ULNW January 2010 Issue

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The Forgotten Ones is a foundation started by local author M’ Roberts. Michael, as he is known by his friends, with the help of his wife, is making a difference in the Puget Sound area. He has a spirit of compassion and giving. He has authored three books, Holier Than Thou, When Rage Doesn’t Help - A Mother’s Pain and Endangered Species and gives 25% of the proceeds from his books to this dynamic charity. These books are available through a variety of online retailers. Show your support, buy a book today! Havens of Hope, Benevolence Health Center Children and Affordable Living Community work in conjunction with The Forgotten Ones to assist kids in a tangible and meaningful way. For more information on how you can help this foundation visit:

www.TheForgottenOnes.Com To contact M’ Roberts, send an email to mroberts@theforgottenone.org. 2

Firm Resolutions By M. Roberts Making firm resolutions for your life.

Out & About Galas, Banquets and other social events in Seattle - The Breakfast Group.

Asthma Can Kill You! By Dr. Cherita Raines Learn more about Asthma.

Exposed & Unprotected: Your Life Online By Starla L. Fitch Examining how much of our lives and privacy we give away through social networking.

Do You Need a Witholding Do Over? By Patrycia L. Taylor Re-evaluating your income witholdings.

What America Wants to Hear

In Every Issue

By Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D A letter to the President from two women with opinions about war.

A Session with Chef Amadeus By Chef Amadeus Super Bowl Ribs!

A Word from our Editor What People are Saying‌ Family Activities Calendar Food by Evelyn Ray Southern Peach Cobbler Green Community Calendar

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Urban Life Northwest, January 2010, Volume III, Issue I Publisher/Editor - Starla L. Fitch Copy Editor-Sylvia Fitch Graphic Design-Miklos L. Fitch Photography - Miklos Fitch Advertising/Marketing - Starla L. Fitch Contributors- Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D., Cherita J. Raines MD, MPH, Patrycia L. Taylor, Evelyn Ray, M’ Roberts, Chef Amadeus Urban Life Northwest is published monthly. Direct all editorial and subscription inquiries to P.O. Box 94057, Seattle, WA 98124-9457, call (425) 533-7802 or visit our website - www.UrbanLifeNW.com. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without consent. All advertising claims and offers are the sole responsibility of the listed advertiser. Query in advance of article submission; unsolicited materials may not be returned.

Hardcopy back issues available - Order Today! Minimum order 3 issues for $5.00! Additional copies $1.75 each.



Happy New Year!

What more can I say other than I am glad to see a new year. 2009 was a year filled with ups and downs. For me, it started with lots of promise and ended with lessons learned. I know that I have grown as a person both mentally and spiritually. I’ve learned some needed yet painful lessons about myself, the community in which I live and about people in general. Each and every lesson, no matter how difficult or painful, taught me something. As the saying goes, behind every cloud is a silver lining and I testify to the truth of that statement. I know that there are great things in store for me and my family this year and I am ready to receive everything that God has in store for me. I believe that there are great things in store for each of you but you must also be ready to receive. Let 2010 be the year that you get yourself ready to receive a blessing. Make Grant, Starla and Miklos Fitch “Firm Resolutions” as M’ Roberts states in his article on page 5. There is another saying which goes, faith without works is dead. In other words, you’ve got to work toward your goals if you want your goals to become a reality. If it is your goal to a get better job in 2010, then you have to start doing what it takes to get a better job. If that means going back to school, then enroll today. Believe, have faith and most importantly, “put your money, where your mouth is”. Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010. Starla L. Fitch Publisher & Editor

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING… Dear Ms. Fitch, Excellent article. (referring to our December 2009 cover story) I loved the title Guilty of SWB and proud of it! This article made my day. Think I might try skiing this year. Tania J. - Auburn, WA Received December 9, 2009

Happy New Year Urban Life Northwest! Looking great! Keep it up in 2010! Kevin T. - Portland, OR Received December 31, 2009


We love hearing from you!


