ISSUE #6, 2009 / FREE
EDITOR’s NOTE EDITOR IN CHIEF Febian Hidranto MANAGING EDITOR Rico Lubis EXECUTIVE EDITOR Alphamario Lumain ART DIRECTOR Ricky M. Emilius MEDIA AFFAIR Tyara Putri GRAPHIC DESIGN Aldy Reginaldy PHOTOGRAPHERS Angge Pakar Audrio Susanto Niki Yusuf Saputra Rendha Rais MARKETING & PROMOTION Thomas Adrian REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Adi Syoukat INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE Unqlriq CONTRIBUTORS Anwar Gomez DearDisco Harry Mulya Helmy Karina Woodworth Kat Vassar Luigi Krisno Meriken Lybia Rahadian Abdul Salam Rudy Yanuar St. Jadoon Wilma Hartyandari DISTRIBUTION Rifki Amiruddin PRESIDENT DIRECTOR Windhu Hidranto GENERAL MANAGER Hilda Ramli PUBLISHER PT. PPP INDONESIA URBAIN HEADQUARTER Jl. Grinting I No. 22a Blok A, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12160 Phone / Fax +62 21 724 4669 Marketing 0815 8938 443
I remembered being woken up one morning by the high volume of the TV from my living room. Being half asleep that I was and half shut eyes, I couldn’t really hear what the news was saying but after few seconds the sound was becoming clearer. The news clearly stated that “The King of Pop” have left all of us earlier that morning. A couple of minutes after I heard the news, I received a few SMS regarding the same news and it was definitely a sad moment. I couldn’t believe that it was his time to leave already. As one of his brother said in his tribute concert, “We may need Michael here with us but God must’ve needed him more if God took him away from us”. Michael was definitely more than just a singer, a dancer, a father, an icon or even a good friend. He was the guy who made people want to dance, some even say he’s the person who showed them what music is. He has made an impact not only in the music industry but he also holds the record in Guiness World of Record as a celebrity that have given the most money to charities through out his life. Despite the down side that Michael had, without him we wouldn’t know what a ‘moon walk’ is or even makes grabbing our crotch looks good! His dancing wasn’t the only thing that swept us off our feet, but also the beauty of his voice and the strong messages he had in his lyrics. Be it about how a girl can make you feel, how being a certain race does not matter, how a person can just go too soon and so many other songs that was powerful. Some of his close friends do disagree with him being “The King of Pop”, most would consider him as “The Best Entertainer That Ever Lived” and definitely no disagreement there. Other than sending our condolences to the Jackson Family, we also would like to send our condolences to the victims of the bombings that just happened in J.W. Marriot Hotel and The Ritz Carlton Hotel. It has striked once again when we all thought everything was back to normal. I guess we just don’t know when it will happen and who’s causing all this dramas. Some say this, some say that but I’d rather not speak my mind about it through here just because there are so many things that could be the reason for it. All i know is that the bombings only making us as a country look bad, again. Travel warnings are out again on Indonesia and that’s a pretty sad news if they only want to look at us from that view. Manchester United aren’t coming here anymore when tons of their fans are already dying waiting for them to come and do the exhibition against our national heroes. The tickets ain’t cheap either, man! How can we rise up together as a country and show others that we are really good people and we actually don’t support all these terrorist acts when things like this still happen? We all gotta get our act together and start putting all these negativities behind or else we won’t be a solid country ‘cause we’re only killing our own! We hope this month’s issue finds you in good health, good spirits and food fortunes. Peace from the Urbain Crew and enjoy! Febian Hidranto Editor in Chief
words FH
Q’s & A’s
“Heyy guys,mau ikut gabung sama majalah lo boleh ga? Gw pengen banget jadi bagian dari suatu majalah nih hehehe” -Arie Nugie-aa Hello Arie.. Boleh-boleh aja sih kalo emang bisa bantu kita, kirim aja CV lo ke “Gila ga nyangka deket banget tempatnya sama kantor gw hehehe =P” -Adam KecapWaaaahh masa? kok ga pernah mampir? Haha tapi bentar lagi kita mau pindah ke Kemang, main-main kesana aja haha. “Mau dong majalahnya, di kantor gw gak ada bacaan yg bagus, isinya toku semua hahaha” -Rangga ArioHahaha kasian banget, cari aja di tempat-tempat ngopi, tempat makan, cafe, malls di deket kantor lo sebelum abis! Buruan! “Baru baca dan ternyata sangat dekat dari rumah gw. Sejak kapan berdiri?” -Yorki WijohnarkoHello Yorki! It’s never too late to read us hehe. Kita udah berdiri dari January 2009 dan ini issue kita yang ke 6. Bisa liat semua issue kita yang dari pertama sampe sekarang di kok. Enjoy and do some catching up! “Saya tinggal di Radio Dalam Jakarta Selatan. Dapetin majalahnya dimana ya?” -Arenaldo UriasBanyak kok buat di daerah Jakarta Selatan. Bisa ke Pim1 dan 2, daerah Kemang, Senayan City, Plaza Senayan, FX dan cafe-cafe juga yang ada di selatan kok. Dig in buddy!
COVER STORY Full Name Karina Jo-Ann Woodworth Karina Nadya Lopulisa DOB 23 November 1987 14 May 1984 Current activities Skoolin’, chillin’, diggin’.. Always!! Working on my project, Bonina Apple. Things to do on weekends Sleeping in. Dragging karina out of bed to go out. What’s in your ipod HIP HOP, inclusive of my entire collection of Dilla tracks. A lot of 70’s, 80’s rock music and electro-pop bands like MGMT, Cut Copy, etc. Weirdest thing in Jakarta The fact that people would rather invest their money into building another mall rather than a free clinic or a park. People who have one kid and five nannies. What you love about Jakarta The hustle. The Food and Bluebird Taxi. Pet Peeves Those who don’t respect other people and their time. Ya’ll are lame. People going through my cell phone. Fave Drink Hendricks & Tonic with Cucumber. THA BOMB!! Long Island Iced Tea.. I know a lot of people would agree with me. Shouts You guys are the truth!! Keep doing what you do best. Stay focused and stay real.
photo Angge Pakar
words Febian Hidranto
HEY! NIKE AUTO FORCE 180 Nike bakal ngerilis Auto Force 180, sepatu yang merupakan desain ulang dari Nike Air Force 180-nya Charles Barkley. Tapi cuma bagian atasnya doang yang dipake, bagian bawah sepatunya dikolaborasiin sama vulcanized sole-nya Nike Blazer. Auto Force 180 jadi keliatan lebih casual dibanding pendahulunya dan bisa lo pake kemana-mana hati lo senang. Will come to you on this Holiday 2009 season.
HOT TOYS MICHAEL JACKSON THRILLER FIGURE Hot Toys bakal ngeluarin action figure Michael Jackson dengan style dan outfit Michael dari music video terkenalnya yang berjudul “Thriller”. Mereka merilis action figure ini untuk memberikan tribute kepada “The King of Pop” yang wafat belum lama ini. Mainan berskala 1:6 ini bakal dirilis di bulan Desember 2009 dengan harga kira-kira USD 255.
RAY-BAN 2009 COLORS COLLECTION Ray-Ban akhirnya ngerilis summer collection mereka untuk tahun 2009. Untuk tahun ini mereka menamakan collection-nya jadi COLORS COLLECTION, karena mereka memberikan warna-warna yang terang dan baru kepada Ray-Ban classics mereka. The Outdoorman, Aviator, Wayfarer dan Clubmaster adalah beberapa nama tipe dari koleksi summer Ray-Ban 2009 ini. THE MODEST EP FREE DOWNLOAD Bisa dibilang free download adalah cara yang paling efisien untuk spread the wings for your band. Dan The Modest adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak band yang mempergunakan cara ini. Lo bisa download EP-nya The Modest, “Instant Best Friend” di dan umm, kalo lo belum tau The Modest itu apaan, buka aja website-nya mereka www. Have a good day!!
FRANK151 CHAPTER 37 - DE LA SOUL Untuk chapter terbaru dari FRANK151 ini, mereka bikin buku mengenai group hiphop yang udah ga asing lagi, De La Soul. Di dalam buku ini lo bisa melihat artworks mereka, foto-foto, interviews dan juga tulisan tangan lyrics lagu-lagu mereka dari dulu sampai yang terbaru. A must get book for all you hiphop enthusiast.
MERCY SLR STIRLING MOSS SLR Stirling Moss, produk terbaru dari kendaraan super-sport Mercedes SLR yang di kembangkan bersama Maclaren F1 race team. Kendaraan ini akan di produksi sebanyak 75 buah antara bulan Juni dan Desember 2009 ketika semua produksi SLR berhenti. SLR ini didedikasikan untuk mengenang pembalap dari Inggris bernama Stirling Moss, yang terkenal ketika dia menjuarai balapan Mille Miglia di Italia pada tahun 1955 menggunakan Mercedes 300 SLR. SLR Stirling Moss adalah penghargaan bagi pecinta setia Mercedes. Hanya orang-orang yang telah memiliki Mercedes SLR sebelumnya yang dapat memiliki. Karena kendaraan ini tidak dijual tetapi akan ditawarkan kepada para pemilik Mercedes SLR.
NIKE SPORTBAND Nike ngeluarin jam tangan baru lagi nih, namanya Nike+SportBand. Seru banget karena jam tangan ini didesain khusus buat lo yang hobi olahraga sambil dengerin musik. Bukan cuma compatible sama iPod nano, iTouch atau iPhone, SportBand juga menampilkan informasi berapa kalori yang telah terbakar, jarak tempuh, kecepatan dan pastinya, waktu. Terdapat 3 pilihan warna; grey with pink interior band, dark grey with yellow interior band, dan black with red interior band. Di US sih udah beredar dari 15 Juli kemarin, be patient and wait for its arrival here. ZILDJIAN PITCH BLACK CYMBALS Bukan termasuk barang baru, tapi simbal hitam keluaran Zildjian ini tetep menarik buat dibahas. Zildjian Pitch Black Cymbals ini merupakan teknologi terusan dari Sheet Bronze Cymbal mereka. Didesain khusus supaya bisa dilapisi dengan warna hitam dan dibuat dari bahan “Bronze 12 Alloy” yang ditujukan kepada mereka yang memainkan musik rock. Travis Barker adalah salah satu drummer yang menggunakan simbal ini pada drum set-nya. Zildjian Pitch Black Cymbals tersedia dalam bentuk hi-hat, crash, china, ride, crash ride dan splash. Bisa dibeli dalam bentuk boxset ataupun satuan. RAF SIMONS X DR. MARTENS METALLIC MONK STRAP SHOES Di trade show Bread & Butter di Barcelona kemaren terlihat dipamerkannya koleksi sepatu terbaru dari Raf Simons X Dr. Martens. Sepatu-sepatu yang dipajang disini rencananya baru akan dirilis buat fall/winter season mendatang. Salah satu jenis dari sepatu Raf Simons X Dr. martens ini adalah Metallic Monk Strap Shoes. Terlihat tampilan metalik di bagian atas sepatu dengan double strap yang oh-sangat-menggugahhati-sekali. Stay tuned on for more details.
