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FROM THE EDITOR Many of us can remember making a painted turkey from our handprint and writing what we were grateful for each Thanksgiving as children. As an adult, those moments of thankfulness seem to be overshadowed by responsibilities that can dull our gratitude. This holiday, pause and jot down three moments from your day that left you feeling entirely grateful for that specific moment. Celebrate the little victories, like a flushing toilet or someone pronouncing your name correctly on the first try. Last week, my moment of gratitude revolved around a loving boyfriend preparing a plate of tacos. Speaking of tacos and things to be thankful for, this issue was designed to tempt you with delicious dishes fresh from the kitchens of our community members. Along with this tasty compilation of traditional and funky holiday recipes, local breweries and distilleries also chimed in with their stand-out adult beverages that pair perfectly with your holiday meals. This month is also a reminder that many will not have a kitchen filled with holiday clamor, laughter, and tempting smells wafting from the oven. In light of the recent Northern California wildfires, we sympathize with those who were displaced or who have lost everything—I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Reflecting during this season gives me plenty to be thankful for, and, after talking with those at our local Salvation Army, the impact of kindness is a gift that always keeps on giving. I think we could all use that reminder right now. I also wanted to give a special thank you to Ashley DeKellis of Heirloom Fox. She took our cover photo idea and created the most inviting place setting in the middle of Bidwell Park. Her dreamy design elements had us contemplating an outdoorsy-themed Thanksgiving dinner with our own families! From all of us at Upgraded, we wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Graphic Designer
Sales Director
Account Executive
Product Integration & Mobility Strategy
Photographer MICHAEL MEJIA
Writer & Editor KYLEEN BROMLEY Writer
Cool Kid
Ingredient of the Month CRYSTAL CHALMERS, AU.D.
Life Coach
Leila Rodriguez Writer & Editor
Community DEVERIE JARRETT Interior Design
STYLING BY: ASHLEY DEKELLIS PHOTO BY: FRANK REBELO DESIGN BY: NERISSA QUINN For advertising or editorial inquiries, please contact: Upgraded Living at 530.894.8091 Sales@UpgradedLiving.com
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CONTENTS NOVEMBER 2017 COMMUNITY 10 Meet North Valley Eye Care’s Beth Votaw 12 Salvation Army rushes to the aid of disaster victims 14 Young fencer Adelaide Vanderwaal shows us what makes her the coolest
16 Chico Food Project’s mission to end hunger starts with a simple blue bag
18 Oroville venders offer local fare this Thanksgiving 28 Discover how a Twin Oaks’ patient makes a speedy recovery
HEALTH & BEAUTY 32 Protect yourself from stealth pathogens 34 Learn ways to safeguard your lungs during this devastating time 36 Make that dazzling manicure last with this advice from Envee Hair Studio and Spa
HOME 38 Make every guest feel at home with this sweet & simple DIY project 40 In need of some Thanksgiving table display ideas? Fall for these interior design tips
42 New Again Kitchen Remodeling Presents House Call: Dreary Green Meets Warm and Modern
FOOD & FARM 56 Warm up with these two zesty autumn soups 59 Hop on board this Farm Fresh wagon! Next stop, Farm City 60 We visit the California Olive Ranch
FEATURE 52 Community Cookbook: We give thanks to the community members who shared their secrets
58 Wet your whistle with these fine beverages served up by local breweries and distilleries
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emphasis in human resource management. During her time in college, she volunteered for Disability First Sports Camp and Sunshine Kids Club as a camp counselor, helping create and administer fun activities for children with disabilities. The opportunity to help others in this way set a firm foundation for living life selflessly. Fresh out of college, Beth was hired to work in HR at a professional employer organization that provided outsourced payroll and HR solutions to employers throughout California. She remained at the company for 12 years, eventually becoming an HR specialist. In 2015, after working with the doctors at North Valley Eye Care for two and a half years, Dr. Rudick reached out to her and offered her the position of Chief Operating Officer. She happily accepted.
North Valley Eye Care’s Beth Votaw Originally from Gridley, Beth is no stranger to small-town living. Her mother, a special ed school teacher, and her father, the director of maintenance and transportation for Gridley Unified School District, instilled the importance of education in her from a young age. Beth and her three older brothers grew up with the love of baseball running through their veins and because her dad volunteered to be the team coach they were always at a game. The big sports family spent a good deal of their time watching games at home and traveling to whatever Giants games they could on weekends. It came as no surprise when she decided to take on softball as her sport of choice in high school. During her time in high school, Beth applied for a position at an agricultural manufacturing 10
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company and was hired to oversee a good deal of their employment-related activities. Though she didn’t know it at the time, the work she was doing—handling I9s, payroll, etc.—was setting the stage for her future career in human resources. The position taught her new life skills, and she used them to help whomever she could, including her brother who grew up with cerebral palsy. After graduating from Gridley High School, Beth enrolled in Butte College and tried out for their softball team. She landed a position on the roster and played collegiately for two years before taking a position as their pitching coach. When it finally came time to retire her pitching arm, Beth enrolled at Chico State to complete her schooling, eventually earning a degree in business administration with an
Beth now oversees operations for the entire company, administering HR for more than 80 employees across eight clinics. She often finds herself working as a psychologist and life coach on top of providing HR, payroll management, and operations administration, but she loves every minute of it. As she puts it, “Each day is different; you never know what the next day will bring. The doctors at North Valley Eye Care have visions that are truly inspiring, and it’s incredible working with people like that. It’s great to see what they’ve been able to do to break through the barriers of providing eye care to those who need it even if they don’t have insurance.” The latter part of that statement is what sits most near and dear to Beth’s heart, as it fits firmly in her credo to live her life helping others. Over the next few years, Beth is excited to see the doctors’ plans to open more private practices, and Peach Tree Vision clinics come to fruition. She looks forward to helping them break down whatever barriers may exist in making that happen and remains committed to providing remarkable service to the community alongside incredible doctors and an excellent staff that has supported her over the past four years. We look forward to seeing the same.
Salvation Army Is There Imagine being told you have five minutes to gather your things and leave home. Amplified anxiety mixed with the fear of uncertainty you will return to an unscathed home that housed so many memories. In the wake of the most recent Northern California devastating fires, for many, it was a cruel reality. Sometimes, when faced with a tragedy, a warm blanket and a hug can do wonders. In the case of the widespread destruction of Hurricane Harvey that occurred in Texas, people needed more than a wish and a prayer. Shortly after the turmoil in Texas, Hurricane Irma brought a similar tragedy to those in Florida and the Virgin Islands, while also leaving the island of Puerto Rico without power. The horrific disasters left many without food, water, or shelter. Rebuilding after such devastation seems overwhelming, but hope for recovery is being restored by the caring souls at the Salvation Army. Members and volunteers of Salvation Army have been present in the hurricanes’ clean up and aid since day one. Their efforts have also supported many affected by the recent earthquake in Mexico. Other Salvation Army units came out and helped with those displaced during this tragic time, and they are still present. Disaster relief operations helped serve more than 1,130,000 meals from 130 mobile feeding units (201 at the peak of service) and provided more than 18,000 food boxes, 30,000 comfort kits, and 9,300 cleanup kits. Responding to these natural disasters has been the largest relief operation in Salvation Army’s history. Locally, the Salvation Army has provided aid and care for those affected by the Wall, Ponderosa, Honey, La Porte, and Cherokee fires. Both unfortunate disasters displaced thousands of Butte County residents, and Salvation Army responded with meals, financial support, and a heart full of understanding. Their food truck, the Emergency Canteen, is designed to roll up and serve hot meals with warm smiles. During any emergency disaster, the strength of their local presence allows Salvation Army to serve individuals long after the disaster has left the headlines. Victims are offered ongoing support as the begin the long journey of piecing their lives back together. If you would like to help, Salvation Army is accepting donations, and 100 percent of your generous gift will go toward Salvation Army relief efforts. Whether that be gift cards, paid nights at a hotel, or a cash donation, all is appreciated. Salvation Army not only provides food and comfort for your physical needs during a time of crisis, but they also offer emotional and spiritual care. Their dedicated team of volunteers is trained to help someone who has lost everything cope and work through the situation. “Our calling is to be ready and available, to be supportive and a shoulder to cry on, during someone's worst day,” said Arwyn Rodriguera, Salvation Army Corps Officer (Pastor/Administrator).
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When Disaster Strikes,
Dr. Kimberly Lange, DDS General Dentist
C O O L K I D : A D E L A I D E VA N D E R WA A L If there were ever a perfect example of not judging a book by its cover, Adelaide Vanderwaal would be it.
650 RIO LINDO AVE. #4, CHICO 343-3137
Upon first impression, Adelaide comes off as quiet and reserved. In between explaining this column to her and asking for an interview, she replied with a surprised, “Who, me?” The humble demeanor is what makes her so unique; she is unassuming, but there is a fierce side to her. Adelaide began learning and practicing the competitive sport of fencing about a year and a half ago. She practices historic and Olympic fencing, two very different styles, and she says she likes both for their unique features. She enjoys the straightforwardness of the Olympic style, while the freedom of movements and skill appeals to her when she practices historic fencing. Under the guidance of Chico Historical Fencing Academy instructor, Robert Bird, Adelaide practices twice a week at Studio One Ballroom, learning the ins-and-outs of both areas of fencing. As an intermediateto-advanced class participant, her average day consists of coming in after school for her Olympic class, stretching, putting on her gear, then going over to the fencing strip to practice techniques. Around 5 p.m., she sheds her gear, goes through 45 minutes of drills and an additional 45 minutes of sparring.
