g y p r a c t i c e i n C h i c o , O r o v i l l e , a n d Y u b a C i t y
W h e t h e r y o u h a v e a m e d i c a l , s u r g i c a l , o r a e s t h e t i c c o n c e r n , y o u ' l l r e c e i v e p e r s o n a l i z e d c a r e
f r o m s o m e o f t h e m o s t h i g h l y t r a i n e d p r o v i d e r s i n t h e a r e a . O u r p a t i e n t s c a n f e e l a s s u r e d
t h a t t h e y a r e g e t t i n g t h e b e s t , m o s t e f f e c t i v e c a r e w h e n t h e y w a l k t h r o u g h t h e d o o r .
L o v e Y o u r S k i n ® a n d I m p r o v e Y o u r H e a l t h .
*Appointment requests must be received before 9 AM to be scheduled.
*Appointments subject to availability.
S C H E D U L E N O W B O T O X & F I L L E R S K I N C A N C E R S C R E E N I N G S D R Y & I T C H Y S K I N T C A P E E L S S K I N E X A M S M O L E C H E C K S & R E M O V A L S E C Z E M A A C N E 1 1 7 8 L I V E O A K B L V D Y U B A C I T Y , C A 9 5 9 9 1 ( 5 3 0 ) 3 2 9 - 8 5 1 1 8 0 D E C L A R A T I O N D R . C H I C O , C A 9 5 9 7 3 ( 5 3 0 ) 3 4 2 - 8 2 9 5 6 7 2 O R O D A M B L V D E . S U I T E 2 0 2 O R O V I L L E , C A 9 5 9 6 5 ( 5 3 0 ) 5 3 3 - 3 5 7 1 B o a r d - c e r t i f i e d d e r m a t o l o g i s t D r . K a f e l e T . H o d a r i a n d h i s t e a m o f m e d i c a l p r o f e s s i o n a l s a t H o d a r i M D D e r m a t o l o g y c o m p r i s e a c o m p r e h e n s i v e d e r m a t o l o
Opening July 2024
There's nothing like an injury to make you realize just how fragile your health is, and I may have set a personal record for how many of them I managed to chalk up this past snowboarding season. Between December and March, I managed to break four different ribs and dislocated a fifth; these were in addition to the sprains, strains, and hyperextensions that already tend to come with the sport. What followed each was a weakened immune system. It felt like I could barely catch my breath before another bug took hold, and hearing, "I feel like you're always sick," became the norm from friends and family alike. Needless to say, it was a rough winter. Coming out of snowboarding season, I felt more connected to the sport than I've ever been but also more disconnected from myself. My ribs were still sore, my hips were tight, and all the other injuries caused inflexibility and daily exhaustion from the perpetual pain. I quickly realized how this was lowering my quality of life and decided to do something about it.
Over the month of May, I made some sweeping changes. I set aside time each day to stretch, even for only five minutes initially. I changed some of my eating habits, letting go of the mountain diet many of us snowboarders favor during the season and focusing instead on making sure I fed my body more of the greens and vegetables it desperately needed. I replaced the snowboarding with a six-mile dog walk each day and made a concerted effort to turn off my electronic devices early on several nights to observe a digital sunset, something I've heard more and more about recently. Without a doubt, and perhaps unsurprisingly, I felt better soon after doing each. I also did it while writing and reviewing articles for this month's health issue which only helped embolden my efforts.
Creating new habits is a difficult task, especially when the option of complacency is just so much easier. The small life changes I experimented with in May quickly proved to offer benefits that far outweighed the effort, and I'm looking to June to turn those trials into permanent lifestyle changes along with a few others.
This issue is full of suggestions on how you can do the same. Between delicious recipes by Christiane Wear, ways to get out and connect with nature, and providers offering new opportunities to better your health and wellness, I have no doubt you'll find something (if not several things) in this issue that speaks to you. Take your time and read through it all. Finding the healthiest version of yourself might be far easier than you imagine! I hope the start of summer treats you well, and thank you, as always, for your continued readership! We appreciate each and every one of you!
AVEED KHAKI Owner/Publisher
JASON CORONA Sales Director
MICHAELA GULBRANSEN Writer and Account Executive
DIANE NICOLE Cover Story Photographer
ERIK BROWN Cover Design
JESS MERCER Health in Art
DOUG LOVE Real Estate
AMY ALWARD Forest Bathing
For editorial or general magazine inquiries, please contact: Aveed Khaki, 530.519.5683 For sales inquiries, please contact: Jason Corona, 530.591.2634
Aveed Khaki
Indulge in our exclusive Whiskey Wednesday promotion inside the Six Two Eight Steakhouse from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM every Wednesday! June will feature discounted bourbons highlighting the pioneering spirits who paved the way for this beloved beverage.
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A revolutionary approach to senior living, discover how The Terraces provides for aging in place.
More than just a pretty smile, find out how your teeth and gums affect your overall health.
Mindfulness in minutes: 5 simple steps toward self-ease described by Sarah Sanders MA, LMFT
Vein vein, go away. Varicose veins are an eyesore and a cause of sore legs. Learn how Health & Vascular Centers of America erases them from legs throughout Butte County.
The summer sun is officially here, and we have all the tips on keeping your skin healthy through the season.
Eyes are the windows to whole-body health. Discover what your eye health reveals about your overall health.
Brian “Butch” Peterson sets the bar impossibly high for academic types throughout Butte County.
Reaching for the stars: Meet aeronautic enthusiast veteran turned surgeon, Dr. Ya-Sin Peaks.
From MMA to Mmmmm, Tyler Diamond breaks down the whys and more whys you should meal prep.
Just dance! Whether for physical, emotional, or social well-being, Austin Bergstedt wants to get you moving.
The yin and yang of anxiety—Doug Love provides a pragmatic outlook on good stress.
Local health coach Christiane Wear launches The Fresh & Flavorful, Lean & Green Cookbook.
Studio Thirty Three has health and fitness in session with their newly expanded offerings and classes.
The early bird gets the worm. The question is, who’s going out to get the early bird?
Where rare isn’t a gem and medium aint all that bad, Tim Milhorn teaches history on steakhouses.
The perfect recipe for the hot summer months, Christiane Wear delivers her avocado chicken caprese salad.
The Welsh family trio amazes with their musical talents.
Like water, knowledge flows. We celebrate Cool Kid Aricka Hickman as she defies the odds.
Help find homes for this month's lovable and adoptable furry friends.
Immerse yourself in your life’s work! The people at Culligan have done so and more to educate and enable our community to enjoy safer and more transparent water.
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Aging in place with grace at the terraces
Aging isn’t easy. Though some of us may experience it more gracefully and gradually than others, there’s no doubt that aging comes with a fair share of changes and challenges for us all. As someone who watched a close family member age almost effortlessly, only to be surprised by sudden-onset dementia, I can say with certainty that aging is also unpredictable. Such uncertainty can only be met appropriately with a long-term strategy, which is precisely what you’ll find at The Terraces, Chico’s only age-in-place community. Located in California Park, The Terraces has allowed senior residents to live independently and transition into more involved levels of care as necessary since 1996. This approach guarantees that residents maintain their independence as long as possible and ensures their dignity with care from familiar faces throughout their journey. As most would agree, it is how the final leg of our lives should be lived.
The Terrace's senior executive director, Cliff Keene, is at the helm of this
progressive approach to senior living. Originally from Paradise, Cliff joined in his family’s footsteps, entering the senior care field after graduating from Chico State—first in a small assisted living community in Chico and later his own community in Paradise, called Mountain Meadow Lodge. Though his property burned in the Camp Fire, every resident was safely evacuated, and he carried the lessons from that day and his years of experience to The Terraces in Chico.
“I moved to The Terraces and Westmont Living because I realized they were the next generation of what senior living could and should be.” Cliff said, “We have all the amenities you could imagine to help residents have an incredible life as they age. The Terraces prides itself on ensuring quality of life at every level, which drew me to join their team.”
The Terraces and Westmont Living provide a three-tier system of care for residents. The first tier is The Lodge, an independent living community comprised
of 120 apartments. “I call it a cruise ship on land.” Cliff explains, “The Lodge provides meals, tons of social activities, housekeeping, and more for people who want to enjoy a great senior lifestyle while getting away from the complexities of managing your own house and property.”
The second tier is The Inn at The Terraces, Chico’s newest assisted living facility. Opened six years ago, it offers 80 apartments, ranging from studios to two-bedroom apartments. Like the apartments at The Lodge, all the units include everything one would need to live as independently as possible, including a full kitchen, washer and dryer, and more. In addition to the amenities available to residents at The Lodge, The Inn provides grooming, dressing, medication management, mobility assistance, and many other services for those with more needs than others.
The final tier is the memory care assisted living, with 28 apartments and a team dedicated to Alzheimer’s, memory, and dementia care. The Compass Rose programming allows residents to live with memory loss, not just suffer from it.
Regardless of which tier a resident first joins, they can effortlessly transition from one stage to the next in the community with the help of The Terrace’s staff. All residents are surrounded by the community’s amenities, including a robust activity schedule, mind-building educational programs, a massive swimming pool that offers aqua aerobics, managed transportation and excursions, and an on-staff nurse. “Our dining program is incredible, too!” Cliff beamed, “It’s called Dine Your Way, and it’s a restaurant-style program where residents choose their meals rather than having meals chosen for them. It’s another level of independence that we find important.”
With every amenity you could imagine, a dedicated team of caregivers, and a convenient and beautiful location on the lake at California Park that provides the at-home, sophisticated feel we all want as we age, few places can compete with what is offered at The Terraces. Visit them online at or call (530) 894-5429 to schedule a tour.
More than a pretty smile
Dental health is often perceived as limited to maintaining a bright smile and avoiding cavities. However, its impact extends far beyond the mouth, playing a crucial role in overall health. The condition of our teeth and gums can significantly influence various aspects of systemic health, making oral hygiene an integral part of general wellness.
One of the most well-documented connections between dental health and systemic health is its impact on cardiovascular health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease, an inflammatory condition of the gums. The bacteria responsible for gum disease can enter the bloodstream, leading to inflammation and forming arterial plaque. This process, known as atherosclerosis, increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions. Studies have shown that individuals with periodontal disease are at a higher risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular events.
Diabetes and dental health have
a bidirectional relationship. Poorly controlled diabetes can increase the risk of gum disease, as high blood sugar levels impair the body’s ability to fight infections, including those of the gums. Conversely, gum disease can make it more challenging to control blood sugar levels, creating a vicious cycle. Effective management of both conditions is essential, as treating gum disease can help improve blood sugar control in diabetic patients.
The health of your mouth can also affect your respiratory system. Bacteria from the mouth can be inhaled into the lungs, leading to respiratory infections such as pneumonia. Chronic gum disease may exacerbate conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Maintaining good oral hygiene can reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth, thereby lowering the risk of respiratory infections and complications.
Pregnant women with poor dental health are at a higher risk of pregnancy complications, including preterm birth,
low birth weight, and preeclampsia. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make gums more susceptible to inflammation and infection, a condition known as pregnancy gingivitis. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene are essential during pregnancy to mitigate these risks and promote both maternal and fetal health.
The digestive process begins in the mouth, where chewing breaks down food and mixes it with saliva to start the digestion process. Poor dental health, including missing teeth and gum disease, can impair chewing efficiency, leading to digestive issues such as acid reflux and malnutrition. Additionally, oral bacteria can affect the gut microbiome, influencing overall digestive health.
Emerging research suggests a potential link between poor dental health and cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic inflammation and the presence of certain bacteria associated with gum disease have been found in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer’s. While more research is needed to fully understand this connection, maintaining good oral hygiene may play a role in preserving cognitive function as we age.
The mouth acts as a barrier to pathogens, and maintaining good oral health is crucial for supporting the body’s immune system. Poor dental health, such as gum disease or untreated cavities, can weaken the immune response, making it easier for bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause systemic infections. Strengthening oral defenses through regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups can help protect against infections and support overall immune function.
Dental health is deeply intertwined with overall health, influencing various systemic conditions and contributing to general well-being. By prioritizing oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups, individuals can maintain a healthy smile and reduce the risk of serious health issues. Recognizing the broader implications of dental health underscores the importance of comprehensive oral care in achieving and maintaining overall health.