ARE YOU ROTTEN OR FRESH STUSSY X SHARK CLASSIC WATCH SERIES Stussy kali ini berkolaborasi dengan Freestyle Watches untuk membuat 3 jam baru mereka ini. Jam yang waterproof ini tersedia dalam tiga pilihan warna. Yang hitam tersedia di semua toko Stussy retailers, Sementara yang “Pink n Black” tersedia di Zozo Chapter Store, dan yang “CMY colorways” hanya bisa di beli di Stussy Chapter Stores. Jam tangan kolaborasi ini sudah bisa di beli di toko-toko mulai 20 Juli 2009 dengan harga sekitar USD 144.
MICHAEL JACKSON PINORAMA ARCADE Di website ini lo bisa ngeliat koleksi mainannya Michael Jackson dalam satu ruangan yang ditampilkan secara panorama. Seisi ruangan bisa lo puterin dengan cara meng-klik tombol-tombol yang ada di sisi bawah layar. Seru banget, lo bakalan terkesima ngeliat website yang satu ini bekerja.
If you are always on the constant look out for your daily dose of freshness - whether that be fashion, surf, music, eco, art, design, film, photography then check out is an online publication based in Bali, revolving around many topics and aims to spread the most influential and inspirational elements of the evolving urban identity of South East Asia and the World. Visit and keep watching this space for more. We are also open for selected collaborations, events, and promotions. For enquiries, please email us at URBAIN MAGAZINE
25 juni 2009 dunia tersentak. Michael Jackson, salah satu musisi terbesar sepanjang sejarah tutup usia. Dia meninggalkan puluhan juta pengemarnya untuk selamanya. Siaran langsung pemakaman yang disiarkan hampir di semua stasiun televisi seluruh dunia adalah bukti bahwa dunia kehilangan seorang “king”.. The King of Pop.. Michael Joseph Jackson atau yang dikenal dengan Michael Jackson (MJ) mulai bermusik sejak dia berusia 5 tahun. Memiliki keluarga yang berbakat memainkan alat musik membuat MJ mengenal musik lebih dari apapun. Tahun 1971 dia bersama kakak-kakaknya (Jackson 5) merilis album solo pertamanya yang berjudul “Got To Be There” bersama Motown Records. Tahun 1979 MJ memulai solo kariernya dengan membuat album “Off The Wall“. Setelah itu pada awal tahun 80’an MJ membuat gebrakan dengan mendominasi tayangan video klip di MTV yang saat itu hanya didominasi penyanyi atau band berkulit putih. ‘Beat It’, ‘Billie Jean’ dan ‘Thriller’ membuat terobosan baru bahwa video klip yang dikemas dengan sangat baik akan mendongkrak penjualan album. John Landis, director “American Werewolf” menggarap video klip MJ yang melegenda ini. Lepas dari video klip, penjualan album “Thriller” tercatat sebagi album terlaris sepanjang masa dengan terjual sebanyak 104 juta kopi di seluruh dunia. Semenjak itu karier Michael Jackson menjelma menjadi penyanyi solo nomer 1 di dunia. Album-album yang dia buat selalu menduduki topchart di seluruh dunia. “Bad”, “Dangerous” dan “History” selalu jauh meninggalkan pesaing-pesaingnya dalam hal penjualan album. Dari 13 Grammy yang MJ dapatkan, 8 diantaranya pernah dia dapatkan hanya dalam satu malam lewat album “Thriller”. MJ juga dianugrahi sebagai “The world ‘s most famous living human being“ oleh Guiness Book of World Record. Ada satu hal yang perlu dicatat, berbagai macam lembaga dan institusi baru lima tahun terakhir saja membicarakan soal isu global warming, tapi MJ sudah “memperingati” dunia untuk menjaga lingkungannya lewat lagu ‘Heal The World’ dan ‘Earth Song’ sejak belasan tahun yang lalu. Disaat kariernya menyentuh langit, kontroversi tentang dirinya pun mulai bermunculan. MJ memiliki background keluarga yang cukup keras dalam mendidik anak-anaknya, hal itu memberikan dampak pada dirinya dan terlihat saat MJ dewasa. Rasa kurang percaya dirinya dia “obati“ dengan operasi plastik berkali-kali. Tidak hanya itu, MJ juga lebih senang untung meluangkan waktu dengan anak kecil. Tidak berhenti sampai disitu, isu pelecehan seksual terhadap anak di bawah umur juga berkalikali dituduhkan kepadanya. Setelah didera berbagai kontroversi, cobaan kembali datang, hutang sejumlah 5 triliun Rupiah juga harus dibayar MJ karena gaya hidupnya yang terlalu mewah dan konsumtif. Tetapi manusia tidak ada yang sempurna. Begitu juga dengan MJ, banyak hal tidak lazim ada dalam dirinya. Tapi dampak positif yang dia berikan pada dunia musik tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan musisi manapun. Ratusan hits yang dia hasilkan menginspirasi jutaan fans-nya lebih dari 4 dekade. Prosesi pemakaman sang “raja” juga menjadi pusat perhatian dunia. Hampir seluruh stasiun televisi di seluruh dunia menyiarkan prosesi pemakamannya secara langsung. Pemakamannya juga tercatat sebagai salah satu yang termegah setelah pemakaman presiden Kennedy dan Lady Diana. Bahkan berita kepergian MJ terasa lebih penting daripada berita-berita politik yang saat itu sedang terjadi. Salah satu stasiun televisi nasional yang saat itu sedang menayangkan debat cawapres tetap menyelingkan lagu-lagu MJ disaat jedanya. Itu adalah bukti bahwa hampir semua elemen merasakan kehilangan seorang MJ. So long King of Pop.. Your music and dance will live forever.
words Rico Lubis
DISCOGRAPHY (left to right) Got To Be There (1972) BEN (1972) Music & Me (1973) Forever (1975) Off The Wall (1979) Thriller (1982) Bad (1987) Dangerous (1991) HIStory (1995) Blood On The Dance Floor (1997) Invincible (2001) 25th Year Thriller Anniversary (2008)
Buat kalian yang belum tahu, Hobbies Skate Backyard adalah tempat bermain skate yang terletak tepat di belakang Hobbies Skateshop. Berikut ini adalah sedikit bincang-bincang URBAIN sama Charlie, sang empunya Hobbies Skateshop dan Hobbies Skate Backyard. Dari safety stuff sampe “skate schooling’-nya bisa lo temuin di interview ini.. Tell us about Hobbies Skate Backyard.. Hobbies skate backyard dibuat untuk men-support para skateboarder. Sedikitnya, dengan adanya backyard ini mereka jadi antusias buat main. How about the obstacles? Bagian utama terdiri dari mini ramp dan micro ramp, kadang gw taruh rail dan banks juga. Bedanya skate park ini sama skate park lainnya? Kita bukan skate park kali ya, tapi bisa dibilang lebih ke backyard. Kategori skate park mungkin lebih banyak obstacle-nya. Ada bowl, permanent rail dan banyak lagi. Bedanya ini backyard, jadi rumah yang ada taman dan gw isi dengan sarana skate backyard. How about the age? Free public and all ages skate backyard. Everyone can skating here. Gw ga nentuin, please welcome.
Next plan? Gw pengen bikin skate park yang bener-bener “the real skatepark”. Maybe next Hobbies akan bikin gebrakan baru dan lebih buas! Watch out skateboarders! How about the safety stuff? Karena kita juga ada “skate schooling” jadi kita siapin safety stuff kaya helmet dan knee protector. Kita kasih pinjem kok, jangan khawatir. Hehe. Operational hour? Kita ngikut sama jam kerja aja, dari jam 9 sampe jam 7 malem. Tapi karena di backyard ini ga ada lampu, sekitar jam 6 sore juga kita udah closing. Terus tentang “skate schooling”-nya? Mungkin gw bukan yang terhebat, tapi gw pengen berbagi ilmu dalam dunia skate. Just like i said before, I support skateboard, dan gw pengen ngasih tau basic dan awal skate ini kaya apa. Gw juga pengen ngajarin evolusi skate tuh kaya apa. Buat kalian yang ga tau basic of skateboarding dan pengen tau, please just come here and i will tell you all.
words & photos Adi Syoukat
I ndonesia
U nite Jakarta was bombed again yesterday.
Twice within minutes of each other, and then again a few hours later. The bombs went off a few blocks from where I work, and no more than 50meters from one of my usual hangouts. Someone asked me yesterday if this was no longer surprising to those of us who live in Indonesia, and I have to say - it isn’t. Our initial reaction is usually “ugh..again?!” Whenever something like this happens, the obvious emotions that emerge are anger, sadness, fear, etc. Anger. For those responsible. How can you destroy your own country and still call yourself a citizen of it? How can you set out to kill yourself and others thinking God wants this? How can they be so selfish? Sadness. For our people and our country. Sadness for the lives lost, and sadness for the loss of all we have worked to accomplish. Fear. For the future. Are we ever going to move past all this? Are things just going to keep getting worse? What if it finally happens to someone I know.. someone I love? Yes, it is easy to get angry over something like this. WE are the ones who must rebuild what THEY’ve destroyed. We work so hard to pick up the pieces and show the world that this does not define us, and all they have to do is set off 1 bomb - and it tears apart everything we’ve worked to attain. But what I want to talk about isn’t all that, I don’t want to talk about the obvious. What I do want to point out is something I’m so proud of. Our resilience. I noticed that something all my friends and I had in common yesterday was our rebellious reactions to what happened. I expected “Oh my God”, “Why us?”, “What do we do?”. But instead I heard “It’ll be ok”, “We can handle this”, and “This won’t break us”. The attitude that we all shared was “We won’t break for you.. We won’t stop building.. and YOU do not define US”. And I can’t even begin to express how proud I am of this. Yes, we’ll shed tears. Yes, it will be long and hard to put this behind us. But no, we won’t give you the satisfaction of acting on the anger we feel. And no, we won’t let this fear dictate our lives. Your fear only adds to our strength. Your actions only distance yourselves further away from who we are - the real Indonesian people. This is our spirit, and this is why you will never win.
