The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova MINISTERUL EDUCAȚIEI
BANK TheWORLD World Bank
Policy Documents: Education 2020 Strategy
The Joy of Opening Kindergartens in Moldova
Results of the Project “Global Partnership for Education”: May, 2014
In-service Professional Development Programme
7 8
No.1, 2014
The Joy of Opening Kindergartens in Moldova Each of the 25 kindergartens repaired and opened until now has its own story. On February 27, 2014 the district of Ocnita marked a double holiday as pre-school institutions were opened both in Mereseuca and Unguri villages.
Village Mereseuca, Ocnita district did not have a kindergarten for 25 years. Present at the opening of the kindergarten, Prime Minister Iurie Leanca praised importance of the involvement of the community, “such as the example of the two grandparents who painted the walls of the kindergarten with characters from stories”.
Similarly, districts Cantemir and Telenesti enjoyed opening two kindergartens on the same day. On March 24, 2014, Vladimir Putregai, Mayor of Cociulia village, Cantemir district, said that he has “not seen so many smiles in the village for many years”. The kindergarten from village Visniovca opened on the same day. “The faster the child is integrated in the quality preschool education, the higher the chances are for a successful life”, said Deputy Minister of Education, Igor Grosu.
Also, kindergartens in villages Ratus and Tintareni, district Telenesti were opened on the same day, on December 30, 2013.
The Ministry of Education and its partners, together with Santa Clause brought on the New Year’s Eve, December 26, 2013, the joy of reopening the renovated kindergarten in the village Scumpia, district Falesti. Having not had a kindergarten for 15 years, the community together with the mayor decided to sell the sheep and to reopen the kindergarten. “A good kindergarten means a good start in life”, said Deputy Minister of Education Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei in her message addressed to the community from Scumpia.
“Today is a historic day for our community as after 22 years we are opening a kindergarten”, said the Mayor of village Sircova, district Rezina, Nadejda Cioban, during the opening event of the renovated and equipped kindergarten on March 21, 2014.
“I thank everyone for supporting quality pre-school education”, was the message of the Minister of Education Maia Sandu in Sircova to the community and partners, who also said that this project is an example of how “great things can be achieved with little means”. The kindergarten from village Cirnesti, district Nisporeni, has also an interesting story. The community from Cirnesti did not
have a pre-school institution and shared the joy of kindergarten opening in the locality on March 19, 2014 with many guests. “Children need love and care both in kindergarten and at home. The main indicator is the following: children come with pleasure to the kindergarten and they are happy when they go home”, said Lia Sclifos, Manager of the Project “Global Partnership for Education”.
With the support of the Project “Global Partnership for Education”, kindergartens in village Todiresti, district Ungheni; Rusestii Vechi, Ialoveni; Hirbovat, Anenii Noi; Malaiesti, Orhei and other communities and districts were renovated and equipped.
Results of the Project “Global Partnership for Education” (GPE): May, 2014 The Kindergarten is the Place Where Children Are Listened to, Encouraged and Loved Maia SANDU, Minister of Education It is very important to have quality services in pre-school education institutions in each community, every child should be provided with a good start in life and parents should have a place where to leave their children and go to work. Through joint efforts, within the Project “Global Partnership for Education”, 1194 children got access to education in 25 communities across the country, including 9 which did not have a kindergarten for 20 years.
We will continue the investments in locations, furniture, books, didactic materials and toys. Also, it is important to continue investing in the didactic staff and management who contribute to children’s education and development. Also, many parents and communities will get involved in these activities and will help every child grow up a GREAT PERSONALITY! I am convinced that the pre-school education and development ensure a good start in life and the kindergarten should become a place where children are listened to, encouraged and loved. That is why, the quality early education of children from the Republic of Moldova is a priority for the Ministry of Education and its partners, and the Project “Global Partnership for Education” is our joint action for achieving these priorities.
“Global Partnership for Education” is the third project, with a budget of US$ 4.4 million which the Republic of Moldova benefits from in the field of early education and development. This international support for all children in Moldova is due to previous successes.