By M’ Roberts

It happens to be that time of the year when “surface” resolutions are often made. A surface resolution is one that sounds good to us, we would like to accomplish, yet may not put a real plan together that allows us to see it to fruition. Derived from the 14th century Latin word resolusio, Webster defines resolution as, a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something. Whether your desire is to alleviate your debt, lose weight, quit smoking, stop drinking, work out three times per week, or other, it is imperative that your resolution is firm. How do you create a solid resolution? The first step is to turn it into a goal. At which point, it becomes specific with a defined purpose and motivation behind it, measurable and allows you to create manageable steps that lead you to the ultimate goal, have a timeline to help you stay on track, is written down and tracked regularly and allows you to build in small wins to help you to stay motivated. In other words, your resolution or goal is only going to be as strong as you make it. If one said for example, his New Year’s Resolution was to lose 50lbs, it wouldn’t carry much weight. No pun intended. The reason is the statement doesn’t say by when, how, or by what means it will be accomplished. If the same person said, “I am going to begin to chart my caloric intake, limiting myself to 2,000 calories per day, decrease the size of my meals, alleviate fried foods from my diet, not consume any food after 8pm and develop a four-time per week exercise regimen weighing myself once per week with a goal of losing three pounds per week;” he’d have a much better chance of achieving that goal. What is still missing is defining what his true motivation is, and what his reward should be for achieving his goal. The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The passage provides a reassurance to us that it is not our abilities that limit us, but our thinking. Very much like setting a strong goal vs. a surface resolution, one cannot expect to be strengthened by Jesus, if he doesn’t have a personal relationship, i.e., isn’t familiar with His Word, or isn’t praying to Him and seeking Him for clarification, illumination, revelation, patience, peace, endurance and blessings. A piece of exercise equipment doesn’t do us any good until we develop a plan on the most effective way to use it to maximize the benefit we obtain from it – then plug it in and use it. Much like, a Bible won’t do us any good sitting on a shelf, in a drawer or in the back window of a car. Our resolve to do anything that we seek to accomplish should be a firm resolution that we are not going to shortcut or dupe ourselves into believing that we can simply expect great things to happen without investing some time and effort into our expectations. Whatever your goals are, your resolve should be that you are going to put forth your best effort and forge ahead with a firm resolution. “Whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men.” Colossians 3:23 If you can’t seem to muster up the motivation on your own and follow-thru on your resolutions for yourself. Do it for the Lord. Just remember what He did for you. Stand firm in your faith and be blessed.

M’ Roberts is a motivational speaker, marketing consultant and trainer. He is the author of three books. To contact M’ Roberts send and email to mroberts@creativemarketinggroup.net or see his ad on page 2 in this issue. 5


By Starla L. Fitch Last month I talked about black men being guilty of SWB (Skiing While Black). This month I want to spot light more black men who are doing positive things within the community - The Breakfast Group. This group was started over 30 years ago in an effort to bring together professional and progressive black men for the purpose of community improvement, networking and brotherhood. The members of this group, take time out of their busy schedules each month to mentor inner-city youth, address community issues and build ties within the group and the community. They help instill the value of higher education by offering scholarships to needy and deserving students. To date they have given away over $250,000 in scholarship dollars to deserving students. These men have a particular interest in seeing young men develop and mature into respectable and responsible men who will be an asset to themselves, their families and their community. On November 10, 2009, I attended their annual Christmas Party. This holiday celebration honored members of the group who have gone above and beyond to help keep this group growing and moving progressively forward. So why was I in attendance you may ask? Well, for two reasons. First, my husband is a member of this group and second, I am the new publisher of their newsletters. I’ve enjoyed getting to know this group and I hope our readers will get to know them as well. If you’re a progressive and professional black man who is looking for a way to be active in the community, then look no further than The Breakfast Group. For more information about this organization please visit their website at www.thebreakfastgroup.com. This year, their annual Christmas party was held at the Andaluca restaurant in the Mayflower Park Hotel, Seattle, WA. An impressive number of Breakfast Group members and their significant others were in attendance. Executive Chef Wayne Johnson and Chef Amadeus prepared a tasty and memorable dining experience from start to finish. This annual event always provides opportunity to strengthen ties and forge new bonds within the group and the community.

Here are some fun photos from this event!

Bob Luciano, Paul Mitchell and Ernie Dunston

Carl Rabun and Darryl Russell

BTW, this is the last month for Out & About until the holiday season returns in October or until another great event comes along. If you have an event coming up, be sure to let me know. I would love to cover your event and share it with our readers. You may contact me at info@urbanlifenw.com. 6

Quintard Taylor and Miklos Fitch

Mona Lake Jones with husband Joe, and Pat Dunston

Dan and Sojn Hudson, Carolyn and Paul Jackson

Jim and Thea Smith

Chef Wayne Johnson and Chef Amadeus, provided an excellent meal for this event.