words Kat Vassar
NAME2 One of the hottest graffiti artist in capital J
If you're from Jakarta then his pieces and trademarks shouldn't be new to you. He've bombed all of the spots we can and can not think of doing possible. NAME2 is the name, reppin' 2 of the most baddest graff crew from Jakarta. Urbain finally caught him for an interview and this is what the man has to say.. Name2, introduce yourself to the world! Yo sup! this is Name2, member of Underground Bizniz Club (UBC) and Mad Artists Striking Existence (MASE) Nama "Name2" lo pilih sendiri apa dikasih sama orang lain? Kebetulan nickname itu gw yang milih sendiri. Ga ada arti tertentu, gw pilih nama itu biar gampang diinget aja. Gimana ceritanya kok bisa jadi graff artist? Awal gw mulai bikin graffiti bukan karena gw ngeliat piece graffiti, tapi karena gw sering ngeliat tagging atau coret-coretan local gangster dan school tag yang ga karuan dan banyak kata-kata dan gambar-gambar yang luculucu di situ. Setiap gw lewatin tulisan itu gw sering ketawa-ketawa bacanya. Terus gw mulai ikut-ikutan nyoret-nyoret apa aja kata-kata yang gw rasain pada saat itu. Sejak itu gw tertarik trus mikir, kenapa cuman coretan kecil kalau gw bisa bikin yang lebih besar biar lebih dilihat orang dengan jelas dan menarik perhatian. Awalnya sih buat lucu-lucuan aja sama temen-temen, tapi tanpa disadari, gw digging semua hal tentang graffiti, history, rules, technique, dan lain-lain. And who knows kalo ternyata banyak orang yang suka karya gw. Dan dari situ gw baru sadar kalo scene ini ada dan berkembang. Dan situs Tembok Bomber ( mempertemukan gw dengan begitu banyak seniman-seniman graffiti yang luar biasa dari dalam dan luar negri. Apa yang biasanya terjadi kalo orang atau crew lain niban karya kalian? Tergantung siapa yang niban dan ditiban dengan apa? Kalo yang niban gw gambarnya bagus itu fair, yaa ,nanti paling gw tiban dengan yang lebih bagus lagi. Tapi kebanyakan anak-anak yang baru-baru mulai bikin graffiti suka ga tau diri, ga kira-kira, karya siapa aja ditiban, dirusak, dicoret-coret. Padahal menurut gw beberapa karya yang punya history itu ga seharusnya ditiban. Style graffiti lo kaya apa? Influence-nya dapet dari siapa aja? Kalo dalam mengolah huruf, style gw berkembang sejalan dengan pengetahuan, skill sama taste gw. Dulu awal-awal gw lebih ke garis-garis yang tajam dengan style yang distorsi font-nya lumayan ekstrim,
words FH photos courtesy of NAME2
dengan blocking warna-warna yang flat karena emang bisanya baru segitu dulu. Terus lanjut ke garis-garis yang lebih ekspresif, pake gradasi warna dan lainlain. Kalo gambar karakter gw lebih ke kartun-kartun yang posturnya ga begitu proporsional. Sering juga bikin realis, kadang gw mix. Influence sih ga ada yang spesifik, paling gw sedikit kepengaruh sama stylestyle dari NYC. Tapi style dan influence itu bisa datang dari siapa aja dan dari mana aja. Kebanyakan malah datang dari hal-hal yang ga berkaitan sama graffiti. Moment paling spesial buat lo selama jadi graff artist? Saat karya gw dipake buat stiker, pin, dan kaos limitednya Maclaim, salah satu crew besar di dunia dari Jerman yang dikenal sebagai the finest photorealistic graffiti crew. Sama beberapa bulan terakhir ini karya gw dan beberapa temen dari Jakarta bersama 400 graffiti artist lainnya dari seluruh dunia juga dipamerin di beberapa kota besar di Perancis, dan bukunya dijual worldwide. Waktu itu gw sempat liat ikutan acara gambar di mobil Mercedez Benz. Selain gambar di mobil Mercedez, barang atau tempat gila apa lagi yang pernah lo gambar? Waktu itu gw pernah gambar di mobil off-road sama di tembok ruang tamu temen gw. Hahaha. Kalo bisa collaboration sama artist luar, lo pengen sama siapa? 'HERA', karena dia cantik dan jago gambar :p Komunitas graffiti di Jakarta atau Indonesia sendiri udah sebesar apa? Wah kalo sampe se- Indonesia sih gw belum tau, tapi yang gw tau Jakarta aja udah banyak banget graffiti crew dari yang pemula sampe yang profesional. Tapi kota-kota besar sekarang juga udah lumayan banyak kok. Kalo dibandingin, secara individual, skill local artist kita ga kalah kok sama negara-negara tetangga. Tapi kalo scene graffiti-nya gw no comment. Ada pesan-pesan yang mau lo kasih buat orangorang yang tertarik untuk menjadi graff artist atau buat yang baru mulai? Know the history, know the rules, be original, be different, and explore more and more.
words FH
European Top Star Airbrusher
knud tiroch
“Airbrushing is very full time. It’s a lifestyle rather than a job and it consumes my everyday life.”
Please, introduce yourself? Hello URBAIN, my name is Knud Tiroch, i live in Vienna, Austria and I'm an airbrush artist. How long have you been an airbrush artist? I've been drawing for 30 years now. Started when i was a kid, when i was in the Art Academy. What is the biggest project that you have done? The biggest one i've worked on till today would have to be when i airbrushed a power station. I did the main turbine wall that's as big as 700 square meter! What is the most difficult project that you have done? As far as the most difficult one, I'd have to say when I did a sky lift mainstation in the mountains. About 3,000 meters high up so it was super cold even in the summer time. They wanted me to airbrush the front wall which was 45 meter long and 9 meter high full with graffiti and snowboard scenes.
Ferrari Calavera F430
Two German car tuner companies, Unique Sportscar and Novitec Rosso, have teamed with artist Knud Tiroch to create a Ferrari F430 that now sports unique tattoo-like skull and ornate artwork, as well as injecting it with a whopping 520kW (707HP) and 712Nm of torque. The finished product is known as the ‘Calavera’, which, fittingly, means ‘Skull’ in the Spanish tongue. The tattoo-like airbrushing is courtesy of renowned artist Knud Tiroch, who has been commissioned to create artwork for David Coulthard, ZZ Top, Arnold Schwarzenegger and a host of others.
How many muscle car that you have now? The ones sitting in our garage now are 25 muscle cars that consisted of some Mopar cars, very rare Dodge Chargers, Pontiac GTO Roadrunners, Duster hot rods and some more. What is the most sexiest car for you? I would have to say The Knud Ziller! 50 Chevy chopped and super round like a body of a sexy woman! Which tuner have you done collaboration with? Right now we're currently working together with Novitec Rosso and I've painted the Calavera F430 Ferrari as you see in the website. What is your highest achievement? Thus far, I would have to say my hand made RETRODSTER! Definitely a piece of art. What is the best car movie ever in your opinion? GONE IN 60 SECONDS! no doubt about it! What is the worst car that you airbrushed on? A Nissan PAO! Hahaha. 14
words Aldy Reginaldy photos courtesy of Dirk Behlau
Pasti semua udah pada tau dong kamera Lomography jenis Diana. Ga peduli mau Diana+, Diana F+ Mr Pink, Hong Meow, Edelweiss, Tokyo rising, El Toro, Black Jack, MoMa, Scarecrow, Snowcat, Glow In The Dark, Colette dan lain-lain semua itu cuma warna kameranya yang beda, fungsinya tetap sama untuk foto-foto (jangan jadi pajangan atau aksesoris yaa). Kalau kita mau hasil maksimal pake kamera Diana gimana ya? Gampang banget.. Baca buku manual-nya aja. Hehehe.
Kalo males baca buku manual-nya ga usah pusing, tinggal “Don’t Think Just Shot”. Tapi masa iya sih lo terusterusan ngeluarin duit ratusan ribu untuk beli film 120, proses film, trus hasilnya ga ada gambarnya garagara “Don’t Think Just Shot”. Untuk sekedar nambah wawasan aja, kamera Diana bisa disebut medium format camera yang ga pake baterai dan menggunakan film 120 (ga lazim buat konsumsi masal), kalo kalian mikir ini kamera mainan dan jadul banget, wah, gw ga setuju banget, justru ini kamera bagus banget buat belajar basic photography. Kalo komunitas lain belajar membaca light meter di kameranya, kalau Lomography belajar membaca light condition di alam terbuka. Kalo masang film 120 untuk kamera Diana pasti udah pada tau dong. Kalo belum tahu tinggal cari aja video tutorialnya di youtube. Kalian pasti bingung apa sih film Colour Negative, BW, Color Reversal/Slide film. Terus ASA/ISO apa lagi sih? Untuk permulaan ga usah pikirin yang itu. Coba aja dulu satu roll film 120 jenis apapun di kamera Diana di ruang terbuka dan siang bolong. Kenapa harus siang bolong dan panas-panasan? Karena matahari merupakan sumber cahaya dan kehidupan dan pasti baik juga untuk foto-foto pastinya. Jadi kenapa harus takut panas-panasan? Yang perlu diingat, kalo motret pake kamera Diana, lebih baik tuas yang di leher lensa berada di posisi N / normal (untuk siang hari). Kalo B / bulb buat apa? Hmm, nanti dijelasin. Untuk permulaan kamu bisa pilih lokasi foto-foto yang ga ditemuin setiap hari, kaya pantai, waterpark, padang ilalang, pulau pribadi, pasar terapung, kawah gunung, eh, kok kaya tempat wisata? Yup berarti kamu harus berlibur biar foto-fotonya keren. Hehe. Berikut ini tahapan yang perlu dibiasain (bukan dihapal), yaitu: 1. Kalau film sudah terpasang jangan lupa untuk mengunci (lock) back kamera, trus jendela merah di back film menunjukkan angka “1”, tergantung kamu milihnya untuk 12 atau 16 gambar (baca buku manual biar lebih jelas). 2. Jangan terlalu nafsu dan serius untuk foto-foto (film 120 mahal soalnya), santai aja dan nikmati liburan. Kalo udah yakin ada obyek buat difoto, baru deh pilih simbol atau gambar (sesuai keadaan cuaca pas mau motret) dengan menggeser tuas di bawah lensa. 3. Pilih jarak fokus yang terdekat (1-2 m) biar lo makin akrab dengan orang yang difoto, atau terjauh (4-6 m) kalo lo ga mungkin juga bisa ngobrol ama gunung yang mau difoto. 4. BUKA TUTUP LENSA (simpan dan jangan hilang) lalu intip obyek yang di kamera lo, kalo bisa tempel kameranya ke jidat, terus tahan nafas dan tekan tuas ke bawah (dengan posisi di N) untuk motret. 5. Kalo udah selesai putar aja kenop di bagian kanan atas kamera Diana sesuai arah anak panah, geser terus sampai ketemu angka lagi (kalau tadi angka 1 berarti selanjutnya angka 2 dan seterusnya). 6. Kalo ga yakin tadi sama hasilnya (salah ngatur atau tutup lensa lupa dibuka) jangan diputar dulu kenopnya, tiban aja lagi gambarnya, dijamin hasilnya diluar dugaan kita. Kalau masih kurang yakin tiban aja terus, ini namanya multiple exposure. 7. Kalo mau pake lampu kilat (flash) harus diingat jangan lupa isi baterai baru dan geser posisi switch ke “ON (ada di flashnya) dan foto-fotonya harus dari jarak 1-2 m supaya hasilnya maksimal (cocok buat foto-foto pas mendung atau dibawah pohon kelapa). 8. Kalo jendela merah di back kamera kamu udah menunjukkan angka 12 (untuk 12 frame) atau 16 (untuk 16 frame) dan udah dipakai foto-foto, putar aja kenopnya sampe kerasa ringan. Abis itu baru deh boleh dibuka back kameranya. Gulung yang rapi filmnya dan jangan sampai kena air atau kotoran atau ketuker sama film baru. 9. Bawa filmnya ke lab foto tertentu (tidak semua lab foto bisa proses film 120), proses dan scan hasil filmnya nanti upload aja ke, suka ada hadiahnya loh. Okay!?
