Upgraded Living September 2015

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Throughout my school years, and into my early twenties, summer was my hands-down favorite time of year. Summer brought about a world that slowed to an almost inexcusable pace and laziness was not only expected, but actually


accepted. Being “productive” was scored heavily on how many floating trips you were successfully able to complete each month and there were few months that went by where I didn’t score at the top of my class.


In my early thirties, things have shifted a bit. Where I once craved the laziness of summer, I now anxiously await the busy nature of autumn. School is back in


session, Chico returns to its normal lively nature, the Esplanade transforms into a watercolor masterpiece, and the mindset quickly changes from “there’s nothing to do” to “there isn’t enough time to do it all.” Every one of my favorite annual events happen to take place during the next four months. Northern California becomes a foodie paradise with Downtown

Jason Corona

Michelle Camy



Chico’s Taste of Chico in September, Sierra Oro Farm Trail and Beer Week in

Darren Michels

Frank Rebelo

October, and harvest festivals throughout November. From an entertainment



standpoint, Chico Performances and the North State Symphony kick off their

Matthew Manfredi

new seasons, highly anticipated movies flood the theaters, and pumpkin seems

Alyssa Worley

to find its way into everyhing — I know that should have probably been in the


prior sentence, but I find it more entertaining than anything else. In this issue, we do our best to expose you to as many of those upcoming

Kacey Gardner Russell Van Dewark



opportunities as possible. We’ve dedicated a good amount of space to event pre-coverage and our community calendar will get you ready for all the major


Natalie Dempsey Erin Lizardo



events that September has to offer. As a clothing store owner in Downtown Chico, September is of special interest to me personally as it’s when we finally get the


chance to unveil fall fashion. We had the pleasure of working with a number of our favorite northern California boutiques in this issue to do just that, and I’m proud to say that the re-

Stephanie McKurtis

Renee Michel & Joe



sulting photos were just what we had hoped

Dr. Scott Nichols

for. We hope you’ll love them as we do.



As always, thank you for your continued Dr. Jason Gonzales, DC

readership. We hope you take September to appreciate the wonderful changes throughout our community and all it has to offer.

Dr. Vimali Paul, M.D.

Aveed Khaki Publisher

We’ll look forward to seeing you out there!


Annabelle Pearl COOL KID


For advertising or editorial inquiries, please contact Upgraded Living at (530) 894-8091 Sales@UpgradedLiving.com



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䐀爀漀甀最栀琀 匀琀爀攀猀猀

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刀攀猀琀爀椀挀琀攀搀 刀漀漀琀 匀瀀愀挀攀 ᐠ

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䌀漀洀瀀攀琀椀琀椀漀渀 ᐠ

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圀栀愀琀 礀漀甀 挀愀渀 搀漀 ᐠ

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Dr. Kimberly Lange, DDS General Dentist






“I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason bringing something we must learn. And we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them and we help them in return.” Madison Carter is an 18-year-old volunteer who worked at a hospice this year. Hospice is a program that provides endof-life services that support the patient and their family. Madison is a brave, determined, and caring girl; working at a facility such as hospice can often be an emotional job. But Madison went through the program with an open heart and a big smile, bringing happiness to all the patients she worked with. “My favorite thing about hospice is the way you can learn about other people’s lives,” Madison states. “You learn to appreciate life as well.” Throughout the seven months she volunteered, Madison sat with the patients, prayed, and talked with them. For two hours each week, she worked, every moment of which made a huge impact on her life. “Hospice has impacted my life by helping me be more compassionate. I’m also now aware of the things people struggle with.” These lessons Madison learned while volunteering have helped shape her into the person she is today. Madison’s determination and caring personality led her to achieve her dreams. Working with hospice gave her the idea to set up a 5k race in support of the patients. Between pitching the idea to Enloe and hospice, getting park permits, looking for



volunteers and dividing goody bags, the process leading up to the 5k run was no simple task. But Madison is full of confidence and her spirit led her to achieve her goal. In May, her dreams became a reality. A total of 320 participants showed up for the race — so many participants that there weren’t enough race bibs for everyone! “The atmosphere of the run was very positive and fun as well as community oriented,” Madison describes with excitement. “The event was a super wonderful experience. Now I am going to help two girls who are organizing their own run for next year!”

“So much of me is made from what I learned from you. You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart.” Madison Carter has learned so much in the several months she volunteered at hospice. She learned about being more compassionate and appreciating life. Madison will always cherish these life lessons she has learned in the past year, and someday she will pass down stories and lessons too, touching the hearts of even more people. Madison is an incredibly sweet, caring, and thoughtful girl. Her happiness has given the patients at hospice amazing memories, and they will always remember her like a handprint on their hearts.


Annabelle Pearl writes about cool kids each month and at 15 years old she is our youngest writer and quite the cool kid herself! Find Annabelle Pearl on Facebook to suggest cool kids you’d like to shine the spotlight on.


Caring Dentistry from Toddler to Teen Years


See You At Two Twenty By Kacey Gardner | Photos Courtesy of Two Twenty Restaurant

No longer is Two Twenty just a time on the clock — it’s now an incredible new dining experience in the heart of Downtown Chico. The highly anticipated restaurant replacing Johnnie’s on the first floor of Hotel Diamond officially opened last month, and we can finally reveal all the juicy details. The first surprising thing we learned when we sat down to talk with Two Twenty Restaurant’s owner, Greg Scott, was his background: He’s had a long career as an oil executive — currently he’s the senior vice president of Supply Operations for Gulf Oil based out of Boston — and this is his first foray into the food industry. “Believe me,” Greg says, “I’m not a foodie. I’m not a wine sommelier. But I like to eat good food, and I like to be served well.” Throughout his career, he and his wife, Alisa, a Chico native, traveled extensively, and their experiences shaped a vision for a kind of ideal dining experience. It was a vision that was shared by Two Twenty’s Executive Chef, Michael Iles, who has more than 30 years of restaurant experience and was most recently the executive chef at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Greg and Michael formed a perfect partnership — one based on letting each other shine in their respective areas. “I promised to 18


stay out of his kitchen and he promised to stay out of the business,” Greg says. “It works out well.” They describe the resulting effort as California classic cuisine with a twist, served in an intimate setting by a warm and friendly staff. “We focus on the freshness of the food, sourced as much as we can locally,” Greg says, adding that they go to the market daily to get the freshest ingredients. About 20 percent of the menu will change about every six weeks in accordance with seasonal crops. The entire restaurant space was renovated, and the resulting environment is airy and elegant, currently containing a piano bar and lounge that opens to the dining room, which in itself is composed of a formal dining space and an area that’s more relaxed —yet still luxurious — where people can have drinks or dine. The restaurant as a whole, from the menu to the entertainment, is unlike anything we’ve seen in Chico, in a good way. It comes across as something we’ve been waiting for — an addition to the dining scene that’s not trying to emulate anyone or anything else. Take for example, Two Twenty’s take on chicken and waffles. The dish mixes an amazingly good fried chicken, a pecan waffle,


a corn relish, candy-cap mushroom butter, citra hopped hot sauce, and a jalapeño jelly. The combination of the hot, the sweet, and the tangy is simply delicious. Greg hopes that the restaurant will strike a chord with Chicoans and Hotel Diamond guests alike, both fitting into local residents’ monthly rotation of restaurants and providing the ideal atmosphere for travelers to dine and unwind. “I want them to have an experience,” he says. “I want them to enjoy not just the food, I want them to enjoy the decor, the service. I want them to be planning their next visit as they are walking out the door.” But before you plan your next visit, you’ve got to plan your first. So what are you waiting for? The time is now. We’ll see you at Two Twenty.

Two Twenty Restaurant, located at 220 W. Fourth Street, is open seven days a week at 2:20 p.m. Visit twotwentyrestaurant.com or call 530-895-1515 for more information.


