Up Next Magazine April Issue

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The Avett Way & What Really Matters By: Julian D. Edwards K.Avett (pronounced “kay uh vet”) is a phenomenal recording artist/songwriter whose sound is as authentic and beautiful as they come. Although categorized as Soul/R&B/Jazz, her interests in other genres have shaped her unique style and helped garner a growing fan base worldwide. Riding the wave of success from her debut album, “Revelations,” K.Avett has reached some notable milestones in her budding career like being nominated in the ‘Best New Artist’ category by Soultracks.com for 2015. In 2016, she reached #4 on the Top 80 independent chart by Digital Radio Tracker and performed during LA’s BET weekend. She was also named to the prestigious Grammy Recording Academy as an official Voting Member. K.Avett went on to be a featured artist on Multi-platinum and Grammy winning Producer/ Songwriter, Madukwu Chinwah’s “Born To Win” project. In addition, she was an opening featured artist for Corinne Bailey Rae’s “The Heart Speaks in Whispers” Tour. With a smooth and soulful sound as transparent as the lyrics she writes, K.Avett continues to pick up momentum and branch out as the sound of “feel good” music. When asked about her future aspirations, she remarks, “Touring and sharing my music around the world, while being able to do this for years to come, and collaborating with a few of my musical idols, ranks high on the list.” With “Revelations” setting the bar for future projects, K.Avett is on a quest to showcase her growth as an songwriter with her sophomore album, Lioness, which is set to drop in Spring 2017. Her newly released single, “The Matter (What Are We Here For) has received huge praise from soul music lovers, both nationally and abroad, and gives listeners a taste of what’s to come.

Julian: Your sound exemplifies a tone set by your upbringing. It’s not just the beat you choose to write to nor the lyrics you place on the page. You let your soul do the talking. Who helped instill that passion for music from your childhood to now? Were you forced into music or drawn to it? K.Avett: As kids, my siblings and I were immersed in a heavily gospel-music-laden environment and that definitely set the tone for my musical foundation. My whole family sings, it was something that came very natural to me, so it has always been a part of my life. The love of music was very innate for me, even before I really understood why. Julian: Who are some of the people within the music industry that you look up to? Do you try to incorporate some of their music knowledge with that of your own? K.Avett: I love the timelessness of Sade and the grind of Beyonce. Another person I find intriguing is Lee Daniels - the way he is able to draw you into a story with music as a distinct character. And while I’m not in agreement with all the talking points of Dame Dash, I love his “Boss vs Employee” logic. As the owner of my own independent label, it inspires me to take charge of my destiny. Julian: I did my research Ms. Avett. Just here me out. According to Soultracks.com you were nominated as “best new artist” in 2015. A year later you reached #4 on the “top 80” independent chart by Digital Radio Tracker. You’ve even performed during LA’s BET Weekend. That all sounds like success to me. What do those few accomplishments mean to you? K.Avett: Well, I’m always trying to be better, do better, exhibit growth and continue connecting with my fans. So, the things that I’ve accomplished, while they do make me proud, they also remind me that I have so much further to go. Julian: What does success mean to you? Is it based off of awards and accolades or the people you impact with your music? K.Avett: I think success is being able to remain true to myself and feeling confident and happy knowing that this little niche I’ve carved out for myself is a perfect fit for me. It allows me to connect with people all over the world, all while doing what I love to do. When I look out into the audience and someone is singing along with me as I perform my music, I’m on cloud nine. It doesn’t get any more successful than that in that moment. Julian: Has the music industry been accepting of your style of music? You bring soul, jazz, and r&b together that creates a brand of music that hits on 3 different genres. That takes skill. What do you think attributes to your ability to not only combine those genres, but to also deliver a meaningful message at the same time? K.Avett: I think it’s important to find the lane that works for you and I’ve been very fortunate that people have really embraced me. Finding that perfect balance is key. Having a love for different kinds of music has made me a lot more fluid in my presentation , I think. Being socially conscious, an avid reader, and in tune to what’s going on around me in the world opens my mind to all sorts of ideas during my writing process, as well. Julian: The Matter (What Are We Here For) is your latest single and I’ve listened to it numerous times now to make sure that I didn’t miss a single lyric. I feel like I know the point you were trying to make, but can you tell the world what your ultimate goal was when writing this song? K.Avett: This song was born from a very intense need to articulate the feeling that many of us have - that we don’t really know what our place is in the world. In my own way, I was reminding myself and others that what we bring to the table is unique. It’s beautiful. It’s heavily sought-after. It’s often emulated. It’s desirable and although it feels as though some love our culture far more than they love us, we come from kings and queens and should carry ourselves as such. Julian: So you wrote the song. From there you have a video made. I recently watched it and it was so powerful. Can you explain what went into creating that short film with a beat to it? Each scene told a story. K.Avett: I worked with Pedro Escobar III (Escobar Entertainment), a phenomenal short film maker and photographer. It was a great collaboration of ideas and we were able to create a realistic depiction of being black in America- how one’s outcome can really be uncertain in a lot of instances. We shot the video over a course of a few days and interestingly, we saw weather changes each day. In the end, we felt those variables tied in perfectly with the song.

