Urban Image Magazine May 2015 Issue

Page 1

Pieces of Our History Pg 24

Where’s the Village Pg 26

Convict Advocate Pg 34

Open Letter to Single Mothers Pg 40

#TeamNaturals: Caramel Treatment Pg 46

5 Signs He’s Not Ready for Marriage Pg 52

Ask Emiaj Pg 58

The Candy Shop Presents King David Pg 66

Up Close and Personal with Charlie Wilson Pg 72

Why “Home” Matters

Pg 88

Deszion’s Star Design Pg 92

Batter Up Pg 98

Extraterrestrial Grooves Pg 102

Behinds the Lyrics Pg 112

Hey Everyone, Welcome to another issue of Urban Image Magazine. We are so glad you decided to check us out! This issue has been especially challenging to bring to you this month because we have been going through some transition. At this time I’d like to welcome home our CEO and founder, one of my oldest and dearest friends and partners in crime Richarh Aswanu! He’s been getting his feet wet and making waves on our social media pages and is very excited to lead us to the next level of success. Once again I’d like to take the time to thank you for entrusting me with your dreams. I hope I’ve done them some justice over the time I’ve been here at UIM. Ok, on to the this issue...our very own, John Dabla, had the very special privilege of getting up close and personal with the legendary R&B great, Charlie Wilson. Kimberley Jasper, “Ms. Relationships”, tells us ladies how to tell if our man is really ready to tie that not or not and our natural hair guru, Deszion, gives us the skinny on Caramel Treatments to keep them rough edges smooth and sleek. We hope you enjoy this issue and please don’t forget to let us know what you think at info@UrbanImageMagazine.com. Until next time…. Stay Blessed, Denetra Key

My name is

Richarh Aswanu AKA Daddy Rich. I am the CEO and founder here at Urban Image Magazine and GangstatLit. Writing is not a phase in my life, it defines who I am. I’m a man on a mission. I want my freedom! This is why I write! I have been locked down for 8 years but have published 3 books thus far. I have my own style that separates me from other authors. I created Urban Image to serve as a publication you can be proud of. It is our aim to dissolve the negative stereotypes associated with the “Urban Community”. We will inform, educate, entertain and inspire our readers. In addition to providing you with thought provoking content, Urban Image Magazine will showcase talents who haven’t had the opportunity to reach mainstream media outlets. Urban Image Magazine was founded as a life changing movement for all that are involved in our mission. We are a stage for those without a platform to have a spotlight. Published to be accessible online, this magazine is designed to serve as a catalyst to success, a place where you can network with like-minded people who are in pursuit of their dreams

Hello, my name is Denetra Key better known as D Queen or Boss Ladii. I am the president here at Urban Image. I am a mother of three and also a 15 year nurse by profession. I also am our magazine layout designer… so I hope you enjoy my art. My articles and blogs are to shed light on issues that are dear to my heart! I apologize in advance if I offend. But my pieces are based on my opinion. Our opinions reflect that we are individual children of God. One promise I can make is that I will report on the topics in as accurate fashion as I can. I welcome you to leave your comments good or bad in regards to my work. I actually appreciate it! Your views give me insight. Thank you for visiting our page. While your here please take the time to browse around and look at our past magazines and blogs. Thanks again and God Bless!

Deszion Amani Nasir was born in raised in Hampton, VA, where she penned her first novel in the 6th grade when her simple ideas were read by others and she was told "Wow... this is good. You should be a writer." The light bulb clicked on and never turned off. In 2012 Nasir debuted her first novel, "Untrust," the strange tale of an unusual set of twins with no family, yet more family drama than one’s ever deem possible. Then she released, "Dragonflies & Demons," part one of a short series about a couple stuck in a vicious cycle of domestic violence that blurs the lines between victim and abuser. After that, the follow-up of "Untrust" entitled "Wicked Blues," dropped in November. She is currently writing her first paranormal/sci-fi novel, "Sariah," which is due to be released in the Spring. This excitingly eerie novel will come out in the Spring. Nasir is currently in the works to drop an Anthology with two other authors that will be released in June. The next installment to her series, Uncommon Devil, will be released in the Fall.

Emiaj Ahdai is from Greensboro, North Carolina. She is our Fashion and Arts Blogger, our Managing Editor and recently promoted to Vice President. She is currently working on her first novel, and is a contributor to LAID: Young People’s Experiences with sex in an easy access culture. She brings us a unique look on love and relationships through her Single and Ready to Mingle blog and her column Ask Emiaj. This little woman wears a lot of hats but she has a big heart. You would never believer that she started out just blogging with us in her spare time. She believes in hard work and dedication will pay off in the end. Look for her name among the stars.


in Jamaica Queens, New York and still describes herself as a true New Yorker through and through despite currently residing in Humble, Texas with her family.

After self-publishing her first

novel, she is now fulfilling her purpose and passion as a writer.

From horror fiction with a

mystical twist to erotic thrillers, this author can do it all with well -seasoned finesse.

BLESSEDselling Author E. N. Joy is the writer behind the five book series, “New Day Divas” and the “Still Divas” three book series, which have been coined “Soap Operas in Print.” She has written women’s lit and erotica under the name Joylynn M. Jossel and street lit under the name JOY. When she's not penning these addictive series for her adult Christian fiction readers, she's penning children's and tween's stories. Her children’s story, The Secret Olivia Told Me, received the American Library Association Coretta Scott King Honor. Book club rights were acquired by Scholastic Books and the book has sold almost 100,000 copies. Elementary and middle school children have fallen in love with reading and creative writing as a result of the readings and workshops Joy performs in schools nationwide. Currently, Joy is the acquisition editor for Urban Christian, an imprint of Urban Books in which the titles are distributed by Kensington Publishing Corporation. In addition, Joy is the artistic developer for a young girl group named DJHK Gurls. Joy pens original songs for the group that deal with messages that affect today’s youth, such as bullying. You can visit Joy at www.enjoywrites.com.


Larrod Evans was born in Baltimore, MD but bounced around from state to state. He takes pride in his cultural diversity and his biggest influences are his mother, HipHop and traveling. His interest consist of music, art, sports, reading, the outdoors and cooking. He also has a degree in culinary arts and makes a mean pizza! Despite being incarcerated, Larrod maintains self-discipline, is optimistic and works hard towards his goals. He is currently working on various T.V projects and will be launching his publishing company Chapter 34 later this year.

Pieces of Our History By:David Brim-El III

Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955) (A Strong Sister) She carried herself as a Queen, and the White House gave her props, ad gave her a position in the federal government.

Althea Gibon (1927– 2003) (The Tennis Player) She was the first sister to win Wimbledon. A true trailblazer in the tennis world.

Billie Holiday (1915-1959) (AKA Lady Day) She sang a song called Strange Fruit she was about our struggle....The song Strange Fruit was a anti-lynching anthem.

Where’s the Village By: Angela Williams

People like to quote the Nigerian proverb “It takes a whole village to raise a child” and that is true, for the most part. However, where is the village when that child is being abused? It has become heartbreaking to watch the news and see the eyes of a young soul that has had their life end at the ugly hand of abuse. Society is outraged in that moment in time, but as days passes so does the outrage. Unfortunately, for many it goes back to

business as normal and that young life is just another statistic. Child abuse is a sad reality and for some a deadly reality. Abuse can be physical, emotional and sexual or neglect. Regardless of what some may think, abuse knows no social class, race,isn’t partial to gender and does not take into consideration the level of education. Every year at 1,500 children die from being abused in the United States .