NorCal Restaurant Supply by Aveed Khaki | Photos by Michelle Camy

Locals Troy and Nichole Emmerling met in Chico before moving to

warehouse location and opening a new showroom for visitors. Troy counts

southern California in 2004 to get away from their hometown for a bit.

the work completed for clients such as Sierra Nevada, Tres Hombres,

Snubbing their high school rivalry (Chico and PV), the two got engaged

Pop’s Pizza, La Hacienda, It’s a Grind, Chico State, and the new Two

and quickly decided that they’d rather raise kids back in Chico than in

Twenty Restaurant as some of the company’s biggest successes.

southern California. Nichole’s parents, Felicia and Jim Reardon, helped

With customers driving down from as far north as Yreka, it has

make the decision easier by offering them the purchase of the family

become apparent that another round of expansion is necessary. Troy and

business that Nichole had worked in growing up.

Nichole plan to grow NorCal Restaurant Supply further north over the

Troy and Nichole returned to Chico in 2008 and set out to learn the

next year to incorporate Red Bluff and Redding. Locally, he and Nichole

ins and outs of the family business. The company, owned by Nichole’s

are looking forward to further expanding their storefront and showroom

family for 15 years, was the only locally owned and operated restaurant

which recently opened to the general public. They’ve even begun working

supplier in Chico and focused on selling and servicing Hobart equipment

with local architects and contractors to build out gourmet kitchens in new



Within a few short years of arriving, Troy recognized a major gap in the

Even with all of the success they’ve experienced, Troy and Nichole

local market and set out to expand the business’ offerings to include sales

have remained grounded and committed to the local community. Norcal

of smallwares and servicing of all commercial cooking and refrigeration

Restaurant Supply donates goods and support to Enloe Medical Center,

equipment. The gamble proved to be a wise one as the company quickly

Butte County Search & Rescue, Corning Elementary School, Chico

gained new clientele and began to grow. Troy rebranded the company as

Westside Little League and the Downtown Chico Business Association’s

NorCal Restaurant Supply with the intent to position the business as the

Taste of Chico event. They are also active members of the Chico Chamber

alternative to corporate suppliers and servicers.

of Commerce, Butte County Farm Bureau and Valley Contractors’

As the clientele grew, so did the number of people the business



employed. By January 1, 2015, when Troy officially took over, NorCal

At Upgraded Living, we’re always excited to witness local success

Restaurant Supply had substantially grown in annual equipment and

stories, but it’s that much better when it happens to a couple as wonderful

smallwares sales and had grown to employ 14 Chicoans. Physically,

as Troy and Nichole. We’re looking forward to seeing where they go from

the company had grown by leaps and bounds, using the entirety of its




Follow their story at NorcalRestaurantSupply.com and visit their showroom at 172 Commercial Avenue, off of the Esplanade in Chico. | (530) 343-5198

Some of the best ideas are simplified ones — the result of bearing down on a concept until you’ve extracted the vital elements from the excess.

extended shelf life of its products. “It’s not super huge or anything like that, but it’s definitely mighty,” says Abigail. Right now, the Rasmussen sisters operate

In the case of this particular great idea

out of a shared kitchen in Hamilton City ev-

— Chico’s own Live Life Juice Co. — the

ery week, buying ingredients at local farm-

method also applies to the product: delicious

ers’ markets while they’re there selling their

and nutritious cold-pressed juices.

own products. They plan to eventually open

Sisters Angelina, Abigail, and Autumn

their own store in town, but for now, they

Rasmussen always knew that they wanted

say they’re content taking things step-by-

to start a business together someday — they

step. They’ve spent the summer busy and

worked well together, had plenty of ideas,

are delighted by the response of the com-

and dreamed of being their own bosses. But


it wasn’t until they all settled down in Chico that they came up with the right solution.

“We have a very grateful clientele, and that’s probably the most gratifying part,” An-

“I always thought, ‘Oh, we’ll open a cafe

gelina says. “Not only do we have juice in

— that’s it,’” Angelina recalls. “I’d write down

our lives now all the time, but we have peo-

all these ideas, I’d start writing menu items,

ple who are really appreciative. They thank

but when it really came down to it, when I

us, literally.”

was driving around, all I wanted was to get a

And what’s not to be thankful for? The vi-

juice, and I couldn’t believe that Chico didn’t

brant varieties of Live Life juices are potent

have a juice bar. So then it just, all of a sud-

in their flavors and in their nutritional val-

den, all of the ideas started to simplify down,

ue. Their three standard blends — also their

and we said, you know what, this is what this

most popular — are called “Oh My, Green-

community needs.”

ness!” (kale, collards, spinach, parsley, celery,

Just more than a year later, selling out

cucumber, apple, and lime juice); “Liquid

four farmers markets a week with their

Gold” (carrot, orange, pineapple, and fresh

glass-bottled, cold-pressed juice blends, it

turmeric root); and “Turn the Beet Around”

would seem that assessment was correct.

(beets, beet greens, apple, purple kale, lem-

If you’re not attuned to the hot trend of

on, and ginger), which are sold in addition

cold-pressed juicing that’s swept the na-

to seasonal blends and all-fruit/all-veggie

tion in recent years, here’s a breakdown:

blends. The juices are as organic and locally

Cold-pressing is a gentle process that doesn’t

sourced as possible, and offered at affordable

involve heat — it’s a slow and deliberate way

prices. “We call it Live Life, because that’s

of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables

what it’s about,” Angelina says. “I really, tru-

with very little exposure to oxygen, keeping

ly believe that our vibrancy and our vitality

nutrients intact. The two-step Norwalk ma-

comes from what we eat. It’s all about con-

chine, used by Live Life Juice Co., is touted

suming vibrance. Consume the colors of the

for its minimal nutrient degradation and the

rainbow. That’s all your body wants.”


Visit Live Life Juice Co.’s Facebook page to learn more about the product, preordering, and more. Visit their booth year-round at Chico’s Wednesday and Saturday morning markets.



196 EAST 14TH STREET CHICO, CA 95928 (530) 343-7370 Crush’s

Mom’s Meatballs Ingredients: ⅓ cup chicken stock ⅓ cup milk ⅓ cup diced yellow onion ¼ cup fresh flat-leaf Italian parsley, chopped fine ½ lb ground beef ½ lb ground pork ½ lb ground veal ½ cup panko bread crumbs 2 large eggs

(also shown: Sazerac)

¼ cup parmigiano-reggiano cheese, grated ¼ cup pecorino romano cheese, grated 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 teaspoon salt ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 3 -6 cups of your favorite marinara sauce 2 tablespoons basil pesto 4 tablespoons ricotta cheese (we like Orland Farms ricottage)

Instructions: Place the chicken stock, milk, onion, garlic, and parsley in a blender or food processor and puree. In a large bowl, combine the pureed stock mix, meat, bread crumbs, egg, both cheeses, red pepper flakes, and salt. Mix with hands until mixture is uniform. Do not overmix. Put a little olive oil on your hands and form mixture into balls a little larger than golf balls. Pour about 1/2 inch of extra virgin olive oil in straight sided, 10-inchwide sauté pan and heat over medium-high flame. Add the meatballs to the pan, working in batches if necessary, and brown meatballs, turning once. This should take about 10-15 minutes. After all meatballs are browned, place on a cookie tray and roast in 400 degree oven for 7-10 minutes until done. While meatballs are roasting, heat the marinara sauce in a large pot. Serve in a large bowl garnished with pesto, ricotta and more grated parmesan.




Crush, 201 Broadway St., Chico | Photo by Frank Rebelo

Rice Bowl’s

Saketini Ingredients: 1oz sake 1oz Midori (or melon liqueur) 1oz plum wine 1oz triple sec 1 oz cranberry juice

Instructions: Mix well, chill, pour into sugar rimmed glass

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Rice Bowl, 2804 Esplanade Ave., Chico | Photo by Frank Rebelo 25

Chico Breast Care Center A Division of North State Radiology By Kacey Gardner | Photos by Frank Rebelo


ocally owned and operated, North State Radiology has been integral to the medical community here for more

than 50 years. They’ve built their name as the service of choice for those seeking quality medical diagnostic imaging and radiology at each of their outpatient centers housed along “medical mile” on the Esplanade in Chico. A significant component of their suite of offerings has always been breast care — but while the care they offered was comprehensive, until recently, the distribution of services was a bit fractured, with care provided through North State Imaging and its affiliate, Breast Care Center of Northern California. With the newest addition to their family of services, however, that all changes. The recently opened, state-of-the-art Chico Breast Care Center offers an entirely new patient-centered experience — designed to address every need a breast care patient could have in a single facility. This vision, brought to fruition by the new center’s medical director Dr. Jim Schlund and breast surgeon Dr. Lydia Schrader, is unlike anything existing in California, bringing the full spectrum of coordinated care, including the newest 3-D mammography technology, under one roof.



