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Letters from Home words Liesel Schmidt image New Africa/Shutterstock

Whoever you are, I hope you like this house as much as I do.


It is a special house. We used to be very happy here. I think you will be, too. Maybe you could write and tell me if you are

My name is Brian. I am 10 years old. This is my house, and


we are moving away today. I love this house, and I wish we could stay. My mom died last year. My dad says we need a


new house now so that it won’t be so hard. I miss her. My

Brian Wright

dad misses her, too. Sometimes he still cries at night when he thinks I’m asleep. Maybe he won’t anymore when we move. I

Abbie held the letter in her hand, wondering how old it

wish I could make him feel better.

was. The paper was stiff from dampness that had come DOSOUTHMAGAZINE.COM

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