Urban Image Magazine November 2014 Issue

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A Letter From Our Editor Dear Readers, Welcome to another edition of Urban Image Magazine. You know, one thing that separates us from other "Urban" magazines is that we are quickly becoming known for our wide variety of articles. From our very first issue over 4 years ago, we've set out to cover every aspect of urban life. We are striving to be your only stop. So, you'll find it all within the pages of Urban Image. We talk about everything from politics and issues that affects our community all the way to sex. For our loyal readers, I'm sure that you're noticing our layout and our articles keep getting better and better. And we will continue to reach for perfection issue after issue. We have a knowledgeable staff who share their life's experiences, opinions and observations in every edition. They're very down to earth and your questions and comments are always welcome. We'll continue aiming for Urban Image to be your magazine. Tell a friend, share our links. Until next month; Peace and Love,


In our April issue Richarh Aswanu was given credit for the interview entitled "Law Towns Finest". The article was written entirely by Larrod Evans.

Our cover story in August "Eating Good for Cheap" was written by Larrod Evans also. In the same issue Larrod Evans was mistakenly given credit for a Lebron James article "The Homecoming King" which was written by Antwon Barber.

We at Urban Image take pride in our writers work and truly apologize for the mistakes made during the layout and editing process. 7

Dear Mr. French, Hello, how are you? My name is Jeffrey. I am a reader of Urban Image Magazine. I find it to be a good source of information for ambitious people. The July issue had several articles I found to be beneficial, in particular the article that featured you. "Charles French...tied to the community." I love that title. This letter serves as an attempt to network and gain greater insight from someone who has undertaken entrepreneurship. I applaud you for being a positive role model and trend setter for our youth, which we are in dire need of. And secondly, for establishing Total Image 2 Inc. as a non profit. I have aspirations of creating a non profit for the purpose of helping people of the world to be able to live at a level of human decency. I hope that you will share necessary and vital information with me to help me bring my goal to fruition. I have drafted a letter of Declaration and mission and vision statements. I am aware of the 501 (c) 3 and 4 tax exempt forms and its purposes but I am not familiar with filling them out. I am appreciative of any assistance you may offer relative to this inquiry.

Sincerely, Jeffrey


Greetings Jeffery,

I count it an honor and privilege that you were inspired by the article. I applaud and commend you for using a non-profit as a platform to share your vision. As I'm confident you are aware that a non-profit is only successful as the dedication of those you entrust to carry out your vision. So first choose a board that will equal if not surpass your passion. Without a dedicated board, your hard work will become harder. Also you must start work in the arena of your non-profit even before its formed. People must see your vision and dedication to the cause. Networking with others who share your passion for your vision will provide others who could be potential board members. As for filling out the paperwork, email directly: totalimage2@gmail.com and I will share contact info for the perfect person to help. Fashionably, Charles French "A well dressed man is more confident, and a confident man is more productive."


What’s Inside

Equal Partnerships pg 58

Facing Family OMG pg27 #teamnaturals pg62 Pointless Fight pg32

KISSable Lips pg74

Police: Protect & Serve… pg40

Get Confidence pg81

Dress for Warmth

Think Pink



The Enterovirus

Relationship 101




Ask Aswanu

Ask Aswanu

What Women


wished… pg126


When Do We

Season pg104

Forgive pg130

Battle of the

Overnight Bag

Sexes pg108



UIM’s Sex Facts




Scream Gems

Italian Sausage



UIM’s Round

Deszion’s Star

the Way Girl pg

Design pg145

120 11

Red’s Corner pg153 Face of the South pg176 Breaking Down the Lyrics pg156

Let’s Get FOCSI pg 184

Dumbest Shit

Forever an Ex


Book Review pg196

What’s Goin On Today This Month

What’s Going on

Poetic Justice

This Month

Joint pg200

pg168 12




Meet our Staff My name is

Hello, my name is Denetra Key

Richarh Aswanu AKA Daddy Rich. I am the CEO and founder here at Urban Image Magazine and GangstatLit. Writing is not a phase in my life, it defines who I am. I’m a man on a mission. I want my freedom! This is why I write! I have been locked down for 8 years but have published 3 books thus far. I have my own style that separates me from other authors. I created Urban Image to serve as a publication you can be proud of. It is our aim to dissolve the negative stereotypes associated with the “Urban Community”. We will inform, educate, entertain and inspire our readers.

better known as D Queen or Boss Ladii. I am the president here at Urban Image. I am a mother of three and also a 15 year nurse by profession. I also am our magazine layout designer… so I hope you enjoy my art. My articles and blogs are to shed light on issues that are dear to my heart! I apologize in advance if I offend. But my pieces are based on my opinion. Our opinions reflect that we are individual children of God. One promise I can make is that I will report on the topics in as accurate fashion as I can. I welcome you to leave your comments good or bad in regards to my work. I actually appreciate it! Your views give me insight.

In addition to providing you with thought provoking content, Urban Image Magazine will showcase talents who haven’t had the opportunity to reach mainstream media outlets. Urban Image Magazine was founded as a life changing movement for all that are involved in our mission. We are a stage for those without a platform to have a spotlight. Published to be accessible online, this magazine is designed to serve as a catalyst to success, a place where you can network with like-minded people who are in pursuit of their dreams

Thank you for visiting our page. While your here please take the time to browse around and look at our past magazines and blogs. Thanks again and God Bless! 16

Deszion Amani Nasir was born in raised in Hampton, VA, where she penned her first novel in the 6th grade when her simple ideas were read by others and she was told "Wow... this is good. You should be a writer." The light bulb clicked on and never turned off. In 2012 Nasir debuted her first novel, "Untrust," the strange tale of an unusual set of twins with no family, yet more family drama than one’s ever deem possible. Then she released, "Dragonflies & Demons," part one of a short series about a couple stuck in a vicious cycle of domestic violence that blurs the lines between victim and abuser. After that, the follow-up of "Untrust" entitled "Wicked Blues," dropped in November. She is currently writing her first paranormal/sci-fi novel, "Sariah," which is due to be released in the Spring. This excitingly eerie novel will come out in the Spring. Nasir is currently in the works to drop an Anthology with two other authors that will be released in June. The next installment to her series, Uncommon Devil, will be released in the Fall.

KIMBERLEY R. JASPER was raised in Jamaica Queens, New York and still describes herself as a true New Yorker through and through despite currently residing in Humble, Texas with her family.


self-publishing her first novel, she is now fulfilling her purpose and passion as a writer.

From horror fiction

with a mystical twist to erotic thrillers, this author can do it all with well-seasoned finesse.


Born April


19, 1966 in

Ahdai is

Marion, IN.





ro, North



A.K.A Dirty

She is our

Red was bound for

Fashion and Arts Blogger, our Managing Edi-

greatness as he succeeded in sports his

tor and recently promoted to Vice President.

dream was to be a comedian. Richard

She is currently working on her first novel, and

Pryor is my favorite comedian. My mot-

is a contributor to LAID: Young People’s Expe-

to: Success doesn’t go on without pain,

riences with sex in an easy access culture. She

pain goes on without success. Dirty Red

brings us a unique look on love and relation-

has worked in various cities with many

ships through her Single and Ready to Mingle

others in the comedy realm. These in-

blog and her column Ask Emiaj. This little

clude: New Orleans, LA, Portland, OR,

woman wears a lot of hats but she has a big

Atlanta, GA, Tacoma, WA, Myrtle

heart. You would never believer that she started

Beach, SC, Alex Thomas, Ricky Smiley, Smoke, D.L. Hughley, and Vanessa

out just blogging with us in her spare time. She


believes in hard work and dedication will pay off in the end. Look for her name among the stars. 18

Talia Rice has a personal blog, diamondpublcationz.wordpress.com where she talks about everything involving writing and sprinkles in her own work too. She freelances for Fashion At Large and is a contributing blogger for Urban Image Magazine. Without Consent is the psychological thriller she has finished and editing. Currently she is writing a novel involving human trafficking called Dear Daddy. Future works include a sex anthology, a women's guide for getting back to the basics of their true self and a how-to on reigniting your passion for writing with a twist. Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, or read her works on Scribd.com.

Larrod Evans was born in Baltimore, MD but bounced around from state to state. He takes pride in his cultural diversity and his biggest influences are his mother, HipHop and traveling. His interest consist of music, art, sports, reading, the outdoors and cooking. He also has a degree in culinary arts and makes a mean pizza! Despite being incarcerated, Larrod maintains self-discipline, is optimistic and works hard towards his goals. He is currently working on various T.V projects and will be launching his publishing company Chapter 34 later this year. 19






Facing Family OMG Moments By: Tiffany Jasper

As we grow, we’re tested. Learning as an adolescent can be especially difficult. They’re no longer a kid but still in the early teen stage. This stage brings on an array of emotions, self-image, conflicts of that “devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other” moments. Though we trust that the positive and cultural values that we instill in our children are vivid, we hope when they are required to make life’s vital decisions, they are able.

Oh wait! Don’t go too far with pointing that finger! Before the war begins, we, as parents should at least look back and recall the choices that we made (or wanted to make). Think about the current issues that are prevalent now (that weren’t as much then). How are they different? How are they the same? This beginning thought process doesn’t excuse the decisions our children make, however, it gives us a more clear insight

My kids are at the age where if you ask them a question, they answer like they're testifying at a congressional hearing. "Do you want to tell me who did this?" They group whisper and one responds, "No". ~ Amaru 25

to what our children may be going through emotionally, socially and physically and how we should or are able to respond. Parenting, as we know is relative. We normally parent the way we were raised or we use some child-rearing strategies that we have read about or given advice

Sometimes we have deeper issues of our own about the topic and indirectly respond to that issue but we can forget that it is our child we need to be addressing, first. 2). Clearly and calmly talk about the facts. - Children tend to talk about irrelevant

about. Here are a few suggestions when issues arise with your child and you feel as if you might just lose it, OMG! 1). Take a quick minute before responding. Make sure you breathe and be hesitant before responding. Decipher that you are responding to your child and not necessarily the issue.

points of a situation, in many times as an avoidance tactic from facing the truth/facts head on. Of course, once you have established the facts with your child, feel free to let them elaborate on those supporting (or not so supportive) details, you decide. 3). Your child needs to know of your disappointment and why. 26

- When your children understand how it effects truly effects you, they tend to connect a bit more (from my experience). It is up to you how much information or examples you give your children at this time. Disclosure is definitely opening doors to other conversation but individual parents will be able to know how much or if any details of their own life they want to reveal. In total, how devastating it is to be forced to face off with your child discussing a negative issue or situation that

they have participated in. Remember, life is full of joys and sadness. There are times when we will laugh and times we will cry over our children. Take each situation, lesson, moment, celebrations, success or even those failures as they come. Know that we are humans and we are prone to make mistakes. So, now let us all face future situations, work through them, pray for wisdom and strength, and continue to live understanding that this too, shall pass.




Pointless Fight!? By:PJ Fleming

It's said that history repeats itself. Past history issues of unfair rights, unfitrights, racial profiling, and general profiling, just all around discrimination is recurring. I don't like to use the word racist, because not everyone is racist. However, today the African American community as a whole and individuals are discriminated against in some form, mainly from the police and even other races. What caused it? Who's the blame? Or is it us? Do we in some way shame the reason behind the whole fight? So what did they fight and die for? They meaning, people like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Born a slave, Araminta Ross later adopted her mother's first name, Harriet. From early childhood she worked variously as a maid, a nurse, a field hand, a cook, and a woodcutter. About 1844 she married John Tubman, a free black. Mrs. Tubman was an American bondwoman

who escaped from slavery in the South to become a leading abolitionist before the American Civil War. In 1849, on the strength of rumors that she was about to be sold, Mrs. Tubman fled to Philadelphia, leaving behind her husband, parents, and siblings. In December 1850 she made her way to Baltimore, Maryland, whence she led her sister and two children to freedom. That journey was the first of some 19 increasingly dangerous forays into Maryland in which, over the next decade, she conducted upward of 300 fugitive slaves along the Underground Railroad to Canada. By her extraordinary courage, ingenuity, persistence, and iron discipline, which she enforce upon her changes, Mrs. Tubman became the railroads most famous


conductor and was known as the "Moses of her people." It has been said that she never lost a fugitive she was leading to freedom. In 1932 Rosa Parks married Raymond Parks, who encouraged her to return to high school and earn a diploma. She later made her living as a seamstress. In 1943 Mrs. Parks became a member of the Montgomery chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and she served as its secretary until 1956. December 1, 1955, she was arrested for refusing to give her bus seat to a white man, which was a direct violation of the city's racial segregation ordinances. Under the support of the

Montgomery Improvement Association and the leadership of the young pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Martin Luther King Jr., a boycott of the municipal bus company was begun on December 5. (African Americans constituted some 70 percent of the rider ship.) On November 13, 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court's decision declaring Montgomery segregated seating unconstitutional, and the court order was served on December 20; the boycott ended the following day. For her role in igniting the successful campaign, which brought Martin Luther King to national prominence, Mrs. Parks became known as the "mother of the civil rights movement."


