Upgraded Living - November 2012 Issue

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Now accepting reservations for the 2012 holiday season.

198 East 2nd St. Downtown Chico



Visit us at www.UpgradedLiving.com and discover the the best in food, fashion, events, business profiles, and more. Plus, get access to past issues and participate in contests throughout the month!

Cup Runneth Over by Alexa Benson-Valavanis

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.” A.A. Milne

4 Personal Training Sessions for $99

OR 2-for-1 Pricing on Group Training and Memberships

A couple days ago I cracked open a brown leather journal I used to chronicle my days inside the Guatemalan jungle. It revealed a glimpse into my life in 2002. A time when I was in search of simplicity and spiritual healing. When I yearned for happiness but far greater was my craving to do something that made a difference in the world. I sought purpose. I wanted meaning. Many of those lessons were graciously offered but what I learned about gratitude changed my life forever. As I flipped through the tattered cream pages enhanced by coffee spills, afternoon rain showers and unexpected tears I found these words scratched atop the page: “Amid great poverty and hardship the locals seem to harness abundant gratefulness. I am left to wonder if gratitude derives from a state of soul rather than a state of mind. It is clearly not a state of circumstance.” With years between those days in Latin America and my life now I still ponder the overwhelming gratitude I witnessed there. At first it was a shock to see people, so resource poor, filling each day with laughter, love and generosity. Their time was spent cherishing one another with little distractions on material things. They taught me to start and end each day offering appreciation for all that I had. New studies show that cultivating a deep sense of gratitude positively impacts all facets of our lives from our productivity to our sleep - from our relationships with others to our attitude towards ourselves. I will leave the science behind gratitude to the professionals. Just as I will leave the spiritual wisdom and direction around appreciation to theologians and philosophers like Meister Eckhart who wrote, “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you’, that would suffice.” But, what I wanted to share was the lesson so graciously offered to me nearly a decade ago, inside the heart of Guatemala - the understanding that nothing can get in the way of feeling grateful. It just requires feeling it. 13



by Charles “Footie” Field


Victor kept repeating with alarm.

His body looked crumpled and contorted on the ledge below me. His right arm, hand and fingers hung limp at his side... The night before, I began to read Peter Potterfield’s In The Zone by the light of my headlamp as Kathy slept beside me. Nestled in our tent by Roosevelt Lake in the High Sierra, my mind began to wander as the book told about the horrors of falling off a mountain, and thinking of the climb up the west ridge of Mt. Conness we had planned for the next day, I put the book aside. Kathy and I started our hike up to the base of Mt. Conness right after first light. Our main goal on this four day trip in the mountains was backpacking, so we were traveling light with minimal climbing gear. Fortunately I had lots of runners with me which we could sling around “horns” of rock, which normally provide plentiful anchors and protection on High Sierra Routes. After all, the west ridge of Mt. Conness was a “cruise.” Following the instructions of the two guide books we’d consulted, I started climbing a line that was on the “far right side of the west face...” Leading


out the first three rope-lengths, I found myself frightened, straining and cursing several times. Kathy lectured me at the top of each pitch, “Footie, this is not a 5.6! I think we’re off route.” As I brought Kathy up to me on the third pitch, I watched 2 pairs of climbers approach the base below us. They did not stop and rope up or begin climbing where Kathy and I did. I began to realize that Kathy and I had climbed a direct southwest buttress variation of the west ridge we had intended to climb... A much harder line than the one we were supposed to be climbing. This variation had also cost us critical time. I had figured that by starting before 9 a.m. we should be on the ridge before noon. It was now 12:45 p.m. and large clouds were beginning to fill the otherwise clear blue sky. Although we had brought tights, turtlenecks and wind jackets, we had not brought rain gear. After a half rope length scramble up onto the true west ridge, I asked Kathy if she wanted to descend. “No, let’s do this thing,” she said. Though Kathy has this tendency for intolerance of discomfort or danger in her daily life, she typically rises to the occasion when her sense of adventure or an urgent situation arises. We were going to have to “simulclimb” to get over the summit safely. I explained to Kathy that we would be climbing simultaneously, one on each end of the rope, 150 feet apart. As we began the next section of our climb, one


Bidwell Bark 5k Fun Run & 2K Walk Over 1,500 folks and their dogs attended the first ever Bidwell Bark 5k Fun Run & 2K Walk at the end of September. In the end, over $79,000 was raised to help assist the Butte Humane Society in their quest to care for animals in our area. Kudos to Tri Counties Bank as the top team fundraiser and Toube Benedetto as the top individual fundraiser! We were excited to cover the event and are already looking forward to next year!



photographs by Clark Miller


Calendar of Events Nov 1st

Nov 7th

Nov 14th

Orland Art Center Gallery Artists’ Reception 732 4th St., Orland 3-7pm

B.B. King Laxson Auditorium, CSU Chico - 7:30pm

Steve Johnson Music Cafe Flo, Chico

Arabian Nights Wismer Theater, CSU Chico - 7:30pm

Nov 15th

Melvin Seals and JGB The El Rey Theater, Chico

Reckoning / Local Dead Grass Band Cafe Flo, Chico - 7-10pm Hahn + Hanson Exhibition 1078 Gallery, Chico 5-7pm

Nov 2nd

Delhi 2 Dublin The Sierra Nevada Big Room A Chorus Line Laxson Auditorium, CSU Chico - 7:30pm Quasquicentennial - Symphonic Winds Harlen Adams Theatre, CSU Chico 7:30pm Thornton Wilder’s Our Town Chico Theater Company, Chico

Nov 3rd

Small World, Small Works Opening (Touring Exhibition) Chico Art Center 7-9pm Aberrant Behaviors (Comedy Theater) 1078 Gallery, Chico - 7:30pm

Nov 4th

Day of the Dead 1078 Gallery, Chico 3-7pm

The Devil Makes Three w/ Jonny Fritz Senator Theater, Chico

Nov 8th

Angelique Kidjo Laxson Auditorium, CSU Chico - 7:30pm

Hooray for Hollywood: Nunset Blvd Theater on the Ridge, Paradise - 7:30pm

A Literary Evening with 1078’s Own 1078 Gallery, Chico - 7pm

Nov 9th

Nov 16th

Nov 10th

Not Dead Yet Cafe Flo, Chico 7:30-10pm

ARTaboutDOWNTOWN Downtown Chico - 4-8pm

Poor Man’s Whiskey The El Rey Theater, Chico Experience Mystery (North State Symphony) Laxson Auditorium, CSU Chico - 6:30pm Guitar Project with Warren Haskell + Friends 1078 Gallery, Chico - 7:30pm

Kraddy El Rey Theater, Chico

Nov 18th

Christmas Preview Downtown Chico, 4-8pm

Nov 19th

Diego’s Umbrella The Sierra Nevada Big Room, Chico

2nd Cowboy Music & Poetry Gathering Paradise Performing Arts Center, Chico 7:00pm

Nov 21st

Nov 11th

Nov 24th

Dropkick Murphys Senator Theater, Chico

Johnny Cash Tribute Paradise Performing Arts Center 4:00pm

Nov 12th

Nov 5th

Nov 13th

The Infamous Stringdusters The Sierra Nevada Big Room

Cream & Sugar Harlen Adams Theater, Chico - 7:30pm

Rita Hosking w/The Railflowers Sierra Nevada Big Room, Chico

Sunny Ledfurd The El Rey Theater, Chico

Haymarket Squares (Punk Grass) Cafe Flo, Chico - 7:30-9:30pm

Ballet Folklorico de Mexico Laxson Auditorium, Chico - 7:30pm

Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize) Laxson Auditorium, CSU Chico - 7:30pm