Mindfulness Made Easy
It’s a beautiful time of the year right now. The birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. The sun’s warmth on your skin is comforting when you are outside on the weekends. But today, your mind is racing and will not slow down. Worryfilled thoughts swirl about yesterday and even tomorrow. Your to-do list is long, work is piling up, and the time left in today is short. You are stressed and wish you could enjoy today more fully, but wishing this away will not work. You need something that can help you relax, but what is it?
Self-care is all the rage, but you don’t have time for a long walk in Bidwell Park, a massage, or a vacation. You need something simple, and you need it now.
If you have ever felt like this, or feel like this more than you would care to admit, then I have some encouragement for you. There is a way you can take a quick pause and lower your stress level. You can infuse some enjoyment and peace into today, right now. You can do this by practicing mindfulness.
Here are the steps to practicing mindfulness. You can slow down and savor just a few seconds or repeat these steps for several minutes.
1. If you can, find a comfortable position in a peaceful or low-traffic area. It will be harder to focus if you are distracted by any pain in your body. For example, if your legs are tired from standing or your neck hurts from looking down at a computer screen, you will be more distracted.
2. Close your eyes and focus on your body. Do you feel tension in your shoulders? Is your stomach upset? Tune into what you are feeling inside.
3. Take a deep breath with your nose and focus on filling your diaphragm (your belly should move outward when inhaling), then slowly let the air out through your mouth.
4. Repeat step 3 and take a couple more breaths to center yourself and bring relaxation. (If you feel tension in your body, see that body part in your mind’s
eye and blow your exhale towards it as if you are blowing it away.)
5. Let yourself sit in this calm. Feel the worry and stress melt away. At this moment, this is all you need to focus on.
When you practice mindfulness, especially if you are new to it, your mind will continue to be flooded with thoughts. Simply let those thoughts pass and gently bring yourself back to this moment. I find it helpful to say a word or phrase inside while inhaling and exhaling. My favorite mantra is, “I’m bringing in the peace” as I inhale, and, “I’m letting go of the stress” as I exhale.
The beautiful thing about mindfulness is that anyone can do it anytime. I love teaching my clients how to take a pause and connect to their bodies because it can produce the same feel-good hormones you experience when you are on vacation with nowhere to be and nothing to do. You can recreate your favorite moments by focusing inward and tuning out your busy day for a moment.
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Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are a common condition characterized by enlarged, twisted veins that typically appear dark blue or purple beneath the skin's surface. While they can occur anywhere in the body, they most commonly affect the legs and feet. Varicose veins develop when the valves within the veins weaken or malfunction, causing blood to pool and veins to become swollen and distorted.
Several factors contribute to the development of varicose veins, including genetics, age, gender, prolonged standing or sitting, and obesity. Genetic predisposition plays a significant role, with a family history of varicose veins increasing the likelihood of developing the condition. As people age, the valves in their veins may weaken, leading to varicose vein formation. Women are more susceptible than men, primarily due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause.
Jobs or activities requiring prolonged periods of standing or sitting can increase the risk of varicose veins. Gravity impedes efficient blood flow from the legs back to the heart, leading to vein congestion and swelling. Excess weight also contributes, as it puts added pressure on the veins, making them more prone to becoming varicose.
While varicose veins are often considered a cosmetic concern, they can cause discomfort and complications. Symptoms may include aching, heaviness, swelling, itching, and cramping in the affected areas. In severe cases, complications such as skin ulcers, blood clots, and bleeding may occur.
Treatment options range from lifestyle modifications and conservative measures such as wearing compression stockings to minimally invasive procedures like sclerotherapy and endovenous laser treatment. Seeking medical evaluation and treatment can help alleviate symptoms, improve circulation, and prevent potential complications associated with varicose veins.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, elevating legs when resting, avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, and wearing compression stockings, can help manage varicose veins and reduce the risk of developing new ones.
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Heart & Vascular Centers of America
Venous disease—or disease of the veins—is one of the most underdiagnosed and undertreated diseases affecting America today. It is estimated that approximately 20% of men and upwards of 40% of women living in the United States suffer from the symptoms of venous disease. Yet, little is done to properly diagnose or alleviate these symptoms, often resulting in both cosmetic and more significant health issues down the road. As venous disease itself is non-fatal, it has often been ignored by physicians, misdiagnosed as something else, or inappropriately treated with diuretics. Luckily, technology has advanced significantly in the past decade, and specialists like Dr. Mehran Moussavian at Heart & Vascular Centers of America are now correcting those past mistakes.
“Several factors play a role in this unfortunate situation.” Dr. Moussavian said, “First, public education around venous disease has historically been lacking. As a result, people experiencing symptoms often misattribute them to something else, like a sprain or strain, and choose to rest rather than seek medical attention. Even when it presents itself physically, as with varicose veins, most individuals believe it to be purely cosmetic and something they can’t do anything about. Both are untrue. Second, there has been a lack of focus on venous disease even within the medical community. Unless you’re a specialist, there isn’t much you can do to help with the disease, so treatments are often prescribed to treat the symptoms rather than get to the root cause. Finally, venous disease takes a long time to progress, and the symptoms may come and go with changes in diet, exercise, and lifestyle, so it can often feel like the resurgence of symptoms is due to a new issue entirely. It’s why seeing a specialist is so important.”
Venous disease most commonly presents as unexpected leg swelling or feelings of heaviness, burning, cramping, tingling, or numbness in your thigh, calf, or ankles. Absent of an injury, you’re likely experiencing venous disease symptoms. Varicose veins are the visible presentation of the disease, which occurs when the veins become damaged.
“When left untreated, venous disease can bring about several more significant issues.” Dr. Moussavian explained, “Patients may lose the elastic nature of their skin. In more advanced cases, you can develop ulcers, neuropathy, and wounds that cannot heal. With time, this can cause disability, impairment of function, and cosmetic issues like staining. It can impact activities as simple as walking.”
Dr. Moussavian and his team at Heart & Vascular Centers of America are multi-disciplinary and address all aspects of heart and vascular disease. Opened in the winter of 2022, their Chico and Yuba City offices provide free consultations, screenings, and education about this debilitating disease. They effectively treat its root cause by redirecting blood flow in patients’ legs from incompetent to competent veins and removing varicose veins to return the leg’s appearance to normal.
“Vein disease has to be diagnosed appropriately and correctly, typically by a specialized ultrasound that can detect which veins are refluxing. Once we diagnose and treat it, symptoms begin to improve dramatically.” Dr. Moussavian said, “It is a minimally invasive procedure. We advance a laser fiber into the vein and redirect blood flow to the deeper veins. The procedure takes 35-45 minutes; patients can leave and return to work. Relief is easier than most people realize.”
If you’re suffering from any of the symptoms experienced above, stop by Heart & Vascular Centers of America at 3247 Esplanade, Suite 165, in Chico, but call (530) 715-2900 first to schedule your appointment.
Summer skincare and skin cancer prevention
Summer brings sunshine, warmth, and longer days, encouraging outdoor activities and vacations. While the sun has many benefits, such as boosting mood and providing vitamin D, it also poses significant risks to the skin. Proper summer skin care is crucial to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin cancer. This article outlines essential summer skin care tips and provides guidance on how to look for signs of skin cancer.
Summer Skin Care Tips
Sunscreen Use
Use a sunscreen that offers broadspectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays. This helps prevent sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer.
Select a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, measures how well the sunscreen protects against UVB rays.
Apply sunscreen generously 15 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every two hours or more frequently if swimming or sweating.
Don’t forget your lips. Use a lip balm with SPF to protect this sensitive area.
Protective Clothing
Wear Hats: A wide-brimmed hat can shield your face, neck, and ears from direct sunlight.
Use Sunglasses: Sunglasses with UV
protection safeguard your eyes and the surrounding skin from harmful rays.
Cover Up: Wear lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and long pants made from tightly woven fabric to cover as much skin as possible.
Seek Shade
Avoid direct sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest. Utilize umbrellas, trees, or other forms of shade when outdoors.
Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Dehydration can make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage. Use moisturizers suitable for your skin type to maintain its hydration and barrier.
After-Sun Care
If sunburned, apply aloe vera or a soothing lotion to reduce inflammation. Take cool showers and avoid further sun exposure to allow your skin to heal.
Looking for Skin Cancer
Regular skin self-examinations are essential for early detection of skin cancer. The three main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Each type presents differently, so knowing what to look for is important.
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
Appearance: BCC often appears as a pearly or waxy bump, a flat flesh-colored
or brown scar-like lesion, or a bleeding or scabbing sore that heals and returns.
Common Locations: Typically occurs on sun-exposed areas like the face, neck, and arms.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
Appearance: SCC can look like a firm, red nodule or a flat lesion with a scaly, crusted surface.
Common Locations: SCC often appears on sun-exposed areas, such as the face, ears, neck, hands, and arms.
Appearance: Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. It can develop in an existing mole or appear as a new dark spot. Use the ABCDE rule to identify suspicious moles:
Asymmetry: One half of the mole doesn't match the other.
Border: Edges are irregular or blurred.
Color: There are variations in color, including different shades of brown, black, or even patches of pink, red, white, or blue.
Diameter: The mole is larger than 6 millimeters (about ¼ inch).
Evolving: Changes in size, shape, or color.
When to See a Dermatologist
New Growths: Any new skin growth or a sore that doesn't heal.
Changes in Existing Moles: If a mole starts to change, itch, or bleed, it's time to see a dermatologist.
Persistent Symptoms: Any spot or lesion that persists for more than a few weeks.
Taking proactive steps in summer skin care can protect your skin from damage and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Additionally, performing regular skin selfexaminations and knowing the warning signs of skin cancer can lead to early detection and more effective treatment. If you notice any suspicious changes in your skin, consult a dermatologist promptly.
A window into your health
Eye health is a critical component of overall health and well-being. The eyes are not only essential for vision but also serve as windows to the body's overall health. Various systemic diseases manifest in the eyes, making regular eye examinations vital for detecting and managing these conditions early.
Good vision is fundamental to quality of life. It affects daily activities such as reading, driving, working, and engaging in hobbies. Poor vision or vision loss can significantly impact independence, mobility, and overall productivity, decreasing quality of life. Vision problems can also contribute to the risk of accidents and injuries, particularly in older adults, increasing the likelihood of falls and fractures.
The eyes can reveal much about your general health. Many systemic diseases have ocular manifestations that can be detected during a comprehensive eye exam. One of these is diabetic retinopathy, a common complication of diabetes that can be identified through eye exams. Early detection and management are crucial to prevent vision loss and control blood sugar levels.
High blood pressure can cause changes in the retinal blood vessels, known as hypertensive retinopathy. Detecting these
changes can prompt early intervention to manage hypertension and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Similarly, cholesterol deposits in the eye, such as xanthelasma or corneal arcus, can indicate high cholesterol levels, which are a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.
Conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis often have ocular symptoms as well. Inflammation, dry eyes, and optic neuritis are some eye-related issues that can signal these systemic diseases.
There is a significant link between eye health and cognitive function, too. Vision problems can lead to social isolation, reduced physical activity, and decreased cognitive engagement, all of which are risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia. Moreover, age-related eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration have been associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment. Maintaining good eye health through regular check-ups and treatment can help preserve cognitive function and overall brain health.
Vision impairment can have profound effects on mental health as well. Individuals with vision loss are at a higher risk of experiencing depression and anxiety. The inability to perform everyday
tasks, loss of independence, and social isolation contribute to these mental health issues. Ensuring proper eye care and addressing vision problems promptly can improve mental health outcomes and overall quality of life.
Finally, eye health is closely linked to cardiovascular health. Conditions such as hypertensive retinopathy and diabetic retinopathy are indicative of underlying cardiovascular problems. Regular eye examinations can help detect these conditions early, allowing for timely intervention to manage blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and other cardiovascular risk factors. This proactive approach can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other serious cardiovascular events.
Maintaining good eye health involves regular eye exams, especially for individuals with risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, or a family history of eye disease. Preventive eye care includes:
Regular Eye Exams: Annual or biennial eye exams can help detect early signs of eye and systemic diseases.
Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids, regular physical activity, and avoiding smoking can help maintain eye health and overall health.
UV Protection: Wearing sunglasses that block UV rays can protect the eyes from harmful sunlight, reducing the risk of cataracts and other eye conditions.
Manage Chronic Conditions: Proper management of chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension is crucial for preventing eye complications.