Malcolm X was an articulate public speaker, with a charismatic personality, and an indefatigable organizer. Malcolm X expressed the pent-up anger, frustration, and bitterness of African Americans during the major phase of the civil rights movement from 1955 to 1965. He preached on the streets of Harlem and spoke at major universities such as Harvard University and the University of Oxford. His keen intellect, incisive wit, and ardent radicalism made him a formidable critic of American Society. He also criticized the mainstream civil rights movement, challenging Martin Luther Kings' central notions of integration and nonviolence.

stake than the civil right to sit in a restaurant or even to vote-the most important issues were black identity, integrity, and independence. In contrast to Kings Strategy of nonviolence, civil disobedience, and redemptive suffering, Malcolm X urged his followers to defend themselves "by any means necessary." His biting critique of the "so-called Negro" provided the intellectual foundations for the Black Power and black consciousness movements in the United States in the late 1960s and '70s. Through the influence of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X helped to change the terms used to refer to African Americans from "Negro" and "colored" to "black" and "Afro-American." Malcolm argued that more was at Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist 32

minister who advocated the use of nonviolent means to end racial segregation. Mr. King came from a comfortable middle-class family steeped in the tradition of the Southern black ministry: both his father and maternal grandfather were Baptist preachers. In 1944, at age 15, King entered Morehouse College in Atlanta under a special wartime program intended to boost enrollment by admitting promising high-school students like King. He first came to national prominence during a bus boycott by African Americans in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955. He founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957 and led the 1963 March on Washington. The most influential of African American civil rights leaders during the

1960s, he was instrumental in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination in public accommodations, facilities, and employment, and the Voting Rights Act of 1976. Mr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968. When I read about these inspirational lives and the complete story behind them, and then look at the way our community is today, I'm ashamed. I am forced to ask, what did they fight and die for? Harriet Tubman risked her life and her family, fighting to bring blacks together and help them escape from the clutches of oppression. However, we are constantly doing things which sepa 33

rate us. Look at how ignorant our people act on television (Love and Hip-Hop, Basketball Wives, Jerry Springer, Maury, etc...) The only time we truly stand as one is when tragedy happens. (Look at the issues that happened in Ferguson.) Rosa Parks risked her freedom and life for equal placement on public transportation. Yet we argue and make a big deal for a seat at the back of the damn bus.

sized his faith that all men, someday, would be brother. Yet today it is like pulling teeth to get 100 blacks together without there being an issue-fights, robberies, gang-banging, etc...The violence at a party hosted by Chris Brown just before the VMA's is testament to that, which left Suge Knight with six slugs in his body.

Malcolm X expressed the anger and frustration that our ancestors had dwelling within them with no release. He fought for issues regarding blacks and their identity, integrity, and independence. However, our black children have no clue who or what they are, and the power they possess; they know not of the importance in the quality and the value behind integrity; nor do they have any idea how to stand strong and be independent-walking their own funky walk, and being trend setters and not followers. On Aug.28, 1963, an interracial assembly of more than 200,000 people gathered peaceably in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial to demand equal justice for all citizens under the law. The crowd was uplifted by the emotional strength and prophetic quality of the address given by Martin Luther King Jr., which came to be known as the "I Have A Dream" speech, in which he empha-

My people, we need to wake up. True enough there are things which go on in our community that is out of our control. However, a lot of the situations that filter through our community are caused by our own ignorance. As I said in the beginning of this article history repeats itself. We need to thoroughly review our history, and the foundation in which it was built upon. The freedoms that we enjoy and abuse today came with a price of blood, sweat, and tearssacrifice. We must remember what our ancestors fought and died for, and teach these truths to our children at home and not wait for the society to do it for us. What the hell does society really know? What does society teach? It is time that we reunite as one, and stop acting so foolishly putting to shame the entire reason why the war of equality for our people began in the first place. What do we fight and die for now?


This country needs, Batman! ~ Amaru




Police: Protect and Serve not Beat Down and Kill! By: Denetra Key

In recent month's police brutality, not the views of Urban Image Magazine excessive force, and shootings at the as a whole. Now that I have said all hands of police officers have come to that...Here we go! the forefront in news headlines across the nation. It seems that the tragic shooting death of eighteen year old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri was just the tip of the iceberg that many black communities face on an everyday basis. If police officers were sworn to protect and serve our communities why is it that many of them seem to be on a mission to assassinate our young men, mentally destroy our families and cause a sense of chaos and mistrust in our communities. Before I dive off into this subject and get on my proverbial "soap box" let me be the first to say that I do not in any way believe that ALL police officers are bad or are dirty cops. I am not one that gets into conspiracy theories on how the "White Man" is out to take us as a people down. I do not consider myself racist or discriminatory of any particular person place or thing. I also will say that this article is my opinion, 38

August 9th, 2014 18 year old Michael Brown was shot in broad daylight by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. The events of that day have rocked the nation resulting in protests and unrest in black communities all over this great land. However this was not an isolated event. Since July 19th, 2014 there have been at least 14 accounts of excessive force used by police across the nation in black communities; most cases resulting in death. There is no way I can possibly ad-

dress all of the cases of police misconduct that I found while doing my research. I discovered incidences that ranged all the way from intimidation and threatening of lives all the way to a cop in Philadelphia filing brutality charges against his own department and sexual assault charges against a police officer in Oklahoma. With all that has been going on one would be lead to ask what are the legal standards governing police use of force? A U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case of Graham vs. Connor 25 years ago remains the legal standard. In that case, the court’s majority ruled that a “reasonable” police response must be “judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than 20/20 vision of hindsight.” Although the ruling provides a minimum standard, law enforcement agencies still have latitude to develop tougher rules rather than rely on a national template or uniform policy. There have been some cases of police brutality such as in California when a state trooper was filmed beating 51 year old, Marlene Pinnock on the side of the freeway and an occurrence in Indiana where a school cop tackled and injured 10 year old, Kevin Hamilton. It is clear that gender, and age do not have a bear


ing on whether one may be exposed to the evil grasp of police brutality. The only common denominator amongst all of these cases is race. It seems that if you are a black person in America today you must be aware of the potential threat that is posed by these uniformed people that have been sworn to serve and protect. So now the question at hand is what can be done to protect our families? I have read endless ar-

ticles and blogs addressing the issues that we as a whole have to address for any others in today's society to take us serious and begin to put value on our lives. First we must show them that we have unity and solidarity amongst ourselves. How can we as a people get all up in arms when someone outside of our community kills one of us when we kill each other EVERY DAY? The black on

black crime and genocide (and yes I use that word because that is exactly what we are doing, whether we want to admit it or not) must STOP! We get mad about "the W hite Man"taking from us or not giving us what we deserve but go steal from and rob

one another. We have rallies, protests, and demonstrations when a crazed “George Zimmerman� kills one of our innocent youth but countless numbers of our babies are killed every year by drive by shootings and gang violence. We have to create change from within our community to expect change to come from those on the outside. I feel that another very vital step is to teach our young men to carry themselves as such. All of these "thug" characteristics are best left to the Gangsta Rappers on TV. The pants need to be pulled up fellas. There is nothing sexy or cute about your pants sagging so far off 40

one to ever give them a chance at an honest professional career? What would make someone think it was cool to display tears drops on their face to show how many people they have murdered? We as parents must take accountability for our youth. We must teach our young men and women to be of respectful to police and as sad as your it sounds it would behoove us as parents ass that you can't even to teach them that unless they call the walk without holding onto them. I don't police they need to steer clear from even them. Too many mistaken identities are know how this fad came about. I have happening these days to feel that the poyet to ever hear a female of any age say, lice are our friends. Wrong place wrong "EEEEW girl, I just love how he sags time murders happen everyday. his pants, that's so sexy!" So if it's not for the attention of the ladies what are you doin it for? And enough with these face tattoos. Really? Not a good look. Now I have nothing at all against tattoos. I actually have ten myself. However on the face they are just plain ugly. How can anyone get a tattoo on their face and expect any41

We must mentor are children and teach them that the road to crime is not the way to go. I really feel that inmates that have realized the error of their ways could be the most beneficial tool in such mentoring programs. Though many want to condemn and through away those that are incarcerated; who better to give witness to the fact that you have to take responsibility for your actions and live with the consequences then someone that has lived the life and is now changed due to their consequence.

their African-American populations and reported incidents of police brutality. Once the data has been reviewed, the NBA plans to submit their findings to the attorney general’s office in hopes that Attorney General Eric Holder will take action.

I don't have all the answers and won't even begin to act like I do. But something has got to give. I feel for the families that have been affected by these latest cases of excessive force by the hands of the police and I pray that the On the national level I am glad to guilty parties be held accountable for say that help is on the way. The National their actions. Justice must be served for Bar Association (NBA) wants 25 cities the lives lost. To conclude this article I to hand over their records concerning want to take a look back at the last coupolice brutality cases. They plan to study ple month's victims. In hopes that we all allegations of police misconduct that try to work to make a difference so these may be found within the documentation. life altering incidences were not in vain. The 25 cities were selected based on 42

The Victims

Vonderrit Myers-18- Missouri- Deceased (Police) Deshawn Currie- 18- North Carolina-Assault (Police) Kevin Hamilton- 10- Indiana- Assault (Police)

Kahreem Tribble- 16- New York- Assault (Police) Levar Jones- 35- South Carolina- Deceased (Police) Charles Smith- 29- Georgia- Deceased (Police) Denzel Ford- 20- Illinois- Deceased (Police) Darren Hunt- 22- Utah- Deceased (Police) Marlene Pinnock- 51- California- Assault (Police) Armand Bennett- 26- Louisiana- Deceased (Police) Kajieme Powell- 25- Missouri- Deceased (Police) John Crawford- 22- Ohio- Deceased (Police) Eric Garner- 43- New York- Deceased (Police) Ezell Ford- 24- California- Deceased (Police) Michael Brown- 18 Missouri- Deceased (Police) Kendrick Johnson- 17- Georgia- Deceased (Killer Remains at Large) Trayvon Martin- 17- Florida- Killer went free and is now been made a celebrity by media; gaining financial benefit for killing a 17 year old child.






Think Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness By: Denetra Key

For those few of you that have been hiding under a rock October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I’m sure you all have seen all of the pretty pink ribbons exhibited on Facebook. I’ve even seen some women go as far as

displaying their racks in cute little bras on there. I tried it but it wasn’t too long before I started getting virtual catcalls for displaying my over abdunt girls and had to take mine down. Everyone loves a nice set of breast. For women they give us confidence. For men they are a sexual playground. For children they give somewhere comforting to lay their heads. But did you know that in 2013, an estimated 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed among US women, as well as an estimated 64,640 additional cases of in situ breast cancer. That year, approximately 39,620 US women were expected to die from breast cancer. Only LUNG CANCER accounts for more cancer deaths in women. There are only two ways to detect breast cancer. Adult women of all ages are encouraged to perform breast self-exams at least once a month. Johns

Hopkins Medical center states, “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” While mammograms can help you to detect cancer before you can feel a lump, breast self-exams help you to be familiar with how your breasts look and feel so you can alert your healthcare professional if there are 48

any changes. Although our mates may feel our breast on a regular basis, we as woman often find it shameful to examine our own bodies. I challenge you ladies today to take the time out once a month to play with them TaTas and today I show exactly how to do it.

ONCE A MONTH I want whatever in-

surance the Ebola guy had! #ObamaCare ~ Amaru

1) IN THE SHOWER Using the pads of your fingers, move around your entire breast in a circular pattern moving

from the outside to the center, checking the entire breast and armpit area. Check both breasts each month feeling for any lump, thickening, or hardened knot. Notice any changes and get lumps evaluated by your healthcare provider.


2) IN FRONT OF A MIRROR Visually inspect your breasts with your arms at your sides. Next, raise your arms high overhead. Look for any changes in the contour, any swelling, or dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipples. Next, rest your palms on your hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles. Left and right breasts will not exactly match—few women's breasts do, so look for any dimpling, puckering, or changes, particularly on one side.

3) LYING DOWN When lying down, the breast tissue spreads out evenly along the chest wall. Place a pillow under your right shoulder and your right arm behind your head. Using your left hand, move the pads of your fingers around your right breast gently in small circular motions covering the entire breast area and armpit. Use light, medium, and firm pressure. Squeeze the nipple; check for discharge and lumps. Repeat these steps for your left breast.

So Remember Ladies Once a Month Play With Them TaTas... because early detection leads to an early cure! 50



It starts out as a cold. You think your little one just has a change of season bug. Then the coughing starts. And doesn't stop. Next comes the wheezing...then the ambulance. WHAT HAPPENED? The doctor says your child has enterovirus 68. WHAT IS THAT?! The rare virus suspected of sickening 1,000 kids in 11 states can start out like the common cold but quickly evolve into something much more serious, health officials say. SOME Q & A ABOUT THE VIRUS:

Q: What is enterovirus D68? A: Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) is one of many non-polio enteroviruses. This virus was first identified in California in 1962, but it has not been commonly reported in the United States.Q: What are the symptoms of EV-D68 infection? A: EV-D68 can cause mild to severe respiratory illness. Mild symptoms may include fever, runny nose, sneezing, cough, and body and muscle aches. Most of the children who got very ill with EV-D68 infection in Missouri and Illinois had difficulty breathing, and some had wheezing. Many of these children had asthma or a history of wheezing. Q: How does the virus spread?

