Urban Views Weekly June 10, 2015

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June 10, 2015

Scholar of the Week – Deonte’ Barkley

Real Estate:

Your Home

Your Life


THURSDAY MORNING MIXER Network with other African American business owners, managers, and professionals. This is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself and your business to “family” members who did not know that you existed.

Make connections that can grow your business. Make connections so you can refer others to someone that you just met.

June 11, 2015 7:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m.

Bon Secours Heart Institute at Reynolds Crossing 7001 Forest Ave. Richmond, VA 23230 Forest Ave. & Glenside Dr.

The Deal

By Jason Alderman

Looking for Work? Plan a Money-Smart Job Search A successful job search goes well beyond snagging the title and the paycheck. From the day you start looking until the day you’re hired, there are strategic and financial issues to consider that may be more valuable to you in the long run. To start, job seekers should always begin with a plan to promote themselves both in person and online, and some aspects of that process may be tax deductible. Keep in mind that if you are already employed, you may want to consider certain timing and legal issues that will define how and when you search. And finally, taking the job requires a close look at benefits. It makes sense to discuss any potential job search with a qualified financial advisor who can evaluate your current financial circumstances as well as offer tips on how to strengthen your preparations for retirement and other goals. Start with market research and improving your public profile. A recent Jobvite study notes that Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles are the ranking social media options reaching employers and for industry hiring and pay projections, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Occupational Outlook Handbook (http://www.bls.gov/ooh/) is a wide-ranging and constantly updated online

Letter To The Editor

Central Virginia African American Chamber of Commerce Email: Info@CVAACC.org • Phone: 804-823-7745

Check your credit reports. Remember that many employers screen applicants’ creditworthiness as part of their candidate review. Go to AnnualCreditReport.com (https://www. annualcreditreport.com/index.action) for free access to reports from the three major credit agencies – Experian, TransUnion and Equifax – to check for potential errors or credit negatives you need to repair. Evaluating search expenses and potential tax savings come next. Here are a few of the current rules listed by the IRS (http://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/JobHunting-Expenses). Make note that your current job status will affect how the rules apply to you: •

Expenses may qualify as deductions only for a job search in your current line of work. You won’t be able to deduct expenses for a job search in a new occupation.

You can’t deduct job search expenses if you’re looking for a job for the first time or if there’s been what the IRS calls a “long break” between your last job and beginning your search for a new one.

If you travel to look

Ervin B. Clarke, Publisher publisher@urbanviewsweekly.com VOL. 8, ISSUE 23 Urban Views Weekly, LLC 6802 Paragon Place, Suite 410 Richmond, VA 23230 Office: (804) 441-6255 Fax: (888) 439-2534

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Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015

continues on page 5

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Doors open 7:30 a.m. We start PROMPTLY at 8:00 a.m. Free Admission for CVAACC members • Non-members $20.00 Please RSVP via the www.CVAACC.org Event Calendar We want to have your cup of coffee or juice ready for you.

resource for that data.

Visit us! Check out our website for the latest Articles and Information. www.UrbanViewsWeekly.com

Scholar of the Week

By Janeal Downs A great influence in Deonte’ Barkley’s life is his grandmother. At a young age, she was responsible for raising three children as a single mother. “She told me if she could go back and get her education, she would have,” he said. “So she always kept pushing me to always do the best I possibly could.” Because of her influence, he has continued to work hard in school. As a senior at Petersburg High School, Deonte’ has a 3.2 GPA and is ranked 33rd in his class of 219 students.

