UP Magazine Spring 2017 Issue

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Spring 2017 8

Made UP: Spring Cleanse Your Beauty Regimen


Style Guide: Swimsuits


Decorated by Design


Life in Technicolor


Spring Styles by the Signs


Empowering Femininity


Sun, Shade & Silhouettes


We Dare You: Ruffles


upfashionmag@gmail.com Up Fashion Magazine @upfashionmag

3 | Spring 2017

staff list

Editor-in-Chief Kelly Higginson

Creative Director Danielle Schaefer


Francesca Peck

Photo Editor Tiffany Visconti

Fashion Directors Karolina Ulasevich Lily Manchester

Copy Editor Jenny Henderson

Marketing Directors Brittany Czodli Claire Markley

Web Editor Elizabeth Glover

Blog Editors Blair Donovan Madelaine Wood

Event Planning Coordinator Jenna Mrocko

Faculty Advisor Annie-Laurie Blair Finance Advisor Drew Davis Founders | 2008 Lauren Kelly Kelly Phelan

4 | Spring 2017

Writers Blair Donovan Vivian Drury Samantha Forsthoefel Madysen George Liz Glover Jenny Henderson Haley Jena Molly Nicholas Kev O’Hara Francesca Peck Adler Smith Madelaine Wood Layout Designers Corinne Brown Samantha Brunn Audrey Hall Morgan Lawrence Sara Meurer Becca Nissen Maggie Suter Libby Swofford Photographers Douglas Chan Rob Donato Kendall Erickson Carder Gilbert Anna Hafner Olivia List Mackenzie Meals Junho Moon Francesca Peck Leah Pentecost Shannon Pressler Kira Salsman Tiffany Visconti Event Planning Remi Boleky Rachel Brocco Meghan Collins Maeve Cutts Colette Frommeyer Kathryn Gruner Lauren Marchese Jenna Mrocko Jessica Pembroke Maddie Persanyi Rachel Price

Stylists Sofia Bazianos Josie Dondanville Coquise Frost Nikki Gundimeda Lily Manchester Olivia Mancy Lily Sloan Ryan Steffen Karolina Ulasevich Scotty Zhao Yueling (Gigi) Zhu Bloggers Tyler Aberle Hannah Blaze Lizzie Carter Maddie Clark Bella Douglas Vivian Drury Allie Eames Meghan Flynn Nina Franco Nellie Given Kat Holleran Madelyn Hopkins Sarah Jako Tori Levy Azdaan Muqtadir Allie Palm Pooja Ramchandari Kaylee Spahr Claire Vaughn Marketing Ireland Bender Brooke Bogucki-Figler Alexandra Bogut Elizabeth Colwell Margot Dempsey Stephanie Dussias Alaina Fliotsos Colette Frommeyer Emily George Mariah Kolber Ali McCann Gabriela Meissner Jessica Petersen Maddie Pine Rachel Price Katherine Ring Alexandra Standring

editor’s letter Dear Readers, During the first week of school last fall, UP held a table at the English Mega Fair. Not only was it the first official UP event, but it was also the first time Francesca and I really acknowledged our roles as Publisher and Editor-in-Chief; we had no idea what the year would bring. However, our immediate concern was whether or not anyone was going to even stop at our table, let alone be interested in joining the UP Magazine team. Immediately, two eager freshmen came straight to our table with the biggest smiles across their faces. They talked about their excitement in getting involved in as many things as possible, one being UP Magazine. Their eagerness and enthusiasm established an attitude within Francesca, our staff, and myself- that as long as we stay positive, despite our doubts, something good will come of it. Those two girls are among some of our strongest staff members today and embody a lot of what this issue represents for us. This last issue is a celebration of everything that we have created and achieved here at UP this year. Our theme for our final issue is Essence, the intrinsic nature or quality of something that determines its character. The essence of this year has been determined by the soul, spirit, and nature of the students on

this campus. As the rest of the year comes to a close, I urge you readers to put your phones down when walking around campus and cherish the last weeks we have here at Miami (I’m looking at you, Class of 2017). Refresh your spring outlook on page 32 with Kev O’Hara’s Singin’ in the Rain: Positivity in the Face of Negativity. His writing, Kendall Erickson’s photography, and the models will make you realize that sometimes life doesn’t have to be as serious as we make it. Flip to page 46 for Empowering Femininity, written by our beloved Copy Editor, Jenny Henderson. The beautiful collaboration of writing, photography, styling, and models reminded us that there is so much strength in being women. Although this is goodbye, I find solace leaving the future of UP in the hands of Maddie Wood, our incoming Editor-in-Chief, and the rest of our new editorial board. I know you all have such an amazing vision to take this publication to the next level. Thank you, dear readers, for constantly making this the most rewarding experience of my college career. I will forever carry with me those moments when I pass someone on campus pouring through our editorialsyou’ve made all the hard work worth it. Thank you to our amazing staff, who never once questioned my editorial vision and worked tirelessly to create beautiful work- I am continuously impressed with how much talent each of you harbor. And lastly, thank you to my right-hand women, Francesca Peck and Danielle Schaefer, for putting up with my tears, antics, and dedicating so much time to making every issue better than the last- I would do it all again with you two by my side. For the last time, Much UP love, Kelly Higginson Editor-in-Chief upfashionmag@gmail.com Printer: RR Donnelley

5 | Spring 2017

es·sence ‘es ns (noun)


the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something that determines the heart and soul of its character; spirit, nature, philosophy​

6 | Spring 2017

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styled by Sofia Bazianos models: Lydia Brosnahan, Noelle Lutterbie and Lauren Williams photographed by Shannon Pressler



written by Blair Donovan

8 | Spring 2017


new season naturally calls for new trends. We try to keep up with seasonal fashion trends, but few people take beauty trends into account. With the weather shifting from cold to warm, it’s important to also shift your beauty regimen for the upcoming spring and summer temperatures. We rounded UP some expert tips to keep your beauty regimen fresh and healthy this season. BEAUTY: Heavy moisturizers are life savers against dry winter weather. But in the spring, humidity makes our skin more oily. Freshman beauty enthusiast Hannah Blaze recommends switching to a lighter moisturizer and using oil-free makeup during springtime.

HAIR: Spring means April showers, which unfortunately doesn’t do anyone’s hair any favors. To combat this, Blaze uses an anti-humidity hairspray after styling.

“Your skin naturally produces oil, so the spring adds to that, which is why people switch to lighter foundations,” said Blaze.

“Get a travel-sized hairspray and toothbrush to keep in your bag,” said Blaze. “When your hair gets frizzy, lightly spray it with hairspray and then brush it downward with the toothbrush. This will help smooth your hair and tame the frizz.”

According to Nuy Cho, beauty blogger and editorin-chief of Modern Luxury Hawai’i, humidity makes your skin more acne prone. This is more of a summer issue, but Cho suggests wearing less makeup during warmer seasons to let your skin breathe.