A: Since EV-D68 causes respiratory illness, the virus can be found in an infected person’s respiratory secretions, such as saliva, nasal mucus, or sputum. EVD68 likely spreads from person to person when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or touches contaminated surfaces. Q: How many people have been confirmed to have EV-68 infection? A: From mid-August to September 11, 2014, a total of 82 people in six states were confirmed to have respiratory illness caused by EV-D68. A CDC laboratory confirmed these cases. Some state laboratories may have also confirmed cases, but these are not included in our total case count. Q: How common are EV-D68 infections in the United States? 52

A: EV-D68 infections are thought to occur less commonly than infections with other enteroviruses. However, CDC does not know how many infections and deaths from EV-D68 occur each year in the United States. Healthcare professionals are not required to report this information to health departments. Also, CDC does not have a surveillance system that specifically collects information on EV-D68 infections. Any data that CDC receives about EV-D68 infections or outbreaks are voluntarily provided by labs to CDC’s National Enterovirus Surveillance System (NESS). This system collects limited data, focusing on circulating types of enteroviruses and parechoviruses. Q: What time of the year are people most likely to get infected? A: In gener al, the spread of enter oviruses is often quite unpredictable, and different types of enteroviruses can be common in different years with no particular pattern. In the United States, people are more likely to get infected with enteroviruses in the summer and fall. We’re currently in middle of the enterovirus season, and EV-D68 infections are

likely to decline later in the fall. Q: Who is at risk? A: In gener al, infants, children, and teenagers are most likely to get infected with enteroviruses and become ill. That's because they do not yet have immunity (protection) from previous exposures to these viruses. We believe this is also true for EV-D68. Among the EV-D68 cases in Missouri and Illinois, children with asthma seemed to have a higher risk for severe respiratory illness. Q: How is it diagnosed? A: Many hospitals and doctor’s of-fices can test for enteroviruses. However, most cannot do testing to determine the specific type of enterovirus, like EV-D68. State health departments and CDC can do this sort of testing. Respiratory illnesses can be caused by many different viruses and have similar symptoms. Not all respiratory illnesses occurring now are due to EV-D68. Anyone with respiratory illness should contact their doctor if they are having difficulty breathing, or if their symptoms are getting worse.


Q: What are the treatments? A: There is no specific treatment for people with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68. For mild respiratory illness, you can help relieve symptoms by taking overthe-counter medications for pain and fever. Aspirin should not be given to children. Some people with severe respiratory illness may need to be hospitalized. There are no antiviral medications currently available for people who become infected with EV-D68. Q: How can I protect myself? A: You can help protect your self from respiratory illnesses by following these steps: Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after changing diapers.

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick. Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs, especially if someone is sick. Since people with asthma are higher risk for respiratory illnesses, they should regularly take medicines and maintain control of their illness during this time. They should also take advantage of influenza vaccine since people with asthma have a difficult time with respiratory illnesses. Q: Is there a vaccine? A: No. There are no vaccines for pr eventing EV-D68 infections.

We need some hand sanitizer called, Ebola Proof! And Batman! 54

~ Amaru


Equal Partnerships By: Clifton Cook

One of the most memorable periods in my life occurred during my efforts to matriculate the business department of Morehouse College. A professor that I will call Mr. E took special interest in creating thought provoking situations that made you rethink how the world of finance functioned. I have found myself using the same methods as Mr. E to help couples overcome their financial dilemmas. Money related issues represent the number one cause of couple's animosity and eventual breakup. The best way to understand the dynamics of handling the budgeting needs of a household is to think of your home as a business and with you and your signifi-

cant other as equal partners. On the surface, the concept of equal partners sounds great, but the reality is something altogether different. Mr. W shared details with the class about a business startup that had two interested parties with each bringing different attributes to the business relationship. One partner (Ms. Money) had an abundant amount of money but very little free time. The second partner (Mr. Time) had lots a free time but not as much money. But together, they created a balance. Each had something to give to ensure the success of the business. But clearly, what they gave was not equal. This in most cases is the


realty of individuals that decide to join the endeavor to create a family. The growing number of women who make more than their companion is having a profound impact on the way couples manage their money and how they feel about their union financially. This effects most aspects of the couple's lives together. This means not just how they save, how they spend and how they invest, but also what they worry about, what they fight about, and even how happy they are in their relationship. When a woman earns as much or more than their companion they take a far more active role in financial planning. Some men find this disconcerting, but this really brings a more collaborative style to managing the

household. As more women move to the forefront of the workforce, they also take on new tensions associated with heightened financial stress. Men must come to grips with shared decision making and both tend to struggle to figure out a fair division of the labor that is required to effectively run a household. None the less, spending remains the most contentious issue no matter who earns the most money. Couples overwhelmingly think they are in sync about their finances. However it clear they are anything but. You must ensure that this conclusion doesn't describe your relationship. You should strive to create an environment that creates greater harmony. You can do this by managing


your household based on interest, but decide together. Who earns what is a lousy way to determine who does what when it comes to your money. One person is usually more interested in financial chores or more available to handle them. As long as both of you are in agreement, its fine if one person takes charge of paying the bills, choosing the right investments or preparing the taxes. The key to making this all work is, you must draw clear distinctions. Regardless of who takes lead in the area of finances, both partners need to be clued in about the families financial planning. It's particularly dangerous for women to remain in the dark, as they tend to outlive men. It is best to actually schedule uninterrupted time, at least twice a year to review what you own and what you owe. This is needed to determine how these numbers jibe with your immediate and future financial goals. Keep in mind that money mat-

ters must be a "we decide" event and not an "I decide" dictatorship. So sorry guys, but when it comes to money, a joint approach typically trumps managing solo. Always remember the fairness factor. (Income power shouldn't automatically confer decision making power). Men and women often have different but complementary financial skills that work better together than separately. Emphasize the team, not the score. What's driving satisfaction in most egalitarian relationships today probably has less to do with who has a bigger W-2 and more to do with both partners feeling they are working in tandem to build their family's security. A sense of equity between committed people is important, even if there's some income disparity. If you are your mate have any questions about this or any other article I have written, or about finances in general, please send me an email at info@UrbanImageMagazine.com



#teamnaturals WHAT THE HECK IS THE MAXIMUM HYDRATION METHOD? By: Deszion Amani Nasir

Alright, team, there's a new “thing� out there. It's promising to keep even 4c hair super moisturized all the way through till next wash day!!!! WHAT?! It's called the MAXIMUM HYDRATION METHOD. OOOOOO... sounds intimidating! Well, that's because it is. The pics look more than promising. There are just a lot of steps involved. And you have to do them EVERY DAY, at least in the beginning. Stop making that face. So what I'll do is break everything down, then give you my 2 cents about the whole thing, then you can make your own informed decision about it, okay? I'll also give you info about an altered/shorter version of this method that seems to give the same results. You want to do your hair at least every 3 days. Never ever go past 5 days, and do not attempt to stretch to 5 days until you have 70% max hydration all over your head. The way this regimen works is by the number of times you complete the full regimen. So if you do your hair, wear the style for 3 days and then repeat the regimen that was one day's completion of the regimen, not 3 days. 60

CHERRY LOLA TREATMENT (DONE EVERY TWO WEEKS, INSTEAD OF CLARIFYING IN STEP ONE) 1. Blend the ingredients in your blender. This is important in preventing chunks getting stuck in your hair. 2. saturate your dry (but detangled) hair completely from root to tip with the mixture. 3. put a shower cap and let sit for 1.5-2 hours. 4. Rinse out completely with warm/hot water. 5. Green House Effect /deep condition overnight directly after rinsing out the treatment with botanical MHM approved conditioner. Continue with the rest of the MHM regimen but skip step 1. NEVER DO AN ACV RINSE AFTER THIS


Step 1: Clarify Option 1: Baking soda rinse. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda into thick 1-2.5 oz conditioner. Add 4-8 oz of water. Shake. Apply to hair in sections and let sit on the hair for 1560 minutes. If being done on product free hair, lower baking soda measurement to 1-2 teaspoons. This step is ideal for low porosity hair, since it lifts the cuticle as well. Option 1.2: Alternate Baking soda rinse 2 tablespoons baking soda 2 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon olive oil 6-10 oz of water Option 2: Apple cider vinegar rinse. You do a 1:1 ratio of apple cider vinegar with water in an 8oz applicator bottle. Apply to hair in sections from tips to the root, and on scalp. Let it sit in the hair for 15- 60 mins before rinsing. Note you can choose to only do the acv for 15 minutes, like the BS, but the longer you can leave it the better. Option 3: Alternating between both rinses. You can opt to do either rinse every other day/ night/week. It’s up to you to experiment with how often you would like to alternate. Step 2: Cowash& finger detangle Option 1: Apply conditioner to your hair in sections, and deep condition overnight by covering your hair in a shower cap or thermal heating cap. This will be 1-2 oz of conditioner and 4-8 oz of water into an applicator bottle. Get a feel for the consistency you want from watering it down. In the morning you rinse it out and it will function as your cowash. On days you know you will not be 62




able to complete all the steps in full for whatever reason, simply stop here. Keep the shower cap on underneath your wig cap, beanie, r headscarf until you can complete the rest of the steps. This will prevent you from having any setbacks. It doesn’t count as a full day though until you complete the rest of the steps. Option 2: Apply conditioner, put on a shower cap, and Steam. Steam for 15-20 mins under a steamer, hooded dryer and rinse it out. This will function as your cowash. Use 1.5-2 oz of conditioner and 4-6 oz of water into an applicator bottle. Option 3: Apply warm conditioner in your hair in sections. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes under shower cap, and rinse it out. This will function as your cowash.

if you are doing this step, first pour 1.52 oz of conditioner into an applicator bottle. Then pour in 4-6 oz of warm/hot water and shake. Finger Detangle: No matter what option above you choose,you finger detangle before and/or during your cowash under the warm shower. Section your hair before going in with shower clips. Focus on removing shed hairs, smoothing, raking, and separating tangles each section, from the root of your hair to the tip. Step 3: Clay rinse With all options, leave the rinse on the hair for at least 15 minutes before rinsing, and remember to evenly distribute in sections, from the tips to the roots,


and get it on your scalp as well. You want to make sure your hair is visibly coated and weighed down with the clay. It needs to look something like this. If it doesn’t you are not doing this step correctly, the clay is not evenly distributed, and your hair may actually feel dry. When applying clay mixture, try to separate your coils, don’t try to smooth your hair into one big slick slab. Apply the mask in thin layers of hair starting at the nape from your scalp/roots to the ends of your hair. You do not need to be scooping the clay, squeeze it directly onto your hair and work it in, as per the video. Let sit in hair for at least 15 minutes, 64

there’s nothing wrong with leaving it on much longer, either. Rinse out the clay. This is the part of the method where you will be checking for signs of max hydration. Your hair is now going to be completely clean of any left over product residue, and you will be able to check your progress on your product free hair. Coils will be felt at the scalp first while washing your hair. /you will then start to clump and curling at the very tips of the hair, and slowly progress up to the root, which is when you can claim max hydration. Other visible signs include shakeable hair even when hair is completely dry after having completed all the steps. This is the added weight of moisture retention. If you’re doing this regimen and transitioning, just check your new growth for signs.

Option 1: Clay rinse This rinse can be done using any pure clay powder, like Bentonite Clay, Rhassoul clay, red clay, zeolite clay, european clay, French Green Sea clay and more. Using a funnel or folded paper when needed, you can pour each ingredient one at a time into a large empty 32 shampoo/conditioner/soap bottle, shake afterward to mix the ingredients. after you use it, then store for the next day. If the clay dries up, just and more water as needed and shake. Mix ingredients: 1 cup pure clay powder 2-3 cup warm water 1 tablespoon of honey 1 tablespoon of olive oil If the consistency is to thick, just add more water until you get a thick but still liquidy consistency. It shouldn’t be so thick that its cakey and solid. Option 2: Ready made clay rinse –like Terresentials. Make sure you look at the ingredients in what ever clay rinse you get, to make sure it’s MHM approved. They put more than just clay in these rinses– So watch out for No-No ingredients, like glycerin. Also, many people find clay rinses that include aloe vera juice to be more stripping. This is because aloe vera is an astringent. You also want to steer clear of aloe in conditioners, in gels it should be okay though since it will form a cast and seal in moisture once you have applied enough. 65

The higher the aloe is on the list, the less the hair shaft. The wetter and more sliphold the gel will probably have, so if it’s pery your hair feels, the softer your gel the first ingredient or only holding agent will dry, so keep that in mind. in a gel, keep that in mind. You can also wet you hair right after you Step 4: Leave in Conditioner rinse out the clay step, apply the watered This will be 1-2 oz of conditioner and 5- down leave in all over your head first, 8 oz of water into an applicator bottle. focusing on the roots and working it Get a feel for the consistency you want. down the hair in the same smoothing and You may like it more watery, or more raking motions. Then wet your hair thick. again, shake and section with clips. Then Apply thoroughly in the section by you can re-wet or add more watered consmoothing, pinching, and raking. apply ditioner if the area is not wet enough. enough so your hair feels wet. You want From then Steps 4 and 5 must be comto concentrate it at the root first and pleted section by section, as you go work it in, then bring it down the rest of along.


Step 5: Apply Botanical Gel of your choice Option 1: Application of gel- you should be putting enough so your hair feels slippery along the shaft, that way you know it’s evenly and thoroughly distributed on the hair, and is properly sealing in the moisture before the gel cast forms. Apply the gel from the concentrating at the roots of the hair first, working it in. Then bring the product from the roots of your hair to the tips, making sure to smooth and thoroughly rake with your fingers. Otherwise your hair may clump into sections that are too big and 67

frizz. Option 2: use a small amount of oil (or however much you feel you need) for extra sealing before or after gel if you find you need it, for soft hold. It isn’t entirely necessary because you can control the softness of your gel cast by the amount of conditioner you apply in your leave in step. Layering options can be LCO (Liquid, Conditioner, Oil), but Never do the LOC layering order. Oil is not a moisturizer, its a sealant. You wouldn’t put gel on before conditioner, so don’t practice that with oil.

Now, all that info came straight from the makes of The Maximum Hydration Method. If you're feeling adventurous, go for it! I personally don't mess with anything with baking soda in it because it's abrasive over time to my hair, but others swear by it, so make your own decision. The alternate version of this method is as

follows: Michelle Howard Smith has a video (only 5 minutes long) about how she does HER version. She recommends starting in the morning. She also works the entire method on one section at a time before moving to the next section. START WITH FRESHLY WASHED HAIR SECTIONED OFF INTO 6 SOAKING WET SECTIONS








TO HAVE A FULLY STRETCHED LOOK, LET FULLY DRY. IF NOT, THIS WILL ALSO DO AS A WASH N GO. So go out, experiment and good luck with this method, lovlies! Until next time!!!!