The New Center The beautiful new Chico Breast Care Center, located at 1720 Esplanade, officially opened in July 2015 as a truly comprehensive, integrated center of services. In addition to screening and diagnostic imaging with 3-D mammography, breast ultrasound, and breast MRI, the center will also offer risk assessment, breast biopsy, nurse navigation, and if needed, referral to high-risk clinic or surgical consultation, conveniently located upstairs. This setup allows North State Radiology physicians to “fast track” patients with advanced diagnoses. “We’re all working together and everything’s right here, so that will give patients a little faster access to care,” says Dr. Schlund. No matter what exam or procedure you need done, you can rest assured that it will be done by highly qualified staff in a first-class facility. North State Radiology is accredited by the American College of Radiology in Mammography, Breast MRI, and Stereotactic Breast Biopsy, and the Chico Breast Care Center is one of only six centers in California to be designated as a Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence by the NQMBC. “All of our physicians are board-certified and have a particular expertise in breast imaging,” says Tracie Fox, director of marketing and business development. “That’s their focus, that’s what they do every day, and they’re very good at it,” Fox says. Improved Diagnostics In another step toward setting themselves apart as a destination for women in the North State and beyond, the Chico Breast Care Center has invested in cutting edge equipment. Their 3-D mammography system from Hologic — considered the gold standard for all women — is revolutionizing how breast cancer is detected. “It allows the breast tissue to be examined layer by layer, almost as if you’re flipping


through the pages of a book or slicing through a loaf of bread rather than how we used to do it — just looking at a flat image,” says Dr. Schlund. This gives radiologists a better understanding of your breast tissue than ever before, resulting in 40 percent more detection of invasive breast cancers and 40 percent less callbacks due to a false positive result. “That period of having to wonder is very stress-inducing,” Fox says, “so the fact that now with this new technology we can reduce the number of patients having to come back is really a benefit to the patients.” The current American Cancer Society guidelines recommend women age 40 and older have an annual mammogram and a clinical breast exam performed by a health care provider, and most insurance programs cover these preventative services. “It’s so important for women to get screened,” Fox says. “When detected early, the survival rate is very high, and our ability to detect it early continues to improve with the new technology. But women have to take that step to go out there and actually get screened.”

Make your appointment with North State Radiology’s Chico Breast Care Center today by calling 530-898-0502. For more information, visit nsradiology.com.


Color Fix What can we expect to see this fall in terms

tone and enhance its natural beauty. Our

of hairstyles and colors?

skin tone is defined by three categories.

We’re very excited this fall as the refresh-

Most people either have warm or cool un-

ing cooler whether rolls in its time to punch

dertones while others are neutral.

up your hairstyle. This fall we are cutting off

tan easily or have a golden complexion then

If you

those dry summer tresses for healthy shiny

you probably have warm undertones. Peo-

hair. It’s true we’ve been loving the long

ple with warm skin tones are complement-

layered hairstyle set with beachy bohemian

ed with hair colors such as golden or hon-

waves but this season many are chopping

ey blonde, caramel or rich deep browns for

their hair into a “lob” which is a long bob.

brunettes and, for redheads, warm copper

This hairstyle is a fun, comfy and lived in

or soft cinnamon reds. If you have a dark-

look. Going even shorter, bolder and sassier,

er complexion or have a pink skin tone then

ladies have been swooning over the choppy

you probably have cool undertones. Cool

bob. Bobs that hit the collarbone or shoul-

tones are complemented with icy, cham-

ders, worn either straight or angled, with

pagne or beige blonde, ashy browns and

layers give a healthy freshly cut look. This

cool chestnuts for brunettes, or deepening

hairstyle looks great with a straight across or

the hue to blue-black. Dark reds, violet and

side-swept bang.

pink tones for redheads are flattering. If you

This season we are treating our locks to

have a neutral skin tone, you have a mix of

luxuriously rich color with more dimension.

warm and cool tones, and slightly softened

We love chocolate and almond brown, but-

shades will look best.

tery blonds, and soft reds with multidimensional copper tones. Sombres (subtle ombre)

Should I dye my eyebrows to match my

with deep hues and smooth gradual chang-

hair color? What is a good rule of thumb

es of color give interest with the gray win-

for brow color?

tery backdrop. Babylights are popular, giving

Naturally our brows are darker than our

hair a youthful look like a child’s hair in the

hair color. Brows are the framework of our

sunshine. Streaks of color or pastel glazes


are playful and fun.

or strengthen bone structure. The rule of

They enhance our eyes and soften

thumb for brow color is to keep them darkHow can I get the best hair color for my

er than your hair and only soften or darken

skin tone?

them one level beyond your natural color.

Hair color should compliment your skin




Stephanie McKurtis is owner and stylist at Chico Color Bar Hair Salon. Chico Color Bar specializes in unique cuts and brilliant coloring. | 509 Main St. in Chico | (530) 896-1090


Great skin is always in fashion! by Dr. Vimali Paul

We all want smooth, youthful-looking skin, but the seasons take their toll with temperature changes, environmental factors such as pollution, wind, chlorinated pools and spas, and pollen or smoke in the air. Even your best outfit won’t look good if your skin is dry, dull, broken out, or blotchy. The quality of your skin can be protected with effective skin care products, and corrected with the use of lasers, light treatments, and by being aware of possible detrimental factors that you are exposed to. Eating right, drinking lots of water, not smoking, and getting plenty of sleep all help to keep our skin glowing and healthy. There are also ways to correct the damage that has already been done. Esthetic procedures such as lasers, radio-frequency, pixel resurfacing, and photofacial (IPL) can improve the appearance of sagging skin, dark spots, scars, rosacea, acne, and many other skin imperfections. Fine lines, wrinkles, and facial contours can be addressed with injectables such as Botox, Juvederm, and Voluma. Botox relaxes the muscles that make frown lines and crows-feet. Juvederm and Voluma are dermal fillers used for deep lines around the mouth, and to fill the cheek area due to volume loss from aging. While we can’t turn back the clock, we can improve skin tone, texture, and elasticity with the proper application of skin care products and services. At the Derm Bar Med-Spa, consultations are always free, and we want to get you on the path to your best-looking skin! The Derm Bar Med-Spa 530-342-2672 85 Declaration Drive Suite 100 Chico, CA 95973




Depression: Common and treatable




More than 6 million men in the United States are living with depression, but many do not recognize their depression or don’t seek help because they don’t realize it is treatable. Sometimes people think they are immune to depression due to their employment, financial or social status. The truth is no one is immune to it. In a given year, more than 21 million adults suffer from depressive illness. Where does it come from? Genetic and family factors, brain chemistry, hormones, stress and physical illness contribute to depression in complicated ways. Do you have a family history of depression? Men who do are at higher risk for depression than those who don’t. Hormones also play a big role. The hormones that control emotions and mood alter brain chemistry, and the brains of depressed men look different on scans compared to those without it. Stress can trigger depression in some men, whether it’s brought on by the loss of a family member, by work or children, or many other causes. Recognizing depression It is important to become aware of one’s own depression, or that of a friend or family member, and get help before it goes on too long. Left untreated, depression can progress to severe depression, which can lead to suicidal thoughts or ideas.



Signs and symptoms of depression in men may include any of the following:

Feeling sad, “empty”, flat or numb Feelings of hopelessness, irritability, anxiety or anger Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy Feeling very tired or run down Concentration or memory loss Sleeplessness, or sleeping too much Extreme changes in eating habits Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts Inability to meet your responsibilities for work, or family Finding help If you or someone you know is not doing as well in life as they once did, encourage them to seek help. If they don’t get better after several weeks, encourage them to get a thorough medical evaluation for illnesses that can look like depression. Medication prescribed by a doctor can help, though it may take a couple of weeks to begin working. Therapy is also important because it can teach new ways of thinking and behaving, and create new habits that may help overcome depression. Years of research have shown that both medications and psychotherapy can be effective for major depressive disorder because they work in different ways in the brain, and the combination of both is often better than either alone.


