Issue dec 2015

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Issue 1 UP Mode

UP Mode


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Cover picture: “River Torrens” by Gordon Gammage

UP Mode Issue 1


How I learned to stop worrying and love the Drone 12 Music Streaming 16 Internet killed the TV Star 20 Internet Security 20 GPS 8

ENTERTAINMENT 24 28 33 36 20 38

The Walking Dead A trip down the Rabbit Hole: The Weird and Wonderful world of Tim Burton Shaken Not Stirred: Over 50 years of the Man with the License to Kill Movie Reviews Justin Bieber Poem by Carmine C


52 Purple Power 55 Recipes

SPORTS 62 65 67

Racism Has No Age: Adam Goodes Volleyball Depression in Sports


The Governor of Adelaide Pacific Soup


Game Review: Final Fantasy Game Review: Metal Geal Solid Destiny: The Taken King


30 Easy ways to Save Money Saving Money Over Christmas

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Issue 1 UP Mode

Editor-In-Chief Larissa A Writers

Huw C, Kian R, Renee J, Travis C, Kyle M, Matthew SW, Carmine C Geoffrey E, Josh H, Arron C, Adam M, Andrew C, Samuel B Layout Artists Huw C Kian R Renee J Travis C Kyle M, Matthew SW, Carmine C Geoffrey E, Josh H, Arron C, Adam M, Andrew C, Samuel B

UpMode Community Magazine Level 7, 68 Grenfell St, Adelaide Phone : 8222 2345

UP Mode Issue 1



rones, (also commonly known as remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are aircraft commonly controlled by remote control or autonomously without a pilot on board. Previously the exclusive domain of commercial operators and hobbyists due to their cost and difficulty to operate, drone exposure and usage has rapidly expanded over the past few years. The proliferation of smartphone technology that takes advantage of GPS modules, gyroscopes, accelerometers and processors has been adopted for use in these tiny UFOs. When coupled with the fact that a variety of apparatus can be mounted to them, such as a camera this has prompted concerns over people’s privacy and safety. Considering that drones can be operated by nearly anyone with little training these concerns do seem somewhat justified.

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Numerous incidents involving the use of drones going awry have been reported since their rapid adoption. In January 2015, a recreational drone user flew their drone over the United States of America’s presidential residence, the white house, and crashed, prompting a lockdown of the premises until it was determined to be safe. Closer to home, in 2014 a Tourist on the Gold Coast was caught flying his drone over the beach capturing people sunbathing without their permission. A separate incident in Sydney 2013 saw a drone operator lose control of the drone he was operating and crashing it into the Sydney Harbor Bridge, causing prompting an investigation by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). However, preventing the use of drones due to the absent mindedness and unlawful behavior that gave rise to such incidents would be like denying a

Issue 1 UP Mode


rones, (also commonly known as remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are aircraft commonly controlled by remote control or autonomously without a pilot on board. Previously the exclusive domain of commercial operators and hobbyists due to their cost and difficulty to operate, drone exposure and usage has rapidly expanded over the past few years. The proliferation of smartphone technology that takes advantage of GPS modules, gyroscopes, accelerometers and processors has been adopted for use in these tiny UFOs. When coupled with the fact that a variety of apparatus can be mounted to them, such as a camera this has prompted concerns over people’s privacy and safety. Considering that drones can be operated

CASA GUIDELINES FOR RECREATIONAL DRONE USE A user must keep their drone 30 metres away from people. The operators drone must remain under altitudes of 125 metres (400 feet). No operation over large gatherings of people is allowed (e.g.: crowds at the beach, protestors, or sporting events). The drone operator must keep the drone within line of site while in flight. Drones may not be operated within 5 kilometres of an airport.

Image mosaic of orangutan nest habitat taken from drones flown by

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UP Mode Issue 1 by nearly anyone with little training these concerns do seem somewhat justified. Numerous incidents involving the use of drones going awry have been reported since their rapid adoption. In January 2015, a recreational drone user flew their drone over the United States of America’s presidential residence, the white house, and crashed, prompting a lockdown of the premises until it was determined to be safe. Closer to home, in 2014 a Tourist on the Gold Coast was caught flying his drone over the beach capturing people sunbathing without their permission. A separate incident in Sydney 2013 saw a drone operator lose control of the drone he was operating and crashing it into the Sydney Harbor Bridge, causing prompting an investigation by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). However, preventing the use of drones due to the absent mindedness and unlawful behavior that gave rise to such incidents would be like denying a carpenter a hammer on account of it being capable of bashing people’s heads in. Drones, like any technology, are tools‌ and as tools have the potential to provide real benefits to society at large both public and

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private. Drones have been shown to be beneficial for research and conservation, agriculture, asset management as well as emergency scenarios. The Orangutan Conservancy, in collaboration with ecologists has implemented drones in order to produce near real-time land use/cover maps of orangutan habitat in Indonesia. The drones provide a method for monitoring illegal logging and monitoring orangutan nests. The usage of drones to monitor the Orangutans has decreased the costs previously required by removing the need for ground surveys. Due to the substantial scope of agricultural operations, drones provide a mechanism to inspect crops to

Image Source:

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The Problem With Passwords

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e all know that computer security is important. None of us want people accessing our Facebook accounts, our bank accounts, and our computers. Yet surprisingly most people don’t know how to actually secure these things, or some just don’t want to. Here are some things that people do and don’t do that end up compromising them more than they might think. Use passwords that mean something personal People love to personalise things; we pick wallpapers for our computer, put photos around the office, and put charms on our phones. Unfortunately this habit extends to areas that they probably shouldn’t, e.g. our passwords. Typically people will be asked to create a password with letters and numbers and so they’ll use something like the names of their pets plus a significant number such as birth years, anniversaries, or ages. Computers aren’t going to be an issue here, the problem lies with people who know us personally or at least have information on us because they can potentially use this information to figure out the password, “MrScruffles11” just isn’t secure in the office.

Meet password rules in the easiest way possible Coming up with a new password is annoying, we just don’t like putting in the brain power required to come up with a good one. So when we get given rules for new passwords like “Must have a capital letter, a symbol , a number, and must be at least 8 characters long”, you can bet that 95% of people are going to make a password that follows those rules in the easiest to remember format possible. Think about it, which is easier to remember, “xT8k>6bn” or “Purple#2”? Obviously it’s the latter, which is also the easiest to crack by a basic password cracking algorithm. Use passwords that everyone uses Unfortunately people are prone to repeat common patterns, and they can be lazy, which can lead to a large group of people using the same passwords such as “password” or “123456”. And sometimes even passwords we think are unique, just aren’t; the 25th most common password of 2014 was the hilariously ironic (and kind of sad) “trustno1”. There are massive lists of the most common passwords that can be found on the internet, which means that if you have one of these passwords, it will probably be cracked in a couple of seconds.

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UP Mode Issue 1 Never change their password All security, both physical and digital, is based on making it take an extremely long time for ne’er-do-wells to gain access. Given enough time, anyone could break into a house, a bank, or an online account. Computers can potentially test tens of thousands of passwords A SECOND, so the entire goal of password security is making the amount of tries necessary to crack the password so obscenely large that it will take tens, hundreds, or preferably thousands of years to break. Unfortunately computers are also getting a lot faster and a lot cheaper every year; what would take a $500 PC in 2005 to crack in 50 years could be cracked by a PC for the same price today about 1 year. What this means is that if someone has been using the same password for 10 years, it is probably not nearly as secure as it used to be. Use the same password everywhere It’s hard to remember more than a few passwords, and as previously stated, we don’t particularly like coming up with new ones. This leads to people using the same one or two passwords everywhere, and this is probably the worst thing anyone can do with their passwords.

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You’re effectively now trusting every single place you make an account to: -Not try and use that username/ password combination anywhere else -Not sell that information to people who would like to use it -Store it securely and not get hacked And if someone gets a hold of your username and password, and links that username to an email address, oh boy, you’ve basically just lost every account you’ve ever made because most password recovery systems work through email. Write down their password Okay, so you make sure to make a unique password with mixed case, mixed numbers and symbols, no dictionary or meaningful words, and you’ve made it of significant length. You’ve also made sure you never use the same password twice, or at the very least never use the same passwords on accounts that you couldn’t stand to be compromised. That’s a lot of complex, hard to remember passwords. So what do you do? You write it down somewhere, and shove it in your drawer (or even worse, stick it to your computer). This is amazingly common and also obviously very insecure. It’s almost like putting the key to a bank vault behind a “do not break glass” sign where anyone can get to it.

