Annual report 2010

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East Europe Foundation-Moldova

Annual Report 2010

Engaging Citizens, Empowering Communities

East Europe Foundation East Europe Foundation-Moldova

Annual Report 2010 Engaging Citizens, Empowering Communities

East Europe Foundation-Moldova is a nonprofit, non-political, public interest organization, established as a foundation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Law on Foundations and other laws. The sole founder of the Foundation is a nongovernmental organization – the non-profit organization Eurasia Foundation, Washington, D.C. (USA). EEF-M continues building democratic systems in Moldova, empowering Moldovan citizens and fostering sustainable development through education, technical assistance and grant programs that promote civil society development, strengthen media, enhance good governance and build economic prosperity.

Content Members of the Board East Europe Foundation-Moldova Donors Letter from the Chair & the President Mission Statement Programs General Info Economic Developement Program Good Governance Program Social Action Program Financial Statement Independent Auditors' Report Eurasia Foundation Network

Copyright Š 2010, East Europe Foundation-Moldova ISSN Concept & design: Igor Guzun Licà Sainciuc

3 4 5 6 8 10 24 30 32 33

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

The Board of Directors:

Our Staff:

Chair: Silvia Radu President, Gas Natural Fenosa Moldova Vice-chair: John Maxemchuk General Director, Sun Communications

Sorin Mereacre, President Ana Olaru, Director of Finance and Administration Dorina Andreev, Director of Programs Petru Culeac, Program Officer Timur Onica, Program Officer Carolina Blajin, Program / Communication Officer Alexandru Coica, Program Officer Zoia Cabacenco, Grants and Contracts Manager Oxana Zanoga, Finance and Administration Assistant Viorel Frunza, IT Specialist Irina Ciobanu, Program Assistant Ludmila Malai, Program Assistant Ruslan Sirbu, Driver-Courier

Members: Gun-Britt Andersson Ambassador of Sweden, retired Ludmila Andronic Public Relations Manager, LE BRIDGE Corporation Cristina Harea Deputy Director, Horizon Capital Moldova Adriaan Jacobovits de Szeged Ambassador of the Netherlands, retired Vasile Nedelciuc Chairman, Endava Moldova Timothy Pylate Regional Vice President Eurasia Foundation, President, East Europe Foundation-Ukraine Carmina Vicol Director, Prime Capital Regina Yan Executive Vice President, Eurasia Foundation

The Supervisory Board: George Ingram Academy of Education Development William Frenzel Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution Sandra Willett Jackson Strategies & Structures International


Donors and Partners Aura Show Desenergo Eurasia Foundation EXIMBANK - Gruppo Veneto Banca Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/DANIDA Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovak Republic National Endowment for Democracy OSCE Mission to Moldova Philip Morris International Pontis Foundation RED UNION FENOSA Swedish Government Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Partners Academy for Educational Development American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova ARC Romania Black Sea Trust British Embassy Chisinau Cahul State University Council of Europe Embassy of Finland European Partnership for Democracy Foundation for Development of Civil Society Friedrich Ebert Stiftung General Department for Education of Gagauzia General Department for Youth and Sport of Gagauzia National Democratic Institute (NDI) National Federation of Football National Institute of Justice Orange Foundation Orange Moldova Theoretic Lyceum “Mihai Eminescu� from Comrat

UN Global Compact Network in Moldova UNDP Moldova UNFPA Moldova UNICEF Moldova

Moldovan Government Partnerships Falesti State Service of Social Assistance Glodeni State Service of Social Assistance Ministry of Education Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family Ministry of Youth and Sports Office of the Prime Minister Parliamentary Committee for Social Protection, Health and Family State Chancellery, Department for Policies, Strategic Planning and Foreign Assistance

Memberships in Coalitions, Associations and Networks American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova Anti-corruption Alliance Business in the Community Global Partnership Network Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Eurasia Foundation Network National Participation Council

*In bold are Corporate, Government and Foundation partners who contributed with $10,000 and above.

