Upgraded Living Magazine March 2016

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FROM THE PUBLISHER I’m thoroughly indecisive by nature. If there is one thing I’m sure of, it’s that I am the worst at making up my mind. For that reason, I’ve always been envious of those who are certain of their true calling in life. Growing up, my vision for what I wanted my future to look like was everchanging. From a dog walker to an interior designer, my career path was different on any given day. Though my “calling” was constantly shifting, the concept of business ownership was always a draw. After working for several local businesses in both Redding and Chico throughout highschool and college, I was certain that entrepreneurship was the path I wanted to take—or so I thought. The only question was, what on earth was my business going to be? I loved retail, I loved photography, I loved food (perhaps most of all). I was, and continue to be, so inspired by the business owners in our area and how they interact with the community. But of course, in true Erin fashion, I couldn’t choose just one product or service to offer. Enter: Upgraded Living Magazine. With this one job, I’m able to do so many of the things that I love. Above all, I’ve discovered that what excites me most is other people’s excitement. Passion is contagious, and the opportunity to share it with others is nothing short of a blessing.




Sales Director




Product Integration & Mobility Strategy





This month we took some time to recognize a few of the female business owners from the Butte County area. Their accomplishments and words of wisdom are truly inspiring, and make me even more proud to call this area home. It’s amazing to see the ingenuity that has come out of these women in our small community, and the brands that have made their way far outside of Chico. We realize that there are so many more local “entreprenistas” than those mentioned in this issue, and could have easily filled every page with their stories. I’m so thankful to live in a time and a place where, as a female, business ownership is not only attainable, but celebrated. As always, thank you for reading!



Graphic Designer KYLEEN BROMLEY Writer












Erin Wenham Editor-in-Chief



For advertising or editorial inquiries, please contact: Upgraded Living at (530) 894-8091 Sales@UpgradedLiving.com




12 Splish Splash! The Chico Aqua Jets are this

40 Green Construction helps us go green

14 Friends and loved ones come together to

42 New Again Kitchen Remodeling Presents

17 Take a walk down Chico’s memory lane

47 Give your home a Mid Mod spruce-up with

21 History Revived: how one historical


month’s Cool Kids.

walk for multiple sclerosis.

with the Chico Museum’s newest exhibit.

home received a fresh start from Birchard Construction.

this month.

House Call: Coming Home to Corning.

these fun ideas from MCM Vintage.

60 Shake it up with Allegory Tribal Bellydance Troupe



26 Your health is in your hands! Kathy Cawthon

63 Mark your calendars with these upcoming March events

talks men’s preventative health.

28 Go with your gut: an integrative approach to IBS from Kristin Willard.

FEATURES 53 Let’s hear it for the girls! This month we

30 Let it down, ladies! Everything you need to know about hair extensions.

32 Make March your healthiest month yet with these diet ideas from Dr. Deborah Penner.

FOOD 34 Growing greatness: A visit to Sustainable Seed Company.

36 These dishes from Unwined at 980 and


36 8


Breakfast Buzz look so good, you’ll want to make them yourself!


profile just a few of Butte County’s female entrepreneurs.




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*must be 17 or younger

CALLING ALL COOL KIDS! Do you know a local youth who deserves some recognition? Tell us about them! They might just be our next “Cool Kid!” Please send nominations to erinw@upgradedliving.com.

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COOL KIDS There is something incredibly powerful about being on a team. It’s not just the aspect of working with other people to accomplish something that fuels the power; it’s the feeling of family and the enjoyment of spending time with people who are interested in the same sport that emits energy that one cannot find working alone. The Chico Aqua Jets (CAJ) is a year round swim team available to any swimmer age five to eighteen. There are five divisions for the team, which are divided by age. The first group is the mini jets (ages 4-6); next is the white group (6-9), the navy group (8-11), pre-senior (11-13) and finally masters (13 and up). Year-round there are a total of 150 athletes but, during the summer season, the Chico Aqua Jets expand to a total of 400 swimmers! These athletes need to attend at least four of the five practices during the week in order to participate on the team. Chico Aqua Jets was established in 1949 and, because of that, is well known throughout Chico. Through the past eight decades, there have been numerous accomplished athletes to come out of this team, including a world record holder and two Olympians.

650 RIO LINDO AVE. #4, CHICO 343-3137



Barry Henderson, current head coach, states, “Our mission is to be able to

CHICO AQUA JETS help every swimmer achieve a sense of accomplishment and discover new heights as an athlete.” Kimberly Harbert is part of the CAJ team, and she has been swimming for nearly twelve years. Her favorite thing about being a part of the team is getting to see her best friends everyday. “I have made lifelong friends since being on the team,” Kimberly says with a huge smile on her face. She explained that she has also learned life skills, such as time management, since being on the team. Liam is also a part of the CAJ team and says, “My advice to someone who wants to join is to keep at it, even though it might get difficult at times.” As I walked out to the pools at InMotion for the interview, I could feel the positivity and happiness radiating from the water, even in the cool February air. The team’s passion for the sport, and commitment to one another, was easy to see. It was clear that the swimmers love being a part of the team as much as Barry loves coaching them.

C O O L K I D VIA A N N A B E L L E P E A R L Annabelle Pearl writes about cool kids each month and, at 16 years old, she is our youngest writer and quite the cool kid herself! Find Annabelle Pearl on Facebook to suggest cool kids you’d like to shine the spotlight on.












REGISTER TODAY! WALKMS.ORG 1-855-372-1331 supportive atmosphere. As Kendall said, “We walk for those who cannot” and you can see it in her face that she means it dearly. This event is not just to raise money and awareness, but to help show those suffering that they have support and a community of people who care. This is also a great chance for those who are suffering to show their strengths as well. Whether you know someone or are suffering yourself, the MS Walk is a great opportunity to make a difference for those with Multiple Sclerosis.



Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affects nearly 450,000 people living in the United States and over two million people worldwide. And while some of those who suffer might only have intermittent attacks, like Kendall Reynolds’ mother, the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis can cause devastating effects for not just the person who has MS, but also for families who have to watch their loved ones struggle with the disease. Kendall has watched her mother struggle with symptoms since 2000 and says it never gets easier. This experience with disease has given Kendall a passion for helping raise money for research and cures. It happened one day that Kendall received an email from a friend asking if she knew anyone who wanted to volunteer for a Walk MS event and she was quick to say that she wanted to do more than just volunteer. Soon Kendall took more initiative and is currently interning at the Northern California Multiple Sclerosis Society. For Kendall, working at the NorCal MS Society is more than just calling to ask for donations to help raise awareness— she is also an ear for those suffering. Phone calls do more for the patients than anything else because they finally get a chance to talk to someone who also has a passion to get the word out. Some people Kendall talks to keep her on the phone, long surpassing the request for donations and instead, it becomes a chance to get to know people personally. It is these conversations that keep Kendall working hard and passionately to help raise funds for cures and research. This year’s North State Walk MS event will be taking place in Bidwell Park on Sunday, April 17th. This large event includes music, dancers, massage, raffle, food and inspiring speakers that come together to create a caring and



Many investors were hoping the New Year would bring with it a turnaround for the stock market (S&P 500). However, the market performance during the first days of 2016 have made headlines, and not good ones. The market dropped nearly 9% by the 20th of January making this the “Worst 12 days to start a year since 1929”.

Here’s a bit of info which may be surprising: price drops in the stock market are a common occurrence in the market cycle. So common, in fact, that over the past 35 years the market experienced a 14% drop about once per year. Our August and January pullbacks were the first >10% drops in nearly 4 years. The fact is, we were certainly overdue.

The narrative and “expert reasoning” was exactly the same story we heard in August, when the market fell over 12%. Oil, China, interest rates, etc. were all the culprits. You can’t blame journalists for trying to make a good story out of price action. However, we couldn’t help but feel disappointed that the media didn’t even try to cook up a new narrative for this price pullback. Indeed, reading January’s market commentary felt a lot like watching a movie sequel in which nothing changed from the original but the time and location (think “The Hangover 2”).

But these market pullbacks must mean something bigger, right? Is this the beginning of the next economic crash? In the 1960s, Famous Economist Paul Samuelson wrote “Wall Street indexes predicted nine out of the last five recessions.” He may have been joking, but since 1980, we’ve actually had 14 intra-year S&P 500 pullbacks of >15%, and only five measured recessions.

sions past in every bad headline, and often ignore meaningful good news too. The truth is, had you actually bought stocks that mirrored the S&P 500 beginning in Jan 1980, and reinvested dividends until today you’d have experienced a >4300% return. All you had to do was wait out the drops. *All market data from Standard & Poors, FactSet and Yahoo! Finance The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index considered representative of the US stock market. Investors cannot invest directly in indexes. The performance of any index is not indicative of the performance of any investment and does not take into account the effects of inflation and the fees and expenses associated with investing.

Our painful memories of 2008 have taught us that another recession is lurking around every corner. We see the ghosts of reces-

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Unlike past issues, this month’s Local Legend takes a look at the effort made by individuals in the community who have uncovered the past. History is all around us, intertwined in our everyday lives— through interactions and stories we hear with from friends old and new. These stories are really what make Chico’s past come alive. For the past year, The Chico Museum Exhibit Committee has been working persistently to collect information, photographs and artifacts to make Chico’s history available to the public. And on February 27th, everything came together and the doors of the museum were re-opened, revealing their newest exhibit “Chico Though Time.”


“We’ve had a group of people who really are historical enthusiasts and wanted this to be what the Chico Museum should be,” says Chico Museum guest curator Dianne Donoho. “That’s what we’ve turned it into and we want to keep it this way.” The contributions made by the community—the memories, the heritage, the countless hours of volunteer work and donations—are truly what made this historical vision a reality. Furthermore, the exhibit represents the rebirth of the Chico Museum, marking the beginning of more exciting events to come. Because of the vast amount of artifacts received and collected, the exhibit committee arranged “Chico Through Time” into 12 different themes. Some of these themes include “Life on Rancho Chico,” an exploration of the Native American tribe, the Mechoopda, the prominent Morehead family, the Diamond Match Company, the history of Enloe Hospital and many more. And because there is so much history still to be discovered, Donoho explains how these will be exchanged for more exhibits in the future. A tribute to the Chinese Temple that existed in Chico during the late ninetieth century is the only exhibit that will stay stationary in the museum.


Built in 1884, the temple was located on Cherry Street and once served the prominent Chinese community. Individuals who were pursuing divine guidance would seek the temple in trying times. They would gather in the temple’s dark four-walled room and pound on a gong to get the attention of the gods. Upon entering the museum, the Chinese Temple artifact is located beyond two pillars to the right. Elaborately carved wooden arches stretch to the museum’s high ceiling and an altar sits between the arches with three ancestral tablets placed on the flat surface. Ancient shrouds and clothing are located around the room, giving the aura of what things used to be. The tribute to the Chinese Temple is only one of the many exhibits displaying some of Chico’s past that many may not be aware of. The Chico Museum is truly an outlet for these artifacts and relics. If it weren’t for the community coming together and lending a helping hand, none of this would have been possible. Be sure to stop into the Chico Museum sometime this spring. You may discover something about new about the place that you call home. “We are proud of what we have done so far and look forward to “digging up” more Chico history in the near future for all to enjoy,” says Donoho.