Issue 1 UP Mode “So what do I do about it?” Well, the easiest way is to think of 4 random common-English words, at least 5 letters long, and then piece them together. If you’re forced to use obscure rules, just follow them in a predictable/memorable manner, however you like. Remember, the goal is to make the password long (so it’s diffcult for a computer to guess), seemingly random (so it’s hard for a human to guess), and easy to remember (so that you don’t forget or write it down). And avoid reusing passwords as much as possible. For an example password, here’s one: ‘correcthorsebatterystaple’, it’s long, it’s nonsensical, and well...


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GPS Image Source: United States Government

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Issue 1 UP Mode Image Source: Open Street Map Contributors


he Global Positioning System (GPS), is a satellite based navigation system that has allowed for our precise location to be derived in all weather conditions. Initially developed for military applications by the United States of America Air Force, GPS became available for civilian use from the 1980s and became fully operational in 1995. Since then the system has come to be fundamental too much of our everyday life. The GPS system operates by the presence of 24 satellites arranged in six equally spaced orbits surrounding the earth. Each orbit possesses at least 4 satellites and the arrangement ensures that there always at least 4 satellites visible to a GPS receiver. This allows a GPS receiver to derive its geographical location via a form of triangulation by calculating the time it takes for each satellite to transmit its location in orbit for the receiver to read.

wide variety of tasks undertaken by industry and society possible. GPS has enabled a significant increase in efficiency and safety in seafaring. Not only has GPS provided mariners with a method of fast and accurate navigation unconstrained by line of site, but it also improved many of the maps and charts they use to navigate by providing a method for surveyors to chart the ocean floor in absence of the land based reference points previous required. Aviation has also benefited, GPS has provided a way for three dimensional position determinations for all phases of flying. This has increased the safety and efficiency of flight in its global continuous determination of position for aircraft.

As location information collected through GPS can be brought together with other regional information, it has made it possible to come to more complete The significance of this feat of understandings of the spatial technology is often lost on many aspects of a problem than beyond being able bring up their previously possible conventionally. precise location on their phone. GPS, in conjunction with the advent Above: The configuration of GPS This capability has allowed maps of modern computing, made a satellites in orbit - Source NASA to be produced of disaster areas

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UP Mode Issue 1 “The significance of this feat of technology is often lost on many beyond being able to bring up their precise location on their phone.” with little to no turn around, allowing damage to be quickly assessed and greatly assisting those undertaking search and rescue. Outside of such scenarios, GPS has come to underpin much of our everyday tasks. To share the limited radio spectrum required for cellular data networks, GPS provides precision measurements of time in order to keep cellular base stations in sync. In supporting our communication networks way GPS is further utilised in combination with other forms of information technology, providing accurate information on transport departures and arrivals to our phones and assisting with step by step navigation by providing the users accurate location. So next time you’re waiting for that bus that you know is late. Remember without GPS knowing how late the bus is would not be possible. The launch of the final GPS satellite in the IIR(M) generation currently in orbit - Source United States Government

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urviving the Zombie Apocalypse may look easy to fans of the AMC’s hit television series ‘The Walking Dead’, thanks to characters like Rick Grimes with his Colt Python, and Michonne with her Katana. One or two zombies (nicknamed “Walkers” in the show) may look easy to dispose of, but ten or twenty are a different story, so it helps to stick to the shadows and dispose of Walkers as quickly and quietly as possible. No character demonstrates this skill better than The Walking Dead’s, Daryl Dixon. Daryl shows his proficiency with his trademark crossbow on countless occasions by aiding his allies and other survivors, and by killing Walkers he comes across. Various scenes show him crafting crossbow bolts from materials he finds during his scavenging hunts, granting him a brand new supply of ammunition, which makes the crossbow he carries an invaluable item during the apocalypse. Daryl is also extremely talented when it comes to wielding a knife, being able to dispose of Walkers silently with a quick stab to the skull. These two items, combined with Daryl’s amazing ability to use them, make him an extremely skilled assassin and an even more valued member of the group.

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Issue 1 UP Mode He is also a quick thinker, able to get out of tricky situations and able to use items around him as defensive weapons, even going as far as using a live Walker’s decapitated head as a weapon. Daryl is also a talented tracker and hunter, showing his skills many times by tracking down lost friends and hidden enemies, as well as hunting down his prey, be it Walkers, or people that stand between him and the survival of his group. Daryl also has a great advantage when capturing or killing animals for food. His stealth, tracking skills and weapon choice make it quick and easy to find a meal, and in a zombie apocalypse, food is a must to ensure your survival. Other weapons like rifles and handguns may pack more of a punch, but they also expose your position to any Walkers or people nearby.

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UP Mode Issue 1 Somewhat the outcast of the group, Daryl finds it difficult relating to many of the people he meets on his journey. His rough demeanour and quiet personality make him rather unpredictable too. These qualities make it easy for him to hunt and explore on his own without much risk, whereas others rely on the help of their friends more often than not. However, Daryl has proven to care immensely about the people in his group, developing strong bonds with many of them, even developing a brotherly bond with group leader, Rick Grimes. Daryl has proven himself time and time again, saving many of his friends from danger and aiding them in their journey together. Many, if not all of the skills and qualities Daryl possesses, make him a true survivor. Using his instinct and ingenuity to push forward, he is able to overcome just about anything. But no matter how skilled you are, it certainly helps to have a good group of friends to travel the undead roads with.

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Issue 1 UP Mode Daryl has shown fans everywhere that he is more than capable of surviving The Walking Dead, and he’ll be back in action in Season 6 which is set to premiere October 11, 2015.

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Tim Burton

Article: Renee James

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im Burton was born in Burbank California on August 25 1958 to Jean & Bill Burton. At a young age Burton began making stop motion movies in his backyard which is the art of moving an object slightly & taking a picture. The photo frames are then played all together to create a complete moving picture. He enjoyed watching movies on television as well as at the theatre & in particular enjoyed going to a theatre near him that would show a monster movie triple feature.

Photo: Mystery-Free images on Pixabay(

Issue 1 UP Mode A trip down the rabbit hole: The weird & wonderful world of Tim Burton. He went to Burbank High School & later attended the California Institute of arts in Valencia, studying character animation. During this time he made the short films “Stalk of the Celery Monster” & “King & Octopus”. Burton was able to obtain an animators apprentiship at Walt Disney productions due to his short “Stalk of the Celery Monster”. Through this apprentiship he worked on movies such as “The fox and the Hound”, “The Black Caldron” & “Tron”. In 1982 he made his first short Vincent which was about a young boy who imagines that he is his hero Vincent Price. This was followed by “Hansel & Gretel” which was his first feature done in a Japanese style. Burton’s next short in 1984 was entitled “Frankenweenie” which tells the story of a boy who tries to

revive his dog “Frankenstein” style after he is run over. This short led Disney to fire Burton as it was believed he was using resources to create something that was too creepy for children. Burton always found the darker elements of Disney movies to be the best part.

Burton was married to German born actress Lena Gieseke whom he later broke up with in 1991. He then lived with Model & Actress Lisa Marie who acted in the films he made from 1992-2001. In 2005 he met & started a relationship which actress Helena Bonham Carter with whom he has two children. Burton & Bonham Carter split in 2014.

