June 2010

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Michael Powers - Urban Ukulele By Starla L. Fitch Michael Powers is taking Ukulele music to new heights.

Urban Art By Starla L. Fitch Get up-close and personal with the unique and brilliant artwork at SAM’s Olympic Sculpture Park.

Andaluca A sophisticated urban eatery in downtown Seattle.

Heartburn By Cherita Raines What it is and how to prevent it.

Urban Events Events for the “urbanite” in all of us.


Urban Life Northwest has gone urban…..really! For the longest we’ve been on a quest for an identity that would make this e-magazine stand out from the rest. In our evolutionary process, we’ve touched communities all over the Pacific Northwest. This time we are expanding our focus to express what is truly “urban” in the northwest and beyond. We’re updating our look and content to appeal to the urbanite in all of us. We are presenting urban living that is modern, contemporary, chic and progressive. We hope you like the “new” Urban Life Northwest as much as we do. As always, it is our goal to help you “live life to the fullest”. I must say Happy Father’s Day to my husband and to all the men who are fathers. Children need good fathers and it is a blessing and a privilege to be a father. Don’t forget to celebrate and appreciate the awesome father’s you know on June 20th! Lastly, I’ll leave you with this quote, “Judge one not by his charms, but by his qualities” - Unknown

Urban Life Northwest June 2010 Volume III, Issue VI Publisher/Editor - Starla L. Fitch Photography - Miklos L. Fitch Copy Editor- Sylvia M. Fitch

- Starla

Contributor(s) Cherita J. Raines, MD, MPH

Urban Life Northwest is published monthly. Direct all editorial and subscription inquiries to P.O. Box 94057, Seattle, WA 98124-9457, call (425) 533-7802 or visit our website -

www.UrbanLifeNW.com. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without consent. All advertising claims and offers are the sole responsibility of the listed advertiser. Query in advance of article submission; unsolicited materials may not be returned.

Father and Son by Louise Bourgeois, 2005 photo by Miklos Fitch

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The photos were taken by Miklos Fitch.


shown on this page

Perre's Ventaglio III by Beverly Pepper, 1967 (photo by Miklos Fitch) 5


As a well know and sought after performer, Michael Powers is once again showing us the endless range of his talent. His latest album, Urban Ukulele takes you from “Bach to Rock”, as per Michael. When you think of a ukulele, you usually think of Hawaii, hula dancing and beaches but not this time. This time, Michael Powers is changing the way we think about this instrument and its unique sound. In my interview with him, he answers the burning question - Why the ukulele? ULNW: You’re an awesome musician. Have you always loved music and when did you start playing music? MP:Thanks for your kind words about my music Starla! I am excited about appearing in your fine publication! I started playing quite by accident. I graduated from High School when I was 15 in Berkeley CA, and spent the summer hanging out and riding skateboards. I fell off the board after hitting a patch of gravel on the road, and went flying, with my arms out to brace the impact. I had a severe break of my left wrist, therefore I was in a cast an extra long period of time to mend. By the time the cast came off, the muscle on my forearm had atrophied and shrunk considerably. During the time of my recovery I saw a documentary called ‘A Film about Jimi Hendrix’. Everything Jimi was doing was mind blowing and inspiring. I spoke to my doctor and he said playing guitar would be excellent therapy to rebuild my strength, and the rest is history! I was given lemons, and decided to make lemonade! Later when we relocated to Seattle, I was able to play for Jimi’s father Al Hendrix, and he said I reminded him of his son. I knew I was on the right path then! ULNW: You have a loyal following in Seattle, what are the secrets to your success? MP: I am always putting in a lot of hard work behind the scenes in preparing and being ready to get on stage. That way, when it is time to perform I can let all that go, and be in the moment. I put a premium on being punctual, courteous, and professional. I strive to always give my best whether there is one listener or 50,000! I am constantly learning, growing, and adopting new techniques and technologies whenever they are available. I always think about a win-win interaction- I want the listener supporter to win by hearing something new and innovative, I want the promoter/venue to win by filling the house and creating economic sustainability, and I win by being able to have the blessing, honor, and privilege of being able to support myself with this wonderful musical job! ULNW: I know you have a new CD coming out, tell us more about it and what makes this CD different from others you’ve released? MP:The new CD is called Urban Ukulele. I was performing a show at Lake Tahoe this past September. I visited a friend Douglas Reynolds who is a guitarist and promoter and found him with a large number of Ukuleles at his house. He is also my graphic artist who does the design work on my CD releases. When I asked him why he had so many Ukuleles, he said he had fallen in love with the sound, and with the wonderful community of fellow UkeSters. He also started a business that promotes Ukulele events and education called http://playuke.net/. (continued on page 14)