Issues: Social, Political Gender (Art Exhibit) Turner Print Museum, Chico

Bluegrass Slow Jam 932 W. 8th Ave, Chico - 7-9pm

Parrott Christmas Performance Paradise Performing Arts Center - 1:00pm & 7:00pm

Nov 27th

Punch Brothers Laxson Auditorium, CSU Chico - 7:30pm

Nov 29th

Stories 1: Art Exhibition 1078 Gallery, Chico - 7-10pm

Nov 30th

Cottage Artisans Christmas Art Sale Chico Art Center 4-7pm



Local Legend

Mendel Tochterman by Amber Abney

photography by Michelle Camy

The home in which Mendel Tochterman was born still stands today on Flume Street, the well known 'Twin Bungalows' that were said to have been built in 1902 by his Grandmother. Having roots that began in a time that most of us long to have experienced, Mendel is the guardian of fond memories of our local landscapes. One could only imagine how the private swimming hole at the creek near the current Christian & Johnson would have looked in Mendel's teenage years, with wide open fields all the way to the current Chico Junior High School campus. Those same fields were home to the area known as "The Cutting Sheds," a property owned by the Bidwells and used during the harvest season. During those times, Mendel recalls the placement of miniature train tracks throughout the property that served as a staging area for


the drying of crops such as prunes, peaches and apricots. As a child, Mendel's mother had wandered into the Bidwells’ orchard with friends in search of fresh cherries. When confronted by Annie Bidwell herself, the children all received a stern lesson on manners and the necessity to ask for permission before helping oneself to another's crops. Patiently, Mendel's Mother, who was nearly 5 at the time, listened closely and when Mrs. Bidwell was done, politely asked, "Mrs. Beetle, may I have some cherries?" Although Mendel's family lived on the Esplanade across the street from Chico High School, he felt so strongly about the privilege of driving, that he wrote a letter to the Department of Motor Vehicles in 1931 requesting his license. He had plenty of behind the wheel driving time, as he spent many days weaving around the dirt roads of Chico all the while evading the only motor cop in town. It wasn't until many years later that the officer acknowledged to Mendel's father that he was aware not only of his driving without a license, but that he was a mere 12 years old. They seemed to have a gentleman's agreement that consisted of staying out of each other’s ways, and so as Mendel turned at the sight of the officer, the officer would do the same. The letter mentioned Mendel's need to be able to drive to take his mother shopping, and to get his baby sister to school. Without so much as a question, the license arrived, a non-restricted license to drive had been issued to the then 14-year-old Mendel. His eyes still shine when he recalls his surprise at the license not being a restricted version. Driving his family car around the dirt roads of Chico is how this third generation Chico resident would spend his youth. His father was born in Europe, and worked as a merchant in his early years in Chico. The philosophy with which Mendel was raised was one that inspired children to enjoy the time they had to be children. His father discouraged working, and provided his son with the opportunity to craft many fond childhood memories. Mendel's grandmother built the building that remains a cornerstone to our downtown at the corner of 4th and Broadway in 1911. At the time it was built,


it was one of the most modern structures in northern California, built on the former site of Chico Presbyterian Church, which had been moved to 1st & Broadway. Mendel spent over 40 years practicing law in Chico, while also serving as manager to the many properties that his family acquired. Still today, he is proud to say that many of the family’s original real estate holdings are still kept by the family. "My family has owned some of these properties for over 100 years, it doesn't seem right to sell them." He serves as a guardian not only to his family's hard work and dedication, but also to the many memories that our wonderful Chico has to offer us all. Join me in recognizing Mendel's 95th Birthday and wishing him another happy year in his ever-changing hometown. He is a man of few words but many memories of our local history, and very deserving as this edition's Local Legend.

The “Twin Bungalows” where Mendel Tochterman was born and raised, still stand today, some 110 years later.



Hot on the Trail Sierra Oro Farm Trail 2012 by Aveed Khaki

photography by Michelle Camy & Aveed Khaki

One of the many enormous apple bins at Noble Orchards




Upgraded Living, sleep is more of a dreamy concept than a natural part of our day-to-day lives. With the number of events and fundraisers that take place each and every month, it is difficult for sleep to be anything more than a concept, really. Though we adore each and every event and fundraiser we attend, none get us quite as excited as the Sierra Oro Farm Trail's Passport Weekend. We count down the days and stay up at night staring at the ceiling, envisioning the upcoming experience of grabbing our favorite cup of coffee from Bidwell Perk and setting out to Maisie Jane's, which over the years has become our standard first stop on the journey. From there, it’s a mad dash to complete our goal of experiencing twenty-eight farms, wineries and stores before the the passport weekend comes to a close on Sunday evening. This year, we were fortunate to have two close friends, and first time passport weekenders, on board with us for the journey. The following is a collection of photographs and information on the places, faces, and flavors that we were lucky enough to experience while on the trail. Noticeably, every location on the farm trail was not included in this, as space simply would not allow us to do so. Rest assured though, that these remaining locations have not been forgotten and will see coverage in an upcoming issue.

Stop #1: Maisie Jane’s California Sunshine Products 1324 Dayton Rd., Chico, CA 95928 (530) 899-7909

There’s a reason why Maisie Jane’s has become our standard starting point for Passport Weekend: variety. It is home to a plethora of the area’s finest locally made foods and treats, and feeling productive by trying so many at one place has come to be an excellent way to start the tour. This year, Maisie Jane’s featured a handful of food artisans that were particularly worthy of note. Chico Spice Company wowed us with their dry-rub chicken, California Crawfish Company dispelled any previously held notions that craw fish weren’t for the masses, 2 English Ladies delighted us with tastes from across the pond, and Robert from Baja Mariner showcased his collection of sauces and rubs that have come to be a favorite addition to our dining table over the years. Naturally, where you find great food, you also tend to find great art, and Maisie Jane’s was no exception, displaying the talented workings of Dave Simcox, co-owner of Art Etc., and arguably the most handsome man in Downtown Chico.

We loved: everything above

Without further ado, our passport weekend



Stop #2: Llano Seco Ranch 8369 Hugh Baber Ln. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-0839

Flavor is synonymous with Llano Seco Ranch, and so are the sounds that take you back to Old MacDonald’s farm. Family-owned since, 1861, Llano Seco has been practicing organic farming and ranching since 2005 and has been hailed throughout the state as one of the foremost providers in the organic pork industry. The ranch is home to some 18,000 acres, and is one of the only remaining non-parceled Mexican land grants in the state.

We loved: The pulled-pork sandwiches

Stop #3: CSU, Chico College of Agriculture 311 Nicholas C Shouten Ln. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 898-6343

Education and passion culminated at the University Farm this year. Here, we found ourselves taking tours and learning about the entire cattle raising process from start-to-finish. Even better, we had the opportunity to try a number of the farm’s exports prior to their departure for restaurants all over northern California. The 800 acre farm is a “living-laboratory” for interested collegians, and provides the kind of hands on knowledge one would need before entering the agriculture industry. Everything from olive oil, peaches and cattle to almonds, walnuts and pecans are produced here, and produced with the highest in industry standards.

We loved: Watching the sheep herding demonstrations

Stop #5: Noble Orchards 7050 Pentz Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-4784

Stop #4: Gale Vineyards 9345 Stanford Lane Durham, CA 95928 (530) 891-1264

If you’ve ever wanted to travel back in time and get a more clear idea of what this area must have looked like prior to the gold rush, you need stop no further than Gale Vineyards. In a location that seems almost untouched by time, this jungle-like getaway is home to some of our favorite wines in the area. Perfect for weddings or just a tasting visit, Gale Vineyards is Butte County’s only eco-friendly, straw bale winery.

We Loved: The Tempranillo 22


A local favorite since we were young’uns, Noble Orchards just celebrated their 91st season. Noble Orchards is Paradise’s last original apple orchard, and currently produces some of the area’s most delicious Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious and Pink Lady® apples, alongside cherries, peaches, pluots and nectarines. Their homemade apple crisp is absolutely to die for, and if you’re looking for a way to ween kids off of candy, this would be the go-to.

We Loved: The Pink Lady® Apples


Stop #6: HoneyRun Winery 2309 Park Ave. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 345-6405

The guiltiest pleasure of our entire journey, HoneyRun Winery’s honey and berry wines are a surefire hit for the Thanksgiving spread or as a holiday gift for friends and loved ones. Created locally by Amy Hasle, these sulfite and preservative-free wines pair so perfectly with chocolate, you’ll wonder how you had never paired the two before.

We Loved: The blackberry wine and chocolate cake pairing

Stop #7: Martha Stewart’s Kitchen Mooney Farms 1220 Fortress Street Chico, CA 95973 (530) 899-2661

Originally from Sonoma, the Mooney Family has brought a touch of elegance to Chico’s airport annex with their gorgeous Italian-style tasting room and gift shop. Known throughout the area for their Bella Lucci Sun Dried Tomato Products including bruschetta, pesto, extra virgin olive oil, risotto and pasta sauce, Mooney Farms has set a new standard in possibilities for what the area around the Chico airport could someday turn into. During our visit we were delighted by the feast they had created for visitors, complete with dishes using their entire product line. Perhaps best of all, their kitchen is simply exquisite and is a reason in itself to visit.

We Loved: The pasta!

Stop #8: Odyssey Winery and Vineyards 6237 Cohasset Rd. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-9463

Known for their award-winning wines, Odyssey Winery is also a second home to artists, running a rotating art exhibit and featuring regional artists both well-known and obscure. This year, the winery hosted Mim’s chocolates, an organic oregano sampling from Papou’s Oregano and incredible cheeses from Orland Farmstead Creamery. Naturally, every one of these items had a spectacular vineyard pairing.

