SCrutiny 2017

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SCRUTINY Taunang pagtatasa sa mga miyembro ng konseho ng mga mag-aaral Mapagpalayang kaisipan sa malayang pahayagan


UP Baguio Outcrop Tomo 43 SCrutiny

Assessment within the usc

This is the summary of the qualitative assessments of the USC members on all the committees/ desks.

Chairperson Council members commended the chairperson for establishing a good relationship with the administration. The chairperson was also praised for his willingness to help the committees, and also his approachability and willingness to listen. On the other hand, many council members commented that the chairperson was not able to assert his power and authority in the council, and he was not taken seriously. There is no proper agenda-setting, hence the council lacked discussion over important issues concerning students such as the Socialized Tuition System (STS) and the Reserved Officers

environmental desk Training Corps (ROTC). He remained silent regarding major issues faced by the student body and the country, and this silence resulted in nothing good; he became a mere presider in council meetings. Also, some decisions made by the council which were not actually discussed. Many said that the chairperson was often absent during the first semester due to health issues and scheduled activities outside of the University. Nevertheless, under the chairperson’s leadership, the council became more united compared to past years which is said to have have returned trust in the USC.

VICE-Chairperson According to a council member, the vice chairperson was able to re-establish a working relationship with the administration. The vice chairperson took over when the chairperson was not around but was also frequently absent in the previous semester. Partnerships were also established with school organizations and with other universities. He is very supportive to his fellow council members and was able to hold a team building activity for the student council. Despite striving to maintain harmonious relationship between committees and ensuring that everyone is well-functioning, he

was not able to stabilize these good relationships. He was not able to have any program or campaign, either. As the vice-chairperson, he is expected to manage the council’s internal affairs, which he was able to address but not always. Council members said the vice chairperson lacked the initiative to organize trainings and educational discussions for the council. The vicechairperson acted accordingly in conflicts during meetings and was able to organize team-building activities for the council which helped in the consolidation of the USC members.

Nationalist corps As part of the issue-based committees, the committee actively responded to the issues faced by the University and the country. The committee served its purpose of raising the consciousness of students, as compared to the past administration when the committee failed in its duties. The committee actively used social media as a venue for its campaigns, consistently releasing infographics and statements in many issues through mass actions,

exhibits and fora in collaboration with other student formations. While the committee head remained critical in his duties, there were comments that he sometimes let his emotions get in the way. Nevertheless, the committee was able to bring the students’ issues to the attention of those outside the University like the call to junk SAIS and eUP, free education, and the hero’s burial of Marcos.

Basic Students Services Committee Acquisition of new lockers was the most commended project of the committee, despite it being a project of the past administration. The committee readily shared its budget with other committees for their respective campaigns. While the committee head was able to carry on projects of previous heads, it focused more on continuing past projects that it did not have any new programs as stated in his Specific Program of Action

(SPOA). A council member commented that this was the lowest point of student services. Supply for drinking water in the canteen did not carry on and the comfort rooms (tissue paper and soap) still need serious attention. The committee also failed to address the issue of photocopying services this semester. Despite these shortcomings, the committee was able to establish a tight relationship with the university administration.

While the committee was firm in its stands on environmental issues, it limited itself to the Green UP campaign and was unable to have its own projects on the Philippine environmental situation. The process for approval of activity forms was slow, thus, the activities were delayed. Some council members said that the desk head was absent on a number of meetings and

sometimes go home before the meeting ends but was able to efficiently perform her duties. The committee utilized the Green UP campaign in launching a forum regarding the policies of the said campaign. Through this, the committee was able to produce a paper on the assessment of the Green UP campaign based on the students’ opinion.

IP/ cultural desk Regardless of not being a member of the indigenous community, the committee head was praised for his commendable job in raising awareness to students with regards to the issues faced by the minority. It had a tight coordination with organizations concerned with issues of indigenous communities inside and outside of the university, such as PAGTA and Dap-ayan ti Kultura ti Kordilyera (DKK). Although the

committee conducted a number of activities, the campaigns carried out were not different from the usual ones and were not able to produce outputs. A council member commented that the head is usually absent during meetings. The committee is also said to be supportive and participative in activities of the rest of the council and of organizations outside UPB.

finance commiittee Members of the council saw that the committee head tried her best in performing her mandate but it was not enough. The committee failed to acquire basic office supplies needed by the council and the processing of requests for reimbursement of the committees. The committee also failed in conducting any income generating project (IGP) for the council and in carrying out any projects. Another

member of the council said that the committee lacked alternatives when the proposed projects did not push through due to some circumstances. But the dedication of the head did not go unnoticed, as she is always on time in meetings. The committee is said to have strived to do well in its tasks during major events. The financial statement of the council is yet to be released.