Paul Mitchell, Dan Hudson &Amani Harris - BG President 7


By Cherita Raines, MD, MPH

I don’t mean to be so shocking with the title but the truth of the matter is that asthma can kill you. I’ve seen one too many people being dropped off to the emergency room by ambulance and within 30 minutes the patient is hooked up to a breathing machine and in the ICU. The following is a little information and statistics on asthma. What is Asthma? Asthma is characterized by inflammation of the air passages resulting in the temporary narrowing of the airways that transport air from the nose and mouth to the lungs. Asthma symptoms can be caused by allergens or irritants that are inhaled into the lungs, resulting in inflamed, clogged and constricted airways. What are symptoms of asthma? Symptoms of asthma include: difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Is there a cure for asthma? There is no cure for asthma, but asthma can be managed with proper prevention and treatment. Asthma has a genetic component. If only one parent has asthma, chances are 1 in 3 that each child will have asthma. If both parents have asthma, it is much more likely ( 7 in 10) that their children will have asthma. Fast facts about asthma, every day in America: 40,000 people miss school or work due to asthma 30,000 people have asthma attack 5,000 people visit the emergency room due to asthma 1,000 people are admitted to the hospital due to asthma 11 people die from asthma

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What is the prevalence of asthma? • An estimated 20 million Americans suffer from asthma. • Asthma is the most common chronic condition among children. Asthma is slightly more prevalent among African Americans than Caucasians. What is the mortality related to asthma? • Each day 11 Americans die from asthma. There are more than 4,000 deaths due to asthma each year, many of which are avoidable with proper treatment and care. • Since 1980 asthma death rates overall have increased more than 50% among all genders, age groups and ethnic groups. The death rate for children under 19 years old has increased by nearly 80% since 1980. More females die of asthma than males, and women account for nearly 65% of asthma deaths overall. Ethnic Disparities in Asthma • Ethnic differences in asthma prevalence, morbidity and mortality are highly correlated with poverty, urban air quality, indoor allergens, and lack of patient educations and inadequate medical care. • African Americans are three times more likely to be hospitalized from asthma. • African Americans are three times more likely to die from asthma. African American women have the highest asthma mortality rate of all groups, more than 2.5 times higher than Caucasian women. Hispanics have lower rates of asthma than non-Hispanics blacks and whites. However, studies suggest that Puerto Ricans may have higher rates of asthma than other Hispanic subgroups and non-Hispanic whites, as well as higher death rates than other Hispanic subgroups and non-Hispanic whites and blacks. Please take asthma seriously and talk to your doctor if you have any questions related to asthma.

*Dr. Raines is a practicing physician at the UW’s Roosevelt Family Medicine Clinic in Seattle, WA. To contact Dr. Raines, send an email to wpas@urbanlifenw.com 8

January 15th - Visit the Kidsquest Children’s Museum for FREE! Starting at 5:00pm admission is free. A great way to spend time with your family. For more info visit www.kidsquestmuseum.org. (FACTORIA) January 18th - Messy Mondays. Come to The Children’s Museum for messy hands-on art or science projects for ages 10 months to 5 years. 10:30 a.m. Mondays. Included with admission. $7.50, $6.50 grandparents, free younger than age 1. Storytime at noon. For more info visit thechildrensmuseum.org. (SEATTLE) January 21st - ½ Price Thursday at Imagine Children’s Museum. Imagine Children's Museum is half price 3 to 5 p.m. Thursdays. No groups or field trips. For more info, visit www.imaginecm.org. (EVERETT) January 24th – 31st – Children’s Film Festival Seattle. Pacific Northwest’s largest children’s film festival features 100 thoughtful films from around the world. Film schedule, film summaries and age recommendations available online. Various times daily through Jan. 31. $9, $6.50 children, unless otherwise noted in the schedule, online presales. Opening Night. The festival opens with "The Accumulation of Change," a world premiere performance by Lelavision Physical Music. Blending choreography, original video, DaVinci-esque musical sculptures and lots of audience participation. Ages 8 and older. 7 p.m. $10, $8 children. For more info visit www.childrensfilmfestivalseattle.org. (SEATTLE) January 24th – Auntie Lena’s African Stories. Three African tales from Thistle Theatre, performed using the Bunraku style of puppetry. Ages 3 to 12. 1 and 3 p.m. Jan. 23 and 24. $9, $7 children and seniors. Location: Warren G. Magnuson Park, For more info visit www.thistletheatre.org. (SEATTLE)

