October 14, 2015
Breast Cancer
Awareness Early Detection is Key
Civic Beat FUNdraising Good Times
Keys to unlocking board involvement Part three of a three-part series The vitality of a nonprofit lies with its board members. Their individual and collective action, engagement and clarity of mission make all the difference in the world. In this final installment of our interview with Lisa Hoffman, we share her thoughts regarding the important work of a nonprofit board. “Board members are critical to successful fundraising. They are in a unique position as volunteers to invite investment, to express their passion and say ‘join me’ in strengthening communities, cleaning up the environment and other essential causes. Fundraising enthusiasm, transcending anxieties and fears about asking, and board engagement in general are all strongly rooted in effective board development,” Hoffman shares. “And that development begins with how board members are recruited – figuring out what kinds of people are needed, clearly conveying expectations ranging from board meeting attendance to fundraising, and new board member orientation that continuing board members facilitate. It also includes creating an intentional culture, one that focuses on relationships, commitment and accountability, and board governance policies that cover nuts and bolts like board terms and term limits – which are stewarded by board leadership.”
Letter To The Editor
Speaking from her experience, Hoffman continued, “most people live up or down to expectations – and that includes board members. Members of high-performing boards want clarity about the commitments they are being asked to make, and they respond to high expectations. Sometimes that response is to articulate limits – which I feel is optimal because it is honest and opens up the possibility for discussion and authentic commitment that grows from a mutual understanding of expectations.” We also asked Hoffman about the future for nonprofits in the areas of management, messaging, infrastructure and fundraising. “I think the nonprofits that will thrive in the future will do so because of a combination of classic strengths: staff and board leadership; relationship-based fundraising combined with smart, strategic and tactical use of new and emerging communication tools,” Hoffman shared. “And they’ll remember that remembering that these tools are simply ways of connecting and engaging with people – they aren’t magical solutions. They are just additional, certainly powerful, tools in the toolbox.” Finally, because she lives and works in San Francisco, California, we asked Hoffman about engaging technology firms. Her guidance: “I think that most people, technology firms or continues on page 5
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Urban Views Weekly | October 14, 2015
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Urban Views Weekly | October 14, 2015
By Dr. T
The Blood & Carnage: addicted to guns & worshipping violence In the canon of classic homegrown novels, the “American” way of life is all wrapped up in a sense of rugged individualism and the “pursuit of freedom and liberty.” Like dramatized in the old John Wayne movies, and just like in the days of old Hollywood movie magic, today’s 2nd Amendment zealots engage in a type of magical thinking that hopes and believes, and never actually does anything about the horrific problems we face as a nation. The outrageous statistical data involving the excessive death rates, wounding, and trauma inflicted on innocent people due to the out-ofcontrol gun violence we experience daily as citizens of this so-called greatest industrialized nation on earth. We are a culture that has an addiction to guns, and the violence that is bred by their use is something we cannot help but bow down to as if worshipping at the altar of a god. The spilling of the blood of innocent people is how we pay homage to our god, and our addiction to guns is the object of our affection beyond life, beyond reason, beyond anything that is rational or affirming of truth, goodness or righteousness. What is happening in our country right now is both a sin and a shame.
were considered the property of their husbands and had no right to vote. Separate but equal was the law of the land, and Manifest Destiny legalized the process of stealing, plundering and murder in the name of white supremacy and privilege. This attitude fueled western settlement at the expense of Native Americans and ignited war with Mexico. NO! We do not want to go back! Anyone who wants to reclaim the so-called “good old days” is clearly part of the disenfranchised “privileged” class or are just plain ignorant of history.
Tawnya Pettiford-Wates, Ph.D.
