Xistis Press Fine Stationery

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x i s t i s . c o m greetings@xistis.com 489 Inner Way Ò€˘ Bonners Ferry, ID 83805

AT ONCE GREETING CARDS AND FRAMABLE FINE ART PRINTS, OUR X-LIBRIS ARE A GIFT IN AND OF THEMSELVES. Xistis Press has collected 170+ rare historical bookplates, remastered them with a vivacious, contemporary color palette, and printed them on fine art media. These original bookplates offer an enormous wealth of images. We have curated 14 theme sets with plates from similar eras or artistic styles, each a set of 12 individual bookplates. Many of these bookplates read Ex Libris, meaning β€œFrom the Library Of” - while others bear variations of these words in English. The adhesive on the back of the luxurious watercolor print is acid-free and archival - so that affixing it to the inside jacket of one’s book will leave only an artistic legacy. The ultra-saturated HDR ink we use is scientifically-rated to last 200+ years. The giclee printing process - performed on a high-resolution professional inkjet printer - guarantees that each bookplate may outlast the book it graces. Each card is hand-cut and inspected. Ex Libris scrolls have been discovered amongst Ancient Egyptian artifacts, revealing that the gesture of marking ownership of one’s book, or papyrus as it were, is as old as the written word itself. This parallel and stealth authorship - that of the reader and the collector, the patron of the book - resurfaced in the 12th century German monasteries. After the invention of the printing press, the commissioning of carved bookplates for private libraries marked a less-celebrated chapter of art history, a chapter which tells the story of the gradual popularization of the contemplative life.

Our first booth at the Book Expo America trade show, Javits Center, NYC 2010. We had national representatives by show's end!

Ple ase v i s i t xi s t i s .com to pur chase our hand- pr in ted statio n ary o n lin e.

Plate No. 1 [3 ½” x 5 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 2 [3 ½” x 6”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 4 [3 ½” x 4 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 6 3 ¼” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 3 [3 ½” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 7 3 ¾” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 8 3 ½” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 5 3 ¼” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 9 [3 ½” x [3 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 10 3 ¾” x 5 ¾””] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 11 3 ¼” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card


Plate No. 12 3” x [3 ½” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Order o n lin e a t x i s t i s . c om

Plate No. 4 2 ½” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 2 [2 ¾” x 4 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 3 [4” x 6 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 1 [1 ½” x 4 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 7 [2 ½” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 6 [2 ¾” x 3 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 5 [2” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 8 [2 ½” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 3 ½” x 3 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 [2 ½” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

14 Ord e r on l i n e a t x istis.com

Plate No. 10 3 ½” x 5 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 12 3 ¾”x 5 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 2 2” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 3 3 ¼” x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 4 2 ½”x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 1 [2 ½”x 4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

musiC Plate No. 8 [2” x 2 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 6 [2 ¼” x 4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 7 [4” x 6 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 5 [2 ½” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 3 ¾”x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 10 2 ¾” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 [2 ¾” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 12 3 ¼” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Order o n lin e a t x i s t i s . c om

Plate No. 3 3” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

art nouveau

Plate No. 1 [4” x 9”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 5 2 ¼” x 3 ½”]] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 4 3 ” x 4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 2 3 ¼” x 5 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 6 2 ¾” x 3”]] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 10 3” x 4”]] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 7 2 ½” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 11 3 ” x 4 ½”]] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card Plate No. 12 2 ½” x 5”]] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 9 2 ¾” x 4 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Ord e r on l i n e a t x istis.com

Plate No. 8 2 ¾” x 3”]] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

art nouveau

Plate No. 2 3 ½” x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 3 [2 ¾” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 4 4” x 5 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 6 [2 ¾” x 4 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 7 [2 ½” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 8 4” x 6”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 1 [2 ½” x 4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card


Plate No. 5 [2 ½” x 3 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 9 4” x 5 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 10 [2 ¾” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Plate No. 11 [2 ½” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card


Plate No. 12 [2 ½” x 4 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7”] - greeting card