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Adelaide's build is perfect for this sport with her sturdy legs and a high center of gravity—two ideal attributes. Footwork and bladework are about 50/50. You could be excellent with a blade, but a terrible fencer, because your footwork is terrible. Adelaide uses this to her advantage. “I’m smaller compared to most of the people in my class because they are mostly high school boys. Sometimes, I can use my height to my advantage and get them in the legs.” With more than a year's worth of practice, Adelaide is ready to compete. She would like to compete in Olympic style fencing as soon as she can while working on her historical fencing, which involves a more challenging and physically strenuous set of instruction. Since fencing is considered a “fringe sport,” it attracts like-minded athletes with similar social patterns who tend to be more reserved. Once in this environment, Robert sees his students' personality expand. For Adelaide, he describes her as talkative, outgoing, and friendly to everyone she encounters. Along with giving her more confidence and being able to be herself, Adelaide enjoys fencing because it has helped her grow as a person. “It’s an independent sport, so it’s just you against one other person,” she said. “If you mess up it's only going to affect you. It’s up to you to get it done and get the points. It's made me more independent.”
Caring Dentistry from Toddler to Teen Years
Bundles of Hope In Butte County, 1-in-5 households are at, or below, the poverty level. It’s a surprising and unsettling statistic that leaves many having to decide whether to pay rent and bills or buy groceries. Thankfully, there is a devoted and caring group trying to combat that statistic. Chico Food Project is a nonprofit, door-to-door food collection program catered to fill households with food donated by their neighbors. The project was inspired by another food collection program out of Paradise called Simple Gesture. The desire to start a Chico-based program, in the same vein, was the catalyst that brought two strangers together. Wendy Smith, who is a retired elementary school teacher, and Fran Kenkel, a retired social worker, met children daily who went hungry. After reading an article that featured the harsh reality of many Butte County households, the two were introduced and shared a similar desire to help however possible. The root of this project runs deep for Wendy and Fran. In their lines of work, they encountered many children who left for school hungry or went to bed with a growling tummy. With the help of two other board members and a fistful of volunteers, Chico Food Project visits neighborhoods collecting reusable blue bags filled to the brim with non-perishable foods; they then distribute the donations to food collection agencies in town. Chico Food Project has been filling empty pantries in the area since 2011 and has continued to do so with the help of our community. 16
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Their formula is simple: 1. Share food. Once you sign up, a blue bag is gifted to be filled with nonperishable foods. Simply leave the filled bag on your porch on the second Saturday of each month for collection by a volunteer. 2. Invite your neighbors. Involving others creates a larger network and feeds more hungry households. 3. Help transport food. Spend a minimum of two hours driving around Chico neighborhoods collecting bags to be delivered to a local food pantry. With every collection date, Chico Food Project anticipates gathering around one ton of additional food for every 300 participating donors. According to Wendy, even if you can’t dedicate a Saturday afternoon driving around collecting food, filling a blue bag once a month does wonders. “The main thing about this project is how easy it works,” Fran said. “People are so appreciative and willing to give. The blue bags we collect… they’re so heavy, and every bit helps!”
I love this town. Gayle Aylward, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0691589 1277 East Avenue, Ste 110 Chico, CA 95926 Bus: 530-895-1356 www.gayleaylward.com
Thanks, Chico. I love being here to help life go right in a community where people are making a difference every day. Thank you for all you do.
Renée Michel, MBA
Joe Sweeney, CFP®
2452 Lakewest Drive, Chico, CA 95928
Securities and advisory services offered through Registered Representatives of Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Some advisory services offered through Sweeney & Michel, LLC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity. CA Insurance License #: 0H82321 and 0I22683
State Farm, Bloomington, IL
Have You Prioritized Your Finances? It’s quite common to put off financial organization and planning as it can be overwhelming and confusing. We’ve created a “hierarchy of financial needs” to help you prioritize your finances.
THE FOUNDATION Paying your bills is first and foremost of importance. Most people live paycheck-to-paycheck, with a little left over. Creating a necessary budget by reviewing average monthly income and expenses is a great place to start. A budget review might help uncover areas that can be considered and you can start saving. Short-term debt should also be addressed. After all, credit cards can charge 10 to 25 percent interest annually. If your retirement plan offers a match (such as a 401(k), 403(b) or Simple IRA), you need to contribute enough to get that match. That’s free money for retirement, which shouldn’t go unclaimed.
Consider starting an emergency fund that consists of three to six months of regular expenses (review the budget). Unexpected fees like auto repairs, healthcare costs, will happen. Term Life insurance is an essential and inexpensive tool to ensure a death will not derail your family’s finances. Having a 10 to 30-year policy can ensure debt gets paid, income is replaced, kids are taken care of, or the nest egg is funded.
Helping children through college is a great way to ensure they graduate with less debt. However, many people do so at the expense of saving for themselves. The most significant asset an investor has is time, so we encourage most people to prioritize their retirement as it gets closer over college savings.
FUTURE GOALS Saving through an IRA or a workplace retirement plan is the most common way people set money aside for future use. There are tax benefits for doing so, and potential account growth means less money needs to be contributed now. The only money that’s going to be there in the future is money that’s saved today.
THINKING OF OTHERS Once your family and retirement are taken care of, additional money can be shared and gifted to charities. Charitable Intentions
College Saving
Savings for Retirement
Rainy Day Fund
Income & Budgeting
401(k) if Employer Matched
Renée Michel, MBA and Joe Sweeney, CFP® | 2452 Lakewest Drive, Chico, CA 95928 530-342-2900 | 800-333-2901 | (F) 530-342-3925 | rmichel@amgchico.com | www.sweeneymichelamg.com Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.
Local Thanksgiving Table in
OROVILLE Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away, and preparing dishes, hosting family and friends, and adding touches of tradition can be a daunting task. We wanted to show you how you can prep your Thanksgiving table by shopping locally. There are several companies in your neighborhood happy to add some local flair to your setting.
START WITH COFFEE Get caffeinated at the Good Earth Coffee and Tea House, located at 980 Oroville Dam Boulevard East, before you start your shopping trip. Throughout November, Good Earth will have their pumpkin spice latte, which can be served hot, cold, or blended. This coffee will guarantee you get through the rest of your busy day. Good Earth also serves pumpkin muffins for enjoyment while you shop.
TIME TO DECORATE If you are hosting a Thanksgiving dinner, head to Mary-Lake Thompson, located at 2121 Montgomery St, for decorations. They offer everything from linens to kitchenware to help you celebrate the holiday. Napkins and plates embellished with maple leaves, and designed by Mary, will set the mood for your dinner. If you’re in need of a dessert, Mary-Lake Thompson also has decorative sacks with cake mixes inside.
NOW FOR FOOD If you want to add some local flavor to dinner, check out the California Olive Ranch. This company started in Oroville and has stayed local even though their products are now sold nationwide. Their Everyday Extra Virgin Olive Oil is perfect for roasting with its floral aroma, smooth taste, and hints of green apple. If vegetables are a part of your dinner, try drizzling their Mild and Buttery Extra Virgin Olive Oil over them. These items are available at FoodMaxx and Raley’s. Now, it’s time to grab some locally-made sides to go with your entree. Wagon Wheel Market, located at 4607 Olive Highway, has a variety of sides to help complete your Thanksgiving table. We recommend the Ambrosia Fruit Salad and Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad. They also offer a variety of party trays to keep your guests satisfied throughout the day. Try their meat and cheese tray or their homemade spinach dip served in a freshly baked sourdough bread bowl. The Oroville Area Chamber of Commerce wants to help you provide a festive atmosphere for your Thanksgiving Day. Save some time by shopping locally to fill up your Thanksgiving table with delicious goodies and beautiful decorations
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Visit your favorite Deer Creek Broadcasting Station for all the details...
KMXI.com 21
Seasonal Changes Beckon Festive Fun in
PARADISE Bright autumn days glow amber and russet, and streets crackle with leaves. A hint of the coming chill tickles our noses. The Paradise Ridge is shifting into the holiday spirit with skating, lights, and quaint shops for googly-eyed children looking for signs of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Rockwellian for sure!
Paradise’s art scene is alive and well as the Paradise Animal Shelter Helpers team up with the Paradise Art Center to assist the Ridge Animal Shelter pets to find their forever homes. All this and more on November 11th. Working our way past the midpoint of November, Paradise Quota International hosts its annual Festival of Trees Auction and Gala on November 18th, benefitting disadvantaged Ridge children this holiday season. Beginning November 9th, our very own Theater on the Ridge performs, “The Game’s Afoot,” with notable figures associated with Sherlock Holmes, mystery, and of course, a victim! You can always count on high-quality entertainment with live performers in a quaint theater setting at Theater on the Ridge.
The Ridge is a community that honors its veterans with the stunning Paradise Parade of Flags on November 11th. Hundreds of flags, placed by volunteers, greet those traveling along the Skyway.
Shoppers will want to attend the Annual Holiday Preview November 16th through 19th and enter to win Ridgebucks gift card prizes and other merchant giveaways during the 12 Days of Christmas Ridgefest, November 16th through 27th.
The Paradise Recreation and Park District’s Ice Skating Rink will begin operation Friday, November 10th, bringing date-night and family fun with Paradise on Ice. The skating rink will remain open (weather permitting) until January 15th. Santa arrives December 2nd.
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ng Styli women
since 1978
328 Broadway
Downtown Chico
November is Family Caregiver Month Family Caregivers provide countless hours of care to their loved ones. Passages Caregiver Resource Center would like to recognize and thank them all. The caregiver program is here to support, educate and guide unpaid family caregivers. Please contact us for more information at 530.898.5925
THE COMMANDMENTS OF CAREGIVING: Join the husband and wife team of Karen Stobbe & Mondy Carter as we go over the little known "commandments" that we all need to know no matter what our caregiving situation may be. In this interactive session we will cover body mechanics, home safety tips, taking care of you, that 4-letter word: guilt and 6 other topics—we mean "commandments". Join us, we promise you will walk with a smile on your face, new information and maybe some much needed support. Karen and Mondy have been caregivers to Karen's parents for over 20 years. They have spoken across North America and have been featured on TEDMED, Real Simple Magazine and NPR's This American Life. Karen was the co-developer of the CMS Hand in Hand Training Toolkit which was sent to every nursing home in the USA.
