The Digital Diva The Reed Family
Looking online for downloadable digital templates for cards and invitations can sometimes turn into an endless search that leads from one website to another, all without finding the perfect one. And while some people would just settle for something close enough to what they had in mind, the truly creative and doggedly determined take the frustrated search and use it as inspiration. Meet Canon Bey Reed. A thirty-four-year-old wife and the mother of two young children, her life is already hectic with running a household. Dig a little deeper, and you’ll find that she has an amazingly creative mind and an undeniably entrepreneurial spirit—two things that have driven her to be successful as the digital diva behind the whimsical clipart brand she named The Cheeky Darling. Originally begun in 2011 as a way to bridge the gap between what she personally wanted and needed to see and what was actually available online, The Cheeky Darling gave Canon an outlet for her artistic brain to make the designs she saw in her mind’s eye. More
Words Liesel Schmidt images courtesy Canon Reed, Cheeky Darling
than that, it gave her a way to turn her ideas into profits. “Back then, I had just gotten serious about wanting to grow my photography business. Photo albums and senior graduation cards used background