Keeping Your Lips Kissable During Cold Weather By: Denetra Key

During the blustery winter weather it is a challenge to keep your lips succulent and moist. There is no bigger of a turn off then some crusty chapped lips. It seems that the bigger your soup coolers are the more of a problem you tend to have keeping them moisturized. I have found some tips to keeping your lips kissable for the cold weather, so that while it’s chilly outside you won’t have any problems getting your boo to snuggle up with you to keep you warm on the inside. 72

Use lip balm such as Chapstick to promote healing and prevention of chapped lips. This is almost vital in the process of moisturizing your lips.

Ensure your body is not deficient in B vitamins, iron or essential fatty acids. These deficiencies can cause scaling of lips and cracking of lip corners. Take a multivitamin/mineral supplement after consultation with your physician.

Hydrate your body by drinking plenty of water. Dehydration can cause dryness of lips. Increase your water intake during winter to keep your lips looking fresh. You can also humidify the rooms to deal with winter dryness.

Rule out allergy to lipstick dyes.


If in spite of water intake your lips seem dehydrated, apply cool wet cloth to hydrate lips. Also try to seal in the moisture with a lip balm. apply lip balm every hour or two to treat dry lips and to keep them healthy. Use balm with SPF of at least 16 to save your lips from sun damage.

Don't lick, bite or pick your lips, it will cause more chapping. Licking lips doesn't moisturize them. Biting lips removes their protective covering which causes further drying. Tell a friend to stop you every time you pick your lips.

Use a soft toothbrush to softly buff your lips to remove the deposit of dead cells that will cause more drying and flaking. Make an at-home paste with sugar and honey to exfoliate your lips. 74

Ordinary petroleum jelly works wonders. It prevents sun blisters as well if applied before venturing into the sun.

Turn on a humidifier at night. It helps keeps your lips (and skin) moisturized

Wear a scarf over your mouth. Wind is a biggie when it comes to chapping. Also breathe through your nose. Something as little as breathing through your mouth can actually dry out your lips

Hopefully these tips will keep you lips KISSable this Fall and Winter Season! 75




Get The Look That Never Goes Out Of Style:

Confidence! By: Cesar Sosa

T ransitioning from season to season is not always an easy task. Here I tell you how to stay warm and stylish, and chic without the bulk. If you're someone who views the colder months with a frown because of the bulky clothing you have to wear, this section is for you.

Layering for Winter If there's one disgusting characteristic of the clothes worn in the winter, its weight. Heavier fabrics like woolen tweeds and corduroy help you retain body heat and stay warm. If not worn correctly, however, they can also make you appear heavier. That's where the art of layering can come to the rescue. The trick is to layer your outfit in a way that enables you to remove a layer or two indoors and still have something fabulous underneath.


Just because you need the added warmth, don't assume you can't wear your lighter weight clothes in the winter. You may be surprised how smart layering lets you stay warm without looking bulky.

Layering Tops A natural tendency when layering is to add layers on top, like putting a heavy sweater over a blouse. But if the look you're going for is the blouse, not the sweater, layer a silk camisole beneath the blouse to get an added layer of warmth without the bulk. If you choose to wear a thin, fitted sweater (one that's meant to be worn on its own and not over a shirt), try a long-sleeve silk undershirt. These undershirts don't add bulk to your appearance, but they do help you retain body heat. Layering Bottoms If you don't want to wear thick wool slacks, wear a pair of tight underpants made of a thinner material. You can even wear tights under your jeans. Just make sure the jeans aren't tight (otherwise, the extra layer underneath shows). Also, a pair of boots that go up your 80

warmth on your legs. Make a Fashion Statement by Choosing the Right Coats and Jackets Outerwear is just as much of a fashion statement as the clothes you wear beneath them. In fact, in the colder months, it's the first thing people see on you. When you show up to work, dinner or a party - so select a coat or jacket that really expresses your style. One difference between a coat and a jacket is length. Coats are generally longer, giving you more coverage and protection from the cold, and jackets are shorter. Another difference between the two is weight. Coats tend to be heavy and too

warm to wear inside. A jacket is an item that you may wear inside or out. In other words, a coat typically has one purpose; to keep you warm and protect you from the elements. Keep in mind that a great-looking coat makes a fashion statement too. Jackets, on the other hand, are a bit more versatile. They're perfect for warmer temperatures or transition weather, and you can use a jacket much the same way you would use a cardigan or a wrap. If you want to appear longer and thinner, a long coat is a great option. If you're on the taller side, opt for a shorter one





Dressing for Warmth without Looking Bulky By: Cesar Sosa

Down outerwear is called a parka. Parkas come in short, sporty jacket lengths and in full coat length. They're very warm and very light, and if they have Gore-Tex or other microfiber shell, they also protect you from the elements. Fortunately, you don't have to look like a marshmallow man when you wear a parka. You can find chic ones that have minimum bulk.

Apples: If you've got an apple shape, choose a down coat that creates a waist. Look for one with a belt or an inner draw string. (Make sure that you pull it tight).


Pears: If you're pear shaped, go with an A-line jacket, which emphasizes your top while maximizing coverage around your hips.

Plus sizes: A three quarter length coat is the right choice because this length keeps the coat from being too short (which would probably cut you at the wrong spot) or too long (which would just be too bulky).


If you have narrow shoulders: pick a coat with wide lapels to accentuate your upper half while balancing out your lower half.

If you're petite: wear a fitted coat so you don't look like your coat is overwhelmin g you. Keep it in close proportion to your size.

If you've got curves or a thin waistline: pick a coat with a belt to emphasize your waist.

If you're tall: Try a shorter coat to cut your long line and show off your legs.


If you're a little wider in the midsection: A long coat gives you a longer leaner line.

Adding a Shot of Color Winter clothing and coats can be a drab, and wearing dark colors all the time can definitely take a toll on your mood. The last thing you want to do is put on your favorite ivory slacks when it's sleeting outside. Fortunately, you don't have to risk ruining you prized pieces of clothing to add some color to your winter wardrobe. If you're wearing charcoal gray slacks, try pairing them with a sweater set in a bright color.

If you're heavier on top: choose a long coat to provide balance between the top and bottom halves of your body. 87

The same rule applies for coats. If you're wearing a black coat, pair it with a colorful scarf, great bag, a pair of boots, or even a great hat. Use accessories to draw attention away from the coat itself and express your sense of style. However, if your coat, boots, and bag are all of impeccable taste and quality, a dark monochromatic look is very chic and elegant, not drab at all.

Another Easy Transition... Shawls, wraps, and sweater coats. The most versatile item for transitional weather is the shawl or wrap. Sometimes, just adding that one layer warms you up enough when it's chilly. You can also pair a shawl or wrap with other outerwear. If you're wearing a lightweight jacket designed for both indoor and outdoor wear, you can better fend off the cold by throwing a colorful wool or pashmina shawl over your shoulders. And voila, you're all set! 88

Can you wear a spring jacket in the fall and vice versa? Obviously, there's nothing stopping you, but each of these seasons announces the coming one, which is why a spring jacket would be in a lighter, brighter color, while a fall jacket, like one in a black or brown leather is more appropriate for the fall months. Of course, if the jacket is in a neutral beige or gray, or midrange blue or red, it can definitely be worn in both spring and fall. A denim jacket is a great spring-to-summer and fall-to-winter option. Get the look that never goes out of style; your confidence. Find it, on it! Have a happy fashion day. 89





It’s hard enough to maintain any relationship, let alone a romantic one. So often, we forget the importance of nurturing the bond with one another. Neglect can turn any good relationship bad, but a few simple things can be done to keep the fires going, keep lines of communication open and keep the love strong. Here are six very good relationship tips for starters. 1. RESPECT THE FRIENDSHIP Every relationship should begin at the friend level. It may sound basic, but just like the foundation of a home, you must fortify your friendship foundation so that it is strong enough to withstand the weight of a relationship. If the foundation crumbles, then the house falls down. At the deepest level, the foundation of friendship includes, respect, admiration and a genuine “like” for the person you’re with. If you don’t at least have that, then the relationship is doomed. 93


After you’ve been with one person for a while, it’s easy to fall into a rut. You may no longer feel like you have to impress and start paying less and less attention to your appearance. It is very important to remember to make an effort sometimes. Women, put on some red lipstick and a sexy pair of shoes…and nothing else. That will surely get things jumpstarted and will remind him of his attraction to you! Men, pay her some extra special attention, tell her she’s sexy…often. Bring home a little gift to show her that you appreciate her. Every girl likes gifts. Try it and I bet you get a little “gift” in return that night.

3. BE VERBAL When your man looks fine in his suit, tell him! When he steps out the shower, give him a wink and let him know he’s still got it. A lot of times, all it takes is a couple of loving words here and there every day to keep a relationship strong. Especially as women, if we take an hour to get ready for something, then we want to know our efforts are appreciated. Women, don’t be afraid to tell your man you’re proud of him, he needs to hear that. Try this: Tell him that you think he looks hot after mowing the lawn. Who knows? He may even “mow” your lawn next. 94


Don’t ever stop dating each other. The biggest mistake long-term couples make is to stop dating when quality time together is more important than ever. It’s so important that couples still go on dates, no matter how long they’ve been together, it gives you quality alone time and really allows you to just focus on each other. If the standard ‘dinner and a movie’ starts to feel routine, think of unique dates to go on and make it a joint effort so it’s not always something only one of you wants to do. Try new things, see new sights, then come home and try a new “position”.

5. TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE The fact that somebody loves you doesn’t absolve you from the responsibility of loving yourself. To make a relationship last, it’s so important to know and love yourself first. If that takes a while, so be it. It’s never a good idea to rush into a long -term relationship with anyone if you haven’t had one with yourself. It’s important to feel content with the person that you are and to know exactly what you want and what you need in a partner before taking one on.



You may not think the little things matter once you’ve been together for a while, but they really do. Small things like flowers or handwritten notes really show your significant other that you don’t take them for granted. It’s also a reminder of the excitement you felt when your relationship first started. You don’t always have to buy things either – simple touches like surprising them with breakfast in bed, a good back massage or an impromptu trip “downtown”, are all sweet ways to show your love.



Ask Aswanu By: Richarh Aswanu

What's going down? How's everybody doing? Emiaj is out this month so I'm going to hold her down. We all go through drama, and life keeps hitting us with tests. But it's all about growth. Failure is the best teacher. Sometimes I question myself for even doing an advice column, God knows I've made a lot of mistakes, in relationships and life in general. I have seen so much in my 38 years on this earth, and I'm honored to be able to share my experience with you. As promised before, I will give it to you how it really is, even up under my lil jokes, I'm showing love by trying to put a smile on your face and lightening the situation.

Dear Richarh, Years ago I found the man of my dreams. We were madly in love -so I thought. We lived together for 3 years and we were inseparable. He even helped me with my children and made

sure our bill were paid. We were even making plans to get married. And then my father passed away all of a sudden, unexpectantly. I slipped into a deep stage of depression. It seemed like I stayed on medication and slept for 9 months. We drifted apart until he cheated and eventually left me for some other girl. That only added to my depression. I lost my job and my townhouse and had to move back in with my mother. Now that I have my life back on track and pulled myself together, he wants back into my life. Half of me wants to take him back and the other half wants me to tell him to keep steppin'. Truly, Undecided Dear Undecided, This is a tough one. Alot of times when a woman falls into a state of depression they unintentionally shut everyone close to them, including their significant 98

out of their lives. I can imagine dude trying to talk you, trying to do things to cheer you up and even attempting to be intimate with you and you just weren't feeling up to any of it. Now by no means am I saying he was justified in stepping outside of the relationship and abandoning you at a time when you needed him the most. I'm just looking at both sides of the coin. I'm trying to give you impartial advice which is hard in this situation because I have been abandoned by someone I loved very dearly when I needed them the most. Isn't that what true love is all about? Being there for each other, supporting one another through hard times? Anybody will stand by your side while the roses smell good, but what about when the petals start falling off? Life brings trials and tribulations. And chances are, if you take him back you'll need him again. Can you stand to see him cheat or walk away as he did before? History repeats itself. So regretfully, I say it's best to move forward without any bitterness or hard feelings, and leave the past in the past. Peace and Love,

Richarh Aswanu Dear Richarh, I've been going through a dramatic and hectic life with the same woman for the past 18 years of my life. Our relationship has been abusive on both of our parts to the point where we've both been arrested. We don't have any children but we have been married and divorced 3 times. We stay away from each other for a year or so, then we end up in hotel for 3 or 4 days. Next thing I know, we're at the court house getting married again. I know it's crazy. But I just can't stay away from her. Currently, we are ordered by the courts to stay away from each other. However, we've been talking to each other on the phone for the past few months and we've been thinking about getting married again. I can't live with her, and I can't live without her. Drunk in Love.

Dear Drunk, Drunk? Are you sure crack isn't involved. I say that to be funny, but I'm serious. You're addicted homie. I've seen this a few times before. You've outlined the patterns of addiction in your letter. You've tried to stop but you can't. That is a serious sign of addiction. Another sign, you know bad things are going to 99

happen but you run back to her anyway. And what really stands out to me is that you didn't mention how nice of a lady she is, how beautiful she is, or any positive character traits. It's obvious that she has some of that good-good. You said, "We always end up in a hotel for 3 or 4 days." it appears that the love is back. But in all actuality you're riding of a high from a weekend of mind blowing

sex. You've been going through this cycle for 18 years it's not going to change. I can't help you. You need to go for a clean break from this woman and seek counseling immediately. For real. Good luck Homie, I'm praying for you. Peace and Love, Richarh Aswanu



It's Break-Up Season By: Torrie Essex

Attention all hopeless romantics, and rotten ass bastards that take advantage of these types of situations, break-up season is upon us! Brace yourselves, because it is quite possible you could be next. I know alot of you feel secure in your relationships thinking, "I'm straight" or "Me and mines are good." But can you ever really know? Are you really doing everything you can to keep your partner happy? Are you even, (and I know I am going to get judged for this, but) are you doing everything you can to cover your indiscretions?