We Loved: The 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon







27 21



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(above) Leonard and Linda Pankratz’s dream kitchen created by New Again Kitchen and Bath. (left) A double halfmoon susan gives access to previously unusable space. (right) Drawers are neat and tidy with built in organizers. (opposite page) Pull-out storage under the couple’s eating bar nearly doubling the storage of this once cramped kitchen.



photographs by Clark Miller


Small Space,

Big Possibilities. by Aveed Khaki

When Leonard and Linda Pankratz purchased their custom-built Orland home in 1973 for a mere $23,000, there were few things they could have imagined changing. Everything was brand new and seemed to fit their life ever so perfectly. The home, built by renowned builder Pete Shecker, famous for his homes in Palm Springs, was designed so that there was as close to zero waste as possible. The dimensions of the home were created so that each and every piece of wood was used to the last inch and to a couple interested in sustainability, there were few things better. Over the years though, as is the case with most any long-term purchase, the family began to realize that a few things were slipping out of that ever-so-perfect environment. One of these items was their kitchen. From the linoleum floors to the formica countertops, the kitchen was beginning to show its age, and as the house accumulated years it also accumulated more items that the family couldn’t live without. Storage space was beginning to disappear at an alarming rate and clutter was, shockingly, increasing proportionally. Leonard began to push Linda into the idea of remodeling the kitchen, and though Linda dragged her feet throughout the process (she said it, not us), Leonard finally overcame the objections. During a trip to Chico, he decided to surprise Linda with a stop into New Again Kitchen & Bath’s showroom. The couple met with Tanya and began to sketch out the kitchen of their dreams. Tanya, a graduate of CSUC with degrees in both construction management and interior design, went straight to work in turning their dream kitchen into a reality. Instead of changing the layout of the kitchen, they opted to make changes within its original footprint. The old cabinets

were removed and replaced with custom hickory cabinetry that matched the wood trim already present in the home. Leonard and Linda were able to choose the door style, the stain and even the finishing hardware making it uniquely their own. The formica countertops that had been used to prepare countless meals over the years were replaced with Canyon Brown quartz counters and finished off with a dynamic glass travertine blend backsplash. As storage and usable space had become a problem, the couple opted to convert half of their countertop into an eating bar, staggering the height of the countertop and effectively creating two completely separate areas from one. Underneath the bar, Tanya included built-in, pull-out storage that extended deep into the cabinetry, creating plenty of space for items that were of necessity but not of daily use. An appliance garage was placed in the corner to conceal the everyday used kitchen aid, toaster and coffee maker, while a halfmoon Lazy Susan gave the couple access to storage areas that would have required a flashlight and knee pads to access previously. The remodel was capped off with new appliances and fixtures to complete the effect and a new pantry organization system that gave the couple walk-in access that Linda cannot stop raving about. Best of all, the entire process took less than a week from start to completion. From a self-proclaimed (now reformed) foot dragger, there was nothing better than the professionalism, speed, coordination and quality of work provided by Tanya and the folks at New Again Kitchen & Bath. Both she and her husband recommend stopping in to see how their designers can turn your kitchen into a place of harmony once again, and after seeing their gorgeous kitchen, it’s no surprise why.

New Again Kitchen and Bath | 2502 Park Avenue, Chico | (530) 899-2888 33

A Top Ten Agent in 2011

Sherry Landis

(530) 514-4855

landis4sale@aol.com www.SherryLandis.com CA-DRE lic# 01084946

Top Listing Agent in August & September 2012! I can sell your home too!

Michael Galli custom built home! Gorgeous kitchen, very large eating bar, newer granite, appliances, engineered hardwood and stone floors. The fireplace was custom built, walls of windows looking out to a beautiful in ground gunite pool, complete with pool house approximately 455 sq.ft. Bed: 5.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 3,909 Acreage: 1.5 Price: $679,000

Beauty and architecture combine in this custom 4400sqft+ home on over 4 acres. This home is framed by ancient Chinese rock walls and blue oak trees in an upscale country area of custom homes. Features 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms and large downstairs office with French doors onto back porch. Master suite is a couple’s dream with a wall of windows offering a beautiful view, dressing room perfect for workout space, large walk-in closet and master bath that transports you to the spa. The kitchen is a chef’s delight with commercial range, granite counters, pantry, butler’s work area and formal dining room. The 4.2 acres provides plenty of room for horses. If only there was more room to list all that this home has to offer!! Call today and see for yourself! Bed: 5.0 Bath: 4.5 SqFt: 4,467 Price: $749,000

Just minutes from town you will find this custom built home situated on 10 acres! This 5 bedroom home with covered porches and balconies gives you that feeling of being on vacation right in your own yard. The pond is complete with water fall, outdoor entertaining patios has a pergola, and is fenced for safety. Above the detached garage/shop you will find approximately 1,000 sq.ft. of a separate unit with bathroom. The floors are bamboo and beautiful. The main house has cherry wood floors downstairs in the kitchen and family room - counters are concrete and a wall of windows looking out your beautiful yard. The property has 15 kw solar panels and offsets PG&E costs. Too many amenities to list with this this amazing property. Call today! Bed: 5.0 Bath: 5.0 SqFt: 4,189 Price: $990,000

Immaculate newer home, situated on nearly 6 acres! Nearly brand new 25x 40 shop, a dream for all of that stuff! Roll up doors with drive thru feature. This 3/3 bath home + office looks like it is out of Restoration Hardware from the minute you step foot through the front door! These alder cabinets in the kitchen combined with walls of windows are just a few of the many great amenities this home boasts! The master is suited for a king/ or queen, so slip into that tub or that oversized shower with separate vanity areas! Lots of storage and oversized bedrooms, beautiful colors, low-e skylights and sprinkler system inside and out, also wired for a generator backup, and set up for a cellular security system! Decks to lay out and admire the view, just minutes from Chico! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,740 Price: $465,000

Where can you find an approximately 2.3 acre property near the park, backing up to Lindo Channel with a park-like back yard, a main house consisting of 3916 sq. ft., a separate guest cottage of approx. 2072, huge inground heated gunite pool, spa, and hardwood floors under carpet that have NEVER been exposed. This is a unique opportunity for your buyer to own a special property in Chico. Their own slice of heaven. The kitchen has been remodeled with beautiful corian counters, custom cabinetry, beautiful fire place, windows galore looking out to the back yard setting, storage galore- what’s not to like? Hurry, this opportunity is rare to find!!!

2.5 Acres in a very serene setting! What’s not to like? There is a fireplace, woodstove, screened in porch, dual pane windows, circular driveway with places for all sorts of toys and this and that’s! These type don’t pop up that often, close to town yet feels a million miles away!

Bed: 5.0 Bath: 5.0 SqFt: 5,988 Price: $699,000 34


Bed: 4.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 2,143 Price: $350,000

Located at the end of the cul-de-sac this very clean home has the biggest RV area covered that I have seen in this neighborhood! These clients have more rose bushes and have taken care of this very large yard, a spa, nice screened in patio, formal dinning room, living room with fireplace! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 2,065 Price: $330,000

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Immaculate home close to Bidwell Park, In Motion Fitness, and shopping. In the last few months, the seller has made a number of upgrades to this home which include: new paint inside and out, granite counters, new carpet and linoleum, a new shower door, faucets, low flow toilets, and new shower head. This darling home also offers a large living room, brick masonry fireplace with wood insert, large yard with beautiful landscaping, and much more.

Beautiful 5+ acre homesite in a gated community. This location is an absolute must-grab for anyone looking to escape city life for a bit and relax in their own private retreat. And at this price, how could you afford not to?

Acreage: 5.18 Price: $199,900

Bed: 4.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,468 Price: $249,900

Lovely, well maintained 3 bed, 2 bath home in a convenient central Chico location, with tile kitchen counters, eating bar, separate living and family rooms, corner fireplace and so much more! The mature landscaping, large lot and ideal location make this home a dream come true! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,591 Price: $199,000

Come check it out! Recently upgraded with all new appliances, granite counter tops, tile floors, new fixtures and fresh paint. This darling home is located in a great neighborhood featuring an open floor plan, high ceilings, large living room with fireplace and new roof!

Darling charmer in a great avenue location, close to hospital and downtown. this property offers 2 homes in one lot. The front home has high ceilings, arched walls, living room and formal dining, ceiling fans and indoor laundry. The back home has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath living room and a kitchenette!

Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,875 Price: $279,000

Bed: 4.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,616 Price: $260,000



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Intoxicating View! Located in one of the most precious gated communities, this beautiful Tuscan style home offers soaring ceilings, walls of windows, a spacious living room with fireplace, library, formal dining room, beautiful kitchen, bamboo and slate floorings, full-house speaker system, fine slate surface counter tops, Jack & Jill bedrooms, Kohler sinks, 400 sq. ft. covered lanai with wet bar, 30x15 Pebble Tec Pool with hydraulic cover, fire pit, fountain, 2 car garage plus a 30x15 shop for a boat or a recreational vehicle.

