Upgraded Living November 2018

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FROM THE EDITOR November fully shifts to Fall with chilly mornings, warm afternoons, and the promise of fiery explosions throughout this City of Trees.


It marks the beginning of the holiday schedule, which becomes official after the Run for Food, and ends sometime after the last

AVEED KHAKI Publisher/Owner

day of December turns into 2019. November is filled with words: gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness, mahalo, and gracias. Whether

KEVIN DOLAN Editor-in-Chief

they are aimed at our veterans, or the person across from you at the Thanksgiving table, these words require reflection and care when used. Teaching kids to say “thank you” is useful, though the phrase often comes out as forced. Showing your appreciation by clearing the



nouns should be turned into verbs to demonstrate the gratitude in

Production Director


your heart instead of mumbling empty words. This may read more



Sales Director




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Priya Parker’s The Art of Gathering. She argues that “the gatherings



in our lives are lackluster and unproductive—which they don’t have to


be.” Thanksgiving dinner very well may be an example of her words

Product Integration & Mobility Strategy

She goes on, “We rely too much on routine and the convention of


dinner table without prompting, rings with genuineness. I feel these

brusque than intended, however, for me, Thanksgiving carries a certain melancholy, difficult to ignore. Our November theme is gather, something I cherish. I recently read

gatherings when we should focus on the distinctiveness and the people involved.” The history of my Thanksgivings have exposed her point. I love the idea of gathering, following tradition, and enjoying company. Just feel a little thought to why we are getting together, and the needs and quirks of those attending, is not a bad idea. I often am accused of overthinking things. I do not believe this qualifies as one of them. I offer my cheers to your tables and hope that each toast comes with forethought and genuine meaning.


KELSEY VEITH Photographer MICHAEL MEJIA Photographer MICHELLE CAMY Photographer


So, all of this brings me to page 3. Every magazine I have published has one of the lovely ladies of Rejuvene on this page. I know these women and am grateful for the manner in which they greet and treat


me when I come by the office. This month, page 3 has been reserved for my Renee. I figured it was more than fortuitous, and decided to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for spending 43 years with this beautiful human. You will find it on the backpage. Not too long ago, my niece Taylor, sent a Sara Bareilles song, I Choose You, telling me it reminded her of us. It does. There is a line, “...even better, I get to be the other half of you.” That is the entire theme of the backpage. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!


Kevin Dolan Editor-in-Chief


For advertising or editorial inquiries, please contact: Upgraded Living at 530.894.8091 Sales@UpgradedLiving.com




10 Meet Cool Kids, eighth graders Allie

60 Everything you ever wanted to know about

Williams and Natalie Wilhoit, and their work with the National Charity League.

14 Our featured teacher is Tip Wilmarth, the

squash, and more.

61 Shubert’s yummy Pumpkin Pie Sundae, a recipe to die for.

viticulture teacher at Butte College.

63 Our editor joyfully responds to page 3 with a list of things he is grateful for.



32 Discover the benefits of an epsom salt

34 The Basis Boys reveal the effect of low

36 Hyaluronic Acid to the Rescue! Find out how and why.

HOME & GARDEN 48 Clever tips to layer your way into a rediscovered mantle.

58 The ultimate ‘how-to’ for the beginner composter.



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74 Meet Kevin Cory and his plans to spread his love of art and learning.

76 Learn how much Kathryn Silvera finds the idea of layers so fascinating

detox bath.

impact exercises.



FEATURE 24 Our cover story takes you inside the dramatic changes to the restaurants at Gold Country Casino.

62 Our readers came through for our best Community Cookbook to date.




N ATA L I E W I L H O I T & A L L I E W I L L I A M S In a society where women often feel undervalued and unheard, it sometimes seems like a challenge for us to feel empowered in what we do and who we are. Here in Chico, eighth graders Allie Williams and Natalie Wilhoit have been hard at work bringing kindness and support to our community, and sunshine into the lives of others. The girls are part of a volunteer society called National Charity League, or NCL, which is a nonprofit that focuses on mothers and daughters doing charity work for their community, and inspiring social awareness, compassion, and integrity. Through National Charity League, Allie and Natalie volunteer and do charity work for different organizations in Chico to help the community, usually along with a larger group of girls who are all in different grade levels. Just to name a few, places and organizations they have done charity work for include: Chico Food Project, the Salvation Army, American Cancer Society, the Jesus Center, and Relay for Life. “My mom and I do an event every month,” Natalie explains. “We do 2–3 hours per event, and mostly on the weekends because I have homework during the week”. At the mention of homework, both girls laugh and shake their heads; a shared dread. Both Natalie and Allie attend Bidwell Junior High and are very involved in Leadership and California Junior Scholarship Federation. The two friends have known each other since elementary school and 10

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have been doing National Charity League since the seventh grade. Aside from being apart of NCL, Allie plays both basketball and golf, while Natalie considers herself to be more of a musical person—playing the guitar and ukulele, and acting in performances with California Regional Theatre. Though National Charity League comes to an end when its members graduate high school, Natalie and Allie both plan to continue volunteering in their community even after they have completed the program. “This experience with NCL showed me more ways that I can help out,” Natalie says, “And I feel like it made me a more compassionate person because there are a lot of things that need helping… it’s a good way to become closer with people you don’t know that are in your local community.” Of her experience with NCL, Allie says, “It’s taught me compassion; to think about others before yourself. And that, even though working with other people can be a little difficult because you may not connect at first, once you come together as a team, you can do anything you can put your mind to… in the end, you’ll be blown away at how much you could’ve helped or made a difference.”



One change education needs tomorrow: An understanding of the cost of doing business for Career & Technical Education. Moment I realized I had made it: During the tenure celebration after the four year process. First three songs listed on my life playlist: White Bird, Light My Fire and Go Your Own Way Single biggest indulgence: I love very hoppy, big beers. Ocean or river? Beach or campsite? Why? I grew up in the mountains, so river and campsite. Still on my bucket list: Cruising down the Rhine or Danube River and seeing the history there. What gets me out of bed each morning: I learn as much from my students as they learn from me.

J .T

Q&A IP . T






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If I weren’t a teacher, I’d be: A Landscape Designer & Installer (My Past Life, before teaching) The inspiration to teach came from: Quentin Nakagawara, my Horticulture Mentor at Butte College and the instructor I replaced.

Teacher I remember the most from being a student: Miss Chown, my high school Biology teacher. Summer break is for: Trying to catch up on projects I didn’t have time for otherwise. Book that left a lasting impression on me: The History of the 82nd Airborne Division. Their sacrifices were amazing. Last thing I binge-watched: Breaking Bad One thing I am exceptionally good at: Fly Fishing for wild trout and tying my own flies. One thing I am epically bad at: I generally think I can get more done than time allows.

Biggest challenge I face each day: Finding the time to complete my department chair duties while teaching.

I have zero tolerance for: Thieves.

Three qualities that got me where I am today: Always studying and learning, trying to be a good listener, and humor.

My personal billboard would read: Loves to teach young people about the outdoors and how we are all part of it.


Tip Wilmarth, professor at Butte College, exclaims, “Right now, my job is so much fun,” understandably, as he runs the Viticulture program. This includes eight classes, held in the evenings and Saturday to balance the student load of retirees and young students. The vineyard, lines the driveway to the campus, and is the second largest community college planting at five and one half acres. Tip’s classes are “Live,” and his students say, “It is not like any class ever taken, it is for real.” So real Tip dreams of an actual winery, along with the school’s culinary program, to offer pairings of tasting and food. We salute Tip and wish him luck fulfilling his dream.

What my life will look like in five years: Retired, gardening, fishing and hunting more, and traveling with my wife.


TORRES SHELTER As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us will pause to consider what we’re grateful for. Sure, these reflections might feel sappy at times, but they often illuminate things that we take for granted throughout the year. Consider, for instance, “compassion, dignity, and accountability”—the three principles that drive the Torres Community Shelter, which houses up to 160 homeless individuals every night, including an average of 25 children. Unfortunately, many homeless people are denied the basic rights that constitute the Torres Shelter’s vision. But the shelter hopes to change this. “We’re more than just a bed, a meal, a shower,” explains Executive Director Joy Amaro. While the Torres Shelter does provide breakfasts, dinners, laundry facilities, and more, it also sets a foundation for the long-term stability that guests need to take control of their futures. Budgets may be tight, but the shelter continues to expand every year; with that, its place in the community grows too. The Torres Shelter was first constructed in 2002, established in part from Tim Torres’ push for more stable local shelters nearly twenty years ago. Since then, the building has expanded twice to meet its growing demand, and it now acts as one of the largest co-ed shelters in Northern California, with a housing success rate three times greater than the national average. Despite its naturally busy environment, the shelter still demonstrates compassion for its guests, even in small details that dot its interior: black-and-white

photographs of residents line the conference room, an art wall decorates the dorm hallway, and a colorful kids’ corner occupies part of the large dining space. Some of the shelter’s success comes from this blend of tenderness and responsibility, which would be impossible to maintain without community support. Aside from its countless partnerships with local organizations, the Torres Shelter relies on donations to support half of its budget—and with $60,000 a year designated toward utility bills alone, that’s no small feat. This is just one of the reasons that the shelter is hosting its second annual Gratitude Gala on November 17. The gala, hosted in the Sierra Nevada Big Room, will celebrate the Torres Shelter’s twentieth anniversary by honoring many of the people who helped it grow. Guests can listen to a series of speakers, place bids in multiple auctions, and of course feast on a meal catered by one of Chico’s top restaurants. More importantly, benefits from the gala will help employ one of the Torres Shelter’s four case managers, who all work closely with shelter residents every day. The Torres Shelter case managers serve 50 guests each, creating individualized housing action plans and eliminating barriers that might prevent guests from leaving the shelter. In other words, they take on hours of work to establish the stability and accountability that the shelter prides itself on. For that reason, Joy finds her time

with guests and case managers to be the most rewarding. Helping people not only to locate a house, but also to create a home, “is the best part of the job,” she says. “I like the personal connection with our guests, and seeing the smiles on their faces.” In those moments, the months of hard work—from both individuals and the community—come together for a priceless reward. “We can’t do it alone,” Joy states. So if you attend the gala, don’t feel guilty for bidding on that Fort Bragg vacation rental—you’ll be vacationing for the greater good. In the meantime, the Torres Shelter has other news to be thankful for: on October 3, the city of Chico officially declared a shelter crisis and agreed to allot almost five million dollars to addressing homelessness in the city. Although the term “crisis” may not elicit immediate excitement, Joy hopes that the motion will allow the Torres Shelter to serve residents more effectively by funding more infrastructure, new beds, improved kitchen facilities, or even an energy-conserving laundry room. And with the shelter’s 952 annual guests—a number that’s growing each year—every improvement goes a long way. Above all, Joy emphasizes that being homeless means more than being without a home. About forty percent of Torres Shelter

clientele have diagnosed mental illness or addiction; of those, thirty percent are dealing with both. Finding permanent housing, then, requires more than a search for vacancies. Many guests must gain steady employment, seek consistent medical help, overcome addiction, and find reliable childcare in order to secure the housing they need. “For people that have experienced homelessness, it is extremely traumatizing...The longer someone’s been homeless, the harder it is for them to become stable,” explains Joy. “So when people come through our doors, I know they’re ready for help. We really try to build trust and get them to realize we’re here for them.” Joy describes the process as “wrapping” guests with services, while expecting their accountability in return. The shelter does this by providing not only emergency shelter and individual case workers, but also an extensive range of programs, including twelve-step meetings, parenting classes, financial aid, and more. So how can you, as an individual, help make these programs possible? Aside from attending fundraising events like the 2018 Gratitude Gala or March’s Empty Bowls, you can always donate food, gently used bedding, towels, over-the-counter medication, hygienic products, or, of course, your time. “Consider it as giving guests a ‘hand up’ and not a ‘handout,’” Joy advises. And, if you have nothing else to give, always remember that “a smile goes a long way.”


