my professional life, an opportunity to get to know real specialists in the packaging industry who live for it, as well as a great opportunity to get a lot of useful information about packaging for the consumer. 2. I hope that in the face of adversity such as war, inflation, and instability the “Packaging” magazine will endure and delight its readers with a wide range of issues. We would like to wish not only do not lose supporters, but also find new readers – In Europe and the world. It may be a bit utopian, but many Ukrainian specialists and many Ukrainian publications are worth it!
1. For me, the magazine “Packaging” is the work of a well-coordinated, reliable, professional team, in which everyone adds their knowledge, skills and experience to the joint work. This is an opportunity to interact with a variety of people who are involved in the packaging industry in one way or another. This is an opportunity to tell the whole world about the achievements of Ukraine’s packaging industry. 2. In the future, it will be important to maintain professionalism, informativeness, and relevance, as well as improve design elements, categories, the electronic edition of the magazine, the usage of augmented reality technology, and a current presentation of the information. In my opinion, one of the conditions for the magazine’s success is the rapid introduction of modern technologies seemingly in the traditional, stable industry – printing. I believe it is important to keep publishing the magazine in English as a part of our integration into the EU.
5’2022 packaging presentation
Volodymyr Slabyi, Head of the Ukrainian Ecological Packaging Coalition 1. The “Packaging” magazine provides an opportunity to get information about the development of the packaging industry. This is an inexhaustible source of knowledge, the best practices of professionals in the packaging industry. The organization of conferences, seminars, competitions and other events by the magazine provides an opportunity for specialists to share experience and discuss modern trends and directions for the development of the packaging industry. 2. To continue to be a driver among information and analytical publications of the packaging industry not only in Ukraine, but also in European countries. Let the strong packaging family of Ukraine grow and strengthen! More success to the magazine’s author team and the IAC “Upakovka” professionals!
Viktor Shevchenko, director of “MonoPak” 1. The “Packaging” magazine is a driver in the world of packaging, unites Ukrainian manufacturers and provides an opportunity to be in the trend of new developments and trends in global packaging markets. In its publications throughout all the years of its existence, it highlights very important information about packaging. At his level, he lobbies and actively fights for the establishment of packaging waste processing in our country, taking care of the environment and future generations. 2. I am sure that the ideology that was embedded in the strategy of the magazine at its birth in 1996 will be preserved for the next 150 issues. I wish the team creative success and new achievements. Thank you for your contribution to the development of packaging in our country. GLORY TO UKRAINE!
Оleksandr Aleksandrov, Head of Dow Europe GmbH Representative Office in Ukraine 1. The magazine “Packaging” is a unique phenomenon in the Ukrainian media area, which, despite all the circumstances, was able to survive and develop into the undisputed leader of professional media that make a specialty out of packaging. 2. We have no doubts that the magazine’s future is brilliant and we are confident that by changing formats in accordance with the necessities of the times and “digitalizing”, its specialists will retain the unique spirit of the publication and expand the audience of readers.
Ivan Regey, Dr., Professor of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing, member of the magazine editorial board 1. The “Packaging” magazine is a valuable source of information about various sectors of our country’s and the world’s packaging industries, which are connected by more than a quarter of a century of mutual active cooperation with. There is a constant and productive dialogue with packaging specialists. For people pursuing scientific degrees, the magazine is a reliable publishing publication. 2. I want the magazine to be not only an excellent information source and an effective platform for professional dialogue on packaging, but also carry out versatile activities to organize the reconstruction of packaging enterprises destroyed by the war.
presentation packaging 5’2022
Andrzej Kornacki, Futamura Regional Sales Manager, Head of the Board of Polska Izba Opakowan 1. Although I’m close to the magazine but I’m still a little aloof, so I can look at it objectively, without emotions. “Packaging” is an example of such an edition in my opinion. Everything that is spread around the Internet in different languages may be found in one spot. The magazine is adapted to a wide range of expertise and interests. 2. For me, “Packaging” is not just a magazine, but also a team of excellent people, specialists with vast knowledge, passionate and dedicated to their work a lot. Even the dramatic situation in which they found themselves did not discourage them from intensifying their work and releasing new issues. I can learn a lot from them. If I had not met them, my life would have been poorer. Life has moved to the Internet, and even if it partially returns, it is not everything. Therefore, in addition to stationary conferences and seminars, more electronic resources should be available in the future. Even more space should be given to logistics, inspiring all Ukrainian mass media to act to raise public awareness about the importance of environmental protection and effective waste management. The digitized English-language version of the magazine is extremely necessary to show Europe how rapidly Ukraine is rebuilding after the war, how it meets European standards and deserves to join the European Union as soon as possible.
Oleh Veklenko, Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Professor of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts 1. For me personally, the “Packaging” magazine is an example of constant development, the search for new trends in packaging, the breadth of view on many challenges that, at first glance, are far removed from the specifics of the packaging industry, but in fact have a direct connection with the solution of these problems on a global scale. In particular, it concerns ecology. With its longterm support of student packaging competitions, the magazine plays a significant role in the teaching and learning activities of graphic designers, the training of professional specialists in packaging design and design. 2. I think that in the future the transition will be possible to a fully digital format with special issues and collections of the most interesting materials every six months in print format.
Oleksandr Kryvoshei 1. For me the “Packaging” magazine is an opportunity to learn the news from Ukrainian and foreign companies, about innovative packaging manufacturing technologies of world leaders and marketing research in the packaging industry. As an excellent guide, it informs, advises, educates and helps choose modern ways to improve packaging. 2. I see the magazine’s future in expanding its presence in the European information markets to keep the European countries more informed of Ukrainian packaging product manufacturers and their capabilities. I hope to read more about the research of the Ukrainian packaging market in the magazine. Finally, I wish the editors fruitful systematic work with the magazine authors and readers.
Oleksandr Sokolskyi, Dr., Professor of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, member of the magazine editorial board 1. It is primarily a platform where developers, educators, scientists, students, sellers and consumers of packaging products, technologies and equipment meet. Here you can find areas of common interest, get to know new ideas, achievements, interested persons. All this can be found on the Internet, but we don’t always know what to look for. Looking through the paper or electronic pages of the magazine, you can come across fresh ideas, the latest achievements, and useful contacts. 2. I believe that the magazine’s future will be peaceful above all things! I associate its future with the digitized version of the magazine. It will make it mobile, interactive, dynamic with “clickable” pictures, links, videos, connected to the existing PackInfo database.
5’2022 packaging presentation
Pavlo Zamotayev, Dr., Head of “Chemical Group Consulting”, Deputy of Editorin-Chief
Natalia Kulyk, Ph.D. in Chemistry, Associate Professor of the National University of Food Technologies 1. The “Packaging” magazine, in my opinion, has several guises: it is a chronicle of the packaging industry evolution in Ukraine, a treasure trove of information for packers, an intellectual club for communication and exchange of ideas among industry specialists, a method of communication with the international packaging community, a mentor and an assistant in education and training of professional youth. And for me, as probably for many colleagues, this is a witness and a partner to personal and profession growth this is a friend with whom you can consult and share pleasant memories. 2. In the future, the best traditions of the magazine are worth continuing, expanding the geography of cooperation with new professional organizations and authors from different countries, paying attention to the coverage of scientific achievements of the industry, updating the status of a professional magazine, remaining a strong informational foundation for the recovery and development of the packaging industry after the victory of Ukraine!
1. For me, the magazine is a platform for exchanging of ideas about one or another solutions for the packaging industry. Unfortunately, over the past few years, packaging, especially polymer one, has been declared one of the main enemies of mankind due to the existing problem of environmental pollution with its waste. It should be recognized that the expert evaluations published on the pages of the magazine are not taken into account when legislating various prohibitions and lobbying by deputies, officials and consumers of eco-grant alternative packaging solutions of dubious quality. 2. I think that it is necessary to improve online informing, develop international cooperation in order to post current news about leading technologies, as well as about the results of political decisions aimed at reducing the usage of disposable products, including packaging, creating recycling schemes, reducing the share of food waste, etc.
Nadiia Kryvoshei, Club Packagers of Ukraine Director 1. I remember September 1996 and the first issue of the “Packaging” magazine. It issue became an information flow for everyone involved in packaging. After that, my whole life, up to the 150th issue, was connected with the magazine. I am proud that there are drops of my thoughts, knowledge and experience in its development. 2. I wish the “Packaging” magazine a long life, successful issues, interesting articles and reliable partners. Editorial staff – to maintain a high level of professionalism in each issue. GLORY TO UKRAINE!
presentation packaging 5’2022 Stanis aw Tkaczyk, Professor, President of Polska Izba Opakowan, member of the editorial board of the magazine 1. For me, this is an opportunity to work with my Ukrainian colleagues and keep abreast of the situation on the Ukrainian packaging market. Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, the editorial board, which currently works in Poland, continues to publish the magazine also in English, and introduce the work of Ukrainian packaging companies under wartime conditions to readers in Ukraine and the European countries. The magazine has been actively covering the extremely effective and meaningful cooperation of Polska Izba Opakowan with Club Packagers of Ukraine for many years. 2. I wish the magazine to rank high among international packaging magazines, expand current information about packaging development trends, results of scientific research, packaging market forecasts and introduce them to readers in Ukraine and other countries.
