Upstate Community Outreach Brochure

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750 EAST ADAMS STREET I SYRACUSE NY I WWW.UPSTATE.EDU Our mission is to improve the healthofthe communities we serve through education, biomedical research and patient care. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Pictured are Captain Erika Taylor,

Upstate’s virtual food drive will help Food Bank of CNY provide more than 26,000 meals to those in need. Upstate Medical University raised $8,727.78 during its two-week virtual food drive for the Food Bank of Central New York

On the cover, our staff embrace our mission:

1 The We Matter and She Matters programs bring cancer awareness to Syracuse communities.

2 Dr. Andrea Shaw treats a young patient at the Afghan Refugees Clinic.

3 Upstate Medical Students visit and donate books at Van Duyn Elementary to inspire their journey to medical school.

4 Upstate surgeon Sherard ‘Scott’ Tatum, MD, traveled to Ukraine to perform facial surgeries on civilians and soldiers injured in the war with Russia.

5 Upstate sponsors Lights On The Lake.

6 Matthew Capogreco volunteers at the Samaritan Center as part of Upstate’s United Way Emerging Leaders affinity group.

7 Our back cover shows reps for Upstate's Community Giving Campaign, among the most successful in SUNY.

Every day — through acts of kindness, professionalism and service — Upstate employees, students and volunteers live our values and support our mission: to improve the health of the communities we serve.

This document is an overview of the involvement in the community that Upstate Medical University provides for a wide range of activities that underscore our commitment to service.

During the pandemic many of our annual events were effected. We masked, delayed events, had events outdoors and held virtual events to keep our staff, students and community safe. Photos in the document reflect annual events, over different stages of the COVID years.

Community service is a longstanding tradition at Upstate. For 20 years, Team Upstate has encouraged our employees and students to give their time and talents to support causes where they work and live.

Educational and Social Support Programs

pg. 3 - 5 Health Outreach Programs pg. 9 for adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 5-7 for children pg. 7-9 Patient Support pg. 9 -10 Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 10 - 11

Fundraising pg. 12 - 13 Professional Development pg. 13 -15

Wolf Adam Gillette and Lieutenant Joe Nappo enjoy giving to the community and being part of many events, including our Cancer Survivors Day.


Afterschool Tutoring and Mentoring Program

Upstate students educate and empower youth about health issues and learn about barriers in the lives of urban youth of diverse backgrounds and increase social responsibility.

Beneath the surFACE

This head and neck cancer outreach program was developed by the Upstate Cancer Center for middle and high school students. It educates teens on the importance of receiving the HPV vaccine and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol use to reduce cancer risk.

Burn Life Support Class, Advanced Classes for health care professionals to enhance pre-hospital and non-burn-center care of burn patients prior to transfer to a burn center.

Coat Drive

The Upstate community collects new or gently used coats for people in need during the winter season.

EMT Training for Syracuse High School students

Emergency medicine instructors from Upstate lead a multiyear program for City of Syracuse high school students that results in emergency medical technician certification. The program is held at the Public Service Leadership Academy (Fowler High School).

Extended Hands for Adolescent Mothers

Upstate students host monthly creative and/or educational sessions for young mothers to develop parenting and life skills and to reinforce a mentality of positivity through creative outlets. EHAM partners with the Salvation Army’s Transitional Apartments and Parenting Center that provides long-term transitional housing for pregnant and parenting adolescent girls and their children.

Health Career Mentoring Program with SCSD

Partnership program with Syracuse City School District to mentor 9th and 10th grade students for health careers.

Healthy Neighbors Partnership

To improve the health literacy and outcomes for the housing residents, and to foster strategic partnerships and collaborations in a sustainable effort to leverage resources and services that will improve the health and living conditions of residents. Activities include children's story time, exercise classes, community garden, and hearing screenings.

Jump Into Healthcare

Syracuse high school students (rising junior and seniors from Corcoran, Nottingham, and the Syracuse Academy of Science) explore health careers in a five-week summer program at Upstate.

MEDS (Medical Education for Diverse Students)

Upstate students provide lessons in medical science, public health, and health care career exploration to students from Henninger High School and Public Service Leadership Academy (Fowler High School).

Upstate’s Jump into Healthcare program works with Syracuse City School District. Students learned about an array of health care professions and honed their research and presentation skills. Faculty and students from the College of Health Professions and the College of Medicine serve as mentors.

