Green City of Tomorrow

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The design of settlement shall be integrated with and supportive of this structure of public spaces. Facades overlooking quaysides, parks and main street should be given a design which proclaims the building as the wall of every important urban space. from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31

Green City of tomorrow Rich and varied foilage will be a characteristic of the parks, courtyards, and squares of this residential district. Water will also feature in various forms: salt water in the open sea, in the harbour and in the canal, fresh water in a system of ponds and miniature canals. The buildings stand close together - an ecologically sustainable community requires that the valuable land is used efficiently. from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31



Western Harbor

The City of Tomorrow will be an exologically sustainable, densely built-up inner city. It is included in a metropolitan region, Malmo, of which it is to form part. Where environmentally justifiable, the distict is to cooperate with the infrastructure and technical systemms of the rest of the city and region from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31

from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31

facing the sea One of the main purposes of the plan has been to secure the restoration of contact between the city centre, its residents and the sea. The building heights range from 1 to 6 stories, apart from the occasional 8-story buildings and a 25-story tower block. Among other things, the buildings are being given a co-ordinated color scheme, so as to endow the distict with a distinct identity.



Western Harbor

The courtyards shall have a distinct identity of their own, with special biotopes and characteristic choice of plants. they shall be distinctly delimited by a wall, hedge, or fence in relation to street and public space. The patios facing the courtyard should also be distinctly delimited from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31

courtyards forecourts The courtyards should not be functionally segregated. They shall be characterised by lush greenery, abundant vegetation and high complexity. The micro climate, wind conditions, soil quality and sunlight shall permit a wide variety of greenery. Some form of sefl-cultivation, by pot or plot, shall be possible. Every courtyard shall also have some kind of water area and possibly sounding water. No courtyard may be permantly in the shade. There shall be a sunny area for socialisation and play. from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31



Western Harbor

daylighting rainwater

Rainwater run-off is that part of the rainwater which does not immediately evaporate or seep into the ground, but which must be disposed of in some way. In Western Harbor the rainwater run-off is processed locally, and will thus not need to utilise the spillwater or rainwater drains. Much of the rainwater is collected on the green roofs (moss-stonecrop Sedum carpets) which comprise part of the the roof on most of the properties. Of the water which rains on the ground, a large proportion seeps down into the ground due to the fact that so little of the earth is compacted. The remaining rainwater is collected in the open gutters and flows out into the alleyways miniature canals before reaching a recipient - either the Oresund or the saltwater canal which flows through the area. The water is held back on its journey via ponds both in the courtyards and in the streets and squares. from Bo01 - The Green City of Tomorrow



Western Harbor

Man is a cultural being. At the same time he is biologically constructed for life in the natural environment. Human well-being depends on an environment which interacts with both these aspects from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31

area ecology An ecologist works actively in the area with green and blue questions. During the construction period the ecologist works primarily with the builders, landscape architects and other contractors. When the building work is complete, the ecologiest will take on an important educational role vis a vis the residents and maintenance staff. Information, evaluation of the green programme and rain-water run-off system are other duties, as is work on replacement habitat. from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31



Western Harbor

The emphasis on human sustainability should lead to a suportive human habitat. Research has shown that close contact with green areas, sun and water make people healthier, both physically and mentally. Beauty, as for instance in art, also has a proved positive effect on health. Vastra Hamnen, The Bo01-area, A city for people and the environment

front door



Western Harbor

for people The ecological sustainability of the district is marked in several ways. Public transport supply, vehicular access, cycle path networks, selection of materials and stormwater management are examples of visible results of the aim of creating an ecologically sustainable district. from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31



Western Harbor

There should be various clearly distinguishable zones: public (street, lane, piazza), semi-public (communal courtyard space), semi-private (e.g. round the entrance) and private (patio). from Quality Programme Bo01 1999-03-31



Western Harbor

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