Oleksandr Gavva,
Oleksandr Mikula, Senior Lecture of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine 1. For me, the “Packaging” magazine is the main “motivator” of all events related to the development of packaging in Ukraine. Look for another Editor-in-Chief whose traits are purposefulness, perseverance, professionalism, endurance, world view, ability to work with authors. What are worth only his polite, but stubborn “assaults” on me regarding the preparation of my publications on the issues of design and graphics in the “Packaging”! The “cornerstone” of the entire solid structure of the “Packaging” is to be sensitive to a person to notice his gifts and talents. On any other public platform, I had to publish in different editions, it did not work as vivid and efficiently, interesting and useful as on the pages of “Packaging”. The editorial board staff know how to work not for themselves, but for business and overcome bohemian laziness in others. 2. I believe that the future of “Packaging” is sustainable with the sacrificial dedication of all those involved in the publication of new issues of the magazine. Let’s defer to experience! Let’s involve young people – the future of the magazine! Everything will be Ukraine!
Dr., Professor of the National University of Food Technologies, Deputy of Editor-in-Chief 1. The “Packaging” magazine is an important stage of my life, which gave me the ability to assert myself and achieve self-determination, gain a huge amount of knowledge in packaging science and expertise in working with information, expand the range of specialists in the packaging industry, including international ones, feel responsibility for the ecosystem and the food balance of the entire world population. 2. The magazine “Packaging” should develop as a scientific information magazine of international level. Considering that packaging is an element of material transformations, the magazine should reflect the latest technologies of the 21st century: nanotechnology, adaptronics, sensor technology, photonics, biomimetic materials, fullerenes, neuroinformatics and artificial intelligence.
Vitalii Shostya, People’s Artist of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Professor of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, member of the editorial board of the magazine 1. The magazine helps to monitor person’s attempt to balance and reconcile current civilizational challenges with the relentless growth of consumption against the background of global environmental threats. 2. Since the combined efforts of the multi-vector packaging industry are ultimately embodied in design, namely design is the direct contact with the consumer, in my opinion, materials on this topic are worth presenting more systematically.
5’2022 packaging war
The Ukrainian Packers Add to the Victory February 24 has completely changed the lives of the Ukrainians. The many went to the war with the russians, others joined the Territorial Defense Forces to defend the Ukrainian cities and towns, a volunteer movement was developed, its representatives began to supply everything necessary for the soldiers on the raised funds and help refugees who lost their homes. The Ukrainian packers also joined the general “mobilization”. Without their products, it is impossible to deliver food and drinks, medicines and pharmaceuticals, household products and any equipment or anything else. The editors of the magazine asked the Anfol and Leonix companies’ executives how they work now, how they added to our overall Victory, asking them the following questions: 1. How did you personally and your company meet February 24, 2022? 2. What steps have been taken to reorganize the methods of work in the company during the war? 3. What products do you produce today and for which customers? 4. What is missing? What kind of help do you need? 5. What are you planning to do in the near future?
from her. I called the company and my relatives to exchange information. He scheduled a meeting for the companies’ executives at eight in the morning. At the same time, I tried to reassure my family.
Andrii Tsendelin, JV Anfol Ltd director
Our steps to the Victory 1. On February 24, at about five o’clock in the morning, I was awakened by a phone call from my eldest daughter. I learned about the russian invasion of our land, missile strikes on our cities and villages
It seems to have succeeded until two powerful explosions thundered. The airport was attacked. At the meeting, they said that it was necessary to collect reliable information about what exactly happened, what consequences to expect. The only thing that was clear: the war has begun. We agreed that it is necessary to conserve equipment immediately and let the employees off work as soon as possible. It was also clear that in such a situation everyone should act on their own.
A week later, a salary was paid to all the employees and the security guards who stayed in their workplaces were also paid in advance for the next term. A warehouse was temporarily working from the time the company was shutdown until the attempts to resume its operation. By personal request disposable dishes and packaging for storing and transporting food were supplied to volunteers, military units, military registration and enlistment offices. 2. In early March, when our troops drove the enemy away from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv and other cities, when the situation in the north and east of the country began to stabilize, we realized that it was already possible to start working in our region. We went to work on March 6. The financial situation of the company was terrible. There were a lot of debts and debtors who had not started working yet or just started and had been in arrears so far. Many debtor enterprises in such settlements as Volnovakha, Bucha and others were mined, partially or completely destroyed. Moreover our miracle banks have completely stopped lending even under existing agreements.
war packaging 5’2022 We had to solve the problem with many unknowns in a comprehensive way: to establish relationships with “old” suppliers and customers, to look for new partners and sources of financing. The main thing in this situation was to retain the enterprise’s specialists. After starting work, almost the entire male staff of the enterprise received subpoenas. It was necessary to intervene and the leadership of the region left some of the specialists to work with deferred dates of conscription. The gradual launch of the enterprise’s capacities was quite hard. There was a shortage of working capital we worked for some time without being paid and in accordance with our personal schedule, with a minimum number of people – for ourselves and for those who joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Currently the enterprise has almost reached the necessary production capacity for normal functioning, but there are still a lot of unresolved problems. 3. The range of products that the company manufactures today has not changed much. The volume of orders for a particular product has changed. For example, packaging for sweets is ordered significantly less compared to packaging for cookies during to the same period last year. 4. Today, we are short of normal financing by banks and an expanded list of critical imports that is permitted. The procedure for purchasing imported spare parts for equipment abroad sometimes reached the point of absurdity. Finally, we need moderate cooperation between military registration and enlistment offices and the heads of enterprises, because it has long been known that the army will win the battle, and the economy will win the war. 5. Plans and our time are incompatible things. Regardless, it is necessary to improve the financial position of the company by paying all taxes on time. To take care of the enterprise employees, family, relatives and close friends as well as the military who left us for the war against russia and we now have 18 of them. In that way we help Ukraine win this terrible war as soon as possible.
Igor Karpenko, Leonix LLC director
Our plans are only forward 1. In the beginning, there was shock, rejection of reality, inability to realize that this could happen... It lasted about a week but after mastering the feelings, our team returned to work. Of course, it was hard at first. It was necessary to collect information about the customers who had already begun to work, to organize a working process “under the sirens”, to gather information about customers’ packaging needs. Many projects were closed during the war and only those types of packaging products which were urgently needed in the market remained. Also, many customers who are located closer to the east have ceased their activities. 2. In fact, nothing has changed in the company, since the pandemic period everyone was taught to work remotely. If you have a phone and the Internet, work. Of course, business meetings are out of the question in this situation. 3. Today we supply both film and polymer thermoformed trays for meat, fish, dairy and other products. Among our main clients are MHP, Kyivkhlib, Lutsk Agricultural Company, Globynsky Meat Processing Plant, Universal Fish Company, Poultry Complex “Dniprovsky” and many others.
4. Logistics is the major challenge for our company now. Due to the large number of vehicles used to transport humanitarian aid, there is a shortage of road transport for business needs. Accordingly, prices for the transportation of products have increased significantly, and it is not always possible to find the right transport. 5. Forward and only forward. It should not stop, because the economic crisis is no less terrible than the war. We will work for the benefit of Ukraine, strengthen partnerships with clients to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine win this war.