Eye health is integral to overall health, influencing physical, cognitive, and mental well-being. Regular eye exams not only help maintain good vision but also serve as a critical tool for detecting and managing systemic diseases. By prioritizing eye health through preventive care and healthy lifestyle choices, individuals can enhance their overall quality of life and well-being.
Write Your own Lyrics
If you could measure enthusiasm and positivity, Brian “Butch” Peterson would set a record not many could surpass. The guy is an expanding universe of goodwill, gung-ho, we-can-do-it-ness. His dominant facial expression is a broad, bright smile; you’ll never see him angry. Better yet, Butch Peterson is thankful. He’s thankful for growing up in Orland. He’s thankful for his mom and dad, Olga and Jim. He’s thankful for the many teachers he’s had over the years, and he’s genuinely thankful to be a teacher.
Butch has combined years of teaching interspersed with years of learning. He has a record that no one in Orland— dang, maybe no one in California—could match in terms of college degrees. After graduating from Orland High, Class of 1992, Butch earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history at U.C. Berkeley, a Master of Arts Degree in history from Chico State, and Bachelor of Arts Degrees in music and Spanish from Chico State. Additionally, he has a Master of Arts Degree in education from Harvard University, a Master of Divinity Degree and a Theology Degree from Yale, and also a Spanish Language Certificate. Oh, yeah, somewhere in there, he received a teaching credential. He sums it up by saying, “It’s amazing that a hayseed who grew up on Road 20 in Orland has received three Ivy League degrees.”
Butch has taught in Gridley, Red Bluff, Shasta College, and Chapman College; he taught music and history on his return to Orland High School. Currently, he teaches adult education at William Finch School in Glenn County and will return to Shasta College to teach history.
In 1997, Butch began playing music professionally with The Fabulous Swing Kings, and he recently led the Glenn Chorale choir. A Chorale member, Alana Manjarrez, said, “Mr. Peterson is very upbeat and positive. Working with him is fun because he knows how to make it fun.”
As for his childhood in Orland, Butch
cannot say enough. “It was a golden time in Orland in the 1980s. When I was in school in Orland, my parents trusted the schools. They didn’t second guess the teachers,” he said. His parents, Olga and Jim Peterson, were prominent members of the Orland community. Jim was an OHS graduate, and Olga graduated from Lowell High School in San Francisco. Although Olga was not a native Orlander, she eventually became an icon in the community. She helped pioneer the Christmas Avenue of Lights and was at the helm of the Orland Craft Fair for years. Butch inherited the spirit of living in Orland. “I enjoy being involved in Orland and want to stay involved.”
Because Orland is a smaller community, there’s not much to do like in Chico. “If you wanted to become involved in activities, you had to be in school.” Of course, the band was Butch’s main activity at Orland High. Not only could he play multiple instruments, he was also the award winning Drum Major. Under Ed Fairlee's direction, the band won many trophies in those years. Butch knew he needed to travel outside of Orland after graduation to fill his cup. “I realized I had to go out and experience the world,” he
said. “If I had stayed, I would have been there through my 40s.”
“Many people considered me a perpetual student because I kept going back to higher learning, but I always had jobs wherever I went,” said Butch. “My mom said, ‘We have time for what we want,’ and I wanted to keep moving forward with my education.”
The best thing about setting your own path is that Butch could choose where to teach. Having history and, especially, music degrees made it easier to gain employment. One of the most fulfilling assignments was coming back to teach in Orland. “The administration was great about letting kids go on field trips,” he said. Among those trips were the Reno Jazz Festival and many music and choir competitions, including the California State Music Competition. Butch knows these events took his students to a higher level.
Another benefit was seeing students come in as freshmen and then seeing them graduate. “You really get to know your students after four years,” he said. “Because you get to talk to students on
trips and spend time in a more informal setting, you learn about them and their lives.” It’s also important to note the positive impact a teacher can have on their students. He’s especially proud of the year when three music students, Sam Francis, Jake Yermini, and Christell Brewster, received top honors for their musicianship at the California Association for Music Education. “I wanted to expose them to a university environment and help expand their universe.” It clearly worked. Samantha Francis is a noted musician, singer, and artist in Northern California; Christell Brewster followed in Peterson’s footsteps to become a music teacher; and Jake Yermini became a noted and accomplished pianist alongside his marriage and family counselor career.
This summer, Butch is participating in the New England Historical Association Conference on the East Coast, and he will give a presentation at the International Country Music Conference (eleventh consecutive year) to be held at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Butch Peterson is on a constant quest to learn and a mission to teach his students. His many fans will back up these sentiments.
A Pilot, A Veteran, A Surgeon Meet Dr. Ya-Sin Peaks
Dr. Mark Womack’s Oral and Maxillofacial (OMF) Surgery practice is happy to welcome their new surgeon, Dr. YaSin Peaks, to the Chico community. Dr. Peaks journey to becoming an OMF surgeon illustrates his insatiable quest for knowledge through education and experiences.
Some individuals you meet in life seem genuinely remarkable in their life paths and the habits and beliefs that guided them there. Dr. Peaks is one such person. He grew up in Detroit, Michigan, and following graduation from The University of Michigan, was commissioned as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. He served as an Amphibious Assault Officer and later as an attack helicopter pilot. He continued his military career as a combat search and rescue pilot with
the army reserves. Dr. Peaks shares, “Growing up, I never wanted to be a doctor; that happened later in life after I spent some time in the Marines.” He says, “I always thought I was going to be an astronaut.” His first application to NASA was rejected, and he still has that letter framed on his wall. Some astronauts have applied fifteen times before they were accepted, so he still has quite a few chances left. Dr. Peaks sees failure as a stepping stone in life, a learning opportunity to be valued, and that framed letter serves as a reminder of that fact.
It wasn’t until he was in his thirties that he decided he wanted to be a physician. He already had several degrees at the time, including a bachelor's in nuclear physics, an MBA, and a master's in mechanical engineering, but they were all technical
and engineer-based. So, to meet the pre-med requirements, he needed to take classes like biology and chemistry at night while at various duty stations with the military. He says, “It was a nontraditional and circuitous route to medicine, but that’s how I did it.” He attended the University of Alabama for medical school and was initially matched into a General Surgery residency. He followed that with a research fellowship at the University of California-Irvine focusing on pediatric ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgery.
During that time, he had a great mentor who was an ENT surgeon, and that piqued his interest in oral and maxillofacial surgery. “It’s a unique field; it truly is. You are completely trained in the head, neck, and oral cavity. In that sense, you learned two disciplines that could be applied to a field I liked: trauma and reconstruction. But it requires you to get a dental degree.” So, Dr. Peaks returned to the University of Alabama and earned his second doctorate in dentistry with a residency in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery.
The immediate impact on an individual’s well-being is one aspect of the profession that Dr. Peaks enjoys. He shares that having the ability to improve smiles, alleviate headaches, mitigate pain, or perform reconstruction, all while seeing the effects of good work, good dentistry, and good surgery in a relatively short time is extremely rewarding. Dr. Peaks believes that when you change someone’s smile, you change their life. “My love for this job is that you become an effector of human medicine directly. You are actively changing something to help someone.”
In addition to his work with Dr. Womack, Dr. Peaks spends part of his week at the local VA clinic, continuing to serve his military family. When he’s not working, he’ll usually be found in a museum, a bookstore, or taking advantage of the fantastic flying weather here in Northern California.
More information on Dr. Peaks can be found at, or you can call (530) 345-7127 to schedule an appointment.
Meal Prepping Made Easy
Finding time to cook healthy meals each day can feel like a herculean task in the whirlwind of modern life. Between the daily chores and errands, work itself, and a minute or two to unwind, finding time to do anything else seems like a near impossibility—that’s without even bringing up raising kids or attempting to nurture a healthy relationship! The last thing you want to do at the end of a long day is cook; it’s also likely the last thing you want to do each morning. As a result, we end up trading slow and healthy meals for fast or frozen ones. By doing so, we damage our bodies and make any health goals we’ve set for ourselves significantly more difficult to attain. Luckily, pulling ourselves out of that downward spiral is easier than we might think.
One way to streamline this process and guarantee healthier meals is to meal prep. Meal prepping involves cooking food and
portioning meals out in advance, typically for the week ahead. What may just seem like a trend to some is actually a powerful strategy with numerous benefits beyond just convenience. Here’s a short list of some things you’ll reap the benefits of by meal prepping:
Efficiency: Planning your meals ahead will likely carry over into your everyday tasks and help you plot other chores in advance as you plan the week.
Cost Savings: Have you ever tracked how much you spend on food? If not, you probably should. By prepping your own meals, you’ll see huge savings that can allow you to save for other important things in life.
Healthier Eating: When we’re on the go and hungry, we often make rash decisions and visit a drive-thru. This isn’t good fuel
to be putting in our bodies, and there’s a simple solution to fix it. Also worthy of note, the more fast food we eat, the more fast food we increasingly crave. The more weight we gain from eating said fast food, the more food we need to eat to satisfy our hunger overall. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle and one that’s easy to avoid by avoiding fast food in the first place.
Portion Control: When you eat healthy, especially by emphasizing protein intake, you can consume good-for-you food, feel fuller longer, and consume fewer calories. You can do all of this without sacrificing flavor, too!
Convenience: We already mentioned this, right? It's worth noting again. Single-handedly, the biggest reward of meal prepping is the convenience. You may have to plan head and pack an ice chest, but that doesn’t take much effort. Ultimately, you’re saving yourself drive time to a fast-food joint and the mindnumbing pain of being stuck in a line of cars inching towards the finish line and receiving a bag full of bad-for-you food when you finally arrive. What a reward for your patience!
What do I cook? How much should I cook? These questions present the biggest hurdles to meal prepping. A typical meal I recommend cooking is quite simple. These three items will provide you with about five meals total: 2.5 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast, seasoned with whatever you like, 1.75 lbs of green beans cooked in cast iron with olive oil, lightly seasoned with garlic salt, and 2 lbs of sweet potatoes cooked in the oven. Cut them evenly and give them a light coat with olive oil. Portion those three items evenly into five containers and place them in the refrigerator to get you through the workweek. By doing so, you’ve effectively guaranteed that five of your meals are healthy each week with a caloric intake you can count on. Start with lunch five times per week and work your way up to meal prepping as many meals as possible.
Meal prepping is empowering, fulfilling, and the benefits are obvious. If you have a few hours on Sunday, make a mindful choice, have fun, and try it.
Dancing is more than just moving to music; it's an art form that's good for the body and the soul. If you have been fortunate enough to take a class with Austin-tacious you are likely already confident enough to dance with ease. From Latin to line dancing, Austin has mastered and found a way to teach dance so that everyone can understand and have fun with the choreography.
Austin Bergstedt’s dancing journey began unexpectedly in his freshman P.E. class in 2006. During a swing dancing unit, his natural rhythm caught the attention of a fellow student. Despite being in the midst of the wrestling season, Austin's friends convinced him to give dancing a try. Reluctantly, he agreed, but little did he know it would change his life.
He joined The Paradise Dancers, led by the charismatic Don Wolheim. This group taught dancing and fostered a sense of community among its members. Through Don's guidance, Austin honed his dancing skills and formed lifelong friendships.
After high school, Austin's passion for dancing persisted, even as he pursued wrestling at college. Austin stumbled upon Arthur Murray's Professional Dance Studio during a run and immediately felt drawn back to dancing. Despite financial constraints, he seized an opportunity to teach dancing, thus beginning his professional dance career.
Austin immersed himself in various dance styles for over six years, from classics like waltz and tango to swings, Latin dances, and country styles. Working for Arthur Murray, Austin had the opportunity to travel, compete, and teach, all while juggling college and other pursuits.
But it wasn't just about the moves; it was about the joy of dancing, the connections forged on the dance floor, and the sheer exhilaration of expressing oneself through movement. Austin found solace, excitement, and fulfillment in dancing, especially during challenging times like the aftermath of the Camp Fire and the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the world gradually reopened, Austin felt a calling to share his love for dancing with others. He became a dance instructor, teaching swing, ballroom, and line dancing at various venues in Chico. For Austin, dancing isn't just exercise, it's a social activity, a stress reliever, and a way to connect with others on a deeper level.
He encourages everyone, regardless of age or ability, to give dancing a try. With his infectious enthusiasm and belief that anyone can learn to dance, Austin welcomes beginners and experienced dancers to join his classes. For him, the most challenging step in dancing is the first one onto the dance floor, but once taken, it opens up a world of possibilities.