The Classic Profile!

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In our youth, the classic profile shows a smooth defined jaw and chin line. As we age, some of us develop submental fullness, or the “double chin”. Sometimes it is the result of weight gain, but for some of us it is hereditary or simply a part of the aging process. Diet and exercise don’t seem to make it go away. Now there is Kybella, an FDA approved, non-surgical injectable treatment that destroys fat cells beneath the chin (it is NOT FDA approved for any other areas at this time). It is non-invasive, customizable, and permanent. Kybella is made from deoxycholic acid, a molecule that occurs naturally in the body to help break down dietary fats. The injections take only 20-30 minutes, and most people achieve the desired results in 2-4 treatments spaced 6 weeks apart. Downtime is minimal, but swelling, bruising, and redness are the most common side-effects. The procedure, possible side-effects, and post-care will be discussed at your initial consultation. Not everyone will be a candidate for this procedure, so a consultation is required for this to be determined. There are different stages to the procedure, so those looking for a “quick fix” won’t find it with Kybella. Optimum results can take upwards of 6 months, but when achieved, it is permanent, with no surgery required! Make an appointment for a free consultation at the Derm Bar Med-Spa with Teresa, our aesthetically trained R.N. 530-342-2672 DERM BAR MED-SPA 85 Declaration Dr. Suite 100 Chico, CA 95973 530.342.2672

Photo Courtesy of Wayne Wilson




History Revived At a time when the building of new developments is so lucrative, it is encouraging to find that architectural preservation can be a profitable investment. As long-standing homes on large parcels of land quickly fall prey to ever-increasing demand for housing by a growing population, the story of the preservation of a little piece of Chico’s downtown can’t help but stand out. It is, after all, stories like these that continue to save the charm of Chico for generations to come. Michele Shover moved to Chico in 1968 from New Orleans to become a Chico State professor in the political science department. In 1976 she and

her husband, Barney Flynn, purchased the Little Chapman Mansion as their residence. Because it reminded her of the farmhouses she knew from her Iowa childhood, she decided to restore it. The house’s history led her to her love of Chico’s heritage. Located at E. 12th and Nelson Streets, the Little Chapman Mansion was home to Augustus Chapman, sales manager for John Bidwell’s store. In the mid-1860s, Chapman opened a lumber mill and his own retail store in Chico. He used the proceeds to develop the land surrounding his home into Chapmantown, a small subdivision, Chico’s first. He retained a good portion of the land for his own

estate, specifically the block between Park Avenue and Nelson Street from East 11th to 12th Street. On this land stood his residence and stable, across from five acres of gardens. As the years wore on, Michele watched as some properties in the neighborhood fell into disrepair. At the same time, long-time owners like herself, continued to appreciate their neighborhood’s quiet and its convenience to central Chico’s academic and cultural resources and downtown pleasures. Over time, she purchased and restored other Nelson Street properties, making them comfortable , attractive homes again.



Originally from the small town of Covelo, Adam Birchard found his way to Chico via Chico State. He grew up doing construction and, after graduating, decided it was the type of career he would be most passionate about. He worked as a contractor for one year before opening his own construction company, Birchard Construction in 2007. It was around this time that he met Michele. A fan of Chico’s history himself, Adam had completed several home restoration projects around town, bringing a number of Chico’s older homes back from the dead. He found that this type of renovation was just as satisfying as the new homes and remodeling he is known for. When Wayne Cook sold Michele the Queen Anne Cottage across the street from her home, she contacted Adam Birchard for his opinion. He considered it a dream project. Originally the location of the Chapman’s stable, the house was built in 1902 by the accomplished craftsman, E.B. Bennett. One decade’s work had turned into an eyesore on what was once one of the most beautiful corners in Chico; Michele sought to return it to its youthful beauty and contacted Adam about renovating the property. The two met with architect David Rogers, who had developed a plan for Cook. Rogers and Birchard worked together from start to finish. The home was structurally sound, but in need of considerable cosmetic work. Rather than try to restore small areas at a time, the two decided to strip down the entire house. The foundation was in good shape, but a number of beams and interior footings were in need of replacement, so they lifted all 55,000 pounds of the home four feet off the ground. They used this opportunity to replace the original dirt basement floor with a new concrete slab, and added windows around the base of the home, allowing for the basement to be converted into a separate residence. The chimney, originally connected to the home’s fireplace, had become a



catch-all for debris as the fireplace had been removed over fifty years prior to the renovation. Adam and his crew began at the top and, brick-by-brick, carefully disassembled the entire chimney. They saved the bricks and used them to create the base for the new gazebo constructed on the property’s northeast corner. The home’s entire framework was redone from the ground to the base of its raised foundation, and the siding, which had rotted considerably, was also replaced with new siding that had been milled and routed to match the old siding perfectly. Adam opened all of the ceilings and walls, which allowed his crew to redo the home’s electrical and plumbing system. The plaster within the home was old and falling apart, so it came down as well. While the plaster was off, the crew made a few exciting discoveries, including a sign inset into the wall inscribed with “This is what a 1967 college room looks like.” Underneath the sign was an antique time capsule of magazines, newspapers, and album covers from that year. Elsewhere in the house, they discovered corked crystal bottles hidden in the walls and a copy of the front page of a 1902 edition of the Enterprise Record detailing a major fire at the Diamond Match Co. . Luckily, much of the lovely, handcarved woodwork within the house remained in good shape, including the home’s handsome stair rails. Adam and his crew replicated each and every damaged piece by hand to match the original perfectly. They expanded the master bedroom and bathroom, and partnered with Needham’s Stained Glass in Downtown Chico to restore the stained glass throughout the home. Nantucket Design planned the home’s finishes. Eighteen months later, the home was finally complete. Renovated from top to bottom, the architectural elements and intended look from the original builder were completely preserved, while also integrating the added residence built into the home’s basement. With all the

modern necessities in place at a high level, this Bennett House stands as a testament to the artisanship of one of Chico’s best builders. For Adam, it is the oldest and most extensive renovation he has completed to date, and by its success, we doubt it’ll be his last. For Michele, she hopes it will encourage others to invest in Chico’s downtown neighborhoods.



My life’s profession has taken me on a great journey. I have traveled to other countries and other cities. I’ve been able to see communities and families thrive and change with what I’ve become a part of—something that is so much bigger than me. I am a first generation chiropractor, and you may believe that what I do is merely crack backs and relieve neck and back pain. To some, they are happy with that scenario. However, I am here to share a different side to chiropractic care that hundreds of thousands of individuals have experienced firsthand over time. The trend in healthcare has been changing steadily over the past decade, with more people demanding natural and alternative ways to better manage their health and thrive each year. We’re offering safe and effective ways to help you care for the one body you were given. Think about what we are up against daily: poor nutritional choices, excessive caffeine or alcohol, work and family stress, financial stress, lack of movement, weight gain, and more. All of these manifest in some kind of physical ailment: poor sleep, moodiness, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Can you relate? This all happens over time. Proper chiropractic care begins by assessing the individual as a whole. We assess through a medical history, exam, and X-rays so that we can best help you find the source of what’s ailing you. The treatments are gentle enough and go far beyond pain relief, changing neurology and releasing pressures along the spine. This allows nerves that affect blood circulation, organs, and glands to work properly, ultimately affecting your health on a deeper level and allowing you to function as a human being was meant to function—with life, energy, and ideally with less pain. Stop by and see if chiropractic care is right for you; you might be surprised at what you find. DR. DINA RABO, DC Rabo Chiropractic Center www.RaboChir practicCenter.com 490 Sycamore Street Gridley, CA 95948 1881 Esplande, Chico CA 95926 530.846.6262 24



So Much More than You Bargained For


One of our newest additions to our family, this Eurasian Lynx, came to us at 4 weeks old and weighed just 1 lb 6 oz. With all of the love, care, and specialized diet, he now is a healthy 20 lbs! We will slowly introduce him to our other lynx, Nan, with hopes that they will become companions. Name: Maji Age: 10 months Native Habitat: Forested areas of Northern Europe and Asia Food: In the wild, primarily small hoofed animals like roe deer, chamois, and musk deer. At Kirshner, rabbit, chicken, duck, beef, turkey, quail, goat, and lamb. Fun Fact: Lynx eyesight is excellent—they can spot a mouse from up to 250 feet away! Due to ongoing debate about reclassification of the Lynx species, there are many subspecies grouped in with the Eurasian Lynx, including the Siberian Lynx. Lynx are associated primarily with forested areas, which have good populations of hoofed animals. The Eurasian Lynx has one of the widest ranges of all cat species. They are territorial and do not usually move far from their own turf, as well as being solitary except during breeding once a year, normally in February and March. Though they share their habitat with brown bears and gray wolves, they coexist peacefully because bears are omnivorous and grey wolves hunt different prey. BARRY R. KIRSHNER WILDLIFE SANCTUARY AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 9am to 5pm including holidays, rain or shine! kirshner.org | 530.533.1000 No appointments necessary but please call ahead for guided tours.

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Quality of life is largely dictated by your health. Routine checkups and screenings can help you avoid serious health conditions or help obtain early diagnosis and treatment. Here are some topics to keep in mind. FLU VACCINE: The flu (influenza) is caused by a virus that is easily spread. A flu vaccine protects you and others from the flu. It’s best to get a flu shot each fall. Hand washing is also a great way to protect yourself and others. COLONOSCOPY: Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Colonoscopy is a routine procedure to view the inside of your digestive tract and can help screen for colon cancer and other sources of pain. It is recommended every 10 years, starting at age 50, unless your doctor recommends otherwise. Family history or symptoms of abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding, or unexpected weight-loss often call for a colonoscopy sooner. ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION: For most men, drinking more than two standard drinks per day is considered unsafe or unhealthy. A drink is one ounce of liquor, one beer (12 ounces) or a glass of wine (5 ounces). Excessive drinking can increase blood pressure, raise the risk of stroke, and increase triglyceride levels. What’s more, you should avoid drinking if you have certain health conditions or are taking certain medications (check with your healthcare provider).

DEPRESSION: Depression affects one in ten Americans. Adult males are certainly not immune. They can often feel sad and may describe decreased pleasure or interest in daily activities. Symptoms may also include agitation, mental slowness, difficulty concentrating, loss of energy, changes in sleep, appetite or weight, and persistent sad, anxious, or empty moods. PROSTATE SCREENING: Problems with the prostate, a gland just below the bladder, become more common as a man ages. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men, but it can often be cured or controlled, especially if found and treated early. It’s important to talk with your healthcare provider about screening tests. WHY EXERCISE MATTERS: A regular fitness routine can help decrease your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and some types of cancer. It can also help with weight loss, sleep, energy, stress, depression and back problems. Consult your healthcare provider before beginning a new exercise program. Start slow, then work up to being active for 30 minutes most days of the week.




