Fo r t h e t r e a t m e n t o f
INJURY, PAIN & DISABILITY Dr Daniel Goodman is one of the few physicians in the US who is an expert in the most advanced, scientific, non-surgical means of treating many disabling problems utilizing...
The same treatment successfully used by many professional athletes including: Stephen Curry, Kobe Bryant & Tiger Woods.
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I have to say, women are pretty amazing. For obvious reasons I may be a little biased in this area, but I can’t help but brag on my fellow females for a minute. In March of last year, we set out to recognize some of our area’s “Entreprenistas,” as we called them. In doing so, we realized that we had only barely scratched the surface when it came to female professionals in Butte County. So, this month are pleased to continue this newly established tradition and put the spotlight on another group of truly incredible women. From food service, to childcare, to landscaping, we’ve aimed to capture a broad range of industries and show the dynamic talents and expertise contained in our community. These women are fearless in their determination to forge their own paths, regardless of barriers or biases. They are wives, mothers, sisters, and the true definition of #ladybosses.
AVEED KHAKI Publisher/Owner ERIN HANSEN Editor-in-Chief
I could go on for pages about my admiration for everyone featured in this issue, but I should just let you get to reading about them. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the sweet mamas out there—you are loved!
Graphic Designer
Sales Director
Account Executive
Product Integration & Mobility Strategy
Erin Hansen
Photographer MATT MANFREDI Writer
Cool Kid
Skin Care
Family Therapy
CHICO PAPER CO. Interior Design
For advertising or editorial inquiries, please contact: Upgraded Living at 530.894.8091 Sales@UpgradedLiving.com
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CONTENTS MAY 2017 COMMUNITY 17 Tara Luper really is super, and we’ll tell you why! 22 Cool Kid Cate Huiras is fiddling her way to the top 56 The Chico Women’s Club: inspiring women since 1913 72 The Micro-Brew Fest returns for its 22nd year!
HEALTH & BEAUTY 30 May is Better Speech and Hearing Month! Learn all about it from Speech Therapy of Butte County
32 Suffering from allergies? Acupuncture may give you the relief you need
34 Summer beauty tips from Silhouette Waxing Studio
HOME & GARDEN 42 Enhance your bathroom space with these tips from Chico Paper Co.
44 It’s tomato planting time! Learn all about this “queen of the garden.”
48 Take the perfect “shelfie” to show off your home’s unique style!
FOOD & FARM 64 Recipes from Smokin’ Moe’s and Japanese Blossoms you won’t want to miss!
66 Bring on the beets: Chico Certified Farmers Market’s Ingredient of the Month
67 Farm Fresh: Bella Sun Luci
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 69 May is Bike Month! Check out this calendar of events courtesy of Chico Velo
70 Take a hike! Some inspiration from our friends at Mountain Sports 71 Bike our beautiful city safely with these simple yet important tips 73 Featured Artists: Katie Vaclavik and Lauren Woodward 79 Community Calendar
FEATURE 58 #Ladybosses of Butte County! Our second annual celebration of women in business.
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JOHN O'LEARY DATE: MAY 9TH, 2017 Time: 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. Location: Butte Creek Country Club RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY MAY 2ND Snacks and drinks will be provided. Call 530.898.5925
MINDFULNESS FOR CAREGIVERS Passages Caregiver Resource Center is proud to present Steve Flowers. Steve is the founder and director of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Clinic at Enloe Medical Center. Steve provides specialized treatment for stress related conditions. Steve's engaging and interactive presentation will give you the tools needed to cope with the daily stress of being a Family Caregiver. DATE: JUNE 28, 2017 Time: 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Location: Chico State BMU Room 210 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY JUNE 21ST Snacks and drinks will be provided. Call 530.898.5925
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what protection they need and offer the best solution. State Farm provides auto, home, health, life, and business insurance, along with banking and financial services, and even specialized policies such as flood and earthquake. Gayle’s team consists of three other licensed agents, who all work together to provide comprehensive insurance protection and remarkable customer service. As a woman who owns her own business, Gayle is incredibly grateful for the consistent support of our Chico community. In addition to spending the last 30 years advocating on her clients’ behalf, she has dedicated the last 19 years advocating for women and girls through Soroptimist International of Chico, serving as President in 2014/15. This worldwide service organization focuses on improving the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. “I found volunteering through our local club provides a way to make a larger impact in our community. It’s important to give back,” Gayle says. Raising two boys also lent the opportunity to get back to the naturalistic interests she had growing up. She was very involved with her son’s Boy Scout troop, all while running a business and managing life at home with her husband, Tom, who recently retired as a Captain for American Airlines.
LIFE GO RIGHT If there’s one thing Gayle Aylward knows, it’s that life doesn’t always go as planned. Graduating from Chico State with a degree in recreation administration, Gayle pictured her future working in a state or national park. However, after securing a job with a local insurance agency in Chico, the plans she had to be a park ranger quickly changed to overseeing a different kind of wild: risk in people’s lives. If you aren’t familiar with the way insurance works, or if your perspective has become skewed, Gayle’s passion for education will
Walking out of State Farm, I feel enlightened. As a young adult, the details of insurance just hadn’t seemed that interesting, or even important yet. It only took an hour of chatting with Gayle to understand the extreme importance of having personalized insurance based on your needs. Curious? Make an appointment for a free consultation. I guarantee you’ll be walking out of the office with newfound confidence, knowing you can handle anything life throws your way.
likely get you back on track. As a State Farm Agent for 30 years, helping her clients understand insurance coverage and choose the most reasonable plan is where she excels. "I get to know my clients and learn what’s important in their lives so we can protect the things that matter. I become an advocate for them,” Gayle says. When the unexpected happens, you want to be prepared. That’s what State Farm Insurance is there for—they offer a backup plan that’s accessible 24/7. As a licensed agent, Gayle’s job is to help the client understand 15
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A SUPER START TO LIFE We’ve all heard it countless times before— a baby is like a sponge, it soaks up every relevant piece of information it can from the environment around it. At birth, a portion of a baby’s 100 billion brain cells are prewired for automatic functions like breathing, heartbeat, and survival but, beyond that, it’s brain is essentially a blank slate. Each and every experience decides just how that baby’s brain will be wired, what connections it will make, and ultimately how easily certain things will come to it later in life. This is no less true for young children, especially up to the age of five. According to Christopher P. Lucas, MD, director of Childhood Service at the NYU Child Study Center, “What occurs during the first five years of life can have an enormous impact on not only how well the baby’s brain develops at the moment, but how well that baby learns and grows throughout their lifetime.” Experts assert that the most important experiences a child can have are not at the hands of technology, but through interacting with those around them. Tara Luper agrees, and it is this understanding that guides the curriculum at her preschools in Chico. Born in Redding, Tara’s family moved to Chico when she was two years old. Her father, a special education teacher, accepted a teaching position at Jay Partridge Elementary School in Chico and ended up teaching special education at schools all over town. Her mother started a daycare home on West Lindo Avenue, giving her the opportunity to personally care for Tara and her siblings, Danae and Whitney, alongside a number of
other children through her childhood years. She attended Citrus Elementary, Chico Junior High, and eventually graduated from Chico Senior High, spending a good portion of her time during those years at her mom’s daycare. Tara eventually enrolled at Chico State intent on studying graphic art but, after spending the summer before her first collegiate year working at her mom’s daycare, realized how much more she enjoyed working with kids. She decided to major in child development instead and spoke to her mom about opening a preschool together. Her mother agreed and enrolled in Chico State with her. The two worked together at the daycare home during the day and attended classes for child development and child care at night. Determined to make a success of their business, they also enrolled at Butte College, taking classes in business administration and early childhood education. After completing the curriculum at Chico State and Butte College, they opened Kids & Kaboodle preschool together. Cleverly named by the owners of downtown’s Made in Chico, the business was their first school, and it turned into a local hit. The two ran the business for four years, working side-by-side to expand the business and learning all there was to know about growing and running a preschool. Eventually, Tara decided to venture out on her own. Having just given birth to her first son, Ben, she opened a new preschool, called
Little Rascals, and set out to try her hand at running a preschool by herself. As a new mother, Tara brought Ben to the preschool, caring for him alongside the other children as her mother had done when she was a child. As it turned out, new regulations would not allow Ben to be cared for at the school without a specialized infant license, regardless of the fact that he was Tara’s own son. Tara applied for the license, completed the necessary exams and paperwork, and received the license within four months. As a result of the experience, Tara’s first solo preschool also became the first infant-accredited and licensed preschool in Chico. The license opened the door for Little Rascals to teach and care for newborns through children up to age 12. With the new infant licensing, Little Rascals became a near overnight success. The preschool quickly gained momentum and due to its creativity, caught the eye of local real estate developer, Greg Webb, of Webb Homes in Chico. He contacted Tara and asked her to run a preschool he was building in a new development on Springfield Drive behind the Chico Mall. She accepted the offer, and asked if she could help him design the location to better match what she had created at Little Rascals. He agreed. Working with Greg, Tara came up with a new floorplan for the preschool, making structural changes to create a better layout for the kids. Placing the new administrative office in the center, they built the new dedicated infant 17
center on one side and the preschool on the other. She further expanded the space by enlarging the lobby to allow more room for families to congregate, added a kitchen to the new preschool area, and a garden in the back. In 1992, Super Luper Kids opened its doors to the Chico community with another infant license and room for 12 babies alongside 36 preschoolers. Overjoyed at the rapid expansion of her business, Tara found that the achievement also came with a significant increase in workload, as the increase in enrolled kids required considerably more ongoing paperwork and management than her first preschool. Between infant meal plans, quarterly reports, and increased staffing, Tara realized that taking on too much at once might someday end up negatively affecting the business. Focused on growing her new, larger school, she sold Little Rascals to another local preschool, Kinder Kids, and decided to devote all of her efforts to Super Luper Kids. The decision proved to be the right one for Tara. With all of her efforts focused on Super Luper Kids, the preschool continued to grow both creatively and from a business standpoint, ushering in new opportunities and an expanded curriculum. With the new layout, teachers were able to teach the kids gardening and farm-to-table cooking, planting fruits and vegetables throughout the year in the garden and harvesting them to use in the kitchen. Fridays turned into homemade bread and pizza day, where the kids learned to bake for themselves and enjoy the food they created alongside easel painting and other sensory fun activities. Monday through Thursday focused on the Academic Plus Program, a curriculum developed by Tara to teach students to read, write, draw, and practice necessary social skills for kindergarten and beyond. Tara’s work with Super Luper Kids continued to turn heads, this time catching the attention of Chico Unified School District in 2012. They approached her and asked if she would open a private preschool on the Park View Elementary campus. With Super Luper Kids humming right along, the timing couldn’t have been any better. Working alongside the school, she opened Park View Panthers’ Preschool later that year, the first private preschool of its kind in Chico. As Super Luper Kids continued to grow, Tara launched a summer program for school-aged children. Perfectly designed to keep them engaged, the program starts each morning with swimming activities from 9:00–11:00 a.m., followed by lunch, and a field trip to either
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the bowling alley, movie theater, Cal Skate, local parks, Gateway Science Museum, or tours of different stores or fire stations in town. Affordably priced at $673 per month, breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack are included, making it the ideal school substitute for the summer months when parents can’t get away from work. With a maximum enrollment of 48 kids at Super Luper Kids fulfilled, and Park View Panthers’ Preschool full as well, Greg reached out to Tara one more time and asked her if she’d be interested in running another preschool on the north side of Chico aimed at helping families with the Community Action Agency of Butte County/the Esplande House. Excited for the opportunity to add philanthropy to her business model, Tara reached out to her daughter Chalise to see if she would be interested in running the new preschool as her own mother had once asked her. Chalise agreed, and Tara signed the lease on the new space on Thursday, April 13th. Keeping with the cat family monikers, the new school, Super Luper Cubs, will focus on assisting families that could use a little more help. With child specialists on hand and child advocates on regular rotation, children with special needs will have access to the level of care they need to properly prepare for school and beyond. For a community the size of Chico, it’s exactly what we’ve needed. Currently set for children two to five years of age, the school will seek its licensing for ages 0–12 within the first few months and have the necessary resources to care for up to 12 infants and 60 preschoolers with a waiver for up to 12 school-aged children. 20 of these 72 slots will be reserved for children of the esplanade house and the remaining 52 will be open to the general public. Beautiful as it currently stands, the school will undergo necessary renovations over the next few months, rebuilding stations to make it function as Super Luper Kids does. With an incredible staff already on hand, we have no doubt Tara’s new preschool will be just as successful as Super Luper Kids has been over the past 28 years. Excited for what the future will bring, Tara is beyond thankful for the family and community she’s been gifted with, citing her children, Ben, Chalise, and Beau as her driving force and inspiration over the years. We can’t help but be equally excited for her. IF YOU HAVE AN INFANT, PRESCHOOL, OR SCHOOL AGED CHILD THAT YOU’RE LOOKING TO ENROLL, VISIT SUPER LUPER CUBS AND REGISTER ONLINE AT SUPERLUPERKIDS.COM. YOU CAN ALSO VISIT SUPER LUPER KIDS’ SCHOOLHOUSE IN PERSON AT 1450 SPRINGFIELD DRIVE, BUILDING 219 OR CONTACT THEM DIRECTLY AT 530.895.8796. 19
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Manage Risk Effectively Chico is the birthplace of numerous successful businesses, most of which locals can easily recount. There are, however, an equivalent number that also have amazing accomplishments, but their stories have remained largely in the background. Chico’s InterWest Insurance Services is among these. As one of California’s top three privately held insurance brokerages, InterWest is home to over 300 employees, services over $60 million in annual revenue, and has one of the most generous philosophies toward philanthropy in the North State. Best of all, it grew up right here in Chico. Originally founded in 1911 by Chico’s assistant postmaster Harry A. Roth, Roth Real Estate and Insurance filled a service niche that had clearly been ignored. Very quickly realizing the full extent of the service void, Harry took on partners George H. Gay and Henry “Bud” Hanna to assist with planning and expanding his company. The company continued to evolve and, through a number of mergers and buy-ins over the following 33 years, it became Lindo, Hanna, and Abbot Insurance Services in 1983. The new company added staff and the necessary resources to serve the entire tri-county area. In 1992, Lindo Hanna and Abbott joined two other large regional insurance agencies, Noack and Dean of Sacramento and Insurance Associates of Redding, to form InterWest Insurance Services. Through the merger, the three organizations combined their individual market shares and pooled their services to be able to compete more effectively with larger corporate brokers. One of the key components of the newly formed service platform was to aggressively work on their clients’ behalf as risk management consultants rather than simply offering standard insurance products provided by every other competing broker.
Focused on employer education and controlling losses, InterWest’s risk control team is comprised of seven knowledgeable consultants tasked with assisting clients in developing their safety program and supporting efforts to maintain safe workplaces, reduce expenses and increase profitability. In addition, their 15 claims advocates provide necessary technical direction from start to finish to ensure that claims are resolved both promptly and equitably. InterWest’s production professionals have developed industry expertise in agriculture, construction, education, financial services, sports & leisure, social services, employee benefits, surety bonds, and personal insurance to be able to deliver personalized comprehensive insurance solutions. Their industry Focus Groups meet quarterly to discuss industry trends and enhancements for their client services and resources. They also have an Alternative Markets Division specializing in risk sharing programs that are structured to potentially provide the recovery of up to 60 cents of every insurance dollar for reinvestment back into their clients’ businesses. It is InterWest’s stated intention to remain independent and continue its entrepreneurial creativity & strategic expansion. And beyond insurance services, they remain fiercely committed to the betterment and strengthening of California’s communities through financial contributions and the selfless volunteering of their employees. InterWest will continue to support local nonprofits like ARC, Boys & Girls Club, Habitat for Humanity, Work Training Center, Youth For Change as well as community organizations such as little league, soccer teams, schools and the local women’s golf tournament. They also created an endowment scholarship for $25,000 and gifted it to Chico State’s Construction Management Department. In total, InterWest’s local office and its generous employees donated $150,000 to 300 charities in 2016 and their “never say no” philosophy suggests the commitment to giving back will continue to grow year over year. With eight offices in California, policyholders nationwide and over 7,000 local clients, InterWest is proof that Chico is an incredible community in which to live and build a successful business. If you’d like to learn how our Risk Management Consultants can assist with enhancing your insurance program, please call our office at 530.895.1010. 21
CO O L K I D : CAT E H U I RAS The violin is an adaptable instrument —depending on how the musician manipulates the strings, a different sound and a different mood can be composed. Thirteen year old Cate Huiras is a very talented and adaptable musician. At her young age, she is already an accomplished fiddler. Her passion for music began at the age of four and a half, when she picked up the violin. She was then inspired by her mom, who loved fiddle music, to pursue the instrument at the age of six. Her violin teacher, Megan Lynch, gave her sheet music for fiddle, and the rest is history!