Behind the Iron Gates in a community of luxury homes, awaits a 3 acre parcel. The view is magnificent and the acreage is surrounded by majestic oak trees, towering redwood trees, a flowing creek and absolute tranquility. There are several ideal spots for your dream home here.

Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 3,050 Price: $589,000

Acreage: 3.01 Price: $120,000

ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! Located in one of chico’s finest neighborhoods, this lot a beautiful hill-top view. Owner financing possible!

Acreage: 1.66 Price: $99,000 35

Mark Reaman (530) 228-2229

MarkReaman@gmail.com CA-DRE lic# 01265853

USDA 100% financing available on this new construction! Two plans to choose from and 8 different lots at this price, 3 bedroom & two bath models with a den and 3 car garage. 90-120 day build out, call Mark for materials list and subdivision information Call Mark (530) 228-2229 Price: $280,000

Rare find and a great deal in Orland! 5 bedrooms and 5 baths, PLUS 2 offices, on over a half acre in town? WOW! 2910 sq. ft. house plus 2 heated and cooled offices with a half bath across the breezeway, and you have approximately 3150 sq. ft. for only $93/ ft. New roof, fresh exterior paint and a refinished pool. Call Dennis (530) 571-7795

Bed: 5.0 Bath: 5.0 Price: $295,000

Dennis Louber (530) 518-9252


CA-DRE lic# 1745939

REDUCED! Beautifully Maintained one owner home on a quite cul-de-sac, featuring 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths, formal living and dining rooms, family room with a fireplace, dining nook and a den/study. The back yard has an inground pool and plenty of patio space for summertime entertaining, this is a great property, prepare to be impressed. Call Mark (530) 228-2229

Cute and clean 3 bedroom, 2 bath home located on a quiet cul-de-sac, formal dining area and breakfast nook, nice sized back yard & new roof to installed in escrow! This one won’t last! Asking $247,500 Call Mark (530) 228-2229

3 Lots, great location. Sewer and water available in front. All 3 must be sold together, and are included for $69,000. Lot sizes are 8712, 8276, and 8276 sq. ft. .20 .19 and .19 of an acre. Located at the NW corner of Co Rd M1/2 and E. Tehama. Close to downtown and conveniently located on eastside of Orland.. Call Dennis (530) 571-7795

Bed: 4.0

Bed: 3.0

Acreage: .2 Price:$69,000

Bath: 3.0 Price: $339,500

Bath: 2.0 Price: $247,500

CA-DRE lic# 01257669

Vikki Reimer

(530) 894-4515

vikkireimer@yahoo.com www.VikkiSellsChico.com

Beautiful, custom built home in a peaceful and beautiful setting. Gourmet kitchen, granite counters, awesome master suite, bonus room/ office. Gorgeous pool, with a brand new 32x42 shop and so much more. A must see! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.5 SqFt: 2,840 Price: $675,000 36

Owner Financing! Nice HALF ACRE country setting on the edge of Chico. Scooter lane is a private road but they have been annexed to the city of Chico. The 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home is rented for $950/mo. Includes an oversized, detached 2 car garage. Call Dennis (530) 571-7795

Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,040 Price: $149,000





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Renée Michel

Retirement Is Lasting Longer:


Don’t Forget about Inflation by Renée Michel, MBA

2452 Lakewest Drive • Chico, CA 95928 530­342­2900 • 800­333­2901 rmichel@amgchico.com www.amgchico.com

First Time Investors | Experienced Investors Investors Seeking a Second Opinion Call Today. There is Never a Fee to Talk.

Stock & Bond Portfolio Management College Savings Plans | Rollovers | Retirement Plans

Financial Advisor for Asset Management Group Holding onto your retirement money is certainly important; so is your retirement income and quality of life. The biggest financial issue that can affect your quality of life and/or income over time: inflation.

Here’s a hypothetical challenge for you: for the rest of this year, you have to live on the income you earned in 1999. Could you manage that? What would you

have to give up – for me, a lot! This is an extreme example, but that’s what can happen if your income doesn’t keep up with inflation – essentially, you end up living on yesterday’s money. We have seen very minimal inflation over the past few years but don’t count on it to continue. Over the last few decades, we have had moderate inflation (and sometimes worse, think 1980). What happens is that over time, even 3-4% inflation gradually saps your purchasing power. Your dollar buys less and less. No one should “wake up” 20 years from now only to find that the comfort of yesterday is gone. In the past, many retirees believed an extremely conservative approach to investing was mandatory. Often, retirees would buy longterm government bonds and live off of the interest. However, times have changed. In January 2000 an investor could have purchased a 20 year Treasury bond with a 6.94% annual yield. Today, a 20 year Treasury bond is paying 2.55%. That is over a 4% decline in income. How can someone in retirement make up this lost income? Investing some of your portfolio in dividend paying equities could be an important consideration in your overall income strategy. Talk to your financial advisor today and find out if dividend paying equities have a place in your retirement plan portfolio. 1


Source: http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/Pages/ TextView.aspx?data=longtermrate Securities and Investment Advisory Services are offered through Financial Network Investment Corporation, member SIPC. Asset Management Group is not affiliated with Financial Network.

Renée Michel, MBA2452 Lakewest Drive | Chico, CA 530-342-2900 | 800-333-2901 | (F) 530-342-3925 rmichel@amgchico.com | www.amgchico.com 39



Microdermabrasion is a process used in the medical spa industry to assist in exfoliation and cell turnover. When the dead cells on the outer layers of the skin don’t slough off naturally, they can build up and congest the skin, leaving it dull, rough, and more prone to acne breakouts. By removing these dead skin cells, the skin will appear smoother, fine lines look diminished, and youthful radiance returns. At The DermBar, we use the Dermasweep Microdermabrasion System; a brush and vacuum procedure that is non-abrasive and can be performed on even the most sensitive skin. There are different brush heads ranging from coarse to soft, depending on the individual’s needs and tolerance. When the dead skin cells are removed, any products like vitamin C, retinol (vitamin A), hydroquinone, and hydroxy acids are more readily absorbed, so less of the product is needed to get the benefits and results that are expected. We recommend a package of three treatments, about a month apart, for optimum results, and then upkeep as needed. Treat yourself to beautiful skin for the upcoming holidays or any time! Call The DermBar for your free consultation! DermBar 85 Declaration Drive #100 Chico (530) 342-2672 | thedermbar.com 40


ur sk o


Jennifer P. in Chico asks:

As a mother of four boys (ages 2, 5, 7 and 10), time is always in short supply. It is difficult to spend time with each one of my kids making sure that they are brushing and flossing correctly before bed! Do you have any tips on how I can get them all interested in front of the mirror at the same time to make the most of the little time I have? Answer by John Nelsen, DDS Nelsen Family Dentistry Four boys, Jennifer!? It sounds like you have your hands full; I’m surprised you can find any time at all! As a father of three boys that are very close in age to yours, I know how difficult it can be to get everyone in the same room and doing the same thing at the same time. Fear not though, there is one thing that boys of nearly any age will gather together for, a good old fashioned competition. Set the boys up in front of the mirror and have them chew a plaque locator tablet. Have them swish the chewed tablet around and over their teeth for thirty seconds. The non-toxic dye will stick to the plaque on their teeth and point out the areas that need the most brushing. Set a timer for two minutes and reward the one with the least dye left on their teeth when the timer ends. These tablets are inexpensive and can be purchased at your local drugstore. Make sure to finish the competition with a good ol’ fashioned fluoride rinse! Rewards can be as simple as more story time, or more extravagant if you wish. Whatever the reward though, I think you’ll find that your boys will be excited for brushing time and more importantly, spending that time together. Your two year old may have to watch his brothers though until he is old enough to participate. Good luck! Nelsen Family Dentistry (530) 898-8511 www.nelsenfamilydentistry.com 41


Busy, Happy,... Good? by Scott Amick, CPT I come from a family of 5 children, 2 parents, 1 dog and 4 fish. One of the things that my family chose to do often was practice and play team sports together. Softball, soccer, and basketball teams for the two girls, baseball, basketball, soccer, and flag football for the 3 boys. My mother must have racked up 100,000 miles running us to and from all of our practices, games, and out of town tournaments. We were an active sports family to say the least. My parents loved seeing us have fun and remain active as baseball season faded into soccer which faded into basketball which faded into baseball which faded into soccer........ The Amick 5 were always playing ONE sport per season. It has come to my attention that student-athletes are no longer playing ONE sport per season. I have recently seen patients that are enrolled in up to THREE sports or are members of more than one team per season. These patients are reporting over-use injuries at an all-to-early age that WILL have life long effects. I believe that three factors are contributing to these injuries: Lack of proper stretching routines. Lack of proper fuel and nutritional applications. The paradigm that quantity of activity is more important than quality. Deon Sanders and Bo Jackson are exceptions to the single sport paradigm. Please consider the life-long physical effects that multi-sporting (not dissimilar from multitasking) will have on your student-athlete. As always, Move with Intention.