That is at least 1,500 children the village did not protect.

walked away? How many times have we noticed bruises and injuries on a child and didn’t ask how they happened? How many times have we not asked the hard questions and just let things continue on as is? How many times? How many times have we ignored that tiny cry for help? How many times?

How many times have we turned up our noses at a child who was less than clean and admonishing the parents for not taking care of them? Did we ask if they were okay or did we just keep moving? How many times have we called a child greedy because they just seem to stuff their mouth with food? The sad thing is many don’t recogDid we take the time to ask when the nize the signs of abuse. We should take last time they ate was? How many the time to educate ourselves on how times have we witnessed a child being to recognize the signs. verbally abused and just turned and


 

Unexplained bruises or welts on the body

Unexplained burns or cigarette burns especially on the palms, soles of feet, abdomen or buttocks.

Rope burns

Infected burns because of a delay in treatment

Behavioral extremes- aggression, regression or depression

Extreme fear of parent or caregiver Antisocial behavior- substance abuse, truancy, running away, fear of going home Unbelievable or inconsistent explanations for injuries Unusual shyness, wariness of physical contact


Torn, stained or bloody underclothes

Frequent, unexplained sore throats, yeast or urinary infections

Complaints of pain or irritation of genitals

Sexually transmitted diseases

Bruises or bleeding from external genitalia, vagina or anal region


Victim tells you of abuse

Regressive behavior- thumb sucking, bedwetting, fear of the dark

Disturbed sleep patterns- nightmares

Unusual and age inappropriate interest in sexual matters

Avoids undressing or wears extra layers of clothing

Sudden decline in school performance

Difficulty in walking or sitting


Eating disorders

Speech disorders

Developmental delays

Weight or height level substantially below normal

Nervous disorders- rashes, hives, tics, stomach aches

Habit disorders- rocking, head banging, biting

Cruel behavior- being excessively malicious or accepting excessively malicious behavior from others

Age inappropriate behavior

Behavioral extremes


 

Poor hygiene Squinting Unsuitable clothingoverdressed or underdressed for the weather Untreated illness or injury Lack of immunizations Indication of prolonged exposure to the elements Height and weight below age level

Unusual school attendance

Chronic absenteeism

Chronic hunger, fatigue or lethargy

These are just a few signs to be aware of and each child may exhibit different indications of abuse. Our role is to be observant and be there for the children.

need to protect them. It’s time to stop being afraid to stand up for them and let them know that we will stand for them and protect them until they are strong enough to stand up for themIt is time we stop putting more im- selves. If it takes a whole village to portance on intangibles and start put- raise a child, then the whole village ting importance on the children. It is a should be willing to protect them as well. fact that they are our future and we

Resources: childabuse.org & Medicinenet.com

Convict Advocate!!! By: PJ Fleming

Who will advocate for the rights or privileges of murders, rapist, and molesters? Where does society draw the line between vengeance/ retribution and correction/ rehabilitation? It's common for people to justify and excuse heinous acts by devaluing their victims. In this case, societies devalue those who commit crime, perhaps with reason based in anger, fear and resentment. It is my opinion the line should be drawn where the realization exits that most of these offenders will eventually be released back into society.

nals, and to ignore the situations and circumstances that lead to citizens committing crimes only continues the cycle of crime.

Laws are established to prevent the citizens of a given community from committing what would be deemed as a socially unacceptable acts or behaviors. This is to encourage civility, respect, and Many criminals simply do not agree with community. Not all citizens of a given community appreciate the laws enactsome laws- naturally. Many convicts ed. Truth be told, if enticed with enough suffer from psychological and sociotemptation (situational diverse circumpathic deviation, and these offenders stances), normal citizens will break the most likely will never be rehabilitated. Most offenders are "situational" crimi- law.

In disciplining citizens for breaking the law (s), the people entrusted to carry out the "upholding of the law" or agents of the system- Police, Judicial, and Correctional systems- cannot break the law themselves! Police and Corrections have Internal Affairs, and the Judiciary has the Bar Association and various appellate levels. However, the priority of these safe guards is to justify the actions of their agents. Far too often, have we heard of the code of protecting your own and the image of the system served, or how burdensome it would be to change them? The use of and reliance on inherited paradigms stagnate any attempt to improve the status quo.

gal action rely on the "public defender's office"? When placed in the situation adverse to the system do agents of the system feel any more confident than most skeptical citizens that justice will be served? Do you feel protected?

In America we have written laws contained in books. These books are for all citizens and most visitors to this country. There are laws for these institutions, and when agents from these institutions fail to follow these laws they are worse than the criminals. Further, if the criminals aren't following the laws and the institutions aren't following the laws then where is the relevance of those books, and how can they prosecute the Are the police open and receptive with criminals? Those books of laws have the "Internal Affairs Department"? Do been rendered meaningless by the very lawyers and Judges when faced with le- agents who have sworn to protect and

enforce them. The fact is that regardless of position, people are human and susceptible to poor choice, apathy, and possessing too much pride to admit it. In trying to protect these institutions, it's often the integrity of those institutions that are jeopardized. Instead of trying to eliminate wrong doing they try to hide it... prosperity in silence. Too often does inappropriate conduct become acceptable behavior... justified by any means.

cial system... continuing with the inherited paradigm.

In holding any person accountable to the laws of our society the fundamental principle of "relevancy of the law" must be maintained. And regardless of our perceived value of a person, our value of the law must be higher. When agents of the system disregard the law for the rights or privileges of murderers, rapist, molesters, or any criminal according to the law... is upholding the law. When Too often has these misguided attempts these offenders are eventually released back into society the relevancy of the to protect the institution been placed over the liberties and justice of Ameri- law has been enforced, and hopefully a renewed confidence in the system decan citizens. This has led to the consistent destruction of the American judi- veloped.

The American Civil Liberties Union and their equivalent state agencies are supposed to carry this burden with our Legislating Body; however, societies devaluation of those who commit crimes has not only caused agents of the system to conceal their misconduct, but it has also deterred those from advocating for the rights of criminals. The term "Political Suicide" concerning public relations has become the mind set and greatest obstacle of the supposed advocacy. And in their failure society suffers. People acting as guardians, in positions of trust

as agents of our systems should be held to a higher standard and when found of misconduct prosecuted to a harsher degree. In any democracy if citizens of a given community have a problem with the validity or substance of a law it should be addressed to the Legislating Body emphasizing the "Political Suicide" of continuing with the inherited paradigm. However, concerning the rehabilitation of our criminals, when offenders are eventually released into society, laws are irrelevant and they do not feel secure in the system. With reason based in

anger, fear and resentment they continue to validate criminal thinking. There is no rehabilitation or healing within hypocrisy or vengeance. Those that seek the encourage civility, respect and com-

munity will advocate for the rights and privileges of murderers, rapist, molesters or any criminal to the law. They are the true advocates for justice.


go, anyway?” Yeah, I’ve been there, too.