Caring Dentistry from Toddler to Teen Years Dr. Kimberly Lange, DDS General Dentist
650 RIO LINDO AVE. #4, CHICO 343-3137
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Cate has competed all around the country at various fiddle competitions. She has traveled locally to places such as Oroville and Red Bluff; the farthest she has traveled is to Weiser, Idaho. Cate has competed twice in Weiser at the National Old Time Fiddlers’ Contest & Festival. This prestigious event showcases musicians from across the United States Cate has been competing for four years and attends about four competitions a year. Recently, she has placed 18th in a total of 52 contestants, and 16th in a total of 50 contestants. In addition, Cate is now a part of new division—which means that she must learn how to play more complex songs. The divisions for competitions are categorized by age. Cate is currently in the junior division, which includes fiddlers from ages 13 to 17. Her favorite aspect of fiddling is the competing. “The contests are fun, and I really like going to the competitions,” Cate says enthusiastically. Cate is home-schooled, which allows her to dedicate many hours towards perfecting
her craft. She spends an hour every day practicing fiddle, but she is also trained in other instruments. From guitar to mandolin and piano to violin, Cate has an extensive repertoire of musical background. “Playing fiddle is exciting and makes me me happy,” Cate states cheerfully. Her goal is to go to Weiser, Idaho again to compete and to continue to learn new songs. She also wants to continue fiddling in the future, as well as pursue a degree in music. Besides fiddling, Cate is also very passionate about roller skating. Skating competitions are divided into different categories: free style, creative, dance, and figures, and Cate is trained in all four. Each style entails different techniques; free style involves jumps, creative is lyrical movement, and figures involves following patterns. She takes classes weekly at Cal Skate. Like the violin, Cate is adaptable to play a variety of instruments. Not only can she play almost any instrument you can name, but she also is adaptable to the type of performance she gives. Cate prefers playing alone, but she enjoys performing with one or two musicians because they can create a beautiful collaboration of harmonies and melodies. Just like the violin has different capabilities of creating different sounds, Cate has different capabilities of creating an emotion through her performances. Whether her hands are guiding her music or her feet are guiding her rhythm, Cate has a strong passion for sharing her dedication and joy with others.
mild obsession with comic books and video gaming which took up the greater portion of his childhood winters. Craig graduated high school and set out to enter the engineering field in 2007, enrolling at a nearby junior college in Casper, Wyoming. He changed his mind shortly after enrolling and transferred to Laramie, Wyoming where he found a scholarship available to study microbiology. Far colder than his hometown, Laramie sat at an altitude of 7,220 feet with temperatures often reaching -60ºF due to windchill and blizzards that would continue through the spring. If nothing else, the insane cold encouraged Craig to complete his studies and get out of Wyoming as quickly as possible. Having had a cataract in his left eye since childhood, Craig spent a fair amount of time at his optometrist’s office. He noticed that the doctor had done well for himself and optometry seemed like a good gig, so he decided to explore the opportunity. He enrolled in Southern California School of Optometry in 2012 and met local Chicoan, Jon Mennucci, while studying there. The two became close friends and, after accepting a position at North Valley Eye Care in Chico, Jon encouraged Craig to apply as well. Craig visited Chico and fell in love with the area along with NVEC and its staff; when they offered him a position he immediately said yes. They celebrated by taking a two month road trip to Alaska which they both consider the greatest experience of their lives.
D R . C R A I G M O N TG O M E R Y, O D
of C O M I C S A N D C ATA R AC T S Growing up in Northern California, it tends to be part of your personal introduction to tell others you’re from a small town; it’s charming and carries with it an inherent understanding of the type of person you are. Though Northern California is home to its fair share of small towns, few of us can relate to growing up in a hometown as small Dr. Craig Montgomery’s.
Originally from Yoder, Wyoming, Craig grew up in a town of 136 people. In a town so small, there are few things that one could consider convenient and fewer things that were conveniently close by. The nearest gas station, for example, was an 18 mile drive outside of town, and with temperatures that often dropped below 0°F, those distances seemed excessively longer. The bitter cold and lack of nearby entertainment led Craig to a
Since returning from Alaska in 2016, Craig has focused on comprehensive optometry, as well as management of ocular disease, glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and dry eye. Cataracts is one of the most prevalent and, as he puts it, “Everyone seems to get them if they have enough birthdays.” Dry eye is a similarly huge issue in the northern valley and a large majority of the patients he sees suffer from it to some degree. When he isn’t treating patients at North Valley Eye Care, he’s exploring the area, hiking through Upper Park, mountain biking, and meeting everyone he can. Though he’s spending significant time outdoors in our considerably more hospitable climate, he still invests a fair deal of his salary in comic books and videogames, an investment decision that he is certain will not change for years to come.
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Jose agrees. He says the app is “phenomenal” and keeps him accountable throughout the day by providing hourly reminders and easy building blocks for each meal—all personalized to his needs. Meanwhile, Kalyn can see Jose’s meals as he tracks them and is available to answer any questions he may have in real time.
When it comes to making healthy life choices, starting can be the hardest part. Sometimes all we need is a push in the right direction. When Jose Bravo’s doctor informed him that he either needed to start medication or change his diet to keep his blood pressure under control, the father of three received the wake-up call he needed. Jose promptly joined Whole Body Fitness in Chico and refused to let excuses stand in his way. Working around a demanding job (with little physical activity), and countless household duties, Jose stayed committed to the training center’s program and has the numbers to prove it. After three months with the program, he has dropped 35 pounds and lowered his blood pressure significantly. “It’s eye-opening to start something and see how it really does change your life,” says Jose. And now that he’s started, he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. While the journey hasn’t always been easy, Jose notes that more than just physical progress keeps him going—healthy eating benefits his day-to-day life in many other
ways he hadn’t anticipated. Not only does he look good, but he feels good. “I was always a coffee drinker,” he explains, “but once things started to change in my body…I didn’t need coffee in the morning.” Working out wasn’t new to him, but learning how to improve his diet with proper nutrition made a significant difference. Jose says that he now notices when he eats unhealthy because he feels the negative effect on his body and mind. Even splurging on chocolate birthday cake left him feeling the damage the next day. “At this point, any little change that I choose to make will impact my weight and my whole body,” he adds. The main obstacle in healthy living is discipline. Luckily, Jose has Kalyn Burnell, his Whole Body nutritionist, to keep him on track. The two meet regularly to discuss Jose’s progress and to make any adjustments to his specialized nutrition strategy. When they’re not talking in person, they have the ability to communicate through Whole Body’s unique nutrition app. “The app gives clients something very specific to look at, but it gives people options at the same time,” says Kalyn.
Kalyn praises Jose for staying focused on his health even when he’s busy. “His transformation has been really fun to watch,” she says, describing the excitement of watching his numbers drop steadily lower. While Jose attributes some of his success to his support system at home, he also notes the power of making small changes: instead of eating out during meetings, he eats beforehand and orders coffee; instead of beer, he drinks sparkling water. His advice is to “keep it simple.” With an already busy household, too much change isn’t always a good thing. Kalyn has similar advice for anyone interested in changing their lifestyle. If a complete diet overhaul sounds intimidating, she suggests to focus on taking baby steps; look at one meal a day and think about how you might make it more nutritious. “One of the things that people need to understand is that success doesn’t come from what we do occasionally but from what we do consistently,” says Jose. “It’s about our choices on a day-today, hour-to-hour basis.” With the support and knowledge from Whole Body Fitness as his guide, those choices become easier every day. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WHOLE BODY FITNESS, CALL 530.487.8123 OR VISIT WWW.WHOLEBODYFIT.NET. 25
It Matters! In his book The Butterfly Effect Andy Andrews spotlights how everything that happens—no matter how seemingly inconsequential—has significant impact. Here are some examples of communication issues/situations. Do any of these impact your life or a loved ones? He Said/She Said: For couples, the “I thought he/she said ____” is the #1 cause of minor to major conflict in the relationship. Evening Meals/TV Time: Hearing difficulties are exacerbated by the noises associated with cooking, as well as background noise from a television set. Speaking of television: excessive TV volume is a major contributor to strained relationships in the home. Visits with the Kids/Grand Kids: Younger voices can be a real challenge for someone with hearing difficulties. And what happens? That person either becomes reluctant to visit with those younger family members, or sometimes stops seeing them altogether. Weekly Social Events: Looking forward to weekly social gatherings such as golfing, cards, luncheons, etc. is a wonderful thing. But hearing difficulties cause many individuals to shy away from these gettogethers. And in some cases, the other parties involved make alternate plans rather that put up with the communication struggles. Business Meetings: More and more working-age Americans are experiencing hearing difficulties, not only impacting performance, but also causing missed opportunities for promotions and/or reduced potential for higher earnings. Getting Things Fixed: what you do matters. I am happy to report that for each of the examples above—and more—a remedy that actually works is available and achievable. But it starts with you. I would be honored to help you, if you will let me, because hearing is a wonderful gift! CRYSTAL CHALMERS, AU.D. Owner of North State Audiological Services 15 Jan Court www.nsaudiology.com 1.888.876.7450
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4th annual
Do more with less:
the system event
meet the 8 simple shapes that let you do more-with less
saturday , M a y 13 th
Doors open @ 9:00 am Fashion Event starts @ 9:15 am seating is limited. please RSVP at 530.345.5754 or on our facebook page
Microblading is a simple procedure where custom, natural looking eyebrows are artistically designed to match the client’s facial features and applied semi-permanently within a few short hours. The process is simple. Clients arrive for a short interview about their makeup routine and answer a few simple questions like whether they like bold statement brows or softer more subtle brows, as well as whether they draw their brows on daily or only on special occasions. The answers to these questions are used to customize the brow shape and fullness that is perfect for the client. Once the perfect brow has been designed, it is sketched directly on the client’s face using a temporary wax pen that creates the template for the microblading procedure. During the process, the client will be asked to smile, laugh, and make various facial expressions to ensure that the brow design matches the symmetry of their face. Each individual hair is drawn during this stage and the coarseness of the client’s hair is matched perfectly.
According to a recent report by TODAY and AOL, women spend an average of 55 minutes each day working on their hair and makeup. Over one year, this amounts to a whopping 334 hours spent in front of a mirror! Shaving off even a handful of those minutes each day can lead to freeing up a considerable amount of time each year, and Jennie Wolfe of Microblading Chico is looking to help women do just that. Originally from Portland, Oregon, Jennie Wolfe began working in the beauty industry in January 2000. Over the years that followed, she quickly moved her way up the ranks, learning the ins and outs of the salon business, and eventually started managing high-end salons throughout the Portland area. Though she lived in Portland, her family lived in Chico, and she would visit them often. It was during one of these visits in 2008 that she ran into her childhood crush, Jeremy Wolfe; the two immediately reconnected and decided to get married two short months later. She gave birth to their son, Ridin, the following year and they decided to move back to Chico to be closer to family. They arrived and began the Mayhem! Grilled Cheese Truck in 2012 which has since been awarded the Best of Chico award amongst numerous others. Though Mayhem! had been her focus for the past five years, Jennie’s passion remained in the beauty industry. Obsessed with having perfect eyebrows, and frustrated with the amount of time she spent in front of the mirror each morning to get them, she began working on a new business idea to help women like herself save time and lead a more hassle-free morning. If you’re anything like Jennie, then microblading is what you’ve been searching for!
A topical anesthetic is applied to the brow area that numbs it completely and, once numbed, microblading begins. The process takes 30 minutes to an hour and, during this time, each hair stroke is carefully hand-drawn using the microblade. Unlike a tattoo machine that works automatically, the microblade is a hand-tool that employs hair-thin, brush-like blades to create tiny hair strokes in the skin. Ink that matches the client’s hair color is applied to the area with the microblade, filling the hair strokes and leaving a semi-permanent impression that will last 12–18 months. After microblading is complete, the excess ink is wiped away and the client’s brand new eyebrows are revealed! Goodbye to stressful morning maintenance in front of a mirror and eyebrows smudging off on your pillow or melting off at the pool. That’s the beauty of microblading! A complimentary touch-up after four weeks is recommended to ensure longevity and is included in the original price. If you’re exhausted and frustrated by drawing or filling in your eyebrows and looking to save time and money, it’s time to consider microblading. Unlike the permanent nature of tattooing, the semipermanent microblading procedure allows you to change your brow shape each year based on your wants and desires, and at a price that is far less than what most spend each year on pencils and powders. TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT, CALL JENNIE WOLFE AT 530.717.3968 OR VISIT WWW.MICROBLADINGCHICO.COM. YOU’LL BE HAPPY YOU DID!
Estate Planning Wouldn’t you like for him to inherit more than just the family photos?
Call for a no-cost discussion on estate planning investment strategies. 901 Bruce Road, Suite 280 | Chico, California 95928
(530) 891-1133 | (800) 472-3867 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated Member SIPC & NYSE | www.stifel.com Stifel does not provide legal or tax advice. You should consult with your legal and tax advisors regarding your particular situation.
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Finding Balance, Finding Home What makes a team successful, especially in real estate? For Cheryl Thompson and Kristina Brogden, it is that they share the same goals, drive, and work ethic along with the ability to have fun, compromise, and work together. Many people ask them about their team and how it works and their response is always, “It just works!” Says Kristina, “We practice real estate the same way we would as individuals, but it’s more fun (as a team). You have someone to lean on, support you, and share in (both) the positives and the negatives of the business.” Cheryl and Kristina joined Coldwell Banker/DuFour Realty in 2007 as brand-new agents, just as the housing market and the economy were preparing to take the biggest nosedive in decades. Both married mothers of two, Cheryl and Kristina even shared the same neighborhood and didn’t know it. When they met during training at work, they realized that they worked well together and pitched the idea of forming a partnership to their broker in 2009. “We were kind of the trailblazers as a team in Chico,” notes Cheryl. “A lot of people form teams because they’re husband and wife, or they’re a team because they have an assistant. We are two separate agents who came together to form a team.” And what a team they are! Cheryl and Kristina have consistently been top-selling agents at Coldwell Banker/DuFour
Realty every year since they formed their partnership. In addition to their Coldwell Banker business of representing both buyers and sellers in the Chico area, in January of 2014 they became the sales team for Bill Webb Homes, representing his new housing developments here in Chico. They have closed a total of 590 transactions, for a sales volume of $105,009,475.00 to date. In 2016 they finished the year as the #1 Team in Residential Sales at Coldwell Banker/DuFour Realty, earning the company’s designation of International Diamond Society Team. “We’ve been very successful and we’re very thankful and appreciative of that,” Kristina says. Both women feel their success is owed to the strengths each brings to their partnership. Kim Jergentz, general manager of Coldwell Banker/DuFour Realty, wanted to share her own thoughts about Cheryl and Kristina: “Cheryl and Kristina have worked hard to create a team that’s highly functional and organized, which I believe has been one of their best practices to making them so successful. They work mostly on referrals from past clients who can’t say enough about how professional and knowledgeable they are about today’s complex transactions. It’s interesting to see two such different
personalities work so well together and other teams have evolved within the office because they see what teamwork can create for them and for their clients. I know my agents ask them questions about their structure and organization and then try to model their new “teams” around them. They are certainly unique (as a team) and a shining example for others to try and emulate. I am extremely proud of who they are as people, as agents and as members of the community.” At the end of the day, for both Cheryl and Kristina, the most important thing to them is family. “We’re full-time agents, but we’re able to balance work with our (family life) and that’s where we see a lot of the beauty in real estate. As a woman and as a mom, you can still pull away and be a mom. The most important thing for us is to be with our families and have that balance,” says Kristina. “That’s the other great thing about working as a team: we never miss anything with our children if we can work it out,” adds Cheryl. Whether it be a sports event for their children, camping at the ocean, taking vacations, or simply getting away for a weekend to relax at their family cabins in Mill Creek and Lake Almanor, Cheryl and Kristina’s families enjoy nothing more than simply being together. By keeping a fairly equal balance between family and work in a fastpaced profession, Cheryl and Kristina seem to have found a recipe for success! COLDWELL BANKER DUFOUR REALTY EMAIL: TEAM@CHICOHOMESOURCE.COM PHONE: 530.896.3182 LIC #01812375 (CHERYL) LIC# 01820028 (KRISTINA) CHICOHOMESOURCE.COM 29
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month! This is a month dedicated to raising awareness about communication disorders and promoting treatment that can improve the quality of life for those who experience problems with speaking, understanding, or hearing. Did you know? 50 million people in America and 360 million people worldwide have hearing loss • 1 in 5 teens • 1 in 5 adults • 3 in 5 veterans returning from war Hearing loss is the 2nd most prevalent health issue globally. The number of people with hearing loss is more than those living with Parkinson’s, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and diabetes combined! Causes of Hearing Loss: • Genetic factors • Noise • Trauma • Ototoxic medications (medicineinduced hearing loss) • Viral or bacterial infections • Aging (33% of Americans between ages 65–74 have hearing loss!) Childhood risk factors include:
What can you do? • If you suspect a hearing loss in yourself or a loved one call a certified audiologist who will determine the severity of the hearing loss and provide personalized recommendations for treatment. • If you, or your child’s teacher suspects that your child has a hearing impairment, first visit your pediatrician for a check up. If your child acquires a long term or permanent hearing loss, you should seek out a certified Speech-Language Pathologist who will measure your child’s speech and language skills and develop special remedial programs, if needed. What is early identification? Although some children will develop normal speech and language skills without treatment by the time they enter school, it is important to identify those who will not. Early identification includes the evaluation and treatment provided to families and their children under three years old who have, or are at risk for having a disability or delay in speech, language or hearing. Early identification increases the chances for improving communication skills and success in academics. For more information on speech, language and hearing disorders contact your local audiologist and/or SpeechLanguage Pathologist! You can also visit www.ASHA .org!