Students from STEAM at Dr. King Elementary School will be a bit warmer this winter thanks to a donation of more than 450 new winter coats from the students and staff at Upstate Medical University.


Upstate’s Biotech Accelerator staff and client participate in MedTech which offers educational programs in pharmaceutical, biologic and medical devices across New York state.

NYS Mentoring Program

Upstate students volunteer one hour a week at Bellevue Elementary School in Syracuse, engaging with 3rd and 4th grade students in one-on-one activities. Upstate students act as positive role models so youth can learn to make good choices, develop self-esteem, and reach their potential.

Oasis Tutoring

Upstate’s Oasis volunteers work with schools in four school districts to mentor and tutor students in grades K-3.

OCM BOCES Advisory Council

Offers introduction to clinical laboratory for graduating seniors considering lab science majors.

P-TECH (Pathways in Technology) Career Counseling

Upstate provides career counseling to students in Syracuse P-TECH, a program at Henninger High School and Public Service Leadership Academy (Fowler High School) that offers programs in clinical laboratory technology and health information technology.

Presidential Scholars

Since 2008, 100 college seniors and graduate students from underrepresented groups have gone through this program, and nearly 20 have been hired at Upstate. The program is designed to develop a work force that is more diverse and more reflective of the communities we serve.

Project SEARCH

Upstate was the first hospital in the state to offer a 30-week internship for students with developmental disabilities. Nearly 100 students with disabilities have gone through this program and close to 20 have been hired at Upstate.

Reach One, Teach One

Upstate volunteers assist elementary school students with homework and lead fun, interactive science experiments at this afterschool program of Zonta and Girls Inc.

Reading Buddies

Upstate students read with 3rd and 4th grade students at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School every week throughout the school year.

Research Education Opportunities for High School Students

Educational research projects with local high-schoolers who express interest in scientific research and raise local awareness about Upstate's research and educational programs.

RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Self-Empowerment)

Upstate students coordinate monthly sessions with female children of the Syracuse RISE program to educate, motivate and present participants with skills to promote their success.

Student-to-Student Advising Program

Upstate students mentor students interested in health careers.

The Upstate Stroke and Pharmacy Teams provide free stroke risk screenings, hand out educational pamphlets and other giveaways, offer Narcan education and medication reconciliation information.
Upstate’s Oasis volunteers work with schools in four school districts to mentor and tutor students in grades K-3.

Support Groups

Many support groups meet at Upstate to connect people who have similar health experiences or challenges and want to share them to benefit others. Groups include smoking cessation, cancer, stroke, burn support and bariatric surgery support.

SYNERGY/Mercy Works Internships

Since 2009, Upstate staff have volunteered to mentor college interns from the Syracuse community. Synergy interns, from various backgrounds including lowincome households, work full-time over 6-week period during the summer. Students are placed in various departments Upstate each year. Upstate is a long-standing partner in this program.

Syracuse Housing Technology Classes

Classes offered to residents of SHA to teach Zoom and other tech skills to keep people connected and able to do virtual doctor visits. Goal is to increase technology literacy and connectedness in underserved areas. Participants gain understanding of technology and how to safely access the internet. Multiple classes are scheduled and held throughout SHA depending on preference of participants.

Vaping Forum

Provides education and support for East Syracuse parents, teachers and the youth related to the dangers of vaping.

Visiting Lecture Series

Upstate hosts lectures to raise awareness of and interest in research activities and educational programs (MS, MD, PhD) at SUNY Upstate.

Women Heal

Upstate students hold semi-monthly groups with female residents of the Rescue Mission to promote their physical, mental and social well-being through education, relaxation and other activities.

Your Cause

Each year, Upstate staff nominate charities to receive funding and volunteer support. Recipients of “Your Cause” awards have included Chadwick Residence, OnPoint for College, Clearpath for Veterans, In My Father’s Kitchen, the Rescue Mission’s Runaway and Homeless Emergency Youth Shelter and Sarah's Guest House.


Black Leadership Commission on Health Town Halls


Upstate participates in these meetings that focus on addressing health disparities in African American communities, locally and nationally.

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Clinic

Improves cardiovascular health with lifestyle changes and to connect the community with potential providers for longitudinal care. Aimed at: 1. Providing free cardiovascular risk screening and counseling for the public; 2. Providing information about local area primary care physicians 3. Providing general health education to the greater Upstate community.