Founder and Artistic Director The Conciliation Project and Associate Professor Virginia Commonwealth University
This so-called “right to bear arms” is a clarion call to claim your rights by taking the rights of others away; the right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Your rights Do NOT supersede my rights or those of my children and grandchildren. We have the right to worship the God of our choice without threat of violence or being gunned down because of the color of our skin. Students and teachers on college campuses, people in movie theatres, elementary school children, constituents at political rallies, or people in a shopping mall should not have to fear being shot down by automatic gunfire because of your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. That right was granted by the Founders during the formative days - the times of the wild, wild west - when there were no well-armed militia, local police force, national guard or federal armed forces by land, sea and air.
Although I have many disagreements and divergent ideology DrT@Margins2theCenter.com with the “Founding Fathers”, I recognize The Declaration www.theconciliationproject.org and The Constitution upon which this nation was founded were not cast in stone or immutable. Transformation and People do NOT need weapons of mass destruction to hunt or to change were always intended to be a part of forming a more perfect union. Those engage in sport. Enough is enough. What we are doing is barbaric. In the eyes of the documents were intended to be living documents and that’s what government was global community, we have lost our exceptionalism. What we have demonstrated supposed to engage, wholeheartedly, in bringing to pass. is our absolute insanity, as we are unable and/or unwilling to put a stop to the bloodletting. To satiate our insatiable desire for blood and carnage, we do nothing to We do NOT want to take our country back! Back is not a place that America change the law, as we continue to worship violence and lay our children on its altar wants to revisit. In the past, this was a nation where freedom and liberty was for each time with wailing and gnashing of teeth. some and not for others; men were engaged in the buying, selling and breeding of men, women and children as human chattel; laws like the Indian Removal Act, Up Next Week: Sex and Politics and the Asian Exclusion Act were as common as the buffalo on a nickel. Women
TanyaFree.com/Urban Views Weekly Poll A recent poll reveals that a majority of Americans say a third major political party is needed, because the Republican and Democratic parties “do such a poor job” of representing the American people.
What’s Your Take? Is there a need for a third major political party? Check out the story and respond to this week’s poll at TanyaFree.com and the Urban Views Weekly FACEBOOK Page. Listen to the Tanya Free and Friends Talk Show Wednesdays @ 2 p.m. on WCLM1450AM streaming LIVE @ TanyaFree.com and BlackTalkRadioNetwork.com.
Urban Views Weekly | October 14, 2015
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From Fundraising page 2
otherwise, support nonprofits with which they share mission, values and passion. I would add that more than most donor-investors, the tech community seeks impact that can be proven, and has a deep interest in innovative and effective approaches to solving problems.” Lisa is the real deal. She knows there are no simple “solutions” to fundraising. Rather, it’s a
process. Bring your best and join with others in an ongoing process of change. You can reach Lisa at www.lisahoffman.net Copyright 2015– Mel and Pearl Shaw Mel and Pearl Shaw position nonprofits, colleges and universities for fundraising success. For help with your fundraising, visit www.saadandshaw. com or call (901) 522-8727.
Urban Views Weekly | October 14, 2015
When Detected Ea
Does Not Have To B
The Fight Goes On October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but advocates across the globe have turned the fight against breast cancer into a daily battle. Researchers, physicians and fundraisers aren’t waiting for the fall season to do their part. They are working year-round to help put an end to breast cancer. They do so in honor of lost loved ones and family members, as well as for the millions of women who have overcome the deadly disease over the years.
It’s Your Choice
women of any age, younger women may find the experience overwhelming. With youth comes the feeling of invincibility for so many people, so dealing with a cancer diagnosis can come as quite a challenge. About 11 percent of all new cases of breast cancer in the United States are found in women younger than 45, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And, unless they have witnessed a relative, or friend, go through the diagnosis and treatment process, young women can find it a shocking experience to find out they have breast cancer.
Who is at Risk?
Survival rates can be helpful for physicians trying to explain diagnoses and treatment options. Some patients with breast cancer may want to know their survival statistics while others may choose to go without hearing them.
