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Whether it be a sensitive historic setting of natural landscape or a historic town, UDA has been involved in the preservation and sensitive development of places with a long legacy. While cities have a rich urban narrative and history, so does the landscape.
UDA considers these analyses carefully in working within these places. Our tools of anal- ysis, listening, and design carefully stitch new development into a new place with the goal of enhancement of both the preservation aspects and the understanding of the whole place.
To understand these places, UDA relies on our ability to draw and document a place more than any other particular project. This is evident in the projects listed on the following pages:
Homestead Preserve: A pattern book and master plan for sensitive development within the preservation of the Highland Valley. Chautauqua Institution: A master plan for the expansion of a historic village in a park-like setting. Sewickley Heights Pattern Book: One of a series of new neighborhoods that are connected to a substantial preservation component.
Preservation and development tools for a remarkable environment
With new development at the doorstep of the Highland Valley, there was a chance the character of the valley would be destroyed forever. The historic character of this valley was unprotected from potential development. UDA joined the team to master plan nearly 23,000 acres, preserving over 9,000 acres of open space in a public trust. New development was proposed in less-sensitive locations.
In addition to the master plan, UDA provided a pattern book for new development and architecture for a variety of residential and public buildings. The most recognizable of which is the Old Dairy Community Center, which serves as a national model for historic preservation of an unrealized asset into a contributing community structure.
Celebration Associates
design workshop, timmons group, versaci neumann+partners, robert adam architects, jim samsel architects, john reagan architects, frazier associates, commonwealth associates
AIA PA, Certificate of Merit, 2010 AIA Pittsburgh, Certificate of Merit, 2010 ICA, Palladio Award, Old Dairy Community Center, 2008
Bridging the past and the future
Chautauqua Institution is one of our nation’s great treasures. From its beginnings as a 19th-century Methodist summer camp, it has grown into a world-renown cultural destina- tion. Located on the shore of Lake Chautauqua in western New York, the grounds are de- signed as a charming village of cottages, ho- tels, and assembly pavilions in a park setting. Chautauqua comes alive in the summer with thousands of events in the performing and visual arts, education, and religion.
As the needs of the institution shifted toward a sustainable future, the institution com- missioned UDA to prepare a master plan to manage growth across their vast land hold- ings and extend its mission to the other three seasons. The plan illustrates many ways the philanthropic community can contribute to its future.
Chautauqua Institution
Nussbaumer & Clarke, Inc, Dennis Carmichael.
Protecting the character and value of a legendary community
Much of the Borough of Sewickley Heights falls within a historic district, tucked into a diverse, historic landscape. As properties were redeveloped, the Borough recognized that its existing ordinances and approval process were not yielding developments that fit into the landscape and character. UDA was hired to develop a pattern book to take proactive steps towards maintaining and preserving that character. Best practices were incorporated into the pattern book for land development, stormwater management, renewable and passive energy standards, approval process tools, site development, grading, and building forms and types. Since adoption, the updated regulations, entitlement process, and design guidelines have protected some of the most authentic elements and places within the Heights.
The Borough of Sewickley Heights
Borough of Sewickley Heights, Sewickley Heights Historic Architectural Review Board, Babst CallandGateway Engineers
APA Award, Excellence in Sustainability, 2015