Movies: After actor Paul Reubens had seen “Vincent” & “Frankenweenie” he wanted Burton to direct the cinema version of his character PeeWee. In 1985 Burton directed “Pee Wee’s big adventure” on which he first collaborated with songwriter Danny Elfman. In 1988 Burton directed “Beetlejuice” which stared Michael Keaton & Winona Ryder. It won the Academy Award for best makeup. In recent times there has been talk about doing a sequel to “Beetlejuice” & Michael Keaton & Winona Ryder have expressed an interest in donning their roles again. In 1989 Tim Burton directed his first big budget film “Batman”. Michael Keaton again featured which was initially a hard process as the produces believed that

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UP Mode Issue 1 Keaton was better suited for comedy. Burton believed Keaton was it as soon as he met him & that he had the right every day man quality that was required for the part. Burton was the co-writer, producer & director of the 1990 “Edward Scissorhands”. Johnny Depp (in his first of many collaborations with Burton) starred as Edward who was created by an inventor but was left with scissors as hands after the inventor dies. The movie is set in the suburbs which is a great contrast with the overall dark nature of the film.

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In 1993 Burton wrote & produced “The Nightmare before Christmas”. The film was done in a stop motion style & 24 moves had to be made for every second of film. As with other Tim Burton works “The Nightmare before Christmas” started as poetry before it was brought to life on screen. From 1994-1996 Burton directed & produced “Ed Wood” & “Mars Attacks”. Burton directed Sleepy Hollow in 1999. The movie received an academy award for best art direction & two BAFTAS for best costume design & best production design. Johnny Depp again starred in the title role. Christopher Walken who played the headless horseman confessed after getting the part that he didn’t know how to ride a horse. The entire film sees 18 actors lose their heads.

From 2001-2007 Burton directed “Planet of the Apes”, “Big Fish”, “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory”, “Corpse Bride” & “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”. Burton directed “Alice in Wonderland” in 2010 which won two academy awards for best art direction & best costume design. An interesting fact is that when real hatters used to make hats they would use glue that was very high in mercury & would literally cause them to go “as mad as a hatter”. “Dark Shadows” which Burton directed in 2012 received mixed reviews. The movie was based on the TV show which ran from 1966-1971. Also in 2012 Burton wrote, directed & produced “Frankenweenie” which he turned into a full feature length film based on his original short.

Issue 1 UP Mode In 2014 Burton directed & produced “Big Eyes” staring Amy Adams as Margaret Keane who was an artist. Her husband falsely claimed her work in the 1950’s & 60’s. Future work in 2016 sees Tim Burton directing the movie “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children”. Burton will also be producing “Alice through the looking glass”. As well as writing, producing & directing movies Burton has also directed two music videos for the band “The Killers”, “Bones” in 2006 & “Here with me” in 2007.

Personal note: Being a huge fan of Tim Burton myself I jumped at the chance to go and experience the show Danny Elfman’s “The music of Tim Burton” which played at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre in march 2015. The

Adelaide symphony orchestra brought Tim Burton’s movies to life through the beautiful & haunting music of Danny Elfman & accompanied this with early sketches & scenes from a collection of Tim Burton’s movies. Also a few years ago I attended “Tim Burton the Exhibition” in Melbourne. To be able to view early sketches & costumes from various films was a unique experience & made me feel like I was able to have a look inside Burton’s head. Whether you are a huge Tim Burton fan or not he has made a very distinct & quirky mark on the movie world. From a person who believes his work to be beautifully dark I think he always stretches the imagination, makes you believe the impossible & creates worlds & images that will always be remembered. I should probably leave the last words to the man himself. “One person’s craziness is

another person’s reality”

Photo Above: Edward Scissorhands|Flickr Photo Sharing!( Photo Left: The Nightmare of Tim burton on Trick-And-TreatsDeviantart. (trick-and-treats.

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James Bond 007

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Picture: That James Bond guy is back|Flickr Photo Sharing. 007Logo: James Bond-Fun Casino

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Shaken not Stirred: Over 50 years of the man with the License to kill. Article: Renee James


e’s known for his Martini’s (shaken not stirred of course), his Aston Martin, for always being surrounded by beautiful women, and for having to thwart insane villains. His name “Bond. James Bond”. The longest running franchise in movie history with its 24th instalment “Spectre” set to come out in November this year has given us 6 incarnations of the spy with the licence to kill. James Bond started as a book character created by Ian Fleming in 1953 before he was given life in 1962 in the first Bond film “Dr No”. “Dr No” starred Sean Connery as Bond, Ursula Andress as our first Bond girl Honey Ryder & Joseph Wiseman as our first villain Dr No. Bernard Lee starred as M the head of the British secret service & Lois Maxwell starred as Moneypenny M’s secretary. Bernard Lee went on to star in 10 more films as M & Lois Maxwell starred in another 13 films as Moneypenny. Sean Connery went on to star in 1963’s “From Russia with Love”, 1964’s “Goldfinger”, 1965’s “Thunderball” & 1967’s “You Only Live Twice”. In 1969 George Lazenby took up the mantle in “On her majesty’s secret service”.

Lazenby only stayed for one film & so in 1971 Sean Connery returned once more to play Bond in “Diamonds are Forever”. Roger Moore was then cast in 1973’s “Live & Let Die”, 1974’s “The man with the Golden Gun”, 1977’s “The spy who loved me”, 1979’s “Moonraker”, 1981’s “For your eyes only”, 1983’s “Octopussy” & 1985’s “A view to a kill”. Timothy Dalton was our next Jimmy in 1987’s “The living daylights” & “Licence to kill” in 1989. In 1995 Pierce Brosnan played the role in “Goldeneye”, “Tomorrow never dies” in 1997, “The world is not enough” in 1999 & “Die another day” in 2002. The most recent incarnation of Bond is Daniel Craig who played the iconic spy in “Casino Royale” in 2006, “Quantum of Solace” in 2008, “Skyfall” in 2012 & the soon to be released “Spectre”. These are all Eon Production films but there have been other film adaptations of Bond that are considered unofficial. In 1967 Casino Royale was first made into a film starring David Niven as Bond & was more of a parody of the spy. In 1983 “Never Say Never Again” was made once again starring Sean Connery as Bond.

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UP Mode Issue 1 Back in the early 1960’s independent producer Kevin McClory & Scriptwriter Jack Whittingham worked on a script with Ian Fleming for a Bond film that never eventuated & Fleming then turned that script into the book “Thunderball”. Fleming; however, did not credit the two men so McClory took him to court for breaking copyright. After further legal battles McClory was able to go ahead with production of “Never Say Never Again” which ended up coming out in the same year as “Octopussy”.

Music The James Bond theme written by Monty Norman is instantly recognisable & is said to encompass everything about the character. The title song for the Bond Movie is normally as memorable. Notable iconic songs through the Bond history include “Diamonds are Forever” & “Goldfinger” sung by Shirley Bassey, “Live & Let Die” sung by Paul McCartney & Wings, “Goldeneye” sung by Tina Turner, “The World is not Enough” sung by Garbage & “Skyfall” sung by Adele.

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Gadgets & Q Another staple throughout the Bond movies are the Bond gadgets. Through this medium we gained unforgettable sequences of Bond getting mission briefings from Q branch. James was always briefed by Major Boothroyd, better known as Q who would give him the run down on his gadgets. Q was played by Peter Burton in “Dr No” but most notably was played by Desmond Llewelyn who donned the character in every Bond movie (except “Live & Let Die”) up until his last “The World is not Enough”. During this movie they introduce John Cleese & even though they eluded that Q was retiring that was not the case. Unfortunately, Llewelyn died in a car accident 3 weeks after the premier of “The World is not enough” so the title of Q was passed to Cleese in “Die Another Day”. Only recently have we been introduced to a new Q in the form of Ben Whishaw in “Skyfall” & in the much anticipated “Spectre”. Memorable gadgets through Bond’s history have included and attache case in “From Russia with Love” that would explode a gas canister disguised as talc power in your face if you opened it with the catches the wrong way, an underwater breathing device in “Thunderball” & later used in “Die another Day” & in “A view to a kill” Jimmy used a signet ring with a miniature camera. The bad

Issue 1 UP Mode guys got their fair share of gadgets too. Most notably in “The man with the golden gun” Scaramanga had a golden gun made out of a pen, a cufflink & a cigarette case.