Kathy Cawthon, RN, RN, BSN, CPHQ at Enloe Medical Center. 26


PAIN MANAGEMENT 101 Many people come to my clinic experiencing pain and have significant findings on physical exam or they may have imaging studies which help explain the discomfort. Others patients have exquisite tenderness that is way out of proportion to any physical findings where exams (other than tenderness) and other findings are quite normal. Whatever the case may be, a portion of these people may have developed narcotic addiction/dependence and feel the need to continue these medications. I find it fascinating the whole concept of pain management and the fact that we can be here to help someone “manage� pain. I do think it’s important. Never before in our history have so many medications been made available. This has led us into anarcotic epidemic, and we prescribers are largely to blame along with drug companies. This area of California seems to be particularly prone to narcotic abuse. Narcotics have to be prescribed carefully and really only as a last resort. There are so many other modalities available out there for pain management. For example, I was recently experiencing some low back pain myself. I was offered a session at a Pilates class and felt great afterwards. Massage therapy, chiropractic and other holistic approaches play a fulfilling roll in pain management. Physical therapy and body mechanics are key to patient care. There are many other non-narcotic medications that can help with pain. Some are tolerated more than others. In conjunction with all of these modalities, there are a variety of minor procedures which we perform to bring the pain down. This will allow a patient to function better on a day to day basis and allow someone to reduce their dependence on narcotic medications. We strive to help people in this way and get this community back on its feet without all the drug abuse. DR. ZACHARY LIPMAN Interventional Pain Solutions 647 W East Ave, Chico CA 2160 Court Street, Redding CA 530.343.4757



Do you experience recurring diarrhea or constipation? Is it accompanied by abdominal pain? If so, you might be one of the millions suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is one of the most common gastrointestinal (GI) disorders in the United States and tends to affect more women than men. Since medications are often ineffective and may cause side effects, many women are left searching for alternative methods to manage their symptoms. Fortunately, there are options other than medication or “just having to deal with it” that may help you find relief. One of the best lines of defense involves changing your diet. Between 50-70% of IBS sufferers report that certain foods aggravate their symptoms. The tricky part is discovering what those trigger foods are for you. Onions may cause diarrhea for one person but have no effect on someone else. Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” diet plan for those suffering from IBS, but there are common foods that are more likely to cause a flareup. These include coffee, alcohol, milk, wheat products, chocolate, beans, onions, cabbage and foods high in sugar, fat or spices. Many of these foods, such as beans, onions, and milk, are considered high FODMAP foods. FODMAP stands for “Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols,” and refers to short chain carbohydrates. These types of carbs are more difficult for the body to digest, and may contribute to diarrhea, constipation or gas. Up to 75% of those 28


suffering from IBS can benefit from implementing a Low-FODMAP diet. How do you start a Low-FODMAP diet? The Low-FODMAP diet is an elimination diet that lasts 2-8 weeks and involves eliminating high-FODMAP foods. Gradually, high-FODMAP foods are reintroduced into the diet and assessed for tolerance. Keeping a food journal is helpful for this process. In the end, most IBS sufferers are able to have a a variety of foods in their diet and only need to eliminate a few high-FODMAP food items indefinitely. Ideally, an elimination diet should be performed under the guidance of a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist to ensure it is being executed correctly and to help trouble-shoot along the way. Aside from diet, reducing stress is also a powerful way to improve GI function. Modern research demonstrates that the brain and gut are intimately connected. A classic example is when you experience butterflies during a nervous moment. Some useful ways to reduce your stress level include acupuncture, hypnosis, deep breathing exercises, meditation, or prayer. Although there is no “cure” for IBS, there is hope that it can be managed effectively using an integrative approach with diet changes and stress reduction.




Kristin Willard is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist based in Chico. For more information, visit www.kristinwillard.com

Removing Wisdom? Do you need your need your wisdom teeth removed? It is a question that is often asked of teens and adults when seeing their dental professional. Wisdom teeth or third molars are the last teeth to develop and last to erupt in the mouth if there is enough space. Wisdom teeth may not need to be extracted if they grow in completely and are functional, painless, cavity-free, diseasefree and in a hygenic environment with healthy gum tissue. They do, however, require regular, professional cleaning, annual check-ups and periodic X-rays to monitor for any changes.

20 Years

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— Christl Yates, Lecturer, Oroville, CA

We’re celebrating 20 years of serving the North State! Call us today and mention you saw us in Upgraded Living for a complimentary appointment...Because hearing is a wonderful gift! Crystal Chalmers, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology

1(888) 876-7450 Located at 15 Jan Court, off of Forest Ave, behind Raley’s Sky Park Plaza

When a tooth doesn’t fully grow in, it’s “impacted”—usually unable to break through the gums because there isn’t enough room. More than 90% of people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth. An impacted wisdom tooth can damage neighboring teeth or become infected. Because it’s in an area that’s hard to clean, it can also invite bacteria that lead to gum disease. Oral bacteria can also travel through your bloodstream and lead to infections and illnesses that affect your heart, kidneys and other organs. In some cases, a cyst or tumor can form around the base of the impacted tooth, which can lead to more serious problems as it hollows out the jaw and damages surrounding nerves, teeth and other parts of your mouth and face. Having your wisdom teeth evaluated by a specialist will help you to receive the best care possible. Call if you or a loved one has wisdom teeth that are bothering them or if they just need to be evaluated. MURRAY ORAL AND FACIAL SURGERY 2525 Ceanothus Avenue Chico, CA 95973 530.343.1685

Learn more at www.nsaudiology.com 29


Looking to change up your look for spring, an upcoming event, or just for the fun of it? Extensions are the perfect way to add some instant length and volume in a natural looking way. The hair experts over at The Bungalow in Chico share their tips for ensuring that you get the best possible results from your extensions. You don’t have to go to great lengths to get great hair—let those locks down this season and get your best ‘do yet! I’m considering adding some hair extensions this spring, what do I need to consider before making the decision? The main things to consider are cost, types of extensions, maintenance, and care. The hair itself is the biggest expense, usually ranging from $200 –$700, not including the stylist’s application fees. There are two main types of extensions to choose from, adhesive methods (tape-ins or fusion bonds) or non-adhesive methods (individual I-tips or beaded sew-in weft). We recommend non-adhesive methods to prevent damage and promote growth. No matter the method you choose, maintenance is required every 4–7 weeks to tighten extensions to new hair growth.

What kind of special care will my extensions require? The most important things to do are brush your hair daily and sleep with your hair in a braid to prevent tangles or matting. After washing your hair, avoid brushing it until it is at least 70% dry. For healthier, long lasting extensions, daily moisturizing and protection from heat are a must. If you use heat styling tools, be sure to use a heat protectant. How long does my hair have to be? For natural looking, seamless extensions, hair should be at least 6 inches long at its shortest. We recommend that your hair be shoulder length or longer.

How long can I expect my extensions to last? We usually give a rough estimate of 3 to 18 months before they need to be replaced. The hair’s life expectancy depends on the type of extensions, hair quality, and most importantly, how you care for and maintain your extensions. 30


B E A U T Y A D V I C E VIA C O R T N E Y A N D V E R O N I C A AT THE B U N G A L O W To schedule an appointment call 530.487.7380 or visit the salon located at 1238 Mangrove Ave. in Chico.

Are Sound Voids™ a Part of Your Life? By Crystal Chalmers, Au.D. To the average person, hearing health is most likely something that is “all-ornothing”. That is, either someone has normal hearing…or they have profound hearing loss. However, many people with hearing difficulties simply miss the beginning and ending of words because of consonant sounds, which are commonly high frequency sounds. As a result, some words can easily be mistaken for others. Here are a few examples: Rose sounds like Road Catch sounds like Cat Sit sounds like It Vote sounds like Boat Pass sounds like Path Wife sounds like White If any of this has happened to you or someone you know, you may be experiencing Sound Voids™. A Sound Void™ is defined as a moment lacking in clarity in hearing or understanding. It can also be described as an empty space in one’s life caused by the absence of sound clarity. This term was created by AudigyCertified™ professionals to help explain the “gaps” that some individuals say they experience in their day-to-day listening lives. However or wherever you experience them, Sound Voids™ can detract from a desired lifestyle. The good news is that as an AudigyCertified™ professional, I have the education, experience, training, and access to the world’s most advanced hearing technology to provide you with the best possible solution to Sound Voids™ So if Sound Voids™ are affecting you or a loved one, call my office today at 1 (888) 876-7450 and we will schedule you for a complimentary no-obligation office visit… because hearing is a wonderful gift! NORTH STATE AUDIOLOGICAL SERVICES Located at 15 Jan Court, off of Forest Ave Learn more at www.nsaudiology.com 1.888.876.7450


march into a healthier you!


All your stress and reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, adrenalin) are made from cholesterol, too! Your brain and myelin sheath are about 80% fat!


Your body is a dual-fuel hybrid: You can use both sugar and fat for energy. However, you will not burn sugar and fat at the same time. Sugars are damaging to tissues and your intelligent body will always burn them first. Sugar also burns relatively quickly, leading to energy highs, then lows. Fat burns much more cleanly and slowly, providing steady energy. Healthy fat is your cleanest and most efficient nutritional fuel. Every cell in your body is a tiny cubicle with cholesterol and other fats making up the walls like the framing in a building.




By giving your body healthy fats, a little protein, and a little complex carbohydrate (colored veggies) to burn first thing in the morning, you are off to a good, steady start. Avoid potatoes and grain products like toast, pan-cakes, and cereal which will leave you hungry in a couple hours and escalate inflammation. This lovely breakfast, eggs Benedict with spinach instead of English muffin, can be special ordered at MOM’S RESTAURANT at 2nd and Salem, Chico.

This is Dr. Penner’s favorite lunch at the RAW BAR, 4th and Broadway, Chico. It includes a choice of soup or salad (cole-slaw, mixed greens, or cucumber) and a generous lunch bowl with your choice of protein (chicken, salmon, or steak) accompanied by steamed or stir-fried veggies, over your choice of rice or greens. (Tasty though they are, best avoid the noodles!) For the quality and price, this might be the best lunch in town!



Enjoy nuts, sea-weed snacks, dry cured salami, hard cheese, olives, maybe some guacamole with cucumber slices, a cup of tea. Need something more like dessert? Try whole milk, plain Greek yogurt with a handful of nuts and fresh berries! Avoid high carb/sugar choices like chips, cookies, and sodas which will pick you up and drop you flat, in addition to causing weight gain and inflammation!

Choose a healthy protein, ideally combined with healthy fat. If you’re having a steak; have a rib-eye. If you are having chicken; go for the dark meat and skin. Add a colorful array of cooked and raw veggies. Swish everything with extra virgin olive oil, aioli, or sour cream. Minimize or completely avoid potatoes and grain products. Skip dessert. A glass of wine (or 2) is just fine!








