Re s e a r c h Excellence
people • excellence • impact
Re s e a r c h Excellence The University of Prince Edward Island is home to 14 funded research chairs, including our Canada Excellence Research Chair in Aquatic Epidemiology. To learn what inspires each in the pursuit of research excellence, read on.
Dr. Mark Fast
Dr. Mark Fast
Novartis Research Chair in Fish Health Research focus • • • • •
fish immunology parasitology host-pathogen interactions fish physiology molecular biology
s lie in the “My interest of adaptations evolutionar y , en g o and path both a host ct ra te meet, in where these each other. te and modula like eme, but un It’s an old th it c, si ntr y mu disco or cou d surprise us an to continues teach us.”
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Dr. Crawford Revie
Dr. Crawford Revie
Canada Research Chair in Population Health: Epi-informatics Research focus • • • • •
the application of informatics techniques to epidemiology population dynamics and modelling of sea lice on salmon farms decision-support tools for disease management data and text mining knowledge management and ontology development in medical domains
cted ata are colle “Too often d ey th as to how with no plan earer cl a to obtain will be used ake m g of, or to understandin about, some ons better decisi goal lem. It is my disease prob tential, hidden e po to unlock th h sets, throug in large data riate p ro on of app the applicati tools.” informatics
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Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino
Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino
Canada Research Chair in Island Studies Research focus •
the representation of the world as archipelago: acknowledging and fine-tuning the island-island comparativity and inter-disciplinarity that remains in its infancy
s ‘a the planet a “Looking at er ful w nds’ is a po world of isla c d analy ti conceptual an anging ide-r tool - with w m migration insights: fro ce, to tourism and governan es of leng and the chal rship.” entrepreneu
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Dr. Daniel Hurnik
Dr. Daniel Hurnik
Industry Chair in Swine Research Research focus
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swine health management swine epidemiology
ion, ersonal opin “This is my p : ver y strongly and I feel it sponsibility we have a re s to create as researcher I think that knowledge. p ould first hel knowledge sh f o d industry the people an this region.”
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Dr. Kate Tilleczek
Dr. Kate Tilleczek
Canada Research Chair in Youth Cultures and Transitions Research focus
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youth studies (sociology of youth, youth cultures) childhood studies (sociology of children, childhood cultures) sociology of education (critiques of public education) marginalization and engagement of youth intersections of poverty, social class, mental health, culture, identities, and education
rsections d in the inte e st re te in hools, “I’m s, families, sc ie it n u m m co of care , and health mass media or rt o p they sup settings as modern f o g ell-bein w e th te a g e n young . I study how le p o e p g n u yo athway tiate their p o g e n le p o e p which , the ways in d o o h lt u d a to ginalize eties can mar ci so n er d o m and how such their young, anized in e socially org processes ar s.” sted system culturally ne
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Dr. William Montelpare
Dr. William Montelpare
Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health Research focus • • • •
biostatistics epidemiology exercise science maternal/neonatal and child health
ude s ch focus incl ar se re r o aj “A m h the otion throug health prom education ce n th scie al e h f o y er ssroom, deliv ry school cla ta en em el e in th t of e developmen ata as well as th rd fo s n plicatio web-based ap alysis, and an ading to capture, data of findings le n o ti a in m se dis roaches for ment of app p o el ev d e th l as for llance, as wel iver y ei rv su th al he ne del ment of onli the develop .” of curriculum
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Dr. Russell Kerr
Dr. Russell Kerr
Canada Research Chair in Marine Natural Products Jeanne and J.-Louis Lévesque Research Chair in Nutrisciences and Health Research focus • • • • •
natural products isolation and characterization bioassay-guided purification of natural products/drug discovery isolation of natural product producing bacteria and fungi description of microbial communities in marine invertebrates development of fermentation methods to optimize natural product production
