Covid-19: 5 Questions To Ask About Vaccines

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Covid-19: 5 Questions To Ask About Vaccines COVID-19 vaccines have reached Hawaii, and the rollout of the vaccination plan has begun. The state’s goal is to have all of Hawaii’s healthcare workers immunized by the end of January 2021, and according to Lt. Gov. Josh Green Hawaii seniors ages, 75 and older could begin to receive vaccines as early mid-January.

It’s now time to ask yourself, will I accept vaccination against COVID-19 when it’s offered to me? The Pew Research Centre in the US reported an almost 20 percent fall, between May and September, in the proportion of adults who were willing to have a COVID-19 vaccine. Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin, a medical journal, recently stated in their editorial that the willingness to receive a vaccine is affected by factors such as complacency, convenience, and confidence. “Issues that influence vaccine uptake include concerns over adverse effects, negative messages on social and mainstream media, access to vaccination services, and the actions of health professionals, peers, and communities”, it says. Now more than ever, we need to create an open space for conversations to find answers for those of us that would pause in the face of vaccination and for those of us in favor of the new vaccine. The real question is, how do we start and foster an authentic nonjudgemental conversation about people’s thoughts, feelings, and social interaction on the pros and cons of the vaccine. Healthcare professionals need to honestly step forward with the information that we know and don’t know about the benefits and harms of the Covid-19 vaccines. Everyone needs to know the harms reported after being vaccinated, along with the frequency of the harmful side effects, to make an informed decision. While the news of the vaccine has inspired great hope and excitement, it is reasonable to ask questions such as 1. Will these vaccines help reduce asymptomatic transmission? 2. What is the duration of infectivity? 3. Will the Covid-19 vaccine prevent mild disease or reduce admissions to intensive care? 4. Is there any evidence the vaccines will reduce the risk of death from infection? 5. Should I encourage my older mother to take this vaccine? People are looking for clarity from experts and healthcare professionals. Honest communication engages people and allows them to arrive at their own decision based on the information available. At the current pace, it will likely be at least six months before Hawaii has a sufficient supply to offer vaccines to 70% of the state’s 1.4 million population — the benchmark that officials intend to reach. While trying to decide if you want to get vaccinated with the new COVID-19 vaccines, remember to continue following all CDC guidelines to keep yourself safe. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 during the holiday season or are experiencing symptoms there are several options for virtual health care in Hawaii. A growing number of people are choosing to get COVID-19 testing in Hawaii as a safety precaution. Safe, simple, and fast, virtual health care in Hawaii is emerging as one of the most efficient ways to connect with a physician and determine if you need to get tested for COVID-19.

A New Threat: Health officials say it is a matter of when and not if the new strain of COVID-19 will reach Hawaii. Scientists say the new strain is more contagious — but no deadlier — than earlier strains of the virus. Since the strain spreads faster and more easily from person to person, Dr. Davis says, “COVID-19 testing in Hawaii has become more relevant and important. People are inspired to feel optimistic about the vaccine and ready to move forward. But we need to caution ourselves. The disease rates are the highest they have been and continue to rise. And now there is a more transmissible virus”.

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