Humidity also adds oil to your hair. Unless you have dry or damaged hair, Blaze says you should avoid using hair products or treatments with excess oil because they weigh your hair down. Cho says humidity affects all hair types, even fine hair

“With humidity, your makeup is going to tend to want to be more dewy, and you can’t always have a dry finish because it’s hotter,” said Cho. “I would use more tinted moisturizers with an SPF. Sun protection is the biggest thing I would start thinking of in the spring and summer.”

Many people dye their hair lighter in the summer, so Blaze suggests avoiding damage by starting in the spring to slowly lighten hair rather than bleaching it all at once. She also says to cut off any dry pieces of hair from the winter.

For makeup with less coverage, Blaze says many people turn to BB and CC creams. BB creams combine foundation with a moisturizer for lighter coverage, and CC creams give slightly more coverage while balancing skin tone. She also recommends powder-based makeup products to prevent excessively greasy or oily skin. For healthier skin in general, Cho has recently seen a skincare trend.

Spring is always a welcome change after the bitter winter cold, but unfortunately you can’t avoid the humidity. Follow these measures to get the most out of your springtime beauty looks while avoiding hair and skin damage. If all else fails, skip makeup for a day and pull your hair into an updo to help beat the heat.

“After you wash your face, just take a warm washcloth and gently massage your face with it,” said Cho. “If you do this when there’s a weather change, it’s nice for helping move the skin along.”

9 | Spring 2017



written by Sam Forsthoefel

styled by Ryan Steffen model: Ryan Steffen photographed by Mackenzie Meals 10 | Spring 2017


ur bodies are different, and our workouts should be too. By creating fitness routines that are customizable and reflective of the individual, anyone can discover the renewal that accompanies transitioning back into shape after a winter hiatus. Home fitness remains a great starting point. With countless benefits to fuel your commitment, there are no excuses to stop you from putting on those sneakers - whether you’re outside soaking up some vitamin D or sitting in front of the TV. A no excuse, fee, or equipment approach, garners the most rewarding part of individualized home workout; It enables privacy and personal connection to your body and vision, free of external judgement. In the spirit of achieving that success for yourself, check out a few of these tried and true tips from Cosmopolitan Magazine’s Fitness and Health editor, Elizabeth Narins.

DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Fitness should aim to make you feel confident and pursue the best version of yourself. Exercise for you rather than for how others pressure you to look or perform. DON’T JUST THINK GYM. Being healthy is more than a membership, it’s a lifestyle choice. Mix up your workouts and include exercises that you enjoy. Get creative. Pick up social sports at the Rec Center, go for a jog uptown or simply walk the dog! FORGET ABOUT THE SCALE. While you might think you want to lose “weight,” what you really want to lose is fat. Oftentimes, the fat you lose weighs less than the muscle you build. So it’s entirely possible to slim down without shedding actual pounds. Don’t let numbers on the scale dictate! DO NOT FEAR WEIGHTS. Lifting weights is more focused on sculpting muscle than burning fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns after you leave the gym. The Rec Center is a great resource for those lacking equipment. ACTUALLY WORK. Going through the motions won’t help you shed fat. If you don’t feel winded and have the capacity to step it up, move faster. As long as you tax your system, you’ll actually benefit just as much as someone who’s more fit, running faster than you on next treadmill. ALTERNATE BETWEEN WORKING DIFFERENT MUSCLE GROUPS. Cross-train to achieve a higher level of intensity for longer. For example, move onto overhead presses as soon as your legs are spent from doing lunges. Once your legs recover, pick up where you left off with squats, box jumps or another form of lower body toning.

STAND ON SOMETHING BESIDES THE FLOOR. When you stand on a Bosu ball, trampoline, balance beam or step on and off a bench or box, your body adapts by relying on extra muscles to promote stability or resist gravity. All of this results in a greater calorie burn. SWITCH BETWEEN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR WORKOUTS. Training in an air-conditioned space and training outdoors in the heat or on real terrain are two very different things. When changing your environment, your body is thrown off, resulting in more calories burned. Rely on the space and flexibility of Miami’s beautiful open quads and training facilities! ENGAGE YOUR CORE DURING EVERY EXERCISE. Most exercises involve your core so remember to squeeze it. You burn more calories when working larger muscle groups (your abs and back) than smaller muscles (like biceps). Engage these groups at once and utilize moves that involve rotation, such as plank twists. With the changing of the season comes the need for a spring awakening of the body toward personal health and comfort. Exercising should be enjoyable and empowering to one’s personal well-being from a physical, mental and social standpoint. Honor what motivates you and let others focus on what drives them. But most importantly, choose fitness because you love your body, not because you hate it. Here’s to a season of better habits, positive thinking, and most of all, celebrating yourself !

11 | Spring 2017



written by Molly Nicholas

12 | Spring 2017

photographed by Shannon Pressler


ow that fresh Spring air has finally hit Oxford, going outside has become a privilege instead of a chore. The trees are revitalized again with leaves, flowers are blooming all over central quad and new fruits and veggies are in season again. A fresh and easy salad using some of these in-season ingredients is one of the best ways to take advantage of spring weather. Winter is one of the most challenging seasons to find fruits and vegetables at their best, not to mention they are rarely locally grown. As we all know, a Midwest winter is less than ideal for farming in Ohio. Now that the weather is warmer, it’s easier to get locally grown produce close to home. Miami student Carder Gilbert interned with Miami University’s sustainable farm this past semester. Her experience interning on the farm showed her an appreciation for eating organic fruits and vegetables. “The best thing about eating fruits and vegetables from the farm was they were organic and beautiful. Shopping at grocery stores makes you realize vegetables are not perfect and huge if they are healthy,” Gilbert said. Gilbert delivered the produce grown at Miami’s sustainable farm to local places like Moon CoOp and Quarter Barrel. Moon Co-Op is a grocery store here in Oxford in the same plaza as Kroger. They specialize in

natural, local and organic foods and stay open daily from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Another place to find organic, local produce is the Oxford farmers market. It will be opening once again in May right uptown to make it even easier to eat the season’s best fruits and vegetables. The market is open from May to September from 8 a.m. to noon every Saturday, located behind Memorial Park in uptown Oxford. April and May have many seasonal fruits and vegetables to choose from. The fruits in season are: apricots, honeydew, lime, mango, oranges, pineapple, lychee and strawberries. Vegetables are: artichokes, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, butter lettuce, collard greens, corn, fennel, green beans, morel mushrooms, peas, radishes, spinach and watercress. A light pasta or smoothie can be delicious with the fruits and veggies that are in season. I love to take advantage of all the fresh produce by making salads. This salad recipe will help you will get your fill of in-season fruits and veggies with spinach, strawberries and avocado. First, wash and dry the strawberries and greens. Slice the strawberries and avocado as small as desired. Toss the strawberries, avocado, pecans and goat cheese over the greens. Top with a strawberry or balsamic vinaigrette as desired and eat UP!

