Our team of experts cares for our community by providing real-time information through our 24/7 poison helpline and by sharing life-saving poison prevention education in all of our 54 counties.
To end disease and death from poisons and overdoses in our community.
Collaboration – We work with hospitals, public health officials, and community partners to share information and education about poisonings and poison prevention.
Community – Our poison center serves and advocates for all members of our community with respect, dignity, and privacy.
Innovation – We use education, research, technology, and state-of-the-art resources to respond to poisoning and drug overdose emergencies in our communities.
Prevention – We help keep our community safe by providing tools and resources to empower everyone to prevent poisonings.
Quality – Through the 24/7 poison helpline, 1-800-222-1222, our experts help callers avoid unnecessary health care visits and to get life-saving treatments when needed. Our fast, free, confidential information helps reduce poison harms and decrease health care costs in our communities.
The Upstate New York Poison Center (UNYPC) is dedicated to preventing poisonings, protecting the health of our communities, and reducing the need for emergency medical care across the 54 counties we serve.
We are a leading resource for poison emergencies and information through our 24/7 helpline at 1-800-222-1222. Our expert team assists medical professionals and the public in 54 counties and over 100 hospitals for a population of 7.4 million people.
Every dollar invested in the poison center system saves $13.39 in medical costs and lost productivity for a total savings of about $1.8 billion yearly.
IN 2024 WE RESPONDED TO: Human Exposure Cases
Outgoing Calls 33,466 (includes follow-up calls to hospitals and at-home patients)
Total incoming and outgoing calls 84,191
Calls for cannabis exposure remain a growing concern. In 2024, UNYPC handled 540 CASES of cannabis products involving all age groups (i.e., edibles, dried and undried plant products, vaping products, extracts and pills); 323 CASES were for cannabis edibles alone. Most calls (125 cases) were for cannabis edibles in children five and under. Children can become very sick from swallowing cannabis and often require a trip to a hospital.
UNYPC educated the community on these dangers through presentations and newsletter articles, and we distributed nearly 17,000 newly designed cannabis safety cards and look-alike posters.
68% of calls are managed at home
27% of calls are managed in a health care facility
70% of calls are for unintentional poisonings
13% of calls are for a suspected suicide
46% of cases involve adults
38% of cases involve children ages five and under
14% of cases involve children ages 6-19
2% of cases are of unknown age
The Upstate New York Poison Center (UNYPC) provides lifesaving services that avoid costly hospitalizations. Serving 7.4 MILLION residents in 54 COUNTIES.
10,650 fewer patients/year needing medical treatment2
5,325 fewer patients/year requiring hospitalizations2
1. “In what are perhaps one of the most comprehensive cost-benefit analyses of PCCs, investigators used National Medical Expenditure Survey, US Vital Statistics, National Hospital Discharge Survey, and NPDS data to measure financial savings attributed to PCCs ... This translates into an average of $175 saved per PCC call...." -- Lewin Report, page 4
2. “... Their analysis showed PCC consultations reduced the number of patients that were medically treated, but not hospitalized for poisoning, by approximately 24 percent and reduced hospitalizations by 12 percent...." -- Lewin Report, page 4
• 150 events: Presentations and health fairs reaching 17,000+ attendees.
• Distributed nearly 99,000 educational materials via events and online requests.
• Over 1,100 medication lock boxes distributed through partnerships and grants to prevent poisoning.
• A special pharmacy partnership in Western NY distributed 80 lock boxes and 2,000+ materials to promote safe medication use.
• Developed new resources for older adults and suicide prevention.
• Hosted 4 Health Educator webinars.
• Social media reached 86,000+ people.
• Supported legislative efforts for cannabis packaging safety