• Medical conditions like chronic ear infections • Biological factors like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome • Genetic disorders like Down syndrome • Neurological disorders like cerebral palsy • Developmental disorders like delayed language 30
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At the Derm Bar Med-Spa, we believe in client comfort to make your experience calm and enjoyable. Lasers, microdermabrasions, and injectables (Botox, Juvederm, etc) can be scary if you don't know what to expect. We understand that each client is an individual, and has a different threshold for discomfort and pain. We regard client safety as our biggest priority, and we strive to make your time with us anxiety-free. Most of our procedures have little or no downtime, and pain is subjective. Some of the lasers have the feel of a rubber band being snapped against the skin; others create heat like a sunburn, or it can feel tingly or prickly. With injectables such as Botox or fillers, you will feel the "pinch" of the needle being inserted, but the needles are very fine, so pain is minimal. After injections, the sites can feel achy or swollen, which is perfectly normal. Ice packs can be used to calm the skin and prevent bruising. When using lasers, eye shields or goggles are used to protect the eyes from the laser flash. Our experienced professional staff will take all necessary precautions for your safety and comfort, and do their best to give you the results you want. We aim to improve color, tone, and texture to give you youthful, glowing skin! DERM BAR MED-SPA 85 Declaration Dr. Suite 100 Chico, CA 95973 530.342.2672
“Help! I’m allergic to Chico!” This is a common lament I hear from people receiving acupuncture for their stuffy sinuses and itchy eyes. Living in a fertile valley with abundant pollen from grasses, trees, and flowers, allergies hit people in this area especially hard, and can prevent them from enjoying time outside. Commonly, people use over the counter antihistamines and decongestants to manage symptoms. If you are not getting enough relief from those medications, or have reasons (like being pregnant or experiencing side effects) for not wanting to take them, you should try acupuncture! Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for the acute symptoms of allergies. Using acupuncture over time may prevent your allergies from becoming bad in the first place. “Seasonal” allergies, or hay fever, can actually affect a person all year. The culprit is an overactive immune system response in the form of a histamine reaction. Histamines are released into the bloodstream when you are exposed to irritants, or allergens. Histamine reactions cause your body to get rid of or isolate an irritant: sneezing, increased blood flow to the area, and stimulating mucus membranes in the sinuses and eyes to flush out the pollutant. When you are “allergic” this process gets out of control and can make you miserable by affecting sleep, causing sinus pain and headaches, cough and general malaise. I treat people with acupuncture throughout the year for allergies. Controlled clinical trials on acupuncture for seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) have shown that acupuncture reduces acute symptoms by moderating the histamine reaction. What is the best way to use acupuncture for allergies? When your allergies are bad, get treated often: about three days per 32
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week. Once you are over the hump, you can reduce frequency. Typically ten treatments is an initial course of treatment. If you have a specific time of year when your allergies are bad, get treated for the two months before that time. This will help to optimize your immune system going into “your season.” With regular treatment, patients report that their allergies are less severe, or that they are effectively managed with minimal to no medication, and periodic acupuncture. Antihistamines for allergies have side effects including dry mouth and drowsiness, their use is controversial in pregnancy, and they may not deliver sustained relief. Conversely, acupuncture is safe to use during pregnancy and has beneficial side effects such as improved energy and reduced stress. A treatment with acupuncture may include specific points on your arms, legs, and face that clear congestion, reduce inflammation, and adjust your immune response. Typically people rest for 20 minutes to an hour. It shouldn’t hurt! Most people in my practice sleep or experience deep relaxation, and feel better when they get up. My hope is that you recover from your allergies so that you can enjoy a healthy life, spending time outside.
Olivia Peters-Lazaro, L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist and Chico native. In 2010 she moved back to Chico and started Chico Community Acupuncture to make acupuncture accessible to as many people as possible to improve the health and wellness of her community. For more information, visit 1815 Mangrove Ave. in Chico or call 530.345.5300.
A great place to call home
May Move-In Special: This month, we’re celebrating Mom and Dad! For this month only, all mothers and fathers will receive $1,000 off of the Community Fee! 855 Bruce Rd. Chico, CA 95928 • (530) 566-1800 • www.windchimeseniors.com • RCFE #045001959 33
As we begin to feel the warmth that spring delivers, we start to prepare ourselves, our wardrobe, and our calendarsfor the rapidly approaching summer months. The name of the game for summer is "effortless beauty.” Between vacations, managing kids on break, impromptu barbeques, and dips in Bidwell, we have very little time to primp and fuss yet we still want to feel and look our best. Here are a few tips to get the breezy summer look without all the hassle. #1 Eyebrow and Lash Tinting Eyes are taking center stage right now, darker lashes and fuller brows are what create the look. Unfortunately brow fillers and mascara don't really pack the summer punch. Either the heat or the water will send them running down rather than staying on. Instead, you can tint these areas giving them the subtle drama you desire without the mess. I have found these to be the perfect “get up and go” solution for swimmers and vacationers as well as anyone wanting more ease in their routine. #2 Organic Airbrush Spray Tans There's a saying; "If you can't tone it, tan it.” This saying is both catchy and true. Spray tans are great for that event or vacation that you didn't have enough time to prepare for, or if you just want to feel a bit better about yourself. Tans even out your skin tone, making makeup application less necessary. There are now solutions on the market that are organic, last longer, take less time to develop, and will deliver a bronzed glow immediately. Tuck this trick in your back pocket for when you're ready to put the pale away, and remember to choose airbrush application over a machine to ensure a more even, natural look. 34
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#3 Body & Bikini Waxing Nobody wants to shave anything anymore. It takes so much time, and often creates irritation, razor burn, and ingrown hairs. Add to this unsightly vision; bathing suits. Ugh! Both men and women choose wax over razor come the sunshine. Waxing slows down hair growth, allowing for hair to grow back finer and more sparse. Waxing can last anywhere from 3–8 weeks depending on the treated area, giving you a nice chunk of no-maintenance, hair-free living. You will want to grow the hair out to approximately 1/2" for the initial wax to ensure proper removal and maintain with regular exfoliation between treatments. If you're planning on waxing for a vacation it is best to squeeze in at least two services before departure; this way the wax will last longer on your adventures. Ultimately, beauty comes from within and when we feel good, we look better. Sometimes taking a little bit of time to do something nice for yourself is the ticket to jump-start your sun worthy confidence. Happy summer!
B E A U T Y A D V I C E VIA COURTNEY SPANGLER Courtney Spangler is the owner of Silhouette Waxing Studio of Chico located at 1324 Mangrove Avenue. For more information, visit waxingchico.com or call 530.342.7131.
Of all of the cosmetic procedures currently available to the public, there is perhaps no other that is as widely used or recognized as Botox®. Capable of erasing decades from a patient’s skin in a few short days, it’s no surprise that the treatment has come as far as it has in such a short period of time. Best of all, the treatment is an outpatient procedure that takes a few minutes to administer and offers little to no side-effects or pain to speak of. Botulinum toxin, the key ingredient in Botox® was first described in its completeness by Justinus Kerner, a German medical officer, in 1820. Injecting himself and a number of animals with the toxin, he observed that the toxin caused temporary paralysis by interrupting nerve signal transmissions in the area where it was injected. He also noted that the temporary paralysis was achieved without affecting sensation or mental functions. His experiments and suggestion that the toxin might be used therapeutically would later cause him to be recognized as the pioneer of modern botulinum toxin therapy. Subsequent experiments in the nearly two centuries that followed paved the way for botulinum toxin to be used safely in a therapeutic manner. Richard Clark, a plastic surgeon from Sacramento, California, used the toxin to successfully treat facial asymmetry in one of his patients in 1996. The procedure was the first documented use of botulism toxin for cosmetic purposes. It spurred Doctors Jean and Alistair Carruthers to utilize the toxin in their ophthalmology practice and observed that it not only alleviated the ocular issues their patients faced, but that those patients also enjoyed diminished frown lines between the eyebrows and “crows feet” at the corners of their eyes shortly after injection. The observation prompted them to utilize the toxin in their dermatology practice and, with it, the use of the toxin for widespread cosmetic use was born. In 2002, the FDA approved Botox® to temporarily approve the appearance of modern-to-severe wrinkles in the upper third of patients’ faces.
The Beauty of
At Rejuvené, Botox® has been a preferred tool in the fight against aging since its FDA approval in 2002, and over the past 15 years its efficacy and safety have made giant leaps in unison. Its ability to greatly diminish and sometimes even completely erase wrinkles is unparalleled by other procedures and carries with it zero downtime and little to no discomfort. Best of all, Botox® can be included in any one of the many spa treatments offered at Rejuvené or as a simple outpatient procedure that can be completed in a few short minutes during a lunch break. Though Botox® has become increasingly safe over the past 15 years, it should only be administered by a trained medical professional as incorrectly injecting the toxin can lead to prolonged muscle paralysis. Receiving the toxin in a proper medical setting ensures that any possible side effect can be treated quickly and effectively to minimize lasting effects.
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Investing in Our Community
Scott Seaton
SEASON Music Director
Mahler’s World MAHLER Symphony #5 MOZART Piano Concerto #20, Mvt. 1 featuring Diego Bustamante, piano
Renée Michel, MBA
Joe Sweeney, CFP®
Saturday, May 13, 2017 | 7:30 pm Cascade Theatre, Redding tickets: 530-243-8877 | cascadetheatre.org
2452 Lakewest Drive, Chico, CA 95928
Sunday, May 14, 2017 | 2:00 pm Laxson Auditorium, Chico tickets: 530-898-6333 | chicostatetickets.com
Securities and advisory services offered through Registered Representatives of Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Some advisory services offered through Sweeney & Michel, LLC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity. CA Insurance License #: 0H82321 and 0I22683
6 REASONS STOCKS CAN GO HIGHER FROM HERE We’ve heard a lot of arguments from the financial media lately about why American stocks are due for a big price drop. They’ve been called overbought, overvalued and overdue for a big pullback. We would like to make a bullish case for further price gains: 1. S&P 500 companies have currently 30% of their assets in cash. This is the highest percentage level in 17 years. Corporate spending should fuel economic growth and earnings. 2. American Households are financially thriving: The average household net worth is $95,000. Household debt payments are only 10% of disposable income. The average Fico score is 743. These figures are the strongest we’ve seen in 40 years. This is good for our economy and, by association, the markets. 3. Retail investors pulled 62 Billion from stocks between 2015 and 2016: We’re a long way from the typical investor euphoria that precedes most bubbles.
4. The average 6 Month CD yields 3/10ths of 1%: That’s 3$ on every $1,000 invested. Sitting on cash is not a viable long-term growth strategy at this point. 5. Investors have 2.65 Trillion in money market funds: That’s a lot of potential buying power if it moves back into the market.
Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, ICI.org. 20-year annualized valuations and returns are based on the S&P 500 Total Return Index. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. An individual cannot invest directly in an index. Data as of March 31, 2017. Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.
6. The Forward-Price-to-Earnings ratio is the most common stock valuation measure out there. Today, the S&P 500 sits at a forward P/E of 17.5x…only 3% higher than the 20-year historical average. Stock ownership is the easiest way to financially benefit from human innovation and progress as time moves along. We have population growth, higher standards of living and inflation every year. Although owning stock can feel uncomfortable for years at a time, over multiple decades there really hasn’t been a scenario where they’re the wrong investment.
Renée Michel, MBA and Joe Sweeney, CFP® | 2452 Lakewest Drive, Chico, CA 95928 530-342-2900 | 800-333-2901 | (F) 530-342-3925 | rmichel@amgchico.com | www.sweeneymichelamg.com Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.
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Italian Pottery Collection & Mother’s Day gifts have arrived!
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Co-Parenting: For the Kids & Yourself
A supervisor once told me, “When two people are in conflict; the more they talk— the closer they get to resolution.” However, it is most challenging when the conflict includes their kid(s). Add in all of life’s other complexities and it can become a heaping bowl of emotional spaghetti. This is often when many separated parents recognize that they need an enduring Co-Parenting Plan. There is a great deal of research showing that consistency in parenting styles is beneficial for children and teens. The idea behind Co-Parenting is to find a set of parenting decisions to act as a guide for consistent parenting. In the creation of a Co-Parenting Plan, the focus is often more on dealing with issues of today and tomorrow, and less on yesterday. Co-parenting addresses schedules, communications, funding, and responsibilities—of the kids, as well as basic respect for the other parent. It may seem easy to simply make a plan on your own, email it to the other parent, and hope they respond with “yes, dear.” Not surprisingly, in “High Conflict” separations, it can often be met with a response that includes different three and four letter words. This venomous dialog often finds its way to the kids and can lead to the parents communicating at each other through the kid(s). This is not a healthy way for either parent to move forward in their life. Coparenting can help redirect the talk, the structure, and the emotions productively.
Something for Mom!
Listen to Manley in the Morning for your chance to win! MONDAY-FRIDAY, 5:30-9AM
I would encourage anyone, at any stage of separation, divorce, or custody dispute, to call on a professional to help them navigate this process. You might be surprised at how much better it can be for you and for your kids. BRIAN MARTIN, MFT Stone Creek Counseling Center stonecreekchico.com 530.891.0965 This article is for entertainment purposes only.
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It was January when Phonechia received John* as a patient. He was about to be discharged, but it was more than just that. John had a unique story. For about 15 years, he was homeless and had finally gotten into an apartment in Chico. He was there for only a few months when he had a stroke and was admitted to Enloe Hospital. After his stroke, John was transferred to Twin Oaks for rehabilitation services. When the time came for him to be discharged, it was a far different scenario. His caseworker for the government program he was in had disappeared and John was in a situation that he could not handle. Not only was he in need of a caregiver because of his stroke and a swallowing issue, he was no longer able to get up and down the stairs to his apartment. This was not your average discharge case. Phonechia Thomas-Harrison was the new Director of Social Services at Twin Oaks, and when she heard about John she was quick to help. With his caseworker gone, John was left to figure out how to live outside of the rehabilitation center. John was qualified for Section 8, a subsidized housing program used to supplement rent. In John’s case, In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) needed to be established for potential caregiving services, then a caregiver had to be hired after a home evaluation was conducted. After that, a home assessment of the resident had to be completed by IHSS before John could be discharged. Phonechia didn’t hesitate to take care of this entire process to ensure that John was set up for discharge, but along with all of the paperwork was the fact that John lived upstairs and his condition did not make it possible for him to safely live in an upper level apartment. Phonechia contacted John’s landlord and was finally able to set him up with a downstairs apartment. Unfortunately, one of the last issues was that all of John’s belongings needed to be taken care of. The landlord was able to move them downstairs, but unpacking and setting it all up was a different story.