If you're looking for a dance class, look up Austin-Tacious on Facebook for a calendar of class times and events. Whether you're looking to get fit, socialize, or simply have fun, Austin will be there to teach and inspire you on your dancing journey.
I would recommend Effie Khaki to absolutely anyone who is selling or purchasing a home. I have complete confidence and trust in Effie's professionalism, expertise, and commitment to all of her clients. I purchased and sold my first home with her over the last 5 years. Effie will always exceed your highest expectations.
-Jenifer Crawford
Canyon Oaks Tuscan residence is fit for royalty. With towering ceilings, walls of windows, and custom woodwork throughout, you could easily be convinced you’re exploring a castle in the Italian countryside. The lavish living room offers a cozy fireplace to enjoy alongside panoramic views. The kitchen, built for a gourmet chef, boasts custom cabinets with endless storage and granite counters that provide plenty of room for prep. A large island makes entertaining a breeze. Outside, you’ll find an in-ground Pebble-tec swimming pool with a cascading waterfall. As you retire at night in one of 2 primary suites, you’ll reflect on the comforts of your home—a media room, owned solar system, 3-car garage, & more on .49 acres! Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 4,361 Price: $1,699,900
Nestled next to a vineyard and encompassed by orchards, this home has been loved by many Chico generations. From its well-sized kitchen with cement counter tops and new Bosch dishwasher to its dual-pane windows, waterproof plank flooring, remodeled bathroom, new doors throughout, water softener, and fully owned solar system, this home exemplifies true quality. You will love the open floor plan and peaceful ambiance of this home. The comfortable living room, large media room, and formal dining room have hosted numerous parties. The beautiful yard offers a covered dining patio with fruit trees. Bonuses include a detached art studio, a massive shop, detached shed, water purifier, & many modern updates on .63 acres. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,480 Price: 699,000
Located just a few minutes from Chico, this 1.34 acre private estate property offers a stunning view of the canyon with a perfect spot for you to build your dream house on. Prior to the Camp Fire, this was a beautiful residence with 2,500 sqft, 3 beds, 3 baths, natural gas, and PID water service. Acres: 1.34 Price: $51,750
If you are looking for your private estate property, then come and see what this gorgeous 1+ acre parcel has to offer. Situated on a quiet cul-desac location, it will take only one look to know this is where you want your dream home to be. While its heavenly, the price is down to Earth. Bring your blueprint and build!
Acres: 1.02 Price: $37,900
Own a Piece of Paradise! This .49 acre parcel boasts intoxicating views of the canyon—the perfect place for your dream home! Prior to the Camp Fire, this parcel held a 1,742 sqft, 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with natural gas and PID water services. This property is a must see! Acres: 0.49 Price: $36,750
Job satisfaction and wellness researchers continually list Realtors high on the scale of people who are satisfied with their jobs and find happiness in the workplace. I did some research on the subject. I sought a Realtor I know to ask about his happiness in this business and this so-called ‘job satisfaction.’
“So, how’s your job these days?” I asked.
“What?” He said, “You know, it’s crazy. I have two listing appointments in the next two hours, two escrows that might be falling apart, three offers to present on properties with multiple offers already in place, and property inspections and appraisals lined up throughout the day. Why?”
“So, how does that make you feel? Like satisfied? Or happy?”
He stared at me. I smiled.
“Listen,” he said, “I’m a little stressed right now...”
He turned to go.
“Wait!” I said, “How do you like your job?”
“You know I love my job.”
“Well, you said yourself you’re stressing.”
He turned and sped away.
One research group says, “Realtors have some of the highest scores in job
satisfaction. It might not feel like it when you’re working a 12-hour day, but it’s true: real estate agents are reportedly 17% more satisfied in their careers than workers in other professions.”
Researchers attribute Realtor job satisfaction to 1) The ability to help people. 91% of Realtors surveyed listed helping people as a satisfying part of the job. 2) A flexible schedule. As my old mentor, KDV, said, “We get to choose which fourteen hours of the day we work.” 3) Income potential. Realtors’ average income is generally higher than the average in their locale, especially for women. 64% of Realtors are women, and no ceiling exists for earning potential. 4) On-the-go work environment. ‘On-the-go’ can be an understatement. Things can get frantic. But it’s never dull. 5) Independence. Being your own boss means choosing where and when you will work. But you better be an attentive boss, and you better listen to your boss.
I caught sight of him exiting the office.
“Just tell me,” I yelled, “you say you like your job, but you’re stressed out, right?”
‘Hey,” he said. “This is good stress!”
Another reason for job satisfaction: “good stress.”
Doug Love is Sales Manager at Century 21 in Chico. Email Call or text 530-680-0817.
"Sherry was great. Efficiency and good communication were critical to me during this process, and Sherry was on it! Escrow was closed within one month of listing the house, which exceeded my expectations. I would definitely recommend Sherry to anyone. Thank you!" - Jaimie Malone
The Barndominium is a WOW and must be checked out! This structure has its own well and PG&E with options galore, and has its own bathroom. Now, let's get to this great home that is situated on .69 acres on a corner and a cul-de-sac!! Nestled among big mature trees and wonderful plantings, it just seems that everything is in bloom! Butterflies and birds will love this place! This property has never been offered before and is a rare find as it is close to a highly rated charter school K-8 and has room for 4H and FFA animals. The wrap around porch is inviting and begs you to sit on it sipping something looking out onto the views from this vantage point. Or perhaps in front of the fire pit? This Brand New composition Roof was just installed, home has fresh paint, new appliances, and so much more! This is the one that you will want to call HOME!
Getaway retreat minutes from Chico! There's nothing like this magnificent mountain area ~45 minutes northeast of Chico, in the Sierra Cascade Mountains. The area offers year-round fishing, seasonal hunting, hiking, off-road vehicle trails, and great winter sports. Snowmobiling, and cross-country skiing are at your front door. When you enter this mountain home, you'll flip on the heater switch which works very efficiently while you light your free-standing wood stove. In the summertime there is no need for a/c w/ceiling fans in every room for cross ventilation. The custom kitchen with alder wood cabinets, pull out drawers, large kitchen island/granite offers an entertainers dream space for buffets, and gatherings. You'll feel like you're on vacation as every window offers views watching birds, and local wildlife. Too much to list! Call today for a tour! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,260 Price: $499,000
I help you?
: 3.0
Serenity! This custom built home with over 8 acres of planted walnuts is truly a rare find!!! Nestled amongst the trees and views out every window, is this wonderfully laid out home!! This split floor plan offering the master suite with an amazing bathroom and fancy schmancy shower is on one side of the home and the other 2 bedrooms and bath the other for privacy. Bring all the toys including boats, RV and extra autos in this 30' x 48' shop! That's right there is even 2 large roll up doors and a private bathroom. The lift, hoist and air compressor are included. There are 2 wells, one ag well with a 10 h.p. turbine pump for the walnuts and a domestic well. The walnuts are Chandler and were planted in 1991 on Paradox and there are solid set irrigation system. Sit on the front porch and listen to the birds singing and the sound of silence. Great space for entertaining and making memories with family and friends!
: $899,000
PRICE REDUCTION OVER 40K!! Estimate for upgrades included in price drop. Great LOCATION! Close to shopping, restaurants, and schools. How about OWNED SOLAR and a POOL?! This home has it all! You are welcomed with laminate wood floors and a formal sitting room, formal dining area, leading to a separate living room that features a wood burning fireplace. The kitchen has upgraded granite counter tops with an open breakfast bar and an additional breakfast nook! Sliding glass doors open up to a lovely well maintained back yard with mature landscaping, including a bountiful lemon tree! The in-ground fiberglass pool will be refreshing in the summer, and includes a brand new filtration system. Each bedroom is carpeted, and the accessible step-in master shower conveniently offers a bench seat! This home won't last long, come and see it! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0
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happy customers for over 33 years. How can
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SqFt: 1,678 Price: $459,000
Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 1,773 Price: $569,000
SqFt: 1,852 Price
: 2.0
Filtering Out Forever Chemicals
When Emmett Culligan began experimenting on water using a couple of coffee cans and some zeolite sand, he never could have imagined how far-reaching and impactful his early endeavors would be. Today his company is on the cutting edge of providing customers with a technology to eliminate harmful ‘forever chemicals’ from their water.
This past spring, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the first national drinking water standard to reduce communities’ exposure to harmful per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as 'forever chemicals.’ This is the first time the EPA has ever announced a nationwide mandate on a water contamination issue. There have been guidelines, or state and local recommendations in the past but never such a broad enforceable directive. The importance of addressing the alarming increase of these chemicals in our water and, in turn, our bodies, led to this nationwide focus.
What are forever chemicals? Where do they come from? What’s so concerning about them? Culligan of Chico owners William Bocast and Clay Farrell (pictured left to right) have the answers.
PFAS were first developed in the 1930s and have been used in an ever-expanding range of products since. Their properties enable them to resist stains, grease, water, and heat while they maintaining chemical and thermal stability. Over the past 80 years, their use in manufacturing has exploded, and today can be found in many of the things we use every day, including cookware, raingear, stain-resistant clothing, and even carpets. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, “PFAS are used in the aerospace, automotive, construction, and electronics industries.
Over time, PFAS may leak into the soil, water, and air.” This has resulted in the contamination of water supplies throughout the world. The molecular structure that enables this class of chemicals to work so well also makes it difficult to eliminate them from the environment. It is hypothesized that it will take hundreds of years for them to break down naturally. In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention detected PFAS in the blood of 98% of the U.S. population. This is alarming in that these substances continue to accumulate in the body and contribute to various health issues; certainly, there may be many more that are yet unknown. Current studies on the dangers of continued exposure to PFAS indicate liver damage, altered immune system responses, and increased risk of certain cancers such as kidney and bladder.
The new national regulation addresses levels of the top six ‘forever chemicals’ in water and allows municipalities five years to put initiatives in place to treat the water for these pollutants. William says, “We have a solution right now. We can solve that problem. We can ensure that water is healthy, clean, and safe.” Customers don’t have to wait five years for their water to be free of these harmful chemicals. He shares, “That’s been Culligan’s extensive commitment to this project. We have all these years of experience, and it’s times like this when experience is one of the most extraordinary things to have. “The filtration and reverse osmosis technology in their Aquasential Smart systems goes above and beyond the EPA’s requirements. It removes all PFAS from drinking water, not just the six included in the federal mandate.
One of the specific compounds that will be monitored in drinking water is PFOA, and here in the Chico area, levels are almost double the future allowable limit. The Water Quality Association (WQA) assessed Culligan’s Aquasential Smart Water Reverse Osmosis system with the Total Defense Filter. It was the only home point-of-use filtration system to pass their third-party certification process for removal of the PFAS. Culligan has been working on this treatment equipment for over two years. In addition to their certified point-of-use product, Culligan’s
whole-house system is currently undergoing testing with the WQA for filtration of PFAS chemicals, and it should be completed by this July.
According to William, their whole-house system is performing beautifully with 200,000 gallons of water tested so far, and no detectable levels of PFAS have been found. Both systems provide monitoring and notifications that alert customers when maintenance is required and filters need attention. The smart system will notify Culligan and the customer by text or email if the PFAS filters need replacing, ensuring the continued safety of the home’s water. This alert system is another reason Culligan products have received the WQA’s seal of approval. The PFAS treatment equipment installed by Culligan of Chico will have a lifetime warranty, and William says, “It’s the ethos of Culligan. We make quality equipment, and we want people to know they have a product they can trust. They don’t have to worry about it or think about it. They know it’s taken care of. That’s what we’re here for. We’re here to take
care of our customers and take care of our people.”
Culligan currently offers specific testing for PFAS levels throughout the community, although it’s more complicated and involved than they would like. For this reason, their wellrespected water testing labs have worked with the EPA to recently develop a low-cost and simplified PFAS test. By increasing affordability and availability, they hope to continue building a map of the distribution of these chemicals throughout the United States to better understand specific problem areas.
“We always have our ear to the ground as far as what’s going on with water.” shares Clay, “By having over 400 Culligan dealerships nationwide, we hear about things before other people do. We’re much bigger than one individual franchise; it’s this grand Culligan network.”