SPRING S ALAD WIT H STRAWB ERRIES, A VOCADO AND GO , AT CHEE SE Prep Time: 1 5 minutes Serves: 6 SALAD: 3 Cups Spin ach ¾ cups Peca /Spring Greens mix ns 1 ½ cups S trawberrie s (sliced) 1 Avocado (slic ¼ cup Goat ed) Cheese 1 bottle sa lad dressin g (as desire d)

13 | Spring 2017

Reclaiming Body Confidence:

written by Vivian Drury

Styled by Coquise Frost Models: Katherine Dvorak, Emma Nook, Emma Van Beek, Kiersten Joyce Photographed by Tiffany Visconti 14 | Spring 2017

“Exposed.” “Uncomfortable.” “Unattractive.” “Naked.” These are words real women use when describing how they feel in a bathing suit. As time has carried on, swimwear styles have developed from shapely garments to loosely hanging squares of material. Rather than invoking fear, wearing swimwear should spark feelings of empowerment, allowing women to radiate their true confidence after a winter of bundling up. It may feel as if swimwear has been around since the beginning of time, yet it was first developed in the 1800s, according to CNN. The invention of railroads allowed people to skip away from their daily lives to waterside beach havens. However, these women weren’t rolling up in string bikinis for their getaway. Women wore long belted dresses with bloomers, made in a heavy flannel material to ensure that women’s bodies were covered and would not rise in the water. Although these suits achieved the overall goal of modesty, they were still considered daring and a bold statement at the time. 15 | Spring 2017

Change erupted in the early 1940s: swimsuits became a symbol of summer, style and entertainment to everyday women. Voluptuous figures like pin-up girls and Marilyn Monroe were taking over the scene, devising a feeling of sneaky sexiness in curvy yet covering bathing suits. Today, bathing suits have transformed into mere pieces of fabric that trigger more anxiety than excitement in women. This leaves us to wonder: what sparked this change and how do women reclaim their rightful confidence each time we slip them on? “Years ago, mystery was sexy,” said Lisa MartinStuart, a professor of historical Western fashion and art at Miami University. “The idea of hiding some of the body and leaving it up to the imagination was what was truly sexy and sought after. Now so much is shown that women feel more exposed rather than empowered and that is damage that may not be able to be repaired.” Especially with today’s styles, body insecurities often feel like a new trend, but in reality, they have existed since the birth of human thought. With fashion icons and looks constantly changing, so do anxieties. One decade, a woman can be too skinny, then the next she is too fat. Regardless of year or trend, insecurities continue to influence our closets and our mindsets. Everything - from celebrities to books to speeches to songs - has attempted to preach the message of body confidence to people everywhere. Yet when will we finally accept it?

16 | Spring 2017

“When it comes to bathing suits, confidence is the best kind of style.�

17 | Spring 2017

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“A lot of it comes from the media and advertisements and this idea of perfection that we build up in our heads based upon them,” said professor Dr. Alison Brzenchek who specializes in female body studies at Miami University. “Society constantly is hypersexualizing women and bathing suits are no exception. It is up to the individual to find what is comfortable for them and for them to find peace and comfort in their own minds rather than what’s splashed across Page 6.” One of the hottest and most talked about trends this spring is the modernization of the one-piece. Back in the 1970s, the scarlet one-piece was one of the most iconic pieces of the time, with Pamela Anderson in “Baywatch” transforming the idea of summer, swimwear and saving lives. Post Anderson, one-pieces were slowly phased out as thin models appeared on magazines covers, flaunting the original string bikinis. As time when on, the strings seemed to get skinnier and skinnier, along with the expectation of the “desired female body.” In 2015, thong-style bottoms were released, publicly exposing more than before. This season, designers are playing with this concept of strategic exposure, utilizing unique cuts and embellishments on the one-piece. What was once seen as swimwear for our mothers, one-pieces have now been revolutionized, stepping over this ancient and outdated view and promoting a new concept of style and innovation. “Compared to any other previous time, women have more variety than ever when it comes to swimwear,” says Martin-Stuart. “This is a big advantage for women because it allows them to find what looks best and feels best for them. Even in the 1950s, there was one style that women wore and that was it and you were just expected to look good in it and accept it. Today women have freedom.”

19 | Spring 2017

“Compared to any other previous time, women have more variety than ever when it comes to swimwear.� Martin Stuart

20 | Spring 2017

One of the biggest assets of one-pieces are the variety of styles and embellishments. Necklines range from strapless to plunging, bringing playful touches into the sophisticated suit. Looking to style up some suits? Here are some ideas: THE HALTER BIKINI: This is one of my favorite styles of the summer. The cut is sleek and provides plenty of support. They also often come in fun patterns and designs. The halter top is very dependable and casual. From the beach to a pool party, throw some jean shorts over it and you’re ready to go. TASSEL EMBELLISHMENTS: This season, tassels are taking over. They’re on bathing suit ties, adding detail to even the smallest aspects of a suit. They are fun little decorations to any suit and making it very playful without being tacky. OVER THE SHOULDER TOPS: The over the shoulder look has been all over lately. From long sleeves to rompers, this cut is keeping up in swimwear. If you’re looking for a unique suit, the over the shoulder is definitely for you. Be sure to reapply that sunscreen though because that would be an interesting tan line! When it comes to bathing suits, confidence is the best kind of style. With silhouettes ranging from string bikinis to high-waisted to the one piece, there are many different styles for women to find what makes feel good. It is time that we stop defining sexy as showing every inch of skin and start defining what it is on our own terms. This season is about pushing away those feelings of “fat,” “insecure” and “defenseless” and creating a sense of beauty and courage and kick ass confidence each time we step out into the sunshine in swimwear. Essence is about capturing and embracing our true spirits and showing off your swimwear sexiness is no exception.

21 | Spring 2017

feminine is the new BLACK written by Haley Jena

Styled by Lily Sloan and Karolina Ulasevich Model: Dalton Ulm Photographed by Carder Gilbert 22 | Spring 2017

Across a crowded lawn on a warm Saturday afternoon in Oxford, an ineffably cool outfit is spotted among a sea of chameleonic jerseys. A derivation of the same outfit can also be seen across a runway in the streets of New York Fashion Week. The outfit is effortlessly quirky-cool from top to bottom. A pair of sunglasses with round rims and iridescent pink lenses shade the eyes. A floaty button up paired with above-the-knee shorts in a crisp pastel or neutral tone are donned. Buttery brown leather sandal slip-ons, perfect for days that climb upward of 70 degrees, hug the feet. Completing the look, an insouciant chain necklace peeks out from underneath the shirt’s collar. The coolest part about this outfit? It’s being worn by a guy. Today in 2017, femininity or androgyny in the male wardrobe is being revamped and revisited. Back in the ‘70s, David Bowie’s alter ego Ziggy Stardust proved that there was no one right way to dress as a man with the help of pompous patterns, vibrant eyeliner, and tight pants. David Beckham — an icon of both athleticism and attractiveness — once wore a black lace sarong to dinner with Victoria Beckham in the late ‘90s. Pharrell and his wife Helen Lasichanh recently sported matching Chanel necklaces on the red carpet. Menswear designed Martine Rose has paraded the benefits of experimenting with gender neutrality in her clothing line. “I feel like we’ve been in a really conservative moment,” said Rose in an interview with BBC. “It’s so lazy, this way of thinking – that ‘real’ men wear this, but not that. I was really influenced by [musician] Rick James for this collection, and he was so sexy, so gangster and wearing ruffled shirts and thigh-high red boots. He wasn’t letting his clothes define his sexuality. Or his masculinity.” Additionally, fashion house Palmiers du Mal featured a near belly-button deep plunging neckline top, chain necklace and fitted black jeans in this year’s New York Fashion Week, all donned by a megamuscular male model. This look is just one among a myriad of gender-neutral others featured in several prominent lines this spring. This season is the quintessential time to discover, or rediscover, the feminine essence of the masculine wardrobe. Here are some of UP’s favorite gender-neutral looks for men. 23 | Spring 2017