During a meeting with the therapy team, Phonechia explained it all— how John needed to be discharged and how she found him a home and a caregiver, but that his personal items needed to be moved. The landlord was as helpful as possible, but there was a lot of work that needed to be done. Without even blinking an eye, the staff was ready to help in any way they could, and before Phonechia knew it, the therapy team, social service team, and even the maintenance department were on their way to help John. The apartment was a wreck when they arrived on a rainy afternoon in March. All of John’s belongings were in trash bags pushed to the wall, including his furniture. The task at hand would have been impossible for him to do alone. For three hours the team at Twin Oaks took part in organizing John’s space and teaching him how to maneuver around the apartment. John watched as his mess of a place turned into a home. Being homeless for so long, was not one to trust or let others into his space but that day his walls came down and he realized that people really did care for him and wanted to see him succeed. Living happily in his home with a caregiver, John has been blessed with a new chance at life. Meals on Wheels provides specialized meals for him and his caregiver has been specially trained by the Twin Oaks team to help him live a comfortable and successful day to day life. To watch Phonechia and the rest of the team talk about the joy they felt taking care of John was a testament to the wonderful care that Twin Oaks provides. It’s more than just getting patients back to a healthy body, but giving the gift of time—time that can be used to live the best life possible.
All in this Together
It was getting harder and harder for John to see hope during this time. His case manager had given up on him and his stroke had set him back further than when he started. The system was making it difficult for him to succeed outside of the rehabilitation center. He was losing hope and Phonechia could see it.
Creme delacutus granite
Casey and Kinsey met through mutual friends in 2015. Originally from Chico, Casey attended Butte College and joined the fire academy before starting his career at CalFire as a firefighter. Kinsey moved from Redding to attend the nursing program at Chico State and, after working at Feather River Hospital, took a position as a nurse at Enloe Hospital. Casey purchased his first home in 2015, and after the two were engaged a short time later, Kinsey moved in. The home was built in 1986 and showed its age, as many homes built in the 80's do. Though Casey loved the footprint of the home, the dated look inside and out was less than appealing to him. He began updating the home himself as his schedule allowed, first repainting the home floor-toceiling, then laying new flooring, adding new baseboards, and eventually remodeling the entire master bathroom. The kitchen was rough and dated; definitely
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the most indicative of the home’s age. The honey oak cabinets had begun to fade and the white tile counters with brown grout had seen their fair share of use over the past 30 years. As the final major remodel remaining in the home, Casey and Kinsey decided it was time to get it done. They spoke to friends and family about the kitchen renovation and one of Kinsey’s friends at Enloe Hospital referred them to New Again Kitchen Remodeling in Chico.
THE CALL The couple visited New Again’s showroom on Park Avenue right before Christmas and met with Ric Powers, the store’s manager and resident designer. They were immediately impressed with his helpful nature and told him what they were looking to do in their kitchen. Casey provided Ric with the kitchen’s approximate square footage and they mapped
New Again’s installation team arrived right on schedule, and installed creme delacutus granite countertops over the base cabinets that Casey and his dad and created. The two complemented each other perfectly. Best of all, the entire process was completed during the day and the installation team was out of the home by 5pm. Casey mounted the sink and finished the final plumbing necessities, and the two took a step back to view the finished project; it was exactly what they had hoped for. When asked what they love most about their new kitchen, the two jokingly agreed that they love that it’s done. Specifically, though, Kinsey couldn’t quite decide. “I love the sink, the faucet, the granite, the backsplash, and the cabinets. I love it all!” Kinsey said. When asked about their experience with New Again, Casey continued, “It was a really good experience. The decision was super easy and the people at New Again were very quick and polite. Customer service is
really important to me and it was really easy working with Ric from the start of the quote to the end of the installation. We have no regrets at all.” With another beautiful kitchen remodel on the books and another set of happy customers, it’s no surprise that New Again Kitchen Remodeling continues to make a name for itself as the definitive kitchen and bathroom remodeling company in Chico. If you’re like Casey and Kinsey and have a kitchen or bathroom in need of updating, call New Again Kitchen Remodeling at 530.899.2888.
out some options. As the son of a cabinet builder, Casey was looking forward to working with his dad to build and install custom cabinets for his new home and was set on finishing the look with granite countertops. Ric walked them around the showroom and granite yard, discussing the various options they had available and helping them narrow down the choices. Casey and Kinsey honed in on two light and bright styles that matched the plans for their kitchen cabinetry and asked Ric for a quote. As Casey put it, “We were blown away by the price.” Knowing a ballpark figure of what granite would cost elsewhere, they decided there was no need to shop around; they signed off on the bid and took samples home to decide which color granite was right for them. After leaving each on top of their cabinets for a short period, they called Ric with their decision and he set their install date for two weeks later.
Lavatory. Watercloset. Washroom. Powderroom. The bathroom is often the most used and overlooked room in the house. When it comes to selecting artwork for this dwelling space, there are quite a few factors to consider. Other than brightening your washroom and accenting the space with wonderful artwork, you also want to conscientious about your wall decor to ensure it can withstand the fluctuations in condensation from showers. THINGS TO CONSIDER: • Avoid paper artwork. In a continuously changing environment like a bathroom with a shower, paper can react to moisture and temperature changes. Using plexiglass for your framed artwork can help negate the risk of moisture damage to your artwork. It doesn’t trap temperature and condensation like regular glass, which can cause your treasured pieces to become wavy, warped, or rippled. Plexiglass is microporous and allows your artwork to breathe, making it a better choice for framed art. • Mirrors. Don’t just glue a mirror up on the wall! Adding a custom frame around your mirrors can give any bathroom a completed, custom feel. Chico Paper Company has thousands of handcrafted frames to choose from that vary in price to suit any budget. Find a frame that complements hardware, fixtures, or countertops to make a great final touch for your custom bathroom. 42
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ARTWORK SAFE FOR A BATHROOM ENVIRONMENT: • Canvas art and paintings coated with resin or varnish make great bathroom art. Resin and varnish will seal the surface, protecting the piece from moisture. Resin adds a glossy, glasslike finish that accentuates pigments in any painting, making the art more eye-catching. • Artwork printed or painted onto wood —complete with a varnish seal—will withstand the changing environment of a washroom. Mariam Pakbaz' drawings on wood add a touch of whimsy and a dash of surrealism to any space, even the bathroom. • To brighten any wall in this room, hanging metal-infused photographs by Larry Leigh will do the trick. Metalinfused photos are developed when the pigments from the photograph are permeated into aluminum sheets, resulting in a crisp, luminous image. The photos are lightweight, and are easy to hang and clean. Ready to select the best pieces for your bathroom? The experts at Chico Paper Company are happy to help.
INTERIOR DESIGN ADVICE VIA C H I C O P A P E R C O M P A N Y For more information on Chico Paper Company, visit 345 Boradway Street in Downtown, Chico or call 530.891.0900.
SHASTAN HOMES Shastan Homes is in the process of bringing you a new exciting neighborhood: Shastan Homes at Hancock Park. This subdivision offers the same high quality building program and house plans that Shastan Homes is famous for. This amazing location is only a stone’s throw from Upper Bidwell Park; the park is easily accessible via the walking/biking path along the northeast boundary of our neighborhood. Architect Frank Glazewski has designed all the homes to be beautiful on the outside with exceptional floor plans on the inside. All homes are built with energy efficiency and water conservation in mind. Some of our customers that have installed solar panels on their homes are reporting $0 electric bills.
Shastan’s cutom design-build process is also ideal for building your dream home on any piece of property. We have the best in the business to take you through the entire process. Shastan Homes at Hancock Park is located on the far North East side of Chico near upper Bidwell Park. At Pleasant Valley High School go North on Marigold, then right on Eaton and left on St. Lawrence Avenue. To learn more visit www.shastanhomes.com or call Jay Halbert at 530.520.3146.
HERE IS OUR LIST OF EXCEPTIONAL CONTRACTORS Architecture Frank Glazewski, 894-5001 Appliances Ginno’s Appliances Scott Dilg, 342-2182 Cabinets Armstrong Cabinets Brian Shirley, 342-5533 Carpet, Window Coverings, Wood Flooring Towne Carpet Henry Iyone, 343-0215 Ceramic Tile Hinkle’s Tile Joe Hinkle, 693-0735
Garage Door Sharp’s Locksmithing Tyler Sharp, 533-5713 HVAC & Sheet Metal Jessee Heating & Air Mike Gray, 891-4926 Interior/ Exterior Doors Advanced Door Co. Jim Poole, 894-7000 Landscaping - Sunchasers John Goddard, 624-7000 Landscaping Plants Timshell Nursery Craig Thompson, 521-9125
Countertops Ginno’s Appliances Kevin Skinner, 342-2182
Maintenance & Whole House Fans Pappa’s Tool Box, Bob Keller, 521-3257
Developer & Sales Jay Halbert 520-3146
Painting Casey Swaim, 520-6424
Electrical/High Voltage Telic Electric Dave Rudolph, 520-0796 Electrical/Low Voltage Mike Gunther, 873-3665 Electrical Fixtures - Northern Lights Joe Tilton, 893-8008 Excavations/Backhoe George Neary, 330-3151 Fencing - M & M Fence Mike Smith, 624-3775 Final Cleaning - Annette’s Mop & Bucket Annette Perez, 354-0369 Finish Carpentry - Sam Leaf Construction Sam Leaf , 518-2230 Fireplaces - A-1 Stoves Steve Bruffy, 345-9292 Concrete Flatwork & Foundations Andy Sprague, 864-3273 Framing-Construction & Framing Services Jim Ratekin, 624-4165
Pressure Washing Olli's Pressure Washing, 895-8447 Pool Sunshine Pools Ralph Merlo, 521-0365 Plumbing & Fire Sprinklers Knight Construction Tim Knight, 624-5179 Raingutters & Downspouts: North Valley Raingutter 894-3347 Roofing - G & R Roofing Elaine Rios, 518-7760 Sheetrock - Butte Drywall Rick Woodcock, 693-0148 Smith Insulation Ed Smith 217-9425 Stucco & Masonry - Mid Valley Lath and Plaster Lonnie Joyner, 680-0491 Windows, Mirrors, Skylights, Shower Doors Miller Glass Jim Beltramo, 624-6213 43
Tomatoes are the most popular home garden vegetable so it’s no surprise that they come in 100’s of varieties with a wide choice of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some tomatoes can cover an entire piece of bread when sliced and there is no end to possibilities in the kitchen—sauces, soups, salsa, juice, canning, and more. The first step in growing tomatoes is picking the right garden spot. You’ll want somewhere that gets at least six hours of sunlight. Look for a nice level plot that allows about 24–36 inches between your plants with fertile, well-drained soil that you amend with compost prior to planting. When you are ready to plant, select sturdy plants. The soil temperature should be above 50 degrees, preferably 70 degrees. Place the transplant in the hole so that only two sets of true leaves are exposed. The tomato will root along the stem, so plant deep. Press the soil firmly around the plant and pour 1 pint of starter solution or other diluted fertilizer around each plant. Keep the soil around the plant moist for the first 2–3 weeks. After that, water slowly and deeply, wetting the entire root zone when the soil dries. Drip irrigation and soaker hoses work well. 44
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I choose a variety of tomato plants for my garden. I have some tried-and-true varieties and always add something new to keep things interesting. This year my garden will probably contain: • Early Girl, will ripen 59 days from transplanting. This early, prodigious producer has medium size tomatoes with lots of flavor. • Sungold, cherry tomato with a sweet tart flavor. This local favorite has intense golden orange fruit. Great for snacking or salads. 65 days. • San Marzano, large, plum variety with few seeds and meaty flesh. This is best in sauce, canning and drying. 78–80 days. • Purple Cherokee, said to have been grown by the Cherokee Indians. Its rosy, purple fruits range from 12 oz to 1 lb. 85 days • Brandywine, heirloom tomato. These red-pink fruits set the standard for full tomato flavor. 85 days.
Carol Koenig is a Butte County Master Gardener. For more information on this and other gardening topics visit ucanr.edu.
A professional team with integrity that is here to serve our clients
530.532.0400 Good News for Sellers
Own this home
Median Home Sale Price in Butte County is up 9.5% YTY (year to year)* *Stats from CAR as of Feb 2017
PURCHASE PRICE $ 219,000 PAYMENT $1,117.94* DOWN PAYMENT $1,500
2840 STORMES AVE | $219,000 3 bed, 2 bath home in the city limits of Oroville. Walking distance to shopping and high school. Covered patio. Newer windows, and hardwood floors.
*Rates vary based on credit DTI and loan program selected. Not all borrowers will qualify. FHA 30 year fixed program rate as of April 6, 2017 3.5% with an APR of 4.37% 30yr. Payment doesn’t included tax and insurance
Let us manage your property! 2 MONTHS FREE with 12 month commitment. We know managing rental properties can be stressful and time consuming. We would like the opportunity to earn your business. For more detailed information or questions about our services, please call us at:
C I N D Y P E E B L E S & T R I S H A A T E H O R T U A 530.370.9188 Benefits of hiring a professional property manager: • Peace of Mind • Professional Expertise • Thorough screening for new tenants • Timely and Affordable Maintenance and Repairs (in house licensed contractor)
For more information visit: www.peeblesproperty.com 3014 Olive Hwy, Oroville Ca 95966 530.370.9188 Broker BRE# 02012905 46
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We walked across a bridge above a pond full of Koi that sprung to the surface to greet us. Bruce told me that the kids love the fish and are excited to feed them and watch them swim about. Then we walked though a gorgeous outdoor showroom featuring a wide representative sampling of the pavers and porcelain tile options to chose from. It is helpful to get a visual of the various patio, wall, and pathway options as they will appear in your yard. With most Californians endeavoring to be more water conscious, lawns and ponds have lost popularity in favor of more sustainable outdoor decor. As you walk to the sales office you will pass a large pondless waterfall. These structures have gained favor over the last few years as they constantly recirculate water from an underground reservoir, making them a more eco friendly option that takes up less space than a traditional pond. Then there are stone columns and spheres of varying heights with bubblers that add the calming sight and sound with running water, a very cooling feature in our summer heat.
flat rock, fountains and statuary to drought friendly decorative rock and gravel, and so much more!
Something that struck me about Bruce was his business ideology. With 40 years of experience designing and installing landscapes, he has a deep desire to share his wealth of information with anyone that comes in. The whole focus of Bruce and the crew at Sutherland Landscape Center is customer service. Bruce is also mindful that sticking to a budget is important for all of us. With the numerous options available in his yard there is is generally a way to make your pocketbook and desires agree.
Groundwork One of the most important steps in converting a house to a home has less to do with the house itself, but with the space surrounding it. For new homeowners looking to create a landscape from scratch or for those who want to perk up their existing landscape, the task can feel a little daunting.
If you are like me, chances are landscaping is not your forte. I recently spent some time at Sutherland Landscape Center and left with a ton of knowledge on the art. Owner Bruce Whitegiver walked me around the property and showed me the wide variety of products he carries from rich garden soils, pavers and
Bruce and his wife, Janelle met at Chico State in the Ornamental Horticulture program. By graduation they had fallen in love with both Chico and each other and wanted to settle in our beautiful town. In 1986 they bought Sutherland Landscape Center at its original location on the Esplanade. The business has been growing ever since and is now located on four acres off of Highway 32 just west of East Avenue. Besides a sales yard that is a feast for your eyes and a friendly and helpful sales staff, they carry a wide variety of products to enhance the beauty of your yard and garden. They cater to both retail and wholesale customers and can deliver anything right to your door. FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO SUTHERLANDSCAPE.COM, CALL 530.893.4531 OR VISIT BRUCE AND HIS TEAM AT 2720 HIGHWAY 32. 47
The Homeowner's Toolkit
Collier Hardware, the 100+ year old hardware store at 1st and Broadway downtown, is a one-of-a-kind store with items ranging from Weber BBQs to Kitchen Aids to every size imaginable nut and bolt. The following is a list of items that every homeowner should have on hand to do household chores and improvements. 1. C-Clamp: A simple yet handy tool that can be used for a variety of jobs. From holding pieces of wood when you need to saw or file them to gluing that old pair of shoes you used to love back together. Be sure to put a shim of some kind in between the clamp on the object you’re working on to avoid leaving any marks on its surface. 2. 6-in-1 Screwdriver: Many jobs require a screwdriver of some kind, either phillip’s-head, flat-head, or a torx head. You could be like my dad and seem to have about four different sizes of all three head types taking up space in your toolbox, or you could get a screwdriver that has six sizes all in one tool. This saves you space and time knowing you have the right tool in your hand no matter what. 3. Adjustable Crescent Wrench: Portable, convenient and trustworthy. Few tools will get more use than a crescent wrench as it allows you to turn a wide range of nuts and bolts with a single tool. From plumbing issues to repairs 48
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to building that new jungle gym for the kids, a crescent wrench is useful for every job. 4. Stud Finder/Level: One of the best parts of setting up a home is hanging art—it’s what makes your house feel like home! From heavy paintings that require a stud, to hangning that new Sierra Nevada poster, we’ve all had times where the art looks straight when you’re standing right in front of it, only to sit down and see how crooked it truly is. Using a level, whether a laserlevel or the classic bubble, will help you save time and avoid unnecessary holes in the wall. 5. Garbage Disposal Wrench: Some may not know what a garbage disposal wrench even is, but if you need one and have it handy, you’ll be glad you did. After you Google what the wrench is exactly, go take a look under your sink at the garbage disposal and see if you have one stashed there. When your disposal is jammed, simply take the tool and find the spot on the underside of the disposal and rotate it until the jam goes away. Knowing how to do this can save hundreds in unnecessary calls to a plumber.