January 29th – February 21st - Northwest Children's Theater and School presents Pinocchio. "Look at that! What do you know? It's gears and wheels that make me go!" From a pile of shiny scrap metal comes the buzz, clink and whir of the original toy story! This industrial musical is the tale of Gepetto's brand-new mechanical boy who learns, through much trial and many errors, what it means to be human. Location: Northwest Neighborhood Cultural Center, Times: Fridays & Saturdays at 7pm, Saturdays & Sundays at 2pm, Cost: Adult $22 Youth $18. For more info call (503) 222-4480 (PORTLAND)

January 30th – February 21st – Giggle, Giggle, Quack, They’re baaaaaack! Farmer Brown needs a vacation. Before putting his brother Bob in charge of the farm, he writes clear instructions for taking care of the animals. Duck does some creative editing and wild mayhem ensues. Bubble-bathing pigs, pizza-eating chickens, and cows at the movies highlight this barn-raising mooosical. BEST FOR ALL AGES. For more info visit www.octc.org/index.php (PORTLAND)


By Starla L. Fitch It amazes me how so many people are willing to share every aspect of their lives on what amounts to a step up from a chatroom. I’m not anti-social networking but I am against “putting-all-of-yourbusiness-in-the-streets”. I’m not sure if people really think this thing through before they divulge that thought, feeling or revelation online for the whole world to see. I cringe every time I read someone else's private or personal business that they seem to believe should be shared with the whole world. I’ve learned more about some people via facebook than I could have if I had asked them personally. Let’s get real, it is time to stop telling people where you’re going, where you’ve been, what you did, with who and why, ok???? We’re giving up too much personal business without thinking about the consequences. Oh yes, there are consequences. What may seem insignificant to you, could mean everything to a “would-be” criminal. Revealing places that you frequent on a regular basis is a simple way to put yourself in a vulnerable situation. Just think, when you complete your profiles with photos and personal information, people know what you look like, things you like and places you like to frequent. They may even know who your family and friends are. I hope you know that you’re making yourself a target. It really scares me when single mothers expose themselves and their children online, with post like - putting my son in the stroller and taking him for a walk at (you-fill-in-the-name) Park. Someone who is up to no good, may think this is the perfect opportunity for them to rob your home or meet you and your child in the park. So, what are you thinking when you reveal this type of personal and up-tothe-minute information? Oh, that’s right, you only think that your “friends” or “family” as they are being called know what you are sharing. Wrong! Let’s be realistic, most people only have a handful of people that they can truly call their friends, all the others are acquaintances and/or associates. When you boast, 100 or more “friends” even you have to realize that some of the people on your list are not “real” friends. They may be associates but not people you can call on in your time of need or people you can really trust with your personal business. Your friends list can easily get out of control and into the wrong hands. Posting your current whereabouts and personal information can put your life and family in jeopardy. How many times have you approved a friend request for someone you “really” don’t know? It is just that simple, add the wrong friend to your list and you have just put your life or the life of someone you love in danger. I’m not trying to scare anyone, but I just think people should have a little more discretion with the information they share. If you’re unemployed and looking for a job or if you’re employed and looking for a better job, you should really be careful about what you put online. Employers are not only doing credit and background checks but they are also checking social networking sites. They want to know what “type” of person they are hiring. Case in point, a 2006 New York Times article (see excerpt below) tells the following story about how your online persona can undermine your résumé. "When a small consulting company in Chicago was looking to hire a summer intern this month, the company's president went online to check on a promising candidate who had just graduated from the University of Illinois. At Facebook, a popular social networking site, the executive found the candidate's Web page with this description of his interests: "smokin' blunts" (cigars hollowed out and stuffed with marijuana), shooting people and obsessive sex, all described in vivid slang. It did not matter that the student was clearly posturing. He was done." 10