Special Events Committee The members of the committee are consolidated and the head is dedicated on his task. Events launched by the committee were successful. Students participated more in the events due to better publicity and sponsorships. But while council members recognize the attempts, the committee is said to still lack in carrying social issues in its events, and all of these were

collaborated with other committees and institutions. There were no new events aside from the traditional ones. Despite appreciation for his effort, council members also pointed out the head is “childish” at times during meetings. Overall, the committee is most praised for commendable events such as the UPB Fair.

Gender desk The committee successfully conducted and participated in the Pride March and One Billion Rising (OBR). However, some council members believe that the committee can do more aside from the traditional programs. The committee is also commended in its continuation of past term’s projects. The committee’s tight partnership with Kasarian, Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (OASH) and student organizations in its activities is commended. However, council

members noticed that the committee head sometimes worked alone while its members did not have motivation to work. Also, the council members did not feel the desk’s presence during the first semester. Despite this, the committee was able to address issues of the LGBTQ+ community such as homophobia through social media, exhibits, photo booths, film showing and fora on gender sensitivity.


UP Baguio Outcrop Tomo 43 SCrutiny

Sports desk Many council members commended the committee for successfully organizing the intramurals and TagisLakas. However, many also pointed out that the committee’s planned activities were not pushed through since the desk head was busy being a member of the volleyball team. Aside from the volleyball varsity team, the committee failed to give attention to the needs of other varsity teams. The committee also failed to forward the concerns

CAC Committee of athletes as it was not consultative with the athletes of different varsity teams. The committee also did not communicate with the Human Kinetics Program (HKP). Council members commented that the committee head did not take suggestions from other members of the USC. Others pointed out that the committee head was hard to approach and seemed not to care during council meetings.

Members of the College of Arts and Communication (CAC) Committee were able to maintain a good relationship with the faculty and administration. The committee is active on social media in promoting their campaigns and programs. Projects of the committee immersed

CSS Committee

secretary general In the previous semester, the head was said to be active in council meetings, however, this semester, he is frequently absent resulting to the non-existence of the minutes of the meeting to the studentry. There were only a few instances during last semester that minutes were released. The committee head focused more on his role on the yearbook committee editorial board resulting to delayed, if none, minutes of the meeting. Due

Like the other college committees, the CSS committee maintained a good relationship with the faculty and academic organizations in the college. Earlier in their term, representatives of this committee were rarely complete during council meetings, thus, were not fully aware regarding their constituents’ events and concerns.

to the said absences of the committee head, approval of the minutes were also frequently moved. There were no activities and campaigns conducted by the committee. A couple of council members also questioned the head’s efficiency as secretary general adding that he should be spearheading proper information dissemination but failed to do so. The committee also failed in its duty as the USC research arm.

This committee was able to carry over past projects successfully and was able to have more activities than the previous year. The committee was united in their projects was able to partner and coordinate with the college administration and academic organizations. While these were commendable, they lacked in

volunteer such as being able to provide first aid treatments. This committee was dependent on other activities due to the nature of the committee and was not able to conduct its own programs and activities. Despite not being able to maximize the full potential of the committee, it was also commended for its systematized information dissemination to the volunteers.


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encouraging students, especially those from their college, to attend their events. They had numerous activities but lacking in audience. A council member commented that this committee is effective when it is helping other committees in their projects.




However, some major projects of the committee were not able to push through and had no relevant campaigns and activities. Some representatives are also dependent on other council members and had no initiative. The effort put forward by the members was commendable and projects on their SPOA materialized.