Dr. Scott Nichols is a psychiatrist at Enloe Behavioral Health, where he and a team of professionals offer inpatient care for adults with depression and other psychological conditions.



by Brent Farris

Does your daily life demand your body to spend several hours a day sitting? Do your mid and lower back frequently hurt? Remember, sitting puts more pressure on your lower back than standing. Here is a work-out designed to mitigate some of the physical problems caused by our lifestyles. These exercises focus on your posterior chain of muscles, the muscles that allow you to stand up straight. Remember if you don’t move it, you lose it! Thoughtfully moving your body is prevention to a host of ailments. Wellness takes action! Give the friendly, non-ego based environment of Elevate a try and watch your fitness goals manifest.

Position1: Active Military (3 x 20 reps) Start with a wall sit and focus on keeping the small of your back pressed firmly against the wall. Place your arms at a 90 degree angle, elbows and wrists fully onto the wall as you slide your arms up so your fingers touch above your head. It’s important to keep your arms and wrists in contact with the wall for maximum effectiveness. This exercise targets the upper back (mid traps and rhomboids) and is a great exercise to combat the hours most of us spend hunched over our electrical devices. TIP: Don’t rush this range of motion...slowly.

Begin by laying with your body on your side in a straight line, with the foot internally rotated and flexed, lift your top leg 15 inches. Be sure to have your top leg subtly behind the center line of the body to strengthen the smaller muscles in your glutes that help stabilize the pelvis. TIP: Use a yoga block to keep your cervical spine neutral and tap your toe a couple inches behind the center line of the body.

Position 3: Kettle Bell Swing (3 x 1:00 minute) The kettle bell swing strengthens the entire posterior chain while providing a cardio hit as well. The move is initiated with a hip hinge and partial squat loading weight in your heels. Engage your glutes to stand up, fully extending the legs and driving the pelvis forward. This creates the power to swing the kettle-bell. Let your arms guide the curve-linear range of motion while engaging with the entire core to keep the back in alignment. This is a safe and incredibly effective move with proper form. TIP: Consult a qualified trainer to ensure proper form. 34


Elevate | (530) 680-9133 | elevatechico.com | 1015 Mangrove Ave Chico, CA 95926


Position 2: Side Lying Leg Lifts (3 x 25 reps)

倀爀漀琀攀挀琀椀渀最 夀漀甀爀 ⌀㄀ 䤀渀瘀攀猀琀洀攀渀琀 刀攀猀椀搀攀渀琀椀愀氀 ☀ 䌀漀洀洀攀爀挀椀愀氀 䤀渀猀瀀攀挀琀椀漀渀猀 䌀栀椀挀漀Ⰰ 䌀䄀 愀渀搀 匀甀爀爀漀甀渀搀椀渀最 䄀爀攀愀猀

accelerate to keep the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide constant.

This more rapidly moving air causes the soft tissue of the throat to flutter, producing the noise we know as snoring.

Our airway can become narrowed due to weight gain, loss of

throat muscle tone, and loss of the elasticity of the soft tissues of the throat.

Oftentimes, the narrowing of the airway (and snoring) can

progress to the point of … silence! This is known as sleep apnea,

a condition where there is no air entering or leaving the lungs. This can be a very significant health problem.

There are many studies in medical journals indicating that the

risk of heart attack or stroke is greatly increased in those who have untreated sleep apnea. Other significant problems are: excessive

SNORING? IT‘S A WARNING by Bob Ryan Snoring is the annoying sound that a lot of people make while

sleeping. It is caused by air moving into and out of our lungs as it passes through a narrowed portion of the throat. We have a need

to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide to maintain life. If

your airway becomes constricted, the air passing through it must

daytime sleepiness, an increased rate of motor vehicle accidents, mood disorders, attention deficit, and on and on.

But, there is treatment. A sleep test can be performed in the

patient’s home or at a lab and there are several methods to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea.

Snoring is annoying, but it may be the warning that there are

more important issues to be treated.

Don’t ignore snoring. Sleep apnea can be a killer, and those who

are trained in diagnosing and treating it can be life savers.

North State Sleep Therapy | 555 Salem St, Chico, CA 95928 | (530) 895-3732 36




It’s hard to ignore the pundits when we continuously hear that our economy is “fragile” and on the brink of another recession. Many popular financial media figures have been projecting another market meltdown for years and many investors are still suffering from Great Recession PTSD. Every time a new headline makes the news, the fear of another 2008 crash often crosses the mind. Investing in equities (shares of publicly traded companies) however, requires optimism and faith. We’d like to point out some economic truths which have maybe been masked by all of the negative media.

Statement: Earnings growth is slow. Truth: Corporate earnings are at all-time highs. Statement: GDP growth is slow. Truth: Gross Domestic Product is already at all-time highs. Statement: Price of oil is tanking. Truth: Consumer and corporate bills just got lower, increasing disposable income. Statement: Consumers aren’t spending money. Truth: Big ticket items like cars and new homes are selling at a pre-recession pace. Statement: Emerging market stocks are dropping. Truth: Companies in emerging markets have growth potential, described by McKinsey institute as “the greatest opportunity in the history of capitalism”.

Statement: Rising interest rates will hurt the economy. Truth: The Fed only raises rates as a result of economic growth. Statement: Now is not a good time to invest. Truth: Investing is not always comfortable, but history tells us that great companies survive and grow through slow economic growth, presidential changes and world wars.

Remember, market volatility is normal and headlines sell. It’s important not to hit the panic button every time a new “disaster” leads the nightly news. Sit down with your advisor, take stock of what’s actually happening in financial markets and make prudent adjustments where necessary. Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Market Insights, Guide to the Markets 3Q as of June 30, 2015

Renée Michel, MBA and Joe Sweeney, CFP® | 2452 Lakewest Drive, Chico, CA 95928 530-342-2900 | 800-333-2901 | (F) 530-342-3925 | rmichel@amgchico.com | www.sweeneymichelamg.com Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.


The Call David and his wife visited the autumn Home & Garden Show in Chico and met Ric from New Again Kitchen Remodeling. They were impressed with the wide variety of granite and cabinetry that

they had on display and expressed the frustrations they had with their new (but dated) home. They asked Ric for his help and, naturally, he was happy to oblige.

The Cure Ric visited David and Sarah’s newly purchased house and set out a plan to help transition the kitchen to what they would want in their future home. As Sarah had wanted darker cabinets in their previous home, Ric made sure they were the central feature in the new kitchen’s design. For their granite countertops, they selected silver galaxy in an eased edge, a selection that David is quick to point out was a no-brainer. From the photos, it’s easy to see why. CONNECT

The couple furnished the kitchen with lighting from Lamps Plus, an ultraconvenient pot filler, overhead hood, appliances from a local appliance store, and a beautiful farm sink they found online. Finally, they completed the space with a backsplash that played off of the gold and silver flecks in the granite countertop. Their general contractor, Mark Strauss, worked with Ric to make sure that the rest of the home remodel and the kitchen remodel progressed together seamlessly.

Glass tile backsplash and border

With the remodel now complete, David and Sarah couldn’t be happier, and are both excited to share their experience with others (including us). As David puts it, “It was a pleasure working with Ric. He never said he couldn’t come up to Paradise from Chico and was always on time if not earlier. He knew what he was talking about the first time we met him and made us feel comfortable throughout the entire process even while we were living eight hours away. We’ve already recommended him to our in-laws that

live in Chico and plan on recommending him to anyone else doing a kitchen remodel. It turned out perfect; I can’t think of anything else I would have done differently.” Testimonials like that aren’t easy to come by. David and Sarah are all moved into their new home in Paradise and ready to see their last daughter through her college career at Chico State. We’d like to wish them a warm welcome to the North Valley and a happy retirement in our beautiful little pocket of California.

New Again Kitchen Remodeling | 2502 Park Ave, Chico, CA 95928 | 530) 899-2888 39


d to lush ard, ove, des!

