Take Heart!
WORDS Kendall Wagner, M.D., Chaffee Crossing Clinic images S_L and marina_ua/Shutterstock
We’ve moved beyond
the holidays and are diving
my patients that the movement should be strenuous enough
into the new year with fresh resolutions and firm resolve.
that they cannot carry on a conversation on a cellphone
Many of us made resolutions to improve our health and the
while exercising and aim for activity that elevates the heart
health of our families. February has long been recognized as
rate above one hundred beats per minute. It should not be so
the month when we focus on heart health and the good news
strenuous as to elicit chest pain or shortness of breath. Good
is that steps toward heart health are generally steps toward
examples include a power walk in the neighborhood, a few
good health in general! As an internal medicine-pediatrics
laps in a temperature-controlled pool, a bicycle ride on one
physician practicing primary care, I spend significant time
of our fantastic River Valley bike trails, or a friendly game of
educating families on healthy lifestyles. In my practice, I
tennis, pickleball, or racquetball.
focus on education in three key areas. Secondly, focus on food! I recommend increasing the amount First, focus on activity! For most individuals, kids and elders
of fresh, whole foods that families consume by shopping the
included, thirty to forty-five minutes of physical activity at
perimeter of the grocery store! This area usually contains
least three to four days per week is recommended. I encourage
fresh fruits and vegetables, followed by healthy lean