CS Committee

Volunteer corps Committee On its first year of existence, the committee was able to give a commendable job in extending its services and partnership outside of the university. However, volunteers of the committee were not followed up properly due to their overwhelming number. Many of the members were inactive and were not able to assist during events. The members also lacked training regarding the tasks of a

students to the masses but fell short in activities which can showcase the talents of CAC students and appreciate their respective degree programs. USC members commended the committee’s continuation of old projects and introduction of new programs.


UP Baguio Outcrop Tomo 43 SCrutiny


Assessment from the students Assessment within the USC

The graphs below are the assessments between the incumbent USC members and 245 student respondents who answered the SCrutiny survey


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6.9 VOL CORPS 7.6







UP Baguio Outcrop Tomo 43 SCrutiny


This is the result of the qualitative and quantitativepart of the student questionnaire for the SCrutiny. Below is the summary of the answers of the 245 students who participated in the survey.






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he Alliance of Concerned Students (ACS) continues to be vigilant on what is happening to the university and the country and they have definite stand on these issues. While many of the respondents commend the performance of this organization, they said that the frequent strategies they use are not effective. They can raise awareness but cannot mobilize majority of the students to join them and act on the different issues we face today. Many said that they should explore other forms of arousing students and persuading them to participate in their activities. Further, ACS should also focus on other issues within the university which needs immediate action from the students and the administration.

Pagtugon sa mga isyu ng mga estudyante Naiambag sa UP at sangkaestudyantehan Programa’t kampanya

or this year, the Campus Alliance for Dedicated and Unified Action (CADUA) is quiet. According to the students, they do not know whether this political organization is existent or not. Respondents to the survey answered that they did not see any project, campaign or stand on any issue aside from the controversy of the said heroism of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos and the presence of Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) in the campus. The political party lacks initiative to lead a campaign. According to the students, this political organization only assert their position on issues where they will be put to the limelight and simply abstain on other issues. The students said that the organization as a whole is somehow in hiatus and they are speculating whether this has any relation on the obvious inactivity of the student council chairperson and vice chairperson who are from the same organization; however, the members of the party are approachable.

Assessment from the STUDENTS On Performance and Representation The university student council’s (USC) performance this academic year received varying remarks from the studentry. Many students commended the performance of the Issue-Based committees (Nationalist Corps, Environmental Desk, Gender Desk and IP/Cultural Desk), College of Arts and Communication committee, Basic Student Services committee, and Special Events committee. In line with this, students felt this year’s council more compared to past years, with its launched issue-based campaigns and events. Also, some saw the USC as united rather than divisive, and were not advocates of their own political organizations. However, most students said that this year’s council is silent in terms of its campaign. The council lacked relevant programs and did only the traditional events done yearly. Some students said that the council is passive and is overpowered by student organizations, led by the Council of Leaders (CL). Students saw few committees as visible and working with each other. Also, students pointed out how the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson were invisible for the year, which manifested in their weak leadership. Furthermore, students do not know who the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and other committee heads are, showing how the council became detached from the studentry. Aside from traditional events, the council was not actually seen by students. While the council advocated relevant causes and raised some student issues, most students did not feel represented by the USC. The USC lacked student consultation. The council also failed to educate its constituents on the issues faced by the studentry, and thus they also failed to take their stand on these. Although the USC took a stance on ROTC, free education and Marcos’ hero’s burial, the council still failed to arouse the students regarding these issues. Students furthered that the USC has poor effort in holding fora. Furthermore, students said that they are not represented by the council for

“While the council advocated relevant causes and raised some student issues, most students did not feel represented by the USC.”

there is only minimal participation of student council members as a whole. Assessment on Projects The council produced a number of projects and programs this academic year. Roughly 61% of the students surveyed said the projects of the council are successful. Some said this year’s events hold a better quality in comparison to the events of the past USC. Also, students described the college activities as ‘inclusive’ and ‘participative. However, these projects are merely events. Many pointed out that the USC launched no new relevant projects and programs. Others believe that this year’s events still lacked quality and organization despite being an improvement from the past administration. The USC’s projects were limited to the traditional events, such as the Tagis-Lakas, Pasiklaban and UPB Fair. Said events also lacked student participation since many students still choose not to attend. Nevertheless, students said the council should continue what has been started, but without neglecting the issues the UPB community needs to know about. Points for Improvement The USC have both strengths and weaknesses enumerated by the students. The students said the USC became more active in social media than last years’ council. The events and projects by the council are more ‘relevant’, ‘organized’, and ‘inclusive.’ Students see the USC as approachable and friendly. Some students also said that the council is more united while still having a positive diversity because its members are from the three colleges. With its attempts and breakthroughs, recurring points still remained. Students said that political color and factions can still be seen within the council. Students pointed out that some council members brought their personal interests inside the council which is the reason these council members are ineffective. The