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Letter from the Chair & the President Dedicated Efforts to Strengthen Civil Society Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are now at the end of the first year of activity since East Europe Foundation - Moldova was registered and officially launched. Inheriting Eurasia Foundation’s rich legacy of promoting democracy, respect for human rights and building a viable market economy, EEF-M continuously dedicates its efforts to strengthening civil society, improving the quality of governance and building a better life for the citizens of Moldova. During 2010 EEF-M created new partnerships and strengthened existing cooperation with state institutions, donors and civil society actors. The Foundation contributed to the creation of local public - private partnerships by engaging the businesses, NGOs and local authorities in projects that are fundamentally important for their communities, such as renovation of kindergartens, construction of public playgrounds and development of waste management systems. With our support and joint efforts, young people from the Cahul, Ialoveni and Ungheni regions of Moldova were able to address the most pressing needs by involving more than 220 volunteers in the Youth Bank project. The Foundation and its partners continued to promote corporate social responsibility practices by engaging private companies in addressing the development needs of the country. A new comprehensive program for young orphans was launched, providing job skills and helping to integrate them into the labor market. In an effort aimed at growing a new generation of young leaders both at the national and local level, EEF-M joined together with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and civil society partners in a Youth Participation Project. This initiative provides the youth with the necessary skills that will enable them to take the lead in political, economic and social life throughout the country and creates opportunities for participation in the local and central governments of Moldova. The past year we continued our work in promoting free and fair elections, European integration, media development, and anti-corruption initiatives’. Our objective was to facilitate the dialogue between civil society and government and to support the activity of civic coalitions as unified voices of citizens demanding accountability and transparency from state authorities. The Foundation continued to support the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections, the Anti-Corruption Alliance and the newly established National Participation Council. We look forward in 2011 to expand our work by supporting the younger generation, promoting democratic practices, providing better conditions for human rights protection and strengthening our partnerships with businesses to solve community problems. We are very grateful for the generous support offered in 2010 by our primary donors: the United States Agency for International Development, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Eurasia Foundation Washington DC and the United States Department of State. We would like to express our keen appreciation for the continuous assistance and interest these and other partners show for the development of our country relying on our organization.

Silvia Radu

Sorin Mereacre

President of Gas Natural Fenosa Moldova, Chair of EEF-M Board of Directors

President of East Europe Founation-Moldova


Mission Statement


ast Europe Foundation-Moldova empowers Moldovan citizens and fosters sustainable development through education and technical assistance programs that promote democracy, advance good governance and build economic prosperity. EEF-M is guided by the following principles in its program and institutional development:

l Being responsive to the needs and challenges in Moldova’s developing society and economy.

l Fostering change in communities through best practices of sustainable development and always striving to act in the best interests of Moldovan citizens.

l Believing that community members and stakeholders are to be respected as partners and colleagues in our mission.

l Supporting and facilitating cooperation between civil society, governments and the private sector within communities in order to promote sustainability and ensure program ownership.

l Gauging the success of a program by the marked impact it has on society and the significant change it brings about in the lives of citizens.

l Respecting and embracing diversity amongst our staff, our partners and the communities we work in, without discrimination of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or political affiliation.

l Practicing good stewardship with the funds and projects entrusted to us. As a local foundation in Moldova, EEF-M works toward establishing and implementing a gender mainstreaming strategy into its grant making and operating program activities.

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Our Programs EEF-M’s programs are guided by countryspecific programming priorities that are based on the country’s needs, grounded in EEF-M’s core capabilities and past experiences and reflective of EEF-M’s support for the vision and mission of the Eurasia Foundation Network, as well as the passions and ideals of the EEF-M staff and Board members. Our current programs focus on three key areas: l Economic Development l Good Governance l Social Action

“I can truly say that those that are working in this part of the world understand that it isn’t any other organization in Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union, that is doing more to live up to the dreams and sayings of Martin Luther King than Eurasia Foundation is, and this is democracy, civil society and freedom. The US Government is the Eurasia Foundation’s partner since its inception and we are glad and proud of this relationship. The performance of the Foundation made a difference in the lives of Moldovan citizens and future lives of their children”. Asif J. CHAUDHRY, Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Moldova


Economic Developement Program


he goal of the Economic Development Program is to enhance economic development in Moldovan communities by engaging local authorities, civil society and the private sector in initiatives that increase economic opportunities, foster sustainable development for small and medium enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, and support business and economic education initiatives. EEF-M works with local governments, businesses and civil society organizations to foster entrepreneurship, generate new jobs, increase energy efficiency and attract investment through public-private partnership. Accomplishments include:


6 local economic partnerships created between Local Public Administration, Local Business and NGOs


1 school equipped with solar thermal collectors to ensure warm water supply


1 courtyard equipped with a playground for children (including sports equipment)


53 small community projects were supported by three Youth Banks

“The launch of EEF-M shows a new presence in Moldova. I am sure that the Foundation will contribute to significant changes that the citizens of this country expect. The key to building a modern and successful society is to have a good understanding, generosity and combined efforts towards building democracy and respecting diversity. The intense work and commitment of EEF-M will respond directly to the needs of our people”. Silvia RADU, President of Gas Natural Fenosa Moldova, Chair of EEF-M Board of Directors

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Local Economic Partnerships (LEP) 6 public-private partnerships were created in Moldovan communities The Goal of the Local Economic Partnerships Project is to improve the quality of life in local communities by stimulating publicprivate partnerships aimed at effective implementation of local economic and social development programs. Key priorities of the LEP project include well-managed public services, poverty alleviation, and finding adequate solutions for effectively using local resources, with an emphasis on energy efficiency. In order to fulfill the objectives of this program, EEF-M organized a grants competition and awarded six grants out of 88 applications received. These projects work to improve the quality of life in the selected communities by contributing to the development of local infrastructure in close cooperation with civil society organizations. Specific areas of focus include improving public services, introducing energy-saving practices, developing housing and communal infrastructure, introducing effective management systems and establishing partnerships to implement local development plans.