“The Project “Global Partnership for Education” focuses mainly on enhancing the quality of pre-school education”, said Deputy Minister of Education, Liliana NICOLAESCU-ONOFREI, Executive Director of the Project. Liliana NICOLAESCUONOFREI Deputy Minister of Education
Objectives of the Project: ▶ Increase the access to quality pre-school education through the rehabilitation of pre-school educational institutions and equipping them with furniture, books, didactical materials and sport and play grounds; ▶ Improve the quality of pre-school education for children with special needs, including children at high risk ▶ Provide quality services of pre-school education by training didactic staffs and management of pre-school educational institutions and active involvement of parents in the education process. The Project “Global Partnership for Education” is implemented by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the Moldova Social Investment Fund (FISM), World Bank and UNICEF.
Results of the Project “Global Partnership for Education” from the beginning until May 2014
• 25 pre-school institutions were repaired and opened. Other 5 preschool institutions will open soon. • 5 kindergartens renovated from other sources and equipped within the Project “Global Partnership for Education” • 38 kindergartens equipped with toys and didactical materials. • 34 kindergartens equipped with play and sport grounds. • 858 kindergartens equipped with didactical materials. • 100% of kindergartens from the country will be equipped with books for children, parents and didactic staffs. • 130 mentoring centers opened in kindergartens and endowed with equipment for organizing professional development activities. • 2 kindergartens endowed with equipment for rehabilitating children with special education needs (SEN) and vehicles for transporting children with SEN. Newsletter of the Project “Global Partnership for Education in Moldova” Coordinating Editor: Lia Sclifos, Project Manager Editing: URMA ta E-mail: Web:
Project “Global Partnership for Education” Increasing access to pre-school education ▶▶
pre-school institutions were repaired and opened. Other 5 will open soon.
kindergartens renovated from other sources and equipped within the Project GPE.
▶▶ ▶▶
38 34
kindergartens equipped with toys and didactical materials.
kindergarten equipped with play and sport grounds.
% of
kindergartens from the country will be equipped with books for children, parents and didactic staffs.
Enlarging access to pre-school education for children with special needs and children at high risk
• 2 rehabilitation centers of children with special education requirements were repaired and endowed with equipment for rehabilitation and a vehicle.
• The legal framework on inclusion was revised: Education 2020 Strategy, Education Code, National Programme of Inclusive Education Development.
Ongoing: • Elaboration of the National Integrated Strategy of Parental Competences Formation and Development. • Elaboration of parenting programmes.
• Elaboration of a Guide for working with parents. • Creation of 1016 community teams made up from preschool teacher, social assistant and medical assistant. Purpose: promote pre-school education and inclusion in working with parents based on issued Guide.
Communication to establish partnership to support pre-school education
◆◆ 37 partnerships between central public administration, local public administration, parents and communities were created to renovate and equip pre-school institutions.
◆◆ There were created partnerships with massmedia to develop the campaign HELP THE CHILD GROW UP A GREAT PERSONALITY! ◆◆ Media Partners: Public National Broadcaster “TELERADIO-MOLDOVA” and news portal
◆◆ Efficient cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions through joining efforts to ensure access to quality pre-school education.
(GPE): Results in Figures – May, 2014 Improving the quality of pre-school education ■■ Sanitary norms regulating the activity (opening and functioning) of kindergartens were revised. ■■
mentoring centers were opened in kindergartens and endowed with laptop, printer, copy machine, projector, flipchart, and mini-library for organizing professional development activities.
30 260
national mentorstrainers were trained with support of UNICEF. ■■ local mentors and 40 district school inspectors were trained in the field of mentoring.
STANDARD E de învăţare şi dezvoltare pentru copil ul de la naşte re până la 7 ani STANDARD E profesionale naţionale pentru cadre le didactice din instituţiile de educaţie timpurie
■■ Reprinting: Guide "1001 ideas for quality pre-school education", "Learning and development standards for children of 0-7 years. Professional Standards for the early education teaching staff" and the Guide "Socio-educational inclusion of disabled children in pre-school institution".
face to face mentoring meetings carried out by local mentors with preschool teachers.