For more information visit Collier Hardware at 105 Broadway Street in Chico or call 530.342.0195.
The North State Symphony's Concert Season Closes with an
EPIC PERFORMANCE! In its season finale, North State Symphony sets the stage for an epic opportunity to experience the world “Mahler style.” One of history’s greatest composers whose outsized personality was reflected in his master works, composer Gustav Mahler famously once said “A symphony must be like the World: it must contain everything.” This is certainly the case with his fifth symphony, which will take you on an emotional roller coaster from tragedy to triumph featuring an orchestra on the largest of scales. The symphony will also be joined by virtuoso high school pianist Diego Bustamente, who will dazzle you with the soaring melodies and crisp rhythms of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 20. Diego has already established an impressive resume as a concert pianist whose focused performances and artistic maturity belie his young age. This unforgettable concert will be in Laxson Auditorium on Sunday, May 14 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale through the University Box Office at 530.898.6333. For more information visit us online at northstatesymphony.org, and follow us on Facebook, too! Plus, save the date for Frugal House! The symphony's favorite fundraiser is returning to Chico June 9, 10, and 11, showcasing creative and frugal design ideas in a beautiful new house by Epick Homes. Everything in the house is for sale, and the event kicks offwith a fun street party. Contact the North State Symphony for tickets at 530.898.5984.
A "shelfie" is a fun way to display your home accessories and show off your unique style skills! Are you ready to create your own?
DÉCOR ITEMS RECOMMENDED: Books: Books are the foundation for styling a shelfie. Look for hard back books in the same color palette as the room or keep books neutral. Tip: Try to use grey or cream hard back books as they mix well with most color palettes Objects of interest: Look around your home. You will be surprised at how many pieces you find, which may not necessarily fit the space they are in, but do make sense when grouped together and placed on a shelf (examples: urns, containers, figurines, boxes, and geometric objects). Mixing shapes and sizes is great for breaking up straight lines on a shelf, as they add visual interest. Greenery: A excellent “go to” for greenery is faux succulents. Their rubbery nature can pass as real when paired with objects and books. Their size is perfect, their shape softens lines, and they give the shelf movement. (bonus, faux succulents require no watering!) Picture Frames and Artwork: Framed family pictures can personalize the space while artwork can add color to your shelfie. Tip: Lean artwork on books for a more relaxed look
LET’S BEGIN! Start by placing your books on the shelf. You can set them vertically, stack them, or even place them so that the spine is not exposed. Turning books backwards is a great way to reuse books already in the home. It also saves you from spending extra money. Another suggestion is covering books with plain or decorative paper. Flashback to that Algebra textbook which seemingly never got opened… Layer in your objects by placing them on top of stacked books, or set the objects as bookends. Grouping of the objects is key and using odd numbers of items is most appealing. Be sure to intersperse heights of each shelf, always mixing short and tall objects. Add in your greenery, picture frames, and art. Your shelfie will start to take shape. At times take a step back and you will see what spots need more or less. Give your books and objects space! It is ok to add and remove items until it feels balanced. Every “no” is closer to your “yes!” Décor should be a collection of what you love and what makes you smile.
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Elements to Styling The Perfect #Shelfie
There’s something about
Sherry LandiS
“I would sherry landis anyone is buying “Sherryrecommend Landis is by far the best real to estate agentwho in Chico. She is or selling a home.She thehas most personable and at the professional, positive, is and incredible follow through. Shesame helped us navigate our way through the sale of every two homes purchase of time most professional realitor iv’e met. and Herthe networking is another—all at the when same time! She nevermakes missedher a beat. made sure we outstanding,which put together oneShe of the best understood the process, and stayed in constant contact with us. Even after all realitor on Chico.“ three homes closed, she continued to call, email, and text just&to make sure -Robert Arlene Cary everything was going as planned. We could not have done it without her.”
— Doug anD CoLEttE RobERtS
(530) 514-4855 | landis4sale25@gmail.com landis4sale@aol.com | www.SherryLandis.com
One of Chico’s most spectacular homes! Conveniently located in Northwest Chico with only 3 homes on this tree-lined street. The home is privately gated, has solar, and sits on almost 2 acres. The dining room has a cherry wood ceiling and the living room is stunning with 12’ crowned ceilings, flowing draperies, and fireplace. Perfect for entertaining with a huge cook’s kitchen, granite countertops, 60” Wolfe Range, breakfast nook, old-world textured walls, and cherry wood cabinets. The theatre is a step-up, semi-soundproof room with hand painted walls and ceiling, AV equipment wall, 112” screen with projector, and large windows. The master wing is turned 45 degrees to view the beautiful backyard and features 12’ ceilings, crown molding, sitting area, and fireplace. The master bath is done in marble with a steam shower, Jacuzzi tub, faux walls, and special lighting. The backyard features a 50’ long pool, marble-faced waterfalls, huge party patio, and a sunken hot tub. This home is a must see! Call today!. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 6,065 Price: $1,649,000
Inside this beautiful gated community you will find this stunning custom built home, designed with an open and inviting floor plan! Quality and detail are found in every nook and cranny and pride of ownership shines throughout! It is apparent that this home has been an inviting gathering place for friends and family over the years...now it’s just waiting for you to start creating your own happy memories! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 3,847 Price: $599,000
This was the model home and only one owner! There have been many upgrades including travertine tiles, upgraded carpets, granite, oversized lot, built in desk in media room, special color paint throughout, draperies, landscaped beautifully with slate water fall, flowers galore and redwood trees. RV Access on both sides of the house and two master suites make this home a must see! Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 3,166 Price: $429,000
A terrific Michael Galli floor plan updated and remodeled from head to toe about a year ago. Stainless steel appliances, granite counters, plush carpets, decorator lighting, exterior and interior painting, lush park like yard, sparkling in ground gunite pool, newer 10x10 outdoor shed, wood stove, shows truly like a model home. Open floor plan with so many upgrades!
You might hear bird chirping in the seasonal creek that is outside your bedroom window or the sound of the trickling water. Not only is there an attached 2 car garage but this property has a great detached shop and RV access. You might think your at the Redwoods but your at home in Paradise California. Kitchen has had an extensive remodel approximately five years ago. The living and kitchen area have the prettiest wood ceilings I have ever seen! Don’t let this one slip by! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,081 Price: $240,000
Hot on the market! This 1 of a kind home, tucked away on a private serene street will woo you! The rock on the exterior IS real and so will your experience be when you step into this dreamy home. Newer carpet and reclaimed oak hardwood floors throughout down stairs and an 18’ vaulted ceiling showcases the windows and views of the river rock gas fireplace !!! Back yard nicely fenced with cedar and iron fencing! Appliances included! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 4.0 Price: $284,000
Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 3,675 Price: $665,000
My homes are selling fast! Call if I can help by listing your home today! #3 in Production for 2014! CA-DRE lic# 01084946 52
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“Effie Khaki has handled four real estate transactions for us in the last five years. We just can’t say enough about her overall professionalism. Effie is absolutely commited to watching out for your best interests in getting you the best deal possible.” -Chris Deford
Expect to be impressed. Superbly appointed in an exclusive community of fine estates, this elegant home was built to exact specifications with almost no regards for cost. As you approach the house, you will fall in love with the peaceful ambiance of the beautiful koi pond and its waterfalls. The massive, double door entry will welcome you to a stunning residence offering exceptional detailing throughout. This beautiful home features all the amenities one could want, including radiant, heated marble floors, imported Brazilian mahogany pillars, dramatic ceilings, formal room,neighborhood formal dining room, a family by room with fireplace, Tucked away in living a upscale & sheltered majestic kitchen with granite counters, doublehome. convection oven, trash compactor, and trees, here you will find your dream This beautiful home bar. The master suite offers dual vanities, his is&loaded her closet, a jetted tub, is eating designed for indoor/outdoor entertaining and with and a walk-in love the fully-equipped theater, upgrades. Youshower. will loveYou thewill generously proportionedhome rooms, the the wine cellar, andwood the dumbwaiter. A wholeliving house fan,dining central vacuum, A/C units, gorgeous floors, the formal and rooms, the2cozy 2 water heaters, and security system will keep thismaster home perfectly family room with intercom it’s fireplace, guest quarter, expansive suit, suited to you with at allcan times. The backyard is centered around entertaining, with a large kitchen lighting, breakfast nook over looking a beautiful gorgeous pool, waterfalls, and covered private yard, 3 car garage, gated R.V.gazebo. parking all on almost one ace of total privacy. 4.0 Bath:3.0 Price: $749,900 Bed: 4.0 Bed: Bath: 3.0 SqFt: SqFt: 2,5014,367 Price: $487,500
Intoxicating view! Where the eagles soar, this captivating residence sits shielded behind iron gates. This home is truly magnificent with towering ceilings, walls of glass, gleaming wood floors, a lavish living room, formal & informal dining, gourmet kitchen, granite counters, designer hood, 3 fireplaces, 6” interior walls, 2HVAC, 3 car garage and more all onan almost 2 acre parcel. The ambiance is peaceful with views of sunsets & city lights. You will breakfast on the patio watching the mountain ranges & Sutter-Buttes. At night simply relax & enjoy your unobstructed view of the star-speckled sky. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,389 Acreage: ~2.0
Breathtaking canyon views just 10 minutes from Chico and below Forest Ranch! Home features a beautiful upstairs master bedroom suite with a coffered ceiling, outside deck built for hot tub and office space on same floor. New additions: Master bath remodeled with high end granite and state of the art rain shower. Bedrooms share jack-and-jill bathroom on bottom level with new tile floor, a gorgeous family room with fireplace; coffered ceilings in the living & formal dining which include their own fireplaces. Additional bath also remodeled with granite & vessel sink. Gourmet kitchen was recently remodeled with slab granite counters, tile backsplash, travertine tiles and new appliances. Other features include: new wood laminate flooring, security system, central vac throughout, water softener, 2 heating, and 2 air systems, whole house fan, surround sound speakers throughout the home and so much more! Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 3,538 Price: $625,000 PENDING The lake is only seconds away from this beautiful home! Tucked away in neighborhood, a friendly neighborhood, immaculate home offers an open inTucked a quiet this well this maintained home offers a darling floor plan, highperfect ceilings,for large living days room,to ansitopen kitchen with an island, a gated porch, summer upon and relax. Inside five burner gas cookfltop a double ovens. Seller has made many upgrades you’ll find an open oor and plan, high ceilings, tile counters, and wood this darling home which includes new appliances in the kitchen, new flto ooring throughout. Tile floors in theallkitchen and bathrooms, fireplace shower head, bathroom newer carpet some windows. infaucets, the living room, walk-in closet,sink, mater bath withand dual sink,new separate The master is yard located in the first floorfree and so two other bedroom are shower and bedroom a tub. The is maintenance you can enjoy life onspending the second floor.time Theby yard is beautifully landscaped and ersenjoying a lush lawn, by more the lake canoeing, fishing, oroff just a bubbling spa, water fountain, 2 large sheds and an oversize side yard. walking the paths around the area. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,516 Price: $279,900 Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,346 Price: $269,000
Pirates will squeal & scurry for this hidden treasure! The delightful, large Golf porch course,oflake walking trails are provides just a stone throw away from this front this&gorgeous home relaxation and a great stunning home. Tuckedyour away in a cul-de-sac in a prestigious place to get to know neighbors. With soaring 10 andneighborhood, 12 foot this home ers anfeatures open floor plan, proportioned rooms and ceilings, thisoff home walls ofgenerously glass windows providing ample abundance of windows for naturalthroughout, lights. As you step intoflthe house you will natural lighting, crown molding bamboo ooring, a cozy fall in lovewith withmantel, the spacious living room and its cozy fireplace, withdoors, its sunny fireplace built-in bookshelves, cabinets with glass breakfast nook and the formal dining room. In addition, this home also offers a darling kitchen, 3 bedrooms and a loft, indoor laundry, a beautiful a family room that can beZen-inspired easily turnedlandscaping into an office plus or a 24th bedroom. patio with fountain and car garage.The updated kitchen and bathrooms have slab granite counter tops and custom tiled flooring. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,899 Price: $399,000 Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.5 SqFt: 1,739 Price: $309,000
Location, location, location!!!!! This home is located on a lovely cul-de-sac two blocks from Parkview Elementary School and a five-minute walk to Bidwell Park!! Beat the heat with shade trees and ceiling fans throughout for better energy efficiency. Enjoy cozy winter evenings in front of the lovely granite fronted thermostatically controlled gas fireplace with mantle. The kitchen features granite counters, energy efficient appliances, eating bar and dining area. The PENDING inviting patio off the dining room inspires outdoor entertaining and relaxing in the sitting areasThe or underThis thehome pergola on the brick pavers. Great location Chicoand State and downtown! This well Two commercial properties. features granite Intoxicating viewsclose of Mt.toShasta Mt. Lassen!! This well maintained Step through theAC entry delightful home and experience the history of this antique Chico charmer. Nested in the coveted Avenues, Enormous master bedroom with walk-in closet and large bath with maintained home master bedroom/bath first parcel has 1.6 withofathis counter tops, laminate flooring, home sits on 10 acresfeatures of total vaulted privacy.ceiling, Featuring a large living room this has been enjoyed by separate numerous Chico The generations. From its with cozy with3granite to its newerplus dualakitchen pane windows, dual sinks, granite counters and laundry room downstairs and bedrooms/full upstairs half bath 600 Sqhome ft. building structure that crown shower. molding, security system, akitchen free standing wood counters stove, a bath newly remodeled with security new gas and stainless steel appliances, homecounter exemplifi es the quality fine homes. You will love the is abuilt stone’s throw from allwater three heater upstairs bedrooms. is apane two- this downstairs fortops, guests. There isof ample storage, double car garage was insystem, 1979 and has been central heat and There air, dual granite custom cabinetry and newer appliances, this car garage plenty storage and thepeaceful easy careambiance yardappliances features with laundry hook-ups and a the niceformal outside patio areasized for entertaining. generously proportioned rooms the of this home. Thealso lavish living room and dining of this home operating as with a nursery forofthe last and windows, upgraded home provides tile and laminate flooring, an room over bonus automatic sprinklers and a drip wellmany as backyard lighting Thiswith would make a wonderful parent/investor orspacious owner-occupied 25have years. It isnumerous partially fenced, itand is system and as fixtures. This home aon room a wood stove, indoor waterthe softeners, 2 balconies, held parties entertained friendsalso andhas families. Guest must of marveled at rich laundry, wood floors, family on services and near parknot large basement perfect foroff your a city timer. Hurry! Thisisin gem will last long!. a property. private domestic well plus well, central room and sparking ground pool. The yard is beautiful and ers a dinning patio with pergola andaashared newly Ag. installed droughtheating friendlyand air, and shopping. This The 2nd parcel is Bath: collection andPrice: storage! 3.0for 3.0create SqFt:memories 1,612 $335,000 Bed: 4.0much Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 1,611 Price: $312,000 and more. landscaping. is aBed: home youwine to of your own. barn/shop, 4 car carport on .29 AC and is adjacent to the Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 Bed: Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,503 2,240 Price: Price: $399,900 Bed:4.0 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: $399,900 3 other parcel. 40
Price: $400,000
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SqFt: 2,085 Price: $239,000
They Can Build It! Though custom cabinetry makes up the lionshare of the projects completed by Chico Custom Cabinetry, most folks are unaware of the true range of woodworking projects that they actually take on. When it comes to wood, they stand firmly behind their motto, “If you can dream it, we can build it!” and we’ve showcased a fair number of their projects over the past year that prove just that. Up to this point, our features have been kitchen and bathroom remodels, but many of their projects involve custom furniture, pieces with unique functionality, or statement pieces to beautify the home. The following projects are sure to detail the wide array of work they complete and the quality craftsmanship they provide. Kim and Kevin Fleming wanted an entryway table but, like so many of us have experienced in the past, couldn't find one they liked to fit their unique 20 foot long space. Kim worked with Chico Custom Cabinetry co-owner and designer, John, to come up with the perfect design. Comprised of three sets of legs, four dovetail style drawers, and a special old school locking mechanism, the custom entryway table ensured that Kim and Kevin’s baby, Austin, couldn't pull the drawers all the way out on his own, but that the adults could when necessary. A burnt reddish stain under an espresso color with just enough distress made the piece look like an antique rather than a big-box store purchase. There’s no sense in purchasing top of the line technology if you don’t have something beautiful to display it in. Chico Custom Cabinetry met with Timothy Thayer to discuss his dreams for his home’s new entertainment center and set out to make those dreams come true. Built from cherry wood and finished with a provencial stain, the 14 foot long entertainment center’s live edge design made from cedar wood made it as much of a focal point in his living room as the technology and treasured personal items it framed.