The benefits of soft water have been known since the early 1920s when Emmett first started working on that home
filtration system to remove dissolved minerals in the water. Reducing water’s hardness, in turn, will minimize mineral buildup in pipes and appliances, decrease the amount of soap and cleaners needed, and eliminate certain odors from the water. This was Culligan’s primary focus early on. However, as the company’s knowledge and technology surrounding water treatment expanded over the next one hundred years, that focus broadened into now providing the safest, healthiest, and highest quality water available to the home.
Clay emphasizes their objective: “We’re here to help. People need to know what’s in their water so they can make an educated decision about what to do about it.”
If you’d like more information about how to remove harmful forever chemicals from your family’s drinking water, whether you're on city or well water, contact Culligan of Chico by phone at (530) 343-5100 or head to their website at
The Fresh & Flavorful, Lean & Green Cookbook
Dr. Christiane Wear, a lifelong Chico resident, has been a guiding force locally in health & wellness for over 30 years. Since retiring from her chiropractic practice in 2015, she has channeled her energy into health coaching. She’s excited to introduce her latest project: a new low-carb, low-fat, gluten-free cookbook titled "The Fresh & Flavorful, Lean & Green Cookbook." After 29 years of yo-yo dieting, Christiane’s journey led her to a profound realization—the key to sustainable health transformation lies in upgrading your recipe book and being thoughtful about the quality and quantity of food you consume daily.
With over 15 years of experience as an Independent Optavia coach, she has empowered individuals through her Coaching Practice in Chico and nationwide. Christiane's approach goes beyond traditional dieting; it encompasses a comprehensive health strategy that embraces hydration, optimal nutrition, quality sleep, regular exercise, a support community, and education. Recently, her company partnered with LifeMD and began incorporating guidance for clients and physicians exploring the benefits of GLP-1 weight loss medications, adding a valuable layer to her personalized coaching services.
Christiane explains, “I have learned the Habits of Health as an Optavia coach. I did 24 different diets before finding Optavia,
and I often joke that I lost 200 pounds on Weight Watchers if you combine the 10 times I lost and regained 20 pounds. As a health coach and foodie, I have created healthy recipes and posted them on social media for friends and clients. For six or seven years, my clients and health community have asked me to write a cookbook. They loved the recipes I would make and found them flavorful and visually appealing. Truth be told, I felt called by my community to make it.”
Her newly launched cookbook, "The Fresh & Flavorful, Lean & Green Cookbook," has quickly become a kitchen staple in the Chico area and throughout her Optavia community. The book offers a wealth of easy-to-follow recipes that focus on health without compromising taste. It is designed to transform your eating habits and make healthy eating accessible and enjoyable for all skill levels.
“It’s important to know that this is a healthy cookbook, but it’s also packed with flavor.” Christiane says, “The first 25 recipes are intended for fast weeknight meals, and they can all be made in 30 minutes. The cookbook also has starters, salads, soups, comfort foods, and more. It has a great variety of recipes, and all ingredients can be found locally. You don’t have to visit a bunch of different stores. There are ways to modify the recipes to fit the caloric needs
of families with kids and those not on a lowcarb program.”
Christiane's commitment to fostering long-term wellness shines through her health coaching and culinary contributions. Her coaching services offer personalized support and education, guiding clients to achieve and sustain their health goals. Complementing this, her cookbook provides practical meal solutions that support the lifestyle changes emphasized in her coaching sessions.
As Christiane continues to enrich Chico's community with her extensive knowledge and expertise, she encourages everyone to explore how a balanced diet and a comprehensive wellness strategy can profoundly impact their lives. Whether you're looking to overhaul your health practices or searching for tasty, nutritious meals, Christiane's offerings are tailored to assist you on your journey to better health.
She offers a free wellbeing survey and 30-minute health & wellness consultation. You can contact Christiane at or (530) 514-1912. "The Fresh & Flavorful, Lean & Green Cookbook" is available at Made in Chico and on Amazon. Join the movement towards a healthier tomorrow and discover how you can transform your lifestyle from the inside out.
Stargazing Health for
Stargazing, the timeless practice of observing and marveling at the celestial wonders above, has captivated humanity for millennia. From ancient civilizations to modern astronomers, people have looked to the night sky with awe and wonder, seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe. Whether you're a seasoned astronomer or someone who enjoys the beauty of a star-filled sky, stargazing offers a profound and enchanting experience. Best of all, it provides peace and serenity that lowers cortisol levels, promoting health and healing from within.
The Beauty of the Night Sky
Underneath the cloak of darkness, the night sky reveals its splendor, painting a canvas of stars, planets, and distant galaxies. Away from the glare of city
lights, the sky becomes a tapestry of twinkling lights, each star a beacon of cosmic beauty. The Milky Way, our home galaxy, stretches across the heavens like a river of stars, inviting us to gaze upon its ethereal glow. With each passing moment, the sky transforms as stars rise and set, planets dance across the firmament, and meteor showers streak across the darkness.
The Science of Stargazing
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, stargazing offers a window into the vastness and complexity of the cosmos. Through the lens of a telescope or a pair of binoculars, we can observe distant planets, moons, nebulae, and star clusters, each revealing a unique aspect of the universe. Amateur astronomers often delight in observing
the moon's phases, the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, and the intricate patterns of constellations. Meanwhile, seasoned stargazers may focus on more elusive phenomena like distant galaxies, variable stars, and transient celestial events.
Finding the Perfect Spot
To fully appreciate the wonders of the night sky, finding a suitable location for stargazing is essential. Ideally, this means venturing away from the bright lights of urban areas, where light pollution obscures all but the brightest stars. National parks, remote wilderness areas, and designated dark-sky reserves offer some of the best stargazing opportunities, providing unobstructed views of the celestial panorama. Whether
camping under the stars or driving to a secluded lookout point, the key is to find a spot with minimal light pollution and a clear view of the horizon.
Tips for Stargazing
Stargazing requires patience, practice, and some preparation, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Here are some tips to enhance your stargazing experience:
1. Check the Weather: Clear, moonless nights with low humidity offer the best conditions for stargazing. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and plan your stargazing outings accordingly.
2. Use Red Light: White light from flashlights and electronic devices can
disrupt your night vision. Use a red flashlight or cover your light source with red cellophane to preserve your night vision while stargazing.
3. Bring the Right Equipment: While stargazing can be enjoyed with the naked eye, a pair of binoculars or a telescope can enhance your experience by allowing you to see fainter objects and finer details.
4. Learn the Night Sky: Familiarize yourself with the constellations, planets, and other celestial objects visible in the night sky. A star chart or mobile app can help you identify objects and navigate the heavens.
5. Be Patient and Observant: Take your
time to scan the sky, allowing your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Be patient and observant, and you may be rewarded with fleeting glimpses of shooting stars, satellites, and other celestial phenomena.
The Magic of Stargazing
As you gaze up at the night sky, it's easy to feel a sense of awe and wonder at the vastness and beauty of the cosmos. Stargazing puts our lives into perspective, reminding us of our place in the universe and inspiring a sense of humility and curiosity. Whether pondering the mysteries of distant galaxies or marveling at the beauty of a starry night, stargazing offers an enriching experience that transcends time and space. Take a moment to look up and let the night sky's magic fill you with wonder and awe.
Palette of Thoughts
Collaboration is the heartbeat behind creating and curating the “Palette of Thoughts” Mental Health Collaborative Art Show. Jess Mercer has delicately and tediously collaborated with over 60 artists to make the show possible, personally handing a palette to each participant spanning the age spectrum. The show has a participant as young as 3 months old representing joy and a 73-year-old woman addressing anxiety. “Palette of Thoughts” represents all ages and humans inclusively, regardless of each individual's differences and likenesses.
An independent artist herself, Jess chose to collaborate with MONCA to make the show a reality. She reached out to several schools around Butte County for interest, activating students and staff from Paradise High School, Ridgeview
High School, HomeTech Charter School, Oroville High School, Las Plumas High School, CORE Butte, Chico State University, and homeschool programs alike. As a result of those efforts, students, staff, adults, and youth from Oroville, Paradise, Chico, Butte Valley, Cohasset, and Magalia are participating, each creating a work of art to share. Individuals from the Boys and Girls Club are also collaborating in this effort.
The show will take place from May 16-29 this year. During the reception, each of the pieces will be shared with visitors and collaborators alike, but the real impact comes after. Attendees will be asked to review each piece and answer, “How would you support yourself or someone you care for experiencing this?" Seeing the responses from 60+ different
points of view, attached to visuals, and in collaboration with their fellow artists is beautiful. The outcome of learning so much from the advice given with each piece is to address each topic with a trauma-informed approach and to share advice that may just save a life. More importantly, sharing such vulnerability, compassion, and radical empathy can only breed more.
Jess has worked with thousands of individuals after a series of traumas struck Butte County. The most intense and personal of these traumas was the Camp Fire, which destroyed her town and family home. Listening to stories of pain, growth, and thriving is the common theme, and she continues to support individuals from the Camp Fire years after. Jess and MONCA hope to springboard the accessibility to these stories so more can find encouragement, hope, and education through art. Jess effectively communicates through art and is hopeful the show's biggest outcome is that art helps others communicate, too.
Of the 60 artists participating, over 2/3 are Camp Fire survivors, several of whom are doing pieces on PTSD and anxiety. Jess is working with three high schools in Paradise that also have students participating.
Savor Ice Cream has offered to partner with the event and bring ice cream to share at the reception. Students from the Music Connection, under the wing of their amazing instructor Vianna, are performing on the grand piano for the reception. Jess has invited two counselors to float during the reception if someone is in need, as the show is emotionally provoking. Members from the Butte County Office of Education will be supporting, as will members from Paradise Unified School District. Jess has arranged for a reporter, who has written for magazines including Rolling Stone and Vogue, to collaborate on a written piece and photos of the show to help spread the message near and far.
Though this article will hit stands towards the tail end of the art show, we encourage you to visit MONCA to see it for yourself if time permits. Keep an eye on for information on future exhibits.
Inspire Physical Therapy
Born and raised in Paradise, Alan Hivale, PT, DPT grew up wanting to help and serve others. Wanting to assist people in bettering their lives through wellness and exercise, he enrolled in and graduated from Loma Linda University’s School of Physical Therapy in 2011. Alan moved back to Paradise with his wife and worked as a physical therapist for Feather River Hospital until the Camp Fire. He left Adventist Health and opened his own physical therapy business in Chico—Inspire Physical Therapy—in 2021. Alan was well-acquainted with the pitfalls of insurance-based care, so he circumvented those barriers by creating a business with a cash-pay model that offers easier access and hour-long dedicated visits. The direct physical therapy model allows the Inspire team to focus on individualized one-on-one care. Their motto of “love, care, and serve” is integral to the client experience at Inspire Physical Therapy. Take the next step to take care of yourself with a visit to Inspire Physical Therapy.
James Biccum/Gym Truck Chico
In August 2020, James Biccum embarked on his entrepreneurial journey fueled by a burning desire to break free from the shackles of corporate life. A new dad and family man, James realized he couldn't bear the thought of being a mere cog in someone else's machine. Fed up with soul-crushing meetings and unkind bosses, he decided to take matters into his own hands. James crafted his business plan within minutes, taking a leap of faith, and thus, Gym Truck Chico was born. Fast forward four years and Gym Truck Chico has helped hundreds of individuals achieve their fitness goals. James feels blessed to do what he loves, knowing he's setting an example for his daughters and making a positive impact in the world. With Gym Truck Chico, James proves that with passion, dedication, and a little grit, you can turn your dreams into reality and inspire others along the way. Contact James today and get started on achieving your fitness goals!
We come to you! (530) 781-3961 By Appointment Only
2954 CA-32 Suite 1700, Chico (530) 433-5924 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Artistic Aesthetics
Raquel Wells began her cosmetology career in 2011 before graduating from Chico State with a degree in entrepreneurship. She always dreamed of opening her own business and turned those dreams into a reality when she opened her salon, but closed it during the pandemic in search of something more recession-proof. She found exactly that as a nurse but missed the one-on-one experience with her clients, so she decided to combine her nursing skills with more than a decade of experience in cosmetology and opened Artistic Aesthetics, a medspa in Downtown Chico. Driven by art and a passion to make people feel beautiful, Raquel and her team at Artistic Aesthetics offer niche services including ezGEL bio filler, PDO thread lifts (non-invasive facelifts), liquid BBLs, Russian lips, facial filler, botox, and so much more. She prides herself on obtaining the best training available and continuing to deliver LA-style services and quality to Chico. Visit Artistic Aesthetics online to schedule an appointment today!
