UPEI INSPIRE! Campaign Case for Support

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St. Dunstan’s University, circa 1885

Prince of Wales College, circa 1919

Firmly grounded in—and proud of—the rich heritage of our founding institutions, Prince of Wales College (est. 1836) and St. Dunstan’s University (est. 1855), UPEI is focused on preparing our students to successfully contribute to a rapidly changing world.

Located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, the University of Prince Edward Island is proud of its long history of academic excellence, research innovation, community engagement, and service. Consistently ranked as one of Canada’s top ten primarily undergraduate universities, and home to a talented community of educators and researchers including six 3M National Teaching Award winners and 10 funded research chairs, UPEI offers a wide range of programs and degrees to over 4,300 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 60 countries. By fulfilling our academic mission and investing in the success of our students, University, and community, UPEI drives progress in our province, region, and world.

THE UNIVERSITY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND’S VISION IS TO: » LEAD in the delivery of outstanding EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES » CREATE new KNOWLEDGE » INSPIRE our students to achieve their full POTENTIAL » DEVELOP tomorrow’s leaders who will emerge from their studies ready to EXCEL in the global community In order to achieve our vision and continue to build on our impressive legacy of accomplishment, the University of Prince Edward Island is embarking upon an exciting friend- and fund-raising endeavour— THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN.



Our best future depends upon globally informed leaders, innovators, designers, and entrepreneurs; researchers and medical professionals; competitors, team-players, and game-changers; interpreters of society, knowledge, and art. These are our students and graduates!

THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN will advance UPEI’s outstanding ability to educate students to fulfill critical roles here at home and around the globe. By improving student experiences and outcomes through expanded academic programming, opportunities for international exposure and community engagement, and state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, the talented faculty and staff at UPEI will ensure our graduates, and the communities they serve, are positioned for success.


THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN has a $50 million goal. More than half of this amount has already been raised! We invite you to read on and learn more about the campaign and its four priorities—Engineering, Experiential and Global Learning, Veterinary Medicine, and Athletics—and we encourage you to become involved. With your support, our students will achieve their full potential and will go on to contribute to society as involved and educated citizens. Their contributions will improve our world.


THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN CABINET At its heart, THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN at the University of Prince Edward Island is about creating opportunities for people— especially for students—by ensuring capacity to advance priorities identified in our strategic plan: student experience, vibrant communities, research and discovery, and long-term sustainability. With your support, and building upon our impressive legacy of academic excellence, UPEI will continue to evolve and deliver the exceptional learning experiences and opportunities that prepare our students for success.

Dr. Alaa Abd-El-Aziz President and Vice-Chancellor


The University of Prince Edward Island has an outstanding and progressive history of academic excellence. Generations of graduates— over 23,000 alumni—have gone on to excel in their careers and to contribute to their communities as valued and informed members of society. It is a privilege to engage in THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN to ensure that UPEI continues to be positioned to offer the highest levels of educational experience and opportunity to our current and future students.

Dr. Don McDougall Chancellor

Leadership for THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN at the University of Prince Edward Island is being provided by Mr. J. Gordon MacKay, a Charlottetown native and partner in the law firm Carr, Stevenson & MacKay. As chair of this important UPEI initiative—and working with his vice-chairs, Mr. Blair MacLauchlan, Mr. Ray Keenan, Ms. Donna Hassard, and Mr. John Horrelt, as well as an extended team of priority champions/community-minded volunteers—Mr. MacKay will advance the strategic priorities of the University, and demonstrate how THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN aligns with, and supports, the goals of our community. I believe in the quality of education offered by the University of Prince Edward Island and know that education has the power to improve lives. Over several decades, and in many roles, I have been privileged to be involved with UPEI—as a student, varsity athlete, booster club participant, donor, member of the Board of Governors, and recently as an alumnus (MBA Class of 2014). The success of UPEI and the achievements of its graduates contribute significantly to the social, economic, and cultural advancement of communities here at home and far beyond our shores. I am delighted to serve as chair of THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN in support of the important goals of the University of Prince Edward Island. I look forward to working with you to advance UPEI’s leadership role in the education and success of future generations.