Dear Moms, It’s me, a fellow Single Mom. It’s Spring. Cuffing season is over, apparently. I wouldn’t know. I don’t have time for all that foolishness. You probably don’t either. We’re busy fielding and dodging requests from the kids about new sneakers and clothes. Yeah, the ones we just bought for school either don’t fit anymore, are about to be too hot, or are just not what they want anymore. For the latter, the most likely response is to remove their faces from your presence, but deep inside, we really want to get those things they want. But hell, we need stuff, too. How many times have you gone into the store to get new bras or socks or ANYTHING that you haven’t bought in years and end up putting it back because you see that shirt/pair of shoes or jeans that they want on sale and decide “I’ll be alright…where do I

We’re busy trying to figure out how to rob Peter to pay Paul to keep all the bills balanced and still get these fees for all these spring sports together. Good LORD! I think we need another gig just to pay for uniforms. We want them to do things to keep them out of trouble, round them out, keep them active. Most of the time, we’re paying for it all on our own. And sometimes we just can’t do it. We can’t. Then we feel guilty. And there’s nothing more crushing than your baby saying “I know, I know, you can’t afford it.”

The long work hours, the lack of sleep, the early mornings, the stress. It’s exhausting. And it’s stressful. And the judgments that come with it are tough. When you take your children to church to receive the word and people stare at your family, you can almost hear the moral assumptions people make on you before you even sit down.

Oh and the exes. Don’t get me wrong. There are great fathers out there. But there are also not so great ones. The ones that leave you jaded, bitter and broken. We post about them, grieve about them , find it hard to look at that child who looks so much like him…

one thing, but constantly badgering him to be in his child’s life is utterly pointless. If he’s a negative energy, having him in your child’s life ISN’T the answer. If your child’s father is in constant battle with you over custody, parenting styles, But let me talk about some things I had ruining birthdays, causing havoc in your life, is it really beneficial to the child? to realize for myself: Your goal should be to find peace within When it comes to an absent father, yourself and focus on being the best sometimes you have to be realistic. We parent you know how to be. Let go of can’t make a man be there. We can’t him and your issues with him. I still make him care. If he doesn’t want to be struggle sometimes with this myself be there, LET HIM GO. Child support is

cause I don’t have a lot of trust with my ex. But I can’t focus on what he’s doing or not doing. It’s not my business. We have to let court handle it and I must focus on being the best mommy I can be with their guidelines put in place. That’s all I can do. The grass isn’t always greener ladies. It just gets cut with different lawn mowers.

ing a panic attack. That was HORRIBLE. I had to learn that even just hiding out in the bathroom to paint my toes, reading a chapter in a book, watching Empire ALONE on Hulu, eating a baked potato at Wendy’s …I had to start doing something for ME. And it worked. I still have to work at it, but it makes all the difference to realize I DO matter. My We also have to steal time for ourselves. health and happiness IS important. It’s I know, I know, it seems impossible. But important to me AND my kids. They come give me a hug and ask “You feel if we don’t steal some time for ourselves, our bodies will shut down on us. better today, Mom?” and I didn’t even know they were paying attention. I’m speaking from experience. I’ve pushed myself until I’ve broken down Remember you relationship with God is mentally and physically. I didn’t even yours, not anybody else’s. Find a church know I was that far gone until I was hav- home where people remember what

they’re there for: to worship. Nobody is sinless. Nobody. You don’t get to judge because your sin is different than mine. So many people stop going to church because there’s more hell in church than in the streets. But if your faith is something you feel strongly about, stick with your beliefs and let them guide you to where you need to be.

WITH IT. There’s no way around it. Save at least 10% a check and begin to plan for birthdays and holidays. Decide on budgets for theses days, break them up into 12 parts and save. It won’t be as much as you think. Don’t sabotage yourself and think I’ll spend the budget this month and make up for it next month. It won’t work. Budgeting is discipline, and it’s a great lesson for your I strongly encourage mothers to find children, too! Get a friend to do it with and join the Facebook group Black Moms Connect. It’s a wonderful group you. and very supportive. We can do this, mommies. We can. If you haven’t developed a budget, buy Love Deszion a planner/budgeting book and STICK


There have been new deep condi tioning treatments introduced every month, promising miraculous results. Soft, shiny, supple, Beyoncé’ fan -worthy hair. You get hyped, run out and spend your bill money, try it…and end up irritated and disappointed. Then you get online and silently curse all the women who post those stupid pics who had success. Le sigh. Well. The product I’m reviewing this month is the home made caramel treatment, the spinoff version of the oh-so pricey E’Tae caramel treatment.

$20.00 for aprox. 8 treatments/ 8 oz. My immediate issue is that there is NOOOO way I can use one oz. on anybody’s head in this house. We have A LOT of hair in here. So while the reviews are great, this is already NOT cost effective for me.

Honey – An excellent humectant good for moisture Olive Oil – For lubrication and helps with moisture retention Bananas – Good for moisture and some protein benefits as well Molasses (Treacle) – Another excellent humectant with some protein benefits (I have Black strap, that’s what I used. Meh.) Water – This is the best natural moisturizer and is used to thin the mixture Apple Cider Vinegar – For the shine it imparts to the hair Cornstarch – For thickening purposes (I used about 2 ½ Tbls) Wheat germ oil – For added strength and lubrication (I used grapeseed oil. I really wasn’t trying to go to the store,

and our hair likes grapeseed oil.) Here outlined is a simple recipe based on the ingredients above: Honey – 6 tablespoons Olive Oil – 6 tablespoons Bananas – 2-3 overripe and very soft (Just use banana baby food and save yourself a LOT of headache. 2-jars a shot) Molasses (Treacle) – 3 tablespoons Water – 4-6 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 tablespoon Cornstarch – 1-2 tablespoons depending on how thick you want the mixture to be Wheat germ oil – 1 teaspoon – This can be substituted for any other natural ceramide containing oil of your choice

Place all the ingredients except for the water into a blender and process until smooth. You may need to add the water bit by bit if it looks too dry. To ensure that there are no bits of banana in the mixture, sieve it through a fine sieve. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and put it on a medium heat while stirring constantly. (It’ll scorch VERY QUICK LY) You don’t want to ‘cook’ the mixture but you want the cornstarch to cause it to thicken and this will take just mo ments. You may need to add more water to thin it down if it gets too thick or add a bit more corn starch if it is still too runny. (This is why I add 2 ½ Tbls cornstarch at the beginning. If you add cornstarch to a warm mixture it lumps up. Instant annoying moment.) You want to end up with a caramel colored mixture that is the consistency of a thick batter. If the mixture is too thin it will start dripping from your hair as soon as you apply it. Decant the mixture into a container, depending on the length of your hair it will likely be enough for two applications. (LIIIIEESSS) To apply, divide the hair into 3-4 sections and clip. Start ing with 1 section, part the hair and ap ply on the roots generously rubbing in with your fingers. Once applied on the roots of the section, apply the mixture all the way to the ends. (I found our hair loved this stuff. One daughter had just taken her hair out of braids and one had been playing outside. It softened their hair quickly and I was able to detangle both heads easily be fore placing under cap.) Complete all sections in this manner and once done, cover the hair with a plastic cap. Let the mixture sit in your hair for 1 -2 hours or overnight for really dry hair.

Wash hair with a sulfate free shampoo, (We use Tr ader Joe’s Tingling Tea Tree Shampoo) deep condition (Trader Joe’s again) and style as usual. You can freeze the remainder until you are ready to use it. The treatment is suitable for both natural and relaxed hair. Okay, soooo this was ridiculously awesome. Our hair ranges from 3b4b. And I’m positive this works as good if not better than the pricey brand. Why? Because you can fiddle with the ingredients according to what your hair needs. As far as being blown out, the hair was darn near straight without a flat iron. They wanted their hair curly, but if I had’ve hit their hair with that flat iron, it would have been nice and silky with one pass, I promise. (REMEMBER LADIES: IF YOUR STYLIST NEEDS MORE THAN ONE PASS WITH THAT FLAT IRON, SHE IS BURNING YOUR HAIR, I DON’T CARE WHAT SHE SAYS!) I’m very impressed. And I don’t say that a lot. I strongly recommend this treatment. Oh, and of COURSE I tasted it. I had to, cuz my youngest daughter did. It’s kinda gross. Sue me.