ied marine “Canada’s var ts provide an environmen rug source for d untapped re ters of w e marine a discover y. Th with er ada, togeth Atlantic Can line, st a s Arctic co our enormou ity n u rt h an oppo afford us wit ry ique libra to build a un e that have th of microbes ne x t e provide th potential to f drugs.” generation o
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Dr. William Whelan
Dr. William Whelan
Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Optics Research focus • • • •
optoacoustic imaging laser therapeutics near-infrared spectroscopy tissue optical properties
cancers future where a n io is v en “I y (e.g. osed opticall n g ia d e b n ca biopsy), then optoacoustic g targeted treated usin ly te ia d e m im ser thermal eutics (e.g. la ap er th r se la erapy). todynamic th o h p y, ap er th placing n involves re io is v a ch u S es, dical practic standard me nizing io to patients se o xp e t a th nologies ith new tech w , n o ti ia d ra .“ t and sound that use ligh
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Dr. Greg Keefe
Dr. Greg Keefe
Innovation PEI Industry Research Chair in Milkbased Diagnostics and Information Technology Applications Research focus
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milk quality and mastitis dairy production medicine infectious disease epidemiology Johne’s Disease
y n’t treat ever “Doctors do e th in at walks infection th ey Th c. ti antibio door with an e n u dy ’s imm know the bo ke signed to ta e system is d at’s Th . y of them care of man re e’ w isdom the type of w g to the dairy n ri tr ying to b industry.”
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Dr. Sophie St-Hilaire
Dr. Sophie St-Hilaire
Canada Research Chair in Integrated Health Research for Sustainable Aquaculture Research focus • • • •
epidemiology of aquatic animal diseases disease control and surveillance health management strategies to improve the sustainability of aquaculture public health
on is my “My inspirati ve rive to impro children. I st ility of the sustainab so they can aquaculture s c ecosystem enjoy aquati .” e ars to com for many ye
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Dr. Michael van den Heuvel
Dr. Michael van den Heuvel
Canada Research Chair in Watershed Ecological Integrity Research focus • • •
environmental toxicology including endocrine responses of fishes to pollutants fish immunotoxicology fish population health
e health of “Studying th d near-shore freshwater an ents is onm marine envir e research is Th s. our focu out uestions ab answering q monitor and how to best ns ctive solutio develop effe s m ental proble to environm sure a in order to en re.” futu sustainable
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Dr. Larry Hammell
Dr. Larry Hammell
Innovation PEI Industry Research Chair in epidemiology for Global Aquatic Food Animal production Research focus • • • • •
health and productivity management at fish farms/hatcheries clinical epidemiology, clinical trials disease surveillance and production monitoring diagnostic test evaluations risk factor studies
ole deal with wh it “I’m tr ying to ll I prefer to ca populations. m I’ . sed research evidence-ba ake idence to m providing ev hether decisions, w better policy or , rm, industry it’s at the fa ople e vel. Often p regulatory le d on se ecisions ba are making d should work, ink what they th en to work.” prov not what is
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Dr. Ian Gardner
Dr. Ian Gardner
Canada Excellence Research Chair in Aquatic Epidemiology Research focus • • •
diagnostic test evaluation risk factor analysis surveillance of infectious diseases
growing “The world’s s rgently need population u le ab n sustai healthy and d. h-quality foo ig h f sources o e deals with th My research s, n o ti la u pop health of fish ut what o ab so al but it is te at la p r u o goes on dinner time.”
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Dr. javier sanchez
Dr. Javier Sanchez
CFIA Chair in Regulatory Veterinary Epidemiology Research focus • • • •
epidemiology meta-analysis risk assessment disease outbreak simulation
elop oal is to dev “The main g e area of capacity in th ease eillance, dis regional surv gy d epidemiolo modelling, an tise to xper to provide e le For me, my ro t. en m govern ri f sk e capacity o is to build th tic e at the Atlan analysis her ollege.” Veterinar y C
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Contact Dave Atkinson Research Communications, UPEI