Upgraded Living Magazine July 2015

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Food Truckin’! Your guide to the best

Pop’s Pizza

eats in the streets

is fired up and already a favorite

Cool Treats find these recipes on pg 56!



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I’ve always said that one of the best parts of this job is the people we have the opportunity to meet. Putting this publication together allows us to interact with the community on a level we likely wouldn’t otherwise be able to. This month


we had the fortune of sitting down with several local business owners from all different kinds of fields, from retail, to foodservice, to restoration. No matter the type of business, it is always interesting to hear how an individual comes to be


involved in his or her field. Life pulls us in all kinds of directions, but I believe that we all find our passion one way or another. Whether or not we end up doing


what we envisioned as kids, creating any successful business takes determination, expertise, and a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

We are so proud to be members of our local business community and have a platform to share the stories of our peers with all of you. As consumers we can

Jason Corona

Joelle Cabasa



all appreciate the passion behind the products and services we use every day.

Darren Michels

Even the most unglamorous of businesses has a story of struggle and persever-


ance behind it. Cleaning up sewage may not be your idea of the perfect job, but


aren’t you glad there’s an expert in your area who can do it? Glamorous or not,

Alyssa Worley

Frank Rebelo

we’ve found a common theme in profiling these various businesses: an eager-



Russell Van Dewark

Matthew Manfredi



Erin Lizardo

Kacey Gardner



ness to be the best. The most successful businesses are those that never stop trying to improve, to be even better for their customers. Telling these stories is all the more rewarding when we get to see genuine excitement from a business owner––excitement about their work, their product, and the opportunity to make someone happy.

We hope these stories make you feel as lucky as we do to be surrounded by the ex-


perts who can make our lives easier, safer, more stylish, or more flavorful. Perhaps the true “American Dream” is being able to do what you love every day and experiencing the joy that comes not only from sharing it with others but seeing the joy it brings to them.

Thank you for reading!

Erin Wenham Editor-In-Chief

For advertising or editorial inquiries, please contact Upgraded Living at (530) 894-8091 Sales@UpgradedLiving.com


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Alexa Benson-Valavanis

Gary Johnson, DDS



LeiLani Miladi Meninga

Adam Reimer



Dina Rabo, DC

Dr. Vimali Paul, M.D.



Renee Michel & Joe Sweeney

Annabelle Pearl



NorthValleyEyeCare.com 114 Mission Ranch Blvd. Suite 50 . Chico . (530) 891-1900

RidgeEyeCare.com 7056 Skyway . Paradise . (530) 877-2250

For your convenience, our optical is open from 10am - 3pm on Saturdays. Please call for details.

For your convenience, we now have Tuesday evening clinic. Please call for details.


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U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

We’ve saved you a seat.

Join us for 50% OFF during our Friends & Family Sale at SYLLABUS throughout the month of July. Enjoy 50% off your entire purchase from 7/1/15 - 7/31/15 at 212 Main Street in Downtown Chico or use code JULY50 online at www.ShopSyllabus.com. Hours 11 am - 6 pm Tuesday - Sunday (530) 487-7022


JULY 2015



10 From the Locals: we wrap up our three part series on the changing face of Downtown Chico.

58 Heat it up and cool it down with these great recipes from Broadway Heights and Coffee Ranch..

12 Author, artist, and Taoist Deng Ming-Dao brings his teachings to Oroville this August.

60 Farm Fresh: Beber Almond milk is simplicity at its most delicious.

13 Roll with the best at Chico Bike & Board.



17 Philanthropy: Christbridge Ministry gives addicts a second chance while improving our community.

61 Music is what you make it: an interview with the Mondegreens.

19 Katie’s Corner II helps women find and express their personal style.

63 Plan your summer fun with the help of our Community Calendar!

21 A guy and his pie: Pop’s Woodfired Pizza is quickly becoming a local favorite. 24 Local Legend Alan Meigs is an all-around community treasure. 25 Cool Kid Miles Jackson spells his way to the top.

FEATURES 26 Food Truckin’! We hit the road to find you the best eats in the streets. 56 Savor the flavor of summer with these six ice-pop concoctions.

HEALTH & BEAUTY 29 Your Health: Doctor of Chiropractics Dina Rabo tackles exercising with back pain.


32 Beauty Q&A: Simplify your summer with these expert makeup tips. 36 Sit up straight! Fostering Wellness Chiropractic Center helps to get your posture in check.

HOME & GARDEN 40 New Again Kitchen Remodeling presents House Call: Starting Fresh. 43 Summit Funding: Creating an easier climb to homeownership. 46 Thrift Store DIY: Baskets are boring no more!


GIVEAWAYS! Visit our Facebook

page every Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday throug hout July for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Pop’s Pi zza, Burgers & Brew, Fo rmal Education, SYLLAB US, and a grand prize bicy cle from Chico Bike & Boar d valued at up to $500.

49 Banish summer pests with these natural tips from Reimer Pest & Weed. 54 ServPro brings life back to normal when disaster strikes.



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HOUSE of RICE We have

EVERYTHING you need to have your own Sushi Party!

Sushi, literally translated, means vinegared rice. It was originally a staple food of Southeast Asian field workers in the 7th century as the vinegared rice preserved fish long enough to be consumed during long workdays. The vinegared rice would be discarded and the fish would be the only part eaten. In the 8th century, this form of preservation was introduced to the Japanese, but since they preferred to eat their fish alongside rice, they decided to eat the rice-wrapped fish while still fresh rather than use it as a means of preservation. Though considerable time has passed from the early days of sushi, not much has changed in its form since the Japanese modified it. The way it is consumed, however, has changed considerably through American culture. If you’re looking to appreciate sushi the way it was meant to be, take the following tips from Harold Park at Downtown Chico’s Little Chinatown, House of Rice.

How to eat sushi properly 1

Clean your hands and pick up your sushi using your fingers rather than chopsticks as this maintains the tightly packed form of the food. If you’ve ever had sushi fall apart in a restaurant, it’s probably because you were using chopsticks rather than your fingers.


Pour soy sauce into a small bowl and place it next to your sushi dish. Using your chopsticks, mix a small amount of wasabi into your soy.


Tip the sushi’s seaweed wrapper into the soy sauce, making sure that the rice inside the wrapper doesn’t come in contact with the soy sauce.


If you’d like extra wasabi, use your chopsticks to add the smallest amount of wasabi on top of the fish, but be careful not to add too much as the chef has already added the right amount to the roll.


Place the sushi in your mouth with the fish side on your tongue. This allows your taste buds to appreciate the freshness and flavor of the fish. Eat the whole piece of sushi in one bite. Do not split it in half as it is rude to the chef, but if it is too large for you, ask the chef to cut it in smaller pieces so he can make it properly for you.


Use your chopsticks to eat a piece of ginger in between pieces of sushi as it serves as a palette cleanser.


When enjoying sushi, make sure to eat it in the following order: white fish, silver fish, red fish, heavier flavored fish like salmon or salmon roe, fattiest fish last, and end the meal by ordering a simple roll like tuna.

AAA Sushi Grade Tuna, Unagi, Tobiko Seaweed Salad, Nato, Kamaboko Memlo wrapper (530) 893-1794 338 Broadway Street, Chico Open every day! 10:30am - 5:30pm 9

The Buzz

Around Downtown


ver the past two issues we’ve detailed the current and upcoming changes taking place in Downtown Chico through our lens and that of the investors who are revamping the area block-by-block. Even as we published a story on the opening of the new Burgers & Brew/Crepeville on 3rd and Broadway Streets in the June issue, plans were already underway to not only open one, but two new restaurants in the downtown area. Within a month, Crepeville found a new home in Downtown Chico and construction is set to soon begin in the Grand View Building, on the corner of 3rd and Main Streets, that will result in a yet another outdoor patio dining experience by Philippe Massoud and Derar Zawaydeh. With plans to open in the holiday season, the new Crepeville will draw traffic further south through the Main Street corridor. The expansion is a testament to how quickly things are moving in Downtown Chico, and the effects on the area are readily apparent. Rather than spending our final issue on the topic detailing the many new changes that are in the works for Downtown, we instead decided to ask visitors dining at Burgers and Brew what they thought of the new location, the progression of Downtown Chico, and what they’d like to see more of in the future. The following are their responses. BY AVEED KHAKI


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Kristine Mazzei I’ve always loved Downtown Chico, but what I’m loving even more these days is the fact that you can sit outside and enjoy the world going by. It’s definitely an improvement and that’s what I really like about the new space for Burgers & Brew. I love that the culture of Downtown Chico is becoming more walkable and that there are more cafes, more options for outdoor eating — more vibrance! It slows the area down from feeling like a traffic corridor to someplace where you want to stay and spend time. Favorite Store Made in Chico! It’s where I love to buy Local Gifts

Billy Dibono I think the new location is fantastic. I love how it’s in the heart of Downtown Chico. You can park at the structure and it’s a short walk to get here. I think Downtown Chico is growing. It looks so much more appealing for people who are coming in to check out the town or the college. It’s turning into our city’s eye-candy. I would love to see more permanent family-friendly activities Downtown, but other than that, it’s great.

Kristin Bambauer I never had a chance to experience the prior Burgers & Brew but this new location is absolutely beautiful and the food is amazing; it’s one of the best burgers I’ve had in Chico. I’ve lived here for the past three years and it’s definitely one of the best. The beauty of the restaurant and the patio just draw me in. I love the progress that the city is trying to make, and it’s good to see people bringing their heads together to make a positive change and a beautiful downtown environment. It’s great to see more places like this coming in that have a great outdoor seating area that draw people from Chico into the Downtown area. I love shopping in Downtown Chico. Anytime I’m looking for a gift for a special someone, I come here. Favorite Store: I love enjoying Bird in Hand with my kids and 5th Street Clothing for myself. Greg Marskey I think it’s a great location with great atmosphere. It’s nice to be able to bring your family here, clients, friends — anyone really. I love coming to Downtown Chico; it’s a great area! There’s been a lot of great progress in businesses opening up that are family oriented, and I’d like to see more of the family aspect brought back to Downtown Chico.

Lenora Pollard This is my first time in Chico and I love that there’s so much to eat in Downtown Chico! We’ve spent more of our time eating since we arrived than anything else, and I’ve loved the food that I’ve tried. It’s one hundred times better than in New Mexico; there are so few places to eat at out there.

Jordan Pollard I love Downtown Chico, I wish I could move back here. We currently live in New Mexico. I think the changes the town has made since the last time I was here are lovely. I think it’s great that so many of the original locations are still around like Jon n’ Bons across the street. I like this new location and I’m looking forward to returning each time we’re back. We’ve loved walking around, the trees are beautiful, and it’s been a great place to visit.

Rebecca Trento I feel like this new location is like Burgers & Brew on steroids; they really went upscale with this location! I’ve tried the bison burger, the lamb burger, and all of their classic burgers; I’ve loved all of them. The ambiance here is a terrific improvement — A+. When I saw the patio going in I thought it was a brilliant idea. When there are events going on in Downtown Chico, it’s great to be able to sit here and people watch. I’ve definitely noticed awesome new locations like this going in all over Downtown Chico. I feel like a lot of the transient situation has significantly decreased and I feel a lot safer when I’m downtown. I grew up in Chico and have lived here since I was eight. I feel like this location has really captured the essence and vibe of what Downtown Chico used to be, and I’m looking forward to more locations working to do the same. Favorite Store I love Sweet Cottage anytime and breakfast at Upper Crust. I buy a lot of stuff from Anika Burke and my daughter loves Powell’s and Kreations. 11


Qigong for Everyone with Deng Ming-Dao

Author,artist,andTaoistDengMing-DaowillvisitOrovillenext month for a special event in which he will teach the practice of qigong — Chinese breathing exercises that improve health and spiritual wellbeing. “I haven’t been to Oroville since I was a boy,”Deng Ming-Dao says. “I begged my parents to take me up there because there was a dam that I wanted to see. But I’m also interested in Oroville because of the Chinese Temple there. I’d love to go back and see where my ancestors had established themselves at one point.” The August event, Qigong for Everyone, will focus on three classical qigong sets: The Eight Pieces of Brocade, the Muscle Change Classic, and the Marrow Washing Classic.The three sets together form an excellent qigong practice for people of all ages and experience. Deng Ming-Dao has been formally practicingTaoism and Chinese martial arts for nearly 40 years. He is the author of nine books, including 365 Tao, Scholar Warrior, and The Lunar Tao. Hehastaughtthroughvariousmartialartsschools,includingthe classes of his Taoist master, Kwan Saihung, the subject of the book Chronicles of Tao. “As an author, I write aboutTaoism, which is a Chinese spiritual tradition, and so going back to Oroville means bringing that spiritual tradition back to Oroville,”Deng Ming-Dao says.“I’m really excited to be going there, and I hope it’s going to be a great trip.” For more information about this event, contact Rev. Judi Elia at 904-314-8043. To learn more about Deng Ming-Dao, visit www.dengmingdao.com. 12

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If there’s one thing that can be said about Brian Daellenbach, it’s that not having the ability to do something is simply out of the question for him. Originally from San Diego, Brian was born legally blind in both eyes. Raised by parents who pushed he and his siblings to persevere through whatever roadblocks presented themselves, Brian overcame the challenges he faced throughout elementary school. No doubt, this sense of determination had a hand in guiding him to the success he would find later in life. As the youngest boy of 13 children, Brian had become accustomed to the word “new” meaning “new-to-me.” One day he mustered up the courage to ask his father for a new bicycle that he could call his own. His father returned home the next day with a truck bed full of used bikes and parts from goodwill and, rather proud of the find, stated, “There’s your new bike!” Though the bike parts were by no means new, they were certainly new to him, and although his father may not have known it at the time, he had sparked a new obsession for Brian that would last the rest of his life. In some time, Brian managed to build seven bikes out of the original pile of bike parts in his father’s truck. He also made a number of new friends around the neighborhood as he made himself


available to help other kids with their bike repairs. When Brian turned 19, he joined the clergy and moved to Florida to serve his church for five years. After his time in Florida, he returned to California and visited one of his older sisters who was attending college at Chico State. He fell in love with the area and decided to make Chico his new home. Brian took on a number of odd jobs when he arrived in Chico and rented a home on the corner of Ninth Street and Pine. Realizing the home’s true potential due to the immense amount of traffic the intersection received, he began hosting yard sales selling items he had purchased from others and refurbished. The yard sales grew and grew until they became his sole source of income. With used bikes being one of his top sellers, he decided it was time to take his love for building, repairing, and selling bikes, and turn it into a business of its own. In July of 1995, Brian bought the old Chico Bike Barn, a mainstay for used bicycles since the early ’60s, and moved it to Main Street in Downtown Chico. When the city installed the skatepark on Humboldt Avenue in 1999, he wisely expanded the store’s offerings to appeal to skaters as well and aptly changed the business name to Chico Bike & Board. Since 1999, Chico Bike & Board has spawned a number of pop-up style satellite locations that have further promoted the store throughout Chico,

Visit Chico Bike & Board at 845 Main Street in Chico or call 530-343-5506. They’re open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

but one thing has remained constant: Chico Bike & Board’s commitment to always giving customers more than they are expecting. It’s common to watch a steady flow of visitors ride in on their bikes and ride out in a few minutes as flat repairs are done while you wait. With lifetime tuneups offered free of charge on all new bicycles purchased from Chico Bike & Board, and warranties that far outdo what most are used to in the bike industry, one would be hard-pressed to find a reason not to shop here. They carry nearly every bike you can think of, from road bikes and mountain bikes to BMX and cruisers. If you’re into skateboarding, they happen to carry park and street skateboards, longboards, shortboards/cruisers and every accessory you could need for each. To top it off, they’re one of the few shops open on Sundays and they’re conveniently located just down the street from the Humboldt skate park. With the success they’ve seen so far, Brian is looking toward the future and plans to expand their Internet presence as well as launch their own line of bikes and skateboards. As the store comes up on its 20th anniversary, it’s clear that Brian’s attitude toward life is one that we can all take a lesson from. His perseverance against adversity and his industriousness have built one of Chico’s favorite bike shops, and we couldn’t be more excited to see what the next 20 years have in store for him.