It’s not always a matter of whether or not he’s into you. A man can be really into you and still not be ready for that big commitment. It started out as a fling for him, he thought you were cool, great in bed, and generally great to be around. But he was in no way thinking marriage. You hinted, suggested, and finally flat out asked him, maybe an ultimatum was involved. However you got him to agree to take that walk down the aisle, take into consideration that the only one who really stands to lose is you. If a man is ill-equipped in a relationship, there will be many growing pains as he stumbles along the way. Here are six signs you need to watch out for before dragging him down the aisle.


He sees nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting and genuinely enjoys the attention of other women. First off, there’s no such thing as “harmless” flirting when you’re in a relationship. His need for female attention says more about how he feels about himself than how he feels about you. If he tells you that he loves “women” and can’t quite take the plural out of the equation, then he’s definitely not the one for you. It doesn’t matter how long the two of you have been together, being forced into a serious relationship is not likely going to make him change. There’s nothing but heartbreak and infidelity for you down that road, steer clear. 2. HE’S SELFISH Ok, so we’re all a little selfish to some degree, there’s nothing at all wrong with that. But a selfish man is no good in any kind of relationship since all relationships require lots of giving. That includes, time, family, money, and himself. If he can’t give any of those things, then you’re alone in your relationship. When you find that he is more into himself than he is into you, that’s a bad sign and doesn’t make for a blissful future. All relationships are give and take, but if you’re doing all the giving and he’s doing all the taking, that is just a recipe for disaster.

3. INCONSIDERATE OF YOUR TIME A stable man with a full life will be considerate of your time because he’ll be effectively spending his. If he’s always working or out hanging out with his boys, but wants you to drop everything whenever he decides it’s your turn, that’s not a sign of a good long-term partner. A good partner will value you and your time. He will find time to spend with you that does not cause an inconvenience. He will make sure that you are a priority right along with his 4. HE DOESN’T DISCUSS A FUTURE WITH YOU

He doesn’t discuss the future with you, and when he does, there’s always something missing. You. It doesn’t take a man as long to figure it out as we believe. Just like us, they know instantly if they can “see” themselves with you long term. He may not instantly think “wife”, but he will instantly think in terms of longevity. Men have an image of the ideal wife just as we have an image of the ideal husband. If you don’t fit that image, he’ll know it right away. He may not readily clue you in, but he’ll know it and it will show up every time he discusses a future that does not include you.



Before walking down the aisle, remember that this will be your partner for life. The last man you will ever sleep with. Better make sure he can take care of your physical needs. If he’s a selfish lover, that is not ever going to change. A giving sexual partner is not a technique that can be taught, either he is or he isn’t. If foreplay is nonexistent, and he spends the entire five minutes only making sure that he gets off, then it’s only a matter of time before you become sexually frustrated. Seven out of ten arguments between couples can be solved with great sex. If he’s not handling his business “down there”, then he’s not handling it anywhere.

Dear A Concerned Sister, I am sorry that your sister is going through this; I can only imagine what this is like. Please let her know that she shouldn’t be embarrassed by this; there a plenty of women in this world who just may share the same story. She is going to have to take a look deep with in herself for this answer. What is she willing to deal with in this marriage? This is something only she could decide. Here is my

honest opinion, if she wants to work things out with her husband, and then do so. No one else has a say so in that marriage but them. I do suggest counseling if they stay together. Now there is another life to come into play, this baby. This child didn’t ask to be here and didn’t ask for this situation. I hope he is planning on supporting and helping with this child. I don’t want your sister to be bitter towards this child. She has other kids with him as well so this is still her children’s brother or sister. Again if she stays I think she needs s to talk to the other mother and find a common ground. They will need to create a co-parenting situation for this child. In this situation someone has to be the adult. Please keep me up to date on this situation.

Emiaj This edition of Ask Emiaj is going to be a little different. Lately I have been receiving so many email and inboxes about cheating. “Why do men cheat” or “I feel like am about to cheat”. So I have decided that I will not answer those questions individually I will share just my thoughts.

I do not condone cheating in any form. If you feel as you are about to cheat, then I suggest you have a conversation with your mate. Determine why you feel this way. Fix whatever is going on in the relationship. Now if things don’t go the way you want them to, I don’t want you to stay where you are unhappy. I find that a lot of people will stay .They stay because they love something about that person, but does love really keep you happy. Love is only a piece to a whole picture, but it doesn’t keep it together. I have sat down and talk to each person who sent me a letter to try to determine the reason why they stay if things are so bad. One even said they stay because they really do love the person they are with. They have even talked about their issues; the other party continues to say they will work on it. Well that was few months ago and still no change. Yes change doesn’t happen overnight, but at least show them you are trying. You have people in marriages masturbating daily because their spouse won’t give them sex (male or female). If you knew you married someone with a high sex drive why would you cut them off? Another person I talk to

states that they stay because they are waiting for the person they are with to fall back in love with them, and their happiness doesn’t matter. Again I asked what have you done to get them to come back around? They stated that they are trying to show them daily how much she loves him. That leads me to think can you really make someone fall back in love with you after they fall out of love. As I am writing this “Chocolate High” by India Arie

and Muziq Soulchild come on; let’s just say that they give a lot more meaning to love. They want to love with their entire being. I suggest to this couple to get back to loving each other properly and remembering the reason you fell in love in the first place I hope the couples that I have mentioned really do get back to loving each other.


The Candy Shop Presents: (THE BAD BOY) UIM’s Eye Candy of the Month By: Deszion Nasir


David McIntosh 10 December 1985 (age 29) Wigan






Security operative Television personality Fitness model Soldier


Celebrity Big Brother 14 (2014)

THIS PICTURE FAMILIAR? Well, huntee.. I went searching high and low for the owner of this tatted up piece of candy. And I finally found him. His name is King Davig, AKA David Mc Intosh. And his Bio is just as yummy as his pics!

Born to an English mother and Jamaican father, McIntosh grew up in Platt Bridge, Wigan. He went to Holy Family Primary School in Platt Bridge and then St Edmund Arrowsmith high school in Ashton in Makerfield. After school, McIntosh became a Royal Marines Commando at age 16, serving in Northern Ireland, Somalia, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. Upon leaving the Marines, McIntosh took on the role of Gladiator "Tornado" on the Sky 1 show Gladiators. Following Gladiators, McIntosh worked in security.In late 2013 McIntosh worked in security transportation on a badger culling operation, and after crashing a van loaded with dead badgers into a bus stop he received a traffic violation resulting in a court fine. McIntosh was also found guilty of driv- ton, Rachel Christie, Sarah Harper, Chanelle Hayes, Metisha ing for eight years with a license that had been revoked for a previous traffic violation. Schaefer, and Kelly Brook. McIntosh claimed to have not dated Rodriguez, and In 2014, McIntosh appeared in fitness maganot know Houghton. zine "Muscle & Fitness", the Jennifer Hudson music video "Walk It Out", and the Nicki In 2011 McIntosh became a father with Christie to their son Logan Phoenix McInMinaj music video "Anaconda". In August 2014, McIntosh entered the Celebrity Big tosh. In March 2014 McIntosh and Brook announced their engagement, split up in SepBrother house for a reported fee of tember 2014, reconciled in October ÂŁ200,000. McIntosh was the first to be 2014,and split up permanently in November evicted from the house. 2014. Following the split, McIntosh deMcIntosh has been reported to date celebrimanded that Brook compensate him for gifts ties including Gina Rodriguez, Danielle he had given during the relationship, howLloyd, Sara Jones, Chantelle Houghever Brook declined.