Deonte’ Barkley of

Petersburg High School

GPA: 3.24 College of Interest: Virginia State University Major Community Service: Work with DECA, Concerned Black Men of Petersburg Strong Interest: Entrepreneurship, Business, electronics, cars, etc. Favorite Activities: Playing games, spending time with friends, playing basketball

Deonte’ plans on continuing his education at Virginia State University this fall. He chose to go to VSU because not only did the school offer him the most money, but he also likes the school’s location. If anything happened at home, he would be close enough to return. He plans on majoring in business marketing and minoring in business agriculture. “I learned that a of the lot of companies need marketers and advertisers to build their companies,” Deonte’ said about why he chose his major. In relation to business agriculture, he said there will be a big expansion of crops such as tobacco and cannabis in the future. He is interested in studying the industry and learning how people use agriculture and the land to make money.

go to graduate school after taking some years off. Not only does he want to work in business marketing and agriculture, he also wants to become a licensed real estate agent. “I plan to take a giant step forward and work hard with determination to be promoted to one of the top positions in whatever company I’m working for,” Deonte’ stated in an essay. As he works hard to excel in the work force, Deonte’ plans to help others through mentoring and even helping new employees at his future job. “I’ll continue to work and enhance my skills to better myself and my work ethics,” he said. He has even planned for retirement and plans to use his retirement pension to start his own electronic business.


Deonte’s career plans include obtaining internships in his desired career fields while in college. After he gets his bachelor’s degree, he wants to enter the work force and assist his parents financially. He also desires to

While Deonte’ has a plan for life after college, he continued to work hard in ™ high school. He has been a member Week of organizations such as DECA and Concerned Black Men of Petersburg. By volunteering with these organizations, he has learned, “it’s a lot more people than you think that could probably use your help.” There are many lessons Deonte’ will take with him to college as he starts the next chapter in his life. These include the fact that it is sometimes better to choose extra study time over having fun and teachers can become friends. With many aspirations and plans for the future, one of the biggest lessons Deonte’ will take with him to college is that “friends come and go, but you always have your family there.”

Watch for our Scholar of the Week segment, Wednesdays at 6:30 PM on 

$100 Scholarships Awarded Every Week

Encourage your scholar to apply! www.UrbanViewsWeekly.com

Do you know a High School Senior who can meet the following criteria?

1. Have a 3.0 grade point average or better 2. Participates in extracurricular community service activities 3. Attends public school in Central Virginia Go to UrbanViewsWeekly.com for application and details.

Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015


Justin “Jay” Johnson 4

Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015



By Dr. T

TanyaFree.com/ Urban Views Weekly Poll

To the Graduates of 2015: Will you be daring or dumbfounded?

Graduating in 2015 is a challenging task. on the world they have inherited. They are a Students today face a generation that dares to world of uncertainty as boldly stand up to social they receive their high injustice and inequities. school diplomas and They are tech savvy and college degrees. The keenly engaged in the cost of higher education social media marketplace continues to rise without where thousands of much relief in sight, dollars can be raised unemployment for online in a matter of young people is twice hours to support a cause. the national average, They can rally millions and stagnant wages within seconds to engage create less than optimal in online movements opportunities for these that call attention to Tawnya Pettiford-Wates, Ph.D. new graduates of 2015 people, causes and social Founder and Artistic Director regardless of their level justice. They have, at this The Conciliation Project and of education. High rates moment, what many of us Associate Professor of unemployment among do not, an entire lifetime Virginia Commonwealth University young adults (aged 18 to ahead of them, with all DrT@Margins2theCenter.com www.theconciliationproject.org 25 years) are, literally, a the hopes and dreams that public health concern. lifetime can hold. They Researchers contend have energy and they have that there is a significant relationship between stamina. unemployment and depression in young adults, Let’s hope that they continue to gain knowledge which is likely to cause an increase in the crime as they move beyond the formal classroom rate and drug and alcohol abuse. and studio spaces, beyond their high school The state of global politics is daunting as our communities and university campus. Let us all government negotiates with world powers hope that they grab hold of the opportunities that regarding nuclear arms, war and foreign trade. cross their paths and make bold and significant Although our national economy has been making choices. Let us hope they will not shirk their progress, it is still sluggish and growth is slow. responsibility as citizens, but rather grab hold Climate change has been significant over the with all of the vigor and optimism afforded to past decade and we have been experiencing them by virtue of their youth. Let us hope that documented global warming, while some of our they are not dumbfounded by the world they most influential leaders have been in denial that are inheriting, but instead DARE to take on the phenomenon even exists. the challenges they face, large and small, with a deep faith and belief in their ability to make a Our 2015 graduates truly have a lot to deal difference somehow, somewhere. Indeed, we are with as they move forward into their future, all depending on them whether we know it or whether that future is further education, entering not. They are our future. the workforce or fulfilling some other goal or aspiration. The formidable challenges they face Graduates of 2015, step into your future, dream can be so overwhelming as to paralyze them, your dreams, make your way and do not be holding them captive in a state of stupor. They overwhelmed. You have been given the great gifts could be dumbfounded and unable to move, of youth, passion and the power of knowledge. choose or step forward into their future, although Do not allow them to go to waste. Be bold I seriously doubt if that would be the case. enough to be as daring and brilliant as you can possibly be. #CongratulationsGrads2015 No. This generation is a courageous one and they are committed to making their mark Up Next Week: Things My Father Taught Me www.UrbanViewsWeekly.com

