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The Multi-talented Katie Barrett

Katie Barrett grew up in a family full of musicians, from her grandmothers— Margaret and Margaret—to her parents, siblings, aunts, and uncles. Her mom’s mother was a professional pianist, and it was through her that Katie’s music career began to flourish. She started studying piano and eventually focused on being a self-taught drummer. Shoulder surgery led her to pick up the guitar and noodle around until she later also became a self-taught guitarist. Curiosity resulted in trying out a ukulele, which turned into another instrument mastered. Forays into wind instruments and the violin were not as promising, so she concentrated on just the piano, drums, and guitar.

With this tremendous music background, she came up to Chico State from Elk Grove, CA, to attend music school and earn a degree in music composition and percussion studies. Katie completed the music composition program in three years, quite a feat. Her love of music aided the quick road to completion. “I truly love music and the power of music,” said Barrett. “I wish I could wake up every day and just play music. It helps ground me and keep me focused.” These days, however, she has plenty to keep busy. She and her wife Cassidy have their daughter Tyler to raise and, accompanied by Barrett’s music teaching career, she has a full schedule and hasn’t written much music.


However, that is changing very soon. Katie has begun collaborating with wellknown Chico musician and producer Ethan Swett to put together an upcoming EP album of ten to twelve songs, among them one of her favorite tunes, “Thought of You” and a wonderful cover of Marcy Playground’s “Sex and Candy.” The album will feature many original compositions.

The Chico music scene contains many bands, genres, and a close-knit musical community where artists play in multiple bands and most people seem to know everyone else, at least by name. Barrett credits local musicians Swett, Kyle Williams, Lorna Such, the Sun Followers, and Max Minardi, to name a few, as having a positive effect on her music and creativity. Other far-reaching influences have been Sara Bareilles, Madison Cunningham, the Weepies, and Civil Wars.

Barrett has recently played at Secret Trail with her friend Karen Lindedberg on keys and at Diamond Steakhouse with Kyle Williams. She also performed at Odyssey Winery in February and has already booked some weddings this summer along with other venues. She plans on a few house concerts in her parents’ backyard next to the new pool and gazebo. Check out Katie Barrett’s upcoming dates on Facebook and listen to her play some tunes.

Who is your favorite local woman in business?

Savina Green

Windy Land owns Whirlwind Vintage. She’s one of my besties, and I love her store! She sources her items from local thrift stores so she's being sustainable and giving items a second chance. She’s super outgoing, friendly, and independent. It radiates, and everyone can tell that she's a good person. I think it makes her a great business owner. Check out her stuff on Instagram at @ whirlwindvintage_

Ciera Green

I'm a huge fan of Kelly Gomez! She owns Roots Catering, and she’s so good at what she does. She really cares about not only running an incredible business, but taking care of her staff too. She’s extremely kind and caring, and if you have the pleasure of knowing her, you’ll be treated like family.

Windy Land

Sue Reed, the owner of Bootleg in Downtown Chico is my absolute favorite! She has such a good eye for really unique pieces. She runs the whole damn thing over there, and I think that’s pretty awesome. She’s very helpful when you’re in the store, and sees you from the start, so she knows just what items to pull for you. She’s great at interacting with customers, and I really admire her.

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