% of preschool teachers from the country are ensured with reprinted educational materials.
modules of preschool teachers’ formation issued. Module III is under development process.
didactic staffs trained based on the first module.
Ongoing: ■■ Tool for Monitoring the Child Readiness for School is piloted in 15 pre-school institutions. Previously, the didactic staffs from 15 pre-school institutions were trained to apply this instrument. ■■ Activities of training preschool teachers at Module II ■■ researches are in process of development to identify and propose models of intervention for solving some authentic and real problems in kindergartens. ■■ pre-school institutions will be equipped with teaching materials.
documents Policy Documents: Education 2020 Strategy Through current policy documents and those in the course of development, the sustainability of investments in the field of pre-school education in the Republic of Moldova is ensured by the Project PGE.
Pre-school education is declared a priority in the Education 2020 Strategy.
Quality pre-school education Objective 1.1. on extending the access to quality pre-school education stipulates the following prior actions: ■■ Improving the policy framework on pre-school education, balanced access to quality services, early identification of individual needs of the children per fields of development and elaboration of mechanisms and programs of intervention. ■■ Diversification of services of preschool education to better meet the individual needs of the child and local needs. ■■ Systemic approach of services of pre-school education through promoting collaboration between education, healthcare protection and social assistance by providing integrated services. Inclusive Education Objective 1.6. on inclusive education promotion and provision stipulates the following prior actions: • Adjusting the national normative framework of inclusive education development to the international policies and norms.
• Promoting the role of inclusive education in ensuring equal chances to quality education for all children. • Implementation of the National Programme and Action Plans for Inclusive Education Development in the Republic of Moldova for 2011-2020. • Training/ reorganization of structures, forms, units of staff etc., to ensure necessary psychopedagogical assistance for the development of children with special educational needs.
Parental Education Objective 7.3. on ensuring efficient parental education aimed at improving practices of child care and education stipulates the following prior actions: ■■ Conceptualization and promotion of parental education at level of initial and continuous formation. ■■ Elaboration of the concept and strategy on parental education ■■ Organization of awareness and social campaigns for parental education. ■■ Elaboration and implementation of parenting programs. ■■ Ensuring the access to parenting programs of families and other persons who take care of children, including vulnerable families. ■■ Establishing services of sociopsycho-pedagogical assistance of family.
■■ Formation of parental educators, based on the model of international practices.
Partnerships for Education Objective 7.4. on promoting partnerships for education stipulates the following prior actions: ■■ Ensuring the involvement of social partners in the process of developing educational policies. ■■ Development of mechanism for partnerships on quality education. ■■ Promoting the dialogue with the civil society and with the business environment to establish fields of joint interest and to solve educational and community problems.
In-service Professional Development of didactic staff Objective 4.4. on efficiency and flexibility of the system of continuous formation of didactic staffs points to establishing the system of mentorship at 3 levels: (i) mentoring for pedagogical practice, (ii) mentoring for young specialists (of insertion), and (iii) mentoring of professional development at work place and creation of a free market of services of continuous formation in conformity with professional standards.
training In-service Professional Development Programme Important results in in-service professional development programme were achieved in the Republic of Moldova with the support of the Project “Global Partnership for Education”. Organizations involved in continuous training within the Project are:
Mentoring Mentoring can be both part of pre-service and in-service professional development programs. Currently, the system has 3 types of mentoring: 1. Mentoring of practice, carried out under the guidance of an experienced teacher of the student on probation.
Training of Trainers, Stage 1 and Stage 2
A cycle of Training of Trainers for local mentors and district inspectors started in February 2014 and continued until April 2014 in Chisinau. This cycle of training continues activities initiated under the Mentoring Programme of the Ministry of Education, carried out within the Project “Global Partnership for Education”.