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When Ruth Hill hired Chico Custom Cabinetry to design and build custom cabinetry for their brand new kitchen and extra large California closet, she wanted to make sure that she tied the bathroom into the rest of the work being done throughout the home. She had a custom vanity designed to do just that. Designed to complete the spa-like bathroom, the dark stain and light top created the necessary contrast to make that bathroom pop! With plenty of storage inside and out, the vanity was the perfect addition to an already beautiful bathroom.
When local ophthalmologist and friend of the magazine, Dr. Isaac Barthelow, purchased his 100 year old Chico charmer, he knew he was in for an extreme home makeover. The kitchen was a significant part of the remodel and he tapped Chico Custom Cabinetry to help. Frequently hosting friends at his home, he knew ample seating was necessary and extra storage was a must. The team at Chico Custom Cabinetry built custom window seating for his new kitchen with as much storage as they could fit and angled seat-backs that were specially requested by the doc for ultimate comfort. The flip up seats and special sliding boxes made the most out of the seating’s L-shaped footprint. Isaac couldn’t be more pleased and wrote, “They were great people, communicated well throughout the project, and provided excellent results on a very complicated project in my 100 year old home. I would definitely recommend them to friends and family in the future.”
When mother and daughter quilting team, Wilda and Debbie Forbes, were looking to increase efficiency and storage in their quilting room, they called on Chico Custom Cabinetry to design and build a custom cutting and storage table for them. The island table provides plenty of pull out cabinet storage alongside a beautifully integrated pegboard face that is perfect for hanging tools to allow easier access. The tabletop makes cutting a breeze and the island itself was built to the room’s specifications to ensure plenty of walk space around it while maximizing potential cutting space.
A Place for
Playhouse Youth Theatre, Enloe Medical Center and Chico Performances present
Thursday, May 25 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium On the corner of Pine Avenue and East 3rd Street is the Chico Women’s Club, tucked away behind tall redwoods. The picturesque lodge is settled beside Annie’s Glen, a grove of trees which has a pathway that leads to lower Bidwell Park. The local women’s club was founded in 1913 and received the land that the lodge is on now is from Annie Bidwell herself. The lodge was built in 1933 and the land that is now Annie’s Glen was given back to the city some years after the lodge was built.
Thursday, June 22 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium
www.ChicoPerformances.com (530) 898-6333 56
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The Chico Women’s Club has a rich history of providing for the community of Chico. In the late 1950’s, the club helped install Caper Acres, a popular children’s playground located in lower Bidwell Park. The club strives to promote community arts and education through various methods. Every second Thursday of the month, the local chapter meets at their location on East 3rd from 5:30 to 7 p.m. At the moment there are about 70 members who work to promote the performing arts in Chico. The club holds various fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for women students at Chico High School, Pleasant Valley High School, Fairview High School, Inspire, as well
as female students at Butte College. Recently, per-need basis scholarships were given to female students at Chico High, Pleasant Valley, and Inspire. One of the main fundraisers is their show called Ebony and Ivory. It began in 2011 when the members of the club wanted to refurbish a 1911 Grand Steinway piano, which now sits in the lodge, available to play upon reservation. The piano had to be sent down to Modesto to be refurbished and to raise money for this, the members of the club decided to hold a musical performance in their lodge in April of 2012. The money was raised and the community enjoyed the event so much that the Chico Women’s Club decided to make it a yearly tradition. The 5th consecutive Ebony and Ivory music festival was held this year on April 21st at the club, with the main guests, the Miami Rogue Roosters, as one of the main acts. The ticket price of $15 got attendees into the show as well as a range of food which was homemade by the members.
“Women are going to change this world...But we have to be confident and lead fiercely, with compassion and love and support.” –SARAH FRAGOSO
We’re excited to share with you the faces and stories of some of Butte County’s incredible female business owners. May they be as inspiring to you as they have been to us!
Sarah Fragoso
Healthy living is tough, but Sarah Fragoso is working to make it easier. The local entrepreneur holds many titles—mother, author, blogger, founder of Everyday Paleo and co-owner of the local gym JS Strength & Conditioning—all focused on nourishing bodies and minds worldwide.
While Sarah’s blog posts and recipes focus on clean eating, her degree in psychology has also taught her that true lifestyle changes begin in the mind. She uses this knowledge in one-on-one virtual coachings with clients across the nation, taking a multilayered approach to help women love themselves along their journey. Part of her success, she thinks, comes from the empathy she brings to every project. “It's all stuff that I’ve dealt with myself,” she says. “I’m not any different than from any mom out there.” 58
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This is the idea that pushes her forward. With a new podcast (Better Everyday) added to her resume, Sarah hopes to expand her brand from covering diet-specific topics to women’s health. But female empowerment has always been present in Sarah’s work—she’s “the only person who can hold [herself] back,” after all. “Women are going to change this world,” she declares. “But we have to be confident and lead fiercely, with compassion and love and support.” Health comes in many forms, and Sarah shows that self-love is just another muscle to exercise.
Among her many endeavors, Sarah has published six books filled with simple, paleo-themed recipes to help others eat right. While the author grew up surrounded by fresh and organic food in Dairyville, it wasn’t until 2007 that she questioned the state of her own health and dove headfirst into building her brand and rebuilding her lifestyle. Now living in Chico, Sarah encourages everyone to take advantage of local resources like the farmer’s market to inspire healthy diets while supporting the local economy.
The Ladies of Lulu's
Denine Owen & Tricia Daverson DENINE’S CUPCAKES
Most of us longtime local gals remember when having a sparkly Lulu’s Fashion Lounge logo on our tanks and tees was all the rage. That uncanny knack for knowing exactly what women would love to wear is a gift owner Colleen Winter has always had. Over the years, what began as a stylish boutique in downtown Chico has grown to become a household name brand. Run by 500 employees company wide (and counting!), we sat down with a few of them who collectively shared inspiring stories of their workplace culture and the empowerment they find daily within these brick walls. As testimony to the long-term support Colleen instills, Cara Fox-Galassi has been with Lulu’s for 10 years now, and remembers her time working in the local store well. She was a sales associate, steamed clothes, ran inventory, and styled photoshoots. Now the Art Director of the company, she is thankful to have a mentor who always believed in her abilities and pushed her to keep reaching new goals. Being at Lulu’s for many years has allowed Cara the opportunity to watch the brand reshape and mold as it quickly fashioned into something much bigger. She says, “Chico as a community grew up with Lulu’s. We’ve grown up with you. All the best parts that people liked, we took and expanded upon.” As one of the largest employers in town, and with a second location in Los Angeles, one thing is consistent throughout the company. Having a boss who’s a woman has shaped the Lulu’s culture entirely. In fact, it created it. “She’s hard on you but compassionate. Nurturing but with high expectations. You always know exactly what you need to do,” says Crystal Estes, CFO. This level of encouragement has continuously enriched daily work life at Lulu’s. Everyone is comfortable being themselves and working as a unified team to reach company goals. Their open office concept ensures all positions have the same opportunity to learn. Everything about the space is mindful, just like its creator. “A really great woman has built up more really great women and a business where people (both males and females) can excel,” says HR Manager Sara Steele. Uninterested in the spotlight, Colleen just wants is to do her job the best she can and create happiness. We’d say she’s succeeded! Pictured right to left: Cara Fox-Galassi: Art Director, Crystal Estes: CFO, Sara Steele: HR Manager, Megan Rzepecki: Customer Service Manager, Amy Crawford: Community Engagement Coordinator, & Stephanie Gaito: Brand Director. www.lulus.com
If you’ve ever tried a cupcake from Denine Owen’s sweet little shop on Broadway Street in Downtown Chico, then it’s no surprise how she won Good Morning America’s "Great American Cupcake Challenge” in 2006. The surprising part? She entered the contest completely on a whim, with no professional baking experience at all.
Originally from Redding, Denine graduated from Humboldt State with a degree in art, later working in the Bay Area as a graphic designer before moving to Chico to start her family. The mother of three had a long-time love for baking, and when she heard that Good Morning America was looking for the best cupcake in the nation, she decided to enter. As it turned out, people really liked that flourless s’mores cupcake, a gluten-free option she brings back as a special from time to time. At that time, Denine was selling cupcakes from home and eventually the demand grew beyond what she could produce there. She decided it was time to open a storefront and began work on what is now a staple to the downtown scene. After months of blacked out windows and a “baking soon” sign, Denine and her partner Tricia Daverson opened Denine’s Cupcake’s much-anticipated doors in July of 2014. “This is the happiest place in Chico,” says Denine, looking around her brightly colored, cheerful space. And while she is confident in that statement, she isn’t ashamed to say that she and Tricia are still learning every day. They have painstakingly tweaked each recipe to perfection, adding that the transition to baking on a larger scale was especially challenging. The ladies laugh as they tell me that they only eat their cupcakes once in awhile, and are always surprised at how delicious they actually are. Denine and Tricia hope to be in their location for years to come, and wouldn’t complain if one of their 12 children decided to take over one day. The two are proud to be a part of the Chico community, donating to various local causes and giving away their day-old cupcakes to shelters, fire stations, and downtown workers. They love being able to serve customers of all ages and all stages of life—from kids’ birthday parties to wedding proposals, and even funeral services. The stories are endless and touching to say the least. To other entrepreneurs, Denine’s advice is simple yet powerful: “Be nice to everyone. Support each other, it’s simple. We all make mistakes, be forgiving.” 116 Broadway St, Chico. 59
“That’s what we called the boots we put on to feed the chickens,” Saremy of Chicken Boots explained when talking about the unique name of her company. She was shy about the name, but little did she know it exuded her charm and sweetness. This charm is expressed beautifully in her colorful and functional knitting, crochet, and other craft accessories that she sells online. You can find an array of charming products that include specially designed fabrics, project cases, and many more items that suit the company name “Chicken Boots.” Originally born and raised in Southern California, Saremy graduated from FIDM in 1991 with a degree in fashion design and an emphasis in production. She worked in the outerwear industry for companies like B.U.M. Equipment before moving to Humboldt where she ran her previous business for 11 years and started Chicken Boots in 2010. From there, Saremy moved to Chico where she has been for the last five years. Saremy is still relatively new to Chico and because her business is mostly online, her experience of Chico is somewhat limited, but that has not kept her from appreciating it. Her insight into being a business owner was fascinating and she offered many pieces of wisdom, two of which I have found myself repeating to myself since we met: “Just chip away at it” and “Sometimes you just have to let go.” Having her own business for the past 11 years and her design experience is a testament to her success. Saremy would like to expand into a bigger space, but, another piece of advice she shared with me is “don’t force it,” which applied to many aspects of her business, whether it’s a design, an idea, event, or next location. She said it was something she learned to tell herself over time. If she felt she was forcing it, she knew it was not the right decision and to let it go. “Do you and work with integrity,” she told me. This is a statement she lives by. Her designs and personal hobbies are unique to her and after meeting her, it was evident she runs her business with the utmost integrity. Getting to know Saremy only heightened the experience of her products and by the end of our interview, I was as charmed by her as the adorable story that contributed to the name of her business. www.chickenbootsusa.com 60
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Jasmine James WINE TIME
The moment Jasmine James graduated from Paradise High school, she was quick to go off to college in Santa Cruz, later to work on her Ph.D. in Wyoming. Jasmine was born to find success, even if that success turned out to be different from what she thought it would be. Wine Time began five years ago when Jasmine’s parents found the property together with the intent that she and her mom would open a wine bar. Everything else just seemed to follow. The property is now converted into a wine bar, a tavern, a hotel, and hopefully soon, a speakeasy. When asked about how it all got started, Jasmine humbly talks about how her success came suddenly and how she surprised even herself at how much she loved being back home in Butte County. She says she is proud of her amazing and talented staff that helped in making Wine Time a success. To her, her staff is as close as family and she has fallen in love with what she does, even if it wasn’t something she originally envisioned for herself. When asked about the goals she has for the businesses, she smiled sweetly and told me how she wants to see the property as a destination—a place to get away, a goal I can tell she has already achieved just in the small time I enjoyed on the patio. I asked her if she had advice for other entrepreneurs and she was adamant and honest in saying not to go into anything with an ego and to take advice from others. She said to let those who know guide you and to keep that mindset every day. 26 Lost Dutchman Drive, Chico | winetimechico.com
Chelsey Garner PRO AGGREGATE
As a Chico local with no desire to leave, Chelsey Garner has found her niche within the community with 17 years of construction experience. This experience has helped PRO Aggregate, which opened in 2008, become the huge success that it is. But it is more than just experience that makes Chelsey such a success— it’s her passion for what she does that has helped her company to grow to what it is today. It was hard to get Chelsey to talk about herself—it is evident she cares more about what is available to her customers and the joy they receive from working with her and the staff at PRO Aggregate. With a glow on her face, she talked about how much she enjoys her job. She feels that joy is what has contributed to her success—not to mention being able to drive tractors like the best of them. For her, it isn’t about being a thriving entrepreneur, but driving the streets of Chico and seeing her product on display in her customers’ beautiful yards. The opportunity to help keep Chico beautiful and help give back to our environment by recycling concrete and refurbishing soil is something Chelsey takes a lot of pride in. Chelsey’s ultimate goal for PRO Aggregate is to continue to do all she can to help make her services easy and economical. She wants to offer as many resources as possible to provide for Chico and the surrounding communities. When asked what advice she has for other entrepreneurs, she said that setting goals and following through, no matter the ups and downs, is what helps create success. She says to remember that nothing is linear, to be flexible, and lastly, to be confident in yourself. Know that, in the end it will all be good. 3668 Hicks Ln, Chico | Proaggregate.com
Christina Burton Born in Monterey but raised in Carmel, Christina came to Chico to attend Chico State where she received her degree in Resort & Lodging Management and developed a great community of friends. After graduating, she moved to many different places in the Santa Cruz area but Chico continued to call her name. More than just Chico, the community Christina had built beckoned her back. Christina has been dancing since she was five years old and after getting a chance to see Cirque de Soleil, her life was changed forever. In a small office above The Banshee in Chico, she began her career in massage therapy while continuing to practice yoga and dance. All of her talents have come together to create her fantastic space in Paradise called Positive I. It’s a space for just about any type of certified dance and movement you can imagine. Positive I is oriented around dance and circus activities like aerial silks, face painting, and so much more. Positive I includes yoga, poi, workout rooms, activities for kids to enjoy, and they even offer summer camps. Another great aspect of Positive I is their private parties, an exciting opportunity for people to get together and learn the positive possibilities of dance and the circus lifestyle. Christina’s hope for the future is to add a smoothie station to help provide even more healthy options to clients and to expand the business all over California and beyond. Seeing as Christina was able to adapt so quickly to her new space in the short month she has been there, it is easy to see how her goals are very near possible. With the help of the fantastic community she moved here to be near, she has found her own little “good vibe circus tribe” as she likes to call it. When asked what kind of advice the mother of two might have for future entrepreneurs, she said that self-care is the most important thing. This includes eating right, routine meditation, and creating a space you can retreat to. With that she said to set dreams and goals, never give up on what you believe in, and lastly, believe in yourself and fly. 6653 Clark Road, Paradise | www.positiveiparadise.com
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Sis Gilmore is 53 years old, a wife, a mother of four, and the owner of one of the most successful medical staffing agencies in the North State. She is also one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Sis manages her business with thoughtful consideration for both her employees and the facilities with whom she contracts, which makes her come across as a very business-savvy mother hen. “I’ve had the same group of women working in my office for years. I want people to want to come to work; I want them to be happy there. That’s great for your business, that’s great for morale; that’s a win-win for everybody,” she says.
concerned, but she is just as often buried under mounds of paperwork. “The magnitude of the behind-the-scenes stuff is so significant in my business with nursing credentials and all those kind of things it (can be) hard to get out of the office, but it’s so important to do that.” In her time away from the office, Sis enjoys participating in fitness competitions for which she prepares intensely, and spending time with her family. Her oldest daughter, with whom she is very close, works in the main bookkeeping office of NPH and will soon be leaving Chico for nursing school. Sis gets a bit verklempt when she talks about how she will manage in her life without her. She also mentions her son, aged 19, who lives in Oregon and with whom she talks on the phone daily, and her 9-year old twins.