5’2022 packaging market
Marketers Inform... Recovery of Ukraine from the consequences of the war The draft Ukraine recovery plan from the consequences of the war has been developed. Among all sections of the plan, we will focus on the section “Environmental Safety”. As a result of the full-scale war, the environmental problems which existed in Ukraine before are much more complicated. During the war, a demand to assess the damage to the environment caused by the war and the restoration needs was raised. The scale of environmental crimes of russian invaders is shocking. Some ecosystems and unique natural objects are no longer subject to recovery. The recording of the facts of ecological damage caused by the russian invasion is carried out within the framework of the functioning of the application “Eco-Threat” and activities of the operational headquarters at the State Environmental Inspectorate. Until now 330 events that threaten the environment on the territory of Ukraine have been recorded. As a result of the war, about 20 % of the area of all protected areas of Ukraine are threatened, 17 Ramsar sites of a total area of 627.3 thousand hectares, approximately 160 territories of the Emerald network of an area of 2.5 million hectares and 4 biosphere reserves faced the risk of extinction. This poses a threat to the strategic objectives of biodiversity conservation, reduces the capacity for greenhouse gas absorption, and increases the process of desertification. The critical threat is posed to endemic species of plants and animals, which extinction would have catastrophic effects on biodiversity on the global scale. Almost 3 million hectares of forest in Ukraine were covered by military activities. Because of the war, more than 4.6 million people in Ukraine have problems with access to drinking water. 160 thousand square kilometers of territory of Ukraine are contaminated with explosive objects. More than 227 enterprises, and factories, including chemical enterprises, were damaged or destroyed by the war. As a result of the destruction of buildings, a large amount of building waste, containing ozone-depleting substances, in particular, insulation materials, insulation foam, etc. is generated. By the way, the situation with waste was also critical - due to the dominance of resource-intensive multi-waste technologies in the national economy, about 500 million tonnes of waste are generated per year, of which only up to 25 % was disposed. The section “Environmental Safety” identifies key challenges, opportunities and restrictions, as well as formulates the strategic goal of post-war recovery: clean and safe environment. Among the key reforms,
it is necessary to highlight efficient waste management, and among the operational goals – audit and assessment of losses and damage to the environment, the implementation of the extended liability systems of the manufacturer for packing waste, the development of waste management infrastructure. It is expected to obtain an improved waste management system and establish 142 waste management facilities. On 20 June 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On Waste Management” (reg. No. 2207-1-d dated June 4, 2020) and on June 21, 2022 sent it for signature to the President of Ukraine. It should give a start to the waste management reform and ensure the organizational implementation of the National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030 and the National Waste Management Plan until 2030, as well as the implementation of the provisions of EU Directives 2008/98/EC.
Ambitious tasks for recycling paper and board The new, ambitious recycling rate of 76 %, calculated by dividing the recycling of used paper by the total paper and board consumption is expected to be reached in Europe by 2030. It represents a best-in-class performance both globally and across material industries, as paper and board are the most recycled materials in Europe. The commitment is laid out in the European Declaration on Paper Recycling 2021–2030. The document sets out strategies to optimise the management of paper at each stage of a continuous recycling loop. This entails a variety of processes, from paper and board manufacturing, its conversion into different products, through to its collection, sorting, and recycling. Each stage in the process is a distinct industrial sector with only some degree of horizontal integration, making cooperation a must to reach the ambitious recycling target. The Declaration states that several enabling conditions from EU and local authorities need to be met including to limit the use of paper waste for
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5’2022 packaging market energy recovery purposes and to ensure that paper is separately collected to preserve the quality of the material. The European Paper Recycling Council awarded a research and development project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Climate Protection which is focusing on the optimisation of sorting, cleaning and recycling paper even when it is mixed with other residual household or commercial waste. Awarded in the “information and education” category, the CELAB project is a cross-industry initiative to recycle self-adhesive labels.
105 100
95 90 85
80 75 70
9.1% 23.1%
40 35
60 4.9% 50 40.8%
20 35.9%
0 12.5% 1991
30 25 13.9%
40 30
) and consumption (
(Fig. 2). The most impressive growth was registered for the paper bag production (11.6 %). Another COVID-related effect on paper markets has been the development of the hygiene market segments. The demand for sanitary paper has declined as the peak of the pandemic has been left behind, but in the long run it should benefit from higher sanitary requirements. Graphic paper markets have, after a very negative impact in 2020, bounced back in 2021. After significant investments by the sector, the recycling of paper is increasingly performed in Europe, surpassing 50 million tonnes (Fig. 3). Exports of paper for recycling decreased by 18 % compared to 2020. Board and packaging paper accounted for the largest share in recycling. Germany is ahead as for paper and board recycling in Europe (36.1 %). The pulp and paper industry provides 179,000 jobs in Europe. It has a turnover of 95 billion and adds 21 billion to the EU GDP. It is strong in export markets, with an export rate of 22 % of its paper and board production.
Fig. 1. Paper and board production ( million tonnes
2000 Other Graphic Papers
2005 Sanitary and Household
2015 2018 2021
Total Packaging Paper and Board
Other Paper and Board
Fig. 2. Production of paper and board by grade, million tonnes
The Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) describes the current state of the market for pulp and paper products and the industry’s performance. In general, the pulp and paper industry in Europe showed signs of a significant recovery in 2021 after its falling in 2020 (Fig. 1): paper and board consumption increased by 5.8 %, outperforming the overall rebound of the euro area GDP. As a result of these positive trends, paper and board production also increased, by 6.1 %. The sector’s operating rate, the capacity at which paper mills are operated, has reached 90 % over the year, compared to 85 % in 2020. The growth was driven by a renewed demand both within Europe and globally. Exports exceeded the levels achieved in 2019, registering a strong growth in sales to North and South American markets. Currently, 22 % of paper production from Cepi members is exported. In 2021 Cepi countries produced 90.6 million tonnes of paper and board, of which 25.5 % were produced by Germany, 10.6 % by Italy, 9.9 % by Sweden, 9.6 % by Finland, 8.1 % by France, 7.4 % by Spain, 5.8 % by Poland, 5.6 % by Austria and 17.6 % by other countries. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has also accelerated certain trends observed over the past decade. The development of e-commerce has strengthened the market of paper and board packaging. The production of packaging grades reached an all-time high in 2021, increasing by 7.5 % compared to 2020
Paper industry in Europe
20 23.2% 15 10 41.4% 5 21.5% 0 1991 1995 Mixed Grades
18.9% 2000
Corrugated and Kraft
2010 Newspapers and Magazines
2015 2018 2021 Other Grades
Fig. 3. Utilisation of paper for recycling by grade, million tonnes
5’2022 packaging market Recycling composite packaging Currently more than 140 million tonnes of polymer packaging waste are incinerated, landfilled or even leak into our environment each year globally. A significant portion comprises composite packaging consisting of a combination of materials. Such packaging has created significant barriers to recycling, since separating it into materials of different origins is technologically complex and, even if successful, unsustainable due to the need for non-ecological chemicals. Saperatec GmbH from Dessau (Germany) has developed an innovative, extended mechanical recycling process for thinlayer composite materials made of plastic, metal, paper and glass. At the K Fair, October 19–26, 2022 in D sseldorf, Saperatec engineers will discuss the promising new technology’s virgin-similar recyclate results and demonstrate them together with prominent machinery manufacturer Pla.to GmbH
(pavilion 9, stand D17). Saperatec’s new approach will help recycle materials that can replace virgin raw materials in applications including film and foil-based packaging. This process adds no contaminants to recycled polymers and all chemicals used in the process comply with EU food contact regulations. Saperatec’s composite packaging recycling capabilities create the potential to separate and reintegrate a wide range of substrates into the packaging stream. To begin with, Saperatec plans to focus on composite flexible packaging material and tube packaging with aluminum foil barriers, as well as plastics and aluminum from beverage cartons. In addition, Saperatec’s technology opens the door for future recyclability solutions for a wide range of composite packaging and other materials combining plastics with metal, glass, and paper. The Saperatec’s delamination technology has been extensively tested in both materials science labs and near-industrial pilot environments.
The company is currently building its first plant in Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt. Starting from 2023, about 18 thousand tonnes of composite packaging waste from polymers, aluminum and paper will be recycled.
Waste incineration plants in Europe The problem of domestic and industrial waste has covered all countries of the world. Each of them tries to find the only right solution to deal with it. Most advanced are the countries of Europe, which were helped by well-known European directives. Today, in the EU countries out of more than 250 million tonnes of municipal waste, 47 % are recycled or compostable, 28 % are converted into heat and electricity by combustion, the remaining 25 % are buried. This report focuses on waste incineration in Europe. There are, in total, 429 waste incineration plants European countries with a total annual capacity of 100 million tonnes. The highest number of such plants is in France (121 with a total capacity of 14 million tonnes), followed by Germany (96 and 27 million tonnes respectively) and the United Kingdom (42 and 11.5 million tonnes respectively). However, oddly enough, the most efficient incinerators are in Sweden (37 plants, 0.65 million tonnes per 1 million inhabitants), Denmark (26 and 0.62 million tonnes respectively) and Switzerland (30 and 0.53 million tonnes respectively). In France, Germany and the UK this figure is 0.22, 0.32 and 0.19 million tonnes respectively. It should be noted that five European countries (Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Malta) do not have any incineration plants today. If we consider the prospect of waste management, the EU countries have ambitious goals by 2035, which are linked, in particular, with the introduction of closed-loop technologies, especially in the production and use of packaging materials and packaging. According to forecasts, by 2035 the amount of municipal waste in the EU countries will be 246 million tonnes, and commercial and industrial (non-mineralized) – 295 million tonnes. 361 million tonnes of the generated waste will be recycled and composted: 160 million tonnes (65 %) of municipal and 201 million tonnes (68 %) of commercial and industrial. 18 million tonnes (7 %) of municipal and 21 million tonnes (7 %) of commercial and industrial waste will be disposed. There are still 69 million tonnes (28 %) of municipal, as well as 73 million tonnes (25 %) of commercial and industrial waste (142 million tonnes in total), which are planned to be incinerated for producing heat and electricity. Currently, the total capacity of waste incineration plants is only 100 million tonnes of waste, that is, the gap of 42 million tonnes needs to be bridged in the years defined by the forecast.