We’ve seen shades with tinted hues in a variety of venues our whole lives — ranging far and wide from a bright pair of cheap-o sunglasses at a gas station to Christian Bale’s eccentric character’s rims in American Hustle. However, their retro-creepy connotation has long faded and the splashy optic wear can be seen resting on the nose of a frat star or a model in Gucci’s Resort 2017 show. In order to heighten your wardrobe’s coolness, stray away from the typical, all-too-safe black lens aviator and opt for a colorful lens instead. Fun Ray Bans are our recommended classic college go-to, offering a variety of lenses and styles that can be thrown on with any spring outfit your closet may offer.

BUTTON UPS & BOAT NECKS Listen up, guys: The best part about upping your sense of style and neutralizing your wardrobe is that it’s cool and super easy. That overlooked button up buried deep in your closet? Give it a wash and give it another chance. Button the buttons all the way up to the top and combine with a simple pair of shorts or fitted jeans for a minimalistically mod look. Feel too hot in the spring heat? Undo the buttons as low as your rib cage and rock a more exposed look to achieve a bohemian ensemble frequently featured on celebs ranging from Kanye West to Johnny Depp.

Additionally, boatneck tees are a simple way to levelup your apparel and can be paired with anything in the book. Opt for an oversized style with a wide neck and throw it on top of a pair of cuffed shorts with sandals for an easy, slightly more edgy spring look. Miami sophomore Lucas VanArsdalen loves embracing this stereotypically feminine look in his wardrobe. “I really love boatneck tees because they’re really casual, but you still look nice and put together,” he said. “I really love wearing simple, longer [necklaces] with boatneck tees. I think it’s flattering, too,” he continued. “There’s some area where your skin is showing and it makes you look more put together — and it’s easy to do. It’s for sure a good look for spring.” 24 | Spring 2017


SHORTS Iconic basketball legend Wilt Chamberlain proved to us throughout the 20th century that short shorts and masculinity go together incredibly well with his world-famous career and single-digit inseam inch length shorts. Cristiano Ronaldo carried the trend into the 21st century, and today, stars like Jake Gyllenhaal and Zac Efron imbue the style. But don’t let the look stop on the red carpet or basketball court — short shorts in an assortment of breeds deserve their place in the average joe’s closet.

“[Higher shorts] have a nice look,” VanArsdalen said. “I love rolling them up at the bottom and wearing them with boatneck tees.” For a clean, preppier style, opt for a colorful pair of Chubbies. Urban Outfitters is our favorite shorts source, exhibiting a range of styles, colors and lengths. So guys, while doing your spring cleaning this May, toss out the presupposition that the clothes on your back determine your level of masculinity. There’s no one specific uniform that should constrain or limit the male wardrobe. Adorn exposing tees and allow shorts to hug your legs a bit tighter, and never shy away from accessories. Let your wardrobe come full bloom this spring with a gender-neutral essence in your daily aesthetic.

SPRINGKICKS A little known fact: The first thing a stranger subconsciously notices about your physical appearance is your shoes. Make a fresh impression this season by ditching the monotonous Sperry and opt for a more intricate yet outdoorsy sandal or loafer. Men’s Fashion Month this year showcased a variety of new and totally doable options, from a luxurious twist to the basic poolside-ready slideons by Fendi to a Velcro-inspired, normcore sandal by Versace to a neutral suede low top kick debuted a wide variety of styles and more. Nervous to be too bold with your shoe game? Opt for a classic Birkenstock style or staple fashion sneaker like Adidas to complete the look. From Milan to Paris to Oxford, a simple yet sophisticated sandal or sneaker can up your wardrobe game in no time.

25 | Spring 2017

in 2017

Redefining Miami's Values written by Adler Smith


uring spring, many of us often find ourselves accepting the fact that our New Year’s resolutions have fallen flat. The cliché posts about self-change scattered across our social media pages quickly become less applicable to our daily lives. As Miami students, we are constantly reminded of these shortcomings: telling ourselves that we must go to the gym, raise our GPA’s or have perfect attendance. As the season lingers, we consistently find ourselves staying up until 2 a.m., doing homework, and failing to exceed Miami’s standards. We have all heard the words “Love and Honor,” but fail to know Miami’s full Love and Honor code. The theme of this spring issue is Essence, the indispensable quality of something. In applying this mindset to the Honor Code, I believe that there are insightful ideas that can guide, and refine the quality of student’s modern demands. Students need to know that their GPA isn’t determinant of their destiny. Their most important goal should be a strong mental outlook. While different substances can help take the edge off a hard week of school, they won’t solve the long-term problems that loom. The Honor Code tells us how to be a “model” Miami student. One line that stands out in comparison to others is, I demonstrate… Love and Honor by supporting and caring for my fellow Miamians. This

26 | Spring 2017

sentence alone harbors comprehensive solutions, and in times like today, I think Miamians need each other now more than ever. I reached out to outgoing Student Body President, Maggie Reilly, to discuss her presidency fostering these ideals and her personal take on Miami’s Honor Code. WHAT ARE ONE OR TWO LINES YOU WOULD ADD/CHANGE IN THE MIAMI HONOR CODE AND WHY? The biggest thing I would change about this code is the “I.” I think that the entire statement should be revised to put it in the more inclusive “we” form. So often, our university stresses the idea of diversity and inclusion. Yet our own honor code puts the idea of being an individual first. By changing the code to say “we are Miami,” I think that it puts a much greater stress on the importance of community, being there for each other, looking out for each other, and coming together as one. I do think that the code encompasses some great points that we should all abide by to honor the school we attend. However, if I had to choose one line to add, I would add something about health. Perhaps something about promoting a university community that is safe and healthy for all Miami students. Our university needs to stress the importance of looking out for each other while we are here. And that goes for all aspects of safety and

health, whether it’s protecting someone when they are in harm’s way, on or off campus, or respecting someone’s physical and/or mental health concerns.

I Am Miami. I believe...