329 Flume St, Chico (530) 399-8092
Mon-Sat by appointment
Artisticaestheticschico Artistic.aesthetics.chico
Forest Bathing for Stress Relief and Self-Care
Shinrin yoku, translated from Japanese as “forest bathing,” promotes self-care and personal health by immersing yourself in nature. This practice has been proven to lower cortisol, pulse rates, and blood pressure, while regulating nerve activity (Park et al. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, January 2010). The proven health benefits of mindful outdoor activities have gained attention worldwide. Living in the Northstate, you already know our lush landscapes provide an ideal backdrop for recreation, but they also offer a perfect getaway for forest bathing. You can tap into serenity right in your backyard!
Given our summer heat and bright sun climate, preparation for any outdoor activity is crucial. Prioritize sun protection with clothing, hats, and sunscreen to keep your “bathing” experience enjoyable. Consider the timing of your excursion to avoid the day's peak heat, and stay hydrated by bringing plenty of water.
Remember to be mindful of local wildlife and consider how to safely share the
spaces they call home. With cool nights and hot days, be aware that snakes come out early to sun themselves. Rattlesnakes may be on or near trails, so be mindful of your pathway, wear close-toed shoes, and consider a walking stick!
To fully embrace the benefits of forest bathing, engage in mindfulness in nature. Find a tranquil forested area and engage your senses: breathe deeply, observe the surroundings, touch the trees, listen to the sounds of nature, and feel the earth beneath your feet. Disconnect from technology and distractions, allowing yourself to fully experience the calming effects of the forest. Spend time leisurely walking or sitting in contemplation, absorbing the healing energy of the natural environment.
While shinrin yoku translates as forest bathing, you don’t have to go to the woods to immerse yourself in nature. Reap the benefits of immersing yourself mindfully in nature with all your senses–no matter where you are—by spotting vibrant greens in the park, listening to
buzzing bees in your veggie garden, sniffing the aroma of freshly cut grass at a sports field, caressing the smoothness of rocks you find creekside, or savoring the sweetness of a foraged blackberry. Most importantly, take a moment to breathe.
The beauty of this practice is the simplicity: the benefits are proven, and there aren’t a lot of rules to follow. Just get outdoors with intention and be present.
Living in the Northstate provides a unique advantage for integrating forest bathing into your regular wellness routine. With abundant natural beauty and accessible green spaces, you don't have to travel far to find a good spot for shinrin yoku. These simple acts can improve overall mental and physical health, promoting a balanced lifestyle.
Amy Alward is a massage therapist and Reiki master teacher based in Chico. She teaches mindfulness, and self-care in person and online. Connect with her on facebook: @EmergeGuidedHealing
Northstate Barbell Club
Michael Headley is a passionate strength training enthusiast with a background as a former 22-year Emergency Room RN. After facing challenging life events that left him homeless, Michael leaned into his past. As a competitive athlete in powerlifting, hammer throw, shot put, and Highland Games, Michael was no stranger to strength and performance. His journey led him to learn from the legendary Louie Simmons, founder of Westside Barbell Club, who introduced him to the Conjugate training method. Over the next 30 years, Louie mentored Michael, shaping his approach to training. In 2016, Michael founded North State Barbell, a small club where the focus is on individualized training. Unlike typical box gyms, North State Barbell prioritizes strength and performance over aesthetics. Michael specializes in injury and surgery rehabilitation, helping countless individuals recover from back, shoulder, knee, and hip injuries. If you're seeking to improve your quality of life through strength training, Michael and North State Barbell welcome you to join their supportive community.
Tara Williams/PACS
PACS is a rapidly expanding national platform investing in post-acute care facilities, professionals, and ancillary services. Founded in 2013 with two skilled nursing facilities, PACS has grown into a family of over 200 facilities across nine states, offering mission-driven care that combines access to a national network with local decision-making. Tara Williams, a passionate regional recruiter, is vital in connecting nurses with opportunities throughout California. With her extensive knowledge and experience in healthcare, she helps nurses find jobs tailored to their expertise and career goals. Tara is dedicated to ensuring the elderly population receives quality and compassionate care by recruiting top-notch candidates and is committed to making a difference in the senior community. She is particularly excited to assist recent nursing graduates from local colleges in finding their first job, recognizing their challenges in navigating the job market. They even offer sponsorship programs to become a CNA for FREE! If you're seeking employment opportunities or need assistance in your job search, Tara is here to help.
(530) 356-1880
2990 Highway 32, Suite 2100, Chico (530) 966-5261
Mon-Fri 6am-8pm | Sat 10am-6pm | Sun 12pm-5pm
Upper Park CrossFit
Christobal Nava is a proud Chico native and owner of Upper Park CrossFit. His journey began as a dedicated member, evolved into a coaching role, and ultimately led him to become the sole owner. With nearly nine years of experience as a Level-2 CrossFit coach, Christobal passionately trains both groups and individuals, embracing the inclusive nature of CrossFit, where all ages and fitness levels are welcome. Christobal lives, eats, and breathes CrossFit, firmly believing in the power and transformative potential of shared workouts. He believes in fostering community by modeling an environment where members encourage one another to surpass personal limits and celebrate victories together. Christobal also enthusiastically provides free gym access to Butte County first responders through a state-funded program. His commitment to the CrossFit lifestyle is evident in every aspect of his life, as he and his family prioritize fitness, meal prepping, and rest. Christobal undoubtedly exemplifies the CrossFit way!
1 Commerce Court, Chico (530) 592-1202
See website for hours of operation!
Upper Park CrossFit @upperparkcrossfit
Studio Thirty three: A Fitness Revolution
Thanks to Mandy Fehlman, a fitness revolution is underway in the heart of Chico. The visionary behind Studio Thirty Three, Mandy has created an oasis where cycling and pilates enthusiasts seeking empowerment, community, and high-energy workouts can find it. Whether conquering the stage as a bodybuilder, nurturing children as a foster mom, or sculpting bodies and minds through coaching, she approaches every endeavor with unwavering enthusiasm.
Born in Paradise and raised in Chico, Mandy knows the spirit of her hometown. After years of working in dental offices, her life took a turn during a trip to Southern California, where she discovered a cycling studio. Inspired by the experience, she returned home with a vision. Rolling up her sleeves, Mandy converted her detached garage into a fitness sanctuary. After six months of dedication and hard work, Cycle Thirty Three opened its doors in August 2019 with nine bikes. Chico eagerly embraced the concept.
In December 2019, she expanded the studio into a 21-bike space. Combining her love for music and movement—honed during years of dance with Fusion Dance
Company—she crafted a space where fitness met fun.
In 2023, Mandy’s dream grew even bigger and expanded Cycle Thirty Three into Studio Thirty Three, adding classes ranging from rhythm ride to cardio kickboxing and HIIT to pilates. Studio Thirty Three is not just a gym; it's an experience. In addition to her commitment to fitness, Mandy is dedicated to giving back to the community, with foster care at the forefront after adopting her son in 2019. Mandy realized she could help with the 600 kids throughout Butte County in foster care. She partnered with Foster Love to raise money and provide duffels with comfort and care items as many kids move from place to place with nothing. May is Foster Care Awareness Month, and the studio hosted an event called Fitness 48, where they held 45-minute classes, stretching, and guided runs every four hours for a total of 48 hours to raise money and awareness for the cause.
Movement is the passion, and music is the love language at Studio Thirty Three. Classes are not just workouts; they're high-energy meditations, opportunities to lose oneself in the music, feel every beat,
and tap into the power of mind and body.
Mandy's philosophy is simple yet profound and revolves around four tenets—fitness, music, community, and energy. She instructs her classes to always show up ready to work because when you give it your all, you'll achieve more than you ever thought possible. She instructs them to let the rhythm of the music fuel their passion and drive them forward. She encourages them to empower each other because together, they are stronger. Finally, she asks them to bring the heat and finish what they started. Energy is contagious; make it count.
Joining Studio Thirty Three is easy. Simply visit them online at, then:
1. Choose Your Pass
2. Book Your Class: Your first class is free!
3. Show Up: Get ready to sweat and have a good time doing it.
Mandy's dream is a reflection of the Chico spirit—resilient, vibrant, and full of heart. With Studio Thirty Three, it's time to rise, shine, and conquer the world—one pedal, one pose, and one heartbeat at a time.
Backyard Solutions
With summer finally here, everyone is thinking about spending more time outdoors. Though there are plenty of places to enjoy it in Butte County, there’s something special about enjoying these temperatures comfortably at home in our backyards. Whether you’re dreaming of lounging by the pool during the day or basking in the amber glow of hanging patio lights at night, realizing those dreams takes proper planning, and no one is more suited to helping you than Backyard Solutions in Chico.
Backyard Solutions started in Paradise in 2010 and moved to its more centrally located and convenient showroom on Mangrove Avenue after the Camp Fire. With a focus on health and wellness, Backyard Solutions sells Hydropool swim spas, Jacuzzi hot tubs, and infrared saunas. If you’re looking to alleviate pain, pressure, anxiety, and the stress of day-to-day norms, there’s nothing more relaxing! A brand new addition to the Jacuzzi Hot Tub Line-up is now on display in their store. Both the new 400 series and the J-LX series now include INFRA-RED therapy in each model, which can target lower back issues.
With the expansion of their showroom into the adjacent space, they now offer the above-ground KONA Pool line. Kona Pools are built to last, come with a 20-year warranty, and are available in nine different sizes. They also offer Sunsetter awnings and shades, the NEW Green Mountain pellet grills, Blaze and Somerset barbeques, outdoor kitchens, and much more to help adorn any backyard. Though their product offerings are comprehensive, what sets them apart is their ability to design a fully custom backyard space.
Co-owner and Cal Poly Architecture alum Sean Eiselt spends significant time at his drawing board in Backyard Solutions, turning customers’ backyard dreams into reality. He explains, “The key to achieving any desired result in a backyard makeover is 90% planning and 10% execution. There are so many things to consider, including locating water lines, electrical needs, lighting, gas lines, and drainage. Having an idea is great—it’s the starting point for any vision—but a systematic plan makes the end result shine.”
Space planning is one of Sean’s many strengths. When it comes to backyard makeovers, knowing how to scale the size and quantity of improvements to the available area is critical to achieving the oasis you desire, and having a wishlist is an effective way to get the process started. Sean says, “Making a digital scrapbook of pictures of the features you want helps when planning a space.”
With a customer’s wants in hand, Sean creates a plan that addresses all of the client's wishes. He also advises clients that it’s always an option to renovate a backyard in stages so they eventually have everything they desire as money becomes available. “A backyard oasis may seem like a dream, but it’s much more attainable than most people realize.” Sean explains, “Proper planning saves time and money. Having someone walk you through the process makes all the difference in the world.”
If you want to make your backyard dreams a reality this summer, visit Backyard Solutions at 1215 Mangrove Avenue in Chico or call (530) 521-3112. Your dreams may be closer to reality than you think!
The Health Benefits Camping of
Camping offers numerous health benefits that contribute to physical and mental well-being, and immersing oneself in nature can positively affect overall health. As anyone who has ever set up a campsite knows, the increase in physical activity and exposure to sunlight sets the stage for some of the best sleep possible. Spending time outdoors and away from artificial light sources helps regulate the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, or circadian rhythm. Exposure to natural light during the day and darkness at night can lead to better sleep quality and duration, leading to improvement in our immune system. To take things one step further, spending time in nature has proved to have a calming effect on the mind. Tranquil environments, combined with the absence of daily stressors, can significantly reduce stress levels. Activities like hiking and sitting by a campfire promote relaxation and mindfulness, leading to enhanced mood and improved mental clarity. Truly, the benefits of camping and spending time outdoors are practically endless.
Butte County and the surrounding areas offer a diverse array of camping destinations catering to various outdoor enthusiasts. From serene lakeside spots to rugged mountain terrains, the county’s natural beauty provides numerous opportunities for an unforgettable
camping experience. Here's a look at our favorite campsites in Butte County.
Lake Oroville State Recreation Area
One of the crown jewels of Butte County, Lake Oroville State Recreation Area is an expansive outdoor playground featuring one of California's largest reservoirs. The area offers multiple campgrounds, providing unique vistas and amenities.