EVENT DETAILS: Location: Butte Creek Country Club
Time: 9:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Date: November 14th, 2017
RSVP Required By: November 9, 2017
To RSVP or for more information please call 530.898.5925 27
Fall Fever—Feel the Beat with North State Symphony The North State Symphony’s second Masterworks concert of the season is “Infectious Rhythms,” and it’s all about the beat! Join the orchestra musicians on November 11th, in Chico’s Laxson Auditorium, and November 12th, in Redding’s Cascade Theatre, for a unique program including the world premiere of a new violin concerto. You'll hear a variety of music from special guest artists and ensembles to worldrenowned violinist Chloe Trevor. There will also be young musicians from the MTAC Youth Orchestra and the Shasta College Chamber Strings. “Concerto for Violin and Orchestra” is an original composition by award-winning Redding composer, Dan Pinkston. It will feature violinist Chloe Trevor, who has been hailed as “a big talent” (Dallas Morning News) and has more than 130,000 Instagram followers. The North State Symphony will be joined on stage by local youth orchestra members in an energetic performance of 20thcentury Mexican composer Moncayo’s "Huapango." The concert will conclude with the orchestral suite from Igor Stravinsky’s exciting "Firebird" ballet. Single and season tickets for the remaining three-concert Masterworks Series are now on sale at the Cascade Theatre Box Office in Redding (cascadetheatre.org) and the University Box Office in Chico (chicostatetickets.com). Join Scott for a pre-concert talk one hour before each performance, and follow us on Facebook for news about our upcoming holiday and New Year's Eve concerts!
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Much Success It was instinctual when I reached out to shake Manny Rabauliman’s hand upon meeting him. He responded to the gesture with a wince, and I instantly apologized for not considering his physical condition. He smiled gently and dismissed it as an honest mistake. I think, deep down, he was grateful he could use his arm at all. To my surprise, Manny suffered a stroke just two months before our introduction, and the debilitating event affected the right side of his body. When I heard this, I was confident the stroke happened last August, because Manny was mobile and active, but he corrected me with a chuckle. Manny is a man of very few words. Our interaction together at his Chico home was cheerful, though I struggled to get him to say much. However, his actions spoke volumes; the gratitude on his face radiated at the thought of being able to reach out and shake a hand. Originally from Saipan, Manny used to work for the government. He held an office job for seven years at the Department of Public Lands before moving to Chico in 2014. Manny relocated to this area to be closer to his son and granddaughter. With a smile, he fondly told me all his children now live in Chico, and he's happy to be closer to them.
Upon arriving at Twin Oaks, Manny had no use of his right side. As a very active man, this was not something Manny was ready to accept, and he put all his energy into recovery. Manny talked about his current condition, how his mind is getting better, and that he’s not running at 100 percent. He explained how his speech has improved, but is not quite back to normal, though I would have never guessed he struggled with speech issues. Manny was very quick-witted, and when I mentioned I would be taking his picture, he quipped, “Let me put my makeup on first.” The comment triggered laughter from everyone in the room, including his wife who was one room over. It was evident his spirit filled their home, and being back recovering was a blessing for the whole family. Every day Manny feels better. He knows his speedy recovery is rare and he regards it as a huge blessing. “I just want to be back to normal, you know?,” he said in his subtle Pacific Islander accent. When we talked about Twin Oaks, Manny gleefully went down the list of those who helped him on his way to recovery. From the nurses who tended to his every need, to the therapists who relentlessly pushed Manny to improve and work harder, he was incredibly grateful for everyone. The recovery guided by his dedicated therapists enabled him to see and feel the improvement personally. Once Manny began to see the change in his health, the climb to recovery became worth the struggle. Manny’s list of thank yous for the people at Twin Oaks was expansive, to say the least, but he wanted to make sure that they knew how appreciative he was for their help in getting him back on his feet and regaining movement on his right side. While Manny knows he may not fully recover, his current success gives him hope.
Back in August, Manny was doing his usual yard chores when he experienced his stroke. He was rushed to Enloe Medical Center, where he spent two days under their care before transferring to Twin Oaks Post Acute Rehab Center. He stayed a total of three weeks at Twin Oaks before being sent back to Enloe Rehabilitation for what Manny called, “extreme therapy.”
Annual Cancer Survivors Celebration Honoring Local Cancer Survivors Join us for Live Music, Support, and Sharing. Tuesday, December 5th 5:30 - 7:30 pm Paradise Seventh-day Adventist Church 5720 Academy Dr, Paradise For more information please call: 530.876.3157
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Infectious Rhythms November 11, 2017 | 7:30pm Laxson Auditorium, Chico November 12, 2017 | 2:00pm Cascade Theatre, Redding Guest Artist Chloe Trevor, Violin
Roman Carnival Overture
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra World Premiere
RAVEL Tzigane
MONCAYO Huapango
STRAVINSKY Firebird Suite (1919)
Happy Holidays from the North State Symphony! Coming in December: Christmas and New Year’s Eve concerts!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing you the gifts of the season,
Peace, Joy, & Hope. from our families to yours.
Michele Carter, Matt Bauer, Delynn Thomas & Cain Medina
CA DOI License #0B01094 | www.iwins.com 31
Seasonal Skin Care As the holidays approach, and we gear up for gatherings, attending annual parties means looking your best. Seasonal chill and more hours spent indoors along with holiday stress can contribute to dull, dry, or blemished skin. Winter-proofing your skin is an excellent way to combat these seasonal issues. You can maximize your holiday glow both at home and with the help of our skin care professionals. At home, be sure your skin care routine includes the right products for your needs. Products featuring glycolic acid help your skin feel and look smoother. Products like the Obagi KeraPhine body treatment lotion or Glytone Retexturizing body wash and lotion are always reliable. These products are a great way to prep for a spray tan or liquid self-tanner because they dissolve and clear away dead skin cells. Keep your facial skin healthy yearround by wearing a 30 to 50 SPF sunscreen and moisturizer daily—yes, even during the winter months! DermBar offers sunscreen and moisturizer options for every skin type, from Obagi’s palette of Sun Shield sunscreens to SkinCeuticals Daily Moisturizer. Finally, many services can optimize your skin’s condition, boosting confidence in any social setting. Microneedling stimulates collagen production using radio-frequency thermal energy. IPL/Pixel uses broad spectrum light and laser ablation to target and reduces the appearance of aging or sun-damaged skin. Lastly, microdermabrasion exfoliates to improve skin tone and texture. Each of these services can help you achieve your best skin this season, and are all available at DermBar. DERM BAR MED-SPA 85 Declaration Dr. Suite 100 Chico, CA 95973 530.342.2672
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We live in the information age, and humans are learning fast. Other life forms are learning even faster. Most people know that the overuse of antibiotics has caused resistant bacteria such as MRSA. Now, thanks to high tech, we are discovering that stuff like MRSA is the tip of the iceberg. Meet Stealth Pathogens! Stealth Pathogens are defined as, “any pathogenic micro-organism employing strategies to persist in the body by hiding from, evading, misdirecting, or even suppressing immune responses, leading to chronic disease or lack of well-being.” Most nasty microbes employ stealth mechanisms these days: Mycoplasmas, helminthes, protozoa, bacteria —even viruses. Mycoplasm pneumoniae is the most common stealth pathogen infecting humans. It attaches to the cell walls of the respiratory tract, sucks out nutrients, and is invisible to the immune system. Other stealth pathogens include the Lyme’s Triad: Borrelia, Bartonella, and Babesia; the Herpes Family, Epstein-Barr virus, and Toxoplasma gondii, spread by cat contact, which can cause brain disorders such as bi-polar, OCD, addiction, and Alzheimer’s. Researchers report that at least 65 percent of our population is exposed. Check out this little video to watch Toxo Gondii blow holes in the blood-brain barrier! upenn.edu/ spotlights/visualizing-parasite-crossingblood-brain-barrier. Modern science hasn’t found much to fight this battle of stealthy, miniscule marauders. Fortunately, plants have been around since
the dawn of time and there are specific plant extracts that kick the snot out of stealth pathogens! But, suppressing stealth pathogens isn’t enough! You can kill and kill, but there will always be more if your immune system isn’t strong enough to ward them off on its own. A strong immune system is the name of this game. Congress may never figure out health care and I’m not a genius, but I can tell you with certainty that the best health-care plan you can have is a strong immune system. 7 things you can do to support your immune system: 1. Stop eating sugar! 2. Drink strong green, peppermint, or chamomile tea daily. 3. Eat plenty of greens and healthy fats. 4. Get plenty of rest. 5. Focus on gratitude. 6. Slow down! Practice mindfulness. 7. Consult an informed practitioner about herbal approaches to lightening your “bio-burden” and strengthening your immune system.
H E A LT H A D V I C E VIA DR. DEBORAH PENNER DC Dr. Penner is a whole food medicine and chiropractic care provider. For more information on combating stealth pathogens, visit 360 E. First St, Chico, or call 530. 342.8464.
How's Your Hearing?
Take The Test! By Crystal Chalmers, Au.D.
Most of my patients fall into two categories. One set believes their hearing is excellent and are convinced those around them are either mumbling or just refuse to speak clearly. The other group has difficulties in places with a lot of background noise, like crowded restaurants, and come to see me because they think they are experiencing hearing loss and need hearing aids.
Because hearing is a wonderful gift!
“A Highlight of Our Lives!” “To see my dad — Joe Clark — light up when he hears and takes part in conversations has been a highlight for me and my family’s lives! Thank you, Dr. Chalmers and staff!“ — Sheri Trimboli, Daughter of Joe Clark, Co-Owner of Sierra Log Homes, Chico, CA
We’re celebrating over 20 years of serving the North State! Call us today and mention you saw us in Upgraded Living for a complimentary appointment...Because hearing is a wonderful gift!