I'm just sayin'. The reason why I say what I say is because, over the last month or so, we've seen a host of break-ups take place within the celebrity realm. I mean, its couples who we thought would last forever. How cute were former American Idol Jordan Sparks and Jason Derulo? Tell me you didn't think they were going to get married, have kids and live happily ever after like Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon. Hold up, bad example huh? I meant Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose. Damn,


another bad example. Bear with me now, hold up. We'll get it together. Okay, I got one, Kendra and Hank. Dangit! Casper and J.Lo. No, Bruce ad Kris Jenner. You know what? Forget it, I can't think of couple. You see what I mean? No couple is safe, including you and your partner. Even the cute girl from Modern Family couldn't hold it together; Sarah Hyland and boyfriend Matthew Prokop called it quits. Listen, take it from me, a person that knows. I've been in more break-ups than actual relationships. The winter is fast approaching and nothing is worse than trying to mend a broken heart in the dead ass cold. Plus, what's better than being snuggled up in the warmth and comfort of your bed with your baby during the upcoming winter months. Trust me, I use to be that guy to break-up with a chick right before the holidays. I wasn't spending them with your family; they're ratchet just like your ass, you're about all I can deal with. I 'm not 103

taking your stankin ass to my mama's house so you can drink up all the liquor, then try to fight everybody. My sister and my cousins will jump you. I don't want to exchange gifts over Christmas, nor do I want to make idle resolutions with you on New Year's. No heart shaped chocolates and roses, no perfumes, no necklaces on Valentine's Day. None of that traditional, superficial shit people believe will make their relationship work without truly taking a closer look at themselves. I'm cool

on all that. Hit me February 15th and we can kick it until after Halloween when the cycle begins again. This is how some people really think. Trust me, I know, this was me a few years ago until I found that special one, she's changed me. Now, I look forward to those holidays. Basically, if you love the one you're with, get a "stay together" shot because the break-up bug is going around. Until whatever goes down in our culture next month...



Y'all might remember her from the "Round the Way Girl" interview in our last issue; she had on the black cat suit, the feisty lil mama with the slick mouth on her, we went back and forth with such a flirtatious and playful banter, many of our readers took notice. We got a lot of feedback from that interview. So now, Jenn is a permanent part of Urban Image Magazine. We will be debating on different topics every month. Feel free to send us topics that you would like us to debate or you can even write in with your opinions. Who knows, you might see them printed in the next issue...

Who is more responsible for the breakdown in most relationships, men or women? Richarh: Of course I'm going to say

thing's smooth. Then, out of boredom,

women. Women switch up too much.

women will start drama just to create

Alot of times the relationship can be run- some excitement. ning on cruise control, you know, every106

Jenn: I will say women as well but your reasoning is, so let's say manish. I doubt it's for excitement.... women jump into relationships knowing there is red flags flying high that the relationship will not work but thinking oh I can make it work. I can change them later. It never happens in the end and they're stuck wondering Wtf just happen.... If a man sees a red flag of any kind they are hitting and quitting and asking no questions..... Now for the relationship's that are on cruise control n ship wreck out of nowhere??? I think its cause women tend to over think things causing issues that are not needed trying to fix what is not broken ...but there's a handful of mitches these days. Yes, male bi*#ches whose emotions are all over the place and have the same female tendencies #Yuk.... Now I know you expected the typical "Men are the cause of everything wrong.... they can't keep it in their pants." answer but not from this chick lmao. Richarh: Jenn, I have to disagree baby

relationship rolls on cruise control without any bumps or drama, a woman will stir the pot. Whether intentionally or subconsciously. Women need emotion and passion. These are the words of a woman. "A woman would rather be totally confused than suffer the boredom of security." For real, women get bored with a

good man. Except for the very experienced one who is tired from years and years of games and drama. The ones that realize they threw Mr. Right away years ago. And male bitches? That's not fair! Lol. I

don't get to throw the B word around up in here. But that's exactly what I be talking about, when a man gives his heart to a woman and gives his all, and loves her, respects her and shows a softer, gentler side, he's disrespected by the woman he loves and is looked upon as a mitch. SMH, can't win. I still love you though. I think we should get mar-

doll. It's for excitement. Women don't re- ried and you can cheat on me with all the alize it but they get bored easily, and if a women you want‌ 107

Jenn: Lmbo!!!!!!!!! As far as it being for excitement will have to agree to disagree but on the mitch thing you can be soft and passionate without being an over emotional male who can't stand his own... for example Mamas Boys, men who let females drag them threw the dirt, All mitches! Almost forgot males also get bored and look for new poom poom don't they? Richarh: I don't know what you're laughin for, I'm serious. I'd love to come home and catch you cheatin on me with your girlfriend. But back to the debate. I won't necessarily say men go looking for new poom-poom out of boredom. I'd say it's a lack of co-operation or willingness

to participate. Sometimes, after the relationship goes on for a while the woman forgets all the freaky tricks she used to snag her man in the first place, or she hardly gives it up altogether. Then, what are we supposed to do? Jenn: I could never do the things to her to you that just wouldn't work ....on with the discussion: Ummm men get boring as well you know and can be are very selfish lovers. So the female starts being the freak of all freaks and still get cheated on ...men love and seek attention from new poom poom whether it's because of peer pressure or pride....

From our Social Media Pages: Emiaj AhDai Good question, I don't think that either are more the reason. I feel like communication or the lack of is the reason .



with Deszion



BAD BUSINESS, BAD BUSINESS, BAD BUSINESS! Do you get my point? Look , you're not going to get any positive advice from me about a married man . Don't be “that girl .� You're a mistress. And you're letting your feelings get involved . This won't go anywhere but down and if it gets messy, guess what? You'll lose your job, be hard pressed to find another one (because that mess WILL follow you), and 99% of men who cheat on their wives never leave them. Of the 1% who leave their wives for the mistress, they cheat on her, too. Don't be a fool . Value yourself more . Don't assume nobody knows at work , either. Men gossip more than women , and f you act like you're getting too attached , as soon as pink slips start floating around , don't be shocked when one lands on your desk . A good man can be yours, but you have to respect yourself to wait on one .






Directions: In a large pot, melt the butter, then add the minced garlic and cook until aroma is released. Once garlic is light brown, add the chicken broth, tomato paste, diced tomato and reduce until desired consistency. In a separate pan, add a little vegetable oil and cook sausages until brown. Drizzle lightly with honey and put in shallow hotel pan and place in oven. Julienne the red & green bell peppers and the onions. Melt butter and sautÊ the vegetables until tender. Add the tender veggies to the peppers along with the warm sauce and place back into the oven for 20 – 30 minutes.




Italian Sausage Green Bell Pepper Red Bell Pepper Yellow Onion Honey Vegetable Oil

Sauce: Italian Seasoning tt Fresh Basil tt Fresh Oregano tt Fresh Thyme tt Fresh Rosemary tt Black Pepper Minced Garlic Tomato Paste Canned Diced Tomato Chicken Broth (made from chicken base) Unsalted Butter Water as Needed


UIM�S Round the Way Girl

Richarh: What's up baby girl, how you doin'? I'm doing awesome. How are you handsome? Adrienne: You have a beautiful smile what's keeping you happy these days? Sex and music lol those two things should keep any Diva happy. R: Your hair is so curly and lustrous and full is it all yours? A: Well since I bought it yea its mine. R: Name 3 things that make you smack your lips, twist up your face, and say "Boy please." A: Weak game, bad breath and dirty nails. R: Alright Luv, check it out; since you're a songstress let's play a game with a few song titles, cool? 118

Name: Adrienne LaShe Social Media Info: wwwmsoundclou.com /adrienne-hewitt w. Facebook: www.Facebook. com/ adriennelashesinger Twitter: adriennelashe Instagram: adriennelashediva Location: Arlington, Tx originally from Los Angeles, Ca Zodiac Sign: Taurus Favorite Drink: White Russian


A: Sounds good let's do it. R:Which song best describes your experience and feelings in relationships and why; The One by Tamar Braxton, All of Me by John Legend, The Worst by Jhene Aiko, Next by Seven Streeter, It won't Stop, also by Seven Streeter or DUI by Ciara? A:I'm going to go with Jhene Aiko with "The Worst" quite simple I have worst luck can you believe that but she was definitely speaking to me so right now that's on repeat. 120

R: Kisses Down Low or Good kisser? Hint: your answer'll let us know if you're a selfish lover or not. A: Definitely kisses down low buuuuut good kisser comes into place. R: Which song best describes you in the bedroom and why; Invented Sex by Tre Songs, The Zone by The Weekend, Neighbors Know My Name by Tre Songs, Partition by Beyonce' or are you a straight up "Super Freak" Rick James? A: Partition I would have to say. Sexually there are no boundaries I love to examine the body I love to try new things I definitely believe in spicing up the sex life and never trying anything twice there are too many positions to try why double back. R: If you were trying to win your way into a man's heart, what song would you sing to him? A: I would have to say Soon As I get home by Faith Evans with that song 121

his ass is already putty in my hands. R: Now if you never wanted to see a dude again, what would you sing? A: Irreplaceable by BeyoncĂŠ straight to the point get your ass on to the left to left. R: I saw a picture of you with a whip in your mouth. What is that used for? A: Well I like to use my imagination. I'm very sexual so if you like it rough because I do then break out the whips chains and whip cream pull my hair and let me spank you one time. R: Are you one of those mean dominatrix types that know how to make her man behave? A: I wouldn't say mean more savvy I keep you hard and wanting to be spanked by me I definitely know how to make a man behave.



What Women Wish We Knew‌ By: Richarh Aswanu

they love porn as much as we do.

anytime we do something with another woman that we wouldn't do in front of her -it's cheating.

they can't promise not to be mad if we tell them the truth, but they will be totally pissed if we lie.



expensive dates and gifts won't impress a woman who is looking for a relationship, but thoughtful gifts and surprises will earn us coochie points

they want to be the most important thing in our lives.

they know that we will never understand them, they just want us to try.

they love hugs and tender kisses.


that we are to never, ever, under any circumstances eat the last peice of chocolate. (Especially during that time of the month)



When Do We Forgive? By: Lonnie Hall

We are living in a world where information is at our fingertips. The media coverage of world events is phenomenal.

For instance, Donald Sterling used to own the Los Angeles Clippers until his conversation with his biracial girlfriend was made public. Society became infuriated with his racist rant and many were disgusted by it. Sterling's wife was able to sell the team for about 2 billion dollars. This was an instance where freedom of speech came with some pricey consequences. Even though some may argue selling the Clippers for a couple billion is far from a loss. 128

It wasn't that long ago when there was alot of coverage over Michael Vick's dog fighting case, which caused society to cry out against cruelty to animals. Vick served his time and once he was released he began promoting protection for animals. He sought reinstatement with the NFL, which was granted and he joined the Philadelphia Eagles. He had some success with the team and now he has a position with the NY Jets as a back-up quarterback.

Most recently the NFL has come under fire for how they have handled domestic situations. Some are calling for Roger Goodell to hand in his resignation. It is very easy to look back and see where mistakes were made, but in the moment, things may not always be clearly black and white.


Many say they want due process, situation at hand. But what happens yet they don't allow time for it to take if an individual turns out to be innoplace. They just want to see swift cent? Then what? punishment and move on from the

The University of Louisville is giving Bobby Petrino another chance to coach the Cardinal's football team. Back in 2006 he had signed a two year extension with the University. But shortly thereafter, he accepted the head coaching position of the NFL's Atlanta Falcon, with three games left in the season he accepted the head coaching position at the University of Arkansas. Petrino coached the Razorbacks for about four years until he was involved in a motorcycle incident while riding with his 25 year old girlfriend. The accident brought his infidelity to light and almost shattered his family. It cost him his carrier at Arkansas, but he was able to piece his family back together. He started over at the University of Western Kentucky before he made the move back to Louisville. 130

Some people are given second back and review all aspects of any chances, we know people aren't per- situation and get all of the facts befect. But as lives are played out in fore voicing assumptions in news coverages and on social media. Come on! We had a president get his balls knuckled in the oval office by an employee and we pay him to talk for a living! But we still mad at Pete Rose for doing what happens illegally on Wall Street everyday?#GetOverIt #Hypocrites ~ Amaru

the media, mistakes are made and over time society may forgive them for what they have done. So, I ask society and the media to take a step


As a society we should be looking for solutions that will let us become better people. Our athletes are in the spotlight and whether they like it or not, they are role models for the younger generation.

Things you Need to Have in Your Overnight Bag By: Richarh Aswanu

Hey fellas, it's getting cold outside and alot of women are out there looking for someone to kep them warm. So, just incase some sexy mama bear decides to pull you into her cave for the evening, I'm going to hit you with a list of essentials to keep in your overnight bag so you'll always be ready.

A toothbrush, that's the first thing on the list. If you're able to brush your teeth the next morning, you'll be more comfortable with hanging around for breakfast and engaging in a little conversation, instead of rushing out the door because your breath is hot. And make sure the toothbrush is new, a used one will cause her to draw the conclusion that you spend the night with different women all the time. The next thing, condoms. These days, rubbers are a must. You can end up with an unexpected child, a trip to the clinic in fear you have contracted something you can't give back!