The Women of Bond A Bond movie would not be complete without the Bond girls. Whether they were on Bonds side or against him they were always memorable & usually had a unique name to match. In “Goldfinger” we were introduced to Pussy Galore played by Honour Blackman probably the most memorable name is Bond history, Dr Holly Goodhead played by Lois Chiles in “Moonraker” who explained her character name to her father by saying “I’m a doctor with a good head on my shoulders”, Xenia Onatopp played by Famke Janssen in “Goldeneye” & Christmas Jones in “The World is not Enough” played by Denise Richards.

to open the possibility of taking power from either side. Other villains have included Rosa Klebb played by Lotte Lenya in “From Russia with Love” a Russian agent who defected to join SPECTRE who’s weapon of choice was a poison tipped knife which slid out of her shoe, Auric Goldfinger & his evil henchman Oddjob who’s weapon on choice was a Bowler hat with a steel rim. Probably the most recognisable henchman is Jaws played by Richard Kiel. Jaws got his name from the fact that he had steel teeth which could bite through just about anything. Richard Kiel was also impossibly tall at seven foot two & a half inches so combined with the teeth made for an unforgettable character.

Villains Who doesn’t love the bad guy? In early Bond movies our villains were part of an organisation known as SPECTRE which stood for SPecial Executive for Counter Intelligence Terrorism, Revenge & Extortion lead by the evil Blofeld. SPECTRE’s main objective was to create conflict between the United States & the Soviet Union


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UP Mode Issue 1 Personal Note For me my favourite Bond is Sean Connery. He handles the bad guys with a cool charm & a dry wit. I do; however, like the Bond’s & Bond girls of recent times. Daniel Craig’s Bond is rougher & they’re not afraid to get him dirty & the bond girls are far more self- sufficient. The original movies they kept Bond very clean cut & the Bond girls tended to be damsels in distress. In my opinion Bond has something for everyone; action, fast cars, amazing gadgets, romance & villains to end all villains. I’ll leave you with my favourite Bond line from “Goldfinger” as James (Connery) is strapped to a table with a laser trained on him ready to chop him in half. Bond: “Do you expect me to talk”. Goldfinger: “No Mr Bond, I expect you to die”.

Sean Connery

George Lazenby

Roger Moore

Timothy Dalton

Pierce Brosnan

Daniel Craig

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Photo: The Bonds That Tie Us: LA Bitter Lemons.

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J u s t i n

B i e b e r


ustin made his comeback performance at The 2015 VMA Awawrds – but it wasn’t all smiles, Justin broke down into tears reason his mind went completely blank after his amazing performance, which had him flying up into the whole arena singing his new song “What Do Mean?” Since being released, the single has taken the top spot on iTunes for 4 consecutive weeks. Fans have been talking about this song in particular because everyone (including myself) wants to know if the song is about his on-again off-again, officially ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez.

Article By- Naomi Tirimacco

“If you don’t dream big, there’s no use of dreaming. If you don’t have faith, there’s nothing worth believing.”- Justine Bieber Beliebers fans of Justin Bieber stop and read. There has been a whole lot of new gossip that you probably have not already know that is centred on his new single “What do you mean?”

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My question is “why would he cry?” Was it raw emotion from singing about Selena Gomez or was it something else altogether? While being interviewed as a gust star for “The Tonight Show”, Justin explained why he got so emotional, blaming it on his desperation with the break up between Selena Gomez since it happened but generally there is a story behind everything.

Issue 1 UP Mode He quoted-“I think I’ve worked so hard on this album. I’ve worked so hard at just becoming the man I want to become. Stepping into situations, you just can’t help but feel judged. I was just feeling judged and wanting to win so badly and just wanting to do what I love so badly that I just put everything on the line. Justin also said on the “Tonight Show” – “It was authentic, it was real. I really just wanted it so bad.”

In an interview with radio station Mix 10.7, Justin said that the graffiti was a mishap and wasn’t placed in the video on purpose…. Do you believe him? Only he would know the real reason.

By Understanding his point of view it totally makes sense it gave him a chance to impress his fans, himself and anyone who he really cares about.

One thing that we can all agree on fans are crazy of his new single (even guys as I believe) because it WAS “past tense” no.1 on top 100 iTunes and it has been played as no.1 for four weeks. WAY TO GO JUSTIN!! YOUR FANS CAN’T WAIT FOR WHAT’S COMING NEXT.

I was thinking that the song had something to do with his ex; Selena Gomez because of the performance she performed last year at the VMAs “The Heart Wants What It Wants” and fans seemed to know that it was about ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber. The difference was that Selena showed she was still hurting from the breakup, while Justin didn’t let it affect him (on the outside) when singing, performing and being interviewed. Another theory we all would of discovered was the background of Justin Bieber’s video clip of “What Do Mean?” (Everyone was talking about it), there is graffiti with Selena’s name!! NOW WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” is a song about a girl who makes realtionship complcated by men trying to understand the way girls think.


Fun facts about Justin Bieber:

1. Justin Bieber’s five biggest influences are Craig David, Usher, Ne-yo, Chris Brown and Justin Timberlake 2. Smallville and Friends is Justin’s favorite TV shows 3. Justin likes the Movie Notebook 4. If Justin could do any other job, he would be an architect.

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UP Mode Issue 1 We are now in the last half of 2015 and we are in the warmth and fragrances of our own Spring, yet on the other side of the world children and their families are still being birthed into an unstable and violent world. This poem I have found is still relevant and, without true change on how we consider the worth of each other, it will always be relevant.

1941-1945 Great Patriotic War. Grushki district. Ukraine, Kiev June 23, 1941.

The River Rages Softly Original poem by Carmine C


originally wrote the following poem in October 2012. With current world events in mind I recently revisited and adapted it for this publication. It’s theme is war: specifically the civilian and cultural casualties of war. It was first written in the early months

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of the growing unrest that culminated in the Arab Spring. The Syrian civil war, which had started in the Spring of the previous year, as well as the revolutions in Libya and Egypt and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, were a main feature in my thoughts at the time.

The use of the photo of the Ukrainian refugees of the Great Patriotic War is intended to draw minds to the similarities between then and now. In the background we see their homes burning. On their faces we see their pain and loss. What was the full cost of their loss? We can only really try to identify from our own colourful Spring gardens.

Issue 1 UP Mode Eyes that have seen their tears Ears that have heard their cries A heart that felt but a drop of their pain Their blood on the wind Their anguish and their fears Yet a world apart Observed Through biased propaganda I sift for knowledge For truth, I cannot find Compromised Contradictions and half truths Concealment and hypocrisy Satan’s wrongs He beats his drum They move in play Children’s tears A commodity Exchanged for capital and Capitals Tools For power Manipulation Traded innocence

These forgotten progenies Seen Heard Felt Known My reality besides

For honour For valour For homeland Clan Flag and Freedom

Tears Upon frail and dusty chests Heaving, racking breaths

Against crown Against scepter

‘Till doubt proceeds ‘Till drought takes hold Eyes are neither immune The terminal lump of sorrow Turned malignant Insidious Morphed into an instrument Vile, ruthless Relentless, restless, silent ‘Till it joins the crimson plains and Haunts the city’s bones Rivers tease through broken valleys Crimson bones scattered across thy landscapes Battle cries of contemporary glory

The false prophet for profit Hold the meek to ransom Under false ideals Under false propositions The undefeatable villain Undefinable foe A Pinocchio A heelless Achilles The multi-headed monster of lore The Minotaur in his Labyrinth Sly, sad Medusa Mother of the shadow spaces A Beowulf needed To slay the womb of Grendel Bring their heads Cleanse the land Free from tyranny.

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UP Mode Issue 1

Purple POWER

Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and fibre. The red


nthocyanins are a group of compounds created by the plant to protect itself from UV radiation damage and attract insects for pollination. They are powerful antioxidants (stop us from aging inside and out). The darker and deeper the colour of the plant the more concentration of anthocyanin. Purple fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of these powerful compounds. Research has discovered that anthocyanins offer numerous

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Article: Lea B

health benefits mainly due to their powerful antioxidant capabilities. Although not completely understood, it is thought that there are other contributing elements. These purple superstars keep you looking and feeling younger, lower blood pressure, calm inflammation, increase brain power, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, regulate blood sugar and they taste great too! Make sure to eat them with a good fat such as avocado or olive oil to

help with absorption of these antioxidants. Beetroot, purple cabbage, and blueberries are some common ones, however several varieties exist around the world and different parts of Australia. Many of these can also be found right here in Adelaide if you know where to look.