Crystal Chalmers, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
1 (888) 876-7450 Located at 15 Jan Court, off of Forest Ave, behind Raley’s Sky Park Plaza
Learn more at www.nsaudiology.com
Where do you fall? Or, are you somewhere in the middle? To learn more about how well you are hearing, I invite you to take my Hearing Health Self Test available at www.nsaudiology.com. The test is conveniently accessible by clicking on my homepage header and can also be found in the “Patient Resources” section. You can fill out the quiz online or print the forms out if you would like to give it to an audiologist directly. There is no cost or obligation whatsoever. If the results aren't to your liking, simply call my office at 1.888.876.7450 to schedule a free one-hour office visit which includes a consultation, examination of your ears, hearing screening, and a review of the results, because hearing is an excellent gift! NORTH STATE AUDIOLOGICAL SERVICES Located at 15 Jan Court, off of Forest Ave Learn more at www.nsaudiology.com 1.888.876.7450
Smoke and wildfires raged throughout the summer in California, with major blazes igniting here in Butte County. Even if we were safe from the flames, the smoke impacted our air quality and affected many. Some people are especially susceptible to illness due to the effects of air pollution. Infants and young children, the elderly, pregnant women, smokers, those with heart conditions, those with respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD, and others can develop health problems even with short exposure to pollutants. Our lungs can filter out large particles in the air, however, smaller particles can reach our airways and lungs. The nearby California wildfires have created an unhealthy amount of these fine particles.
Symptoms related to poor air quality include coughing, watery and itchy eyes, and difficulty breathing. Those with heart conditions may experience shortness of breath, weakness, chest pain, or irregular heartbeat.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you are in an area impacted by smoke and poor air quality, protect your health by following these recommendations, which are provided by local agencies for public health and air quality: • Limit outdoor exertion. This is especially important for children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing respiratory conditions. 34
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• If you plan to exercise, do so indoors. • Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible in buildings and vehicles. • Avoid the use of non-HEPA paper face mask filters. They are not capable of filtering extra-fine particulates, which have been the major air pollutant of concern during the local fires. • Check or replace air conditioner filters. Use the air conditioner on the recirculation setting. • Drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated.
WHEN SHOULD YOU SEEK MEDICAL CARE? If you or a family member is experiencing questionable or severe symptoms, seek professional medical advice and treatment. If a fever and productive cough (producing phlegm or mucus) develop, this may be a sign of a respiratory infection or pneumonia, which requires immediate medical attention, such as in an emergency department. For local updates on air quality, visit bcaqmd.org. Stay safe from the fires and smoke.
Kara Davis is a clinical nurse educator at Enloe Medical Center’s Emergency Department.
Fall is my favorite time of year. Between Taste of Chico, Christmas Preview, pumpkin spice everything, festive outfits, and the changing of the leaves—it’s evident fall likes to show off in Chico. This is why I love it here. The downside to this time of year is that it's so dry, and we often forget that our hair, skin, and nails need a little extra TLC during the darker months. Whether it’s more moisturizer or scheduling a manicure at your salon, a little goes a long way when it comes to dressing up your nails for the holidays. Here are some foolproof tips to make that manicure last throughout the holiday season!
DO'S: • Hydrate. Healthy hair, skin, and nails start from within. Skip the fancy cocktail once in awhile and reach for that H2O. Staying hydrated illuminates your complexion and also helps with healthy nails and silky locks. • Switch to a thicker body cream or lotion to ward off cracked, dry skin. Coconut oil and Shea Butter are excellent choices for smooth, touchable skin. It also does wonders for hard-working, dry hands.
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• Get a gel manicure. The gel lasts longer than standard polish, and it also makes your nails stay shiny and bright.
DON'TS: • Over-trim your cuticles. Hydrate well with the help of cuticle oil. Don’t forget to push them back with an orangewood stick to avoid damage. • Skip or delay your nail appointments. Waiting too long between services can leave your unkempt nails with more damage which often translates to a longer, more expensive appointment. Remember, your salon may not have time to fit you in for any last-minute scheduling due to the holiday rush, so don’t delay! • Neglect your feet. Boots and heels wreak havoc on your skin. Exfoliation and warm soaks will keep them feeling relaxed and nourished.
Lindsey Brown is a cosmetologist at Envee Hair Studio and Spa. For more beauty tips visit 152 E. Second St. or call 530.891.3683.
An Unbe-Leaf-Able Centerpiece What you’ll need: • Glass vases • Burlap • Assortment of dried flowers and leaves • Spray paint (optional)
Directions: Cut the burlap into strips, then set aside. Once all of your pieces are cut, tie one strip around each of the vases. Finally, to complete the tabletop display, cut the dried flowers to the desired height and place evenly into each of the vases. Make sure to measure the flowers next to the vases before you cut them, so they aren’t too short! FOR MORE DIY MATERIALS AND INSPIRATION, VISIT THE ARC STORE AT 2030 PARK AVE. IN CHICO.
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With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, it’s time to spruce up your decor! Hidden in most thrift stores are vases of assorted sizes, shapes, and colors. With a few simple materials, you can turn a plain set of vases into a beautiful tabletop display. We found these bottles at the Arc Store in Chico for just $6!
Designs To Designers aren’t always the best at holiday DIY decorating. Overall, we have a great sense of color, pattern, and space planning, but being crafty isn’t necessarily our specialty. Despite this detail, we sure can put together a beautiful home or table for the holidays. Here are some ideas, I have seen or completed myself, that might help you create new themes for your Thanksgiving holiday.
PERSONALIZED PLACE SETTING Placing old family photos at each guest’s seat adds tradition. FALL TABLESCAPE Mini white pumpkins with copper stripes made with copper tape really set the scene for an autumn table. In between the pumpkins, use two to three floral arrangements and place them in mason jars or white milk jars. In between these design elements, Iay branches of seeded eucalyptus on the runner. For name tags displayed on the empty plates, cut out a square from black and white polka-dot paper and fold it in half, then on a small piece of white card stock, write a guest’s name and attach it to the polka-dot paper. COASTAL TABLE The first Thanksgiving menu consisted of five deer given to the Pilgrims as a gift from the Native Americans. Local veggies like onions, beans, cabbage, lettuce, corn 40
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Fall For
porridge, and seafood like lobsters, clams, oysters, scallops and mussels, which were plentiful along the shoreline, were also included. Small white pumpkins with name tags attached using green raffia make pretty little place cards. A small starfish can be glued to each tag. On the reverse side you can write a message expressing why you are so thankful for that person. The table runner is made of burlap and raffia, white pumpkins, dried green and blue hydrangeas, and the birch bark and acorns can all be found locally. Then use the seashell collection you’ve had forever to complete the look.
RUSTIC PLAID TABLETOP Branch out when adding elements of design to your Thanksgiving table. Using wool scarves in place of a table runner or placemat is a fun and festive nod to the season. Spray paint some dollar store vases to give that added chic.
For more inspirations, visit Deveriejarrettdesign.com or call 530.828.3539. Deverie has lived in Chico since 1965. She attended design school in Sacramento where she acquired her degree in interior design in 1982. She specializes in commercial and residential interior design and is an expert in color coordination, textiles, space planning, and window treatments.
Finds Design & Decor’s
Anniversary Event r s a ! e y 0 1 Celebrating
Family owned and operated for 5 generations Design service In-home delivery & set-up 12 months no-interest ďŹ nancing (o.a.c) Finds Design & Decor 1341 Mangrove | Chico 530.892.1905 FurnitureChico.com Facebook.com/ďŹ ndsdesign
THE CLIENT Pam and Mike Govea of Oroville are a match that could rival any classic love story. Back in 1965, Mike asked Pam to be his date to a senior dance. In her powder blue gown, dapper gloves, and an impressive, towering blonde beehive, Pam was a vision. They enjoyed their evening together and parted ways. The thought of possibly seeing each other again didn’t occur to the two at the time. Many moons later, Mike, who worked as a studio photographer, was browsing the phonebook looking for clients when his gaze fell upon a familiar name. Mike dialed the number hoping it was the same Pam who accompanied him to his senior ball. At the time of the call, the two were betrothed to others, but remained friends after. When the opportunity again presented itself, Mike and Pam were both single, and their connection was still electric. The rest, as they say, is history. The two relocated 42
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to Oroville and began their love story in a quaint home, but it was the cute summer cottage across the street that Mike and Pam truly had their heart set on.
THE CALL They eventually secured their dream home, but with it the Goveas also inherited the dated, avocado green kitchen, equipped with matching appliances and countertops. The couple stayed with this setup for almost 20 years before feeling inspired to make a change. A few fresh coats of paints were splashed throughout certain rooms and adding a new tile floor, that stretched from their kitchen to their bedroom hallway, were their first steps in modernizing their home. The more significant updates were left on the horizon until this summer. Like most couples looking to spice up their home, a set budget was considered, but
they were more concerned with quality. Naturally, the two visited an obvious home renovation chain. As Pam roamed the aisles with a tile swatch for inspiration, it dawned on her that she needed more than new tile. “We quickly realized we did not need a backsplash, we needed a whole new kitchen,” she said with a laugh. They began the process of selecting each element to refurbish their space, but when it came time for checkout, Pam and Mike were weary of the hefty price tag and timeline projected for their dream kitchen. Pam and Mike decided to sleep on it and, with a fresh outlook, paid a visit to Ric Powers at New Again Kitchen Remodeling in Chico. The two were familiar with New Again’s work from reading our monthly spread, and Pam not only drew kitchen inspiration from the articles but said she also enjoyed reading the success stories; starting the process over with Ric was a breeze. Pam
D R E A R Y G R E E N M E E T S WA R M & M O D E R N
Pam and Mike appreciated Ric’s extremely accommodating demeanor, and the two put their faith into New Again, signed their contract, and began dreaming of their modern kitchen.