Order o n lin e a t x i s t i s . c om

Plate No. 1 3” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 2 2 ¾” x 3 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 4 [2 ¼” x 3 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 3 [4” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 6 2 ½” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 5 2” x 2 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 7 3 ½” x 2 ½” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 8 [2 ¼” x 3 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 [4” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Ord e r on l i n e a t x istis.com

Plate No. 10 [4” x 6 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 [2 ¼” x 2 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 12 [2 ¼” x [2 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 2 [3 ½”] x 6 ¼” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 4 3 ΒΌ" x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 1 [3 ½”] x 2 ¼” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 6 [3 ¼”] x 4 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 8 [34”x¼”]4”]x -5”]bookplate - bookplate [54””xx 4”]7” -- greeting greeting card card

Plate No. 5 [3 ½” x [4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

New Yorker

Plate No. 3 [3 ¼”] x 5 ¾” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 7 [3 ¼”] x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 10 [3 ¼”] x [4 ¾” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 11 [3 ½”] x [2 ¼” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 9 [3 ¼”] x 5” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 12 2” x 2 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

New Yorker

Order o n lin e a t x i s t i s . c om

Plate No. 1 2 ½” x 2 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 2 [3” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 3 [3” x 4 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 4 2 ¼” x 3 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 7 2 ½” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 8 [2 ½” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 [4” x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 12 [1 ¾” x 2 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 6 [4” x 7 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 5 2 ¾”] x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 [2” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Or Ordd e r on l i n e a t xi x istis.com stis.com

Plate No. 10 [3” x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 1 [3” x 4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 3 [4” x 6 ¾”] - bookplate Plate No. 2 2 ½” x 4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

[5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 4 [4” x 6”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 7 [4” x 8”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 5 [4” x 7 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 2 ½” x 3 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 6 [2” x 2 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 8 [4” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 10 3 ½” x 4 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 [4” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 12 [2 ½” x [3 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Order o n lin e a t x i s t i s . c om

Plate No. 1 [3 ¾” x [4 ¾” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 2 [3 ½” x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 3 [3 ½” x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 4 [4” x 6 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

LanD or Sea

Plate No. 7 [4” x 4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 5 [4” x 6 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 8 [4” x 7 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 6 [4” x 8”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 [3 ¼” x 4 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 9 3 ½” x 4 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Ord e r on l i n e a t x istis.com

Plate No. 10 [4” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

LanD or Sea

Plate No. 12 [2” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 1 [3” x 4 ¾” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 2 [3 ½” x 6 ¼” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 7 [3 ¾” x 5 ½” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 8 [2 ½” x 4” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 6 2 ¾” x 4 ¾” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 4 2” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Art DeCo

Plate No. 5 [2 ¾” x 3 ½” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 3 2 ½” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 [4” x 5 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 12 [2 ½” x 3 ½” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 10 2” x 4 ½” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 [2 ½” x 3 ¼” - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Art DeCo

Order o n lin e a t x i s t i s . c om

Plate No. 2 [3 ¼” x 4 ¼”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 1 [3 ½” x 5”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 4 3 ¼” x 4 ½”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 3 3 ¼” x 6 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 5 3 ¼” x 3 ½”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 6 3 ¼” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 8 3 ¼” x 3 ½”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 7 3 ¼” x 4 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 12 2” x 1 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 3 ½” x 6 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Ord e r on l i n e a t x istis.com

Plate No. 10 3 ¼” x 5 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 3 ¼” x 4 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 4 [2 ½” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 1 [3 ¾” x 6”] - bookplate

Plate No. 2 [1 ¾” x 3 ½”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 3 [2 ½” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

[5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 6 [2 ½” x 3”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 7 [2 ½” x 2 ¾”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 8 [1 ¾” x 3”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 5 [2” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 11 [2 ¼” x 3”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 2 ½” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 10 [2” x 3”]] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 12 2 ¾” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Order o n lin e a t x i s t i s . c om


Plate No. 1 2 ¼” x 2 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 5 2” x 3”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 2 3 ½” x 3 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 6 [2 ½”x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 3 3 ¼” x 4 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 4 2” x 2 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 7 [2 ¾” x 4”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card Plate No. 8 3 ½” x 5 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 10 [3 ¼” x 6 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Plate No. 9 3 ¼” x 6 ½”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