words Anwar Gomez (Project Manager Lomographic Society Indonesia) photos Teuku Ikhsan, Panjalu Murti
words FH
Joshua Prawiro atau Josh menemukan cinta pertamanya pada bola basket sejak SD. Dia selalu memiliki rutinitas yang ga jauh–jauh dari bola basket sampai detik ini yang membuat mudah untuk mengambarkan apa arti bola basket untuk hidupnya. Membuat orang terjatuh saat bermain streetball dan benci dengan Kobe Bryant adalah hal–hal menarik yang akan diceritakan oleh pria yang dijuluki Richard Insane “Da Chosen One“ ini kepada URBAIN.. Tell us about you activities? Kesibukan gw sehari-hari bekerja sebagai art graphic designer di SLAM Indonesia, bermain basket dan angkat beban. Kenapa lo tergila–gila sama bola basket? Pertama kali gw diperkenalkan bola basket sama om gw waktu gw SD. Dari sejak itu sampai sekarang ini, buat gw bola basket merupakan olahraga yang sangat menyenangkan. Momen basket yang paling ga bisa lo lupain? Waktu LA Lights streetball tahun 2006 di Bandung. Waktu itu gw berhasil meng-crossover lawan gw sampe jatoh! Hehe. Arti Michael Jordan buat lo? Gw sangat mengidolakan dia. Jordan selalu dapat mendominasi permainan, ga pernah ngga! Ga akan ada yang bisa gantiin dia. Dan perlu dicatat, gw ga suka Kobe Bryant. Hehe. Koleksi favorit yang ada di kamar lo? Sepatu Air Jordan, jersey baksetball, kartu basket, mainan Transformers dan Darth Vader. Koleksi lo yang berbau Jordan apa aja sih? Sepatu. Gw punya dari Jordan 1 sampai Jordan 23 kecuali Jordan 6. Tapi gw masih akan tetep cari, hehe. Terus gw juga ada jersey basketball-nya Jordan dari yang Chicago Bulls klasik sampe Dream Team, kartu basket, buku, DVD sampe Michael Jordan cologne. Ada berapa sepatu Jordan lo? Sekitar 28 Pasang. Apa yang lo lakuin kalo Jordan 1 lo digigit tikus ? Gw sangat menjaga sepatu-sepatu Jordan gw, bisabisa gw cuma pake sekali. Kalo digigit tikus gw bakal pake tiap hari. Hahaha. Tapi kalo bisa jangan sampe digigit. Hehe. Jersey yang mana yang menurut lo paling susah dicari? Jersey Michael Jordan yang nomer 45 dan Chicago Bulls yang warna hitam. Perjuangan lo yang paling berat buat nyari barang yang lo incer? Sebenernya ga ada yang terlalu susah, karena gw bisa cari informasi dari toko resmi dan mesen lewat internet. Kalo disuruh milih, lo pengen punya lompatan-nya Michael Jordan atau crossover-nya Allen Iverson? Sebenernya gw pengen punya lompatan kaya Michael Jordan, tapi kayanya dengkul gw udah ga kuat lagi, hahaha. Jadi kalo sekarang gw milih crossover-nya Allen Iverson aja. Hehe. Orang–orang yang ngasih inspirasi buat lo? My grand mother and grandpa, mama papa, adik-adik gw, temen-temen gw di PL, Richard Insane, Future streetball, Masa Depan basketball dan pacar gw. Any quotes? Selalu bersemangat, jangan pernah putus asa dan takut untuk maju ke masa depan!
words Rico Lubis Photos Rendha Rais
“Sejak tahun 1970 orang mengenal pope, dope, and weed menjadi pop culture, maka dari itu kita pengen Pot Meets Pop pun menjadi pop culture. We want everybody wearing this denim, and every body knows Pot Meets Pop.” Pot Meets Pop (PMP) adalah denim line lokal asal Bandung yang mencoba untuk berbeda dari denim line lainnya. Mereka mengkolaborasikan berbagai macam art dengan produk denim mereka. Di season kali ini PMP merilis “Grey and Black Coated” dan juga “Green Selvage”. “Grey and Black Coated’ dirilis dengan maksud ingin memperkenalkan anak muda terhadap jenis denim ini dan juga PMP adalah lokal denim line pertama yang mengeluarkan bahan jenis “Grey and Black Coated”. Sedangkan “Green Selvage” mencerminkan “Green” bukan “Stay Green”, dan itu memang merupakan konsep awal dari PMP. Whatever your background of your life, whatever your personalities, and whatever your taste.. Pot Meets Pop can be your best buddy.
Nanonine (JKT), Micasa Sucasa (JKT), Arcane (BDG), Magic Happens (Bali), and Krookz (KL)
[ORBIS] adalah sebuah clothing store yang menjual barang-barang streetwear dengan harga terjangkau dan kuantitas yang terbatas seperti 10Deep, Huf, Actual Pain, In4mation, Futura Laboratories, Diamond Supply Co, Dissizit!, Flying Coffin, Ransom, Sugarcraft, Vans dan lain-lain. [ORBIS] juga menjadi official retailer untuk setiap brand yang dijual di dalamnya. Adalah Krisna, Wayu, Audy, Adji, Dhika dan Ovan, enam orang yang bergerak di belakang toko yang sudah dibuka sejak 3 Februari 2008 lalu ini. Mereka sangat memperhatikan segi desain dan kualitas tiap-tiap brand. Dan secara personal, brand-brand yang masuk ke [ORBIS] adalah brand-brand yang mereka suka. Barangbarang yang dijual disana dimulai dari harga IDR 25.000 sampai dengan IDR 2.000.000. Dengan harga segitu kalian udah bisa mendapatkan barang yang worth it untuk kalian pakai. Just go to the store and find something interesting for you inside the store.
[ORBIS] Open from Monday to Sunday 11.00 - 21.00 Jl. Kyai Haji Achmad Dahlan No. 2 Jakarta 12130 Indonesia Ph. 6221.724.4335 20
words Alphamario photos Adi Syoukat, Kazumasa Albert
Seldon Hunt /
Jeremy Ville From Lego kid to Kidrobot
words FH
SOLDIER An artist, product designer and and author. He produced his first mass 3D inflatable toy in 1995, and wrote the first book in the world on designer toys called 'Vinyl Will Kill', in 2003. He has recently worked on several toy projects with Kidrobot, and has a ‘Jeremyville’ shoe out through Converse. Splits time between studios in Sydney, Australia and New York City, Jeremy spends some time for an exclusive interview with Urbain. Now people keep on reading! Hey J! How’s it going? Hi! Thanks for the interview, the magazine looks cool. Thanks! So, how did you start wanting to be an artist? My parents named me after the blue animated character Jeremy Hilary Boob Ph.D, (the 'Nowhere Man') in the Beatles' movie Yellow Submarine. That was the start of my career in art and character design, I guess they knew I was meant for this. But of course I have struggled when I first started out. My lowest point starting out, was one Christmas, when lots of clients hadn't paid me yet, and I had $5 in the bank, and $2 in my pocket, and for Christmas I bought a tub of rice from the local Chinese, and added lots of free chilli and soy sauce on top. I was alone in my own rented terrace house and was just starting out my career, age 18, and I remember thinking, 'It will all get better from here, but I'll remember this night, and one day write about it in interviews'. So here we are! Can you give us a bit of your creative background? I grew up in Wonderland Avenue, Tamarama, a sleepy beachside suburb of Sydney, right near Bondi Beach. I played with lots of Lego as a kid, and built and customized model aeroplanes, which were my first 'custom toys', at the age of 8. In 2009 my customized Darth Vader helmet was recently exhibited at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburg, so I guess all that customizing paid off! My background is studying architecture at Sydney Uni, not art school. words Tyara Putri images courtesy of Jeremy Ville
SOLDIER What kind of project are you working on now? Toys with Kidrobot, kids books, art shows, projects with Converse US, Microsoft Paris, Zune (Microsoft US), MasterCard New York, MTV, Nickelodeon, Kidrobot, Rossignol, blogging for, publishing projects. What’s the longest project you have done? And for how long? Any book project is the longest, Vinyl Will Kill and Jeremyville Sessions took about 4-6 months each. I’ve seen your hand-painted skate decks, they’re rad! Do you skate? Growing up in Bondi and Tamarama as a kid that was the best way to head down to the beach. What was your first collaboration? My mum used to draw little sketches for me, and I would add to them, as a kid. She was my first collab project. Any particular inspirations? I think a pen and sketchbook is the start for everything I do, and I love the idea of Saturday mornings when I'm up early, and go to the local cafe and order a coffee, and just draw ideas for hours, or create some characters, or plan a new project. It's that thinking time that I love, that sketching of your future. Who would you like to work with in the future? Steve Jobs. If you don’t have the ability to draw in the first place, what other profession would you consider? A high society cat burglar would be good or interior design and architecture. Got any collection? Tell us about it! Toys, t-shirts, denim jeans, trucker caps, airline bags, dust. What would be a daily must in your schedule? A typical day for me depends on the night before 24
and if I've been working on an overseas deadline, as I generally start a sort of 2nd day at 5pm, when Sydney closes, but Europe opens, then I start another round when NYC opens at 11pm, till about 2am, then I crash (draw in bed) , and start all over again. Up at say 9am, go for a run along Sydney Harbour, breakfast, draw, plan, email, into the studio, projects, lunch which usually consists of Nori rolls, or this great Vietnamese place I've found locally, they do great vermicelli noodles and BBQ beef. Amazing. Only $9. Weekends is precious as I love my Saturday mornings, going for a run, breakfast in Potts Point, which is my home suburb and a very cosmopolitan part of Sydney, near the Harbour. Weekend is hanging out with friends. In fact this Saturday night I'm having a party at my place, it's a good way to see all my mates in one go, and it's also a great deadline I set myself to tidy up the house. Sweet. Boring question, who are your favorite artists/illustrators? Dale Frank, an Australian painter, I recently bought one of his 200 x 200 cm works at the Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery in Sydney. He’s one of Australia's most respected fine artists, and very collectible, he was bought by the Guggenheim at age 19. Here’s the one in my collection: artists/13/Dale_Frank/1099/41028/ There is a great art and design scene in Sydney, with artists like Ben Frost, DMOTE, Luca Ionescu, Anthony Lister, Kill Pixie, Cupco,Trent Whitehead, Numskull, and galleries like China Heights, Palmer Projects, Monster Children, and artists' studios like World's End in Surry Hills, and the Jeremyville studio in Darlinghurst. I like hanging out there. Tell us about the future plans you got for your work? Lots more toy projects, book projects, art shows, and a New York studio project, more traveling, more painting.
