Sustainable Livelihoods

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School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management

Sustainable Livelihoods

The way in which we live and work impacts directly upon the resources of the planet and the well-being of mankind. Our consumption of food, energy, and material goods needs to achieve a harmonious balance with the natural resources of the planet. Social and

economic systems will need to adapt to our rapidly changing world. The School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management’s research into sustainable livelihoods explores the trade-offs taking place that affect people’s ability to live in an economically,

GPEM PhD student, Jeremy Bourgoin, investigating how to negotiate sustainable landscape management in Northern Laos.

ecologically, and socially sustainable manner. It will develop knowledge and techniques that can be applied to promote and manage these trade-offs to encourage more sustainable societies that are able to adapt to their environments and provide for future generations. 1

Mapping disadvantage Unequal access to resources and services among neighbourhoods (known as spatial disparity) and the concentration of social disadvantage has become a significant issue in Australia. Studies have shown that those living in socially disadvantaged locations consistently have poorer health and wellbeing outcomes. Spatial disparities, when combined with regional divisions and political and ethnic tensions, have added significance that can undermine social and political stability. By overlaying social, economic and rental housing data visually on a map Dr Liu is hoping to discover whether they fit together in certain areas to contribute to social disadvantage. While there are many studies describing and measuring the unequal distribution of services and the concentration of social disadvantage in Australia and overseas, research focusing on the rental housing market and whether this may generate or reinforce social disadvantage is limited.


In particular, little has been done in measuring the spatial disparity between the supply of and the demand for private rental housing, and whether this impacts upon social disadvantage. Dr Liu hopes to use her research to influence policy and improve outcomes for those who live in disadvantaged communities. She believes the results from the project will enhance our understanding of whether the private rental housing sub-market contributes to the overall concentration of social disadvantage. It will add to the existing evidence base on concentrations of social disadvantage and marginal rental housing markets that can be used to develop sustained and effective intervention to assist highly disadvantaged communities. Researchers: Dr Yan Liu Funding: UQ Early Career Research Grant Email:

Lifecycle analysis tool: promoting progressive practices There are continuing pressures and community expectations for the sugar industry to further mitigate the environmental impacts of cane growing, particularly in relation to protection of the Great Barrier Reef. This project builds upon previous life cycle assessment (LCA) of Australian sugarcane and aims to develop a user friendly, streamlined tool that will make LCA of sugarcane more accessible to extension officers, researchers and possibly growers. It is intended that the tool will be used to generate environmental performance information about cane growing practices to aid extension efforts in the promotion and development of progressive cane growing. The project is a joint venture effort between the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations (BSES) and UQ. It draws together BSES’s interest in better understanding the environmental impacts of cane growing and promoting progressive cane growing practices, and UQ’s capabilities in modelling the environmental impacts of different cane growing systems. By enabling end users to conduct quick and easy LCAs growers are likely to receive significant economic benefit and communities will reap the environmental rewards. Researchers: Dr Marguerite Renouf, Dr Peter Allsopp, and Dr Bernard Schroeder Funding: Sugar Research and Development Corroboration Email:


A carbon price may benefit farmers Scientists at UQ, in collaboration with JCU, may have found a way to offset up to 2.5% of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions and secure economic benefits for regional communities. The study found that reducing grazing pressure in Eastern Australia’s mulga lands would result in an increase in groundcover and water infiltration and retention capacity in the soil, and have the added benefit of reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and storing it in soils and plants. The results of this research could lead to alternative land uses in the outback which can increase the social, economic and environmental resilience in those areas said Dr Bradd Witt, lead investigator on the project.

Photo by Michelle Venter

If carbon was to be priced appropriately vast improvements could be made to the management of some agricultural lands, potentially benefiting the environment and regional communities.