CHECK OUT HIS WEBSITE HERE: http:// kingdavidmcintosh.com/ YOU’RE WELCOME

Up Close with Charlie Wilson By: John Dabla

Uncle Charlie is back with his seventh studio album, Forever Charlie, which features the hit singles, “Goodnight Kisses,” and “Touched by An Angel.” The set also features collaborations with rapper Snoop Dogg and reggae artist Shaggy. The Forever Charlie album was a way for Uncle Charlie to let his fans know that he will not be retiring anytime soon, because of his love and gratification for music. He continues to pour his heart and soul on the new album and most will say Uncle Charlie’s music nourishes the soul. The album also allows listeners to

relive some of the music from the Gap

John: Concept for the New Album, For-

Band because people want to get on

ever Charlie

the dance floor. Even though Uncle

Charlie: You know, I’ve been around

Charlie continues to stay true to him-

forever, so I don’t want to ever go

self as a musician and a person, he em- away. In the world we live in, we use braces versatility in his music as well. the word “forever” a lot, I just believe The “Goodnight Kisses” and 9x Grammy I’m going to be around forever. I don’t

nominee conversed with me two days

want anybody to forget who I am, so

before his birthday about the new al-

my better days are ahead of me and I’m

bum, and his tour with Kem and Joe.

going to be around forever. I just

Check out our exclusive interview with thought it would be a fitting title for my favorite Uncle!

the album. Forever Charlie, I’m going to be here and I’m just getting started again.

John: Forever Charlie versus Other LPs Charlie: I took the same approach, celebrating women, and I know as men, we put up with a lot too. But, it’s mostly the women that put up with a lot, and they have been degraded and talked about on records. So again, I like to celebrate women and say things from a woman’s perspective. My wife gives me feedback as to what women want to hear or what you should say about a woman. She will say to me, ‘you

should say this or you don’t want to say this’, or ‘you don’t look like a pervert’. She’ll say just make some great music. But, I want this album to be a little more up tempo too, and have some funk style to it from when I was in the Gap Band. I just want to make sure I’m saying something to all of my fans that they can relate to and have some fun. I was reading a review the other day and the reviewer was from the New York Times, I believe, and he said you can tell he wasn’t trying so hard to have a radio record. He wasn’t trying, it was great music. They gave me five stars because the music was real, top to bottom. I just wanted to make some great music that people can listen to on the album. I was in a car a few minutes ago and a Jamaican guy was driving me here and I was playing my CD while we were driving. We

got out to do a couple of things and when I got back in the second time, he said to me, I just want to say this to you man, this is the first time ever I listened to a CD and I didn’t want to skip it. I heard it twice and I didn’t have to skip anything. He was like the album flowed so well, and I just said thank you. I want people to feel and embrace the music. The Jamaican guy said I like that Shaggy record; I like that one a lot, but

I just wanted to tell you that I didn’t have to skip any of the songs. It’s been a long time that I had a CD, and I didn’t have to skip it. John: Direction for the Album Charlie: I have to be subliminal; I can’t be in-front saying things, because I have to watch what I say. So, if I can say it in a subliminal form, that’s what we are going to do on the record. Some people are like, what is he trying to say or why he singing those kinds of lyrics, so I have to add a few things and let people figure it out later on. It’s good, and I am having fun doing it. So those songs like “Sugar. Honey.Ice.Tea,” the area and time that the Gap Band was hot, it was time to bring some of that flavor back in the music. Let’s make people dance!

John: Working with Shaggy on "Unforgettable" Charlie: Working with Shaggy was cool. He already did his parts for the song back in Jamaica, but I didn’t receive it. It was some level of miscommunication with the producer. He was upset about it, so he flew to Los Angeles. He said give me two days, I’ll be there. And when he got there, we did the whole song over; we did his part over. We had a great time. Shaggy is a cool guy. He’s easy and happy, and he put his love and time in his music. You know how people just arrogantly want to put their parts on records and just leave. I never had to witness that kind of approach with any artist I’ve ever worked with in the studio. But it wasn’t like that with Shaggy; we were cracking jokes and just had a great time together for hours. It was good; I got some real strong love for Shaggy. It was my first time really meeting him. It’s Unforgettable, man! John: "Infectious" Record with Tha Doggfather, Snoop Dogg. Charlie: Snoop is family; I’m on his new album. I don’t know if it’s out yet, but I’m on that album. So many songs with Snoop, Pharrell; all of those guys really opened the book to me and I’m just ready to work. Our relationship is so bonded and so tight; it’s just a natural and progressive feeling. When I am in the room coming to see Snoop, it’s just a beautiful thing. I used to fuss with him, and I said I’m always singing on your album, why y’all not coming to sing on my album? But he did get on a couple of CDs. I was just

fussing with him out of love and sometimes they take it seriously and they say, ‘Oh, no, I got you Uncle’. He comes in and he says, ‘Unc, that Infectious record, I’m about to lay it down’. And I say that’s what I’m talking about, and Snoop was so happy to be on that record. The R&B version of the record without him was so crazy funky, and so we were like let’s put Snoop on the record and it was cool.

year would be 20 years of marriage. I

John: Releasing the Album Close to Your Birthday.

do when you get on each other’s nerves

Charles: I think it’s a coincidence, but it happened the last couple of years in a row with the records coming out around my birthday. It’s great, but we really didn’t plan it. It seems like it happened like this again. With this album, it happened naturally.

because you get to know what your

told Shante (Snoop's wife) at the dinner table, we were having dinner at my house, and she said how you and Auntie stay together for so long? I told her, Shante, we do everything together, all day, every day, 24 hours a day. She

looked at me and stopped and said, "Uncle Charlie, I don't know if I can do 24 hours a day. And she said what you and I told her that's the growing part, partner like and don't like about you and vice versa. It's the best part about it because it latches on each other, and it's inseparable. When Mahin says, "I have to go and pray, we are praying together

John: Charlie & Mahin's 20th Wedding because we are together and we're one." It's just a blessing, hands down! Anniversary.