Oh well, good luck J! Any last words for our readers? For any young designers or artists reading this, I think forget your own route, that is the most exciting thing you could do, and your audience will be taken with you on that journey through your career. Always continue inventing, and taking turns in your career, to keep your audience enthralled and excited as to what you will do next. And also start drawing every day, a pen and sketchbook is a great piece of software, and there are no upgrades that you have to keep buying. I have a running joke that I think Apple should bring out a line of pencils and pens and sketchbooks, get back to basics, and back to thinking with your hand rather than a mouse! I'd always use an Apple pen if they brought one out. I of course use computers daily in my work, and at my studio, but I adore the simple pleasure of sketching in bed late at night with headphones on. The night could last forever, and I usually fall asleep while drawing.
words FH
Dikenal sebagai salah satu bintang di masa-masa sekolahnya tidak membuat Black berhenti membuat daftar prestasi. Dari breakdance sampai tergabung dalam Nike Freestyle Indonesia. Tapi saat ini dia bukan dikenal sebagai baller atau bboy, he is one of the best body builder in Indonesia. Hobi lo waktu kecil apa sih? Dari kecil gw emang udah suka basket, dari kelas 3 SD kira-kira. Kenapa bola basket? Ya itu tadi, karena dari awalnya gw udah suka banget ama basket dan ditambah gw masuk sekolah yang emang bisa dibilang terbaik saat itu, SMP 11 dan SMA 3. Atmosfer disana mengasah skill gw pastinya, hehe. Kalo breakdance? Pada awalnya gw suka memperhatikan segala sesuatu yang bergerak secara teratur, tegas dan memakai sistem. Contoh, waktu gw ngeliat sistem packaging pabrik coca-cola, gw suka tuh ngeliat botol-botol itu ada di lintasan terus ngikutin jalur yang ada. Nah disitulah gw berpikir, badan kita bisa ga ya kaya itu (popping)? Dan menurut gw, kalo lo bisa breakdance lo akan lebih bisa menikmati musik. Lo tercatat dalam sejarah freestyle basket di Indonesia sebagai salah satu anggota pertama Nike Freestyle Indonesia. Gimana ceritanya? Ikut audisi awalnya dan pada dasarnya gw emang udah bisa ngelakuin gerakan–gerakan basic kaya spin ball dan arm roll. Kalo melihat catatan basket lo yang “wah”, kenapa lo bisa beralih ke body builder? Gw emang termasuk orang yang tergila-gila sama olahraga, awalnya gw dulu fitness, untuk menunjang performa gw di basket. Tapi ternyata gw juga menemukan kecocokan di dunia fitness.
Pengalaman apa yang paling berkesan pas bermain basket? Waktu event Adidas streetball tahun 97. Waktu itu gw juara 1 untuk kategori pelajar sama temen-temen gw dari SMA 3. Dan mendapat kesempatan makan malam sama Tyus Edney, Pemain NBA asal Sacramento Kings. Kenapa jadi sampe ke body builder? Soalnya gw kalo udah mendalami sesuatu ga pernah setengah-setengah. Apa yang membedakan body builder sama hobihobi lo yang lain? Gw jadi lebih disiplin pastinya. Kaya misalnya gw ga boleh makan yang enak-enak, termasuk makanan favorit gw kaya martabak dan mie ayam. Hehe.
Prestasi lo di bidang body builder apa saja? Overall champion Siswa Raga 2006, Mr. Indonesia 2006, Pesta Raga 2007 (2nd place), Mr. NSW 2008, Mr. Australia 2008. Rencana ke depan ? Gw mau ikut “AUSTRALASIAN“, Kejuaran binaraga untuk benua Asia dan Australia. Any shout out? Happiness come from spirit not from material. The most prority in my life is not about the money. Sometimes money makes me feel happy, but not all the time. So the most important thing in my life is about love and affection from my family and my friends. I can’t stand without them.
Kalo ada kesempatan ketemu salah satu orang terkenal di dunia yang lo jalanin, lo pilih ketemu Michael Jordan atau Arnold Schwarzenegger? Michael Jordan aja deh, soalnya dari awal gw kenal dunia basket terlebih dahulu Bagaimana rasanya menaklukan “negri orang” dengan menjadi juara 1 di Australia? Gw sempet ga percaya waktu gw juara, karena tiap gw ikut kompetisi gw ga pernah ada target. Gw sih nothing to lose, tapi tetap berusaha memberikan yang terbaik. Di setiap kompetisi yang gw ikutin gw mau lihat perkembangan gw sampe dimana. Juara buat gw Cuma jadi bonus aja untuk kerja keras gw, bukan target utama. words Rico Lubis photos Aldy Reginaldy
DYSRHYTHMIA A psychic genre-crossing trio
I was just browsing around for June new metal album release, and I was stunned by what I found: Dysrhythmia new album, “Psychic Maps”. This is their 5th studio album and they did a great job at making a genre-crossing music. As I was listening to the songs in the album, I thought I should request an interview for Urbain. So I sent an email to their guitarist, Kevin Hufnagel and to my surprise, I received a reply much sooner than I expected. Kevin agreed to do the interview the following week. Peebs, I present to you, Kevin Hufnagel, Colin Marston and Jeff Eber… Hello Dysrhythmia, please introduce yourself… Kevin Hufnagel (KH): We've been around for over 10 years, releasing 5 studio albums, 1 live record, 3 split releases, and playing over 600 shows. For some random facts about the individual members: much to some people's surprise, Colin doesn't actually listen to jazz music, Jeff is obsessed with playing digital chess, and I am allergic to avocados. I read your history section on your website that you guys did your first gig ever at Stalag 13 with Discordance Axis, and Ruins. How was it? KH: I actually have a video recording of that night. It was really exciting to play with such awesome bands for our first show. I still remember it quite well. Tell us more about your latest album “Psychic Maps” KH: It's our most ambitious and heaviest recording yet. It's the kind of record that will take many listens to fully hear everything that's going on. This is why the album is just under 40 minutes long. If it was any longer it would start to become sort of overwhelming I think. How do Dysrhythmia compose its songs? Who created most of them? KH: Either myself or Colin will start writing a song on our own and then once the idea feels solid we present it to the rest of the band at rehearsal and then we begun working on the song all together. It's a very collaborative process, every one's voice gets to be heard. Are there any differences between Clayton Ingerson and Colin Marston? (Colin Marston was entered the band on 2004 to replaced Dysrhythmia’s old bassist, Clayton Ingerson) KH: Well, of course, every one's different in their own way. Colin is perhaps a bit more easy-going than Clayton was at times. I'm a pretty laid back person so it's important to me to feel at ease with the people I'm working with. Musically, there were/are both amazing people to play with and have their own unique approaches to writing and playing.
favourite 5! KH: This is a hard questions because there's a big difference to me between favorite bands and favorites albums. Some of of my favorite albums are not necessarily by my favorite bands... anyway... if I had to pick 5 at this moment for overall consistency and awesome-ness I'll say (in no particular order): New Model Army, The Chameleons, Voivod, Anacrusis, Swans. Colin Marston: Death, Neurosis, King Crimson, Gorguts, Ulver. Jeff Eber: Nomeansno. Ben Monder, Magma, Meshuggah, Univers Zero. Can you describe your music in 3 words? KH: I really can't. Do you know anything about Indonesia? If there’s a chance for you guys to do a gig (or if there any promoter here that invite you to play) here, would you guys do it? KH: Honestly, I don't know too much about Indonesia personally but given the opportunity we would love to play there of course. Besides playing in Canada and Mexico, we have never toured outside of the United States. This is mostly because we have yet to have a promoter contact us with interest in having us play in their country. Lastly, any shout out to our readers? KH: Check out the new album “Psychic Maps”! Thanks for the interview!
Relapse released most of your albums. Is there any reason or thoughts to choose a record label for you? Does Relapse fits Dysrhythmia well? Have you ever thought of recording your next album through another recording company? KH: Relapse came to us in 2002, at that point we had already self-released two full-length albums and were hoping to not have to do it again for our third release. So, they came to us at just the right time. Overall I feel it was a good pairing on both sides.. we're not an easy band to market, so I don't think there is any "ideal" record label for us out there. We've put out a few split releases and re-issues on other labels since being with Relapse, so it's cool to have the freedom to do those sorts of things while still being "signed". A standard question, but we really would like to know about your favorite bands. Name us your 28
words Alphamario photos courtesy of Relapse Records & Dysrhythmia
Tara McPherson Kissbang Pillow / â‚Ź33
Kodak Zi8 HD Pocket Video Camera / $180 Mini Boom-box iPod Speaker Pouch / $24
Shaun White x Oakley Frog-skin Sunglasses / $154 (pre-order) UFFIE x Revolver Army Backpack / â‚Ź575
Kat Von D Tattoo Concealer / $25
The Homer Watermelon / $65 Fisheye Mike Perry Edition / $58
DC Comics Girl Beauty Case / $8
DID YOU KNOW? Sekarang ga perlu sedih lagi kalo barang-barang yang lo pengen di online shop ga mau shipping ke Indonesia. Lo cuma perlu bikin account di, nah dari situ lo akan dapetin alamat di U.S dan dari alamat tersebut barang yang lo mau beli akan di-forward langsung ke alamat lo di Indonesia atau dimana pun lo berada. Masih bingung? Buka dulu deh website di atas, nanti juga bakal dijelasin kok. So what are you waiting for? Go crazy with your credit card... Wisely.
selections Tyara Putri
D 30
words FH
DOUBLE TROUBLE model Karina Nadya Lopulisa & Karina Jo-Ann Woodworth / stylist Tyara Putri / photographer Angge Pakar
top / Face Necklace / IDR 105.000 top / Yellow Owl / IDR 99.000 jacket / JV Twotone / IDR 210.000 words FH
flannel top / Shirt Hood Grey / IDR 169.000 jacket / Jacket Full Printed Triangle White / IDR 210.000
top / Add Ons / IDR 100.000 top / Pink Checker / IDR 165.000
top / Blocked Purple / IDR 100.000 top / Blocked Orange / IDR 100.000
Name Astried R Utami Age 23 years old Occupation Assistant to BOD (Both Of Director). How did you feel when you got your first tattoo? Wonderful. Your favorite tattoo? Tattoos on my head. Get tattooed for? To express what's on my mind, my life and more intimately with my body. Next tattoo? Where would it be placed? I want a Krusty face on the side of my right thigh Does tattoos affect your job? No, not at all.