Scott Amick, CPT advanced-body.com (if you care to express your opinion regarding this article, please visit the above link)




Yoga Pose of the Month

Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Facing Dog

by Dr. Paula Barros, D.C. This posture imitates a dog stretching downward. This is an important posture as it opens the heart and accustoms the body to being in an inverted position. This is of great benefit in helping to relax the brain.

1 246 West 3rd Street · Downtown Chico · (530) 891-0880 · www.KirksJewelry.com

Begin on all fours with the spine straight and the shoulders back. With the toes tucked, lift the hips while maintaining your gaze slightly upward.


Keep your head in line with the spine and press your fingers into the earth while extending the arms up – engaging the back of the arms. Feel your strength and enjoy 6 to 12 breaths in this pose!

ClearCreekYoga@gmail.com 530 894 8756 | www.clearyoga.com 43


One of Dragon Graphic’s monstrous screen printing machines.

Masters of Print

Dragon Graphics by Aveed Khaki

photography by Erin Wenham

Jeff Baylor has one of those stories that you can’t help but want to share with others. Born and raised in Mount Shasta, California, Jeff moved to Chico to take care of his mother whose health was rapidly deteriorating. A fighter through and through, she was determined to finish the schooling she had left behind years ago, before her health condition made it impossible for her to do so. While attending the College of the Siskiyous, Jeff received a call from his mother, and upon hearing that she wouldn’t be able to make it through school and complete her goal without his help, he left his life in Mount Shasta behind and moved to Chico to take care of her full time. After spending some time locally, he realized that life in the area was significantly better than he had imagined. As an avid mountain biker in Mount Shasta, he was quickly sucked into our area’s bike scene and decided to make the best of his time here. He transferred his credits from College of the Siskiyous to Butte College and finally to Chico State where he decided to study 44

graphic design. In October of 2000, after completing her goal with Jeff’s assistance, his mother passed away. Three months later, in honor of his mother and to help get his mind in balance, Jeff started Dragon Graphics. An independent soul by nature, Jeff realized early on that his life would not feel complete by working under others, and having fallen in love with printmaking during his time at school, his own shop, Dragon Graphics appeared to be the perfect fit. After a few runs of screen printed shirts, he realized that his true calling had been found and set out to build the business he had always dreamed of. There was no other option than to start small. Jeff approached a friend’s father for investment capital and requested half of what he actually needed. He found a home with a 2,500 square foot garage and four bedrooms and set up shop in the garage while subletting the bedrooms to college students to help him pay rent on the home each month. One of the roommates realized Jeff’s passion and signed onboard, becoming Jeff’s first employee. Two years into the business, his landlord


decided to sell the house, forcing Dragon Graphics to seek out a new home. The Imagefactory was leaving their long held location at the corner of 5th Avenue and Mangrove, and in the 1,000 sq. ft. location, Jeff found his company’s perfect fit. At the age of 23, Jeff’s business was already beginning to take hold in the Chico area and it wasn’t looking at letting up anytime soon. By creating an open design environment where clients could take part in the design process, he quickly garnered business and word of mouth only made the reach larger. In 2003, word reached the Greek scene on Chico State’s campus and Dragon Graphics took over as the authorized printing representative for the Greek system. As the youngest printers in town, the staff at Dragon Graphics promised two things: a faster turnaround time and better quality than the competition; the promise paid off. Since 2003, Dragon Graphics’ revenue has grown by 20-30% year-after-year. The once 1,000 square foot location has burgeoned into a bustling 7,000 square foot space with twenty employees, arguably making it the largest


(top) Founder of Dragon Graphics, Jeff Baylor. (below) A run of stickers hot off the press. (right) Another screen printing machine running overtime.

full-service print shop in town. From solely screen printing t-shirts, Dragon Graphics has expanded to provide banners, signage, stickers, custom bag printing, vinyl cutting and most recently, vehicle wraps (including wrapping entire houseboats!) Their expertise in full color digital printing has earned them enough reputation to pull in accounts with giants like Sierra Nevada, Patagonia, Togo Wear and countless local companies like

CARD and ChicoBag. Through it all, Jeff, his family (Christina, Autumn and Casey) and his staff have remained humble and committed to their community. Dragon Graphics works closely with the Butte Humane Society, Boys and Girls Club of the North Valley, Chico State and the DCBA, providing printed materials for some of the biggest events in the area including the Bidwell Bark, Taste of Chico,

Up ‘Till Dawn, and the Run For Food, for which they produce 4,000 t-shirts and have been for the past four years. Their work speaks for itself and their story, at least in our opinion, is a true testament to the level of opportunity available in our local community for those willing to work for it. With their twelfth birthday right around the corner, we’d like to wish them the best and another successful twelve years to come. 45



ut Check o DIY Melissa’s n o project page 29

Home, Dolce Home by Aveed Khaki

Opened in 2008, Dolce Home Furnishings and Design is the brainchild of Melissa Snow, local interior designer extraordinaire, graduate of Chico State’s interior design program, and, if you’re a fan of our magazine, our monthly DIY contributor. Going against the grain, she decided to open her store at a time when many other interior design and furniture outfits in town were closing. Naturally she was met with initial opposition to the idea, as a declining economy doesn’t inherently seem like a good time to launch a business in a similarly hurting industry. However, like other local business owners that have done the same, Melissa has come to find that starting a business with hard work and honesty when the economy is weak can pay off huge when the economy begins its recovery. Dolce Home is a standing testament to this. Now, nearly five years later, Melissa and junior designer, Lisa Linford, have taken the next big step in the company's evolution; Dolce Home has found its way to Downtown Chico. After recently opening its doors to significant fanfare at 127 Main Street, the new store is encouraging a facelift to the entire block by setting the standard for what Downtown Chico should look like. Chic, and irreverent to facades from twenty-plus years ago, the store is more reminiscent of something you would find in upscale boutique towns,


while still providing service and product lines accessible to your average resident. Perhaps our favorite focus of Dolce Home though, is its penchant for all things local. Sourcing furniture directly from local designers and manufacturers like Westgate Urban Woods and Restoration Co., Dolce Home is doubling down on our local economy by promoting from within first, and when it comes to strengthening a local economy, there is simply nothing better. Outside of the realm of furniture, Dolce also carries products by local designers Towner Robison and The Farmer’s Wife, specializing in exclusive homemade candles and lavender products respectively. Artwork throughout the new showroom is courtesy of painter Marie Collar, famous for her multi-texture pieces including “Bloom” (our favorite), a piece that was on display at our location downtown. The new location was made possible with help from Jeremy at CES Electrical, Ivan at Westgate Urban Woods, the Ginnos at Ginno’s Kitchen and Appliance Center, Tony at Tony’s Hardwood Floors, Henry at Towne Carpet, and Royce at Restoration Company. One visit and you’ll likely ask for a card from each to help with your next home improvement project. Stop in today and see what Dolce Home is bringing to Downtown Chico. If you’re anything like us, you’ll be glad you did.


(top left) Dolce Designer & Owner, Melissa Snow. (above) The new Downtown Chico address of Dolce Home. (below) Jr. designer and Melissa’s right hand, Lisa Linford.

photography by Clark Miller

See th Buyer’s e for jus Guide t a few Grace of Jr.’s a mazin produc g ts sta on pag rting e 61

Grace Jr.


“Groceries for Girls” by Alyssa Worley

photography by Michelle Camy

(left) Grace Jr. nestled on West 5th Street. (top right) 2nd generation owner, Pony. (bottom right) A small selection of the unique items available in the Christmas Room at Grace Jr.