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5’2022 packaging market innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation
New Bottles for Carlsberg’s Beer Carlsberg Group has announced the development and testing of a new Fiber Bottle beer bottle. It is made from plant-based PEF, which was developed by Avantium. It is produced from natural raw materials and is compatible with recycling systems. In addition to its environmental benefits, PEF is a highly effective beer barrier, protecting its flavor and effervescence better than traditional PET. The outer shell of the bottle is made of environmentally friendly wood fiber, designed by Paboco, and has insulating properties that keep the beer colder for longer than in cans or glass bottles.
Flexible OXYB Label Avery Dennison, in partnership with Jindal Films, is launching an OXYB (oxygen barrier) reclosure label for thermoformed packaging suitable for packaging many type of food. Such a label does not contain PVDC, has high barrier properties, is transparent, is a carrier of printed information about the products, and ensures easy re-opening and closing of the package. The OXYB flexible label can be recycled together with the packaging, which minimizes waste.
innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation market packaging 5’2022
Hybrid Label Printing Machine The Mark Andy company actively implements hybrid technologies in printing equipment. The Digital Series HD machine provides high resolution and wide color gamut for digital printing. Heads in a dual configuration provide an optimal balance between the resolution of 1200 dpi and the stability of the machine and the service life of the components used in it. The durability of the print itself here is also sensational. The Digital Series HD is distinguished by the fact that Mark Andy designed and built both the flexographic devices and the inkjet module. The same goes for software. Understanding the architecture of the created solution and the ability to use the potential of the software puts Mark Andy at the forefront of providers of this type of solution. Now customers will be able to get complex, technologically advanced color labels or decoration projects in smaller quantities. This will increase the number of orders that use both traditional flexographic techniques and digital printing.
OptiCut™ Labels UPM Raflatac has developed and offers OptiCut labels for prepackaged food labeling. Labels are characterized by excellent thermal printing and cutting properties, initial tack and reliable adhesion to a variety of surfaces with minimal adhesive build-up on the cutting blade compared to conventional adhesives. OptiCut labels provide stick, peel and relabel for a variety of substrates in high temperature and wet environments with high performance on all major POS printers. OptiCut labels are ideal for labeling in cold environments, even for frozen prepackaged products.
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5’2022 packaging materials
Ambersil Lubricants for Food Processing Equipment Food safety is one of the main issue of the modern world. Every producer that works in food processing industry is required to follow strict rules and procedures in order to secure food safety and make the product safe for both the consumer, and the environment. Nowadays usage of modern equipment for food production and food packaging requires implementation of special industrial lubricants – FG (Food Grease). Those lubricants should comply with ISO and NSF, especially: NSF H1 – for occasional short direct contact of degreaser with food; NSF H2 – for lubricants that should not come into contact with food; NSF 3H – for lubricating oils that may come into direct contact with foodstuffs, such as cleaning equipment for kneading dough, baking biscuits, etc. According to the statistics, there are several main sectors where Food Grease lubricants are used at most. These are: the meat products production, dairy and beverage sectors, catering and bakery sectors (see Fig. 1). All Ambersil lubricants from FG series have NSF H1, H2 certificates, SES conclusions, they are safe for human health and the environment. They are used to maintain food production equipment. These lubricants withstand fairly high temperature, displace moisture/water, have a high viscosity index, provide long equipment life. The synthetic base oils and special additives that are in the lubricants help to increase the operating lifetime of the equipment. Ambersil lubricants contain a specially developed active ingredient that provides a disinfectant effect, kills harmful bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, while protecting against corrosion and increasing the efficiency of equipment. Among the most popular and effective Ambersil lubricants for food production equipment are: SILICONE RELEASE FG (NSF M1) and NON-SILICONE RELEASE FG (NSF H1) are release agents used for food packaging equipment. Leave no stains or marks. The maximum operating temperature for Silicone Release FG is +200 °C, and Non-Silicone Release FG is +170 °C. The main difference is that the first one will not interfere with post moulding operations such as bonding and labelling, the second one – will enable it to further put color, gluing or marking operations. AMBERKLENE FG (NSF A8/C1) is a powerful industrial Biodegradable solvent degreaser. An innovative solvent blend without chlorine and ozone depleting substances, specially developed for use in the food industry. It is used as a degreaser or soot remover from food preparation equipment, dishes or other surfaces. Also used to remove grease and oils from bearings, housings, conveyor drives, chains and even waxbased anticorrosion coatings. Ignition temperature +40 °С. FOOD GREASE FG (NSF H1) is a multifunctional long-term lubrication of technological equipment in the food industry
13 Bakery 10 Public catering 22 Beverages
30 Meat Products Production 25 Dairy
Fig. 1. The structure of the use of lubricants in various sectors of food production
(bearings, hinges, hinges, small gears and sliding metal parts), where accidental contact with food is possible. It is a nontoxic high performance lubricant with good anti-corrosion properties. Particularly effective in hard-to-reach places where conventional lubricants cannot be used. The operating temperature range is from –20 °C to +140 °C. MULTI OIL FG (NSF H1) is a multi-purpose semi-synthetic lubricant for food processing equipment. General purpose highly refined white oils for use in multiple applications such as in selected hydraulic systems, as a medium viscosity lubricating film and as a light duty anti-corrosion coating. Viscosity up to 40°C: ISO32 ISO46. Viscosity index 105. Temperature range –21 °C to +170 °C. BLUE MOLD PROTECTIVE FG (NSF H2) is a silicone-free mold protector that creates a blue waxy coating to remove any moisture from mold and die surfaces and protect them during storage. All Ambersil’s FG lubricants are available in sprays, cans or barrels. Full characteristics and safety data information could be read in the Oils for the food industry, and the products themselves are always available in the KVOTA’s warehouse. KVOTA is an official representative of the Ambersil brand on the Ukrainian market. This article was published in the 150th issue of the “Packaging” magazine No.5/2022, p. 24. Full version of the magazine is available here: shorturl.at/iHX14
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5’2022 packaging packaging
Packaging from All Continents
The Bottle of the Future L’Or al has announced the development of the first bottle for cosmetics that is made of PET, completely recycled using Carbios enzymatic technology. The advantage of this technology is that it is suitable for all types of PET (clear, colored, opaque and multi-layer) and makes this polymer infinitely recyclable.
Tower Flip-Top Close Cap The Aptar Food + Beverage company presented a new Tower Flip-Top Close cap. Unlike the traditional ones, it has an innovative design with a folding top. This allows the consumer to open the package without touching the product or seeing its remains. The cap is designed for dosing honey, ketchup, syrups, hot sauces, etc. This solution has been developed using SimpliSqueeze® technology to create controlled dispensing that provides increased convenience, easy product separation and consumer hygiene.
Reusable Container for Wet Wipes The American company Berry Global has developed a sealed 5.3 liter container for wet wipes for the French company Hitam. It is made of monomaterial and is reusable. The design of the cap in the lid of the container ensures its tightness, so the wipes stay moist, fresh and useful longer than in the previous packaging. It is very easy to replace an empty roll of 1000 wet wipes with a new one. In addition, each such container holds more wipes than the previous package.
packaging packaging 5’2022 Paper Bag With a Window Mondi, in collaboration with Fiorini International, designed and produced a paper bag with a window for premium pasta products. This new solution will ensure an annual saving of 20 tons of plastics. The bag has a large window made of transparent cellulose film, which not only allows the consumer to see its contents, but is also recyclable and biodegradable. The paper bag can also be recycled, it has the same protective properties as the previous plastic packaging. Pasta has the same expiration date and is safe to transport. The new closure system uses a special hot melt adhesive that is safe for food contact.