Walking into Sustainable Seed Company feels a lot like walking into a record store. Rather than vinyl and CDs lining the shelves and posters hanging atop the walls, packets of seeds are arranged side by side with gardening tool decor. Through the back door is a massive warehouse filled with fresh seed, grain, and machines (such as a seed packager that they converted from steam to electric power). Sustainable Seed’s conference room is bright and colorful. A white board covered in various charts, lists and names of vegetable varieties spans the wall over a well-organized pile of seed packets, books, and other frequently discussed items during meetings. To founder and president John Fendley (a.k.a. Farmer John), Sustainability is not just a name, it is a business ideology. Every decision made by his team is based off of the sustainable platform, and the question of whether or not this helps the consumer is continually asked. Walking through the warehouse, it is apparent Fendley and his skilled team share a bond over their passion for clean, slow food and green farming. It becomes clear after spending some time around them that everyone is at the same level of enthusiasm and passion for their work. Fendley has had firsthand experience with the disheartenment of seeing farming and produce shift to a system that not only is untenable, but harmful to the buyer. Before starting his business, 34


Fendley was the environmental planner and saw his fair share of environmental injustice thanks to a lack of regulation. Realizing he had a better chance of making a difference with a more hands on approach, he established Sustainable Seed Company out of a large garage. After seeing seeing the demand for purely organic seeds soar, he realized it was time to expand. Chico being the epicenter of Northern California farming, Fendley knew this would be a great place to prosper. Utilizing Highway 99 has also dramatically cut down on travel time for seeds, allowing for a fresher product.

Sustainable Seed offers a vast selection of produce and grain in packets for gardeners or in bulk for farmers. Seeds are not limited to fruits and vegetables as they also have a diverse stock of herbs, flower and tobacco. Farming tools, books, and apparel can also be found at their retail store. As of now, Sustainable Seed stocks their shelves with thirty percent of their own product. The next big step for Fendley is opening up a new farm in the area to produce even more seeds for his store (Fendley also misses being able to ride his tractor). In the bigger picture, Fendley

is fighting for organic farming without the use of chemicals and mass production being the central model. The state of farming as a business is ever changing yet still moving in an energy-negative direction with a money-over-product system. The goal Fendley continues to work toward is maintaining trustworthy farming in his business and community.




3-4 red/golden beets (roasted, peeled, and diced) 1/2 cucumber (peeled and diced) ½ Cup toasted walnuts ¼ Cup lime juice & 1 Tbsp zest ¼ Cup tamari (gluten Free) ¼ Cup extra virgin olive oil (Lucero) ¼ Cup chopped Italian parsley Frisee sprigs (optional) Kosher Salt

By Unwined at 980

Instructions Wash all beets under cold running water. Toss in ½ cup kosher salt. Place beets in roasting pan. Roast at 350 degrees for 2-3 hours. Once tender, allow to cool. Once cool, peel and dice to ¼ inch. Dice cucumber to the same size. Toss remaining ingredients together and season to taste.





Beet, Walnut & Cucumber Salad


Grandad Scramble By Breakfast Buzz



Ingredients 4 Eggs Bacon Sausage Tomato Choice of Cheese Avocado Sour Cream 1 Potato Choice of Toast Cooking Oil

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Beat 4 eggs in a bowl, set aside. Chop sausage, bacon, tomatoes, set aside. Chop potato, grill in skillet with cooking oil. Combine sausage, bacon, tomato and eggs in skillet and scramble. Add cheese on top. Slice avocado and add on top along with a splash of sour cream. Toast bread and butter it, add on the side.



"Sherry is a wonderful agent. She is very knowledgeable and explains every step of the process to you. She is professional and friendly and will go the extra mile. Thank you Sherry!" -Christy & Aaron Rodgers



This property is as rare as hens' teeth! No sales out in this very popular Château East condo area in quite some time! Tucked in the very back of this complex and nestled underneath beautiful trees, this home has a very popular floor plan with fireplace, remodeled kitchen with granite counters, newer appliances, and dual pane windows, all done approximately seven years ago. Brand new carpeting upstairs, and fresh paint. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,341 Price: $218,000

Serene, Private, Peaceful 10.25 acre Ranchette situated 10 minutes off highway 70. Enjoy fruit from the orchard, and veggies from your garden. Listen to singing birds as the cottontails run by, along with the season stream that runs through the property! Amazing sunrises from the Foothills and sunsets with the Buttes. This property feels like you�re on Vacation EVERYDAY. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 1,972 Price: $379,000

Up where the eagles fly, you will find this custom built, one-owner home amongst beautiful trees and panoramic views as far as your eye can see. Open patios with the feeling of a vacation resort - but at your very own home! Giddy-up on your horse and grab those animals because there is room to roam and explore!!! Water to the property is spring-fed. There is also well that is not being used at this time. The gourmet kitchen opens to a warm, inviting family room with a wood stove. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 2,201 Price: $589,000

Just in time for the spring and summer months ahead! Come and see this beautiful, spacious open floor plan that offers entertaining both inside and out! Splish-splash in your own beautiful, fenced-in pool, and you’ll appreciate the spacious three-car garage, newer carpeting, fresh paint, and newer roof!

#3 in Production for 2014!

Any closed transaction receives a gift certificate to 38


Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,938 Price: $539,900

Tucked away in a upscale neighborhood & sheltered by majestic trees, here you will find your dream home. This beautiful home is designed for indoor/outdoor entertaining and is loaded with upgrades. You will love the generously proportioned rooms, the gorgeous wood floors, the formal living and dining rooms, the cozy family room with it’s fireplace, guest quarter, expansive master suit, large kitchen with can lighting, breakfast nook over looking a beautiful private yard, 3 car garage, gated R.V. parking all on almost one ace of total privacy. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,501 Price: $487,500

Intoxicating view! Where the eagles soar, this captivating residence sits shielded behind iron gates. This home is truly magnificent with towering ceilings, walls of glass, gleaming wood floors, a lavish living room, formal & informal dining, gourmet kitchen, granite counters, designer hood, 3 fireplaces, 6” interior walls, 2HVAC, 3 car garage and more all onan almost 2 acre parcel. The ambiance is peaceful with views of sunsets & city lights. You will breakfast on the patio watching the mountain ranges & Sutter-Buttes. At night simply relax & enjoy your unobstructed view of the star-speckled sky. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,389 Acreage: ~2.0

Expect to be impressed. Superbly appointed in an exclusive community of fine estates, this elegant home was built to exact specifications with almost no regards for cost. As you approach the house, you will fall in love with the peaceful ambiance of the beautiful koi pond and its waterfalls. The massive, double door entry will welcome you to a stunning residence offering exceptional detailing throughout. This beautiful home features all the amenities one could want, including radiant, heated marble floors, imported Brazilian mahogany pillars, dramatic ceilings, formal living room, formal dining room, a family room with fireplace, kitchen with granite counters, double convection oven, trash compactor, and eating bar. The master suite offers dual vanities, his & her closet, a jetted tub, and a walk-in PENDING shower. You will love the fullyThe lake is only seconds fromcellar, this beautiful Tucked Pirates will squeal & scurry for units this hidden treasure! The delightful, large equipped home theater,away the wine and the home! dumbwaiter. A away whole house fan, central vacuum, 2 A/C in,a2 quiet thisand wellsecurity maintained home offersthis a darling front porch of this home provides relaxation and a great waterneighborhood, heaters, intercom system will keep home perfectly suited to you at gorgeous all times. The gated porch, perfect for summer days to sitwith upon and relax.pool, Inside to get to know your neighbors. With soaring 10 and 12 foot backyard is centered around entertaining, a gorgeous waterfalls, place and covered gazebo.

you’ll find an open floor plan, high ceilings, tile counters, and wood ceilings, this home features walls of glass windows providing ample In addition to all of Tile this,floors thereinisthe a gated 4-car garage, which fiisreplace equipped with indoor car wash amenities. The flooring throughout. kitchen and bathrooms, natural lighting, crown molding throughout, bamboo flooring, a cozy sits room, on 1.01walk-in acre ofcloset, total privacy. The word “magnificent” is truly an understatement. Make this home your inhome the living mater bath with dual sink, separate fireplace with mantel, built-in bookshelves, cabinets with glass doors, sanctuary. shower and a tub. The yard is maintenance free so you can enjoy life a darling kitchen, 3 bedrooms and a loft, indoor laundry, a beautiful by spending more time by the lake canoeing, fishing, or just enjoying patio with fountain and Zen-inspired landscaping plus 2 car garage. Bed: 4.0 Bath:3.0 SqFt: 4,367 Price: $749,900 walking the paths around the area. Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,346 Price: $269,000 Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.5 SqFt: 1,739 Price: $309,000

PENDING Two commercial properties. The features granite Intoxicating Mt. Shasta and Mt.room, Lassen!! wellkitchen maintained Tucked in a friendly neighborhood,This thishome immaculate home offers an open floor plan,views highof ceilings, large living anThis open with first parcel has 1.6 AC with a counter tops, laminate flooring, home sits on 10 acres of total privacy. Featuring a large living room an island, a five burner gas cook top and a double ovens. Seller has made many upgrades to this darling home which includes all new 600 Sq ft. building structure that crown molding, security system, with a free standing wood stove, a newly remodeled kitchen with appliances in the kitchen, new faucets, shower head, bathroom sink, newer carpet and some new windows. The master bedroom is located was built in 1979 and has been central heat and air, dual pane granite counter tops, custom cabinetry and newer appliances, this in the firstasfloor and two other are upgraded on the second floor. The yard is landscaped and offers a lushan lawn, bubbling spa, operating a nursery for the lastbedroom windows, appliances homebeautifully also provides tile and laminate flooring, overa sized bonus 2 large sheds oversize 25water years.fountain, It is partially fenced, it isand an and fixtures.side This yard. home also has a room with a wood stove, indoor laundry, water softeners, 2 balconies, on city services and is near park large basement perfect for your a private domestic well plus a shared Ag. well, central heating and air, and shopping. The 2nd parcel is wine collection and storage! barn/shop, 4 car carport Bed: and much more. 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,516 Price: $279,900 on .29 AC and is adjacent to the Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,240 Price: $399,900 other parcel. Price: $400,000 SqFt: 2,085 Price: $239,000 39 39