Running Tradition A CHICO COMMUNITY

This Thanksgiving, folks across the country The Run for Food co-founders, Michael will spend the morning crowded around and Janine Reale, first discussed hosting television sets and moving through messy a 5k nearly fifteen years ago. On the way kitchens. Butte County families, however, home from a similar event in Sacramento will share another path: the annual Run (the Run to Feed the Hungry), Janine For Food in Chico. This 5k walk/run brings remembers thinking, “‘Gosh, I think that this locals out of the house and into lower is something we could do.’” Michael agreed: Bidwell Park to celebrate nature, community, “We just felt that this would be something and the season of giving. By registering that the Chico community would embrace.” for the event, which takes place at 9 As for the chosen date—Thanksgiving— a.m. on November 22, participants give Michael explains that he and Janine always more than thanks: all proceeds go to the viewed the holiday as an opportunity, rather Jesus Center, a local nonprofit that helps than a potential deterrent, for participants. community members overcome hunger and They were clearly on to something, given homelessness. The Chico Run For Food that the race has brought in around has grown impressively in its thirteen years, 5,000 people annually in recent years. and many younger participants have never “Thanksgiving Day is very magical; already, known a world without it. Even as the years as a society, we’re in this mode of giving have passed, however, the event stays thanks,” says Michael. “The event provides true to its roots by celebrating families a fantastic opportunity for families to come and philanthropy during a holiday built together, support a cause, walk through our for gratitude. beautiful park, and know they’re making a difference.” 16

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Although the runners said “yes” to each other almost immediately, going so far as to secure the name “Run for Food” in 2004, they let their idea develop for almost two years while they gathered necessary support from friends, family, and strangers to ensure that it would be a success. Looking back, Michael reflects on “naively” thinking that they could host the race, and realizing the hard way that “it’s actually a ton of work.” Luckily, the couple found not only, race director, Ana Langston, but also, incredible generosity in their community well before the 5k began. “Every place that we turned, there was a person helping us make this thing become a reality,” recalls Michael. When they needed refreshments, Lundberg Farms offered food and drinks; when they need a location for packet pickup, Fleet Feet offered their downtown shop; and when they needed a logo, the couple stumbled upon graphic designer Amy Gomersall, who has created every Run


The North State Symphony is

Your Orchestra! for Food logo and t-shirt design since 2006. “The most astounding thing is that people give with such joy…and it’s been so huge to see that,” says Janine. In describing all of the support that the race has received, she summarizes the Run for Food’s origins simply: “It’s not just about us.” By benefitting the Jesus Center, the 5k provides aid to thousands of people in need. “We all have poverty in some sense; it’s not just money,” explains Janine. While the name “Run for Food” implies meal donations specifically, Janine says that the event’s proceeds also open up funding for even more of the Jesus Center’s services. “What they’re trying to do is meet the needs of poverty on so many more levels than just food—they also meet needs in works skills, and ultimately in self-sufficiency.” A quick glance at the Jesus Center’s website demonstrates its commitment to helping community members with everything from meals and showers to transitional housing, vocational training, and educational pursuits. “Their clientele is not just homeless,” adds Janine, “it’s also people who are working full-time, but by the end of the month don’t have enough to cover food.” The 5k has helped with this task by producing tangible benefits for the non-profit. In recent years, the Run for Food has raised enough money to fill the Jesus Center’s kitchen with approximately 100 meals a day, every day of the year. “It’s been a great partnership,” concludes Michael. Looking at the numbers, it’s clear that the people of Butte County love supporting

this cause as well. Or, at the very least, exercising before a heavy meal. At the first-ever Run for Food, Janine says, “we thought we would have 300 people, and we had 1,049—and it grew by four or five hundred people every year.” Out of the 5000 annual participants in the past few years, she and Michael have seen over twenty states represented and have watched four generations of families participate. While many people choose to “be there for the joy of the day” rather than compete, about a quarter of participants enjoy the chip-timed competition. In that way, adds Janine, “there’s really all types of runners and walkers.” Of course, in order to help the community, the Run for Food needs aid of its own. Last year over 80 businesses and 200 volunteers helped put on the event—“and we’re always looking for more,” says Janine. And the 5k itself would not be possible without the thousands of participants who show up every year dressed in running shorts, matching turkey outfits, and everything in between. With Thanksgiving fast-approaching, the race for registration is on: you can register for a timed or untimed slot by visiting runforfood.com, or register on race day between between 7:30 and 9:15 a.m. The Run for Food Crew welcomes people of all ages and abilities to come walk or run, in rain or shine, and enjoy each other’s company. “The most important thing for us is that we maintain the integrity of the event,” says Michael. “It’s like a celebration. We just want it to remain a Chico tradition.”

From the orchestral scores to the amazing guest artists, to our talented and dedicated musicians, the North State Symphony relies on community support to make the whole symphony experience possible. With your help we are able to provide four classical Masterworks concerts, the Explore Music! educational program, Pops concerts, and more every year to Northern California communities. Like most symphony orchestras in the United States, concert ticket sales cover less than half our operating expenses. The NSS is the only professional orchestra north of Sacramento—that means we pay all of our musicians. They come from our own backyards of Chico and Redding—and from as far as Stockton to the south, and Eureka to the north. Your support helps bring them all to our concert halls! Catch the NSS musicians on stage for the second classical Masterworks concert of the season on November 10 in Redding and 11 in Chico. Conductor Scott Seaton will be showcasing great works by Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, and Mozart—along with special guest student musicians from local youth orchestras. “These kids have been a joy and inspiration to work with," says Scott. "The energy for this concert is going to be really amazing.” See you at the symphony! NORTH STATE SYMPHONY 400 W. First Street CSU, Chico, CA 95929–0805 530.898.5984 | northstatesymphony.org



CHRISTMAS PREVIEW Since 1978, Christmas Preview has been a Downtown Chico tradition. This popular event draws families, friends, and visitors together in the heart of our festive, lighted community to officially kick off the holiday season! Downtown merchants roll out the red carpet and present the finest in hometown hospitality, debuting their holiday offerings, showing off fabulous decorations, and providing delicious refreshments. A wide variety of entertainment can be found in storefront windows, streets and inside stores. The DCBA coordinates strolling carolers, myriad and magical other onstreet events and activities. As always, the entire downtown invites Santa to come on down for a chat with dreamers and photos with the kiddos! You have not experienced the holidays if you have not experienced the sights, sounds and aura of Downtown Chico’s Christmas Preview. Here are just some of the on-street highlights (from 2017): • Santa Claus available for a visit and photo opportunity with the kiddos (Santa booth located on Main Street between 3rd & 4th. Santa photos will be available for purchase only. No personal photos will be permitted.) • Chico Velo hosting complimentary bicycle valet (on 3rd Street between Broadway and Salem) • Children's Choir of Chico, Sounds of the Valley Women's Chorus, and Bidwell Jr. High Choir caroling throughout the event • Performances by Velvet Starlings, CSU, Chico Low Brass Choir, Groove Merchants, and the Notre Dame Music Program 18

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• Mix 95.1 Christmas Karaoke • 103.5 The Blaze partnering with Toys for Tots (TBD) • The Salvation Army Disaster Services Canteen serving hot coffee and donuts! • Chico Police Department's with their antique vehicle on display • Chico Fire Truck #1 and/or the Tiller Truck • Snapshots Photo Bus offering one-of-akind souvenir photos • Sixth Street Center for Youth with Runaway Prevention information • Butte Environmental Council promoting Energy Conservation Programs • North State Parent Magazine offering activities for the kids • Lilliput Families informational booth • BCAC.tv • Bidwell Jr High Electric doing a bake sale to raise funds for Sonoma fire victims • Love Chapmantown Coalition informational booth • Chico Kiwanis Club informational booth • An organic, one-of-a-kind, Chico hometown holiday vibe...the best around FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT THE DOWNTOWN CHICO WEBSITE AT DOWNTOWNCHICO.COM.




The Neon Green Vests The Downtown Chico Ambassadors have existed in some form since 2013, with the goal of increasing downtown safety and cleanliness, while encouraging residents to spend more time there. As a result, in conjunction with PBID, the property-based improvement district, and Block by Block, which provides safety, cleaning, hospitality, and outreach services for downtown improvements all across the United States. Block by Block works with each city to ensure that the ambassadors receive training on typical employee handbook topics. In addition, the training extends to such matters as diversity, public perception, radio communications, chain of command, blood-borne pathogens, crossing the street, uniform appearance, encounters with people on the street, providing great directions, and how to make a business contact. Perhaps the most important parts of the job are how properly to greet people downtown and how to interact with people of all backgrounds. A new and appealing element of the program includes a walkto-your-car service. Ambassadors can be called during their shifts to accompany people to their cars after work or a night out for dinner. That information will be given to every downtown merchant and posted online. Ambassadors will be downtown more than half of the week, starting out 20

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with the following schedule: Sunday and Monday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; and Thursday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The ambassadors are not enforcers, security, or police officers. They will be equipped with walkie-talkies, notebooks, iPhones with route-tracking technology and cleaning equipment. Ambassador services will include removal of litter and debris, weed control, flier removal, graffiti removal, power washing of the sidewalks, and landscaping. Block by Block has research supporting the huge difference sprucing up the streets and gardens with updated landscaping proves. They will offer hospitality and safety as they patrol on both foot as well as bicycle. If they see a city law violation, they will reach out, provide a warning and education; or report to the proper persons. PBID advisory boards ensures that the ambassadors have been trained to be calm, work with a smile on their face, and avoid confrontations. There is a physical office location for the PBID in the parking structure on Fourth and Salem streets, where the old Chico Police Department substation was located.



Review’s coveted “Living Legend” title for its ten-year run as a local favorite. So why would anyone mess with this winning formula? According to Alfonso, Safire’s manager, “Safire isn’t just about great food and cocktails, it’s about the total Safire experience. From when you walk in to when you leave we want to make it memorable. We don’t serve anything traditional.” After combing through pages of customer feedback, the management team reached a telling conclusion: longtime customers remained satisfied with their dining experiences...but they were bored. Viewing this response as a challenge, Gold Country decided to scrap its traditional Steak House, and create something new: an environment that would be “elevated, yes, but not uptight,” as Joel puts it. Chef Mike adds, “We give the guest a city vibe without having to live in the city. We don’t serve anything traditional. We want to take you on a journey around the world on our plates. You might see Latin food fused with Asian to give that Safire flare.” As Gold Country shifted from an expensive twohour dining experience to an appetizer-heavy menu with a stylish aesthetic, Safire Lounge began to take shape.


Gold Country Close your eyes and picture a plate in front of you: it holds a cornbread waffle made with jalapeno and cheddar, a piece of tender root beer-brined chicken, sauteed rainbow chard, and a side of bacon butter and blackberry syrup coating everything in extra flavor. In your hand is a signature Safire Iced Tea, a vivid blue spin on a Long Island with a grilled pineapple garnish. Now, be honest: could you imagine ordering your meal from a casino kitchen? Probably not—yet it’s just one of the many playful dinners served at the Safire Lounge, one of Gold Country Casino & Hotel’s newest restaurants. While the Gold Country team is aware of your assumptions, they are on a mission to reinvent “casino food” and combine it with a communitybased dining experience. For the past year, Joel York, Director of Food and Beverage and Grant Townsend, Marketing Director, have worked with a large team including Chef 24

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Mike Armstrong and Alfonso Villagomez who is Safire’s Manager, to design from scratch the casino’s Safire Lounge and Acorn Cafe, including new menus, new interiors, and new perspectives. With a focus on locallysourced food and engaging atmospheres, both restaurants prove that after 22 years, Gold Country Casino has not grown stale.

A FRESH START Gold Country Casino & Hotel has grown considerably since 1995, when it was just a large tent with no “hotel” to its name. Now that the business holds two newly renovated restaurants and an extensive five-year plan, change seems to be a constant as their rallying cry of “Comfort Redefined” would suggest. Even before opening Safire Lounge and the more recent Acorn Cafe, Gold Country underwent serious remodeling, and the public noticed. The casino won Chico News &

Soon the team developed a space that would encourage the sense of community they hoped to inspire. The bar, formerly resigned to a corner, now sits as a bright centerpiece for guests to gather around; the three-tier seating allows for friends to engage in literally different levels of conversation; and the impressive panoramic window, which overlooks Oroville and the Sierra foothills, acts as a constant reminder of the inspiration behind the food and drinks served nightly. The difference already shows in the numbers: in its first three months, Safire Lounge raised the average number of dinner guests from 150 a night to 350. Given the lounge’s immediate success, Gold Country had yet another reason to pursue a second restaurant transformation two months after the first. Evidently, when management announces that it’s time for a change, they mean it. Turning their attention to a second floor diner, Joel and Grant promptly peeled away the casino carpeting and replaced the greasy spoon with the wooden spoon, focusing on scratch-made comfort classics and contemporary café twists. The resulting restaurant, Acorn Cafe, has taken on a personality of its own while capturing the

same attention to comfort and conversation as Safire. Whereas the Safire Lounge appears dark and sleek, Acorn is filled with cozy autumnal hues and a leafy motif that once again point to the surrounding area that made it possible.

SERVING LOCAL FLAVOR When asked why Gold Country Casino decided to go local, Alfonso responds simply, “We grow and produce the best food and we want to take advantage of that. Food tastes better the closer you are to the source.” Realizing this, the entire Gold Country team spent ten months touring nearby farms and businesses to search for the quality ingredients growing around them. The process was rigorous—but perhaps not too taxing—as the group dedicated full days to tasting products at individual locations. They soon discovered this was not the worst way to spend an afternoon, readying for the local fare to come on board. Now, four months after Safire’s opening, Gold Country boasts a long, and ever-expanding list of local partners that includes Orland Farmstead Creamery, Mooney Farms, Secret Trail Brewery and more. The Safire Lounge has even earned an exclusive partnership with Tin Roof Bakery, which supplies the restaurant with custom-made breads like a recent English muffin/Ciabatta hybrid that Safire used for its sliders. Meanwhile, many products that you might expect to be purchased off-site like seltzer, syrups, and sausages are crafted right in the kitchen. Do not expect the current menu to stay the same for long, due to the fact it changes with the season. When Fall fully sets in, for instance, Safire hopes to serve cranberry breads, new craft brews, and other surprises that Award Winning Chef Mike Armstrong will dream up. Whatever the kitchen crew decides upon, they are sure to place local ingredients in every part of the menu. For proof, just look at Safire’s “Lemony Snicket's” dessert, which pairs a drizzle of meyer lemon-infused Lucero Olive Oil with a lemon bar and vanilla frangelico mousse.

PART OF THE COMMUNITY After a year of planning, the emphasis remains that Safire Lounge and Acorn Cafe would not be the same without the continual collaboration that guided their process. Even the restaurant names represent a connection to the greater community. “Sa,” for instance, means “fire” in the Maidu language. Because fire was important in rituals and gatherings for the tribe, the word helps symbolize Safire’s focus on personal connection, and it appears more literally in the tall flames that light the lounge’s balcony at night. Similarly, the Acorn

Cafe was named for the nut’s importance to the Tyme Berry Creek Rancheria Maidu, with whom Gold Country collaborates frequently. Acorns “sustained the tribe,” explains Joel. “They ground them, they boiled them, they baked them. We wanted this to be a reflection of that tribal heritage.” Joel adds that the team discusses ideas with tribal council members before putting them into action: “We want to be sensitive to what their wants and needs are. When all is said and done, our mission is really tribal sustainability.”