New Ariel ECOCLIC® Box P&G Fabric Care Europe has developed a new Ariel ECOCLIC® cardboard packaging for its laundry products. The box material contains 70 % recycled fibers and virgin cardboard from FSC-certified wood. This composition provides strength and moisture-resistant properties. If all Ariel Pods® users in Europe switched to the new ECOCLIC® cardboard box, up to 6,500 tons of plastic could be saved every year. The packaging is also fully recycled along with other paper waste. The ECOCLIC® box is safe for children and convenient for adults, especially for people with joint and vision impairments. It has a tactile relief marker in the shape of a washing machine on the outside. The box features a NaviLens-powered QR code that triggers an audio description of the product, as well as important usage and dosage information, helping visually impaired consumers to use the product.
Paper Bottle for Gin Greenall’s has started producing London dry gin in a 700 ml paper bottle format. This bottle is made of 94 % recycled cardboard, is five times lighter than a regular glass bottle, leaves a carbon footprint six times lower and a water footprint four times lower. Greenall’s has teamed up with climate protection organization Ecologi to plant one tree for every paper bottle of gin and every 10 Greenall’s gin and tonics bought in stores.
5’2022 packaging ecology
Should Waste Be Burnt or Recycled? My introduction to the PreZero Zielona Energia incineration plant in Poznan gave me the idea to discuss on the pages of the magazine once again the ways used today by European countries to deal with the problem of packaging waste management. Which path will Ukraine take? Taking into account that the Law “On Waste Management” has finally been adopted in Ukraine, the next step is the adoption of the Law “On Packaging and Packaging Waste”. And Ukraine also has the opportunity to become a member of the European Union, which countries have long found effective methods to deal with this problem. All this requires active action in Ukraine. I invited Volodymyr Slabyi, Chairman of the Executive Committee of UKRPEC, one of the informed specialists on these issues to discuss the topic of how to solve the problem of packaging waste in our country. Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
surprised to see large round containers with the words “Mixed waste” beginning to appear in Kyiv, and residents threw everything there. After that, they can only be sent for disposal or incineration.
– At first, perhaps, an unusual question for you, Volodymyr. What is your personal attitude towards packaging waste as a consumer and as a professional? – I think this is a philosophical question... I think about them comprehensively. I am aware of the threats that packaging waste poses to consumers and the environment. On the other hand, I know what has to be done to reduce their environmental impact. As a consumer, I do not see where to put the wastes separated at home by type of packaging, but as a professional, I know how to organize their separate collection for further recovery. I am
– And when did you first face the problem of packaging waste? – In 1999, when the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the wellknown resolutions on the payment of a kind of tax on the total volume of transported products in packaging, followed by a tax on the volume of that packaging. Then a coalition of UKRPEC was formed to resolve the packaging waste problem as it was in European countries so that separate collection and recovery waste systems could be implemented here in Ukraine. And I started working as a leader there. Since then, I have been dealing with these issues. – What methods of packaging waste management are a priority for you? – For me, separate waste collection comes first, followed by sorting and waste transfer to recovery enterprises. Such a priority exists in many countries, and by the way, the pilot project in Vyshhorod
“works” on its basis. Currently, there is a definite hierarchy of packaging waste management. First, there are preventive measures to reduce the amount of waste through the development of new packaging materials and packaging. This is exactly the level that is motivated and supported in the EU. Next – reuse, recycling, and recovery. There is a whole complex here: to collect packaging waste, sort it, reuse it, recycle it for raw materials, compost it, burn it or bury it. In Europe, all of these areas are monitored accordingly or certain normative indicators in percentage and deadlines for their implementation are set. – Is it possible to apply such approaches here in Ukraine? – This hierarchy was first enshrined within the framework of Law of Ukraine “On Waste Management”, recently adopted. Now we must work to reuse packaging waste for the benefit of society rather than send it to incineration or landfills. Separate waste collection, as well as the implementation of extended producer responsibility system are required for this purpose. It is also necessary to adopt the Law “On Packaging and Packaging Waste”, which lays out all the conditions for the functioning of such a system. I am an optimistic person and believe that such a long-awaited law will be adopted shortly.
ecology packaging 5’2022 several times. Each of them announced its renovation to improve environmental performance but did nothing. As a result, we have an incineration plant in the capital that pollutes the air, especially for residents of nearby houses, where the windows are closed almost all the time because there is nothing to breathe. In Europe, such incineration plants use special technologies and equipment that provide the necessary cleaning of emissions from harmful substances. All the residues from the incineration of waste (metals, crushed stone of various fractions, dust) are separated and strictly monitored in compliance with environmental standards. All of this keeps such plants constantly improving. – I ask you, Volodymyr, as a specialist: what packaging, in your opinion, may be refused? Does all the packaging have the right to life? - There is no need to refuse. And that’s not just my opinion. Today, all companies in Europe are tasked to ensure that after 2025 all packaging placed on the EU market will be recyclable, and by 2030, under the targets set by EU legislation, at least 70 % of all packaging waste must be recycled. The rate is high enough, but life requires exactly such an approach. On the Ukrainian market, there is packaging waste difficult to recycle. Doypack bags for ketchup, for example, are made of multilayered polymeric materials, a waste recycling technology which does not yet exist in Ukraine. These targets can be achieved in a variety of ways, including the development of recycling technologies and equipment or the replacement of packaging materials. And such developments have already existed. For example, polymeric monomaterials with the same barrier and other qualities can replace current packaging materials. There are additional scientific developments. – Let’s be realistic. Packaging waste that always remains after sorting can only be burnt to generate thermal energy and electricity. There are currently 492 such plants in Europe. In Ukraine, there were
four incineration plants. Now there is only one left. Why did you think it happen? – There are different reasons. In those regions (Kamianske, Lozova) where they are located, the concentration of hazardous substances in the air was sufficiently high. These plants also added harmful emissions. As a result, the residents, ecologists, and local authorities were against their existence. In addition, the incineration technologies were outdated. They caused more harm than they helped remove waste. The incineration plant in Kyiv has an annual capacity of 250,000 tonnes. In recent years, the plant has changed owners
– So what should be done with the “tails” that remain after sorting the packaging waste? – Of course, we must decide whether to burn or bury them. Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand. Waste incineration is permitted under European legislation, however, each type of waste has its own incineration rates. If it is polymer waste, then it will be one technology for which environmentally friendly incineration plants have been developed. The same is true for other wastes. We need a kind of specialization, a different way than we got accustomed to burning all the waste in a row.
Packaging waste sorting line
Waste incineration plant (photo from open sources)
The adopted framework law includes two articles on waste incineration. While this law was being prepared, the ecologists and those interested in building such plants were having a fierce dispute. Imagine that the major subject of discussion was the combustion temperature. It is necessary to keep the combustion temperature in the range of 1100–1200 °C for more or less normal operation of the incineration plant. Ecologists insist on it. Officials proposed to state the temperature index in the range of 850 °C in the law because the cost of the plant was the most important factor for them. At such a temperature index, technology and equipment are less expensive. The technology, which involves the incineration of waste in the range of 1100–1200 °C, is more expensive but environmentally friendly. Some hazardous substances are burned and do not enter the environment. But this issue was evaded by the law and the combustion temperature was not set. Unfortunately, the adopted law has a few more flaws. For example, the possibility of imposing all the costs of building incineration plants on the population (including these costs in tariffs) and the introduction of the concept of “mixed waste” caused significant difficulties in organizing the separate collection of packaging waste. – Volodymyr, have you considered the possibility of building waste sorting or incineration plants within the framework of
measures for the reconstruction of Ukraine after the victory? – Good question. Indeed, we have sent proposals from businesses to solve the problem of waste management, including packaging waste, within the section “Environmental Safety” of Ukraine’s Post-War Recovery Plan. There are also about 36 incineration plants that need to be built, the purchase of a large number of machines for transporting waste, containers, and other equipment. There have already been some discussions, including the presentation in Europe, but no practical actions have been taken so far. It’s difficult to predict anything today. Many enterprises have been destroyed, while others have suspended their operation. It is even difficult to determine exactly how much packaging is currently available on the market: some enterprises have stopped operating, while others do not operate at a certain capacity. Before the war, we first determined how much and what type of packaging is used in Ukraine, as well as how much is imported and exported. But it was an expert analysis which we performed using the research results and with the assistance of the European Commission. Therefore, we know what we had before the war. After the victory, we must thoroughly study and determine the amount of packaging that we use, how much we require, and where we can obtain it. On this basis, plans for the recovery of the Ukrainian packaging industry and decisions on what to do
with packaging waste can be developed simultaneously. – A pilot project for separate collection of packaging waste based on extended producer responsibility was launched in Vyshhorod four years ago. Can it become a prototype for the all-Ukrainian packaging waste management system? – That’s what we started it for. As a result, in 2018–2021, 1,869 tonnes of packaging waste were separately collected and sent for sorting as part of this project. The pilot in Vyshhorod is a project for a small certain city. We are currently completing the creation of the Extended Producer Responsibility Organization, which was founded by 11 large companies that manufacture products in the packaging industry. After that, we can talk about the first sprouts of the European packaging waste management system here in Ukraine. – Volodymyr, thank you for this informative conversation on such an important topic for our country as packaging waste management. I am sure that, eventually, in Ukraine, packaging waste, which is such an important raw material for many enterprises, will be separately collected, sorted, reused, processed, composted, and some burnt, but using modern technologies and equipment following methods that have long demonstrated their effectiveness. Especially those that are based on extended producer responsibility of the manufacturer. I wish you and everyone around you the best of luck on this path.