Quantifying the amount of carbon that can be absorbed by a particular environment, allows farmers to calculate how much CO2 can be removed from the atmosphere by simply rezoning their land. If the government were to introduce a price on carbon alongside their carbon tax the financial incentive for farmers to change the use of their

land from grazing to carbon sinks could see Australia reduce its carbon emissions significantly. Research of this type has been limited in Australia, but with the recent introduction of the carbon tax its implications are significant for the Australian economy. The potential to sequester carbon and improve biodiversity outcomes in extensive semi-arid grazing lands will require significant policy shifts to encourage and reward necessary landuse change. The project came into being after the researchers noticed a lack of knowledge on the carbon sequestration potential of the dry areas of Australia, and the potential for land use change to provide greater economic resilience to communities in these regions with the implementation of a price on carbon. The group of scientists believes that further research extended across different a variety of environments is needed to ensure an accurate picture is provided for policy makers. Researchers: Dr Bradd Witt (UQ), Assoc Prof Bob Beeton (UQ), Prof Neal Menzies (UQ), Prof Michael Bird (JCU), Michelle Venter (JCU) Funding: Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts Email:,

Sustainable mining communities

Restoring the balance: mining, food and ecosystems Mining and agriculture contribute approximately 10 per cent of Australia’s gross domestic product making the sustainable development of these sectors critical to the country’s long term economic growth and well-being. However, this growth is leading to degradation of landscape ecosystem function and the loss of ecosystem services.

The resources boom in Australia has led to significant changes in the locations of employment in the mining sector, however little is known about the implications of these changes on the sustainability of mining communities. Most of the work that has been done has focused on the negative implications of the flyover effect, rather than the positive opportunities for local and regional communities. As a country rich in mineral resources, Australia has a significant number of communities affected by mining. These comprise large mining towns with mixed economies, small company towns and coastal/regional towns with significant fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) and drive-in-drive (DIDO) populations. This three year project will develop a more holistic understanding of such communities, identifying key planning dimensions that need to be addressed in order to achieve quality of life and socially sustainable community outcomes

within mining regions. For instance, without adequate planning the increasing trend for large numbers of mining employees to base themselves at the coastal and urban centres and travel out to the mining communities for shift work blocks can create intraregional labour market shortages, infrastructure bottlenecks and housing affordability issues.

Community reaction will curtail production in these sectors where function and services continue to be lost. This project addresses the demand for accurate scientific information, needed by industry and government, to understand ecosystem responses to change, and to develop optimal conservation interventions that take account of the costs and benefits in landscapes where the intensive mining industry intersects with extensive land uses for food and fibre production. Researchers: Prof Damian J Barrett, Prof Stuart R Phinn Funding: Australian Research Council Linkage Grant Email:

Planning for socially sustainable communities is as much about the cost of social infrastructure and services as it is about the social and political license to operate. Governments, corporations and communities require modelling, analysis and advice in order to coordinate and plan for sustainable communities, services and infrastructure. Researchers: Dr Tiffany Morrison, Dr Jonathan Corcoran, Prof Martin Bell Email:


Photo by Chris Roelfsema

Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations Plan

Cultivating an algal economy The products that can result from algal cultivation are numerous and diverse: human and animal food products, fertilisers, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals including substrates for biomaterial production, and bioenergy feedstock. As such an algal economy represents a sustainable fuel, material and food supply. Research into the use of algae for the sustainable production of bio-fuels in Queensland is currently underway at The University of Queensland. It will identify where the key inputs for algal production are available in sufficient quantities - point sources of carbon dioxide (from power stations etc.), nutrientrich wastes (from livestock operations), sunlight and water (fresh and saline), and map these to locate regions where production may be viable. It is hoped this work will inform policy development in relation to the future adoption of the innovative technology. Researchers: Dr Marguerite Renouf and Ms Penny Prasad (UQ) The project is lead by Dr. Steven Pratt and Prof Paul Lant (Chemical Engineering) and also includes Prof Ben Hankerman and Dr. Ian Ross (Institute of Molecular Biosciences). Funding: Global Change Institute Small Grant Email:


The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) is a group of Traditional Owners who are custodians of the Traditional region of the Northern Basin of the Murray Darling Basin. Laurel Johnson is working with the NBAN to assist them to prepare a Corporate Plan that identifies their vision, values, goals and priority actions for the traditional area.