Do Good

Looking for a way to give back this summer? Even if you don’t have extra cash to spare, your gift of time or unused items are extremely valuable to organiza-

PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Goodwill by Alexa Benson-Valavanis

tions and individuals in need. Here are some ideas to get you in the philanthropic spirit:

BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB 601 Wall Street, Chico | www.bgcnv.org Help impact young lives through tutoring, mentoring, coaching, and special events. Opportunities are available in Chico, Paradise, Oroville, and Magalia.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 1188 Park Ave, Chico | 530-343-7423 Help build homes for needy families or donate your unused building materials, fixtures, or home decor.

ESPLANADE HOUSE 181 E. Shasta Ave, Chico | Call 530-891-2977 x 201 Donate unused household items such as kitchen utensils, furniture, electronics, and linens to help families in need reach a new, healthy life.

ENLOE HOSPITAL 530-332-4575 | volunteers@enloe.org There are a variety of opportunities at Enloe to get involved in a meaningful way. They are currently looking for volunteers for their cancer center, hospice care, gift center, and specialty programs, just to name a few.

KIRSHNER WILDLIFE FOUNDATION Visit kirshner.org/donate for a full list of needs.–– As a sanctuary for several species of wildlife, Kirshner requires a considerable amount of equipment to keep their rescued animals safe, sheltered, and fed. Donations of unused vehicles, building supplies, blankets, cleaning supplies, and food are always

“With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?” —Oscar Wilde Although typically my heart craves the prose of Oscar Wilde just for romance, the quote above got me thinking. What if the outcome of a grateful life was measured in goodwill rather than personal happiness? Now, of course, there’s nothing wrong with happiness. Quite to the contrary, really: having joy in our hearts should be celebrated and cherished. Happiness is a beautiful part of the human experience and, yes, we should all be so blessed. But, what if it didn’t get quite so much time and attention? When I think about the greatest teachers in my life—teachers like my precious wife, my parents, Jesus Christ, the stranger I met that rainy day in southern China, the Buddha, and countless others—it’s their compassion and care for others that so deeply inspires me. Yet, their lives have shown me that happiness—perhaps more accurately called contentment—comes as a byproduct of a very different kind of focus: a path of selflessness and service, a path of kindness and grace. I’m a new mother. We had our son 16 months ago and since the moment he arrived my heart seems to have been broken wide open. It’s as if all the hidden hopes and prayers that I’ve had for our world, for our time here, and for the ways we go about colliding into one another have all come rushing to the surface. And, not just so my son could live in a better, softer, and safer world—although, of course, I want that, too. But, simply because when my heart broke wide open to let him in, what came rushing out were my hopes and dreams for humanity. I believe in us. I just do. Which got me thinking, what if all the focus and attention that we give to happiness was directed toward goodwill? Would it change where we spend our time? Would it impact what we do with our money? What would it look like to live with goodwill as our compass?

greatly appreciated. You can follow Alexa on Twitter @alexa_valavanis or on her Facebook page, Sipping Tea with Buddha and Christ.


MAKING A DIFFERENCE AND HELPINGTHOSE IN NEED A lot of times people just need a second chance. That’s the belief of Jim Secola, executive director of Christbridge Ministry, a nonprofit men’s recovery program based here in Chico. Begun in September 2014, Christbridge helps people overcome their addictions and change their lives through various classes taught at its residential headquarters and through vocational training out in the community — a key component. Currently, there are six men in the program, who live in the Christbridge house on Myrtle Avenue free of charge. When Jim first started the program, he found that the men weren’t busy enough during the day. So he decided they could put their free time toward community projects, helping people and places in need of service — whether it’s a senior citizen who needs assistance with a chore or a person with disabilities who needs help keeping up with their yard. Since January, the men in the program have taken on several large cleanup projects throughout Chico that have garnered the attention of local media and community members alike. The first of these projects, a transient encampment on Pine and Humboldt, came about after the men spotted it while on their way to another job site. “The guys said,


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‘Aw man, too bad we can’t stop and clean that up,’” Jim recalls. “And I said, ‘Yeah, we can’t because we’re on our way to a job site.’ And then I started thinking about it and I thought, well, why not?” That same week, the group returned to the location ready to work — and work they did, clearing away mounds of garbage, drug paraphernalia, and other hazards that had accumulated at the site. Next, they took on a similar site in a big field near 20th and Park, a project that caught the eye of local news organizations. “They showed up, and it just blew everything up,” Jim said. Soon the city’s code enforcement officials got involved with the group, and their help allowed the Christbridge men to expand their cleanup efforts. Before they knew it, their hard work was being praised from people all over the city who appreciated what they were doing to make the place they live more clean, safe, and beautiful. They were even awarded a Mayor’s Achievement Award for Community Service from the city, and were recognized at the state level with a resolution from state Sen. Jim Nielsen and Assemblyman James Gallagher. The cleanup projects became a way for the men in recovery to not only stay busy, but also

realize the value they could have in their community. Jim, who has worked in the addiction recovery field for more than a decade and has been clean and sober for 12 years, says that often addicts and people in general struggle with selective reinforcement — the idea that your experience in the world is everyone’s experience in the world. These community projects turned that notion on its head. “It shows them another side of the world,” Jim says. “And it just gives them another thing to see and think, ‘Wow, maybe I can have some value.’ And the attention they were getting from the newspapers and TV and all that — they’re thinking, ‘I was in jail two months ago and now I’m on the front page of the paper. Maybe I can do something.’ It gives them hope. And that’s what I want to give them mostly, is hope.”

For more info about Christbridge Ministry, visit www.christbridgeministry.org. To make a donation in support of the program and the work they do in the community, use this address: Christbridge Ministry | 984 Myrtle Ave. | Chico, CA 95926



Do Good


”Wings of Eagles” has been providing services to families who have seriously ill children with life threatening conditions for 22 years. “Wings” currently services Butte, Glenn, Colusa, Tehama, & Sutter Counties. (530) 893-9231

wingsofeagles.org facebook.com/WingsOfEagles

SummerFest - Chico on Saturday, August 22, 2015 100% of Raffle & Silent Auction Proceeds benefit “Wings of Eagles”! For more information - visitwww.summerfestchico.net.


CHIP provides healthy, sustainable and affordable housing and related services to low-income residents in the North Valley. Serving seven counties, CHIP builds single-family self-help housing where future homeowners assist with their home’s construction. CHIP also builds and manages affordable apartment communities.




Donations of time or money are appreciated. Donate at our web site or call (530) 891-6931.


Friends of the Arts is a State/Local Partner to the California Arts Council and promotes communication, education, economic development, art appreciation, advocacy and collaboration in Butte County and surrounding region.


We also accept donations and/or sponsorships. Please call (530) 228-2860 for more information or stop in at 500 Main St., Suite. 150 in Chico Tuesday - Friday noon-5pm beginning Aug 1.


BUTTELITERACY COUNCIL ButteLiteracyCouncil.org

Butte Literacy Council is a non-profit, entirely volunteer-driven organization, dedicated to supporting efforts to promote literacy in our community. Some of their projects include: Short Story Contest - BLC supports a Short Story Contest each spring, when writers of all ages in Butte County compete for prizes and recognition. For the Love of Reading -In February, BLC will kick off a new program as we donate a new chapter book to each first grader in Chico Unified Schools.


Please visit www.butteliteracycouncil.com, call (530) 893-1020


For 25 years KZFR 90.1 FM, has been providing an alternative to corporate and government sponsored media. We went live in 1990 with the mission ‘to inform, entertain, educate and enlighten’ providing the widest variety of music, information and news programming you’ll find anywhere in the country. We stream worldwide at kzfr.org. We have a free smartphone app and broadcast 24 hours a day to over six counties covering over 2,000 square miles of Northern California. We proudly broadcast ‘Democracy Now!’ weekday mornings at 8 and are sure we’ll have something you’ll love.



CHICO COMMUNITY BALLET ChicoCommunityBallet.org

The mission of Chico Community Ballet is to promote dance as an art form, to provide the Northern California region with access to quality dance performances, and to provide an opportunity for young, serious classical ballet dancers to expand and share their talents in a professional performance experience. All dancers train and rehearse year round at Chico Creek Dance Centre, a not-for-profit organization located at 1144 W. 1st. Street, Chico.


Donations are greatly appreciated! Funds raised for the CCB will go towards their upcoming 2015-2016 season. Please call (530) 893-9028 for more information.


AD Renee Michel (.25) Column Renee Michel (.5) AD Reimer Pest Control (.25)


We recently came across this information on how our tax dollars are allocated and thought every taxpayer might find it interesting. According to the Tax Foundation,



Washington, Americans

D.C.,-based worked

Here’s how it breaks down: 24% - Social Security 24% - Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, marketplace subsidies 18% - Defense and international security assistance 11% - Safety net programs

And, yes, for those of you paying close attention, those numbers

from January 1, 2015, until April 24,

8% - Benefits for federal retirees and veterans

add up to 102%. The Center on

2015, just to earn enough money

7% - Interest on debt

Budget and Policy Priorities notes

to pay their federal taxes. Wondering what you get in re-

3% - Transportation infrastructure

turn for your hard work? Roughly

2% - Education

66% of the $3.5 trillion in federal

2% - Science and medical research

spending for 2014 was used for Social Security, Medicare, defense, and related programs.

2% - All other 1% - Non-security (international)

that category percentages are estimates based on the most recent historical data released by the Office of Management and Budget for the 2014 federal fiscal year (October 1, 2013, to September 30, 2014).

Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2015

Renée Michel, MBA and Joe Sweeney, CFP® | 2452 Lakewest Drive, Chico, CA 95928 530-342-2900 | 800-333-2901 | (F) 530-342-3925 | rmichel@amgchico.com | www.sweeneymichelamg.com Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

The Katie’s Corner II team

Katie’s Corner II Helping Women Express Their Personal Style



ver the past year and a half, Katie’s Cor-

tomer and when.”

ner II in Chico Mall has established itself

Katie and Virginia also want to ensure that

as a destination for women who want

full-figured women have more choices for ex-

to draw from a carefully curated mix of fashions,

pressing their personal style. To this end, starting in

accessories, unique gifts, and home décor to ex-

August, Katie’s Corner will significantly expand the

press their personal style.

fashions offered for full-figured ladies. Customers

Business partners Katie Vaclavik and Virginia

will see a much broader selection in these sizes,

Walker say that they have found that most women

and they will be in line with the styles offered in

actually do have incredible personal style, wheth-

Missy sizes. “We are extremely excited about this

er it is fashion, entertaining elements or home

expansion,” said Virginia. “We recognize that there

decor. Some ladies feel they know their personal

are many women like my daughter, who is a beau-

style and possess enormous confidence about

tiful young ‘curvy’ wife and mom with a budding

what they look and feel good in; however, some-

career who enjoys expressing her personal style in

times, their busy lives with children and work have

on-trend, quality-made fashions for her business

had them put themselves on the “back burner,”

attire and for her casual looks as well.”

and they begin to question that confidence they once had about style.

“In addition to wonderful fashions, we spend the time to find other

unique elements for ex-

Challenges are also encountered by women

pressing personal style,” said Virginia. “From vin-

who, as they have entered their 50s and 60s and

tage barware for serving cocktails, to fabulous art

still have a desire for a “youthful” style, are con-

pieces to refresh a room needing a lift, to setting

cerned about giving the appearance of trying to

a table for afternoon tea with beautiful antique

dress like their teenage and 20-something daugh-

porcelain — all are great opportunities to express

ters. Then there are older women who find them-

your style and have fun.”

selves succumbing to the belief that “style” no longer matters, only comfort.

The entire team at Katie’s Corner is guided by the store’s mission to ensure that it is a boutique

“Virginia and I and the staff at Katie’s Corner are

offering a comfortable and approachable environ-

here because of our passion for helping women

ment of inclusion — a place where each visit is a

feel deserving of spending time on themselves for

wonderful, uplifting experience for their custom-

self expression, and I believe that style is the most


immediate and obvious expression of self,” said

Katie’s Corner will hold a fashion show event in

Katie. “Our goal is to make our environment an

the mall on Saturday, August 8, that will showcase

enjoyable place for our customers to spend time

late summer/early fall fashions with a special fo-

and to make it effortless for them to identify those

cus on fashions for the full-figured woman. Check

things in Katie’s Corner that truly express their per-

out the next issue of this magazine for more de-

sonal style. Our sales associates here are warm,

tails. Stop in to take a look in person. In minutes,

friendly and knowledgeable about the offerings in

you’ll see that it’s the perfect place to spend some

the store. They work hard to grow their knowl-

time engaged in some style exploration and seri-

edge about style and also to develop a sense of

ous retail therapy.

timing for how much guidance to offer each cus-


Find Katie’s Corner II on Facebook at www.facebook.com/KatiesCornerChico and on the web at www.katiescornerii.com


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SafeDentalTipsforSummerSports by Gary Johnson, DDS

Summer time can be full of fun and games — just make yourself aware that several seasonal activities can contribute to dental injuries. Play it safe, so your smile stays healthy.

Swimming Many swimmers develop a yellowish-brown staining on the teeth when they swim more than six hours per week. Our teeth are exposed to many harsh elements from chemically treated water. These chemical additives give the water a higher pH than saliva. As a result, salivary proteins break down quickly and form deposits on teeth. These hard, brown deposits, known as “swimmer’s calculus,” appear most frequently on the front teeth (ADA).