It is clear these new projects “really do take a village.” As the casino continues to grow, so will the amount of collaboration that goes into it. Although Gold Country just opened its new restaurants in the past few months, the casino plans to unveil yet another restaurant in the near future, as well as two or three more bars in about as many years. Meanwhile, as the current “Casino & Hotel” blossoms into a full “Resort,” it will partner with local businesses yet again to offer packages with nearby spas, wineries, and more. And for anyone who is hoping to replicate Gold Country’s recent success, Joel reduces his months of research and design into some simple advice: “You just need a little bit of innovation, a little bit of creativity, and a lot of commitment.” 26

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This collective, ground-up philosophy filters through the restaurant kitchen staff as well. After undergoing many fast-paced changes, both restaurants still held onto their original core kitchen crews and head chefs, who have all enjoyed their own sense of reinvigoration by helping to plan the new cuisine. “Every single one of our line cooks in the Acorn Cafe has an item on the menu,” says Joel proudly. “They have ownership.” Everyone has the chance to contribute their voice to big and small decisions alike, such as the naming of seasonal menu items, or the discussion of plating options. Ultimately, it comes down to respecting every employee’s ideas and abilities, his business will act with the enthusiasm that he hopes to impart on its clientele.



PARADISE ON ICE Along with those chilly winter nights comes the promise of fun family outings at the sixth annual Paradise on Ice. Daily activities and group nights give the community something to enjoy together each holiday season.

in the evening, a festive, lighted truck parade will be going down Skyway at 6 p.m., right past the ice rink. The events are “lots of fun,” and offer “community seasonal spirit,” Moore says.

Located at the Terry Ashe Recreation Center, this outdoor ice rink draws crowds from all over Butte County. Participants can enjoy themed nights and different activities suitable for the whole family. Dean Moore, Paradise’s Recreation Superintendent, says that the “skating, concessions, atmosphere, and special events,” combined with Paradise’s small-town feel, will leave everyone satisfied. Daily admission, which includes renting skates, is only $12. For discounted ticket rates, families or individuals can purchase season passes, or 10-visit passes. While school is in session, the ice rink also provides half-priced tickets for $6 Monday through Thursday evenings.

Some other dates you’ll want to mark on your calendar are the Ugly Christmas Sweater party on December 14, the Favorite Super Hero day on December 21, and the New Year’s Eve Party on December 31. There’s also a Favorite Football Team day on November 30, a Craft Faire on December 8, and a Pajama Session on January 11. The venue is also hosting several Broomball games throughout the season to support competitive fun.

The ice rink stays open seven days a week during its eight-week schedule, but is subject to closure during rainy weather. The rink will even be open Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day from 12:00– 5:00 p.m. If you want to burn some calories before your Thanksgiving feast, you know where to go. If you are looking for a family activity after opening Christmas presents, spend a day at the ice rink. Be sure to show your American pride and support our troops on Veteran’s Day. The rink will be open regular hours, offering free admission to veterans and active military with valid ID. Don’t miss Santa on December 1. The ice rink will be celebrating Santa’s arrival with song and dance, starting at 2:00 p.m. Later 28

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The ice rink holds weekly events for the whole family. Help your child learn to skate by bringing them to group lessons on Saturdays from 11:00 a.m.–noon. Parents can introduce their babies to skating by bringing strollers onto the ice during “Stroller Skating” sessions on November 18, December 9, and December 30 from 11:00 a.m.–noon. The price of admission covers each of these events at the ice rink. After the rink closes on Fridays, teens are welcome to the fun activities at Teen Night. From 10:30 p.m. until midnight, teens can enjoy the rink with their friends for $5 with a student ID. Adults can enjoy the “Coffee Club,” an event specially meant for skaters over the age of 18. The event, available with regular admission, is held every Saturday during the season from 10:00–11:00 a.m.



visited an eye care center in Paradise but found they no longer offered outpatient procedures or a surgical center. The lack of either would require she have the surgery at a nearby hospital; the stay alone would add an additional $12,000 to her bill. As she drove by Mission Ranch Boulevard each day on her way to work, she decided to check in with North Valley Eye Care. “As soon as I walked in, I knew I was in the right place.” Jenny said, “The people, the atmosphere, the professionalism— everything was just right. I spoke to the front desk staff and they were amazing. Within one week I had an appointment.” She met with Dr. McGraw who confirmed the original diagnosis and scheduled her cataract surgery for July.

It’s All In The Details When you’ve had perfect vision for the past 21 years, you tend to take it for granted; if you’re only 46 years old, any change to that vision seems highly unlikely. For a fitness fanatic like Jenny Hadden, whose life revolves around maintaining optimum health, the last thing she ever expected were for her eyes to fail her. As she came to find, changes to the health of your eyes can be as unexpected and immediate as any other part of your body.

As many others do, Jenny assumed that cataracts were something consigned to the elderly population, and something she wouldn’t even have to consider until she was well into her 60’s. Eyesight was admittedly the last thing on her mind, as it had been a full 21 years since she last visited an eye doctor, following a successful lasik surgery in the Bay Area for nearsightedness that left her with 20/20 vision.

Originally from Castro Valley, Jenny moved to Chico in 2002. She bought a house and moved up the hill to Paradise in 2008 to raise her family, eventually taking a position as a collision estimator back down the hill at Concours Elite Collision Center in 2014, where visual acuity meant everything to success at her job.

“What surprised me most was how quickly everything changed,” Jenny continued, “ it was like someone flipped a switch. My vision went fast—in less than three months. It started getting blurry, then cloudy; all of a sudden there were little black spots and floaters everywhere. It began to affect everything I did. I would see people at the gym and couldn’t tell who they were. I felt like I was being rude and it was embarrassing. The worst part was driving up and down Skyway at night.” Scared to drive her children around town, Jenny knew she had to have her eyesight fixed—fast.

In March of 2018, Jenny realized that her vision was beginning to change and set up an appointment to have it checked. At the age of 46, she assumed the change was simply age taking its course, and would require her to start investing in readers. She was shocked when her diagnosis came back as cataracts. 30

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Jenny began exploring her options and obtaining quotes for cataract surgery. She

Jenny arrived for her first of two surgeries in July as each eye had to be completed independent of the other. Check-in to checkout, the entire experience took less than two hours. Jenny remembered, “I was awake right after the surgery. There was no pain or itchiness, and I was able to use my right eye again the next day.” Three weeks later, her second surgery was completed, and was even easier than the first. “It was like a new birth,” Jenny said, “ it was truly a miracle. I could finally see and everything was so bright and vibrant! After my second surgery, having perfect stereoscopic vision again was super intense. You really don’t realize what you have until it’s gone. Colors were amazing, and I was able to do my job so much better. I could see details again, and when you’re a collision estimator, that’s an important ability to have.” When asked about her advice for others who are experiencing changes in vision, Jenny replied, “Changes to your vision can come on really rapidly. Definitely get your vision checked often as most issues can be spotted long before they become a physical issue. If you’ve noticed changes, call North Valley Eye Care and have your eyes checked immediately. The eye exams and surgeries were so easy; I had no apprehension about either. Everyone there makes you feel so comfortable and they’re all so welcoming. I have nothing but the best things to say about them and my experience there. I love my new eyes!”




Joe Sweeney, CFP ®

Renée Michel, MBA





2452 Lakewest Drive, Chico, CA 95928

Registered representative offering securities and advisory services through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services also offered through Sweeney & Michel, LLC, a registered investment adviser. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity. CA insurance license # 0H82321 and #0I22683

The $500,000 Dollar Question:

Have you saved enough to retire comfortably?


To most, half a million dollars is a lot of money. It is also more than

Could you live comfortably on this amount? If not, talk to a financial

the average 55 year old currently has saved in a retirement plan.

advisor to find out how to increase your savings to meet your

In retirement, your savings need to generate income to replace the

retirement needs.

paycheck that you are no longer receiving. A sustainable annual withdrawal rate is 4%. This means that you can withdraw 4% from your account annually, and after 30 years you will still have principal (or money) left over. How much does 4% put in your wallet after taxes? Let’s do the math.

Hypothetical results are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to represent the future performance of any investment. Example does not factor in other potential income sources, such as Social Security. Nor does it include compounding or reinvestment of initial amount. Actual tax rates may vary. Federal tax is based on an annual income of $20,600 (source: IRS). State tax is based on an average state tax; individual state tax rates will vary.

Renée Michel, MBA and Joe Sweeney, CFP® | 2452 Lakewest Drive, Chico, CA 95928 530-342-2900 | 800-333-2901 | (F) 530-342-3925 | rmichel@amgchico.com | www.sweeneymichelamg.com Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.



As a chiropractor of over 27 years, I often advise my patients with acute and chronic conditions about the use and benefits of Epsom salt detoxification baths. This warm bath may help improve the body's natural detoxification process and promote healing. The two main ingredients of Epsom salt are magnesium and sulfate. It's widely believed that the combination of both ingredients stimulate detoxification pathways in the body. Magnesium is a natural substance that aids in a variety of bodily functions, including the removal of cellular waste (toxins). Sulfate can strengthen the walls of the digestive tract and make releasing these toxins easier. Some Benefits: Epsom salt bath water can soften rough, dry skin, and exfoliate (remove) dead skin cells. It may also soothe skin affected by skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis. Epsom salt baths provide pain relief and reduce swelling in those living with certain types of inflammatory conditions; such as arthritis, lupus, gout, and muscle spasm. Many chiropractic patients exhibit inflammation as a factor of their condition. Released toxins are responsible for exacerbating this inflammation. Epsom salts may help the body "flush out" the toxins while reducing swelling, stiffness, and pain! 32

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Preparing the bath: First, be sure to purchase Epsom salt that is USP and FDA approved for human use. The packaging should have this information printed on it. Epsom salt may be purchased at drug stores, grocery stores, health food stores and online. To take the bath, add two cups of Epsom salts into warm (not hot) running water. It will dissolve quickly. You can then soak 15–20 minutes, or longer, if desired. While soaking, avoid using soap. Following the bath, rest at least one hour. Other things, such as olive oil and a few drops of essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus) can be added to the bath to enhance its effects. Some even use a cup or two of baking soda because it has been shown to have antifungal properties and may help reduce irritating germs. It can also soften the skin and reduce itchiness. The Takeaway: Epsom salt detox baths can provide a variety of benefits such as relaxation, pain relief, reduced stress, and promotes better sleep! Make this part of your healthy relaxation routine.




For more information, contact Worley Chiropractic Center at 530.513.1135 to make an appointment or visit Worley Chiropractic Center on Facebook.


Camera Ready Skin! We all want to look our best, especially so at holiday time. Selfies, holiday parties, family gatherings, you can count on the fact that someone will be snapping pictures. Having great skin makes for a great photo. With all the skin care products and procedures available to us, there is no reason ever to worry about how you look through the lens. There are various laser treatments for building collagen, evening skin tone by eliminating reds and browns, hair removal, acne treatment, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Also cosmetic products like Botox will relax expression lines, and dermal fillers will enhance cheekbones, lips, and fill deeper lines. We also provide microdermabrasions and chemical peels for the extra exfoliation our skin needs to keep from looking dull and rough. During this season, we tend to invest a great deal on hair, makeup and the perfect outfit and shoes for an occasion. However, healthy, glowing skin and a smile can also make you stand out from the crowd. The products you use to upkeep the results from laser or other treatments makes a huge difference in the texture, tone, and clarity of the skin. Staples of skin care include Retinol for cell turnover, Vitamin C to protect against environmental damage, moisture (hyaluronic acid) to re-hydrate and plump up tissues, and an SPF of 30 to 50 to keep sun damage and dark spots from recurring. Come to the Derm Bar MedSpa and get your "picture perfect" look! DERM BAR MED-SPA 85 Declaration Dr. Suite 100 Chico, CA 95973 530.342.2672


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Low Impact exercise is the best place to start when beginning a training program. However, without knowing the work capacity of your tissue and joints, it is illadvised to go out there and hit the ground running. Especially without a plan. For most, swimming, cycling, using the elliptical and/or rowing machines are viable starting points when developing cardiovascular fitness. The question you should be asking yourself is, "How does it feel on my joints and muscles?" While the above exercises are low-impact, they may be problematic if they’re causing joint pain. Repetitive motion can exacerbate an already dysfunctional joint, leaving you in worse shape than when you started. Our bodies adapt to the stimulus we provide and, in general, that stimulus is not adequate for our joints to stay healthy. The best low impact exercise you can do

is move each joint through its full pain-free, range of motion everyday. This will supply our bodies with the right balance of lowimpact and requisite movement stimulus to maintain range of motion and, as a result, make the supportive tissue more resilient. An even more ideal situation would be to find a facility that practices mobility training, or a Functional Range Mobility Specialist to give you the tools to live and exercise without pain. This is the foundation of the strength, conditioning, and mobility programs at Basis Health & Performance, where our specialists are available to ensure a successful low impact exercise program.

H E A LT H A D V I C E VIA G R A Y S O N S T R A N G E & NATE CARLASCIO For more information, visit Basis Fitness at 177 E 20th Street in Chico or call 530.636.0850.

Transitioning to a

Safe Haven Imagine being involved in your health journey. It is possible to begin planning prior to a health crisis, and consciously choose your life’s path. You may want to start planning today in order to avoid the following scenario. The process begins with a call from a family member concerned with the safety well-being of a loved one at home. They may have fallen, or are not eating well. They may not be managing their medications properly, or need assistance with daily activities. If they have fallen, they may have gone to the hospital, then to a skilled nursing facility. In many cases, they cannot return home, so Assisted Living is recommended. This can be an emotionally challenging situation for the family and their loved one. In many cases, the family is forced to transition their loved one into a care community. Luckily, Chico has many quality facilities, dedicated to the care and comfort of their residents.This helps ease the inevitable.