Her company, Nurses and Professional Healthcare, employs over 200 Certified Nurses Assistants, Licensed Vocational Nurses, Registered Nurses, and Respiratory Therapists and provides nursing and health care services to over 40 different facilities from Chico all the way up to the Oregon border. However, Sis did not train to be in the healthcare industry, falling into it sort of by accident as so many of us do in our professions. “I grew up in Eureka and I came here to pursue my education,” says Sis. “The previous owners of NPH had asked me to come and manage their nursing registry and at the time I didn’t even know what that meant. So I came and managed it for
them for about eight years and ended up buying (the company) about 12 years ago. Buying it from them was the best thing I ever did.” Since then, she has grown the business by over a hundred employees and continued expanding into other facilities. She resists moving down south because, she says, she fears losing some of the uniquely personal parts of the business. “I feel like I wouldn’t be able to have my hand on the pulse of my company,” she says. “I would just be another agency coming in. I never want to get so big that I lose that personal touch and I don’t know who I’m dealing with.” Fortunately, the nursing shortage in California is placing a demand on medical staffing agencies like NPH that is unprecedented, and which means that she won’t have to overextend herself because there will be plenty of work to do here. That in itself is a blessing, for Sis is a one-woman show. “No two days are ever alike,” she quips, smiling. Sis personally visits each location to keep up with the goings-on where staffing is
There is no question that Sis Gilmore is a shining example of a successful business owner. Her passion for her company and her staff as well as her kind heart and above-average work ethic put her in a league of her own. It is without doubt that as her business continues to grow and evolve, Sis will be the stalwart captain of the ship that guides her company through seas both rough and tranquil. www.nph.company
• 5oz sustainable tuna filet
In a food processor add cilantro, mint, shiso and garlic and blend until finely chopped. Add rice wine vinegar, honey, dijon mustard and pepper and blend. Slowly add oil and emulsify. Let chill in fridge.
• Organic spring mix • Organic tomatoes, sliced • Assorted vegetables: carrot, cucumber, avocado, pickled beets • 2 Tbsp local olive oil • Pinch of salt and fresh cracked pepper
VINAIGRETTE INGREDIENTS: • ½ cup cilantro • ½ cup fresh mint • ½ cup Japanese mint (shiso) • 1 small to medium garlic clove • 2 Tbsp local honey • 1 Tbsp dijon mustard • 1 cup rice wine vinegar • 1 cup local olive oil • 1 tsp fresh cracked pepper
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Heat oil in a pan until it glimmers but is not smoking. Pat tuna dry with a paper towel and season with salt, pepper, and any other of your favorite spices. Place tuna loin in pan and cook uncovered for a minute on each side, moving the loin to a different part of the pan each time. Cooking tongs work well for this. Remove loin from pan and set on a paper towel to cool, you can also refrigerate the loin at this point for future use. Slice tuna loin against the grain into the the size of your choice and place on bed of greens accompanied by your favorite veggies. Add vinaigrette and enjoy!
Seared Tuna Salad with Fresh Herb Vinaigrette
Kansas City & Memphis Rub
KANSAS CITY RUB: • ½ cup brown sugar • ¼ cup paprika • 1 Tbsp black pepper • 1 Tbsp chili pepper • 1 Tbsp garlic powder • 1 Tbsp onion powder • 1 tsp chili powder
MEMPHIS RUB: • ¼ cup paprika • ¼ cup white sugar • 3 Tbsp salt • 1 Tbsp onion powder • 1 Tbsp cayenne pepper • 1 Tbsp black pepper • 1 Tbsp garlic powder • 1 Tbsp chili powder • 4 tsp mustard seed • 1 tsp celery salt • 1 tsp ground allspice RECIPE COURTESY OF SMOKIN' MO'S BBQ LOCATED AT 131 BROADWAY STREET IN CHICO 530.891.6677.
Botox for pain relief? Botox injections are being used more frequently in dental offices as treatments for troublesome maladies such as TMJ, Bruxism, migraines, and yes, wrinkles too. Studies have shown patients who received botox injections in and around muscles controlling the lower jaw experienced significant improvement in TMJ pain, function, ability to open their mouth, and certain types of headaches. Welcome results to so many who have searched a long time for something that can relieve the frustrating symptoms of facial pain around the "TMJ." TMJ, TMD, and Myofascial pain refer to a range of issues affecting your chewing muscles, temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and related facial structures. It is a hinge joint connecting the mandible to the temporal bone of the skull. TMJ pain is often the result of issues with the joint and/or surrounding muscles including, but not limited to, grinding/clenching of teeth, stress in facial muscles, dislocation of the disc, arthritis or trauma to the jaw. Those affected can experience a sore jaw, ear ache, or headache throughout the day, searching for relief using pain medication only to find the same symptoms the next day. Botox injections for treatment of facial pain take less than two minutes and can give you relief for up to three months. Botox can also be used to smooth your skin, giving you a younger and healthier appearance. Treating wrinkles can be done at the same time as the TMJ injections and in total takes less than five minutes. Only your dentist can determine if you are a candidate for this treatment, the frequency of injections will depend on the severity of your condition. HANOSH & HUNTER DENTAL GROUP 6072 Skymeadow Way Paradise, CA 95926 www.hanoshandhunter.com 530.877.9800
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They can’t be beat for flavor & nutrition.
Red, orange, white, or striped, this earthy vegetable is sweet and robust. Beets are among the healthiest vegetables you can eat. They are packed with fiber, potassium, and folate, and contain fifty times more antioxidants than carrots! Young bunch beets with the greens attached are the most tender and nutritious. The freshest bunches can be found at your local farmers market. The red color of beets comes from a molecule called betalain. This amazing plant pigment has been shown in test tube experiments to slow the growth of cancer cells and helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. To get the most benefit, select the darkest red beets you can find. Striped, white, or golden beets don’t contain this phytonutrient. Don’t toss out those beet greens! The “tops” or leaves are even higher in vitamins and antioxidants than the roots. They are healthier than kale and contain more than seven times the antioxidants of lettuce. In fact, the greens were the only part of the beet plant eaten thousands of years ago; our ancestors didn’t eat the tiny tough roots of the original beet plants but used them medicinally. Did you know that beets were considered an aphrodisiac in ancient Roman times? Archaeologists discovered walls preserved in the ash of Mount Vesuvius decorated with paintings of beetroots. Brothels were very common at that time and patrons identified them by looking for pictures of beets painted on the walls!There is some science behind the idea of beets as love food. Beets are rich in the element boron. Boron is known for its bone-building qualities, but it can also elevate testosterone production in both men and women. And eating beets relaxes blood vessels, increasing blood flow throughout the body. Could beets be a vegetable Viagra?
If you don’t like the earthy smell and taste of beets, look for the variety Detroit Dark Red. Avoid the striped variety ‘Chioggia’ as it has a much stronger “dirt” taste. Most farmers will tell you the variety names of the beets they sell. Just ask! Roasting brings out the natural sugars in beets and intensifies their earthy flavor. Fill a half sheet with roughly equal-sized chunks of red beets, orange carrots, and cauliflower. Drizzle on a little olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt; then roast in the oven at 425°F until fork tender. Serve with a side of beet greens. They can be prepared while the roots are roasting. Wash and chop the beet leaves. Press or mince a couple garlic cloves and set aside. Combine olive oil and garlic in a pot and sauté for a few minutes. Add the greens, stirring until coated with oil and cook until wilted but still bright green. Splash on a little lemon juice and salt to taste. Make an easy side dish by tossing roasted (or steamed and peeled) beet wedges in a bowl with crumbled feta, walnut pieces, and a generous amount of chopped flat-leaf parsley. Dress with a little olive oil and dark balsamic vinegar while the beets are still warm. Be sure to make extra to take in your brown bag lunch! To store and cook fresh beets, cut the leaves off and rinse them. Blot dry and store in a bag; eat within a couple days. The roots can be stored unwrapped in the crisper drawer; eat within two weeks.
Mary Made it Happen It started on the side of California State Route 12 on the way to Sonoma in an old, red Ford pickup with a truck bed full of kiwis. At the age of 25 and 21, Mary Mooney-McConnell and her sister Kelly needed to raise $30,000 to save her mother’s farm in Gridley, and they only had 30 days to do it. Originally from Sonoma, Mary and her family (her sister, brother, and mother) moved to a kiwi ranch in Gridley after their father passed away. Not long after, the farm was in trouble and their mother, Gretchen, was unable to pay for the ranch and in order to save it, they needed to come up with $30,000 to pay off its debt. It was 1986, and at the time Gridley was known as the kiwifruit capital. Kiwis wouldn’t sell in town, so the girls had to go elsewhere. They decided to try to sell fruit on the side of the road and Mary had just the spot: CA 12, heading to Sonoma
where Mary dropped Kelly off with a bucket full of kiwis and a chair. And it worked. In thirty days, they had made enough money to pay off their debt. The problem was, even though the debt was paid, they still needed money to survive, so they got creative. The sisters headed to the Marin County Civic Center stocked with kiwi jam their mother had made and nice, professional shirts. When that turned out to be a success, they tried the same at the farmer’s market, and while that was also a success, it came requests. “I wish you had kiwi jam with oranges,” someone would ask and Mary would reply, “We do. We will have it here next week.” Then Mary would go home and ask her mom Gretchen to make the jam with oranges. Whatever customers requested, Mary made it happen. In the first year, they sold $1 million in kiwi jam. 67
It was by happenstance that someone brought sundried tomatoes to the family one evening. Being a true traditional Italian family, and Gretchen being the cook she was, she happened to simply use them as she would olive oil and so forth. Mary decided to sell the dried tomatoes without realizing what a phenomenon they would create. One afternoon Mary sold the manager at Price Club (now Costco) on the sundried tomatoes and he requested a pallet of them. Mary, doing what she does best, agreed and brought the product to San Francisco but, before she could even find the product on the shelves, she was told that they had sold $8,000 worth of product in four hours. Their product turned out to be under priced compared to the sundried tomatoes that mostly had come from Italy. And so it began. It was around 1990 when the family had to make a decision. Stuffing jars by hand and working seven days a week to keep up with demands was far too difficult. It was time to expand, so they bought the 50,000 square foot building they are now in to help package their product. The company grew rapidly, and in 2010 the front of the store was expanded to include a kitchen, offices, and a board room for meetings. Mary is proud that a third generation Mooney has joined the company as well—her son Mike is now the business’ Art Director and social media manager.
The name Bella Sun Luci means “Beautiful Sunlight” in honor of the sun that dries the tomatoes that Mary and her family use for their products. Yes, their sundried tomatoes are actually dried by the sun. Mary smiles when she tells us that. She is still glowing from telling us the story of the kiwis and her time spent driving around selling her products. She reminisces about making labels for the first time and how she and her sister used Campbell’s soup cans to figure out how to do it right. Mary fondly remembers the simple times and the simplicity of stuffing jars and spending time with her family. She talks about her experience with gratitude and nostalgia, smiling and taking a moment to savor that time in her life. For Mary and her family, it’s more than just a successful business, it’s about her past and the history behind what made their product so successful—determination, passion, and a little Bella Sun Luci. MOONEY FARMS IS LOCATED AT 1220 FORTRESS STREET IN CHICO. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT WWW.MOONEYFARMS.COM OR CALL 530.899.2661. 68
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IT’S BIKE MONTH! Let’s Go for a RIDE!
May is National Bike Month and there’s a host of fun bike rides and activities for riders of all abilities and ages including these FREE events and programs: National Bike Challenge: The Challenge runs from May 1 through September 30. A fun way to track your miles and compete with friends and family, it will motivate you to get out and ride! May 7: Seersucker Ride—Dress up in vintage clothes. Ride your mostvintage bike. Have a picnic! May 8–12: Bike to School Week—By riding or walking to school, kids at participating schools earn raffle tickets for daily prizes and a ‘grand prize’ drawing for $250 gift certificates. Maps, stickers and more! May 13: Bike-in Movie Night: Triplets of Bellville—Ride your bike. Wait for sunset. Watch a great bike movie—outdoors! Popcorn and Bike Valet provided. May 14: Mother’s Day Ride—Join us for a casual ride to coffee. Options for cruiser, roadie, or mountain bike rides. May 17: Ride of Silence—Join with riders from hundreds of cities all over the world to honor and remember bicyclists killed or injured by crashes with vehicles. May 19: Bike to Work Day and Bike to Happy Hour—Ride your bike to work. Ride your bike from work on a fun short social tour of recent and proposed improvements to bike lanes and routes. May 21: Ride your Bike in the Park day—Chico Parks department invites us all to take a ride in one of our great parks! May 21: Bike with BEC Enviro Tour—BEC will guide this casual ‘enviro tour’ including a visit to the BEC gardens on Humboldt and the proposed Stonegate development site.
The concept is strange to some; going out into the wilderness, on foot, traversing the countryside, crossing rivers, and ascending peaks. Why would you walk somewhere, when you could easily pedal a bike, or sit in the air conditioned comfort of a motorized vehicle to reach your destination? The answer might sound cliché, but for many hikers, it really is the journey, and not the destination that urges them. A Nemophilist can be defined as a person who loves, or is fond of woods or forests. Here in Northern California, we are surrounded by a huge diversity of landscapes, many of them unique to this part of the world. It is the perfect place for someone with a forest fetish, just point in any direction of the azimuth and you will eventually find yourself in a wilderness area, some otherworldly location that can give one a glimpse into the past, if not into their self. To the North and to the East, there are ancient, yet still active volcanoes. To the South lie valleys carved from granite by primordial glaciers, with monoliths stretching skyward four thousand feet from the valley floor. To the West one can find themselves in the Redwood forests, trees nearly four hundred feet tall, some of which were mere saplings at the time of Christ. In Butte County, one can trek along bucolic creeks and hillsides, occupied a short time ago by the last primitive peoples in the country. It is this connection to the past that compels some hikers to explore these wild spaces. 70
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For others, the reasons might be more elusive. Finding oneself away from people, the noise of the city, and the complications of civilization can provide some acutely measurable benefits, both physical and psychological. In the 1980’s the Japanese government adopted into its healthcare stratagem the concept of Shinrin-Yoku, which roughly translates into “forest bathing.” Since that time, several studies have come to the same conclusions, that simply spending time in the woods can improve mental clarity, reduce stress, calm anxiety, boost the immune system, decrease blood pressure, as well as reduce the effects of depression. Hiking, as opposed to other outdoor activities, can be slow, monotonous, and frankly quite boring for some people, however, it is this reduced speed that promotes meditation, contemplation, and appreciation for the many tangible, and ethereal gifts that wilderness provides. To quote John Muir, “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” Go now, dear reader, and put one foot in front of the other, your brain and your body will thank you in kind.