Scuba Diving Diving can be fun, but having your dental health in check before a dive can be very helpful. Some divers experience jaw joint pain, gum tissue problems or “tooth squeeze” — pain in the center of the tooth. All of these symptoms add up to what’s called “diver’s mouth syndrome,” a condition caused by the


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air pressure change involved in scuba diving and by divers biting too hard on their scuba air regulators. Tooth squeeze is caused by the change in air pressure, particularly if a diver has a big cavity, a temporary filling, gum disease, periodontal abscess or incomplete root canal therapy (ADA).

Softball, Soccer, or Other Contact Sports Many of these sports do not regulate mouthguard use, but soccer players are more likely to sustain tooth injury to that of football players due to lack of facial protection. In addition to causing injuries during contact, these sports also may be costly for those who have had extensive dental work, especially people who wear braces. The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) estimates that mouthguards prevent more than 200,000 injuries each year. Ask your dentist for a mouthguard that would be best for you or your contact sport athlete. Gary Johnson, DDS 2730 Cohasset Road (530) 343-5587 | dr4smiles.com

The New Pie In Town


here’s a certain something about Andy Shepherd that you can’t help but feel familiar with. There’s the jovial

laugh, the welcoming attitude, and the unmistakable love for life that are all undeniably contagious, but there’s more to it than that. It’s his genuine nature more than anything else.

He’s what most would call a guy’s guy. The kind of guy back in college that would have been the first name on your list if you wanted (or in some instances needed) to grab a beer and a slice of pizza. Perhaps it’s this character trait that makes him the perfect fit for his current venture and why we can’t stop hearing about his new pizza joint tucked away on the south side of Chico.


The Chicken and Waffle Pizza... Yeah, you read that right.

Pie in the sky!

Dave, Andy, and Cassandra

Eleven specialty pizzas and Shrimp po’boy New location in south Chico

Born in Los Angeles, Andy and his family moved up to Chico when

italizing on the street food movement that was quickly gaining steam

he was four months old. His father, Michael T. Shepherd, worked for a

in Chico. Andy loved the idea and the two set out to embark on the

large law firm in L.A. and was looking to raise his family in a better envi-

new adventure together. They built the oven over the following sev-

ronment. As many seem to do, he brought his family to Chico.

en months, did the necessary permitting, and opened Pop’s Wood Fire

Andy started out at Sierra View Elementary, moved to Bidwell Ju-


countless “Make Your Own” options

with garlic fries


nior High, and split his high school career between Dunn College Pre-

As a street food vendor, positioning was key to build name recog-

paratory School at Santa Ynez and Pleasant Valley High School. He at-

nition. They started hitting festivals immediately, utilizing Andy’s con-

tended Butte College and found his way into firefighting, but it wasn’t

tacts in the music industry. Within a few months they had visited twen-

until he entered the food industry that he truly felt at home.

ty festivals and with attendance of over 1,500 people per day, word

He was hired at a local butcher shop and moved into a house with

organically began to spread about their new endeavor. Though An Hav-

two of his coworkers. Surrounded by some of the best food Chico had

ing already built a name for themselves, the restaurant was flooded

to offer, the trio spent the majority of their free time cooking, chal-

with street food regulars instantly. The new location took what Andy

lenging each other to perfect old recipes and invent new ones in the

had learned at a classic New York style pizzeria and blended it with a lo-

search to create the next great dish. He stayed on at the butcher shop

cal vibe. Not at all interested in taking themselves too seriously, Andy

for five years before taking up a job at Celestino’s Pizza in Oroville with

and the staff filled their menu with a number of new pizzas, like the

his close friend Jacob Quiles.

Chicken & Waffle, that proved just that. Customers continued to make

Three years passed and Andy gained considerable experience from

requests and recommendations, and with them the menus contin-

his time at Celestino’s. His father, lovingly referred to by Andy as “Pop,”

ued to grow. Soon the restaurant was making sandwiches, adding the

presented the idea of building a mobile wood-fire pizza oven and cap-

shrimp po’boy, chicken parmigiana, crab cake sliders, and Cubano with

U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

A vegetarian’s dream: Buffalo style broccoli

Owner, Andy, doing what he does best.

Being there is why I’m here.

fried plantains to their menu. They added a number of salads including the Pop’s House Salad, a family favorite invented by Andy’s mom, and a crunchy citrus Caesar that incorporates a number of items from New Hock Farms. To top it off, they completed their menus with an array of Sierra Nevada’s finest and a salted caramel gelato sundae that will bring even the most ardent of dieters to their knees. Celebrating their seven month anniversary on Independence Day, Pop’s Pizza is an inspiring tale of a meteoric rise done right as right could be. Through no shortage of effort and plenty of sweat, Andy and

Joni Ginno, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0732591 1915 Esplanade Chico, CA 95926 Bus: 530-891-5881

his family have built a local pizzeria that we cannot possibly get enough of, and with their level of creativity, we can’t imagine why we would

Whether you need a question answered, a problem solved, or a claim reported, my job is to make it happen. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY.

ever want to. The team at Pop’s Pizza is looking forward to adding a few new items to their menu in the coming weeks including a brisket sandwich in partnership with their old friends at Ike’s Smokehouse, a “Fig & Pig” pizza, and breaking into Sunday brunch with a quail egg breakfast pizza covered in cheddar cheese and ham. Home to at least one major new special every month, Pop’s Pizza is quickly becoming our favorite new local hangout, and we can’t wait to see all of you there.


State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL 23


In the late 1960s, Chico was the home of many leather craftsmen shops. As the years went by, times changed, certain countercultures dissolved, and the local handcrafted leather trade slowly began to die down. Iron Mountain Leather, one of the area’s independently owned and operated leathersmith shops, sits on the corner of Broadway and Eighth Street. While foot traffic goes by looking for a beer at the Winchester Goose or going to a show at 1078 Gallery, Alan Meigs sits in his workshop in the back of Iron Mountain with a two-month long waiting list of customer projects and repairs hanging from the wall.

Meigs is, in every sense, a modern-day cowboy. He has been his own boss, autonomously operating his business for the last 40 years. His horse, a freshly polished Harley Super Glide, idly waits next to his workbench in the back of his shop. His trusty, identical revolvers are a pair of drumsticks holstered until his next gig with his local rock act, The Retrotones. Meigs’ handcrafted replications of Native American war shirts hang high on the walls of his shop, along with many other mementos that display a life of exception. A Northern California native born and raised in Redding, Meigs got to see much of the world before he would make Chico his home. After graduating high school in 1961, he pursued higher education on the campus of Shasta College, pondering his career options. Soon, the draft of the Vietnam War would ultimately put things on hold, and in 1969, when the conflict was at its height, Miegs enrolled in the Army, leaving his life in California behind. He was stationed at an army post in Germany during Vietnam, and though far from home, Meigs found a way to bring his hobbies along for the ride. There was a hobby shop filled with all the tools and necessities needed for him to work with leather—just like his father provided him with in the garage of his childhood house. He also had the chance to make friends with local German musicians and fellow soldiers, performing on base and in nearby bars. 24

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Life in Chico began shortly after Meigs returned to the U.S. when he started commuting to Chico State from Redding. He took interest in industrial art classes and had plans to become a teacher in the future. His brother, who was also attending Chico State, soon talked him into moving to the area in 1971 so he wouldn’t have to make the long commute down Interstate Five. Drumming in rock ‘n’ roll and country bands has always been an equal love of Meigs growing up. A dusty lamp hangs over the counter of his shop where he remembers making his some of his first drum beats with a pencil and piece of paper when he still was in grammar school. He has always been in some kind of band over the years and started by playing school dances for his classmates at a very young age. The Retrotones, his current band, plays three to four shows every month and continues to draw locals in for every performance. Still playing in bands and performing at local bars and honkytonks, there came a certain point when Meigs wanted to make leather craftsmanship into more than just a hobby. He opened up his first commercial space off of Humboldt and Mill Street only after a year of being in the area. This granted the opportunity to begin doing work for his friends and family. It had always been a self-taught hobby but this would be the first time that people would get a glimpse at what it was that he loved to do. It was when he moved his to 1033 Park Ave: “That was the first time I was really visible to the public,” says Meigs. “That was when I decided to take time off school to focus on doing the leather thing full time.” As a result, it was then Meigs decided to make his passion a fulltime job. After being at the Humboldt location he would take his profession to the next level and moved his shop to a new building, next to the Chico Peace and Justice Center at 522 Broadway. Meigs stayed at this location for the next 22 years. It has now been 16 years since Iron Mountain Leather has moved to its Broadway Street location. Meigs’ schedule and involvement with the community continues to be more than just a full-time job. He and his wife, Tammy, serve as director and secretary of the Chico Harley Owners Group (HOG), another occupation, another passion Meigs has taken on over the years and he somehow finds the time successfully do it all—something that hasn’t changed for the last 44 years.

Be sure to catch Alan Meigs performing with The Retrotones on July 3 at the Friday Night Concert Series, July 11 at Shenanigans, and Aug. 1 at Butte Meadows Outpost. Visit theretrotoneschico.webs.com for more information.




Caring Dentistry from Toddler to Teen Years Dr. Kimberly Lange, DDS General Dentist

COOL KID MILES JACKSON Twenty six letters. Five vowels. One alphabet. Every word in our language is formed from these simple yet vital letters. However, spun together in their countless combinations, these words and the things they represent become much more complex. Thirteen-year-old Miles Jackson discovered his talent for memorizing words and his passion for spelling them a few years ago and has since competed in the state spelling bee various times. To date, Miles has competed in the California State Spelling Bee three times-in sixth, seventh and eighth grade. In fifth grade, Miles volunteered to participate in his school’s spelling bee, in which he got second place! After that contest (which would be the first of many to come), Miles found his passion and talent for memorizing words. “I discovered I was good at spelling words, so I decided to continue,” Miles stated with a grin as he recalled the first spelling event he competed in. In sixth grade, Miles won the county bee; in seventh grade he made it to the state bee where he got 24th place and in eighth grade he made it to the state bee yet again where this time he got an outstanding fourth place! Intense. Silent. Nerve racking. These adjectives are how Miles describes the atmosphere at the state spelling bee. With fifty people competing for the title of state champion, the intensity is quite tangible to



anyone in the room. The state spelling bee takes place at Miller Creek elementary in San Rafael each year. “Each year gets easier for me. I study more and I know what to expect because of experience.” Miles adds that although he never completely knows what to expect, each year he feels more comfortable at the state spelling bee. At the start of every new year, Miles begins preparations for the spelling bees to come by practicing everyday for 30 minutes to an hour. He studies by printing out lists that the judges use at the state bee. His dad quizzes him and marks words he spells incorrectly so Miles can revisit the words he needs to study more. Miles Jackson has accomplished so much at age 13! With his passion and drive I know he will continue his journey for many years to come. Miles’ goal for the future is to win the state spelling bee. His dedication is so inspiring —it is clear his achievements could not have happened without hours and hours of practice. And so there is no doubt in my mind Miles will achieve his goal someday. The capabilities of words are endless— they have the capability to make us smile, laugh and sometimes cry. Words create depth and texture to writing, or even conversation! Similarly, the potential of Miles Jackson seems endless, too—he is an incredibly accomplished kid; his knowledge and aptitude with such complex words is something truly admirable.


Annabelle Pearl writes about cool kids each month and at 15 years old she is our youngest writer and quite the cool kid herself! Find Annabelle Pearl on Facebook to suggest cool kids you’d like to shine the spotlight on.

650 RIO LINDO AVE. #4, CHICO 343-3137


(530) 596-4406 461 Firehouse Road Lake Almanor, CA 96137 25








3 5


6 26

U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

The street food scene is in full swing! New faces and seasoned veterans are bringing you the very best meals on wheels, and this summer is the perfect time to get truckin’! 1 CHICO CHUCKWAGON MAIN CUISINE Grilled sandwiches HOW TO FIND YOU Mondays & Wednesdays on 402 Otterson Drive, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in front of Home Depot, Thursday Night Market, and Fork in the Road. THE DRAW? “Great sandwiches: Our Philly Cheese Steak, Hot Pastrami and our version of a banh mi are all outstanding and create a lot of repeat business.”

6 MAYHEM MAIN CUISINE Grilled cheese on steroids HOW TO FIND YOU Facebook. If we don’t post we aren’t out that day. THE DRAW? “Our food! The two most popular grilled cheeses are sun dried tomato pesto and bacon with maple chipotle. We also have gluten free options!”



MAIN CUISINE Carnival comfort & childhood favorites reimagined for a mature palate.

MAIN CUISINE Fusion (Combining different culture’s cuisines to create a new and exciting taste experience.)

HOW TO FIND YOU www.wanderfoods. com, Facebook and 530-680-3871 THE DRAW? “A unique and fun twist on classics rediscovered.”

HOW TO FIND YOU Facebook and www.chicobis.com THE DRAW? “Big, bold, and exciting flavor combinations that you can’t find anywhere else in Chico, as well as a menu that changes daily and uses the freshest in season ingredients.”



MAIN CUISINE Italian food


HOW TO FIND YOU www.truckaroni. com and Facebook, we update our feed consistently.


THE DRAW? “We carefully craft our recipes using local, fresh ingredients. Our bread comes fresh from Tin Roof Bakery, our pasta comes fresh from California Pasta Productions, and our produce comes fresh from S&S Produce. Keep it local, keep it good, keep on Truckin’.”

THE DRAW? “You see a lot of taco trucks but not really any Asian Hmong food. I knew I should open a food truck for people with interest in that type of dish.”



MAIN CUISINE Just cupcakes

MAIN CUISINE Authentic Filipino food featuring BBQ on a stick!

HOW TO FIND YOU Thursday Night Market, Fork in the Road, Weddings and Business Gatherings THE DRAW? “Our truck was the first food truck in Chico (except the taco trucks) in 2010. Tia, my daughter/ partner, drove the truck around for the first year, selling cupcakes wherever she could, until we opened our shop on East Ave.”

9 MARIA’S GONE TAMALES MAIN CUISINE Tamales of course! HOW TO FIND YOU Thursday Night Market, Fork in the Road, and Facebook THE DRAW? “There is a surprise each time you eat them. They are ‘northern coastal’ tamales and delicious.”

HOW TO FIND YOU Thursday Night Market Fork in the Road THE DRAW? “The only Filipino food in California North of Sacramento!”

10 THE BLACK KETTLE MAIN CUISINE Flatbreads, burgers, soups and salads HOW TO FIND YOU You can find us at Thursday Night Market. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter. We cater any time any where call 354-1013. THE DRAW? “We serve many local non-GMO options. We are proud supporters of local farmers.”