THE CURE As scheduled, New Again’s installation team arrived on time and began tearing down the old kitchen. To combat the limited counter space, new countertops and cabinets were installed which opened up the kitchen. The couple went with a Shaker-style cabinet in a warm, honey finish. Extra storage space was built-in, and Pam gleefully showed off CONNECT
her pull-out spice rack tucked between their brand new refrigerator and stove. The New Again team also created cabinet space above their refrigerator—a first for New Again. Their green, old counters were replaced with a gorgeous mocha quartz, and New Again tile artist, Victor Cabrera, placed the backsplash subway tile in Bedrosian/Traditions 3x6-inch biscotti. The new countertop layout freed up some muchneeded space Pam had requested. Appliances like Pam’s new stainless steel sink were installed, along with brand new canned lighting fixtures. To complete the update, Albert Stanisewski livened up the kitchen and dining area with fresh paint in an inviting, warm hue. Working with the trusted professionals at New Again restored Pam and Mike’s faith in letting strangers into their home for renovations. Their experience in the
past left the couple very untrusting and less hopeful for quality service completed promptly. “I trusted them wholeheartedly, and I would definitely have them back in our house again,” Mike said. Pam added that her experience with the crew was delightful and she is so thrilled with how her dream kitchen looks that she’s almost afraid to cook in fear of messing it up.
described her countertop concerns, and Ric met each one with a realistic solution that eased Mike and Pam’s minds. Ric relentlessly researched other markets to compare prices for the Goveas, offering them the best price.
With another beautiful kitchen remodel on the books and another set of happy customers, it’s no surprise New Again Kitchen Remodeling continues to make a name for itself as the definitive kitchen and bathroom remodeling company in Chico. If you’re like Pam and Mike, and have a kitchen or bathroom in need of updating, call New Again Kitchen Modeling at 530.899.2888. As they would be sure to tell you, it’ll be your easiest home renovation ever.
Linda & Neil Farrell 185 East Ave, Chico CAESCHICO.COM 530-891-6787
We found we needed to replace the HVAC system in our condo so Neil contacted several local firms for information and estimates. We decided to contract with Climate & Energy Solutions to have a new HVAC system installed due to the fact the owner met with us and walked us through the entire project and a quote for the work to be done. When we decided to go solar we went back to Climate & Energy Solutions . We were very pleased with the service from start to finish. Our initial contact with Jason was informative and professional. The cost was very reasonable and competitive with other companies. Installation date was what was promised. The installers were professional and left our property in the same (or better) condition than they found it. We would recommend Climate & Energy Solutions because they delivered on all that they said they would and it was good to deal with the owner of the company face-to-face. 44
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This home is privately gated, has solar, and sits on ~2 acres. The dining room has a cherry wood ceiling and the living room is stunning with 12’ crowned ceilings, flowing draperies, and fireplace. Perfect for entertaining with a huge cook’s kitchen, granite countertops, 60” Wolfe Range, breakfast nook, and so much more! . Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 6,065 Price: $1,600,000
If you’re INTO plantation shutters, private yards and a split floorplan, this one just might be for you! Fresh paint in the office and new carpet! Remodeled kitchen with granite and baths and laundry too! You might be able to tell that an interior decorator lived here, it certainly shows. So much to see! Call today for a private showing! Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,282 Price: $499,000
Very stately situated on 82+/- acres of pure heaven! The master suite is fit for a king and queen, a spa like master bath, his and her walk in closets, and large Jacuzzi tub. The kitchen is a chef’s delight and you might just end up being an excellent cook using all these great appliances and 3 dishwashers!!! This wasBed: the 4.0 model home oneAcreage: owner! There many Bath: 4.0 and SqFt:only 5,161 82.18 have Price:been $1,450,000
This 1940’s charmer is perfectly tucked away in a beautiful setting, enjoying sunrises and sunsets out your window! On over 9+ acres with pasture, barn, and a pond, this 2 story home has some updated features, but has left a lot of the charm of the 40’s in place with built-in cabinets, brick fireplace with insert, A terrific Michael floor plan remodeled from $350,000 head to and tile from youngerGalli years. Bed: 4.0updated Bath: 2.0andSqFt: 2,387 Price:
upgrades including travertine tiles, upgraded carpets, granite, oversized lot, built in desk in media room, special color paint throughout, draperies, landscaped beautifully with slate water fall, flowers galore and redwood trees. RV Access on both sides of the house and two master suites make this home a must see! Bed: 4.0 Bath: 4.0 SqFt: 3,166 Price: $429,000
Several living and dining areas with remodeled and added on areas of the home approximately 9 years ago! Places to park all the toys with double gates on both sides of the home for this and that, plus a garage. Newer water heater, nice fireplace and kitchen open to the living room with eating bar. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,453 Price: $315,000
toe about a year ago. Stainless steel appliances, granite counters, plush carpets, decorator lighting, exterior and interior painting, lush park like yard, sparkling in ground gunite pool, newer 10x10 outdoor shed, wood stove, shows truly like a model home. Open floor plan with so many upgrades! Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 3,675 Price: $665,000
The value is in the land that is zoned R2 according to county records, buyer to verify. The home will not be shown. Great piece of property in the avenues for developing. City Sewer is in the street.
My homes are selling fast! Call if I can help by listing your home today! #3 First Half of 2017! CA-DRE lic# 01084946
Bed: 1.0 Bath: 1.0 SqFt: 576 Price: $145,000 Acreage: .51
See these homes on virtual tour at my website!
“I would recommend Effie Khaki to absolutely anyone who is selling or purchasing a home. I have complete confidence and trust in Effie’s professionalism, expertise, and commitment to all of her clients. I purchased and sold my first home with her over the last 5 years. Effie will always exceed your highest expectations.”” -Jenifer Crawford, Chico
Expect to be impressed. Superbly appointed in an exclusive community of fine estates, this elegant home was built to exact specifications with almost no regards for cost. As you approach the house, you will fall in love with the peaceful ambiance of the beautiful koi pond and its waterfalls. The massive, double door entry will welcome you to a stunning residence offering exceptional detailing throughout. This beautiful home features all the amenities one could want, including radiant, heated marble floors, imported Brazilian mahogany pillars, dramatic ceilings, formal room,neighborhood formal dining room, a family by room with fireplace, Intoxicating view! Where the eagles soar, this captivating residence Tucked away in living a upscale & sheltered majestic kitchen with granite counters, doublehome. convection oven, trash compactor, and sits shielded behind iron gates. This home is truly magnificent with trees, here you will find your dream This beautiful home bar. The master suite offers dual vanities, his is&loaded her closet, a jetted tub, is eating designed for indoor/outdoor entertaining and with towering near ceilings, wallsBidwell of glass,park, gleaming wood floors, a lavish In living Almost brand new!! This stunning home is located in a great neighborhood Upper a school and shopping. this and a walk-in love the fully-equipped theater, upgrades. Youshower. will loveYou thewill generously proportionedhome rooms, the the wine room, formal & informal dining, gourmet kitchen, granite counters, special place you will fi nd generously proportioned rooms, an open fl oor plan, crown moldings and walls of windows that provide cellar, andwood the dumbwaiter. A wholeliving house fan,dining central vacuum, A/C units, gorgeous floors, the formal and rooms, the2cozy designer hood, 3 fireplaces, 6” interior walls, 2HVAC, 3 car garage and sunlight. living room issystem beautiful andthis off ers a cozy granite countertops, a 5-burner gaswith range, 2ample water heaters, and security will keep home perfectly family room with intercom it’sThe fireplace, guest quarter, expansive master suit, gas fireplace. more all The onankitchen almosthas 2 acre parcel. The ambiance is peaceful suited to you with at all times. The backyard centered around entertaining, with large can lighting, breakfast nook over looking a beautiful views of sunsets & city lights. You will breakfast patio andkitchen stainless steal appliances. Theis master suite is spacious and offaers a large walk-in closet with a master bath on thatthe has dualwatching vanities gorgeous pool, waterfalls, covered private 3 car garage, gated R.V. all a onwhole almosthouse one ace mountain ranges & Sutter-Buttes. At night simply relax &and enjoy and ayard, bidet. The houseand boasts 10 gazebo. ftparking ceilings, fan and the plantation shutters. The yard is beautifully landscaped offyour ers a of total privacy. unobstructed view of the star-speckled sky. private dining patio with automated sun shade and peaceful ambiance.!!! Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,837 Price: $419,000 4.0 Bath:3.0 Price: $749,900 Bed: 4.0 Bed: Bath: 3.0 SqFt: SqFt: 2,5014,367 Price: $487,500 Bed: 4.0 Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,389 Acreage: ~2.0
PENDING The lake is only seconds away from this beautiful home! Tucked away Pirates will squeal & scurry for this hidden treasure! The delightful, large in neighborhood, a friendly neighborhood, immaculate home offers an open Golf porch course,oflake walking trails are provides just a stone throw away from this inTucked a quiet this well this maintained home offers a darling front this&gorgeous home relaxation and a great floor plan, high ceilings, large living room, ansitopen kitchen withcenter. an island, a darling stunning home. Tucked away in a cul-de-sac in a prestigious Located in perfect great location neardays school and shopping This home was upgraded in 2007 with plumbing, carpeting gated porch, for summer to upon and relax. Inside place to get to know your neighbors. With new soaring 10 andneighborhood, 12 foot five burner gas cookfltop a double ovens. Seller has made many upgrades ceilings, this home ers anfeatures open floor plan, proportioned rooms and you’ll find an open oor and plan, highwood ceilings, tile counters, and wood thisoff home walls ofgenerously glass windows ample granite counter tops, tile and laminate flooring, light fixtures, new sinks, toilets and water meter. House wasproviding also upgraded with this darling home which includes allkitchen new appliances in the kitchen, new abundance of windows for naturalthroughout, lights. As you step intoflthe house you will flto ooring throughout. Tile fl oors in the and bathrooms, fi replace natural lighting, crown molding bamboo ooring, a cozy new electrical, insulation, interior walls, dual pane window and a new roof. The house also got connected to the city sewer. This shower head, bathroom newer carpet some windows. fireplace fall in lovewith withmantel, the spacious living room and its cozy fireplace, withdoors, its sunny infaucets, the living room, walk-in closet,sink, mater bath withand dual sink,new separate built-in bookshelves, cabinets with glass house also offers isa yard nice isyard and a flsingle car garage and RV parking. The master located in the first oorfree and two other bedroom are nook and3the formal dining room. In addition, this home also offers shower and bedroom a tub. The maintenance so you can enjoy life abreakfast darling kitchen, bedrooms and a loft, indoor laundry, a beautiful onspending the second floor.time Theby yard is beautifully landscaped and ersenjoying a lush lawn, patio a family room that can beZen-inspired easily turnedlandscaping into an office plus or a 24th bedroom. by more the lake canoeing, fishing, oroff just with fountain and car garage.The a bubbling spa, water fountain, 2 large sheds and an oversize side yard. updated kitchen and bathrooms have slab granite counter tops and custom walking the paths around the area. . Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,260 Price: $259,500 Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,516 Price: $279,900 tiled flooring. Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,899 Price: $399,000 Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 1,346 Price: $269,000 Bed: 3.0 Bath: 2.5 SqFt: 1,739 Price: $309,000