Nebraska became the latest state to ban the death penalty last week. As the death penalty continues to lose support in state houses across America, a majority of Americans believe the death penalty is morally acceptable according to a recent poll.

What’s Your Take? Do you support or oppose the death penalty? Is the death penalty morally acceptable? Check out the story and respond to this week’s poll at TanyaFree.com and the Urban Views Weekly FACEBOOK Page. Listen to the Tanya Free and Friends Talk Show Wednesdays @ 2pm on WCLM1450AM streaming LIVE @ TanyaFree.com and BlackTalkRadioNetwork.com.

about k l a t Let’s g your n i w o r g ss. busine for a job in a qualified job search, you may be able to deduct the costs of all or part of the trip. continues from page 2

A job search is always a good time to revisit current budgeting and savings goals. For example, you might want to do more specialized budgeting (http://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/calculators/ budgetgoals) as you aim for a particular salary offer. You’ll also want to consider the timing of your search to exhaust benefits you’ve earned at your current employer. You will see many employees schedule a job search after annual bonuses are paid or after they’re able to spend out in tax-advantaged Health or Flexible Spending accounts (HSAs or FSAs) for qualified health care, dependent care or other approved benefits. Also, before you start applying, it might be worthwhile to review confidentiality or non-compete agreements you signed at the time your current employer hired you in case those agreements might restrict any element of your search. Sometimes job offers distract workers from taking a thorough look at the value of potential

Ask us how: (804) 441-6255

benefits (http://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/ employerbenefits). You may not get all the details until your actual starting date, but see whether your future employer’s human resources department can share details of the health, retirement or tax-advantaged benefits programs they offer. Above all, find out how soon you’ll be eligible to sign up for your new employer’s 401(k) retirement plan. Finally, touch base again with your financial advisor before you accept to make sure you’ve got all the information you need. You will need to do parallel retirement planning if you are to retire successfully, and qualified advisors can also assist with transferring previous-employer retirement assets and suggestions on ways to use other workrelated benefits efficiently. Bottom line: When searching for a new job, go beyond the paycheck issues to research tax and benefit issues that can make a good job a great one. Jason Alderman directs Visa’s financial education programs. To Follow Jason Alderman on Twitter: www.twitter.com/PracticalMoney.

Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015


Summer Is the Beginnin Summer and early fall are among the busiest seasons for moving. If you’re joining the relocation frenzy this year, there are certain steps you should take to make sure your move is stress free.

or charity organizations. One box will lead to another, and soon you’ll have your home packed and ready to move.

Can You Afford to Buy?

Maybe you’re moving to a better neighborhood or a bigger home. Staying in this positive mindset will keep you smiling as you’re packing boxes and moving furniture. Remember that every move is different, so build your own blueprint to make sure you’ve got all of your bases covered.

DIY or Hire a Pro?

This is the first question you should ask yourself. Will you move yourself with the help of friends and family members, or will you enlist the help of a professional moving company? Factors to consider here include your budget, the amount of household items you’ll be moving, and the time you have to move. If you choose to move yourself, be sure to reward helpers with lunch or dinner as a gesture of appreciation. Moving is likely not at the top of anyone’s list of favorite ways to spend a Saturday, but your gratefulness will make it worthwhile. Professional movers usually can move all of your belongings within a few hours. This is beneficial if you’re under a tight deadline to move or if you’re unable to secure a truck. Be sure to opt for any insurance protection the moving company offers. It may only cost a few more dollars and can give you peace of mind that your items will arrive at your new home safely.