words & photos Alphamario
The Butcher / The Butcher X Urbain /
If the first era of bboying in Indonesia was held down by the crew Voltus in the 1980’s, Senayan Breakers for the 2nd generation and Jakarta Breaking for the 3rd then for the 4th generation of Bboys in Indonesia would have to be the era of the “East Rider Crew”. A bboy crew that consisted of young, hungry, creative, innovative, and passionate Bboys from the east side of Jakarta. East Rider Crew was established in 2003 by three of their original members which are Polo, Thopaz and Ryan. They have been making noise since ‘03 as a crew but once it reached 2005 they were the ones that were pushing the envelopes for the local kids here and out of Java. Bringing the raw Bboy mentality to events and showing other guys and younger kids the real and proper way to get down to those funk n breaks. They have won numerous amounts of competitions and events that were held locally and internationally. Some of their achievements are 1st Place in Let’s Dance Bboy Competition, 1st Place in Binus from 2006 till 2008, 1st Place Bboy Competition in LA Lights Street Ball 2005, 2nd place in Floor Skills, Singapore in 2007, 1st Place in Floor Combat, Malaysia and more. Some of these guys who are still currently studying in Universities practices hard to be where they are now. Some are actually already working and some do both, plus doing TV shows or commercials as their side jobs. They were motivated and influenced to dance how they are from a lot of different people from all over the globe but if they had to narrow it down to their top influences they would have to say the New York City Breakers, Ken Swift (7Gems), Storm from the legendary Battle Squad from Germany, Megas from Boogie Brats, Canada and a couple more. Their goals doesn’t just stop there, they told us that they still have a couple of things that hasn’t been ticked off from their ‘To Do List’. Some of the goals that they have targeted is to compete in big events all over the world, competitions such as Battle of The Year (Germany), Freestyle Session (California, USA), Circle Kingz (Lausanne, Switzerland), I.B.E (Netherland) and definitely still going to build the scene in Indo and put Indo on the map as they travel around. If you guys are interested in learning or for those of you who wants to practice together with these guys, you can go to their practice spot in GOR Otista, Kampung Melayu every Tuesday and Thursday night starting from 8pm onwards. Keep it raw and fresh, it’s about the movement, not the moves. 38
words FH photos Rendha Rais
words FH
Nama mereka semakin muncul ke permukaan semenjak dirilisnya debut album mereka, ‘Docudrama”. Dibilang mirip sama Funeral For A Friend, gitaris yang keluar dari band sampe keinginan kembali ke masa kecil mereka ceritain buat URBAIN disini. This is their real docudrama.. Who are you guys? Kita adalah para pemuda yang memiliki kesukaan yang sama, yaitu mendengarkan musik, bermain musik, dan membuat musik. Silent Farewell merupakan hasil perpaduan dari segi musikalitas masing-masing personil. Di dalam musik Silent Farewell terdapat karakter dari setiap personil dalam bermusik. Secara ringkas, Silent Farewell adalah buah karya kami. Kenapa "Docudrama"? Apa arti "Docudrama" buat kalian? “Docudrama” adalah gambaran atau dokumentasi dari cerita kehidupan. Alasan kami memilih tema “Docudrama” karena materi-materi yang terdapat di debut album kami ini merupakan kumpulan dari cerita kehidupan kami dan orang-orang di sekeliling kami. Apa pertimbangannya ketika kalian bikin lagu dan nentuin liriknya pake bahasa Inggris atau Indo? Kami menciptakan lirik berdasarkan karakter dari setiap lagu yang telah dibuat. Sementara itu dari seluruh materi yang dimuat di album kami hanya satu lagu yang kami anggap cocok menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Denger-denger si Said, gitaris kalian keluar ya? Ya betul, Said keluar karena memiliki kesibukan lain yang menyita waktu, namun perihal keluarnya Said tidak mengganggu pertemanan kami secara utuh. Penggantinya hingga kini masih belum kami tentukan karena kami sedang sibuk menggarap materi untuk
beberapa rilisan yang telah masuk tenggat waktu. Namun kami akan mencari pengganti Said sesegera mungkin. Musik kalian bener-bener mirip sama Funeral For A Friend.. Can you guys explain that? Musik Silent Farewell adalah perpaduan musik masingmasing personil, yang memang di dalamnya terdapat Funeral For A Friend sebagai salah satu referensi. Jika terjadi kemiripan menurut orang, terserah orang yang menilai karena itu merupakan opini. Tapi yang jelas kami membuat dan bermain musik yang kami suka. Tapi menurut kalian, emang mirip ya? What is urban to you? Urban menurut kami adalah segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan perkotaan. Di kehidupan perkotaan itu muncul suatu budaya, yaitu budaya perkotaan atau urban culture. Kalo kalian bisa balik lagi ke masa kecil kalian, kalian mau ngapain? Yosa: Gw akan menggunakan waktu se efektifefektifnya untuk bermain. Karena ternyata setelah dewasa gw mulai menyadari bahwa belajar itu tidak ada gunanya. Karena kita hidup di lingkungan yang tidak menghargai orang yang cerdas. Arya: Kalo gw bisa balik ke masa kecil gw ga mau balik lagi menjadi orang dewasa. Waktu kecil hidup masih belum ada beban, setiap hari terasa menyenangkan. Kalo udah dewasa beban makin banyak, stress, belum lagi tuntutan masa depan dan sebagainya.. Pusing.. words Alphamario photos St. Jadoon
Gogo: Mau jadi penyanyi cilik haha! Soalnya gw ga bisa nyanyi, jadi pengen bisa nyanyi dari kecil. Hahaha! Iwang: gw pengen lebih menghargai orang-orang yang gw sayangi. Last shouts.. FIGHT BACK BETTER THIS TIME!!
[Firecatz Records]
Apa jadinya kalo empat orang pemuda-pemudi metal ibukota bergabung buat bikin sebuah band post-punk-semi-pop? Adalah Rebecca (vocal), yang pernah bernyanyi bersama The Upstairs, Rumah Sakit, Goodnight Electric dan Straight out, Alex (bass) dan Dee Dee (gitar) dari Fall dan Harry (drum) yang selain jadi drummer untuk Fall dia juga tergabung dengan Accidental Hero. Merekalah yang sepakat mencetuskan sebuah institusi bermusik ringan bernama yang mereka namakan Bite. Akhir Juni lalu Bite merilis mini album pertama mereka. Mini album ini berisikan enam lagu dengan aransemen musik santai dan beat-beat ringan yang membuat kepala bergoyang. Simak juga lirik-lirik manis nan menyentil ala Rebecca yang juga dapat menggelitik tiap-tiap telinga yang mendengarnya. Dari 6 lagu yang ada, 3 diantaranya yaitu; ‘Tiba-Tiba Hamil’, ‘Menulis Lagu Cinta’ dan ‘Semua Suka Wanita Cantik’ telah terdengar lebih dulu untuk dijadikan scoring dari film “MBA” keluaran MVP Production pada tahun 2008 lalu. ‘Menulis Lagu Cinta’ juga merupakan single pertama di mini album ini. Tiga sisanya juga ga kalah menarik. Ada ‘Populer’ (lagu yang akan dijadikan single kedua) yang menceritakan tentang betapa terinspirasinya Bite oleh sosok wanita yang mengusahakan apa saja untuk tampil maksimal dan menjadi pusat perhatian seluruh laki-laki di dunia. Juga ada ‘Hanya Trend Semata’ dan oh, lagi-lagi layer-layer distorsi tipis yang keluar dari gitar Dee Dee benar-benar membuat kuping merasa nyaman. Dan yang terakhir adalah ‘Hey Hey Hey’, satu-satunya lagu yang berlirik bahasa Inggris yang terdapat di album ini. Album ini terdengar sangat istimewa, mengingat transisi genre para personilnya yang dahulunya memainkan beat-beat keras dengan penuh distorsi. [A]
WALE Back to the Feature
J DILLA Jay Stay Paid
MADNESS The Liberty of Norton Folgate
Back to the Feature is the follow-up to last year’s “Mixtape About Nothing”, which was awarded the prestigious title of “Mixtape of the Year.” Mixed by renowned DJ Nick Catchdubs and produced by acclaimed heavy hitter 9th Wonder, BTTF offers a slew of various grooves, club-bangers, and headnodders, a couple which can be accredited to British producer Mark Ronson, on top of a smorgasbord of featured artists including Lady Gaga, Jean Grae, Daniel Merriweather, and Peter, Bjorn & John. So for those of you looking for the next big thing, WALE IS THE FUTURE!! [KW]
Mixed by legendary producer Pete Rock is a compilation of unreleased beats by the late, great, Jay Dilla. As the genius behind tracks like Pharcyde’s Runnin’, D’Angelo’s Brown Sugar, and Slum Village’s Fall in Love, the album is mostly comprised of instrumental tracks made by Dilla during the time in which he was treated in the hospital for lupusrelated illnesses, which eventually lead to his death, explaining the darker, more complex nature of the tracks. Artists who had frequently collaborated with Jay Dee like Black Thought of The Roots, DOOM, M.O.P, Raekwon, Bun B. are also featured in the album. [KW]
Disaat The Specials sibuk muter-muter sama reunion tour-nya, Madness malah ngerilis album barunya yang berisi materi-materi baru yang telah dirangkum selama 10 tahun terakhir. Album ke sembilan dari kumpulan bapak-bapak “2 Tone” asal Inggris ini dirilis bulan Mei kemarin dan langsung menduduki posisi ke 5 di UK album chart. Mendapat banyak pujian dari para fans-nya dan disebut-sebut sebagai album terbaik yang pernah mereka rilis sepanjang karir mereka. Kayanya Madness emang cinta mati sama London. Lo bisa liat dari judul album sama 15 judul lagu yang terdapat di album ini. [A]
[Allido Records]
[Lucky 7 Records]
[Nature Sounds]
MOS DEF The Ecstatic
Emang seru banget kalo dengerin band yang musiknya out of the box kaya Enter Shikari gini. Mereka ngegabungin trance, hardcore, metal, dan rave jadi satu di dalam tiap-tiap lagu yang mereka ciptain. Ga heran popularitas band ini melesat jauh ke atas dengan waktu yang sangat cepat. Mereka juga jadi band unsigned kedua (setelah The Darkness) yang konsernya sold out di London Astoria. “Common Dreads” adalah album studio kedua mereka setelah “Take The Skies” yang diproduseri sama Andy Gray (U2, Tori Amos, Korn). Coba dengerin ‘Juggernauts’ sama ‘No Sleep Tonight’ terus coba pikirin bakal kaya apa nanti album ketiga mereka. [A]
Apa yang bisa tiga orang lakukan dalam membuat sebuah komposisi musik? Blink 182? Alkaline Trio? They are all a good band. Tapi trio yang tergabung dalam band bernama Dysrhythmia ini benar-benar membuat komposisi musik yang berbeda. Setelah “Barriers and Passages” di tahun 2006, “Psychic Maps” menjadi sebuah monumen pernyataan bahwa mereka masih tetap eksis. Dan sepertinya riff-riff rumit tanpa vokal dari band instrumental-tech-post rock ini bakal jadi ladang uang lagi buat Relapse Records. And like they said on their myspace: “No vocals, no breakdowns, no dancing, no fun!!”. Who needs fun to listen your music, anyway? [A]
The latest release by the legendary Black Dante undoubtedly has plenty to offer. Although providing a more unconventional look into the artist’s capabilities. The Ecstatic does not fail to showcase the multifaceted dimensions of Mos Def’s musical capabilities, versatility, and transformation as an artist. Though a series of darker and edgier tracks like ‘Supermagic’, ‘Wahid’ and ‘Revelations’ almost work to hide his talent and tracks like ‘Priority’, ‘Quiet Dog’ (Bite Hard), and ‘The Embassy’ certainly shed light on his repertoire as one of hip hop’s greatest lyricists. This album is definitely NOT for beginners, but for hip hop heads up for a challenge, its Mos Definitely a treat. [KW]
[Atlantic records]
BITE Mini Album
[Relapse Records]
James Toback, an American screen writer and film director earned a standing ovation at the Sundance Film Festival not too long ago from his latest work which was a documentary about one of the legendary and international atheletic icon Mike Tyson. Toback who has been a friend to Tyson since 1985 been wanting to make a project with Mike and even have put him in few roles in a couple of his feature films. “I wanted to make a movie that would serve the thematic complexity and multiple layers of character and behavior by splitting the screen into separate images moving in shape, size, and rhythm, complicated by overlapping sources of dialogue and music”, says Toback and he could do just that perfectly with Mike. The documentary tells you about the rise and fall of Mike’s carreer, from the early days where he used to get picked on a as a fat kid in Brooklyn, how he had to defend himself in juvenille detention at the age of 12, how Mike squandered almost $400 Million, and of course the infamous ear biting incident that happened between him and Evander Hollyfield. This documentary will probably the first time you will ever catch tears coming out of Tyson’s eyes from talking about the loss of his first instructor Cus D’Amato who guided him to be where he was then and before he fell under the wings of the promoter Don King. The documentary didn’t get a standing ovation for no reason. Definitely one of the best documentaries out there today and definitely a must see for those of you who’s into boxing or just curious about how Mike Tyson have became who he is today. [FH]
REEL BIG FISH Live! In Concert!