In partnership with local public administrations, local businesses and community members, the grantees will implement projects related, but not limited to, the use of solar panels as alternative energy source, development of a municipal waste management system, renovation of community kindergartens and construction of public playgrounds for children, in the following communities: Oliscani, Baraboi, Bobeica, Ungheni, Causeni and Zahoreni.


Youth Banks 53 small community projects were supported by the three Youth Banks This year EEF-M launched a new project called “Youth Bank”, which is based on an innovative granting initiative run by young people for young people. The unique approach of the program allows young people the chance to make decisions about how local youth banks are managed and run, with its overall goal being the encouragement of young people’s civic participation and volunteerism in community development. The Youth Bank project is implemented in partnership with local organizations from four communities in Moldova in Cahul, Ialoveni, Ungheni and Edinet, which were selected to support the initiation of four

local “Youth Banks” and contribute to the implementation of Youth Banks’ activities. The project increases young people's participation in community social development by building the capacities and expertise of local youth and of the community organizations which support them. Groups of youngsters between the ages of 16 and 20 directly participate in activities that solve various problems in their

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

community. Before the Youth Banks started raising funds, local surveys were conducted to assess and identify the needs of local youth in each community involved. Among the most pressing needs were the lack of adequate facilities for local youth to spend their free time, limited access for children with disabilities to educational facilities, lack of extracurricular activities, few library resources, and environmental problems. To satisfy the identified needs each group started various fundraising campaigns,

including door-to-door activities, written enquiries to local businesses and other economic entities, dance festivals, theatre performances and more. All events increased the flow of money into the local Youth Banks, while the total collected by each bank varied from USD 1,400 to USD 3,800. The majority of money collected was channeled toward the Small Grants Programs run by each of the Youth Banks with support provided by the Foundation. Financed projects included civic education, measures to support culture, sports and health, environmental protection and increasing the role of youth in the decision-making process. In addition, certain funds collected by each bank are being used to cover other pressing needs. For example, the Cahul Youth Bank transferred nearly USD 200 to help local people suffering from cancer, while USD 250 went to support flood victims and to build two bus stations near the local university and college. The Ungheni Youth Bank donated money and school supplies to children from low-income families, while the Ialoveni and Edinet Youth Banks used money they collected to organize more events targeting the local youth. Youth Bank Ialoveni website:


Good Governance Program T

“The Republic of Moldova during the last few years passed through several serious reforms and I am sure that none of the positive changes would have been possible without the involvement of civil society. I wish East Europe Foundation - Moldova success in its activity and don’t forget you have a reliable partner, a fact demonstrated through our effective cooperation with the National Participation Council.” Vlad FILAT, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova

he goal of the Good Governance Program is to enhance civic engagement by monitoring reforms and facilitating cooperation between the government, civil society organizations, media, and the public in the areas of European integration, free and fair elections, and anti-corruption. Within this program EEF-M supported civic education initiatives, election observation efforts, media development and monitoring, EU integration activities, anti-corruption measures, and policy development and implementation. Ÿ More than

380,000 people have been reached out by civic education and voters mobilization campaigns Ÿ

Ÿ First Press Circulation

Audit of 11 newspapers and magazines was completed and publicly presented Ÿ

18 think-tanks and NGOs provided inputs to the Government Program for 2011-2014, many of them included into the document, which was approved by Moldovan Parliament

66 corruption cases have been officially forwarded to the appropriate authorities for investigation

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Support to the National Participation Council Moldovan NGOs are actively involved in the decision-making process In November 2009 central government authorities launched an initiative to create the National Participation Council (NPC). After a call for applications for interested NGOs, the Council was established on January 19, 2010 by a decision of the Moldovan Cabinet of Ministers. The NPC is comprised of 30 civil society organizations, including East Europe Foundation - Moldova. By the vote of majority NPC members, EEF-M President was elected as NPC chairman. The role of NPC is to promote a strategic partnership between public authorities, civil society and the private sector, for strengthening participatory democracy in Moldova. EEF-M project is supporting this institutional framework and is strengthening the capacities of NPC members to ensure the full involvement of civil society organizations in the decision-making process. The members of NPC have formulated and approved the Council Strategy for 2010-2012 years. The document includes the role, mission, goal, structure of the NPC, as well as the main strategic directions of activity: offering expertise in development of public policies, monitoring and evaluation of their implementation, and facilitating involvement of civil society in the decisionmaking process.

In addition, EEF-M supported the establishment and activity of the NPC working groups as follows: (1) justice and human rights; (2) economic development; (3) foreign, security and defense policies; (4) social, education, environment and youth policies. In an effort to make the NPC more inclusive, the working groups are also open for other NGOs, which are not members of this platform NPC website

“It is a well known fact that the civil society is built over time. Democratic mechanisms and institutions are the first steps towards a functional democracy. During its existence the Foundation contributed to the development of mass-media, government reforms and public administration. We welcome the continuation of Eurasia Foundation activities through the East Europe Foundation - Moldova establishment that will further support the sustainable development and progress of our society. “ Mihai GHIMPU, Former Acting President of the Republic of Moldova, Former Speaker of the Parliament.