Julian: Do you find it difficult being an African American woman in the music industry? K.Avett: Being in this industry is certainly different from anything I’ve experienced before, but it’s not what I would call difficult. As a professional career woman (I’m a licensed Registered Nurse), there are certain creeds to which I hold dear and work in any business setting - being a person of your word, being kind, being a person of integrity - and they have served me well. Taking the experiences of regular life and applying them to my level of expectation, both for myself and others has been a good strategy, so far. Julian: Are you currently signed to a record label? Do you own all rights to your music? How important is that to you and your legacy that is being built right before your very eyes? K.Avett: I am signed to my own label, K.Avett Music Group, LLC as an independent artist and own the rights to my music. Complete control over my brand and music is a vital aspect of being my own boss. I value that more than anything. Julian: Have you ever been contacted by someone to write a song for them? What went into your decision on whether to do it or not? K.Avett: I have been contacted several times by various artists to write, or collaborate, or sing a hook and my general rule is that if it’s not a song I can stand behind, whether we’re talking content or quality, I won’t do it. So...songs that objectivity women or songs that are violent or offensive, I’m not the one. Other than than, I love a good collaboration! There’s nothing like bringing two creative heads together to come up with something amazing. Most recently I worked with multi-platinum and Grammy-winning producer/songwriter, Madukwu Chinwah’s “Born to Win” project on a duet called “Two Hearts.” Julian: Were currently in the month of April. What goals do you have set for yourself the remainder of this year, along with years to come? K.Avett: Well, for starters, I am so excited that we’re on the cusp of releasing my sophomore album later this spring! On top of that, I’m looking forward to promoting the new album with a string of live performances and showcases. I’m just really excited about the direction it’s heading. Julian: Are able to balance your professional life and still make time for family? K.Avett: Oh my goodness, this is definitely an area that requires constant work! Like anything of importance, it really takes a concerted effort compartmentalize those things I need to get done, all while making time for the important people of my life. It’s an ongoing process, for sure. Julian: Who are some of your biggest supporters in regards to your career and life in general? K.Avett: My husband is really the most important person to me. What doesn’t he do?! Not only is he my manager, he is also my business partner and manages our support staff to keep things running smoothly. I definitely appreciate all that he does. I also have to shout out the local and international DJs, some of whom have been rocking with me since day one. Their support has been a Godsend. Julian: Are there any quotes or biblical verses that you read for inspiration to not only continue to make music, but to also keep you grounded when things may seem to overwhelm you? If so, would you mind sharing one with us today? K.Avett: Phil 4:13...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Favorite quote is “Pray, Prepare, Perform.” Both are true all day and everyday. Julian: As this interview comes to a close is there anything you would like say that I have not asked you thus far? Would you also be so kind to offer advice to the young people of the world? K.Avett: If there is something you aspire to do, whether it’s in the music industry or otherwise, start now. Make a to-do list of everything and check those things off, one by one. Time won’t wait and you don’t get a do-over at life. Make this one count.

