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THE N IN ET IES by Chuck Klosterman

WORDS Sara Putman, owner Bookish, visit


If you are a history lover, Klosterman’s

way we schedule our time, but in

newest soiree into the decade that

how we understand one another, “In

positioned itself between the fall of

the pre-Google world, the internet

the Berlin Wall and the collapse of

changed the way we thought about

the Twin Towers will scratch that

computers and communication. In

contemporary history itch. This deep

the post-Google world, the internet

dive into pop culture will do more

changed the way people thought

than simply regurgitate facts, it will

about life.”

send you on a Google spiral for days. Klosterman’s analysis is a splash of

The 90’s brought about a revolution

Clearly Canadian for your nostalgic

in the human condition we’re still

heart, and for the first time for a huge

grappling to understand. He reminds

swath of our population, readers will

us how “pop culture accelerated

get a thoughtful and reflective analysis

without the aid of a machine that

of lived-in history. Klosterman’s The

remembered everything.” There was

Nineties will uncover exactly why we

an odd comfort in never being certain

loved what we loved and how it got us where we are today.

about anything or discussing Seinfeld or Friends around the water cooler every Friday morning. On a 90’s Thursday

Klosterman argues that there were wholesale shifts in how

night, more people watched any random episode of Seinfeld

society was perceived then versus now. Think about it, in 1995,

than the finale of Game of Thrones. But nobody thought

if you were expecting a phone call, you had to sit at home

that was important; if you missed it, you simply missed it. It

and wait for the landline to ring. Just five years later, Nokia

was the last era that held to the idea of a true, hegemonic

launched a portable phone and eleven million people owned

mainstream before it all began to fracture, whether you

one. Today, it seems unheard of that the postal service and

found a home in it or defined yourself against it – hence the

landline telephones were enough to perpetuate society.

rise of grunge, the fear of selling out, and Independent Party political candidates.

And then there was the Internet which spent most of the decade preparing us for its coming. Who can remember

Klosterman takes us on a time warp through it all: the film,

the day the Internet arrived at your house? Was it a huge

music, sports, TV, politics, changes regarding race, class,

ordeal with fanfare and celebration? Not for me. It just…

and sexuality. Only in a Klosterman book would you see a

appeared. These gradual, yet sudden changes proved to be

sentence like, “The video for ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ was more

more dramatic than most Gen Xers might admit, and these

consequential than the reunification of Germany,” and it

changes and cultural shifts are exactly what Klosterman

makes complete sense. This multi-dimensional work is wicked

unpacks throughout. These shifts upended not only in the

smart and completely delightful.


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