Finally, I think changing the word “disparate” to the much simpler “different” would just make it a tiny bit easier for people to understand.

that a liberal education is grounded in qualities of


for honesty, integrity, and the importance of moral

I think that mental health is something that needs to be a top priority at our university. My biggest concern is that we don’t have the resources available to adequately serve a student body as large as ours. Student Counseling Service is extremely understaffed. Admittedly, I have been suffering from some pretty horrible anxiety the past year or so. Finally, at the beginning of this semester, I decided it was time to talk to someone. After attending my initial consultation at Miami’s Student Counseling Service, I was left a little bit in shock. The counselor told me that my anxiety level was too high for group therapy and that I would have to wait 4-6 weeks for a solo appointment. It’s sad to me because we would never be told by another doctor that we would have to wait 4-6 weeks for a serious physical condition so why should mental conditions be any different?

the dignity, rights, and property of others and their

I do think SCS does a wonderful job with the resources they do have. They point students to other therapists in the Oxford community if they can’t give them an appointment in a timely manner. They hold events and group therapy on campus all the time, from therapy dogs to stress-management workshops. Finally, they provide multiple resources on their website than can help students dealing with mental health issues in lieu of making an appointment. First step is for students to try to get an appointment at SCS. But, if the wait time is too long, there are multiple other ways to help provided by SCS in the meantime.

challenges of a Miami Experience, preparing me

It’s clear that changing Miami’s Honor Code cannot possibly result in a comprehensive solution for the students with mental health problems, but it’s a step in the right direction. Taking advantage of the different programs mentioned by outgoing President Reilly in her discourse can be an important start, and resource, for struggling students. After all, for those striving to accomplish ambitious New Year’s resolutions, these options can be key catalysts in the push for strong mental health and overall happiness.

character and intellect. I stand... conduct. I respect.. right to hold and express disparate beliefs. I defend... the freedom of inquiry that is the heart of learning. I exercise... good judgment and believe in personal responsibility. I welcome... a diversity of people, ideas and experiences. I embrace... the spirit, academic rigor, opportunities, and to make the world a better place. I demonstrate... Love and Honor by supporting and caring for my fellow Miamians. And because I Am Miami, I act... through my words and deeds in ways that reflect these values and beliefs. With a deep sense of accomplishment and gratitude, I will... Love, Honor, and make proud those who help me earn the joy and privilege of saying, “To think that in such a place, I led such a life.”

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D/E /C /O/R /A /T/E/D

BY DESIGN Trends are notorious for their mortality; the hotter the trend, it seems, the faster it burns out. But what is so easy to forget is that what we now consider “classics” were, at one time, “trendy.” Over the last hundred years, every now and then, a trend stuck and set a movement in motion that shaped the world of fashion, effectively laying the groundwork for the ever-changing landscape of modern trends. For those familiar with “The Devil Wears Prada,” it’s time to learn the origin of your blue cable-knit and ask, ‘where would we be without them?’ Few can think of fashion without thinking of Coco Chanel, but the designer was so much more than the luxury we now associate her with. Coco is to thank for the practical, and stylish, option of pants for the everyday outfit. After donning trousers while

written by Madysen George favorite little black number saves you from certain catastrophe, send a thought Chanel’s way. No. 5 on the bottle, No. 1 in our hearts. Who is Chanel’s fashion reincarnate? While countless have named her has an influence for their work, Chanel finds new life in Kate Spade. Like Chanel, Spade’s line offers high-end, classic pieces made for the everyday woman. When one thinks of the New York-based designer, clean lines and perfectly-pigmented colors come to mind, and classic silhouettes in her clothing that even Coco would be proud of. However, Kate brings these elements to the 21st century with signature quirkiness and fun patterns that make even the most dreary day a little brighter, and would tempt the mother of modern fashion herself to shed her black frock in favor of a

FEW CAN THINK OF FASHION WITHOUT THINKING OF COCO CHANEL...” vacationing at a resort for the sake of modesty, the world followed suit. Which brings us to yet another Coco innovation: The Chanel Suit. One of the first to borrow from menswear, Chanel suit became an instant power-outfit for any woman and has not only been worn by numerous historically significant women, such as Grace Kelly, but continues to appear on the runway today. Immediately recognizable, the suit was the first domino to fall and open the door for the many formal pieces that not-so-long ago would have been absurd at any high-fashion event. Now, it is not uncommon to see a chicly-styled blazer or tailor-cut slacks on a woman as feminine as any other. But for the occasions when you want something simple yet elegant, tasteful yet sexy, what do you reach for? Every girl’s best friend: the LBD—Little Black Dress. It was Coco’s distaste for her contemporaries’ affinity for gaudily-colored eveningwear that drove her to debut a now-iconic, calf-length sheath black dress. Every time your

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Kate-esque hue in daring pink or a blue somewhere between Tiffany and teal. If we have Chanel to thank for our daily wear, then surely it is Oscar de la Renta to whom we owe our formal attire. He believed in honoring women’s individuality when dressing them for red carpet events. De la Renta’s desire to make a statement was apparent in the textures and patterns applied boldly while maintaining a level of class he believed all women deserve. And just like so many greats, Oscar’s work trickled down; if your prom dress sported bold bedazzling or feather detail, or the cocktail dress you last wore to a dinner party was layered and tastefully adorned with applique, you’ve benefited from de la Renta’s vision. But his vision doesn’t stop there; bridal designer Hayley Paige has given de la Renta’s impact a

second wind. The bohemian touch that is unique to Hayley Paige Designs makes it a line perfect for both the traditional and modern bride. This ability to transcend tastes and honor each woman’s unique style was part of the de la Renta doctrine, but the naturally-chic element Paige brings is characteristic of a young woman living in today’s fashion landscape. Skirts with petals and intricate detailing, vivid color accents, complex yet elegant necklines… de la Renta elements brought to wedding parties in 2017, enabling a woman of any profession to be a celebrity on her big day. The essence of fashion seems intangible, and perhaps it is, but there is one truth that has proved as self-evident as any unalienable right in history: the essence of style lies in the essence of the person wearing it. So what’s your brand? Chanel and de la Renta are two obvious innovators, but there are so many others: Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Christian

Dior, Alexander McQueen—and the list goes on and on. They gave us lifestyle designs and red-soled shoes and underwear as stylish as outerwear, but it was the people wearing them that gave them the power that made them iconic. It’s in you, me, Spade and Paige; it’s in the future innovators of fashion. Style is, first and foremost, about expression. With so many different looks, so many classics and so many trends, it can be overwhelming to curate a look that is unabashedly ‘yours’. If you ever find yourself disheartened, you’re encouraged to call upon the designers essential to the field, but, more importantly, to find your brand. What’s your signature? Your trademark? Your essence? Find it, follow it, and be a self-proclaimed icon. While the innovators of years past paved the way, we are living in a time in which there are no rules and no one formula for fashion; UP dares you to forget about every label that isn’t your own.

Styled by Karolina Ulasevich Model: Buse Onen Photographed by Leah Pentecost 29 | Spring 2017

Styled by Francesca Peck Models: Maggie Dankmyer and Gabriell Nti Photographed by Francesca Peck 30 | Spring 2017



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Singin’ in the


Positivity in the Face of Negativity written by Kev O’Hara

As Charles Dickens once said, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” On one hand, it was a time in which the McPick 2 existed for $5.00, while on the other, a reality television star was the president of the United States. It was a time in which the remake of Beauty and the Beast and Beyoncé’s twins were to be delivered within the same year, even as yuge walls, and believe me when I say yuge, because you have never seen yuger walls, were dividing the country in more ways than one. In the sports world, it was a time in which Tom Brady won another Super Bowl for the New England Patriots, while at a prestigious award show three weeks later, the wrong film was announced as Best Picture. In a world full of such mess-ups and make-ups, how is one supposed to keep their head on straight? As you flip through this magazine, each glossy page telling you about the newest trends, how fashion has changed the world, and which look best fits your horoscope, you may find yourself asking, “Are these people serious? Do they not see what is happening out there? Why should I care about an exquisitelystyled model when humanity is losing its mind at an alarming rate? I hate to say your English teacher from high school was right, but it seems Mr. Dickens may have been onto something when he wrote the opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities.