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5’2022 packaging ecology
Waste-Free Recycling While in Poland, representatives of the Club Packagers were invited to visit the PreZero incineration plant in Poznan. So we have arrived at the plant. The first thing that attracted our attention was the excellent cleanliness and absence of typical smell of garbage. And when we entered the building, we read it: “Nowe myslenie dla czystego jutra” (“New thinking for a clean tomorrow”). Here we were met by Szymon Cegielski, director of PreZero Zielona Energia to whom we talked about the history and operation of the enterprise and the current situation in the field of municipal solid waste management in Poland and other European countries. Leaving PreZero Zielona Energia, we were 100 % sure that they care about a clean tomorrow. Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. in Chemistry
– Szymon, what was the major reason for establishing a waste incineration plant in Poznan? – The main objective of PreZero Zielona Energia was to implement the project (design, construction, financing and operation) of a municipal waste thermal treatment plant in Poznan. The company is 100 % owned by PreZero Group, which is engaged in waste recycling and environmental protection services. It should also be added that this was the first project implemented in the framework of public-private partnership for loans from Polish banks, private owners and the European Union under the program “Infrastructure and Environment 2007–2013”.
– What are the main challenges facing PreZero Zielona Energia? – After collecting and sorting of municipal waste, there are some that non-recyclable. Instead of sending them to landfills, it is better to incinerate this waste to generate thermal energy and electricity. There are already eight waste incineration plants operating in Poland, which annually recycled a total of approximately 1,050,000 tonnes of such waste Several plants of this type are currently under construction. By the way, 492 such plants operate in Europe incinerating about 100 million tonnes of waste per year.
Our plant operating since 2016 has an annual operational capacity of 210,000 tonnes treats mixed municipal waste. Every day, approximately 150 vehicles transfer unsuitable for recycling municipal waste from Poznan and eight surrounding districts to the plant. It is incinerated here producing thermal energy and electricity, which is transferred to the city of Poznan. – Say a few words about the technological cycle of waste incineration at the plant. – Each car with waste is weighed and registered. Then waste is unloaded through six gates into a trash storage bunker, which capacity is enough to store waste received during the
week. From there, the waste enters the furnace and burns. The temperature in the furnace is approximately 1000 °C, and the combustion process is controlled. The heat generated during waste incineration heats the water in the boiler integrated with the grate and turns the water into steam. Water vapour is transferred to the turbine, which drives the generator. The generated electricity feeds the national power grid. The steam after the turbine is used to generate thermal energy directed to the municipal heating network. – But incineration produces slags, gases and dust. What about them? – You are right. Although we burn municipal waste, we also generate waste in the form of slags, dust and gases. However, we try to work without waste. We extract ferrous and nonferrous metals from slag. And everything that remains is sent to builders who use these residues as synthetic filler material in concrete mixtures. Dust from flue gas cleaning is used to fill empty workings in manganese and potassium salt mines. So, although our main “raw material” is municipal waste, our production is wastefree.
5’2022 packaging ecology – Szymon, what is the environmental situation around the enterprise? Does the plant harm the environment and affect the ecology? – Firstly, all technological parameters are controlled and optimized. Secondly, pollution is insignificant due to the usage of the best technical solutions and it is reduced both through the observance of a stable technological process and innovative solutions. Thirdly, we have an exhaust gas cleaning system and control their emissions by sensors mounted on the chimneys. In general, the treatment of these gases is a multi-stage process that is crucial to the overall system. Our system removes dust from exhaust gases using activated carbon and bag filters and ensures compliance with strict environmental standards by providing 99 % cleaning efficiency.
That is why there are no unpleasant odours from garbage in the premises, although its recycling is our main activity. – And finally, Szymon, what are the company’s plans for the future? – Our waste incineration plant is designed for 25 years of continuous operation. We are pleased that our work is improving the ecological condition of our region. In the future, we intend to do it even more efficiently. And to do it we will use the latest innovations and reduce costs, providing the region with heat and electricity. In short, we consistently implement our mission, which is to think in new ways for a clean tomorrow!
– When we entered and left the unloading hall area, it was very difficult to open the doors. Why is it so? – This is not about inconvenience for our guests, on the contrary, we care about them. We create a small vacuum in the unloading hall, so all our entrance doors are tightly closed.
– Szymon, thank you for our meeting, for the opportunity to see firsthand the modern production of waste incineration and for a frank conversation about the problems of municipal waste management and possible solutions. We wish you personally and the entire PreZero Zielona Energia team further success in waste-free recycling.
ecology packaging 5’2022
Waste Recycling and Carbon Neutrality (Dow’s Revolutionary Steps) О.М. Aleksandrov, Dow, Kyiv From forest fires in Australia to flooding in Germany, the effects of climate change are increasing with ever greater frequency. Globally, only 9 % of polymer products waste ever made has been recycled and almost 80 % ends up in landfill or the environment. These are sobering statistics. And Dow is accelerating its efforts to protect the climate, advance a circular economy and improve the safety and sustainability of manufactured materials. Over 25 years ago, the company began its sustainability journey and since then has achieved good progress, particularly in cutting carbon emissions. But we must go much further, much faster. As one of the leading manufacturers of polymers, demonstrating a passion for environmental sustainability, Dow is actively working to ensure that all its products are recyclable. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop a packaging design so that all packaging placed on store shelves can be fully recycled while maintaining the same levels of safety, protection, and functionality. It is necessary to harmonise the packaging waste management system and implement clear labelling to make recycling easier to understand for consumers.
Methods of polymer waste recycling There are several methods to recycle polymer products waste, in particular, various types of polymer packaging. Among these methods, mechanical and chemical recycling processes are the most commonly applied. Mechanical recycling is currently the primary form of recycling in Europe, more than 99 % of polymer waste is recycled through mechanical means. According to this technology, waste polymer products are collected, sorted, and recycled into secondary raw products without significantly changing the chemical structure of the material. Waste is sorted into the type of polymer it was made from, washed, ground, and extruded into uniform-shaped pellets. Such recycled pallets can be used for the production of a variety of household products, in road construction, and in the manufacture of various building materials. However, this method has certain limitations. Recycled pellets cannot be used in the production of food packaging because of contamination issues and stringent packaging regulations. This method of processing also degrades the characteristics of polymer pellets with each round of recycling. Thus, it reduces the possibility of their widespread reuse.
5’2022 packaging ecology Chemical recycling of polymer products waste is the process of breaking down polymers into their main components: monomers and other chemical compounds to produce liquid or gas “feedstocks”, which can be used to manufacture virgin-grade polymers. This method enables us to recycle a much wider scope of waste from various types of polymers, including flexible polymer films, which are usually difficult to recycle. Unfortunately, much of this type of waste is currently going to landfills or being incinerated. The advantage of the chemical method of recycling polymer waste over the mechanical one is the ability to recycle polymer waste an infinite number of times. These two methods of recycling polymer waste complement each other. Therefore, to make a real improvement in recycling rates across Europe, it is necessary to continue to innovate and invest in the development of both methods of recycling. At the same time, the chemical method of recycling will be critical to meeting both the EU’s legally binding polymer packaging recycling target of 55 % by 2030 and Dow’s voluntary commitment under the EU Circular Polymer Alliance for 100,000 tonnes of recycled polymer waste to European
customers by 2025. It allows us to increase the range of polymers that can be recycled and secondary raw materials which can be used to produce food packaging.