Clear the Air

Upstate helps visitors adhere to our tobacco-free policy by providing nicotine replacement products. It provides help for those with nicotine addiction stay comfortable, keeps the campus cleaner, and provides an opportunity to try to quit.

Members of the United Way Emerging Leaders Group, collected items to donate to the Samaritan Center "My Place" Program, which aides people and families who are transitioning into homes of their own from being homeless. Upstate departments celebrate Heart Health for women on Go Red Day.

More than 60 Upstate employees took part in the United Way of Central New York's Day of Caring, volunteering at more than a dozen area human service organizations.

Healthy Hearts Program

Outreach and screening program on heart disease. Upstate physicians, residents and medical students volunteer to provide free personalized cardiovascular risk screenings at various community locations.

Health Equity Community Coalition or CNY Regional Healthcare Equity Task Force

Provides action-based strategies and concrete steps for individuals, communities, and health care facilities to promote and sustain a culture of health by sharing resources and expertise to facilitate community dialogue and meaningful partnerships that result in the identification of collective health goals that inspire actionable community initiatives that improve health outcomes.

Healthy Neighbors – Resident Health Advocates

Upstate partnered with Syracuse Housing Authority to create this program for residents of Pioneer Homes, Toomey Abbott Towers, Almus Olver Towers, Vinette and Ross Towers, all low-income public housing. Upstate professionals volunteer to train resident health advocates (RHAs) to conduct health outreach in cancer and diabetes prevention, sexual health and physical activity. The program also supports community gardens to provide healthier eating options.

Helping Hands for Forgotten Feet

Upstate students provide patient navigation under the supervision of physicians at the Rescue Mission emergency shelters. This includes aiding in patient intake, taking patient histories, doing assessments (with a focus on foot health), providing health education and referrals to primary care providers.

HIV Advisory Board

Upstate advises the NYS Dept. of Health AIDS Institute on prevention planning and service gap needs.

Housecalls for the Homeless

This program provides medical, psychiatric and addiction care for those without homes in Onondaga County. Working with shelters and support services, Upstate staff and volunteers provide dressing of small wounds, treatment of infections, foot care and blood pressure checks. Chronic conditions such as hypertension, COPD and diabetes are monitored, and individuals receive counseling on how to manage their care. During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical students made and distributed health care kits.

Rahma Clinic

Upstate students shadow staff and aid in patient intake, assessment, referrals and patient flow at this walk-in primary care facility on Syracuse’s Southside. Rahma Clinic is for people without health insurance or with limited access to health care.

Upstate's "Helping Hands for Forgotten Feet" program, which provides monthly footcare and health screenings to women and men experiencing homelessness, won Rescue Mission Alliance of Syracuse's 2022 Hope Award.

Research Education Opportunities for High School Students

Educational research projects with local high-schoolers who express interest in scientific research and raise local awareness about Upstate's research and educational programs.

She Matters

She Matters is Upstate's community breast cancer outreach, education and screening program that helps to address the health disparities seen in lower income women regarding breast cancer. While continuing to focus on women in Syracuse public housing using Residents Health Advocates, She Matters has grown and is community program that is available to all women to reduce breast cancer mortality.

Stroke Program: Educational and Community Activities

The Stroke Program provides a variety of education to hospital staff, EMS and prehospital partners, referring hospital staff, and the regional communities we serve. Education includes staff education and awareness activities, EMS presentations and case feedback, referring hospital presentations and live simulations, and in-person community education presentations and heath fairs. During the pandemic, the program pivoted to provide monthly support and professional virtual educational series offering continuing education to medical staff throughout the region, and beyond.

Vascular Screening Day

The vascular screening day, offered through HealthLink, serves more than 200 people each year with the intent of providing this screening to low-income people and the medically underserved.

We Matter

The We Matter program educates and screens men and women for colorectal and lung cancer using a successful peer-to-peer outreach strategy. Resident Health Advocates educate and encourage screening in the public housing community and have made a significant impact in cancer screening rates and early detection.


CHAMP (Children’s Health After School Mentorship Program)

Upstate students work with youth of all abilities on fitness activities and healthy behaviors.

Project ECHO

This is a cost-free partnership between an interdisciplinary team of Upstate specialists and primary care providers looking to increase their knowledge, selfefficacy and understanding of best practices. The goal of Project Echo is to provide patients in rural and medically underserved areas with specialty care, close to home.