Breast Cancer Survival Rates Below are the various stages of breast cancer and their associated five-year relative survival rates, according to the American Cancer Society. Stage 0: 100 percent survival rate Stage I: 100 percent survival rate Stage II: 93 percent survival rate
The CDC identifies certain segments of the population to be at an increased risk of getting breast cancer at an early age compared with other women their age. Here are some factors to consider: • You have close relatives (parents, siblings or children) who were diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer when they were younger than 45. This is especially true if more than one relative was diagnosed or if a male relative had breast cancer. • You were treated with radiation therapy to the breast or chest during childhood or early adulthood.
What to Do
Here are some ways to improve your chances of staying breast cancer-free:
Young Women While breast cancer diagnosis and treatment are difficult for
It also may be recommended that you receive mammograms
Stage IV: 22 percent survival rate
Urban Views Weekly | October 14, 2015
Cut Down the Risk Many factors can influence your risk of getting breast cancer. They are important to understand, because most women who develop the disease have no known risk factors or history of breast cancer in their families.
The most crucial action you can take as a young woman with an increased risk for breast cancer is talking to your doctor. He or she may suggest ways that you can improve your chances against breast cancer and will have more information on genetic counseling that could potentially uncover mutations in your gene structure.
Stage III: 72 percent survival rate
earlier and more often than other women, or you may need other screening tests.
• Maintain a healthy weight; • Exercise regularly; • Don’t drink alcohol, or limit alcoholic drinks to one per day; • Avoid exposure to chemicals that can cause cancer, such as the carcinogens found in cigarettes;
arly, Breast Cancer
Be A Death Sentence By Bernard Freeman
The lower survival rates in less developed countries can be explained mainly by the lack of early detection programs, resulting in a high proportion of women presenting with latestage disease, as well as by the lack of adequate diagnosis and treatment facilities.
Don’t Ignore the Signs When breast cancer has grown to a size that can be felt, the most common physical sign is a painless lump. Sometimes breast cancer can spread to the underarm lymph nodes and cause a lump or swelling, even before the original breast tumor is large enough to be felt. Less common signs and symptoms include breast pain or heaviness; persistent changes to the breast, such as swelling, thickening or redness of the breast’s skin; and nipple abnormalities such as spontaneous discharge, erosion, inversion or tenderness.
• Reduce your exposure to radiation during medical tests such as mammograms, X-rays, CT scans and PET scans; • Ask your doctor about the risks of taking hormone replacement therapy or oral contraceptives; and • Breastfeed your babies, if possible.
Early Detection Plan While researchers continue to make strides toward more frequent early detection of breast cancer in the United States, cases in developing countries are still being diagnosed in later stages. Research has shown that the earlier breast cancer is found, the more treatable it is. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, one-third of breast cancer deaths could be decreased if detected and treated early; meaning that about 400,000 lives could be saved globally every year.
Pain or lack of pain, it is worthy of note, does not indicate the presence or the absence of breast cancer; hence, any persistent abnormality in the breast should be evaluated by a physician as soon as possible.
Exercise Is Key The key to preventing breast cancer may be in your legs. Research has shown that regular exercise can help drastically decrease your risk of getting breast cancer. A study published in 2011 by the U.S. National Library of Medicine found a 25 percent average breast cancer risk reduction among physically active women compared to the least active women. The study was a compilation of results from 73 others conducted across the globe. Why the link? The study’s researchers stated: “It is likely that
physical activity is associated with decreased breast cancer risk via multiple interrelated biologic pathways that may involve adiposity, sex hormones, insulin resistance, adipokine and chronic inflammation.” In other words, physical activity can have a big impact on various body factors contributing to the prevention of breast cancer. So work in that extra jog or bike ride this afternoon. Your body will thank you later.
Moderate Exercise Activities of moderate to vigorous in nature are recommended by the American Cancer Society when it comes to working out for breast cancer prevention. What is moderate exercise? Here are some options, as defined by the ACS: • Walking briskly (a 15-minute mile); • Light yard work (raking and bagging leaves or using a push lawn mower); • Light snow shoveling; • Actively playing with children; and • Biking at a casual pace.