Going Green David Green moved to Chico from Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1999, and by 2003 had realized that the local real estate market had a number of incredible investment opportunities. He purchased his first triplex, renovated it, and flipped it for a substantial profit. The home would be the first in a number of housing flips he would complete over the next few years. Through the process, he learned the art of construction, eventually earning his contractor’s license in 2008. When the demand for real estate waned in 2005, David put his services out for bid, completing maintenance and repair projects around town for homeowners looking to stay put rather than renovating homes for new buyers. He quickly earned a reputation for his attention to detail and his one-man company began to grow. During his house calls, he was shocked to find consistent issues with the way homes had been built. Corners had been cut and proper attention not paid to areas of the home that were wasting energy and costing his customers considerable money month-after-month. He began proposing upgrades to his customers and demonstrating the potential savings they could obtain. As his customers began discovering the money saved as a result of his energy upgrades, he found himself receiving requests for further upgrades. Eventually, the jobs he was receiving requests for grew so big that he needed to obtain a contractor’s license. He did just 40


that and launched his company, Green Construction Service in 2008. He began searching out green products to use in upgrades, committing to not only save energy but create healthier homes for his customers by using products like low VOC paint. As he found more green products, he decided to further his education in sustainable building, eventually learning to look for energy leaks in a home and how that affected the home as a whole. In 2011, PG&E launched Energy Upgrade California, a program designed to financially assist the general public in obtaining the type of energy upgrades that David had been providing for his customers. To qualify as a vendor for these upgrades, David was required to possess a number of energy certifications. He began using every spare minute of his time to study for the credentials required by PG&E, eventually earning the HERS certification for home energy rating service, Building Performance Institute’s (BPI) certifications Residential Building Analyst and Multi-Family Residential Analyst, and LEED certification. To complete his certifications he also earned the titles Certified Green Builder, and Certified Green Home Rater, a credential that allows him to assign a nationally recognized green rating to a home and increase its property value. David’s experience with his customers, and the Energy Upgrade California program, prompted him to launch his new his energy assessment and upgrade program, igreen. Based on a whole-house approach, igreen focuses on assessing the entire home’s energy use before making the first energy upgrade. Rather than simply installing solar panels on the roof of the home to cover energy use, igreen assesses the home’s energy consumption and finds locations where energy is going to waste. The initial assessment, and modification of existing equipment, can significantly decrease the amount of solar that is needed to power the home. Proper insulation and ducting, air sealing of the attic, or the installation of new heating and cooling systems or upgraded water heating systems can significantly decrease a home’s energy usage, sometimes by as much as 70%. igreen finds these “energy leaks” and fixes them before proposing a solar package, saving the homeowner money. Better yet, PG&E offers rebates for these kinds of upgrades, ranging from $1,000 to as much as $17,000 per project. David’s ultimate goal is to improve the efficiency of homes he assesses. Once it’s as good as it can be, he proposes a solar package that would provide the balance of energy needs through solar. As a result, solar needs are less; less paneling equals lower costs, which in turn means fewer resources are used and the homeowner saves money on installation, maintenance, and cleaning in the future. The approach proves to be a win-win for the homeowner and the environment. By offering their whole-house approach and remaining in line pricewise with other companies who simply offer solar, David is looking to provide his customers with more value for their dollar, and it seems he is doing just that. If your PG&E bills seem high, or you’re constantly left wondering where all of that electricity is being used each month, give David Green a call at (530) 230-0656 and find out. Saving hundreds of dollars per month could be a simple phone call away.


Serving Butte County

TOTAL SQFT:64,823+/- | ACREAGE:7.58 | PRICE:$1,600,000

BED:3 | BATH:3 | SQFT:2282+/- | PRICE:$279,999

BED:2 | BATH:2 | SQFT1440+/- | PRICE:$70,500

SO MANY POSSIBILITIES! Former Paradise post printing location, with Over 60,000 SqFt of warehouse space and additional 4,800+SqFt of office Space. Existing heavy electrical and natural gas services in place! Industrial services zoning allows for many many uses! Call for more details!

EXCELLENT FIND IN NICE NEIGHBORHOOD! Pride of ownership exudesfrom this nicely updated home. Newer fencing, roofing, windows, solar tube skylights, private upstairs master suite, 2nd/junior master suite, fruit trees, RV parking, living room plus large family room, quiet Cul-De-Sac location!

AFFORDABLE LIVING! You’ll love this one owner home when you see it! Gas fireplace, pantry, newer linoleum, sunporch, detached garage, centrally Located in the Paradise Pines! Don’t Miss seeing this home! It’s priced to sell And won’t last long!

BED:2 | BATH:2 | SQFT:1138+/- | PRICE:$156,500

Bed:3 | Bath:2 | SqFt:1523+/- | Price:$225,000

Beds:4 | Bath:3 | SqFt:3388+/- | Acres:5.64 | Price:$409,000

LOOK NO FURTHER! Freshly updated home! New flooring, paint, kitchen cabinets,stone counters, bathroom vanity, light and plumbing fixtures, brand new heater, front and rear decks, stucco exterior, new septic oversized laundry, pantry, partial basement, the list goes on!

IMMACULATE HOME! They don’t come any nicer than this! Hardwood flooring,tile, stone, updated kitchen and baths, indoor laundry, oversized garage, synthetic decking, sweeping corner lot, potential RV parking, MUST-SEE!

ASTOUNDING CUSTOM HOME! Formal entry, living, dining and family rooms. French doors, fireplace, built-ins, split-bedroom floor plan, coffered ceiling, master With en-suite bath & 2 walk-in closets. Large rear deck, 3 car attached garage, detached workshop with large bonus room. 2 RV parking areas with partial hookups.



# of Units Sold Average Sales Price

Magalia Sales Volume

Beds:2 | Baths:2 | SqFt:1300+/- | Acres:5.14 | Price:$265,000 ATTENTION! All Contractors, Fixers, Handypersons, Investors! Bring your Hammer Broom and Dust Pan! Loads of opportunity abounds. This 5.+ acre, home had the beginnings of a remodel and was never completed. Newer roof and some upgrades present. Lots of open space with green grass, a large fenced corral area, workshop/barn with separated stalls.

Paradise Sales Volume

*Statistics are for single family and manufactured homes

# of Units Sold Average Sales Price

2015–Jan 2016–Jan

% of Change










2015–Jan 2016–Jan

% of Change










Beds:3 | Baths:1.5 | SqFt:1088+/- | Price:$209,000 NICELY UPDATED HOME! This astounding home has loads of new features includingNew heat & air, windows, doors and fans. Laminate flooring, tile flooring in kitchen & bathrooms, updated plumbing & electrical fixtures, newer paint. Also the Newer SOLAR SYSTEM can help make your monthly expenses more AFFORDABLE! Call Today!


New Again Kitchen Remodeling Presents



Marble Countertops

THE CLIENT When Ted and Vicky Bray decided to retire, the charm of Silver Springs, Nevada seemed like the perfect escape. After having owned their own business in the Bay Area automotive detailing industry for 17 years, the quiet offered by the new city was a welcome change. With a good number of kids and grandkids throughout Northern California though, visits throughout the winter were treacherous. Snow-covered mountain passes, sheets of rain, and high-intensity wind made the visits difficult and unpredictable. The two decided to purchase a second home closer to their family in 2013, and settled on a fixer-upper in Corning. It’s clear that the couple loved a good challenge. Though the bones of the home 42


were structurally sound, the floors had collapsed and the rest of the home was in a state of major disrepair. The location, however, was what they were looking for and the deal on the home was too good to pass up. Over the next 16 months, they worked on the home, replacing the floors, dark wood paneling that covered the interior walls, and changing the home’s configuration to make room for Vicky’s attached stained glass art studio. The kitchen, however, was the biggest project of them all. Significant money had been saved in the building of the home by using cheap, plywood cabinets that had long since failed. Warped and nearly impossible to open and close properly, the cabinets were salmon pink in color and covered with a yellow metallic wallpaper inside — simply stunning. Storage was an issue as the cabinets were narrow and

deep, making it a hassle to just reach the products within. The black swirl granite had been improperly fitted, turning the kitchen into an even greater disaster. The space was far from perfect, so they decided to gut it and rebuild.

THE CALL Vicky called Ric at New Again Kitchen Remodeling to make her dream of the perfect kitchen a reality. She shared her vision with Ric and the two spent time in the store’s showroom going through the myriad of available options. As a stained glass artist, she wanted to showcase her work in the kitchen and wanted it to be well complemented by the items they chose to fit around it. Having spent considerable time viewing her art over the

Tile Back Splash

THE CURE Ric set out to create a brand new look for the kitchen, shifting the look from old and dark, to modern and bright. He recommended Sunway white shaker cabinets to reflect more light throughout the space, and a Swan White granite whose nuanced characteristics perfectly set off the kitchen and its appliances. Where storage was concerned, Ric proposed a European-style cabinet over the sink with cut-out centers that could be used to showcase Vicky’s stained glass artwork. The small, narrow cabinets throughout the kitchen were exchanged with wider cabinets containing pull-out drawers to make access to previously CONNECT

hard-to-reach items a breeze. The microwave, hung over the stove, was inset between useful cabinets that were both wide and significantly more shallow than their predecessors, rendering them finally usable.

exactly how I wanted it. They gave me plenty of options and were incredibly helpful. I can’t wait to have them redo our bathrooms!”

Vicky completed the backsplash in the kitchen herself, giving it the perfectly put The team from New Again arrived to install together feeling she had been looking the new kitchen and, in standard fashion, for. With her art hanging prominently in completed the project faster than expected. the center of the space, she finally feels at As Vicky exclaims, “They were absolutely home in her kitchen and, with it, her home. GREAT! They cut all of the tile, granite, and Ted seems to be happiest that she’s happy cabinetry in the driveway and there wasn’t — a wise man indeed. any sawdust left over. They even came If you have a kitchen or bath in need of back to help me hang the doors in the updating, call the folks at New Again kitchen that I had purchased elsewhere.” Kitchen Remodeling. As Vicky and Ted When asked if she would recommend them will be glad to tell you, it makes all the to others, her answer was a resounding, difference in the world. “YES!” She continued, “They were so respectful and friendly; they continually asked if everything was ok and made sure that each piece of the kitchen was installed

NEW AGAIN KITCHEN REMODELING | 2502 PARK AVE, CHICO, CA 95928 | (530) 899-2888


years, Ric knew exactly what to do.


SHASTAN HOMES Shastan Homes is in the process of bringing you two exciting new neighborhoods: Shastan Homes at Glenwood and Shastan Homes at St. Lawrence. Both subdivisions offer the same high quality building program and house plans that Shastan Homes is famous for. Architect Frank Glazewski has designed all homes to be beautiful on the outside with exceptional floor plans on the inside. All homes are built with energy efficiency and water conservation in mind. Some of our customers that have installed solar panels on their homes are reporting $0 electric bills.

Shastan Homes at Glenwood: Located on the far west side of Chico along the quiet “Green Line”. Go west on W. Sacramento Avenue, take a right on Glenwood Ave., then another right on Wisteria Ln. Shastan Homes at St. Lawrence: Located on the far North East side of Chico near upper Bidwell Park. At Pleasant Valley High School, go north on Marigold, then right on Eaton and left on St. Lawrence. To learn more visit www.shastanhomes.com or call Jay Halbert at 520-3146.