VEPOP (Violence Education Prevention Outreach Program)

Provides referral services to victims of street violence to help individuals avoid future violence-related injuries.



Upstate's cancer screening awareness programs—She Matters (breast cancer) and We Matter (colorectal cancer), along with health careers program U Matter— were at Mary Nelson's Back-to-school BBQ to answer questions from the public and sign people up for lifesaving screenings.

Organized by Douglas Rosenthal, the annual curling event raised for The Joslin Diabetes Center, at their latest event

Upstate hosts several special Syracuse Crunch games at the Upstate Medical University Arena. At the Hockey Fights Cancer night, the Cancer Center staff celebrate cancer survivors, patients, caregivers, medical professionals and researchers, as well as those we have lost to cancer.


Cooking for a Healthy Colon Cooking demonstration and education seminar on colorectal cancer. Increased education on nutrition, screening, symptoms, and treatment of colon cancer.

HealthLink Seminars

Each year, nearly 100 Upstate physicians, nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists and clinical educators volunteer to give free health seminars, and reach nearly 4,000 attendees. Seminars are held via Zoom with seminars available online following the presentations. Some special HealthLink events are held in person at a variety of locations across several counties, including Upstate’s HealthLink/Oasis Learning Center in Syracuse.

The Informed Patient

This award-winning, 60-minute talk show explores issues of health, medicine and science and serves as a showcase for Upstate faculty and staff and other experts with ties to Syracuse and Central New York. The program has been produced since 2006 by journalists in Upstate's Marketing and University Communications Department. The interviews are available as podcasts and online, and past episodes remain available to the public. The show is broadcast each Sunday via NPR station WRVO and reaches listeners throughout Central and Northern New York as well as live online.

Let's Not Meet By Accident

Offered through the Upstate Trauma Center to reduce the rate of motor vehicle accidents.

Matter of Balance

This project increases awareness of fall risks with the goal of preventing falls among seniors.

Sleep Teaching Day

This seminar increases health care providers’ knowledge of sleep medicine.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation programs are offered at the Upstate Cancer Center and in the community.

State of Our Babies Health in Syracuse

Annual report to the Community. Inform the community about health disparities and maternal and child health outcomes

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

This College of Graduate Studies’ program nurtures undergraduate students interested in biomedical science careers.

This Upstate program with Binghamton University, the Rural and Underserved Service Track, brings together trainees from various disciplines including social work, nursing, pharmacy, and medicine as interprofessional teams to engage in community-based training activities that serve the most vulnerable communities.

Non-Nursing Job Shadowing

A program designed to help individuals gain knowledge of health career opportunities and the skills that different occupations require.


Upstate Health Publications

Upstate provides free health publications to provide advice, expertise, and news— all aimed at improving the health of the community. Award-winning publications include: Upstate Health and Cancer Care, magazines that appear in print and online. Both feature original content unique to Upstate and are available by subscription as well as at various distribution points.


Breast Cancer Education Seminar to provide information on breast health, cancer and increased awareness of treatments and screening for cancer to the public to encourage them to seek medical care when needed.

World Breastfeeding Week Education Event

Community Breastfeeding Awareness event and education provided during World Breastfeeding Week to raise awareness, provide community and health care provider education and support during world breastfeeding awareness week.


Burn Support Group

Supports burn survivors and allows a place for burn survivors to share their experiences.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program-Living Healthy with a Chronic Condition

Through peer leaders who have been trained in this evidence-based approach, the program helps patients with chronic illness increase better communication with their physicians, learn better coping strategies and symptom management, increase physical activity, and reduce health distress.


Upstate students play games, read books and converse with senior patients in the geriatric center at Upstate with the goal of improving mental health.

Low-Wage Workers' Health Project

Aims to prevent occupational disease in low-wage, vulnerable, high-risk workers mainly in Syracuse, NY, but also extending to the Occupational Health Clinical Center's 16 county catchment area. Low-wage workers are frequently at risk of injury and illness from poorly controlled workplace hazards, and low-wage jobs are a growing proportion of the workforce. Since its inception in 2012, the LWWHP has engaged nearly 2,000 low-wage workers.

Oasis Vitality

This medically supervised exercise program helps seniors and others with health conditions maintain health and fitness goals.