The purple carrot contains 28 times more antioxidants than its orange counterpart, and can be cooked and prepared as normal. Add them to smoothies and salads, or grate one into a coleslaw salad for some added colour. Be careful when preparing as it stains just like beetroot.

Purple cauliflower is part of the cruciferous/ brassica family of vegetables such cabbage, broccoli, radish and Brussel sprouts that possess formidable cancer fighting properties. The bonus of additional antioxidants from the anthocyanins, high fibre and vitamin C content makes this an excellent addition to any meal.

Purple sweet potatoes contain more cancer fighting properties than the orange variety. Full of heart healthy nutrients, low GI to steady blood sugar levels, they are a great alternative to any potato dish. Although not as sweet as the orange variety, it still tastes delicious.

Available at: Food Land supermarkets and most Farmers’ markets. As they increasing in popularity, occasionally one or two stalls at the Central Markets as well some good fruit and vegetable shops will stock them.

It can be eaten raw or cooked just like the white variety. Steaming and stir frying is a better way to retain these nutrients. Swap rice and potatoes with cauliflower for a low carbohydrate dish. Available at: Adelaide showgrounds Farmer’s market on Sundays and Adelaide Hills Farmers’ Markets in Mt. Barker held every Saturday.

Sweet potato fries are a healthy substitute to fries. They taste great, so children and adolescents will love them. Make your own “crisps’ as the packet ones sold can be imported. Steaming and boiling is best for retaining nutrients and achieving lower GI, however, roast sweet potato and fries can be part of a healthy diet. Available at: Food Land Pasadena seems to be the only place to buy at this time. Look for these in other Food Land stores as they becoming popular.

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These purple pearls contain four times more antioxidants than normal potatoes. Include a few into a white potato salad with some chopped beetroot leaves instead of parsley. Surprise your family and friends when they dig into a purple baked potato with your Sunday roast.

Sometimes called red cabbage, it also belongs to the cruciferous/ brassica family that has potent cancer fighting properties. Higher in vitamins and minerals than its green cousin, this versatile vegetable is an extremely healthy addition to any meal.

The humble beetroot has become famous as a superfood. Renowned for its blood pressure lowering actions, beetroot holds the disease fighting actions of purple produce including protection against liver disease.

Available at: They were sold here in most of the Coles supermarkets up until August. Hopefully they will return so keep a look out in the potato section. Keep asking the produce staff for them so they will get them back in stock. Look for them in the markets and other supermarkets around Adelaide.

Lightly steaming or quickly stir frying will retain the important nutrients and allow easier absorption of the antioxidants. Cooking will lose some of these important compounds, so eating both raw and cooked cabbage is the best strategy. Add to salads, include in coleslaw or eat as sauerkraut. Available at: Everywhere! Sauerkraut can be found in most farmers markets and the Central markets at House of Health and some delicatessen specialty stalls. Look for them at your local deli.

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Beetroot can be steamed, baked or eaten raw. Grate raw beetroot into a salad or onto your sandwich or hamburger. Cooled, cooked beetroot can be chopped and also added to salads. Don’t forget to chop the green leaves into your salad for added nutrients. You can juice beetroot or blend it into your morning smoothie. While it has a high sugar content, most people can include beetroot into a balanced diet. Available at: Everywhere!

Issue 1 UP Mode All purple fruits and vegetables contain health promoting anthocyanins whether they are just the skins, the flesh or the whole plant. So go ahead and include these purple prodigies into your diet every day. Make sure to eat them with a good fat such as olive oil, avocado, nuts or seeds to help with absorption. Bon Appetit!


DID YOU KNOW? We have all eaten beetroot at some time, but have you eaten the green leaves of the beetroot plant? When you buy a fresh bunch of beetroot don’t throw them away, as they are full of healthful nutrients and can be used as you would any other leafy green vegetable such as spinach and kale. It is like getting two vegetable superstars for the price of one! Great in salads and sandwiches.

Originally carrots were purple, red, black and white before the Dutch crossbred and developed the orange carrot in the 17th century. The carrot reached Australia in 1788. Purple carrots are common in Afghanistan, India, Russia, Asia and have become popular in other parts of the world - including Australia.

Photo: Jeremy_W_Osborne

Photo: Carrots - Mason Masteka

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UP Mode Issue 1

RACISM HAS NO AGE We have all booed somebody at some stage of our lives as spectators of the sport for different reasons. It is not just the players that get subjected to this heckling but the umpires and opposition spectators as well. But we draw the line when it becomes racism. Article: Geoffrey Elborough


dam Goodes has been subjected to racist taunts throughout his life. These racist taunts have not always been in front of the camera, and hence not recorded publicly for all to see the true face of racism, perceived or not, and how it may affect somebody. This all changed on the 24th of May 2013 during the AFL’s Indigenous round between Collingwood and Sydney at the

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MCG when Adam Goodes was called an “ape” by a 13yr old girl. Adam, being a high profile sportsman has thrust the issue of racism into the spotlight for all of us to see on the sports stage. Although the swans won the game in front of a crowd of 65,306 with Adam Goodes kicking 3 goals, where he was one of the best players on

Issue 1 UP Mode the Swans’ team having 30 disposals, the game was marred. Late into the last quarter, Adam Goodes was called an “ape” by a 13 year old Collingwood fan that he pointed out to security and had removed from the stadium. Adam was visually shaken by the experience and left the game before the final siren. Magpie’s president Eddie Maguire apologised to Goodes in the Swans’ dressing room after the match, expressing his disappointment at the behaviour of the spectator. “He (Goodes) just wants to do the right thing, he was personally shattered obviously by it, so are we all,” Eddie Maguire told Channel 7. Joanne, the mother of the 13yr old girl that racially vilified Adam, believes that Goodes owes her daughter (Julia) an apology for the “unfair” treatment she received from MCG security staff and police after Julia called Adam an “ape”. Joanne believed the incident is why Goodes has been loudly jeered by opposition fans, a view held by many of his critics, like Radio Commentator Alan Jones, News Limited columnists Andrew Bolt, and Miranda Devine of the Daily Telegraph, to name just a few. Goodes said after the incident, that it was not the first time on the football field that he had been referred to as a “monkey” or “ape”. “It

was shattering,” he said at the time. Joanne accepted her daughter had contributed to the situation with her remarks but painted her daughter as a victim, saying “She’s only a little kid”. In the days following the incident at the MCG, Adam got a phone call from Julia apologizing to him, explaining she did not realise the word was racist, prompting Adam to ask the people on social media to be supportive towards Julia. Joanne has called for fans not to boo the Sydney champion but claimed he is to blame

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UP Mode Issue 1 for the negative reaction he is receiving from opposition supporters. Joanne acknowledged Goodes was entitled to be upset at being called an “ape” but should have ignored the comment because of her daughter’s age. Such an action contradicts the “Racism” claim. Racism has no age. There are also those critics out there who believe that, Adam is staging for free kicks in the game and being a sook if he doesn’t get the free kick, which is not in the spirit of the game. People have even gone onto social media, talking out against Adam, claiming that he is staging for free kicks from the umpires and that is the reason why they are booing him. He has even been accused of playing up to the crowd to get them riled up during the game. Performing an Indigenous war dance in front of 84,779 people at the Sydney v Carlton game, played at the SCG May 2015, during the second quarter after he kicked a goal, didn’t help the booing situation at all.

the medal on Australia Day 2014, Adam accused a lot of Australian people as being “racist” which upset a lot of people and turned even more people against him.


Adam Goodes is proud of his heritage as an Indigenous Australian and he has become an advocate for the elimination of racism in sport and the lives of all Australians on and off the field. Throughout his life, Adam has been subjected to racial taunts and now he has the stage and the reputation to actually do something about it, and he is. We all make our own choices in life and are guided by those around us to shape our beliefs and concepts of other people that we interact with every day, and Adam Goodes is no different. Goodes’ supporters believe he was right to stand up to his vilifier regardless of her age and cannot believe a champion of the game who has

has no age”

Adam has received the Australian of the year medal, not only for his achievements on the field, but off the field as well. He has helped a lot of indigenous kids out through his Go Foundation educating the youths to follow a healthier lifestyle. In his acceptance speech of

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Issue 1 UP Mode been a fine role model for many years to the Indigenous community would have to take time out under such duress from the booing of the crowd.