Loafer Creek Campground
Located on the southeastern shore of Lake Oroville, Loafer Creek Campground offers a blend of tent and RV sites, many with views of the lake. The campground features amenities such as restrooms, showers, picnic tables, and fire rings. In addition to traditional camping, Loafer Creek also offers equestrian campsites.
Bidwell Canyon Campground
This campground is known for its proximity to the marina, making it an ideal spot for boating enthusiasts. Bidwell Canyon Campground provides both tent and RV sites, along with easy access to boat rentals, fishing, and water sports.
Lime Saddle Campground
Located on the northern shore of the lake, Lime Saddle offers a more secluded camping experience. The campground features tent and RV sites, with amenities including restrooms and showers. It’s a
perfect spot for those seeking a quieter, more tranquil camping experience.
Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park
Situated just west of Chico, BidwellSacramento River State Park is a serene destination ideal for those who enjoy riverside camping. The park encompasses several campgrounds, each offering a unique natural setting.
Big Chico Creek Campground
Nestled in a lush riparian environment, Big Chico Creek Campground offers shaded sites perfect for tent camping. The area is rich with wildlife, making it a great spot for nature enthusiasts and birdwatchers. The nearby trails provide opportunities for hiking and exploring the diverse ecosystems of the park.
Plumas National Forest
Just north of Butte County, Plumas National Forest offers a range of camping experiences from developed campgrounds to backcountry sites.
Bucks Lake Recreation Area
Bucks Lake is a popular destination within Plumas National Forest, known for its beautiful scenery and recreational activities. The area offers several campgrounds, including:
Haskins Valley Campground: Located near the shores of Bucks Lake, Haskins Valley Campground offers tent and RV sites with amenities like restrooms, picnic tables, and fire rings. The lake is perfect for boating, fishing, and swimming.
Sundew Campground: This campground
offers a more primitive camping experience, with fewer amenities but stunning views of the lake and surrounding forests. It’s ideal for those seeking a quieter, more rustic experience.
Mendocino National Forest
To the northeast of Butte County, Mendocino National Forest offers vast wilderness areas perfect for those seeking solitude and adventure.
Stony Gorge Reservoir
Stony Gorge Reservoir is a hidden gem within Mendocino National Forest, offering a peaceful camping experience. The reservoir is perfect for fishing, boating, and swimming. The nearby campsites are primitive, providing a true wilderness experience away from the hustle and bustle of developed areas.
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Although a bit further from Butte County, Lassen Volcanic National Park is worth the trip for its unique geological features and stunning landscapes.
Manzanita Lake Campground
This is one of the most popular campgrounds in the park, offering easy access to Manzanita Lake. The campground provides tent and RV sites, along with amenities such as restrooms and showers. The lake is perfect for kayaking, fishing, and taking in the breathtaking views of Lassen Peak.
Summit Lake Campground
Located at a higher elevation, Summit Lake Campground offers cooler temperatures and beautiful alpine scenery. The campground is divided into two sections: North and South, each providing a different camping experience. The area is great for hiking, with trails leading to some of the national park's most iconic features.
Butte Meadows
Butte Meadows, located in the Sierra Nevada foothills, is a charming community surrounded by forested landscapes, offering several camping options.
Cherry Hill Campground
Cherry Hill Campground is a popular spot, offering shaded sites under towering pines. The campground is equipped with amenities like restrooms and picnic tables. It’s a great base for exploring the nearby hiking and mountain biking trails.
Butte Meadows Campground
This excellent camping spot offers a serene environment with ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking, and wildlife viewing.
Colby Mountain Lookout
For a unique and adventurous camping experience, consider staying at Colby Mountain Lookout. This historic fire lookout tower offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding forest and mountains. While it’s not traditional camping, staying at the lookout provides a once-in-a-lifetime experience, immersing you in the natural beauty and solitude of the wilderness.
Butte County and its surrounding areas offer a rich variety of camping destinations that cater to all types of outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking for a serene lakeside retreat, a rugged mountain adventure, or a tranquil riverside getaway, you’ll find the perfect spot to pitch your tent or park your RV. With its diverse landscapes and abundant recreational opportunities, Butte County is a paradise for campers seeking to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors. So pack your camping gear and set out to explore the natural wonders of Butte County. Happy camping!
Michael Hiersche, DDS
Patrica Lee Hopper, CMT, Therapeutic Massage
Patrica Lee Hopper is a nurturing soul with a healing touch and a passion for massage therapy. After graduating from Chico Therapy and Wellness in 2003, Patrica embarked on her journey as a massage therapist out of her love for bodywork's relaxation and health benefits. With a background in foster care and previously owning a home daycare, Patrica's nurturing nature has always been evident. As a massage therapist, she sees herself as a facilitator, helping optimize the body's natural healing properties. Specializing in deep tissue work and pain management, Patrica is dedicated to providing relief and comfort to her clients. After surviving the Camp Fire in 2018, Patrica felt a calling to move her office to Paradise, becoming an integral part of the community's rebuilding process. Offering mixed modality and customized therapeutic massages, she incorporates warm stones, infrared light, and essential oils into her sessions at no additional cost.
Search Therapeutic Massage - Patrica Lee Hopper CMT
After four years as an aerospace engineer, Dr. Michael Hiersche decided he wanted to make a more direct and personal impact on the lives of those around him. As someone passionate about health, function, and happiness, dentistry felt like the perfect avenue to do just that. He graduated from Loma Linda School of Dentistry and began his work as a dentist at the VA in Chicago before moving to Northern California, where he worked at Feather River Health Center for four years. In 2016, he transitioned into private practice, taking over Dr. Moon’s dental practice in Downtown Chico. Dr. Hiersche is intent on providing patients with the dental education they need to make informed decisions. Through extensive continued education, he enjoys using the latest technologies to treat a single tooth with a simple filling to replacing the entire mouth with implant-supported restorations. No matter your needs, his focus has always been on helping others find their smile through individual patient-driven treatment planning.
227 W 6th Street, Chico (530) 342-3525
Mon-Wed 8am-5pm | Thurs 8am-4pm
7060 Skyway Rd, Paradise (530) 519-9299 Mon-Thurs 9am-6:30pm | Fri 8am-4pm
Karla Kelly/Skin Kraze Esthetics
Karla Kelly is a passionate esthetician with a heart for making people feel confident and beautiful. Her skincare journey began with a desire to pursue esthetics while juggling a busy bartending career. After undergoing a double parathyroidectomy, she found herself drawn to esthetics, enrolling in the last class at Chico Beauty College before it closed. Karla has been a licensed esthetician and owner of Skin Kraze Esthetics for six years and offers numerous services, including facials, lash extensions, and ProCell Microchanneling. As a certified ProCell technician, she provides natural, long-lasting, radiant, and youthful skin without invasive procedures. Despite her old-school approach and minimal online presence, Karla’s warm and inviting demeanor has earned her a loyal client base, relying mainly on word of mouth. Based in Paradise, where her husband grew up, Karla is grateful for the strong community support and the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives, one treatment at a time.
Karla Kelly @skinkraze_esthetics
5910 Clark Rd., Suite Q, Paradise (530) 646-5496 Mon-Fri by appointment only
Renee Christenson, PA-C
General, Surgical and Cosmetic Dermatology
Adventist Health Feather River Health Center 5125 Skyway Paradise, California
6283 Clark Road Paradise, California 530-872-2000
Feel more at home in your skin. Cosmetic Botox and dermal filler injections can reduce signs of aging and help you look younger by addressing concerns with lines from your forehead and eyebrows to your eyes, lips, nose, chin, neck and earlobes. In addition, we provide treatments for jaws and face shape adjustments. Botox injections can last as long as 4 months, while dermal fillers can last up to 18 months.
Renee Christenson, PA-C, is a board-certified physician assistant specializing in dermatology. She provides a variety of treatment techniques including anti-aging treatments, Botox injections, cosmetic lasers and dermal fillers. All cosmetic treatments are cash pay only and can be scheduled following a consultation.
Bruce Jenkins Insurance & Financial Service
Originally from the Midwest, Bruce Jenkins studied business administration and captained the Morningside College basketball team in Sioux City, Iowa before playing professional basketball in France for five years. He returned to attend law school at the University of Toledo in Ohio, and enjoyed contractual law so much, he felt his studies were best suited to a career in insurance. Now specializing in life and health insurance, with a focus on Medicare insurance, prescription, and supplement plans, Bruce is a valuable community resource not just for those turning 65, but everyone looking to properly insure themselves against unforeseen circumstances. Bruce’s services are free, as the insurance companies pay him directly, and he can often be found teaching seminars on understanding insurance and Medicare throughout the community. With his law degree, there are few insurance agents who understand contractual insurance plans quite like he does. Give him a call and find the insurance plan that’s right for you.
Available 24/7
Deanna McCoy/Chico Hearing Aid Center
For the past 26 years, Deanna McCoy has been helping residents of the North Valley regain their hearing at Chico Hearing Aid Center. A family-run business for 75 years, her father purchased it from the Havens family, and Deanna eventually purchased it from him. Trained at a higher level than the state requires, Deanna is certified from the National Board in Hearing Instrument Sciences and the American Conference of Audioprosthology. She and her team provide hearing testing to see if individuals can benefit from hearing aids and offer fitting, adjustment, and maintenance of hearing aids to make sure they function optimally. As fitting is a process, they have clients return regularly for evaluation and adjustments as needed. With two providers and a third in training, plus an incredible front office staff, there’s always someone available to help you hear your best. Visit them online or call their phone number below—which has remained the same for 75 years—to schedule an appointment today.
1600 Mangrove Ave, Suite 160 530-342-8132
Call or text 530-781-3592
CA Ins License #0B86680
Matt Porter/Healing Vibrations
Embrace the magic of sound therapy and reconnect your inner harmony with Matt Porter. Certified in sound and vibrational healing, Matt offers a personalized wellness journey full of empathy and serenity. Whether you're seeking deep relaxation, energy balance, or spiritual connection, there are few places better to find it. Struggling with overwhelming emotions after moving back from San Diego and becoming a first-time parent, Matt found solace in Reiki therapy and crystal sound healing. Immersing himself in these practices, his sessions soon became a family affair. With loved ones finding peace and balance alongside him, Matt quickly grew a desire to share his skills with others. Two years later, he continues to witness remarkable transformations in his clients. Matt offers sessions in a tranquil cave oasis near a creek with natural healing properties, shielded from electromagnetic fields. Clients relax on a biomat infused with tourmaline and amethyst crystals while guided through a symphony of healing sounds from crystal bowls, gongs, and more.
(530) 990-6288 By Appointment Only
Healing Skin From the Inside Out
What do acne, wrinkles, dark spots, melasma, unwanted tattoos, and rosacea all have in common? They can be treated and often eliminated by Veronica Silvestri, MSN FNP-BC, using the Pico-second laser at Atrium Aesthetics in Chico.
Veronica grew up around women and families who practiced traditional medicine. Her grandmother—a midwife in Mexico—inspired her journey into healthcare. As the eldest of six children, Veronica was used to caring for people, starting with her siblings. At 16, she obtained her work permit and applied for work at a convalescent hospital. She was hired on the spot, and though the experience was certainly difficult, she learned an even greater level of patience, humility, and empathy for those she was working with. The experience was transformative and pushed her to pursue a degree in nursing, which she earned at Chico State, and eventually even earned her master’s degree in nursing.
After graduating, she worked as a floor nurse before holding nursing positions in the ICU/critical care unit, ER, surgery, post-op, catheterization laboratory, and as a nurse manager. In 2014, she even obtained her nurse practitioner’s license. “All of the positions before becoming an FNP were valuable.” Veronica explains, “Now I use my experience and education to make clinical decisions for what is best for my patient’s health and healing.”
When Veronica originally graduated with her bachelor’s degree, she told herself she would eventually work in aesthetics—helping people feel beautiful and caring for their skin. That opportunity arrived in 2023. She teamed up with Dr. Amal and opened her medical spa in Chico, which she named Atrium Aesthetics, fully believing that healing can be transformative with the right intent from the heart and when infused with passion and love. She opened its doors in December and began offering super-personalized care through microneedling, laser hair removal, botox, and LED light therapy for pain management, hair growth, skin rejuvenation, and acne. A friend introduced her to a newer cutting-edge technology, the Pico-second laser, for tattoo removal, and she soon found that it offered so much more.