Peds Relief

Upstate students provide companionship to pediatric patients to allow brief respite for parents. Students play games, read books, and create art.


Upstate staff and students step-up and donate as several blood drives, hosted at different locations throughout the year. The donations help maintaing a robust blood supply for our patients and community. Megan Chase of Upstate's Professional Development and Learning office is a proud blood donor.

The Upstate family donated 7,110 individual products and raised $2,430 during the Feminine Hygiene Drive. F. Keshia Suhail, MD and Alexandra Goodman, MD, are the co-founders of Women in Residency Life and spearheaded the drive.

Over 1,100 survivors and guests gathered to celebrate Upstate Cancer Center's National Cancer Survivors Day at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. This annual event is a celebration for those who have survived, an inspiration for those recently diagnosed, and a gathering of support for families to love and connect.

Peer Support For Adults With Type 2 Diabetes through Living Healthy with a Chronic Condition

These Oasis programs are evidence-based, peer-led health education sessions for people and/or caregivers with chronic health conditions. Upstate providers can prescribe sessions for their patients.

Tai Chi for Arthritis

This HealthLink program is a falls-prevention exercise series offered at various senior centers.


The Upstate Comprehensive Stroke Center pioneered telemedicine in our region by providing physician-to physician consultations and patient evaluations. The program partners with 11 hospitals across the state to provide stroke care, anywhere, anytime.

Tobacco Treatment Financial Hardship Program

The Upstate Cancer Center removes financial barriers for those with cancer and other health challenges get evidence-based treatments to quit smoking or vaping.

Treat-Meant for You

Beautification and spa day for cancer survivors. Information and tips on living with a cancer survivor’s "new normal" along with feeling good about the same.

Upstate Best Beginnings Childbirth & New Family Classes

Free prenatal and postpartum education and support for new families. Provides community education and support to new families surrounding pregnancy, labor, birth, new parenthood and care of a new baby. Improves access, education and support to pregnant people and their support person helping empower informed decision making during pregnancy, labor, birth and new parenthood.


Cancer: Prevention is Key

This annual event is held during National Cancer Prevention Month (Feb.). Upstate and other non-profits distribute cancer prevention and screening information, encourage visitors to sign wellness pledges. Upstate experts are on hand to answer questions.

Cancer Survivor's Day

Upstate hosts an annual celebration for hundreds of cancer survivors and their families.

Christmas Bureau

Each year, The Salvation Army of Syracuse helps provide Christmas food and toys to nearly 10,000 people with the help of dozens of community partners. Over, 90 Upstate employees, friends and family volunteer annually, at the Salvation Army's Christmas Bureau.

Each year, Upstate staff and students donate more than 500 toys and hundreds of books to the Salvation Army Christmas Bureau. Volunteers from Upstate join other volunteers to offer refreshments and help patrons select a gift at the event. More than 2,500 families in need are served.


Duck Race to End Racism

Upstate participates in a free family festival hosted by Interfaith Works’ event brings people together to demonstrate what the world would look like if racism did not exist.

Great American Smokeout

Tobacco cessation day in November and Upstate has several activities to acknowledge this national event.

Hope & Heels Fashion Show & Brunch

Raise awareness of cervical cancer. Cancer Center promotes services, provides prevention information and celebrate survivors here.

Kick Butts/Earth Day

This community education increases awareness of the harms of tobacco use and Upstate’s no smoking policy.

Nutrition and Health EXPO for Seniors

Upstate offers seniors healthy cooking demonstrations, health screenings and exercise classes and provides information on community resources.

Shine a Light on Lung Cancer Vigil

To bring awareness to lung cancer and educate the public on detection and prevention through a Syracuse Crunch night devoted to lung cancer.

Stroke Conference and Camp

The Upstate Comprehensive Stroke Center hosts a conference for medical professionals and a camp for stroke survivors and caregivers. Stroke Center staff attend dozens of community outreach and educational events year-round.

Syracuse Crunch Hockey/Arena Partnership

Upstate secured naming rights to what is now the Upstate Medical University Arena at Onondaga County War Memorial. Upstate has a presence at all arena events and hosts health related education.

Syracuse Workforce Run

This annual run encourages employee/corporate wellness and draws participants from businesses across the county.

Women in Medicine and Science and CNY Women’s Bar Association Event

This annual dinner features speakers who discuss community issues of relevance to both groups.