USC’s attempt to be united is commended but the same old sickness remains. Also, students said that some councilors are only active during election period and are not efficient throughout the academic year. Most students complained that the University Student Council is not active enough and that they don’t feel the presence of the USC. This is manifested in the fact that many students do not know who the USC members are. Furthermore, the council lacks announcements and its minutes. Others said that the council lacked publicity of their events and of basic information regarding their campaigns that is why there is less student participation. Student Recommendations Some also feel there is a lack in projects catering to basic student needs. Most of these include projects regarding the cleanliness of the canteen and restrooms, the free water in the canteen, and also putting toiletries and hand soaps in the restrooms. However, others were satisfied with the basic student services provided. Another recommendation is that there should be more student consultations and the dissemination of information should be improved. Many students feel that the USC does not communicate with them and there’s no encouragement from the USC to the student body of participating in events and of being aware of social issues. For all its approachability, the USC seems to be waiting for the students to come to them instead of the USC communicating with the students. Also, students demand that the USC release financial statements and the minutes of their meetings. There is an overwhelming cry for the next USC to focus more on issues that affect students like free education, STS, SAIS, and also the improvement of student facilities like the photocopy services in the library.


UP Baguio Outcrop Tomo 43 SCrutiny

Assessment from the political organizations Alliance of Concerned Students


umpara sa mga nakaraang USC, ang kasalukuyan ay may mga suri't tindig. May mga kampanya rin ito na tumutugon sa mga isyu ng mamamayan at estudyante. Ngunit ang pagiging konsolidado ng konseho ay nasa kwestyon pa rin. Isang malinaw na halimbawa nito ay ang pagkakahiwa-hiwalay ng facebook pages ng kada komite. Nagdudulot ito ng kalituhan para sa sangkaestudyantehan. Para naman sa kasalukuyang administrative cluster, ang hindi pagiging transparent ng konseho at hindi nito paglalabas ng minutes ay isang malinaw na implikasyon ng hindi nito paggampan sa tungkulin. Maging ang sports desk ngayon ay malaki ang kakulangan para sa ating mga atleta lalo na sa intrams. Sa kabuuan, nakagampan ang USC sa tungkulin nito sa pamamagitan ng iba't ibang kampanya ngunit may pagkukulang sa internal na pagkokonsolida. Ang alyansa ay naniniwala sa kakayahan ng hanay ng mga kabataan sa pagsusulong ng ating mga karapatan at paglaban sa mga isyu sa lipunan. Sa kasaysayan, naging malaki ang papel ng mga kabataan sa pagkampanya sa mga ito. Isa sa pinakamalaking tagumpay ng hanay ng mga kabataan sa kasalukuyan ay ang dagdag na walong bilyong piso sa badyet ng edukasyon. Gayunpaman, hindi rito natatapos

“isinusulong ng alyansa na makamit ang pagkakaisa na nakabatay sa linyang mula, tungo, at para sa masa”

ang laban ng ating hanay sapagkat hindi pa rin naibibigay ng gobyerno ang ating karapatan sa libre at kalidad na edukasyon. Dagdag pa rito, ang alyansa rin ay naniniwala na hindi kailanman mahihiwalay ang mga problemang kinahaharap nating mga estudyante't kabataan sa mas malawak pang hanay ng mamayan. Pandayin ang pagkakaisa, Ipagtagumpay ang pakikibaka, Iskolar ng Bayan! Ngayon na! Ang alyansa ay naniniwala sa isang kolektibong pagkilos na kapag nagsamasama ang ating mga tinig para sa ating panawagan ay tiyak na makakamit natin ang mga pagbabagong inaasam. Subalit, kung ating titignan ang kasalukuyang kalagayan ng sangkaestudyantehan ng UP, tila mas nangingibabaw ang pagkakawatak-watak ng bawat isa - resulta ng iba't ibang mga linyang umuulpot. Kaya nama'y isinusulong ng alyansa na makamit ang pagkakaisa na nakabatay sa linyang mula, tungo, at para sa masa. Mula sa masa - dahil ang usapin ng sangkaestudyantehan ay malalim na nakaugat sa pakikibaka ng masa; tungo at para sa masa dahil kung ano ang tunguhin ng sama-samang pagkilos ng nating mga kabataan-estudyante ay nararapat lamang sa ikabubuti at ikauunlad ng malawak na hanay ng mamamayan. Naniniwala ang Alyansa na ang