Developing a Viable Media in Moldova The Independent Press Council of Moldova (IPC) is settling disputes arising between print media and the readers In partnership with the Association of Independent Press (API), the Foundation continued to strengthen the quality of journalism in the Republic of Moldova by providing institutional support for the Independent Press Council of Moldova (IPC) and by promoting best practices in the area of media self regulation. This project is meant to provide institutional and programmatic support to this press entity, which comprises 9 members. In 2010, the IPC reviewed 10 complaints from media product consumers. #1. New Media Grup versus Jurnal Trust Media #2. UNICEF Office versus PRO TV Chişinău #3. Maxim Pulber versus Moldpres State Information Agency #4. Agrepina Gudumac versus Curier Căuşeni #5. Maria Moţpan versus Deşteptarea #6. Sandriliona SA versus Evenimentul Zilei #7. Eugen Luchianiuc versus Ziarul de Gardă #8. Expert Grup Independent Analytical Center versus Moldova Suverană #9. Complaint about the violation of ethical principles in protecting victims

EXAMPLE #10. Necessary actions in case of posts of suicidal images on Description: The Press Council took action in the case of the broadcast on the portal with

the comment “ATTENTION! SHOCKING IMAGES: Politician Blew His Brains Out Live,” followed by a detailed video of another person’s suicide. Solution: In its public meeting, the Press Council established that the posting of video, showing a detailed act of suicide violated the practices of responsible journalism and that ethical provisions do not allow the broadcasting of morbid details of crimes, accidents and natural catastrophes, or details of suicidal techniques. The Press Council urged media outlets to not publish such images and that such information could affect the psychological integrity of viewers, especially of children and young people. Based on IPC decision, the media outlet deleted the video that accompanied the news story and replaced it with the specification “Update: In connection with the notification of the Press Council of Moldova, these video images have been removed from the website.” Note: In 2010, the Press Council Secretariat offered consulting services to media consumers in approximately 30 other requests related to activity of the Press Council and media outlets as a whole. IPC website:

“UNICEF supports the efforts of the Press Council as a media self-regulatory mechanism and wishes to partner with the Council in order to ensure the children’s rights and the respect of ethical norms by the journalists in this regard. Taking into account the media market diversification and the firm position of the sensational news, the existence of such a mechanism is extremely important, as it supervises the respect of ethical norms, it notifies media institutions regarding the committed errors, it amicably solves conflicts, and it ensures the respect of human rights according to international standards. The UNICEF Office of Moldova requested the Press Council to intervene in a case concerning the news broadcasted by a TV Channel covering the abuse of a thirteen-year-old girl. As result of the Press Council’s work, one of the two reports about this case was deleted from the website of the TV.”

Lina Botnaru, Communication Officer, UNICEF Moldova

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Advertisers have the opportunity to choose media outlets in which to place advertisements The Association "Audit Bureau of Circulations and Internet" (BATI) successfully completed their first audit of circulations from Moldova for 11 member publications. The audit covering the period of October to December 2010 was done by the Company "Divertis Audit". The Audit included the following media outlets: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Adevarul (Chisinau) Timpul (Chisinau) Komsomoliskaya Pravda (Chisinau) Antenna (Chisinau) Jurnal de Chisinau (Chisinau) Gazeta "SP" (Balti) Observatorul de Nord (Soroca) Cuvântul (Rezina) Unghiul (Ungheni) Totalinaya reclama "Gorod" (Chisinau)

The main information provided by the audit was broadcasting term values (Figures Broadcast): print circulation, sales, and free distributed copies (free subscriptions, promotional, and on request copies), returns. As a result, BATI calls on agencies and advertisers to streamline their media budgets through publications that perform in a transparent manner. Additionally, BATI urges members of the media market newspapers, advertising agencies and advertisers - to join their Association, and adhere to the rules in the distribution of advertising budgets.

For the first time in Moldova's history, written press is playing a self-regulatory role by providing credible information from an independent source in a much needed industry of professional publicity. BATI ensures fairness with all audited publications, as well as the equal right of every editor on the market to have access to an audit, regardless of content and type. The target audience of the audit information is the media and advertising industry, with the goal of contributing to the transparency of media indicators, as well as fair competition within the Moldovan media market. BATI website:

“Up until now things were somehow narrow; we only could intuitively guess the results of the advertising placement. Now we can operate with concrete data and figures, and the press will generate more incomes from the businesses. We thank everyone that had the courage to become a member of BATI, the Center for Independent Journalism that launched the idea and the East Europe Foundation – Moldova for supporting BATI.” Victoria Musteata, PR and Sponsoring Manager, Orange


Developing a Viable Media in Moldova EEF-M is supporting the development of sustainable media in Moldova The Media Management for Emerging Independent Outlets project goal is to support the development of sustainable media in Moldovan regions through grants, loans, and technical assistance to emerging media outlets. EEF-M builds upon the experience of the Eurasia Foundation Network, which has implemented a variety of media development programs throughout the past decade. EFM’s experience in the field includes support to media outlets and NGOs to develop investigative journalism and analysis of corruption in Moldova, developing media monitoring of elections coverage, enhancing the professional capacity of local journalists via training, and reinforcing the capacities of selected media organizations by launching new media services.