Styled by Olivia Mancy Models: Sofa Bah, Nicole Bennett, and Caitlyn Nill Photographed by Kendall Erickson

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It is true that it would be wrong to ignore the oftenunnerving and upsetting nature of today’s world. It is even harder to deny that there are many people out there who are still living in fear. And who could blame them? Families are being torn apart, children are being forced into gendered restrooms they don’t subscribe to, and worst of all, the people in power don’t seem to understand the gravity of any of it. Yet, what about all the good that is happening in the world? Isn’t it just as wrong to ignore the positives? Let me give you some alternative facts…

According to goodnewsnetwork.org, same-sex marriage legalization has led to “more than 134,000 fewer adolescent suicide attempts per year.” In other non-fake-news, the International Women’s March that took place January 21 not only emphasized the importance of women’s rights, but also brought activists of all kinds together. Best of all, this movement showed the world that there is unbelievable power in working as an equal unit for the greater good of all involved. Similarly, websites like peacefirstchallenge. org offer step-by-step instructions on how individuals like yourself can create charitable service projects concerning the issues you are passionate about. Such examples aren’t meant to negate your fears over what is happening in the world today, but rather prove that, although the world isn’t always made up of sunshine, rainbows and unicorn poop, it also isn’t entirely made up of clouds, storms and nuclear threats. Sure, it’s easy and okay to feel lonely, even terrified at points, but we are also living in a time in which so much progress has been made and is still yet to be made. How can we help? By respecting one another and by celebrating the very things that make each of us different. Sounds easy, right? “Wrong,” quoth Donald Trump. It isn’t easy. In fact, learning to respect someone who is vastly different from yourself is one of the hardest things you will ever learn to do. But you know where you can start? By respecting yourself. Each day, find something that makes you a bit happier or healthier than the day before. Maybe that means accepting your fear of change and moving away from the toxic relationships in your life. Or maybe it means taking a deep breath, diving into something new and opening your eyes to the fresh ideas, opportunities and people that are out there. Or maybe it is as simple as going on a run and then eating a cupcake in celebration of your newfound athleticism. Whatever your happiness may be, there has never been a better time to embrace it and share it with the people around you. Most importantly, do not be afraid of failure or rejection when doing so. Failure and rejection suck with a capital ‘s,’ but they are necessary in learning from your mistakes, in growing as an individual and in proving what you are capable of accomplishing. The courage to progress is what we need more of in this world, because it paves the way for mature individuals who are better able to admit their shortcomings, who are better able to mind their own business and who are willing to do their utmost to respect the lives of others. Only when these truths are understood can we begin to make peace with all the ugliness and all the beauty this world has to offer. 37 | Spring 2017

Spring Styles by the Signs

written by Liz Glover


ay is the transitional point between spring and summer. As the seasons change, so do horoscopes and shopping habits. You might find yourself in a bind, not sure what to wear or do - rely on your sun sign for all of your fashion and personal woes. Learn what makes you tick during this month, and how you can combat or use that to your advantage with personal style. ARIES MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 May means that you’ll have some tough decisions to make in your life; be sure to use the support and guidance of those around you to make those hard choices. Let your love life ignite around the 10th of the month, as your wallet receives extra help as well. As Venus comes into view for you in May, take time to accent your early summer wardrobe with textured body suits. Play around with fabrics like velvet and lace, they scream sultry, and will help to spice up both your love life and closet. Take May to amp up your wardrobe as your love life receives an exciting boost from Venus. If you’re feeling extra bold, try embroidery out! Accentuate your femininity through floral patches on these textured tops.

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TAURUS APRIL 20 – MAY 20 While you once focused on your career, your personal relationships will take priority for you in May. The free-spirit side of your personality will come out to play during this month, though you will stop at nothing to achieve your goals. Venus’s influence on you this month will bless your closet, and assurance with your self-image. Try out a new workout class and experiment with bright colored sneakers. Keep an eye out for Teyana Taylor’s new retro Reebok line. With great sweat comes great responsibility. Take care of your skin this month when you’re on your steady climb to success. Try out First Aid Beauty products like their just FAB cleansing Matcha Wipes to help start your day the right way.

Styled by Scotty Zhao Models: Caroline O’Connor and Dana Schwartz Photographed by Douglas Chan

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GEMINI MAY 21 – JUNE 20 You will feel a heavy presence of Mars’ energy this month as family and personal issues take priority over your career. These relationships will help to influence the choices that you make this month, and with that can even help you accomplish them faster. Don’t be afraid to self reflect as your spiritual energy will be at an all time high around the end of the month. After a lot of focus on others and your relationships with them, self reflection will help you to center yourself, and figure out if you accomplished your goals during May. Keep in mind that you will feel assured in all of your endeavors during this month. Use this time to invest in shoes that will help you in your sure-footed endeavors. Try out platform sneakers or horse-bit loafers for a sporty or sophisticated vibe in May.

CANCER JUNE 21 – AUGUST 22 May is a month full of changes for you, Cancer. You may start out the month feeling like you have it all together. Like hair-done, brows-done together, however, toward the end of the month you may start feeling more unsure and mentally strained. Let your personal relationships become your relief through the end of the month, when you struggle to make hard choices. If you have been in a winter funk, the planets are aligning in your favor to put your health and well-being on an upward climb. Say goodbye to the winter blues, but not in your closet. Reach out for transitional pieces like bright colored sweaters, and bags that will have you feeling like you came dressed for the season even in the most awkward of transitional times. This assurance and planning in your wardrobe will help to offset your personal struggles this month. LEO JULY 23 – AUGUST 22 If your family, boyfriend or social life has been stressing you out lately, good news for you in May. It’s time to let those issues breathe as you let your bold personality help to skyrocket your career. While your career is on the up and up, your relationships may suffer. Let this give and take happen. Your relationships will repair themselves in later months. Your mind is extra sharp during this month and will help you to succeed in finals and your internships or jobs. Your personal success may be juxtaposed by your personal life experiencing changes. This is okay. Take time to accent your professional wardrobe with structured trousers or pants that can go from day to night. You’ll need them with all of the career success you’re having this month. 41 | Spring 2017