primaryang usapin na dapat tugunan ng sangkaestudyantehan ay ang libre, may kalidad, at makamasang edukasyon. Malinaw na nakasaad sa konstitusyon na ang estado ay marapat lamang magkaloob ng edukasyon na makakamtan dapat ng lahat, subalit ito ay nagiging pribilehiyo na lamang ng iilan. Kung ating titignan, sa pamamagitan ng mga pagpapasa ng mga nasa kapangyarihan ng neoliberal na mga polisiya sa sektor ng edukasyon, ay hinahadlangan nila na maging bukas ang batayang karapatang ito para sa lahat. Kaya bilang pagtugon sa anti estudyante't anti masa na mga polisiyang ito, nagsusulong ang Alliance of Concerned Students, kasama ang malawak na hanay ng mga estudyante, ng isang libre, makabayan, siyentipiko, at makamasang edukasyon dahil ito ay isang batayang serbisyo na dapat ay napapasaatin. Bilang pagsusulong ng kampayang ito, ay sinesegundahan namin ito ng mga forum o talakayan sa usaping libreng edukasyon; nagsasagawa rin kami ng mga diskusyong edukasyunal sa loob ng organisasyon; lumalabas kami sa lansangan tangan tangan ang mga panawagang nakakabit sa aming mga megaphone at placard; at pagsuporta pa rin sa mga nasa konseho sa pagsusulong ng mga batas na pabor sa mamamayan.

Campus Alliance for Dedicated and Unified Action


he current University Student Council showed a better working environment in responding to the issues of the students and of the people. There was a clear manifestation of unities among different working committees despite political differences. The USC became visible in the conduct of different mobilizations and actions against issues that are deemed repressive and unjust, such as the eUP project and the Marcos Burial in the LNMB issue. They were also active in the promotion of Free and Quality Education by participating in the said campaign. The Chairperson and the Vicechairperson had shown their commitment in ensuring that each committee fulfills their tasks and responsibilities inside and outside the USC. The Special Events Committee and the Volunteer Corps Committee were actively engaged and hands-on in the conduct of university activities, especially during the Pasiklaban and the UP Fair. The Issuebased committees were actively engaged with different social issues that face the Iskolar ng Bayan. Despite these commendable achievements, there were different committees which needs to be further improved, such as the inconsistent in the release of the minutes of the meeting- something that is essential in ensuring transparency and accountability of the council as a whole. The wide sector of students and the youth has always been one of the most potent forces

“Service- in all forms and actions should always be accompanied by the innate desire and passion to serve the studentry and the people.”

in achieving genuine social change. The youth has the vitality and idealism to be active and critical to social issues, and it is through their unity and solidarity amidst their differences that they can be able to campaign and rally for the change that the people deserve. The youth needs to be passionate and be of service as well, going beyond individualism and think about for the many. As the Pag-asa ng Bayan, the youth must always be active and engaged in service and in the struggle for human rights. The vision of the Campus Alliance For Dedicated and Unified Action is anchored on the general principle that Politics need not be separated from Service, and Service need not be separated from Politics- a continuous principle that CADUA has always been asserting throughout its existence. Service- in all forms and actions should always be accompanied by the innate desire and passion to serve the studentry and the people. As manifested by the #Puso, CADUA embraces the love that we share that goes beyond our individual interests and transcends our ideological boundaries. We envision a University Student Council that is selfless even without credit, and is working not for personal gain, but because of genuine love and passion for service to the studentry and the people. The victories that we celebrate and the stories of service that we share must be accompanied must be rooted from our innate and selfless love that transcends differences.