Researchers: Laurel Johnson Funding: Murray Darling Basin Authority, Commonwealth Government, Laurel Johnson Planning Consultant Email:

Indigenous Resources Stewardship Despite being part of the natural environment for thousands of years Indigenous people are often denied a place at the natural resource management table. While co-management agreements exist, this research demonstrates that such frameworks perpetuate many of the barriers between scientific and Indigenous ways of thinking. This project explicitly compares and contrasts Western and Indigenous ways of knowing and the range of different management styles and situations in Australia, the United States, Thailand and India. Through this comparison the researchers have been able to prepare an innovative, alternative example of co-management, the Indigenous Stewardship Model. This model provides a central role for Indigenous constructs of stewardship of the land, developing a common language that allows for balanced contributions from Western land managers and Indigenous communities and has the potential to transcend some of the usual barriers to equal partnerships in natural resources management. Researchers: Dr Annie Ross (UQ), Prof Kathleen Pickering Sherman (Colorado State University), Dr Jeffrey Snodgrass (Colorado State University) Dr Henry Delcore (California State University Fresno), Richard Sherman (Oglala Lakota natural resources manager) Funding: The University of Queensland, Colorado State University, California State University Fresno Email:


People on the Move

The 21st Century has been characterised as the Age of Migration. Mobility is essential to an efficient global economy, while for individuals it is the main mechanism to meet daily needs and pursue long term aspirations. QCPR has a suite of research projects aimed at better understanding the nature of human mobility in the modern world:

fairly young age, whereas in Indonesia and the Philippines, migration peaks at a later age

• Graduate Destinations. Human capital is essential for growth and development. While this process continues throughout the people’s lives, the period between leaving school and joining the workforce is a crucial, formative stage in individual development. Migration is an essential process enabling people to develop their ‘human capital’ but this movement often robs towns and rural areas of young people. QCPR projects are using cross sectional and longitudinal datasets to examine the spatial mobility of school leavers and tertiary graduates in cities, towns and rural areas of Victoria and across Australia. These projects will increase our understanding of how spatial mobility intersects with educational and occupational pathways in the transition to adulthood; identify the factors that attract and retain young people in non-metropolitan areas; and will also provide practical insights to guide policy on regional development and the retention of human capital (SEE MAP).

differences in mobility.

• Comparing Mobility Around the World. The average Australian moves house more than 13 times during their lives whereas for people in Britain and other European countries, the figure is more like 6 or 7 moves. People also move at different times of life, depending on the country they live in. For example, the diagram shows that people in China move at a


and is higher at older ages. On the other hand it is the Vietnamese who have the highest rates of mobility. QCPR is developing statistical indicators which measure these differences and undertaking research across 150 UN member States to explain the reasons for these • Journey to work. The journey-to-work is a habitual routine for most people - a significant component of everyday life, which in South East Queensland alone accounts for 1.3 million daily trips. Understanding the complex dynamics of this movement is vital if planners are to design transport systems that meet the needs of growing populations whilst adhering to sustainability principles. Research on the journey-to-work within QCPR is targeted at developing and applying advanced geographical and statistical modelling techniques and contributing to the discussion and debate on sustainable transport, peak oil, urban design and the work-life balance. Researchers: Prof Martin Bell, Dr Jonathan Corcoran, Dr Elin Charles-Edwards Funding: Australian Research Council; United Nations Development Program; Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network; The University of Queensland Email:,,

Graduate flows for Australia’s States and Territories in 2006

Journey-to-work (Source:

China Indonesia Philippines Vietnam

12 9 6 3


75 80

60 65 70


40 45 50

30 35

5 10 15 20 25



Proportion moving over 5 years



Age profile of migration in Selected Asian countries


Livelihoods analysis and food systems Subsistence-based societies in impoverished nation states, such as those in the Pacific need to embrace a cash economy to improve their livelihoods if they are to break free from the tyranny of long term generational poverty. The research in this project focuses on two nations, the Solomon Islands and Tonga, and investigates whether a market-driven Whole of Supply Chain (WoSC) approach to agrifood systems provides opportunities for improved livelihoods in local communities without adversely impacting on traditional economic, social and cultural ways of life. Researchers are comparing the market potential in Marovo Lagoon in the Solomons with the more established agrifood systems in Tonga. There are similar issues in both Solomon Islands and Tonga relating to market-based food production, although in Tonga there is some more movement toward market-driven development at the local level which might prove to be a useful exemplar of the advantages and disadvantages of agrifood development for other small Pacific Island nations. Researchers: Dr Annie Ross, Assoc Prof Kim Bryceson Funding: Pacific Agribusiness Research for Development Initiative (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) Email:


Facilities, Research Students, STAFF


World Class Facilities and Resources

Photo by Chris Roelfsema

Photo by Sean Fitzgibbon

The University of Queensland combines modern infrastructure with a culture that champions research excellence. As a result students and staff at the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management have access to cuttingedge resources and technology.

Other specialised • Physical Geography Laboratories capable of Electron Microscopy and Isotope Analysis • Image processing facility • Marine Laboratory • Studio space

The School offers extensive computing resources, well equipped laboratories and dedicated postgraduate facilities as well as state-of-the-art laboratory and field equipment and studios.


• Climate Station and Portable Weather Stations • Field and Surveying Equipment including Total Stations, rafts, RTK-DGPS, Automatic Samplers and Loggers • Dedicated field and safety staff

facilities include; • A comprehensive suite of scientific instrumentation enabling the collection of a wide range of in situ hydrological, atmospheric and climatological data including ground penetrating radar; ceilometers (for measuring cloud fields and atmospheric boundary layer structure); eddy covariance systems; acoustic sounders; micro-rain radar; automatic weather stations; kite and blimp sounding systems; radiosonde systems and a extensive range of ancillary meteorological sensors.

• 24 hour access computer labs with specialised applications such as −− General statistical, demographic and climatological analysis software −− Extensive statistical data sets including census information and surveys covering Australia and other world regions. −− Atmospheric modelling software −− Leica Geosystems including ERDAS Imagine and Leica Photogrammetry Suite; ENVI/IDL; Definies Developer, eCognition and all ESRI ArcGIS products −− Google sketchup, QSR nVivo, SPSS - stats package and a wide range of other statistical packages

• Access to Australia’s most extensive marine science teaching and research facilities, with field stations in the Great Barrier Reef (Heron Island), Low Isles and Moreton Bay (North Stradbroke Island). • Access to boats and vehicles for field studies • UQ Library has one of the largest collections amongst academic libraries in Australia and by far the largest in Queensland.


RESEARCH THAT MATTERS School research staff and students are at the forefront of major international initiatives to better manage our natural and built environments. Multifaceted research projects are undertaken at the School investigating a spectrum of issues, from managing the population boom in South-East Queensland to assisting with poverty reduction in South-East Asia. Governments, agencies and industry across the globe draw on the knowledge and practical skills of the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management staff to help solve contemporary problems.


Opportunities for Research Students Research students at the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management are able to concentrate on their areas of research interest and work on projects of national and international significance in a unique interdisciplinary environment. A strong research culture exists within the School and the sharing of ideas between staff across disciplines is encouraged. The School provides leadership and support for its research staff and we will ensure that as a student with us you will have access to supervisors, mentoring programs, excellent resources and professional development initiatives.