A female friendly alcoholic beverage. Vodka is almost always a winner. You can mix it with whatever she has fruity in her fridge, and you're in there. A pack of swisher sweets. There's nothing worse than trying to set the mood, then you have to get up and run to the store for something to roll the loud in. A clean change of clothes. Keep it basic; pair of draws and socks, a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Again, you'll get the side-eye if she feels you're "too prepared". A stick of deodorant. A wave brush. Again, if you're able to wake up and get yourself together; You'll feel more comfortable hanging around and spending time with her the morning after. That way, she won't feel like such a booty call. Plus, it will save you the worries of having to rush home to get ready for work or whatever else you might have to do, leaving more time for her.


Oh yeah, can't forget a mixed CD of your favorite music to have sex to. I usually keep two mixes. One to make love to, and another for a straight up freaky sexfest. Depends on the lady and her mood. Drop all of these items into a nice little back pack and toss it in your trunk, and you'll never be caught off guard.



UIM’s Sex Facts‌ By: Richarh Aswanu

Sex triggers chemicals in your brain that inspires creativity.

A woman has a higher chance of climaxing if her vaginal walls are stimulated. It's not about the length all the time, it's the girth.

Women over 40 masturbate more than any other group.


Wearing high heels strengthens a woman's pelvic muscles which makes it easier for her to have an orgasm. Cop her a pair.

Strippers make more money while ovulating. The natural pheromones her body releases during this period makes her more attractive to the male species.

People with higher I.Q.'s are better lovers. They're sensitive to their partner's needs.


People who have sex about 3 to 4 times a week look 7 years younger.

58% of couples who use porn are more confident in their sexuality and fulfilling their partners needs.




Scream Gems: 5 Must See Movies This Halloween Season By: Larrod Evans

They don't make horror movies like they used to. Remember when you put extra measures to ensure your door were locked after watching a scary flick? Or how about when the girls in the movie theater screams when something spooky unexpectantly jumps out at the screen? This month, UIM gets you ready for the most frightening time of the year with these vintage nail biters... Turn out the lights at your own risk! 1. Basketcase(1982): Conjoined twins are separated at birth. One turns out normal, but the other is an evil deformed flesh craving midget that gets carried around by his brother in a basket. Sounds a lil cheesy, yeah, but I assure that you won't be disappointed.

2. Candyman (1990): Filmed in the infamous Cabrini Green Projects in Chicago, this Clive Barker classic will have you hesitant about looking in the mirror. The years of atrocities that took place in that housing development adds to the chill factor in this must see skin crawler.


3. Hellraiser 3: Farewell To The Flesh (1990): Yet another gore fest by the master of the macabre, Clive Barker. This sado-machoist screamer is the third installment starring the legendary pinhead and his demented squad of cenobites. The club massacre scene alone is worth checking this one out.

4. Poltergeist (1982): The majority of the supporting cast all died mysterious deaths in the years following the filming of this Spielberg paranormal flick... need I say more?

5. The Last House On The Left (1972): Don't let the release date fool you. This controversial and extra brutal slasher is the original debut movie from horror legend Wes Craven. In 2009, he gave us a remake, but toned it down considerably. After watching the original, you will call to check up on those closest to you.


ARIES As you move through your day on the 1st, you might notice that there are undercurrents of emotion making themselves felt. Whether you're continually dropping things (a cup, a plate, a glass) or just feeling inexplicably off, pay attention. When old emotions crop up, it's a great opportunity to shed unnecessary baggage. A kind of emotional housecleaning, if you will. But ignore these impulses, and you'll be doing the equivalent of stuffing that stained silk shirt into the bottom drawer: The shirt will never get clean, the stain will set and you'll have less space. By the 4th and 5th, you definitely want to go for a swim or go to yoga. Getting in touch with your body will ground you, and that's

what you need, now. You're in a great mood on the 10th and 11th. For good reason: Everything's great! Caution is your keyword on the 15th. By the 19th, 20th and 21st, you should be thinking romantically and cooking organically. Stand your ground at work and at the gym on the 24th, 25th and 26th. Discover something new on the 29th and 30th

TAURUS You are a passionate, passionate, passionate person. And on the 1st that could mean you are also feeling a little bit jealous. If that's the case, go for a really nice, long jog. There's nothing quite like physical exercise to put things in 143

their proper perspective (and show you that, really, jealousy is a waste of energy). Enlightenment could arrive in an unexpected form on the 4th and 5th. Keep your eyes and ears and heart open! Don't set out on a journey alone when you could set out with a partner or a team on the 10th or 11th. Things really look wonderful, and they are, too, on the 12th and 13th. Wonderful! Be sure to treasure these precious moments in your heart. Be your regular, confident self on the 19th, 20th and 21st. How can you best demonstrate this quiet, confident quality? Why, by being humble, of course. Your actions speak for themselves. Your routine could be more exciting on the 24th, 25th and 26th. How? Only you can figure that out! All that glitters is not gold, and every work situation involves a tradeoff, so think things over carefully before committing on the 29th and 30th.


It looks like you're thinking a lot about your health on the 1st. What could you do to improve your fitness? How could you streamline your diet? Have you ever thought about going to a pro to talk about your feelings? Well, when it comes to personal health and well-being, there is

no time like the present! That's still true on the somewhat turbulent 4th and 5th (talking to somebody with professional training about your work-related feelings could really, really help). By the 8th and 9th, you definitely want to focus on doing something creative (after all, you are so very talented!). Great ideas, great followthrough and great vibes conspire to make the 14th, 15th and 16th really, really fantastic. Make a bright idea of yours a definite plan which can then be turned into fully-executed reality on the 19th, 20th and 21st. Yay! Romance is really, really, really what's on your mind and in your heart and penciled into your day planner on the 24th, 25th and 26th. Enjoy! Be as open to new ideas and other ways of doing things as you possibly can on the 29th and 30th.

CANCER If you're feeling like there's just too much upheaval in your life on the 1st, then it might be a good idea to step back from whatever professional or personal unrest you're experiencing and do a little bit of intensive self-care. What steps could you take to enhance your cardio workout? What about your sleep cycle? Have you looked into alternative therapies for any


could find that the stress just melts away. realm of love or business or real estate or (Funny, that!) By the go-big 4th and 5th, all of the above leaves you feeling absoyou want to go big. Do it! Let your lutely wonderful on the 19th, 20th and dreams and intuitions guide you on the 21st. What could be better? Not much! 9th and 10th. Boogie all night long, or You should have good luck with somesimilar, on the wild-and-crazy (and fun!) thing technical on the 24th, 25th or 26th. 14th, 15th and 16th. Great news gives Be glad! Romance is back at the top of you that wonderful natural high on the your list on the 29th and 30th. This is 17th and 18th. You'll definitely need to great! What kind of awesome outing/ compromise on the 24th, 25th and 26th, dinner/hike in the woods have you got if you want to maintain harmony in your planned? personal relationships. Be good to yourself on the 29th and 30th. What about a VIRGO massage? Or a nice, long bubble bath? Your intellectual curiosity has always been one of your most amazing qualities, LEO and you are curious in a big way on the The more deeply you look at an issue on 1st! So go to the library and check out the 1st, the more deeply you will under- some philosophy books. Or head to the stand it. Even if you think this sounds ob- botanical garden and learn everything you vious, it isn't: There are times when, no can about a certain kind of flower (or fasmatter how hard you think about some- cinating poison plant!). Whatever the topthing, you get nowhere. Now, though, se- ic that's caught your interest is, be sure to rious time and attention will really pay give it plenty of room in your imaginaoff. So invest in yourself. By the 2nd and tion. Get creative on the 4th, 5th and 6th. 3rd, you are ready for romance! It feels Or, a better way of putting it might be: really, really good to connect on an emo- Let your innate creativity flow freely. Aftional and spiritual level, right now. ter all, all you really need to do to tap inSmooching is awesome, too. Research an to your creative side is stop trying to conissue, rather than jumping to conclusions trol it! Watch your budget on the 10th about it, on the 8th and 9th. Brainstorm and 11th. By the work-focused 14th, 15th on the 14th, 15th and 16th: You'll im- and 16th, what you need to watch is your press even yourself. A conquest in the work! Go to yoga to stay mentally flexible 145

could find that the stress just melts away. realm of love or business or real estate or (Funny, that!) By the go-big 4th and 5th, all of the above leaves you feeling absoyou want to go big. Do it! Let your lutely wonderful on the 19th, 20th and dreams and intuitions guide you on the 21st. What could be better? Not much! 9th and 10th. Boogie all night long, or You should have good luck with somesimilar, on the wild-and-crazy (and fun!) thing technical on the 24th, 25th or 26th. 14th, 15th and 16th. Great news gives Be glad! Romance is back at the top of you that wonderful natural high on the your list on the 29th and 30th. This is 17th and 18th. You'll definitely need to great! What kind of awesome outing/ compromise on the 24th, 25th and 26th, dinner/hike in the woods have you got if you want to maintain harmony in your planned? personal relationships. Be good to yourself on the 29th and 30th. What about a VIRGO massage? Or a nice, long bubble bath? Your intellectual curiosity has always been one of your most amazing qualities, LEO and you are curious in a big way on the The more deeply you look at an issue on 1st! So go to the library and check out the 1st, the more deeply you will under- some philosophy books. Or head to the stand it. Even if you think this sounds ob- botanical garden and learn everything you vious, it isn't: There are times when, no can about a certain kind of flower (or fasmatter how hard you think about some- cinating poison plant!). Whatever the topthing, you get nowhere. Now, though, se- ic that's caught your interest is, be sure to rious time and attention will really pay give it plenty of room in your imaginaoff. So invest in yourself. By the 2nd and tion. Get creative on the 4th, 5th and 6th. 3rd, you are ready for romance! It feels Or, a better way of putting it might be: really, really good to connect on an emo- Let your innate creativity flow freely. Aftional and spiritual level, right now. ter all, all you really need to do to tap inSmooching is awesome, too. Research an to your creative side is stop trying to conissue, rather than jumping to conclusions trol it! Watch your budget on the 10th about it, on the 8th and 9th. Brainstorm and 11th. By the work-focused 14th, 15th on the 14th, 15th and 16th: You'll im- and 16th, what you need to watch is your press even yourself. A conquest in the work! Go to yoga to stay mentally flexible 146

on the 20th. By the amazingly wonderful you, first (and it might). Get ready for a 22nd and 23rd, you feel great, look irre- really nice couple of days on the 19th, sistible and get a whole lot accomplished, 20th and 21st. Then, be sure to enjoy to boot. Give your brain plenty of food them. By the pretty amazing 24th, 25th for thought on the 28th. Slow down and and 26th, you are flirting, you are being take plenty of time, for everything, on the flirted with, and you are generally sur29th and 30th rounded by beauty, which, after all, is wonderful. Express yourself on the 29th and 30th. Just do it. LIBRA Ah, life's always a balance! Do you spend a little too much money today on something that's really great and you really need, then save tomorrow? Or vice versa? Well, on the 1st, it's just this kind of thing that's going to be on your mind. Keep close watch on what you need and what you want and do your best to balance the two. If you're feeling kind of drowsy or down on the 4th, 5th or 6th, then maybe you need to give yourself a little break! After all, when's the last time you took some time just for you? Burning the candle at both ends -- what with social obligations and workplace demands and family stuff and that leftover living room painting project you never quite finished -- will really wear you out after a while! Focus on your relationships on the 10th and 11th. Are you ready to experience something new? It sure looks like it on the 15th and 16th. So go for it! Find something new, if it doesn't come to

SCORPIO Your month gets off to a great big beautiful bang on the 1st. You might win a prize or organize a winning team or get a great big bunch of beautiful flowers from the person you have really, really desired, for oh-so-long. Or, absolutely nothing at all might happen, and you'll still feel absolutely, positively great. It's just that kind of day for you! You're all set for a couple of terrific business days on the 4th, 5th and 6th. Make the most of this opportunity! You'll want to step back and take several deep breaths whenever anything annoys you on the 10th and 11th. Otherwise, you could find yourself in hot water (and you don't want that). If you're gambling on the 14th, 15th or 16th, be sure that you know that's what you're doing. Tread softly on the 20th. (No need to worry about the big stick.) By the 24th, 25th and 26th, you might need to really


listen. Everything's going swimmingly, again, on the fabulous 28th and 29th. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! An impulse buy might not be the right move on the 30th. So why make it?

SAGITTARIUS You are pretty darned magnetic on the 1st (and, as a matter of fact, every day!). Who are you attracting, now? You'll probably have a pretty specific idea of just who it is that admires you so much, by the spectacular 2nd, 3rd and 4th. And you'll probably have a pretty good idea about just how happy it makes you! If you're feeling just a little exhausted on the 8th and 9th, it's no wonder! After all, you've been going-going-going, so far, this month! At some point, the party shoes have to come off and you need to catch up on your rest. Do it, now! You are getting pretty darned philosophical on the 14th, 15th and 16th. That is awesome! Why not catch up on a little heavy-duty reading? You are very likely to get very lucky on the 19th, 20th or 21st, especially in regards to anything involving travel. Yay! You are one popular bear -- at work, at home and anywhere else you spend time -- on the 24th, 25th and 26th (and every other day, of course). Wonderful news, wonderful vibes and wonderful

times make you feel great on the 29th and 30th.

