PHILIPPINE FOLK LITERATURE: AN ANTHOLOGY Damiana L. Eugenio 2007 This introductory volume presents a bird’s eye view of the range of Philippine folk literature and offers a sampling of the rich and varied types of folk literature.
PHILIPPINE FOLK LITERATURE: THE RIDDLES Damiana L. Eugenio 2005 Riddles are defined as questions stated so as to exercise one’s ingenuity in answering it or discovering its meaning.
PHILIPPINE FOLK LITERATURE: THE PROVERBS Damiana L. Eugenio 2002 A proverb is a terse didactic statement, handed down through generations, the wisdom of many and the wit of one. It ordinarily suggests a course of action or passes judgment on a situation.
PHILIPPINE FOLK LITERATURE: THE LEGENDS Damiana L. Eugenio 2002 A legend is an account of an extraordinary happening believed to have actually occurred.
PHILIPPINE FOLK LITERATURE: THE EPICS Damiana L. Eugenio 2001 Folk epics are long heroic narratives in verse which recount the adventures of tribal heroes and in the process express the customs, beliefs, and ideals of the people who sing them.
PHILIPPINE FOLK LITERATURE: THE FOLKTALES Damiana L. Eugenio 2001 Folk tales are fictional folk narratives that may or may not have happened, and that are not meant to be taken seriously. They are told mostly for amusement, but perform an important teaching function as well.
PHILIPPINE FOLK LITERATURE: THE MYTHS Damiana L. Eugenio 2001 Myths are sacred narratives explaining how the world and man came to be in their present form.
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PHILIPPINE FOLKLORE SERIES The UP Press’s Philippine Folklore series is a collection of the most comprehensive books on the topic. Compiled by Damiana Eugenio, the leading scholar in the field, these thick tomes would appeal to both academics studying folklore and casual readers who will find the stories in them captivating. Each book draws its content from all over the Philippines and features lore from various regions and regional languages, translated into English.