VIRGO AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22 Marry your social life to your career as you take a big leap professionally in the month of May. You’re strong-willed and sometimes controlling personality will have to take a backseat in the beginning of the month as you ask friends and family for advice. At the end of the month, go out on your own to pursue your goals and ambitions with their trusted advice at the front of your mind. Accentuate your professional wardrobe this month with fun mens’ wear pieces that will have you rocking every interview. Try out unstructured button downs and jeans for a masculine flare. LIBRA SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 22 May will be a month of balancing acts for you. All facets of your life will take a toll on you and demand your undivided attention. Experience trust in yourself during May and prioritize all of your responsibilities through great time management. Use your Google Calendar to plan ahead so that you don’t miss anything. Don’t try to be too independent and focus solely on yourself throughout the month; this will only lead to unhappiness. Invest in a new all-purpose tote this month. With summer just around the corner, you can play with white leather, and cool texturizing during the summer months. SCORPIO OCTOBER 23 – NOVEMBER 21 May will be a confusing and unfulfilling month as a Scorpio. Your personal and love interests that you had in April will fade and take the backseat. Your career will skyrocket, but with little financial return. Use the relationships that you fostered throughout April to lean on during frustrating times in May. Focus on your relationship success and eventually it will translate into success of your own. In an unreliable personal time, take a plunge and treat yourself. Invest in a sturdy bag that will help you get all of your things too and from work or class. You’ll thank yourself when you experience all of your career success. SAGITTARIUS NOVEMBER 22 – DECEMBER 21 All areas of your life will be firing on all synapses in May, with the exception of health. As the House of Others comes into view, keep in mind that your perfect month might take a toll on your health. R&R will be important - don’t rush off to the doctor, rather let relaxation and self love take precedence

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in your healing. May is the perfect time to invest in your favorite resort collection or swimwear! Grab a cute low-back one piece or strappy bikini to help facilitate your rest and relaxation during this early summer month. CAPRICORN DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19 In May your family life will be turned upside down with conflicts between others that will eventually take a personal toll on your life. While all of this outward conflict occurs your aura will attract other people to you during this month, just in time for some summer love. Style your budding love life with flirty off-the-shoulder tops and dresses. These pieces can easily transition from a casual brunch, to a night out with the change of a shoe or bag. You can find affordable options or something more high end depending on your date night mood! AQUARIUS JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 16 You will become increasingly selfless throughout this month as other people need your advice and shoulder to lean on. Your selfless attitude will repay you in the coming months, but make sure to prioritize your studying toward the end of the month; there is a prediction of great academic success. We suggest investing in killer glasses, whether it be Warby Parker frames or new sunnies for June and July. Sophisticated and quality accessory pieces can be a reliable staple to amp up your wardrobe for any season, especially summer. Couple new sunnies with a killer undereye concealer for a confident look with your glasses both on and off. PISCES FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20 As your career progresses this month, you family life will suffer. Learning about how you deal with these trade-offs will help you as you experience a drop in personal success, not just in May but the coming summer months as well. Keep active and try out new fun braids to spice up your athleisure as your health and well-being will be at an all time high. Don’t let your desire for new clothes overshadow what really matters in May, but don’t be afraid to spring for a high end mask or two. Even a good moisturizer with an SPF will do wonders when you’re out and about. Keep your skin looking hydrated and perfect with Philosophy’s Take A Deep Breath Cream, your skin will thank you.

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Styled by Ryan Steffen Models: Aria Deba and Hannah Jolly Photographed by Junho Moon 45 | Spring 2017

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EMPOWERING written by Jenny Henderson


ince its association with girls, the color pink was understood as frivolous. Literature written by and for women is often relegated to sentimental and self-help aisles, or worse, branded as corny, trivial “chick lit.” A woman writes a couple love songs and she’s silly, girly or, worst of all, crazy; a man writes a couple of love songs and he’s a verifiable rock god. When we add it up, the truth arrives with clarity: to be feminine in our culture is to be inherently considered less important, less serious. What I am speaking of here is not simply a matter of gender. Femininity and masculinity are fluid traits, which can be manifested in endless forms and complex identities. I want to emphasize that the feminine – traditionally associated with the female gender – is coded as somehow impotent, to be blown off as “cute” or nonessential. A quick Google search of “feminine” conjures the following: “delicate,” “pretty,” “ladylike,” “soft” and “gentle.” None of these words are straightforwardly bad, but they do summon up some unfortunate images of submissiveness, of fragility and how a woman “ought” to behave. But there is no correct way to be a woman and there is no correct way to be feminine. Femininity is not an exclusive trait only to be beheld by our best behaved – all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, and classes have the right to access femininity in their own right. Just as we should all be feminists, we should all view femininity not as something to be mocked, but something to be celebrated, freely and openly.

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Grammy’s 2017: enter Beyoncé Knowles. Beyoncé appears onstage, pregnant with twins, wearing a glittering gold gown. Other Black women surround her, donned in soft shades of pink, white and blue. The stage is set with flowers - blooming red roses and drifting pink petals. Beyoncé’s dress cites Yoruba cosmology, a West African religious practice; she embodies the Orisha Oshun, deity of water, fertility and love, associated in Nigerian representations with yellow and golden hues. Literally bringing her own mother and daughter onstage with her, standing in “formation,” Beyoncé’s entire performance evokes respect for the feminine, regarding particularly African-American femininity as sacred and powerful. “1000 girls raise their arms,” she says, “If we’re gonna heal, let it be glorious.”

Styled by Gigi Zhu Models: Samantha Grabovac, Xiaozhou Liu, Ruth Payne and Ladasia Thomas Photographed by Kira Salsman

Beyoncé’s performance is radical because it positions femininity as a revolutionary force. Crucially, she also empowers black femininity, which has been historically stripped from African-American female bodies. In a context where Black women’s bodies and womanhood have been physically, sexually and culturally exploited, seizing their own autonomy is resistance. It is also far from presumptions that the feminine is somehow less important or serious. The soft, the undeniably feminine, is not to be underestimated, derided or conquered; it is power. And we see this power reach into our popular culture beyond Queen Bey. New York Magazine recently ran an article titled,

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“Why Millennial Pink Refuses to Go Away,” empowering one of the ultimate symbols of femininity: pink. The article expertly traces the revamped shade of Paris Hilton’s girlygirl past. Moving past Barbie to subdued salmons and blush, “millennial pink,” as it’s so termed, is pervasively popular because it blends femininity with androgyny. It’s all softness, without the shame. It “speaks to an era in which trans models walk the runway, gender-neutral clothing lines are the thing, and man-buns abound,” writes Lauren Schwartzberg, “pink is their genderless mascot.” Pink stands in for femininity becoming more widespread in its accessibility. NY Mag also praises pink for its nostalgia; harkening back to a simpler, early2000s era of Juicy Couture tracksuits and The Simple Life, millennial pink is feminine with a cheeky, reflexive edge. That irony can be read as reclamation; that irony can be read as power, too. Other artists have picked up the feminine cue as well. Solange, Beyoncé’s sister and a dynamic songstress-visual artist in her own right, released her extraordinary album, “A Seat at the Table,” in 2016. The artwork’s aesthetics, from photography to image-heavy lyricism, uplift Black femininity as a raw source of strength and beauty. The artwork for Lady Gaga’s newest album, “Joanne,” displays Gaga looking wistfully ahead, wearing a dusty pink

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it’s an act of resistance cowgirl hat. A performer known for her bold and brash theatricalism, strips her soul bare for a true country-pop album, finding liberation in her own radical softness. Asian-American artist, Mitski, flips the script on musical gender politics, as well. Her acclaimed album “Puberty 2,” especially singe “Your Best American Girl,” is written from a perspective totally rooted in girlhood, yet she makes use of classic indie rock tropes. Mitski claims her spot among the alternative elite, among our Thom Yorkes and Bon Ivers, and in doing so creates space for women and other minorities’ experiences to be validated. And as you read in our own Haley Jena’s “Man Code,” feminine trends are becoming more embraced by boys, too. Finally, who can forget the millions of knit pink hats that paraded our cities on January 21st, as women and allies across America took the streets to march for their rights. Femininity is complex and rich. There is strength in softness, a rebellious resolve in the gentle. To wield one’s own camera, aesthetic, and wardrobe with a feminine touch is striking. It’s more than chicer pinks, billowing sleeves and looser silhouettes. As artists like Beyoncé know, it’s an act of resistance. Empowering femininity, loving your femininity and femininity in others, in a culture that attempts to demean it, is a way, I believe, of fighting back.