“Hip-Hop at its purest form” probably best describe the movie, Wild Style. The movie was first released independently in 1982, it was directed by New York independent film maker Charlie Ahearn with the help of Fred Braithwaite (Fab 5 Freddy). Wild Style is one of the first movie that depicted the 4 elements of hiphop at the very purest form, then the movie became underground hit, attracted many cult hip-hop heads followers. The movie features many original and pioneers of old school hip-hop movement, such as Fab 5 Freddy, The Cold Crush Brothers, Grandmaster Flash (performed in his own kitchen), Rock Steady Crew, and many others. The lead role is famous graffiti artist Lee Quinones as Zoro. “ I didnt use a script, because we didnt use a script in real life” said Lee”. We didnt do a proper casting for this movie, we just being ourself in the movie, because that’s how we live in our everyday life”. Theres no “Hollywood things” about it & thats what makes this movie very popular among the hip-hop heads. The Emcees were played by the real emcees, the deejays also played by real deejays, the graff writes played by real graff artist and the breakers were real bboys. In this movie, the director wanted to tie together all the elements of hip-hop, showing the rest of the world that mc’s, graff writers, bboys, and Dj’s came from the same places. The result was the most authentic and accurate depiction of “real hiphop” in the film, the filthy train stops, the boarded up building, the ghetto area, and the junkyards all reflected the social living condition in the Bronx at that time. Wild Style movie was definitely ahead of time. Classic! [LK]
Recorded live at The Grove in Anaheim, CA, in front of a sold out crowd on January 4th, 2009. The 20-song DVD features all the RBF fan favorites, as well as bonus footage. Over one million catalog pieces sold. Look for them on tour the entire summer of 2009.The Grove in Anaheim. The ska-punk wave is starting to make its comeback, but the originators of the movement never went away. Reel Big Fish put the Orange County ska-punk movement of the 90's into the limelight, and 10 years later, they're still packing the venues with die-hard fans. This DVD highlights the band in their hometown setting. With an unheard-of performance length of close to two hours (!), this DVD will surely be a must-have in every music DVD collection. With extras like a band commentary, bonus footage, photo gallery and multi-angle options, this DVD will be hard to keep on the store shelves. Leaders of the Orange County Ska movement, Reel Big Fish have sustained a loyal following of die-hard fans over the years. Playing for almost two hours, this live concert recording features the band at the peak of their powers, and playing to a hometown crowd who seem to want the band to play all night! [AS]
"Punk's Not Dead" is more than just a tribute documentary. It takes you on an era-by-era journey that puts punk rock's non-conformist reputation under the knife. Officially sanctioned by the bands in the film who donated personal photos, fliers and home videos, "Punk's Not Dead" follows the evolution of punk music from its anarchic roots, to its use as a corporate marketing tool and acceptance into popular culture, to its reinvention in today's underground scene. It features such bands as The Adicts, Bad Religion, Black Flag, The Damned, The God Awfuls, Good Charlotte, Green Day, Minor Threat, NOFX, The Offspring, Pennywise, The Ramones, Rancid, Social Distortion, Stiff Little Fingers, The Subhumans, Sum 41, UK Subs, The Used, and many more. Director Susan Dynner's first-hand experience of Washington DC's punk scene in the eighties and her continued love of punk music spurred the making of this self-financed, independent documentary true to the D.I.Y. spirit of punk culture. "Punk's Not Dead" combines intelligent, insightful commentary with live performances, behind-the-scenes anecdotes and a killer soundtrack. [AS]
[Rhino Theatrical]
[Rock Ridge Music]
A James Toback Film [Sony Pictures Classics]
[Vision Music]
HEMODIALISIS: CHARITY FOR BRUTZ! Court/Location: Bug’s cafe, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Date: June 19th , 2009 Investigator: Wilma Hartyandari Scene Photograph By: Helmy Case Information:
Samuel atau yang lebih dikenal banyak orang dengan nama Brutz merupakan seorang vokalis dari sebuah band yang bernama Seems Like Yesterday. Brutz didiagnosis menderita penyakit diabetes dan ginjal. Karena alasan tersebutlah maka pada tanggal 19 Juni 2009 bertempat di Bugs Café Pondok Indah diadakan sebuah acara penggalangan dana untuk membantu proses pengobatan Brutz. Sekitar pukul 16.30 WIB sudah terlihat antrian yang cukup panjang di tempat penjualan tiket. Padahal acara baru akan dimulai sekitar pukul 18.00 WIB. Rangkaian acara pada malam itu dibuka dengan penampilan The Brandals, tentu saja mereka berhasil membuka acara dengan sangat meriah. Membawakan sekitar lima lagu, Eka berhasil memancing emosi para penonton. Seems Like Yesterday juga mengisi acara pada malam itu, dengan menggandeng beberapa teman Brutz seperti Achiel (Popcorn) serta Pasha (2StepNorth) sebagai vokalis. Ditengah-tengah penampilan Seems Like Yesterday, Brutz sempat mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua temanteman yang memberikan dukungan yang luar biasa kepadanya via telefon, suasana pun sempat terasa mengharukan. Namun setelah itu suasana kembali semarak dengan beberapa penampilan band yang sangat menarik seperti Friends of Mine, March, 2StepNorth dan masih banyak lagi. Pada saat Ucay dan Rocket Rockers-nya mengambil alih panggung, sontak saja suasana pada malam itu makin terasa hangat dan ramai. Semakin malam, Bugs Café terasa semakin padat. Penampilan Peewee Gaskins nampaknya menjadi highlight pada malam itu. Padatnya penonton membuat panitia harus memberhentikan sebentar penjualan tiket acara tersebut. Acara yang selesai sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB itu berlangsung dengan sukses.
CASE #2 BITE, EP launching Court/Location: Emax, Kemang, Jakarta Date: June 26th, 2009 Investigator: Wilma Hartyandari Scene Photograph By: Firecatz Records Case Information:
Setelah sebelumnya sempat merayakan peluncuran mini album-nya di Bandung, Bite kemudian kembali mengadakan perayaannya tersebut di Ibukota pada tanggal 26 Juni di Emax, Kemang. Dibuka dengan press gathering pada sore harinya, band yang beranggotakan Rebecca, Alexander, Deedee serta Harry ini, selain melakukan sesi tanya jawab dengan para teman-teman media, mereka juga sempat menampilkan beberapa lagu andalan yang berasal dari mini album mereka. Malam harinya, acara kembali dilanjutkan dengan menampilkan San & Sebastian serta Monkey to Millionare. Pada pukul 10 malam, San& Sebastian memulai rangkaian acara dengan membawakan tiga lagu. Suasana mulai terasa ramai dan meriah. Ketika Monkey to Millionare mengambil alih panggung pada malam itu dan membawakan kurang lebih lima lagu, Emax pun terasa semakin meriah. Sekitar kurang lebih 15 menit pemandu acara memberikan games kepada para tamu yang hadir pada malam itu, Bite langsung menempati posisi masing-masing dan memulai pertunjukan utama pada malam itu. Dengan membawakan sekitar enam lagu pada sesi pertama, suasana terasa hangat. Rebecca berhasil memancing reaksi dari semua tamu yang hadir. Jeda sekitar 10 menit dilakukan lagi, pemandu acara kembali mengambil alih panggung dan sedikit bercakap-cakap dengan para personil band yang sudah terbentuk sekitar setahun yang lalu ini. Keempat personil Bite pun kembali mengajak para tamu yang hadir disana untuk menikmati rangkaian lagu-lagu yang dibawakan oleh mereka. Malam itu, semua lagu-lagu andalan mereka seperti “Semua Suka Wanita Cantik”, “Populer”, “Hey Hey Hey” berhasil dibawakan dengan sangat apik. Nampaknya malam itu, semua tamu yang datang berhasil tergigit oleh persembahan dari Bite.