Women’s Health & Fitness Day

Upstate and local nonprofits host this event in downtown Syracuse to educate and empower women about their health.

Youth Day BBQ/Backpack and School Supplies Drive

Upstate students and employees support employee Mary Nelson’s annual Back-pack Giveaway and BBQ by donating school supplies and volunteering at the event that helps over 21,000 youths and their families get ready for a productive and rewarding school year.

Team Upstate participates in the annual Walk to End Alzheimer's.


EARTH DAY clean up at Upstate. Thanks to our students and employees—with guest appearances from Mr. Kick Butts and Upstate's Wolfie–we made campus a little cleaner today.

staff participate in the American Heart Walk.


Community Giving Campaign

Upstate employees donate more than a half-million dollars annually to benefit more than 600 nonprofit agencies, making it one of the most successful fundraising efforts in the SUNY system to help those in need.

Upstate Advocates

The Advocates for Upstate Medical University is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with more than 100 volunteer members who are Upstate employees, retirees, and friends. Fundraising supports campus and hospital initiatives and community health education.

Upstate Alumni Associations

Upstate’s Medical Alumni Association manages more than 150 funds that primarily support educational programs for medical students. Since 1992, the Health Professions and Nursing Alumni Associations have awarded more than 860 scholarships and other support for students, faculty and alumni. The College of Graduate Studies Alumni Association supports a Distinguished Alumni Lecture Series to mentor graduate students.

Upstate Foundation

The Upstate Foundation is a public charity that provides support to advance the Upstate mission. Funds raised provide assistance to patients’ families, comfort for patients and opportunities for fun and education for pediatric patients, medical equipment, research, scholarships and other services. Hosts numerous events including the annual Radiothon.

Father Daughter Valentine Ball Proceeds benefit Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital

Paige's Butterfly Run Raises money for research, programs and patient assistance for Upstate's Waters Center for Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders

Pedaling 4 Paige

This annual indoor spinning event benefits the Dr. William J. Waters Center for Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders at Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital, Syracuse, New York.

Physician Philanthropic Council Hospital philanthropy group to guide and encourage philanthropy through the Upstate Foundation.

Carol M. Baldwin Foundation events

Upstate participates in several events to support teaching opportunities and cancer research conducted at Upstate Medical University.

American Cancer Society CNY Relay for Life Awareness event for cancer. Upstate is a sponsor of this event and has a presence as well with a team and table.

Upstate New York Poison Center brings poison awarenes at Syracuse Mets for Safe Kids Upstate NY Coalition Day! Paige’s Butterfly Run has raised more than $3.5 million in support of pediatric cancer research and pediatric cancer care at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital. The Community Giving Campaign unites Upstate to support causes in the community through hundreds of agencies supported by the United Way and SEFA. Dr. Lawrence Chin, campaign chair, Meghann Sandak, Chief Development Officer at the United Way of CNY, and SUNY Upstate President Mantosh Dewan kick off the campaign.

Cans for Cancer

Raises money for cancer research and programs through public returnable drives.

Heart Walk

Team Upstate participates and fundraises for the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk each year and has been a top team for nearly 25 years.


Upstate participates in this event that raises awareness and funds to end juvenile diabetes.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer/Real Men Wear Pink Team Upstate participants raise funds for the American Cancer Society.

Relay for Life Syracuse University

Increase community awareness of cancer and raise money to support programs.

Room2Smile Lacrosse Tournament

Raise funds for the Room2Smile fund at Upstate. Room2Smile has raised over $40,000 through efforts— much of it from this tournament—to fund the comfort cart and other programs.

Walk Run for Kids

Walk run in Binghamton, NY. Money raised assists unmet needs for patients and families at Upstate’s Golisano Children’s Hospital.


Advanced Practice Clinical Pastoral Consultation Group

Promotes Upstate as the primary source of excellence in clinical pastoral education and practice and strengthens all area chaplains and spiritual care departments from across the region. It also serves as a resource to acquire a portion of the continuing education required to maintain Board Chaplaincy Certification, as well as a source of education and recruitment for future chaplain interns in training at Upstate.

American Burn Association Member

Source of research for supporting burn patients and survivors

Blood Bank Association of New York State Upstate staff participate in this professional association dedicated to improved education and coordination of practice.