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WORLDWIDE written by Madelaine Wood So, I’ve been in Europe for a little over two months. I’ve eaten too much Nutella, worn a hole through my trusty Vans sneakers, and seen men in jeans tighter than Khloe Kardashian’s infamous latex dress. I’ve gotten stares on the street for wearing a camo army jacket and questioned by locals about the unknown brand “Lululemon.” After settling into an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar language and a variety of other cultural barriers, I realized that fashion and personal style can sometimes be your only form of communication. At home I take basic communication for grantedwe all do. I knew style was a way to express myself, but I never thought of fashion as a basic means of communication. In Europe, traveling is so prevalent and languages are so diverse that coming into contact with unknown terminology is more common than I would’ve ever thought possible. Imagine if the clothes and accessories on your body were the only way for someone to know your thoughts, feelings, hopes and interests. You’d probably dress differently and take the art of dressing much more seriously. After living here and seeing the way people interact with their clothes, I’ve come to understand why trends and fashion as a whole come from the heart of Europe. Think about it. Where do major trends come from? The runway. Who has the most famous runway shows/fashion weeks? Paris and Milan. It’s no secret that fashion blossoms in those glamorous cities 54 | Spring 2017

and slowly creeps into ready-to-wear styles that then travel across the pond to us in the good old United States. Listen, I love a good Tommy Hilfiger or Levi’s store as much as the next gal, but there’s something special about shopping in Europe. The clothes say more than just a typical outfit- they represent the person wearing them and the way in which they view themselves and even the world around them. Europeans have style. As you’re reading this you’re probably thinking “uh… duh,” but I mean it. Seeing the way everyone puts together their looks with such pride really makes me question, I don’t know, every fashion decision I’ve made in my 20 years of life. A wonderful woman named Coco Chanel once pointed out, “fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” As a student living in Luxembourg for the semester, I’ve learned to agree with Cocoinspiration for the new spring season can come from just about anywhere. I’ve been inspired by everything from a chic ten-year old trying on Gucci slides in Paris to a dog parading through London in an enviable blush Burberry sweater. You don’t have to be in Europe to dress like a European, you just have to be confident in your choices and rock the styles that appeal to you. I’ve put together a list of my top five must-haves to achieve effortless spring style 4,200 miles away from Oxford.

Styled by Karolina Ulasevich Models: Steele Fitzwater and Leanne Koveleski Photographed by Kendall Erickson 55 | Spring 2017



Nothing screams international chic quite like luxurious gem-encrusted embellishments and bold embroidery. I’m swooning over this easy to wear trend because it pairs with everything and instantly adds flair to any outfit. Add effortless accessorizing to your daily routine by mixing embellished staples like pearl adorned boyfriend jeans or an embroidered leather jacket with a slouchy tee. Simply slide on your favorite footwear (birks would add a muchneeded earthiness) to complete your custom uniform.

While I’m usually a fan of more relaxed silhouettes, I can’t get enough of this girly-gone-glam trend. This versatile element is perfect for an early class and long night at King, or a trip uptown with the girls. I love how ruffles can be featured in so many different shapes and styles so you can truly find the right proportion for every body type. In London, I saw a lot of ruffled sleeves paired with structured trousers and elegant strappy heels. While it may look fierce as can be, we can’t all run around Oxford looking like Emma Watson. For sunny spring days in Ohio, it’s simple to put your own spin on the trend. Pair a lightweight ruffled sweater with slouchy boyfriend jeans and platform sneakers for a casual day out or with high-waisted skinnies and chunky booties for a Brick Street appropriate look. Keep accessories edgy to ensure the ensemble isn’t too sweet.

BACKPACK/KNAPSACK Walk through literally any retailer on any given day and you’ll see approximately 40 variations of a miniature backpack on display. As convenient as they are trendy, this carry-all option is as easy as it gets. Pick up a basic leather pack to go with everything, or show your personality with a kitschy saying or patches/embroidery. I’m also loving funky band and movie pins covering backpacks as an ode to the 90s. Shrunken styles are just as hot as full-size options and still hold a lot more than your typical cross-body for a day of running around. 56 | Spring 2017




Even though 70s-influenced patchwork has made a major comeback over the past year in the U.S., Europeans are putting a fresh spin on this classic pattern for the spring months. Trying the look in bright pastels and funky textures makes the color-blocking feel fresh and allows for plenty of individuality. While many Europeans stick to more muted palettes, this trend offers an easy alternative to brighten up basic neutrals. One of my favorite things about this trend is the versatility it offers. Pick a color to play up with great pair of lace-up espadrilles, or mix and match with a graphic tee (Brandy Melville’s are my fave) to make the look more eclectic. I love the idea of wearing a bright patchwork skirt with a slouchy crop sweatshirt and platform sandals for a springy Saturday uptown, too. Since Ohio’s weather seems as fickle as Taylor Swift’s love life, you could also try DIYing your favorite pair of colored skinnies with multicolored patches for chillier days.

European style is usually pretty understated, but this spring, trendsetters are leaping out of their comfort zones. Oversized graphic prints in bold hues and subdued shades alike are everywhere. In the winter months we saw large florals, while for spring there’s more abstract, graphic pieces on display. I’ve been seeing lots of patterns in bright colors like magenta and royal blue, which are a sophisticated step up from last spring’s neon phenomenon. Feeling stuck? Stop by Miami’s art museum for inspiration. Pair bold overall prints with basic black or ultra-destroyed cropped jeans, or pump up the volume by mixing in animal print or polka dots to the look. This whimsical trend will surely fit into your wardrobe in one way or another and take you from class to the bars no problem. We can’t all be effortlessly European, but these few pieces will certainly help make sure your individuality isn’t lost in translation.

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Styled by Lily Manchester Model: Juliana Skerl Photographed by Tiffany Visconti

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quality, sum and substance, fundamental, actuality 66 | Spring 2017

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Your UP Editorial Board

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A ruffle here, a ruffle there – dress up your shoulders in voluminous, frilled sleeves. Spice up your go-to asymmetrical dress, off-the shoulder top and romantic ruffled shirt with volume.

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Styled by Josie Dondanville Model: Leanne Koveleski Photographed by Rob Donato

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