CAPRICORN It looks like you're worried about the ephemeral things in life on the 1st. Power, influence, prestige: Sure, these things count. But are they really important? That's the question you need to ask yourself, before you get too wrapped up in the pursuit of all this stuff. What about peace and quiet? What about calm and a sense of well-being? These qualities are ultimately what you need, to have a rich life. By the totally fabulous 4th and 5th, you have met your match, and you are both pretty happy about it. As you should be! Romance is playing a key (and really, really fun) role in your life on the oh-sosunny 12th and 13th. If everyone around you is overreacting to something on the 17th or 18th, don't follow suit. Keep your cool and wait for this to all blow over. Details are crucial to making this plan work on the 22nd and 23rd, so keep an eye on them. The better grasp you have of the situation, the better off you'll be! Persevere on the 29th and 30th. Your idea is truly a good one.



Your feelings always run deep. But on the 1st, they are running deeper than usual. You are feeling strongly. You are experiencing authentically. The best plan, for you, right now? Be present. Be real. Feel. Even if some difficult, confusing or strange emotions arise, they will end up making your life richer, fuller and happier. Reject your emotions, though, and you'll do yourself a real disservice. Discipline is what it is all about, for you, on the 4th and 5th. So go swimming, or go for a walk, or go for a run, or do whatever it is you told yourself you were going to do in order to enhance your taking-careof-you program. Some wonderful, lovely, loving, romantic, friend-filled days really bring you joy on the 6th and 7th. Again, be sure to be there for this -- emotionally, physically and spiritually. Embrace the odd, the strange and the just plain bizarre on the 12th and 13th. If you want things to work well with your honey bunny (or your business partner), you will need to compromise with them on the 19th, 20th and 21st. You and they may not be on the same page on the 24th, 25th or 26th. Think broadly on the 29th and 30th.

PISCES If there is one image you want to make a serious concerted effort not to project on the 1st, it's that of wishy-washy, step-onme doormat! That's not who you are, so make sure that people know that (otherwise, they'll have to find out the hard way, and that's more trouble to you, in terms of time and energy and so forth, than it's worth). So project your inner strength! Stand tall! Be wise! You are all that, and more, after all. A helping hand reaches down and helps guide you on the 4th or 5th, and you're deeply grateful. Wonderful news, wonderful love letters, and a wonderful date (or two) really work wonders, for you, on the wonderful (is there any other way to put it?) 8th and 9th. You're in one of those fascinating, mutable phases on the 14th, 15th and 16th when, if you just let yourself be carried along by the current, you could glimpse absolutely amazing treasures at the bottom of the ocean. Focus on your health on the 19th, 20th and 21st. Out with the old and in with the new on the 24th, 25th and 26th! Maybe it really is time for new curtains? Stand up for what you believe in on the 29th and 30th.



Red’s Corner By: Rodney Carter

In this addition of Red’s Corner we are talking about the Ray Rice issue. The hook as I will call it. John Harbaugh reportedly tried to get Ray suspended from football. This situation was overruled by the team and Ray received a two game suspension. Raven’s owner Steve Bisciotti and several high-ranking team officials work feverishly to keep Ray out of jail and keep the video. Some- himself as a sex symbol when he stated how TMZ received the video $$$$ which that black men should leave these ghetto raised some eyebrows. Janay Rice stood black females alone and go get a white by her husband side stating that she has

girl. WOW! Terrance this is not hustle

had trouble sleeping Ray was helping her and flow man. So Terrance kill yourself, out. I saw the video when he hit her I ac- also in the news Peyton Manning stated tually saw her soul leave her body. Janay that since Colorado has legalized marijunow keeps a mouth piece in at all times

ana his 21 papa john business has in-

just in case. Terrance Howard has killed

creased tremendously. He couldn’t be 151

hell for that comment. Peyton was re-

I’m Dirty Red and this was another addi-

portedly outside the building where you tion of Red’s Corner. get the marijuana passing out coupons. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t won that many super bowl always over passing.




One of the most controversial lyricists out right now is Lupe Fiasco. If you recall, this was the man that was asked to perform at Obama's inauguration (heaven knows why) and performed “Words I never said” repeatedly for over 30 minutes. This is a song that openly criticizes the president about his action-or lack of action- about things going on in the world at that time. Lupe has long been a many of few words off the mic and a great many profound ones on it. But like most controversial rappers, the message gets lost in the beat by most, and Lupe always has a deeper meaning to the words he spits. In this first edition of BREAKING DOWN THE LYRICS I'm going to go over his newest track “ Next To It” featuring Ty Dolla $ign and see if we can catch the meaning Lupe is trying to throw. CLICK TO SEE THE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gRPsz7Gf5k


[Intro: Lupe Fiasco] What it say? Next to it, to it, to it, to it, to it, to it Ne-next to it, to it, to it, to it, to it, to it [Verse 1: Lupe Fiasco] Money ain't shit when there's wealth next to it

Wealth ain't shit when there's health next to it Lupe is saying that money is great, but why have money when you can be wealthy? But no matter how much money you have, you can't buy health. Health is more valuable over everything. In the lane, with nobody else next to it He sees himself in his own “lane,” or on his own level, and nobody is there with him. He's kind of right. Ain't get here by myself, lot of help next to it Word to chilly chill, that's myself let's do it First and fifteenth en-t, FNF music Album number five, aye nigga, let's do it Don't say my name, 'less my city next to it Charles “Chilly” Patton, Lupe’s former business partner and mentor, is who Lupe is referring to in this part.. Lupe credits this person as the guy who made it possible for him to be where he is. 1st and 15th Entertainment is a record label founded by Lupe and Chilly in 2002. F&F is an acronym for First & Fifteenth. Lupe wants you to associate Chicago every time you talk to him. Anything look good with a titty next to it And the titty got a face that's pretty next to it 155

Riding 'round town something really exclusive Whenever you see a high end ca at a car show, they always make it a point to have a sexy female around it. This si done to make the car look more attractive. In real life, even a regular car looks more attractive with an attractive person around it. This song is primarily focusing on our perspective about things. Bump a little Pac with some Biggie next to it Nigga, that's love with a twist next to it Nigga, that's a blood with a crip next to it It seems like nobody can play/speak about Biggie without another party referencing Tupac, and vice versa. It's inevitable. Same with the Bloods and Crips. Even though they're seen as enemies/polar opposites, they are always put together, sometimes seeming like one needs the other to define themselves. The irony is the point.

At the Bulls game, like a tree gift next to it Yes, nigga, that's the floor and I sit next to it Let's do it Another reference to his hometown of the Windy City. Lupe can always be found courtside at a home game like a Christmas present under the tree.


[Hook: Ty Dolla $ign] Everything look better with a bitch, next to it Rollie on the wrist, let's do this Marketing companies know what everyone else does: sex sells. They can take an ordinary thing, like a microwave, as used in the video, and make it look more attractive.. If you buy this microwave, chicks will love it, is the subconscious message. The Rolex (and roofless car) refers to how men tend to buy expensive things in order to impress women. Lupe himself owns a Rolex, but remember:

Yeah, you got some silverware, but really are you eating though?


Ain't impressed, it's the bitch that do it Let's do it, The car and the watch isn't that impressive, it's the sexy woman attached to the advertisement that's selling the product

Club ain't tur ned 'less some bitches into it It's the bitch that do it If there aren't any sexy women in the club, the men ain't gonna go. Point blank period. No dude is trying to go to a sausage fest. [Verse 2: Lupe Fiasco] Crib ain't shit 'less a whip next to it You can have a nice house, but nobody really cares unless you have a nice car outside of it. Whip ain't shit 'less a Benz next to it ...Then again, who cares about your regular car if there's a Benz beside it? (see what's happening here?) Your perception keeps changing... It's like nobody can truly be satisfied because they are always looking at who/ what is considered more than what they have. But a Benz ain't shit when a Rari next to it Rari ain't shit when a Zonda next to it Really tell a difference when a Honda next to it But a Honda is the shit when you jogging next to it See what he did there? He keeps referencing cars that trump the previous 158

Cause this a miracle, I'm still rocking, let's do it, let's do it This is a biblical reference. The Virgin Mary was a impregnated through immaculate conception, i.e. the condom next to a baby momma

Still need a comma with a zero next to it Then another comma with a zero next to it Then a zero next to it and a zero next to it Then another fucking comma, then a zero next to it Nigga, what we talking that's a million, let's do it Nigga, what we talking that's a million, let's do it The lyric crucially starts, “Zero need a comma with a zero next to it.� He then counts 6 zeroes which makes a million. Commas are used to make reading easier when it comes to large figures. The standard is a comma every 3 figures but theoretically you can add a comma anywhere. Therefore: 1,000,000 = 10,000,0,0.

Still at the bottom with a million next to it Cause a million ain't shit when a billion next to it A billion ain't shit when a trillion next to it

You may have a million dollars, but what's a million when there's a billion beside it? A trillion? Again referencing the tendency to never be satisfied.

Captain save a ho, she want a hero next to it But I ain't tryna hear it, put my ear up next to it Cause it's strange to a nigga, got a weirdo next to it Referencing a female out for his money, but wants a hero, even though 159

she's “out there,” i.e. Captain Save A Ho. Nigga, your wallet got a robber next to it Black ski mask with a chopper next to it You might need a bed with a doctor next to it But, nigga, I ball like soccer next to it Let's do it

You may have money, but if there's a robber right beside you, what's in your pocket isn't going to matter, cuz it's about to get jacked. And your money may just put you in the hospital. Fun Fact: Lupe was the Musical Director for the United States Men’s National Team during the World Cup , i.e. the soccer reference. [Hook: Ty Dolla $ign] [Verse 3: Lupe Fiasco] Nigga, my hood feel like heaven, with third world's next to it But nigga we good and we'll be even better With thirty girls next to us Were I live may seem like the slum to you, but to a third world country, it's heaven. We take the simple things for granted, don't we? Yeah, the White House had a trap next to it Yeah, nigga, that's a fact next to it My house had a trap next to it Aye, nigga, where's the house, let's do it 160

Even though the White House in in D.C., and it's a mansion, it's surrounded by poverty, one of the hardest hit cities in the U.S. And drug deals go on 24-7 right beside it. Your chest ain't shit 'less a chain next to it Chain ain't shit 'less gold next to it But gold ain't shit when a diamond next to it Your beat ain't shit 'less I'm rhyming next to it, huh, huh

Shining next to it, shit ain't real can't find her next to it Okay, a few things are going on here, but essentially mean the same thing. No body cares about your chest/appearance unless you've gold a chain on, which is often seen s a symbol of wealth in the community. But nobody cares about your chain unless it's gold. This is also referencing the status of album sales. What's a gold album/chain next to one with a diamond? The same thing goes with your beat. Who cares about your beat if I'm not on it? (pops collar)

Nigga, let's park it on the red carpet Grammy Awards, my momma next to it Let's do it [Hook: Ty Dolla $ign]


Lupe is known for bringing his mother to the Grammys. She actually accepted his only win on his behalf.

Hopefully this gave you more insight to this track. It's one of my current faves, and I'm one who believes in knowing what an artist is actually talking about rather than guessing. Until next time!!!



Alright ya'll, I missed it last month, but this month I'm back to give ya'll the some of the Dumbest Shit in the History of Dumb Shit. Let's start this month off with an honorable mention. Now this chick used a pound of bacon in an attempt to set her ex-boyfriends house on fire. According to the Associated Press Cameo Crispi of Utah called her ex over and over as she sat in his house. Dude called the police and told them that he didn't want her in his crib. When the police got there, they saw smoke flowing out of the front door and Crispi was drunk. The officers observed a wood burning stove with hot coals spread out on the floor, and a pound of bacon "severely burned and smoking badly." Now, I don't understand the coals, but check it out did ya'll notice the chick's name is Crispi? I found that very ironic, that she tried to use a pound of crispy ass bacon to burn dudes house down. She admitted to the whole plot while under observation at the hospital. Hell naw... 164

Now this the shit I be talkin' about right here, Henry Rose and Nekoase Vinson were serving time in the county jail. They were allowed to attend a private viewing of their grandmother's body at Bently and Sons funeral home in Macon, Georgia. According to a witness, after they were given privacy, the disrespectful and ignorant ass young men reached into their grandmother's casket and stuffed a cell phone, some weed and some tobacco into their shorts. I guess their dumb asses didn't think they guards back at the jail were going to strip search them upon their return. The contraband was found and now they are facing additional charges. Smh. How you use your grandmother's body to do some dirt. See, dumb ass shit like that is why they wouldn't let me go to my mother's funeral when she passed away during my incarceration. So congratulations, ya'll are going down as doing The Dumbest Shit in the History of Dumb Shit.


What’s Goin On Today This Month By: Talia Rice

The Aftermath. What Now For The NFL? Ray and Janay Rice are having the worst year ever. Immediately following his two game suspension TMZ released the video of what really happened on that night at the casino with his then fiancĂŠ. Even for me it was too gruesome to

watch. As soon as this was released to the public the Baltimore Ravens cancelled his contract and suspended him indefinitely. Of course Ray Rice is going to appeal that decision. But one of the most disturbing is his now wife Janay blames social media for ruining her family and taking away the one thing he loved which


was football. Her perception of who is responsible is chopped and screwed. The whole reason they are in this mess is because her husband chose to use her face as a punching bag. So-

sioner and Ravens coach knew before they dished out the original two game suspension. Both are denying that they saw the fist throwing video. I find that hard to believe and so do a

cial media had nothing to do with that night. Granted it does suck that even though it was months ago it is being played all over as if the incident happened yesterday which slows down their healing process but it still is not our fault.

lot of other people. Most want the commissioner to step down from his position. My thought? I believe the NFL needs to take this opportunity to turn this negative situation into a good learning lesson. It will only work if they reEveryone is questioning how alize and tell the truth about everything and stop much did the NFL commis167

brushing it all under the rug. Denial is not going to solve anything. Ex-NFL player for the Giants Michael Strahan made a great point although it is no excuse for what happened he said, “Players are taught to turn it (aggression) on but are not taught how to turn it off.�

one of the highest paid player in the game.