Adam’s accolades are many ranging from:

It would indeed be a shame if Adam Goodes is remembered for this booing episode and not the achievements that he has had as a champion of the sport of AFL football. Booing is a part of the game in my opinion and has been going on for as long as I can remember. We have all booed somebody at some stage of our lives as spectators of the sport for different reasons. It is not just the players that get subjected to this heckling but the umpires and opposition spectators as well. But we draw the line when it becomes racism. It would be a shame if history records the achievements of such a great sportsman and the football community this way.

2003 AFL Brownlow medal

1997 Drafted into the AFL by Sydney Swans 1999 AFL Rising Star award 2001 Australia International (Gaelic) football team 2003 AFL Indigenous All Star team 2003 AFL All Australian selection

2006 AFL Brownlow medal 2009 AFL All Australian selection 2010 Australia International (Gaelic) football team-Captain 2011 AFL All Australian selection 2012 AFL Grand final premiership 2014 AFL Grand final premiership 2014 Australian of the year medal 2015 AFL Indigenous team of the century 2015 The GO Foundation Played over 365 AFL games and counting

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UP Mode Issue 1

The Gov The governor of South Australia has an interesting backstory...


is excellency the honourable Hieu Van Le (AO) Governor of South Australia born in 1954, Quang Tri, South Vietnam. The same year of the Geneva accord which would attempt to demarcate the South from communist North Vietnam. 1954 was also the year that Hieu Van Le’s father was killed in action fighting against French occupation. This time up until when he left the country ( 1977) paralleled the U.S and Australian involvement in what we know

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Issue 1 UP Mode as the Vietnam war. During these years he married his wife Lan and studied economics at Dalat University. Knowing nothing but a lifetime of war and facing conscription into the military they decided to leave Vietnam. ”I had nothing but an invisible suitcase full of dreams” he said of his rough journey. Initially seeking asylum in Malaysia or Singapore, who denied them entry by towing the boat back out to sea sometimes at gunpoint. Van Le, his wife and approximately forty others out of desperation sailed south towards Australia. Arriving in Darwin the group were greeted by local fisherman raising their first beer for the day ”G’day mate, welcome to Australia”. Hieu Van Le was still only 22 years old, with his education not recognised in Australia he commenced working in several manual labour jobs while again heading back to tertiary education to attain degrees in Economics and Accounting and an MBA at Adelaide University. These qualifications would see him spend a large part of his career as a certified practicing accountant, working for the Australian securities and investment commission (ASIC). Like many people new to the country he was fascinated by our love of sport and was particularly curious about cricket, so much so he named his two sons Kim (after bowler Kim Hughes) and Don (after batsmen Don Bradman). In 2007 Le

was appointed Lieutenant Governor under Governor Kevin Scarce, who he would go on to

“I had nothing but an invisible suitcase full of dreams” replace in 2014, making him the first person of Vietnamese origin to rise to a vice regal office in the world. Hieu Van Le currently still serves in the role of Governor of South Australia and was made an officer of the order of Australia in 2010. At the time of writing this brief account of his excellency’s journey, Australia is still a destination for those seeking asylum, hopefully

Left page: His Excellency inside Government house Right Page: Order of Australia medal awarded in 2010

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UP Mode Issue 1

Plastic Soup Floating around in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans are swirling islands of rubbish roughly the size of New South Wales. This is not rubbish in the usual sense of piles of broken consumer goods and bags of used disposable nappies (although a large part is), but is in fact mostly (~80%) plastic particles smaller than a grain of rice.

Image author unknown, used under fair usage copyright provisions.

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This is an accumulation of civilizations trash. It is composed of objects as diverse as fishing nets, bag clips, microbeads and clothing fibres. Eventually, UV light breaks down these objects into microscopic particles; however, they never truly disappear. The quantity of these plastic particles can be as high as 7 times that of zooplankton while the process of breakdown leads to the release of toxic chemicals such as bisphenol A (affects estrogen levels) and PCBs (toxic and mutagenic, estrogen). On the microscopic level the floating debris

Issue 1 UP Mode can absorb pollutants from seawater, including PCBs (carcinogen), DDT (estrogen), and PAHs (carcinogenic and mutagenic as well as teratogenic (birth defects). These toxin-containing plastic pieces can then be eaten by jellyfish, which are then eaten by larger fish, which are then eaten by humans. These plastics also end up in the stomachs of marine birds and animals, and their young, including sea turtles and Albatrosses. Nearly all Albatrosses that inhabit Midway (an island in the North Pacific Ocean), are found to have plastic in their digestive system. Approximately onethird of their chicks die and many of those deaths are due

Image author unknown, used under fair usage copyright provisions.

to being fed plastic from their parents. Twenty tons of plastic debris washes up on Midway Island every year with five tons of that debris being fed to Albatross chicks. Why should we care? These are all indicators of and contributors to a dire threat to humanity, which is decreasing biodiversity. The ecosystem

Floating debris can absorb pollutants from seawater, including carcinogens & mutagens which supports us and all life on this planet relies on biodiversity to produce the natural resources we require to sustain ourselves as a species, and to retain resilience to threats such as climate change or disease epidemics. The earth is currently in the midst of its sixth extinction event, and this extinction is generally accepted to be caused mainly by humans. If the ecosystem which sustains and supports us is imagined as a stone pillar,

source: NOAA, public domain

the loss of every species, no matter how seemingly small and insignificant is a chip in that pillar. Every toxic pollutant threatening the breeding cycle of a species is a little more wear on that pillar. No single chip will make the pillar crumble, but each one weakens it until eventually it will collapse, and everything it supports will fall into ruins.

Microbeads from cosmetics pass through sewage treatment plants, to the oceans creating environmental hazards. Story and layout AC.

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UP Mode Issue 1 F

inal Fantasy Tactics is a strategy Role Playing Game developed by Squaresoft for the Sony Playstation and Sony PSP. Unlike traditional Final Fantasy games, the battles in Tactics are fought on a map divided into a grid where characters can move about and battle. Final Fantasy Tactics also implements a Job System, with many classes from previous games making an appearance. Characters acquire experience after defeating enemies in battle and experience gained goes towards levelling up that character. Characters also acquire Job Points (JP), which allows them to level up their current job until it is mastered. As players gain more experience for their character in various jobs they slowly gain access to more and more jobs. Some advanced jobs require much time and experience to unlock, some even require the player to master jobs completely before unlocking others.

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Jobs are put into three categories: Physically-Oriented Jobs, MagicallyOriented Jobs, and Special Jobs. Special Jobs are jobs available only to main characters or characters vital to the story and cannot be used by hired characters from the Warrior’s Guild. Any characters hired from the Warriors Guild will always start off with the Squire Job and will have to gain experience and JP to level up and unlock more.

Issue 1 UP Mode As mentioned above, the Squire Job is the starting job for all characters hired from the Warrior’s Guild, and for the main character Ramza. Other characters that join Ramza’s party also use the Squire Job early in the game, such as Delita and Argath, who later on use jobs such as Holy Knight and Deathknight. As you progress through the story, higher levelled enemies will begin to appear and will use higher level jobs, increasing the difficulty and possibly forcing you to use different party members and tactics. Many of the Magically-Oriented Jobs spells require the player to wait several turns before casting however, if a Time Mage casts Haste, a spell used to increase a units speed, on a character already casting a spell, that character will cast the spell in fewer turns, allowing for very tactful gameplay. Other jobs like the Thief or Ninja rely on their speed and agility to act, with all of their abilities being executed in the same turn they are selected. Other things such as range and accuracy of an ability or spell come into play too. Players must make sure the enemy is in a spells area of effect before executing their attack, or the spell will miss. If the spell takes too long to be executed and the enemy in the area of effect’s turn comes around, they will more than likely move out of range to avoid damage. Attacks are far more likely to hit when a character is attacking from behind or from the side. Ranged characters that attack from above have an increased range, and melee characters that attack from above have increased damage. Players must be mindful of all this when heading into battle against their enemies.