Once the resident moves in, the adjustment process begins. Difficult to imagine what it is like. Your loved one now lives with strangers, and caregivers that come into their room to check on them and give them their meds. They try to figure out what they should be doing, and sometimes look lost. It soon becomes the new normal. They begin to build relationships with their caregivers, and are more relaxed. They join in conversations, and make friends. They go to exercise classes, activities, and spend time out of their room. It is clear they are making the adjustment, this is “home.” One resident recently stated, “Since I can’t be home…I’m glad I’m here”. I consider that the greatest compliment the entire Assisted Living in Chico family ever received. WINDCHIME SENIOR LIVING AND MEMORY CARE 855 Bruce Road Chico CA 95928 530.566.1800



As winter months approach, our skin can become severely dehydrated and parched. For some, this is a year-round battle! When our skin is dry, most people reach for heavier creams, however, heavier creams primarily sit on top of the skin creating a temporary barrier without relieving the deeper cause of the problem. The best treatment for dry skin, along with exfoliation, is to layer products under our creams. Why? Layering products with smaller molecular size, such as serums and oils, actually penetrate the skin surface more effectively to alleviate the dryness from deeper in the skin; which in turn creates a stronger more sufficient barrier at the surface.

Hyaluronic Acid to the Rescue!

This molecule is one of the most hydrophilic (water-loving) molecules found in nature. When used in skincare products topically, it creates a moisture film in the skin by attracting up to 1,000 times its own weight in water, acting as a natural humectant; thereby keeping skin supple and hydrated! By working to expand the skin cells, this ingredient locks moisture beneath the surface of the skin while helping to fill sagging areas, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and providing plumper, youngerlooking skin. Hyaluronic acid is present in every tissue of the body and its importance cannot be underestimated. Retention of water is one of the most important biological functions 36

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of hyaluronic acid, second only to providing nutrients and removing waste from cells. Retaining water in the skin cells keeps skin plump and healthy.

Nature's Wrinkle Filler!

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are the gelatin-like fluids that bathe collagen and elastin to restrict them from drying out and, in turn, creating wrinkles and sags in the skin. Since 70% of all GAGs are made up of hyaluronic acid, the most water-loving molecule in nature, it makes a phenomenal hydrator, allowing increased penetration of other actives by forming a matrix in the skin. Although hyaluronic acid is found throughout the human body, almost 50% exists in the skin. Studies indicate, that with age, hyaluronic acid levels in the epidermis are dramatically reduced. This leads to surface dehydration and more apparent fine lines and wrinkles. As with many biological processes, the replenishment of this all-important ingredient slows with age, making topical supplementation even more important to the health, function, and appearance of aging skin. (Skin Inc. August 2017) Eat HA rich foods like avocados and use products such as Rhonda Allison's Hyaluronic Serum for youthful skin and optimum results!




Visit Lori at Pure Skin located at 136 W 3rd Street in Downtown, Chico.

November is Family Caregiver Month Family Caregivers provide countless hours of care to their loved ones. Passages Caregiver Resource Center would like to recognize and thank them all. The caregiver program is here to support, educate, and guide unpaid family caregivers. Please contact us for more information at 530.898.5925

Passages Caregiver Resource Center is funded by the California Department of Healthcare Services, the Area Agency on Aging (PSA2, PSA3), and the California Department of Aging.


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Medicare's Annual Election Period OCTOBER 15 THROUGH DECEMBER 7

October 15 through December 7th is the time to look at your Medicare Part D & C options! Medicare Part D is prescription coverage. During the Annual Election Period (AEP) you are encouraged to review your prescription plan to ensure you have the best coverage for 2019. Every year the 25+ Part D Plans change their formularies, tier structure, co-pays and deductibles. How can I look at my plan options?

*Please note that if you have a retiree plan you should not enroll in a Medicare Part D Plan or you risk losing retiree coverage. Call HICAP if you have questions about your options. Medicare Part C stands for Medicare Advantage. Butte County does not have Medicare Part C at this time. Changes for 2019 are available when the AEP begins. To get additional information or to sign up for a workshop call your local HICAP at 898.6716 or 800.434.0222.

• Call HICAP for a personalized plan comparison • Log on to Medicare.gov and use the Plan Finder tool • Call Medicare directly at 800.633.4227 • Talk to your agent or broker • If you prefer to keep your current plan—call the plan to make sure they still cover your prescriptions and what the prices are for 2019 40

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"This project was supported, in part by grant number 90SAPG0052-02-01 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy."

charged for anyway. In some cases she was charged two prices for the exact same thing. In the end, we reduced her $130,000 bill to $10. They just wrote it off due to the number of errors in the bill which would have gone unnoticed had I not taken the time to go in and talk about it. The experience opened my eyes to what can go on out there, and just like with my dad, I wouldn’t want anyone else to have that kind of experience when coping with the passing of a loved one.

BARBARA ZAREMBINSKI H E L P I N G S E T T L E H E A LT H C A R E I S S U E S Originally from London, England, Barbara Zarembinski was born to Polish parents who left Poland and resettled after World War II. By the time she was four years old, her family readied themselves to move once again, as the influx of post-war immigrants had created a major strain on resources in England. The British Commonwealth encouraged immigrants to move once again to ease this strain, recommending other allied countries for permanent resettlement. Barbara’s parents chose Canada and moved before her fifth birthday. Within a few short years, Barbara’s father recognized that he could never sail a boat in the waters surrounding Canada, so they set their sights on one final move to California. Barbara has been here ever since and became a citizen of the USA in the 60’s. After retiring from her position in the health planning division at CalPERS, where she ensured that members received the benefits they were entitled to, Barbara was introduced to HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program-known as SHIP State Health Insurance Program, in other states). and the work they do for the Medicare population. She became a volunteer shortly thereafter and has continued as one for the past 15 years. We caught up with her to find out why she does what she does and what it has meant to her life.

UL: How would you describe HICAP to someone? BZ: HICAP provides counseling for people who are new to Medicare, have billing issues, or qualify for extra help (drugs) and/or are eligible for any MediCal programs due to low income. We help them rectify those issues and find out why something went wrong in the first place. We also provide information about long term care. That’s really our main function, to provide explanations as to how healthcare works and what each type of healthcare means to each individual. UL: What inspires you to be involved with HICAP? BZ: It’s challenging and fun! You have problems that come up all the time, and you get to troubleshoot them. We’re given ongoing training to make sure we’re ahead of the game on healthcare, and it just feels good to help people. We’re all volunteers and we have great support in the office. It really makes the work we do fun!

UL: What is something you’ve learned while working with HICAP that has helped you in your own life? BZ: Honestly, the experience has helped me to appreciate what I have. Medicare is not made for the elderly to easily understand. People do not know what they have and what they don’t have. It’s opened my eyes to the needy especially those who are not poor enough to qualify for low income programs. They’re really stretching to make ends meet. My time volunteering has taught me a lot about Medicare and prescription drug plans, which has been knowledge that I’ve been able to provide others on a number of occasions. UL: What has surprised you the most about working with HICAP? BZ: How little people know about Medicare. Everyone assumes everything is taken care of for you, and once you age in, you’re taken care of. This just isn’t the case. Once we begin going over everything, people always say, “Gosh there are so many parts of it!” That’s why we’re here to help. UL: What do you do to avoid burnout, and what are you doing when you’re not volunteering with HICAP? BZ: My husband, Dave, and I travel and we like to garden, walk, and socialize. We have fun and there is always a new adventure on the horizon. I also provide counseling services twice a month, receive continuing education once a month and on occasion provide educational talks to people who are or will be new to Medicare.

UL: What is your “why” for what you do? BZ: When my mother was really sick and eventually passed away, my father got a huge bill from the hospital. I went to the finance department and went over each line item on her bill. There were a number of items she specifically didn’t want to have, but was 41

The Meriam Park Masterplan emanates words like innovative, fresh and groundbreaking, both literally as well as figuratively. Interesting then, to realize that it comes with its own vocabulary. The list includes verbs like thrive, dwell, blend, purpose-built, cultivate, connect, and spark. It also offers nouns such as cultural infrastructure, makerspace, incubators, lofts, walkable, opportunity, wellness and community. It includes proper nouns; the Barn, Culinaria, and the Park, all of which are integral to creating a sense of place. Perhaps the most important word associated with this endeavor is Community. This word captures the essence of Meriam park, self-proclaimed as “an inspired place.” This juxtaposition is taking place on 233 acres, soon to be recognized as one of “the last and largest fully-entitled, developable properties in Chico.” While it may be a literal complex its vision is anything but. It’s always been simple in its focus; to build a self-sustainable community where people can live, work and socialize. This paradox plays itself out, one purposeful juxtaposition at a time. The Meriam Park development office lives in the Foundation Building, one of the occupied buildings on site. In this office there is a wall that resembles a giant, living Pinterest board with scads of cut and torn out pages and pictures creating an inspiration wall of Meriam Park’s demographic. It is clever, smart, and intriguing in a mesmerizing fashion. These pictures represent concepts, ideas, and realities of the future physical makeup of Meriam Park. Three years in the making, this 42

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wall represents the brainstorming involved and captures the essence of what Meriam Park will become someday. A place for people to work, to live and to socialize both as walkable and as a destination. The office that houses this wall is home to Gonzales Development Company, currently the Meriam Park headquarters where Dan Gonzales and his team of 8 build the vision. Perched on the second floor of this inspiring architectural design, this office serves as an example for the entire project. Also located in the building are Chico start-up, Pocket Points, and Kornerstone Wealth. It is the first of the buildings constructed in the “Thrive District” which is an area of over 30 acres that will be home to between 20 to 30 office buildings, someday providing homes to the Veterans Administrations new Clinic, and other medical, office and many service-type businesses. The entire plot, known as the Thrive District, exudes this side by side for a purposeful reason. For example, a just finished twin medical building features a Podiatrists office face-to-face with a Physical Therapy spot. Also, a currently under construction two story attorney building that will sit across the street from the newest Butte County courthouse. The purposeful placement of these buildings creates a synergistic effect. This Thrive District will be home for additional health, wellness, fitness, tech, real estate, shared office concepts, and many service type businesses who will “thrive” from being located next to each other “all the while providing access to the award-winning local talent pool offered by Chico State.”

Also under construction is the Marketplace, the heartbeat of Meriam Park, also known as the “Tank District”. This will be a place where farm and food meet innovation, healthy eating and economic development all while fostering a sustainable community. The Tank District will have a balanced mix of retail, food & beverage, maker spaces and mixed-use while offering beautiful streetscapes, loft-style buildings, captivating outdoor spaces, and one-of-a kind retail amenities. A baker or coffee roaster will be placed next to a grocery or restaurant, while together, they can ready food for delivery upon order, or a caterer can deliver food to the active senior district north of the creek. The retail space will include unique shops, restaurants, a farm-to-table market concept, and health and wellness amenities, including a yoga studio. In addition, the area will feature mixed use ground-floor storefronts with residences above. Dan assures new concept restaurants, such as those that are showing up in many other cities. The crown jewels of the Tank District are “Culinaria” and “The Barn”, a 110 year old barn relocated from Meridian Road in Chico, both new and old juxtaposed to create a place for music and community events, social gathering and commerce. The 38,000 square foot Culinaria is a mixed use of culinary, education and training, retail, and co-work offices, private kitchen for dinner clubs and an event center boasting two rooftop terraces. More importantly, it offers a 7,000 square foot, shared use commercial


The Building of a Community

kitchen combined with mentoring, training, and strategic business consultation to help food and beverage entrepreneurs thrive in the industry. This includes an innovation lab, cold and dry walk-in storage, fully equipped production and packaging stations, as well as onsite vegetable and herb gardens. All of this will be supported by industry experts ready to provide training. Dan feels the opportunities are immeasurable for food based businesses to incubate and grow, thus creating jobs and contributing towards Chico’s economic development.

Inspiration board

New attorney building under construction

110 year old barn starting construction December 2018

38,000 sf of retail, educational commercial office and café, and shared kitchen facility starting construction 2019.

The final phase of Meriam Park is known as the Dwell District and will feature a combination of unique living options both in size and style. The diverse single and multi-family residences planned will provide space for the young and upcoming, the workforce, as well as an active senior residential area. This area offers the opportunity for seniors to advantageously downsize into a community withneighborhood parks, social and activity areas, all centered around the crucial concept of being both walkable and bike-friendly. The units range from apartments and fourplexes to smaller, entry level family homes nestled in a row-like setting. The active senior residential area, just beyond Little Chico Creek, offers a mix of homes and retail together, blended in a convenient and beneficial fashion. The Dwell District, an open space surrounding both the Thrive and Tank Districts, connects every resident to the regional trail network and our beloved Bidwell Park. The first phase of housing will be released in the summer of 2019. Meriam Park is a project dedicated to a structure allowing for less traffic while encouraging walking and biking and is truly inspiring. It marks its vision as “balance and purpose for the future,” by being true to its values: “ innovation, collaboration, opportunity, wellness, and community.” Any city would jump at the chance to have a complex that boasts a “community that blends diverse cultural amenities with progressively designed makerspaces.” Chico is ready for such innovative measures. Ready for a communitywide rally cry to “thrive!” by believing in our city’s ability to attract and grow talented companies. It is as if Gonzales Development Company took that living Pinterest wall in its entirety and carefully stitched an intricately pragmatic quilt, soon to be a living breathing community. 43


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Senior Topics: Answering Your Questions on Aging Dear Lyn, My husband has Alzheimer’s disease. I’ve noticed that he gets more agitated when several of our family members come to visit at once. I’m getting concerned about the upcoming holidays. What tips do you have to help me? –Jan, Paradise Dear Alice, There are three basic rules: 1. take good care of yourself, 2. keep it simple, and 3. have a plan. The holidays bring with them almost 20 additional tasks and emotions that come from traditions. The additional stress will make it important that you take good care of yourself. Communicate with family and friends about your concerns. Do your shopping early in the morning, rather than late afternoon or evening, when those with memory loss are more likely to be confused. Modify some of your traditions and get help from your family members. Also, remember to include your loved one in traditional activities such as watching classic movies on TV, decorating, and signing Christmas carols. Having a plan will make a big difference. –Sincerely, Lyn

From All Of Us At Upgraded Living!