The School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management (GPEM) at The University of Queensland is at the forefront of cutting-edge research into the widely debated issues confronting us today. It is a vibrant and multidisciplinary School boasting world class facilities and staff.

The School forms part of the Faculty of Science, which is the largest and most diverse of the University of Queensland’s faculties. It is widely recognised and awarded for its quality of teaching, the strength of its graduates and its world leading research.

This research profile provides an introduction to the School, showcasing its research and significant outcomes which provide valuable insight into the ‘big issues’ including:

The School has a solid research foundation and one of its greatest strengths lies in its diversity. It takes an integrated approach to the pressing issues confronting the natural and built environments. The School is able to offer a truly multidisciplinary perspective by employing expert teaching and research staff and fostering collaboration between disciplines.

• Sustainable Cities

The School has strong links to industry and works extensively with all levels of government on a number of joint projects. It also operates in a consultancy capacity, taking a leading role in policy development to ensure adequate planning for the future at a local, national and global level. The School is dedicated to continuous improvement and is proactive in its pursuit of new partnerships on which to grow its expertise.

• Climate Change and Adaptation • Marine and Coastal Processes and Management • Sustainable Livelihoods • Conservation and Natural Resource Management It is not possible to profile all the significant research projects being conducted within the School but this profile aims to provide you with a snapshot of the School’s leading-edge research across its many disciplines. We invite you to explore more fully the research accomplishments and capabilities of the School by visiting our website

Contact Please contact the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management at if you are interested in undertaking a research higher degree, or if you have any enquiries. Alumni Profiles of successful graduates can be viewed at

Please contact the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management or the research staff directly to discuss any issues of interest. Ph: +61 7 3365 6455 Fax: +61 7 3365 6899 Email:



Greg Baxter

Bob Beeton

Martin Bell

Greg Brown

Nikolaus Callow

Jonathan Corcoran

SĂŠbastien Darchen

Marc Hockings

Laurel Johnson

Ron Johnstone

John Kirkwood

Yan Liu

The ecology and conservation of wildlife including; Landscape ecology; Investigating novel ways to solve intractable environmental problems and in finding ways to apply scientific research

Urban regeneration; Economic development strategies; Globalization & network society; Mobility of urban policies; Urban design and place-making; Public participation in planning


Environmental problem solving, restoration, and reporting; Total Landscape Management including Protected Areas; Sustainable tourism; sustainability issues associated with both natural and rural systems; Rural and Regional Community Development

Monitoring and evaluation of conservation management with a particular focus on protected areas; Biodiversity outcomes in protected areas; Adapting protected area management to address climate change impacts; Modelling the costs of effective management for protected areas.

Population mobility; Internal migration; Demographic forecasting

Power in Planning- the sources of power that planners deploy in their quest to shape the built environment; Passenger transport solutions and strategies in urban and rural communities; The contributions (and limitations) of planning in delivering an inclusive city

Public participation GIS (PPGIS) and community and social assessment methods; environmental and sustainable land use planning; Parks and protected areas planning and management; Climate change adaptation

Integrated coastal resource management; Marine resource management & auditing; Coral reef, estuarine & general marine nutrient dynamics; Biogeochemical processes and sediment geochemistry; Ecosystem nutrient budgeting

Interaction of humans with physical environmental processes; Impacts of land management on hydrology; River geomorphology and eco-hydrology; Management interventions in changing landscapes and climates

Integrating ecological, economic and social approaches to fisheries management; Marine ecology, concentrating on fisheries and Antarctic ecosystems; Human nutrition, food security and the sustainability of global fisheries; Evolutionary impacts of artificial selection by fisheries

Application of quantitative geographical methods for urban modelling; Use of geo-analytical, geo-visualisation and prediction techniques

GIS applications in urban and human environments - spatial analysis and modelling; GIS in health and demographic studies; Learning with GIS in schools