I’m proud to be a member of UPEI’s THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN cabinet. As president of the Student Union, I am pleased that the campaign’s goals and priorities have been structured to benefit current and future students across all areas and disciplines. It is wonderful to be a part of this campaign, and to experience the energy of the University and the community working together to ensure that students have every opportunity imaginable to achieve their dreams.

Mr. Dana Kenny President, UPEI Student Union

Mr. J. Gordon MacKay Chair, THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN


Mr. Blair MacLauchlan, Vice-Chair Engineering THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN Blair MacLauchlan is a visionary businessman and entrepreneur, and a leader in the engineering profession. He is president of Island Coastal, a company involved in road building and major construction. Other companies, including Island Petroleum, have grown under his leadership. An honorary life member of the PEI Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association, Blair has served in a voluntary capacity with many organizations including as president of both the Atlantic and PEI Road Builders, and as a board member of the Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce, and Junior Achievement PEI.

Mr. Ray Keenan, Vice-Chair Experiential and Global Learning THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN Ray Keenan is a well-known potato producer, and co-owner of Rollo Bay Holdings, one of the largest agricultural entities in eastern PEI. He is chair of the United Potato Growers of Canada, a position he has held since 2008. In 2014 he was named to the Smart and Caring Community Building Fund Advisory Committee. Ray was chair, and remains a member, of the PEI Business Hall of Fame Board of Governors. He also served on the 2008 Commission on the Future of Agriculture and Agri-food in PEI. In 2012 he received the Council of the Federation Literacy Award for PEI.


Ms. Donna Hassard, Vice-Chair Veterinary Medicine THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN Donna Hassard is a dedicated member of the extended Atlantic Veterinary College community. She and her husband, Richard, served as co-chairs of the 2005 AVC capital campaign that raised funds for the AVC expansion and renovation project. Donna is committed to education that furthers progressive human-animal interactions. She currently volunteers with a pet therapy program through Therapeutic Paws of Canada, and has served with several organizations including the American SPCA, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI.

Mr. John Horrelt, Vice-Chair Athletics THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN John Horrelt is an entrepreneur with interests in the retail, property development, and construction sectors. An engaged and energetic community volunteer, John is a member of the PEI Canadian Mental Health Association Board of Directors, having completed a second term as president. He serves on several other volunteer boards, including as president of the Adventure Group, and has broad volunteer experience within amateur sport. He is a long-time supporter and community champion of UPEI’s Department of Athletics and Recreation, and the Panther varsity teams.

OVERVIEW THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN has four key priority areas— Engineering, Experiential and Global Learning, Veterinary Medicine, and Athletics—that will expand programming, transform the student experience, showcase expertise, and build Panther pride! We have a sense of URGENCY, a strong PLAN, and an ambitious GOAL to raise $50 MILLION. Your contributions will help us seize opportunities that will inspire our students, benefit our University, and impact the greater community that we serve.

*In 2013 UPEI’s direct expenditures of $137.5 million boosted the provincial gross domestic product by $150.1 million—including off-campus spending, supply chain spending, and indirect impact effects. UPEI’s economic contribution boosted government tax coffers by an estimated $35.4 million including $19.5 million for the provincial government alone. Also, UPEI’s economic activity supported more than 1,400 full-time equivalent jobs across the province, and direct spending on research lifted the province’s research and development sector revenue by an estimated $29.5 million. In 2014 UPEI directly employed over 1,100 people, and there were 4,403 students enrolled—1,636 from outside the province. In fiscal year 2014 the University did business with over 930 local suppliers.


THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN will allow UPEI to: »» attract more students through expanded programming and increased scholarships »» improve student exposure to global education, research, and career opportunities »» encourage collaboration, innovation, and partnerships with communities and industries around the world »» raise the profiles of UPEI and PEI as destinations for study, research and development, and investment »» increase UPEI’s already significant social, cultural, and economic* contributions to the province and the region

The students who benefit from the opportunities funded by this campaign will become leaders in their professions and communities—globally informed, highly educated, contributing members of society.