Tucked away in a upscale neighborhood & sheltered by majestic trees, here you will find your dream home. This beautiful home is designed for indoor/outdoor entertaining and is loaded with upgrades. You will love the generously proportioned rooms, the gorgeous wood floors, the formal living and dining rooms, the cozy family room with it’s fireplace, guest quarter, expansive master suit, large kitchen with can lighting, breakfast nook over looking a beautiful private yard, 3 car garage, gated R.V. parking all on almost one ace of total privacy. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,501 Price: $487,500

Intoxicating view! Where the eagles soar, this captivating residence sits shielded behind iron gates. This home is truly magnificent with towering ceilings, walls of glass, gleaming wood floors, a lavish living room, formal & informal dining, gourmet kitchen, granite counters, designer hood, 3 fireplaces, 6” interior walls, 2HVAC, 3 car garage and more all onan almost 2 acre parcel. The ambiance is peaceful with views of sunsets & city lights. You will breakfast on the patio watching the mountain ranges & Sutter-Buttes. At night simply relax & enjoy your unobstructed view of the star-speckled sky. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,389 Acreage: ~2.0

The lake is only seconds away from this beautiful home! Tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, this well maintained home offers a darling gated porch, perfect for summer days to sit upon and relax. Inside you’ll find an open floor plan, high ceilings, tile counters, and wood flooring throughout. Tile floors in the kitchen and bathrooms, fireplace in the living room, walk-in closet, mater bath with dual sink, separate shower and a tub. The yard is maintenance free so you can enjoy life by spending more time by the lake canoeing, fishing, or just enjoying walking the paths around the area. Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,346 Price: $269,000

Pirates will squeal & scurry for this hidden treasure! The delightful, large front porch of this gorgeous home provides relaxation and a great place to get to know your neighbors. With soaring 10 and 12 foot ceilings, this home features walls of glass windows providing ample natural lighting, crown molding throughout, bamboo flooring, a cozy fireplace with mantel, built-in bookshelves, cabinets with glass doors, a darling kitchen, 3 bedrooms and a loft, indoor laundry, a beautiful patio with fountain and Zen-inspired landscaping plus 2 car garage.


Bed: 3.0

Bath: 2.5

SqFt: 1,739 Price: $309,000



PENDING Two commercial properties. The first parcel has 1.6 AC with a 600 Sq ft. building structure that was built in 1979 and has been operating as a nursery for the last 25 years. It is partially fenced, it is on city services and is near park and shopping. The 2nd parcel is on .29 AC and is adjacent to the other parcel. Price: $400,000

This home features granite counter tops, laminate flooring, crown molding, security system, central heat and air, dual pane windows, upgraded appliances and fixtures. This home also has a large basement perfect for your wine collection and storage! Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 2,085 Price: $239,000

Intoxicating views of Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen!! This well maintained home sits on 10 acres of total privacy. Featuring a large living room with a free standing wood stove, a newly remodeled kitchen with granite counter tops, custom cabinetry and newer appliances, this home also provides tile and laminate flooring, an over sized bonus room with a wood stove, indoor laundry, water softeners, 2 balconies, a private domestic well plus a shared Ag. well, central heating and air, barn/shop, 4 car carport and much more. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,240 Price: $399,900 39

Mid-Century Mod 101


Metropolitan interior designers have long been gushing over the distinct Mid-Century Modern look. Over the past decade, we’ve seen it popping up in magazine ads and Hollywood TV and movie sets (seen Mad Men?). To get better sense of this Mid-Century Modern design aesthetic, we took a trip over to MCM Vintage, where owners Lorna and Dan Lewis have curated an entire shop and show space full of those iconic mod furniture and decor pieces. We chatted about all things mid-century modern and here’s what we learned:

All items from MCM Vintage at 260 E. 1st Street in Downtown Chico.

MID-CENTURY VS. MID-CENTURY MODERN In the 1950s, the most popular interior designs were actually not that modern and were rather traditional. They featured heavy wooden furniture that copied the motifs and shapes of the Victorian and Colonial periods. Simultaneously, a much smaller group of designers from around the world was creating pieces to challenge that traditional design sensibility. Hard corners became curves. Heavy furniture that once sat entirely on the ground was lifted up on thinner legs. There was a new appreciation for the negative space under and around furniture. Any opportunity to push the envelope was taken. The avant-garde designs coming out of that movement are considered the modern aspect of that Mid-Century period.

ICONIC MID-CENTURY MODERN SHAPES Kidney, triangular, starbursts, atomic shapes, boomerang, and paislies

MATERIALS American walnut (for the grain), Scandinavian teak and rosewood, fiberglass, plastics, lucite, and chrome

COLORS + FINISHES Textured ceramic glazes, metallics, jewel tones, and rich wood



THEMES + MOTIFS Space Age: The movement was influenced by new advances in atomic science, the Space Race, and pop culture’s obsession with UFOs. Transparency: Decorative containers that would have been opaque were now transparent and glass top tables were increasingly popular. Minimalism: Clean lines and negative space were hallmarks of the Mid-Century Modern movement

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Serving Butte County

SPECTACULAR OPPORTUNITY! Not your average home! Living room, family room, bonus great room with soaring ceiling, brick hearth & wall of windows, largebonus rooms, detached workshop, deck, patio, beautifully landscaped yard, massive50’+ deep garage, big enough for RV’s or trailers plus cars!! Additional storage mezzanine!

AWE-INSPRING VIEW PROPERTY! Pride of ownership exudes from this immaculate home overlooking the Feather River canyon. Graciously updated with magazine worthy kitchen, nearly new synthetic deck with cable railings, living, dining and family rooms, gated RV parking, MUST SEE HOME! Beds:3 Baths:3 SqFt:2572 Price:$479,000

LOTS!!!!! VIEWS! SMALL FARM/RANCH! SUBDIVISION! GATED COMMUNITY! We have land and lots in many shapes and sizes! Whether you are looking to build a home, estate or small farm we have what you need! Let us help you find what you’re looking for! Acreage: .3-10+ acres Prices: From $25,000-$135,000

NEAT AND CLEAN! Lovely home modern feeling home on .24 Acres of level useable land! Oversized living room with gas fireplace, vaulted ceiling, large attached deck, massive RV parking, storage shed, area of nice homes in established neighborhood, lovely landscaping, WON’T LAST!

BREATHTAKING ESTATE! CANYON VIEW SPECTACULAR Unique home ESTATE! Astounding large home, living and 9+ acre property in Butte Valley, room, family room, office, 3 fireplaces, vaulted tile, wood, barn, garden covered ceilings, decking, magazine worthy area, Salt water solar heated pool, covered landscaping, gazebo, relaxing pond with waterfall, amazing with mustBrick see property! porch, woodstove hearth, open floor plan, amazing views, Great horse potential! Bed:4+ Bath:3 SqFt:3407 Bed: 3 Bath: 3 Price:$559,000 SqFt: 2,606 Price: $565,000

WONDERFUL CENTRALLY LOCATED HOME! This lovely updated home is on a quiet cul-de-sac, with a level ½ acre lot, oversized laundry room, large bonus room, additional multi-purpose room, fenced rear yard, nice RV parking area, covered front porch, open beamed ceiling, MUST-SEE TO APPRECIATE!

TWO ONLOCATION! ONE Perfect PRIMEHOUSES PARADISE Spectacular UNRIVALED CANYON VIEW!LOT! Astounding opportunity for living, custom home inmulti-generational 2004 a split floor views from thebuilt living roomfeaturing and bonus room family compound, guest home, suite or???including Larger plan, tall ceilings, full master ofhome this super clean home. Covered decking, 5/4 2050+SqFt. Smaller is walk-in iscloset, en-suite bathroom with home view tub court yard, indoor laundry, attached 3/1.5 1660+SqFt. .64 Acre lot, two and shower , spacious kitchen with carports, beautiful carport, workshop area, shed, endQuiet of lane RV Parking, space, Culcabinetry andextra eatingstorage bar, tile, freestanding gas De-Sac setting, nearly unlimited privacy, paint, newer roof,RVpotential! vaulted fireplace,newer large fenced yard, gated parking, Call Today! ceiling, tile, walk-inGorgeous closet and generous setbacks. wellmore! kept home. Beds:8 SqFt:3668 Bed:2 Baths:6 Bath:2 Bed:3 SqFt:1620 Bath:2 Price:$79,000 Price:$375,000 SqFt:1869 Price:$294,900

CUTE HOME IN QUIET SETTING! Enjoy an end of the lane setting from this sizable 1.16 acre usable lot! Large living room, family room with brick fireplace with woodstove insert, two ample bonus rooms previously used as guest bedrooms, updated open kitchen, indoor laundry room, basement storage area, and more!