Charlie: My wife is fantastic; we're to-

John: Mahin as an Influence for the

gether all the time. All day, every day, 24 Forever Charlie album. hours a day. I mean, we go everywhere, Charlie: I'm in the studio, doing vocals, except when I have to go to the bath-

and she's always there. Around 30

room, she's not going in there, but we

minutes later, she says to me, umm, ex-

do it together. It's a beautiful thing; this cuse me, and I’m like, can I just get

warmed up first? Mahin says yes, but you’re singing with no feeling, you just going through the motions. You have to sing the song. And then I looked at the producer and he says, you have to sing this thing, man! And then she says, ‘you have to make me feel it, I’m a woman. Come on, you just skating through’. I said I’m just getting started. And Mahin says, I know, I know, I’m not trying to be hard on you, but I’m saying let’s go. Then another 30 minutes go by and Mahin says that’s what I’m talking about, now you’re singing me out of the other room. John: Why it’s Essential to Have God in Your Life. Charlie: Son, you have to put God first in everything that you do and I say that at every concert. I say how much God has been good to me, I have a testimony and I testify. You have to understand something, when you look at me and if you know anything about me, God has blessed me to be here, so I will testify and have a little church for a couple of minutes and then it’s time to get back to work. But, I think you should have God in your life every day, and put him first in everything that you do because he will give you your

biggest desires. Whatever you ask for in prayer and you believe it, you can receive it. Anything that you want to do in prayer, you can achieve it, so you have to empty your house. I don’t owe the devil anything because he tries to give me stuff and take it back. A house without debt, your blessings will come like an avalanche abundantly. People

are always like, ‘I want this and that’, so ask God for it. Ask God for it and watch how you get it. You may not get it when you want it, but I guarantee it’s going to be there. You ask God, he doesn’t take blessings, he gives you blessings. He is in the blessing business; he doesn’t give and then take back. John: Touring with Kem & Joe. Charlie: Oh my gosh John, Joe and Kem, man it’s a beautiful thing. Joe is a great gift to this world. Kem, another one; he wants to share his love, share his life. These guys are beautiful gifts to the world. I got some of the best God-gifted vocalists on the road with me for this tour. “Forever Charlie tour” with Joe and Kem; it’s a beautiful thing. It’s going to be the biggest R&B tour, I’ll be in New York on March 5th at the Barclays Center and we are about to shut it down. When I started putting the tour together, so many different came up, and then when those names popped up, I was like there you go, Joe and Kem. As soon as I asked Joe and Kem to join me on

tour, they were like yes, let’s go. It’s a great set up, a great tour. I always tell people, listen, and don’t let your girlfriend or wife tell you in front of your boys that you missed the show. I said, you need to take your girl to the show. I have some kibbles and bits if you don’t because you will be in the biggest dog

house. If you miss this show, you will be in the doghouse; I have the dog food for you (lol), and I will add some water for you because love is going down on this tour. It’s a massive tour, and there’s going to be some babies after this tour. ‘Goodnight Kisses’ doesn’t mean kissing your girl good night. John: Delivering a Special Message to Fans about the Tour & Album. Charlie: My name is Uncle Charlie, I am your Uncle. I am your favorite Uncle, there’s no other uncle. Trust and believe that I will be around forever and I am just getting started. I’m going to give you great music all the time; I’m not doing anything different. I just want to have some fun. If you never saw Charlie Wilson on stage, you are missing out. You need to check me out and listen to other people because they are going to brag, but you need to come and see for yourself. You will go out saying the same things everyone has said about the Charlie Wilson concert. There is only one Uncle Charlie, and I am here to stay!


On Friday, March 27, 2015, theaters across the country were swarmed. Ecstatic little girls, boys and even overjoyed parents are going to be chomping at the bit to finally FINALLY see the highly anticipated movie featuring a strong female lead that looks like them. Her Jennifer Lopez) after Earth is taken name is “Tip,” and she’s freaking awe- over by the Boov, an alien race looking some. for a new home planet. Along the The last time we saw a strong female way, Tip meets Oh (voiced by Jim Parlead of color in an animated film was sons), a banished Boov just trying to “The Princess and the Frog,” and critics keep his race alive, and the two form slammed the film for not having Tiana a wonderfully odd and unexbe a princess long enough. But “Tip” pected friendship. Tip is voiced by suisn’t a princess. She’s a plucky, feisty perstar Rihanna. girl looking for her mother who just so Let's get into some facts about happens to get tangled up with an al- “Home's” awesomeness: ien. Huh…. According to Mic, a University of The film, adapted from Adam Rex’s The Southern California study from 2013 True Meaning of Smekday, follows found that “across 100 top-grossing Tip’s search for her mother (voiced by films of 2012, only 10.8% of speaking

characters are black,” and that “the percentage of underrepresented characters in animated movies remained below 13%.” Bringing diversity to the screen is essential — not just for the sake of filling quotas, but for the sake of representation. No where is this more essential than for children’s movies and television!

In 2014, The Representation Project analyzed the top 500 films of all time (based on box office numbers) and found that only 6 featured a woman of color protagonist. They also analyzed all wide release movies from 2013 and found that less than 5% starred women of color. The only way we can change this is to create more roles like Tip.

these movies are for kids! Let’s just take a moment to collectively “awww” over the above photo — and then take another few moments to acknowledge just how ridiculously important having POC cartoon characters. So many little girls are already in love with Tip. “She looks like me! Her hair looks like mine! I want a Tip doll!” has been heard all over, including my house. My daughters are 4 and 16, and are both already trying to get me to get them out of school to see the movie the second it comes out. The answer is no. But we’ll be there that afternoon. Because I get it. I understand their excitement. And I love it.

It should be noted that 5 of those 6 Check out the trailer! Click the pic or movies from The Representation Pro- link!: ject’s study were cartoon features — which just goes to show how significant https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7y2fT19h4So





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Batter-Up By: Lonnie Hall

As basketball season is winding down, the baseball season is picking up and teams will bechasing after the San Francisco Giants who are the reigning World Series Champions. Kids wii be collecting and trading their favorite baseball cards of their favorite players. Even the movie "Back to the Future" starring Michael J. Fox had a baseball scenario in which the Chicago Cubs won the 2015 World Series, however, in reality, the Cubs will be lucky to be a .500 club this year. The Cubs will be improving undeer first year manager, Joe Madon and within acouple of years should be a team to contend with. The N.L. Central will come down to the St. Louis Cardinal and the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Cardinals have owned the Central for awhile now with the Pirates chasing them. In the N.L. West it seems to always be the L.A. Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants, in which the Giants have had th upper hand and winning it all last year. In the N.L. East it will probably come down to the Florida Marlins

and the Washington Nationals. The Marlins have made noise in the past. When it comes to the American League, the Kansas City Royals are the ones to hunt, they surprised many in how tough they were in the World Series against the Giants. The Cleveland Indians and the Chicago White Soxs are poised to take take on the Royals in the A.L. Central and that looks like a three way battle. Of course the California Angels will be taking the field and they will be contending with the Texas Rangers and the up and coming Seattle Marineers who mayactually win the A.L. West this year. Over the years the A.L. East has been owned by the Boston Red Soxs and the New York Yankees, but last year it was the Baltimore Orioles who were overlooked that won the A.L. East and may do it again if not taken seriously. The Orioles will be having players returning from late ending injuries a year ago that will give it a strong push.

Extraterrestrial Grooves By: Larrod Evans

When I think of Outkast, they bring back to mind an old episode of the hit show X- Files. The opening scene was of an elderly couple driving down a dark road when suddenly, a UFO lands right in front of them. The aliens eventually exited their spacecraft provoking fear and dismay upon the humans. As the aliens walked towards them, a second UFO landed behind their spacecraft birthing the exact feelings within themselves the humans felt when landed. I was official, aliens were real and they had something to say. Is it me, or did everybody have that one friend that seemed to change his/her style every year? All I know is, when Outkast dropped their debut album, "Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik" in the spring of 94', my man Brian turned into a full blown Casanova. In hindsight, as I look back, he was the perfect metaphor when describing their career. Ahead of the game, but always staying true to their selves and never afraid to push the enve-

lope. "Playersball" pumping from a speaker in New York in 93' was damn near a crime. In the midst of hardcore acts such as MobbDeep, Biggie and WuTang, it was as if they were rhyming in a foreign language. Despite the criticism from the masses, to us it was dope. The laidback soulful bass heavy sound combined with the live instrumentation complemented by then Andre and Big Boi's rapid fire rhymes was unbelievable! It quickly shot up to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 rap tracks. Though gangsta and pimpish, you couldn't deny the consciousness and vivid illustrations of life in the south painted by the "Pimp and the Poet". The album was credited with laying the foundation for southern hip-hop and became a classic. In 1995, Outkast won Best New Rap Album at the Source Awards shocking the industry and introducing skeptics at the same time. Madison Square Garden's Paramount Theater was the setting for the now infamous rant by Suge Knight towards Puffy concerning the "PlayersBall" video he directed for them. Snoop then capped it off by calling out the entire East Coast.