—The University of Prince Edward Island Economic Impact Assessment, January 2015


$4M: Scholarships and awards, equipment, training, and competition opportunities


$23M: School of Sustainable Design Engineering building and four-year degree program $10M: Centre of Engineering Design and Industry Partnerships


EXPERIENTIAL AND GLOBAL LEARNING $ 7.5M: Entrance scholarships, global and experiential learning opportunities


$5.5M: Advanced diagnostic, research, and health care equipment and technology




PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT $16M 32% FEDERAL GOVERNMENT $6M (Centre of Engineering Design and Industry Partnerships)







THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN GOAL IS $50 MILLION. We are well on our way to meeting that target. The provincial government has committed $16 million for the new School of Sustainable Design Engineering. The federal government has committed $6 million in support of the Centre of Engineering Design and Industry Partnerships. An additional $8 million has been contributed through private donors. Another $20 million remains to be raised within the community. Enthusiasm and support are building on campus and around the province as people are inspired by the importance of the programs and student opportunities that will be funded by this campaign.





7.8% 9

*As of THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN launch—October 2, 2015




The School of Sustainable Design Engineering building and the four-year Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Sustainable Design Engineering) Centre of Engineering Design and Industry Partnerships


Naming opportunities are available, and gifts may be directed toward a specific priority or priorities.

GOALS: Develop the School of Sustainable Design

Engineering and Centre of Engineering Design and Industry Partnerships; enhance programs by offering a unique and differentiated four-year Engineering degree; attract additional Engineering students; encourage industry/University collaborations and partnerships; foster innovation and entrepreneurial activity in the province and region; and create sustainable processes and products.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Equipment, including that used for metal additive manufacturing (e.g., aerospace and advanced manufacturing), analytics, computer simulation, remote collaborations, robotics training stations, smart building technologies, etc. A detailed list is available upon request.


WE ARE ABOUT TO CREATE A UNIQUE BREED OF ENGINEER! In May 2017, UPEI’s new School of Sustainable Design Engineering will graduate its first class of four-year design engineering degree recipients. They will be the first of their kind in Canada. From day one, these students will be connected to industry and steeped in project-based team learning through an industry-driven model based on real-world collaboration, problem solving, and innovation. Upon graduation, these engineers will be ready to excel in performance-based environments. Unique among engineering programs in Canada because of its emphasis on the design process (including how goals are achieved and their effects on people, the environment, and society), the new School of Sustainable Design Engineering will offer three focus areas: mechatronics, bioresources, and sustainable energy. The School will be housed in a new 75,000 square-foot building. Recognizing the value of the new School of Sustainable Design Engineering to the economy,* the provincial government has pledged $16 million for the School, and the federal government $6 million for the new Centre of Engineering Design and Industry Partnerships (home to centres of excellence in robotics, sustainable energy, food processing, and sensory and sortation).

The word will spread quickly. Once employers learn that graduates will be industry-ready right away to design sustainable processes, products, and solutions, it will be a distinct advantage for us. Andrew Simmons Third-year Engineering UPEI’s School of Sustainable Design Engineering and its four-year degree program are positive initiatives for our province and region. The unique focus on an interdisciplinary design process will create exciting and varied career opportunities for UPEI Engineering graduates. THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN will assist the University in this major undertaking by funding the latest technology and equipment for the School. This is a great opportunity for industry collaboration, innovation, and community involvement!

Through THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN, the University is seeking additional resources to ensure that students have access to the most advanced technology and equipment within the program. We welcome your interest and involvement.

Larry McQuaid, P.Eng. UPEI graduate and former member of the Board of Governors; Senior Project Engineer, WSP Global Inc.