May is Bike Month! It’s a great time to celebrate the growing popularity of bicycling as a way to get around town for commuting and running errands as much as for recreation and fitness. And with good reason! Bicycling is a single solution to a host of challenges we currently face. It reduces our carbon emissions and our dependence on automobiles. It improves personal fitness and reduces the likelihood of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease at any age while also reducing spending on gas. For children, bicycling can also provide independence and support responsibility. But with more bikes on the road, it’s more important than ever to know how to bicycle safely, and just as critical for motorists to know how to share the road with bicyclists! Here are some guidelines to make the road safe for all users: FOR BICYCLISTS: 1. Be VISIBLE! Wear bright/reflective clothing and illuminate your bike, especially at dusk, dawn, and night. 2. Obey the traffic code AT ALL TIMES—you are a vehicle on the road. 3. Ride defensively—assume that you are not seen by motorists (it is likely to be true!) 4. Wear a properly fitted helmet. 5. Make sure your bike is in proper working order, especially your brakes. 6. Carry cargo safely on a rack, in a pannier, or in a backpack. 7. Do not ride “against traffic” on the road—it is the leading cause of cyclist deaths!
FOR MOTORISTS: 1. Do not drive distracted, whether by alcohol, phone, tiredness, or other causes. 2. Be aware of cyclists and pedestrians at all times and expect the unexpected. 3. Treat bicycles on the roadway as vehicles—don’t wave them through intersections or improperly yield the right-of-way. 4. Follow California’s new “Three Feet for Safety” passing law: Do not overtake and pass a cyclist “at speed” unless you can safely give them three feet of room (approximately your car door width). If that is not possible, slow down and then pass with care. FOR PARENTS: 1. Teach your child safe biking skills. If you don’t know how, ask your child’s school to contact Chico Velo—we will gladly provide free bike safety training at any local school. 2. Wear a helmet and make your child wear a helmet at all times when riding. 3. Ride regularly with your child, modeling and encouraging safe riding skills. JANINE ROOD IS THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CHICO VELO, YOUR BICYCLING ADVOCATE! AS A 501.C.3 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION, OUR MISSION IS TO ENCOURAGE AND PROMOTE BICYCLING, AND TO EDUCATE OUR COMMUNITY ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF BICYCLING AND HOW TO BICYCLE SAFELY. CONTACT US AT VELO@CHICOVELO.ORG. 71
Sipping with the SOROPTIMISTS The 22nd annual Chico Micro-Brew Fest hosted by Soroptimist of Bidwell Rancho will be held Saturday, June 3rd from 2:00–6:00 p.m. at Manzanita Place. What started 22 years ago with seven breweries and 300 people has turned into over 1,500 participants at this annual indoor/outdoor event with two bands, a photo “bus,” raffle gifts, a wide variety of food, and of course, beer tastings.
and ever-growing. They have offered free mammograms to women without insurance, sponsored speakers at the annual STOP Trafficking of Women event at Chico State, donated bus passes to those in need, given graduation gifts and scholarships to the students of Fairview High School, supported the “S” Club at Inspire School of Arts and Sciences, helped to build the Blooming Hope Flower Cart for the women at the Jesus Center, and helped build a garden for the families at The Esplanade House. Internationally, this year they have purchased sewing machines and sponsored tutors to teach orphaned girls in Africa to sew and generate sustainable incomes.
The $50 price of admission will get you into the event as well as tastings of over 40 local and regional breweries, food, music, a souvenir glass, and FUN!
Currently there are 24 members that meet twice a month between the months of September and June. Sally Mendez, the current Bidwell Rancho chapter president spoke about the impact of Soroptimist International. Mendez appreciates the fact that she not only gets to help women in the Chico community, but is able to contribute on a global scale as well. Through Soroptimist International, Mendez has had the opportunity to meet women from all across the country. In doing this, she found that women all have common goals and Soroptimist International strives to foster these goals.
The event is generously sponsored by US Bank, Holbrook’s Clearance Center, and Jiffy Lube, among others. All of the proceeds go towards community and international projects.
By attending the Brewfest, not only will you surely have a wonderful afternoon, but you will be helping women and girls in need not only in our community, but across the globe.
Soroptimist International’s mission statement is “women helping women,” and the Bidwell Rancho chapter does this in many ways. In the 22 years of the event, over $500,000.00 has been donated back into the community as well as a variety of international projects. The list of contributions they have made to our local community is long
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Good taste runs in Lauren Woodward’s family. Her grandmother was a painter and one of the first founders for the Los Angeles Museum of Art, alongside Lauren’s grandfather who was a successful clothing manufacturer in Southern California. They were a stylish and dynamic duo, so it was only appropriate that the idea for Billy Sky begin on a beach in Malibu, CA. “It popped into my head sitting there that I wanted to resell vintage clothes and one day own a clothing boutique,” Lauren reminisces. Her journey began at the famous Rosebowl Flea Market in Pasadena where she had a booth selling a variety of clothes and niche accessories. Her handmade feather jewelry became so popular that focus quickly shifted from selling vintage clothing to creating distinct jewelry pieces. Always at one with her beloved beach and the outdoors, Lauren started using natural stones in her necklaces and earrings. “I think that in a world of adversity, nature is one release to get away from all that,” she says. Eventually, Lauren moved to Chico, coined the name Billy Sky, and started selling jewelry at local boutiques. Shops like Syllabus and Harlow & Heart provided the perfect backdrop for her trendy yet timeless pieces to shine; and inventory flew off the shelves. Locals loved the bohemian chic look and unique variety from piece to piece.
The Sky’s the Limit
Ideas for new projects can come to Lauren anytime, anywhere. Whether she’s walking out the door in the morning or dreaming designs, she has had many sporadic moments drawing out new looks whenever convenient. “Raising two young girls, I try to fill in any nook and cranny of the day with creating pieces, reordering supplies and shopping,” Lauren says. And she believes it’s really not about buying success, but building it. Lauren’s business has grown organically using all her own money and self taught branding tactics. With a retro look and ultra hip vibe, all it takes is one peek at @billysky on Instagram or scroll through her online Lookbook to see why Billy Sky fans are numerous and passionate. Always grateful for the never-ending support given by the community, Lauren says “I love that Billy Sky has truly grown in Chico. A lot of businesses start here, and expand, but stick to these roots. Chico people love Chico!” Billy Sky Jewelry is designed for the “modern bohemian” but really these pieces are for anybody who wants to make a statement. The delicate chains, sparkling rough stones, turquoise accents, and seasonal colors all make for unforgettable wearable art. Layer it on boldly, or wear one stand out piece: this jewelry was designed so that it would be eye catching either way. In the future, Lauren Woodward envisions big things for Billy Sky but doesn’t feel the pressure to rush. Maybe what lies ahead looks like trade shows, focusing more on online sales, or even transitioning to an entire lifestyle brand. The sky’s the limit!
KATIE “It came to me in a dream,” Katie said as she laid out a vibrant quilt on the table in front of us. It felt like a dream just looking at it, a bright orange, red, and purple sunset, laden with other fabrics that were developing into something big; bigger than Katie was even sure of yet. That’s what makes her so special. Nothing is ever completely finished even when it seems like it is. She is always adding to her work. It was beautiful to see. Katie Vaclavik of Katie’s Quilts & Artisan Gallery at the Chico Mall is an advocate for local art. She once gave me the opportunity to hang my photos in her shop during one holiday season. What is apparent to me now that wasn’t when I first met Katie five years ago is her passion for local artists and her desire to spread her love of their work to others. When I first entered her store, her attention was focused on all of the local art and work on tables and on the walls, not once thinking to stop and talk about her own amazing talent as a quilter. Instead, full of excitement and awe, she guided me from one side of the store to the other, pointing out the details and the talents of each artist. This was Katie in her element: taking time to express her appreciation for other artisans. Katie’s story of her life before coming to Chico is one best told by her. The best I can do is talk about her past as an artist, though it is important to know that for 23 years Katie was a nurse. In 1980, Katie graduated from the University of California at Riverside where she received her Bachelor's of Art. In 1987, Katie happened upon a quilt shop owned by a husband and wife team, and after talking extensively with the chatty husband, Katie decided to sign up for every class they offered. By 1991, Katie was teaching classes on quilting and had become very busy with her newfound passion. She loved explaining the power of quilts and their ability to communicate. Her work is displayed in her shop among the many other talented artists also featured there. Katie pulled me to an easel at the front of the store, showing me the work of the newest artist in her store and telling me how excited she was to have her teach a class. Katie talked about the different classes being offered at the store and taught by local artists: water color and drawing, quilting, knitting, crochet, acrylic, needlework, and children’s classes offered many different times throughout the week. Katie also explained she is one of the few places that offers needlework materials, for those looking. In fact, with the nice weather coming up, she plans on having classes right outside of her shop. Her face glowed when she talked about it and I could see that is what Katie is meant to do.
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MATADOR he tulips and daffodils are going to have some competition this spring as colors of every kind are going to be in bloom at the Matador Motel on May 12th and 13th. Since 2010, the Matador Motel has hosted the annual “live gallery event” that this year will feature 75 artists of every medium imaginable—complete with artistic activities to inspire all ages. Between l944 and 1953, the Glumac family designed the Matador in their interpretation of Spanish Colonial Revival style and had it built by a local craftsman. Eighteen of the rooms will be transformed by oil paintings, watercolors, sculptures, photography, ceramics, and fiber art into themed galleries such as Zona Romantica and Paper Pleasures Times Three. The Golden Oldies room created by artists Jana and Dave Lawton will feature rockin' tunes and sculpture and pottery that seems just unpacked from the last century. Grab a beer or margarita and party like it's 1999. Under the palm trees of the motel’s courtyard, a block-party atmosphere will prevail with more art displayed under tents. There will be a treasure hunt of Fairy Doors (little artistic portals connecting our world to a different dimension). A giant canvas will let visitors express their own artistic talents after an afternoon surrounded by creativity. Live performances by local bands from an eclectic range of genres will take place throughout both days of the event. Get comfortable with a margarita from The Cantina as the Red Dirt Bullies start off the Gala Opening on Friday at 4 p.m. followed by Chris Winger and Friends from 6:30–8:30 p.m. On Saturday, the Art, Dance & Music Festival will begin at 11 a.m. and conclude at 7 p.m. Musical performances include classical guitar by Canute Larsen at 1:30 p.m., a Beatles tribute by John Seid, Larry Peterson at 2 p.m. and the Susan Schrader Quartet starting at 4:30 p.m. As the sun goes down on Friday evening, The Lumininjas will conclude the gala celebration with the juggling of flames and fire dancing.
Compared to other years, this year showcases an educational side of our vast local art community. Butte College students will demonstrate plein air painting with iPads and encourage visitors to participate. Instructors from the Museum of Northern California Art (monca), and the CSUC Janet Turner Print Museum will let visitors experiment with art techniques. Pleasant Valley High School ARTrepreneurs will showcase imaginative hand-crafted greeting cards, jewelry, and soaps. The event was originally conceived by Maria Phillips, founding member of the non-profit Chico Visual Arts Alliance (ChiVAA), after she heard about an Art Fiesta in a Texas motel. With Avenue Nine Gallery, only a few steps away from the Spanish roofs of the Matador Motel, her vision for a new community event was inevitable. In its seventh year, Art at The Matador has become an encompassing event that gives artists who may not have private gallery connections a place to showcase their work and provides a great way for the community to connect to local artists and organizations. “It reinforces a sense of community,” said Dolores Mitchell, an artist and Matador planning committee member. “Artists that would usually be working in the isolation of their studios get to talk to other artists and meet a very broad public.” Be sure and stop by the Matador Motel for a weekend of the area’s finest art and see the growth of Chico’s flourishing artistic community first-hand. While you’re there, get a head start on some unique Mother’s Day gift ideas.
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Mother's Day
This is my mom Sandy! She has taught me to be a strong, loving, caring and independent women. She has given me everything I have ever wanted but at the same time she has taught me to work for things I want. And she has taught me to "do what makes you happy!" She has always been my biggest fan and supporter! –Courtney Schumacher
Mom, No matter how old I get, you’re always there to take care of me when I need you. Sometimes the best fix for a bad day is talking with your mom, and I love knowing that you will always answer the phone and be happy to hear my voice. Thank you for being my friend and helping me through this weird thing called life. I love you! –Erin Hansen
Thank you for being such an amazing mom. For supporting me, guiding me, and always being there when I need you. I am so grateful have such an amazing person in my life, that is my mom. Happy Mother's Day! –Frank Rebelo
This is the strongest lady I know. She has endured 50+ surgeries and still smiles and stays positive. She never gave up on me when I was in my 22 years of addiction and prayed every day. Her faith in Jesus answering her prayers for me have come to fruition. Amanda,
–Denise Parker
Our children are beautiful, smart, witty and full of character. I have you to thank. You have many hats to wear and not nearly the recognition you deserve. You make our home the gift it is. Happy Mothers day to you, my amazing wife.
This is my mom Tina and me. I am so proud of the woman she is and for what she has instilled in me. The past few years she has dedicated herself to running/fitness. We started out doing 5Ks and now she's completed several 1/2 marathons. She's my inspiration and I am always trying to follow in her footsteps (literally and figuratively)! –Marissa Ann
–Jason Corona
With few words my grandmother Dorothy always seemed to say the right thing. From telling me to comb my hair to asking questions about matters that are close to me, those few words always set me straight. Thanks for always being there and telling me to do the right thing. –Matt Manfredi
I don’t know what I would do without you! Thank you for your countless love and support. You are an amazing woman who I absolutely adore. I love spending time with you whether we are wandering around eating everything we can get our hands on or lounging around in our PJ’s binging Netflix. I love you! P.S. Thank you for being such a loving Grandmother to our fur-babies especially the needy Mr. Man, Thor, or as Dad likes to call him Troy.
This woman right here, my mama Wendi Thompson, has shown me how to be the person I am today. She has shown me how to be a mother, how to be a lady, and most importantly, how to love. Without my mom I wouldn't be who I am today. I love you mom to the moon and back! Happy Mother’s Day!!!!
–Nerissa Hansen
–Michelle Snipes 77
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MAY 13
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying May 3–6 at 7:30 p.m. | May 7 at 2:00 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Cost: $20 Premium | $16 Adult $14 Senior | $10 Youth Info: schoolofthearts-csuchico.com
12th Annual Paradise Chocolate Fest! 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Terry Ashe Park Cost: $5, Children 4 & Under Free Info: Contact Debbie LaPlant Moseley at 530.342.4896 or chocolatefest.us
MAY 6TH Annual Speech & Hearing Fair 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Aymer J. Hamilton Building, CSU,Chico Info: 530.898.5871 Pioneer Day Parade & Festival 9:00 a.m.–4 p.m. Downtown, Chico Info: chicopioneerdayparade.com
MAY 6–7 Relay for Life 10:00–8:00 a.m. 1475 East Ave, Chico info: debbie.oconnor@cancer.org
MAY 7 Splendid Sounds of Spring 7:00–10:00 p.m. Paradise Performing Arts Center Cost: $15 Seniors | 65 & under $20 $15 Students without paying adult. Info: paradisesymphony.org/events.php or contact Karen Pierson at 530.513.1507
MAY 11 Art Garfunkel 7:30 p.m. Paradise Performing Arts Center Info: paradiseperformingarts.com
MAY 12 Stuff the Bus 2017 6:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. 300 Main Street, Chico Info: 530.893.1234 Romanza! 7:30 p.m. Zingg Recital Hall Tickets & Info: ChicoStateTickets.com or 530.898.6333 Evening of Chocolate, Wine, & Brew! 7:00–10:00 p.m. Paradise Community Park Cost: $50 per ticket Info: Contact Debbie LaPlant Moseley at 530.342.4896
Caper Acres Fun Run 2017 7:00 a.m.–2 p.m. Bidwell Park Info: Race check in starts at 7:00 a.m. Run at 8:30 a.m. 530.896.7800 or parkinfo@chicoca.gov
MAY 24 "Murder Mystery" Dinner Theater 12:00–1:30 p.m. Atria Paradise Info: atria-paradise.com or 530.872.3344
MAY 25 Chico Performances and Playhouse Youth Theatre Present: Annie Jr. 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Cost: $15 Adult | $13 Senior | $8 Youth Info/Tickets: csuchico.edu/upe/performance or 530.898.6333 Wine in the Pines 5:30–8:30 p.m. Downtown Paradise between Pearson & Elliot Cost: $20 for a commemorative glass Info: Paradise Ridge Chamber of Commerce
MAY 27–29 Chico Racquet Club & Resort Spring Open 1629 Manzanita Ave, Chico Cost: $40 per person Entry Deadline Friday, May 19th at 6:00 p.m. Info: Contact Kevin Harris at 530.895.1881 or kevincrc@att.net
JUNE 8 Free Community Lecture 770 Palmetto Ave, Chico 6:30–7:30 p.m. Info: lindacschico@gmail.com