Strategic Packing

Even if you choose to hire a professional moving company, the burden of packing your belongings still falls on you. Start today.

You might think you’re ready to buy until you start crunching the numbers. It’s better to find out now that you’re not ready rather than when you’re already tied to a 15- or 30-year investment.

If you haven’t been through a home sale or purchase before, you may not realize how many moving parts there are to the process. Sure, you’re paying an agent to handle certain parts of the transaction and your title company for other aspects, but it comes down to you being an educated party to make sure everything goes according to plan. Work closely and regularly with your banker, Realtor and title company

Other costs that can impact your bottom line include those associated with moving, landscaping, and upgrades you may want to make as soon as you are handed the keys. Budgeting for these items is an exercise in simple addition and subtraction. Be sure to take a close look at your income and expenses. Once you feel confident in what’s left over, you should feel secure in taking the leap.

Mortgage Options

One way to give yourself some wiggle room in terms of your monthly mortgage payments is by reviewing your options as a borrower. Down payments typically range from 3 to 20 percent of the property value, depending on whether you decide to take out a loan that requires private mortgage insurance. Private mortgage insurance is a policy that allows mortgage lenders to recover part of their financial losses if a borrower fails to fully re-pay a loan. It can be beneficial to a buyer who may not have a large down payment available, because it makes it possible to buy a home with as little as 3 percent down.

Also, consider giving away boxes of items to friends, family members

Realize that the trade-off here is a higher mortgage payment, so choose

Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015

Get Estimates

Earning the title of homeowner can be an easy task, especially considering today’s low mortgage rates and banks’ willingness to open up their lending again. But retaining the title of homeowner can be difficult if you’re not fully prepared for the extra finances. Potential buyers can sometimes forget to consider costs such as homeowners insurance, inspection fees, or even general month-to-month repair and maintenance costs.

Even if your move isn’t for a couple of months, start devoting a few hours per week to boxing up possessions that you don’t normally use. Take the process one closet at a time and store the moving boxes out of your way.


your path wisely depending on how much you have to put down and how much you’re comfortable spending on a monthly basis.

to obtain updated estimates for your closing costs. The last thing you want is to be surprised on closing day with a different amount required than what you were expecting to pay.

Diamonds in the Rough

The benefits of a brand new home are easy to spot. But recognizing the potential of a home in need of some TLC will take a creative eye and a willingness to roll up your sleeves on some home improvement projects.

ng of the Moving Season By Bernard Freeman

Once you’ve been pre-approved and know how much you can afford on a monthly mortgage payment, it’s time to go shopping. Depending on how handy you are, it will likely be beneficial to find a home with good “bones.” This means that there are no structural deficiencies and that all major electrical and water systems are functioning correctly. You may be able to spot these issues, or it may take the expert eye of a professional home inspector. Either way, hiring an inspector is usually a requirement of the lending organization for any home transaction.

• Electrical systems: $20 to $1,500 • Plumbing systems: $300 to $5,000 • Central cooling: $800 to $2,500 • Central heating: $1,500 to $3,000 • Insulation: $800 to $1,500 • Structural systems: $1,500 to $3000 • Water seepage: $600 to $5,000

Making an Offer

You should take any of the above factors into consideration when making your offer. Build a budget that would cover the home improvement costs you’re thinking about undertaking. For projects that need to be handled by a professional, call around to get a few quotes. Then either subtract these numbers from your asking price or ask for a credit from the seller to cover your costs.

Schedule Issues

HouseMaster, a national home inspection company, recently released study results that found the typical costs of major repairs, as follows: • Roofing: $1,500 to $5,000

With costs starting in the tens of thousands of dollars, in-ground swimming pools are not a small investment. The bad news is they also aren’t likely to be worth the equity you put in when it comes time to sell your home. However, this depends on where you live. Homes in warm climates can expect up to a 50 percent return on investment, according to the annual Cost vs. Value Report published by the real estate media firm Hanley Wood. Other homeowners across the country, however, can expect a decrease in home value due to the significant operating and maintenance costs pools require.