Ord e r on l i n e a t x istis.com

Plate No. 11 [3 ¼” x [2 ¾”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card


Plate No. 12 [4” x 6 ¼”] - bookplate [5” x 7” - greeting card

12-POCKET 5”x7” WIRE COUNTERTOP SWIVEL RACK [in black or white wire]



24-POCKET 5”x7” CARDBOARD GREETING CARD STAND [in red or white, assembly required]



24-POCKET 5”x7” WIRE COUNTERTOP SWIVEL RACK [in black or white wire]




72-POCKET 5”x7” WIRE CARD HOLDER SWIVEL FLOOR STAND [in black or white wire]

24-POCKET 5”x7” WIRE CARD HOLDER SWIVEL FLOOR STAND [in black or white wire]



Thank you for taking the time to peruse our catalog of hand-printed fine stationary. Our hope is that the originality of our images enhances the profile of your store’s stationary section. Toward this, we at Xistis Press are offering the following display racks at a 50% discounted price for any purchases over $500. Please call 208-267-2187 or e-mail greetings@xistis.com with any questions about your order.



6-POCKET 5”x7” WIRE COUNTERTOP SWIVEL RACK [clear acrylic pockets]

ORDER FORM To order without going to our online e-store at www.capael.com, please fill out this form and email it to | greetings@xistis.com ] | with additional comments. Also, do not hesitate to call our studio directly with any additional questions or information, at 208 . 267 . 2187. Thank you for your business and support! COMPANY PROFILE Contact Name

Business Name

Street Address

Business Type:




State of Incorporation


Tax ID - EIN Number:





ORDER Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards

























Total Qty:


Set of 12 Bookplates Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Collection Name

Box of 12 Greeting Cards Set of 12 Bookplates

Name on Card:

Expiration Date:

Card Number: Card Type

Billing Address Visa




Check State



Net 15 / 30 Payment Details:

The undersigned authorizes your purchase to Capael Studios - SCS LLC. Signature


Account No.:


W H O L E S A L E C R E D I T A P P R O VA L F O R M To qualify for Net 15 or Net 30 credit terms, please fill out this form and email it to greetings@xistis.com ] . If you have any additional questions or information, please do not hesitate to call our studio at 208 . 267 . 2187. Thank you for your business and support. COMPANY PROFILE Client Name


Business Name


Street Address

Business Type:




State of Incorporation


Tax ID - EIN Number:









Social Security:



BANK REFERENCE Name of Bank Phone Street Address City




Address Phone


Company Contact





Address Phone





American Express

Card Number



Expiration Date:

Name on Card Billing Address




The undersigned authorizes the above banks to release credit information to Capael Studios - SCS LLC. Signature

Account No.:


Xistis Press Studio Tour Xistis Press was founded by Sarai Capael in 2004, while live/working in the Flatiron Building of Chicago's Wicker Park. It began as a literary journal of Investigative Poetics, with an online zine and several print issues. In that artists' community, art shows and staged events of featured stories from the Xistis zine were a periodic exploit. Over time, the publishing side of the venture gave way to the art of fine art printing and curating, after Capael moved to Boston and then NYC, while practicing freelance design and visual branding. In Beacon, NY, Sarai Capael purchased a professional inkjet EPSON printer and has since developed her love for printed media, where it serves the language arts - such as bookplate designs, vintage books, chromolithographic prints & other ephemera. All of our work is done by hand with an artist's attention to detail. Xistis Press plans to return to literary journalism with a judiciously selected prose element at a later stage of development. All purchases of these Xlibris stationary products will fund the long-term literary objectives of this small press dedicated to belletrists, lovers of refined language, and the journalistic ballast required to protect them. Left to right, clockwise: Sarai Capael, founder of Xistis Press; packages of bookplate at Book Expo America; the Beacon, NY studio print studio; rolls of print substrate; then Print Manager, TJ Butler, showing a postcard for the Beacon Artist Book project.

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