Business Incubator Association of New York State

NYBAC Executive Director is a member of the BIANYS board, attends programs, expands networks to build partnerships to build research development, promote clients and provide opportunities for job growth for Upstate graduates. BIANYS is a nonprofit trade association professional membership organization bringing together a community of engaged leaders of incubators, accelerators and coworking spaces spanning all corners of NYS. CNYBAC is a NYS certified business incubator - membership in BIANYS provides statewide access to education, client incubation resources and an expanded network for business development.

Upstate Medical University received the Team Champion Award from Sarah’s Guest House, a local not-for-profit agency that provides lodging, transportation, meals, and comfort to patients and families of patients receiving medical care in Central New York.

The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer team raised over $22,000 and provided information tables at the event.

Employees participate in the annual Maureen T. O’Hara Teal There's A Cure at Marcellus Park. Proceeds from this certified 5k benefit ovarian cancer research at Upstate Medical University, and a fund held at the Upstate Foundation, which provides ovarian cancer patient assistance.

CNY Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Board members from Upstate assist in planning and implementing activities in support of the CFFs’ activities, goals and philosophy.

CNY Society for Human Resources Management, Total Rewards Committee Participate in the local human resources community to support the knowledge of compensation and benefits.

Concept to Commercialization Boot Camp

Upstate’s CNY Biotech Accelerator hosts this conference that includes presentations on intellectual property, licensing, commercialization, and project management.

East Genesee Regent Association

This group champions efforts in their districts to improve the commercial viability, appearance and desirability of the area. This includes participating in public improvements, creating special events, and participating in planning and zoning discussions.

Emerging Leaders United

Upstate staff are active in Emerging Leaders United, a United Way of CNY program that promotes positive change through education, networking and volunteer opportunities.

Grand Rounds

Area physicians and other health care professionals are invited to Upstate’s grand rounds. These lectures, presented by all clinical specialties, offer expertise on new modalities and treatments and case reviews.

Our volunteers come in all shapes and sizes. Therapy dogs bring cheer to Upstate patients, students and staff, throughout the year.

Grants Review

Upstate faculty members serve on grant review panels of national and international funding agencies to improve the academic enterprise by ensuring a high standard of scientific research.

Integrative Therapy Sub-council

Sub-council to nursing governance to develop integrative therapies for nurses to use in patient care settings.


Interprofessional/Community Workshops

Workshops on refugee health, neighborhood violence and trauma, and disability. Finds ways that health care professionals can collaborate with community members to address inequities.



This cross-border partnership between the U.S. and Canada supports economic growth through collaborative research opportunities, coordinating company landings in each other’s communities, training/education and funding.

New York State Fire Chaplain Association

Provides outreach to fire departments and chaplains that support fire rescue and prevention to share data, prayers and fire prevention improvements.

NYS Society of Clinical Research Associates

Upstate’s Biotech Accelerator executive director chairs the NYS chapter and develops daylong educational programs.

NYSTAR Innovation


Upstate’s CNY Biotech Accelerator clients exhibit and pitch at this program that showcases and advances NYS-based integrated photonics, robotics, digital manufacturing and more.

Partnership with CenterState CEO

Upstate’s CNY Biotech Accelerator contracts with CenterState CEO to develop programs and projects to help to develop economic growth, place students in jobs, coordinate crossborder relationships, and expand networks to build pipelines for industry-supported innovation.

Scientific Journal Review

Upstate faculty members review articles submitted to professional journals to advance and improve scientific knowledge.

Women United

A United Way of CNY network of women focused on providing opportunities for women to learn, discuss important issues, understand challenges facing women and explore ways to have collective impact.

The annual Strikes Against Stroke event brings an incredible community of stroke survivors, families, friends, and our Upstate team together to celebrate. The hospital began their month-long Donate Life observance with this humbling donor tribute that included 176 mini Donate Life flags in their donor memorial garden. Each flag represented an organ, eye and tissue donor who gave the Gift of Life in 2021 at Upstate and Community Hospitals.


Office of External Relations I

The Office of External Relations is the public voice of the University, nurturing relationships with key stakeholders and decision makers to advance the University’s mission, vision and goals. The office’s divisions are comprised of Public, Community and Government Relations and are responsible for all contact between SUNY Upstate Medical University and leaders in the news media, community organizations and government offices.

Linda Veit, MPH

Interim Chief of Staff Assistant Vice President for Community Relations I 315.464.4513

Zanette Howe Director for Community Relations and Events I 315.464.4836

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