11 IKE’S SMOKEHOUSE MAIN CUISINE Barbeque, smoked meats HOW TO FIND YOU 207 Walnut Street, Chico and Facebook THE DRAW? “Slingin’ some of Chico’s best smoked meats and down home BBQ! We are a food truck spinoff from CJ’s Last Chance Diner.”


Snoring ruining your relationship? Many have poor sleep due to a snoring spouse. Sleep related breathing disorders can shorten your life.

If you are a snorer or if someone has noticed that you have pauses in breathing while sleeping (sleep apnea), you have a serious medical problem that can be treated quite easily.


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

Back Pain During Exercise? What You Should Know and How to Prevent It. Back Pain During Exercis

What You Should Know and How to Prevent It.

Nothing is worse than trying to exercise

on. A more severe pain that “travels down the

and suffering with back pain. It’s not only frus-

legs,” may involve a bulged vertebral disc (the

trating, it can be debilitating to try to work

cushion between your spinal bones), com-

through your pain and dangerous if not ad-

promising nerve tissue or the spinal cord. This

dressed. Often times when changing routines

may occur with abnormal wear of a joint over

or starting something new, even in the midst

time, a spinal misalignment, repetitive activity,

of regular activities, you may feel back pain

weight gain, or injuries. However, with contin-

or discomfort, and it’s important to recognize

uous pain or traveling pain, there may be a disc

what’s causing the pain rather than compro-

herniation or rupture, which is more serious

mise your body any further. Pain is often a “red

and may require an MRI and possibly surgery.

flag” that the body is at a greater risk of injury if not addressed right away.

Specific measures to take would be to pay

It’s possible that

attention to tension in the body, tight ham-

modifications can be made and the potential

strings, cramping in the legs, soreness of the

for further injury can be avoided. But simply ig-

lower back and sacral iliac muscles (your sits

noring the pain could be a costly mistake, both

bones), and weak abdominals.

physically, mentally, and financially, down the

tions tend to be common. They are not lim-

road. Consider some of the following caus-

ited to people who have a desk job, do a lot

es and preventative measures you should be

of driving, or wear high heels. Some preven-

aware of to minimize and reduce your pain.

tative measures would be to seek conservative

These condi-

Be aware of the severity of your pain; is it

care through the help of a health profession-

sharp or dull and achy? Does the pain travel

al in the way of chiropractic, acupuncture,

down the back, to the backs of the legs? Is

massage, physical therapy. If you are working

there a feeling of numbness? A dull ache lo-

with an exercise trainer, tell them and they will

calized to one area is usually muscular. There

modify your activity. The goal is to continue

is usually one muscle group that is weak and

to exercise safely, paying attention to your

opposing muscles that are strong creating

biomechanics or movement and how you’re

an imbalance with activity. Proper stretching

feeling, and ultimately prevent injury and enjoy

and attention to balancing and relaxing such

life more actively.

Casual Wear Suits Tuxedos Tailoring Barber Shop

areas with a proper therapist are crucial early




Dr. Rabo graduated from Life Chiropractic College West in Northern California. She has been in private practice for seven years. Visit http://www.rabochiropracticcenter.com/ for more information.

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Victoria Ota, DO Family Practice Physician

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Live Music Food / Drinks Vendor Booths Food Sampling Beer & Wine Bars

Volleyball/Croquet/Bounce House


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5


Life in Ch






od, Music o F ,

ration b e l of Ce








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General Admission $15* VIP Entry Pass $25 * Child Sampling Ticket $5 * ~ 12 A ND UNDER FR E E ~

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Reconstructive Surgery Breast Augmentation Body Contouring & Lifts Facial Rejuvenation Hand Surgery & more!

What am I putting on my skin and why? by Dr. Vimali Paul Skin care is a billion-dollar industry. We all want younger-looking skin, but how do we get the results we’re looking for? Here are some of the key ingredients and what they do for our skin: RETINOL: Pure vitamin A, it alters collagen synthesis, stimulates cell growth and turnover, and produces epidermal proteins. It is revitalizing and anti-aging. VITAMIN C: An anti-aging, anti-inflammatory antioxidant. Fights free radical (environmental) damage, promotes even tone and healing of injured tissues. It also makes sunscreens more effective. GLYCOLIC ACID: An alpha-hydroxy acid that facilitates sloughing of dead skin cells, improves keratosis (bumpy skin texture), and helps keep moisture in. SALICYLIC ACID: A beta-hydroxy acid that has antiseptic properties, exfoliates, improves skin texture (especially in oilier skin), reduces thickness of the outer layer of skin, and reduces follicle blockage.

BENZOYL PEROXIDE: Used in the treatment of acne for its antibacterial properties and reduces levels of skin infection. HYALURONIC ACID: A substance that occurs naturally in the skin to draw moisture in and keep it there. When added to skin care products, lower levels of emollients and lubricants are needed, so products are virtually greaseless. HYDROQUINONE: A prescription pigment-lightening agent that suppresses melanin production to even out skin tone. All these ingredients are FDA approved and contained in a variety of skin care products sold here at the Derm Bar MedSpa. Call or come by to see what we have to offer YOUR skin!

The Derm Bar Med-Spa 530-342-2672 85 Declaration Drive Suite 100 Chico, CA 95973


Summer Make-Up Tips Waterproof mascara is a lifesaver at the pool, but I feel like I’m yanking out my lashes when I try to remove it. Is waterproof mascara bad for my lashes? Sweltering summer days makes waterproof mascara a must for the season! But just as important — how you get it off! You need a makeup remover specifically formulated for waterproof products. My personal fave is Clinique’s Take the Day Off makeup remover. It’s important to shake the bottle before you put it on a cotton pad because the liquid is separated. It is a two-part process; first, it breaks down the makeup, and then it removes it! I like to soak the cotton pad, and then sweep downward on the closed lid, gently allowing the remover to dissolve the makeup first, then gently sweep it away. The skin around our eyes is very delicate, so always be gentle when dealing with this area. Don’t ever tug and rub, especially to try to take the mascara off. The waterproof products are not bad for your lashes or lids as long as they’re removed correctly. There are also good drugstore removers, like Maybelline Clean Express — just make sure they specify that they are for waterproof makeup.

Golden Key Spa

How can I get a glowy look for summer without looking greasy? The harsh heat and A/C conditions are super drying for the skin. It’s important to moisturize daily and protect your skin with a comprehensive sunscreen. The key to the summer glow without looking like an oil slick is the placement of your creamy, dewy products. Consider using a bronzer instead of powder to add contour and a sun-kissed glow. One of my go-to products is a cream eyeshad-

ow in a neutral champagne/coppery shimmer. If you just want to sweep it over the lid and under the brow for a highlight and go, it’s enough! If you layer eyeshadow on top of it, it makes it bulletproof and it won’t smudge or budge. You can also use that same creamy eye shadow as a cheek highlighter in a C-shape on the outside of your eye down to the top of your cheekbones. That looks fresh and glowy and picks up beautifully in pictures! I love M.A.C.’s paint pots in Rubenesque and Bare Study for an eye shadow, and their Cream Colour Base in Shell for the cheek highlight. But any creamy, shimmery light shadow would do. The key is to keep the shimmer on the cheekbones, lips and eyelids — not the forehead, nose and chin. I never want to put on a full face of makeup during summer vacations or for trips to the beach. What will make the biggest difference in my makeup routine? Use consolidated products. I would switch out your full-coverage foundation for a tinted moisturizer or my favorite, BB cream. Beauty Balm is a consolidated product with sunscreen, primer, and coverage all in one. It should even out your skin tone and provide light coverage and moisture while protecting your skin as well. Clinique’s BB cream is amazing, but Garnier does a great job, too! Use a lighter under-eye concealer to brighten up dark circles and spot-conceal where necessary. A little blush, bronzer, and cream eyeshadow/ highlighter, waterproof mascara, and gloss is a great summer face that won’t melt off in the hottest of our summer heat waves! A setting spray keeps everything hydrated and in place, and feels super refreshing!


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LeiLani is the makeup artist half of Hello Glam - an on-location hair/makeup styling team that specializes in weddings and photo shoots. This busy Mama of 6 feels it’s always important to look put together and bring out the best in yourself! Check out her work at www.helloglam.net or www.facebook.com/lovehelloglam.

Family is why we do it all. Gayle Aylward, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0691589 1277 East Avenue, Ste 110 Chico, CA 95926 Bus: 530-895-1356 www.gayleaylward.com

We all feel the same commitment to care for our families. Helping you meet your insurance needs is part of my commitment to you. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY.

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SUMMER VACATION SPECIAL: 4 Months $224 Single, $324 Double, $374 Family. Call Membership for Details at 343-5678

Developmental Milestones As a parent of a young child, one is very aware of the developmental milestones which are associated with each stage of a child’s growth. Skills such as sitting up, taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and hand-waving are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave and move from turning over to crawling to walking. We closely monitor these changes in the growth of our children and have developmental charts to educate us on what to expect as a child matures. As a child grows, each step is greeted with joy. However, many are faced with caring for a child or grandchild and the added responsibility of caring for an elderly parent or relative. Charting the development of children or grandchildren is a joy, being


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

responsible for monitoring the changing needs of an elderly loved one is often stressful and uncertain. Caregivers for an aging loved one need a way to monitor the developmental milestones in the aging process. At Butte Home Health & Hospice, we have developed a tool to assist caregivers in evaluating the needs of aging loved ones in order to provide the support needed to continue caring for them. Changes can be subtle, but significant, when viewed from the perspective of developmental milestones. If you think about the growth of a child, imagine it in reverse. An aging parent goes from walking to being unable to walk without assistance, from having a healthy appetite to eating very little and needing assistance with eating, from smiling readily

to an emotional withdrawal from what used to be fun, from being able to manage simple activities of toileting and bathing to being unsafe or unable without someone to help. These are challenging milestones. If you are caring for an aging parent or loved one and feeling the stress and uncertainty of the process, we welcome you to contact us. We will provide you with our “Developmental Milestones for Aging Adults� and our staff is available to answer questions or to provide an evaluation of your concerns without any charge to you. Butte Home Health & Hospice is a nonprofit, Medicare Certified Home Care and Hospice agency. Call us today! (800) 655-0462 or (530) 895-0462

Take one step now

Take Shape For Life!

Mention this ad for a FREE health consultation and savings of over $100.

We make it easy to be free of excess weight, low energy and poor health. Our program is doctor recommended and clinically proven.

• Get empowered by a free Health Coach. • Get invigorated and keep the weight off for the long term through our Habits of Health. • Get support at our Healthy Happy Hours/Support Groups (childcare provided). • Utilize our Bio Network of Support which provides you access to Doctors, Nurses, and Nutritional Support through our Virtual Clinic and Support Calls. • Attend our Enrichment Activities which could include educational seminars, fitness talks, and art classes. • Receive a free Health Assessment. • Eat six meals a day. No calorie or carb counting. • Featuring the clinically proven nutrition of Medifast Meals. • Lose 2–5 lbs per week for the first two weeks and 1–2 lbs.per week there after. Stephanie Mojica (530) 230-8924 | StephanieMojica.tsfl.com

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HowtoSelf-Check YourSeatedPosture

With all of the perks of modern society, we are becoming more aware of the toll it places on our bodies. Seated posture is often an overlooked sign of an overall weakness or inactivity of the spinal muscles, rotator cuff, low back, and hips.

by Bradley Foster, DC

The following is an easy way to check your seated posture, whether in a car, at a desk, or working in front of a computer monitor.

Step 1 Slouch your chest forward, ensuring a slouching posture. Place your arms straight in front of you and now squeeze your shoulder blades together. You’ll likely feel that you can’t quite get those muscles to engage. This is a sign that your slouching posture is short circuiting your nervous system’s ability to perform an easy task.

Step 2

We have become a culture focused on “strengthening the core” and enhancing our abs, but in many cases, we don’t give enough attention to our postural muscles. It is important to realize that there is strength and vitality when these muscles are activated. It also lessens the chance of injury and promotes longevity. Contact our office to find out more info on our wellness approach, or for a complementary postural analysis.


Now, tuck your lower spine in toward the belly button, sitting as upright as possible. Place both arms straight in front of you and squeeze your shoulder blades together. As your shoulder blades pinch in toward the spine, you’ll likely feel your spine come to life with a rush of energy.

From now on, check yourself a few times a day. If your shoulder blades do not activate, this is a clear indication that your seated posture needs some extra attention. You will likely find that most of the common neck (including headaches), mid-back, shoulder, low-back, and hip issues stem from weaknesses between the shoulder blades.