Training for applying the School readiness monitoring tool
In September 2013, a training was held for didactic staffs from pre-school institutions involved in
Training on Inclusive Education
The Project developed many training activities on inclusion for didactic staffs, representatives
• Education Programme “Step by Step” • Public Association “Woman and Child- Protection and Support” • Education Centre PRO DIDACTICA • Day Centre “Speranta” • Centre of Investigations Socio Polis • National Centre of Pre-school Education and Family Learning 2. Mentoring of professional employability carried out at the workplace which ensures integration and professional development of junior teacher. 3. Mentoring of professional development held at the work place which ensures professional development and career advancement of didactic staffs. (This type of mentoring is
being implemented within the Project “Global Partnership for Education”.)
piloting the Tool for Monitoring the Children Readiness for School. The training was attended by 15 pre-school teachers from 15 pre-school institutions, which were trained how to use the tool during the piloting period in
institutions where they work. The Ministry of Education contracted the Educational Programme “Step by Step” for this training.
The following training activities were organized until now: • Conceptualization of mentoring of professional development. • Training 30 national mentors, with UNICEF support. • Training 260 local mentors and 40 inspectors. • Elaboration of 2 modules of formation for preschool teachers. • Elaboration of 18 practical guides for preschool teachers.
of Local Public Administration and parents of children from kindergarten No. 1 “Povestea”, district Nisporeni and kindergarten No.8 from Ceadir Lunga - preschool institutions which opened
Who can become a mentor?
Any didactic staff can become a mentor (according to the Education Code), if he or she has special training obtained during pre-service or in-service training and experience in his field.
• Training activities for 260 mentors, 40 inspectors and 8287 preschool teachers based on the first module. For this cycle of formation, the Ministry of Education contracted the Educational Consortium made up from Educational Programme “Step by Step”, Education Centre PRO DIDACTICA and the Day Centre “Speranta”.
Rehabilitation Centers for Children with Special Educational Needs. For this training, the Ministry of Education contracted the Public Association “Woman and Child – Protection and Support”.
resources QUALITY
School Readiness monitoring tool STANDARDE de învăţare şi dezvoltare pentru copilul de la naştere până la 7 ani
Learning and development standards for children of 0-7 years. Professional Standards for the early education teaching staff STANDARDE profesionale naţionale pentru cadrele didactice din instituţiile de educaţie timpurie
These STANDARDS were issued in 2010 and were recently republished within the Project and offered to each preschool teacher from the country. The standards is a set of statements reflecting the expectations of what the child should know and can do from birth until the age of 7. STANDARDS of learning and development are based on an individual approach to each child and support the growing and development of children from birth until they go to school both in the environment of family and within other services of pre-school education. Professional STANDARDS for didactic staffs from kindergartens facilitate the development, monitoring and assessment of professional progress of preschool teachers.
1001 ideas for a quality pre-school education. Guide for preschool teachers The Guide was issued in 2010, then revised and republished within the project, and provided to each preschool teacher. This book helps preschool teachers to plan activities for centers, provides ideas on key-stages in the evolution of child and formulates psychopedagogical requirements for the elaboration, selection and adaptation of teaching materials. Also, the guide „1001 ideas…” comprises world truths about game and toy, suggestions for improving the didactic staffs and reflections on the collaboration kindergarten-family-community.
The Tool for Monitoring the Readiness of the Child for school was issued, with UNICEF support, based on Standards of learning and development of children since birth until the age of 7. The most representative indicators from Standards were selected and integrated in this instrument. Thus, the tool is a guide for preschool teachers to monitor children’s development and follow the progress achieved by every child. The tool for monitoring the preparedness of children for school, issued within the project is being piloted in 15 kindergartens from the country.
Guide “Socialeducational inclusion of children with disabilities in preschool institutions” “The social-educational inclusion of children with disabilities in the pre-school institution” is a guide published for the first time in the Republic of Moldova for the didactic staffs and management from the system of pre-school education and for specialists of specialized services of recovery/ rehabilitation of children with disabilities. This Guide provides theoretical references, explains methodological principles and presents suggestions of activities and procedures to be used to promote an inclusive approach in kindergartens, so that children with special educational requirements; mainly – children with disabilities are successfully integrated.
Study “Revision of the Legal Framework on Social Inclusion of Children” This study was issued based on international expertise and contains an analysis of the context, normative framework in the field of educational inclusion of children and recommendations on amending the normative framework. The formulated recommendations were included in the Education 2020 Strategy, Education Code and other policy documents. The study was carried out in 2013 within the Project “Global Partnership for Education”.