COUNTRY VILLAGE 966 Kovak Court Chico, CA 95928 530.342.7002


DermBar Med-Spa and Cosmeceuticals, serving the greater Chico Area Since 2007. E X P E R I E N C E ¡ S K I L L ¡ P A S S I O N ¡ F A I R


Vimali Paul, MD Dr. Paul started DermBar in 2007 at the encouragement of her patients. Her main goal was to simplify the hype surrounding lasers/light therapy/fillers, and make it accessible to everyone. The DermBar has grown largely by word of mouth. Dr. Paul takes pride in the fact that the DermBar provides the most effective laser and light technology, plus fillers and Botox in a skilled and artistic fashion. They always take the clients desires and budget into consideration.

Treatment Room DermBar was established in 2007. Our goal is always to provide a natural look. We believe that everyone deserves to look their best! Our licensed physician and nurses provide: Dermal fillers, Botox, Kybella, PRP and PRFM, laser genesis, IPL and Pixel laser resurfacing, radiofrequency micro-needling, and laser hair removal.

Andrea Madison, R.N. Andrea recognizes that we are all aging, so every day is a new opportunity to proactively choose preventative treatments to improve and maintain our skin, or transform something we have put off. She loves being part of the trained team at the DermBar where they address all the concerns of aging skin with honest options, high standards, and patient satisfaction as their goal. Being a Registered Nurse for 24 years, she has worked in the PICU and ER and then took time away from nursing to raise her three children. Andrea has been an Aesthetic Nurse at the DermBar for nearly 10 years. She has a true appreciation for all the concerns that lasers can address, and how effective the results can be with little to no downtime. When asked about what she has noticed in her time there, Andrea talked about the "constant growth, and just how busy the landscape is." Most importantly, she stressed, "we want our clients to look and feel their best, however we are not dermatologists, so we do refer our patients out for issues that may be of concern." It is clear Andrea understands the complexity of aging skin.

Kim Eaton Castro, R.N. As the newest member, Kim emphasizes just how honored she is to work in a facility with such high standards, coupled with an impeccable reputation. Once a former client, Kim made Derm Bar her professional home more than a year ago. She attends to client laser procedures, cosmetic injections, and enjoys talking with clients about their overall skin care regimen. Kim has a background in surgical nursing and care coordination, and feels she understands this industry well. She is the most energized by by the educational opportunities afforded her. From conferences provided by the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery to the ‘hands on’ advanced training offered by Allergan on cosmetic injectables, Kim remains in awe of just how updated the entire team is kept, due mainly by the diligence of Dr. Paul. When asked what surprised her the most about moving into the aesthetics side, she first mentioned the delight in “learning so much from her fellow nurses,” and “just how super complex this whole thing really is.” It is clear how important Kim feels ongoing education is.

Spa Room Our experienced and knowledgeable licensed Estheticians provide facials for men and women, as well as chemical peels, microdermabrasions, LED photomodulation, waxing services, and makeovers, as well as eyelash extensions. We also have a licensed massage therapist, offering a variety of massages for men and women.

Teresa Junco, R.N.


Teresa has the simple goal of working with patients to accentuate their needs while bringing out their natural beauty. A graduate of CSU, Chico, she spent 13 years as a labor and delivery nurse in San Francisco. Teresa took time away to be with her two children changing her focus to aesthetic nursing. She has been a part of the Derm Bar team for six years and loves it. Her fluency in Spanish enables her “to evaluate, and recommend the right treatment for our Spanish speakers.” She emphasizes that she treats clients as individuals, and each unique concern about aging. It becomes all about working together to devise the treatment plan to fit their personal goals. Though experienced across the board, including lasers, her true passion is Dermal fillers. She strives to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in this specialty. The goal is that no one will be able to pinpoint what the patients had done to them. Instead, they will simply notice how well rested each patient will appear. When asked about she would want someone to know about Derm Bar, she pointed out that patients, “can and should be educated. They often have no idea what can be done,” without significant downtime. It is clear Teresa gets that no one-size-fits-all process exists.


Oh My Gourd The mantel is the focal point of a living space and even more so during the holidays. It becomes the backdrop to the yearly family photo-op. It’s the place that literally gives you the “warm & fuzzies” while you sit around the fire on a chilly night. It’s a special place, a place where memories are made, shared, and cherished. And thankfully, it’s one of the most fun and simple places in your home to create an impactful seasonal display. Here are a few tips that will make your Holiday guests say “Oh My Gourd, look at that mantle!”

The Foundation…

Build your foundation by choosing an anchor and adding weighted pieces. This will be the largest and most focal piece on the mantel. Add dimension to the anchor by overlapping and layering varying sizes of empty frames, mirrors, clocks, signs, wreaths, chalkboards, plates, or other flat decor pieces.

Tip: Use the outline measurements of your firebox as a general size for your anchor piece. Your anchor can be a year-round fixture, while your layering pieces can be seasonal additions. Take a step back once you’ve added layers to your anchor piece to determine where the remaining weight should be distributed. These items can be vases, candlesticks, lanterns, letters, etc. Decorating is about balance and scale. You eyes will feel 48

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comfortably settled and the look will be aesthetically pleasing when your display is well-balanced. Balance can be created not through just symmetry, but through colors, textures, and shapes.

Fall Additions…

Whether you gravitate towards neutrals or the bolder Fall reds & oranges, the additions of natural woods and metallics will give both cozy and elegant vibes to your scheme. As your first addition, never underestimate the versatility and impact of Fall garland. A high-quality one can stand alone, but additions to garland can create a beautiful and dramatic look. Simply weave floral stems of different textures, colors and sizes—such as berries, wheat, or cotton—evenly throughout the garland. Creating your own layers with multiple stems creates a more natural and realistic look, and also allows for versatility throughout the years. Add even more impact by letting the garland drape floorlength on each side of the mantel. Simply finish the whole look by nestling in pumpkins, pinecones, gourds, or branches throughout the garland. If your garland is heavily layered, keep the filler additions minimal. No matter your filler/accessories of choice, try to keep varied items to a minimum for a more clean, less cluttered look. And that’s it—easy as pumpkin pie!




Visit Stacie at The Address for Home Interiors located at 2444 Cohasset Road in Chico or call 530.898.9000.


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Living Trust: Why Isn’t A Simple Will Enough?

I often get the question “Do I need a living trust; wouldn’t a simple will suffice?” My answer varies from person to person, but always has the goal of avoiding probate. The scary thing is that most estates will trigger a probate even without realizing it. In California, if you have more than $150,000 in your estate without a trust, you’re probably sending your heirs to probate. In terms of cold, hard cash, that might sound like a lot, but the figure is deceptive because it includes, with important exceptions, the aggregate fair market value of everything you own. Owning a house, even with a mortgage on it, is usually enough to put your estate through a probate when you pass. The probate process is exceptionally timeconsuming, a matter of public record, and the attorneys’ fees are set by statute, which are calculated based on a percentage of the overall value of your estate. For example, the heirs of $500,000 could expect to pay $13,000 in attorneys’ fees on top of costs. A living trust is the main planning tool to avoid this and give the gift of an easier administration to your family and heirs. LAW OFFICES OF AARON J. STEWART BUSINESS LAW & ESTATE PLANNING 2619 Forest Avenue Suite 100 Chico, CA 95928 530.345.2212


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Casual Wear ● Suits & Tuxedos Barber Shop ● Tailor ● Grooming 127 Main Street, Chico | (530) 809-1839


Ready For Market Originally from Los Angeles, Mike Velasquez moved to Chico in 2000. He began working for the Chico Fire Department in 2006. 10 years later, he and his wife, Amy, bought a home on the northside of town. Tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, the location of the home was perfect—a quick drive from the freeway, close to the kids’ school, and near a park that they adored. The house itself was ideal for a growing family at 2,000 square feet with four bedrooms, two baths, and an open floor plan that gave the kids plenty of room to run. As with any other house, it needed some renovating, so Mike and Amy did as so many new homeowners do, and became weekend warriors. Together, they tackled a considerable amount of work, installing brand new floors and crown mouldings throughout the home and painting it top to bottom. They had a pool installed in the backyard and worked with a friend to install concrete countertops in the kitchen and bathroom. Eventually, the house was converted into the home they had dreamed of, but a surprise appeared on the horizon. The couple drove down Vallombrosa often during their years together in Chico and found CONNECT

themselves admiring one home in particular each time they passed it. They made a pact that should the home ever be listed for sale, they would do everything in their power to purchase it. As stories often go, the home became available shortly after they completed their final renovation. They put an offer on the Vallombrosa home and decided to put their current home up for sale. Wanting to get the home ready and marketable to as wide an audience as possible, Mike and Amy decided to replace the concrete countertops with something that was a bit more mainstream. While at their neighbors home for dinner, they found the kitchen to be under renovation. Mike and Amy loved the granite they used, so they asked their neighbors where they got it, and they responded with, “New Again Kitchen Remodeling.” The couple called and obtained bids from two other renovation companies in town before calling New Again. The third call on their list, they spoke to Ric Powers, New Again’s store manager and resident designer, and found his bid to be 25% lower than the lowest of the other two bids. It also happened that there was an opening on the schedule for the following week due to a scheduling conflict with another client. Excited to finish their kitchen earlier than expected, and for far less money, they quickly visited the showroom and signed their contract.

New Again’s renovation team arrived on time the following week and removed the existing concrete countertops along with anything else that would be in the way of the new granite. The entire process took them less than one day to complete and Mike pointed out that the kitchen was left cleaner than they found it when they arrived. They returned the following day and installed blue pearl granite throughout the kitchen. As the base cabinets were deeper than normal, the team cut and bullnosed three island sized slabs, fitting them together so perfectly that the seams were nearly impossible to find. The install took less than one day, and again they completely cleaned up before they left. Asked about their experience with New Again, Mike responded, “They kicked butt in everything they did! New Again was so easy to work with and very accommodating. They were super competitive in price, and the guys that worked on the project were just awesome. Best of all, they were all really easy to talk with— very attentive, and very respectful. I couldn’t have asked for better, and I would absolutely recommend them to friends and family.” With another remodeled kitchen on the books, New Again continues to set the standard for kitchen and bathroom renovation in Chico. If you’re looking to start a home improvement project, and are looking for affordability along with impeccable service like Mike and Amy did, call New Again Kitchen Remodeling at 530.899.2888.




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response. She continued in this position for nearly two years before deciding to pursue her master’s degree, and she later earned an MBA in management and leadership. Fired up by her experience in Williams, Shelby accepted a part-time HR director role working remotely for a tech firm in Redding with 65 employees and another full-time position as HR generalist for Social Services overseeing 9 counties from Sonoma to Tehama. The experience working at both organizations simultaneously proved that she could offer her services to multiple companies at the same time. Having spotted a noticeable absence of HR services within businesses in Butte County, she decided she could potentially fill the void, and HRiQ was born.

Building A Better Workplace When it comes to human resources (HR), most businesses are wildly underprepared. Though it is common to feel you’ve done your research, read the pamphlets, and understood employment law, changes are continually occurring behind the scenes, with new laws and the development of best practices. For employers who feel they can do everything themselves—and most employers do—there will always come a point where they realize contrarily; the only question is when and at what cost? For HR specialist, Shelby Chase, her career has been built assisting and educating employers on matters of the workplace, so they can spend less time worrying about employment law and more time running their businesses. This mission is the focus of her company, HRiQ.

During her time in Sacramento, Shelby specialized in physician recruitment and eventually became the HR partner for a 3,500+ employee hospital undergoing the HR restructuring and transition she previously worked on at St. Elizabeth’s. The position gave her deeper insight into corporate HR and the compliance demands placed on a business of that size, with the added benefit of extensive experience in a unionized environment. With the move to Arizona looming, she chose to remain in California. Shelby decided to test her skills in a different industry and took over as HR manager at American Commodity Company in Williams. Also going through a time of transition with 250 employees, they allowed her to completely redesign their HR package, offering new benefits, and utilizing a different payroll platform. She moved to Chico and commuted to Williams daily, handling the company’s entire HR needs by herself. The scope of this included: payroll, onboarding, recruitment, benefits administration, employee and labor relations, safety, workers compensation, terminations, seasonal hires, compensation analysis, absence management, and claims

“Many businesses lack an HR presence.” Shelby said, “I’m looking forward to showing employers the value of HR and the potential risks of not utilizing a true HR specialist. By making HR affordable to business owners and individualized to their company, I know we’ll retain more of our student population post graduation, as HR will improve student’s work experience and perception of Chico’s conduciveness to establishing one’s career, or being an incubator for entrepreneurship. I’m eager to collaborate with business owners and show them that offering a better workplace environment creates a happier workforce, which allows for greater profitability and future growth.” We happen to feel the same way. If your business is currently in need of HR and payroll solutions, or you’re looking for a second opinion on your current offerings, give Shelby a call at HRiQ. As any employer is sure to agree with, there aren’t nearly enough hours in the day to do everything a business owner already needs to do. Call 530.200.2663 or visit UpYourHRiQ.com.


Originally from Red Bluff, California, Shelby commuted to Chico State daily throughout her college career. Interested in helping businesses operate better, she earned her business administration degree in 2013, with a focus in human resource management. She obtained a labor law internship in Redding before accepting a position at Dignity Health, as the healthcare giant was undergoing a time of significant transition. Looking to move all of their HR services to one centralized center in Arizona, they hired Shelby to evaluate their current HR landscape within St. Elizabeth Community Hospital, and determine what managers and employees valued in an HR department, so they could provide better

processes and benefits in their new model. Her success with the project garnered attention at the corporate office, and they offered her a full-time position at Dignity Health Medical Foundation in Sacramento. She accepted.