Like falling down the hole into Wonderland, Grace Jr.’s eclectic mix of boutique gifts will make you dizzy with happiness and wonder. Shelves and glass cases eloquently display treasures from all over the world, as well as from our own little town of Chico. However, the real treasure is Pony herself, spunky and with an eye for fine detail she is the 2nd generation shop-owner and heart and soul of this little gem of a shop on 5th street. Pony’s parents, two northern California locals, Grace Jr. from Red Bluff and Arvel Allread from Marysville, met on a double date. They were both with other people on the date but got together afterwards when they realized there was a connection. They eventually got married and so it began! After traveling with and owning 4 circuses for many years including the great Pan-American Zoological Exposition, the couple settled down in Chico to raise a family. They opened Grace Jr. in October of 1963, formerly named “Handcraft House.” With six brothers

and sisters, Pony ended up being the one to take over running the family shop while her parents were traveling, and when they passed. Their current location, on West 5th Street, is perfect. The store is a homey, comfortable renovation; we all love downtown Chico’s charming houses! What used to be the home’s kitchen is now filled with antiques and handcrafted pieces. You cannot walk into Grace Jr. without being completely mesmerized by all the wonderful items surrounding you. There are leather bags from Latico that will catch your eye upon entering; and a brand new collection of chafing and blister prevention serums called 2Toms! I remember as a little girl wandering into the “Christmas Room,” a sparkly winterland of handmade ornaments and stockings, and thinking I had entered a new world. This boutique truly has that magical quality about it. You can tell by the array of “girly groceries” available that Grace Jr. is your go-to place for holiday gifts and stocking stuffers. Not only

are the items beautiful, but they are also highquality and meant to last. If you want to show a loved one you truly care, go for a gift that has meaning. Many of these unique pieces are sure to be passed down from generation to generation. Current owner Pony, daughter of Grace Jr. is a fantastic woman and an artist herself. She makes cards (sold all over the world) and jewelry that is truly breathtaking. Customer service is the top of her priority, and that is clear upon entering her store. Pony and her staff help you find the perfect piece for your loved one, and if they don’t have it in stock there are special order options. Be on the watch for their upcoming events! The “Christmas Opener” this year is themed “Giving is the Heart of Christmas,” and is sure to be a knockout. They also have a trunk show with Cindy Hoo on December 1st, who makes wonderful jewelry; and Jan Rustenhoven who makes beautiful throw blankets. Also, “Like” them on Facebook to stay in the know with new inventory and specials!

Grace Jr. | 331 West 5th Street | (530) 342-1369 47


From Saloon to Salon by Aveed Khaki

(top left) Salon 2110 defines “curb appeal.” (top right) The stylists and staff at Salon 2110. (below) Owner, Debbie Reynolds and the salon’s guard dog.

photography by Clark Miller Born in Oroville, California, Debbie Reynolds was raised with the salon industry in her blood. A second generation stylist, Debbie grew up around her father who had been a well-known stylist in the area for years. Naturally, when it came time for Debbie to open her own salon, she knew exactly what she wanted and had a plan to make her vision come true. Debbie opened her first salon on Robinson Street in Oroville, but was presented with her ideal location shortly thereafter on Montgomery Street. An old bar that had recently closed, the location offered ample room within the building for the salon she had always envisioned, and better yet, it was set upon a large lot in Downtown Oroville. After speaking with her husband Richard, a local masonry contractor about the location, the two decided to purchase the building outright in 2005, remodel the building entirely, and open Debbie’s new location, 2110 Salon and Spa located at 2110 Montgomery Street in Oroville. One visit and you’ll agree, Debbie’s vision is one of those recent breaths of fresh air that is injecting new life into Downtown Oroville. Chic to a tee and without any doubt otherwise, this upscale boutique salon and spa is exactly what the area has been begging for. With eight stylists, two nail techs, an esthetician, and a massage therapist, it is difficult to imagine anything beauty related that 2110 Salon and Spa

couldn’t handle. 2110 Salon currently carries a number of product lines that you likely won’t find elsewhere in the Oroville area including Aveda, Bare Escentuals, Bumble & Bumble, and Eminence, an all organic line of facial and skin care body treatments. But perhaps even better, they are the only location north of Sacramento to the Oregon border that provides oxygen facials. Utilizing intraceuticals, the spa is able to infuse a serum into the skin with oxygen, thereby plumping and hydrating the skin for a younger look that defies fine lines and wrinkles. The experience takes an hour and a half and the results are long lasting. Naturally, the salon and spa offers a number of services, some usual, and others that go above and beyond the norm. Whether you’re looking for a cut, color, manicure, pedicure, waxing, microdermabrasian, oxygen facial, eyelash extension (using Xtremelash) or makeup application, 2110 is sure to have you covered. The salon and spa are also available for bridal parties and spa retreat packages to help melt the stresses of daily life away. Finally, their boutique gift shop is the perfect place to drop in and grab a gift for that special someone on your list. With products for both men and women, as well as accessories for the home and body, you may just want to place 2110 at the top of your shopping list for all of your holiday gift giving this year. When in doubt, a gift card

will prove that you at least had the foresight to try *wink*. 2110 Salon and Spa is open from 9am to 6pm, Tuesday through Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. Walk-ins are welcome and appointments are appreciated.

2110 Salon and Spa | 2110 Montgomery Street Oroville, CA | (530) 532-0277 48


Creatures Business

All About Pets by Aveed Khaki

photography by Clark Miller

Moving from city to city as a child, Dr. Dawn Alves had seen a good portion of California and Nevada, due to her father's job in the water industry, by the time she finished junior high. After attending high school in Auburn, California and Carson City, Nevada, she graduated from Orland high school and set off to UC Davis for her undergraduate studies. She graduated years later with the title Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and decided (top) All About Pets’ owner Dr. Dawn Alves gets a little to move back to peck on the cheek from a patient. (below) Dr. Alves and Orland, the last place her vet techs performing a check up and manicure. she had called home. Since moving back to our slice of northern California, Dr. Alves’ services have been employed by some of the more notable veterinary practices in our area, and through these practices she has achieved the breadth of experience in veterinary medicine that you would not normally expect to see in our area. Between nine and one-half years at Mid Valley Veterinary in Orland, four and one-half years at a mixed practice in Willows and Williams, and another four years in mixed practice with focus on equine (horse) medicine, Dr. Alves had the opportunity to examine and care for everything from rabbits, cats and dogs to goats, horses, cattle and sheep. In 2002, after working in the veterinary field for nearly twenty years, she decided to start her own mobile veterinary practice, All About Equine, and began caring for horses from the north end of Glenn County to middle Tehama County and everything in

between. This large territory also gave her access to a major résumé builder, providing medical care for our exotic friends, like the white tigers, African lions and grizzly bears at the Kirshner Wildlife Sanctuary. As the practice grew year-after-year, and with equine care being largely seasonal, Dr. Alves found it was time to make one more large step in her progression as a veterinarian and opened her own full fledged practice in April of 2012. While still providing mobile veterinary services, her new veterinary center, All About Pets located on Mangrove Avenue, provided a base of operations and a location to expand her business from four employees to ten. With three veterinarians on staff and an impressive wealth of both knowledge and equipment, All About Pets is able to offer an elite level of veterinary service to our area, from the usual check-up our pets are accustomed to, to dental care and finally to emergency medical services like radiography and all levels of surgery. Best of all, the work is done in-house by the doctors that clients and their pets have come to know and trust. Most recently, All About Pets acquired a therapy laser for their practice, which, if our survey is correct, happens to be the only one in the area. The laser provides a non-invasive form of pain relief and significantly speeds healing for non-healing wounds, scar tissue, arthritis and surgical sites. Even better, the laser requires no tandem application of medicine to be effective. In the coming months, Dr. Alves is looking to expand the practice even further by providing endoscopy in-house and hiring yet another veterinarian. As she puts it, her main focus is to take care of people’s pets the way we want them to be cared for, and as they are part of the family they deserve no less than that special care. After seeing her in action with both clients and their pets, we can’t imagine experiencing veterinary medicine in any other way. Stop in and visit Dr. Alves and her crew today! All About Pets is open from 8am - 5:30pm Monday through Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturday. They are also available for emergencies.

All About Pets | 1900 Mangrove Avenue #50, Chico, CA 95926 | (530) 342-0725 49



Harris & Plottel by Aveed Khaki

photography by Erin Wenham Partners Neil Harris and Nicole Plottel

Walking into the law offices of Harris & Plottel, LLP in Chico, you would be shocked to find that the Attorneys here have only been working together since 2007. Like a finely tuned machine though, they do not appear to miss a beat, and it is this synced nature that makes them seem so well suited to each other, and the business to seem that much more professional. Partners Neil Harris and Nicole Plottel exemplify this synced nature. Neil, a member of the California State Bar Association since 1986, has been practicing law in the area for twenty six years. A transplant to the Chico area, Neil began working with Nicole after she joined SHBM, LLP in 2006. A Chico native and graduate of PV high school, UC Santa Barbara and Santa Clara Law, Nicole brought a fresh perspective to Elder Law and Estate Planning when she returned to her hometown. After working together for several years at SHBM, LLP Neil and Nicole decided to split off and start their own practice in 2011 with the specific goal of creating a comprehensive Estate & Long Term Care Planning Center for the North State’s elderly and their families.