Polymer waste recycling using HydroPRS™ technology Mura Technology has designed a unique hydrothermal recycling process, named HydroPRS™. It breaks down polymer waste using water in the form of supercritical steam. The steam acts like “molecular scissors”, cutting longerchain hydrocarbon bonds in polymers to produce the valuable chemicals from which the various polymers were originally made. Dow plans to use these chemicals and oils to develop new, virgin-grade polymers to be recirculated into global supply chains. There is no limit to the number of times the same material can be recycled and it will help create a truly circular economy for polymers. This process has the potential to eliminate single-use polymers, creating value not waste. And it is not an exaggeration to say that this method of recycling polymer waste is truly revolutionary. The world’s first plant using HydroPRS™ is located in Teesside (UK), with the first
line expected to be operational this year. Once all four lines are completed, it will be able to recycle 80,000 tonnes of plastic waste per year. For Dow’s customers and brand owners, it means that actively pursuing a number of commercial partnerships, it is possible to see on store shelves polymer packaging, which manufactured from raw materials from this process as soon as 2022. With Mura Technology, Dow is also seeking to leverage synthetic oils produced by using the process at a number of additional European projects currently in Mura’s development pipeline, with four new sites planned in the U.S., four in Germany, and plans for Asia as the company accelerates the global rollout of HydroPRS™ technologies. The potential for this partnership to make a real impact is enormous. It should be noted that CO2 emissions from the chemical method of recycling polymer waste or HydroPRS™ technology are currently higher than those from mechanical and virgin production of polymers. However, they are lower than those from the incineration of polymer waste. These technologies remain preferable to landfills or incineration as they ensure that the polymeric materials are kept in a circular economy. Advanced
ecology packaging 5’2022 recycling processes are expected to save approximately 1.5 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of recycled polymer waste, compared to incineration. Ultimately, giving waste a second life is more carbonefficient than incineration. It is also in line with plans to ban the disposal of polymer packaging waste in landfills, which Dow wants to see banned for plastic packaging in Europe sooner than the current 2035 timetable. At the same time, Dow plans to change of society’s and business’ attitudes toward polymeric materials. They are a valuable resource and need to be kept within the circular economy.
Carbon neutrality as a Dow’s plan By 2030, Dow plans to reduce its annual carbon emissions by 5 million tonnes from its 2020 baseline. Additionally, Dow aims to be a carbon neutral company by 2050. As part of this action plan, Dow is committed to implementing and advancing technologies to manufacture products using fewer resources. Since 2005, the company has reduced overall greenhouse gas emissions by 15 %. Today, Dow is among the top purchasers of clean energy in the chemical industry and in the top 20 globally.
The flagship plant in Terneuzen, the Netherlands, is a fantastic example of the innovation to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 40 % by 2030 and achieve net CO2 neutrality by 2050. In the first phase, the plan foresees the construction of a clean hydrogen plant where byproducts from core production processes will be converted into hydrogen and CO2. Hydrogen can be used as a clean fuel in the production process and the CO2 would be captured and stored or reused where
possible until alternative technologies are developed. The hydrogen plant is expected to startup in 2026 and would allow Dow Terneuzen to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1.4 million tonnes per year. This is the equivalent of taking more than 300,000 cars off the road each year. The project will not only accelerate the company’s route to decarbonization but also bring important economic benefits creating vital jobs. Building the new hydrogen plant and the associated infrastructure is expected to create 3,500 to 4,000 engineering and construction jobs over a period of 3 years and 400 to 500 permanent jobs at Dow and across associated service providers. Dow also announced plans to build the world’s first zero-carbon integrated ethylene plant. The project will more than triple the company’s ethylene and polyethylene capacity at our plant in Alberta (Canada). It will enable us to decarbonize approximately 20 % of Dow’s global ethylene capacity growing polyethylene supply by about 15 % and meeting the increasing needs of customers and brand owners seeking to lower the carbon footprint of their products. Dow now manufactures products at 29 plants that are either fully or partially powered by renewable energy. The usage
of renewable energy is expected to reduce indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling by more than 600,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
Opportunity-changing partnership with Shell In 2020 Dow began working with Shell to develop electrified cracking technology that could be powered by clean energy. Cracking technology refers to the process by which longer hydrocarbon molecules are broken up into shorter, lighter molecules using heat and pressure and sometimes catalysts. Electrified cracking using renewable energy is a breakthrough technology that could dramatically reduce emissions across the industry. Therefore the joint program was awarded € 3.5 million in funding from the Dutch government. Steam cracking of ethylene supplies chemicals used to make products that people use every day. However, today’s technologies rely on fossil fuel combustion to heat their furnaces, making them CO2 intensive. The usage of renewable electricity to heat steam cracker furnaces could become an incredibly effective way to decarbonize the chemical industry. The
challenge is to develop a technologically and economically feasible solution that can be scaled. Currently, Dow, Shell, The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), and the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) are working to design and scale ‘e-cracker’ technology, turning the pilot projects into commercial ones.
Views on raw materials and polymer packaging Historically the feedstocks needed to create polymers are derived from fossil fuels. However, time is changing our views and perceptions. The usage of the feedstocks produced from recycled polymer waste, eco-friendly certified bio-feedstocks enables us to manufacture polymers with significantly reduced СО2. Dow is working on several sustainable and certified sourcing options for such feedstocks that allow us to produce biobased polymers using other industries’ residues or by-products. It is fair to say that the usage of polymer packaging is quite sensitively perceived by society. In part, that’s deserved because the industry has not been focused enough on ensuring the circularity of our products. But today that’s changing
a lot and quite quickly. Dow develops polymeric materials, the packaging of which is easier to recycle. Additionally, the company is investing heavily to scale innovative recycling technologies that can give polymers a second life rather than being lost to waste, landfill or incineration. It is also important to remember that polymers have been and continue to be an incredibly useful tool in reducing carbon emissions. Particularly, when it comes to combating food waste, which according to the UNEP 2021 report, generates 8-10 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. Dow’s packaging innovations designed for food help keep meat fresh up to three times longer while using only a third of the packaging material compared to conventional methods. The result is a 75 % cut in both CO2 footprint and food waste compared to alternative packaging materials. That is not to say that polymers should be used for any packaging. No. This only when it offers the lowest environmental impact. But we all should recognise its positive performance on CO2 compared to other materials and work to find a balance between CO2 emissions and the circular use of polymers.
club packaging 5’2022
Club Packagers at the Taropak Trade Fair V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D., Club Packagers Today it is hard to remember in which year the Club Packagers first took part in the Pozna Taropak Trade Fair. Only after looking through the “Packaging” magazines of the past years, I found that it was at the very beginning of the 21st century, in 2000. Since then, Ukrainian packaging companies member of the Club Packagers regularly came to Pozna at the Taropak packaging forum and demonstrate the development of packaging materials, packaging and packaging equipment, speak at conferences and seminars. These were always fruitful meetings with Polish colleagues from packaging companies, members of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, where problems of packaging development in our countries were sincerely and lively discussed. This year’s Taropak Fair, which took place on September 26-28 at the Pozna International Fair Center, is special. It passed in time when the countries of the world help Ukrainians to win the war against russia. It is because of this that the participation of Ukrainian companies in Taropak was in question from the very beginning. But it happened. And it happened thanks to the coordinated work of the Club Packagers of Ukraine, the Pozna International Fair and the Polish Chamber of Packaging.
Preparation for the exhibition At the beginning of March 2022, the office of the Club Packagers of Ukraine moved to Poland to continue its information activities. Preparation and publication of the magazine “Packaging”, participation in exhibitions and conferences in Amsterdam and Cologne, Warsaw and Milan, meetings with Polish companies and constant contacts with EPIC and WPO, as well as the organization of the “Ukrainian Packing Star” competition. All these events were organized by specialists of the Club Packagers and IAC “Upakovka”. We did not forget about the Taropak exhibition, the organizers of which offered the Club to create a special zone – a collective stand of Ukrainian packaging enterprises, members of the Club Packagers. Pack Group from Brovary, Anfol from Vinnytsia, Vesna from Dnipro and Company Univest Marketing from Kyiv immediately responded to our offer to present their expositions at the collective stand. Later, the companies Pebegs from Kharkiv, Spetstekhosnastka from Kamianske and Pakprint from Kyiv joined the collective stand. Many organizational items had to be resolved in a short time. And the work ‘boiled’ over: preparation
and approval of the collective stand, placement of participants’ expositions on it, preparation of banners, packaging samples and printed advertising materials. By the way, we managed to print, at our partners in Kyiv, a certain number of copies of the fourth issue of the “Packaging” magazine, which was prepared in Ukrainian and English, and managed to deliver them to Poland.
Exhibition participants from Ukraine Each member of the collective stand of the Club Packagers at the Taropak exhibition prepared brief information about their activities on the packaging market, which was placed in catalogs, brochures and other information media for exhibition visitors. For more than 30 years, the Pack Group, which includes the enterprises Crystal Glass and Elips, has accumulated fundamental experience in the production of modern PET containers for manufacturers of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food, agricultural products and household chemicals. At the beginning of 2022, the company opened its Pack Store Europe representative office in Romania.