Activated shoulder blade muscles


Fostering Wellness Chiropractic Center | 1 390 E. 9th St. #190, Chico | 530-343-6325 | fosteringwellness.com U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5



1390 E. 9th St. #190, Chico (in Beatniks parking lot) www.FosteringWellness.com (530) 342-NECK (6325)


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Tucked away in a upscale neighborhood & sheltered by majestic Intoxicating view! Where the eagles soar, this captivating residence trees, will find your dream Thistall beautiful home behind ironhome gates.offers This home is truly ambiance magnificent with Thehere viewyou is stunning!! Sheltered byhome. majestic trees and guarded by the sits ironshielded gate, this dramatic a peaceful and a is designed for indoor/outdoor loaded towering ceilings, wallsthe of glass, floors, a lavish living breathtaking view from everyentertaining room. You’lland loveisthe largewith living room, delightful family room and formalgleaming dining allwood with their own fireplaces. upgrades. You willrecently love theremodeled generouslywith proportioned rooms, the wood laminate room,flooring, formal & informaltiles dining, kitchen, granite counters, The home was slab granite counters, travertine andgourmet new appliances. This beautiful home gorgeous floors, the formal living and diningan rooms, cozy hood, 3 fireplaces, interiorvac, walls, 2HVAC, 3 car2garage boasts awood gourmet kitchen with pull out drawers, officethe in addition to itsdesigner 4 bedrooms, security system,6”central water softener, heating,and family with it’s fireplace, guest quarter, expansive master suit, and power morefor allR.V. onan almost 2 acre parcel. The ambiance is peaceful androom 2 air conditioning systems, back up generator, electric blinds, hook up. There are numerous French doors that leadwith to a large kitchen with The can3lighting, breakfast nook over looking cabinets, a beautiful viewscounter, of sunsets & acity lights. You willcommunity breakfast on the patio watching dream terrace. car garage includes built in storage workshop and sink. The gated provides outdoor pool, private yard,storage 3 car garage, gated R.V. parking onarea. almost ace home the ranges &tree, Sutter-Buttes. Atwalking night simply relaxof & nature enjoy your individual rooms for each home and all R.V. Thisone beautiful sitsmountain a midst towering you’ll relish the paths as of the totalseasons privacy. unobstructed of the star-speckled change, watching eagles soar or just sitting on the terrace and enjoying theview incredible view and onlysky. 15 mins to Chico. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,501 Price: $487,500 Bed: ~2.0 Bed:4.0 4.0 Bath: Bath:3.0 3.0 SqFt: SqFt: 2,389 3,538 Acreage: Price: $599,950

PENDING The lake is only seconds away from this beautiful home! Tucked away Pirates will squeal & scurry for this hidden treasure! The delightful, large A quiet quiet neighborhood, country lane leads youmaintained to Country livingoffers can a bedarling yours! A quietfront country lane you tohome this wonderful half acre Ranchette. This in a this well home porch of will this lead gorgeous provides relaxation and a great this peaceful 8+ acres of pastoral home has and an unassuming complements the environment. TheWith soft soaring cascades lights and gated porch, perfect for summer days to sit upon relax. Insidecharm that place to get to know your neighbors. 10 of and 12 foot setting. You’ll drawn to the shades on this home a timelessness where tomorrow, or week need not mean urgency. In you’ll find an openbe floor plan, high ceilings, tile counters, and add wood ceilings, this today, home features walls of glass windows providing ample warmth of this lovely home. You this special place you will find a bright airy kitchen, a delightful living room that looks out over a peaceful flooring throughout. Tile floors in the kitchen and bathrooms, fireplace natural lighting, crown molding throughout, bamboo flooring, a cozy will love its open floor plan, country setting and a large family room perfect for large gatherings. This house was recently updated with fresh in the living room, closet, mater bath with dual sink, separate fireplace with mantel, built-in bookshelves, cabinets with glass doors, kitchen, pellet walk-in stove and bright paint, new appliances, kitchen counter tops kitchen, and new3fences. The and property goeslaundry, to the second white shower and a tub. The yard is maintenance free so you can enjoy life a darling bedrooms a loft,line indoor a beautiful rooms that convey an aura of fence in the back. There is plenty ofpatio roomwith in the yard for garden, pool and family orchard. Here, whether byhappiness. spending more time by the lake canoeing, fi shing, or just enjoying fountain and Zen-inspired landscaping plus 2 car garage. Must see. Call today! walking the paths around area. Bed: 3.0theBath: 2.0 working in the garden or just relaxing, your tension will seem to vanish. Bed: 3.0 Bath:Bed: 2.0 3.0 SqFt:Bath: 1,7762.5Acreage: 0.56 Price: Price:$309,000 $299,900 Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,346 Price: $269,000 SqFt: 1,739 SqFt: 1,560 Price: $289,000

PENDING Two commercial properties. The This home features granite views of Mt.cent Shasta Mt. Lassen!! well maintained Conveniently located between Chico and Paradise in gated community, Intoxicating this home is truly magnifi withand soaring ceilings, This walls of glass, gleaming first parcel has 1.6 AC with a counter tops, laminate flooring, home on 10 dining acres of total privacy. a large living roomsinks, wood floors, six inch interior walls, lavish living room with fireplace, formal and sits informal rooms, wet bar, Featuring gourmet kitchen with three 600 Sq ft. building structure that crown molding, security system, with a free standing wood stove, a newly remodeledmaster kitchenbath with with 2 granite counter tops, designed hood, Bosch appliances, convection and warming ovens, two HVAC, Jack & Jill bedrooms, was built in 1979 and has been central heat and air, dual pane graniteand counter custom newer appliances, this head shower, dual vanity and a jetted tub, almost 1300 ft of covered porches 3 cartops, garage, all cabinetry on almost and 2 acre parcel. The ambiance is operating as a nursery for the last windows, upgraded appliances home also provides tile and laminate fl ooring, an over sized bonus peaceful with a view of the sunset and city lights. You’ll breakfast on the patio watching the mountain ranges and at night simply relax and enjoy 25 years. It is partially fenced, it is and fixtures. This home also has a room with a wood232 stove, indoor laundry, your unobstructed view of the star speckled sky. Also included is 1/40th interest in adjoining acres green belt. water softeners, 2 balconies, on city services and is near park large basement perfect for your a private domestic well plus a shared Ag. well, central heating and air, and shopping. The 2nd parcel is wine collection and storage! barn/shop, 4 car carportBed: and 4.0 muchBath:3.0 more. SqFt: 2,839 Price: $499,900 on .29 AC and is adjacent to the Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,240 Price: $399,900 other parcel. Price: $400,000 SqFt: 2,085 Price: $239,000

There’s something about

Sherry LandiS

Still cruising with Century21 after 25 years!

“Sherry Landis is by far the best real estate agent in Chico. She is

We love working with Sherry.and Shehas is the ultimatefollow realtor professional. She is amazing!! professional, positive, incredible through. She helped us She’s the best in the business! She knows the community inside and out. She is honest navigate our way through the sale of two homes and the purchase of and understands what her customers want in a property. She knows the market and another—all at the same time! She never missed a beat. She made sure we pricing and is knowledgeable on all aspects of home purchasing. We have used Sherry understood the process, and stayed in constant contact with us. all in numerous home and investment purchases. We won’t use anyone elseEven and after recomthree homes she continued toShe call,is email, and text just to make sure mend Sherry to all closed, of our friends and family. the best!! everything was going as planned. We could not have done it without her.” - Connie Adams — Doug anD CoLEttE RobERtS

(530) 514-4855 | landis4sale@aol.com | www.SherryLandis.com

A lot of home for the value! This custom built home is in a sought after gated community just outside Paradise with hard to find canyon views above the Chico fog & smog. The front yard is lush with custom drought-resistant landscaping and greenery for excellent curb appeal. High 10 foot ceilings throughout with custom crown molding in living and dining rooms. Hardwood floors are throughout main living spaces. Quality ceiling fans in all rooms. There is central heating and cooling with special appointments, which include a voltage regulator to extend electrical components. There is a surround sound system in the living room which extends to the upper deck. A “Nest” system regulates the main house heating and cooling to decrease and monitor energy use which may be controlled from your phone or IPad or from a small device on the wall. Kitchen includes custom ash cabinetry with a cherry stain with lots of counters. Raised breakfast bar and separate large eating area off of kitchen with windows overlooking the deck and view. Built-in stainless steel oven, microwave, and dishwasher are in the kitchen as well as an in-counter stove-top. The double kitchen sink includes an oversized garbage disposal. Separate formal dining big enough for a large family table.. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 2,852 Price: $499,900

New Roof, Pool and Large covered patio to enjoy these summer nights! Interior offers fireplace, laundry room and lots of storage! Very popular plan in Amber This was thelooks model and thumb only one There many A terrific Michael Galli floor plan updated and on remodeled from head to Grove - Grass likehome the green livesowner! here and the flhave owersbeen are just popping out of the ground! Neighbors asking for lessons how it’s like this. upgrades including travertine tiles, upgraded carpets, granite, oversized Bed: 3.0steel Bath: 2.0 SqFt:granite 1,774 counters, Price: $365,000 toe about a year ago. Stainless appliances, plush

lot, built in desk in media room, special color paint throughout, draperies, landscaped beautifully with slate water fall, flowers galore and redwood trees. RV Access on both sides of the house and two master suites make this home a must see! Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 3,166 Price: $429,000


carpets, decorator lighting, exterior and interior painting, lush park like yard, sparkling in ground gunite pool, newer 10x10 outdoor shed, wood stove, Clean and pretty Sierra Sunrise unit with upgraded appliances, newer carpet shows truly like a model home. Open floor plan with so many upgrades!

in main area of home and a beautiful view out the balcony! Run, don’t walk as this one just won’t last!! Easy to show Live like you’re on vacation close Bed:enjoy 4.0 the Bath: 3.0ts of SqFt: 3,675setting, Price:morning $665,000 to lakes, walking trails and benefi peaceful sipping coffee listening to chirp chirp!! Bed: 2.0

Bath: 2.0

SqFt: 1,300 Price: $210,000

My homes are selling fast! Call if I can #3 help in Production 2014! by listing for your home today! Any closed transaction receives a gift certificate to

CA-DRE lic# 01084946


New Again Kitchen Remodeling Presents

House Call


For many, giving a room in your home a new look is the perfect way to physically signify a new chapter in life. Such was the case for Chico resident Diane Fossum, a retired teacher who has lived in her spacious North Chico home for 13 years. The roomy kitchen is set up with a large island in the middle and no walls separating it from the living 40

U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

room and dining area — a design that’s ideal for entertaining guests and cooking, which Diane enjoys. But this spring she decided the room was ready for an upgrade — one motivated this time more by fashion than function. For Diane, giving the kitchen a striking new look was a way to give not only her home a lift, but also herself.


The Client

The Call

Ric chose Silver Galaxy granite to make that bold and bright statement Diane had been wanting in her kitchen

Diane came into New Again Kitchen Remodeling looking for a bold granite that would complement her maple cabinets and white appliances.

The previous tile in the kitchen was plain and blended in too much with the coloring of the rest of the room. “I just wanted something that would brighten up the area,” Diane said. “And I didn’t want to go to a big-box store. I wanted a local business.”

The Cure Ric showed Diane several choices of granite, but one that stood out to him in particular, called Silver Galaxy — a bold, creamy white stone with rivers of black and gray and bursts of silver — ended up being the perfect granite for her home.

“I think Ric and I just kind of connected pretty quickly on what I wanted and didn’t want,” she said. “And when he showed me this piece, he said, ‘This is a piece that I think is really stunning,’ and I looked at it and I said, ‘Oh yeah.’ So I knew that we were definitely in sync.” With the perfect granite selected, it was time for the team at New Again to get to work. They ripped out her


old white tile and, amazingly enough, had the new granite installed in a single day. “I’m thrilled with it,” Diane says. “I’m thrilled with the installation process, to be honest with you. I mean they just did a great job.” New Again also supplied Diane with a new stainless sink and extended her island counter by about four inches. Christine Mac Shane, the local painter who had painted Diane’s kitchen walls with a Trompe-l’œil technique as well as a mural above the cabinets, even returned to do some final touch-ups to get the kitchen in immaculate shape. The end result is gorgeous.

“It just gives one a lift to do something like this,” Diane says. “I’m super happy.”

A new stainless steel sink from New Again is a win-win being easy to clean and a visually stunning.

The Trompe-l’œil paintings of topiaries and pottery by artist Christine Mac Shane really make this space unique.

New Again Kitchen Remodeling | 2502 Park Ave, Chico, CA 95928 | 530) 899-2888 41

Becky Prater

(530) 520-0308

beckysbuys@yahoo.com Canyon Oaks Beauty — Yet wonderfully roomy and inviting for the whole gang! Backing up to the 14th green, this 2800 sq ft + home has 3 bedrooms PLUS an office, huge laundry/ craft room with lots of storage and 3 baths. The kitchen island opens to the dining and living rooms so everyone can be present at once! Downstairs you’ll find a fun game room with a separate guest bedroom and bath, these open to 2 wood decks and the patio. Security system, gas fireplace, laminate flooring and great views! What more could you want! $5 00,000

www.BeckysBuys.com CA BRE # 00772540

Bed: 3.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,800+ Price: $500,000

Magnificent home on 5 acres in town! Custom built for the owner this property offers so much; a large country kitchen opening to the wet bar, family room with soaring ceiling and windows, large formal dining and living rooms and a fabulously roomy craft and laundry room! Up the sweeping staircases you find 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and large walk-in attic for more storage than you’ll be able to fill! It’s priced so you can update with your personal style- $598,000 Bed: 4.0 Bath: 2.0 Price: $598,000

Protecting Your #1 Investment Residential & Commercial Inspections Chico, CA and Surrounding Areas 42

U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

Looking for a quiet neighborhood, big lot and sparkling POOL??? Wonderful This home on one of Chico’s favorite streets has it all! Freshly painted, updated with newer windows, roof, water heater and pool equipment! This 4 bedroom home has an open kitchen and almost 1500 sq. ft ! You’ll love the lot and neighborhood! $315,000.

Jeremy Wolfe

Wolfe Inspections


ASHI NO #2586382

SUMMIT FUNDING Chico’s Preferred Lending Team



orn and raised in Orange

to over 1,000 employees in 40 of-



fices throughout 20 states. Summit

his way out of Southern Cal-

Funding is set to close over $3 bil-

ifornia — like so many of our

lion in home loans this year.



transplants did — to attend univer-

Although Chris owns and manag-

sity at Chico State. He majored in

es the office, he still works full time



as a loan officer, and is even more

in 1999, and decided to follow Me-


determined to make the process of

gan, his college sweetheart, to San

obtaining a home loan easier and


more efficient than ever before. By

Chris worked for a couple dif-

focusing solely on residential home

ferent sales firms in the legal and

loans and utilizing his own team of

recruiting industry throughout the

six (including two other loan offi-

Bay Area while with Megan, and

cers and four support staff ), Chris

when they finally decided to get

is able to provide his clients with

married, they both happened to


throw Chico into the mix of places

of his team’s specialists at each

they’d like to raise a family.

stage of the lending process. Bet-




The two moved back to Chico in

ter yet, clients are given a direct line

January of 2004 and Chris joined

phone number to the specialist for

Wells Fargo Mortgage, climbing the

each stage of the process, allowing

ladder to branch manager in nine

them to work with the entire team

short months.

throughout the loan process. As

In June of 2009, Chris found that

anyone who has ever attempted a

he had grown tired of the bigger

home loan before will likely tell you,

bank mentality. Having worked in

there are few things more valuable

corporate lending for the prior six


years he recognized a lack of speed,

talk you through it step-by-step.

efficiency, and personalized com-

Whether you’re a first-time home

munication in the lending process,

buyer, multiple property investor, or

so he decided to set out to correct

even a new home developer, Sum-

it. He rented a small solo office

mit Funding has every product and

space from a local real estate bro-

program available under the sun at

kerage, hired an assistant, and spent

their fingertips with the know-how

the following two years building his

to make it work for you.





new lending business before offi-

Chris points out that few peo-

cially opening the doors in 2011 to

ple know what they have to do

his franchise of Summit Funding in

to buy a home and therefore shy


away from the process altogether,

Now home to Chris and his 26

afraid of the unknown. They lack

employees, the once small business

the knowledge of what they need

has grown by leaps and bounds, se-

to qualify for a home mortgage. It

curing its position as the third-larg-

is in walking each of them through

est volume lender in the corpora-

their own personalized process that

tion behind Sacramento, California,

Chris finds the most fulfillment in






poration has grown alongside the business as well and is now home


Meet the Team - from left to right: Jeremy Williams (NMLS ID#746758), Danielle Wood, Chris Kobz (NMLS ID#208371), Tori Goble (NMLS ID #1158492), Heather Skelly (NMLS ID#1081922), and Jordan Claverie

Summit Funding, Inc. NMLS ID#3199 | 300 Salem St., Chico, CA 95928 | 530-924-4352 | www.chicohomeloans.com | Branch NMLS ID#845308 Summit Funding, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Lender

his work. He tries to make the experience as stress free and casual as he can.