Spanking Or Abuse? Another NFL player is under fire. Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson was arrested for allegedly abusing his four year old son with a switch. This, similar to the Ray Rice problem, struck a nerve. It is an interesting perCharles Barkley said all spective. The same care and black parents should be arprecautions they take to rested because they all protect the players physically should be applied to their mental state. Ray Rice needs help – period. I believe he should have gotten the one year suspension from the beginning along with serious counseling in order to return to the NFL. Treat his issue like that of an alcoholic. They need to get regular help before they have a relapse. As far as the commissioner goes, I do not believe he should step down. However I do believe he should be held accountable for lying and covering the whole truth up just to keep 168

whoop their kids, especially parents from the south. The white sportscasters disagreed with Barkley vehemently calling the act of spanking disgusting.

To spank or not to spank? This debate has been in play for years. There is a thin line between disciplining and abuse. I have spanked my kids and if you Did Adrian Peterson go too are a parent who doesn’t far with his son? He admit- whoop their child, I respect them for that but do ted to going too far and has apologized profusely to not throw your damnation theories on me because I do his fans for it. His team something different for had suspended him for one punishment. One sports angame and has decided colchor was so emotionally exlectively they will do nothing else until the in- cited about the situation I


thought he was about to cry. That is his reality so I won’t judge him. He did say Adrian and anyone else who do such ignorant behavior should be taken off the field. They do not respect women or children but they respect the field so take them out of their element. What is your opinion?

was never a part of Frank’s life. Maybe he was with him in spirit but he sure was not according to the singer. The singer said he has not been involved with his father since the age of five. There is a difference between telling the truth and slander. In this case Russell told the truth. How is the father going to step Gold Digger? in during half time and try Yes men can be gold diggers to do is fatherly duties? too. Singer Frank Ocean’s No, No, No, No, No! father is suing Russell Simmons for slander in the Flashy Floyd Mayweather is amount well over one hunknown for doing outlandish dred million! He claims things and having some very Russell posted that he ba- rich friends. This past sically is a deadbeat and fight Mayweather called up


Warren Buffett and asked if he could walk out with him before the fight. The fighter is not used to hearing the word no. Mr. Buffett declined the offer because it would not look good for his brand. Especially with all off the physical abuse accusations involving athletes including Mayweather himself. That was a smart choice; I would not want to be associated with him either. Floyd screams over the top ratchetness!

Idiot Of The Year Award Goes To‌ Kanye at a recent show ordered everyone to stand up in the crowd. He noticed one man was not and taunted him until he told Kanye that he could not because he was in a wheelchair. Taking it further Kanye made his guards go and verify the man’s situation. Who the hell does that? That man could not surprise me more than he has until now. I

hope that fan sue the tight pants off of Kanye. And if he was actually entertaining right he would not need to ask his fans to stand up!

Peace and luv!




"Face Of The South" By: Larrod Evans

In 1991, Gangsta Rap was having a major impact on the nation. From its epicenter in Compton California, all the way to small towns in Indiana, its influence was undeniable. It's no question that West Coast artist were the main attraction. However, at the bottom of the map, a new street rapper emerged


by the name of Scarface. During this pivotal time, I moved from California to Richmond, Virginia with my father. Often, I would link up with my first cousins Javanti and CB in nearby Norfolk. Javanti was the oldest of the bunch so we looked up to him. Javanti was a straight up knucklehead, but so was I to say the least. Being fresh of the West Coast, I was heavy into NWA, Too-Short and Spice-1. Used, Damage, and rayon shirts was the "it" gear and Boyz-n-da-hood was the "it" movie.

One night while Javanti was preparing for a date He put a tape in the boom box. (Remember, it's 1991). "Check this out cuz, you ain't never heard a muh'fucka like this before." Me, being an aficionado of hip-hop, I thought "Yeah right" because I would've known about whoever he was referring to. Then, came "Mr. Mr. Scarface was walking down the block/ out jumps the fiends and steals all his rocks/ pulls out a gun and shoots down all the fiends/ and Mr. Mr. Scarface walks down the block again" After that came a devious chuckle followed by a sample of


Tony Montana in the movie Scarface, "All I have in this world is my balls and my word", then the beat dropped. I was like whoa! Face came out hard right in your grill. All this while my cousin was torn between which pair of Guess jeans he was going to rock. The stone washed yellows, or the ketchup reds. With a hard knocking drum pattern and this dude spittin strong, I was unquestionably intrigued. His no holds barred delivery reminded me of Ice Cube. But, who is he? After the song ended, Javanti hit the stop button. "Yo cuz, you ain't never heard no shit like that before huh? That's Scarface." Visibly craving a second round, he played on my hunger and took the tape with him. Ain't that some shit? Needless to say, for the next few days I went on a Scarface binge...I dubbed that tape! Brad Jordan began his legendary career as DJ Akshun as a solo artist on Lil Troy's Shortstop Records, a local label down in Houston. 176

In 1989, he released the single, "Another Head Put to Rest." which landed him a deal on J. Prince's Rap-ALot Records. He soon replaced a member of the Geto Boys who we know as Scarface, Bushwick Bill and Willie D. Their Album, "Grip It On That Other Level" (1989) was highly successful in spite of their violent lyrics that kept them of MTV and the radio. It was no question that Scarface was the star of the group. Willie D and Bushwick Bill held their own, but Face was a great in the making. Chilling, haunting and spine -tingling are three adjectives that best define his music. Peep the way he describes a man dying on the classic, "I Seen a Man Die." off of his third album "The Diary". "I hear yo breathin but your heart no longer sounds


strong/ but you kind of scared of dying so you hold on/ and you keep blacking out cuz the post is near/ Stop trying to fight the reaper, just relax and let it go." Whew! Thought face was hardcore in the purest form, he also gave me a preacher's like vibe. A common theme of his music was a man struggling with himself and God. "Day by day it's more impossible to cope/ I feel like I'm the one that's doin dope/ can't keep a steady hand because I'm nervous/ every Sunday morning I'm in service."Aside from his subject matter and aura, he had the look and delivery of a preacher too. From his suit, to his top hat he looked as if he was ready to preach a sermon at any time. Soon after his debut solo album, Mr. Scarface is back, he and the Geto boys

parted ways. Throughout his career, they collaborated here and there but nothing in comparison to the groups earlier gems. Scarface continued to drop classic albums; from the "The Diary" (1994), "The Untouchable" (1997), The Last of a Dying Breed (2000), and "The Fix" (2002). In fact, in 2001 he won "Lyricist of the year" at the Source Awards. I'm sure many Face fans will agree that the honor was long overdue. In addition to a solid career as a rapper, he has been the president of Def Jam South since 2000. His experience in the game helped nurture the career of Ludacris who became the labels biggest selling artist to date. As of late, Scarface is in the studio on a brand new album scheduled for a holiday release. As I look back, I can't ever remember him dropping a wack album. He was never in the headlines and always had a "Boss-like" vibe about himself. Scarface's O.G. persona resonated throughout the entire industry. From the artist, all the way up the ladder to the music execs, he is well respected. He was the epitome of hardcore, authentic gangsta rap. Years later his thick baritone voice is still felt in hoods across America. If you spark a conversation about southern rap without mentioning Houston's finest representative, you're "Mind's Playin Tricks on You" 178




#indiespotlight: LET'S GET FOCSI!!! Focsi DJ Remix Design By: Deszion Amani Nasir

As most of you, I'm really into natural hair. Well, I was in one of y 50-million hair groups on Facebook and I came across this awesome profile pic. It was a pic of a beautiful painting of a black girl with a fro to die for. So, me being the nosy person, I am, went to digging. I found out that the pic belonged to the owner of a company called FOCSI. I went to their website and was hooked. I saw all the colorful originality dedicted to our culture AND playing up to the #teamnatural movement...and that was it. I had to know more. I had to share what I'd discovered. I had to interview them. I got in contact with the owner Erica...and the rest is...well...check it out for yourself below.... 182


















Contact Info: Email: info@myfocsi.com Phone: 202.643.1101 Web: www.myfocsi.com




This original was created at a time when the artist was going through a period of suffering. Trying to hide his true emotions, he uses a face that is the symbol of joy and laughter, a clown. The artist used a child to express the innocence he has left. Despite all of his troubles, he still has hope, which is represented by the dying flower that the character holds firmly. As his hope fades away, he clings on to it as if it were a precious treasure. Behind the happy face that is painted on, lies the artists' true emotions. Cesar W. Sosa For Sale NOW on Ebay! Bidding starting at $25 http://www.ebay.com/itm/141445835963?ssPageName=STRK:MESCX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1554.l2649


“Forever an Ex” By Victoria Christopher Murray Review by Emiaj Ahdai

This book was sent to me some months ago before I went on leave. I have been busy and just now sitting down and reading it. BRIEF SYNOPSIS Sheridan, Kendall, and Asia first bonded when they met seven years ago at a church prayer support group and now, their friendship has blossomed into a strong sisterhood. They've helped each other through the tragedies of their breakups and together, they've celebrated their triumphs. But now, their exes are back, wreaking havoc on lives they've work so hard to rebuild.

Sheridan has found love again after her ex-husband left her for a man. But old wounds are reopened when her ex-husband appears with his fiancée—a woman! And all of Sheridan's insecurities and doubts come rushing back. Kendall's former husband is now married to 194

Kendall's sister, Sabrina. And though Kendall has refused to interact with either one in the last seven years, she's forced to reunite with Sabrina when their father is diagnosed with cancer. Asia has done her best to move away from her married boyfriend, a former star with the LA Lakers. But when they share a kiss, old desires are rekindled and Asia decides that it's time for her and Bobby Johnson to get back together again. Getting to know Asia in this book had my head hurting. I felt like she was setting herself up to falling back into Bobby’s trap. It had already been years, why start back now. There was still something that was keeping her going back, was it really love, was it really lust, what exactly was it. Him being the father to her child was not enough, she needed more, wanted more of Bobby. Having more of Bobby would it cost her the very life that she knows. Sheridan had me slightly confused. You have this awesome husband who loves everything about you, but when her ex shows back up you lose it. Ok so what he left you, so what if he is getting married again. Why should it even matter? You are already clearly 195

happily married. Ladies we notorious for not listening to our husbands, this is one time I would listen to mine. “Don’t mess with their relationship.” We are so curious and too nosey sometimes, we need to leave well enough alone. Lastly Kendall, I felt for her. It is one thing to deal with a cheating man, but have that man cheat with your flesh and blood, my heart went out to her. When her father becomes ill she is forced to deal with the issue of her sister being married to her husband and having a kid. Talk about a slap in the face.

My Thoughts This book was good. I could see people acting like these women in real life. Books like this always seem to pull in life to the front of your mind. There were truly lesson in the book of letting go and letting thins be. You can’t change the cards you are dealt only play them in a way that you can see life being better. I give this book 4 stars because it was a little slow moving but it was enjoyable.




One Night Stand By: Serena Harper aka Alexandra Davies

If only the rain rained purple violets, the sky sang love songs green and the grass swallowed pink wrongs obscene all the flowers would cry out in psychedelic, barbaric, tears blooms of dead love songs, of technicolor hopes, of cities of rat throngs, years of our undoing, mating flowers, making butterflies in a blaze of the world, computer prostitutes, world colors decorating the skies, all the clouds they would cry, acrylic lonely nightmares, war story scares, laughter and stares. Pandoras box, open at my peril, crying psychedelic tears to the devil, crying salt stained tears in hell I have it under my bed, the colour of lead, of a river so dead, thats running away, into nowhere If I wrote you a song, a valentines song, 199

If I wrote you a song, an evangelical song, would you love me and stop licking out the other girls. If only my rymes werent so cliched, my bed always Tracy Emin made, like I said talk is cheap I keep it with me, laughing like god as a child, daisy chains all the while, circle my heart, in a childs laughing upstart 'and Englands dreaming' 'come to my senses sometimes'


Blowing Change By: Leiann B. Wrytes

Reality pulls pin Grenades to Destroy falsehoods. Filling the air with The truth. But it Only chars the roots As they lie sometimes. Define the beginning Change must erupt From beneath the ground up To be effective. Burning The grass and leaving The seed is reckless.



You want to change the world. Yet all around you are people crying out for your attention. But you pay them no mind saying “Let someone else deal with them. I’m meant to do bigger things.”

You pass that little girl with the disheveled hair and the shabby dress and mutter with disdain, “Her mother should be ashamed of herself!” Yet all she needed from you was a smile to help ease the pain of losing her mother. But I forgot you were meant for bigger things.

You pass that little boy with the bad manners and you roll your eyes and shake your head with disgust, “His father should teach him some manners!” Yet all he needed was a simple hello to help ease the loneliness and fear of seeing his father deployed to war. But I forgot you were meant for bigger things.

You pass the teenage girl waiting tables in the middle of the day and clutch your pearls, “She should be in school. She has horrible parents!” Yet all she needed was a tip and a kind word to give her hope that she and her parents would earn enough money to get a place to live so that the car wasn’t their home. But I keep forgetting you’re meant for bigger things.


You pass that teenage boy with the sagging pants and pull your purse tighter, “Disgusting drug dealer, he’s making the neighborhood unsafe!” Yet all he needed was a warm smile and a kind word to give him the courage to continue his education while he sagged his pants to keep the bullies in the neighborhood from jumping him. Again I forgot you were meant for bigger things.

Yes I know you were meant for bigger things. What you’ve neglected to see is that you had the opportunities to change the world. You thought yourself too important for those around you. But that’s okay. Because in your quest to do the bigger things someone else dealt with the small things. While you’re still trying to change the world someone else has changed it with a small token of kindness.




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