PENDING Two commercial properties. The This home features granite Intoxicating views of Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen!! This well maintained Step through theAC entry home and experience the history of this antique Chico total charmer. Nested in theacoveted Avenues, first parcel has 1.6 withofathis delightful counter tops, laminate flooring, hometo sitsthe onuniversity 10 acres ofand privacy. Featuring large livingvacancy room These well maintained 4 bedroom, 2 baths units are in walking distance downtown. With zero percent thisSqhome has been enjoyed Chico generations. From its with cozyakitchen with granite counters to its newer dual pane 600 ft. building structure that by numerous crown molding, security system, free standing wood stove, a newly remodeled kitchenwindows, with factor and long term tenants is aand great investment opportunity. Allhome 4 units offertops, central heatcabinetry and counters in the security system, new gas water this heater stainless steel appliances, this exemplifi es the quality of fiair, negranite homes. Youappliances, will love the was built in 1979 and has been central heat and air, dual pane granite counter custom and newer this kitchen,as dishwashers, andpeaceful microwave ovens. Each hasThe itsalso own indoor laundry with washer and water generously proportioned rooms the ambiance of this unit home. lavish living tile room and the formal dining room of this home operating a nursery for refrigerators the last and windows, upgraded appliances home provides and laminate flooring, andryer over and sized bonus 25have years. ItEach isnumerous partially fenced, is own and fixtures. Thisand home also has a With room with a wood stove,owner indoor laundry, water softeners, 2 balconies, held parties and entertained many friends andmeter. families. Guest must of marveled at richmay wood floors, the spacious family heater. unit also hasitits water meter PG&E a substantial down, carry a first trust deed. on city services and isin near park pool.large basement perfect foroff your a private domestic well plus well, central and air, room and sparking ground The yard is beautiful and ers a dinning patio with pergola andaashared newly Ag. installed droughtheating friendly Price: $847,750 and shopping. This The 2nd is youwine collection and storage! landscaping. is a parcel home for to create memories of your own. barn/shop, 4 car carport and much more. on .29 AC and is adjacent to the Bed: 2.0 Bath: 2.0 Bed: Bath: 3.0 SqFt: 2,503 2,240 Price: Price: $399,900 Bed:4.0 3.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: $399,900 other parcel. Price: $400,000 SqFt: 2,085 Price: $239,000 40
U P G R A D E D L I V I N G . C O M APR I L 201 6
River Front Estate!! This dramatic, contemporary Victorian has been built with almost no regards to cost. As you enter the gated entrance, you will immediately appreciate the superior craftsmanship. The home is bright and has a happy, comfortable ambiance. You will marvel at the feeling of spaciousness, the flowing floorplan, gleaming wood floors, lion-sized den, 3 balconies, and large game room. The home features a dream kitchen with 2 full stoves, 2 ovens, pot and pan drawers, Corian counters and an island. The list of amenities also includes 3 heating & cooling units, central vac, 2 fireplaces and a security system. The downstairs master suite offers an exercise room and jetted tub. The 2nd master bedroom, along with Jack & Jill rooms, and the 5th bedroom, all are located on the 2nd floor. This home also offers an in-ground pool, 4 car garage and a shop that is located under the house. The view of sunrise and sunset on the river is to die for. Here, you can spend your time fishing, boating, canoeing or jet skiing right outside your backdoor. It’s a truly serene property where stress seems to be washed away by the gently flowing waters! Call to schedule a showing today! Bed: 5.0 Bath: 7.0 SqFt: 6,236 Price: $799,000
Bidwell Park is just a stone’s throw away from this stunning home. Situated in a great neighborhood, this home offers an open floor plan, generously proportioned rooms and an abundance of windows for natural light. As you step into the house you will fall in love with the spacious living room, cozy fireplace, sunny breakfast nook, and formal dining room. The gourmet kitchen offers slab granite countertops, large eating bar and walk-in pantry. The master suite is gorgeous and offers his and her walk-in closets, French doors to the beautiful yard, large soaking tub, separate shower and a dual vanity. The den can easily be converted to a 4th bedroom, and you’ll love this home’s beautiful in-ground gunite sparkling pool. Bed: 4.0 Bath: 2.0 SqFt: 2,089 Price: $499,000
Well maintained apartment building across from CSUC’s athletic field. This building consists of 5 units — four units have 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a 1250 sq.ft floorplan and the last unit has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a 1,071 sq.ft floorplan. The units with the 4 bedrooms can be converted to 3 bedrooms for larger room sizes if desired. The units feature granite counters, dual pane windows, refrigerators, microwaves, washers, and dryers. There are also 50” flat screen T.V.s in four of the units. Three units have been rented for $1,580.00 each per month, one unit for $1,470.00 and the smaller unit has been rented for $1,000.00 per month. The property has a common backyard with a barbecue grill and a bike rack to hold 6 bikes. This is a great investment opportunity!!! Units: 5 Price: $990,000 49
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k oo b k oo C Community
er. g togeth d comin n a n o re athe d reflecti made g me for re ti e a w d is s e giving be share memori Thanks ishes to s, fond d ie y il m r m e ny fa h yum an off Like ma tiful wit re one c ey t gestu ble plen s e ta d a se hom in d e k aroun s. The hare th e s n o to s, d d p e st lov s to sou delighte among rom pie We are F l. r. a our o e t b m a red r neigh try wh is a sha om you wait to fr ’t n d a e c rc sou nd we recipes table a ted! is delec ity crea ty e ri a v ommun c the r u o in e cooks creativ
Braciole kitchen From the
nie Powel
of Stepha
INGREDIENTS: • 1½ cups fresh breadcrumbs (about 3 slices of bread) • ⅓ cup grated Parmesan cheese • ⅓ cup pesto • 3 tablespoons dried cranberries • ¾ teaspoon salt • 8 thin slices beef top round (1lb.) • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 3 garlic cloves, crushed • 2 cups chopped canned tomatoes with their juice • ⅓ cup chicken broth • 3 strips mandarin orange peel (3-inch by ½-inch each)
DIRECTIONS: In a medium-sized bowl, combine breadcrumbs, Parmesan, pesto, cranberries, and ¼ teaspoon of salt.
With meat mallet or between two sheets of plastic wrap or waxed paper, pound beef slices to ⅛-inch thickness. Sprinkle one side of slices with remaining ½ teaspoon of salt. Spoon breadcrumb mixture on top, pressing so it adheres to meat. From one short end, roll up each meat slice, jelly roll fashion. Secure each roll with toothpicks. In a non-stick 10-inch skillet, heat oil over medium heat, until very hot. Add beef and cook, turning rolls until browned, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds. Add tomatoes with their juice, broth, and orange peel; heat to boiling. Reduce heat; cover and simmer until meat is tender, usually about 30 minutes. Remove and discard orange peel and toothpicks before serving braciole with pan sauce.
Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole w/ Butternut Squash & Cranberries From the kitchen of Gina Pence
INGREDIENTS: • 1 cup uncooked wild rice blend • 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided • 1 ¼ pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into bite-sized pieces • 1 medium yellow onion, diced • 1 small butternut squash, about 1 ½ pounds, peeled and cut into ½-inch pieces (about 5 cups cubes) • ½ teaspoon kosher salt • ½ teaspoon black pepper • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme, plus additional for garnish • ¾ cup dried cranberries • ½ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, divided (about 2 ounces)
DIRECTIONS: Cook rice according to package directions. Drain off any excess cooking liquid and set aside. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly coat a 9-by13-inch baking dish with cooking spray and set aside. In a large, deep skillet, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil over medium heat. Add the diced chicken and sauté until chicken is cooked through and no longer pink on the inside, about 6 minutes. Remove to a paper towel-lined plate and set aside. With a paper towel, carefully wipe the skillet clean. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons olive
oil over medium. Add the diced squash, onions, salt, and pepper. Sauté until the onion begins to soften, about 2 minutes. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until the squash is tender but still retains some chew, about 6-8 minutes. Stir in the thyme, cranberries, reserved chicken, rice, and ¼ cup Parmesan. Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking dish. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, then remove, and sprinkle with the remaining ¼ cup Parmesan cheese. Bake 5 additional minutes, until the cheese melts. Sprinkle with chopped fresh thyme and serve warm. f kitchen o From the urke Trent B ra d n xa Ale
Pumpkin Turkey Chili
INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • • • • • • •
2 pounds ground turkey 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large yellow onion, chopped 4 cloves of garlic, minced 4 teaspoons chili powder 2 teaspoons oregano 2 teaspoons cumin 4 cups chicken stock 3 cans fire roasted or diced tomatoes, drained 1 can black beans, drained 1 can pinto beans, drained 4 cups 1-inch cubes of pumpkin or butternut squash • Salt and pepper to taste
Pour olive oil into pan, bring to medium heat. Add onions and cook until translucent. Add turkey and cook until browned and in crumbles. Add all spices except salt and pepper. Place all ingredients in a stock pot or a crockpot, adding chicken broth until you have a more wet version of the consistency you like for chili. Cook on medium in a crockpot for 6 hours or simmer under low-medium for about an hour on the stove-top. Add the level of salt and pepper you prefer. Enjoy with cheese and some friends! Cook’s Note: This recipe is hearty and healthy and pairs great with an Oktoberfest beer. Made for a full crock-pot, so you can halve it, if needed.