And there are more stories just like this one. Is it really worth the risk, exposing everything about yourself for a few “friends”? Come on, we have to think about the consequences of our actions. Putting it all out there online has become more than mere entertainment for your friends. It is a personal view into your life and for some, separating the personal you from the workplace you is impossible. In other words, if you’ve done something that you would not want your employer to know about, don’t put it online. There is a profound quote I found in an MSNBC article about job candidates who were passed over for jobs because of their social networking profiles, “Employers don’t have to believe what they see - they only have to decide not to take a chance on you.” I know several Human Resources professionals who not only look at what you post but how often you post. They want to know if they are considering someone for a position who is going to spend the bulk of their day posting information online. They also want to know if you are practicing any “questionable” behavior in your free time. So, if you’re posting little quips and tidbits every few minutes, that can also be a deterrent to a potential employer. They don’t what to hire social networking addicts. If you’re addicted to facebook or twitter, you may want to re-focus your energy elsewhere because you never know who is watching. So, before you scream “invasion of privacy”, just remember that it is you who is making this information available to the public. Looking for a home loan or business loan, the banks and lenders are also looking at you online. Big loans for homes and businesses are personal loans. Lenders want to be sure that the person they are lending money to is stable and able to repay the loan. Credit and income are still the most important factors but your online persona can either be a help or deterrent. A lender may think twice about someone whose photo album shows them drunk, high or in risqué situation. What should social networking be used for? It should be used as a way to reach people and make connections. It is not nor should it be used as your personal online “journal”. It is not a confessional. In other words, don’t confess something online that you don’t want the average Joe Blow on the street to know. Don’t try to turn your social networks into a type of pseudo family. These networks are merely online tools and you should treat them as such. You may have friends that you are connected with but do not treat the website like it is your friend. Social networks are powerful record keepers. They will keep tabs on you for years to come. Who you are today is most likely not who you will be tomorrow so remember that when you are posting your thoughts and personal business online. If you really want to confess to some indiscretion or impropriety buy a journal and lock it away from prying eyes. No matter how tempting or easy it may be to just type in a few notes from your phone, blackberry or computer, think twice before you do because what you put out there can and will follow you. Post the good that you do with your life. Let these social networks be your personal publicist, showing the world that you are a person of character and integrity. Although it may seem funny, the night that you and your friends got drunk and fell into a pool. This may not be funny to someone who is considering you for a job. I would advise against posting those types of photos and stories. Use social networking tools wisely. If you have a growing friends list, great. Just remember to share only that information that you would be willing to give to anyone. If it is something really personal, send an email to that particular person. Don’t give your life away online. It could jeopardize your safety, the safety of your family and friends. It could even hurt your career. Social networking is a sign of the times. It can help you make new friends and keep in contact with old friends. Enjoy your time online but don’t let your life be exposed and unprotected.



By Patrycia L. Taylor The old year 2009 has come and gone, and rather quickly most would say. The New Year is welcomed for many reasons, one of which is the opportunity for a do over - a chance to start or restart something that wasn’t accomplished or was only partially accomplished in the prior year, or the chance to change an existing area of one’s life for the better. You may recall a movie entitled Do Over that was broadcast some years back. A salesman had a freakish accident that took him back to when he was a teenager. He gets the opportunity to use his knowledge of the future to “do over” his life. We have an opportunity to take what we’ve learned from the recent recession and ask ourselves, “If I knew before the recession what I know now, what would I have done differently”? What would be my do over? Answer these questions, then set about doing those things in 2010. Withholding may seem an unlikely topic, but it is one that bears discussion since many people are on auto pilot where their withholding is concerned. A do over would give them the chance to change this one area of their life for the better. Withholding is simply a process where your employer deducts from your wages an amount of income tax that’s determined by the # of exemptions on your W-4 form, and sends them directly to the government. There is an inverse correlation between the exemptions you calculate and the amount withheld. The more exemptions, the less is withheld and the fewer exemptions, the more is withheld. When too much is withheld from your paycheck during the year, you receive a sizeable tax refund. If too little is held, you write a check to the government to cover the shortfall. The ideal refund or payment should be as close to zero as possible. How do you know if you need to adjust your withholding? It is easy to remember for the obvious life changes such as getting a new job, getting married, or having a baby. But there are other life events that impact withholding and for which you should review your withholding for the upcoming year. For example, if you: ▪ have more than one job ▪ have a change in your spouse’s employment ▪ are subject to self-employment taxes ▪ have non-wage income (such as dividends, interest, capital gains, rental income, or royalties) ▪ only work part of the year ▪ normally itemize your deductions ▪ are a candidate for the alternative minimum tax There are many who deliberately have too much deducted so that they can look forward to a big refund. Since the government doesn’t pay you interest on your money, a better alternative is to adjust your withholding and let the excess flow automatically from your paycheck into a secure, interest earning account. Only access the account in the event of an emergency. To check your withholding, locate your most recent paystub and tax return and go online to www.irs.gov. Navigate to Online Services, then to Withholding Calculator and follow the instructions. Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year! *If you have financial questions you want answered, please send them to wpas@urbanlifenw.com. *Patrycia L. Taylor, MBA is a Financial Advisor living in South Seattle. You may contact her via email at wpas@urbanlifenw.com. 12