Basket Case

Why do we love baskets? I’ll give you several reasons. They are a great way to add warmth and texture to any space, they come in all kinds of unique PROJEC T + PHOTOS BY ERIN WENHAM

patterns, they are extremely versatile, and the best part? They won’t cost you a fortune, especially at your local thrift store. We picked up these beauties at the Arc Store of Chico for $1 or less each. How’s that for frugal home fashion? What you do with them is up

Assorted baskets Acrylic paint

to you. We went for a fun bohemian


look with some simple yet colorful

Yarn and yarn needle

patterns and touches of yarn and arranged them on the wall to create some eye catching art. If storage is what you’re after, go for deeper baskets and try painting or weaving simple patterns on the outside for an updated and customized look. This is a great project to do with the kiddos or to add a little something extra to a neglected space. Either way, get creative and have fun! The possibilities are endless, especially at thrift store prices!



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Specializing in collectible vintage vinyl! 260 E.1st Street, Downtown Chico for info call (530) 321-5952 Find us on Facebook at "MCM Vintage" 45

Gorgeous custom built home on 2.46 acres in exquisite Paradise neighborhood with views of the Bluffs! Offers family room with vaulted ceiling; formal living room with fireplace; gourmet kitchen with new appliances and spacious breakfast nook; separate formal dining room; and large master suite. Attached 3-car garage, workshop area, and R.V. parking. 5793 Acorn Ridge, Paradise Bed: 4 Bath: 3.5 Price: $479,000

Well-maintained home situated on beautiful, secluded 2.9 acres! This single-owner home offers a spacious living room with vaulted, woodbeamed ceiling; centrally located woodstove; new roof (2014), central vacuum, and alarm system. From the multi-level deck, enjoy the view of nature, fruit trees, fire pit, small pond and waterfall. 5828 Ponderosa Way, Magalia Bed: 4 Bath: 3.5 Price: $369,000


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

Location, location, location! Almost level lot with easy R.V. parking and backyard access with spacious, covered, rear deck overlooking mature garden areas. The interior offers a large and bright kitchen with ample counter space and breakfast nook; a family room with woodbeamed ceiling and oversized picture window; plus, a roomy utility/laundry area.

Bed: 3

1598 Gate Lane, Paradise Bath: 2 Price: $279,000

Welcome home! Nicely maintained home in excellent neighborhood, offers living room with fireplace featuring custom brick hearth and large picture window; bright kitchen with updated appliances and spacious dining area; remodeled bathroom; plus, den. Fenced backyard with covered patio and shade trees. Abundant storage in attached 2-car garage. 2212 Richmond Road, Paradise Bed: 2 Bath: 2 Price: $219,950

Spectacular, one-owner, meticulously maintained home with beautiful mature landscaping. The spacious living room opens to the light, bright kitchen complete with pantry and breakfast nook. Amenities include alarm system, 3 zone heat/air system, skylights, whole-house fan, hardwood flooring, and newer carpet. This home also features a finished and insulated R.V. garage. 5268 Harrison Road, Paradise Bed: 3 Bath: 2.5 Price: $429,000

Excellent family home in quiet neighborhood; walking distance to Bille Park! Spacious living room features fireplace, built-in bookshelves and large picture window. Family room offers built-in bookshelves, slider to backyard and opens up to kitchen that offers updated appliances, eating area and breakfast bar. Backyard is perfect for entertaining. 559 Sunset Drive, Paradise Bed: 3 Bath: 2 Price: $229,000

Mary McGowan

(530) 518-8888




No Expenses Spared! 2003 Victorian replica on1.09 acres of beautifully manicured lawns, gardens, tree lined walks, fountains, gazebo, and wrap around covered porch, all completely private surrounded with trees and hedges. Formal entry, sunny parlor, open kitchen family rooms, downstairs master suite, sun room, media room, office, 2 additional rooms, loads of storage, whole house fan, huge laundry room, and loads of windows and skylights capturing the breathtaking outdoors. High end solar panels, 3 car garage with one bay for an RV and another for a shop w/ wood stove, detached boat and ride on lawn mower garage? The list goes on. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 3,842 Price: $650,000

CA BRE # 01119659


Elegance and style on a beautifully landscaped acre with an outdoor kitchen, gorgeous pool, room to play soccer, huge covered patio, and private garden area. Nothing was spared starting with the glamorous entry, formal living and dining rooms with butlers pantry, open kitchen and family rooms with wet bar, high ceilings, beautiful crown and baseboards, newer appliances, granite counters, eating bar, island, nook area, 3 fireplaces, loads of storage, many walk-in closets, separate office/den, over sized 4 car garage, owned solar system, and the list goes on.

Location, Location, Location! Two blocks from prestigious Bidwell Park, 3 bed+ office, formal living and dining, see thru fireplace between living room and family room, open kitchen/ family, island with eating bar, plus nook area, gas cook top, built in oven and microwave, 8 ft doors, 9 ft plate line, skylights, 3-car garage, doors with transom glass above, central vac, amazing backyard, private, inground pebble tech pool, water falls, beautiful patios and landscaping on a great cul de sac. Hurry, this one won’t last!

Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 4,124 Price: $650,000

Bed: 3.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,433 Price: $549,900


Don’t Be Bugged by Summer Pests By Adam Reimer As the summer approaches, so do many of the creepy crawlies that no one enjoys having around the home. In between regular pest control visits, there are a few natural tricks for keeping unwanted bugs and rodents from invading your home. One of the easiest ways to prevent rodent problems is to keep vegetation and landscaping pruned and away from the walls of your home. Rats are climbers, so by not allowing branches to grow against your house, you are making your home a less enticing place for a rat to visit. Keeping grasses and other vegetation trimmed short and well-manicured will also destroy easy habitats for many spiders,

Aaah, be prepared for something tastefully different...

Gigantic, glamorous gourmet kitchen, granite countertops, natural travertine stone flooring, natural stone on exterior and interior walls, walk-in pantry, elevator, dual lavish master suites. Convenient to restaurants, shopping, schools, medical facilities and the Canyon Oaks Country Club. Enjoy your own private boat dock, boating on Cal Park Lake, walking trails and gorgeous sunsets.

Bed: 4 Bath: 3.5 SqFt: 3272 Price: $763,000

which is a trick anyone suffering with arachnophobia will enjoy knowing. There are many kinds of plants that when planted around a home will help repel insects. For instance, Thai lemon grass, lemon thyme, and lavender will deter mosquitoes from buzzing around the area. Other mosquito repelling plants include rosemary, horsemint, marigold, lemon balm, ageratum, citronella, catnip, and basil. Plants that repel ants include garlic and mint. Tricks for keeping bugs away from inside of your home include keeping a dry and clean environment. When crumbs and other bits of food, including pet food, are left out for long periods of time, it is offering up a free and easy meal for any hungry bugs or rodents in the area. When pools of water are left outside, you are providing breeding grounds for bugs like mosquitos to lay their eggs. When left inside, pools of water can be just as tempting for rodents and bugs to both drink from and potentially lay eggs in. Pests may have a habit of making summer a bit less enjoyable, but by trying out a couple of these natural remedies, this summer may become the best one yet.


Adam Reimer has been helping area residents protect their homes from pests and weeds for five years. For more information, contact Reimer Pest & Weed at 530-342-5000.

Chico: (530) 892-9062 www.DavesTileCity.com Yuba: (530) 671-7993


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

Serving Butte County

UNRIVALED CANYON VIEW! Astounding views from the living room and bonus room of this super clean home. Covered decking, court yard, indoor laundry, attached carport, workshop area, shed, end of lane privacy, newer paint, newer roof, vaulted ceiling, tile, walk-in closet and more! Bed:2 Bath:2 SqFt:1620 Price:$84,000

NEAT AND CLEAN! Lovely home modern feeling home on .24 Acres of level useable land! Oversized living room with gas fireplace, vaulted ceiling, large attached deck, massive RV parking, storage shed, area of nice homes in established neighborhood, lovely landscaping, WON’T LAST!

HOME & GUEST COTTAGE IN IDYLLIC CREEKSIDE SETTING! UNRIVALED 2BD, 2BA Main home, 1BD, 1BA guest cottage, 2.4 acres,extremely well cared for homes and property. Circular driveways, view and creekside decks, well, storage space, carport. MUST SEE!!! Bed:3 Bath:3 SqFt:2004 Price:$208,000

BUSINESS POTENTIAL IN PRIME LOCATION! This property has served as the home to Antique and Unique upholstery for decades! The property fronts Skyway, the largest local thoroughfare with the highest traffic count. Many opportunities exist for this property including its current use as an upholstery shop.

SPECTACULAR ESTATE! Unique home LOCATION! Beautiful 2005 built home in and 9+ acre property in Butte Valley, highly sought cul-de-sac neighborhood, vaulted ceilings, tile,vaulted wood, ceiling barn, and garden large great room with gas area, Salt water solar heated covered fireplace, open kitchen with pool, butcher block porch, Brick open island, woodstove bonus room with perfect for hearth, den or office, floor Great masterplan, suite,amazing laminateviews, flooring, nice horse deck, potential! landscaped yard. Nice home! Bed: 3SqFt:1740 Bath: 3 Bed:2+ Bath:2 Price:$275,000 SqFt: 2,606 Price: $565,000


ASTOUNDING HOME IN PRIME LOCATION! This lovely one owner home has been nicely updated! Granite countertops, stainless appliances, hand-scraped style laminate flooring, indoor laundry, sweeping corner lot, beautiful mature landscaping new decking, bonus workshop area and more! MORE THAN A DRIVE BY!

PRIME PARADISE LOCATION! Spectacular COUNTRY VIEW ESTATE! Beautiful home on 3.43home Acresbuilt of mostly useable custom in 2004 level featuring a splitland! floor Largetall living room,fullbonus formal plan, ceilings, masterroom suiteorincluding dining, closet, garden area,bathroom well with storage walk-in en-suite with view tub tanks. Overlooks large reservoir. 2 Car and shower , spacious kitchen with beautiful garage, and largeeating deck, of room gas for cabinetry bar,plenty tile, freestanding RV’s, trailers, whatever! fireplace, large boats fenced or yard, gated RV parking,

SECLUDED ESTATE PROPERTY! Spacious, well-kept home on 3.5 Acres! Sunken Living Rm, Family Rm, formal dining room, office area, 2 fireplaces, indoor laundry, workshop area, large attached deck, seasonal creek, fenced, potential horse property! Lots of extra features! Bed:4 Bath:3 SqFt:2950+ Price:$333,500

Building SqFt:1500

Lot SqFt:25,700 Price:$225,000

QUINTESSENTIAL PARADISE LIVING! Alluring home on large lot in town, copious sunken living room with grand views of the front yard with fireplace, woodstove in the oversized bonus room, master suite with retreat, split floor plan, attached garage with shop area, centrally located, cul-de-sac setting!


Bath:3 SqFt:2663 Price$289,000


Bath:2 SqFt:1626 Price:$199,900

generous setbacks. Gorgeous well kept home.

Bed:3 Bath:2Bed:3 SqFt:2194 Bath:2 Price: $299,999 SqFt:1869 Price:$294,900


Bath:2 SqFt:1668 Price:$279,000

TWO ADJACENT BUILDING LOTS! Now there is something you don’t see everyday! These building lots are .27 and .29 acres, are in an established neighborhood. Build on one and use the other for buffer space, build on both, or hold both for investment! Lots of opportunity here! SqFt:12,632 & 11,761 Price:$25,000 Each

Must Sell Properties!


SHASTAN HOMES Shastan Homes is in the process of bringing you two exciting new neighborhoods: Shastan Homes at Glenwood and Shastan Homes at Hancock Park. Both subdivisions offer the same high quality building program and house plans that Shastan Homes is famous for. Architect Frank Glazewski has designed all homes to be beautiful on the outside with exceptional floor plans on the inside. All homes are built with energy efficiency and water conservation in mind. Many customers are even reporting $0 electric bills.

Shastan Homes at Glenwood: Located on the far west side of Chico along the quiet “Green Line”. Go west on W. Sacramento Avenue, take a right on Glenwood Ave., then another right on Wisteria Ln. Shastan Homes at Hancock Park: Located on the far North East side of Chico near upper Bidwell Park. At Pleasant Valley High School, go north on Marigold, then right on Patriot and follow the signs to Champlain Way. To learn more visit www.shastanhomes.com or call Jay Halbert at 520-3146.


Architecture Frank Glazewski, 894-5001 Appliances Ginno’s Appliances Scott Dilg, 342-2182 Cabinets Armstrong Cabinets Brian Shirley, 342-5533

Carpet, Window Coverings, Wood Flooring Towne Carpet Henry Iyone, 343-0215 Ceramic Tile Hinkle’s Tile Joe Hinkle, 693-0735 Ceramic Tile Shower Pans Pickering Hot Mop John Pickering, 321-7586 Countertops Ginno’s Appliances Kevin Skinner, 342-2182 Electrical/High Voltage Telic Electric Dave Rudolph, 520-0796 Electrical/Low Voltage - Defcon Security Bill McNeir, 990-2587 Electrical Fixtures - Northern Lights Joe Tilton, 893-8008 Excavations/Backhoe George Neary, 330-3151 Fencing - M & M Fence Mike Smith, 624-3775 Final Cleaning - Annette’s Mop & Bucket Annette Perez, 354-0369 Finish Carpentry - Sam Leaf Construction Sam Leaf , 518-2230 Fireplaces - A-1 Stoves Steve Bruffy, 345-9292 Concrete Flatwork & Foundations Andy Sprague, 864-3273 50

U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

Framing-Construction & Framing Services Jim Ratekin, 624-4165 Garage Door Sharp’s Locksmithing Tyler Sharp, 533-5713 HVAC & Sheet Metal Jessee Heating & Air Mike Gray, 891-4926 Interior/ Exterior Doors Advanced Door Co. Jim Poole, 894-7000 Landscaping - Sunchasers John Goddard, 624-7000 Landscaping Plants Timshell Nursery Craig Thompson, 521-9125 Maintenance & Whole House Fans - Pappa’s Tool Box, Bob Keller, 521-3257 Masonry Chuck Reynolds, 990-8310 Painting Casey Swaim, 520-6424 Pool Sunshine Pools Ralph Merlo, 521-0365 Plumbing & Fire Sprinklers Knight Construction Tim Knight, 624-5179 Roofing - G & R Roofing Elaine Rios, 518-7760 Sheetrock - Butte Drywall Rick Woodcock, 693-0148 Solar - SunPower Corporation Jay Halbert, 520-3146 Stucco - Mid Valley Lath and Plaster Lonnie Joyner, 680-0491 Windows, Mirrors, Skylights, Shower Doors Miller Glass Jim Beltramo, 624-6213 Juan Reyes (top), experienced framer of 28 years for Jim Ratikin working together with Jay Halbert (bottom), owner of Shastan Homes for almost 40 years.