*Projected economic impact of the School of Sustainable Design Engineering and Centre of Engineering Design and Industry Partnerships by full ramp-up in 2021–2022—GDP $20.6M per year, 198 FTE jobs, $4.6M annual tax revenue to governments. —The University of Prince Edward Island Economic Impact Assessment, January 2015.




Naming opportunities are available, and gifts may be directed toward a specific priority or priorities.

GOALS: Provide more UPEI students with scholarship and

award funding and expanded opportunities for active and/or international learning experiences; increase exposure to varied career options and professional connections; improve understanding, perspective, and confidence; position students for global success.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Scholarships and awards.

The University’s strategic plan calls for growth in scholarship funding and access for all students to participate in global and active learning experiences during the course of their studies. Scholarships recognize academic excellence and potential, and provide essential financial support and encouragement to student recipients. International and/or active educational experiences offer students opportunities to learn, and contribute, in different environments and cultures. Students gain perspective, knowledge, and confidence—and an understanding of complex issues.


A UPEI EDUCATION EXPANDS HORIZONS —BEYOND THE CLASSROOM—INTO THE COMMUNITY—AROUND THE GLOBE! UPEI has over 100 student mobility partnerships in place worldwide (including active bilateral exchange agreements, School of Nursing placements, and Faculty of Education practicums that are a requirement of the International and Indigenous Education specializations). But less than 100 students annually engage in these international learning opportunities, often due to the prohibitive cost of participation. Fourth-year Faculty of Veterinary Medicine students at the Atlantic Veterinary College benefit from experiential “internal” rotations—short-term travel supervised by a faculty member, to, for example, Kenya (dairy cattle), or the Yukon (wildlife); or “external” rotations to private clinics or research facilities, under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Such learning opportunities are life altering, and all require financial resources. With the generous assistance of donors who recognize the importance of active learning, UPEI will increase student participation in such experiences. On a global scale, more Nursing students will learn about critical differences in health care in other countries; more Arts, Science, and Business students will understand the importance of cross-cultural communications; more Education students will discover new ways to learn and teach; and more Veterinary Medicine students will experience a wide variety of animal care procedures, practice challenges, and research options and needs. Thanks to your support for THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN, more students will attend UPEI and be educated—and inspired—by active and global learning.


Studying abroad provided me with a valuable opportunity to take courses in international business, allowed me to experience unfamiliar countries and new perspectives, and make lasting friendships and connections with fellow students from all around the world! Rebecca Dawson Fourth-year Business Administration Global study offers students the opportunity to experience new cultures, political systems, and social and economic models, and to understand challenges and responsibilities. Students will develop objectivity and respect for others, and will be inspired by new ideas and experiences. I am so pleased that THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN will fund opportunities for more UPEI students to gain the global perspective that is so critical for success in today’s world. James (Jim) Larkin, BSc’72 Donor, former president UPEI Alumni Association, former member UPEI Board of Governors, businessman, world traveller



Naming opportunities are available, and gifts may be directed toward a specific priority or priorities.

GOALS: Provide Atlantic Veterinary College students, staff,

and researchers with advanced diagnostic, research, and health care equipment and technology; improve the health and well-being of animals and people worldwide through expertise gained and shared, and enhanced tests and procedures.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Equipment, including that used for pain manage-

ment, cancer diagnostics and treatment, testing for viral diseases and bacterial and parasitic infections, cardiology, equine medicine and surgery, etc. A detailed list is available upon request.

The Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) is a leading educational and research institution known internationally for its highly trained graduate veterinarians, world-class researchers, and collaborative spirit. Jointly funded by the four Atlantic provinces, the College welcomes students from each contributing province, as well as students from the United States and other countries. More than 1,400 graduates use the knowledge and expertise they gained at AVC in private practice, academia, research, industry, not-for-profit, and government settings around the world.