Couples with young children at home may not have the desire to live in a construction zone for months at a time while critical areas of the home — especially bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens — are being redone.


Functionality has overtaken luxury as the hottest selling point in today’s real estate market. Budgets are tighter, and home buyers are deciding on smaller mortgage payments over more space or premium locations.

You may find a home that has great potential but is in need of some repairs. Consult with your inspector to find out how much these will cost and how soon you should consider repairing them upon moving in.

In-Ground Swimming Pools

Taking on a renovation project can be exciting, but also challenging if you’re pressed for time. Consider the impact it could have on your family’s schedules.

Projects to Avoid

Taking on Repairs

You may choose personal comfort over resale value when considering certain projects, which include in-ground swimming pools and fancy sunrooms. Your quality of life is most important, so if you’re looking to get a few good years out of one of these remodels, go for it. Just don’t expect to recoup the majority of your construction costs in the end.

This means homeowners planning on remodels should more than ever be considering the value those improvements will be able to recoup. If you’re planning to remodel, concentrate on smaller projects that make sense with buyer budgets. Small upgrades that add functional use and energy efficiency are becoming appealing, as such changes can have an overall impact on utility bills, such as electric and water.

The sunroom is an expensive project that only recoups $486 for every $1,000 spent on construction, according to Hanley Wood. Buyers also report that due to glass’ inability to provide adequate insulation, energy costs are a major issue in the purchase decision. Again, where you live in the country and how much enjoyment you’ll personally receive from a sunroom may end up being your deciding factors.

Garage Additions

The Cost vs. Value Report finds that homeowners who build a garage see a 62 percent return on their investment. An expensive price tag is a major factor. A carport or shed may provide you the same storage functionality without the major expense, especially if you only need it for general protection from the elements or a place to keep your lawn equipment. www.UrbanViewsWeekly.com


Central Virginia African American Chamber of Commerce 4Core Technology Group, Inc. A Better Choice Family Services, LLC A Plus Home Health Care A W Smith Small Business Solutions AdviCoach Aflac Allied & Associates American Civil War Center American Tap Room Amiralyn Properties An Elegant Event Anchor Financial Group Angela McNeal, Realtor Anthem BCBS/Caremore Anthony Wright Appomattox Drugs Associated Insurance Systems Services, Inc. Atelier Ego/J. Hilburn Atlantic Logowear, LLC AudioTech, Inc. Auto Discounters Balloons and Things BB&T Wealth Be4Real Ministries, Inc. Benefits & Retirement Consultants, LLC Better Life Chiropractic, LLC Better Menswear Of Richmond Billie & Robinson Cleaning Services, LLC Black Cat Design BlackRock Associates, LLC Bodies & Beyond Gym and Fitness Bon Secours Richmond Health System Boomer3 Solutions, LLC Brame Specialty Breath of Fresh Air - CPR & Healthcare Training Center Brian Taylor BusinesSuites C & J Lawn Maintenance Cardiac Connection Health Educators & Home Health Cat Eyez Ink Catina Downey, CPA, PLLC CCHASM Central Michigan University Chesterfield County Economic Development Chesterfield Learning Center Child Shield, U.S.A.

China Channel Limited CHN Realty Co. LLC Church Hill Cleaners City of Richmond City To City Auto Sales CMLB Business Solutions, LLC Comcast Cable Commercial Investment Group Commonwealth Construction Company of VA, Inc. Compass Realty Craigland Hair Affair Credit Restoration / Financial Education Service Crossplatform Design D & S Enterprise Cleaning Service D & W Fashions D.I.Y. Travel Network D&K Painting, LLC Daily Grace LLC Davis Brothers Construction Company DiabetesSOS.com DiBartolo Court Reporting Dominion Medical Associates Dwight Snead Construction Company Dynamic Detailers Edward Jones ERA Woody Hogg & Associates Essence Cosmetology & Barbering Acadamy Eved Payments eWaste Tech Systems Exclusive Travel & Cruises Exquisite Rentals Fashion Design Center FBG Enterprize First Financial Group Fiscal Fitness Tax & Financial Services Forrest White Printing and Graphic Design Fortis College Four Deep Multimedia, LLC Foust Insurance Agency,Llc Fred A. Dixon, P.C. - Law Office Fresh Start Home Program, LLC Fresh Wind/Fresh Start Re-Entry Ministry Program Fulton Bank G T T Enterprises, Inc Gallery of Weave & Wigs