Caught in the middle of a bicoastal beef and facing the upmost scrutiny, Outkast gained a new perspective and vision. Rest assured, the remainder is on the way!!! After Souternplayalisticadillacmuzik was certified platinum, LaFace Records granted Outkast more creative control for their 1996 follow up album ATLiens. The group created their image and begun demonstrating the confidence and swagger of a superstar act. BigBoi became more in tune with live instrumentation and Andre drastically changed his lifestyle. He

famously added 3000 at the end of his name, adopted an eccentric style of dress, became a vegetarian and practiced sobriety. ATLiens was the perfect follow up album. It was spacey, futuristic and conveyed their built up frustration of the lack of acceptance from their hiphop peers. A few months earlier, my extensive travels brought me to Indiana where the Outkast craze was in full swing. The album debuted at #2 on the U.S. Billboard 200 Chart

and sold nearly 350,000 copies its first two weeks of release. Yeah, "Elevators (Me &You' was bananas, but the entire project was out of this world! It cemented The Dungeon Family's sound in the same echelon of Dr. Dre's G-Funk and The Rza's Dark dramatic notes. By 1998, Outkast was a household name, but still lacked the respect they deserved. Listeners were confused. First they were players and pimps, then Aliens, now what? Next came Aquemini (my favorite Outkast album) which is widely considered their best work to date. It's also the on-

ly "5 Mic" rating given to southern rap act by The Source Magazine. I was in Groton, Connecticut days away from getting out of the Navy when it dropped. From the very first listen I ranked it with all the other masterpieces of Hip-Hop. "Illmatic", "Reasonable Doubt", "The Diary", "36 Chambers" and so on. This was the point when they got their credit and opened the door to the south. The following years they continued to drop classic material and further pushed the envelope with sounds, concepts and subject matter. With 6 Grammys and 25 million records sold worldwide, Outkasts musical influence is unrivaled. Name one group that has fused funk, soul, jazz, rock spoken word poetry, electronica, psychedelic and the blues so ingeniously. These two brothers are what I call, "An Experience". A pure representation of the south with a universal twist. In a socially unjust world where "different" can easily alienate ones cause, Outkast brought us a sound from another planet that revolutionized ours.


In this edition of Behind The Lyrics, we travel back into the twisted mind of Mr. West. He’s insane, but he always gives me something to dig deeper into: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SoKFycTmVU [Verse 1] My momma was raised in the era when Clean water was only served to the fairer skin Doin' clothes you would have thought I had help His designs are so good, they look as if he had help from designing experts, although he actually did a lot of it himself. Everything he’s touched in fashion has had great success, including the Nike Air Yeezy 2sneakers, which were the most coveted release of Additionally, after 2012. his latest stroke of fashion genius, the $6,000 pair of Giuseppe Zanotti heels, he’s most likely going to make Paris fashion news again. Kimye wearing both sets of shoes Kanye designed But they wasn't satisfied unless I picked the cotton myself Ye delivers the punchline to his fashion critics. There was much speculation Kanye had help making his designs, especially for the 2011 women's collection. In turn, the critics slammed the collection.

After theTaylor Swift incident, he took time off from music and worked overseas at multiple factories that cater for high end fashion boutiques.

Kanye then brings up cotton, giving it a reference to African slavery and his ancestry in the United States. Ye suggests his clothing line wouldn’t be good enough for the critics unless he had actually picked the cotton for the fabric like slaves. You see it's broke nigga racism That's that "Don't touch anything in the store" And it's rich nigga racism That's that "Come in, please buy more" Ye details the full spectrum of racism he’s encountered. Prior to his success, Ye was told not to touch anything in stores because he was stereotyped as a black man who probably just wanted to steal something. Now that he’s rich and famous they want/need him in their store to “buy more”,

because this time he is being stereotyped as the black man that makes some money then blows it all on the “Bentleys, fur coats, and diamond chains” in the next line. Notice that this is a deep critique to how the black men will always be criticized no matter how good or bad he is: damned if you do, damned if you don’t. “What you want, a Bentley? Fur coat? A diamond chain? All you blacks want all the same things" He plays off of the typical stereotypes imposed on the black community, usually considered as hood dreams. Condescendingly, he uses the term “blacks” as a euphemism and expands on this idea when he says “I know that we the new slaves.” Furthermore, he channels people like Spike Lee who have criticized their own race for being too materialistic. Kanye himself recently referenced this in “Clique”. I rather buy 80 gold chains and go ign'ant I know Spike Lee gone kill me but let me finish Used to only be niggas, now everybody playin' Kanye is talking about how black people used to be the only slaves, now due to material objects anyone can be a slave, black, white or yellow. The idea is that money is being used to keep people doing what others want i.e buying expensive brands and conforming with the popularity, so others can benefit from others labor wages. The ones spending all the money are the slaves, the ones making all the money are the leaders. The “niggas” in this line is sampled from Curtis Mayfield’s “Don’t Worry if There’s a Hell Below, We’re All Going to Go”. It was also sampled in Ye’s 2004 hit,“Jesus Walks”. Spendin' everything on Alexander Wang New Slaves This powerful token at the end of Ye’s verse (and the title of the song) is in response to the modern argument that claims black people are still slaves. One argument is that it’s the whips and chains, andmaterial possessions that many in the black community long after that’s still keeping black people in a modern slavery.

The other (the more racist argument) claims that it’s the new black elite’s flaunting and wild behavior that makes then still inferior, still slaves.

Kanye has mixed feelings towards both these ideas; One side of him just wants to say “fuck you and your corporation, y'all niggas can’t control me!” and do whatever he wants despite their criticisms. The other side knows that ignorance about material items is bringing the black community down and creating a new generation of slaves. [Bridge] (x2) You see there's leaders and there's followers But I'd rather be a dick than a swallower Yeezy isn’t exactly good at watching his mouth, and his public image suffers accordingly. Playing off dick swallowing, ‘Ye would rather be a jerk to express the truth and get criticized, than swallow his words and lie or hold his tongue. [Verse 2] I throw these Maybach keys In an interview with the New York Times, Kanye explained his intention with this line. In response tocertain corporations literally trying to control him, he is asserting that he is not for sale; he is not a corporate puppet just trying to get rich, he wants full creative control for its own sake: “I would rather sit in a factory, creating, designing, setting trends, than sit in a Maybach.” Ye has already said that having a hot car doesn’t mean shit if you have to stoop low to get it: “Even if you in a Benz, you still a nigga in a coupe.” I wear my heart on the sleeve I know that we the new slaves