EVERY DAY, THE ATLANTIC VETERINARY COLLEGE WORKS TO IMPROVE HUMAN AND ANIMAL HEALTH THROUGH EDUCATION, SERVICE, AND RESEARCH! AVC’s researchers are involved in collaborations to help solve problems and challenges affecting the health of animals and people—here and abroad. The College’s aquatic animal health team is pioneering science that will help provide the world’s growing population with healthy fish—a high-quality source of protein. Other researchers are working with farmers in Atlantic Canada and as far away as Africa and South America to improve the health and productivity of dairy cattle, thus enhancing milk quality and driving economic growth. Still others are seeking solutions to health problems affecting people—heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, epilepsy, to name a few. Built into the College’s research program are opportunities for veterinary and graduate students to work alongside researchers who are internationally renowned in their fields, thus deepening students’ skill sets and knowledge. The College’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital, the most comprehensive veterinary referral hospital in Atlantic Canada, is known for its compassionate and professional care for animals—large and small. Students learn from highly respected clinicians to provide the best possible medical care to animals—on-site in the hospital and off-site at land-based farms and aquaculture sites in the region and beyond. Veterinary science is constantly evolving, and AVC must continually upgrade to keep pace with technology. Students must have the opportunity to work with the most advanced diagnostic and research equipment so their skills exceed industry expectations upon graduation. They will use the expertise gained at AVC to improve the health and well-being of animals and people worldwide. Your support for THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN will inspire our students to become the most highly qualified veterinarians and researchers of tomorrow.


The Atlantic Veterinary College takes great pride in graduating highly competent, practice-ready veterinarians. Together with our instructors, students focus on improving animal care and making discoveries that benefit animals and people. To accomplish this, AVC needs to ensure that graduates enter the veterinary profession with the right training and experience to succeed. Mila Profit AVC Class of 2017 The Veterinary Medicine program at the Atlantic Veterinary College is one of UPEI’s signature offerings. Graduates span the globe conducting research or working in government, industry, or private practice utilizing the advanced knowledge and expertise gained at AVC to improve the health of animals and people. THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN will ensure that AVC maintains its global reputation for excellence by providing the most up-todate technology, facilities, and equipment to educate its students, and to provide its clients and patients with the highest available standard of care. Dr. Jill Wood, DVM’01 Former Panther athlete (soccer), donor, co-owner of Southport Animal Hospital



Naming opportunities are available, and gifts may be directed toward a specific priority or priorities.

GOALS: Enhance the UPEI student athlete experience;

attract additional talented students by offering an increased number of athletic scholarships; provide enhanced competition opportunities; improve playing facilities and fields; upgrade and replace equipment.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Endowment fund to support annual athletic

financial awards, artificial turf field, clubhouse and gym enhancements, etc. A detailed list is available upon request.

Many Islanders live and breathe UPEI varsity sports, demonstrating tremendous pride in the accomplishments of our student athletes. In return, our athletes give back to the community in various ways, and at every opportunity, in appreciation for the support they receive. Whether delivering sessions teaching hockey skills to newcomers to Canada, raising money for medical research, providing sports


THE PRIDE AND SPIRIT OF UPEI ATHLETICS TRANSCENDS CAMPUS—IT’S ALIVE IN OUR COMMUNITY! camps for children, or getting together as a team to offer encouragement to a family in distress, the Panthers are involved, demonstrating the depth of their many ties to community. While excelling in athletic competition—in the 2014–2015 season the UPEI Men’s Soccer Panthers earned a Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) bronze medal, and all of our varsity teams reached their divisional playoffs or final tournaments—Panther athletes are also focused on academics. In 2014–15, 80 of UPEI’s 175 varsity athletes were named CIS Academic All-Canadians for maintaining an academic standing of 80 per cent or higher. That means 45.7 per cent of our Panthers achieved this honour—one of the highest percentages of accomplishment of any university in Canada. In addition to their academic and athletic accomplishments, many UPEI student athletes engage in fundraising activities to ensure that their teams are equipped and prepared to compete on a national level. But UPEI student athletes are busy training, studying, and serving their communities, and have little time available to raise money. To address this issue, and to support our students, UPEI seeks to establish—through THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN—a $4 million fund to cover the non-core costs of athletics. The fund, directed at enhancing the UPEI student athlete experience, will provide opportunities to upgrade or replace equipment, improve playing fields, and attract and develop talented athletes who recognize that the University and its community support and inspire their athletic and academic goals. Student athletes will confidently fulfill their potential while furthering the great tradition of Panther pride throughout the province and country.