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UP Mode Issue 1 Physically-Oriented Jobs  Squire - This job serves as the foundation for all others,

forming the first step on the road to becoming a legendary warrior

 Knight - A brave and chivalrous warrior of unmatched

skill. Uses a knight’s sword to unleash the Arts of War

 Archer - Equipped with a bow and arrow, this warrior

provides valuable long-range attacks. May Aim for higher damage

 Monk - A warrior, devoted to physical training, whose

unarmed attacks are deadly. May use Martial Arts

 Thief - Warriors who can steal anything from anyone.

Their skill is legendary

 Geomancer - A warrior who uses Geomancy to control

powers lying dormant in the natural terrain

 Dragoon - A warrior who may make soaring Jump

attacks even in full armour, the dragoon is also a master spearman

 Samurai - Following a warrior ethic from a foreign land,

the samurai uses Iaido techniques to attack with his or her katana

 Ninja - A warrior who uses stealth to be all but invisible.

The ninja may also Throw weapons at faraway enemies

 Dancer - A warrior who dances across the battlefield,

garbed in colourful raiments

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Issue 1 UP Mode Magically-Oriented Jobs  Chemist - An expert in the use of items to recover HP

or remove vexing status ailments

 White Mage - A warrior who taps into the powers of the

divine, using White Magicks to cast spells of recovery and protection

 Black Mage - A warrior who uses Black Magicks to

channel elemental powers into powerful offensive spells

 Mystic - A warrior who uses the Mystic Arts to bend the

forces of the cosmos to his or her will

 Time Mage - The Time Mage controls time and space.

This sorcerer toys with the laws of the universe

 Orator - A warrior who participates in battle using

Speechcraft. Words, rather than swords, are the orator’s weapons

 Summoner - A warrior who may Summon the most

powerful of spirits, the beings known as espers

 Bard - A warrior who uses his voice as a weapon. May

use Bardsong to support his allies in battle

 Arithmetician - A learned warrior who uses

Arithmeticks to analyze natural phenomena and pinpoint magickal attacks

 Mime - A warrior who has abandoned his or her own

identity, instead mimicking the actions of allies in battle

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UP Mode Issue 1 Special Jobs  Holy Knight - Baptized in the divine light of the Church,

the Holy Knight smites foes with powerful Holy Sword techniques

 Dark Knight - A fallen knight who has turned his back

on the light of the gods. He leeches the souls of enemies with his Fell Sword

 Cleric - A true believer in the divine power of the gods,

using Holy Magick to protect loved ones

 Machinist - An engineer working to revive lost

technologies, capable of firing guns highly accurately with the Aimed Shot ability

 Astrologer - A learned augur who uses Astrology to

manipulate fate and sway the course of battle

 Divine Knight - A Knight versed in both scripture and

sword, sworn to the service of the Gods

 Sword Saint - A peerless warrior who commands an

entire knightly order. It is said that none can match his swordplay

 Arc Knight - A warrior sworn to the service of the gods,

using the Sword Spirit ability to release a wave of spiritual power

 Assassin - A diabolical killer trained by an order of

assassins to quickly dispatch enemies with Subdual Arts

 Templar - A devout knight who defends the Church

from heretics. Uses Spellblade techniques to strike down the enemy

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Issue 1 UP Mode  Dragonkin - Human in appearance, but descended

of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins

 Soldier - A mysterious otherworldly traveller capable

of formidable Limit techniques when his rage reaches a breaking point

Party customization is huge in Final Fantasy Tactics, as players can choose to have a party entirely made up of physicallyoriented characters, magically-oriented characters, or a mix of both if they wish. Heading into battle with the right party may lead to a quick victory. Enemies encountered on the player’s journey will vary in strength and use different tactics, so it is advantageous to the player to make the most of every enemy encounter by using different characters and jobs in battle, thus gaining more experience and JP to level up and become stronger. There are an unlimited number of enemy battles in Final Fantasy Tactics, players can move freely on the world map and may encounter enemies as they move to and from locations. This means that if your party isn’t strong enough to progress in the story, you can continuously fight randomly encountered enemies and level up your characters. To maximise a party’s efficiency, players should be aiming to master all jobs for all characters, in the end allowing them to choose freely among all the jobs available however, there is no urgency to change jobs. Players can keep characters in certain jobs if they wish, or they can change jobs the moment they become available. Either way, the choice is completely up to the player and the way they choose to play the game.

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UP Mode Issue 1


etal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the 11th canonical instalment and the fifth in the series chronology, as well as being the final instalment in the Metal Gear series. Created and developed by Hideo Kojima and Konami Productions. Set in the year 1984, players take control of the mercenary leader known as Punished “Venom” Snake, (voiced by Actor, Kiefer Sutherland) on various missions and tasks, known as ‘Side OPS’ that will see him exploring parts of Afghanistan and the Angola–Zaire border. Various threats stand between him and his revenge against the people who very nearly killed him in the events of the prequel game, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. The game features a complete open world, which is new for the Metal Gear series, giving players the option to complete missions and side ops at their own leisure, which removes any feeling of pressure to complete the next mission or task.

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Issue 1 UP Mode Players are given near unlimited options when completing these missions and side ops, and have the option of using a vast amount of different weapons and items, such as binoculars and the cassette player, allowing players to listen to cassette tapes found throughout the game. The game also features a companion system, allowing Snake to take different allies out onto the battlefield with him. All of the allies have various skills and benefits to suit different types of missions and side ops. While out on a mission or side op, players have the option to procure different plants and herbs to create new items and medicine, extract enemy soldiers, vehicles, weapons and even animals back to Mother Base with the Fulton surface-to-air recovery system, an item introduced to the series in Peace Walker. Although quite humorous at first, watching a stray sheep being lifted high up into the air, the Fulton recovery system becomes extremely useful later on in the game.

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UP Mode Issue 1 The game runs in real-time with a new day-and-night cycle, allowing players to tactfully infiltrate enemy bases in many different ways. The game also features a weather system, adding various weather effects such as sandstorms and rain that can help or hinder the player depending on their approach. More often than not, infiltrating a base without proper planning can easily cause you to enter an alert mode after being spotted by an enemy, reducing your overall score for that mission. However, finishing a mission within certain time limits can still result in a good score. Staying true to the game’s original play style, players will find that remaining undetected and knocking out guards instead of killing them will net them a higher end score. Once an enemy has been eliminated one way or another, it is always best to hide the body in an area the enemy won’t find it so as to not raise an alarm, giving players the option to take their time disposing of enemies and remaining undetected, or going in with guns blazing.

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Issue 1 UP Mode The Phantom Pain also includes an Online Mode where players can create their own Mother Base, otherwise known as a FOB (Forward Operating Base) and customize it, adding many different features and also allowing players to use extracted soldiers and weapons on their customized FOB. Be aware though, because other players online will be doing the same, and everyone has the option to attack other online players FOB’s and either destroy or extract soldiers and supplies. As well as being able to create and customize their own FOB, players can take part in online battles, similar to Metal Gear 4: Guns of The Patriots online mode, allowing players to team up online and fight against an opposing team. Players can also customize an avatar to use in online games, as well as being able to fully customize weapons and equipment for their allies, both in online and offline mode. Overall, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain gives players an immense amount of thrilling gameplay throughout the games amazing landscapes, a fully customizable Mother Base and an incredible arsenal of gear, and a near infinite amount of options within the game itself that allow you to tackle missions and side ops in many different ways, giving you the ability to play the game however YOU like. There are many more amazing discoveries and achievements for you to experience in the game too. All this combined makes Metal Gear Sold V: The Phantom Pain a very strong contender for Game of the Year in 2015.