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

The project helps media outlets learn how to increase their responsiveness to target audiences, improve their commercial viability, develop a business plan and generate increased income. The organizations selected for funding under Media Management for Emerging Independent Outlets project are: l "Cerere şi Ofertă" SRL; l Publicaţia periodică "CUVÂNTUL"; l Agenţia de presă "DECA-press"; l "Miraza" SRL; l Revista "ODORAŞ"; l "Radioul Local" SRL; l "Timpuri Noi" SRL; l "URMA Ta" SRL; l "PRO MEDIA" SRL; l "MAR-SOR-TV" SRL.


Civic Monitoring of Anti-corruption Policy Project Moldovan civil society has the tools to fight corruption through the Anti-Corruption Alliance The goal of the Civic Monitoring of Anticorruption Policy project is to improve the implementation of the government’s anticorruption strategy. Through a combination of grants and technical assistance, EEF-M conducts a series of activities to assist civil society in the fight against corruption. Specifically, EEF-M supports increasing the professional capacity of the Anti-Corruption Alliance (ACA) and its member NGOs in monitoring and reporting corruption. ACA has continued to support the State Center for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption in implementing the anti-corruption policies in Moldova. The Anti-Corruption Alliance also published the study Combating Corruption: Between Electoral Rhetoric and Government Program, where it examined how the new action plans of the Government and its constituents’ activity plans correlate with the electoral promises. In 2010 EEF-M supported 5 projects in the area of preventing and fighting corruption: Association of Moldovan Legal Clinics (APCJM) Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS Viitorul) “Ziarul de garda” Newspaper Resource Center for Human Rights (CReDO) Center for Defense of the Rights of Patients’ and People with Disabilities (CADPI)

Association of Moldovan Legal Clinics (APCJM) 19 trained law students from local universities provided free legal assistance to 149 victims of corruption from the three covered cities and surrounding areas under the guidance and supervision of three professional lawyers. 66 cases have been officially forwarded to the appropriate authorities for investigation (Prosecutor’s Office, Police, Tax Inspectorate, Ministry of Healthcare), including two cases against corrupt police officers. An anti-corruption curriculum for vocational schools has been developed and will be taught as an optional course in these institutions. Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS Viitorul) The grantee is implementing a project aiming to prevent corruption within the Moldovan Customs Service through civil society oversight, capacity building, and awareness raising activities. An inclusive Civic Council will be established to encourage transparency in the Moldovan

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Customs Service which would consist of representatives of civil society, the business community, and customs officials who would examine current problems, propose realistic solutions and contribute to institutional transparency and integrity. Within the project, an Agreement of Cooperation was signed by which the Customs Service recognizes the need for civil society and business community support and expertise for curbing corruption at both systemic and operational levels. Additionally, the Customs Service requested assistance in reforming its practices in order to become more business friendly. “Ziarul de garda” Newspaper An anti-corruption telephone line was established enabling citizens to report cases of corruption, which will serve as topics for investigative stories. 76 calls/messages were received via the hotline which led to 6 articles written by experienced journalists and 6 articles by young journalists. “Ziarul de Garda” has used the hotline material to write additional 11 articles.

Resource Center for Human Rights (CReDO) The implementation of reforms in the health sector was monitored from the perspective of three dimensions: (i) quality of services, (ii) transparency in decision-making, and (iii) fairness in the procurement process. The progress achieved by the health sector in curbing corruption will be measured by conducting exit-polls in 6 health institutions. Center for Defense of the Rights of Patients’ and People with Disabilities (CADPI) 226 patient consultations were carried out for resolving the infringements of their rights, counteracting corruption and providing legal advice. 86% of the beneficiaries are women, who, in many cases inquire on behalf of their family members. 8 petitions were filed resulting in new court cases and two changes of decisions by the Ministry of Healthcare were obtained. Overall, the grantee has worked on 32 court cases, of which 24 are currently on the roll, 9 of which are in the European Court of Human Rights. Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT) The grantee has daily monitored the websites of all 24 central public authorities and compared the data with the records in the Official Gazette, where all decisions are published. A database was developed to record the cases of compliance and nonobservance of the decision-making transparency law. The Moldovan government was supplied with a practical instrument to ensure the transparency of decision-making and to improve the existing policies and practicies in the field. ACA website:


Free and Fair Elections Moldovan civil society involved in the promotion of free and fair electoral process Free and Fair Elections project’s goal is to promote free, fair and democratic elections at the national, regional and local levels in Moldova. EEF-M continued providing support to the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections along with other NGOs in similar fields in order to implement a group of projects that support civil society organizations and media to: 1) organize broad civic and voter education campaigns 2) conduct media monitoring during election campaigns 3) election observation 3) conduct a comprehensive study on court cases related to election disputes and working with judiciary officials to adhere to good practices in solving this type of cases. Continuing its legacy of successful involvement in the promotion of democratic values and practices, EEF-M has supported a number of projects through the "Support to

§ More than

380 000 people have been reached out by project activities, specifically by civic education and voters mobilization campaigns.