Genesis Athletic Funding, Inc. Girls For A Change Greater Richmond Partnership, Inc. Green Auto Sales Green-Leaf Solutions LLC Growth Worx Haley Buick GMC Hamilton Group Funding Harris Tax and Business Services Harris HVAC and Maintenance HBW Advisory Services, LLC HiFlight Pursuits Hometown Realty Hough’s Consulting & Counseling HPDS Sports LLC HRichNetworks, LLC ImagesByKecia LLC Imagined 2 Reality Promotions LLC In Divine Order, LLC Influential Family Services, Inc. Information Management Solutions, LLC Inlight Impressions LLC Inspiring Beauty LLC Integrity Pest Solutions J-Tyler Resources J.ELAY James Management Group, LLC JB Bryan Financial Group, Inc. JD PC Repair LLC Jeremiah Enterprises Jireh Construction Inc Jo-Lyn Services, Inc. Jones & Jones Audio & Video Junior Achievement of Central Virginia Karen Wilson Natural Beauty Keller Williams Realty KG Productions, LLC Kirby & Associates, CPA Kjellstrom + Lee Construction Kollege and Kareer 4 Youth, LLC LakeView Digital, LLC Laydsing Productions Legal Shield LegalShield Liberation Family Services Lighthouse 1017 Group, LLC (Smart Device Apps) Long & Foster Realtors Long & Foster Short Pump Office Long & Foster, Bellgrade Lyons HR

Do Business with Chamber Members! 8

Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015

Majestic Milestones Event Management Manifest In You, LLC Marion Marketing, LLC Mary Kay, Inc. McEachin & Gee Law Firm Mequell Green Insurance AgencyNationwide Insurance Metlife Micah White Enterprises LLC Midlothian Jewelry Exchange and Repair Miles Ahead Distribution, Inc. Minor Interiors MLH Asset Management Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial Monarch Mortgage Moore’s Auto Body and Paint Shop Moseley & Sons Home Improvement and Repair Mr. G’s Entertainment Co. LLC Mr. Roland’s Catering & Event Services My Brother’s Keeper of Greater Richmond NatalieP of Soul Purpose National Counseling Group NBC12 - WWBT NDUTIME Youth & Family Services, Inc./Center of Wellness Nedra L. Blizzard, CPA, PLLC New Town Realty, LLC New York Life Nissan of Richmond/Chesapeake Northwestern Mutual Northwestern Mutual Financial Network odeeps work Old Dominion Home Health Services, Inc OnPoint Financial Retirement Open Hands Massage Care Order In the House Organo Gold Independent Distributor Oyster’s Pearl Parris Gainer Consulting Services Pat’s World Staging & Re-Design, LLC Peaceful Taste LLC - Mama’s Gourmet Sweet Potato Flavor Pearson Kia Perry Insurance Agency, INC.

Poole & Associates, LLC Possible Now Powhatan Fair Association Practical Real Estate Services Premium Shipping Prestige Construction Group, Inc. Primerica Financial Services Profected Shine Cleaning Service, LLC Prom Bring It, Inc. Pryor Hauling Inc Pure Environmental Solutions Quality Moving Services Radio One, Inc. Richmond RE/MAX Commonwealth Retirement & Insurance Financial Services Richmond Alert Security, LLC Richmond BMW Richmond Bulldogs Richmond Raiders Richmond Region Tourism Ricky Johnson & Friends RideFinders Right At Home River City Comprehensive Counseling Services River City Home Staging LLC River City Realty & Investments, LLC RMT Construction & Development Group Rock The Remy - House of Beautiful Hair Ropho Sales Ross Termite Inspections Ruffin Insurance Agency S.H. Leverett Educational Consulting Sales Recruiters of Virginia LLC Sass C Creations Saving With Solar Scott’s Funeral Home SendOutCards Seniors 1st Choice Adult Daycare Shay’s Shoe Haven Shoe Crazy Wine LLC Sistahood of Richmond Smooth Groove Center for Dance & Entertainment Spectrum Office Solutions State Farm Agency Recruiting Stewart Tax & Financial Services Stratford University Supreme Concepts