Typewriter Eraser, Scale X by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, 1998

Seattle is a dream city for artist and art lovers alike. You can’t go anywhere in this urban oasis without running across a unique work of art. On one particular day, I decided to make my first official visit to the Seattle Art Museum’s (SAM) Olympic Sculpture Park and I am glad I did. It inspired me to look at the beauty and uniqueness of life. There is so much more to life than the everyday grind and just taking a moment to remember that makes living worthwhile. Ten Feet Into the Future by David Govedare, 1986

Before entering the park, I stopped at an exceptional piece stationed in front of the 3131 Elliot Ave building. Ten Feet Into the Future by David Govedare is five aluminum life size joggers led by a Native American with an African American, an Asian, a Hispanic, and a Caucasian. This work of art reminded me that everyone is important to the success of our future. Artist just have a way of capturing emotions and relaying a message in a single piece of art which can make you feel and understand what a thousand words could never convey.

Wake by Richard Serra, 2004

The Olympic Sculpture Park is a great way to spend an afternoon with that special someone or with your family and friends. Living life in an urban setting allows for exploration, enlightenment and creativity. But it is up to us to take advantage of and appreciate living an urban life.

Urban Art photos in this issue taken by Miklos Fitch. Photos may not be copied or reproduced without express permission form the photographer. Seattle Cloud Cover by Teresita Fernández, 2006


Bunyon's Chess by Mark di Suvero, 1965

Untitled by Roy McMakin, 2004-2007

Curve XXIV by Ellsworth Kelly, 1981


Persephone Unbound by Beverly Pepper, 1999

Eagle by Alexander Calder, 1971


Fine dining. Sophisticated atmosphere. Excellent food. Andaluca restaurant at the Mayflower Park Hotel in Seattle is the spot for an urban food experience. Chef Wayne Johnson has been the Executive Chef since 1999. He has a zeal for food and people and it shows. He will treat you as well as he treats your taste buds. Since 1981 he has been pursuing his culinary calling. He has honed his skills in America and abroad. His menu has a Mediterranean flair with a touch of Americana. The atmosphere is quiet, intimate and cozy. Great for an afternoon business lunch or a romantic evening with the one you love.



City life comes with it’s own unique health related issues. For some it can be stress and for others it can be a poor diet or lack of exercise. Yet for many, heartburn is a symptom that can be caused by either one or all of the afore mentioned conditions. Making thoughtful and healthy life changes can prevent the occurrence of heartburn.

What is heartburn? Heartburn refers to the symptoms you feel when acids in your stomach flow back into the esophagus. This backward movement of stomach acid is called reflux. The acid can burn and irritate the esophagus, throat, and vocal cords.

What are the symptoms? The main symptom is a burning pain in the lower chest, usually close to the bottom of the breastbone. Other symptoms may be acid or sour taste in your mouth, belching and a feeling of bloating or fullness in the stomach. These symptoms tend to happen after very large meals and especially with activity such as bending or lifting after meals. The symptoms may be made worse by lying down or by wearing tight clothing.