§ Joint efforts of all

actors lead to a 4,6% increase of voters participation at November 2010 Parliamentary Elections compared to July 29, 2009 Elections.

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Civil Society in Promoting Free and Fair Elections in Moldova" grants competition. The initiatives financed by EEF-M had the goal to educate citizens, mobilize voters, and monitor the polling stations opened abroad for Moldova's 2010 parliamentary elections. The abovementioned projects contributed to an increased level of understanding of the electoral processes among Moldovan citizens and helped to ensure an active participation of youth. These projects included highly successful youth civic education campaigns organized by National Youth Council of Moldova and local debates held by the CONTACT Center. In order to ensure a higher level of citizen’s awareness regarding the importance of participation in the elections and the impact that one vote can make, EEF-M developed and published a series of promotional materials. These were largely circulated throughout the country with help from the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections and volunteers. In addition, EEF-M continued to offer support for comprehensive media and election observation projects. In partnership with other NGOs, the Independent Journalism Center monitored 26 mass-media outlets (16 print media, plus 10 radio and TV stations), focusing primarily on how the election campaign was covered by the major media outlets. The project motivated the media outlets to display a more balanced and unbiased behavior.

Within this program, EEF-M monitored the Election Day for early parliamentary elections in 25 of the 75 polling stations opened abroad. For this purpose, the Foundation trained and deployed 45 observers which monitored polling stations in Italy, Romania, Russian Federation, Canada, Belgium, Spain, USA, Ireland, France and Portugal. This initiative ensured higher degree of transparency of the Election Day voting in the polling stations abroad and increased the trust of Moldovan citizens in the electoral administration. Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections website:

“The Central Electoral Commission appreciates the activity of East Europe Foundation – Moldova in the elections’ field and considers it one that is very needed for fostering democracy in our country. The civic education projects supported by the Foundation contributed effectively to the democratic and public participation processes during the election periods. The Central Electoral Commission and the East Europe Foundation – Moldova have established good collaboration relations and I hope these can be strengthened in the future.” Iurie Ciocan, Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission


European Interactive Centers Promoting European values among the citizens of Moldova During 2006-2009, the Foundation in partnership with the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, managed to establish European Interactive Centers in Balti (North), Cahul (South) and Comrat (Gagauz autonomy). The European Interactive Centers provide a solid platform for disseminating information about the history of the EU, European institutions, legislation, principles, standards and traditions as well as about Moldovan government efforts in implementing reforms provided by EU – Moldova Action Plan. All European Interactive Centers conducted information campaigns at regional levels, including contests for students and pupils, contests for the local public administration (Comrat, Cahul), European CafÊ and seminars for students, business and local public

administration representatives (Balti), and training for journalists on European Affairs (Comrat). EIC website:

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

European Partnership Fair New EU-Moldova partnerships established The East Europe Foundation-Moldova in partnership with the European Partnership for Democracy (Brussels) and Promo-LEX Association (Moldova) organized the European Partnership Fair for Civil Society Organizations in Moldova that took place on June 15-16, 2010, in Chisinau. The Fair helped strengthening Moldovan Civil Society (including from Transnistria) by sharing experiences, establishing partnerships with NGOs from European Union and CIS countries, as well as providing funding for joint initiatives launched by the Fair participants. As a result, seven projects were selected to be funded under the Basket Fund, launched in June 2010 within the framework of this initiative.

The aim of the Basket Fund was to support projects that would, in turn, support the following goals of the Partnership Fair and share examples of European transitions to democracy, develop new partnerships, strengthen the country's struggling democracy and show support for the country's pro-European agenda. The Basket Fund received financial contribution from East Europe Foundation-Moldova, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic. The size of each project was between USD 8,000 and USD 10,000. EPFCS website:


Youth Participation Young people are actively involved in the decision-making process The program is designed to increase young adult participation in a community-based, democratic decision-making process. EEF-M addresses this by building the capacity of youth NGOs and public administration employees to design, implement, and evaluate youth engagement programs, support youth engagement initiatives and provide platforms for youth voices to be heard in local and national government. In addition, the project holds trainings for a new generation of civic and political leaders throughout the country. In 2010 the baseline study, which should guide our activities within this program was finalized. The report showed that the involvement of youth in political life of Moldova is far to be a sufficient one. The study also revealed that

discrimination is considered a serious problem in Moldovan society. This way, 87% of the respondents noted that they felt discriminated, especially by employers during the selection process. Young people with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, and young persons with criminal records responded to be the most discriminated. The level of youth participation in economic life is considered medium-low, mostly because of limited access to financial resources and unsustainable business environment. Young people believe they cannot have a good job or a secure future in Moldova. The solutions youth see include an improved educational system, new workplaces, support to young families, better business support services, and diversification of services for young people. Within the project, two trainings took place: one on proposal development and the other on social mobilization, advocacy and organizing debates. The EEF-M Capacity Development Consultant worked closely with selected NGOs and drafted 29 institutional development reports, one per each participating organization. As a platform for open debate and sharing ideas, a youth web portal was developed, which can be accessed online at The project also seeks to encourage a new generation of political and civic leaders to use