HERE IS OUR LIST OF TALENTED CONTRACTORS Architecture Frank Glazewski, 894-5001 Appliances Ginno’s Appliances Scott Dilg, 342-2182

Garage Door Sharp’s Locksmithing Tyler Sharp, 533-5713

Cabinets Armstrong Cabinets Brian Shirley, 342-5533

HVAC & Sheet Metal Jessee Heating & Air Mike Gray, 891-4926

Carpet, Window Coverings, Wood Flooring Towne Carpet Henry Iyone, 343-0215 Ceramic Tile Hinkle’s Tile Joe Hinkle, 693-0735 Ceramic Tile Shower Pans Pickering Hot Mop John Pickering, 321-7586 Countertops Ginno’s Appliances Kevin Skinner, 342-2182 Electrical/High Voltage Telic Electric Dave Rudolph, 520-0796 Electrical/Low Voltage - Defcon Security Bill McNeir, 990-2587 Electrical Fixtures - Northern Lights Joe Tilton, 893-8008 Excavations/Backhoe George Neary, 330-3151 Fencing - M & M Fence Mike Smith, 624-3775 Final Cleaning - Annette’s Mop & Bucket Annette Perez, 354-0369 Finish Carpentry - Sam Leaf Construction Sam Leaf , 518-2230 Fireplaces - A-1 Stoves Steve Bruffy, 345-9292 Concrete Flatwork & Foundations Andy Sprague, 864-3273 44

Framing-Construction & Framing Services Jim Ratekin, 624-4165


Interior/ Exterior Doors Advanced Door Co. Jim Poole, 894-7000 Landscaping - Sunchasers John Goddard, 624-7000 Landscaping Plants Timshell Nursery Craig Thompson, 521-9125 Maintenance & Whole House Fans - Pappa’s Tool Box, Bob Keller, 521-3257 Masonry Chuck Reynolds, 990-8310 Painting Casey Swaim, 520-6424 Pool Sunshine Pools Ralph Merlo, 521-0365 Plumbing & Fire Sprinklers Knight Construction Tim Knight, 624-5179 Roofing - G & R Roofing Elaine Rios, 518-7760 Sheetrock - Butte Drywall Rick Woodcock, 693-0148 Solar - SunPower Corporation Jay Halbert, 520-3146 Stucco - Mid Valley Lath and Plaster Lonnie Joyner, 680-0491 Windows, Mirrors, Skylights, Shower Doors Miller Glass Jim Beltramo, 624-6213




Happy homeowners start here.

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All loans subject to approval.



There is no getting around it... Hiring a Realtor to sell your home is an investment. As the market has gained strength over the past year and a half, this investment is one that many homeowners are considering trying to avoid by foregoing the services of an agent in favor of selling their home themselves. On the surface, this seems like a quick and easy way to add a great deal of money to their bottom line… Add to this the perception that many people have of a Realtor as someone who does nothing but upload the information to the MLS and place a sign in the yard. That we then sit idly by and simply wait for the property to sell. It’s no wonder then, that many folks are attracted to the route of the For Sale by Owner (or FSBO for short) and the savings that they feel they can experience. Now, if you will notice, I have been using the term “investment” and not the term “cost” when it comes to the involvement of a Realtor in one’s sale. Unfortunately, this is not typically how the hiring is viewed. However, if we change things a bit and begin to look at the situation from a business standpoint, the value of investing in a Realtor becomes more and more evident.… In fact, Wikipedia defines the word investment as follows: “Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.” If you ask me, it doesn’t get any clearer than that! The difficulty comes when we attempt to quantify some of the benefits that come with hiring a Realtor to assist you with your real estate needs. Realtors do a significant amount of their work behindthe-scenes. I honestly feel that if you were to shadow an experienced and full-time Realtor for just one day, you would be amazed at all of the things that are done on behalf of our clients—much of which is never even seen or heard about. While there is no specific 46


dollar amount that can be assigned to much of this behind-the-scenes work, there is value indeed. After all, it is our job as Agents to not only represent our client’s interests, but to also insulate them from much of the minutia and varying levels of emotion that are a part of each and every transaction… Another component that goes above and beyond the actual work done, is the knowledge and experience that Realtor provides. This knowledge can come into play during every aspect of the transaction, from beginning to end. Some of it can be seen directly on the bottom line of the sale, such as an increase in the overall sale price of the home due to an accurate value analysis and experienced negotiating. Knowledge can also provide a significant savings of time and energy as well as stress mitigation for the client… Presale staging consultations help to ensure that each and every showing provides the true best reflection of the property—increasing the likelihood that the home will sell and decreasing overall market time. Simple things like having a system for ordering inspections and scheduling the timing of closing specifically around the client’s needs allows for a much more positive and enjoyable transaction. I know that it becomes very easy to focus on the percentage of your proceeds that will go toward the “Real Estate Fees” portion of your closing statement. However, I encourage you to look deeper the next time you begin to think of this line-item as a cost, and instead consider for that moment what it is that you are trying to achieve… I am confident that in most cases you will find that having a Realtor represent you will be the definition of a good investment.

Dan Bosch is a Realtor Associate with RE/MAX of Chico and the team leader for the Premier Professionals Real Estate Team... Dan specializes in residential and investment properties. He can be reached at (530) 896-9330 or via email at danbosch@sbcglobal.net. You can also visit his website www.premierteamchico.com and follow him at www.facebook. com/premierteamchico or on Instagram @premier_team_chico

Bold light fixtures like this are not only functional, but can easily become the focal point of the room. The bright red metal makes for a fun pop of color with an industrial edge.

The starburst shape of this clock is a quintessential Mid Century Modern element that never goes out of style.

This spring, what’s old can be new again. Giving your home a touch of Mid Century Modern flare is simpler than you might think. Many pieces can blend seamlessly with your existing decor, adding visual interest and creating a fun conversation starter. The bold colors, clean lines, and rich materials can complement your current decor without a need to fully commit to the Mid Century Modern style. Our friends at MCM Vintage of Chico offer a bounty of timeless treasures that can help you achieve the perfect mix of old and new. Here are just a few ideas to help you update the look of your home or office this season!

Paperwork won’t be such a bother with a stylish, vintage desk organizer like this one, combining elements of colorful plastic and wood.


Glass vases like these are iconic to this style period. With vibrant colors and flowing lines, there’s no need to add flowers!


Mid-Mod March

Light up a desk or night stand with a vintage table lamp. The space-age feel combined with the trendy yet timeless teal make for a welcomed addition to any dark corner.









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6635 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969


Of Paradise

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OPEN AND SPACIOUS, 3BR/plus office, 2BA. vaulted ceilings & lots of natural light. .44 acre, 3 car garage, extra RV parking, and plenty of space for all of your stuff. Kitchen is bright & open with new stainless appliances. Master w/huge walk in closet & vanity area. Forced heat and air. Tons of under house storage. Located near to all shopping and amenities. $339,000 #272 Julie Rolls 530-520-8545

FANTASTIC PARADISE LOCATION! 2328 sq. ft. 3BR/2BA home, split Master floor plan. Kitchen w/ island, breakfast bar, pantry/storage area’s & tons of cabinets. Huge Master. Mud room area, family room/ entertainment room w/ wood fireplace, slider to deck. 2 car garage & 19ft covered carport for boat/trailer parking. 26’ area for RV. Call today. $289,000 #337 Brian Voigt 530-514-2901

SPECTACULAR CALIFORNIA SUNSETS! 4BR/3BA, formal dining, family room & living room. Floor to ceiling windows, two fireplaces, two HVAC units. Gourmet kitchen, loads of cabinets, breakfast bar/buffet table, convection oven & a walk in pantry! Lovely circular drive, landscape is established and fairly low maintenance!

HERE IS YOUR HOME IN THE WOODS!! 3 Br/2ba. on a nice level lot with wrap around deck, detached 2 car garage, covered wood storage and RV parking with full hookups. Vaulted ceilings & floor to ceiling rock hearth with wood stove insert. Darling kitchen with extra storage & a large pantry.

$588,000 #976 Jamie McDaniel 530-872-5891

$169,900 #609 Rhonda Maehl 530-873-7640

AMAZING SUNSETS! Beautiful custom 4BR/3.5BA home in lower Paradise, views of the valley, mountains and Sutter Buttes. Hardwood floors in main living area, kitchen features multiple upgrades, breakfast nook & large dining room. Luxurious master suite. Minutes from Lake Oroville, Lime Saddle Marina

CHICO CHARMER, 3 BR/ 2 BA, 1488 sq.ft home with sunken living room, fireplace, and beautiful private yard. Covered patio, fruit trees and room for a garden. Great location! New underground utilities, Move in ready. Close to shopping and convenient location.

4 BR FLOOR PLAN w/ family rm. living rm, dining rm. Spectacular arch ways, designer tile floors, dream kitchen w/walk in pantry & stainless appliances. Eating nook off kitchen. Master bathroom w/jetted tub, two sinks and walk in closet. Large laundry room with extra storage. Dynamite home! Terrific location, close to Lime Saddle Marina!

$489,000 #518 Kandice Rickson 530-872-5892

$275,000 #1050 Susan Doyle 530-877-7733

CUSTOM BUILT 3BR/2BA, 1704 sq.ft. home. Large covered front porch. Living room w/gorgeous walnut entertainment center. Kitchen w/skylight, custom cabinets w/self-closing doors. Master bath w/ two sink vanity, skylight & easy step in shower & walk-in closet. Separate laundry room. Over sized two car garage.

CUSTOM BUILT 4BR/3BA home on quiet culde-sac. Wonderful curb appeal, kitchen w/ granite tile countertops & custom cabinets. Living room w/ gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings & custom windows. Master bedroom w/ gas fireplace, private entrance & walk-in closet. Spacious master bath. Back yard is fully landscaped. Lots of upgrades.

3BR/2BA ON 2.5 ACRES. Oversized two car det. Garage, shop with office. Beautiful kitchen with new stainless appliances & granite counters. Attractive tile work in both baths, large soaking tub! 2 covered patios, in ground pool! Master bedroom includes a spacious walk-in closet, new master bath. Tons of storage, and custom touches.

WOW IT’S SO CUTE! Beautiful lot tucked away in the rolling foothills of Oroville, 3BR/1BA, galley style kitchen with stainless appliances, new carpets, fixtures and more. Large fenced lot. Close to many conveniences, shopping, and very close to Lake Oroville for a ton of recreational opportunities, all just minutes away.

$225,000 #327 Shannan Turner 530-872-3822

$469,000 #335 Christina Souther 530-520-1032

$499,900 #265 Nikki Sanders 530-872-5889

$152,900 #270 Julie Rolls 530-520-8545

“ 50

COUNTRY LIVING!! 2.0 acres fully fenced, close to Concow Lake, circle driveway w/ electricity, well (2005), and septic. Property has historical history. 1935 miner’s cabin, Indian artifacts and Indian grinding rocks. Perfect building site with distant views of mountains. Older manuf. home with no value. Horse property. fruit trees. So much more! $399,000 #718 Heidi Wright $160,000 #860 Annette Gale 530-872-5890 530-872-5886

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The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams OPRAH WINFREY

This month, we are proud to recognize a few of our area’s hardworking female business owners. These intrepid women are the faces and masterminds behind some our favorite local products and brands—many of which are now being enjoyed far beyond our community. Their passion has helped shape the community and local culture we know and enjoy today. It is safe to say that Butte County would look much different without their entrepreneurial spirit. Let’s hear it for the girls!

Chico’s Entreprenistas


“ We need to support each other as women instead of seeing each other as competition.