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Contact me to learn more about the many ways you can experience Soul Purpose! Karen Y Alexander 206-948-2164 kyalexander2006@hotmail.com http://majestyliving.soulpurpose.net 13


By Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D

Dear President Obama, We are writing as two women who greatly admire you, contributed to your campaign, and campaigned for you. We defend you against detractors. In this case, we don’t aspire to speak for all citizens, but do have our ears to the ground. Tuesday’s Afghanistan speech led us to an uncomfortable conclusion: too attuned to the nuances of policymaking it seems possible that groupthink has set in among your speechwriters and senior staff. From where we sit, Tuesday’s speech did not make it clear that they considered the extraordinarily war weary hearts of many Americans. Here is what we wanted to hear: We’ve been at war for eight long years and need our sons and daughters to come home. We’ve poured trillions of dollars into Afghanistan, money we no longer have and have set plans with President Karzai to remove our troops by 2011. Afghanistan is not a perfect place; their election process was certainly flawed. But it is their job to move forward. We will not abandon them in their efforts but must change our focus, always working to keep America safe from terrorists. That is essential. We have already paid too high a price in blood and treasure. Let me tell you why this new plan is essential. We are in the worst shape we have been in since the Great Depression. We have to put America first for a while. Get our economy back on its feet. Get people working. Put America first. Ensure health care for all of our citizens. Put America first. Make our public schools excellent again. Rebuild our roads. Strengthen our bridges and levees. Clean up the environment. Put America first. The list of needs is long and we know that in your communities you will continue to do your part, through volunteerism and community action, to help where you are needed. This is what it means to put America first. Having rebuilt our international partnerships and established the good will we had lost for so long, we will, of course, continue active engagement in the world. But we can’t foot the worlds’ bills at the moment. Not while we are hemorrhaging. Taking a cue from airline instructions, we must put on our own oxygen masks on so that we can save ourselves. Then we can save everyone else. In order to bring our troops safely home from Afghanistan, General McChrystal, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, our diplomatic corps and brave soldiers will continue their strategic work on military and diplomatic fronts. In concert with Afghanistan’s leaders, our plans are in place for a month by month withdrawal of troops and a smooth transition to local power. And know this - there is more than one way for us to fight Al-Qaeda. They are not just in the caves of Afghanistan and Pakistan. We will continue, with smaller forces to fight them there, with our NATO allies to fight them around the world, and with our Department of Homeland Security to keep them off of American soil. We must also implement plans for our returning troops. Re-entry is not easy. We must ensure that they return to systems designed to support their physical, emotional, familial and economic needs. America first. If we do these things, we’ll be a stronger, safer and more economically sound country. We’ll also be a more effective international partner. That is the speech we hoped to hear, Mr. President. Here is our last recommendation on this topic. In your meetings, please post a sign that speechwriters and staff must consult before submitting their work: 1. Who are the constituents for this policy or program? 2. How have their voices influenced the policies and programs that will impact them? 3. Where is the HOPE? 4. Where is the CHANGE? Your capacity to implement this unique mix of factors is why we elected you. But hope and change were not much in evidence on Tuesday night. Lora-Ellen McKinney Lora-Ellen McKinney is a psychologist, writer and religious activist who attended the Harvard Kennedy School Charlayne Woodard Obie awardwinning actor and playwright Charlayne Woodard is based in Los Angeles. http://www.charlaynewoodard.com/.


Charlayne and I submitted this editorial to several newspapers but it was not accepted for a couple of reasons. The first is that some papers had a policy against accepting letters written directly to a prominent politician. Most importantly, however, is that in a 24hour news cycle, when it takes two days to assess an editorial, the news is likely to move past you. A few days following this speech, President Obama announced plans to increase troops in Afghanistan by 30,000 troops, making many who had denounced his speech at West Point somewhat happier, even if they felt that the plan for securing an Afghani peace still appeared somewhat vague. But he is struggling. The President’s approval rating is waning. This breaks my heart, though I understand it. Among other things, this is a phenomenon associated with unpopular wars. America is sick of this one.