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Miriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines passion as “a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something” If you ask me to define passion for you I would give you the same definition but I would also refer you to Philadelphia MC Del P who is as true to the art form as you can possibly be.


I spent hours speaking with about his career his humble beginnings, who sparked his interest, where the game is going and so much more. “I was inspired as a young guy by Steady B, The Youngsters, Will Smith you know legends of Philly but also Run DMC I used to dress up like them and mimic their performances at family gatherings.” Del has 20 years in this game and the end is nowhere in sight after speaking with him and feeling like we had known each other for years I could hear the passion in his voice for hip hop. Del has earned himself Grammy consideration from his last two projects and even an offer on the table from Epic Records to buy one of his songs. True to himself and hip hop Del decided to hold onto the record when I heard the record I understood why he kept it for himself. “When it comes to comparisons P has been mentioned among microphone God’s” I was majorly influenced by Black Thought of the Roots, Major Figgaz and State Property once I saw them all get on I knew there was a lane for Philly but when people talk about me and my music they tend to compare me to Black Thought and Common cause I’m conscious but I have BARS.” Del has been getting all kinds of advice and guidance from legends and fixtures from hip hop. Hell, he could’ve been rubbing elbows with the game’s elite at this past Grammy ceremony. “I definitely would’ve shown up to the Grammys if I was nominated, but even to be in consideration that’s incredible.” This is a new generation where the BARS and message are back from guys like Kendrick, Cole Joey BadA$$ and such Del’s content can be traced back to his love for A Tribe Called Quest which is another reason I connected with him. Going back and forth trading Phife and Tip verses and laughing got Del to open up for me he’s a genuine dude not to be confused with rappers who act like your friend for a favor. I urge everyone reading this now to pause go over to your digital retailer and get caught up on the back catalogue. 2013 - Redefined 2015 - A New Beginning (Best Rap Album Grammy Consideration) 2016- To the Moon and Beyond (Best Rap/Sung Performance Grammy Consideration) You can feel his music I’ve been running his stuff on repeat since I first reached out to him for this interview. Just like Del I’ve been a fan of hip hop for over 20 years and as mentioned earlier we share a love of the same groups. Del even let me in on a surprise guest feature from Doodlebug of Diggable Planets fame for his upcoming album “4 Da ART” out April 4th. The album has a very specific meaning and the release date is the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. P assured me that the album at this moment is 95% finished being mixed at the moment. Nothing will be compromised or held back on the new album I can tell you, this is going to be Del at his best especially after telling me of a meeting he took with a label. “I sat down with Ruffhouse Records, they loved the music but we want to push you to the 12-17 year old demographic you need to talk about getting high and having fun…. needless to say, I passed on the money and the deal and ended up signing with Richard Schwartz months later.” With cosigns from DJ Kool Herc to Sonny Cheeba of Camp Lo fame and David Banner as well as opening up for such artists as DMX, Memphis Bleek , Kelly Price and Fabolous we know Del P is in a great space I like everyone else can’t wait to hear the new album check iTunes, Google Play and Spotify for “4 Da ART”. By Derrick Jackson

ARTHEADED Being born in West Philadelphia hasn’t always been the easiest thing to do. It doesn’t take much to get consumed by negativity regardless of who the person may be, but somehow this artistic queen beat the odd’s. She’s always had the skill to do what she’s doing now, the will just had to catch up to the skill. Working your typical 9 to 5 just wasn’t enough for Kimika Bobo. Shed get a job, but her heart was never into it the way it was when it came to art. Major support from her older brother gave her that extra push she needed to focus all her time and effort into what she was so passionate about. When god gives you a talent the best thing to do with it is use it and that’s what she decided to do. Each image tells a story about the life of the artist known as Kimika aka (Mek). She had to adjust to selling her artwork because honestly, she never wanted to make money from her craft. Art is her platform. Whether she’s designing a shirt or letting the paint hit the canvas there’s no telling what type of masterpiece will be generated. Welcome to “ARTHEADED” where there are no rules: By Julian Edwards

Reality Childs

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