Sustainable Facility Solutions Taylor-Made Business Services, LLC Taylor’s Paralegal Services TCB Hair & Beauty Thalia’s Creations The Building Bridges Academy The Callahan Group The Henrico Citizen The Insurance Lady The Konsierge Xperience The Law Office of Alex Taylor The Voice The Wellness Group Youth Family Services Time2Grow LLC TKO Cleaning Services TLC by Kimley, LLC TLC Home Health, Inc. Top Flight Cleaning Service Total Praise Transport TouchSuite.com Transformation Consulting, LLC TRL Essential Services Tropical Safari Twin Ridge Financial U.S. Small Business Administration Ujamaa Box United Network for Organ Sharing United Unlimited Construction, Inc. University of Richmond Urban Development Corporation Urban Views Weekly VA Sports Management Versatile Merchant Solutions Virginia Blood Services Virginia First Financial Services, LLC Virginia Heritage Foods, Inc. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Virginia Office of the Attorney General Virginia Union University Viro-Technology Vizions Consulting VR Direct Marketing West Broad Honda West Broad Hyundai Whispering Pine Martial Arts Woodforest National Bank Worth Unlimited WRIC-TV WUPV CW Richmond - Bounce TV Youngevity 90ForLife Your Paperless Office, LLC

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Civic Beat FUNdraising Good Times

You want to build a building? Owning a building can be a turning point in the life of a nonprofit. A building represents positive attributes: permanence, ownership, longevity, visibility, stability, status and achievement. You can control your destiny, make improvements, and expand when needed. You have an asset to leverage for future projects. No one can make you move. Fundraising for a building is also a milestone. In addition to securing funds for annual operations, you will need to simultaneously raise funds for the building. Questions regarding strategy, leadership, and financing need to be addressed. A new building may require an expanded or new board, especially if your current board doesn’t have the experience, connections, and fundraising expertise required by a capital campaign. The process of planning for a new building can be longer than anticipated. Knowing your organization’s needs is the first step. Creating consensus is the next. Then come discussions regarding location, and whether to purchase or renovate an existing building, or build a new one. Sooner or later the discussions – and decisions – will center around money. There are fundraising questions to be answered such as: Where will the money come from? Will our current donors continue their annual support and make additional gifts for the building? Who will lead the campaign? How much money do we need to raise? The fundraising goal should derive from your building and/or renovation plans. But how do you create a realistic goal? “It could be that a new building will create


even more challenges than the ones the organization faces in its current location.” This observation was raised by Sam King, senior vice president and financial advisor at Pinnacle Financial Partners in Memphis, during a recent conversation. An experienced banker, fundraiser, and nonprofit board member, he has a list of questions for nonprofits to consider as they begin the process of planning for a capital campaign. Here are a few: “In addition to constructing the building, can you raise enough money to sustain the building? How will you cover increased utility and maintenance costs year-over-year? How will you fund improvements and repairs? If you take a mortgage, how will you service the debt? Can your organization qualify for a mortgage?” “Will a new building hurt your organization? Will you have a big building with no programming? Will a new building create problems greater than those you face now? If you intend on raising all the money first, how long will it take to have ‘cash in hand’– no pledges? And what happens if you don’t raise all the money that you need?” King raises important questions based on years of experience. Take the time you need to make the right decisions. Ask others who have gone through the process to share their guidance. This is a big decision – make it a positive one. Copyright 2015– Mel and Pearl Shaw. Mel and Pearl Shaw position nonprofits, colleges and universities for fundraising success. For help with your fundraising visit www.saadandshaw.com or call (901) 522-8727.

Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015


Town of Bowling Green First Annual

John Cephas

June 20 | 10am-2pm | Byrd Park | Richmond, VA



Saturday, June 13, 2015

MAIN STREET, BOWLING GREEN VA • 2 P.M.– 8 P.M. Featuring Piedmont Blues Performers: Cephas’ longtime partner and harmonica master

Phil Wiggins

• Robert Flowers with Warner Williams, Jay Summerour & Eric Selby • MSG Acoustic Blues Trio • Piedmont Bluz Acoustic Duo • Eleanor Ellis • Rick Franklin • Marc Pessar This event is about closing streets to cars and opening them to the public—for one day—to create a healthy, sustainable and vibrant RVA street experience. FREE and open to everyone to do what they wish—run, walk, bike, roller blade, Zumba, hula hoop, WHATEVER! The event will take place throughout Byrd Park. Vendors will line the park with free activities for the entire family! To be a vendor you must offer something that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle and sign up in advance!

MEET THE ARTIST 11 a.m. –1:30 p.m.

LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS OF PLAYING BLUES MUSIC! Performing Blues artists will offer hands-on instructional workshops before performances. Limited space available! Pre-registration required at:

BEER GARDEN Food Vendors Artisan Crafts Activities for all ages For more information contact the Town of Bowling Green at 804-633-6212 E-mail: bgtownevents@gmail.com


Expand your network and Grow your business. Central Virginia African American Chamber of Commerce


Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015

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How to Guide


How to Choose a Builder If you are considering additions or renovations to your home or office, you will want to make sure you find the best and most economical builder for your project. Putting an addition onto your home has never been more economical. In fact, it might be more economical to expand your home rather than finding a new place to live.

Office: (

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM

after the project was completed? You will also want to check on any follow-up service. Were there any repairs or minor touch-ups required? You should receive satisfactory answers to all these questions.

Get a Contract Once you have selected the builder, you should receive a contract with the bid in writing. Read this document thoroughly so you understand what is included, and what is not. Building contracts outline a timeframe for when work will be completed. Be sure you and the builder agree on what will happen if the timeframe is not met. Both of you should agree on the terms of completion. You should not pay the final amount of the bill until all work is finished, including receiving any necessary permits and cleanup.

Americans spend up to $15 billion each year on home improvement projects completed by builders. These professionals can change your existing structure or build your dream home. The builder you choose should be highly skilled and hardworking. Consider these tips to help you find the best builder in your area.

Determine the Budget Knowing your budget will help you determine the size of your project. Don’t make the mistake of overspending on a construction project. Usually, other costs come up after the initial bid on the project. You could end up paying for extra permits you may not have realized you needed, or materials could go up in price. With costs in mind, have a vision of your finished project. This mental image will guide you toward finding the right builder.

Get Bids After determining your budget and plan, look for five builders. You can find them on the Internet, in the telephone book, through recommendations from people in your social network, or through ads in your local newspaper. Solicit five bids for this project. Once you have received all of them, throw out the highest bid. The top bid is probably more than you should pay. The lowest bidder might have inaccurately assessed the job or is simply too inexperienced, so be sure to research them carefully.

This written document should also stipulate who will be working on your property. Sometimes, a builder subcontracts other companies for portions of a job. You should know the other companies and what tasks they will be doing.

Interview the Builders Schedule appointments with each builder. Communicate your vision and talk about the bid in detail.

Payment due dates will be listed on the contract. It is typical to pay for the materials before the project begins. The materials should be on site before you make payment. Request a receipt for payment.

Check the References

The contract should also specify when the builder will be at the site. Most builders hire project managers for major jobs. If there is a project manager assigned for your job, meet with that person at the beginning of the project.

When speaking with previous clients, ask if the construction stayed on schedule. Were there any delays other than the weather? Did the builder keep costs within budget? Also, inquire about the behavior of the crew. Did they leave a mess

Choosing the right builder will make all the difference in the world. The right builder will be experienced, do quality work in the time frame specified, and keep to the budget as much as possible.

Request references. Each contact should be a previous client. Be sure to view the work of the builder at those locations and see if you can get any feedback from their clients.

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Urban Views Weekly | June 10, 2015


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