Vigorous Exercise On the other spectrum, vigorous exercise involves quickening your heart rate and increasing your breathing. These types of workouts can include the following: • Jogging or running; • Swimming laps; • Rollerblading/inline skating at a brisk pace; • Cross-country skiing; • Jumping rope; and • Most competitive sports (football, basketball, or soccer). continues on page 10 www.UrbanViewsWeekly.com
Ashley K. Clarke 8
Urban Views Weekly | October 14, 2015
The Deal
By Nathaniel Sillin
Planning That Affordable Holiday Trip Are you an advance planner or an improviser? Your travel more rooms and activities available. The same goes for planning style might save you money during the busy stays in other popular tourist locations around the world. winter holiday travel season. Check destination hotels closer to the date to see if they’re offering special rates or packages. Generally, families with children and a need for specific seating and direct flights may need to plan earlier to Put your membership dollars to work. If you belong to secure such reservations. More flexible travelers can roll an auto club or have credit cards with particular travel the dice on last-minute deals. benefits, see whether any of those benefits – from actual mileage points to coupon discounts – can be used to save Here are some ideas to explore: money. Be open-minded about scheduling. Most people know red-eye and dawn flights are typically cheaper. However, holiday travel presents its own set of opportunities for pricing and availability if you don’t follow the crowd. For example, with Thanksgiving always on a Thursday, most travelers choose Tuesday or Wednesday for arrival and Sunday for departure. Choosing a different scheduling window, including travel on the actual holiday, may not only save money but considerable stress getting to and from clogged airport, train and bus stations. Drive smart or leave the keys at home. If you’re using your own automobile, make sure your collision and liability coverage are adequate to cover potential medical and repair costs for other motorists if you’re in an accident out of town. If you’re planning to rent a vehicle, speak with your auto insurance agent before you go. Many personal policies do extend domestic collision and liability coverage to rentals, but it’s particularly important to confirm coverage if you’re traveling outside the United States. Of course, if you’re visiting a place with excellent public transportation or safe bike routes, check pricing. An affordable bike rental (pack a helmet) or multi-day city or regional bus-and-rail pass might eliminate the need for a car altogether. Sleep cheap. Saving money on accommodations is another area where you can save significant dollars by either planning significantly ahead or trolling for last-minute bargains. Top family destinations generally require reservations months in advance, but see how full they are closest to the actual holiday dates. Many family members may travel a week before or a week after the actual holiday but won’t stay over the holiday. That leaves
Check your home, health and business insurance. If you are traveling domestically or globally, see if your personal health insurance extends to your destination. The same goes for home/rental and business insurance. Many people don’t realize that some or all of their personal insurance coverage may cover medical, theft, liability, injury and other risks at their destination. Read your policy and confirm your assumptions with your agent. Consider travel insurance to fill any gaps. Once you’ve confirmed the limits of your personal coverage, research travel insurance policy sites (http://www.insuremytrip. com) and recent articles on travel insurance so you can make sure common risks like trip cancellation and lost luggage are covered as well as specialized risks like advanced medical care and medical transportation at your destination. Watch those bags. Many airlines charge ascending fees for every checked bag, so packing light has never made more sense. However, major air and ground shipping companies are now offering luggage-shipping services for domestic and overseas travelers with pick up options at their ground facilities. Make a call and see if this option makes sense, particularly if you take extra clothes or gifts with you at the holidays. Bottom line: Holiday travel bargains can be found months in advance and sometimes at the last minute. Your flexibility will determine the deals you can get. Nathaniel Sillin directs Visa’s financial education programs. To follow Practical Money Skills on Twitter: www.twitter.com/PracticalMoney.
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From Breast Cancer page 7
How to Quit
Stop Smoking
The American Lung Association offers a free online smoking cessation program. The American Cancer Society also has a quit smoking program. You also can call the American Cancer Society at 800-ACS-2345 to get support and free advice on how to stop smoking from trained counselors.