Offered as a subscription service, HRiQ provides a truly local, retainer modeled HR department to small and medium sized businesses at a fraction of the cost required for in-house HR. With a number of subscription levels available, businesses only pay for the services they need, making the price approachable regardless of the size of the business. By offering full-service payroll, employee relations, and benefits administration in a way that any employer can include in their cost of doing business, Shelby is making well on her original mission to help Butte County businesses operate better.


“Downtown health is hinged to access,” Trolinder said, “Food and beverage is the anchor category for our downtown, but everybody needs food and drink multiple times per day, so, to be profitable, that type of business needs a smaller total customer. With retail, like a shoe store for example, many consumers will purchase a new pair of shoes just once or twice per year, so that type of business needs a much larger total customer base, and that’s when access issues like parking become more important.” Downtown Chico is well known for its busy restaurants and taverns, but Trolinder explained that downtown is probably reaching a saturation of the alcohol economy soon. He sees growth in the worker economy, that is, more small businesses setting up offices downtown, at street level and in second stories. He also sees opportunity in specialty retail categories. “Downtowns are the institutions that hold the formality of who we are as a community,” he articulated. Many working professionals would prefer to have an office space in our downtown because it’s just more fun and colorful than other alternatives, so that is a growing trend. There are several projects being undertaken now, or soon, that involve building vertically to add commercial space and apartments in the city

core. In the future, the Graduate building will be cleared to make way for a sixty unit apartment building to help accommodate the growing demand for people who want to live downtown. Apartments are being built above the coffeehouse in the building on 2nd & Main. Soon, three stories will be added to the building where Campus Bicycles was located. That building is the remnant of an old four story hotel called the Park Hotel. When finished, the building will look more like it did decades ago and will add back much needed square footage. More residents will drive more economic activity, and more opportunities for ambitious retailers. According to Trolinder, downtown already boasts a higher “revenue per Sq. Ft.” than the Chico mall or Wal-Mart. Downtown Chico is a potent place to establish a retail business, as long as it meets the right needs. I spoke to Wayne Cook, owner of Hotel Diamond, and many other buildings that he’s invested in, about the direction of downtown Chico. “Chico is the city of my birth, and I’ve come to understand over the decades that Chico really is a special town. Chico is a city with great allure,” Cook said. He told me that the Hotel Diamond project was the 2nd biggest gamble of his life, and it paid off not just for him but for the economic health of the entire district. He’s currently expanding the hotel into the Morehead building, with plans to bring back the historic, ornate facade and classic bay windows. Downtown is owned by many people, but as Mike Trolinder pointed out, the public is the key owner. This shared space of culture and commerce binds us together and broadcasts to visitors who we are as a community. By all measures, it’s an excellent place to live or work. If you want to learn more about living or investing in our historic downtown, give me a call, I’d love to help.


As a former downtown business owner, turned residential and commercial real estate agent, I love downtown Chico for the cultural and economic vitality that it incubates in our city. I talked to Mike Trolinder of Location Arts, a consultant, designer, and economic analyst about the changing face of downtown Chico. Mike has studied downtown areas of many cities and has been an active participant in helping downtown meet the needs of Chico as it grows and changes. I asked him about the different pieces that build a healthy downtown, and what he sees growing or changing in the near future.

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EASY Good soil is the foundation of a healthy garden. By creating your own compost, you can recycle your yard and kitchen waste into an excellent soil conditioner that will increase your soil’s fertility while reducing the amount of garbage you send to the landfill. When you build a compost pile, you are simply taking advantage of nature’s process of breaking down organic materials into smaller pieces. Creating a compost pile can be as easy as piling up a mixture of organic materials and letting it stand for a year while nature takes its course. There are several things you can do to speed this process along: • It can be helpful to have a bin the right size (3' x 3’ x 3’) to help guide the process and keep animals from the pile while holding in moisture. • Add equal parts of carbon-rich naturally dry plant material (dead leaves, dried grass, straw, woody materials from pruning, paper) and nitrogen-rich green plant materials (grass clippings, wilted flowers, green prunings, fruit, and vegetable waste). RECIPE COURTESY OF

HOUSE HOTEL & • CARTER Chop materials into 1.5–2 inch pieces RESTAURANT LOCATED and shred the paper, AT cardboard, 301 L STREET IN EUREKA. and newspaper. 58

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• Composting works best if the moisture content is about 50%, or feels like a wrung-out sponge. Add water to the pile if needed. • A compost pile needs to be turned to prevent it from overheating and to aerate and mix the materials. A garden fork or shovel works well to move the outside of the compost into the center of the pile where it heats up quicker. The more you turn, the quicker it decomposes. • The pile can be built in two ways. You either create a “batch” by building a 3’ x 3’ x 3’ pile all at once with all the necessary organic materials, watering and turning it until it becomes completed compost. Or, add materials as they become available, and gradually build a pile that produces a small amount of completed compost on the bottom. Remember the pile on the ground ignored for a year? By building a box to contain it, carefully adding an equal amount of small-size carbon and nitrogen materials, maintaining moisture, and turning it frequently you can reduce the composting process from a year to several weeks or months. Your batch should start to heat up in 24-48 hours, and rapid decomposition can be detected by a pleasant odor. The pile will start to decrease in size and the materials change to a crumbly texture with dark brown color. As composting nears completion, the pile will cool off until no heat is detected. Your nutrient rich compost is now ready to be mixed into your garden soil, or layered around the base of plants, shrubs, and trees.




Carol Koenig of Butte County Master Gardeners.



In Autumn, the nights turn colder, leaves on the trees begin to change color and the first rain cleans the dusty summer air away. While walking down the sidewalk, crunchy leaves underfoot, you might notice pumpkins on front porches, persimmons ripening on trees, various nuts littering the ground, and an overall abundance of the color orange. Fall is an exciting time of year, bringing with it some of the most spectacular views and delicious ingredients for cooking. Farmers who have waited patiently all summer for squash to grow and develop are now lovingly harvesting round, oblong, and multi-colored beauties to bring to the farmers market. Delicious squash is now available and waiting for you to stew, bake, sauté and simmer for delightful, hearty meals to warm the soul. Squash is one of the largest food groups and also one of the oldest cultivated foods. Summer squash and winter squash are two main categories that dozens of varieties fit into. Pumpkins, zucchini, gourds, spaghetti, butternut and acorn squash all belong to the genus Cucurbita and share some similar characteristics. The squash family is well known for the bountiful nutrition it offers. In fact, Native Americans cultivated corn, squash and beans as the main staple ingredients in their diet for well-rounded nutrition and called them the ‘Three Sisters’. The health benefits of squash are extensive, as they are packed with vitamins and minerals essential to the body. Vitamin C, magnesium and antioxidant compounds found in squash help prevent cancer-causing free radicals from forming in the body, which, when left unchecked, can cause cancer, heart disease and other 60

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illnesses. Magnesium and potassium are an effective combo for combatting cardiovascular problems by increasing blood flow to major organs and reducing stress on the heart. This increase of oxygen in the bloodstream improves organs’ overall functioning. Squash are also a very good source of fiber, which helps to clean the digestive system and remove excess cholesterol. Furthermore, squash contains high levels of Vitamin A and calcium, which are wonderful for eye and bone health, respectively. There are endless benefits to adding squash to your diet, so make sure to stock up on some fresh squash at the farmers market this week! One of my all-time favorite fall recipes is butternut squash soup. Not only is it delicious, but when combined with other vegetables like carrots, garlic and onions, becomes a great immunity booster for the upcoming cold season. Typically, when you eat local foods, they contain nutrients that help prepare the body for the approaching season. To begin, halve a butternut squash and remove the seeds. Dice it into 1” pieces and along with two chopped carrots, one chopped onion and one head of garlic, all drizzled with olive oil, roast in the oven for 15 minutes at 375 degrees. Next, puree the roasted veggies with an immersion blender until smooth. Add one cup of vegetable broth and salt, pepper and coriander to taste. Serve with toasted pumpkin seeds for a perfect fall season soup that will warm your bones and keep you healthy all winter long.

INGREDIENT OF THE MONTH VIA E M M A H A R R I S For more information, visit the Chico Certified Farmers Market.


Shubert's Pumpkin Pie Sundae INGREDIENTS: • 1/2 gallon Shubert’s Pumpkin Ice Cream • 1 can Crystal Whipped Cream • 1 8 oz. jar of Shubert’s Caramel Sauce • 2 packs graham cracker • ½ cup salted butter • ½ cup white granulated sugar


combine graham cracker mixture and ½ cup sugar. In a microwave safe bowl melt salted butter until completely liquified. Combine butter with graham cracker and sugar mixture. Now it’s time to make your Pumpkin Pie Sundae! Place a spoonful of graham cracker topping in the bottom of your bowl, followed by a scoop of Shubert’s Pumpkin Ice Cream. Next, add a drizzle of Shubert’s Caramel Sauce and top with whipped cream and more graham cracker topping.

In a food processor crush 2 packs of Graham Crackers. Blend until there are no chunks. In a medium size mixing bowl



Our affinity for food creates a natural kinship. That kindred spirit comes alive in our community cookbook this year as the contributors share both traditions and a love for food. These varied recipes celebrate not only food and drink, but culture, family, dear friends, and fun deviations from traditional Thanksgiving cuisine. Oh yeah, and there are some rather yummy concoctions to delight the stomach and soul. We invite you not only to dive right in these recipes, but to take them right into your kitchens and add something new to your own family’s folklore.

2 018 CO M M U N I T Y CO O K B O O K FA L L T U R KE Y C H I L I Ingredients (Serves 6):

½ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 Large Poblano Peppers, Seeded/Diced 1 Large Onion, Chopped 1 Celery Stalk, Chopped 4 Large Garlic Cloves, Smashed/Chopped 1 ½ lbs. Ground Dark Turkey Meat 1 Tbsp. All-Purpose Flour ¼ Cup Tomato Paste 3 Tbsp. Chili Powder 1 Tbsp. Ground Cumin 1 tsp. Dried Oregano, Crushed 1/8 tsp. Ground Cloves ½ tsp. Ground Cinnamon 2 tsp. Dark Brown Sugar, Packed 1 tsp. Kosher Salt ½ tsp. Freshly Ground Black Pepper 3 Cups Chicken Broth 1 Can Cannellini Beans, Rinsed/Drained

BY J E S S I C A D O L A N - C L A R E N D O N & L AYS H I A C L A R E N D O N


In a heavy large pot, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the poblanos, onion, celery, and garlic. Saute until the vegetables soften—around 5 or 6 minutes. Add the turkey and saute, breaking up the turkey with a spoon, until no longer pink, around 7 minutes. Sprinkle the flour over the meat and stir to blend. Add the tomato paste, chili powder, cumin, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, brown sugar, salt, and pepper. Cook, stirring frequently, 1 to 2 minutes. Add the broth and beans. Bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to medium low, stirring often, until the flavors blend and the chili thickens, 20 to 30 minutes. Spoon the chili into deep bowls. Serve with shredded cheese and a spoonful of plain greek yogurt or sour cream.

N E L L I E ' S TO F F E E Ingredient & Supplies: A Candy Thermometer (Taylor Is The Best One) Cookie Sheet Aluminum Foil 1 Cup Butter, 2 cubes 1 Cup Packed Golden Brown Sugar 1 (12 oz.) Package of Chocolate Chips (Approx.) At Least ½ Cup Chopped Almonds

Directions: 1. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil. 2. Using a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, melt butter with brown sugar. 3. Stir continuously with a candy thermometer until thermometer reaches 300 degrees F 62

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(about 15–25 minutes). Be careful, it’s very hot and will burn the skin. Immediately pour mixture (back and forth to cover the sheet) onto the foiled cookie sheet. 4. Quickly sprinkle with chocolate chips until almost covered. 5. Wait until the chips melt, then spread with a spatula. 6. Sprinkle with chopped almonds and refrigerate until firm. 7. Crack into small pieces and store in refrigerator.


ROA S T E D C H I C KE N W I T H P I Q U I L LO P E P P E R S AU C E Chicken Ingredients:

Chicken Directions:

Sauce Ingredients:

Sauce Directions:

Chicken Quarters Unsalted Butter Salt And Pepper To Taste

1 Jar Piquillo Peppers, strained 1 Shallot, Finely Minced 2 Cloves Of Garlic, Finely Minced 1/2 Cup White Wine 1 tsp. Dijon Mustard 1 tsp. Olive Oil 1/4 tsp. Smoked Paprika Chives, thinly diced Salt And Pepper To Taste

Rub chicken with butter, salt, and freshly cracked black pepper. Dry brine overnight for crispy skin. Roast at 400 in oven for 1 hour.

Saute shallot and garlic in olive oil until translucent. Add peppers and smoked paprika. Deglaze with white wine and reduce. Add mustard and take off heat. Transfer to blender and puree until smooth. Top with finely diced chives. Mmmmm!


BACO N M A P L E I C E C R E A M Ingredients:

2 Pasteurized Eggs 1/4 Cup Sugar 1 Cup NonFat Milk 1 oz. Cooked Bacon 2 Cups Heavy Cream 1/4 Cup Maple Syrup


Cook bacon until crispy. Drain and let cool. In medium size bowl or jar ( jar is preferable) combine eggs and sugar. Blend with an immersion blender for about 30 seconds. Put egg and sugar mixture into 6–8 cup

mixing bowl.Put bacon and non-fat milk in medium bowl or jar and blend with immersion blender until bacon is reduced to very fine bits. Skim fat from top of mixture. Add to mixing bowl. Add heavy cream and maple syrup to mixing bowl. Blend all ingredients using immersion blender. Cover and place slurry in refrigerator overnight to allow ingredients to mingle. Churn slurry in ice cream maker.