That is the essence of love that CADUA would want to share to the Iskolar ng Bayan. CADUA became involved in different mobilizations and actions that is for the interest of the studentry. This year, CADUA joined the Walkout for Education, Peace and Justice in support for Free Education and the resumption of the Peace Talks. Moreover, CADUA formally joined the Rise for Education Alliance, an alliance of different organizations and councils who support Free Education. The organization also became a part of the mobilization against the Marcos Burial in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, standing that Dictators and Fascists like Ferdinand Marcos should never be branded as heroes. CADUA also spearheaded a debate regarding the ROTC and Campus Militarization in schools. As an advocate of discourse and pluralism, CADUA deems it necessary to actively be engaged in discourse regarding student issues. Generally, CADUA campaigned for the rights of the students and of the people, together with different political organizations such as the Alliance of Concerned Students, showing that despite political rivalries and differences, we are able to unite if we are truly for the people. We also promoted discourse as a necessary tool in being critical and active to issues that we face everyday. Transcending political constructs and uniting for the interest of the studentry and the nation is the essence of #PUSO.


UP Baguio Outcrop Tomo 43 SCrutiny

A DRop in the bucket

What the USC still needs to do for the students


n previous years, political partisan has always been apparent in the University Student Council (USC), the highest representative body of the students in UP Baguio. This academic year, we have seen a commendable leap from a divided and colored council into a relatively united one. The hope for a consolidated representative body is yet to be witnessed in the future. This year’s USC tried to unite and consolidate different colors and political standpoints inside the council. Councilors from different political organizations worked with each other in activities and events for the studentry. Council members attempted to show the studentry that, despite their different ideologies, the council can unite. A manifestation of this unity is the council’s stand on the dictator Ferdinand Marcos’ hero’s burial. Together with other student formations, the USC condemned the burial of Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. The council also responded to the clamor for free education in its participation in mass actions, particularly Rise UP Baguio last semester, and Salubungan 2017; the council recently became a member of the Rise for Education Alliance. However, the USC’s attempt to unite for the students is not yet enough. The council’s unity did not manifest in their positions in the said issues because, in hindsight, the council never

“The USC cannot afford to remain divided for much longer, it cannot be silent and passive especially with the issues plaguing the country today.”

made a stand on its own. The USC simply followed popular campaigns. The council failed to resolve the issue of the Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC). Despite the students’ call for the USC to make their stand, the council was not able to even release a statement on the abolition of the ROTC. It seems like the USC chose to stay silent on the issue. Also, the USC’s presence in actions supporting the resumption of peace talks between the Philippine government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines is commended (NDFP). But it failed to urge the students to take part in the larger discourse of how peace may be attained. The council stayed silent on the release of political prisoners and the continuous human rights violations perpetrated by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). Expectations were high for the council, with more pressure to its chairperson and vicechairperson. However, the students did not feel their presence, and most are unfamiliar with who they are. This is evident in the fact that many students chose not to answer the SCrutiny questionnaires because they do not know who the council members are. Students even said they felt Council of Leaders (CL) more than the USC, but still commended the IssueBased committee, Special Events committee

Opisyal na Pahayagan ng mga Mag-aaral ng Unibersidad ng Pilipinas-Baguio mapagpalayang kaisipan sa malayang pahayagan



Punong Patnugot John Rey Dave Aquino Kawaksing Patnugot Leah Perez Patnugot sa Balita Danna Llaine Ruiz Patnugot sa Lathalain Ellainemor San Pascual Patnugot sa Guhit at Lapat Divine Loraine Peñaflor Tagapangasiwa ng Pinansya Quimberlyn Ranchez Kawani William Ceasar Laureta

and College of Arts and Communication (CAC) committee. Just like the previous years, the council remains inconsistent in releasing minutes of their meeting despite the promise during the elections to keep it regular. Majority of their projects specified in their General and Specific Plan of Action were not realized. Every year, the candidates promise the students to connect and consult them in the issues they face. Up to this day, many students believe that they are not fully represented by the USC. While we commend the student council for attempting to consolidate its members, they still owe a lot to their constituents. Events do not fully represent the studentry; longterm projects, socially relevant events and programs, and comprehensive campaigns are what is needed. For an inclusive council, each and every member should be fully-consolidated and this consolidation will be translated to the students. The USC cannot afford to remain divided for much longer, it cannot be silent and passive especially with the issues plaguing the country today. In the end, the USC still has much to fill in the bucket.

