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words Stoney Stamper IMAGEs courtesy April Stamper and ccpixx photography/Shutterstock
I stand with my arm around Emma’s shoulder, holding her
Let me back up a tad. We are at the Oklahoma Youth
against me as I hear her sniffle. She’s fifteen years old, and
Expo, otherwise known as OYE to most everyone involved
this is always the hardest part of showing animals. We watch,
in FFA and 4-H. It’s the largest livestock show on the
as the two pigs that she’s worked so hard with this year,
planet. Thousands and thousands of animals, exhibitors,
walk down the aisle to “the truck.” The truck, of course,
Ag teachers, moms, dads, and families gather every year
is the truck that will carry them to the processing plant.
in Oklahoma City in hopes of making “the hill.” The show
Months of hard work, exercise, washing and conditioning,
is so large, that it requires a few “sift pens” before you
have now culminated to this moment. Just the two of us
can actually reach the main show pen, or “the hill,” as it’s
standing there, watching as they disappear onto the truck.
known. To even get in the top ten in one of these classes is
It’s sad, of course. But we are Ag folks. We understand that
quite an accomplishment. It’s the toughest show you’ll likely
this is how the world works. We donated both of these
ever go to. Countless hours of hard work, blood, sweat and
animals to the Food Bank of Oklahoma, so that their meat
tears are put into these animals. And to be realistic, most of
will go to feed children in need in Oklahoma. So, although
the kids that walk in that show ring are going to get sifted
it hurts Emma to know that these pigs won’t be going
pretty quickly. Most of them won’t make it to “the hill.” So,
home with us today, they are going to help people in need.
why do all this for just a few moments in the show ring?
Someone won’t go hungry because she chose to donate them. And that takes a bit of the sting out of watching
That’s a great question. Some people may look at that as
them take their final walk.
a waste. A waste of time. A waste of money. Lots and lots