Graph taken from Atlantic Monthly, December 1, 2009, Jeffrey Jones, Obama Approval on Afghanistan, at 35%, Trails Other Issues And he is more than a wartime president. He arguably has the worst presidential job of any president in recent history. Recession/ depression. Two-digit unemployment. A fractious, divided and occasionally out of control Congress. A wealthy country with embarrassingly bad health care. Cable-television zealots fomenting dissent among an increasingly angry populous on the right. A leftwing disappointed that he has not lived up to promises made in the campaign. According to Harold Ford Jr., Washington insiders are concerned about things that have no relationship to our lives: jobs and our financial future. These things correlate to people’s perception of day to day security. The truth is that international peace and health care do this as well. But it’s hard to see it when you are sitting in your living room with no heat and no job and fewer options for your children. Right now 66% of the country says that we are headed in the wrong direction – and our president, whom we love so dearly, and want to have a second term, must find a way to meet citizen’s perceived needs – which are huge policy needs, as well as our large security needs for health care and freedom for war. Nobody wants this job. Obama’s cleaning up old messes and has stepped in new ones. Nobody likes him in his new town, about an increasing number of topics, and in some parts of the country. And that should free him. When the bullies scream in your face and your friends abandon you, you don’t lose anything by walking exactly where your sense of integrity and honor lead you. Where you want to and when you want to. 2010 is around the corner. Let’s turn the thing around.

*Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D. is an expert in community health, social services, social justice and education. She heads her own consulting firm and is a published author.



I had a long discussion with the publisher of Urban Life Northwest about what my next recipe should be. I thought that since the Super Bowl is coming up on February 7th that I should concentrate on Super Bowl friendly foods. My first thought, was the ever popular chicken wings but since I’ve been hanging out in my hometown - Jacksonville, Florida for the past few weeks, my mind turned to ribs. Well, since these are both finger-licking good Super Bowl favorites, I decided to share both my rib recipe and wing sauce. I hope you enjoy preparing and eating these dishes as much as I do.

2 garlic cloves 1 tbs grated ginger 2 tsp chili paste 3 tbs brown sugar 3 tbs chino 5 ¼ c. molasses ½ c. hoisin sauce ½ c. dark soy sauce ½ c. orange marmalade 2 lb. ribs

Add ingredients to a deep baking dish Marinate ribs overnight. Drain the marinade into a sauce pot. Add to medium high heat, let reduce by 1/3. Cook ribs either in oven or grill. *To add more color, you can sear the ribs. *For stove: pre heat oven to 500 degrees to sear the ribs for about 5-10 minutes then turn down to 300 and cook slowly. *For grill: pre heat grill, add ribs to lower rack and sear for 5-10 min. place ribs on top rack with a pan of water underneath. Let cook slowly.

8 cups - hot sauce 2 cups - melted butter 1 cups - barbeque sauce 8 tablespoons - L’il bump Add all ingredients in a sauce pot. Add pot to medium high heat and let simmer for 2 min. If you get about 2 lbs of wings, season with l’il bump and olive oil. Bake or grill till done. Done is when juices run clear. Toss wings in the sauce and serve with your favorite dipping sauce. Great with tarter sauce. And as always, Have A Bumpin’Good Time! **L’il Bump and Chino 5 are special spices created by Chef Amadeus, to get this spice, visit his website at www.ChefAmadeus.com. 16

To contact Chef Amadeus or if you have any questions about or other recipes send an email to amadeus@chefamadeus.com

By Evelyn Ray


8 fresh peaches - peeled, pitted and sliced into thin wedges 1/4 cup white sugar 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup white sugar 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, chilled and cut into small pieces • 1/4 cup boiling water • • • • • • • • • • • • •


3 tablespoons white sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). In a large bowl, combine peaches, 1/4 cup white sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon juice, and cornstarch. Toss to coat evenly, and pour into a 2 quart baking dish. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine flour, 1/4 cup white sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, baking powder, and salt. Blend in butter with your fingertips, or a pastry blender, until mixture resembles coarse meal. Stir in water until just combined. Remove peaches from oven, and drop spoonfuls of topping over them. Sprinkle entire cobbler with the sugar and cinnamon mixture. Bake until topping is golden, about 30 minutes. *Evelyn Ray is the owner of Royal Catering. You may contact Evelyn at royalcatering@yahoo.com.