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

the tools of inclusive governance and to accelerate the European integration process. To achieve this objective, EEF-M and its partner organization, the Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT), organized the 10th Edition of the national and regional "Leaders for Change" leadership schools. The sessions of the school are taking place in Chisinau and four other places, namely in Balti, Ungheni, Comrat - Gagauzia and Cahul. Eleven sessions of the "Leaders for Change" National School were held to date on different topics of interest for young political leaders. Forty young political leaders from different regions were selected though a call for participation. Four sessions of the "Leaders for Change" Regional School were organized, two per region.

“ excellent workshop with professional trainers and an active and creative work approach. It offered me the possibility not only to find out new things, but also to meet new people that now are my friends. It is worth mentioning that the support materials were of a high quality. I gained experience that will help me better organize and plan the activity of the organization I work at. Among the new discoveries, I can mention to you – the East Europe Foundation Moldova!” Svetlana Budistean, Youth Association “Sansa”


Social Action Program The Social Action Program’s goal is to promote the social engagement of private companies and donors in addressing Moldova’s development needs by building partnerships between NGOs, the private sector and local governments and to increase opportunities for orphans’ social integration and employment.


180 young orphans benefit of

vocational courses for their further integration on labor market. Ÿ 170 children from rural areas were trained on human rights and social inclusion. Ÿ

60 social workers and teachers were trained on social inclusion.


660 veterans of the II World War received support

Ÿ Over 1000 children from 4

communities in Moldova now have the possibility to enjoy their leisure time on newly established play and sports grounds

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility EEF-M and its partners continue to advocate for better CSR practices For the past several years, local and foreign companies in Moldova have continued to pledge this support for charitable projects. However a clear, long-term social investment strategy is needed. The 4th Edition of the International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility "Integrating CSR into your business" took place on November 16, 2010. The Conference was organized by East Europe Foundation - Moldova in partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova, UNDP Moldova, and Global Compact Network Moldova. The overall objective of the event was to promote the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among the business community, government and civil society, and discuss current CSR trends and its importance within the context of the current economic crisis. This year, the conference specifically highlighted CSR in the marketplace and CSR in the workplace. Presentations were delivered by experienced speakers and focused on how CSR contributes to brand value and a company’s reputation and the differences between CSR

and public relations. The conference also discussed how CSR is important in dealing with human resource strategies. This year the conference had a new brand format, featuring highly interactive interviews on CSR practices.


Support to Veterans and Vulnerable Youth Young orphans from Moldova are gaining vocational skills that will help them integrate into the labor market The goal of this project is to increase opportunities for social integration and employment for orphans in Moldova. Four NGOs were awarded grants within the “Sustainable Solutions to the Needs of Vulnerable Youth”, within which 8 partnerships were established, with three of these being in the Transnistrian region.

7 orphanages will benefit from project activities allowing 300 orphans to gain vocational skills, and up to 100 representatives of NGOs and public institutions are trained on social inclusion and human rights.

660 veterans of the II World War received support EEF-M implemented the “Support to the Second World War Veterans” Project with the support of Philip Morris Management Services B.V. The goal of the project was to support World War II Veterans from the Republic of Moldova by offering packages of food products. As a result, approximately 660 veterans from the districts of Falesti and Glodeni benefited from the packages of food products.

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Partnership for Children Over 1000 children from 4 communities in Moldova now have the possibility to enjoy their leisure time on newly established play and sports grounds In August 2010 the "Partnership for Children" initiative was launched, to provide financial support for 9 local projects aimed at contributing to a better and healthier life for Moldovan children. The amount of money allocated for each project varied from USD 3,000 to USD 4,700. The Parliamentary Commission for Social Protection, Health and Family, Orange Moldova, UNICEF Moldova, the United Nations Population Fund Moldova (UNFPA), East Europe Foundation Moldova, the National Football Federation of Moldova and others joined this initiative. Approximately USD 24,700 was collected for the projects. Mobile phone service provider Orange Moldova organized an SMS-based fundraising campaign which brought in USD 2,700. The company then tripled this sum

and allocated the total for two projects in two specific locations in the country. The projects supported and managed by EEF-M were designed to improve the living conditions of children from the village of Balanul Nou by setting up a playground; and to strengthen the overall health and development of youth from the village of Zgurita by increasing youth participation in sports and other social activities; in the town of Basarabeasca by setting up a sports playground; and in Stolniceni village by setting up a playground on the territory of the kindergarten.