Student athletes understand the power of teamwork, and appreciate the support we get from the Island community. When we know the community is behind us, we put in that extra effort. We have no problem fundraising for our teams, but on our own we can’t raise the amount of money needed. Support from community and donors is crucial. Cole MacMillan, Fourth-year Arts (Sociology) and Panther athlete (soccer and hockey) THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN will enhance UPEI’s programs and facilities, and increase public awareness of the University’s role in the community. That role includes building community pride—a positive outcome of competitive varsity sport. It’s great to see UPEI dedicate this level of attention to athletics. It encourages former and current players and coaches, fans, and the community to support the mission of Panther Sport. This campaign will also provide additional athletic scholarships and access to competitive training opportunities for student athletes. Mike O’Brien, SDU’63, BCom, CA Former deputy provincial treasurer and deputy minister of development and technology, board leader and community volunteer, treasurer of Friends of Panther Hockey, member of the UPEI Athletics Advisory Board, and former SDU Saints athlete (football and hockey)

PLEASE JOIN US IN THIS INITIATIVE Your involvement supports our students—the next generation of leaders—as they learn and excel in our classrooms and research labs, on our Panther teams, and in collaboration with partners and organizations worldwide. TOGETHER, WE WILL ENSURE THE SUCCESS OF OUR STUDENTS, UNIVERSITY, AND COMMUNITY. UPEI is an extraordinary school of advanced learning. The beautiful campus offers outstanding facilities and a safe environment where student minds are nourished by a world-class faculty. In my experience, UPEI excels at fostering creativity and producing leaders. This exciting INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN initiative will ensure that legacy flourishes to the benefit of all.

The importance of THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN to the goals of the University of Prince Edward Island cannot be overstated. The campaign will enable the University to build upon its strengths; enhance the overall student experience; extend UPEI’s research capacity; and, most importantly, add to the best possible environment within which students and faculty can excel. It’s very exciting!

William D. Stanish, ONS, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, AOA, LLD (Hon) PWC’62–63 Professor Emeritus, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Bill LeClair, BBA’70 Barrister & Solicitor, LeClair Thibeault Calgary, Alberta

As a UPEI business program graduate and former varsity athlete, I am proud to call myself a UPEI alumna. I see UPEI as a university continually transforming to prepare global citizens to meet global challenges through academic initiatives such as the new Engineering program. I also see a university that stays immersed and grounded in the local community through its highly competitive Panther teams, exceptional facilities, and community activities. I am proud to call UPEI home.

UPEI, its programs, graduates, scientists, and research capabilities are critical to Prince Edward Island’s ability to attract partners from around the world. We must nurture these connections and actively engage in the global community to ensure that our province prospers. Rory Francis Executive Director, PEI BioAlliance Inc. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Heather Howatt, BBA’91 Managing Partner, Results Marketing & Advertising PEI Inc. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island


GIVE GENEROUSLY TO THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN IN SUPPORT OF STUDENT SUCCESS AT UPEI. The University of Prince Edward Island has a well-deserved reputation for excellence in education, research, and service. We have been supported in our mission by the exceptional contributions and efforts of our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community. We are grateful, and we are proud of all that has been achieved.


For more information or to contribute to THE INSPIRE! CAMPAIGN Visit UPEI.CA/INSPIRE Call 902-566-0415 or email INSPIRE@UPEI.CA




Development and Alumni Engagement Myrtle Jenkins-Smith, Executive Director 902-566-6066 | mjenkinssmith@upei.ca Bruce Donaldson, Associate Director 902-566-0354 | bdonaldson@upei.ca University of Prince Edward Island 550 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PE Canada C1A 4P3 902-566-0415 | upei.ca

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