Sweet Potato Tofu Tacos INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • •
Peel and cut the sweet potato into small cubes. Peel and shred zucchini. Put olive oil in pan over medium heat and add sweet potatoes. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Add zucchini and cook another 2 minutes. Test that the sweet potatoes are tender before you add in the crumbled tofu, taco seasoning, and water. Cook long enough to heat the tofu and stir so the mixture is combined. Add taco filling to taco shells or soft tortillas. Top with your favorites for tacos.
14 oz. firm tofu 1 medium sweet potato 1 zucchini 1 tablespoon olive oil ¼ cup taco seasoning ½ cup water 10–12 taco shells or corn tortillas
DIRECTIONS: Freeze tofu then thaw overnight in fridge. Squeeze out extra water from tofu, then crumble. The tofu should look like ground turkey, put aside for later.
From the kitchen of Amanda Corona
Persimmon, Arugula, and Walnut Salad w/ Pomegranate & Feta From the kitchen of Chico Certified Farmers Market
VINAIGRETTE INGREDIENTS: • ¼ cup red wine vinegar • ½ cup olive oil • salt and fresh ground pepper
3 Fuyu persimmons ¼ cup pomegranate seeds 4 cups young arugula 1 ½ tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint (optional) • ¼ cup feta • ¼ cup chopped walnuts
SALAD DIRECTIONS: Peel and cut persimmons into thin slices and place in a bowl with baby arugula, chopped mint, and walnuts. Dress with vinaigrette and top with crumbled feta and pomegranate seed
kitchen From the erna M i in M f o
• Two jars of Kosher dill pickles (whole, paper-towel dried) • 5 sourdough baguettes, sliced, and cut to the size of a pickle in length • 5 packages of cream cheese • 2 cans of olives, minced • 8 oz. sour cream
DIRECTIONS: Take sliced bread and hollow out the breading. In a bowl, blend together one packet of chopped, fresh dill, olives, and cream cheese. With a spoon, fill each hollowed baguette section full of blended mixture. Slide a pickle through each bread slice. Place ornately on a platter. Chill and serve.
Flank Steak with Chimichurri Criollo From the kitchen of Paula Rich
INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • • • •
1 tablespoon salt 1 ½ teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon oregano 1 tablespoon red chili pepper flakes (optional) 1 teaspoon thyme 1–2 tablespoon garlic, finely chopped ½–1 cup water ½–1 cup Italian red wine vinegar ½–1 cup vegetable oil (traditional, you can use olive oil) • ½ cup fresh Italian parsley, finely chopped
DIRECTIONS: Be sure to prepare this dish the morning before serving, or the night before, to really let the flavors develop. Mix dry ingredients and add water. Let sit for at least an hour to incorporate. Add red wine vinegar and oil. Add parsley and let sit for at least another hour before serving. If it is too thick, taste and add water, oil, or vinegar. Shake or stir well before serving. Cook's Note: This makes a big batch, so keep in the fridge for leftovers. To create your own adaptation, feel free to add a bay leaf, a little mustard, cumin, or cilantro.
Vegetarian Crockpot Chili INGREDIENTS:
• • • • • • • •
1 can (1 qt.) vegetable juice 1 can (12 oz) diced tomatoes, undrained. 1 can black beans, drained 1 can kidney beans, drained 1 can pinto beans, drained 1 can corn kernels, drained 1–2 green bell pepper(s), chopped 2 cloves garlic, diced (or 2 tablespoons garlic powder) • 2 tablespoons cumin • 1 package your favorite soysage patties, chopped into crumbles
Black-Eyed Pea Salad
From the kitchen of Doug Rathbun
INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • • • •
2 cans black-eyed peas, drained. ¼ cup red onion, diced ¼ cup celery, diced 1 garlic clove, minced 1 bunch cilantro, chopped ¼ cup cider vinegar ¼ olive oil Dash of Worcestershire sauce Pinch of salt and pepper to taste
DIRECTIONS: Mix all ingredients together well. For best flavor, make a day ahead and let marinate overnight.
In a large crock pot, add all ingredients except for the soysage crumbles. Set on low 6 hours (or high 3 hours). Stir periodically, if possible. Add soysage crumbles, stir, and remove from heat. Let stand for 30 minutes. Cook's Note: You may also cook on the stovetop at medium heat for approximately 1 hour for similar results. From the kitchen of Minnie Mental
SOUP INGREDIENTS: • 4 tablespoons butter • 2 lbs. butternut squash, peeled, and diced • 4 leeks, white and pale green parts only, chopped • ½ cup carrots, peeled and chopped • ½ cup celery, chopped • 1 large granny smith apple, peeled, cored, chopped • (1) 29 oz. can pumpkin puree • ½ teaspoon dried thyme • ¼ teaspoon ground sage • 5 cups vegetable or chicken stock • 1 cup apple cider • 1 cup heavy cream
CIDER CREAM: • ½ cup sour cream • ½ cup apple cider, reduced to ¼ cup and cooled
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DIRECTIONS: Melt butter in heavy saucepan over medium heat. Add squash, leeks, carrots, and celery. Sauté until slightly softened (~15 minutes). Add apples, pumpkin, thyme, sage, stock, and cider. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and let simmer until apples are soft (~30 minutes) while stirring occasionally. Use an immersion blender or a blender to puree the soup. Mix in cream and bring back to simmer. For the cider cream, mix sour cream and reduced apple cider, put in a squeeze bottle. Ladle soup into bowls and drizzle with sour cream mixture. RECIPE COURTESY OF SHELLEY ANDERSON AT SHELLEY’S CREATIVE CATERING. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 530.893.8277.
Butternut Squash & Pumpkin Soup with Cider Cream
"Mock Minestrone" Without the Pasta SOUP INGREDIENTS: • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 1 large onion, diced • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 4 stalks celery, chopped chunky • 2 teaspoons oregano, dried • 1 can 15 oz. garbanzo beans, drained • 8 cups vegetable broth • 1 rutabaga, diced and peeled • ⅓ pound green beans, trimmed and cut into ½-inch pieces. • 1 teaspoon basil, dried
DIRECTIONS: Heat the olive oil in a large pot over mediumhigh heat. Add onion and cook until translucent, about 4 minutes. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds. Add celery, carrots, rutabaga, and cook until they begin to soften, about 5 minutes. Stir in green beans, dried oregano, basil, ¾ teaspoon sea salt, and pepper. Cook 3 more minutes. Add diced and crushed tomatoes along with vegetable broth to the pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium low and simmer 10 minutes. Stir in the kidney beans, garbanzo beans, chopped spinach, and cook until vegetables are tender. Add in ¾ teaspoon red chili flakes for a zesty flavor. Ladle into bowls and top with chopped basil.
• (1) 28-ounce can no salt tomatoes, diced • (1) 14-ounce can tomatoes, crushed • (1) 15-ounce can low sodium kidney beans, drained and rinsed • ¾ teaspoon sea salt and fresh ground black pepper • ½ teaspoon red chili flakes (optional) • 1 box frozen spinach, chopped • 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
Did you know that you can change your health and happiness by shifting what you eat? Body, mind, and soul are the trilogy of wellness. Cali Soul Coaching with Dana Grant is so much more than delicious recipes and motivational catchphrases. Dana's program is specifically designed to connect your soul to your passions, drive, and capability to succeed in whatever life throws at you. She helps by empowering you through your connection with she and others. This allows you to light that fire deep inside you and kickstart your best and most authentic life. She will share with you exactly how to overcome life's obstacles, plant those seeds of love, and step into that place in your life where you know you should be. Dana is a lifestyle coach and mentor, speaker, trainer, and creator of Cali'flour Food. She is here to put you on the fast track towards a soul-ful, healthy life!
DANA GRANT Cali Soul Coaching calisoulcoaching.com | 530.228.6987
Holiday Cheer In a Glass ALMENDRA WINERY AND DISTILLERY 9275 MIDWAY, DURHAM 530.343.6893
Almendra Winery and Distillery exemplifies spirit and winemaking artistry as they fashion full-bodied wines and refreshingly smooth spirits from local Butte County vineyards and other locally-sourced ingredients. Ranging from blends to varietals, these complex wines and spirits delight the senses and are sure to please even the most discerning palate. The winery has a long history of innovation and maintains an uncompromising and deep commitment to the environment, community, and a high-quality wine and spirit selection beyond comparison. Their newly released “Monkey Face Gin,” made from locally grown botanicals, lends itself easily to this festive Ginger Cranberry Cocktail that will pair perfectly with any of your holiday meals. Almendra is now offering small plates, pizza, and a full bar serving wine, cocktails, and beer. You can visit them 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Sundays.
“Christmas Truce” will be their upcoming holiday seasonal ale. It’s a dark mild that they “mull” with cinnamon and nutmeg and is a perfect complement to any holiday meal shared with friends and family. This brew celebrates the break in the Great War when both sides stopped fighting, sang carols, swapped photos, and played soccer in-between the trenches. 58
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Lassen Traditional Cider was founded by Ben Nielsen. Ben's love of fermentation began when he started brewing beer in college. After brewing extensively for his adult life, he began delving into cider in 2005, using the free fruit from a neighbor's backyard apple trees in Corvallis, Oregon. Naturally, the neighbor's supply wasn't enough to sustain Ben’s growing hobby. Cider is made seasonally when the apples are at their peak of ripeness. They use heirloom and cider appropriate varieties with more flavor. You won't find any of Lassen Traditional Ciders’ flavors to have the cloying sweetness standard in the mass-produced, cheap ciders. In fact, their ciders are fermented thoroughly dry, with less residual sugar than most beer. Ben does not use any added sugar, concentrates, or flavorings either—what you sip is 100 percent apples. This cider is genuinely a live product, hence why the word “traditional” appears in the name. You will experience an alluring complexity and flavor that will probably surprise you. Of course, all their ciders are naturally gluten-free.