There are few things in our community that support us the way trees do. They produce the oxygen we breathe, grow some of the healthiest foods we eat, and keep our waterways clean. It has been our pleasure to have been your choice for tree care over the past seven years, and honored to have been selected to care for our community’s trees as the recipient of the City of Chico tree service contract. We’ve come a long way over the past seven years, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for helping us grow with higher standards. g




6635 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969


Of Paradise

Serving all of Butte County

www.RemaxOf Paradise.com

CANYON VIEWS! Amazing custom built 4BR/3BA home on 5+ ac. Gorgeous granite in kitchen, beautiful wood floors. Downstairs family/media/exercise room w/separate entrance! Att. 3-car garage; Wait until you see the detached 24x40 garage/shop. Master bedroom suite, jetted tub, dual lavs & tiled floors. $520,000 #238 Julie Rolls 530.520.8545

FABULOUS ESTATE SETTING! Chalet Style Home on almost 6 Acres of level park-like property. Completely fenced, automatic front entry gate, concrete drive with lots of parking. Massive 36x76 Garage/Shop Building! Beautiful brick hearth with freestanding woodstove, formal dining area, remodeled kitchen w/eating bar plus all newer appliances. $410,000 #602 Rhonda Maehl 530.873.7640


INCREDIBLE CUSTOM HOME! 1.50 ac., guest house & shop! Split bedroom floor plan, large family room w/Murphy bed, & large loft. Living room w/beamed ceiling, propane stove & brick hearth! Kitchen with granite counters, large walk in pantry, newer appliances, laminate flooring, Master BR is large w/ 2 closets. $369,000 #713 Heidi Wright 530.872.5890

POLISHED AND READY! Circle driveway, RV parking, newer large entry deck! 2BR/2BA home, vaulted ceilings, fresh paint, new carpet. Kitchen w/plenty of cabinets, lots of counter space, newer range and dishwasher. Master BR w/2 large closets. 2 car att. Garage. Gorgeous newer back deck. Newer roof & HVAC. $149,000 #859 Nikki Sanders 530.872.5889

MOVE-IN READY 3BR/ 2BA home w/vaulted ceilings & open floor plan. Upgraded laminate flooring, gas fireplace w/custom 12X12 tiled hearth. New Deck & Park-Like back yard. The living room flows right into the huge dining area and nice kitchen. This home shows wonderful.

3BR/2BA HOME in the Pines, large remodeled kitchen with granite countertops, living, dining, & kitchen are open to each other, lots of natural light. The first bathroom is spacious with large storage cabinets. This property is landscaped in the front, has a large fully fenced backyard, and is located in a quiet neighborhood.

DESIRABLE LOCATION! 3BR/2BA home on .52 acre. Large deck entry, open floor plan w/lots of natural lighting. Dining room, living room with vaulted ceilings. Spacious kitchen w/lots of counter space. Covered patio, fenced back yard & fenced garden area. Under house shop with power, 2 car garage, RV parking.

RELAX & ENJOY on your own 1.44 Acres! 3BR/2BA True Cabin Style Mountain Home. Vaulted ceilings, spacious living & dining room with raised hearth and gas fireplace. Large Kitchen, lots of counter space & big pantry. Detached 2 car garage, plenty of RV Parking and several extra storage sheds.

$229,900 #383 Brian Voigt 530.514.2901

$159,000 #1107 David Connell 530.321.8920

$219,500 #856 Annette Gale 530.872.5892

$239,900 #601 Rhonda Maehl 530.873.7640

PARADISE CHARMER! 3BR/1.5BA home near park and all public services, neighbors Paradise Memorial Walking trail, living room, family room, guest studio complete with kitchen & bath. Need room for storage, beyond multiple built ins you will find a screened in artist room plus additional attic area on .66 acre lot, fully fenced.

SUPER CUTE move in ready home. 2BR/2BA Large rooms with bonus room, two attached shops, and a two car garage. Beautiful grounds with seasonal stream. Indoor laundry, pantry and storage shed. Many new updated amenities. RV/ extra parking, shed. .27 acre.

BEAUTIFUL HOME, close to Bille Park. 3BR/2.5BA gorgeous, updated kitchen. Large living room w/vaulted ceilings, 2 bay windows, wired for surround sound. Large master suite with updated bathroom, granite counter top, & walk in closet. Fully fenced in back yard, large patio, 2 storage sheds, RV/ boat parking.

$219,000 #508 Kandice Rickson 530.872.5892

$215,000 #971 Jamie McDaniel 530.872.5891

$245,000 #401 Shannan Turner 530.872.3822

AMAZING! 4BR/1.5BA home with its own creek & swimming hole in Chester. Perfect for summer fun & entertaining! Separate room could be home gym, office or guest quarters? Beautiful step down bar area overlooks the stunning private back yard view. Large living room and kitchen, two car garage & a carport. $219,000 #232 Julie Rolls 530.520.8545

Nobody in the World Sells more ® Real Estate than RE/MAX


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

Each office is independently owned and operated.



on 12+ acres. Own your Private Piece of Paradise. 1st home is 3 BR/1.5 BA, completely updated & remodeled: 2nd home is Newer 1 BR/1 BA lovely view, vaulted ceilings, fans, beautiful kitchen, att 1 car garage veryRd. 6635with Clark large shop area. Both homes sit on a large flatParadise, portion thatCA would 95969 lend itself to many types of uses. #250


Of Paradise


Serving all of Butte County

Julie Rolls - 530.520.8545


www.RemaxOf Paradise.com OUTSTANDING LOCATION! Custom

CANYON VIEWS! Amazing custom built 4BR/3BA home on 5+ ac. Gorgeous granite in kitchen, beautiful wood floors. Downstairs family/media/exercise room w/separate entrance! Att. 3-car garage; Wait until you see the detached 24x40 garage/shop. Master bedroom suite, jetted tub, dual lavs & tiled floors. $520,000 #238 Julie Rolls 530.520.8545

FABULOUS ESTATE SETTING! Chalet Style Home on almost 6 Acres of level park-like property. Completely fenced, automatic front entry gate, concrete drive with lots of parking. Massive 36x76 Garage/Shop Building! Beautiful brick hearth with freestanding woodstove, formal dining area, remodeled kitchen w/eating bar plus all newer appliances. $410,000 #602 Rhonda Maehl 530.873.7640

PENDING MOVE-IN READY 3BR/ 2BA home w/vaulted ceilings & open floor plan. Upgraded laminate flooring, gas fireplace w/custom 12X12 tiled hearth. New Deck & Park-Like back yard. The living room flows right into the huge dining area and nice kitchen. This home shows wonderful.

3BR/2BA HOME in the Pines, large remodeled kitchen with granite countertops, living, dining, & kitchen are open to each other, lots of natural light. The first bathroom is spacious with large storage cabinets. This property is landscaped in the front, has a large fully fenced backyard, and is located in a quiet neighborhood.


$229,900 #383 Brian Voigt Peace home with530.514.2901 2 bedrooms, 2

and quiet! $159,000 #1107Beautiful David Connell 530.321.8920 Paradise baths, bonus room + detached guest room on 1+ acre! Two car garage and extra parking too. Older quality construction and upgrades. Original hardwood wood floors in excellent condition, new kitchen and master bath #1049

Susan Doyle - 530.877.7733


SUPER CUTE move in ready home. 2BR/2BA Large rooms with bonus room, two attached shops, and a two car garage. Beautiful grounds with seasonal stream. Indoor laundry, pantry and storage shed. Many new updated amenities. RV/ extra parking, shed. .27 acre.




large loft. Living room w/beamed ceiling, propane stove & brick hearth! Kitchen with granite counters, large walk in pantry, newer appliances, laminate flooring, Master BR is large w/ 2 closets.


paint, new carpet. Kitchen w/plenty of Brian Voigt - 530.514.2910 cabinets, lots of counter space, newer

$369,000 #713 Heidi Wright 530.872.5890

range and dishwasher. Master BR w/2 large closets. 2 car att. Garage. Gorgeous newer back deck. Newer roof & HVAC. $149,000 #859 Nikki Sanders 530.872.5889

DESIRABLE LOCATION! 3BR/2BA home on .52 acre. Large deck entry, open floor plan w/lots of natural lighting. Dining room, living room with vaulted ceilings. Spacious kitchen w/lots of counter space. Covered patio, fenced back yard & fenced garden area. Under house shop with power, 2 car garage, RV parking.

RELAX & ENJOY on your own 1.44 Acres! 3BR/2BA True Cabin Style Mountain Home. Vaulted ceilings, spacious living & dining room with raised hearth and gas fireplace. Large Kitchen, lots of counter space & big pantry. Detached 2 car garage, plenty of RV Parking and several extra storage sheds.


for RV/toys!! 2013 $239,900 #601 Rhonda Maehl $219,500 #856 Annette Galew/double gate 530.873.7640 530.872.58924 BR/ 2 BA, open floor plan, Italian

tile flooring, granite countertops w/travertine backsplash. Knotty alder cabinets, large pantry, breakfast bar. Mstr bedrm w/coffered ceilings. Mstr bath w tub & separate shower!! Fully fenced. #858

Annette Gale - 530.872.5892


PARADISE CHARMER! 3BR/1.5BA home near park and all public services, neighbors Paradise Memorial Walking trail, living room, family room, guest studio complete with kitchen & bath. Need room for storage, beyond multiple built ins you will find a screened in artist room plus additional attic area on .66 acre lot, fully fenced. 6635 Clark Rd.


1702 sq.ft. 3BR/3BA on .46 Acre Lot. Living room with free standing wood stove, open family room, dining area overlooking kitchen. Kitchen w/ breakfast bar & pantry. Master INCREDIBLE CUSTOM HOME! 1.50 ac., POLISHED AND READY! Circle driveway, BRhouse w/walk-in closet. Park backyard. Detached guest & shop! Split bedroom floorlike RV parking, newer large finished entry deck! plan,shop large & family w/Murphy & R.V.room parking w/ bed, hook-ups. #307 home, vaulted ceilings, fresh 2BR/2BA

BEAUTIFUL HOME, close to Bille Park. 3BR/2.5BA gorgeous, updated kitchen. Large living room w/vaulted ceilings, 2 bay windows, wired for surround sound. Large master suite with updated bathroom, granite counter top, & walk in closet. Fully fenced in back yard, large patio, 2 storage sheds, RV/ boat parking.

Of Paradise

CalBRE#01844065 Paradise, CA#508 95969 $215,000 #971 Jamie McDaniel $219,000 Kandice Rickson

$245,000 #401 Shannan Turner 530.872.3822

www.Nobody RemaxO f Paradise .commore in the World Sells ® Real than RE/MAX Serving allEstate of Butte County

AMAZING! 4BR/1.5BA home with its own creek & swimming hole in Chester. Perfect for summer fun & entertaining! Separate room could be home gym, office or guest quarters? Beautiful step down bar area overlooks the stunning private back yard view. Large living room and kitchen, two car garage & a carport. $219,000 #232 Julie Rolls 530.520.8545

Each office is independently owned and operated. 53

Like It Never Even Happened


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5



fter nearly 17 years in the restoration industry, there’s little that William Jones hasn’t seen. His experience and focus on customer service has helped him and his wife build one of the most successful restoration companies in Northern California. William grew up in Paradise, moved to the Bay Area in third grade, and lived there until he decided to return home in 1998. He took up a job as a carpet cleaning technician in Chico when he returned, as no one else was hiring, and began to settle back into country life. Originally only seen as a job, carpet cleaning soon opened the doors to the entire home restoration industry. He began working on homes with water and fire damage, and soon found the job to be much more rewarding than he originally expected. He found it so rewarding, in fact, that the job soon became his career focus and he remained with the same company for 12 years. In 2010, William was let go from his job. Rather than look for another, he decided it was time to venture out on his own, and utilizing the experience he had gained from his previous job, started the Chico arm of ServPro alongside two partners. ServPro handles damage restoration to personal and commercial property caused by fire, water, wind, mold, vandalism, biohazard situations, and even vehicles that find their way into buildings. There’s plenty of need for it in our neck of the woods too, as the company has handled approximately 500 restoration jobs over the past five years and over 700 janitorial cleaning jobs. With the low level of water this year, the company is on high alert throughout the state as trees are in extreme danger of falling this summer due to compromised root systems. Similarly worrisome is the enhanced risk of wildfires. Luckily, the ServPro network includes over 1,600 franchises throughout the country that are all ready to help where they’re needed, making no job too big for any one franchisee to handle. The Chico branch itself spent three months in Minot, North Dakota, during their extreme flooding, traveled to El Paso, Texas, to help with frozen pipes, and has been to Reno twice to help with the aftermath of wildfires. ServPro also helps prepare businesses for potential emergencies with free emergency readiness profiles. The profile sits on the ServPro app on employees’ phones and includes photos of the outside of the building indicating key points like the shut off valves for electrical, gas, and water. Should a disaster strike, the last thing you want is to scramble in the hopes of finding one of these. Thanks to the app and readiness profile, you’ll never have to. Beyond helping individuals with disaster restoration, the folks at ServPro are also huge community sponsors, raising money for Relay for Life, the Wounded Warrior Project, the Chico firefighters’ Adopt-a-Family program, Bloodsource, American Red Cross, and giving back to local teachers whenever possible. When the City of Chico was going to close Caper Acres for lack of funding, ServPro stepped up and cleaned the park every day for nine months to keep it open for the community. William and his wife, Babette, a teacher at Ponderosa Elementary School, recently purchased the company from the other two partners, and are excited about growing the business even further to service the needs of Northern California residents. They’re committed to providing quality service at a fair price and are considered a preferred vendor for most insurance companies, which makes them an excellent resource to turn to when unsure of how to handle the post-disaster process. As they put it, “When disaster strikes, we want to make it like it never even happened.” They are a family-run company that cares about their community and building relationships above all else; as a result, it’s no surprise that they’ve seen the success that they have. If you suspect damage to your home or business, or are the victim of a disaster, call ServPro at (530) 899-9141 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for a free estimate to help mitigate any damage to prevent further damage from occurring.