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UP Mode Issue 1 D E S T I N Y : THE TAKEN KING “His name is Oryx: The Taken King, and he is coming for you guardian Can you blame him you killed his son with his own sword now he is out for revenge and he is building a dark army to hunt you down, But I have herd the legends; You Are Ready “

sourced via Bungie


estiny’s the Taken King is one of destiny’s biggest updates and marks the second year of one of the biggest games of 2014. I for one could not wait until it had come out and i got it as soon as it was available in Adelaide. Not only was it a complete new game, but you could also download the update from the PlayStation Network if you already had the original game and DLC’s. There are some big changes in The Taken King that I have to admit that I am very excited about such as the whole new way that they are

sourced via PlayStation PS4 Daniel sourced Europe Article: Daniel Crouch

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Issue 1 UP Mode changing the levelling system. You no longer do you need to grind to get light level to get your armour light up though light levels still plays a part in the game but now that the level cap is no at 40. Bungie is divorcing your light level from your character in the expansion, your Light value will be a simple average of all of your weapons, armour and gear. So you’ll need strong weapons and armour to kill Oryx. They also have a have a new campaign and map with the hive dreadnaught with new enemy’s called the taken, the taken are very familiar as they are taken from Cabal, Vex and Fallen. Oryx has taken them to another dimension and changed them to his will and they look a little like ghosts, the taken have no will of there own and you can see that in the way they spasm and twitch.

The best thing in my opinion is the new abilities that all guardians get with an all new subclass to go with the two that each guardian already have so warlock so far have Sunbreaker and Voidwalker and are getting a new one called Stormbreaker. Hunters have the ability’s Gunslinger and Arcblade and their new ability is called Nightstalker and last but not least the Titan they have Striker and Defender their new ability is caller Sunbreaker. NEW guardians Abilities Warlock: Stormcaller. Stormcallers directly manipulate Arc energy, focusing body and mind to channel and chain the lightning, so no standing near trees, they have the ARC ability to chain lightning so if you get in their war you are going to get electrocuted if you are close enough to your enemy you can chain your lightning until your super energy has run out. Titan: Sunbreaker. Incendiary siege engines of war, Sunbreaker titans hammer and shatter their enemy’s ranks from afar raining cleansing fire down upon fortified defensive positions stay away from raining fire or you will get burnt. When you hear the sound of the anvil you know

sourced via PlayStation Europe

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UP Mode Issue 1 by shooting a void arrow into the ground or if you do manage to shoot them directly it will kill them instantly. All the new Guardians Abilities are quite powerful but with The Taken King you are going to need them as the Taken are not your normal enemies and you have to use a bit more skill to kill them. sourced via PS4 Daniel Crouch

it is time to run as it is seriously going to hurt when that hammer hits you it is what some people call a “One Turn Kill” . Hunter: Nightstalker. All hunters master the frontier, but none claim territory quite like a Nightstalker. Shadowshot binding may seem more merciful that gun or blade, Shadowshot is quite a good move to slow your enemy down and make it so much easier to kill them

Photo sourced via

sourced via PS4 Daniel Crouch

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The Dreadnaught The Dreadnaught is the home of Oryx, a giant ship floating within the rings of Saturn it is said to be over a million years old if the stories are to be believed, but this is the truth it is going to be full of epic loot and new weaponry, it will also house the brand new Raid The Kings Fall. The Kings fall Raid will consist of lots of enemies and also lots of puzzles to make it hard for players which is a good thing though you need a light level of 190+ to get into the raid it is finding the gear and doing the trikes to get the better gear that is a bit of a challenge but the rewards for completing the kings fall are epic but then you have to adapt very quickly. The Court of Oryx is one of my favourite things to do on the Dreadnaught as it offers some enemy’s that are quite hard and to summon them you need items called Runes. There are several runes that you need though each one gets harder I have only ones I have seen so far are the Stolen Rune and the Reciprocal Rune

Issue 1 UP Mode which bring out random enemy’s and when you have defeated them you will get random rewards at the end though sometimes if you have joined in a game of random people you will not get any rewards which in my opinion is very strange. If you get a rune called the Reciprocal Rune you can summon one of Oryx’s lieutenant’s with a very strong resemblance to Crota whom is Oryx’s son whom we have killed multiple times but now when you summon the Lieutenant. He is quite strong and you are recommended to have a fireteam when you face him. Overview In my opinion, there is so much more to do in Destiny: The Taken King that a lot of people will find fantastic, but hardcore gamers will get it all finished very quickly. I can relate to this as i have found that even I am not completing missions as quickly as I did in the Original game and then the 2 DLC packs that came out it is still worth the $100 at EB Games and no matter what console you play Destiny: The Taken King on it is always worth it Consoles that Destiny the Taken King is available on are PS4 Xbox one PS3 or Xbox 360

Above photos sourced via PS4 Daniel Crouch

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UP Mode Issue 1



Article and Layout: Larissa A

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Issue 1 UP Mode Saving money is never easy, but a few small changes can make a huge difference to your wallet. That’s why we created this list of 30 easy ways to save money. None of these tips will change your life on their own, but implement as many as you can and you will start shaping a brighter financial future.



Clean or change your car’s air filter. A clean air filter can improve petrol consumption by over 5%. Cleaning your air filter is not hard to do – just follow the instructions in your vehicle’s manual and you’re good to go. If yours is beyond help and needs to be changed, don’t fret! Depending on the model, a new air filter goes for less than $30.00.

Use only the ATM’s associated with your bank to avoid the high cost of using another bank’s ATM.

Check your car tyre pressure each fortnight to save tons of money on petrol. If you are taking the bus, see if you are eligible for a concession transport card. If you are claiming Newstart Allowance or Youth Allowance, you should be able to get one, saving $1.76 per trip!

Have a small amount of each pay deducted and automatically put into a savings account. Even $5.00 or $10.00 will add up over time. Instead of carrying around pockets full of change, put it all into a container. When the container is full, take it into the bank. If you use a credit card, see if you can switch to one that gives you points. I have a rewards credit card and get points on every purchase, including childcare and transportation costs. Rewards range from movie tickets to travel and appliances.

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UP Mode Issue 1 Cleaning

Gas and Electricity

Make your own cleaning products. Not only will you save money on cleaning products, but it is better for the environment and safer for your family too! Check out live_nontoxic_solutions.html

Set up a monthly payment plan to ease the pain of paying quarterly gas and electricity bills...this has saved my family so much grief, as we usually end up being in credit on our account!!

Use white vinegar as a fabric softener in the washing machine. It will keep the washing machine clean and your machine will last longer.

Food Plan meals in advance. One of the greatest downfalls is an impromptu trip to McDonalds or Hungry Jacks for dinner because of lack of preparation. I hear so many people say that it is cheaper to eat out with the cost of groceries, but that just isn’t true! Do the math and save by preparing ahead and planning. Eat before you go grocery shopping and never shop when you are hungry or depressed! Eat vegetarian at least once per week.

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Save on your electricity bill by knowing what times are on and off peak. Using the washing machine and dishwasher off peak will save lots of money. Switch off powerpoints at night to save on electricity. Use energy saving lightbulbs in your home. Over 15 percent of an average home energy bill will go to heating water. Most washing powders clean well in cold water, so save money by using the cold wash cycle. The clothes dryer is really power hungry and is second only to the refrigerator in terms of power consumption - use it only when you really need to.

Issue 1 UP Mode Entertainment

Fashion and beauty

Save money by heading to your local library. Most libraries have a great range of books, DVD’s, Audiobooks, and even E-books. It saves a ton of money on rental fees and can be a fun family outing.

Have your hair conditioner pull double-duty and use it as a shaving cream...I find it actually works better!

Invite friends over instead of going out. Instead of hitting the town, host a fun potluck dinner with your friends. Play games, sit around a fire pit, or watch movies. You’ll all save money – and have a blast. If you need to buy a book, look online at places like for great deals and free shipping on any order. Have a home movie night. Dim the lights and serve up some popcorn. Decide on a movie to watch and then sit down and watch a movie as a family. If you are going to the cinema, stop by the shops first to pick up no-name brand snacks to take in with you. Way cheaper than paying for overpriced movie snacks!

Check out the TAFE and beauty colleges for discounts on hair and beauty services. These places offer services and a great discount because they are students. Go to your local op shop. I find so many great outfits at the op shop for a fraction of the cost.

Kids Use the internet to get free printables and coloring pages for your kids. Join a toy library. There is a small annual fee, but this is very minimal when compared to buying new toys! Buy your kids clothes when the big sales are on and then buy the next size(s) up.

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