Secret Trail Brewing Company has been in the works for three years now, and they will be open to the public this month. The Brewing Company is a collaboration of Charlie and Michelle Barrett, Jesse and Jody Fischer, and a number of investors. Brewed in Charlie’s 15-gallon, all-grain electric brewery, Secret Trail’s beer has been served in and around the Chico community throughout the last two years at various festivals and weddings. Now, with the opening of their new location, Charlie will be brewing on a new 15-barrel system. Secret Trail is a community-focused brewery making both the classic styles and original innovations or, as they like to say, “off-the-beaten-path” beers. An example of this is their “Squeegie” Double IPA, which pairs great with any spicy or hearty holiday meal. Collectively, Secret Trail brewers seek ideas and feedback from the community, mindful of community feedback. They offer a fun tasting room where you can experience the brewing process of the brew you sip.
Close your eyes and let the distinctive aromas and flavors of British Bulldog Brewery’s ales transport you back to the snug of a historic English pub in a time gone by. A four-person family-village brewery in Chico, British Bulldog Brewery began commercial production in February this year. Borne from a passion for making British style brews in the traditional way, using techniques from the 1700s, they import British malts that taste more bready than U.S. malts, and British hops that are spicy, woodsy, floral, or grassy, rather than the citrusy or tropical fruits of hops from the New World. Through the personalities of their brews, they celebrate both the British and American war heroes and events that have afforded us our freedom.
From heavy-bodied brews and ciders to festive spirits, our favorite local breweries and distilleries share their season’s finest beverage to pair perfectly with your holiday meal.
All Aboard To
FARM CITY It’s autumn, and we are darn lucky to live where we do when the leaves begin to change color and the days start to shorten. This area teems with life during harvest, which means we not only benefit from an abundance of fresh and beautiful foods, but also from events and organizations put together for the appreciation of another year’s hard work. One such festivity is the annual Farm City Celebration, now in its 37th year. Since 1979, the celebration has blossomed from a week-long succession of exciting events to a month-long festival whose goal is to promote education and appreciation for farming. During November, the celebration will provide many activities and opportunities to honor the intersection of farm and city, not least of which is the Harvest Festival, presented by Farm City Celebration, and taking place on November 4th. Since 2008, the festival
has been held on the grounds of the Bidwell Mansion, home of Chico’s founding father, John Bidwell, and his wife, Annie. Among the many entertainments will be a petting zoo featuring small farm animals, horse, and buggy rides; examples of antique life on the farm, a plant sale, beekeeping demonstrations, a display of vintage and modern farm equipment, and, of course, food. Madison Bear Garden will be providing the fare, and who doesn’t love a Bear Burger and fries? This free event begins at 10 a.m. and continued until 2 p.m. On November 11th, bust out the cowboy boots hiding in the back of your closet for the dinner dance, put on in conjunction with the Butte County Young Farmers and Ranchers, at the Sierra Nevada Big Room. This event coincides with the awards reception, but after the applause and the hors-d'oeuvres, prepare to cut a rug and get down to some serious merry-making. Dinners at the Big Room are notoriously excellent and the acoustics are unparalleled. If you’ve got a boogie bone or two in you, this is your night. TO PURCHASE YOUR $40 TICKET IN ADVANCE, CALL 530.533.1473. 59
LIQUID GOLD California Olive Ranch is known for pioneering new ways of cultivating and harvesting olives, ensuring that their extra virgin olive oil is both premium and affordable. For nearly 20 years, their exquisite brand of olive oil has been locally grown and harvested in the agriculturally-rich Sacramento Valley, allowing the ranchers to draw inspiration from the beautiful Northern California scenery. We met up with Gregg Kelley, of California Olive Ranch, who gave us some insight into their labor of love. For those who are unfamiliar with California Olive Ranch, how would you describe it? We are committed to producing highquality extra virgin olive oil and offering it nationwide at an accessible price to as many consumers as possible. We were founded 20 years ago by a group of farmers passionate about creating an industry for domestically-grown olive oil, and this passion has been a constant, demonstrated by our staff and growers ever since. Throughout our two decades as a company, we have continually revolutionized the industry, pioneering new growing, harvesting, and milling methods. We don’t plan on slowing down either; we continue to seek out ways we can grow, learn, and advance the global extra virgin olive oil industry. 60
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When we first started, our founders saw an opportunity to replicate the boom of the California wine industry with California extra virgin olive oil. Our trees are trellised and harvested mechanically, which allows us to grow more fruit per acre and get the fruit off the trees quicker, in order to mill a fresher product. This is key in our ability to produce a large quantity of olive oil without compromising quality. Back in 1998, if you went to a grocery store outside of Northern California, you wouldn’t find California olive oils on the shelf. It wasn’t that great oil wasn’t being made here, there just wasn’t a market for it yet. Everybody believed that great extra virgin olive oil came from Italy, so the odds were stacked against us. People told us we were crazy, but we had a product we were proud of and found that once people tasted it, they too became believers. We’ve since become the largest producer of American extra virgin olive oil, with our products available in over 25,000 stores nationwide. Why olive oil? I have a background in tech but became disillusioned with the dot-com era; I knew I needed a change. I quit my job, traveled the world, and decided to lay down roots in Chico. In 2006, purely by chance, I toured California Olive Ranch. At the time, they had a single ranch and were only six years old. The owners were looking for a CFO; I saw major potential in the company and knew that this was the career change I’d been looking for when I left Silicon Valley. I envisioned a world in which the average consumer could recognize the difference between highquality and crappy olive oils—much like
how Sierra Nevada has shaped the craft brew industry. There’s a range of flavor nuances in extra virgin olive oil based on the varietal, soil type, and more—from tastes of banana to green tea and apricot to nuts. It tastes great and it’s good for you! In my house, my children slather their toast with olive oil instead of butter. We easily go through a liter each week! What is one thing you want readers to take away from your brand? Great extra virgin olive oil makes a big difference in your food; if you ask your local chef, they’ll agree! You’ll immediately notice a big difference in aroma, and you’ll be able to taste it too! Our goal was to change the olive oil industry. We started by creating a market for California extra virgin olive oil and we’re not done. In 2014, we acquired Lucini Italia, a brand of Italian and Argentinian extra virgin olive oils. We believe high-quality olive oils are made all over the world and want to make them accessible to the American consumer. We’re excited about the future! Our growth and progress is driven every day by your neighbors and Chico residents. We’re proud to be made right, here in Chico.
When California Olive Ranch first started, what goals did you set and how far have you come?
Persimmons & Pomegranates INGREDIENTS OF THE MONTH:
As summer gives way to autumn, the season of local fruit shifts from berries and stone fruits to apples and pears. We also finally welcome exotic fruits like persimmons and pomegranates. This year, why not try something new during November? Persimmons and pomegranates are plentiful now and fit well into the traditional colors and flavors of the season.
POMEGRANATES Add local color to your Thanksgiving feast! Although cranberries are traditional, pomegranates are also tart, tangy, and red. The fruit originated in Iran and India but is perfectly adapted to grow in our local region. Pomegranates can be eaten raw, juiced, cooked into a sauce or thick molasses. Use the nutritious and glistening seeds as a garnish on savory sides or salads.
PERSIMMONS Persimmons are beautiful, orange fruits with a unique, not-toosweet flavor. Here in Northern California, the most commonly grown varieties are soft, heart-shaped Hachiya and firm, flattened Fuyu persimmons. Hachiya persimmons are puckery and astringent until totally ripe; then the pulp inside, along with the thin waxy skin, becomes silky and sweet. They are traditionally dried and massaged to make hoshigaki, a specialty in Japan. Hachiya persimmons are excellent in baked goods. This holiday, try slicing them into ¼-inch thick rounds and dehydrating. The resulting chips are a perfect school-day snack. Fuyu persimmons are slightly different. They have a squatty shape and can be eaten when firm. They have a pleasing cinnamon and pumpkin-like flavor along with a satisfying crunch that works well in salads or on a cheese plate. Choose glossy fruits with no bruises and store at cool room temperature.
There is an easy way to separate those ruby-red seeds from the rest of the fruit. Here’s how: Cut through the leathery peel using a sharp knife. Be careful not to pierce the pulpy seeds inside. Gently separate the two halves and hold one in your palm over a big bowl. Whack the peel hard with the back of a wooden spoon until all the seeds fall out. Pick out the bits of white membrane and the seeds are ready to eat! When shopping for pomegranates, select firm fruits that feel heavy for their size. Don’t worry about scratches and small blemishes. Keep whole pomegranates fresh in the refrigerator up to a month. Once separated, pomegranate seeds should be refrigerated and eaten in a few days. FIND THE FRESHEST FRUITS, VEGETABLES, EGGS, MEAT, AND MORE AT THE YEAR-ROUND, SATURDAY MORNING DOWNTOWN CHICO FARMERS MARKET AND ON WEDNESDAYS AT THE NORTH VALLEY PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER. 61
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MOMIX Opus Cactus 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Cost: $25–$42 Info: 530.898.6333
David Liebe Hart Space Ranger Tour 9 p.m. The Maltese Cost: $8 advance, $12 at door Info: artbyliebehart.com/tickets
Funksgiving 3: A Safe Space Benefit Show 7:30 p.m. Chico Women’s Club Cost: $10
Community Wellness Expo 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Enloe Medical Center Free Info: enloe.org Farm City Celebration Harvest Festival 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Bidwell Mansion Free
NOVEMBER 10 John Craigie 6:30 p.m. Chico Women’s Club Cost: $15 Info: brownpapertickets.com/event/3051320
NOVEMBER 18 Matisyahu 8:30 p.m. Senator Theatre Cost: $22 Info: Ticketweb.com or 866.468.3399
NOVEMBER 19 Christmas Preview 4:00–8:00 p.m. Downtown Chico Free Info: downtownchico.com
11th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival 5 p.m. Museum of Northern California Art Info: wildandscenicfilmfestival.org/festival
Run For Food 9 a.m. One Mile, Bidwell Park Cost & Info: runforfood.com
NOVEMBER 25 Under the Streetlamp: Hip to the Holidays 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Cost: $10–$46 Info: 530.898.6333
NOVEMBER 29 Chamber Music Night 6 p.m. Wine Time Free
NOVEMBER 30—DEC. 2 A Very Chico Nutcracker 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Cost: $10–$30 Info: 530.898.6333
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