How can you prevent heartburn? •

Keep a healthy weight. Lose weight if you are overweight.

Sleep with your head elevated at least 4 to 6 inches.

Wait an hour or longer after eating before you lie down.

Avoid wearing tight clothing or belts.

Don't smoke.

Avoid foods and other things that seem to cause heartburn or make it worse.

Take nonprescription antacids after meals and before bedtime.

*Info from Relay Health. As with all health advice please discuss this information with your family doctor.


(continued from page 7)

He mentioned he had a major Ukulele Festival coming up in March with shows at the Main Showroom at the Nugget in Reno. I said- “let me try that thing”, and I liked the sound as well! I made a wager with him, if I could learn to master the Ukulele and come up with an original approach to the instrument, he would have to agree to feature me at the festival. I did finally master it, and HE did feature me along with the top players in the world! After sending him a demo song a week later, and getting the job, I realized I would actually have to come up with a full CD’s worth of material to pull it off, and that is how Urban Ukulele was born. My concept was to take the Ukulele to places it hadn’t been before, and to take the listener on a trip with it- It brings the URBAN funk From the Concert hall to the swing ball. From Bach to Rock. From Hawaii’s blue waves to a Blues rave. Throw in the Stones and Sting, and SOME gospel the choir might sing. ULNW: How can we get our hands on this CD? MP: You can pick it up at Silver Platters locations, I always have some at my shows, and of course you can order it from my website store at http://www.michaelpowersmusic.com/. I have a series of CD release events in the month of June starting with my kickoff at Billy Baroo’s at the Foster Golf Course in Tukwila WA on Saturday June 5th from 8 to 11 PM. My full list of events and release parties are at this link http://www.michaelpowersmusic.com/ alteventspage.htm. ULNW: If you could do anything in the world other than music, what would it be and why? MP: I would want to be a Golf Pro! I fell in love with the sport 8 years ago after being invited to a celebrity Golf Tournament. My goal now is just to have a better swing than Charles Barkley! ULNW: What goals have you set for yourself? MP: I would be able to do more traveling to play the major jazz, blues and music festivals and venues around the world! Also to continue to grow on the Bass, the Ukulele and to hone my abilities as a composer, arranger, engineer and businessman! I am always striving to spread my love for Jazz and Blues music with the uninitiated, including doing more with Cultural Enrichment such as Artist In Residence programs and educational shows in School’s and Libraries. I also want to shoot at least one round under 80 on a full size legitimate Golf course! ULNW: Any other performances in the near future you want our readers to know about? MP: Yes, I will be playing a lot of shows throughout the summer featuring the Ukulele and the Guitar. You can always keep track of where I am by visiting my website, while there you can sign up for my email list, and get my newsletter from time to time as well. ULNW: Michael thank you for your time. I’m sure our readers will enjoy your latest release. MP: Starla- Thank You for all you do in the community with Urban Life NW, and for the opportunity to connect with your readers!

Michael Powers is an awesome talent and a Pacific Northwest treasure. He has taken his talent to the next level with this new CD. For more information about Michael, his performance schedule and/or his CD’s be sure to visit his website at



Bullseye presents e-merge 2010 (Portland) Now until 6/19 www.bullseyegallery.com

Love Fear Pleasure Lust Pain Glamour Death (Seattle) Showing now www.seattleartmuseum.org

Kurt (Seattle) Showing now www.seattleartmuseum.org

Reflections: The Mary Wilson Supreme Legacy Collection (Seattle) 6/11 - 9/06 www.empsfm.org

Festival Sundiata (Seattle) 6/12 - 6/13 www.festivalsundiata.org

Fremont Fair 2010 (Seattle) 6/19 - 6/20 www.fremontfair.org

First Thursday Gallery Walk (Portland) 7/01 www.firstthursday.com

Waterfront Blues Festival (Portland) 7/02 - 7/05 www.waterfrontbluesfest.com


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