CASE #3 LEAGUE FREESTYLE COMPETITION Court/location: Pekan Raya Jakarta ,Kemayoran, Jakarta Date: June 3rd- 4th, 2009 Investigator: Aldy Reginaldy Scene Photograph by: Vira M. Case Information :
Berca Indosport bersama brand-nya, LEAGUE, mengadakan freestyle contest dengan skala cukup besar. dengan peserta dari berbagai kota. Freestyle contest yang terdiri dari 3 kategori yaitu; breakdance, freestyle basketball dan freestyle soccer. Untuk setiap kategori, LEAGUE menyiapkan juri-juri yang berpengalaman di bidangnya seperti Bian “Kreate” (Australian national champion bboy battle), Rico “Spinboy” (3x allstar nasional berturut-turut) dan Suja (freestyle soccer national champion). Kompetisi “1 on 1” yang berlangsung selama 2 hari ini berlangsung sangat seru, karena “jagoan” yang hadir di setiap bidangnya tidak ada yang absen. Hari ke 2 masuk ke sistem 8 besar dan battle berlangsung semakin panas. Event yang dipandu oleh MC Rico Ceper ini akhirnya masuk ke babak final. Dari kategori bboy battle mempertemukan Thopaz dan Naldo, Hendra dan Abram untuk basket, dan Bayu dan Ewin untuk soccer. Jam menunjukan pukul 20.30, penonton yang hadir diperkirakan sekitar seratus orang lebih dikarenakan battle itu sendiri yang berlangsung sangat seru. Babak final akhirnya berakhir setelah menyelesaikan battle di 3 kategori. Juri pun menentukan sang juara. Naldo keluar sebagai juara satu untuk kategori bboy battle, Hendra The Ask di freestyle basket dan Ewin untuk freestyle soccer. Setiap pemenang mendapatkan uang cash senilai IDR 1.500.000 dan berbagai merchandise dari LEAGUE. Acara pun ditutup dengan showcase dari para juri. Salut buat LEAGUE yang konsisten membuat event-event yang berskala besar. See you in the next tournament!
Court/Location: Hyde Park, London Date: July 2nd-3rd, 2009 Investigator: Rahadian Abdul Salam Scene Photograph By: Rahadian Abdul Salam Case Information: Britpop's favourite, Blur, made a triumphant return at Glastonbury Festival. They performed a two-hour comeback concert at London's Hyde Park on Thursday night. I had goose bumps when I came inside, and started reminiscing about Blur back in the 1990s, when they were by Albarn's unstoppable ambition, a silly but captivating war with their rival, Oasis, and an ability to take indie music into the mainstream. It was the first of two sold-out nights which marked the return of the Britpop Band to the music scene after their split in 2003. Blur having kicked off with “She's so High”, over the two hours that followed the crowd rejoiced among classics including “Beetlebum”, “Sunday Sunday”, “Girls & Boys”. It was just fantastic, Blur were just perfect. No other way to describe it. Albarn, the essence of the British bloke in a black Fred Perry top and jeans was in good form throughout the night, jogging, pogoing and spinning round the stage, and only stopping at one point to tie his shoelaces. Coxon retains his boyish charm when he took over lead vocals for the typically endearing Coffee + TV, Versatile bassist/yuppie The bassist Alex James, slim, dressed in black and with the same foppish haircut that always looked so insouciant back in the Britpop days, appeared to be taking in his stride his departure from his cheese farm with his smoking style on the right side of stage, and Dave Rowntree as a The soon-to-be Labour Party candidate pounded the drums with all the fury of a man who had just discovered that all around him have been fiddling their expenses. I just so good to see Blur back, two hour set of the greatest hits, the two encores aren't really a surprise, even for anyone who didn't watch Glastonbury, and Song 2 gently builds to an explosion, flying bottles everywhere made me feel like I’m in Slank or Iwan Fals concert. The end it was an absolutely stunning gig, one of the best gigs I've ever been to. Loved up crowd and happy vibes all round, although people kept comparing with Glastonbury performances, for me they were spectacular. Welcome back Blur, Come to Indonesia maybe???
@ Syndicate, Bali June 20th 2009
PINK IS PUNK, The Opening @ Home Bar, Bali July 13th 2009
SUMMER MADNESS @ Blowfish July 19th 2009
@ Untitled July 11th 2009
photos Rudi Yanuar, Tyara Putri
@ Bugs Cafe June 19th 2009
SPREAD THE LOVE WITH THE LUBITEL @ Home Bar, Bali July 11th 2009
THE WAVE @ Centro July 16th 2009
NOTORIOUS @ IndoChine July 17th 2009
photos Rudi Yanuar, Tyara Putri
5 4
7 photos courtesy of Artcoholic
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JAKARTA Grand Indonesia Danesi Café. Gelato Bar. Oh La La. Pizza Marzano. Starbucks Coffee. Excelso. Menteng Oh La La. Pizza Marzano. Shisha Café. Pisa Café. Starbucks Coffee. New York Deli. Buddha Bar. AND1. Thamrin Oh La La. Miko Coffee. The Café Cartel. Red Planet. d’Place. MU cafe.
Setiabudi One Autumn Bistro & Lounge. Chatter Box. Daily Bread. Fit by Beat. Frankfurter. La Forca. Mangkok Putih. Pisa Café.Spinelli. Starbucks Coffee. Sushi Groove. The Platters. Ya Kun Kaya Toast. d’Music. Pondok Indah Mall 1 & 2 Starbucks Coffee. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Oh La La. Bakerzin. NYDC. Fish & Co. Frankfurter Hotdog. Krispy Kreme. Saint Cinnamon. Gelatisimo. Shabu Tei. Chopstix. Thai & i. Ya Kun Kaya Toast. AND1. MusiKlub. JCo. Senayan City The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. The Cream and Fudge Factory. Burger King. Secret Recipe. Hotshots. De’ Excelso. Gelato Bar. Oh lala. Warjok Asli. Frankfurter. Tator. Starbucks Coffee. Pizza Marzano. Urban Kitchen. Soho Music. Takigawa. Takemori.
Plaza Senayan Starbucks Coffee. Coffee club. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Hagen Daz. Bakerzin. Point Break. Graniph. Oh la la. Matcha Moon. Pacific Dinner. Senayan Arcadia Blackcat. Pacific Place Coffee club. Coffee world. Pan O. Starbucks. Hagen Daz. Warjok Asli. Secret Recipe. Tator. Cinnzeo. Urban kitchen. Dunkin. Hotshots. Little black café. Regal. Senopati Bakoel Coffee. Oemahan.
Dharmawangsa Citrus Café. Music Studio. Poke Sushi. Sushi Nobu. Banana Café. Gelato Bar. Grand Canyon Coffee. Oh La La. Tator Café. Pizza and Ribs. Kemang Coffee Bros. The Trip. Loka!. Ke’kun. Coffee Bean Kemang. Starbucks Coffee. Stardeli. Bread N breakfast. Delight. Casa. Aksara. Die Stube. Prost. Tabac. Kemchick. Vin+. Amor. Gourmet Garage. Warung Apa?. Warung 68. Warung Pasta. Oh La La. Daily Bread. Cartel. Breww. Caswell. Pizza Marzano. Emerald. Izzi Pizza. Dakken. Kedai. Oktroi. Sabero House. Kemang Icon. La Codefin. Kemang Food Festival.
Cilandak Town Square Amadeus. Avenue Pizza. Bakerzin. Brew & Co. Cinnzeo. Cold Stone. Chopstix. Excelso. Dome. Daily Bread. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Starbucks Coffee. Wing Dome. Score!. SOHO. Frankfurter. Izzi Pizza. Mangkok Putih. Double Decker
Oakwood Starbucks Coffee. Izzi Pizza. Loewy. Pancake Parlour. Penang Bistro.
Plaza Indonesia / EX Anderson. Bakerzin. Chopstix. Dunkin Donuts. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Dairy Queen. Ya Kun Kaya Toast. Fish and Co. Planet Surf. Dome.
Mall Taman Anggrek Oh la la. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Starbucks Coffee. J.Co. Sour Sally.
Plaza Semanggi Starbucks Coffee. The Locker. Insect Skateshop. Koopa. Rice Bowl. Solaria. Red Bean. Lutuye. Soho Music. Cup & Cino. Fitness First. Dunkin Donuts. FX The Other Culture. Sour Sally. Cream and Fudge Factory. Cosi. The Blue Elephant. Zhuma. Panini. Kopi Luwak. Muffin House. Café Cartel. Segafredo Zaneti. Bistro Delifrance. Dome. Starbucks Coffee. Amadeus. Pan-O. Cold Rock. Mazee.
Bellagio Las Vegas. Bakoel Coffee. Tomodachi. Amigos.
Mall Taman Anggrek Oh la la. Starbucks Coffee. J.Co.
TIS Dome. Starbucks Coffee. Hemma. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Citrus Café. TANGERANG Summarecon Serpong The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Point Break. Ya Kun Kaya Toast. Gold’s Gym. Bengawan Solo. SuperMall Karawaci J-co. Secret Recipe. Starbucks Coffee. BANDUNG Congo. The Valley. Sierra. Pvj. Hobbies Skateshop. No Label Stuff. Invictus. 347. And 1 (IP). Nike (Pvj / IP). Rumah Kopi. Warung Lela. BALI Surfer Girl. Magic Happens. Home Coffee & Bar. Tenfour shop. Skate Element. MAKASSAR Weerlicht Distro. Chambers Distro. DISTRO. BOUTIQUE. OUTLET AND STORES Crooz. Nanonine. Bloop. Endorse. Noin Brand. Racerkids. Locker. Hey Folks. Ten Dencies. Orbis. Tribute. AOD. Deadboy. Capital. Stepa. Replika. Gummo. Quzzy. Gazelle. COURSE. INSTITUTION. ETC Direct English. Wall Street Institute. TBI. British Council. Atma Jaya. La Salle College. Imago. Paramadina. Trisakti. Mustopo. Universitas Pelita Harapan. IKJ. Inter Studi. CCF. Goethe. Ruang Rupa. Digital Studio. Universitas Indonesia. RADIO STATIONS OZ. Trax FM. Hard Rock FM. Global Radio. iRadio. Female Radio. Prambors Radio. Mustang. TATTOO STUDIOS Rock N Roll. Guardian. Bucksbuks. Windfall. Fireworks.
Mall Kelapa Gading Cold stone. Dante coffee. Jco. Chowking. Extreme Toys. Hot Shots. La Porta. Dairy Queen. Walls. City Surf. Bengawan Solo. Rice Bowl. Musik Plus. Bintaro Oh La La. Bakoel Coffee.
RALAT URBAIN #5 HAL 31-33 Model Kay Tadjoedin / Make-up Ridha Audrey (08561108335) / Stylist Tyara Putri / Photographer Angge Pakar Stockist : Sash Nanonine / Cotton Ink / Reebok / Planet Sport, Senayan City HAL 32 Sash IDR 145.000 / Legging Stylist’s / Shoes Reebok IDR 799.000 HAL 33 Top Cotton Ink IDR 129.000 / Jeans Sash IDR 259.000 / Shoes Reebok IDR 799.000
words FH