The beauty of their law practice is that it applies to everyone. Whether you have a family member with specific long term care needs or are just looking to establish your own estate plan, a visit to Harris & Plottel, LLP is a necessity. Designating a power of attorney and a manager for your estate, regardless of size, is one of the most important things you can do preemptively to save unnecessary grief for your loved ones during an unforeseen crisis or loss. Unfortunately, this lack of designation is often realized when it is already too late. In fact, as Nicole and Neil both mentioned, this crisis-style scenario makes up the greater portion of the cases they see each month. Luckily, a little early planning can go a long way in guaranteeing that this sort of situation never occurs. The most common issues take place when a client has an existing estate plan and feels completely convinced that everything is taken care of. Unfortunately when it comes time to utilize the provisions designated in the original plan, many people find that the plan didn't actually cover their needs to begin with. Estate plans are unique to each person and shouldn't be treated as a one-size fits all commodity. A review of your existing

estate plan by an attorney can help identify any other options for appropriate Long Term Care. The holidays are a perfect time to have discussions with close family members about situations like these, and often times the conversations can be significantly softer if the assessment of estate plans and trusts can be handled together, as in both generations create and/or have their plans assessed at the same time. Treating these necessary meetings as an activity that guarantees the security of the entire family from young to old alike, rather than singling out one generation in particular, can make the experience a pleasant one rather than otherwise. Similarly, having more family members at the table can also make the task less daunting and significantly less confusing. As all of us can agree, family is meant to be enjoyed. It is Neil and Nicole’s hope that their work can help ease some of the "heavy lifting" experienced during a time of difficulty. Having discussions early on and keeping an eye out for memory loss or other health concerns during get-togethers ensures that you can continue to experience joy with family for plenty of years to come.

Harris & Plottel | 3120 Cohasset Road #10, Chico | (530) 893-2882 55

The holiday season is upon us once again,

and your friendly local businesses along with Santa Claus are looking to help you get your hands on some great prizes this year! Over the next nine pages, you will find some of our favorite items for the upcoming holiday season. Stop into any of the shops listed, buy a present for a family member, friend, or simply treat yourself, and pick up a “Letter to Santa.” On the back of the card you’ll find this year’s giveaway items. Place a check next to the item you’d like to win and drop the card off at our office located at 301 Broadway Street in downtown Chico, at the opposite corner from Starbucks. Winners will be selected on Christmas Eve and posted on our Facebook wall! Wishing you the best this holiday season! Your friendly local businesses, Santa Claus and Upgraded Living Magazine 56


PB&J BOUTIQUE The chic shop for the ladies on your list PB&J Boutique is an ultra feminine destination that carries unique clothing, shoes, and accessories. We strive to create a casual look that encompasses timeless elegance and bohemian chic. Throughout our travels we seek out global brands that we find to be as charming as they are affordable. We have a weakness for lacey layers, intricate detailing, and high quality fabrics. Some of our favorite lines include: Mystree, Johnny Was Collection, Knitted Dove, Darling, Odd Molly, and Lane Boots. PB&J was founded in 2009 and was initially an online business, but recently we have expanded and opened our doors at our new location in the beautiful La Dolce Piazza. If you do not have time to come by, be sure to visit our website where you can shop 24/7 and as an added perk we always provide free shipping! Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm or make your own personal appointment that works best with your schedule. 3221 Cohasset Road Suite 150 | Chico, CA 95973 530-809-1177 | www.pbj-boutique.com

Kristin Dress by Darling $106.00 Faithfully Yours Heels by Poetic License $118.00 Scoop Earrings $59.99 Gold Convertible Necklace with Stamp $76.00 Gold Stripe Enamel Bracelets $36.00 each by La Vie Parisienne 60


photograph by Clark Miller | Hair and Makeup by Hilary Bryant


les! own app r u o y k Pic 78 see page

Give Thanks for Dinner


Turk like a Pr e o Ham, y, Prime R ib, & Veg etar tuto ian ria Chico ls from

& Sau Locker sage Co.

Turkey Here’s our super basic, super simple and easy tutorial for roasting a fantastic turkey for this Thanksgiving. Now I know many of you may have your own tried and true ways of cooking your turkey, but we are keeping things simple. There are plenty of opportunities to add spice, flavor, and personal frill along the way so feel free to take this recipe and run with it. This method will work with any fresh turkey, any size, brined or not brined, free-range, whatever. When purchasing a turkey, you figure about a pound per person. First and foremost, be sure your turkey is completely thawed before cooking. About an hour to half hour before roasting, take your turkey out of the fridge. Remove any packaging and be sure to check in the body cavity and neck for the bag of giblets. If you choose not to brine your turkey (which is perfectly okay),

be sure to rub it down with salt and pepper. Here’s where you can add some flair. Many people rub their turkey with a flavored butter or oil, rub minced herbs and spices into or beneath the skin, or even put a few cloves of garlic inside the cavity. We recommend leaving your turkey unstuffed because it allows the turkey to cook more evenly. In order to successfully cook a turkey, you need the right equipment. A roasting pan with some sort of rack to remove the turkey out of the pan is recommended. You will also need a baster or simply a spoon. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Pour two cups of water or broth into the bottom of the roasting pan, place the turkey breast side up in the rack, and place the roasting pan with the turkey in the rack into the oven. The rule of thumb for cooking a turkey is about 13-15 minutes per pound. So a 16 pound turkey should take about 3 hours and

45 minutes. However, sometimes other factors come into play so it’s important to begin checking the temperature of your turkey about halfway through the cooking time to gauge how fast it’s cooking. Be sure to baste your turkey about every 45 minutes to an hour and if at any time the skin is looking too brown or crispy, cover it with foil. As with any meat, the number one indicator to tell if it’s done is temperature. We recommend checking the temperature of your turkey in three places: the breast, outside the thigh, and inside the thigh. Once these three places register 165 degrees on an instant read meat thermometer, your turkey is done. Remove it from the oven and this is important, let it rest. Transfer the rack to a cutting board and cover the turkey with aluminum foil for about 15-20 minutes. This gives the meat to firm up and re-absorb the juices. Finally, you’re ready to carve your turkey and enjoy!

Be sure to grab your fresh meat from Chico Lock er & Sausage.

196 East 14th St reet Chico, CA (530) 343-7370 chicolockersaus age.com


Prime Rib Much like the recipe for the turkey, here is a simple and easy tutorial for cooking a fantastic prime rib this Holiday season. And yes, there are plenty of ways to dress this recipe up and add flair. A standing prime rib roast is one that is bone-in (has the rib bones attached) and is sized by the number of ribs. A whole standing prime rib roast is 7 ribs. A boneless prime rib is sized by the pound. For a bone-in prime rib you figure one rib per person for small eaters or two ribs per person for large eaters. You can also figure one pound per person but note that there may not be a rib for every person. For boneless prime rib, you figure one half pound per person. First preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Season your roast with a simple rub such as salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. You can get fancier here if you’d like but in reality, a good quality roast needs no frills and will stand out on its own. Place the roast in a roasting pan bone side down or basically, fat side up. After 15 minutes of cooking your roast at 450, turn your oven down to 325 degrees for the remainder of the cooking time. What cranking the oven up to 450 does is sear the outside of the roast, allowing the juices to stay inside. On the right is a cooking chart for achieving a rare prime rib roast.

Cooking Time for Rare (120°) 3 Ribs = 7 to 8 lbs. 15 minutes at 450°, Then 1 ¼ to 1 ½ hours at 325° 4 Ribs = 9 to 10 lbs. 15 minutes at 450°, Then 1 ½ to 2 hours at 325° 5 Ribs = 11 to 13 lbs. 15 minutes at 450°, Then 2 to 2 ½ hours at 325° 6 Ribs = 14 to 16 lbs. 15 minutes at 450° Then, 2 ¾ to 3 hours at 325° 7 Ribs = 16 to 18 lbs. 15 minutes at 450° Then, 3 to 3 ¾ hours at 325° About a half hour to an hour before expected end of roasting time, check the temperature with an instant read meat thermometer. Make sure to insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat, not touching any fat or bone in doing so. When the internal temperature of your roast reaches 120-125 degrees (for rare to medium rare), pull it out of Rare Medium rare Medium Medium well Well done

the oven and cover it with foil. Again, a resting period of 15-20 minutes is important to allow the meat to firm up and juices to re-absorb into the meat. It’s also important to note that the roast will continue cooking while it’s on the counter. So depending on what level of doneness you like your meat, a safe bet is to pull it at 5-10 degrees BEFORE the desired temperature.

125–130 °F 130–140 °F 140–150 °F 150–155 °F 160–212 °F

For the juiciest and not overcooked prime rib, we recommend rare to medium. Once the roast is done resting, use a sharp knife to carve the roast and enjoy!