B U T T E R N U T S Q UA S H S O U P Ingredients:

Butternut Squash 2 Carrots, Chopped 1 Onion, Chopped 1 Head of Garlic Olive Oil Vegetable Broth Salt, Pepper, & Coriander (To Taste) Toasted Pumpkin Seeds (Optional)


To begin, halve a butternut squash and remove the seeds. Dice it into 1� pieces and along with two chopped carrots, one chopped

onion and one head of garlic, all drizzled with olive oil, roast in the oven for 15 minutes at 375 degrees. Next, puree the roasted veggies with an immersion blender until smooth. Add one cup of vegetable broth and salt, pepper and coriander to taste. Serve with toasted pumpkin seeds for a perfect fall season soup that will warm your bones and keep you healthy all winter long.


V E G E TA R I A N S H I I TA KE M U S H RO O M , G I N G E R , & C I L A N T RO WO N TO N S O U P Dumpling Directions:

Finely dice shiitake mushrooms, garlic, ginger, and scallions, keep in mind this is for a filling and you are going to want these to be a cut as small as possible but not blended. Combine and heat in a medium saucepan on high with a tablespoon of toasted sesame oil until softened then add your tofu and chili pepper as well as your soy sauce, blend well and continue cooking over medium heat until the water from the tofu is cooked completely out. This step is important as a wet filling will make your wrappers soft and unusable, this may take a little time and make sure you stir the filling so it does not stick. Once this is done set filling aside to cool.

Dumpling Ingredients (Makes 20–22):

8 oz. Shiitake Mushrooms 16 oz. Silken Tofu One Bunch Fresh Scallions 1/4 Cup Fresh Ginger, Peeled/Finely Chopped 3 Cloves of Fresh Garlic, Finely Chopped One Medium Size Serrano Chili Pepper 1 Tbsp. Tamari 1 Tbsp. Sesame Oil 1 Package Square Wonton Wrappers

Broth Ingredients (Serves 2-4): 3 Cups Of Vegetable Broth 2 Cups Of Water 1–2 Tbsp. Toasted Sesame Oil 2–3 Tbsp. Tamari To Taste

Wrapping your wontons: There are about 20 different ways so google is your friend here. The method I use is described below. Put a small amount of your filling in the center of the wonton and line the two corners leading to the point with a little bit of water, fold tip to tip and seal with your fingers. Take the two ends of your triangle and fold around to cross in front like a ribbon, dap a small amount of water and press to seal. Make sure your filling is not coming out anywhere or they will break in the broth when boiling.

Broth Directions:

When deciding on a broth for this recipe your own broth is wonderful, but if you are limited on time Orrington Farms Vegan Broth Base or Better than Bouillon will work nicely (follow instructions on back of the jar for seasoning to water ratios) also non-vegetarian options will work just as well. In a medium size pot or pan bring broth and one cup plain water to a boil and add your dumplings. Once the wontons float (about 2 mins) add your sesame, soy, and any additional salt you would like for flavoring and lastly one cup of cool water to finish. Garnish with fresh lime, serranos, sesame seeds, and plenty of cilantro! As always my recipes are guidelines for your own creativity so dress it up or down, but I do encourage that you use fresh and good quality ingredients to ensure the best flavor from your dishes!


P U M P KI N S P I C E CO O KI E S Cookie Ingredients:

2 ½ Cup Flour 1 tsp. Baking Powder 1 tsp. Baking Soda ½ tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Cinnamon ½ tsp. Nutmeg ½ Cup Butter 1 ½ Cup Sugar 1 Cup Pumpkin Puree 1 Egg

Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients:


1 Cube Butter 6 oz. Cream Cheese 3 ½ Cup Powdered Sugar 2 tsp. Vanilla

Cookie Directions:

In a medium bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg, set aside. In a mixing bowl, cream butter & sugar. Add pumpkin, egg, and vanilla, beat until creamy. Add dry ingredients mix well. Drop by tablespoon onto greased cookie sheet. Smooth tops of cookies. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 15–20 minutes until lightly brown.

Frosting Directions:

Melt butter, have cream cheese at room temp. Add sugar and cream cheese to butter. Beat until creamy, add vanilla last. Spread frosting on cooled cookies.

V I E T N A M E S E F U S I O N TACOS Sriracha Mayo Ingredients: 5 oz. Mayo (Or Greek Yogurt) 3 Tbsp. Sriracha Juice Of ½ Lime 3 Tbsp. Ketchup

Garnish Options:

Cilantro Freshly Chopped Mint Thinly Sliced Cucumber

Other Ingredients: 10–12 Flour Tortillas

Marinade Ingredients (Serves 4–5): ½ Cup Chilli Garlic Sauce 2 Tbsp. Soy Sauce Juice of ½ Lime 1 tsp. of Freshly Grated Ginger 2 Minced Cloves of Garlic 1–1 ½ lbs. Thinly Sliced Chicken Breast

Picked Veggies Ingredients:

1 ½ Cup Rice Vinegar 1 Cup Water 1 Tbsp. Sugar Pinch Of Salt 1 Cup Matchstick Carrots ¼ Cup Thinly Sliced White Onion 8–10 Sliced Radishes 2 Thinly Sliced Jalapenos (Optional)

Asian Salad Ingredients:

5 Cup Shredded Purple Cabbage 1 Cup Shelled Edamame ½ Diced Red Pepper ¼ Cup Sliced Green Onions ¼ Cup Slivered Almonds

Dressing Ingredients:

½ Cup Rice Vinegar 3 Tbsp. Oil (Peanut Or Canola) 1 tsp. Sesame Oil 1 Tbsp. Sugar 1 tsp. Soy Sauce Fried Wonton Strips For Garnish

Taco Directions:

Mix all of the ingredients for the marinade and combine with chicken in a shallow dish. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour. Prepare the veggies for pickling. Try to keep all vegetables a uniform size when slicing. Mix together the rice vinegar, water, sugar, and salt. When the sugar and salt are dissolved, pour over vegetables and seal. I prefer to use mason jars for this step. Remove chicken from the refrigerator and place on grill—about 5 minutes per side, depending on the thickness on your chicken fillets. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the sriracha mayo and prefered garnishes. Remove chicken from grill and let rest 10–15 minutes. Warm tortillas and get ready to serve! Serve tacos with a side of asian salad (see recipe above). (Additionally, if you love to entertain, but do not want to be stuck in the kitchen, the entire recipe can be made the night before! Just be ready to grill chicken and heat tortillas and you are ready to plate!)


P U M P KI N S O U P Ingredient:

1 Garlic Clove, Diced 1 Medium Brown, Onion Diced 2 tsp. Olive Oil 1⁄2 Jap Pumpkin, Peeled/Chopped 1⁄2 Sweet Potato, Peeled/Chopped 1 Cup Celery, Diced 2 Medium Carrots, Peeled/Diced 1–2 tbsp. Cilantro 1 Sprig Of Parsley, Chopped 2–2 1⁄2 Cups Water 1-2 Pinches Of Cumin Powder 2 Pinches Of Curry Powder 1⁄2 tsp. Chicken Stock Cube/Granules 1–2 tsp. Salt 1–2 Shakes Of Black Pepper


Saute onion & garlic in olive oil. Add the remaining ingredients and slowly boil until vegetables are soft. Occasionally mash with potato masher to help break down vegetables i.e. carrots. Stirring off and on. Pour into blender to mix. Pour back into pot and heat to your desire. Serving Options: Add 1–2 teaspoons of sour cream to top of plated soup together with scallions and or serve with a loaf of your favorite bread.


C A L I F O R N I A T U R KE Y C H I L I Ingredients


1/4 Cup Extra-Virgin Olive Oil 4 Large Garlic Cloves (Smashed, Peeled, And Chopped) 2 Large Poblano Chiles (Stemmed, Seeded, And Diced) 1 Celery Stalk, Chopped 1 Large Onion, Chopped 1 1/2 lbs Ground Turkey 1 Tbsp. All-Purpose Flour 1/4 Cup Tomato Paste 3 Tbsp. Chili Powder 1 Tbsp. Ground Cumin 2 tsp. Dark Brown Sugar, Packed 1 tsp. Mexican Oregano, Crushed 1/2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon 1/8 tsp. Ground Cloves Kosher Salt And Black Pepper 3 Cups Chicken Broth 1 Can Cannellini Beans, Rinsed/Drained


Heat the oil in a heavy, large pot over medium-high heat. Add the garlic, poblanos, celery, and onions. Saute until the vegetables soften, 5 to 6 minutes. Add the turkey and saute until no longer pink, breaking up the turkey with the back of a spoon, about 7 minutes. Sprinkle the flour over and stir to blend. Add the tomato paste, chili powder, cumin, sugar, oregano, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, cinnamon, and cloves. Cook 1 to 2 minutes, stirring to blend. Add the broth and beans. Bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until the flavors blend and the chili thickens to desired consistency, stirring often, 20 to 30 minutes. Season with more salt and pepper.

QUINNGRIA Ingredients:

Half A Bottle Of Red Blend Wine 1 Bottle Pinot Grigio 1 Bottle Sparkling Cider 1 Cup Cranberries, Whole 1 Cup Cranberries, Halved 1 Granny Smith Apple, Chopped 1 Orange, Sliced 1/8 Cup White Sugar


Pour the three beverages together into a pitcher, add sugar, then stir together. Chop fruit then add into the beverage mixture. Pour sangria over ice and drink away! Let sit overnight for the best infusion. Cheers!




C H I C KE N TO R T I L L A S O U P Ingredient:

1 Onion, Chopped 3 Cloves Garlic, Minced 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil 2 tsp. Chili Powder 1 tsp. Dried Oregano 1 (28 oz.) Can Crushed Tomatoes 1 (10.5 oz.) Can Condensed Chicken Broth 1 1/4 Cups Water 1 Cup Whole Corn Kernels, Cooked 1 Cup White Hominy 1 (4 oz.) Can Chopped Green Chile Peppers 1 (15 oz.) Can Black Beans, Rinsed/Drained 1/4 Cup Chopped Fresh Cilantro 2 Chicken Breasts, Cooked/Shredded Crushed Tortilla Chips Sliced Avocado Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese Chopped Green Onions


In a medium stock pot, heat oil over medium heat. Saute onion and garlic in oil until soft. Stir in chili powder, oregano, tomatoes, broth, and water. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Stir in corn, hominy, chiles, beans, cilantro, and chicken. Simmer for 10 minutes. Ladle soup into individual serving bowls, and top with crushed tortilla chips, avocado slices, cheese, and chopped green onion.


H OT A R T I C H O KE D I P Ingredients:

1 Can Quartered Artichoke Hearts (Drain And Rough Chop The Hearts) 1 Can Diced Green Chilies 1 Cup Mayo 1 Tub Shredded Parmesan Cheese


Mix all ingredients together and place in an oven safe dish or small casserole. Bake at 350 for approximately 35–40 minutes, or until slightly brown and bubbly. Serve with pita chips or crackers.


M A RG I E ' S H A M S AU C E Ingredients:

3 Tbsp. Dry Mustard ½ Cup Sugar 2 Eggs, Beaten ½ Cream (Notes Say that She Used Canned Milk) ½ Cup Vinegar Lump Of Butter 2 Tbsp. Horseradish


Cook until it boils a few minutes stirring constantly. Thickens when it cools. Keeps in refrigerator indefinitely.



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Boxed Wine Benefits Abound Don’t get mad at me wine connoisseurs, but boxed wine is making a comeback. It is no longer the tacky alcohol of choice for college students looking for a cheap buzz. Boxed wine has a number of benefits, both economically and environmentally. One of the principal reasons for this change in trend is the environmental and cost benefits of producing, transporting, storing, and consuming wine from a bag versus a bottle. Glass is energy intensive to create and is heavier to transport than its adversary. An article from the NY Times outlines the benefit of switching from glass to cardboard from a carbon emissions point of view:

With cardboard as the main material used, wine in a bag inside a box can be produced at a much reduced price than glass. Thus, consumers can purchase the wine at a cheaper price.

There are a number of wineries now opting to sell their grapes in both the bottle and the bag. Rosés are a popular choice. Experts recommend From the Tank rosé from Domaine de la Patience and Jenny & Francois Selections made from Syrah and Grenache. Pascal Lambert’s Chinon “Capucine” is a fresh and unpretentious Cabernet Franc. The profile of the wine is honest and charming. Some people say it has the ability to transport you right into that Parisian daydream of sipping a glass in a quaint bistro. It is particularly tasty chilled, so it lends itself perfectly to the compact benefit of a bag stored in the fridge or ice chest. Additionally, the La Nevera Rosado 2017 is a favorite of leaders in the industry. It’s 100% Garnacha and 100% delicious, not to mention an incredible value. According to customers, “spiced salmon, perky ceviche or even straight up flank steak pair beautifully with this plucky rosé—so well, you will wish you had another box on hand.” If I haven’t yet convinced you, the eco-friendly packaging of boxed wine is compact, making them easy to pack for a trip or tote outside for camping, picnics, or dining al fresco. We love wine here in the North State and equally enjoy exploring innovations that the industry has created. So, here’s to wine in all its forms. Salud!


“A standard wine bottle holds 750 milliliters of wine and generates about 5.2 pounds of carbon-dioxide emissions when it travels from a vineyard in California to a store in New York. A 3-liter box generates about half the emissions per 750 milliliters. Switching to wine in a box for the 97 percent of wines that are made to be consumed within a year would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about two million tons, or the equivalent of retiring 400,000 cars.”

Unfortunately, lower costing wine connotes reduced quality wine but that is just not the case with these produces anymore.



