2 minute read

And the thunder rolls on

to supplement the money she made working in restaurants by starting her own cleaning business, and unsurprisingly, the business quickly grew. “I worked for Craig Hall Dormitory in high school doing college cleanouts, so I knew quite a bit about the business already.” Dee said, “When I started my own business, I went to apartment complexes and bid jobs for those same college cleanouts. I rapidly built up a customer base with people I knew from the restaurants I worked at and continued building the business until I became pregnant with my son. Considering the chemicals that had to be used for the cleanups, I decided to close up shop and got certified as a massage therapist instead. I always felt there was a need to have a side hustle!”

After leaving Cozy Diner, one of Dee’s regulars said, “You have a job at this new restaurant if you just go down and meet the owner.” The restaurant was Morning Thunder. Dee met with its owner, Mark, and after a short chat was hired to start working the next day. She began as a hostess and worked her way up to being a server. Mark sold the restaurant to his manager, Tish, who in turn promoted Dee to her old manager position. When Tish decided it was time to move on in 2005, she sold the restaurant to Dee, and she’s been the owner ever since.


“I always wanted to be a business owner, I just didn’t know how or what to expect.” Dee said, “I taught myself and learned whatever I could, wherever I could, as I went along. It’s been an incredible experience. So much has changed in the 30 years I’ve worked at Morning Thunder, but it’s always remained such a fun place. Whether you’re a guest or staff member, we have way more fun than we should ever be allowed to. We have regulars that come in every day, and it’s so cool to be part of their day every day. It’s how they start their morning or celebrate their birthday or anniversary. Just to be regarded as something special in their life by default of just being here is really special. I’ve seen people here on their first dates, get married, have kids of their own, and even watched their kids go to college, then have children of their own. It’s just wonderful!”

When asked about being a woman in business, Dee advised, “I’ve raised two kids along the way, and I was actively involved and even became president of their PTA for 9 years! I still got the best of both worlds, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way, honestly. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t, because you can. I’m proof of it.”

Visit Morning Thunder at 352 Vallombrosa Avenue in Chico, Monday-Friday from 6:30am-2pm and on the weekends from 7am-2pm. Order up my favorite, a Bidwell Egg over easy with bacon and a java shake, and don’t forget to congratulate Dee on her 30th anniversary!

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