5’2022 packaging club
JV Anfol was founded in 1997. Today, the company is a powerful manufacturer of thermoformed packaging and disposable dishes made of plastic of domestic and foreign production. The products are manufactured on modern high-performance equipment of Dutch and Canadian production, which has good indicators of resource conservation. Vesna company produces high-quality cardboard packaging for different types of food and beverages, which stands out in the market. Full-cycle production uses hybrid varnish, UV-paints, printing on metallized cardboard, coating with special effects, flexographic printing, die-cutting, congreve, embossing. Univest Marketing Company manufactures single-walled and double-walled cups for cold and hot drinks, paper and polymer lids, buckets for ice cream and popcorn, soup and salad bowls and other types of packaging for delivery services and fast food restaurants. It uses all known cardboard processing technologies: from offset and flexo printing and covering cardboard with polyethylene to forming finished products. Pebegs company produces paper bags from cellulose paper or recycled waste paper. They are safe for humans and the environment, and are produced on automatic, innovative equipment. A variety of sizes, printing of a design or company logo, securely glued handles of any color add uniqueness and convenience to the packages. Spetstekhosnastka company has been manufacturing rigid plastic packaging under the Vital-Plast™ trademark since 2005. Shape, color, modern decoration technologies, the ability to meet special requirements regarding the physical properties of packaging – these are the competencies that have turned
Vital-Plast™ into the leader of the Ukrainian market, and now contribute to the rapid promotion of the company’s products to foreign markets. Pakprint company is the largest Ukrainian producer of PET and PP tapes, as well as staples, buckles, and angles. All Ukrainian companies at the exhibition were united by the Club Packagers – a public organization founded in 1997, which holds information events (conferences, seminars, contests, exhibitions), makes marketing and analytical research, prepares and publishes the magazine “Packaging”, writes and prints packaging literature.
Information events at Taropak Taropak Packaging Fair has always been appreciated for meaningful conferences, seminars and business meetings. This year, the main ones were three conferences. On September 27, the Polish Chamber of Packaging together with the Taropak fair organized held an industry conference for the packaging sector “Packaging for the market – trends and directions of change”. Professor Stanis aw Tkaczyk, president of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, opened the conference with a welcome speech. The attendees listened attentively and with interest to the reports of Maciej Na cz (Santander Bank) on investment in the packaging industry in difficult times, Andrzej Kornacki (Futamura) on flexible plastic packaging suitable for recycling, Krzysztof Niczyporuk (Druk Serwis 24) on product labeling technologies and its personalization, Konrad Nowakowski (PIOIRO) on the problems of disposal of packaging waste, Piotr Nowak (Presa Glassworks) on the production of glass packaging according to individual orders. The representative of the Club
Packagers – Alyona Romanenko from the Pack Group also spoke at the conference. In her report “Ukrainian polymer packaging for European partners”, she not only presented the company’s innovative developments, the latest bottles
packaging and efficiency of reverse supply chains, best practices for implementing B2B e-commerce – all this was discussed by the speakers in their speeches, which aroused the lively interest of those present. made of PET and its regenerated type, but also talked about the opening of the Pack Store Europe company in Romania, which will act as a regional representative on the European market. In general, the conference was distinguished by a lively discussion with a large number of questions and an understanding of modern trends in the development of packaging. The Taropak Design conference was held on September 26-27. It addressed several important topics for the packaging industry, including the importance of marketing to the industry and the impact of packaging appearance on product sales. Together with experts, we determined how to design packaging that sells effectively; what is storytelling in packaging; how to positively influence the consumer’s impression from the moment of opening the package. In addition, an eyetracking study was conducted for the participants, the results of which showed how the human brain reacts to specific packaging solutions and what most attracts the attention of consumers. On September 28, the Taropak E-commerce Conference was held, the main partner of which is Allegro Biznes. It covered the main topics and roles of packaging in e-commerce. How to convince sellers to use green and smart packaging in e-commerce shipments, unpacking experience, use of digital printing in e-commerce packaging, standardization of reusable
Award ceremony On September 26, MTP Group, which is the organizer of Taropak, invited the participants and guests of the exhibition to the gala award ceremony of the Gold Medal Competition at the Taropak 2022. Among the guests of honor were Leszek wi talski – director of the Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland, Dr. Adam Koli ski – rector of the School of Logistics, prof. Andrzej Korzeniowski – chairman of the Gold Medal Competition jury, prof. Stanis aw Tkaczyk – president of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, Andrzej Kornacki – chairman of the board of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, Valerii Kryvoshei, Ph.D. – honorary president of the Club Packagers of Ukraine, editor-in-chief of the “Packaging” magazine, Jacek Ku mierczyk – president of the Polish Chamber of Printing, chancellor of the Polish Guild of Gutenberg’s Knights, Boles aw Jasinowicz – president of the Polish Self-Adhesive Label Producers Association, Dr. Karolina Wiszumirska – member of the Naturieev association, Krzysztof Skrobot – the director of the Polish Chamber of Flexographers.
The participants of the ceremony were congratulated and wished them further success in the development of the packaging industry of the Republic of Poland, Mrs. El bieta Roeske – vice president, member of the board of MTP Group, prof. Stanis aw Tkaczyk – president of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, Mr. Jacek Ku mierczyk – president of the Polish Chamber of Printing, chancellor of the Polish Guild of Gutenberg’s Knights. The Gold Medal Competition at the Taropak 2022 is an opportunity to demonstrate innovative developments, an opportunity to promote packaging products on the Polish and international packaging markets. One of the main reasons for exhibitors’ participation in the competition is the recognition and prestige of this award. The winners of the competition use the received award as an additional motive in communication with their partners, sponsors, customers and consumers of packaged products. The jury of this year’s competition determined the winners of five innovative types of packaging products. So, Gold Medals were awarded to: • collection of ecological paper GMUND BIO CYCLE by B ttenpapierfabrik Gmund GmbH & Co. KG; • packaging machine RM-55 HAI by RADPAK Fabryka Maszyn Pakuj cych; • cardboard picnic backpack “NATURALNIE” by TFP Sp. z o. o.; • ecological paper tape TruePaper by ATS-TANNER Polska Sp. z o. o.; • robotic palletizing systems from the ukasiewicz Research Network. Consumers also evaluated the packaging products presented at the competition. 59 % of consumers voted for ATS-TANNER Polska’s TruePaper eco-friendly paper tape, so it received the “Gold Medal Consumers’ Choice”. The awards were presented by Mrs. El bieta Roeske, vice president, member of the board of MTP Group, and the chairman of the competition jury, prof. Andrzej Korzeniowski. In the Acanthus Aureus competition for the best exhibition marketing, company image and business value, the MTP Group awards went to VP Polska, Wald-Gold, ukasiewicz Research Network. Every year during the Taropak exhibition, the Polish Chamber of Packaging awards the best company of the year and the best specialist in the packaging industry, who are determined
by the Chapter of Polish Medalists of the Polish Chamber of Packaging under the leadership of Prof. Andrzej Korzeniowski. This year, Basf Polska sp. z o. o., and Andrzej Kornacki, chairman of the board of the Polish Chamber of Packaging, head of the Futamura representative office in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, received the award “For services in the packaging industry for 2022”. At the end of the ceremony, quite unexpectedly for those present, Mr. Andrzej Kornacki spoke about the work of the Club Packagers during the last seven months here in Poland. About meetings with EPIC and WPO, associations of the Netherlands, Latvia, Poland, work at packaging exhibitions in Italy and Germany, the Netherlands and Poland, about a competition for the best packaging. And also – about the release of three issues of the “Packaging” magazine in Ukrainian and English and about the preparation for the issue of the 150th, anniversary issue of the magazine. And after that, he invited Valerii Kryvoshei, honorary president of the Club Packagers and editor-in-chief of the “Packaging” magazine, to award him with a special award in honor of the anniversary issue of the magazine and for the active cooperation of the Club Packagers and the Polish Chamber of Packaging. After receiving the award, Valerii Kryvoshei noted, that this is an award for the entire staff of the editorial office, the Club Packagers and more than a thousand authors of the magazine. Separately, he expressed deep gratitude to all Poles for their support and assistance to Ukrainians in the war against russia.
Finally The three days of the Taropak Trade Fair 2022 flew by like a blink of an eye, but the collective stand of the Club Packagers was at full capacity all this time. Specialists of all companies represented at the stand held several dozen negotiations and agreed on further cooperation. Visitors to the stand were interested in samples of cardboard and paper packaging from Vesna, Pebegs and Univest Marketing Company, plastic packaging from Anfol, Pack Group and Spetstekhosnastka, cooperation with IAC “Upakovka” and the Club Packagers. The exhibition showed the great interest of European companies in the packaging products of Ukrainian manufacturers. Already today, these products are exported to the European markets, demonstrating the powerful capabilities of the packaging industry of Ukraine. Let’s remember: with their powerful work, Ukrainian packaging companies contribute to our Victory.