There is no denying that people in today’s society are hungry for information and it seems that the seemingly endless supply is only further increasing the appetite for more. Whether we are researching a topic, looking up a video on how to do something or shopping for goods and services online, the ability to lose ourselves in the process is becoming easier by the day. Does the time spent truly equate to money saved or education gained on a particular topic? In a large percentage of cases the answer would be an emphatic “yes.” There is no denying that being able to quickly Google a question or YouTube a tutorial has tremendous advantages. I would argue however that the net gain must ultimately be measured by the true value of the information obtained. This is never more evident than when it comes to the topic of real estate. The ability to conduct online research through an ever-expanding network of websites can be a tremendous educational opportunity. When used correctly, these resources can provide valuable insight into the real estate market and what one’s expectations should be when it comes to buying or selling a home or property. The problem becomes when the data obtained lacks in accuracy, completeness or under the worst case scenario – both... Perhaps the greatest example of the difficulty that comes with depending on outside information appears when we look at the home-buying process. In a fast-paced and competitive market like we are currently expe-

riencing, timing is everything. The reality is that the majority of third party sites are based on a data-exchange format in which they simply have the right to download information from Multiple Listing Services. The data does not automatically update as it does on the actual MLS itself, rather it is dependent on the site/ provider to physically update it. Unfortunately for the consumer, this means a delay in the delivery of information which is never a good thing. In fact, in some cases the information is actually posted to these sites days if not weeks or months later. In seeing the need for a better resource for local real estate information, we have recently launched a brand-new website that you can find at www.chicohomeinfo.com. Offering direct-feed multiple listing search and instant update capability, free buyer and seller reports designed to provide answers to many of the most common real estate questions, great local information and links to other helpful sites as well, www.chicohomeinfo.com is designed to provide buyers and sellers in the Chico area with the most accurate real estate information possible. Take a moment to visit the site if you have a chance. We hope that you will find the site helpful no matter whether you are buying, selling or simply looking for good quality information! Dan Bosch is a Realtor Associate with RE/MAX of Chico and the team leader for the Premier Professionals Real Estate Team.


AddsomePOPtoyour summer!Thesesimpleicepop recipeswillkeepyou,thekids,and yourguestsrefreshedthisseasonwithouttonsofextra sugarorcalories.Feelgreataboutservingupthesetastytreats andhavefunexperimentingwithdifferentflavors.Theserecipesare flexible—adjustquantitiesand ingredientstopleaseyourpalate!


Ice Pops!


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

Strawberries (sliced and pureed with limeade) Freshmint(finelychopped) Limeade V E G A N , G LU T E N F R E E

Your favorite coffee, brewedstrongandchilled Creamer of your choice Get creative and add your favoriteflavoringsorsyrups! MAKE ITVEGAN! USE SOY, ALMOND, OR COCONUT MILK IN PLACE OF CREAM


V E G A N , G LU T E N F R E E



Pureed blueberries Lemonade Lemon zest





Orangejuiceconcentrate Plain greek yogurt Raspberries Vanilla extract

Just for the adults Diced Mango Tequila of your choice Serrano peppers finely chopped VEGAN

Assortedslicedfruit(weused kiwi,raspberries,blueberries, and yellow peaches) Coconutwaterorliquidof your choice V E G A N , G LU T E N F R E E


Broadway Heights’

KELLY’S KICKIN’ MEATLOAF INGREDIENTS 6 whole bay leaves 3 tablespoons salt 3 teaspoons cayenne (ground red pepper) 3 teaspoons black pepper 1.5 teaspoons white pepper 1.5 teaspoons ground nutmeg 1 lb unsalted butter 2 cups finely chopped onion 1.5 cups finely vped celery 1.5 cups finely chopped green bell pepper

1 cup finely chopped green onion 6 teaspoons minced garlic 3 tablespoons Tabasco sauce 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 3 cups evaporated milk 2 cups ketchup 5 lbs ground beef 1 lb ground pork 6 eggs, lightly beaten 4 cups very fine dry breadcrumb

INSTRUCTIONS Combine the seasoning mix ingredients in a small bowl and set aside. Melt the butter in a 1-quart saucepan over medium heat. Add the onions, celery, bell peppers, green onions, garlic, Tabasco, Worcestershire, and seasoning mix. Saute until mixture starts sticking excessively then stir in the milk and ketchup. Continue cooking for about 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and allow mixture to cool to room temperature. Place ground beef and pork in an ungreased pan. Add the eggs, cooked vegetable mixture (cooled), removing the bay leaves and the bread crumbs. Mix by hand until thoroughly combined. In the center of the pan, shape the mixture into a loaf that is about 1 1/2 inches high, 6 inches wide and 12 inches long. Bake uncovered at 350° for 1 hour. Serve immediately as is or with a good hot sauce.

Recipe courtesy of Broadway Heights, 300 Broadway, Chico | Photo by Frank Rebelo


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

Coffee Ranch’s

PEANUT BUTTER MONKEY INGREDIENTS 6 oz non-fat milk 2 tbsp peanut butter ½ banana ½ scoop of Pro7 Vanilla Protein Powder Ice INSTRUCTIONS Add all ingredients to blending pitcher and blend until smooth. Health and nutrition is important to us at Coffee Ranch. We strive to provide delicious beverages without all of the extra sugars and calories. This protein smoothie is a great alternative for a snack or meal replacement. With over 20 grams of protein and about 300 calories, we think it’s a perfect summer treat. Unlike other protein powders, the Pro7 Vanilla Protein Powder has great flavor without the chalky aftertaste of many other brands. Try replacing the non-fat milk with almond or coconut milk for a dairy-free option. Adding a little honey amps up the flavor and sweetens up this delicious smoothie.

2 for$25

— Mondays and Tuesdays — Through the end of July! Two entrees, two salads, bread and a bottle of bottle of wine for $25! (530) 809-1530 1600 Mangrove Ave, Ste #175 Chico

Recipe courtesy of Coffee Ranch, 1288 E. First Ave., Chico | Photo by Frank Rebelo 59



Pronounced “Beh-ber” not “Bee-ber,” the Spanish word for “to drink” is also an almond milk production company based in Chico. Shaped from her travels abroad working on farms in Italy, Israel, and India, Arielle Danan came home with more than just memories of her journey. At the age of 19 she started making almond milk, the same way she was taught by a friend she met traveling. The process is actually quite simple. Beber buys organic California almonds and soaks them overnight. That softens and sprouts the nuts. In the morning, the almonds are rinsed and blended with purified water. They then strain that mixture in a press. The only other ingredients added besides almonds and water depend on which flavor you choose. All are wonderfully simple and refreshing. Raw wildflower honey from Sutter Buttes and organic vanilla is used for the Honey Vanilla, local organic lavender for the Lavender flavor, and fair trade organic chocolate for the Chocolate. The “Pure” Beber almond milk is just that: purely almonds and water. So how did Arielle get from making herself fresh almond milk almost daily to sharing it, thankfully, with all of us? In a way similar to everything else about Beber: simply. She was on her way to the farmers market in 2012 and put two and two together. Friends with the market manager, she asked what her thoughts were on the idea. Arielle garnered complete support and began selling at the Chico Farmers Market that year. “I honestly didn’t think anybody would buy it,” laughs Arielle. The first time selling she brought 30 quarts thinking maybe at least her friends would come and surprising to anybody but Arielle, her product was loved. Beber now brings 150 quarts to the market, giving out free samples to those unacquainted with almond milk. As the most popular dairy alternative, almond milk is one of the healthiest options for your body and is only growing in popularity. “It is really astonishing how different Beber tastes from store bought almond milk,” says Arielle. With five times more almonds than grocery store milk, Beber is in fact a completely different drink. “We don’t ever want to discourage people [from buying in stores] if that’s what they can access but if you can make or get it fresh it’s just a world of difference,” says Arielle. Beber never uses thickeners, preservatives or fake flavors. The milk is unpasteurized and non-homogenized, keeping the natural minerals of the almonds uncompromised. Marketing Beber was also incredibly imperative for the business. “My great friend Skyler really helped us with our branding,” Arielle said. “I get as many compliments on our packaging as I do the almond milk.” (Check out skylersun.com.) Water-conscious friendly and easy on the eyes, the glass bottle packaging wrapped with the pastel logo can be reused for drinking or for settling fresh flowers in. “I started Beber first and foremost because I love the way it tastes. It is a delicious simple product,” Arielle reflects. Living in the almond capital of the world and having no existing market for fresh almond milk created the perfect opportunity for somebody to step in. Buying Beber supports a handful of neighborhood farmers and a local business with a small group of passionate employees right here in town. The future is exciting for the company. Other nuts are awaiting experimentation: walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts along with new ideas for creamers, popsicles, and additional milk flavors. In Arielle’s own words, “Beber is pure, light, and refreshing … delicious.” Just one sip of the cold, creamy beverage will change what you think you know about almond milk.


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5


Find Beber at the Saturday morning farmers market in Chico and in San Rafael, Chico Natural Foods, and Sweet Cottage. Online at www.facebook.com/BeberFreshAlmondMilk and freshalmondmilk.com.


buy some. Beber sold out in two and a half hours that first Saturday morning. Not


Jack Knight (Guitar, Vocals); Russell Rabut (Guitar, Vocals); David Friedlander (Bass, Vocals); and Scotty Jenkins (Drums, “Newly minted eye candy”)

In 2012, as they rang in the New Year, the guys who had been playing music together since high school would formally become The

Jack: Touring. Travel is a hobby we all have in common. Getting to


experience a handful of new places together is great. The bison on our

A mondegreen is defined as a misheard lyric. Titling their band The


What do you enjoy most about being in The Mondegreens?

new album is from a picture we took at Yellowstone.

Mondegreens “is emblematic of the fact that people have their own

Scotty: These three guys. I was initially a touring fill-in; it’s very ex-

input on art, although sometimes it isn’t exclusively what the artist

citing to officially be a Mondegreen. About four of five months ago,

intends,” says acoustic guitarist and singer Russell Rabut. The Monde-

I decided I wanted to really dive into music. The timing of everything

greens have gained a rich following here in Chico, and recently around

is awesome.

the state, after touring for their newly released album “Kid Tell Time.”

David: Definitely getting to play music with all these guys right here.

Although influenced by The Eagles, Channel Orange, and The

Russell: Getting to play music together. When it comes down to it,

Shimmies, The Mondegreens have an inimitable sound all their own.

we couldn’t have otherwise been able to connect with and perform

Consisting of three vocalists who write differently but use common

for people.

harmonies, The Mondegreens create continuity across the album that

Proud to be a Chico band, The Mondegreens’ roots are here, but

is distinctly characteristic. “The last song on ‘Kid Tell Time’ is actually

recently they have felt called to Seattle, Washington. “Moving will take

the only one we wrote together,” says David. Tracked with Scott Bar-

us away from shows for a while but will allow time for writing. We have

wick at Origami Lounge, the new album is rooted in classic rock, with

a long backlog of songs,” says Russell.

a modern indie twist.

All of us Chico Mondegreen fans will miss the balmy nights sitting

If you’ve ever seen these guys play live, it would seem that they

on the grass at house shows under starlit skies and impatiently await-

were natural-born performers. “We weren’t always so comfortable

ing their start at venues like Café Coda and the Chico Women’s Club.

onstage,” says David. “Not out of the womb. Some shows make our

We both hate and love to see them go, knowing that it often takes

palms sweat.” Russell muses, “I remember in high school we played

moving to become who you really are as musicians and people, yet

at a rally and it was a train wreck, but it motivated us to get better.”

selfishly wanting to keep their talents for ourselves. Bon Voyage Mon-

Regardless, music has remained a huge source of joy in their lives.



Check out The Mondegreens online at themondegreens.weebly.com and www.facebook.com/themondegreensmusic.


COMMUNITY CALENDAR KIRSHNER JULY 1 - JULY 25 Jr. Ranger Programs Bidwell Mansion 525 Esplanade, Chico 10:00 AM (Mon/Sat) (530) 895-6144

JULY 15 Young Alumni Volunteer Campus Tour California State University, Chico 400 W. First St, Chico 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM (530) 898-6472

JULY 2 - JULY 31 Collage, Paper, Pins James Snidle Fine Arts 254 E. 4th St, Chico 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM www.jamessnidlefinearts.com

JULY 16 Mom’s In Motion Chico - Team forming NOW Bidwell Park, Chico 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM (530) 715-0348 www.momsinmotion.com

JULY 4 Chico’s 50th 4th of July Celebration! One Mile Recreation Area, Bidwell Park Woodland Ave, Chico 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM (530) 343-6055 www.chicorec.com

Growing up Chico Nights Downtown Chico Plaza 400 Broadway St, Chico 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM www.downtownchico.net

We’re looking forward to him being a

JULY 17 Kick Up Your Heels to “Old Spice” Shenanigan’s 3212 Esplanade, Chico 7:30 PM www.OldSpice.rocks


JULY 17-19 Oroville Rock Reggae Jamfest Riffles RV Park and Campground 4514 Pacific Heights Rd, Oroville 8:00 AM www.orovillerockreggaejamfest.com/

and lamb.

JULY 18 5K Chico Climate Challenge Lower Bidwell Park Vallombrosa Way, Chico 7:00 AM (530) 217-6152 www.gridalternatives.org

tions of hoofed animals. The Eurasian

One of our newest additions to our family, this Eurasian Lynx came to us at 4 weeks old and weighed 1 lb 6 oz.

JULY 7 Liberty Cab 10th Anniversary One Mile Group Picnic Area Bidwell Park, Chico 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM (530) 898-1776 JULY 8 Community Blood Drive Tinseltown Parking Lot 801 East Ave #2, Chico 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM my.bloodsource.org JULY 11 Slice of Chico Downtown Chico 4th & Main St, Chico 9:00 AM (530) 345-6500 JULY 12 Uncle Dad’s Art Collective Presents: Small Town, Big Sound Sierra Nevada Big Room 1075 E 20th St, Chico 1:00 PM www.eventbrite.com


U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M J U LY 2 0 1 5

companion to our Siberian Lynx, Nan. Name: Maji Age: 10 weeks Habitat:




Northern Europe and Asia Food: hoofed




wild, like

primarily roe



ois, and musk deer. At Kirshner, rabbit, chicken, duck, beef, turkey, quail, goat, Fun Fact: A Lynx’s eyesight is excellent – they can spot a mouse 250 feet away! Lynx are associated primarily with forested areas which have good populaLynx has one of the widest ranges of all cat species. They are territorial and do not usually move far from their own turf, and are generally solitary except during breeding once a year, normally in February and March. Though they

CARD’s 11th Annual Movies in the Park! Sycamore Field 500 S Park Dr, Chico 8:00 PM (530) 895-4711 ext. 118 www.chicorec.com

share their habitat with brown bears and gray wolves, they coexist peacefully because bears are omnivorous and grey wolves hunt different prey. Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Sanctuary and Educational Center Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. including holidays, rain or shine! Phone: 530-533-1000 No appointments are necessary, but please call ahead for guided tours. www.kirshner.org

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