Bath:2 SqFt:2326 Price:$169,900

Bath:2 SqFt:1626 Price:$189,00

HOME WITH TWO LOTS! Ever dream of space between you and your neighbors? Well this is perfect! 1981 2 Bedroom home with detached carport and oversized two car garage/workshop on two contiguous lots. The two lots total nearly a half acre of flat useable property!


Bath:2 SqFt:1200 Price$99,000

IMMACULATE ONE OWNER HOME! Attention to detail and pride of ownership exude from this lovely home. Open living room, soaring ceiling, skylights, split bedroom floorplan, hardwood flooring, large detached RV garage, low maintenance landscaping, partially covered rear patio, sweeping corner lot, MUST-SEE HOME!!



Baths:3 SqFt:2095 Price:$409,900



Bath:2 SqFt:1872 Price:$245,000

Beds:2+ Baths:2 SqFt:1536 Price:$169,000

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All it takes is a drive across town in most areas to see that the volume of new construction has increased significantly as a whole. This increase in activity has resulted in new construction opportunities for buyers in nearly every price range. From those qualified for smaller entry-level properties to those that can afford a high-end custom home in a gated community, nearly everyone looking to purchase a home now has new construction as an option. On the surface, buying a new home seems like a winning proposition and if prices are comparable with resale homes, you can’t blame buyers for choosing to purchase new. However, when deciding whether to buy a new or resale home, there are some very important factors that you must keep in mind. Many of these considerations can be lost in the excitement of purchasing a new home, yet they are critical to the success (or failure) of the process nonetheless… Builder reputation: When the market strengthens, many folks

who have little or no experience with the construction process suddenly come to the conclusion that there is easy money in building homes. They attempt to be their own general contractor and oversee the entire project themselves. Unfortunately the building of any home, whether large or small is a very systematic process. One subcontractor depends on another to complete their portion of the project correctly and on time. Even small delays or errors can be magnified dramatically as construction moves along. If the person in charge of the project is inexperienced and/or has “subs” that are inferior, the end result can range anywhere from delays in the building process to issues with the quality of construction. Timing: The saying goes that Rome wasn’t built in a day. The same can be said about your home… Under a best-case scenario a home can take four months or more to complete. Often times you can be in for an even longer wait than that. In fact many subdivisions take reservations and deposits for homes before streets are even completed and long before foundation work begins. This can mean that your new home might not be ready for six months to a year in some cases. For some people that timeframe simply won’t work. For others who are already on a tight home-buying budget, the concern of rising interest rates means that waiting could cost them the opportunity to purchase anything at all.

Additional costs: The price advertised for a new home is typically that of only the base model. The vast majority of new home buyers elect to upgrade a number of items during construction. After all, part of the benefit of having a home built is the ability to choose what goes into it. Upgrades add up quickly and this is especially the case when many of the standard features offered are of a lesser quality and cost. Just upgrading things like flooring, fixtures and appliances can easily add another 5-10% to the original price. Another huge underestimation that many new construction buyers make is the cost of “finishing” the home. Irrigation and landscaping, blinds and window coverings, appliances and furnishings often mean an additional $15,000 -$20,000 or more in out-of-pocket expenses to the homeowner. These are just a few of the potential concerns one should be aware of when deciding to purchase a new home. Also keep in mind that each situation is unique and that some may even present additional issues to consider. Dan Bosch is a realtor associate with RE/MAX of Chico and the team leader for the Premier Professionals Real Estate Team... Dan specializes in residential and investment properties. He can be reached at (530) 8969330 or via email at danbosch@sbcglobal.net. You can also visit his website premierteamchico.com for more tips and information.


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Becky Prater

(530) 520-0308



Looking for a great RV space, garden area and inground POOL? This home on a quiet street has it ALL. One of the most popular neighborhoods in Chico it offers easy freeway access, yet low traffic and a wide street. With 4 bedrooms/2bths and living and family rooms there is space for everyone! The home has been freshly painted, almost NEW roof, water heater and pool equipment the heavy lifting has been done for you! Come put your own decorating touch on this and make it a great home. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 2.0 Price: $315,000

CA BRE # 00772540

COMING SOON! A home with almost 1/3 acre, inground pool, great cul-de-sac lot off W Shasta. You’ll have space to roam, has a shed in private area and RV access. Mid $300,000’s. Looking for a beautiful place with a view to build your dream home? We have 2 great lots at Woodland Park ready for you! You can choose from an upside lot that is nearly flat for $75000 or a spectacular canyon side lot for $110,000. This gated neighborhood offers its homeowner’s security, private water and septic systems, hidden individual storage units for each homeowner AND a pool and club house!

Lovely, spacious townhome nestled in the beautifully-landscaped Pebblewood Pines Planned Unit Development, just a stone’s throw from the lovely Lindo Channel. No common walls on these units! The kitchen is light and bright and opens to the family room for easy entertaining. Features include a Bosch dishwasher, solid surface countertops, wood laminate flooring and lots of windows to bring in natural light. You and your guests will want to spend lots of time in this space! The separate living room features a soaring open-beam ceiling and a fireplace for cool autumn evenings. The master suite is especially roomy, with a step-in shower and lots of counter space. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.5 SqFt: 1,889 Price: $260,000

Charming 4-bedroom (plus office) home near Hooker Oak Elementary. Solid construction, with lathe and plaster walls, coved ceilings and archways, pocket doors for privacy. Customdesigned tiled kitchen and bath countertops, elegant glass block. Floor-to-ceiling customdesigned shower tile in master bath. Numerous windows (including floor-to-ceiling bay window in living room) and 6 solar tubes bring in tons of natural light. Energy-efficient features include central heating/AC plus roof-mounted whole house evaporative cooler. Drive-through garage door gives back yard access for RV/boat storage, etc. 18” crawl space below and attic access overhead to heating, plumbing, electrical, etc. Hardwood tongue and groove under carpeting. Professionally-designed drought-tolerant landscaping in back yard Bed: 4.0 Bath: 1.5 SqFt: 1,489 Price: $265,000

Looking for a newer home backing up a ecological reserve? This fabulous 3 bed/2bth home is open, open, open! Separate master suite, great backyard professionally designed with pond, covered patio and privacy plus! Mid $300,000’s

City of Trees Realty

(530) 864-6632


www.CityOfTreesRealty.com CA BRE # 00991783

Looking for a precious piece of Chico history with adorable guest unit? This gorgeous “O. Tracy” home exudes charm and is located conveniently close to downtown and Bidwell Park. It has been lovingly updated (maintaining the vintage character) and even had a 40year roof installed in 2007! The hardwood floors virtually gleam, and there are tasteful decorator colors throughout. The living room features a fireplace with lovely mantel and an archway to the dining area. Bedrooms and bathrooms are a delight; they seem straight out of a magazine. The back yard is beautifully landscaped and features elegant patio areas, a spa and outdoor shower. Guests will love the studio unit in back, complete with loft…or it would make a great art studio or office. Cool basement, and plenty of parking off the alley behind, all in a great neighborhood! Bed: 2.0 Bath: 1.5 SqFt: 1,430 Price: $365,000 49


The Chico Walk To End Alzheimer’s: Providing a Glimmer of Hope

There’s nothing we can do currently to totally prevent getting Alzheimer’s disease, but there are things that we can do to improve our brain health. Start now. It’s never too late. Break a Sweat Engage in regular cardiovascular exercise that elevates hear rate and increases blood flow. Hit the Books Exercising your brain will help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

Follow Your Heart Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke — obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes — negatively impact your cognitive health. Heads Up! Brain injury can raise risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Wear a seatbelt and use a helmet. Stump Yourself Challenge your mind. Build a piece of furniture. Play games of strategy. Buddy Up Staying socially engaged may promote brain health. Share in activies. Take Care of Your Mental Health Some studies link depression with cognitive decline, so seek treatment. Fuel Up Right Eat a balanced diet that is lower in fat and higher in vegetables and fruit. Catch Some Zzz’s Not getting enough sleep may result in problems with memory and thinking.