Ham Out of all holiday dishes, ham is by far the easiest and requires pretty much zero labor to prepare for your meal. A traditional ham is a leg of a hog that’s been cured and smoked meaning that it’s been fully cooked. So all you are tasked with doing for preparing a ham is warming it up. If you 72


aren’t sure if your ham has been fully cooked, read the label or simply just ask! Our favorite method of heating ham involves using pineapple which not only pairs perfectly with the flavor; the sugars give the ham a nice glaze over the top. In a 350 degree oven, you will want to cook your ham about 10 minutes per pound or until it’s reached an internal temperature of 140

degrees. We recommend putting either a can of pineapple and its juices (crushed, rings, or diced) plus a little water OR just a little bit of water in the bottom of the pan. And it’s very important to make sure you COVER your ham because otherwise, it can dry out. By adding a bit of moisture and covering, you should end up with a moist and juicy ham for your Holiday meal.


Artist Profile:

Ben Meester by Briana Lindstrom

With his camera in hand, and an unleashed sense of adventure, Chico native Ben Meester has found his way to the beautiful outdoors of Italy, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand, Florida, the Bahamas and every state west of Colorado. The memories are his own, but the images he has brought back to share illustrate the unique and beautiful experiences he has been lucky and brave enough to expose himself to. After a 2 1/2 month sailing adventure on the Atlantic, where he thankfully “didn’t get eaten by sharks,” he is back in California, living in Tahoe and making a living off of his skiing and snowboarding photography and wood-working. His passion for life and fearless approach to the unknown are inspirational and give his photography an edge. His unique style captures the light, landscapes and airborne athletes high above expanses of powdered snow resulting in photographs vibrant with life, adrenaline and natural beauty. 74

UL: How did you get into photography? BM: My biggest memories of taking

pictures are from when I was young and I always wanted to have photos of my friends doing stuff. Nothing specific, but I just always had a camera around me.

UL: What’s the most beautiful place you’ve traveled? BM: Come on you can’t play favorites… New Zealand, Italy, anywhere above 10,000 feet. High up in the mountains out in the middle of nowhere is the absolute most beautiful place. It doesn’t matter where it is, for me it’s perfect. UL: What inspires you in the world? BM: Exploration. Seeing things with my

own eyes that I haven’t seen before. I hear about something, I have to see it, I want to remember it. I create my art from seeing and living.

UL: What are 3 words you describe yourself with? BM: Outdoors, adventure, explore. UL: Does your art express those 3 words? BM: Yes, I believe my work does portray

these words. These are words that are important to me and I try to always have these meanings in my everyday life.

UL: What do you hope to achieve with your photography? BM: I hope it takes me on the road and I can continue to travel with a camera in hand and have that be my job. It’s the only thing I could ever see myself doing. I like photography because it helps me travel and it ensures that I will keep


traveling. I want to stay on the move and when I’m behind my camera I am able to do it and bring back my own representation. UL: Have you learned anything about yourself, or the world through your own artistic process? BM: I’ve learned I can do anything I put my mind to. I’ve been in very difficult situations and gotten through, done things I didn’t think I could do, expanded my mind on what I thought was mentally and physically possible for myself. UL: What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? BM: Leigh Lake in Montana. It is the very most picturesque ideal high mountain lake. There are probably 40 waterfalls that go into it with a crown of mountains that goes around it like a king’s crown and it just dwarfs you. UL: What do you want your art to provide to its viewers? BM: For my action sports stuff, I want to portray what the sport means and what the sport is doing these days. I want my photographs to be artistic yet true. I don’t want you to look at a photo and think it’s fake, but I want you to look at it and have it blow your mind. I want it to look surreal but you know it’s real. UL: What is your favorite quote? BM: “I know I was born, and I know that

I’ll die, the in between is mine.” --Eddie Vedder meesterphoto@gmail.com


Artist Profile:

Kim Chigi

by Briana Lindstrom “I have learned to let life take me where it’s going to take me anyway without fighting it.” Well lucky for us, this mentality has brought Kim Chigi to our little community where her inhibitions were set free and her art has flourished. With paintbrush as compass, and art to bridge cultural barriers, this East-Coaster has made her way to Greece and Italy where she studied classics in their true environment, to Thailand where she lived for 2 years in the heart of Bangkok, and back to New Jersey where she packed up her car and drove across the US with her man to discover a little town called Chico. Her five years in Chico were spent volunteering, helping to enrich our art community and programs, and making art. A little black door led to an upstairs studio, far from the cut-throat New York art scene and high above the Banshee downtown, where she took the reigns off her style and painted music, diary entries and emotions into masterpieces. Now in Sebastapol, Kim has locked herself in her studio for a year to focus on a new series. Her curiosity, willingness to experiment and business-savvy ambition are a triple-threat and we know she will continue to create beauty wherever the road takes her.

UL: What do you like about Butte County? KC: There’s a really serene quality about it. If you can just go out and walk around even outside of town, it’s quiet and expansive and in a weird way it’s like standing and looking at the ocean. The rolling Buttes, the land is so green in spring and then burnt out from the sun in the summer. I love that drastic quality about it. UL: How did you get into painting KC: In high school I took painting as an

elective, but two weeks into it I dropped it. I kept looking at everyone else’s paintings and comparing them to what I was doing and I thought “I should not be doing this.” I was so inhibited. In college I was drawn to artists because they were creative and didn’t care what people thought of them and seemed happier as a whole. It was intimidating, but I like to go toward things that frighten me as a way to overcome my fears. I bought the biggest piece of canvas I could find, tacked it on my wall and went nuts. I started with oils because I thought the smell was intoxicating. I could almost smell the different colors coming out of the tubes. It was kind of a dare to myself. UL: How did you develop your own style? KC: It kind of happens based on who you are as a person. We are taught to copy the masters. You’re learning, you’re being exposed to so many artistic movements. As you get older the stuff you learned starts to melt away. You never lose it

completely because you’re always inspired by artists, but the more you get to know yourself you start to develop your own style. UL: Do you listen to music while you paint? KC: Yes, primarily jazz-- Miles Davis is my favorite. Depending on my mood I like jazz one moment and gypsy punk the next. Like Gogol Bordello. Their scene and energy and the way they go at it, they don’t hold back they are extremely passionate and let it all fly. Jazz is like that too; it’s schizophrenic in a way. UL: What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? KC: The ocean. It’s one of those places where if my head is clouded or I’m stressed out or frustrated I drive out to the coast and everything melts away. UL: What’s your favorite color? KC: I don’t have a favorite color.

Whatever I’m working on, whatever color I feel is best for that subject matter ends up being my favorite color. I’m an artist who thinks whatever works at the moment is my favorite color. I love all colors. Sometimes yellow is perfect for this and then I try it on something else and it doesn’t work and then I hate yellow and think, “Ok this has to be purple.” UL: What is your favorite quote? KC: “One day it will have to be officially

admitted that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams.” -- Salvador Dali kim-chigi.artistwebsites.com 75


Local artist profiles

Geralyn Sheridan

Designer – Gemologist - Metalsmith

493 East Ave. Suite 1&3 Chico Ca. 95926 530-345-3063 Friends are welcome

Sally Dimas Art Gallery October 16 through November, Folk Art and Crafts is the theme at the Gallery. Reception is November 9th from 4-8 pm. One of a kind gift items such as sculptures, dolls and old world Christmas ornaments. Fine art paintings by local artists, an art and craft collectors delight. Shown: Claudia D. Howell’s Gourd Art gives a modern look to a Native American tradition.

AicoraGems Jewelry Box Gallery Sheridan Design Studio 1334 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926 530-809-1034

Open: Th-Sat 10-4 & by Appt. geralyn@aicoragems.com geralynsheridan.com chicojewelrybox.com

Celebrating 40 years of excellence. Bruce Sillars, Master in his craft transforming molten glass into a poetic reflection of nature. Bruce Sillars Master in his craft Viewing hours: Monday – Friday 10am – 1pm (viewing hours may vary)


Orient & Flume 2161 Park Ave, 95928 Gallery hours: Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm 530-893-0373 Ext.3 www.orientandflume.com Orient & Flume world renowned Art Glass 1972 - 2012


All Fired Up! Ceramic Art Center

2 locations: 830 Broadway, downtown Chico and the Chico Mall (near Sears) allfiredupchico.org (530) 894-5227

I create gold, silver and mixed metal ecofriendly sculptural jewelry. Texture, movement and emotion inspire my award winning jewelry designs with curves from serene to extreme. Utilizing the technical processes of metalsmithing in combination with exploring the materials and the science of gemology, continually re-energize me in the creative process for clients custom designs.

Janice Hofmann Give the gift of creativity - All Fired Up! offers drop-in pottery painting for that unique and personal gift made by you! We also offer classes in pottery, tile making and sculpture and have a selection of fine pottery gifts. Custom tile designs a specialty.


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