3 minute read
from Upcoming Mag (27)
by Upcoming Mag

P l e a s e c h e c k o u t h e r y o u t u b e c h a n n e l :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX-c2yE8bIyy3P70ao1hFcQ

Hey Guys my names is Mekhinah, I am 18 and I am from Johannesburg.I am a YouTuber, content creator and social media influencer.

Monate: What is the name of your YouTube channel and what is it about? Mekhinah: My channels name is Mekhinah, it is about “Me” the brand and it is basically about documenting my life, lifestyle, blogs, educational videos, the content is very broad.

Monate: How was your experience shooting with us today? Mekhinah: My experience was pretty cool, like at first it was a bit intimidating, I was a bit shy but then I actually got into it I became comfortable, I am a star, obviously you know, shining and the photographer is very nice so that made me more comfortable.

Monate: What do you do during your spare time? Mekhinah: During my spare time I am either creating content, like taking videos for YouTube or editing videos that I just shot or if I have time and I feel like being outdoors I go rowing.

Monate: As a YouTuber, what advice would you give to someone who wants to start their own YouTube channel? Mekhinah: I would say just do it, do not over think it, It took me two weeks after recording to Just upload the video. Don’t think about it, do it and do something you like, which is really like your passion, don’t do it for the money because you won’t get anywhere. My sure that it is something you enjoy and the content you put out there is stuff that you like and you doing it for yourself and not for other people.

Monate: Who have you worked with? Mekhinah: I have collaborated with other YouTubers on different videos and then on the side my little side hustle, I have an online store selling these cute little babies and that’s just about it, like modelling is a bit of a hobby for me, I have not really taken it Seriously like Let me do pageants. With school and everything that I do it is already difficult to balance; now I just have my channel and online store.

Monate: What would you like people to know about you? Mekhinah: I just want people to stop sleeping on me, like the girls is talented, she is a hard worker, she is an entrepreneur and you should just watch this space because Mekhi is coming.

Y O U C A N V I E W T H E I N V E R V I E W H E R E : H T T P S : / / Y O U T U . B E / X L K Q I _ J H M B 8

W H E R E C A N P E O P L E F O L L O W Y O U ?
F A C E B O O K : M E K H I N A H M M U L E
F B P A G E : O F F I C I A L _ M E K H I N A H
I N S T A G R A M : @ M E K H I N . A H
Y O U T U B E : M E K H I N A H