If you knew that smoking gave you a higher risk of getting breast cancer, would you stop? If research showed that healing after surgery and breast reconstruction could be hampered by smoking, would you quit? It can and it has. The time to quit smoking is now. Kicking the habit is serious business requiring tremendous willpower. Fortunately, there are numerous resources to help you along the way.
By The Numbers Breast cancer is a scary disease, no matter how you look at the numbers. The fact that each year in the United States more than 200,000 women get breast cancer and more than 40,000 die is eye opening.
Smoking & Breast Cancer Smoking is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer in younger, premenopausal women, according to the American Cancer Society. Research also has shown that there may be a link between very heavy second-hand smoke exposure and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. Smoking also can increase complications from breast cancer treatment, including: • Damage to the lungs from radiation therapy; • Difficulty healing after surgery and breast reconstruction; and • Higher risk of blood clots when taking hormonal therapy medicines. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do smoke, use every resource you can find to help you quit. Knowing about all the problems associated with smoking isn’t always enough to make you quit. Smoking is a habit that’s very hard to break. Fortunately, if you’re serious about trying, you have lots of help.
Urban Views Weekly | October 14, 2015
• Most breast cancers are found in women who are 50 years old or older. • About 11 percent of all new cases of breast cancer in the United States are found in women younger than 45 years of age.
African American women have the highest breast cancer death rates of all racial and ethnic groups, and are 40 percent more likely to die of breast cancer than Caucasian women.
• African American women have the highest breast cancer death rates of all racial and ethnic groups, and are 40 percent more likely to die of breast cancer than Caucasian women. • Breast cancer incidence rates have steadily decreased in the U.S. since 2000. • Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. • In 2013, there were more than 2.8 million women with a history of breast cancer in the U.S. • About 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers can be linked to gene mutations inherited from one’s mother or father. • About 85 percent of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer.
How to Guide
How to Choose a Hardscape Contractor Experienced contractors are particularly important when you need something custom built, or if you need to make changes to existing parts of your home.
When you want to install a new patio, walkway or fence, it is time to look for a hardscape contractor. These professionals will permanently restructure specific areas around your home. Since their work can have a large impact on the appearance of your home, it is important to hire the best hardscape contractor you can find. You also need to be confident about your plans. Know in detail what you want to change. Look through home improvement magazines to find designs you like.
There are several factors to keep in mind when choosing the right hardscape contractor. Your first step is to find out more about their background. The ideal contractor will have experience in all designs, as they will likely do the best job. In addition to having the right knowledge and background, the right contractors will have suggestions on how to use the space most effectively. Listen to their advice. With their experience, they have likely seen many successes and failures.
Inexperienced contractors may rush through their jobs. It is important the craftsman take his time while working. During your initial meetings with contractors, ask them about insurance. Professionals will carry injury and potential property damage policies. Their insurance will protect you in the event something happens while they are working on your property. You could be held liable if the contractor has no insurance and an accident occurred on your property. Also make certain that the contractor’s staff is fully certified. When building large, permanent structures such as patios and porches, special training is necessary. All staff should understand local building codes and laws. Before hiring a contractor, check with the Better Business Bureau. Have there been any complaints against the company? If so, how were they resolved? Once you have hired a hardscape contractor, periodically check in with the project manager about the progress of the job. It will let him know that you care about how the work is completed. It will guarantee the work is on schedule and it will meet your expectations.
Once the actual building commences, you will want to check that the contractor is precise in his work. Small details that are incorrect will have a terrible effect on the completed project. For example, walls should be measured precisely or there could be structural problems. If something
The bottom line is that you need to find a hardscape contractor who makes you feel completely comfortable. Since he is working on something that will permanently alter your home, you want to be sure the work is done to meet your specifications.
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is out of place, it could prove dangerous.
Your ideal contractor should be flexible. Find someone who is willing to listen to your ideas and suggestions. He may have to change his process to fit your needs. You should feel comfortable asking questions. Ultimately, it is your property. You will have to live with the results once it is finished.
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Urban Views Weekly | October 14, 2015