Miyembro ng College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) at Solidaridad, Alyansa ng mga Pahayagang Pangkampus sa UP Facebook page: UP Baguio Outcrop Twitter: @UPB_Outcrop Unang Palapag ng Alumni Center Building, UP Baguio, Gov. Pack Road, Baguio City


UP Baguio Outcrop Tomo 43 SCrutiny

UP Baguio Voters Turnout since 2008 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 *missing data

40.18% 48.6% 57.03%

53.17% 60.33%




Voters turnout in UP Baguio during elections have always been a small number if compared to the total population of the school. Outcrop encourages everyone to vote this coming University Student Council elections as it is part of our democratic rights as students.

METHODOLOGY SCrutiny, being a yearly assessment of the University Student Council’s performance, is published by Outcrop with utmost respect for objectivity and integrity. Indicated below is the research methodology we employed in accomplishing the said special issue. 1. Questionnaires There are three kinds of questionnaires, given specifically to students, to the two recognized political organizations, and to University Student Council incumbent members. These questionnaires were designed to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the performance of the USC throughout the academic year based on the answers of the participants. 2. Survey proper After approval of requests, Outcrop members conducted roomto-room surveys (RTRs) and handed questionnaires to the students. Letters attached to the questionnaires explain the purpose and rationale of the SCrutiny. The publication’s staffs handed out the questionnaires for the USC members and the political organizations. These were given on March 14, and they have been given until March 24 to submit the questionnaires. There were two council members who did not submit

their answered questionnaires. From various General Education (GE), elective and major classes, 245 out of 1,675 students, or roughly 15% of the UPB student population, answered the questionnaires. Outcrop excluded its own members and incumbent members of the USC to ensure the integrity of the said survey. 3. Gathering of questionnaires, tabulation of quantitative assessment The accomplished questionnaires were gathered from the students, council members and political organizations. We did a random room-to-room survey on the students in which a total of 245 participants were tallied. Outcrop apologizes in part for the lack of time in conducting the survey proper. The publication admits fault in its lack of proper information dissemination during the survey proper. Some students refused to answer the questionnaires because of their principles, thus some of the questionnaires were accomplished by students randomly selected in the canteen, Court A and UPB woods. The publication’s members encoded the quantitative results using MS Excel, which were then averaged and represented in graphs. Soft copies of the recorded data can be viewed if requested; however, the questionnaires themselves are limited from public view for confidentiality.

4. Qualitative assessment Political organizations. The answers from the political organizations are published as they were written. USC. The assessment points of the council members (there are 22 members, with 13 committees and with the inclusion of the Council of Leaders Chairperson) were summarized. This includes important and recurrent points by each council member regarding committee works and individual performances throughout their term. Students. The important and recurrent points of the students are also summed up in the same manner. These include points on the USC’s relevance, performance, projects and representation of the students. Also, the students’ assessment of the political organizations’ performance were summarized, including points on their projects and visibility in UPB. 5. Editorial Subsequently, a focus group discussion among the Editorial Board was conducted to determine the points of discussion for this year’s assessment of the USC. The points came from observations of Outcrop members, and also from an analysis of the answers of the political organizations, USC members, and the students. The outline of the editorial focuses on the improvement

points, strengths and weaknesses, and issues that were unaddressed or need to be addressed for the reference of incoming USC members.

PASASALAMAT Taos-pusong kaming nagpapasalamat sa lahat ng nagpaabot ng kanilang tulong sa pagbubuo ng ating SCrutiny ngayong pang-akademikong taon. Sa mga gurong pumayag na kami’y magsagawa ng sarbey sa kanilang mga klase, maraming salamat po. Sa mga miyembro ng kasalukuyang University Student Council at sa mga Political Organizations (ACS at CADUA), maraming salamat sa pakikiisa at pagtugon sa SCrutiny. Higit sa lahat, maraming salamat sa mga estudyanteng nagbigay ng panahon sa pagtugon sa aming survey. Maraming salamat po! Tungo sa makabuluhang pagtatasa at pag-unlad ng sangka-estudyantehan! OUTCROP 2016-2017

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