The Pico laser is a non-surgical and non-invasive skin treatment that can tackle most common skin imperfections, stimulating collagen production and creating a healing cascade that heals the skin from the inside out. Pico technology is hailed as one of the most advanced laser treatments currently on the market, delivering noticeable and permanent results in fewer sessions than comparable treatments. Best of all, it’s safe on all skin types, ethnicities, and hair colors; it requires minimal downtime and can be used across the entire face and body. Unsurprisingly, it was an instant hit.
During consultations with clients, she came to realize many of the individuals who were looking for tattoo removal were doing so in the hopes of erasing an outward display of past trauma, including branding from human trafficking and gang affiliation. She modified her business to become a safe space for trauma survivors, offering trauma-informed care and a path forward for these clients alongside the medspa’s other services.
To further her community-driven approach to life, Veronica also sits on the TriCounties Community Action Partnership board of directors. There, she helps identify community needs, barriers, and service gaps while working to address them through innovation and collaboration with partner organizations.
Visit Atrium Aesthetics online at to schedule an appointment and discover how this incredible community-centric business can reinvigorate you. Payment plans are available, and Veronica welcomes English and Spanish speakers alike!
Early to bed, early to mmm…
Butte County is filled with many diverse gems. Some are obvious, while some are hidden. Those searching for a confectionary treat that we try to justify as “breakfast” need look no further than Early Bird Doughnuts in Oroville.
Located on the busy drag of Oro Dam Boulevard, one can easily miss the somewhat inconspicuous front-facing sign of a black bird flying through a pink doughnut. Look close enough, and the small shop can also be recognized by the queue coming out of the building and wrapping around the small strip mall.
The doughnut shop is clean and small yet attractive to many sweet seekers. Early Bird bakes its doughnuts fresh, daily, and plentifully. It is not uncommon for them to sell out of some of their favorites, like the “Tiger Tail” (a double-twisted lengthy concoction), or their entire inventory before the shop officially closes.
We made the good decision / lousy timing to grab a dozen on a Friday morning. Choosing the most diverse, deliciouslooking doughnuts had us choose some traditional rounds (chocolate, glazed, and maple), my childhood favorite (cake doughnuts with frosting and sprinkles), as well as a few bars (one with bacon on it), apple fritter bites, and jelly-filled (one was
berry, the other lemon). Our eyes also caught their separate case of custombaked cupcakes, which will justify another future trip to the small-town staple.
As I looked behind me and saw the line growing longer, I had to ask the young lady helping me, “Are you always this busy?” She briefly snickered and said, “Especially on Fridays.” After she filled the customary pink box, I quickly paid, left a tip, and maneuvered my way out of the small storefront.
We had to pace ourselves with our box of deliciousness. The apple fritter bites were sweet yet not overpowering. Bits of fresh apple, combined with the deepfried goodness, stood out. Next, we sunk our teeth into the maple bar. The fluffy goodness of the dough, combined with the musky sweetness of maple frosting (comparable to the flavor of Vermont Maple Syrup), enriched our taste buds to the point of no return. Last, the lemonfilled zest was a nice pick-me-up to end our tour de Oroville. Jelly-filled bites— combined with a not-overflowing-but-justenough lemon—made this trek to Oroville worth the drive.
You can find Early Bird Donuts at 475 Oro Dam Blvd Ste C. You won't leave disappointed!
This ain't steak-umms!
However, it is National Steakhouse Month, so get ready to discover some interesting facts about steak and steakhouses. First, the word “steak” comes from Middle English “stickna” or Old Norse “steikja,” which means meat on a stick. There’ll be plenty of steikja during fair season with all the corn dog action—mustard required.
The term “steakhouse” comes from the Old English restaurants called “chop houses” in London, England during the late 1600s. These were places where local workers would have their meals in a men-only environment. The name is derived from the way the beef was chopped before serving.
Early American steakhouses, influenced by “beefsteak banquets” in the mid1800s, catered to the upper class. The houses were the setting for celebrating successful business deals or political victories. Once again, only men were allowed to dine, in part to show off their wealth.
Finally, U.S.-style steakhouses arose in the later 1800s. These restaurants had a
cleaner and more civilized environment, and they invited women and families. These restaurants soon became a place for common people to celebrate. The most famous steak restaurant, Delmonico’s, opened in 1827 in New York City. Another famous locale is the Old Homestead Steakhouse in Manhattan, New York, which opened in 1827 and is still open today.
Most of you have been to a steakhouse, and one of the best is right up The 99: Lassen Steakhouse (which I saved from burning down about 12 years ago—true story). Steakhouses are found all around the U.S., and the prices are often higher than most other restaurants. There are a few reasons why:
The steaks are cuts regular customers normally can’t buy at the local meat market. Getting top USDA Prime Beef is difficult if you’re not a restaurant. Also, many steakhouses serve dry-aged steak. The dry-aging process involves specific cuts of beef exposed to a controlled, open-air environment for an extended length of time. This process dries the
meat, concentrates the flavors, and makes the cut tender. These cuts are perfect for steakhouse dining.
Just because you may not be able to locate the finest cuts of beef doesn’t mean you can’t find excellent steaks to grill. Some top-quality cuts are filet mignon or tenderloin and the everpopular American Wagyu. Of course, ribeye and T-bone cuts are other perennial favorites.
So, how do you prepare a good steak for the grill and then cook it to perfection? Season your steaks early and let them warm at room temperature for 30 minutes. Sear your steaks over direct heat so they get that flavorful outer bit you can hear sizzle. DO NOT pierce the steak with a pointy object! Use tongs to turn. You can’t put moisture back in the meat. Cook to a desired temperature of 120ºF to 125ºF and remove from the grill. Cook a bit more to reach medium-rare or medium.
If you want a well-done steak, I’m sorry. Maybe just cook up a hamburger.
Avocado Chicken Caprese Salad
Indulge in the refreshing goodness of this hearty salad—a perfect choice for those scorching summer days when you don’t want to heat up the kitchen! Revel in the delectable combination of creamy avocado, garden-fresh tomatoes, and fresh mozzarella that elevates this salad to a whole new level. Take your midweek meals up a notch by grilling extra chicken on your prep day, ensuring a hassle-free and delightful salad option that's both quick and satisfying. Summer simplicity never tasted so good!
This delicious recipe comes directly from Christiane Wear's Fresh & Flavorful, Lean & Green Cookbook! Check out her article on page 38 for information on how you can get your hands on more recipes like these!
- 20 ounces chicken breasts, grilled (or oven-roasted)
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp black pepper
- ½ tsp seasoned salt, optional
- 8 cups red leaf lettuce
- 2 cups cherry tomatoes
- ½ medium avocado
- 4 ounces fresh mozzarella
- 2 tbsp fresh basil
1. Heat the grill (or oven to 375 degrees F). Season the chicken with onion powder, black pepper, and seasoned salt.
2. Cook the chicken until no longer pink in the center. Approximately 5-6 minutes per side on the grill (or 1418 minutes in the oven), depending on the thickness of the meat. Chop chicken into strips.
3. Clean the lettuce, chop the tomatoes, cut the avocado, and slice the mozzarella cheese. Toss salad with your favorite low carb balsamic dressing and add chicken, mozzarella, avocado, and top with fresh basil.
Planned and prepared
When Aricka Hickman went through elementary school, she faced many challenges: dyslexia, dysgraphia, and a speech disorder. The biggest challenge she faced should have never occurred. Aricka had teachers tell her she would never get out of special education classes and would be in SPED through high school. They told her she would never excel in school.
Well, Aricka proved them wrong. Today, she has the highest GPA in her senior class at Core Butte Charter School, at 4.36. She excels in class, she excels in speaking and presentations, and she excels in just about everything. She has
already completed 30 college units that can be transferred to any college. While she has been accepted to several fouryear institutions, she has chosen to attend California State University, Chico, where she will major in communications. From there, she plans to attend law school to become a water rights litigator. Water has been described as “21st Century Gold,” as it may become scarcer and scarcer on our planet.
Aricka knows about water because her dad, Tod, served on the Joint Water Districts Board, and she attended meetings with him. Water is an important topic to Alyse and Tod Hickman, as they
own Hickman Family Vineyards and Cobble Ridge Distillery, the first distillery in Butte County. Both are located near Bangor, CA, where Aricka attended elementary school.
While those years were challenging, Aricka formed close relationships with fellow students, teachers, and staff members. However, it was not until attending Core Butte School that she finally became comfortable with herself. “Being at Core Butte shattered the stereotype some people have of being a special ed student,” she said. “I love the school, the friends I made, and the encouragement I have received from my teachers.”
Core Butte was recently named Best Charter School in Butte County, and the school has been the source of transformation for Aricka. “I’m involved in many activities at Core Butte,” she said. “I’m on the cheer team, an ASB officer, the California Scholastic Federation volunteer coordinator, and the head of the Lynx Scouts, a group that helps recruit students and then helps freshmen when school starts.” In her spare time, she is an intern for Assemblyman James Gallagher, where she works in the office.
Aricka also competes in pageants. These are not beauty pageants per se, but they test a contestant’s speaking and presentation skills, ability to answer questions, and assess future goals. She has placed First Runner-Up in the Miss Butte County competition and was First Runner-Up in the Miss Junior Teen West Coast competition. She also placed in the U.S. Teen Pageant and competed in Los Angeles, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.
Something very close to Aricka is her foundation, Kids Need Supplies, a nonprofit organization she formed to donate supplies to disadvantaged students. So far, she has distributed over $4,000 to deserving students.
Her mom, Alyse, said, “Aricka is a very caring person who wants to help people with their needs.” If you want to contribute to Arika’s foundation, visit to learn more about the Aricka and how to contribute.
It's a family affair
When your mom and dad are accomplished musicians, and you’ve grown up seeing and hearing them practice at home and perform on stage, it’s obvious you might follow their path in your own life. This is true of Marina WelshJohnson and Ilani Welsh-Johnson, who have definitely followed their mom, Lise Welsh, onto the music stage. “Marina and Ilani could sing before they were verbal. They’d ‘sing’ along as infants and toddlers on key,” she said. The sisters are now following a long line of musicians in the Welsh family.
Lise’s living room contains the piano her grandmother received in 1913, where it played many a vaudeville tune. It went without saying that Lise would inherit the piano, and she did when she was 13. However, she had been playing music when she was in grade school. Lise, a licensed psychotherapist specializing in eating disorders, plays the guitar and piano. She loves the jazz, folk, and blues of the 1960s and ’70s, and enjoys singing ballad and torch songs.
Marina, a wellness consultant, also enjoys jazz, blues, and folk music. She says she tends to slow down certain songs to attain a more bluesy effect. She plays guitar and has performed with her mom and sister at Mulberry Station in Chico. The trio has performed at the Saturday Farmer’s Market in Downtown Chico as well.
Ilani, who is employed at Chico State in the catering department, also plays and teaches guitar. Following the family line, she plays jazz but also gets into “funky rock” as well. She has written some songs that she’ll play for friends and family, but she said, “I mostly perform covers. I particularly like Joni Mitchell.”
On May 18, Lise and Ilani were featured in a Women’s Classic Female Vocalists event. They’ve performed in the “Amy, Amy, Amy” Amy Winehouse at the El Rey Theater in April, participated in Hypnotique's burlesque shows, and Ilani has participated in The Butcher Shop productions. Marina said, “We like to throw open mic nights at our house once a month to showcase up-and-coming acts.”
Lise’s performance career included many theater productions. “I grew up in musical theater,” she said. “I was in Oklahoma!, Pirates of Penzance, No No Nanette, and played Cinderella in high school.” When she returned to Chico, she performed at The Redwood Forest restaurant, sang backup vocals on the Kim Gimbal album “These Days,” performed in the Chico Women in Song production a few years ago, and recently in the Charlie Robinson Review. She shared the bill with Ilani at the Secret Trail Brewing Company in Chico a few weeks ago. She also cruises around on a beautiful Harley-Davidson, so be on the lookout!
bring us home
Butte County has an inordinately high number of animals in need of adoption due to a number of factors including wildfires, floods, and irresponsible breeding. Please consider adoption as an option for increasing the love in your own household. These soon-to-be pets can be adopted by calling the Butte Humane Society at (530) 343-7917. You can also visit their website at
63 sudoku 2 year old neutered male Miles 1 year old neutered male Bianca 3 year old spayed female KYA 2 year old spayed female Lily 7 month old spayed female penny
6 month old spayed female