I see the blood on the leaves I see the blood on the leaves I see the blood on the leaves Even though Kanye just got done telling us that he’s a god, he says that we the new slaves and thus counts himself among them. The line originates from the Billie Holiday song,“Strange Fruit.” This song is a vivid description oflynching and how it was rampant in the south. Kanye also sampled the Nina Simone version of this song in track 7 of Yeezus, which is incidentally titled “Blood on the Leaves.”Southern trees bear a strange fruit, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. I know that we the new slaves I see the blood on the leaves They throwin' hate at me Want me to stay at ease The rich and powerful have a virtual monopoly on wealth and they ensure the powerlessness of others, making the poor and weak the new slaves. Ye sees the proof/ truth in plain sight, like blood on leaves. The old slaves' blood was on the tree leaves. The new slaves' blood is on the new leaves: money, materialism, commercialism. To “stay at ease” is a military term. Kanye west is suggesting that he will rather fight back when all that hate is thrown at him than stay at ease. Mr West constantly receives media attention for some of the “rants” he’s gone on and public displays of passion. His media highlights range from stating George Bush doesn’t like black people in the wake of a natural disaster, to interrupting Taylor Swift during her award acceptance speech. Fuck you and your corporation Y'all niggas can't control me I know that we the new slaves I know that we the new slaves Kanye’s rebelling against attempts to control him, a major theme on Yeezus, with a fashion designer’s attempts to control him inspiring a whole song.

Big corporations (typically run by rich white folks) to a certain degree control almost every aspect of our lives. It’s hard to escape businesses that are “too big to fail”, whether it be through the lack of choice in buying different products (they usually own all the “competition) or these corporations holding considerable influence in government I'm 'bout to wild the fuck out I'm goin' Bobby Boucher I know that pussy ain't free You niggas pussy, ain't me Kanye would rather be a dick, remember? Selling out is a “pussy” thing to do in Kanye’s eyes. Contracts for corporate endorsement (buying the pussy cause it ain’t free) often have conduct clauses that work to control what a person can and cannot say or do or they risk breaking the contract. Combined with the previous and following line, Kanye is saying he will not sell out by signing a contract with such clauses as if he won’t read it. Hence the “pussy” they are looking for is not Kanye he may sign a contract but not one that owns his right to be himself. Clever boy…always watch the wording with this guy… Y'all throwin' contracts at me You know that niggas can't read Throw 'em some Maybach keys Fuck it, c'est la vie He references the common racist stereotype that black people can’t read. This serves as another reference to slaves, who either couldn’t read, had to hide the fact that they could or were straight up lied to. This new slavery involves complex lawyer language written up by the corporations in contracts, you’re just another black man signing a contract. These corporations know this and love it. Continuing on from the previous line, he implies that using deal sweeteners in contracts will get a black man to sign any contract. Common incentives such as money, cars and women are used in the music industry to control rappers. Kanye’s earlier reference to throwing Maybach keys(and his wild the fuck out attitude in general) means that he’s not susceptible to being bought out by such racist deal sweeteners: he’s not for sale.

He is criticizing how black society will always settle for less if there’s money and incentives involved, if they can benefit their own ego from it. I know that we the new slaves Y'all niggas can't fuck with me Y'all niggas can't fuck with 'Ye Y'all niggas can't fuck with 'Ye I'll move my family out the country So you can't see where I stay So go and grab the reporters So I can smash their recorders

Alluding to Yeezy’s long lasting problems with the paparazzi and celebrity culture. However he has had issues with the paps in the past, with long time friend/ manager Don C being charged with felony vandalism for breaking their cameras, and also being arrested for a scuffle with a paps later that year. See they'll confuse us with some bullshit Like the New World Order Meanwhile the DEA Teamed up with the CCA

They tryna lock niggas up They tryna make new slaves Kanye feels the media (including specifically the hip-hop media) is always distracting us with conspiracy theories such as the New World Order. The Drug Enforcement Agency, or DEA for short, is a United States federal law enforcement agency that is in charge of combatting drug smuggling and usage in the USA. Although their intent is supposedly good, there have been many reports of racism and unconstitutional acts surrounding this institution. Today, there are more African-American adults under correctional control than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War. The explosion in the size of our prison population over the last 40 years rakes in billions of dollars a year for CCA and other for-profit prison companies. The United States has built up the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, with over 2.3 million men and women living behind bars. This is a historical anomaly; despite relatively stable incarceration rates earlier in the twentieth century, our prison population grew by 700% between 1970 and 2005, far outpacing both crime and general population growth. Kanye’s talking about institutional racism in the prisonindustrial complex. See that's that privately owned prison Get your piece today They prolly all in the Hamptons Braggin' 'bout what they made Opening a prison seems like a pretty lucrative investment. There is an entire prison-industrial complex which reaps untold riches from jailing minorities and using them for free labor. Not to mention the surveillance and security contracts.

Do you want a piece (PIC) of the slavery going on in the prison industrial complex where you can send minorities to jail and make a killing off of their free labor? These bougie folks are the ones investing in companies like the CCA and are proud of it too. Ye is saying fuck'em. Referring back to the previous lines, the people who get rich off the prison industrial complex don’t have to deal with the repercussions of this system, instead they live in mansions in the Hamptons. These vanity slaves are people satisfied and content with their situation. ‘Braggin’ on how they made' — how much money they’ve made from putting black men behind bars. Fuck you and your Hampton house I'll fuck your Hampton spouse Came on her Hampton blouse And in her Hampton mouth Kanye has gotten a lot of flack for these lines — his critics argue that he’s countering racial injustice with misogyny. But it is of course unlikely that Kanye isactually going to fuck the new

slavemaster’s spouse. In fact, this is more likely a reference to the Black Brute stereotype, which has a long legacy of spreading fear among white society of black men having sex with white women. This led to severely racist anti-miscegenation laws in the United States, which were only ruled unconstitutional in 1967. Kanye is likely playing into this stereotype just to demonstrate through the backlash against him that this fear and the stereotype is alive and well. This fear of the ‘Black Brute’ and fear of miscegenation is well documented. Y'all 'bout to turn shit up I'm 'bout to tear shit down I'm 'bout to air shit out Now what the fuck they gon' say now? [Outro: Kanye West & Frank Ocean] I won't end this high, not this time again So long, so long, so long, you cannot survive And I'm not dyin', and I can't lose I can't lose, no, I can't lose Cause I can't leave it to you So let's get too high, get too high again (Too high again, too high) White America doesn’t allow black citizens to get higher in society very easily. In turn, he’ll use drugs to escape reality. You can’t tell him what to do, he’s supposed to be a free man right? We could compare his drug references to the ignorance and the mindset many people choose to show. OR we can even picture other drugs that many rappers have been talking about with increased frequency such as mollies (ecstacy), which make the person that takes it extremely happy and subconsciously unaware of society which in turn can be interpreted as a metaphor for the mindset of these new slaves. Yeezy cannot “lose” and cannot “die” because he is “free.” He is not a “slave” in the classical sense, but as this track has made clear, we are all slaves. The only true freedom he can truly grasp is by being high, a state of being by itself. Kanye cannot leave it (success, his art, his high… nearly anything, take your pick)

to “you,” society (black or white), or any other creator. [Kóbor János] Egyszer a Nap úgy elfáradt Elaludt mély zöld tó ölén Az embereknek fájt a sötét Ő megsajnált, eljött közénk This outro contains the sample of “Gyöngyhajú Lány” (Pearl Haired Girl) by Hungarian rock-band Omega. In the very end of the song you can hear these four lines from the original song.

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