There are approximately 7,000 people in Butte, Glenn, and Tehama Counties who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. It is the fifth leading cause of death in California, and there is currently no cure. “It’s one of the most challenging, heartbreaking, difficult things that people can deal with,” says Becky Robinson, director of the North Valley office of the Alzheimer’s Association. “But this, at least, is a glimmer of hope.” The “this” Becky is referring to is the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, the annual nationwide event that serves as the Alzheimer’s Association’s biggest fundraiser. Last year, 900 Chico Walk participants raised $136,000 in support of the organization’s mission to “eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.” This year, the Chico event’s organizers hope to go even further. “It’s something we need to be paying more attention to,” says Jody Cornilsen, special events manager for the North Valley office whose family has been


personally affected by the disease. “The way we are able to offer our services is through things like the walk, and through private donations. That is how we get our money to do what we do — to help our families that are touched by this disease.” This year’s Chico Walk to End Alzheimer’s, with both 1 mile and 5k options, is scheduled for October 10, with check-in beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Sycamore Field in Bidwell Park. You can join as a team or an individual — the organization just asks participants to fundraise. All funds raised through the walk further the care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association, and the walk is open to all ages and abilities, uniting the entire community in a fun and inspiring display of combined strength and dedication in the fight against this devastating disease — the No. 1 health concern for the Baby Boomer generation. “If we make a difference now, hopefully we can come up with some sort of treatment or prevention so that others won’t have to deal with this disease,” Becky says. “Walk now so that future generations don’t have to.”


Butt Out Smoking increases the risk of cognitive decline. Quitting smoking can reduce risk levels.

To register for the Chico Walk to End Alzheimers, visit act.alz.org/chico2015. For more information, email chicowalk@alz.org or call 530-895-9661. For help and resources, call the 24/7 hotline at 1-800272-3900.

Meet the New Owners of Chico’s Courtesy Automotive Center By Kacey Gardner | Photos by Frank Rebelo

You learn, you earn, and you serve — those are the values

Diane’s background is in marketing; before coming back

Jerry and Diane Pajouh were raised with, the principles they’ve

to California she had been selling radio for WSNE. When she

built their previous successes on, and the culture they hope

moved back to Fresno, she worked as an account executive

to create as the new owners of Courtesy Automotive Center

with the Spanish television network Univision for five years

in Chico. We met them for the first time in person last month,

before becoming a partner in her own Spanish-language

and it was plain to see that this philosophy is one they truly

advertising agency, with big-name clients such as Longs Drugs

believe in. It comes across clear as day in their passion and

and Gottschalks.

professionalism when speaking about what they do. But these

Jerry, on the other hand, has been in the car business

are words you don’t have to speak to believe — the proof of

for 38 years. Originally from Fresno, he started at a Chrysler

them is in the past, in the story of the Pajouhs’ life before this

dealership there, selling cars out on the front line — meeting

new Chico chapter.

and greeting customers and helping them find the right car.



Diane and Jerry Pajouh have been married for more than 18

From there, he worked his way up at various high-line

years and have two children, Nikolaus, almost 18, and Jesika,

dealerships in the area, including serving as the general sales

10. They met in Fresno when Diane returned to her hometown

manager for a Porsche, Audi, and Ferrari store and for a local

after attending college and working in Rhode Island for 10

Volvo dealer. It wasn’t long, though, before he caught the eye


of the local BMW dealership and was solicited to run their

“She actually came all the way from Rhode Island to find me,” Jerry says. 56

“Believe it or not,” he says, “it was called Courtesy


store. In April 1987 he joined Weber BMW as the general sales manager — the first move in a storied run with the luxury brand.



from so far away. “We were all kind of dragging that day and

Jerry ultimately became the General Manger of Weber

depressed,” Jerry recalls. “But that afternoon on or about 5

BMW, and continued to work in that capacity for the Webers

o’ clock I called an all-mangers meeting and we came to the

until October 1998, at which point the store came up for sale.

conference room and sat ourselves down and I said we have

“I had always positioned myself for the opportunity if it

to pull ourselves together. And my exact words to them were,

ever came up,” Jerry recalls.

there’s nothing we can do to help the situation in New York and

So that year he bought the store, and with Diane as

our country right now. The only thing we can do is to support

his partner, embarked on a major effort to bring the BMW

the officials who are in charge and the only way we can do that

enterprise to an entirely new level of performance.

is to generate revenues for them.” So that’s what they did — they stayed the course and rose to

“I remember when I was building the dealership, it was a true partnership,” he says. Diane handled all of the promotions, advertising, and grassroot marketing efforts, while Jerry translated his vision for an expanded operation into reality. With the help of two architects, he took the dealership from its 8,000-square-foot facility to a new 6-acre site about 12 miles away, “parked right in between where our customers worked, lived, and played,” he says. In total, the transition to the new facility took about 18 months. They began selling cars there in October 2000 and officially moved in on September 4, 2001 — exactly a week before 9/11. The attacks rattled the nation — and no one was excluded. At the new dealership in Fresno, there was a feeling of uncertainty and a desire to do something to help even

the occasion, resulting in an unprecedented amount of growth in just the first four years (400 percent, to be exact) and going from 22 to 56 to 83 employees in no time at all. Business was so good that Diane sold her shares of her advertising agency and officially became the dealership’s marketing director.

“We put BMW on the map in our market,” Jerry says. “But we also put Fresno on the map with the brand worldwide.” Individual employees achieved accolades numerous times, in numerous years. And the store as a whole won the BMW Center of Excellence award two years in a row, in 2006 and 2007 — an honor awarded to the top 10 percent of dealers in their market. Jerry himself was also nominated to compete in a global contest called Excellence in Sales; he was one of five from 57

the western hemisphere to receive a personal invitation from the chairman of the board to compete in what’s analogous to the Oscars of the automotive world. “Even receiving the letter was awesome,” Jerry says. “I’m very proud of that.”

SERVING But with all of the success that the Pajouhs saw, they never lost sight of the importance of giving back to the community, which was so important to them. Under their direction, Weber BMW won numerous civic leadership awards, including the Community Medical Foundation’s “Corporate Citizen” Award and Fresno City’s Architectural “Orchid Award”, among others. Here in Chico, where they’ve been up and running since May, they say community engagement will continue to be a top priority. In fact, the sense of community in Chico is one of the No. 1 things that attracted them to this city. “When Diane and I were coming up here prior to the acquisition of the store, we would meet people, go out to dinner, and the phrase ‘I love Chico’ we heard a lot. Usually that’s a sign of a very healthy community. Everyone is very happy to be here, and we’re happy to be here too. I’m proud to say, ‘I love Chico.’ I really do. This is our home.” Moving forward at Courtesy, the Pajouhs have a vision that’s similar to the one they brought to life in Fresno — expanding facilities and creating a space that brings cohesion to the seven-brand operation. But everything that they do is driven by the mission to serve the client.

“It’s not just really all about selling cars, it’s about providing services to our clients that gives them information so they can make the logical and personal buying decision,” Jerry says. “It should be a very user-friendly environment where they can go and see the familiar faces, the facilities are very inviting and comfortable for them to come and do business with us. Whatever we build, we’re going to build for our clients. We’re going to build with their best interest in mind.” So take it from us at Upgraded Living (the writer of this piece coincidentally owns a Chico Courtesy vehicle) — if you have a negative preconception about car sales, head on down Cohasset and give the Pajouhs a chance to change your mind. We have a very good feeling they won’t let you down.




Courtesy Automotive Center is located at 2520 Cohasset Rd in Chico. For more information, call 530345-9444 or visit www.chicocourtesy.com.