Martine Maron

Iderlina Mateo-Babiano

Clive McAlpine

Hamish McGowan

Chris McGrath

John Minnery

Tiffany Morrison

Patrick Moss

David Neil

Ann Peterson

Stuart Phinn

David Pullar

Landscape ecology and habitat restoration; Conservation policy; Decision support tools for targeting investment in natural resource management; Habitat change and land stewardship

Environmental policy, planning, governance and institutions; Australian natural resource management policy; Climate adaptation planning; Comparative environmental policy and planning (USA, Japan, Australia); Scale, coordination and participation in environmental policy and institutional design

Transport planning; Pedestrian research and accessibility planning; Land use-transport integration; Asian megacities; Urban design

Quaternary environments of eastern Australia; The Eocene environments of the Okanagan highliands in British Columbia and Canada through pollen analysis; Mangrove ecology; Human impacts on Australian ecosystems; General palaeoecology , biogeography and landscape ecology

Processes driving landscape change; The conservation of biodiversity in human-modified landscapes; The ecological and climatic consequences of landscape change

Human-environment interactions; Environmental history and management responses in river catchments and coastal and coral reef systems

Earth surface - atmosphere energy exchanges; Complex terrain wind fields; Atmospheric transport of aerosols; Climate variability and coastal meteorology

Natural resource management; Regional planning and new regionalism; Coasts and climate change; The pedagogy of teaching

Evaluation of the effectiveness for environmental regulation; Climate change and greenhouse gas accounting; Vegetation management laws and policies

Use of satellite and airborne images to map, monitor and model biophysical properties of terrestrial and aquatic environments for scientific and management applications

Urban policy and its implementaton, Urban governance, Slums and slum upgrading; Housing, especially housing affordability and social housing; The historic dimensions of urban policy

Spatial information systems; Urban landscapes; Spatial analysis and modelling and environmental management integration



Jonathan Rhodes

Biodiversity conservation in human-dominated and dynamically changing landscapes; Optimal monitoring for environmental management; Koala ecology and conservation

Christiaan Roelfsema

Developing operational approaches for mapping and monitoring, spatial and temporal biophysical properties of coral reefs and associated waters, using field and remote sensing imagery

Annie Ross

Indigenous Management of Natural and Cultural Resources; Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management; People, Environment and Society; Social factors in environmental management - Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands

Glen Searle

Institutional and political economy perspectives on urban planning; Urban consolidation; The spatial dynamics of advanced economy services

James Shulmeister Head of School

Understanding long term climate change with a focus on Austrasia and Antarctica; General palaeoecology, climatic geomorphology,Quaternary science

David Wadley

Futurological and risk analyses of urban development and social ideologies

For the most up to date list of staff and their interests please visit Scarla Weeks

Ecosystem-scale specific applications of satellite data to the oceanographic environment; The link between climate change, oceanography and the biological response, regional to local processes; Movements patterns of marine megafauna in relation to ocean dynamics and productivity


Dona Whiley

drivers and tools for environmental practice in organisations and firms; Regulatory and non regulatory mechanisms to achieve sustainable development; Ecotourism – philosophy, principles and practice; Tourism policy and sustainable development; Corporate Social Responsibility

Bradd Witt

Decadal to century scale environmental change in rural areas and rangelands; The management of productive agricultural landscapes for diverse socio-ecological values (such as emerging carbon, biodiversity and other social goods); Communications between urban and rural communities regarding environmental policy and management



Grant Brearley

Elin Charles-Edwards

Jianting Chu

Jim Cooper

Rachael Dudaniec

Fisher, Adrian

Kasper Johansen

Andrew Kythreotis

Javier Leon Patino

Morena Mills

Christopher Raymond

Justin Ryan

Wildlife ecology and biology; Wildlife eco-physiology; Influence of human-induced landscape change on terrestrial fauna

Image processing and analysis of high spatial resolution airborne and satellite image data with a focus on riparian environments and geographic object based image analysis

Temporary population mobility; Internal Migration; Small area population estimates

The way in which power is configured and negotiated across space by state and non-state stakeholders involved in the governance of climate change related events.

