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“What’s that seasoning, we talkin’ about, Pip?” Keith asks. “Truth Sauce!” the NBA legend says into the camera. “I’m hands-on. I do everything, from the marketing to most of the videos,” Keith Jr. says. “It’s keeping the people engaged and keeping your audience engaged. I’m big on that, because without people, there is no product. Keep promoting, that’s the easy part in my opinion. That’s something I just have a passion for.” Truth Sauce had steadily developed a loyal following but also faced the same challenges as any new company – gaining wider distribution. Father and son tackled this challenge in the same manner as building their grassroots clientele, which was through one-on-one connections and salesmanship.

“Everything was self-taught. I’m learning every

Every day brings a different challenge into the life of an

day. Still learning today. I don’t have it all figured

described as the good variety. Asked his biggest challenge at

out,” Keith Jr. says. “It was a lot of bumps and

entrepreneur, but the problems Truth Sauce has can be the moment, Keith Jr. grins. “Keeping the product in stock, making sure we have enough,” he says. “Can the co-packers

bruises along the way. My first major retail store

make it fast enough? That’s about it.”

was Drug Emporium. We had a lot of buzz and

Company leadership make no bones about their goals – having

attention. We were doing well in Drug Emporium,

conquered Arkansas and shipped to all fifty states through

and we just kept on pressing forward.”

America and kitchens in all corners of the world.

their website, they want to bring the Truth to every grocery in

The success of the Truth Sauce line on retail shelves, which

“It’s always good to start at home. I feel like if you can get

by then had grown to Truth’s All Purpose Seasoning and

accepted at home first, you can be accepted anywhere,” Keith

Truth BBQ Sauce, helped the brand gain steam among other

Jr. says. “For us to really lay the foundation and be all over

retailers. The company was picked up statewide by Edward’s

Arkansas right now, we’re everywhere, we’re in Hazen, Forrest

Food Giant, followed by distribution in all Arkansas Value

City, Marianna, Beebe, Harrisburg.

Foods. “Now we’re in, all together, about sixty locations “We’ve already shipped to all fifty states. But to have a

throughout Arkansas,” Keith Jr. says proudly.

permanent home in other states would be great, just exThe success of the product has begun to land the company

panding the company outside of Arkansas and letting the

accolades. Remix Ideas and Black Founders named Keith Jr.

masses taste this product is the next step for me. I’m a firm

its 2021 Entrepreneur of the Year.

believer in once you taste it, you will be a customer for life.”

"It was an award I knew nothing about until they called me,” Keith Jr. says. “I was shocked and elated at the same time because it’s always a pleasure when somebody is recognizing your work. All that hard work is not going in vain.”

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