THE CURTAIN’S UP ON MAESTRO SCOTT SEATON! We hope you’ll join us for an exciting concert season with our new music director! “Now Presenting...” Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto #1 / Beethoven Symphony #5 Sunday, September 27, 2:00PM “Maestro in the Spotlight” Bernstein’s West Side Story / John Adams “Lollapalooza” Saturday, November 14, 7:30PM “Melodic Attraction” Sibelius Violin Concerto in D minor / Brahms Symphony #2 Sunday, February 28, 2:00PM “Celebration Center Stage” Mason Bates “Mothership” / Rachmaninoff Symphonic Tickets to Laxson Concerts: Dances University Box Office: 530-898-6333 Saturday, May 14, 7:30PM




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Symphony’s New Young Conductor Raises the Curtain in September

The Oroville Salmon Festival will be on Saturday, September 26, in historic Downtown

Scott Seaton, the new conductor of the North State Symphony (NSS) will lead the orchestra in some very famous classical music this fall, and some selections later that will surprise everyone. Concert tickets are now on sale at the University Box Office (Chico, 530-898-6333) and Cascade Theatre Box Office, (Redding 530-243-8877). Seaton, who’s just moved to Chico, said, “Beloved pieces by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and Mozart, even after hundreds of years, reach the depths of our souls. But I also like to mix it up!” Mark your calendar for the symphony’s opener September 26 (Redding) and 27 (Chico). The concert, “Now Presenting . . . ,” features Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, and Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto, with soloist Alpin Hong. Seaton’s later concert dates include Nov. 14 (Chico) and 15 (Redding), with “West Side Story” music, some Haydn, “Lollapalooza” by John Adams and the “Blue Danube” Waltz. Student violinist Brianna Ruiz solos. February 27 (Redding) and 28 (Chico), the music is Mozart’s “Magic Flute Overture,” and Brahms’ Second Symphony. A brilliant young violinist, Andrew Sords will play. On May 14 (Chico) and 15 (Redding) are more Beethoven and Puccini, and the passionate Russian, Rachmaninoff. Young American composer Mason Bates’ “Mothership,” says Seaton, is “dance club meets the orchestra!” NSS also plays a Christmas concert, chamber music, and youth concerts in Chico, Red Bluff and Redding. The North State Symphony season is sponsored by Dignity Health. For more information, go to www.northstatesymphony.org. 74


Oroville. This fun and free annual event is composed of three main elements: the Street Fair, the Fish Hatchery, and Salmon Court. The Oroville Downtown Business Association Street Fair is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Montgomery and Bird streets. It includes a food court, kids zone, and over 100 crafts, art, and commercial vendors as well as the Butte County Board of Education “Family Fun Day” featuring free children’s activities. The Salmon Court is located on-the-levee on Arlin Rhine Memorial Drive from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. featuring non-stop free entertainment, gourmet food court with a variety of salmon dishes, cooking demonstrations, and a beer and wine garden. The Oroville Hospital Health Fair alley” featuring dozens of organizations performing community outreach and more. This year’s entertainment includes The Miami Rouge Roosters, Kezirah, The Delbert Bump Trio, and Inside Straight. The Feather River Fish Hatchery is open from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. with free tours, educational booths, fish viewing, and a pancake breakfast. There is also free shuttle service to the street fair, Salmon Court, and the fish hatchery from River Bend Park and the county building at Grand and Table Mountain Boulevard. The Feather River Nature Center Dinner and Dance is on Friday night. This elegant linen tablecloth event is held from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on-the-levee at Salmon Court. The event is an annual fundraiser for the Nature Center and Trail Restoration featuring grilled salmon or tri-tip beef, potato, a green salad, roll, beverage, and dessert. This event starts at 6 with a no-host beer and wine bar, dinner is at 7 p.m. and dancing at 8 p.m. under the big tent overlooking the beautiful Feather River complete with jumping salmon. Tickets are $25 for adults and $12 for children under 12 and available at the Oroville Chamber by calling 530-538-2542 and at salmonfestoroville.org. Entertaimnet begins at 6 p.m. with music by The Crawlers and the Charlie Robinson Trio. The Salmon Festival is subsidized and supported by the City of Oroville, the Oroville Chamber of Commerce, the Supplemental Benefits Fund, the Department of Water Resources, California Fish and Wildlife, and the Feather River Recreation and Parks Department. Major sponsors to date include Oroville Hospital, PG&E, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, Gold County Casino, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. and Feather Falls Casino. For more information, visit salmonfestoroville.org and or the Oroville Salmon Festival page on Facebook.


Check it Out: Saturday, September 26th 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Downtown Oroville. For more information, visit salmonfestoroville.org


will offer free flu shots, blood pressure and cholesterol screening, kids art activities, “nonprofit

BRENT SHEEHAN by Alyssa Worley | Photos by Michelle Camy

While placing flowers in a glass vase or admiring the color in a glass bowl, you may not realize how much time and creativity is put into any given piece. Brent Sheehan has made glassblowing his sole profession and soul passion for many years. Newly employed at famous Orient and Flume, Brent talked with us about how he found his life’s work behind the glass.

How did you begin glassblowing? I started in 2000 in Maui and that was the first shop I worked for. I later moved on and built my own shop. Then I moved to the Big Island in 2005. I had lived in Chico in the ’90s and I would go to Orient and Flume and watch them. They worked with torches on furnace glass with really amazing detail. I used to watch them a lot and it got me interested in that form of glassblowing. I helped other people assist in glass shops and when I moved to Maui I already had pretty good experience with glassblowing.

What is the interest with that particular medium? The nature of the material. Glass is really an amazing material. It’s liquid and solid. You can create things three-dimensional. You can make your own colors using metal oxides and silica. The colors are really like no other art form I’ve ever seen; they are really vibrant. Gold and copper makes a really deep, dark ruby red. You can reduce the oxygen in the environment and that brings the metallic luster to the surface.

What is the process of creating a piece? In general terms, glass is from sand or silica. There are things added to it to lower the melting temperature and make it a little bit easier to work with. It’s melted down in a furnace at 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit. It can actually get hotter than that. The glass is gathered out of the furnace on the end of a blowpipe or solid rod, kind of like honey. As that cools you can dip and gather again, building up layers. With each layer you have opportunity to add foreground and background to your piece. I usually have an idea of what I want to make. It can take several years to develop a design.



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Up Next!

of racing real horses like in the Palio di Siena in Italy, community members create and race horse sculptures made of papier-mache, and recycled materials; whatever works for their creation! It’s a wonderful opportunity for arts, culture, and nonprofit organizations to come together to celebrate community and let people know what they do and how they serve our local citizenry. On Saturday, October 17th, the day’s events include free music, dance, art exhibits, food, activities, and information about the upcoming Artoberfest events. Chico Palio has moved in recent years to shady and green One Mile and Sycamore

Taste of Chico Celebrating 30 years of food and fun at

field. See you out there! www.friendsoftheartsupstate.org/chico-palio

the Taste of Chico! On Sunday, September 13, the streets of downtown will host the best local and regional restaurants, breweries, and beverage distributors. Live entertainment and an “Open Air Art Gallery” will showcase our area’s talents. With so much to eat, see, and do, this is the yearly event you don’t want to miss. All proceeds fund the Downtown Chico Business Association. Funds raised directly support the many downtown Chico programs Research shows learning to play a musical instrument directly translates into improved reading and speech skills... and makes you cooler than the other kids.

and services that are offered to our town members and community. Come prepared with sunscreen, an empty belly, and plenty of energy for a day of fun! www.downtownchico.com/events/ dcbaevents/toc

Patrick Ranch Barn Dance Beta Chapter of Omega Nu is raising scholarship money for Chico, Paradise, and Durham high school graduates with its annual Barn Dance and dinner Saturday, September 19. The evening includes a ranch-style BBQ dinner with a no-host cocktail hour, casino,

Chico Palio Chico Palio is the kickoff event for Artoberfest, a monthlong festival of arts and culture, featuring more than 130 events

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during October. The event is community based, with “palio” referring to the Italian word of competition between neighbors. Instead



silent auction, and a benefit prize drawing. Performing live music throughout the evening are The Defcats and The Decades—both sure to keep you energized and having fun on the dance floor. Western attire is encouraged for this event at the gorgeously rustic Patrick Ranch Museum. www.omeganu.orgomeganu.org

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