Financial Statement EAST EUROPE FOUNDATION-MOLDOVA STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 (all amounts are stated in USD) 2010 ASSETS Non-current assets Fixed assets Intangible assets Total non-c urrent assets

9,907 327 10,234

Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Grants and contribution rec eivables Prepaid expenses

1,094,460 510,809 1,009

Total current assets




LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Grants payable Accounts payable and accrued expenses

263,429 10,250

Total liabilities


Net assets Unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted net assets Permanently restricted net assets

3,574 1,330,259 9,000

Total net assets




East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010



Temporarily restricted

Total for 2010

3,490 3,490

5 2,574,547 2,574,552

5 2,578,037 2,578,042

1,222,496 1,225,986

(1,222,496) 1,352,056



(922,104) (99,109) (32,100) (36,560) (12,646) (17,298) (1,119,817)


(922,104) (99,109) (32,100) (36,560) (12,646) (17,298) (1,119,817)


(26,022) (10,270) (7,428) (52,829) (6,130) (102,679)


(26,022) (10,270) (7,428) (52,829) (6,130) (102,680)













Net assets, beginning of the year








CHANGE IN NET ASSETS: Income Interest income Grants and contributions

Net assets released from donor restrictions Total income Expenses Direct program and program support Grants and contracts Salaries and benefits Travel and meetings Professional services Occupancy Office cost Administrative overheads Salaries and benefits Travel and meetings Professional services Occupancy Office cost Total expenses Income in excess of grants and expenses Net currency remeasurement gains/(losses) Total increase/(decrease) in net assets

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

Independent Auditors' Report To the Board of Directors of the East Europe Foundation Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


Deloitte & Touche SRL Bd. Stefan eel Mare, 65, of.300 Chisinau, MD-2001 Moldova Tel: +373 (22) 27 03 10 Fax: +373 (22) 27 03 11


Registered at the State Chamber of Registration ID. No.: 1003600137285 VAT Na: 0200500

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the East Europe Foundation (the "Foundation"), which comprise the statements of financial position as at December 31, 2010 and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements 2.

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibility 3.

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.


An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.


We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Opinion 6.

In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of East Europe Foundation as at December 31, 2010 and the changes in net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

Deloitte & Touche S.R.L. Chisinau, Moldova March 31, 2011 Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.

Eurasia Foundation Network Eurasia Foundation was created in 1992 to empower people of the former Soviet Union to actively participate in the social and economic development of their countries. Since 2004, Eurasia Foundation has evolved from a U.S.-based foundation with multiple field offices into the Eurasia Foundation Network – a constellation of affiliated, locally registered foundations in Russia, Central Asia, the South Caucasus, Ukraine, and Moldova that work in partnership with the U.S. foundation and form the Eurasia Foundation Network. The Eurasia Foundation Network promotes stability and prosperity throughout the Eurasia region by supporting institutions that advance open, pluralistic and entrepreneurial societies. Our programs harness the energy and aspirations of ordinary citizens seeking to improve the schools, businesses and government in the communities where they live and work. We encourage cooperation across sectors and borders to address problems of mutual concern. As a network of six partner foundations rooted in local communities yet linked to international donors and experts, the Eurasia Foundation Network channels resources and expertise to the region and connects its citizens to the wider world.

U.S. OFFICE Eurasia Foundation 1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 1-202-234-7370 Fax: 1-202-234-7377 E-mail: Website:

New Eurasia Foundation (FNE) 3/9, 3rd Syromyatnichesky per., bldg 1 4th floor 105120, Moscow, Russian Federation Tel: 7-495-970-1567 Fax: 7-495-970-1568 Email: Website:

Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) Office of the President 3 Kavsadze Street Tbilisi 0179, Georgia Tel/Fax: 995-32-22-32-64 Email: Website:

Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) Office of the President 10 Kurmangaliev Str. Almaty 050010, Kazakhstan Tel: 7-727-250-18-10 Fax: 7-727-250-18-11 Email: Website:

East Europe Foundation-Ukraine Office of the President 55 Velyka Vasylkivska, 3rd floor Kyiv 03680, Ukraine Tel/Fax: 38-044-200-38-24/25/26/27 Email: Website:

East Europe Foundation-Moldova 98, 31 August 1989 str., 3rd floor 2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Tel.: 373-22-23-53-43; 54-81-02 Fax: 373-22-54-23-38 Email:

EURASIA FOUNDATION REGIONAL OFFICES Eurasia Foundation - Kyiv 55 Velyka Vasylkivska, 3rd floor Kyiv 03680, Ukraine Tel/Fax: 38-044-200-38-24/25/26/27 Email: New Eurasia Establishment 5 Praspekt Peramozhtsau, Suite 218 Minsk 220004, Belarus Tel: 375-172-269-095 Email: Website:

East Europe Foundation-Moldova Annual Report 2010

EAST EUROPE FOUNDATION-MOLDOVA 98, 31 August 1989 Str. Chisinau, Moldova, MD-2004 Phone: +373 22 235343 Fax: +373 22 542338 Web: Email:

This publication is made possible by the generous support of the Swedish Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Eurasia Foundation. The contents are the responsibility of the East Europe Foundation - Moldova and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swedish Government, Sida, Danish MFA, USAID, United States Government or Eurasia Foundation.

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