Interaction between afforestation and climate extremes; Dynamical downscaling with regional climate models; High-resolution land surface data for modelling from remote sensing images

Geospatial applications to coastal processes and management; Remote Sensing and Object-based image analysis (OBIA); GIS and Terrain analysis

Population forecasting and demographic modelling

Human-environmental issues; Systematic conservation planning; Integrating conservation and social goals into spatial planning.

Applying population genetics to spatial questions in conservation biology (landscape genetics); Characterising the impacts and molecular ecology of hostparasite interactions and invasive species; Behavioural ecology and evolutionary divergence of species on islands

Public participation GIS (PPGIS); Knowledge integration for environmental management; Climate change adaptation; Protected area management and evaluation; Measurement of proenvironmental behaviour

Developing automated image processing methods for Landsat TM/ETM+, SPOT5 and airborne LiDAR data, focusing on regional vegetation monitoring

My fields of research are ecohydrology and adaptive management of native vegetation in production landscapes.



Leonie Seabrook

Ecological and environmental history; Anthropogenic and environmental drivers of land cover/land use change; Impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation on fauna; Climate change impacts on biodiversity


Tom Wilson

Population projection modelling, especially multistate and probabilistic methods; Migration analysis; Demographic estimation techniques; State and local demographic analyses;

Craig Woodward

Quaternary environments and environmental change; Human impact on aquatic ecosystems; Limnology; Paleoecology

The School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management would like to thank and recognise the generous contributions of funding bodies, institutions and individuals who actively support our research.



Australian Centre for Environmental Law


Digital Globe


PowerLink Queensland


South West NRM


Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)


Fisheries Research and Development Corporation


Prince of Songkla University


Sugar Research and Development


Queen’s University Belfast


Australian Department of Industry Innovation and Scientific Research


Global Environment Fund



Gold Coast City Council

Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management

Australian Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority



Griffith University

Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning


Gunns Limited



Instiution of Surveyors, Australia

Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet


James Cook University


Queensland Fire & Rescue Services


Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation


Queensland Government Department of Infrastructure and Planning


Landscape Values & PPGIS Institute



Lockyer Valley Regional Council

Queensland Government Department of Main Roads


Logan City Council


Queensland Murray Darling Committee Inc.


Moreton Bay Regional Council


Queensland Museum


Murray Darling Basin Authority


Queensland Seafood Industry Association





National Health & Medical Research Council

Queensland Treasury, Office of Economic and Statistical Research


National Parks Association of Queensland





•• ••

Australian Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Australian Institute for Marine Science Australian Institute Nuclear Science and Engineering


Australian National University


Australian Research Council


Border Rivers-Gwydir Catchment Management Authority

National University of Ireland

Cooperation Agency ••

Tangalooma Island Resort


Tasmania Forest Practices Authority


The Nature Conservancy


UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre


University of Cantebury


University of Hawaii


University of Melbourne


University of New England


University of Regina


University of Sydney


University of The South Pacific


University of Western Australia


Redland City Council


University of Western Ontario


Research Institute for Development (Noumea)


Utah State University


Victorian Department of Planning and



Bush Heritage Australia



Can Tho University

New South Wales Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water

Seafood Services Australia Ltd

Condamine Alliance

New South Wales Department of Primary Industries





Sibelco Australia and New Zealand


Cooperative Research Centres (various)


Snowy Hydro Limited



New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage



Curtin University

South Pacific Applied Geosciences Committee

Planning Insitute of Australia

Swedish International Development

Queensland University of Technology

Brisbane City Council







Community Development ••

Wildlife Conservation Society


WWF International


General Inquires The School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management AUSTRALIA 4072 Phone +61 7 3365 6455 Fax +61 7 3365 6899 Email Twitter @UQ_gpem


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