SYLVAN PARK “I was that kid that was always like, ‘Let’s go make something!’” Betsy Baird fondly recalls her classic Chico childhood spent playing outside, constantly searching for creative ways to pass the time. Fast forward to 2016 and Betsy is enjoying the success of her very own line of handbags and wallets called Sylvan Park, based out of Brooklyn, New York. After obtaining her degree in Communication from the University of Texas, Betsy began her career in Nashville, Tennessee managing musicians and doing graphic design work. She often found herself envious of the creative freedom enjoyed by the artists she worked for, and wanted

The word lavender originally stems from the Latin word lavare which means “to wash.” At Bayliss Ranch, any symptoms of stress and anxiety are calmly washed away by the sight and smell of those tranquil purple bushes. Painted pink by the lowering sun, lavender fields cover the rolling hills of Bayliss Ranch, owned by Donna Bayliss. “I feel blessed to be surrounded by nature. I think it’s critical that we acknowledge and feel the simplicity and happiness being in that realm,”she says. Donna’s connection and appreciation for the outdoors derives from a long relationship with the land she has called home for many years. After her husband Dan’s passing, she was left the farm with little knowledge of how to run a business in agriculture.

this same independence for herself. So, after 10 years in the music industry and the decision that a change of scenery was needed, Betsy honed her business and design experience to launch Sylvan Park in Brooklyn in 2013. Sylvan Park was created around the idea of Betsy’s first bag, the Prospect Tote, designed with both form and function in mind and made with vegetable tanned leather. But it wasn’t all about designing the perfect bag. Betsy had to start from scratch with her new venture, learning everything on her own along the way. Betsy advises other entrepreneurs, women in particular, to do their research and not be intimidated or embarrassed to ask questions. She stresses the importance of finding others in your field with relevant experience that can help you. She also credits much of her success to being honest and building a good reputation for herself as a new business owner. Although Betsy’s creativity and ambitions have taken her far from her hometown, she credits part of her entrepreneurial spirit to the Chico community. In fact, her next door neighbor and former babysitter was none other than Maisie Jane Hurtado (see page 56 if you don’t know who we’re talking about). She envisions an expansion of her brand beyond handbags, and looks forward to the opportunity to collaborate with and help mentor other budding entrepreneurs. “We need to support each other as women instead of seeing each other as competition,” says Betsy. We couldn’t agree more.

to fill it. Her mission isn’t to make money, but to cultivate purity and integrity. “I believe that if you collectively review all the things you love to do innately, all that makes you feel happy and good, those things will put you where you probably should be career wise.” With those words, we leave Donna and beautiful Bayliss Ranch feeling rejuvenated and inspired.


There has been so much change when she reflects on the limited voice and opportunity women in the 50’s had. After receiving the land, Donna had to integrate with men in the field, convincing them that she could do this job. Having to quickly adopt and learn how to create a successful business led to “diplomacy and tenacity 101.” Her commitment and vigor for healthy living bridged to farm fresh body and beauty products people come from miles around to use. As the first to identify organic products for personal care, Bayliss Ranch has been benchmarking essential oil standards. What is in the bottle comes directly from the source, with no steps in between. Rather than making a product as cheap as possible, Bayliss puts the best in and uses the hands of their own passionate employees



Selling her first flock of sheep, Maisie used that money to buy her first 2,000 lbs of almonds. Testing different flavors, the initial five baked nut products were produced. It took 22 years for Maisie Jane’s to get to the multi national almond producer that it is now. With acres of farmland to manage along with buying locally owned almonds from growers, the job may feel overwhelming to some. With empowerment from her husband Isidro, who works on the manufacturing side of things, the two have joined their expertise to keep it all running smoothly. For Maisie, she has learned to evolve and have faith in the long term vision. “Your initial business plan may change a little bit, for example we now do a lot of co packing for other companies. Keep your eyes open to opportunities because diversification in business is key.”

M A I S IE JA N E’S C A LI FO RN IA SU N SH IN E At the young age of seventeen, Maisie Hurtado went from raising a flock of sheep through the Future Farmers of America to owning her dream business. As a fourth generation Chicoan and almond farmer’s daughter, agricultural lifestyle was ingrained in Maisie. The simple things in life were enjoyably introduced from her parents through daily chores and close encounters with nature’s life cycles, both plant and animal. Cooking also came naturally to Maisie who liked to experiment in the kitchen. As conversations at the family dinner table recurred about the lack of fresh quality almonds on grocery store shelves, so inherently did the idea for Maisie Jane’s.

In the future, Maisie would love to build a visitor center where people can come and experience the almond orchards and the product’s process. Sharing the family story, and the uniqueness of the company being the grower, processor and packer is vital when showing the connection they have with their product. Most food manufacturers do just one of these steps. The dream is that Maisie Jane’s will continue to grow for years to come, with her three daughters’ involvement. “I envision a little train on the farm” she says, along with a cozy café dedicated to all the local farmers. Walking through the pink blossoming rows of trees, that is a vision we would love to see ripen.

For me,

you have to love what you’re doing because that is what’s

A sweet strong medley of spices immediately envelops your senses as you walk through the door, accompanied by the handshake of similarly sweet and strong owner Sarah Adams. Chico Chai opened its doors in 2004, changing the way our area experiences tea. From the earliest memories of childhood, Sarah has been in the business of experimentation. “I would try to grow anything that was edible and make tea out of it,” she describes of her young self. That same enthusiasm continued well into college where a friend gave Sarah lessons on the basic idea of chai. Like many people at that time, she had no idea what she was consuming as the drink was new on the market in America. Sarah began testing recipes; using an array of old spices her mom had given her and new ones like cardamom and star anise. She experimented for years, getting feedback from her roommates who “usually loved them.”

what already exists or something brand new. “For me, you have to love what you’re doing” she says “because that is what’s going to fuel you through however long it takes to get successful.” Unchanging ingredients with the same level of quality as the day she began selling, Sarah believes the slow sustainable growth model of Chico Chai will keep the company gracefully growing. We know we will continue to see her and the chai crew pouring up steaming cups for many years to come.


you through however long it takes to get

After graduation and a move home to Chico, Sarah recognized a lack of fresh local chai. Hoping she wasn’t the only person craving something different, a spicier and more traditional tea than the ones previously found on market shelves, she followed her intuition. As far as business goes, Sarah had the simple idea that she could support herself with enough determination, applying that spirit to the company. She took business classes through the Business Development Center at Butte College and read a lot of books. Along with educating yourself, Sarah believes the key to opening your own business is a quality product and believing it’s an improvement on

going to fuel





Collectively review JOY LYN’ S C ANDI E S

all the things you love to do

It wasn’t too far of a leap going from serving as an administrative secretary at Paradise Unified School District to serving delicious treats at Joy Lyn’s candy shop. After acquiring the candy shop 16 years ago, Pam soon began to see that all of her past experiences in secretary work as well as her experience in taking accounting and business classes helped her to be extremely successful as a business woman.

all over the world and has been a part of the Retail Confectioners International (RCI) where she developed great skills in not just confectionary techniques and ideas, but also in packaging, marketing, and has used her experiences to make Joy Lyn’s the success that it is today. Something that Pam advocates for in being a successful business owner is to get involved. The community is a very big part of a successful business, which is why Pam served on the board of the Chamber of Commerce. She feels community involvement plays a large part in her business’s success, though she will tell you the true necessity for success is passion. With the complex process of making handmade chocolates, to truly be successful you must have passion. The hours are long and hard and it is not for the faint of heart. And for Pam, her business is all heart. From the sweet treats to the service they have provided the community, you can see what her passion for Joy Lyn’s really means to her and our community.

While Pam and her husband Bill have gone to great lengths to keep the recipes as they were from the day Joy Lyn’s began over 50 years ago, they have still pushed for confectionary progress within their shop. Pam has traveled

innately... those things will put you where you probably

President Obama’s signature beer recipe has been printed on many towels used in The White House Gift Shop. The source? Local business Mary Lake-Thompson Ltd. The Gift Shop reached out to them for the signature design. When Mary and her husband Richard moved to Oroville from San Francisco, they had no idea that one day they would be running one of the most successful businesses in Butte County. Mary began the business out of her home as a card company, using her artistic talents to create various designs for different occasions. Business-savvy as she is, Mary knew that she would have to keep up with the evolving market, as with new technology, the card industry was becoming diluted with computer graphics. After much research, she decided to go into the wholesale gift business. Eventually she moved the business from her house to a brick and mortar location and has gone from one graphic designer to three.

career wise.

With the business beginning to boom, Mary found herself designing and delivering to some of the biggest stores in the United States, including Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, and even hotels throughout National Parks like The Ahwahnee. Her products expanded from towels to kitchenware and other gifts for the home. The company also licenses Mary’s designs to other businesses for use on their products.


Richard joined the business once it started growing and now runs the supply side of Mary Lake-Thompson Ltd. Walking through both the design office and the printing warehouse, it is obvious that the term

should be



“family business” goes beyond simply blood or marriage. Mary Lake-Thompson Ltd. employs up to 50 people in downtown Oroville. For female entrepreneurs breaking into the business world, Mary Lake-Thompson has one big piece of advice, “Do what you love and are passionate about..and you know you’ll do it well.”




M OBY WRAP It was 2002 when Chico native Gillian Beerman was introduced to an idea that would change her life forever— both in motherhood and profession. The Cal Poly graduate was teaching a parent education course in Monterey and had just had her second baby. As many mothers of two, Gillian needed a way to keep her baby close while also having her hands free to care for her toddler. One of her students gave her a wrap baby carrier from Europe that was unlike anything available in the U.S. Its style allowed for comfortable “baby wearing” in that kept her hands free and her baby close. Realizing a need for a similar product in the States, the Moby Wrap was born.

However, the Moby Wrap’s inception wasn’t quite that simple. The final product came to be after tireless research into various types of carriers and materials by Gillian and her husband. The couple even moved their family to Thailand for two years to source materials and initiate the production of the Moby Wrap. In 2006 the Beermans moved back to their hometown of Chico to continue to build their business. The growth of Moby Wrap was truly a learning experience every step of the way. Gillian relied on support from friends and family in the business’s early years, from photography to writing to packing and shipping orders. Initially, Gillian introduced the product to other moms through home visits and personal fittings. She also attended trade shows and personally visited baby stores to show her carrier, eventually acquiring wholesale accounts. Moby Wrap can now be found at large national outlets like Amazon, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and locally at Apple Blossom Baby and Enloe Hospital. Today this proud mother of four has much experience and wisdom to share with other new entrepreneurs. She emphasizes the importance of realizing the passion for whatever it is you want to do, then finding the support system and network that will help you get there. Gillian also believes that finding balance between work and home life is key. “It’s 24/7. It’s not just a job,” says Gillian. We think it’s safe to say that all of her hard work has paid off.

“ Do what you love and are passionate about… and you know you’ll


do it well.

We would like to say a big “thank you” to Alisa Woods, owner of A Beautiful Life Furnishings (and an entreprenista herself), for allowing us to use some of her gorgeous pieces for our cover photo! Visit her store at 250 E 1st Street to see more of her stunning furniture, home decor and accessories. Thank you to everyone who made this photo and this feature possible! INTRO PHOTO BY MICHELLE CAMY INSIDE PHOTOS BY ERIN WENHAM, JAKE HUTCHISON & NERISSA HANSEN WRITTEN BY ALYSSA WORLEY, JAKE HUTCHISON, AND KYLEEN BROMLEY


stress of her on-the-go job finally took its toll and triggered what her doctors referred to as “intractable migraines,” causing her to get violently ill and stuck in cities all over the countries as they wouldn’t allow someone in her condition on the plane. She left her job and began traveling the world in search of a cure for her migraines, visiting modern, holistic, and alternative medical practitioners along the way. She decided to restructure her life completely, letting go of her crazy busy identity, and starting over from scratch. She changed her eating habits, focused on finding inner peace, caring for her three wonderful daughters, and began her journey of wellness. It was during this time that she met Amy.