1408 22nd Avenue Seattle, WA 98122

www.cappysgym.com (206) 322-6410



Even though winter has set in, it is never too late to be green and find ways to reduce energy use. For an average home in a cold climate, reducing home energy usage by just 15 percent saves the equivalent of 500 pounds of coal a year. Even if your home is insulated, small cracks can add up to big losses. The following projects are not high-tech or expensive but can provide significant savings: •

Hold a lit incense stick near doors and windows to find leaks, then caulk them.

Add a storm door.

Install weather stripping around doors and windows.

Seal patio doors with rubber compression strips and door insulator kits. Seal entry points for TV, phone and water lines with expanding foam insulation.

*This article and more eco-friendly tips can be found at www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=being-green-an-ecofriendly-guide 18

January 12th –One performance only! JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR, the first masterpiece from the legendary writing team of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, exploded onto the scene in 1971 changing the world of musical theatre forever. With a score of amazing songs - “I Don’t Know How to Love Him”, “Hosanna”, “Everything’s Alright”, “What’s the Buzz”, “Superstar”, and “Heaven on Their Mind”, this original groundbreaking production starring Ted Neeley in the title role is as relevant and timeless as ever. Our publisher loves this show! Location: The Paramount Theater, Time: 7:30 pm, For more info visit http:// www.stgpresents.org/artists/?artist=1204. (SEATTLE) January 15th – 17th - Winterfest - Fire and Ice Festival, Gather family and friends for a weekend of wintertime festivities! Chelan will bustle with a flurry of Winterfest activities — snowmobile races, snow and ice sculpting, a torchlight parade and a spectacular fireworks show. Visitors will once again have the opportunity to ice skate at Chelan's city park, and take a sleigh ride in Chelan's historic downtown. Ten ice sculptors from throughout the Northwest will each sculpt two sculptures, creating an outdoor gallery of winter art. Location: Historic Downtown Chelan, for more info visit http://www.lakechelanwinterfest.com/home.html (CHELAN) January 18th - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the Seattle Center, come and enjoy a full afternoon of activities, entertainment and awards in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Cost: FREE (SEATTLE) January 27th - The 27th Annual Tacoma Home and Garden Show. The Tacoma Home and Garden Show features over 700 exhibits, product demonstrations, gardening seminars, plant sales, landscaped gardens and floral displays, designer room vignettes, model homes and celebrity speakers. The show is a unique marketplace to shop, compare and save on a total selection of home related products and services for building, remodeling, gardening and decorating. Location: Tacoma Dome, Cost: 10/Adults, $8/Seniors (62+), Free/Children (Under 17). For more info visit http://otshows.com/shows/ths (TACOMA) February 12th & 13th – Gin Hammond’s Returning the Bones. Acclaimed Seattle actress Gin Hammond's inspiring, 26-character solo play, "Returning the Bones," transports audiences to rural Texas during the era of Jim Crow laws and into the life of a young, black medical student searching for her place in the world. Based on the life of Hammond's aunt, Dr. Caroline Beatrice Montier (aka "Bebe"), now 84, "Returning the Bones" brilliantly responds to one of life's most challenging questions: How do you choose between your country, your people and yourself? Where: Hugo House, 1634 11th Ave, Time: 7:30pm, Cost: $17.50 pre-sale or $22.00 at the door. For tickets visit http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/92682 or visit www.ginhammond.com. (SEATTLE)

January 15th – 17th - Tenth Annual Rogue Valley Blues Festival. An all ages event for the whole family! This 3-day music festival is packed full of workshops, concerts and lots of music! Free performances at Standing Stone Restaurant, Alex's Restaurant and Avalon Bar & Grill. Barbecue dinner and refreshments sold by Geppetto's Restaurant. Beer and wine sold by Creekside Bistro. For more info visit www.stclairevents.com/contactus.htm (ASHLAND) January 23rd & 24th – 12th Annual Mo’s Crab & Chowder Festival. Join us at the vineyard for a rollicking event filled with fine Oregon wine and Mo's world famous clam chowder. January is Oregon Crab Month and Mo's will have their steaming chowder bowls,and fresh Oregon coast crab. Hours: 11am-6pm. For more info visit www.willamettevalleyvineyards.com/ (TURNER) January 29th – 31st – ChocolateFest. Join us for the 5th annual ChocolateFest and make all your chocolate dreams come true. We'll have over 45 vendors along with demonstrations and presentations so you can taste, smell, feel and see some of the finest chocolate in the Pacific Northwest. Location: World Forestry Center, For more info visit www.worldforestry.org/. (PORTLAND) 19

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Seattle, WA

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