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I’m grateful for my daughter and her husband moving back to the area with my Grandson!! I feel so blessed. –Shuree Wesley

I have SO many things to be grateful for every single day, but my family tops the charts. There aren't words to describe how incredibly thankful I am for them. –Alyssa Worley

I’m grateful for all of my friends and family who have given so much meaning to my life. I wouldn’t even dream of the opportunities I have now if it weren’t for their constant support. –Emily LeBlanc

I am thankful for being able to walk. You sometimes don't realize how thankful you are for the ordinary parts of life until you lose it. –Michelle Camy

After living away from Chico for four years, I'm grateful to be celebrating the holiday season in my hometown once again. I'm also grateful for Upper Crust pies. –Emma Hoppough

This year I am especially thankful for my husband, who has made my world complete. I’m also thankful for my family, friends, my cat and ice cream! –Stacy Plance

I am grateful for the new life inside of me who I am looking forward to meeting anytime now. –Kimberly Moore Messina

As cliche as it sounds, this Thanksgiving I am most thankful for my friends and family. I am grateful to have a family that has always been there for me. Even though they may be not even in the same town, or same state, I know that they are only a phone call away. I am thankful for my Dad and all the important lessons he taught me, whether intentionally, or unintentionally. For all the

I am thankful for many things this holiday season, but I am most thankful for the health and well being of my family and those I hold dear. –Kelsey Veith

wonderful trips we take, the concerts we see, and the memories we have looked back on them. I am thankful for my Mom who has always supported and willing to bend over backward for me. She would drop anything and everything at a moments notice to help me. And for my sister Lauren, even though we've had our fair share of sibling rivalries, I am grateful for her as well. For Annie Minkler and the Minkler Family who have become a second family for me. I am thankful for all the friends that I have made here over the past 11 years in Chico. For the new friends that I made here after leaving for college and for the opportunities to reconnect with old ones that haven't seen in years. For all my friends at Refuel Nutrition, that I've made through Herbalife, Upgraded Living, CrossFit, and at Chico State. Behind every "thing" I like or enjoy has always been an influential friend, mentor, or loving person. I am thankful for all of these people in my life. Whether it be in times of need, or just to hang out and have a good time. Thank you all, so much. –Frank Rebelo


Given Corey Tile’s large selection, it’s hard to believe that Kevin and Darcy moved to Paradise just six months ago, when the Thomas Fire pushed the couple out of Ventura County. Despite their recent move, the Coreys have made themselves right at home. Their appreciation of the town comes through in their bonds with local artists and their multiple Gold Nugget Days collections. “We’re thrilled with Paradise,” Kevin says. “Everyone is so friendly.”


ART AND LEARNING From a Google Maps perspective, Corey Tile appears easy to miss from its location on the Skyway—but if you peek at the building for more than a second, you’ll notice its flying pig mailbox, lavendercolored patio, painted fish-rocks, and, of course, its collection of tile prints in all shapes, sizes, and designs. Yeah, turns out it’s hard to overlook. Corey Tile, run by artist Kevin Corey and his wife Darcy, sells everything from personalized image gifts to outdoor signs and murals. Although the Coreys work hard—seven days a week for five years straight, by Kevin’s estimate—they do so out of a passion for both creativity and creative people. Kevin Corey may be new to Paradise, but he already has big plans to spread his love of art and learning back into the community that has embraced him.

Kevin also works with clients to create custom tile designs. “I treat every piece that comes in as if I just shot it,” he says about the process, which involves collaborating on product selection and photo restoration. “It’s just so rewarding. And these gifts are so special.” Many customers use tile to display indelible images of their loved ones, often supplying Kevin with worn photos that have lived in wallets for decades. As far as image popularity, Kevin says, “Dogs are number one, grandkids number two.”—who knew? 74

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Although he has worked at Corey Tile for 13 years now, a career move that began with a small t-shirt printing gig, Kevin continues to expand the shop by incorporating painting and sculptural projects into his selection. He has already hosted art classes in the building, and now plans to open a community art center closer to downtown Paradise. As someone who has searched for mentors throughout his years (and careers), Kevin encourages future artists to do the same: “If you want to learn to paint, come on in—paint!” Whether or not people take him up on that offer, Kevin says, “I think the best thing we can do is bring that to the community—to bring art.”


Walking into Kevin’s shop, you’ll see tile embedded in signs, serving trays, wooden boxes, and kitchen backsplash. There’s more: Corey Tile holds colorful displays of coasters, magnets, and plates—all featuring the artist’s photography. The shop, which works in retail and wholesale, even boasts a scratch-proof technique for outdoor tiles, a product that came in handy when Kevin spent a year constructing 40 murals for a church in Fillmore.

Kevin’s quick integration into Northern California should not shock those who know him: the artist has already transitioned through successful careers as a professional piano tuner, a theme song writer, a country music performer, and more—moving from Minnesota to Chicago to California. Though he remains humble about his accomplishments, it’s clear that this jack of all trades enjoys pursuing creative endeavors as much as he does accomplishing them.


In an old home in downtown Chico, a black and white spotted poodle named Scarlett lives with her parents. In their home of beautifully ominous sky paintings and bookshelves filled with the likes of Sherlock Holmes, the innovative fire captain and his wonderfully quirky wife, Kathryn, create. Upon entering their home Kathryn offers me an Americano and confesses to having only woken up five minutes ago. She has relied on her internal clock for years but today she must have hit the snooze button. As Scarlett settles down from the excitement of new people resting her head on my lap for some attention, Kathryn flutters off to make us both some coffee. Looking around the home, I notice the eclectic treasure trove surrounding me and take note of the unique pieces within this amazing collection. It’s obvious Kathryn has an eye for art and that is why she studied Art history in college. She recalls experimenting with art at a very young age, but beyond the group classes of elementary school, she never 76

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really took a studio class until college. Her husband, a fire captain with Cal fire, also is a creator having made a number of pieces in their home including an industrial pipe candelabra and a Mason jar chandelier. They met in high school and the truth of their connection was magic. As Kathryn describes it, “he got out of his red Toyota with his white shirt and ripped jeans, the sun was setting, birds flew by, and Jon Bon Jovi began singing in my head.” It’s obvious they share a love for creating beautiful pieces and for each other. Two other things Kathryn loves are to laugh at silly stuff and to change her art style. She saw the Yule Logs perform and instantly fell in love with the band after hearing the song “Leaping Lord.” She could not stop laughing and looks forward to showcasing her art at any event they will be performing at this year. Changing her art style is something she not only likes to do but also finds that it naturally happens with time and life. She experiments with different techniques,

The technique she uses to create her pieces is often time consuming and quite meticulous. For her smaller pieces, she calls ‘Art Candy’; she does 4–5 layers of resign and her larger pieces take anywhere from 8–15 layers. The time consuming part is that there is a 24-hour waiting period between each layer so pieces often take a whole week to make. The idea of layers is one she finds fascinating and researches climate science so she can better understand what goes on in the layers underneath to create the beauty we see. Just as in the sky and sea, the layers in her art affect each other and so she plans out each layer before she starts the piece. Right now, she creates on canvas, but she is considering transitioning to wood, change is a constant and unavoidable thing for the artist. KATHRYN CURRENTLY HAS PIECES AT BOTH ART ETC. AND MAGNA CARTA. FOLLOW HER ON INSTAGRAM TO SEE HER LATEST CREATIONS OR VISIT KATHRYNSILVERA.COM.


A Kaleidoscope of Layers

creates something she loves, and then waits for the excitement to die down. She knows herself well enough to know that after a few weeks she will want to go back and add to it. Her art and style she describes as a Cloisonné kaleidoscope and resign abstract that favors depicting land and seascapes. She hesitates to put a stamp on what it is she intends to depict because she does not want her view to augment the viewer’s experience.



For Everyone Did you know...? • We provide low-cost veterinary care for everyone • 29% of pet owners who don’t seek regular vet care cite cost as the reason • Dental Disease is the most common disease affecting cats and dogs • And it’s Preventable! Yearly veterinary checkups are the best way to keep your pet healthy—because it’s much easier to prevent disease than treat it. Started in 1911, Butte Humane Society is one of our community’s most established nonprofits. When most people think about BHS, they think of our adoption services, spay/neuter, etc. These services are crucial to our mission. However, many are not aware that our low-cost veterinary services are available to EVERYONE in the community, not just for the best friends adopted from us.

We offer low-cost veterinary services for two primary reasons: • We want everyone to have the longest, healthiest lives possible with their best friends. • These services are integral to our role in maintaining a healthy animal and human population. Although it’s true our veterinary services are more affordable, the value we offer is not because our services are different from elsewhere. Our mission drives us to make these services affordable so as many as possible can access the vital care their best friends need. Please consider BHS for your veterinary needs. For pricing information, visit ButteHumane.org. BUTTE HUMANE SOCIETY Low-Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic 587 Country Drive Chico, CA 95928 530.343.7917 x 202


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5th Annual Soggy Dog Day 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Shapiro Pool, Chico Cost: Swim $10 | Health Fair Free Info: Bring your dog and splash away at Shapiro Pool or attend the free health and wellness fair. This event is split into seven 30-minute time slots for water play. Farm City Harvest Festival 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Bidwell Mansion, Chico Info: A free rain or shine event for the whole family. There will be fun agricultural related activities along with a bounce house, rope course, and face painting.

Info: A world where dancing fairies live, pumpkins turn into carriages, and fairy godmothers really do make dreams come true. Additional dates 11.24 & 11.25 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets available at chicoperformances. com or 530.898.6333

NOVEMBER 18 Christmas Preview 4:00–8:00 p.m. Downtown, Chico Info: Christmas Preview is Downtown Chico tradition! Downtown merchants present the finest in hometown hospitality, debuting their holiday offerings, showing off decorations, and providing refreshments and entertainment. Open to the public 530.345.6500.



Norma: SF Opera Series Laxson Auditorium, Chico Cost: $18 Adult | $16 Senior $10 Youth/Chico State Student Info: A Priestess betrays her people by falling in love with an occupying soldier. When he abandons her for another, her volatile mix of anger and guilt threatens the lives of the innocent and guilty alike. Tickets at chicoperformances.com or 530.898.6333

13th Annual Run For Food 9:00 a.m One Mile Recreation Area in Lower Bidwell Park, Chico Cost: runforfood.com/event-info Info: Run for Food began when a group of Chico families and businesses saw the impact the Jesus Center has by providing food and services to those in need in Chico. Knowing the Jesus Center is funded solely by community support, they came together to organize the Thanksgiving Day run/ walk benefiting the Jesus Center.More information at chico@runforfood.com or call 624-6932

NOVEMBER 9 10th Annual Coming Out For Art 6:00–9:00 p.m. 900 Esplanade, Chico Info: The show will run (with art for sale) from Nov. 8–11.This year's theme is "Expressions Of Resilience." This will be an evening of art, performance, and community benefiting Chico's LGBTQI+ center. More info, at cofa@ stonewallchico.org or 530.893.3336.


NOVEMBER 17 Cinderella–A Magical Ballet 2:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Laxson Auditorium, Chico Cost: $30 Premium | $23 Adult $21 Senior | $13 Youth


NOVEMBER 29–DEC. 2 Musical Theatre Production–Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas 11.29–12.1, 7:30 p.m. | 12.1–12.2, 2:00 p.m. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico Cost: $20 Adult | $18 Senior | $8 Youth/ Chico State Student Info: Emmet Otter is a heartwarming story of Emmet and his Ma, who compete in the local talent show so that they can raise money to buy each other Christmas gifts. Originally a 1977 Jim Henson TV special based on the Russell and Lillian Hoban children's book of the same name, this touching story is sure to be fun for the entire family.

BACKPAGE 31 Reasons I love, adore, appreciate, and am thankful for the girl in the picture on page three. The number is based on the guesstimated number of hairstyles she’s had over the years. I could come up with much more than 31derful reasons. They include: • She was late to creative writing, first day of senior year—the first time we met. • One month later, in the downtown Denny’s, she told her sister, “I am going to marry that guy!” • As the pregnant wife of a high school basketball coach, our three year old at her side, she kept my book at an away game, some two and one half hours from home. • One of my teams voted her Homecoming Queen. • She has an amusing and quasi-annoying relationship with her iphone, rabbit holes and all. • She does not have a Facebook, but vicariously lives through mine, suggesting new friends.

• She has amazing patience that I consistently rearrange the furniture in both the living and family rooms. • On any given Saturday in February, she can be discovered watching two nondescript NCAA Division I schools with names no one recognizes. It takes her about five minutes to acquaint herself with both team’s players and coaches, as she spends the rest of the game yelling at the officials, clearly knowing which team she wants to win! • She has her dream of having multiple bedrooms to house every needy child she can find. • Holding hands with her is an intimate act. • Not certain I could find a person who could believe we are the same age. • Her fried chicken, cooked in a cast iron skillet, is to die for —literally. • It is marvelous to witness each time she enters a room and completely changes each one.

• She can sew. • She can also dance, and I mean dance; so our grandsons have a chance to have rhythm. • She does not make me feel one bit bad that I cannot. Dance that is.

• Through her experience, she has more knowledge of the skin than those who have degrees. • On Saturday mornings, she sends me a text when she is ready for her coffee. • She drives a race car and is a self proclaimed brand snob.

• It is incredible to realize that she has worked full time, longer than those 43 years. • All of our family and extended family members have called at least once for a medical diagnosis. • She is thirsty for knowledge and curiously reads, willing to keep her eyes wide open. • From 9 inch heels to white, low cut Converse, every shoe looks great on her size 7 tiny feet. • She’s a remarkably effective Mom, with her gifted balance of timely truth and collective caring. • Our girls turned out great and they think she did too.

• Her son and daughter-in-law think she is the real deal, and she thinks they are too. • She is confident, knowing she is the favorite of the two men in her life—her Dad and me. • Her weakness is thinking of herself first, her strength that everyone comes before her, making it impossible for her to answer the question, “What do you want to do?” • She’s my light, guide, confidant, critic, biggest fan, drinking partner, and one and only. • I leave you with a line from Sara Bareilles’ “I Choose You”—“The very first words of a lifelong love letter.” Or, more accurately, the continued words of...

• As a grandmother, she allows our grandsons to dote over me before they come to her. 79

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