PARTNERS IN HEALTH: Dana Grant, Amy Lacey, & the Birth of CaliFlour Foods As the saying goes, two heads are better than one, and in few places is this more true than the world of entrepreneurship. Taking the leap and starting a business is no small feat; the risk is high, the short term pay-off is usually low, and the energy and time required is seemingly endless. Having a good partner can help to mitigate those requirements, offer another point of view, and provide balance when balance becomes more necessary than ambition alone. Dana Grant and Amy Lacey are using those benefits to their advantage in their new business, CaliFlour Foods. 58


DANA GRANT Originally a high-powered federal lobbyist for the United States Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business, Dana spent 18 years fighting for the rights of small business owners in Washington DC. She moved to Chico to be closer to her family in Northern California and racked up some admirable frequent flyer miles making the trek from Chico to San Francisco and on to Washington DC each and every week. It was here that she met her husband, Stephen, a local doctor. Eventually, the

Originally from Chico, Amy graduated from Chico State with degrees in psychology and sociology along with a minor in child psychology. She traveled to New Orleans and fell in love with the city, finding a job in sales at Pitney Bowes where she later set company records while selling to major hotel chains. She also met her husband, Jim, a medical resident, while in New Orleans and became heavily involved in the medical field. The introduction led her to the world of pharmaceutical and medical sales where she used her sales acumen from Pitney Bowes to excel once again. During a family trip to New Zealand with Jim and her first child, she discovered a niche in the children’s clothing market back home. She left her job in pharmaceutical sales and opened Kiwi Kids, an online boutique for children’s clothing that exclusively imported New Zealand brands like Bobux and Pumpkin Patch Kids. The company gained incredible momentum and she used the profits to purchase the rights to pinpoint laser technology from local serial entrepreneur, John Strisower, for New Zealand and Australia in 2010. She built a mini-empire selling the product into highly successful chains like Foot Mechanics throughout the area. In 2012, after a foot injury and multiple surgeries throughout the year, she decided to sell the company. Once her foot healed, Amy joined Take Shape for Life and began working out. The year long process transformed her, and she became a certified health coach in 2013.

She recently obtained her certificate in life coaching as well. She met Dana in February of 2014, who was going through a similarly difficult time in her life. She invited Dana to join her at Take Shape For Life and the two hit it off immediately. Dana began the program and eventually became a health and life coach herself as well. The two had plenty in common. Both married to doctors and mothers to three children, their day-to-day lives were relatively similar. Having both dealt with major changes in their professional lives while trying to maintain health at home for themselves and their families, they were uniquely aware of the hurdles that faced someone in their position. They had grown accustomed to developing healthy alternative recipes for their favorite meals and one stuck out to both of them: cauliflower pizza. They also realized, that no one was making a splash in the market with them. In 2015, they developed a patentpending technique for their recipe and founded the brand CaliFlour Foods. They continuously fine-tuned the recipe and tested the changes with their family and clients; they loved it. Eventually they decided it was time to take the pizza direct to consumers. They hired a local food manufacturer to help them do just that. Aesthetically identical to restaurantmade pizza, CaliFlour Pizza handles like pizza, cuts like pizza, and unlike other cauliflower pizza recipes, actually tastes exactly like pizza. They still have friends to this day that doubt whether the pizza is actually made of cauliflower. With more than one full cup of cauliflower in each pizza, the crust contains less than

five grams of carbs where most storebought pizza crusts contain over 150. Not only does it take the carb-load out of making pizza at home, but it takes the impossible-to-pronounce ingredients out of the list as well. Made up of just four ingredients: egg, cauliflower, spices and a low fat cheese blend, the CaliFlour pizza recipe contains no preservatives or chemicals of any kind whatsoever. Dana and Amy are currently in the process of selling the product to supermarkets and already have considerable interest from a number of major supermarket chains. Determined to see their product in the frozen food aisle of every major store across the United States, the two are taking their prior experience as high-powered saleswomen on the road once more, and with it they hope to make a lasting impact on shifting people’s unhealthy eating habits without compromising flavor or quality. With kids who refuse to eat vegetables but glad to scarf down a CaliFlour Pizza, they’re sure they can do just that. Whether child, adult, or anywhere in between, this product is truly for the masses. CaliFlour Pizza will be available online for direct-to-home delivery on March 1st at www.Califlourfoods.com. The duo also plans to have the product in place at a number of local restaurants and available made fresh to order for local pickup. Look for them at the Saturday Farmer’s Market, where they will be offering two-packs of 9 inch pizzas. As mothers and wives fighting the good fight for healthy eating, Amy and Dana believe that preventative medicine begins with the food you put in your body. CaliFlour Pizza will be the first in a lineup of new cauliflower foods including

tamales, tacos, and biscuits that will soon be available through CaliFlour Foods. The two will host a retreat in Napa this coming September and another in New Zealand in January to launch the product line to an international audience. We salute them for their ambition and for being two shining examples of women in business.




Confident to the Core:

Allegory Tribal Bellydancers BY KYLEEN BROMLEY

The tinkling sound of thin silver coins and bracelets rubbing rhythmically together elicits a feeling inside me that makes me smile. The bejeweled faces and glittering skirts catch my attention and, before I realize it, I am entranced by the beauty of the four dancers of Allegory, an improvisational tribal belly dancing group located here in Chico. There is something unique about this troop, something that radiates. At first I thought it was the difference between them as far as style and look, but that wasn’t it. It was something else. A unity. A unity I began to see and understand more as the women danced later. A unity that only they could explain. A tribe. It was a brisk early morning in January when I met the women of Allegory. They were freshening up for their photoshoot. As we went into the studio, the women were eager to talk about all the events they were partaking in, one of which I was going to be attending on February 13th, Queen: Night at the Opera, hosted by Uncle Dad’s Art Collective. They were 60


excited to be asked to be a part of such a big event, which was sold out just a week after getting to interview this troop. It didn’t take long for the excited chatter about events coming up to lead to what it means for these women to be in this tribe of dancers. Allegory is an improvisational tribal-style bellydance group, and they exude their unity and passion for what they do. You see, their dancing is far more than just rhythmic hip thrusts and sways, but a statement about being comfortable with one’s own body and what it means to create an atmosphere of acceptance. Even in the classes that these women teach, they instill a sense of pride, confidence, and unity. As the music began to play in the small studio, the women circled around, their coins delicately jangled, their skirts glittered, and the combination of sounds and movements mesmerized me. I quickly saw how powerful their statement about unity and pride was. The confidence they have as a group is inspiring.

As an improv group, they don’t have routines, instead, their dances revolve around trusting the lead and following with ease and grace. Together they create a comfortable and yet exciting vibe. These women are more than just bellydancers— they are an inspiration. They provide an atmosphere of confidence and trust. The women of Allegory make it their mission to shatter your beliefs of what bellydancing is and your preconceived notion about what it means to be comfortable in your own skin. After getting to know these women, I wanted so eagerly to be a part of what they were sharing and, when I got home, rushed to my computer to look up class times. I could only hope to be as confident in myself as these women were, and I trusted that they would help me find it.



An Irish Comedy by Conor McPherson

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blueroomtheatre.com 61






2nd, 2O16



Neighborhood Church- 28O1 Notre Dame Blvd. Join us for a fun-ďŹ lled night of live cooking demonstrations with a Taste of Home culinary specialist Amy Zarichnak! VIP ticket holders will enjoy a pre-show meet-and-greet, appetizers from Italian Guy Catering, premier seating, and an exclusive rafe only for VIP ticket holders in the VIP lounge.

Doors open 4:30pm, event 6:30pm-9:00pm

Every ticket holder receives a gift bag* ďŹ lled with goodies and a (digital edition) 1-year subscription to Taste of Home magazine. COST: General Admission $15, VIP Seating $35 TICKETS NOW LOCAL TICKET LOCATIONS Chico Chamber of Commerce www.KMXI.com Oroville Chamber of Commerce



Chico - Redding



Chico - Redding




Rebelution, PROTOJE 9:00 p.m. Senator Theatre 517 Main Street For more info, visit www.senatortheatrechico.com

Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner 1:00 p.m. Paradise Ridge Senior Center 877 Nunneley Road, Paradise, CA For more info, contact Dollie Lewis at 1happyamper2@sbcglobal.net or 530.876.0244

6th Annual Poppy Walk and 5K Run For more info and to register, visit http://poppywalk.org/

MARCH 5: Triplets of Belleville 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Cost: $32 Premium | $26 Adult | $24 Senior | $16 Youth | $10 Chico State Student For more info, visit chicoperformances.com VFW Craft Fair 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Veterans’ Memorial Hall 6550 Skyway Corner of Skyway & Elliott, Paradise, CA For more info, contact Wes Cochran at deputydog12@comcast.net or 530.873.3488

MARCH 6: Music At the Museum featuring Pull-String Duo Original acoustic chamber-jazz compositions 4:30 PM Chico Museum 141 Salem Street, Chico Info: www.chicomuseum.org

St. Patrick’s Day

5th Annual Chico Walks for Autism 8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Bidwell Park—One Mile, Chico, CA 95973 For more info and to register, visit eventbrite.com



Lúnasa and Tim O’Brien 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Cost: $32 Premium | $26 Adult | $24 Senior | $16 Youth | $10 Chico State Student For more info, visit chicoperformances.com

Walk MS Bidwell Park, Chico, CA For more info, contact Amy Clark at amy.clark@ nmss.org or 530.863.7818 or visit the Walk MS website nationalmssociety.org


MARCH 19: Evolution of the Tool: Guest Presenter Bud Bolt 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Cost: $3 includes tour (Oroville Museum Passport Holders Free) Bolt’s Antique Tool Museum 1650 Broderick Street, Oroville, CA


MARCH 19–20:

Igudesman & Joo 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Cost: $39 Premium | $32 Adult | $30 Senior | $22 Youth | $10 Chico State Student For more info, visit chicoperformances.com

SI Chico’s 30th Home & Garden Show 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, Fair Street in Chico Free Parking Cost: $6 Adult | $5.50 Seniors | Children 12 and under FREE. $1 off if you provide a can of non-perishable food at the time of entry. The food will be distributed to local food lockers and all money for the gate will go back to the community through our local service projects

SHOR and Simple Gesture Fundraier at Round Table Pizza 5:00 p.m. Round Table Pizza 6038 Clark Rd, Paradise, CA For more info, contact Stephanie Gregorio shorparadise@gmail.com or 530.872.1162


MARCH 26–APRIL 3: Dance Chico! For more info, visit dancechico.com


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